4 minute read
Donor Website Instagram
3 Singing Birds 3singingbirds.com @3singingbirdswhistler
Adele Campbell Fine Art adelecampbell.com @adelecampbellfineart
AlpX (powered by Blackcomb Helicopters) alpx.ca @alpx.expeditions
Alta Bistro altabistro.com @alta_bistro
AnnaLena annalena.ca @annalenayvr
Art Junction Gallery artjunction.ca @artjunctionwhistler
BACH & CO. bachandco.ca @bachandco
Backroads Whistler backroadswhistler.com @backroadswhistler
Ballet BC balletbc.com @balletbc
Bard on the Beach bardonthebeach.org @bardonthebeach
Benjamin McLaughlin Bespoke Furniture & Design bmbespokedesign.com @bmbespokedesign
Bev Ellis bevellis.com @bevellisfineart
Bob & Sue Adams bigskygolf.ca @bigskygolf
Bruce & Bernadette Hirtle spearheadwinery.com @spearheadwinery
Burnt Stew Computer Solutions, Whistler’s Apple Computer Store burntstew.bc.ca @burntstewcomputersolutions
Burrowing Owl Estate Winery burrowingowlwine.ca @burrowingowlwinery
Cameron Bird cameronbirdstudio.com
Canadian Wilderness Adventures canadianwilderness.com @canadianwilderness01
Carolyn DiPasquale
Chi’s Creations Jewelry chiscreations.com @chiscreations
Coastal Mountain Excavations Ltd. coastalmountain.ca @coastalmountainexcavations
Combo Camps Whistler combocamps.com @combocamps
Crystal Lodge crystal-lodge.com @crystallodgewhistler
David Petko davepetko.com @davepetko
Delta Hotels by Marriott Whistler Village Suites marriott.com/ysewv @deltawhistlervillage
Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort marriott.com/yyjvo @deltavictoria
Doria Moodie with Fred Lee & Joshua McVeity doriamoodie.com @doriamoodieartist
Doug Feaver www.artius.design @dougfeaver
Dr Mary Pines, PhD / Innate Wellness drmarypines.com @drmarypines
Escape! Whistler escapewhistler.com @escapewhistler
Fairmont Chateau Whistler fairmont.com/whistler @fairmontwhistlr
Fairmont Chateau Whistler Golf Club whistlermountaingolf.com @fairmontwhistlr
Fairmont Vancouver Airport fairmont.com @fairmontvancouverairport /vancouver-airport-richmond
Donor Website Instagram
Four Seasons Resort and Residences Whistler fourseasons.com/whistler @fswhistler
Frances Solar Metal Artist francessolar.com @solarcopper
Gibbons Whistler gibbonswhistler.com @gibbonswhistler
Gordon and Marion Smith Foundation for Young Artists smithfoundation.ca @the_smith_foundation
Herschel Supply Company herschel.ca @herschelsupply
Hilton Whistler Resort & Spa hiltonwhistler.com @hiltonwhistler
Hollow Tree Candle Co hollowtree.ca @hollowtree1871
Homecoming homecomingcandles.com @shophomecoming
Hyatt Regency Vancouver vancouver.hyatt.com @hyattvancouver
Hy’s Steakhouse & Cocktail Bar hyssteakhouse.com @hyssteakhouse
Innovative Fitness Telus Garden innovativefitness.com/location @innovativefitness /vancouver-personal-training
JW Marriott Parq Vancouver & the DOUGLAS thedouglasvancouver.com @thedouglas_van
Ken & Lorraine Stephens
Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd. leithwheeler.com
Linda Rajotte Silver Ocean Designs lindarajotte.com @lindarajotte
Long Beach Lodge Resort longbeachlodgeresort.com @longbeachlodgeresort
Max Mara ca.maxmara.com @maxmaravancouver
Meadowfoam Products Inc. meadowfoamproducts.com @meadowfoamproducts
Mission Hill Family Estate Winery missionhillwinery.com @missionhillwinery
Naramata Inn naramatainn.com @naramatainn
Nicklaus North Golf Course nicklausnorth.com @nicklaus_north
Nita Lake Lodge nitalakelodge.com @nitalakelodge
Pan Pacific Whistler Village Centre panpacificwhistler.com @panpacificwhistler
Patina Home Interiors patinahomeinteriors.com @patinawhistler
Picnic Whistler picnicwhistler.com @picnicwhistler
Pique Newsmagazine piquenewsmagazine.com @piquenews
Pottery by Dave & Family potterybydave.com @davedobie58
Powder Mountain Catskiing powdermountaincatskiing.com @powdermountaincatskiing prompt + parcel promptandparcel.ca @promptandparcel
Quattro quattrorestaurants.com @quattrowhistler
Queen & Grace queenandgrace.com @queenandgrace
Race & Company LLP raceandcompany.com @raceandco
RBC rbc.com @RBC
Red Door Bistro reddoorbistro.ca
Donor Website Instagram
Rimrock Café rimrockcafe.com @rimrockcafe.whistler
Ron Denessen rondenessen.ca @rondenessen
Scandinave Spa Whistler scandinave.com @scandinavewhis
Stacey Bodnaruk Fine Art Photography staceybodnaruk.com @artography27
Summit Lodge Boutique Hotel summitlodge.com @summitlodge
Sushi Village Whistler sushivillage.com @sushivillagewhistler
Tammy Flynn Seybold, Artist and Art Conservator tammyflynnseybold.com @arteachday
Tantalus Vineyards tantalus.ca @tantaluswine
Ted Jolda Glass ted-jolda-glass.myshopify.com @tedjolda
The Adventure Group - Vallea Lumina tagwhistler.com @tagwhistler
The Collective Kitchen thecollectivekitchen.ca @thecollectivekitchen
The Old Spaghetti Factory oldspaghettifactory.ca @osfcanada
The Raven Room theravenroom.ca @theravenroom.ca
The Spa at Nita Lake Lodge nitalakelodge.com @spaatnita the spa at Whistler thespaatwhistler.com @thespaatwhistler
The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver marriott.com/yvrwi @westinbayshore
The Westin Resort & Spa, Whistler westinwhistler.com @westin_whistler
Toptable Group toptable.ca @ilcaminettowhis
Vail Resorts EpicPromise whistlerblackcomb.com @whistlerblackcomb
Vancouver Art Gallery vanartgallery.bc.ca @vanartgallery
Warren Steven Scott warrenstevenscott.com @warrenstevenscott
Watermark Communications Inc. watermarkinc.ca
Whistler Medical Aesthetics whistlermedicalaesthetics.com @whistleraesthetics
Whistler Valley Quilters’ Guild whistlerquilters.com @whistlerquilters
Ziptrek Ecotours ziptrek.com @ziptrek
Live Auction
The highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer shall be the purchaser. The Museum or auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid. In the event of any dispute between bidders, or in the event of doubt on the Audain Art Museum’s part as to the validity of any bid, the auctioneer will have the final discretion either to determine the successful bidder or to re-offer and resell the property in dispute. If any dispute arises after the sale, at the discretion of the Museum, its sales record is conclusive. Each lot is subject to a reserve. If bids are below the reserve value of the lot offered, the auctioneer may withdraw the lot from sale.
Live And Silent Auctions
Bids entered are binding. All sales are final, the purchaser will be required to pay all applicable taxes. No purchase can be returned, refunded or exchanged. The AAM reserves the right to withdraw any property before sale and assign any lot to an auction item.
Payments And Receipting
Payments for Silent Auction items will be processed electronically upon the closing of the Silent Auction, all applicable taxes with the exception of items greater than $10,000, are included in the purchaser’s bid. 7% PST will be added to items that exceed $10,000. Invoices will be issued to Live Auction buyers at the final price as acknowledged by the auctioneer. 7% PST will be added to all invoices. Auction items will not be released to purchasers until payment has been received in full. Payment must be received within 14 days of the auction. Charitable Tax Receipts will be issued to purchasers as per CRA regulations.
Silent Auction Pick Up
The designated day for Silent Auction pick up is Sunday, April 23 from 11am to 6pm PDT at the Audain Art Museum in Whistler, BC. After Sunday, April 23, successful bidders must arrange to pick up Silent Auction items within 30 days following the event. Successful bidders must pick up Silent Auction items from the Museum in Whistler, BC. Complimentary delivery is not offered for Silent Auction items. Shipping may be arranged at the cost of the successful bidder. To schedule your pick up after April 23 or to arrange shipping, please contact auction@audainartmuseum.com or 604.962.0413 ext. 104.
Live Auction Pick Up Or Complimentary Delivery
Complimentary delivery is generously sponsored by Denbigh Fine Art Services for Live Auction artworks. The Audain Art Museum team will contact you following the Gala to make arrangements.
Closing Of Auctions
The Live Auction lots will close in sequence as they appear during the Live Auction. The Silent Auction will close on Saturday, April 22 at 11pm PDT.
These Conditions and Terms of Sale as well as the purchaser and the Museums respective rights and oblivion hereunder shall be governed by and constructed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. By bidding at this auction, online, by agent or other means, the purchaser shall be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia.
Neither the Museum nor the auctioneer shall be responsible for the acts of omission of its employees, agents, nor any carriers or packers of purchased lots. All lots are sold “as is.”
The winner of these items must answer a skill-based question before being given their prize. If they cannot answer this correctly, a new winner will be chosen. The winner must be over the age of 19. The winner cannot be living in Quebec. A release form will be sent to the winner. No purchase necessary.
Entries can be submitted by mail to the Audain Art Museum at 4530 Blackcomb Way PO Box 5, Whistler, BC, V8E 1N3.