As they say on television… if you’re of a delicate or squeamish disposition, probably best to look away now. While most cyclists tend to give a wide berth to the many dead creatures which litter our highways and byways, Joe North sees them as just another example of Mother Nature’s bounty
Biking bounty , a pheasant pluckers tale To help the novice, here are some handy tips for dealing with roadside bounty:
Lucy McTaggart’s rides ❝ have been particularly
PHEASANT BREAST This is a two minute job. Cut off the wings with poultry scissors. Pull the skin covering the breast away, make a hole and peel back. Slice the breasts off neatly. You can then make “road chicken” pie, or even a curry.
Bagged… Joe rides on with his mid-week feast, free of charge…
bountiful recently, with a hare on my last Etal-u-Can and three pheasants on the last Long Dark Teatime
PHEASANTS, WHOLE BIRD Pluck the legs and back first to gain confidence, and take care as the skin is thinner than a chicken’s. Pluck the breast. Chop off the head, feet and wings. Make an incision at the throat, and remove the crop and all the organs. This makes a cracking and quick weekday roast. Young and old birds benefit from different cooking styles.