Thomas B. Crowley, Jr. CEO, COO, COB, PRESIDENT
Hello , Our company was founded in 1892, when founder Thomas Crowley -‐ my grandfather purchased an 18-‐foot Whitehall boat to provide transporta on of personnel and supplies to ships anchored on San Francisco Bay. The present structure, in which Crowley Mari me Corpora on serves as a holding company for business line and all subsidiaries was put in place in 1992. Crowley Mari me Corpora on is a U.S.-‐owned and operated marine solu ons transporta on and logis cs company providing services in domes c and Interna onal markets through six opera ng lines of business.. We know that to be truly successful, we must take personal responsibility for the safety of ourselves and those around us, both at work and at home. Integrity is a pillar upon which the Crowley name stands. We know our las ng and most beneficial rela onships are built on trust, which comes from doing the right thing with our fellow employees, customers, and stakeholders.
Sincerly, Thomas
Crowley, Jr.
Thomas B. Crowley, Jr.