A Voice of Reason: Ron Paul
(A Post by lamarzulli)
December 1, 2011
I’ve chosen this clip by Congressman Ron Paul because he is on the inside of the belly of the beast, that is our Federal government in Washington. In this You-Tube clip below Ron Paul discusses the coming economic and social chaos, echoing some of what I discussed in the BLOG yesterday. (Scroll down to read yesterday’s post.) Paul also calls for removal of the Federal Reserve, which is the real source of our manipulated economic woes, crony capitalism, with its billion dollar bail outs, removing the 900 military bases that we have worldwide – what if the Russians or the Chinese had this many? Paul also calls for the reigning in of the CIA and the military industrial complex and finally cutting the income tax. Paul has my vote. However, he’s also in grave danger, like JFK before him who shortly before he was
gunned down on the streets of Dallas, proposed many of the same changes.
Tyranny Police State & Economic Collapse ∞ Ron Paul 2012 edded
This is a country that is no longer governed by the people. Our country was hijacked by International bankers in 1913 and continues to be controlled by them today. Combined with the Military/Industrial complex, that President Eisenhower warned us about as he left office, this has led to an American hegemony with illegal wars and who knows how many assassinations. Paul will shake things up if he is elected. He will bring about the change and the correction that this country needs. He is a staunch believer in the Constitution. However, most likely he will never get a chance to implement these changes and if by some wild stroke of fate he does, he faces the same dark cabal that killed Kennedy. If he gets to close to the reigns of power he may , in my opinion, meet the same fate. God help us…. Out of CHAOS… The New World Order! (An Excerpt of a Post by lamarzulli) November 30, 2011 What touched off the Arab Spring and caused millions of people to demonstrate in the Middle East, all at the same time? Where did the so-called Libyan Freedom Fighters, get the rocket launchers and weapons that enabled them to win their fight with Gaddafi? Why after all these years are we pulling our boys out of Iraq, just when the situation in the region has reached a fever pitch? Why is it that European nations were force fitted into what is now the E.U. only to face a possible disaster in the making, as the Euro may come crashing down? How is it that the Federal Reserve printed 7 TRILLION dollars
and we’re just finding out about that this week? How did they get away with that? Why is Congress even thinking about a bill that would allow our government to detain anyone that they suspected of terrorism? I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. It is a managed agenda. I believe we are headed to a complete collapse of the global financial system, that will be triggered by a war in the Middle East. I know, some of you are rolling your eyeballs at this, but look what is happening on the national and global scene. It is more than alarming and the handwriting is on the wall. We are already a border line fascist state as government has teamed up with industry, which is what Fascism is. Fannie & Freddie, the banks, the auto industry, our educational system and with Obama’s Health Care in the wings, it is easy to see that BIGgovernment is usurping more and more of our rights and liberties every day. There’s a reason that Congress wants to get this detainment bill passed. (See: Senate Passes Bill Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans ...) When the collapse comes the government will have the power to round-up anyone they choose and hold him or her indefinitely. This is more like Hitler’s Germany than the UNited States of America. I think the scenario might go something like this. 1. Middle East war. This could be a combination.............. of (war) scenarios. At any rate it’s a game changer and serves the catalyst to start the global collapse. 2. The shipping lanes of the Straights of Hormuz and the Gate of Tears would be choked off. This will send oil, the life-blood of the planet, skyrocketing. 3. The collapse of the Euro and the dollar follow. 4. False flag terrorists attacks are carried out in the US and elsewhere causing Marshall law to be declared. 5. Our saviors show up… This is a very chaotic, scenario, some would even call it paranoid. However, this is what I see shaping up on the horizon. Out
of Chaos, Order. In order to take control of the nations, there must be a controlled chaos, that brings down the old system so that the all controlling, New World Order can rise, like a Phoenix from the ashes. The Elite are all over this and it is a carefully managed agenda. I hope I’m wrong with my assessment, however, what I see taking place around us is alarming to say the least. Most Americans are too busy trying to pay the bills and others are distracted by the endless stream of mindless drivel that oozes from the boobtube. Wake up, as the freedoms that were set down in our Constitution are being eroded daily. Out of the chaos that is coming, a global, New World Order, that will be created, with one man to rule it…. the Anti Christ. Obama Issues Ron Paul “Kill Order” As Russia Prepares For War
Dec 1, 2011
The Federal Security Service (FSB) is reporting today that the “secret letter” sent to Prime Minister Putin by Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda contains a warning that United States President Barack Obama has issued an executive-level “kill order” against US Congressman Ron Paul over fears this charismatic politician, who many believe could capture the Republican Presidential 2012 nomination, is about to expose to all Americans what can only be described as the largest mass theft in human history. The “kill order” is a metaphor for silencing down congressman Ron Paul in the mass media as if he doesn’t exist. According to this report, Prime Minister Noda first became aware of this “kill order” after a private meeting with Obama at last weeks ASEAN Summit meeting in Indonesia when the American
President expressed his “unconstrained joy” over the toppling of the Greek and Italian governments in bloodless coups by EU banksters who installed to run these countries unelected former Goldman Sachs executives. Not known to many Americans is that the giant global investment firm Goldman Sachs put Obama into office by being its top donor and after winning the Presidency put so many of its former executives into the US government it is known as the “Wall Street Cabinet.” The reason for Goldman Sachs, and other top American and European banksters, putting Obama into office, this report continues, was to loot the Americans taxpayers of an estimated $100 Trillion…nearly $30 Trillion of which went directly into the pockets of international banksters around the world and another $70 Trillion in lost home values, stock portfolios and pensions funds. The main conduit of this massive theft was the US Federal Reserve System which during the 2008 Financial Crisis secretly doled out, without the American peoples knowledge, over $16 Trillion to European banks and companies and another nearly $8 Trillion in “secret loans” to the largest banks in the United States. Causing Obama and his bankster allies to fear Ron Paul, this report continues, is the Congressman’s ability to hold US Congressional hearings on the $8 Trillion in secret loans to the largest banks in American without the public’s knowledge exposing this largest theft in human history and laying bare for all to see the total criminality of their entire elite political, financial and corporate class. Though the US mainstream media has virtually ignored Ron Paul’s candidacy the American people themselves appear to have broken through this deliberate government ordered blackout of his Presidential run as evidenced by his rise in the polls in the first campaign States of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, which should he win them all would assure him the Republican nomination. The fears Ron Paul is causing among Americas elite classes appear to be justified as he recently likened the US Federal Reserve System to “drug addiction” warning that the deception it has foisted upon the public will lead to the destruction of the United States.
Ron Paul further warned the American people this year that their nation was becoming a “police state,” called for the impeachment of Obama for ordering the assassination of an American citizen without charges or trial, and stated that Obama had violated the War Powers Act over his actions against Libya. Ron Paul’s fears of a police state America being ruled by a dictatorial tyrant were confirmed yesterday when the US Senate, in a 61-37 vote gave, for the first time in history, the power to the US Military to hold citizens without charges or trial indefinitely by passing a bill that was written in secret and never openly debated. So frightening is this new law that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in the days prior to its passing warned, “The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world. The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself.” Most ominous in this FSB report is its stating that the “assassination regime” ordered against Ron Paul by Obama may already be underway as one of the US foreclosure fraud whistleblowers subpoenaed by Ron Paul to testify before the US Congress named Tracey Lawrence was found “suicided” yesterday in Las Vegas. The destruction of anyone found opposing the Obama regime and its bankster backers was, also, brought into sharp relief this week by the smearing by mental illness allegations of one of America’s top heroes US Marine Sergeant Dakota Meyer, who in September received the Congressional Medal of Honor from Obama (who called him one of the most “down-to-earth guys that you will ever meet”) for saving the lives of 36 of his comrades, but after he alerted the press that his employer defense contractor BAE Systems was selling hightech sniper rifles to Pakistan that are being used to kill America Soldiers was labeled as a “drunk and mentally ill.” So concerned has the Kremlin become about the growing American fascist police state it caused General Nikolai Makarov, Russia’s top military commander, to issue a warning to the West last week that the
Motherland was fully prepared for a nuclear World War III and which prompted the Obama regime to state that it would immediately cease observing their arms treaty with Russia. To if the American people will be able to rally around Ron Paul before he is assassinated by the Obama regime it is not in our knowing, other than to note that in a country where every public demonstration – however peaceful and orderly it might be – is ordered by their authorities to be treated as the equivalent of a prison riot, where the former police chief of Seattleblamed the militarization of local US police forces on Obama’s Homeland Security Department, and where the media is described as being nothing more than a “lapdog” for Obama and his bankster allies, the likelihood of these people escaping the worst horrors to come do, indeed, seem inescapable. eoa