WILL THE GREAT CONFUSION BE IN 2012? By John Benjamin December 2011 Here are a couple of neat things that just happened. My wife received a vision of coming troubles that will hit very shortly, like a WAVE ... an enormous WAVE She said it was like this huge unstoppable force of this big black swell that just swept up everybody and people were helpless against it's power. All were affected by it's tremendous force. Well , Rick Joyner a prophet on the Jim Bakker show (that he respects and has on a lot) JUST GOT THE SAME EXACT VISION and gave it forth with the same description. My wife Linda was shocked. It blew us away. They both saw this HUGE WAVE of coming events that will be so "one right on top of another" that they will often come together or all at once, instead of just one at a time like last year...and you know how devastating last year was! Then earlier a few weeks ago I got a prophecy that "BIG THINGS ARE COMING VERY SHORTLY! BIG BIG THINGS ARE SET TO TRANSPIRE! THE WORLD WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.... Well JIM BAKKER got the same exact prophecy, and the camera looked him straight in the face and he said , "The Lord just showed me that something REALLY BIG IS COMING SHORTLY, SOMETHING BIG, BIG, BIG!" Then on another show he said, "Something BIG, BIG, BIG, ..... (and he continued saying BIG like Winston Churchill kept saying NEVER NEVER NEVER about 25 times in his old speech...never give up) -anyway, BIG, BIG, BIG, BIG, BIG,................... IS COMING VERY SHORTLY! IT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD FOREVER AS WE KNOW IT! (or something like that...can't remember exact words...) Then night before last he once again said "Something - big - Big! - BIG!! is coming... VERY SHORTLY!" Each time he said "big" the camera would get closer to his face to accentuate what he was saying. He then said he didn't know what it was exactly, but that it could be the complete collapse of the world-wide stock markets, or WAR in the middle-east, and he reminded folks of the prophecy he got about the NUKE coming there shortly, and said he didn't know if it would be IRAN hitting ISRAEL FIRST (perhaps Tel Aviv) ... or ISRAEL HITTING IRAN FIRST, but those were two possibilities...
I specifically got, "SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!" "SOMETHING REALLY REALLY BIG! ....and Jim Bakker got the SAME WORDS the first time I heard him mention it. That was a shocker! HE ALSO SAID HE THINKS IT "MAY" COME "BEFORE" CHRISTMAS! (that's "MAY" or "might come"...not definite) Rick Joyner said that he overheard two congressmen talking, and they were saying that THEY DIDN'T KNOW IF THE COUNTRY WOULD MAKE IT TO JANUARY without economic collapse and chaos... Some of Bakker's friends have said that they think that this "BIG" thing that is coming may be the fulfillment of David Wilkerson's prophecy of something coming of such great magnitude that it will bring even those of greatest faith among us to our knees... I had felt or wondered the same thing, and told friends that I wondered if this BIG thing would be the fulfillment of Wilkerson's prophecy. Many thought that when Wilkerson gave that prophecy two years ago, that it might be the vision he had of "a thousand fires burning all across New York City," and the city in complete chaos with revolutionaries throwing firebombs and total anarchy, or possible a giant flu outbreak, (either manufactured or not) that sickens so many Americans that MILLIONS die from it... (and that THAT may possibly be what all the big black plastic FEMA coffins are for...) or something of this scale. Now may think it could be the economic collapse or war in the mid east ...possibly nuclear... or the great Tokyo and Los Angeles quakes...Only time will tell. But it sure might be a SHORT period of time, and we may not have long to find out! But so far the "Word" is only ... "SOMETHING BIG!" "As a watchman of the Lord, he has given me several specific words for 2012. The first and most outstanding word is “CONFUSION.�
2012 will be a year of confusion beyond anything we have ever experienced before in our nation and in our world." This is a prophecy just given by Jim Bakker..! Incredible! Will it be THE GREAT CONFUSION [prophecy given by Virginia Brandt Berg]?
Prophecy received by Virgina Brandt Berg in 1965
"THE GREEN PAPER PIG" -- A Dream of the Future of the Dollar —
David Brandt Berg
June 1973
Edited by AndrĂŠs Nueva Vida December 2011
In the the following dream IT WAS SUMMER IN THE MIDEAST, and we were fleeing through this canyon or wadi where a stream flowed (I know now it was the Jordan River), towards some kind of sea or lake like the Dead Sea (which I know now it was) where we were to get on some boats to escape across to the other side. But then as a last resort, someone unleashed on us this big imaginary monster--a gigantic Green Pig--and he was huge, like a mechanical elephant or one of these mammoth monster-like parade balloons, and if you believed he existed he could destroy you! He was charging down the Jordan Valley, trampling on some people and devouring others, when I shouted at them: "He doesn't really exist! It's just in
your mind! You must rebuke him and he'll go away!" So some of us turned as we were boarding the boats to leave, and just as he caught up with us I yelled again, "He doesn't exist! It's a matter of whether you believe it or not! It's only your faith in him that he exists that makes him real! Rebuke him in Jesus' name and he'll flee!"--And the minute we turned and faced him and challenged him and rebuked him in Jesus' name, he vanished just like that! …, poof! It just evaporated! that's the last I remember! AFTERWARD I WAS LYING HERE THINKING: "What is this funny dream! What does this strange dream mean, Lord?" I asked the Lord: "What is a green pig? … And then the answer came just as clear as anything: He's the American dollar! SO THE ULTIMATE WEAPON IS THE "GREENBACK" Pig!-The American dollar, or American "greenback," as they call it! Somehow they're using it against the rest of the world. WE MUST TELL THE WORLD THAT THEY MUST NOT FEAR THE AMERICAN DOLLAR! The Green pig is only a monster of the imagination! It only exists if you believe in it. If you resist it in the name of God, it evaporates and is no more! So he's very wise to put his money in gold, because the dollar is going to evaporate when the people lose faith in it, and it will be gone! The green pig gobbles everybody up that believes in it, and tramples everybody in the mud that thinks it exists! But for those who know it's just a monster of imagination, it vanishes!--It's nothing! Someone is behind the monetary crisis and they are using it to their own advantage to somehow try to destroy their enemies… It is a monster of imagination! It only terrifies those who believe that it exists. It is the moneymakers' monster, and the Green Pig is just a tool in their hands. …It's like this Green Pig is the god of America, it is America's idol that they worship. It is not even as good as the golden calf, because it doesn't even exist! It is all in the imagination. But they worship it and they created it, and the moneymakers helped them to create it. But it is they that tell it which way to go. It is they who unleash it against their enemies, and it is they who control it… … It has no power at all over you unless you're one of its worshippers. The moneymakers are its high priests and its priesthood, and it was created in their temples and they control it and they manipulate it as they will to their own advantage against their enemies.
… whichever way it moves, it moves at their behest, at their direction, because they created it and they control it. But it only exists for those that believe in it. … But those who believe in it will be destroyed by it!--It was their creation, their monster, and it is the figment of their imagination… Beware of the Green Pig which the moneymakers have unleashed upon the world... those that clothe themselves in dollars they think are green, they think they are alive and young and growing like the green things of the earth, but they shall find that this greenness only exists in their imagination, and when exposed to the light of day, the truth of God, it turns to grey ashes, burnt out fires, dead grey ashes! AMERICA'S GREEN PAPER PIG DOESN'T EVEN EXIST--IT'S ONLY IN YOUR MIND… If it's your image, if it's the image of your nation--your image-nation, your imagination, the image of your nation… THE WEST IS THE STRONGHOLD OF THE MAGIC DRAGON--THE DREAM PIG! … If their faith in the Pig is very strong, then the Pig is very strong. It really exists for those who believe it exists. For those who worship it, it not only exists but it is their god, and it rules over them and controls them and devours them and destroys them, because they worship other gods and they worship the Green Pig--the ultimate abomination, the abomination of desolation which brings desolation and abomination to all who believe in it! BUT IT IS AN ABOMINATION TO GOD--the Green Pig, the American dollar! It is a pollution…! It pollutes the whole world worse than any other pollution, because it pollutes the hearts and minds of men and captures their bodies and destroys their souls and devours them and gobbles them up--the Green Pig! It is a marvel and powerful and wondrous and mighty to those who believe in it!--But it is nothing, it is not even weak to those who know it doesn't even exist!--It's nothing!--It evaporates into thin air! If you resist it and rebuke it, it will flee from you and vanish! … we will help the world to resist it, to rebuke it and defy it and know that it doesn't exist except in the minds and imaginations of money men! … For they created to themselves idols of gold and idols of
silver, and now their final idol is an idol of paper--a paper tiger!--
…How they travestied to create their Green Pig, not even a golden calf! The laws of God have they cast down and broken! They have not even
created a golden calf this time, but only a Green Paper Pig! … It was like the Dead Sea, lowest spot on Earth, symbolises the end… those waters, like Lot's wife, turn to salt and become dead and can no longer go anywhere or do anything… And the pig was following the course of the Jordan, which also symbolises crisis and death till he reached his end at the Dead Sea, and that's where we destroyed it by defying it and denouncing it and it couldn't stand exposure! The minute all the people looked at it and heard that it was only in their imagination, it just vanished! The minute they heard it was just an imaginary pig, it vanished! WHEN A CURRENCY COMES TO ITS END AND BECOMES WORTHLESS, AS IN GERMANY AFTER WORLD WAR I, only things of real value, material things of actual usefulness and necessities, become negotiable, and a system of bartering or trading of goods instead of money arises… the age-old system of trading physical and material necessities. So that people trade things they have and produce for things that they need… SO WHEN THE DOLLAR, WHICH HAS IN EFFECT BEEN THE WORLD'S INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY, COMES TO ITS END, WHAT IS GOING TO BE THE MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE? Gold has kept its value very well, and in fact, in relation to the dollar, it is now worth about four times as much as it was back in the thirties! In other words, the dollar is worth only about one-fourth of what it was 40 years ago! …, paper money is only worth what people believe it is worth! They have to have faith in it, believe in it and be willing to accept it as a valuable and negotiable medium of exchange. Otherwise, when they lose faith in the money, it immediately loses its value and becomes worthless! If the people believe it is worth nothing, it becomes worth nothing! Because paper money and currency to begin with are created by governments, the powers that be, to furnish the people with a convenient form of trading values or as a medium of exchange, instead of actually having to exchange products, goods or services. SO THAT MONEY IS MERELY A MEDIUM OF SIMPLIFIED EXCHANGE OF GOODS BETWEEN PRODUCERS AND CONSUMERS. Though the paper currency has no actual value in itself
any more than the paper it is printed on, it has value according to what the people are willing to believe it is worth in this form of monetary exchange which the various governments of the world have built up, particularly in modern times. In ancient times, the medium of exchange was almost always precious metals such as gold, silver, nickel, brass or copper, etc., mined and minted into coins by the various governments, with the imprint of those governments and their rulers and the designation of the coin's value according to what the government said it was worth. AS A GOVERNMENT BECAME MORE AND MORE DECADENT AND CORRUPT AND DISHONEST, ITS MONEY BECAME MORE DISHONEST, until the people found that the coins were no longer being made of pure gold and silver but filled with other less valuable metals: The gold coins became more brass and copper than gold, and the silver coins became more nickel, zinc or lead, etc. In recent history America was even making pennies out of aluminum when copper was scarce.--And of course paper coinage is quite a modern invention in fairly recent history, which came in with the invention of paper and printing press. SO THAT PAPER MONEY IS A FAIRLY NEW THING IN WORLD HISTORY, which our clever capitalistic governments quickly latched on to as a much more convenient means of exchange than actual metal coins‌As long as the people were told by the government that the government would be ready and willing to exchange the paper thing for the real thing at any time they desired to do so, or, in other words, the paper currency for its printed designated worth in actual gold or silver coinage, real value, the people were persuaded to accept this paper substitute for the actually valuable metal coins. BUT OF COURSE, THIS ALSO MADE IT VERY CONVENIENT FOR GOVERNMENTS TO MANIPULATE or change the value of their exchange to their own advantage, which usually means the advantage of the rich and the powerful. As modern governments also became more corrupt, decadent and deceitful, they too began to pollute their paper money and actually devalue it by being no longer willing to exchange it for either gold or silver, or anything else of actual value for that matter. ‌ since America went off both the gold and silver standard and no longer has to exchange either for her dollars, the world has continued to drift dreamily along on pure faith in the paper tiger of America, the Green Paper Pig, the dollar, and that it's worth what its government says it is worth! When actually the dollar is really worthless and without any intrinsic
value whatsoever with no backing or redeemability in coinage of actual value such as gold and silver! ‌ But now other governments too are losing faith in America and America's money because they're losing faith in Americans and American administrations, so that other governments of the world are no longer willing to support the dollar and say it is worth so much in their money and give you as much of their money in exchange for it as they used to.
SO AS WORLD FAITH IN THE DOLLAR WANES, SO WANES THE DOLLAR, and it is sinking lower and lower day by day!--Since its actual paper value is really worth nothing, and it is actually only worth what Americans or others are willing to give you for it in the way of actual material goods. But if the Americans themselves should lose faith in their dollar, as they shall, then they will no longer be willing to exchange valuable goods and services for worthless paper dollars, either between each other or other members of the world community! THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE TO OTHER COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD after the collapse of their governments, so that their people
had to take a wheelbarrow-full of Chinese yen to market to buy a few groceries, or a basketful of German marks to exchange for a few loaves of bread! When the paper money, the paper tiger, lost its power over the minds of men and they lost their faith in its value as a mere medium of monetary exchange, its value went down to the nothing from whence it came, because it was worth nothing in the first place, no more than the paper on which it was printed! It was only made to be thought worth something by the faith of man, but now man is fast losing faith in his former paper god!
IF YOU THINK THAT PAST GENERATIONS AND CULTURES WERE FOOLISH for worshipping gods of gold and silver and wood and stone, give a second thought to modern man who has been worshipping gods made only of paper, and very thin paper at that, for a good many years now! But he's now beginning to lose faith in his paper gods, these worthless currencies, and they're beginning to fall! They'll soon be worth so little they'll be cast away as worthless, and
only things, services, goods, products and materials of actual value and usefulness will be considered of any worth‌ BUT WHAT IS GOING TO TAKE ITS PLACE?--What will replace this Green Paper Pig which has so long been the recent world's means of monetary exchange, and upon which their own currency systems have been based? ‌
THEY WILL NOT ONLY DUMP THE DOLLAR, BUT THEY WILL ALSO DUMP THEIR OWN PAPER PIGS as well, and their governments with them, as they lose faith in both the paper words and the paper-tiger governments which speak them! The peoples of the world will then have to turn to some other gods and governments in which to put their faith, and the only acceptable values will be actual material things, goods and services. At such a time, the valuable salts, minerals, phosphates, bromides and other chemicals of the Dead Sea, where the Green Paper Pig was finally challenged and vanished in the heart of the explosive Mideast--those chemicals of the Dead Sea alone will be worth more than all the money in all the banks in all the world! They are extremely useful and valuable for making many useful and needed things such as fertilisers, gasoline, medicine, etc., as well as dangerous things such as explosives!
THE POWERS THAT BE WHICH CAN CONTROL THE VALUABLE, NEEDED AND WANTED MATERIALS of the world such as these and the oil of the Arab world and foods and necessities--such governments will wield the powers of the world, not in worthless Green Paper Pig money, but in actual raw materials, foodstuffs, etc., Those governments which can control the actual goods, and can deliver the goods, are going to get the government of the world! The time will come when
money is no longer used as a medium of exchange, and the power of the Green Paper Pig will vanish, and the people of the world will be ruled by a one-world government who will control them by the material power it wields and its control of goods and services, actual material values, and not a Green paper-tiger Pig! The Arabs will have their oil, the Jews the Dead Sea, and the Americans a dead Green Paper Pig! ‌The money medium of exchange will be replaced by a very
remarkable credit system in which every person in the world who belongs to the system will bare a credit number, without which he can neither buy nor sell, and by which he is accredited in his governmental account with the value of whatever goods or services he produces, and to which he can charge the goods and services that he himself needs. SO HE WILL NO LONGER BUY NOR SELL WITH MONEY AS A MEANS OF EXCHANGE, BUT WITH A NUMBER, a number which will be given him permanently, without any possibility of counterfeit, change, or manipulation nor forgery, because it will be branded on each person: "a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the Beast (the world leader and his government) or the number of his name ... for it is the number of a man!"--And every man will have his own number, every member of the world System will be branded or tattooed with the mark of this final bestial anti-God world government.--They will no longer fear the Green Paper Pigs of past paper tigers and their owners, but they will have a new god and be branded by the Beast like cattle for the slaughter, and will be forced to worship the Beast and his image or be killed!
SO SAYS THE WORD OF GOD IN THE BIBLE IN THE THIRTEENTH CHAPTER OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION, as well as in many other descriptions of this final world government in the Book! Those who refuse to worship the Beast or accept his mark or number will be neither able to buy nor to sell, so we who worship God will starve, suffer, be persecuted, and even slain! But our faith in God will save us, and after three-and-a-half years of this awful time of the Great Tribulation under the Beast's new economic and religious system, Christ will come and rescue us and destroy the Antichrist government of the world and set up His own Kingdom here on Earth, where the real values will no longer be temporal, but eternal ones: Truth, love, joy and peace, in a world without money and without marks, and without the bestial governments, wars, cruelty and lies of man, but with truth and love and peace and plenty for all! Farewell to all you paper tigers--and especially that ridiculous Green Paper Pig! Instead, we will ride the pure white horses of the power and plenty of the Kingdom of God! Hallelujah! Amen? Meanwhile, beware of the Green Paper Pig!
--What god do you worship?
By David Brand Berg Year 1985
Edited by AndrĂŠs Nueva Vida, Diciembre de 2011
LOOK AT THE WORLD ECONOMY TODAY! IT'S IN SUCH A MESS, IT'S ALMOST UNBELIEVEABLE! You don't need to be a financial wizard or an educated economist to see the serious dangers caused by skyrocketing prices & money that is worth less every day! With worldwide inflation soaring to record levels & the cost of living always rising faster than wages, people all over the World are beginning to wake up to the fact that something is terribly wrong! AND NOW AS COUNTRY AFTER COUNTRY FINDS ITSELF OWING BILLIONS TO THE IMF & THE WORLD BANK with no real hope of ever being able to pay back their loans, even the World's most respected economists are viewing the future with alarm, warning that we face the most dangerous economic collapse in World history! VIRTUALLY EVERY WESTERN GOVERNMENT IS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DEBT & ALREADY BANKRUPT. The total debt of the U.S. alone is three trillion dollars! It's hard to even conceive of how much money that really is, but if you spent one million dollars every day it would take over 8000 years to spend three trillion dollars! The U.S. has gotten to such a totally hopeless, bankrupt state that they know they will never be able to pay off that debt! And yet they continue spending far more than they earn in taxes, getting more in debt every year! To continue their false prosperity they have borrowed heavily from the U.S. Federal Bank!--And where does the Federal Bank get this money? Well, they just print it!...Billions upon billions of paper dollars worth nothing more than the paper they're printed on, & no more valuable than the counterfeit dollars printed by criminals! It's like trying to pull wealth out of an empty hat! But
wealth must be made from something of actual value! Only nothing can be made out of nothing! THE YEARLY BUDGET OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT IS NOW ALMOST ONE TRILLION DOLLARS! ( in 1985!)--Over $900 billion to be exact--of which $300 billion is spent on the defense budget alone! The entire Latin American debt altogether is $320 billion, so what the U.S. wastes on military spending in one year could pay off almost all of that entire debt! But, of course, the U.S. isn't even paying its own colossal debts! ‌THE GOVERNMENT SAYS: "DON'T WORRY IF THE BANKS FAIL, the big corporations fail, business fails, everything fails, the Government will pay!" But the trouble is, the Government itself is broke & borrowing the money to pay! And do you know where the U.S. gets this money from? BESIDES BORROWING FROM THE FEDERAL BANK, THEY'VE BEEN BORROWING BILLIONS FROM OTHER NATIONS. It's the loans from rich international investors which have been paying the bill for America's extravagance & its military budget. Both Europe & the Arabs know that the U.S. is now bankrupt, but they've got so much money invested in dollars & in U.S. businesses, etc., that they can't demand payment of their loans now, or it would cause a run on the banks. This would cause the entire fragile American economy to crash which in turn would literally blow the whole World banking & financial system to bits! Why? BECAUSE WHEN THE WORLD WENT OFF THE GOLD STANDARD some years ago, it yielded to U.S pressure to make the dollar the worldwide standard of value & of monetary exchange!--And it has been ever since! Nearly every government in the World today which uses paper money uses American dollars as the foundation of their currency! (in 1985) HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A TOY HOUSE BUILT OF CARDS, each one stacked precariously atop the others? Well, that is precisely how fragile & shaky the present dollar-based capitalistic system is: Like a house of cards! It is so delicate & artificial that almost anything could cause it to come tumbling down. It is ready to crash right now! It can happen any time!--Suddenly! It's gone too far & it's in such a mess that there's no solution but a total Crash!--The real Crash in which nobody will accept worthless paper money any more! As soon as the people finally wake up to the fact that their leaders & rulers & economic experts don't know the solution & the World is in trouble, they'll all lose faith in the System &
boom, the bottom will fall out!--And the banking system will crash & the money will become worthless! MOST PEOPLE ARE AWARE THAT THE WORLD MONETARY SITUATION IS IN TROUBLE, but they don't know what to do about it. They don't even dare think about it or they'd go crazy! So the general public is just going on "business as usual". Even though they know the whole System is already bankrupt, they just have to keep on having faith in it! They don't dare stop or everything would collapse! APART FROM THE DANGEROUS INFLATION, ONE OF THE BIGGEST PROBLEMS FACING MANY NATIONS TODAY IS THE DEBT CRISIS. They have borrowed billions of dollars from the World Bank & the IMF--the International Monetary Fund. The World Bank generously loaned them the money, in fact, almost forced it on them, deliberately tempting them to borrow billions of dollars! The big money boys & bankers knew that they would never be able to pay them back, but they did it purposely, insisting on loaning all this money to the poor countries! Why? BY FORCING EVERYBODY INTO DEBT & BANKRUPTCY THEY HAVE GOTTEN CONTROL OF THE MONEY, control of the finances, control of the World economy, & have enslaved nearly every nation on Earth! As the Bible says, "The borrower is slave to the lender." (Prov.22:7), & that's the real reason the rich loaned them the money! The World Bank & IMF are now dictating the economic policies & the internal national policies of these nations & telling them exactly what to do about their government, their industry, their banks--dictating virtually everything! They are running these governments by money pressure! ‌THESE NATIONS ALSO KNOW THAT IF THEY REFUSED TO PAY, IT WOULD BRING THE DOWNFALL OF THEIR OWN ECONOMIES. Therefore, to survive, they have to do everything just the way the World Bank tells them to. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to borrow more money to keep from going into financial chaos & total bankruptcy! So the Debt Crisis was created by the big money manipulators. They control it & are using it to their own advantage just like they always have.
ECONOMIC PROBLEMS DON'T JUST HAPPEN BY ACCIDENT & there aren't just some "natural" laws of economics that control all these things. The big money boys make the laws of economics & know what's going on because they are the ones
manipulating the money. Through their control of the newspapers & the media, they persuade the public to keep on believing in the economic system, but they themselves are the first to leave, like rats deserting a sinking ship. They try to sneak quietly out the back door unnoticed with their money & their bank accounts before anyone else finds out what's going on.--That's what they did in 1929! ‌THEY'RE WITHDRAWING THEIR MONEY SECRETLY, selling their dollars, & stocks & bonds little by little while they can still get something for them. If they tried to dump their investments too fast, prices would go down & they'd lose money, & they don't plan on losing.--So they don't want to let the little guys learn what's happening!--Yet! BUT ONCE THESE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS HAVE THEIR BILLIONS SAFELY OUT, THAT'S WHEN THEY WILL LET THE NEWS BREAK TO THE PUBLIC & this will cause the greatest economic crash, depression & social & political disaster in all of World history! Then the little guys, the businesses, industries, banks & entire nations will all be in debt to the international bankers who will then wind up owning everything! YOU SAY, "THAT SOUNDS LIKE A PRETTY DISMAL, BLACK PICTURE!" Yes, but you've got to know about it! You can't let those big money boys outsmart you! You'd better be one jump ahead of them, by the help of God, knowing what they're planning to do!
IT IS URGENT THAT YOU MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE SOME KIND OF PLACE IN THE COUNTRY FOR YOURSELF & YOUR FAMILY, because when the Crash happens the modern big cities will be in chaos, with riots & starvation! So the time to buy some land is now--before the Crash makes your life's savings worthless! A bank is the worst place to have your money when a Crash happens, so invest in land & things of real value today! A farm is the best place to buy. You'll also need to buy a substantial number of seeds, as well as to stock your place well with dried & canned foods such as grains, rice, beans, flour & other basic necessities, tools & equipment! And make sure you have your own safe water supply, not dependent on electricity to pump it up.
PERHAPS YOU CAN BUY IT TOGETHER WITH ANOTHER FAMILY OR TWO or, if you can't afford it, you could at least be sure that
your own house is stocked full of non-perishable foods & firewood as well as an adequate water supply for one or two months. It is far better to be ready months too soon than to be one day too late! Prepare now! SO BY ALL MEANS, PREPARE ALL YOU CAN, BUT MOST OF
ALL TRUST THE LORD & DON'T WORRY! After all, the Lord & prayer are your best protection & your greatest security! With Jesus you're ready for anything!--Are you trusting Him? Do you personally know Him? You can! He loves you & will come into your life right now if you'll sincerely pray this simple prayer: "Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all my sins. I believe that You are the Son of God & that You died for me. I now open the door of my heart & I ask You, Jesus, to please come in & give me Your free Gift of Eternal Life! Help me to love You & to love others by telling them about You & Your Love. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
By David Brandt Berg January 1974
Edited by AndrĂŠs Nueva Vida , December 2011
I HAD THIS DREAM just now, and it scared me so it woke me up! We were at the grocer's trying to buy a can of soup, and you asked the man, "How much is this?" He said, "That'll be three pounds." I said "three pounds!--For a can of soup!" He said "That's the price today, and you better take it or leave it, Buddy! For there's no telling what it's going to be tomorrow!" So we paid him three pounds and walked out stunned! I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEN, but we must
have decided we should leave the country because of the monetary situation. A can of soup for three pounds! So the next thing I knew we were at the railway station trying to buy a ticket, and I was asking him for a return ticket, a round-trip ticket.
"I'M SORRY, WE'RE ONLY SELLING ONE-WAY TICKETS," he said. "We have no idea what the return fare would be later. I wouldn't care if you were returning this weekend, I wouldn't sell you a return ticket because I have no idea what the price will be by then. All we're selling is one-way tickets, and we have no idea what the price will be on returns. We'll sell you a one-way ticket at what it is today, and that's it! And that's for your fare today only. It's got to be used today. We've no idea what the prices are going to be tomorrow!" SO EVIDENTLY WE DECIDED TO GO TO THE BANK and take our money out-what little we had--for due to this skyrocketing inflation its value was being lost so rapidly, and we were apparently going to leave the country. ON THE WAY TO THE BANK we stopped to watch this train go by. It was leaving the station and picking up speed as it left, at first starting to roll real slowly and then faster and faster, till soon it was just flying! I didn't understand at first what that meant, but I realise now I was thinking, "It's symbolic of how once the thing starts rolling, the inflation really gets going, it really flies!" ‌SO THEN AS WE PASSED ON WE WERE GOING
THROUGH THIS JUNKYARD of old scrap iron, and I looked at these piles of old scrap iron on both sides and said, "My, if you can imagine, it's not just the price of gold that's skyrocketing, but even old scrap metal like this is going to be worth a fortune!" WE GOT TO THE BANK AND THE BANK WAS JUST PACKED WITH PEOPLE standing in long queues at each window waiting to do the same thing, to get their money out. I must have figured I could get quicker action by going to see the manager, and I wouldn't have to stand in the queues, so I went through this door into the manager's office. IT WAS A DOOR YOU PUSH IN LIKE SOME OF THESE ONEWAY DOORS do, and it slammed shut behind me. I turned around and I looked at it and thought, "That's funny!" I pushed on it and it wouldn't open, for it just opened inwardly, but it wouldn't open outwardly, and there was no handle on the inside so there was no way I could open the door from the inside. I thought, "My Lord this is just like a trap! I'm trapped in this bank!"
THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THE WHOLE BUILDING BEGAN TO SHRINK! I thought, "My God, this thing is going to crush us all!" The bank was literally shrivelling, crushing, and the walls were beginning to close in on us! But suddenly there came this voice from above: "Don't worry! The Green Pig is about to explode and it'll blow the bank to bits!"
(See "Green Paper Pig," ) And I woke up--Boom! Just like that! It was like a nightmare! I THOUGHT, "LORD WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" Then suddenly there dawned on me something I told you before: When those in Jerusalem, those big business financiers, were releasing the Green Pig to chase us down the Jordan Valley, remember it was just a little thing at first? But as it raced down the Jericho road and then down the Jordan it got bigger and bigger and bigger just like a big balloon, till by the time it got almost to us it was like one of those big blimps--a huge parade balloon! OF COURSE! WHAT DOES THAT SYMBOLISE?--AN INFLATION of the Dollar value! The Green Paper Pig was inflating and getting bigger and bigger and bigger all the time, until suddenly it burst! You understand?--The "Green Paper Pig is about to explode and will blow the bank to bits!"--The monetary system is about to explode and cause the capitalistic financial system to collapse!‌ "Don't worry! The Green Pig is about to explode and blow the bank to bits!" It seemed the voice came out of the sky like an angel.
IT'S GOT TO INFLATE BEFORE IT CAN EXPLODE! ‌the bank must represent the financial system the banking system and so on. If this happens, it will literally blow the whole world banking system, its financial system, to absolute bits! IT'LL BE A TOTAL WORLD COLLAPSE OF THE MONETARY
SYSTEM which is built on that … Paper Pig! …But boy, our friends better get their money into gold or they're going to be sorry! …SO THE DOLLAR IS INFLATING LIKE MAD RIGHT NOW, and when it gets to that point that it explodes, the whole world monetary system will collapse!--And the bankers and capitalists will be left sitting on their stacks of bank notes which will be worthless! …If the Dollar collapsed America would absolutely collapse! When she collapsed financially, she'd be in a state of absolute chaos!
THAT WOULD BE THE SMARTEST THING IN THE WORLD TO DO, TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AMERICA IN A STATE OF COLLAPSE and absolute chaos for an invasion! The logical way for Russia to invade, of course, the way that Americans have always been afraid she was going to invade, is the shortest possible route right through Siberia right across the Bering Straits into Alaska and down. Now that's quite possibly what Russia has in mind! BUT HOW COULD THAT AFFECT THE MIDEAST? Well of course, dying America in its last desperate death struggles, what would it do? What was causing it to collapse? If her money had collapsed and she was out oil, what would become the only valuables in the world? IF AMERICA'S WHOLE SYSTEM WAS COLLAPSING AND SUDDENLY GOLD AND OIL HAVE BECOME THE ONLY THINGS THAT ARE WORTH ANYTHING, the only commodities with standards of value and usefulness, what would the Americans do as a last act of
super power possesses and controls those Arab countries would have all the oil and they'd have most of the gold too, and they would have what would be the most valuable things in the world at a time of crisis like that! SO THE EXPLOSION OF THE GREEN PIG, THE MONETARY SYSTEM, COULD CAUSE THE MIDEAST TO EXPLODE. I have always theorised that it was because of the Arab defeat that they were the ones who would get desperate and start doing the shooting. But the reason we saw the Arabs in our vision doing the shooting could be because they realised or had intelligence that America was about to attack, so they just started attacking first, and then everybody started shooting because they were all prepared for it anyhow. (See “The Missiles War” by David B.B.)… SO THE RUSSIANS MAY BE GOING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SITUATION TO ATTACK A WEAKENED AMERICA. What a perfect preparation for any proposed rocket attack on America! The Money Explodes! The Dollar Explodes! Inflation Explodes!--And War Explodes!...Boy I tell you, we are without excuse! The Lord has warned us so much!
David Brandt Berg, November 1975
Edited by Andrés Nueva Vida, December 2011
…WHEN THE TROUBLE COMES AND THE CRASH COMES, the economic crash and the bankruptcy comes and nobody gets paid, they're going to go out with their guns and their knives and get it by force! And there's not going to be enough food in the City… SO I SAW IN A VISION, I SAW THEM STREAMING OUT OF THE BIG CITIES … UP THE HIGHWAYS from New York and out of all the major big cities in the United States, streaming out along the highways into the country and out in the Midwest and the West and all. Where are they going to head for? When there's no food in the cities, where are they going to go? When there's no food and no water in the cities, where are they going to go? THEY'RE GOING TO HEAD FOR THE COUNTRY, OUT WHERE THE FOOD IS!--And they're going to rob the farmers by force and take it! Probably they'll run the farmers out of their houses and take over, slaughter their cattle and live off the land. That's probably very likely the way it's going to happen.
‌ capitalism is coming to the end of itself. It has overextended itself, it has lived beyond its income. It's living on borrowed money and borrowed time, and some day soon it's going to have to pay! The economists have been warning the U.S. Government of that for years and years and years, ever since I was a kid, but it doesn't do any good. They figure, "Well, so what? We don't know any solution, so we just have to keep on living this way!" THEY DON'T KNOW ANY WAY OF RAISING MORE MONEY because the people don't like the higher taxes, and the politicians are elected officials elected by the people who don't like higher taxes, so they just keeping living on borrowed money. And because the banks and the capitalists have such faith in their systems and their almighty god Dollar, they have to keep having faith in that Dollar, and therefore they have to keep loaning the money and hoping that they're going to get paid some day--but they won't! THE U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S BEEN LIVING ON BORROWED TIME AND BORROWED MONEY FOR THE PAST 40 YEARS, going deeper and deeper in debt every single year. The Federal Government is already bankrupt, and if it weren't for people's faith in the Government, it would crash right this minute! ‌ IF YOU LEAVE CAPITALISM ALONE LONG ENOUGH, IT WILL DESTROY ITSELF! It'll collapse of its own weight because of its built-in self-destructiveness because it's selfish. ..
IT'S THE INDUSTRIALISATION WHICH HAS MADE THESE RICH WESTERN COUNTRIES SO TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON OIL. They've abandoned the natural agricultural economy where the people lived off the land and at least have enough to eat. They live off industrialisation now. And what does that do, what does that make for them?--Nothing but weapons of war and all of their idols, automobiles, TV, and all the rest of their luxuries, non-necessities. THE LUXURY OF WAR AND THE LUXURY OF IDOLATRY THAT'S WHAT INDUSTRIALISATION BRINGS! The whole industrialised civilisation is living on those things. .. SO IT'S A WHOLE FALSE ECONOMY BUILT ON THINGS THAT ARE NOT PRODUCTIVE AND WHICH ARE TERRIBLY WASTEFUL. You can't bury automobiles and grow more automobiles. When an automobile comes to the junk pile it's done, finished, it's just pure waste! You can't burn oil and grow more oil, you know? You can't go out planting TV sets and have more TV sets spring up. When they get obsolete they're junked, total waste! AND OF COURSE WAR IS THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE OF ALL: … you just get more death and destruction, more waste! So the whole economy is a false economy built on luxuries, non-necessities and waste, pure waste, the worst of which is war! SO IT'S GOT TO COME TO AN END. YOU JUST CAN'T KEEP ON WASTING MORE THAN YOU'RE REALLY PRODUCING. All of this kind of production of industrial war and luxury products in the long run is actually waste, because it is not reproductive. Only life is reproductive. All this stuff that industry produces is dead, it is not self-reproducing. Cities are the glory of man--man's greatest achievement are his cities. That's what he brags about more than anything else, his big buildings and his big cities. "Oh, it was a great city!" WHAT ARE THE CROWNING ACHIEVEMENTS OF MAN?-BUILDINGS!--Buildings built higher than God ever intended man to go in the first place… THE BEAUTIFUL RESIDENTIAL SUBURBS OF THE RICH OF YESTERDAY ARE TODAY'S SLUMS FULL OF RATS AND
THE POOR WHO ARE MULTIPLYING LIKE RATS! Broken-down mansions, fallen-down buildings. When man doesn't follow God's plan and God's way of doing things, man's creations are nothing but death! SO MAN'S INVENTIONS ARE ACTUALLY NOTHING BUT DEATH-DEALING. They're not only death and dead to begin with, but they're also death dealing! That's all the devil's system, as his whole idea is destruction. So he has man continually busy building machines and engines and weapons of destruction.--Not only war, but rapid transportation! Rapid transportation kills more people than have ever been killed in all the wars put together!
So man's inventions and man's productions, so-called, his
mechanised industrial productions, are all death, dead and death dealing, all of them! So when man starts willfully following his own way and going the Devil's way and building all these things that God never planned and never ordained and never will and never designed to destroy man, man is set on a self-destructive course of total destruction!
…I'll never forget that vision I had at the end of "Ivan Ivanovitch" when
I saw all those buildings falling! They were just toppling like dominoes, horrible, all the towers falling! … the most destructive disaster that there is, is an earthquake. But what does it destroy? Why does man consider it the most destructive form of disaster or catastrophe? Because it destroys his buildings, his proud cities! It destroys man's pride, his vain creations! BUT THE FARMERS OUT ON THE RANCHES, THEY DON'T WORRY ABOUT EARTHQUAKES. ...They'd just swing and sway around. It's your ones made out of stone, that are supposed to be the best and the most beautiful and the most permanent, but they're actually the least permanent and the most dangerous in an earthquake! A wooden building's the safest kind of building to be in, in an earthquake… MAN'S BUILDINGS ARE WHAT KILL HIM! It's not the earthquake that kills him. AS TOYNBEE THE HISTORIAN SAID "CITIES ARE MAN'S FESTERING SORES ON THE BODY POLITIC! THE CURSE OF CIVILISATION IS ITS CITIES!" Take New York City for example now: They don't known what to do with it! But one of these days it's going to be totally abandoned, just a wreck! Because the people can't get food there, they won't have water there, and then what's going to happen?--The people are going to desert it! Even if God didn't shake it down they'd desert it! IN ANY KIND OF TROUBLE, THE CITIES ARE ALWAYS THE FIRST TO GO! In history it's always the cities where the women are eating their babies and they're eating each other and everything else including their own dung and piss in time of siege and whatnot! They're always the first to go in time of war, first to go in time of disaster, storm, earthquake or flood. Because God hates cities, that kind of cities, man's cities. GOD'S HEAVENLY CITY WILL BE THE PEAK AND ULTIMATE OF HEAVEN ON EARTH and the right kind of society and the right kind of city, the ultimate achievement of the Children of God and God Himself, the Heavenly City, Space City! MAN'S SYSTEM IS HELL-BENT FOR DESTRUCTION, CARVING HIS OWN TOMB WITH THE THINGS HE PRODUCES. His buildings are going to kill him, his fast transportation kills him everyday, nearly everything he's got is death-dealing and life-destructive. Now a
minimum of housing, something enough to give you a little shelter, is all man really needs and is not all that dangerous…
BUT THE LORD WILL TAKE CARE OF US wherever we are. .. WHEN THE TIME COMES THE LORD WILL TAKE CARE OF US as He sees fit: He'll either take care of us or take us, one of the other! So we've got it made, we've got nothing to worry about…what they really fear is death itself! It's not the means of death, but they just fear dying--period! Because they're not prepared to die. … ANYHOW, THE LORD WILL TAKE CARE OF US. Even all the whole city of Jericho fell except the part of the wall on which Rahab's house was standing. God destroyed the whole city and everybody in it except her and her little house--that was the only part of the wall that didn't fall! So why worry about it? If all the rest of the house falls and we're in bed, probably our beds will be the only things left standing! WELL, NOW OLD LELAND VALENTINE LIVED OUT BACK IN THAT OLD PAPER SHACK--the man that prayed for me when my eyes were burned by that exploding water heater at our first house in Miami where the Jordan Marsh Dept. Store sits now. When that heater blew up in my face and I was "permanently" blinded he prayed for me and my eyes were instantly healed!--Just like it says about Paul in the Bible where the scabs came like scales off his eyes. Apparently his eyeballs had actually been burned by that bright light he saw on the way to Damascus! His eyeballs had been burned just like mine were, because scales peeled off just like scabs off the cornea--and I'm not talking about the lids, I'm talking about the eyeballs--just like scabs right off the lens of each eye, and I could see again!--Whereas the doctors had said I would never see again! WELL, THAT DEAR OLD MAN, HE WAS A REAL OLD SAINT OF GOD, like an old prophet, a white-haired old saint in his 70's, and he had such faith! During the lull, the eye of the storm, everybody was worried to death about him over there because he was sleeping in that little flimsy cottage behind, and that that thing was going to blow away any minute of course! I mean, they just expected it to blow away because it was nothing but paper!
A TALL HUGE OLD PINE TREE TWO FEET THICK, one of those big ol' Florida pines with one of the biggest trunks I ever saw, stood right beside that house. I used to climb it all the time as a kid, with the trunk only two feet from the roof of the house. The storm blew that tree down and it fell down, instead of falling on the house so it would have smashed the house flat, it fell down parallel just like that!--Just missed it by inches! SO HE CAME RUNNING OVER IN THE LULL and said, "What's happened? What's going on?" And we said, "It's a hurricane! It's a hurricane!--You've gotta stay over here now!--Your little paper shack's gonna blow away!--We don't know why it hasn't gone already!" He comes running over in his long red flannel underwear and looked so funny! We kids once asked him why in the world he wore it in hot Florida, and he said, "Well, when it's cold it keeps me warm, and when it's hot it keeps me cool!"--Ha! He was the funniest little guy! SO WE SAID, "YOU'VE GOTTA STAY HERE! YOU CAN'T GO BACK THERE TO THAT SHACK!" But he snorted, "Oh rubbish! God's able to keep me anywhere--as well out there as in here! I'm going back to bed!" And he did! He went back over to that little cardboard shack and went back to bed, and that thing was not damaged at all, not even the tar paper windows! I mean that was an absolute miracle, it was an impossibility! I mean it should have at least blown out the paper windows! It was just ridiculous!
THERE WERE BIG CONCRETE BLOCK APARTMENT HOUSES BLOWN OVER BY THE HURRICANE! The Meyer Kaiser Building, 17 stories high--they had to tear off the top 12 stories because it was tilted over at an angle like that! And there sat that little cardboard shack out behind our house totally undamaged!--It never ripped off one shutter, never did it a bit of damage! I think it did rip a little tarpaper off the roof, that was all--just to show us that it was blowing!--And old Leland Valentine went back to sleep and said he slept fine and never woke up until the next morning when it was all over!
SO THE LORD'S ABLE TO KEEP YOU, CHILDREN, NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE! Even if you sleep right through the eye of the storm, He's able to keep you right in the middle of it all! So you don't ever have to worry about it.--And if He decides He'd rather take you than take care of you, why you've got it made one way or the other, amen? SO WHAT HAVE WE GOT TO WORRY ABOUT? "Take no thought for the morrow, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall wear, or what ye shall drink." He doesn't mean that you're not to even make preparations, if possible, and try to prepare for tomorrow, but …you're not to be
worrying about it or anxious for tomorrow. I THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO HAVE A FEW THINGS READY, a little survival food and survival water and so on. If you don't have any water running in your pipes one of your biggest problems is sewage. When things like that happen, you're like you're camping out again. You know what a problem sewage always was in the Ark! We had to figure out someplace to dump it. SO WHEN IT HAPPENS, THE ONLY SAFE PLACE TO BE IS IN THE LORD, amen? Because all of man's inventions and creations are going to be destroyed. The best place to be will be where God's creations are, the fields and the plants, the trees and the flowers, praise the Lord? Thank You Jesus! Lord bless and keep us and give us wisdom. SO THANK YOU, LORD, FOR THESE DAYS OF HEAVEN ON EARTH NOW! Help us to be thankful for them and enjoy them and "redeem the time for the days are evil." (Eph.5:16) …Help us to either be able to survive those days or to escape them. Death is the easy way out if we only had
ourselves to think about, if we didn't have to think about helping others who aren't yet ready to die. DEATH IS THE EASY OUT. But we have to live that others may get ready to die, praise the Lord? Death is no great loss, it's all gain! Thank You Lord! So what do we have to worry about? Whether we live, or whether we die, we do it all unto the Lord, amen? Isn't that wonderful? I was marvelling … the other night about what a security system God's Kingdom has! I MEAN, DEAD OR ALIVE YOU'RE SAFE! What can they do? They can't do any more than kill you, and when they do they only release you!--So praise God! … But praise God "we have life and we can live, and so the Lord be thanked," amen? Even if we have death we still live, praise the Lord? AND WHAT MORE COULD WE HAVE TO LIVE FOR THAN TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE TO LIVE? … It's just wonderful what the Lord does just through the Word, …Some of them have even gotten saved through just picking up pieces that were thrown away! Thank You Lord! Amen, LORD, HELP US TO REACH THEM ALL! God bless and keep you when the cities die!--And He will--if you love and obey Jesus! Amen.
By David Brandt Berg November 1973
Edited by AndrĂŠs Nueva Vida, December 2011
ISRAEL WILL SOON BE INVADED AND CONQUERED AND AMERICA DESTROYED by a combination of world powers led by Russia, according to the Bible and our own recent revelations. The Bible even names the countries that will participate and the route of their invasion! THE BIBLE SAYS THIS IS THE ONLY WAY the Arab-Israeli war can be ended and a final agreement reached on the Arab lands and an international pact made concerning the city of Jerusalem. BECAUSE ISRAEL WILL NEVER WILLINGLY WITHDRAW from the Israeli-occupied Arab territories and has said flatly she will never give up Jerusalem, and because the Arabs have said they will never be satisfied with anything short of an Israeli withdrawal from Arab territories, including and particularly Jerusalem, nothing less than forced intervention by one of the superpowers can solve the situation. SINCE ISRAEL IS AN AMERICAN COLONY and America's only beachhead in the Middle East aimed at the Arab oil fields, and America cannot survive without the oil …America will fight for the possession of Israel and Arab oil. (See "The Real War Goes On!" ) NEITHER RUSSIA, ASIA, AFRICA NOR EVEN EUROPE COULD POSSIBLY TOLERATE SUCH HIGH-HANDED AGGRESSIVE BELLIGERENT AMERICAN ARMED INTERVENTION in the Middle East to achieve her own ends for the protection of Israel and conquest of the Arab oil fields, and thereby complete American domination of the entire Middle East and North Africa to the very borders of Russia. RUSSIA AND THE MIDDLE EASTERN NATIONS WITH THE HELP OF OTHER ASIAN AND EUROPEAN POWERS WILL CONFRONT SUCH AN AMERICAN THREAT or attempt, by their own armed invasion of Israel to put a stop to it and end the Arab-American Israeli War, restore the Arab lands to their rightful owners, reinstate the rights of the Arab Palestinians with self-determination, and make Jerusalem an international religious capital of the world by a specific pact enforced on the participants by this combination of world powers and its coming world dictator… THE REST OF THE WORLD WILL BE FORCED TO DESTROY AMERICA TO STOP HER, AND INVADE ISRAEL TO ENFORCE A SETTLEMENT and an end to this perpetual irreconcilable war between
American-Israeli interests in the Mideast and the conflicting interests there of Russia, the Arabs, and the rest of the world. SO THE BIBLE TELLS US THE WHOLE CONFLICT WILL BE SETTLED BY THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA AND THE INVASION AND CONQUEST OF ISRAEL BY RUSSIA and other supporting world powers, and it will have to happen soon because neither America nor the rest of the world can go much longer without that vital Arab oil! ONLY THEN WILL WE HAVE PEACE AND ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT and a proper apportionment of the world's resources "from each according to his ability unto each according to his need" of both fuel and food and other necessities, and an end to the waste of world supplies and environmental pollution! THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE BY THE EFFECTIVE ENFORCEMENT OF A CAPABLE AND POWERFUL ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT which shall arise from the ashes of this war.--The Bible says so! GOD HIMSELF DESCRIBES THIS INVASION OF ISRAEL AS HIS OWN VENGEANCE UPON HER for her sins, and says it will come from the North led by Russia with the help of Europe, Libya, Turkey, Persia and Ethiopia! IF YOU WILL LOOK AT THE MAPS YOU WILL SEE THAT THE SOUTHERN BORDER OF RUSSIA IS ONLY 600 MILES FROM ISRAEL, but any major invasion force would have to be permitted to pass through either Turkey or Persia or both, as well as Iraq and Syria which are already under Russian control. LIBYA AND THE OTHER ARAB STATES WILL, OF COURSE, ASSIST, AND ETHIOPIA WILL HELP them to continue the Red Sea blockade at its narrow straits between Ethiopia and the Arabian Peninsula. WHILE EGYPT RENEWS ITS DRIVE ACROSS SINAI, THE INVASION FORCES FROM THE NORTH AND EAST WILL SPLIT into a two-pronged attack from Bozrah, just inside the southern border of Syria, through Jordan and the Arab territories toward Haifa and Tel Aviv, and a major decisive battle will be fought at Armageddon a few miles south of Haifa near the juncture of the Haifa and Tel Aviv highways in the Esdraelon Valley.
MEANWHILE, ANOTHER MAJOR INVASION FORCE OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN hidden in the bomb-proof caverns of the impregnable rock city of Petra in Edom, Jordan, just south of the Dead Sea will drive westward across the Negev to the Arab Gaza Strip on the Mediterranean coast, thus cutting off all help from whatever is left of Israeli forces in the Sinai and Negev and Israel's access to the port of Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba. ISRAEL'S NORTHERN ARMIES IN THE GOLAN WILL BE CUT OFF from both Haifa and Tel Aviv by the northern drive from Bozrah, and Jerusalem and Tel Aviv will therefore be completely isolated and encircled by the giant pincer's movement of these two major drives, from Bozrah on the Northeast and Edom on the Southeast. CUT OFF FROM HER TWO MAIN ARMIES IN SINAI AND GOLAN AND SURPRISED BY THIS SUDDEN ATTACK on the soft underbelly of her longest and most indefensible Eastern border, and deprived of the help of her destroyed American partner, Israel will at last be compelled to surrender to these vastly superior forces, and be forced to return Palestine to the Arabs under international rule with Jerusalem as an international world capital. THE BIBLE DESCRIBES ALL OF THIS IN DETAIL, and if you want to read it for yourself you can find some of the most outstanding passages on the subject in Isaiah 63, Ezekiel 38 and 39, Daniel 8, 9, and 11, Luke 21 and Revelation 11, 13, 17 and 18 as well as many, many others, all of which agree on these same major events and their outcome.
By David Brandt Berg October 1973
Edited by AndrĂŠs Nueva Vida, December 2011
IT IS THE DUTY OF THE PROPHETS OF GOD AND HIS CHILDREN TO TAKE NEITHER SIDE, BUT TO SEE BOTH SIDES, AND ESPECIALLY GOD'S SIDE, which is sometime neither side, and to hope and pray that Europe and the world will also remain "neutral" and let the chips fall where they may, so we'll still be around when it's over!
IT IS ONLY OUR DUTY TO TELL THE TRUTH AS WE SEE IT, like it or leave it!--And if you like it, you'll leave it alone--that Arab-Israeli situation-and let them settle their own hash, whichever way God wants it!
SCRAPPING OVER ISRAEL TILL HE COMES! The world will continue to "encompass Jerusalem with its armies" until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to set up His Kingdom on Earth with His people as its rulers to ensure world peace and plenty for the poor! BUT UNTIL THEN, ISRAEL WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE WAR AND THE JEWS UNREST because of their sins. IN THE MEANTIME, THE BIBLE DOES PREDICT THAT THERE IS A WAR THAT THE JEWS ARE GOING TO LOSE TO A GREAT NORTHERN POWER CALLED MAGOG (RUSSIA), the land of its leader, Gog (the Antichrist), the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (Moscow and Tobolsk) with his people the Rosh (or Russians), with his help of Persia, Ethiopia and Libya, together with Togarmah (Turkey) plus Gomer (Germany) and all his bands (Europe?)! (You can read it in Ezekiel 38 and 39 as well as Daniel 11 and Revelation 13.) AND, THE BIBLE SAYS, IT WILL HAPPEN AFTER THE REGATHERING OF THE JEWS INTO ISRAEL, and the re-establishment of
Israel as a nation, and the rebuilding of her cities without walls, in a day when Israel thinks she dwells safety and the land is restored, with the desert places "blossoming like a rose"--Just as Israel is today! ONLY SHEBA AND DEDAN (ARABIA OR SOME OF THE ARABS) WILL QUESTION THIS RUSSIAN INVASION, and only they Tarshish (Britain) "with all the young lions thereof" (the offspring of the British Lion, America and the Commonwealth Nations) will challenge Russia's right to do so, but will be unable to do anything about it! AN ANTI-CHRIST GOVERNMENT OF ANTI-CHRIST FORCES UNDER THE ANTICHRIST HIMSELF, the superhuman world dictator of man's last one-world Godless government, will then set up its headquarters in Jerusalem as its capital, and unite all the religions of the world into oneworship of this Demon Demagogue and his Magical Image which can speak! (The long-foretold supercomputer?) HIS FIRST THREE-AND-A-HALF YEARS OF SEEMINGLY BENIGN RULE WILL BE FOLLOWED BY THREE-AND-A-HALF YEARS OF A REGION OF TERROR called the Tribulation, under his Image and its False Prophet, and an unparalleled worldwide persecution of both Jews and Christians! THEN GOD HIMSELF WILL TAKE A HAND AND DESTROY BOTH THE ANTICHRIST AND HIS ANTI-CHRIST WORLD KINGDOM AFTER A MONSTROUS BATTLE CALLED "ARMAGEDDON," BEGINNING NEAR HAIFA and ending at Jerusalem, wherein the "blood will flow to the horses' bridles," men's "eyes will be consumed out of their sockets as they stand upon their feet" by some mighty blast of fire (atomic?), and "a great earthquake" will destroy most of the cities of the Earth! THE BIBLE SAYS IT WILL TAKE SEVEN MONTHS JUST TO BURY THE DEAD IN ISRAEL ALONE, AND SEVEN YEARS TO REMOVE ALL THE WRECKAGE OF THE BATTLE! That is gonna be one of hell-ofa-battle and one hell-of-a-destruction of the enemies of Heaven! THEN, GOD SAYS, "I WILL SET MY GLORY AMONG THE HEATHEN (CHRIST'S COMING WORLD KINGDOM), and all the heathen shall see My judgment that I have executed, and My hand that I have laid upon them! ... "AND THE HEATHEN SHALL KNOW THAT THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL WENT INTO CAPTIVITY (WERE CONQUERED) FOR THEIR INIQUITY because they trespassed against Me, therefore hid I My face
from them, and gave them into the land of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword! "ACCORDING TO THEIR UNCLEANNESS AND ACCORDING TO THEIR TRANSGRESSIONS have I done unto them and hid My face from them. So the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day and forward! "THEREFORE THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD: THEN I WILL BRING AGAIN JACOB FROM CAPTIVITY AND HAVE MERCY UPON THE WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL ... AFTER THAT THEY HAVE BORNE THEIR SHAME and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against Me when they dwelt safely in their land ... when I gathered them out of enemies' lands. ...THEN SHALL THEY KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD THEIR GOD ... neither will I hide My face any more from them!" SO THERE IS A DAY COMING WHEN GOD'S WARS WITH ISRAEL FOR HER SINS AGAINST HIM WILL END, but it will only be after much suffering and many battles with her enemies, the end of which is not yet in sight for some time to come. THEN ONLY WILL ISRAEL HAVE PEACE, AFTER SHE AND HER POWER ARE VIRTUALLY DESTROYED BY THE LORD HIMSELF through the agency of her enemies, and when she has learned her lesson for rejecting Him in His Son, Jesus Christ, her own Messiah.
By David Brandt Berg, October 1973
Edited by AbdrĂŠs Nueva Vida , December 2011
IN THE "IVAN" REVELATION …, IVAN TALKS ABOUT THE RUSSIANS HAVING TO BOMB AMERICA TO KEEP HER FROM DESTROYING THE EARTH. The relating of this vision followed later that same morning in the spirit, but this one sounded like the voice of Abrahim [David’s spirit helper]. In the following war vision, David saw these events actually happening! Evidently the following recording is Abrahim's explanation or running commentary on this spiritual documentary: "KISSINGER WARNS THE ARABS if they don't stop and agree to settle for what they've got, he threatens them that he's going to let the war go on, and Israel is going to win it and take Cairo, if they don't stop right where they are and let Israel have what she's got.BUT OF COURSE THE ARABS AREN'T GOING TO LET THE JEWS stay right there on their doorstep! So while Kissinger is there, the Arabs say, "Yes, yes," 'cause they don't want to show their hand and tell what they really going to do, 'cause they not going to let Jews sit right there on Cairo's doorstep! "AND CISCO GOES TO ISRAEL AND TELLS THEM SAME THING: That they going to have big war and Arabs not going to stop next time. But they very mad because they can't make big win... "KISSINGER LEAVES AND CISCO LEAVES, and … Arabs see no more hope, because Israel like defeated them and they're worse off than ever before! So they figure if they going to die in disgrace, they figure they going to take Israel down with them. "SO THEY SHOOT BIG BOMBS INTO ISRAEL, AND ISRAEL OR AMERICA FROM NAVY SHIPS SHOOT BIG BOMBS BACK INTO EGYPT! And Russia gets so mad, 'cause she told America she want to settle the war, but America just want to settle it her way. "SO RUSSIA GET FED UP AND SHOOT BIG BOMBS AT AMERICAN NAVY, and anyhow, they all start shooting back and forth
at each other till big, big war starts from little war, and it just grows and grows, and everybody gets real mad and shoots everybody! . "YOU KNOW?--I SAW IN A PICTURE! I don't know when, but that's what I saw!"
By David Brandt Berg, March 1977
Edited by AndrĂŠs Nueva Vida December 2011
We were driving a car in the U.S. from the East Coast, as though fleeing from something. I was trying to drive West when it seemed like the car was drawn by a magnet toward New York and I got on the wrong freeway toward New York. I didn't plan to go that way but it was like the car was drawn.
As we got near the southern outskirts of New York, like near Elizabeth, New Jersey, I was amazed because everything was so quiet!
There wasn't any traffic, no cars! We were the only car on the road! When we came to this little village, it was like we had come to a dead end. There was this big building like a barn or equipment shed or warehouse surrounding a courtyard or toolyard and in it were lying all these twisted dead bodies of black people all covered with sores and flies and all contorted and faces distorted like they'd died in agony, and I was so amazed! There didn't seem to be anybody around that was alive!... Then all of a sudden came this little band of children, black children, singing and marching toward us. They came in a sort of friendly fashion like they were curious about us since we seemed to be the only adults alive. They began to pick at our clothes like little beggars will do in some poor countries and asked if we had anything to eat, like they were hungry. We started walking the other direction like we were trying to get away from them but they kept following along dancing and singing along behind us like they were sort of amused at our fear of them. Then suddenly we were conscious there were other bands of children roving around looking for food and singing. Some were white and some were black and they were all singing like they were trying to encourage themselves because all the adults were dead and only the children were alive!
There were only young teenagers and younger children, hardly any older teenagers at all, just young teenagers and younger. But they were sticking together trying to survive, roving all around searching for food. They were friendly toward us and happy, and they seemed to think we should go with them and try to help find food. They were happy and singing like they were trying to be happy
and not worry, even like they were trying to help us, like we all had to stick together now to try to survive. But there were no other adults anywhere--all the adults were apparently dead and only the children were alive!
But they weren’t worried a bit, they kept singing this song, they were all singing it, different bands of them, like it was their theme song to encourage their hearts and their spirits that they needed to stick together. They were singing these words to the tune of the old German song, "Morgen, Morgen! One more day without you!": You could hear them singing it everywhere, almost like the voice of God trying to encourage them that He was with them and was going to take care of them, and that was their theme song--I can hear it yet! Like, "Children, children!.....--Don't you worry 'bout this! Children, children!.......--I have promised you bliss!" I wish I could remember the rest of the words. It has just been haunting me ever since!
The idea was that you’ve got to keep going and trying and living and sticking together, like a message of God to them, and they were all singing it. I wish I could remember all the words, but I can't, but that's the way the tune went. There were all these roving bands of children walking along together arm-in-arm and hand-in-hand singing it. They weren't sad, they were happy and cheerful, trying to encourage each other like children sometimes do--happy and walking and singing together and looking for food.
Then we got on this big high trestle of some kind--I don't know how to explain it, but like a railroad bridge. We were all trying to cross this deep ravine and we had to climb down the bridge down to the ground, and I was just terrified, it was so high! But the older children, the young teenagers said to me,
“Don’t worry, just climb down. Don't look and don't worry, just climb down." I was amazed at their courage and bravery and how they were so cheerful when it looked like everything was so impossible. It looked like everything was almost totally destroyed and there were no adults at all. I didn’t see one living adult, only children! But they were cheerful and happy and just sort of roaming around together trying to find food in all the wrecked grocery stores, restaurants, warehouses and places like that… which they seemed to be able to find pretty easily in all the old wrecked supermarkets and other places where food was stored. They seemed to be perfectly confident that they could survive. I guess there was still plenty of food around in the stores & they didn't have to pay! Oh, it was terrible, just like a nightmare! But the children were so sweet, so encouraging, like they wanted to try to take care of these poor adults that didn't know what to do, so they invited us to go with them. I remember one time we found some food and they were all sharing it happily and singing and passing it around and pulling it apart. It was sort of like spaghetti. I just had the feeling that everybody in America was dead but the children! How could the Lord let everybody be killed but the children? How could the bombs differentiate? It was like it was after an atomic war or something. It reminds me of the stories we heard about the homeless orphans in Russia after the Russian civil war, about the war orphans. They called them "wolf packs." I remember seeing pictures of them. Because so many adults had been killed, these homeless orphans were roaming the country in gangs to try to stay alive, stealing food like little gangs of beggar boys, pitiful! But they were so sad, those Russian beggar boys!…I remember this Russian friend told us about it when we were in Miami--he showed us pictures of them. But these bands of children in destroyed America all seemed to be happy and cheerful and sticking together and singing that song from the Lord to encourage each other! "Children, children" And they didn't seem to be worried at all!...That song was so beautiful! It still rings in my ears! They had so much faith, were so cheerful and …singing and eating, like all of a sudden the whole world belonged to them and everybody else was gone! Oh, I was so shook up! I was so glad I woke up! I was absolutely terrified by the height!...It semed like the children had all the faith, while I was just frozen with fright! Lord forgive me! But they were encouraging me to go ahead. That dream was so vivid, so real! How could it only affect the adults and not the children? Well, the Lord said in Revelation 7 that He'd set His seal on our foreheads so that the plagues of the wicked wouldn't affect
His children. Maybe that's the way it is going to be then…Well, it encouraged me anyway. But that was definitely America near New York City. If the Lord can do a mighty miracle like that, He certainly could do it wherever we are! It shows you how God can take care of his children!--Only the children remained!--Happy and unworried and singing, like they'd gotten this message from God not to worry. http://issuu.com/audioactivated/docs/activated110_protection_security/16?mode=window&backgroundColor=%23222222