QUIZ 1. What did Anaximander believe that humans ultimately evolved from? a. Plasma b. Fish c. Trees d. Plant forms Answer: b. Anaximander thought that humans evolved from some type of ancient fish. He felt that life began in a wet environment and evolved into living on a drier environment. 2. What area of evolution was the focus of Empedocles in Ancient Greece? a. The evolution of man from apes. b. The theory that animals and plants evolved separately. c. The theory of natural selection to cause monstrous forms of life to become extinct. d. The evolution of the different species over time. Answer: c. Empedocles developed a theory that life was once filled with monstrous creatures that were selected out through natural selection but didn t understand that different species came out of the process. 3. What theorist in evolutionary theory was perhaps the most wrong in his theories? a. Lamarck b. William Wells c. Saint-Hilaire d. Robert Grant Answer: a. Lamarck developed Lamarckism, which was the idea that, if certain body parts were used most often in an organism s life, these were preferentially passed on to the environment.