QUIZ 1. What does natural selection least depend on? a. Adaptation to the environment b. Reproductive success c. The size of the population d. Competition for resources Answer: c. Natural selection depends on each of these things but it is least affected by the size of the population undergoing natural selection. 2. The physical characteristics of an organism is called what? a. Phenotype b. Genotype c. Genome d. Mutational trait Answer: a. The phenotype involves the characteristics of a specific organism. It is based on its genome or genotype and can change because of mutations in the genome from the time of birth. 3. What term best describes the phenomenon of selective breeding in domesticated animals? a. Sexual selection b. Artificial selection c. Trait analysis d. Formation of an ecological niche Answer: b. Selective breeding is a type of artificial selection that is done with the purposes of choosing traits that are desirable and breeding those animals with the desirable traits.