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Chapter Six: Questions

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Course Answers


1. What conditions will you least likely see in a high pressure system?


a. Clear skies b. Dry air c. Windy conditions d. Large variations in diurnal temperatures

2. What stable air system is most responsible for the precipitation received in the Pacific Northwest?

a. Equatorial low-pressure trough b. Sub polar low-pressure cells c. Subtropical high-pressure air d. Polar high-pressure cells

3. Which situation does not promote a sea breeze?

a. The wintertime months b. A large body of seawater or ocean c. Warmer air over land d. High humidity over the ocean

4. Which of these two conditions is most conducive to having a land breeze?

a. Winter and nighttime b. Winter and daytime c. Summer and nighttime d. Summer and daytime

5. What would you find in the atmosphere near or in a haboob?

a. Ice crystals b. Rain droplets c. Sand particles d. Still air

6. Which upper level winds dominate the area above the United States?

a. Westerlies b. Northeast trade winds c. Equatorial doldrums d. Polar easterlies

7. Which statement is true in the Northern Hemisphere about air cell spinning?

a. High-pressure systems and low-pressure systems both spin clockwise b. High-pressure systems spin clockwise and low-pressure systems spin counterclockwise c. Low-pressure systems spin clockwise and high-pressure systems spin counterclockwise d. Both low and high pressure systems spin counterclockwise

8. You see a weather map with a line showing red half-circles and blue triangles about 200 miles to the east of you. How would you interpret that line?

a. A warm front and good weather is ahead b. A cold front and good weather is ahead c. A stationary front exists so it would be hard to predict the weather. d. A cold front has just come through your area

9. You are a new meteorologist to your vicinity and you want to be able to tell people when to take cover during a storm because of high winds. What device will you buy?

a. Several anemometers placed strategically in your area b. A new visual satellite system c. A new Doppler radar system d. Several barometers placed strategically in your area

10. You are reporting the wind direction and say that the wind is coming at an angle of ninety degrees. From which direction on land do you expect the wind to be coming from?

a. North b. East c. South d. West

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