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Chapter Eleven: Questions
1. If you lived in the Western Atlantic area and had a severe low-pressure storm in the area, what would you most likely call this system?
a. Typhoon b. Cyclone c. Tropical storm d. Hurricane
2. What marker most predicts whether a tropical storm is a hurricane or typhoon?
a. Greenwich meridian b. West Coast of US c. International Dateline d. East Coast of US
3. In the lifespan of a hurricane, what defines the beginning, where there has not yet been any circulation of the low-pressure area?
a. Tropical low b. Tropical disturbance c. Tropical depression d. Tropical storm
4. What wind level will you look for, above which you would call a storm a tropical storm rather than a tropical depression?
a. 21 miles per hour b. 30 miles per hour c. 39 miles per hour d. 48 miles per hour
5. Which category of hurricane indicates it is a major hurricane?
a. Category 2 or more b. Category 3 or more c. Category 4 or more d. Category 5 only
6. You are tracking a hurricane and decide it has become a category 5 hurricane.
What windspeeds will you look for to mark this kind of hurricane?
a. Above 122 miles per hour b. Above 143 miles per hour c. Above 157 miles per hour d. Above 172 miles per hour
7. How were hurricanes named in the Caribbean originally?
a. By longitude and latitude of their origin b. Women's names only c. Men's and women's names d. Names of saints of the day
8. Which hurricane in history was our costliest when factoring in today's estimated costs?
a. Katrina b. Lake Okeechobee c. Great Miami Hurricane d. Galveston 1915 hurricane
9. At what latitude do you most expect a tropical cyclone to have originated from?
a. Directly at the equator b. At about five degrees latitude c. At about twenty degrees latitude d. At about forty degrees latitude
10. What condition is not necessary to build or create a tropical cyclone?
a. Temperatures above the ocean at least 26 degrees Celsius b. A tropical disturbance over the ocean c. Large area of ocean d. Cold front over the ocean