1 minute read
Key Points in This Chapter
• The sky has many unique phenomena related to light coming from the sun.
• The sun itself is white; however, it contains the entire spectrum of visible light, which allows for several unique things to be seen on earth.
• The sky is blue because this is the light that most reaches our eyes when we see scattered light in the atmosphere.
• Sunrise and sunset involved brighter colors of the sun because of the increased thickness of the atmosphere it must travel through.
• The moon has many unique names for it, depending on the phenomenon. On occasion, you might see a blood moon, a super moon, or a blue moon. A blue moon is not truly blue in color.
• There are number of cold weather phenomena related to ice crystals and their effect on sunlight. These include sun dogs, halos, and Sun pillars.
• Rainbows are a combination of reflected and refracted light off of water droplets.
Remember the name Roy G. Biv to describe the different colors of the rainbow in order from the longest wavelength to the shortest wavelength of visible light.