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Chapter Four
9. Answer: b. Climate is defined as a stable weather pattern over approximately 30 years in a given region.
10. Answer: c. The 2 main areas you will see in the United States are dry and temperate. Of these slightly more than half is in the temperate region.
1. Answer: d. Transpiration is the process where plants give off water that goes into the atmosphere as part of the earth's hydrological cycle.
2. Answer: a. Condensation is what you'll see when you experience dew forming on the grass in the morning as temperatures drop and the air cannot hold as much moisture.
3. Answer: c. Only about 0.03 percent of existing water on the earth can be found in the atmosphere at any given point in time.
4. Answer: a. Sublimation results in the highest increase in kinetic energy of water, as it takes water from its frozen state to its gaseous state with no steps in between.
5. Answer: b. You can do a calculation on any website that has a dewpoint calculator, which would show the point of approximately 54 degrees. The actual dewpoint would be 53.6 degrees. The dewpoint must be less than the temperature of the air as long as the relative humidity is below 100 percent.
6. Answer: d. At or above the 65 degree mark, you would feel that the air was beyond muggy was oppressively humid.
7. Answer: b. Upslope fog happens at the base of mountains when winds blow air to higher elevations, where it becomes cooler and cold enough for 100 percent humidity to yield fog.
8. Answer: a. Advection fog forms often over oceans and rolls inland and back for the ocean every night and every morning for weeks on end.