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Chapter Five
9. Answer: a. The term nimbus is a root word for rain in Latin; it signifies a cloud that will likely bring rain.
10. Answer: b. The term "stratus" means spread out so these clouds will often be spread out like a blanket.
1. Answer: b. In any adiabatic process, it is the temperature of the process that remains the same. In the atmosphere, this type of process would involve no exchange of temperature as the molecules move from one place to another.
2. Answer: d. This air mass would expand and cool. It would expand because it was surrounded by cooler and less dense air and it would cool down as the expansion itself took kinetic energy out of the air parcel.
3. Answer: c. The wet adiabatic lapse rate is 4.5 degrees Celsius per kilometer change in elevation.
4. Answer: d. The LCL or lifting condensation level is where the bottom of the cloud layer will be located.
5. Answer: a. Cumulonimbus clouds also called tower clouds. Because of their height, they have ice crystals near the top and water droplets at the bottom.
These would be called mixed phase clouds.
6. Answer: b. The average raindrop is 10,000 times greater in the condensation nucleus you see in a cloud. Obviously, these condensation nuclei get much bigger before it falls to the ground.
7. Answer: c. Deposition freezing involves the process of deposition. If you'll remember, this involves water vapor going to solid without having a liquid phase.
8. Answer: a. A graupel is another name for a snow pellet. These commonly form inside clouds as different ice crystals collide and make a larger snow pellet.