a u d i oc r a s hc o u r s e tm
F o l l o wA l o n gM a n u a l
TABLE OF CONTENTS Exam Prep Audio Course For the Wonderlic WonScore Exam for Job Candidates .................................................................................................. 1 The Key Takeaways .......................................................................................................... 5 Chapter One – Wonderlic History and Background..................................... 6 What is it? ........................................................................................................................ 6 History .............................................................................................................................. 6 Intelligence Tests ............................................................................................................. 8 About Wonderlic .............................................................................................................. 9 How to Evaluate Yourself ............................................................................................... 11 Review ............................................................................................................................ 12 Chapter One: Quiz.......................................................................................................... 14 The Key Takeaways ........................................................................................................ 15 Chapter Two: The Wonderlic Tests and Preparing for WonScore .............. 16 WonScore ........................................................................................................................17 Verbal reasoning ............................................................................................................ 18 Personality ..................................................................................................................... 19 Cognitive or Personnel ............................................................................................... 20 Motivation .................................................................................................................. 21 SLE or Scholastic Level Exam........................................................................................ 23 Review ............................................................................................................................ 23 Chapter Two: Quiz ......................................................................................................... 24 The Key Takeaways ........................................................................................................ 25
Chapter Three: Wonderlic Subject and Content for WonScore Exam ........ 26 Cognitive – Personnel ................................................................................................ 27 Motivational ............................................................................................................... 29 Personality Assessment .............................................................................................. 30 How to Prepare for a Multiple Choice Test ................................................................... 32 Review ............................................................................................................................ 34 Chapter Three: Quiz ....................................................................................................... 35 Takeaways ...................................................................................................................... 36 Chapter Four: The WonScore Tests Structure and Scoring ........................ 37 Structure......................................................................................................................... 37 Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Development and Structure of the WonScore ...... 40 Scoring............................................................................................................................ 41 Candidate Feedback Report ........................................................................................... 42 Overview Page ............................................................................................................ 42 Know and Grow .......................................................................................................... 42 Action .......................................................................................................................... 43 Review ............................................................................................................................ 43 Chapter Four: Quiz ........................................................................................................ 45 Takeaways ...................................................................................................................... 46 Chapter Five: How to Prepare For the WonScore ...................................... 47 Preparing for the Wonderlic WonScore ........................................................................ 47 Length of Preparation Time ........................................................................................... 48 Tools ............................................................................................................................... 49 At the Interview or Online ............................................................................................. 49
Review ............................................................................................................................ 50 Chapter Five: Quiz ......................................................................................................... 51 Takeaways ...................................................................................................................... 52 Chapter Six: Scholastic Level Exam SLE .................................................... 53 What is the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam? ............................................................ 53 Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam Quicktest ................................................................. 54 What’s On the Tests ....................................................................................................... 54 Advantages of Taking the SLE ....................................................................................... 55 Chapter Six: Quiz ........................................................................................................... 56 Takeaways ...................................................................................................................... 57 Chapter Seven Frequently Asked Questions .............................................. 58 Chapter Eight: Conclusion and Practice Exams ......................................... 61 Cognitive Exam/Original Wonderlic ............................................................................. 63 Personality Characteristics ............................................................................................ 63 Motivational Assessment ............................................................................................... 65 Wonderlic Read Along PDF ....................................................................... 73
CANDIDATES Welcome to your audio course on the Wonderlic WonScore exam preparation for job candidates! I will guide you through the course. If you are listening, you may be looking for a job and understand that employers are using this exam to screen candidates. Maybe you are thinking about your future and considering different career paths that interest you. Whatever the reason, we are glad you chose us at AudioLearn to guide you. This audio course is specifically targeted to preparing for the Wonderlic WonScore three part exam given by employers to prospective employees. Wonderlic, by the way, is a company, the name of one specific test, and the name of the founder. Therefore things can sometimes be a little confusing. The exam we will focus on in this course is given by hiring managers and human resources professionals. They use this exam to screen potential candidates for open positions. The goal is to acquire the best candidate for the job. WonScore is actually three exams in one. Of the three, only one is objective while the other two are subjective. I will discuss this more a bit later on. In this introductory chapter, I will give you a brief overview and outline of the course content. I will cover course conventions and the chapter quizzes you can expect. I will also talk about your companion study guide that we like to call the Follow Along PDF Manual. Finally, I will give you key tips in each lecture to take with you. We call these takeaways. So, if you are ready, I will get started. In chapter one, I will talk briefly about the Wonderlic tests, especially WonScore. I will also discuss the history of the test and how it came to be what it is today. In chapter two,
I will give you more specifics about WonScore. This will be followed by just a little information about IQ tests. I will then move on to the lecture for chapter three. In this lecture, you will learn about the subject matter and content of the WonScore "three in one" exam. The three parts of the WonScore exam include: The Cognitive Personnel test. This is the original Wonderlic test, but I will refer to it as the Cognitive Test throughout the course. This Cognitive Test is the only part of WonScore that has multiple choice questions you can prepare for. The second component of the WonScore is the Motivational Assessment. What motivates you in your job? You will answer questions that reveal that which motivates you to prospective employers. Finally comes the Personality Assessment. Your responses to this component of WonScore enable hiring managers to determine if you have a personality that fits into the corporate culture. In other words, are you a good match for the job and for the work environment? And, just as important is the work environment a good match for you? After this, I will spend just a little time talking about how to prepare for a multiple choice test. This, again, concerns the Cognitive portion of the WonScore. You will discover that your time is very limited on this part of the exam. You only have a few minutes to answer as many multiple choice questions as possible. So, the real challenge with this section of the test is managing your time. With the right preparation, though, the strict time constraints should not be an issue for you. Moving on, chapter four is pretty straight forward. You will learn about the structure and the scoring of the WonScore. For the companies using this exam, the convenience is that the scores from the three components are consolidated into one single score. I will talk about that in the chapter four lecture. In chapter five, I cover in depth how to prepare for each component of this three part exam. You will learn about the multiple choice questions in the Cognitive section. You will learn how you should approach the Motivational section and finally, the Personality Assessment. The Personality Assessment, by the way, is the largest component of the
exam. That in itself should tell you something about matching the right candidate with the right job. Chapter six will be a step off the beaten path. I will discuss Wonderlic's Scholastic Level Exam. While it is not the test you are preparing for, it may be something you encounter along your career path. The SLE, as it is called, is one of the newest tests in the Wonderlic stable. In chapter seven, I will review the most frequently asked questions about the WonScore test. By that time, I hope to have addressed any concerns you might have about the exam, its structure, and contents. Finally chapter eight is a review of the entire program. It also contains your practice exams. As with all AudioLearn test preparation courses, we offer chapter quizzes and practice final exams so you can tie everything you learned together. Here, now, is a brief word about how to best use this course. I would strongly suggest that you listen to the audio lectures more than once. Listen at least twice, three times if you can. You also have what we like to call the Follow Along PDF Manual. This companion study guide is a major piece of what we offer to help you prepare for these tests. The manual has information about each chapter, links to online sites, and your quizzes and answer keys. This is a tool you will want to use throughout your preparation for the WonScore exams. Using this companion study guide is the ideal way to prepare for your exam. I know you might listen to lectures when in the car or while exercising. So, the study guide will not always be available to you or practical to use. Make a point to listen with the Follow Along PDF Manual on hand at least once through the entire course. You can print it out or enjoy the digital version. That's up to you. Although, the printed hard copy allows you to record your own notes as you see fit. In every lecture I will give you a short recap of the material I discussed. Then there is a ten question quiz near the end of each chapter. I will close out every chapter with a list of the most important things to remember from the lecture. Again, in this course, I will refer to those key points as takeaways.
A hard copy of the chapter quiz questions can be found in your Follow Along PDF Manual. I will also go over the questions and answers in the lectures. You can pause the audio, take the quiz, and find the correct answers using the answer keys provided in the manual. You can also resume the audio and listen for the correct answers if that works for you. If you feel really confident, keep the audio running and take the quiz as I read it to you. A word of caution, though: your time to answer questions will be more limited with this method. Throughout the chapters, I am likely to repeat some points more than once. These will be important things to remember as you prepare for your exams. There may be keywords or phrases that you will need to understand and remember. I will repeat those, and I will remind you why I am doing so. This audio course offers you a lot of material. You will soon understand why I have said you need to listen to the lectures more than once. You need to listen to the audio and follow along with the PDF manual whenever possible. Remember, the goal is to prepare you to take and pass the exams. Although, for WonScore, the word "pass" falls into a different context. The goal is to get the best job for your future. Relative to WonScore, that means do your personality and motivators fall in line with what a prospective employer seeks? Technically, there are no right or wrong answers. Please take advantage of every resource we provide so you can be fully prepared for this battery of tests. So, with that said, thank you again for choosing us. Let's wind down the introduction with takeaways. There is no quiz for this introductory chapter.
THE KEY TAKEAWAYS There are some essential points to remember from this introductory material. So, here are your ten takeaways: 1. You can print the Follow Along PDF Manual if you wish or use it in its digital form. 2. Listen to each of these lectures at least twice, more if you can. 3. Consult the Follow Along PDF Manual whenever you can. 4. The course is divided into chapters, and each chapter is divided into smaller sections. 5. There is a ten question quiz near the end of every chapter. 6. Any items that I repeat during the lectures are important. Please pay attention to them. 7. Many of the WonScore questions don't actually have right or wrong answers. 8. Every chapter will have ten important items to remember. We call these takeaways. 9. Remember that WonScore is actually a battery of tests, or, if you will, three subtests whose scores are combined into one. 10. The goal of the Wonderlic WonScore from the candidate point of view is to get you the best fit possible in a job. Are you ready to get started? If so, come along as I begin chapter one. If you would like, take a break and continue when the time is better for you. Thank you for listening.
CHAPTER ONE – WONDERLIC HISTORY AND BACKGROUND Welcome to chapter one where I will discuss the history of Wonderlic and of IQ tests in general! In the beginning, there was just the original Wonderlic Personnel Test. It is now known as the Wonderlic Contemporary Cognitive Ability Test. This test is used to form an assessment of an individual's cognitive ability and aptitude for problem solving. Today there are prospective employers in a wide range of occupations who use the test in their recruitment and hiring activities. The most current version of the test is called WonScore, and the Cognitive Exam is only one of three parts. Right now, I just want to provide a brief history of Wonderlic and how the version of the test you are preparing for came to be.
WHAT IS IT? While a graduate student of psychology at Northwestern University, a man named Eldon Wonderlic developed the original test. The original Wonderlic exam consisted of fifty questions. You had twelve minutes to complete the exam. This is still true of the primary version in WonScore. The test is simply scored by the number of correct answers. If you get thirty out of fifty correct answers, then your score is thirty, for example. Just to give you a benchmark, the score recorded for a person of average intelligence is twenty.
HISTORY In nineteen thirty six, the Wonderlic Personnel Test was the first fully developed intelligence test. Named for its developer, Wonderlic was the first of its kind. It was the first cognitive abilities test that was short and did not take hours to complete nor to score. Measuring general intelligence or cognitive abilities in vocabulary, math, and
reasoning was the goal of this first version of the test. The testing time of twelve minutes was intentionally set so that only two to five percent of individuals could answer all the questions. Eldon Wonderlic’s goal in creating the test was to assist companies in selecting qualified employees. Among the first companies to use the original Wonderlic test were Oscar Meyer and AT and T. The test’s introduction to the general public at large came when it was used by the National Football League and the US military. The Navy used the test during World War Two to select candidates for navigation and pilot training. Wonderlic supplied the test to the navy at no cost in return for the data that it generated. Regarding the NFL, it was the Dallas Cowboys under Tom Landry who used the Wonderlic test first. Landry felt he could predict player performance based on the outcome of the test. The NFL still uses it as a pre draft assessment at its "Combine" scouting event each year. The average score for a player in the NFL is nineteen. Yet the average quarterback score is twenty four. Again, the overall Wonderlic score for average intelligence is twenty. So many companies use the WonScore test now that it is constantly in a state of revision and updating. By nineteen seventy, there were several types of Wonderlic Personnel Tests. These included the Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Test, the Wonderlic Contemporary Cognitive Ability Test, and the Scholastic Level Exam. Still, the original Wonderlic has remained in use since nineteen seventy. As I’ve said, the current version of the test is called WonScore. It is an assessment tool living on the cloud and completed online. This version provides a scientific basis for evaluating potential employees for hiring professionals. Human Resources departments use this tool to assess how a candidate will fit into their organization. This is partly accomplished by judging the candidate’s intelligence based on how she or he does on this test. On top of that, companies use WonScore to learn about a candidate's personality and about what motivates them. OK, let me take a bit of time to discuss these kinds of tests in broader terms.
INTELLIGENCE TESTS Wonderlic is an intelligence and vocational test. These types of tests are developed within the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. They produce a score from standardized tests that measure human intelligence. Tests like these have come to be known as IQ tests, a term coined by William Stern in nineteen twelve. The scores from IQ tests are an estimate of a person’s intelligence and can be impacted by many factors. Social status, socioeconomic status, and nutrition are just a few. Some psychologists believe that there is an inherited quality to IQ as well. By the way, in case you are not aware, IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. The results of IQ tests are used to measure an intellectual disability or determine educational placement. Many tests, like the original Wonderlic, are used to predict a person’s future job performance. There are many other common IQ tests in use today besides Wonderlic. A sample of these would include: •
The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children;
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, or WAIS;
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales;
Differential Ability Scales;
Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities;
The Cognitive Assessment System;
Wide Range Intelligence Test;
and Multidimensional Aptitude Battery One and Two.
When dealing with IQ tests, validity references a lack of bias, while reliability references the ability to reproduce the test accurately. Now, back to our focus on Wonderlic.
ABOUT WONDERLIC Wonderlic in the current WonScore version is the easiest and quickest way to measure intelligence and future job performance. Psychometricians design and develop the tests as well as the scoring systems. The Wonderlic WonScore tests are considered to be very statistically reliable and valid. The goal of a Wonderlic test is to determine how a potential employee measures up to educational, job, and training potential. As you just heard, there are a number of other test options that may be used to accomplish this task. The advantage of Wonderlic, though, is that it is quick and easy to administer. There are five versions of the original Wonderlic. However, in an article in the Journal of Applied Psychology, it was noted that some versions were more difficult than others. This report by Weaver and Boneau was published in nineteen fifty six. It was believed that test forms A and B were harder and skewed the scoring. Scores on versions A and B were much lower than those on forms C, C, and F at that time. These differences were explained by the fact that forms A and B were much newer versions. The report also suggested that version F was the easiest of the five while version B was the hardest. Then in nineteen eighty two, a study was done by Carl Dodrill. He gave the original Wonderlic to a group of fifty seven adults twice in five years. He determined that the original Wonderlic was much more reliable in the retesting area than other IQ tests such as the Pearson test. These results were reported in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology and Psychological Reports, respectively. From all of this data, Wonderlic has come to be and is still considered very reliable. The Wonderlic is also considered to be valid and “associated with overall intellectual functioning.” This was the consensus of Kerry Lassiter and T Matthews in a Psychological Reports article. They found Wonderlic test results to be just as valid as the General Aptitude Test Battery.
As used by employers, the WonScore score might be compared to a set standard or an average. The scores could also be compared among all prospective job candidates rather than to any specific standard. It's up to the individual employer. Today’s Wonderlic company is grounded in Industrial Organization, or IO. IO is the scientific study of human behavior in the workplace and within organizations. This field of psychology focuses on employees being treated fairly by their employers. Fair treatment, of course, makes employees more productive and satisfied with their jobs. The role of Wonderlic’s WonScore in all of this is to help employers find the right employees to start with. Identifying the knowledge, skills, and abilities that managers in all professions want from their employees is Wonderlic’s specialty. Their tests measure who is likely to perform well at their assigned duties and should be hired. The Wonderlic staff works constantly to make their assessments accurate in predicting job performance. They assess the motivation, cognitive ability, and personality of the candidates. These aspects are then weighted against the knowledge, skills, and abilities an organization has identified as desirable in prospective employees. The staff is consistently evaluating and updating the WonScore to be sure it is the most accurate assessment possible. Compared with other IQ tests, WonScore is easy, quick, and reliable. It tells the employer what they need to know about you. Employers will be able to quickly assess your cognitive abilities, motivation, and personality. They will use this information, among other things, of course, to determine whether to hire you or not. Consequently, it is very important that you are as prepared as possible for the Wonderlic WonScore exam. So, just how can the Wonderlic Company be sure your talents match up specifically with a particular job? Members of the staff at Wonderlic have spent a lot of time and creativity into creating over one thousand different job profiles. You can be sure a job you want fits one of them. The Wonderlic team includes specialists in artificial intelligence, industrial organization, and machine learning. Their goal is to provide tests that help employers hire the best talent by facilitating hiring decisions. Wonderlic provides the client who is looking to
hire you with a search tool for any job title or description. This tool, driven by artificial intelligence, is cutting edge and gives the employer a step up. The Wonderlic Cognitive Test is based mainly in math, logic, and English. You will be allowed to have paper and pencil during the test. That's because calculators are not allowed. What you hear in this audio course will help you to practice what you need to know to get your best score. Right now, though, let's examine scores that are common to individuals in different professions. Remember this Cognitive Test is only one part of a three part WonScore test.
HOW TO EVALUATE YOURSELF I will discuss the actual scoring process in detail in a later chapter. For now, let me share with you some of the average original Wonderlic scores seen in various professions. Remember, the average score for an individual is around twenty, however anyone who scores ten is considered to be literate. In the National Football League, the average score is just below twenty. However, the test scores actually vary by position played. Here is just a sample. One of the highest scores in the NFL is found among the quarterbacks. This makes good sense as quarterback is the thinking position on a football team. NFL quarterbacks average a score of twenty four on the Wonderlic. What might surprise you is that centers average a score of twenty five and tackles, twenty six. You might assume that offensive lineman in football is not a position requiring superior intelligence. However these players must learn everything the quarterback knows and more. Guards and tight ends score, on average, twenty three and twenty two respectively. You might get another surprise to learn that wide receivers are at seventeen. Fullbacks average seventeen as well, and halfbacks are at sixteen. On the defensive side of the ball, there is not a position that averages twenty or more. The scores range from safeties and linebackers at nineteen to cornerbacks at eighteen.
Outside of the NFL, the scores vary quite a bit by profession. Systems analysts, chemists, and engineers average over thirty. At the same time, the craftsman and manual labor professions average from fourteen to eighteen. Many companies now use the WonScore to screen candidates to see how they might fit into the organization. As I mentioned a bit earlier, there are different versions of the original test. The basic form is fifty multiple choice questions that must be completed in twelve minutes. It is common for most candidates not to answer all fifty questions in that short amount of time. And just to be clear, this same test, with its multiple choice questions, is Part One of the WonScore test. So, you can expect to take it. Believe it or not, the key to answering as many questions as possible is to relax and not stress about the clock. And the key to not stressing is preparation. If you are prepared, the answers to the questions should come easier to you. You have control over that. What you cannot control is the fact that the clock will tick away a second at a time regardless of what you do. It's not worth worrying about. Be aware of the time but focus on the questions.
REVIEW Now I will give you a brief review of all the information I presented in this lecture. The original Wonderlic Test is now known as the Wonderlic Contemporary Cognitive Ability Test. It is used to gather an assessment of cognitive ability and an aptitude for problem solving. Today there are prospective employers in a wide range of occupations using this test. Eldon Wonderlic developed the test when he was a graduate student. The Wonderlic exam consists of fifty questions. You have twelve minutes to complete the exam. The test score is based simply on the number of correct answers. If you get thirty out of fifty correct, then your score is thirty. This Cognitive Test is only one third of the current version of the full WonScore exam. The original Wonderlic was the first of its kind. It was the first cognitive abilities test that was short and did not take hours to complete or to score.
Wonderlic’s goal in creating the test was to help companies select qualified employees. The first organizations to use the Wonderlic test were Oscar Meyer and A, T, and T. The NFL still uses the original Wonderlic as a pre draft assessment at the annual NFL Combine. The test has been in use since nineteen seventy. The average NFL score is nineteen. The average for everyone who takes the test is twenty. The current version of Wonderlic is actually called WonScore; it is an assessment tool living on the cloud and completed online. Wonderlic is an intelligence and vocational test. These types of tests are developed in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The results of IQ tests are used to measure intellectual disability or to determine appropriate educational placement. Many tests, like Wonderlic, are used to predict a person’s future job performance. There are many other common IQ tests in use today besides Wonderlic. That said, Wonderlic's WonScore is among the most reliable.
CHAPTER ONE: QUIZ Now it is time for your first ten question quiz. When you are ready, you can pause the audio and take the quiz. You will find it on page eighteen in the Follow Along PDF Manual. After you take the quiz, turn to page thirty seven and check your answers against the answer key. You can also restart the audio and listen as I give you the questions and correct answers. For all these quizzes, it is important that you pay attention to how you do. Did you get all the questions right? How many did you miss? Make a note of the items that you struggled with. This will be valuable information as you continue with your preparation. So, please pause the audio when you are set and take the quiz. Good luck! Welcome back! How did it go? At this time, I will present the questions and answers for the chapter one quiz. Follow along and correct your answers with me. If you've corrected your quiz already, listen anyway. It's a great way to review the material. So, let me begin. So, how did it go? These were obviously introductory questions but are no less important. The more you know about any test you take, the better prepared you'll be.
THE KEY TAKEAWAYS OK, at this time, I'd like to close out chapter one by presenting your ten takeaways. Here they are: 1. The current version of Wonderlic's WonScore exam is actually a battery of three separate component tests. 2. While a graduate student in psychology at Northwestern, Eldon Wonderlic developed this test. 3. Wonderlic’s goal in creating the test was to help companies select qualified employees. 4. The first companies to use the Wonderlic test were Oscar Meyer and A, T, and T. 5. The current version of the test is called WonScore; it is an assessment tool living on the cloud and completed online. 6. These types of IQ tests are developed within the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 7. The results of IQ tests are used to measure intellectual disability or determine educational placement. 8. There are many other common IQ tests in use today besides Wonderlic. 9. Other well known tests in this field include the Mechanical Aptitude Test and the IQ test. These tests are considered to be statistically reliable and valid. 10. Every profession that uses the Wonderlic has their own specific hiring process and scoring standards. And with that, we are at the end of chapter one. Follow right along to chapter two. Or, if you'd like, take a break and resume the audio at a better time. Thanks for listening.