Stewardship News | Volume 14, Issue 3 | Summer 2011

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Stewardship News A Publication of Audubon International

Volume 14, Issue 3 • summer 2011

Around the Green Leaf in Thirty Days Fred Realbuto


recently had the opportunity to do a whirlwind tour of 17 resort destinations on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina and the entire state of Florida, all in less than thirty days. This trip was made necessary by the recent commitment of Marriott Vacation Club to enroll all of their properties in North America in the Audubon Green Leaf Eco-Rating Program. Travelling exclusively to properties under one brand gave me a very unique perspective. These comprised over 4,600 villas in two states—South Carolina and Florida. There were aspects that were distinctly similar at each of the properties, such as the level of amenities and the management expertise of Marriott, and yet each was also distinctively unique. While there was an undeniable unity to the brand, there was also a palpable pride exhibited by the owners, guests, and associates at each individual property. Since there are eight Marriott Vacation Club resorts located within close proximity to each other on Hilton Head

Island, this pride and good natured competitiveness was discernable. I believe there are several positive outcomes of this healthy competitiveness. The associates at each property are constantly driven to explore innovative alternatives to the environmental status quo while providing the highest level of guest service. Consequently, the bar is always being raised! The multitude of innovations and practices that I was exposed to on this trip amazed me. Program members are using “smart” thermostats that recognize when exterior doors and windows are left open that automatically shut down air conditioning. The jury is still out about how practical these devices are, but that is what experimentation is for. Another innovation I witnessed was a complete Energy Management Systems (EMS) used at resorts to optimize energy usage, reduce consumption, and increase reliability. So far the systems

are garnering great reviews. At every property I visited, recycling was common practice. Re-use was also implemented at these resorts by way of re-upholstering, re-surfacing, and the donation of existing furniture. Almost no furniture phased out during recent refurbishments found its way to a landfill. When considering the potential implications of that times 4,600 villas, you realize the significance of the steps Marriott is taking to preserve the environment. More and more, recycling receptacles are strategically placed where they are most likely to be used and not just where it’s convenient to put them. Guests and associates can now easily recycle in the lobbies and hallways as well as traditional recycling centers. I’ve observed a diverse array of conservation efforts and activities during these trips and throughout my travels for the Green Leaf Ecocontinued on page 5


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Dear Members and Supporters, Once in a while, it’s good to pick your head up from your work, papers, desk, computer screen, and phone to realize all the wonderful and amazing things Audubon International members, supporters, and staff are accomplishing cooperatively. Our efforts garner real environmental results—often leading to even more good work by our program members, staff, colleagues, and a whole host of others that are touched by our collective efforts every day. It’s our goal to have a powerful and lasting positive impact on the world— fundamentally helping to change the way people, organizations, industries, and entire communities think and behave towards our natural environment. With some great effort, quick thinking, creativity, ability, and tremendous commitment, you are all helping to lead in this fundamental change. It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day grind, not finding the time to feel good about the collective small (and sometimes large) steps we’re each taking to foster a more sustainable environment. So I’ll remind you by taking a minute to say Thanks! I hope each of you feel very proud of your efforts and results. I know I do. Best,

46 Rarick Road Selkirk, New York 12158 (518) 767-9051 You can reach our staff via e-mail by typing the person’s first initial, full last name @ Administration

Ronald Dodson, President Kevin Fletcher, PhD, Executive Director Paula Realbuto, Executive Assistant for Operations Jessica DesLauriers, Development Manager Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Programs

Kevin A. Fletcher, Ph.D. Executive Director

Jennifer Batza, Membership Coordinator Jim Sluiter, Program Manager Joellen Lampman, Director Audubon Signature Program

In this issue… 4

Nancy Richardson, Director Linda Snow, Administrative Assistant Education Department

Pilot Project to Help Grow Greener Lawns:

Joshua Conway, Manager of Education and Communications

Are you mowing your yard at the correct height?

Audubon Green Leaf Eco-Rating

6 Building a Sustainable Community: A look at how

the Hasentree Community is sustainable from the ground up.


Fred Realbuto, Director Sustainable Communities Program

Suzanne Van Etten, Manager

8 Environmental Stewardship Hottest New Activity for Retirement Communities:

Suzi Van Etten discusses how environmental stewardship is increasingly regarded as an amenity in retirement communities

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

9 Tear-Out Fact Sheet:

Blacklegged Ticks and Lyme Disease.

On the Cover: Around the Green Leaf in Thirty Days: Eco-Rating Marriott Vacation Club

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New Additions to Audubon International Board

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Audubon International Expands Eco-Development Efforts in Asia


udubon International announces two newly certified members of the Audubon International Classic Program: Spring City Golf & Lake Resort, Kunming, China and Ria Bintan (golf course), Bintan Island, Indonesia.


udubon International is pleased to welcome the three newest members of Audubon International’s Board of Directors:

Clarence D. Bassett, Clifton Park, NY, although retired now, has spent the last 40 years working for the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, the NYS Assembly Minority Leader’s Office, and United Press International in public affairs.

Jan Beljan,

Jupiter, FL, is an award-winning landscape architect. She previously worked with Fazio Golf Course Designers, Inc., and was the second woman elected to the American Society of Golf Course Architects.

Dan Dinelli,

Glenview, IL, is a third-generation golf course superintendent, and has been with North Shore Country Club for the past 34 years. He was awarded the President’s Award for Environmental Stewardship from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America in 2009. “We’re pleased to have three such wonderful, accomplished people join our Board,” states Kevin A. Fletcher, Ph.D., Executive Director. “It’s good for any nonprofit to get some fresh faces involved with Board-level activities from time to time. It helps to bring new energy and new ideas, and I’m sure each will do just that.”

Rio Verde Earns Audubon Green Community Award


he Rio Verde community has earned the Audubon Green Community Award from Audubon International, a non-profit environmental education organization. Rio Verde becomes the first community in Arizona and the second private community nationally, to earn the Audubon Green Community Award for their green initiatives. Members of Audubon International’s Sustainable Communities Program are eligible for the award, which recognizes environmental achievements and is an intermediate milestone en route to earning the rigorous designation as a Certified Audubon Sustainable Community. “As the first community to receive the Audubon International Green Community Award in the State of Arizona, Rio Verde has demonstrated a strong commitment to the ideals of sustainability—economic vitality, environmental protection, and social responsibility,” says Suzi Van Etten, Manager of the Sustainable Communities Program. “With the surrounding natural landscape of the Tonto National Forest, McDowell Mountain Regional Park, and the Rio Verde River, Rio Verde has much to celebrate. It is a unique place filled with residents that care deeply about the place they call home.” Sal Celona, Rio Verde’s Sustainability Coordinator, highlighted the importance of this project for the community. “We are very pleased that Rio Verde is the first active adult golfing community in the country to receive such an award! Our commitment to sustainability will enhance the lifestyle of our residents and will serve to attract new residents to our community.”



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Pilot Project to Help Grow Greener Lawns


he Sustainable Landscape IPM Working Group, of which Audubon International is a founding member, has started a pilot project to measure changes in public attitudes and practices towards sustainable lawn care. The focus of the effort is on the adoption of a single lawn care practice: correct mowing height (3 inches or highest setting). This is the single most critical practice that homeowners can do to have a healthy lawn. All lawn best management practices hinge on proper mowing. Many university studies have shown that mowing at three inches prevents weed problems, puts less stress on the grass, contributes to a healthy root system, drought resistance, better resistance to insects and diseases, and helps prevent run-off of soil, and from fertilizers, chemicals, and pollutants. This pilot project is a regional effort among participants from University of Maryland Extension, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Penn State Extension, Audubon International, large and small lawn care companies, and the Smithsonian Institution. The goal is to achieve widespread adoption of the three inch mowing height across the region.

Why mow at three inches? • According to the Lawn Institute: “shortly mown grass wants to rapidly grow back what it has lost. The grass will pull reserves from the roots to increase shoot growth. This decreases rooting and increases the chance the lawn will show signs of drought or heat stress.” Mowing turf short stresses the grass and provides open areas for weeds to become established. • It is best to remove no more than 1/3 of the grass blade each time you mow. • Mowing to the proper height can reduce weed problems by as much as 50 to 80 percent.

International can add your logo to the mowing guide and provide you with access to Sustainable Lawn Care posters. This would make a great summer outreach and education project! Parks/Arboretums/Golf Courses/ Museums/Hotels/Schools/etc.

In a public area, mow at least a portion of the lawn at three inches with a display that shows the benefits of mowing high with a holder where interested homeowners can pick up a mowing guide and instructions for participating in the study. Community Associations

• Sharpen or replace mower blades at least once a year or more frequently if needed. • Leave grass clippings on the lawn. It is a way to recycle nutrients.

What homeowners can do. Go to the Growing Green Lawns website ( and register. After registering, participants will be given a mowing guide to set mowing proper height, a magnet with tips on maintaining their lawn, and will be asked to participate in a few brief surveys. All information will be kept confidential.

What we want you do to. How Audubon International members can participate varies by the type of property you manage. Audubon

We would like a small group of volunteers that would be willing to walk the neighborhood and physically measure the mowing heights of lawns throughout the community. The Mowing Guides would then be distributed throughout the community with a request for homeowners to participate in the study. The volunteers would then measure mowing heights a couple of more times during the growing season and send the results to Audubon International. Lawn Care Services

Distribute mowing information to clients and dedicate some staff time to measuring the mowing heights of client lawns a couple of times throughout the season. For more information, contact Joellen Lampman, ACSP Programs Director at

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Around the Green Leaf in Thirty Days rating program. I’ve seen programs for water conservation through the use of tap aerators and low flush toilets, motion sensitive taps, “gray” water for irrigation, and dual flush toilets. I’ve seen numerous energy saving activities including programmable thermostats, smart thermostats, energy management systems, CFL and LED lighting motion and heat sensitive switches, and much more. I’ve also seen recycling measures too numerous to itemize. Are all these measures in place and at all facilities? No, but that is the goal and small steps in the right direction can make a big difference. Marriott Vacation Club should be proud of their efforts so far and we are excited about their commitment to attain a four Green Leaf rating at each property. We are pleased to have them work with us to better protect and sustain our land, water, wildlife, and other natural resources. So, how do you get there? I don’t believe that this is a goal that you arrive at but rather a road that you travel that

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brings you closer and closer to a place you want to be. I further believe that communication is a great vehicle to take you down that road. Communication between corporate, upper management, support staff, and direct line staff that defines the environmental philosophy and goals of the organization is essential to realization. Communication between the facility and its guests is also important. Tell your guests what you are doing! More and more guests are demanding greener, more sustainable practices in their accommodations. They are also willing to participate in helping achieve your goals. How effective you are in communicating your philosophy, environmental practices, goals, and suggestions for guest involvement can make a huge difference in the pursuit and attainment of your goals as well as improvement of your bottom line. Signage, guest books, in-house television channels and orientations are all effective mediums for conveying your environmental message. continued on page 11

From the mundane to the sublime (from left to right): Recycling receptacles are the norm in all common areas; Waterless urinals help reduce water consumption; Guests can enjoy meals on bowls and plates made from 100% biodegradable peat; The “Solar Express,” a solar-powered transports guests at Marriott’s Royal, Sabal, and Imperial Palms Villas.


Audubon Green Leaf Eco-Rating Program As a voluntary certification program, the Audubon Green Leaf Eco-Rating Program evaluates several discrete aspects of a lodging facility’s operations to determine the overall “eco-friendliness” of the facility. Pollution prevention, resource management, energy conservation, and waste reduction are some of the key elements that are evaluated during the certification process. After enrollment, there are four main elements of the program. The first is the completion of an extensive survey that acts as a snapshot of the overall environmental activities taking place at the facility. Based on the responses from this survey, Audubon International staff then prepares a report of environmental highlights and makes suggestions for potential improvements, both capital and non-capital. At this time the facility is assigned a Green Leaf rating, from one to five green leaves, based on our report. The average first time rating is between two and three green leaves. The third element in the process is a site visit to the facility. This is an integral part of the process and is important for several reasons. From an internal perspective, the site visit provides the opportunity for direct interaction between Audubon International and facility staff. A relationship is formed. We get to know each other and have the opportunity to witness firsthand the intangibles that make a property unique. Site visits are particularly rewarding because we get to see the enthusiasm of the staff, innovative new products, and creative reuse of materials at each facility. As a result, Green Leaf ratings may be adjusted based on the results of the site visit. From an external perspective, the fact that Audubon International is independent, non-affiliated, and on-site verifier provides greatly enhanced credibility and value to the rating earned by a facility, both within the industry and by consumers. The fourth element is the integration and implementation of plans developed by the facility in concert with Audubon International’s suggestions. A facility is usually re-rated every third year but may request an accelerated review and re-rating before that. There is generally an additional charge for this.

For more information on how you can enroll your facility in the Audubon Green Leaf Eco-Rating Program, or to become a site visit verifier, please contact Fred Realbuto at 518-635-5015 or


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Building a Sustainable Community Nancy Richardson


ust a short two hour drive from the beaches of the Atlantic coast and three hours from the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains, you will find the cities that make up what is known as the Triangle region of North Carolina—Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. Located just twenty minutes away from the main campuses of Duke University, North Carolina State, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, this area is one for innovation and thinking outside the proverbial box. Ranked as the number one area where Americans are relocating by Forbes Magazine in May 2009, the region has become a magnet for a new generation of technological genius. The 2010 U.S. Census reports that North Carolina’s population grew nearly nineteen percent over the last decade making it the sixth fastest growing state. To accommodate this influx, it is not surprising to find new communities popping up nearby areas such as Wake Forest. One of the newest was created using a low-impact, sustainable approach to design and construction. Hasentree Community provides solace for those environmentally conscious families away from the hustle and bustle of the technological boom. Originally developed by Creedmoor Partners and most recently purchased by Toll Brothers, Inc., Hasentree is a private community situated adjacent to Falls Lake, the drinking water supply for Raleigh and surrounding

towns. The site is predominantly rolling Piedmont woodlands, containing over 50 different identified tree species and over two miles of creeks and small tributaries, with a 70-foot elevation change over approximately 800 acres. These features combine to provide habitat for a diversity of species of mammals, amphibians, fish, and birds, one of which is the uncommonly observed Wood Thrush, John James Audubon’s favorite bird species.

Protecting Water and the Life It Supports Pre-construction, the property was a combination of mixed pine and hardwood forest with streams, ponds, and old farm fields. Located in northwest Wake County, Hasentree is located in the rolling terrain of the Neuse River tributaries. The Neuse River is almost two million years old and is a vital part of the second largest estuarine system in the United States. One and a half million people, approximately one sixth of the state’s population, live in the Neuse River basin. It is true that Hasentree’s location adjacent to Falls Lake State Recreation Area opens endless opportunities to explore nature and enjoy the beauty of the lake and its 12,000 acres of pristine waters plus an opportunity to hike and camp along a portion of the

Mountains-To-The-Sea Trail. But it also represents a significant responsibility to protect the water quality and the drinking water supply of the City of Raleigh. Because of this, Hasentree was, from the beginning, developed in a manner that would make it complementary to its surrounds. By regulation, creek bank buffers must be fifty-feet wide; all perennial streams within Hasentree have hundred-foot conservation buffers on each side and all smaller drainage features are buffered between thirty to fifty feet on each side. These relatively wide linear native habitats, in conjunction with the naturally planted areas of the

All homes built by Toll Brothers meet the Energy Star standard and include: • low-E windows • mixed wood (vs. solid hard wood) floor joists assembled off site • Icynene insulation (state-of-the art spray-in-place foam insulation and air barrier) • 14 SEER rating HVAC system (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) • Rinnai tankless water heater (limitless on-demand, heats water only when needed) • Low VOC paints • Energy Star appliances • Baseboards and trim are MDF (medium density fiber) and made by Toll Brothers. • Building envelopes designed to limit disturbance Other green features:

• All Hasentree facilities utilize lowflow bathroom and kitchen facilities, including urinals utilizing only one pint of water per flush in the Family Activities Club. • Sub-surface wetting of the Har-Tru courts reduces water consumption by as much as forty percent over conventional surface wetting.


golf course and community, provide excellent wildlife habitat and will continue to do so in perpetuity. Oaks, hollies, cedars, and seed and berry producing plants were planted along the edges of the buffers to provide wildlife food. Between drinking water, habitat, breeding sites, and migration stopovers, streams provide something for virtually all animals. All stormwater runoff from the Hasentree golf course is captured in a system of twenty-seven water quality filtration ponds of varying size, and both wet and dry bio-retention facilities. Large portions of the residential development are connected to these facilities, as well as to non-golf treatment facilities. Curbs and gutters are not used on the roadways throughout the community, but storm water is treated by roadside grassed swales prior to sheet flow into the tributaries. Golf course surface water drainage is contained on the golf course and cleaned by diverting the water to collection devices. Most of the water from the roadways is being treated in basins on the golf course. During the time of heaviest construction, Hasentree had almost six miles of diversion berms and dozens of sediment basins to prevent siltation of nearby streams. These measures were augmented by silt fencing, acres of temporary seeding and re-seeding, and multiple rows of silt socks at the basin outlets to further filter the water being discharged all in an effort to ensure protection of Falls Lake. To measure the effectiveness of filtration, sampling and testing of water quality discharges is an on-going process at Hasentree. Hasentree has its own pressurized sewage collection and treatment system, eliminating use of septic tanks and reducing the potential for spills and groundwater contamination. Collected waste water is processed in a tertiary treatment plant and stored for spray irrigation on the golf course, landscaped areas, and road shoulders, at application rates that ensure no runoff of the reused water. It is anticipated that the reclaimed water will be made available to individual lots and road irrigation in future phases. The Rain Bird golf course irrigation system is comprised of nearly 1,800 heads

Nestled in Piedmont woodlands, Toll Brothers, Inc., built all homes at Hasentree to the Energy Star Standard.

with a Rain Bird WS-PRO 2 weather station positioned to apply the reuse water at proper rates. Landscaping at the project is comprised of plant material and grasses that require limited irrigation. Until new homes come on line and capacity is reached, of the seven wells on site, two to three draw 450 gallons per minute to add to the 2.5 million gallon capacity irrigation lake. When capacity allows, it is estimated that Hasentree Club and community will save tens of thousands of dollars a year through the use of effluent for irrigation at build-out.

Sustainable Lifestyle Today, the community features an 18-hole golf course designed by Tom Fazio. In addition to golf and clubhouse facilities, Hasentree has a free-standing Family Activities Club (FAC), which provides residents with year-round, resort-style amenities including three pool areas, six Har-Tru tennis courts and over 2,500 square feet of fitness and aerobics areas. Other interesting features of the community include: • The FAC is also the center for environmental educational programming in the community. • Within the 433 acres of open space are six miles of walking trails and blazed nature paths providing pedestrian access to all areas of the community. These trails include interpretive signage aimed at educating trail users.

• Several dozen bird boxes of various sizes have been installed throughout the golf course. • The man-made Hasentree Lake has been stocked with indigenous fish species (minnows, sunfish, catfish, and bass) to create a healthy and aquatic environment. • Picnic areas provide an opportunity for families to enjoy the natural setting. • In addition to community-wide landscaping with natural species, the Hasentree golf course invested over a million dollars in replacement plantings of indigenous trees and shrubs (including oak, pine, red cedar and holly) and created several dozen acres of native grass areas to provide wildlife food and habitat. • Just off the green on the second hole of the golf course is one of the on-site cemeteries that Hasentree maintains. An access road has been added so that relatives of those laid to rest can visit the cemetery. continued on page 11


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Environmental Stewardship Hottest New Activity for Retirement Communities Suzi Van Etten


hen you think of a retirement community, you usually think of the amenities and leisure activities it offers. From palm tree-lined golf courses to bustling art studios, websites, and brochures foretell the good life with all the perks. At the same time, water conservation workshops and community composting events would seem to be at odds with the resort-like private residential neighborhoods. However, increasingly these retirement communities are making environmental stewardship a priority and an important item on the menu of leisure activities and amenities that they offer. In Southwest Florida the trend is no different. The region is very popular because of the climate and beaches, but the popularity of the region has led to an exhaustion of water resources and wildlife habitat. To address this, Audubon International’s Green Neighborhood Program members throughout Southwest Florida, including Moorings Park Retirement Community, are integrating environmental stewardship

into everyday life to help alleviate the stressed ecosystem that provides many of the services they moved there to appreciate in the first place. Moorings Park proudly publicizes these efforts as a bonus amenity of the property and a fun leisure activity. With a residential population of over 700, Moorings Park is located on 83 acres outside of Naples, FL. The community has been around for 30 years, and offers both independent and assisted-living options. The private campus has amenities like a fitness center, a bank, shopping, and a chapel, but also has property features like ponds, walking paths, gardens, and parks. The Moorings Park residents, like many private and retirement communities, also have a variety of active residential committees dedicated to voluntarily improving the quality of the property. The facilities staff had been working on energy saving, water conservation, and recycling since 2005 to improve the quality of life and save money. In 2009, the residential Building and Grounds Committee, led by Fred Yarrington, formed a subcommittee called “Going Green.” Working with the Grounds and Garden sub-committee, the diversely qualified and

highly knowledgeable residents and staff became more actively involved in the simultaneous green efforts of the new buildings construction and the grounds maintenance and landscaping. Moorings Park joined Audubon International’s Green Neighborhoods after Fred researched organizations and programs that focus on educating residents about “going green.” Green Neighborhoods provides the tools and resources for communities to engage residents in projects that protect and enhance the land, water, wildlife, and natural resources around them. The first step, like all of Audubon International’s programs, is to complete an Environmental Assessment and Plan. The committee went straight to work auditing the property for opportunities to implement measures that conserve resources, reduce waste, and enhance wildlife habitat. The “Going Green” Committee found areas for improvement, but also found that several campus departments were already working on improving the environment and cutting costs. The Facilities and Food Service Departments were already working on energy use reduction campaigns, solar continued on page 11

The “Going Green” Committee has done a great job of highlighting environmental stewardship projects and leading the way for residents at Moorings Park Retirement Community.

Fact Sheet E d u c at i o n a l

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Blacklegged Ticks and Lyme Disease

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t is that time of year when many of us will spend more time outdoors and those of us in the northeast will inevitably come into contact with ticks. While not all ticks are harmful, the adult blacklegged or deer tick is not much bigger than one of the typed letters in this sentence, yet it can transmit one of the most unpleasant diseases known to outdoor enthusiasts: Lyme disease. The more you know— about what it is, what to look for, what to avoid, and what to do if you think you have it—the better you can protect yourself and others from getting it.

Many people still know the blacklegged tick by another common name, the deer tick.

Here is the latest information compiled from the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

What causes Lyme disease? Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrellia burgdoreri and is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected blacklegged tick, which normally lives in mice, squirrels, and other small animals. Deer are particularly important in transporting ticks and maintaining tick populations.

Is Lyme disease prevalent throughout the United States? No. Although the disease has been reported in almost every state, it is far more prevalent in the Northeast and in the northern Midwest, specifically Michigan and Illinois. More new cases of Lyme disease are reported in June and July than the rest of the year combined.

Can my pets get Lyme disease? Yes, they can and they should be protected. They can also be carriers of infected ticks. They cannot, however, pass the disease directly on to you.

How I know if I have Lyme disease? Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash continued on reverse

Audubon International © 2011


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called erythema migrans. It is a circular rash that occurs between 3 and 30 days after the bite of the tick, at the site of the bite. Other symptoms include a loss of muscle tone on one or both sides of the face, severe headaches, shooting pains that interfere with sleep, and joint pain. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system.

Is there help? Fortunately, yes. In most cases, antibiotics administered for two to three weeks after diagnosis are effective in combating the disease. Early detection and treatment will most often stop the symptoms. The bad news is that a small percentage of patients with symptoms may continue to fight the disease for months or even years after treatment with antibiotics. There is no known medical reason why patients continue to exhibit symptoms.

How can I avoid getting Lyme disease?

Above: Ranging from about a millimeter to just over three millimeters in size, blacklegged ticks can be very hard to spot.

Right: If the blacklegged tick is infected, it must be attached for 24-48 hours before it transmits Lyme disease, and at least 12-24 hours to transmit human anaplasmosis. A bull’s-eye rash is a symptom of Lyme disease and may appear after being bitten by an infected tick.

The best prevention is to reduce your exposure to ticks and to be vigilant about checking yourself after being in and around woods, brushy areas, meadows, and even lawns. Ticks commonly hide in shady, moist leaf litter, on taller vegetation, and on old stone walls, especially near the edge of woodlands. • Wear light-colored clothing to spot ticks easily. Tuck pant legs into your socks when working in high risk areas. • Always do a full body “tick check” when leaving high-risk areas and at the end of the day. • Stay on cleared, well-traveled trails. • If you find a tick, remove it using a pair of tweezers. Grasp the head or mouthparts where they enter the skin, rather than the body, to pull the tick out. • Seek treatment early if you believe you’ve been exposed. The majority of early Lyme disease cases are treated and cured successfully.

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Building a Sustainable Community Continued from page 7

• A recycling program is in place through out the community. Separate trash and recycle containers are located thought the club facilities with larger containers at the Pro Shop and Family Activities Club for removal by a contract waste hauler. Hasentree has several awards to its credit including being the recipient of the Homebuilders Association of RaleighWake County 2008 MAME (Major Achievements in Marketing Excellence) Awards for “Best Land Plan for a Master-Planned Community” and “Best Master-Planned Community Landscaping Design.” The golf course was selected in 2008 by Golf Digest at its opening as the Best New Course in North Carolina. In June 2008, Hasentree became only the 5th Certified Gold Signature Sanctuary in

North Carolina recognized by Audubon International. The Audubon Signature Program is committed to the belief that sustainable development is the key to our future and will improve the quality of life and the environment. Making a commitment to sustainability at the onset of the project enables the developer to focus on how to achieve the requirements cost effectively and for the long term. Good environmental design and Gold Signature Certification make an attractive selling point. Developments such as Hasentree, designed to protect water resources, reduce waste, and blend in with the natural features of the site, are examples of that sustainable design. Congratulations to Hasentree on their recent re-certification as a Gold Signature Sanctuary.

Around the Green Leaf in Thirty Days Continued from page 5

Make sure to also communicate with Audubon International. The more information we are able to share, the better we can assist you in addressing your challenges and telling your environmental story.

David Boyer, Director of Services at Marriott’s Ocean Pointe stands by the resort’s Sea Turtle Preservation project, an example of effective sign usage.

Environmental Stewardship Hottest New Activity for Retirement Communities Continued from page 8

panel installations, and major overhauls to reduce waste in food service areas. Enhancing and building on these efforts became a focus for the new Committee. Education is a key component of all of Audubon International’s programs, and optimally, the educators learn something new, too. Working with the on-site staff and residents, the Committee focused education efforts on existing programs and projects. From solid waste to wildlife habitat and green building to landscaping,

the members of the Committee found that researching more environmentally-friendly products and practices was a great way to expand their own knowledge base. Researching a non-asphalt material to resurface the golf cart and walking paths, for instance, led the Committee to a porous, recycled rubber material that has multiple health, cost, and environmental benefits. Since its inception, the Moorings Parks “Going Green” Committee has worked tirelessly on campus-wide projects and

getting the word out to the surrounding community of Naples about the projects they are doing. They recently submitted a report to Green Neighborhoods Program for their project in the Community Awareness Track. Their efforts, including a native landscaping turf reduction project, osprey platform, and butterfly garden, were featured in the local newspaper. Letting the larger community know about stewardship efforts on the property will help foster education and encourage others to follow suit. In recognition of their efforts, Moorings Park received the Neighborhood for Nature Award this past May. In the Green Neighborhoods Program, this award is given to members who complete a project in each of the five program tracks in one year or less. As the fourth Green Neighborhoods member to receive the award, Moorings Park Retirement Community residents were anything but leisurely about stewardship!


Stewardship News


Audubon International publishes Stewardship News four times a year. Inquiries, contributions, or letters to the editor should be addressed to: Joshua Conway, Editor Audubon International 46 Rarick Road Selkirk, NY 12158

Or send via e-mail to: Layout and Design: 2k Design,

Attend a Free Webinar!

Clifton Park, NY

Printing: Benchemark Printing,

Schenectady, NY

August 10 • 11:00 am Being Water Smart in Your Neighborhood August 11 • 1:00 pm

Water Conservation for Golf Courses, Sports Facilities, and Parks

August 16 • 11:00 am Long-term Community Planning August 18 • 1:00 pm

Sharing Your Environmental Story

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Above photo taken at the Country Club at Mirasol in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

Audubon International is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to fostering more sustainable human and natural communities through research, education, and conservation assistance. Programs seek to educate, assist, and inspire millions of people from all walks of life to protect and sustain the land, water, wildlife, and natural resources around them. Funding is provided by memberships, donations, and program sponsorship. The ACSP Golf Program is sponsored by The United States Golf Association. The newsletter is printed on recycled paper.

Look inside for a tear-out fact sheet! If you have a change of address or contact ­person, please let us know. Call (518) 767-9051, e­ xt. 110 or E-mail

Help us to keep up to date! Phone: (518) 767-9051 Web Page: e-mail: Audubon International 46 Rarick Road Selkirk, New York 12158

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