Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Yosafat Winarto, S.T., M.T. 197108292000121001
UAS 2019
CLIMATE Climate factor Faktor Iklim yang mempengaruhi pertimbangan perancangan : * Radiasi (Panas) Matahari * Cahaya Matahari * Curah Hujan * Kelembaban Tinggi * Aliran Angin
* Lighting * Air Flow
MASSING CONCEPT Basic shape essential for design dan plan consideration * Aesthetic * Functional
BUILDING COVER CONCEPT * Walls * Secondary walls * Green Roof
Natural setting essential for decision making toward design and plan * Water front * Beach front * Topography * Exsisting vegetation
MATERIAL CONCEPT * Palm Leaves Woven * Bamboo
SHADING Simulasi gerak semu tahunan matahari
DISASTER MITIGATION * Fire & Earthquake * Tsunami
b. Cahaya (Silau) Matahari
01. CLIMATE a. Radiasi (Panas) Matahari
Waktu terbit matahari (daylight) di Indonesia pada umumnya sama dengan negara- negara lain yang berada di khatulistiwa yaitu rata-rata 12 jam. Kondisi ini dapat mempengaruhi pola aktivitas yang terjadi di dalam site. Saat pagi hari adalah waktu yang optimal untuk melakukan aktivitas olahraga baik di air maupun di daratan. Saat siang matahari sedang berada di puncak tertinggi radiasi, pengunjung di dalam site cenderung untuk mencari area berpeneduh. kemudian Sore hari adalah waktu di mana view matahari tenggelam dan kegiatan panorama akan dilakukan sehingga butuhnya akses dan wadah kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut.
S u h u r a t a - r a t a t a h u n a n Ko t a Ku p a n g a d a l a h 2 7 o C d e n g a n kelembaban 73%. Data di atas menyebutkan bahwa Kupang memiliki iklim tropis lembab, namun memiliki angka kelembaban rendah/kering dibandingkan area lain di Indonesia. Kondisi ini menyerupai iklim tropis kering di negara Yunani dan Afrika maka pemilihan style bangunan meyerupai arsitektur tradisional Afrika dan Yunani dengan sentuhan modern relaksasi akan menjadi daya tarik pada bangunan dan keseluruhan tema.
11 am - 4 pm 11 pm - 4 am
5 am -10 am 5 pm -10 pm
Outdoor Leisure WATER Beach FRONT Terrace Roof CafĂŠ
Indoor Leisure RESTO
visual indoor function garden room
Konsep Massa Memiliki kolam pada pekarangan Area pada pintu/jendela mejorok ke dalam Atap datar untuk teras pada atap
Konsep Warna Warna natural / earthy Tema modern / clean
Untuk menghindari suhu panas yang berlebihan, maka unsur ruangan /interior bangunan sebisa mungkin diminimalisir untuk melakukan kontak langsung dengan panas matahari dengan peneduh dan/atau ruang transit panas seperti teras, balkon, atau pemilihan material.
d. Aliran Angin
01. CLIMATE c. Curah Hujan Curah hujan di Kota Kupang pertahunnya sebanyak 150mm. Meningkat saat musim penghujan di bulan October-Februari dan menurun saat musim kemarau. Meningkatnya curah hujan diantisipasi dengan drainase yang baik pada site. Air hujan yang jatuh pada atap datar sebagian besar akan diserap oleh tanaman pada greenroof. Air luapan dari green roof diantisipasi dengan drainase dan sedikit kemiringan pada atap.
Aliran angin di dalam site didominasi oleh angin dari arah laut (barat). Angin bergerak cepat menuju daratan saat siang dan menuju samudra saat malam hari. Angin bergerak ke daratan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk penghawaan alami dan pengatur iklim mikro. Pengaturan iklim mikro dilakukan dengan memanfaatan panas matahari, badan air (kolam) dan aliran angin. Aliran angin kencang dari arah laut juga memiliki potensi menggagu, maka aliran angin ini dapat dikendalikan dan diatasi denga penghalang berupa vegetasi, olah massa, dan selubung bangunan.
kontrol aliran angin dengan vegetasi
panas matahari menguapkan molekul air
aliran angin membawa molekul udara dingin ke arah bangunan
a. water front Kupang Bay has hostile waves and quiet trafď€ c from cargo and industrial ships. Suitable for recreational purposes and water sport. Has blue to clear water and broad range of shallow water ď€ sh in some coral areas. This particular nature setting are the main potential and orientation of the site and developed by providing water activity access such as a pathway to the shoreline , and recreational dock for water sport
b. beach front Lasiana beach is a white sand beach. Has a long coastline (1,2 km) for shore-line walks. The beach is facing west, which is the best for sunset viewing. This natural setting is a main potential to the site and building development where building orientation are facing toward beach direction and access to the beach.
According to city vision toward waterfront tourism development, the orientation of the building would be directing to the west or sea side. The purpose are to optimizing beautiful sunset sea scenery as a main attraction of the site, while the seashore facade are treated well as the attraction view from the sea.
c. topography The shoreline land by its nature have inclination to be lower towards sea. Topography around the site however are not steep. but still have several meters difference. the land on he east side are 5-6 meters higher than the west side of the site. this topography enable the maximum view to the sea from the site, and vice versa.
d. Vegetation Natural vegetation line along the beach are palm and coconut trees. Palm trees are also mandatory to be planted by waterfront building and development as stated in the city regulation. Palm trees are lined up along the shore as wind breaker an shading for beach activity.
triangle shape allowing broader view to be enjoyed by many sides
soften the edges to make a more exible and natural plan
zig-zag shape by reducing masses to create a shadowing from sunlight without blocking the view
direct pool access in lower level to create a middle lake illusion and heat control
04. APPETURE CONCEPT a. Lighting Lighting inside the hotel building mainly sourced by natural light by the day and articial night by the night. Ÿ
SKYLIGHT & VOID : in the center of the building mass, there is a void serve as visual connection and aesthetic purposes. the void also served as an access by natural light to penetrate bulky building through skylight right above it. 3 level stories of hotel building allowed a maximum use of the skylight as the main source for hallway lighting.
BALCONY AND TERRACE : Balcony and terrace in each unit of hotel rooms providing enough light access by using large glass doors facing outside and mainly to the sea direction.
skylight GREEN ROOF
b. Air Flow Open direct access for air ow come into the hotel building are limited by minimizing holes on the facade that facing direct to the sea. Direct sea wind are too harsh for indoor contact and creating noise inconvenience for some amount of time. Air ow inside the hotel building mainly sourced from articial air conditioning/machine. The AC machine are providing easy control for each hotel rooms. For the public space in the building such as courtyard and hallway, air ow also sourced from central air conditioning machine. However, fo the stair that connect each oor there are some minor holes created by roster for aesthetic purposes, and in several service area for natural air ow purposes.
WALLS : walls in the hotel building are made of concrete and sand-colored painted. sand colored walls are hope to reduce heat absorption into rooms and interior. There also panel covered in balcony for each hotel room for creating an earthy-cooled illusion and aesthetic purposes.
SECONDARY WALLS : Secondary walls are mainly located in the building part facing directly to the west side/sea. Secondary walls are a non bearing wall that serves as shading, have a light weight, and sometimes act like an aesthetic facade.
GREEN ROOF : green roof are vegetation group that cultured in the rooftop. The main purpose of green roof in hotel building are for microclimate control for reducing heat inside the hotel building. secondary purpose of the green roof are making some commercial space in the rooftop and maximizing great view provided by turning the rooftop to Outdoor restaurant, café, and rent space for wedding and others.
GREEN ROOF secondary wall
GREEN ROOF wall sand-colored GREEN ROOF
BAMBOO : Bamboo as natural element available in plenty variation and easy to access. Bamboo used as secondary wall and canopy.
PALM LEAVES : Due to city regulation regarding vegetation along the shoreline, Palm trees are enormous natural resources in Kupang specially in Lasiana Beach. Palm leaves can be used as cover material. In hotel rooms, there is palm leaves cover application in canopy, wall facade. as for Interior, palm leaves application are on walls and ceiling
07. POLA PEMBAYANGAN GERAK SEMU TAHUNAN MATAHARI / EARTH ORBITAL PLANE When the Sun is north of the equator, then it will rise at an azimuth north of exact east and when it is south of equator, it will rize at an azimuth south of exact east. As the Earth goes around the Sun, the Sun appears to go in a cycle from equator to north of equator and then back to equator and then to south of equator and then back again to equator (which marks the cycle of the seasons on Earth). Hence, the azimuth of sunrise changes slowly from direct east to north of east and then back to east to south of east and then back again to east
MARCH/SEPTEMBER June March September Dececmber
MORNING SUNLIGHT Morning sunlight are on the east-northern side of the site. this morning sunlight can be optimized as natural light into the building.
JUNE September March June
EVENING SUNLIGHT Evening sunlight are on the west-northen side of the site. this morning sunlight can be optimized as sunset scenery and panoramic view to the sea.
FIRE & EARTHQUAKE : escape and evacuation plan for Natural disaster in the site are formed by providing open plan Plaza as assembly point. evacuation route are provided from beach terrace through villas area and continue to Plaza. As for re, evacuation route also served as re truck route and in hotel building, rst response to re is water sprinkler, re extinguisher, and hydrant
TSUNAMI : As a waterfront development, rst response for tsunami are tsunami warning in form of sound (alarm). Escape plan are moving to the highest ground as in the site are on hotel rooftop.