1 minute read
Mechanisms & Mentorship: CAD Design Accelerators
by AUGI, Inc.
Tags: Rafael Testai, CAD, SOLIDWORKS tutorial, Reverse engineer SOLIDWORKS, Master Modeling, Multibody part, Mechanisms, CAD Model, Aaron Moncur, how to start mechanical engineering company, learn mechanical design, learn mechanical engineering, TeamPipeline.us, how to CAD model faster, taking shortcuts in CAD modeling, CAD Design Accelerators, and CAD templates to edit.
Ever wondered what it would be like to be mentored one-on-one by a senior engineer that’s using SOLIDWORKS to successfully deliver solutions to industry clients? My name is Rafael Testai, and in this video series Mechanisms & Mentorship, we’ll take a look behind the scenes to see how a hand-picked engineer has designed one of their mechanisms in granular detail. We’ll “open the hood” to analyze their CAD design and thought process behind the solution. I’ll ask them questions about the project, roadblocks, challenges, specific insights they learned, and how they’re using SOLIDWORKS to solve real world problems.
You’ll learn a mixture of soft skills and hard skills. This series is perfect for viewers who are already proficient in SOLIDWORKS (CSWA, CSWP, CSWE) and want to take the next step in their careers.
In this episode of Mechanisms & Mentorship, I’ll interview Mechanical Engineer & Owner of TeamPipeline.us, Aaron Moncur. We’ll focus on CAD Design Accelerators, a way to make product development less expensive. These are pre-packaged CAD solutions that have already been vetted and can be found here: DesignAccelerators.com
What are CAD Design Accelerators? (Min 0:42)
Design Accelerators are a way to make product development less expensive. It reduces the gap between what customers are willing and able to pay, and what it actually costs to develop some of these solutions. Instead of starting everything from scratch, you can use CAD templates to accelerate the design process. This could save engineers dozens of hours and thousands of dollars.
CAD Design Accelerator Example (Min 4:46)
Aaron will explain how you can use this template of