Think green Reuse Reduce Recycle is a project to protect the environment.
Because it is difficulty!
Why do we have to protect the in environment?
Let’s listen now all together a song dedicated to the 3 R’s
How can we reduce? If we avoid making garbage we throw away less stuff and recycle less.
Pack a "no waste" lunch or only choose foods in the cafeteria that you will eat.
Take only 1 paper towel when drying your hands.
How can we reuse? Instead of throwing trash away, we can reuse it for something else or someone else may be able to use it!
Other people can use our old glasses.
What else could we use this bottle for?
Reuse the same bags to carry food home from the grocery.
How can we recycle? Recycling is a process that turns some of our trash into new things.
plastic paper
For example…here is how glass is recycled. recycle when empty new glass jars go to the store
glass jars in the store
recyling pick up glass is melted down to make new glass glass is broken
…here is how aluminium is recycled. new aluminium cans into the store
recycle when empty
recycle when empty
aluminium is melted down to make new aluminium
aluminium is broken
Let’s sing all together now!!!!
Raffaele Confuorto Matteo Iafrati Luca Paniccia
Raffaele Confuorto Matteo Iafrati Luca Paniccia 1C