Asbury Tidings - The Hands of the Healer

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Hands of the Healer I’ve learned that every vocation has an “A” list, a “B” list, a “C” list, and some who do not even make a passing grade. This includes the medical profession. Some are terrific people, but not excellent in their field. Some are “world class” in their professions but not very good human beings. But overwhelmingly, I have Pastor Tom Harrison experienced that the great majority of physicians are both capable and compassionate people! And this is NOT an easy job. It takes such a long time to get through medical school. These folks not only go to school for a long time, but they also have such grueling residencies. My sister’s daughter, Kari, is in medical school. It seems like she’s been in school forever. They deal with people who are sick, confused, and/or fearful. They keep long hours and many are still “on call” when they leave the office. They put themselves at risk by their contact with those who are ill. They have to pay careful attention to details, since one mistake can have disastrous effects. They need to have good bedside manners. The medicine goes down better when the patient likes the doctor! On a personal level, I find doctors are very interesting to talk to. To paraphrase the comic line, “Some of my best friends are doctors!” I find them to be highly intelligent and constantly learning. Being in a “people profession” means they have some great stories about patients. I have found that most of them have a good sense of humor. Most of them, too, seem to have so many patients to see that they are in a perpetual whirlwind of activity. While some have huge egos, my experience has been that most physicians truly do have the patient’s best interest in mind. And they also have to have strong stomachs to deal with some very unpleasant aspects of human anatomy, while also having to be strong when they have to deliver unhappy news. Writing this article has been good for me to put into words how much I respect health care professionals. Like anything, we can take people for granted. Having gone through my own bout with prostate cancer has helped me glimpse briefly into their world. I am sure glad for these people. They help us live better and longer. I know I could never do their job! This month’s Tidings is a way for us to say “thank you!” to these caring professionals. I hope you will personally express your gratitude to them, too. See you Sunday,

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.

Inside Tidings 1—2

Coming Up at Asbury



4 — 23

Hands of the Healer

24 — 29

Calendar of Events



30 — 31

New Members

32 — 33

Family Room

Tidings Staff Jan Weinheimer Sandy Wagner Juli Armour Lisa Tresch Lina Holmes Chris Lo Contributors Nikki Boyd, Christy Capps, Stephanie Hurd, Vicki Ihrig, Sylvia LaRose, Marty McBroom, Donna Miller, Liz Reece, and Oneta Ryan

Cover: Amanda Fuefer, dental hygienist, escorts Nicolas Dill to the waiting room following his appointment. His father, Mark and sister, Victoria await their appointment. This month’s Tidings pays tribute to the men and women whose lives are dedicated to healing through the various aspects of the medical profession.

Oklahoma celebrates her 100th birthday this year! As Oklahomans, we’ll have several opportunities to “kick up our heels” in celebrations, but as Oklahoma Christians, I’d like to invite you to fall on your knees as well. Asbury Church has linked arms with Believer’s Church to host a “Year of Unbroken Prayer” for our city, state and nation. Over 30 churches in the Tulsa Metro area have already joined us in this unique effort to pray literally around the clock (24/7) all year. Each church has been asked to take one week to pray at their church 24 hours a day for seven days. Our “week” begins St. Patrick’s Day March 17 and runs through noon on Sunday March 25. We extended our week a day and half, so we could pray for our students and sponsors as they embark on their Spring Break Mission trips, as we have done for several years. The unique opportunity is to actually come to The Mason Chapel Prayer Room to pray. (Security will be provided throughout the night hours). We are literally creating a “holy space”--a prayer saturated space--for those days, where we each can seek God personally. We will be adding some new interactive features to our prayer room, which will allow for greater expression and creativity. At the conclusion of our week, a small group from Asbury’s Prayer Team will take a symbolic oil lamp to the next church as we “pass the torch” of 24/7 prayer on to them. You will be able to sign up for your time slot beginning Sunday, February 25 in The Gallery outside the Community Life Center and online at the Asbury website. I’m excited about this “gift of prayer” we can offer our city, as we cover our student missionaries in prayer too. Last year I challenged members of the Praise and Worship Community to pray every day for the three weeks prior to Mother’s Day, that there would not be a homicide in Tulsa and there were none. Prayer can and does make a difference! Jesus said it best, “My house will be called a house of prayer..” Matthew 21:13 - Rev Mark McAdow 1


For Women of All Ages...Friday and Saturday, April 27 & 28, with an optional second night at Heart O’ the Hills near Tahlequah, OK. This beautiful setting offers a relaxing countryside atmosphere, complemented by the option of hotel-type accommodations. You will thoroughly enjoy hearing our speaker, Judy Starr, who uses a delightful sense of humor in sharing her powerful testimony. Based on scripture, she will teach practical steps to guard the integrity of the heart and the importance of continuing to develop intimacy with the Lord. Judy will encourage all of us to let God open our eyes to His forgiveness, love and purpose for our lives. In addition, the retreat will also offer many optional activities such as an evening of singing around the campfire, paddle boats, tennis and jewelry-making. You will want to not only be a part, but invite your friends and family as well. Registration forms are being mailed to your homes and will also be available at the South Welcome Desk and in the Main Office. Cost: $55 early registration; $68 after March 31. “May the eyes of your hearts be opened to see that the Lord has called you to know and experience the hope, blessings and power of God.” Ephesians 1:18

Join us for this annual children’s Easter event. We’ll begin in the Sanctuary for a celebration, followed by refreshments and simple crafts in the CLC and egg hunts on the Asbury property. Don’t forget your cameras and Easter baskets. For children up to 6th grade.

Asbury Students... Breaking Away to Serve grade. “An individual gospel without a social gospel is a soul without a body, and a social gospel without an individual gospel is a body without a soul. One is a ghost and the other a corpse.” E. Stanley Jones Methodist Missionary & Theologian

* Men’s Retreat *

How ‘bout that? Me, Mr. nonMethodist background boy quoting one of you guys. Anyway... walk into almost any youth room in America with two different sign-up sheets. One is for your upcoming missions trip to help the poor by constructing homes or repairing shacks into inhabitable shelter. The other is for Seven Flags or any other theme park. At the end of the night which sign up sheet will students gravitate towards? Well, fortunately at Asbury we “Break away” from the norm and have students that gravitate toward the missions trip. It has been a tradition that we continue to try to expand and expound upon. Asbury’s 2007 Missions Stock Campaign is in full swing with a goal of $85,000. The trips are: 7 grade: Houston work with a variety of established urban ministries 8 th grade: Kentucky work with rural poor th 9 & 10 th grades: Mexico work with local church in construction and evangelism th 11 & 12th grades: Guatemala work with local church in home construction and help with construction of a library

G od and Others L iving F aithfully

See “Men’s Ministry” Page 26 for details

Two Great Concerts Coming to Asbury

Saturday March 3 4 - 6 pm in the Sanctuary Free!


This Spring Break we have 300 participants, including 236 students. Stock money also helps throughout the rest of the year on a variety of other local missions as well. If you have any questions feel free to ask any of us. Thank You ! Greg Lynn, Student Ministries

A love offering will be taken.

Sponsored by Celebrate Recovery

The Sound of Sunday Shoes can be found at the intersection where rock, blues, soul, jazz and gospel collide. The lyrics are visual, fresh, reality-based telling stories of life, love, loss and redemption from a Christian perspective.

Point of Grace Friday, March 9 Doors Open at 6 pm Concert Begins at 7 pm Opening Act - Daniel Kirkley

Tickets are FREE Limited to 2 per adult Available in the Gallery Feb 18 and 25 Sponsored by First Bank of Owasso and KXOJ


Notes from the Journey By Lisa Tresch


y mother has diabetes. She has had the disease since she was 19, and so from the time I can remember, the word diabetes seemed to belong to my mother. In some terrible way, it defined a part of who she was. It still does. Growing up, I thought this foursyllable word had a certain poetic lilt to it. The cadence of it seemed to roll up and then down and if you said it slowly, it sounded almost melodic. My beautiful mother had a disease with a beautiful name. But that was when I was very young; before I knew the awful truth that for almost 50 years my mother has lived with a body that has a propensity to betray her. Her pancreas doesn’t regulate her sugar level so she has to regulate it artificially with a restricted diet and a needle filled with insulin. I have watched my mother give herself a morning insulin shot for so many years that the needle and the stubby vial of insulin are deceptively mundane – like popping a multivitamin before breakfast. My mother and her needle are a part of each other. It has been this way for so long that I am almost able to put it out of my mind until I remember the oversized dialysis machine that she is hooked up to every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is her giant mechanical kidney. The disease with the beautiful name has destroyed her real kidneys, and is slowly breaking down



other organs in her body. Intertwined within the story of my mother and diabetes are the most amazing group of people. Sometimes they stand in the shadows – when the waters are calm and we are thanking God for a season of no complications. But sometimes they step forward and they save my mother and all of us. They are nephrologists, cardiologists, pulmonologists, internists and a bevy of nurses that receive boxes of chocolates from our annual forays to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in Durango, Colorado. My mother is bound to these doctors and nurses because they understand things about her body and the strange workings of this disease that we do not. My mother does not take these people for granted. They give her comfort, and every now and then they give her back her life.

As a child, I remember singing a hymn in my grandparents’ little country church called “The Great Physician.” It’s a strange title for a hymn, and when we sang it I noted that it had absolutely nothing to do with doctors or nurses or hospitals. My grandmother, who in her later years was equally bound to her doctors, sang this hymn from her heart. It’s a song about Jesus, and the first verse includes this line: The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus; He speaks the drooping heart to cheer, Oh hear the voice of Jesus. It’s easy to see God as high and lofty and untouched by pain. But He isn’t. God chose to leave the high and lofty place to walk where we walk and to feel what we feel. It all culminated with His own suffering – injustice, humiliation, torture, abandonment. His broken body was displayed for all to see. I have to believe that God, Who didn’t spare His own Son from all that agony, and indeed suffered along with Him, knows something about how to comfort those who are in pain. God has used many doctors and nurses to treat, patch, and temporarily fix my mother’s broken body. Through their words and touch, He has given her comfort. Ultimately, however, it is the Great Physician who gives our souls an eternal cure, and promises that someday these earthly, imperfect bodies will be gloriously restored.

The Hands of the Healer

Kay McMullen I

t was a spring luncheon at old Asbury in the Mason Center. The room was tucked away in the basement with sounds of laughter and conversation. When I arrived to the designated room as a VBS rookie, I noticed new and old faces scattering delicious salads, desserts, and breads across the numerous tables. The annual Vacation Bible School Orientation surely enticed many to return with the anticipation of these attractive homemade recipes. As I sat at one of the many large round tables glancing through the VBS materials, Kay McMullen appeared and asked, “May I join you?” Immediately, her sweet spirit became apparent even though I had never been introduced to her. I knew at once her comfortable manner within and her obvious VBS “know how” would be a welcome encounter. Little did I know the impression she would make in my life with her passion and genuine affection for people. Kay cared for a patient during a seven month period at the St. Francis Intensive Care Unit. The gentleman was trapped in a body victimized by the horror of complete paralysis from his chest to his toes. He was dependent on a ventilator restricting him from any hope of a sacred breath. A friendship developed between the two by a simple communication of lip reading. Kay interpreted every thought he delivered from his lips without a sound.

The friendship grew stronger over the months and Kay was inspired by his undying faith. They both looked forward to their time together in those late nights as Kay worked the night shift from 10:45 p.m. to 7:15 a.m. He took an interest in everything about her life and often would tease the recent TU graduate about her new boyfriend, John. After the seven-month friendship, news arrived he would be transferred to an Arkansas nursing home which left Kay with a sense of emptiness even before his move. Kay’s dedication to the ill played out over the next 21 years on the St. Francis ICU staff. She not only cared for patients at St. Francis, but volunteered as well for the Tulsa Good Samaritan Outreach Ministry. Her children refer to a quiet sitting area in their home as her “prayer chair.” They know that is where Mommy has quiet time with her Heavenly Father to lift up the lives of those she comforts and encourages in a forlorn world far from mine.

Many patients share a special place in Kay’s heart from her years in nursing, but the one most cherished is the sweet gentleman she knew the first year in the ICU. Before his transfer, he shared a thought that has lived with that young nurse forever….”Give thanks for all things.” Several VBS meetings have passed since my first encounter with Kay. June will produce another meeting for VBS 2007. The location moved to Mingo Road, several new recipes will replace old, more round tables will pack a room, and Kay McMullen will spy a new face. I trust a VBS rookie will have the same pleasure of her company as I. -Vicki Ihrig


The Hands of the Healer


Dr. Percy Smith

felt like I was effortlessly floating down the aisle when I gave my life to Christ at age 12 in that little Baptist church in Frederick, Oklahoma. Isn’t it great how God does things?” Dr. Percy Smith’s dad was a barber, and he’s never forgotten the confidence and support given to him by his mom. With a partial scholarship to Tulsa University and working full time, he was able to earn enough to pay his way through medical school. He’s thankful for the many lessons God has taught him along the way. As an intern, he met a pretty nurse named Vesta. They have been married 46 years now and have two sons and a daughter - a physician, a pharmacist, and an engineer. Percy praises Vesta and says what a blessing she has been to him. “She was so stable, coming from a good Christian home, and practically raised our children by herself because I was gone so much. After that she became my of fice manager.” Asbury’s David Thomas was their


draw social security. He was a truly compassionate doctor. He counseled me to always do a number of important things only two of which were: Exercise charity with a patient who can’t pay. Tell him what he owes, but forgive his debt and tell him he is responsible to repay it by helping another in need, and, secondly, always treat patients like you would treat your mother.” An elderly patient who compiled a rolodex full of thoughts and verses for Dr. Percy included one he especially liked that said, “Faith is to believe in what we do not see, and the reward for this faith is to see what we believed.” Percy said he would always tell a gravely ill or terminal patient the truth, but would also tell them to never to give up because faith and hope can produce miracles! “I certainly saw miracles during the time I practiced medicine,” he said. Percy donated all his medical equipment to the Tulsa branch of the OU Medical School for use in their free clinics. The clinic could not use his xray machine, but God had another Percy started out in family practice plan for it. Percy’s son, Scot, in in 1965 and practiced for 39 years. “I Connecticut told a friend about the xtook over from Dr. Sam Bradfield - a ray machine. This friend was a pilot tremendous man,” Percy said. “He sold and told Scot he often volunteered to his practice to me, along with all his fly medical equipment to various medical equipment, for one dollar on the mission fields for a Christian organizacondition that I keep his secretary and tion, Alpha Aviation, that was headnurse of 30 years until she could quartered in(where else?) Tulsa. The machine ended up in Venezuela. “Isn’t it great how God does things?” -Marty McBroom pastor after they married. “David was such a great preacher – so caring and compassionate,” Percy said. “I’m still learning from him!” After Pastor David was transferred out of Tulsa, the Smiths joinedAsbury and appreciated the ministry of Bill Mason and the special role Dick Read played with their kids. Vesta plays the violin and has been in the Asbury orchestra since it started. Percy is part of the Happy Christians Community.

“Exercise charity with a patient who can’t pay. Tell him what he owes, but forgive his debt and tell him he is responsible to repay it by helping another in need, and, secondly, always treat patients like you would treat your mother.”

The Hands of the Healer


e’ve all been there, at our neighborhood drugstore waiting for our prescriptions to be filled. Perhaps we have a sick child, or we aren’t feeling all that great ourselves. We pass the time browsing the magazine rack, the back of the vitamin bottles, even the leaflet for medical ID bracelets. Maybe we strike up a conversation with the pharmacist as we make our payment. At T. Roy Barnes Drugry, Jay Reynolds has been that familiar, friendly face behind the pharmacy counter for 41 years. He’s spent most of his adult life in this business, starting out as a delivery boy, attending OU to become a pharmacist, then later as the manager and part owner of the store. A gentle, compassionate man with an uncommon heart for his clients, Jay is motivated by a sincere desire to help people. Jay knows first-hand what many of his clients are going through. His first wife, Sue, had breast cancer before her death in 1995. Cert ainly, the struggles they shared have given Jay a deeper awareness and empathy for those who come to his counter. Jay

Jay Reynolds sees people every day who are hurting, struggling with the fear and uncertainty that often accompanies health issues. He’s especially sensitive to the fact that for some of his clients, he may be the only person they have spoken to that day. Sometimes they need a smile, an encouraging word or maybe a prayer. Jay recalls a woman coming into the store one day, obviously stressed about her granddaughter who was in the hospital. As she left, Jay sensed an urging to follow after her and to offer to pray with her. The parking lot became a little sanctuary that day as he lifted this woman’s fears and concerns to the Lord, asking for peace and protection. It was just the right thing to do. Each Christmas, Jay sets out the only holiday decoration in the store – an open Bible and a nativity set that he and Sue purchased in Israel years ago. It’s a simple statement about the true meaning of the season, and many customers comment on its beauty, but more importantly, many stop to read the Bible passage.

Jay acknowledges that sometimes his job, which requires a great deal of accuracy and little room for error, can be very stressful. He has learned to rely on the Lord, knowing that He is always there. Isaiah 41:10 has been particularly meaningful. “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” In all life’s circumstances, from the stress of the day, to the pain of losing his wife, Jay has known God to be faithful and trustworthy. Jay experienced that faithfulness in a new way when his wife Cathy came into his life through a blind date arranged by fellow Asbury member Nancy Montee. As Jay shares, “Cathy has shown me that God is all about second chances and perfect timing. She is the biggest blessing in my life.” Each month, Jay takes copies of the Asbury Tidings to his store. So while you’re waiting for your next prescription to be filled, you can read more stories about what God is doing in the lives of Asbury members. -Juli Armour ASBURY TIDINGS 6

The Hands of the Healer

“ I

Dr. Gerald Graefe

always receive so much more than I give,” said Dr. Jerry Graefe (Gray-fee). People who are fortunate enough to know him understand he speaks from his heart when he talks about his experiences with the Volunteers In Mission work in Rio Bravo, Mexico. An optometrist by profession, Jerry says he is blessed to see an immediate change in the people he treats. “The gratification I receive when I put glasses on a child or an adult, and see the smile on their face or the tears of joy in their eyes, because they can see across the room or up close, maybe for the first time. That is such a wonderful gift from God to me.” Jerry has participated in “ten to 15” mission trips to Mexico. “I don’t remember how many, exactly,” he said. “We usually go on Wednesday through Sunday. It is three days away from my practice, but what a great experience.” Asbury VIM Coordinator, Marilene Long, said, “Jerry and I have been on eight or nine VIM teams together. People may have been lined up for hours to have their eyes checked, hoping to have a chance to see better. Jerry never seemed impatient or tired or indifferent. He was there to serve.” Jerry and his wife, Laverle, joined Asbury in the late 1970s. They are members of the Faithbuilders Adult Discipleship Community, where they have many friends. Life’s paths are seldom smooth, and Jerry credits Asbury’s many outreach programs as helping him in his walk with God.



“My father died when I was in my 40s. I had a hard time dealing with his death. Asbury was offering a Bible study class for men called ‘Lord Heal My Hurts.’ The study and the men in that class helped me through some tough times.” After that experience, both Jerry and Laverle embraced Bible study, and continue to take classes. “These classes have not only strengthened our walk with God, but also our marriage.” Jerry also credits his Asbury accountability group as a major blessing in his life. “We’ve been meeting for ten years or so. Men of all ages. We meet for breakfast twice a month and lift each other up in prayer, provide spiritual and mental support. We can talk candidly, and we’re there for each other.” He added that people need a group like this in life without even knowing it. “These special men have been a great comfort for me during some challenging times.” A doctor of optometry in Tulsa for more than 35 years, Jerry has treated many people. One of his Asbury patients said, “At his office, Jerry quietly leads with a gentle Christian

example—an example that is evident to his staff and to his patients.” Regarding his work, Jerry said, “My faith in God has helped me so much in my optometric practice. Like any career, there have been conflicts. But, God has always been faithful and provided for us.” He added, “God has taught me, He is in control; and He has blessed me through the years with much patience and understanding when helping my patients.” Jerry has touched many lives through his practice, his missions work, and his fellowship with the Faithbuilders and others in the congregation. -Oneta Ryan

The Hands of the Healer

Dr. Don Craig Cathy Gentry Dr. Micah Bevins


here’s a lighthearted atmosphere when you enter the dental clinic. Seem unusual? Maybe, but it certainly seemed true of Preventive Family Dentistry. Perhaps the general mood can be attributed to Don’s penchant for practical jokes or maybe it could be explained by Cathy’s zany personality or Micah’s sense of humor. These three remarkable Asbury co-workers—dentists Drs. Don Craig and Micah Bevins and dental hygienist Cathy Gentry—each bring a strong work ethic and active faith into their workplace in addition to their sense of fun. Don has practiced dentistry for 32 years and he has worked with Cathy for 11 of those years. She initially met him when he served as

one of the clinical dentists while she attended hygiene school. “I was blessed that a job became open right after graduation and I’ve been here ever since,” explained Cathy. “Don is a wonderful boss, but has over the years become a great friend. He truly cares about each and every person that walks through our door. He has gone to patients’ athletic events or weddings, visited people in the hospital and will even attend funerals of former patients if he can. He goes the extra mile, working after hours if needed. He has even offered to go over and feed a lady’s horse while she was sick during cancer treatment.” Micah graduated from the OU College of Dentistry in 2003. He actually met Don when he was helping

on one of Asbury’s youth mission trips to Mexico. “Immediately after graduating, Don and I renovated our office, purchased some equipment and began practicing as business partners. On a daily basis, I see Don treat his patients as if they were personal family members. Treatment decisions are always made in the patient’s best interest,” said Micah. “I think this is how God has called Don to minister to others. The Bible instructs us to treat others as we would want to be treated. Don not only practices this philosophy, but he also teaches the same principles to his staff members. Consequently, we see a lot of the same attributes in Cathy and the way ASBURY TIDINGS 8

that she practices. Through the years, I have witnessed both Don and Cathy overcome difficult personal trials and tribulations only through their devout faith in their Lord.” Both Don and Cathy describe Micah as a strong family man, a good husband and father. “I have seen him show great strength and faith through some of life’s toughest challenges at a young age,” said Don. All three of these faithful servants have been involved inAsbury medical mission trips. “It’s always amazing to me how Jesus has provided in situations that seemed almost impossible. Whether it’s a lack of light or materials or skills needed in unusual circumstances, He has provided,” said Don. “The story of loaves and fishes comes to mind,” he added. Cathy has led several mission trips and has even asked some of her patients to go. “Sometimes it opens a door for them to get involved,” she said. While Micah has participated in Mexico missions in the past, recently he has concentrated on local mis-

Dr. Micah Bevins



sions giving of his time and talent through Neighbor for Neighbor, a Christ-based organization providing free health related services for those undergoing financial hardships. He also talks to preschool and grade school kids about the importance and care of their teeth. Micah relies on his faith daily for guidance not only in his dental practice, but in his personal life as well. “I’m sure I don’t speak of my faith as often as I should, but there are instances where I am able to talk with patients about how faith has directly impacted my life.” Cathy’s faith also influences every aspect of her life. “Like a job, dealing with people can be a challenge, but I think being a Christian I also try to go the extra mile to be like Christ in all I do. Frank [Cathy’s husband] gave me a beautiful cross a couple of years ago for Christmas and I keep that on a table right in front of my patient chair (they can’t miss it). I also keep one of Tom’s Perceptions books on the table. Many ask, ‘Is that from the guy on the radio?’ It can open a door. I try to be a good example at

work. Some days are easier than others,” she said. “My faith has more of an impact than I could ever explain,” said Don. “As I have said, people want to be loved and cared for and know they have value. I see that as part of Christ’s purpose here on earth. When I share Christ I may have little impact on patients or I may be the one that fulfills that need. I am just a messenger for God. Likewise, I have those same needs and I can’t tell you how many times God has used my patients to minister to me. We all have to take the time to listen and hear the need as well as to receive the message. This goes for patients, employees, and all people we come in contact with.” So, yes, the Preventive Family Dentistry has a pleasant atmosphere and certainly, the good humor of its people contributes to its ambiance. But it’s probably influenced even more by the faith and servant’s heart demonstrated by its occupants as they live their life in Christ on a daily basis. -Sandy Wagner

The Hands of the Healer

Dr. Steve Meixel - Kari Youman S

ometimes, passion is contagious. Sitting in the office of Dr. Steve Meixel, his passion for the people of Bolivia emanates from his voice, his eyes, his smile and his tears. But this story is not about him, he insists. It’s about the people that he has come to know and love through an annual medical mission trip he takes the last two weeks of April. He talks about Cindy Thacker, a nurse who went to Bolivia to adopt three children. This nurse, a friend of Dr. Meixel’s from his days in Charlottesville, Virginia, was appalled at the medical care in Bolivia. So she bought a hospital in Santa Cruz with the dream of giving free medical care and sharing the Gospel. She kept Dr. Meixel updated on her Mission of Hope hospital and sent him a newsletter. Soon, he found himself entertaining the idea of taking medical students down to Santa Cruz to work in the hospital on a short-term mission trip. That was five years ago, and since then he has continued to take his students to Bolivia each year. He talks about Pastor Ruben Baldiviezo, who ministers to the spiritual needs of the people who come to the Mission of Hope. Pastor Ruben holds church services under tents in the parking lot of the hospital, and Dr. Meixel is passionate when he talks about raising money to build a church for the Mission of Hope congregation. He tells the story of Desiderio, a Bolivian man who attends the Mission of Hope church. Desiderio had saved $400 to buy a piece of land to build a house for his family. When it came time to buy the land, the man who was selling revealed that he did not own the land, but took Desiderio’s money and left. Pastor Ruben asked the congre-

gation to give an offering for a “brother in need” without revealing that Desiderio was to be the recipient. Even Desiderio didn’t know. When it came time to walk up and give the offering, the first person to give was Desiderio. “These people’s lives are uncluttered by materialism,” says Dr. Meixel. “They have so much to give.” He admits that he was reluctant to go on the first trip, despite the fact that as a child, he had always wanted to be a missionary. After life took him in

a different direction, he didn’t think too much about missions until a strange series of coincidences brought him face to face with the idea of taking medical students to work at the Mission of Hope. He felt pulled to this place and the opportunity to minister and care for the physical needs of the Bolivians. “You go on a trip like this,” he says, leaning forward in his chair with his eyes wide, “and you realize that this is what Jesus was talking about when He said, ‘Whatsoever you have done for the least of these, you have

done for Me.’ And many of my students…they get it. ” Kari Youman,Asbury member and OU-Tulsa medical student was part of the April 2006 team. She talks about the trip with a passion that equals Dr. Meixel’s. “Seeing the poverty in Bolivia reminded me how materially blessed we are asAmericans,” she said. “At the same time, God revealed to me that those same material comforts aren’t necessary for happiness. Even though many of the people live in shacks without running water or electricity, the joy of God brightens their faces when they are singing praises. The trip kindled my desire to continue sharing my gifts with the less fortunate. No matter how or where you serve, it is truly more blessed to give than to receive.” Dr. Meixel tells the story of the team’s visit to a hospital outside of Santa Cruz, a oneday excursion that brought them in contact with a mother whose child had a severe cleft palate. The baby would die without surgery. The team noticed the baby and asked Cindy what could be done. She revealed that a benefactor had given her money for situations just like this so she would never have to turn a child away. The baby received the corrective surgery. “This child had been born at 11:00 the night before, and we just happened to be there the next day,” Dr. Meixel says as he looks at the picture of the healed baby with tears in his eyes. “We call this a God incidence.” Youman hopes to take what she has experienced in Bolivia and make her medical practice Christ-centered. “I strongly believe in treating mind, body and spirit,” she said. “God is the only one who can truly heal.” -Lisa Tresch ASBURY TIDINGS 10

The Hands of the Healer

Dr. Jim Mizell B

ut the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness…” Galatians 5:22 is a good description of Dr. James Mizell. Being interviewed, Jim laughingly said he had no profound sound bites. What he did have was a compelling testimony of God’s faithfulness. Jim grew up in a Christian home with a father who taught Sunday school and a mother who was active in their small Methodist church in Coweta. “I always knew there was something there and the Holy Spirit wooed me until I made the connection. I was in my early twenties when I went forward in that little church and gave my life to Christ. I remember the day and the hour even now.” “Deborah and I dated all through high school and we were married just before my senior year of college. I majored in mathematics at OSU, but really enjoyed psychology and psychiatry. Eventually I realized that I wanted to treat the whole person, and after medical school I did my residency in internal medicine.” The early seventies found the Mizells at the University of Tennessee. It was there they became friends with several other couples who were strong



Christians. They enjoyed warm fellowship with one another as they studied the Bible, memorized scripture and handed out tracts. “They really schooled me in the scriptures at the same time I was studying medicine. It’s a good thing I love to read! We were very verbal about our beliefs, but didn’t really see it as evangelism—it just seemed a natural extension of our faith.” Jim and Debbie returned to Tulsa for his residency and, in 1972, they came to Asbury. “Almost immediately, Bill Mason pulled into our driveway in his Volkswagon and welcomed us to the church. He’s been our dear friend ever since.” Active in the church from the beginning, they were asked by Bill to help form a new class for young adults. Almost 30 years later they are still helping lead Faithbuilders, Regarding his practice, Jim said, “My faith makes my practice much easier—knowing that God is ultimately in control. It’s always been a great comfort to me, especially when I lose a patient. It’s still painful, but I think it would be very hard to be a doctor without faith in God. I couldn’t

have made it through difficult times without my faith, my family and my friends. It takes all three.” “I think a person should be the same at home or at work, and a Christian should be obvious by the fruit of the Spirit in his life. I strive to reflect those Christ-like characteristics in my relationship with my patients. I try to love and accept them, be patient, listen to them and show compassion. My practice helps my faith because my patients constantly build me up and encourage me.” About 50 years ago Jim began to participate in Asbury’s annual mission trips to Mexico. Someone asked Jim once why he went, since “he was not there long enough” to help many people. His response: “The ones you do help, you help a lot. The patients we see are so humble and so appreciative. The conditions, at least in the early years, were rather rustic, but there is no paperwork!” -Donna Miller

Dr. David Russell, his wife Amy and Divinity (up for adoption.) Photo by Christy Capps


The Hands of the Healer

Dr. David Russell


eing a veterinarian is not an easy job. Unlike when people get sick, animals can’t tell their doctor what hurts. And for Dr. David Russell, euthanizing pets is the most difficult part of the job. On the other hand, being a vet can be extremely rewarding, “Sometimes an animal will come in sick and we’re able to turn it around 100 percent for a complete recovery. The people are so happy because their pet is a member of their family,” said David. David’s walk with the Lord began around the same time he started his journey into veterinary medicine. David was raised in the Methodist church and remembers beginning his personal relationship with Christ in high school while attending Young Life. During that time, David became interested in medicine and science and had a natural love for animals. After graduating from Metro Christian Academy in 1987, he attended the University of Kansas where he earned a degree in biology in 1991. It was at KU on a blind date that David met Amy. They dated for three years and then married. After college graduation, it was back to Oklahoma for vet school. In 1997, David became



a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine through Oklahoma State University. David’s career as a veterinarian began in Briargate Boulevard Animal Hospital in Colorado Springs, Colorado. David and Amy’s first child, Caitlin was born in 1999. With the desire to raise their children in the Christian faith, they began attending a church in Colorado Springs. They moved home to Tulsa in 2000 with plans for David to open his own clinic. In the same year, Amy gave birth to their son, Will. They had so many changes going on in their lives, David and Amy knew they needed to find a church home. That’s when Amy’s sister invited them to attend Asbury. While David was building his clinic, God was building David’s faith. And now, when you walk through the doors of the Small Animal Clinic of Tulsa, you can tell that David is a doctor who strives to be the best and one who pays attention to detail. “It’s not easy to start a new business. You worry about everything,” David admits. Daily he turns his anxiety over to God in prayer. His faith continues to help him learn to lay these worries down. David and Amy attend a small group where they are encouraged and strengthened by studying God’s Word.

“In the medical field, the focus can be more on science than on God,” said Amy. David and Amy give the glory to God for healing. In reference to this, Amy shared a verse from Isaiah: The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise. Isaiah 43:20, 21 It’s not me that’s making these animals well… it’s God,” David said. Even when God doesn’t heal the animals, He gives David the strength and compassion to help comfort the pet’s owners through difficult decisions. My husband and I personally went through this as David gave us the news that our beloved cat of 12 years, Carmel, was in the final stages of kidney failure. David’s quiet, caring, gentle nature helped us so much as we faced the end of her life. David doesn’t only care for the animals he treats, he cares for their families as well. And God is blessing David’s faithfulness. -Christy Capps

Ryan Huey in Tanzania

The Hands of the Healer

Lyndsey Campbell - Ryan Huey I

remember visiting the doctor around age six. Suspecting I would get a shot, I wore five pair of pants as a precaution. I remember two nurses struggling with several layers of poly/cotton blend fabric attempting to expose enough, um, flesh to administer the shot. I’m sure they were thinking, “We went to nursing school for this?” So what makes a person want to enter the medical profession? We posed this question to some college students who have chosen a medical career. For Ryan Huey the interest

always existed, probably because his dad is a physician. In high school, Ryan enjoyed his science classes and decided to enter college on a premed track. “I like the possibility of being able to directly help people and improve their lives, and I like the interaction with people. I think the medical community has a unique chance to affect people’s lives in a way that not many professions have,” said Ryan. Being born and raised in Tulsa, Ryan has been going to Asbury all his life, and his parents are active members. Ryan gave his life to Christ in

the sixth grade and has been growing in his faith ever since. In July of 2006, Ryan joined Asbury’s Tanzania medical mission team and developed a heart for medical missions. Ryan assisted the group of physicians, optometrists, nurses, a dentist, and a pharmacist who saw over 1,600 patients in five days. “Some of the people who came to our clinic walked over ten miles just to see us, and it was hard not to respond with care and compassion to such an amazing people,” said Ryan. Af ter Tanzania, Ryan knew it would not be his last medical missions trip. He also ASBURY TIDINGS 14

knew the medical profession is where he is supposed to be. “The trip didn’t sway me to want to go to medical school, but rather it provided a confirmation,” Ryan stated. Ryan will graduate from Texas Christian University with a biology degree next year and plans to enter medical school in the fall of 2008. Similarly, Lyndsey Campbell wanted to enter the medical profession since the first grade. At first she wanted to be like her father, also a physician, but over time she grew in her desire to care for people. Watching a St. Jude’s television program sparked her passion for pediatric intensive care. Af ter much prayer she chose to pursue nursing because it had the work/life balance she wanted and because the nurturing aspect captured her heart. “What better way to serve and shine Christ’s love than as a patient advocate in nursing,” Lyndsey said.



Lyndsey grew up in Catoosa, where she and her family were members of the local Methodist church. Lyndsey accepted Jesus as her personal Savior at a young age, and her parents were very influential in her spiritual growth. Her parents share a passion for people and for the Lord, a passion that encouraged Lyndsey along her career path. In 2004, one of Lyndsey’s longheld dreams was realized when she went to Guatemala on a medical mission trip with her dad. “I believe this experience in Guatemala solidified my career path as a nurse and my desire to serve in medical missions.” Lyndsey has determined that nursing will allow her “to serve others with love and compassion, advocate the value of life, reach out to the needy, and share the Gospel of Jesus” not only at home but also “to any nation or tribe in the world!” Lyndsey will graduate from the University of Oklahoma College of

Nursing this spring and hopes to work in a pediatric intensive care unit. Eventually she wants to continue her education and become a full-time missionary in Latin America. In one Calvin & Hobbes comic strip, Calvin passes out on the doctor’s exam table. It is obvious he feels vulnerable, helpless and frightened. We can all relate to these feelings at sometime in our lives. So for those of us who will only be on the patient side of the medical profession I pray for Ryan and Lyndsey: Dear Great Healer, thank you for calling these two bright young people to the healing profession. Please cause them to grow in compassion, wisdom, discernment, patience and gentleness. Grant them a hope and a special future (Jeremiah 29:11). And if ever they get a patient wearing five pairs of pants, give them the strength to deal with it. In Jesus’ name, Amen. -Stephanie Hurd

The Hands of the Healer

Julie Wilson

“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.”


ach day when Julie Wilson heads to work, this quote runs through her head. She knows that the time she will invest in children that day will indeed make a difference. A pediatric physical therapist for more than 35 years, Julie works with children from birth through 12 years of age. “I try to see my patients and their families as the Lord sees them. Each one is a very special individual and He loves every one of them.” The dream of being a physical therapist was birthed out of an experience Julie had as a teenager. “My mom was very ill when I was in tenth grade and even Mayo Clinic could not diagnose what was going on,” Julie explained. “I wanted to go to medical school so I could figure it out, but in my senior year our drill team helped a little girl with cerebral palsy. I got to see her

learn to sit up alone and crawl.” It was then that she decided to become one of those people who helped little kids learn to walk. “I knew that I knew that I knew what I wanted to do, and the Lord continually confirms that I’m where I should be. He has opened doors and put me in the right place at the right time and made it so easy.” One example of God’s faithfulness was when Julie applied for the best pediatric specialty course available. The waiting lists were two to three years long to get in. She applied on a lark and one month later she was accepted. “During the course I asked the instructor how she picked me when I applied so late. Her answer was that she prayed over the list and my name jumped out.”

A life-long Methodist and baptized at an early age, Julie has always known God. Although she was too embarrassed to respond to an altar call as a teenager, even sitting in the pew, she knew she was changed. Years later the impact of Asbury’ s Singles Ministry along with hearing the Word from Bill Mason each week solidified her faith. A member of Asbury since 1976, the fellowship and prayers of her fellow singles provided a safe place for her to recover from a failed marriage. Julie said the Lord never left her. He has continued to be the anchor through all the tough times and has blessed her through the good times. Today Julie and her husband,Alan Stroup, are active members of the Harvest Community. Although she has seen many changes at Asbury over the years, she


believes that heart of Asbury has remained the same. Sharing her faith at work usually happens very unexpectedly, Julie said. Something as simple as putting a “Veggie Tales” movie on while making splints or casts for a child often sparks a conversation. A lifetime of being in this profession has provided enough stories to fill a book. One in particular stands out to Julie. “I had a precious little boy who had a severe form of muscular dystrophy. He could barely move at all but could hold up his head and use his hands very crudely. He was very bright and really needed some level of independence. I had never recommended a power wheelchair for a four year-old but felt this was what he needed. His insurance required that I prove he could use one so we took his car seat, rigged it up to an old power wheelchair



and video-taped him driving it with a joy stick! The insurance company finally approved it. Getting his “super car” changed his life as the little boy in him came out to play. He would chase the cat and run over his brothers. He got really mad at me one day when I was making him do something particularly hard. He took that joy stick and turned his power chair so he had his back to me to ignore me and let me know how mad he was. Every time I would get around in front of him, he would turn his back on me again. It was priceless as he could move and express himself. He was able to be a kid having a temper tantrum. He was a normal l ittle boy and I got to be part of that.” Julie’s career as a therapist has not been without its challenges. “The hardest part is staying positive with parents in challenging situations while also being realistic with what we know in medicine about the child’s condition. My faith is strengthened when I see the love

families have for their special kids and the character God gives them to take care of them. There are so many families who pray for their child’s healing and are despaired when they don’t see it immediately. Often parents think they are being punished or don’t have enough faith.” A wise mom of one of Julie’s patients told her that God heals as He decides in one of three ways: 1) instantly and miraculously 2) over time through the practice of medicine, or 3) through death. “She was absolutely right and I have never struggled with the why or why-nots since then.” Julie has been important in the lives of hundreds of children, and because of her the world will be different. -Jan Weinheimer Julie and one of her many young friends, Annabelle Zedler

The Hands of the Healer


David Jordan

eet David Jordan, Licensed Professional Counselor at Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital in Tulsa. For the last year and a half he has specialized as theAssessment Coordinator for Laureate’s Geriatric Inpatient Services. In this role he serves as a community advocate and speaks to groups about the issues of aging. Prior to his now 15 years of work in the mental health profession, David served in full-time ministry as an associate pastor for ministries at a local church. He says that despite his career change he considers the work he does as an extension of ministry and enjoys the opportunities to share his faith. From crisis intervention to prisoner visitation to emergency and one-on-one

evaluations, David has worked with over a thousand hurting, desperate and suicidal people. In all the varying situations with which David is approached, he says that the Lord always gives him the right thing to say. He’s found that many people want to talk about their faith, especially given the affiliation Laureate has with the St. Francis health system. Often when people come to Laureate they are already at a point of desperation and David says one the most rewarding aspects of his work is being able to interact with people in times when they were hurting or having difficult questions in life, and helping them find answers. Further, David says, “In the caregiving profession, it is easy to wear yourself out. My spirituality helps maintain balance in my life and career.”

Part of that balance is being involved in a church community like Asbury, where he has been a member for six and a half years. He is involved in the choir, and his wife Lisa (whom he met through Asbury’s Singles Ministry) is in the orchestra. David gave his heart to the Lord when he was nine years old, and finds his faith continually strengthened in the work he does. He said the mental health services are no longer about the “loony” business, or the days of straight coats and over medicating, but about giving people a second chance in life—to become more of what they want to be. And one by one, with his commitment and service, lives are changed forever. -Brenna Lemons ASBURY TIDINGS 18

The Hands of the Healer


Beth DeSilva

ome healthcare provider Beth DeSilva sees God at work as she cares for others. “The strength has to come from God. I believe that in ourselves, we would be helpless, but God working through people is extraordinary. Supporting the caregivers, giving them strength to make it through one more day, is God at work.” Beth graduated with her nursing degree in 1979 but medicine was not her first love. “I really wanted to be a music major,” she explains. But opportunities in nursing seemed to

draw her in and after graduation she began her nursing career in the ICU. She has been working in home health since 1996. Growing up in a family where she was introduced to Jesus early in life, Beth says she can’t remember an exact moment when she came to know Christ personally. But she does realize her life has been transformed because of Him. “Without Jesus I would be someone totally different. And in my mundane choices, I daily reaffirm my choice to be His. I have hope through my relationship with Jesus and hope is what I can bring to my patients.” Beth’s family joined Asbury in 2005 but they had already been active and committed before they made it “official”. Her love for music was one reason Asbury would become home. She currently sings on the worship team in the 9:15 service and is also a member of Asbury’s Ringers bell team. As a home healthcare provider, Beth visits those who have been referred into home health by their physician. “Home health is really a team of people with different skills working together to improve health and

Michiel Connor and Ron Schwabe 21


home situations,” says Beth. She is currently one of two discharge planners for St. John Home Health. “The biggest challenge as a ‘nurse of faith’ is balancing worldly things and spiritual things,” Beth explains. “There is a frustration in dealing with unsolvable problems and knowing that I in myself cannot fix things.” But she says that being a part of the Tulsa medical community is a tremendous blessing. “I have not been able to verbally witness to patients like I can here.” Beth even has “prayer” listed as a task to be accomplished on her visits and it goes into the official medical chart! Terrible wounds, loss of limbs, reoccurring cancer, and seeing people at their worst can often seem hopeless, yet Beth sees God continue to reveal His love. “I once visited a mother with a dying adult daughter, and SHE witnessed to me of the love of Christ.” “We have pre-conceived ideas about people, their ways of life, and the choices they have made,” says Beth. “God has had to break down some personal barriers to allow me to be a better person and a more compassionate nurse.” She sees how God is ‘stretching’ her faith as He puts her into a situation that 10 years ago she would have never imagined. “I sometimes struggle with a fear that someone will ask something of me that I can’t or won’t be able to give. But then standing on God’s promises, I remind myself that this is impossible.” -Nikki Boyd

The Hands of the Healer

Dr. Richard Reinking


s young Richard climbed the cottonwood in his north-Tulsa neighborhood— affectionately referred to as “the big tree”—God was already planting seeds of faith. You see, Richard was blessed with Christian parents who took him to J. H. Ball Memorial Methodist each Sunday. He lived just down the street from the parsonage. He was best friends with the pastor’s kids. Richard soon developed a fondness for science. And God began leading him on a path where that passion could help others. While attending Tulsa’s Will Rogers High School, Richard and Pastor Tom Harrison’s sister were chemistry assistants together. It was during that senior year when Richard decided to become a physician. Today, Dr. Richard Reinking, MD is a Family Medicine doctor. After graduating from the University of Oklahoma with a residency in Tulsa, he joined Springer Clinic in 1988. There, he was Chairman of Springer Clinic for six years and served as St. Francis Hospital’s Medical Director of Case Management. He currently is in private practice with Warren Clinic and truly helps others—from infants to seniors. His spiritual gift of healing and his faith play a role in the work he does every day. “The mission of St. Francis Hospital is that we are the healing of Jesus Christ. My work is an extension of that,” Richard explains. “God gives me the talent.” Five years ago, he and his wife Karen (they’ve been married 22 years) and his three children—Amy, Rachael and Daniel—became members of Asbury United Methodist Church. Although they enjoyed the contemporary worship services, it was the youth programs that really drew them in.

“When you see children that excited about church, it makes it wonderful,” says Richard. The Lord soon revealed other spiritual gifts of the Reinkings. And Richard and Karen became eager to share God’s Word with Asbury’s young people as group leaders. “It is such a joy to be a leader in the youth program,” he said. But God’s plan for the doctor didn’t stop there. When Amy was in ninth grade, Richard joined his oldest daughter on Asbury’s spring break missions trip to Reynosa, Mexico. Each day, the group would travel by bus to the city to share the Gospel in neighborhoods and help restore a small community church. The students spread the Word through street drama, as an interpreter translated and invited people to worship. “It was a life-changing experience,” he said. “At the end of the drama, we had a prayer line, where we would lay hands on all those who came. We prayed for children and adults even though they didn’t understand our language. We truly felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. “We also prayed for people sitting in the parks,” he continued. “The kids shared their testimonies. We brought two strangers to Christ.” The following year, both Richard and Karen were adult volunteers on the mission trip to Reynosa. “I remember going to this dump. It was filthy. The lake nearby was full of trash and was rising to flood the shacks surrounding it. There was no place else to live for these people. Nestled in the dump was a very small church—about the size of a living room—and a missionary’s crude home. We went out into the shanty neighborhood to evangelize, and discovered that most of the residents knew Christ because of this small church. It was amazing.

These people who had nothing were happy, because they had been led to the Lord. Seeing the power of God, it was truly an eye-opening experience.” Richard and Karen decided to “trade-off” going on missions trips with Asbury youth. So last year, Richard headed to Red Bird, Kentucky with the eighth graders. Their destination in the Appalachian Mountains is home to the three poorest counties in the United States. “The houses are in the middle of nowhere, often a wood cabin down a dirt path,” Richard described. “We helped plaster and drywall homes. We were a team. And instead of taking time off for fun, the kids wanted to stay and finish painting. They wanted to continue doing God’s work for this family. Eighth graders can change the world! And that changes me. It’s a privilege to see kids interact with different cultures whether in Kentucky or Mexico.” The latest thing God has asked Richard to do is to help people read. He is on the Board of Directors for Literacy Evangelism International (LEI), a 27-year-old mission in Tulsa, which develops reading primers for people around the world. “It’s an incredible experience,” he says. “The Bible says it’s important to be part of the body of Christ,” he explained. “Being a physician, I see where parts of the (human) body are treated with modesty and honor. God has created all parts of the body and they should have equal concern for each other.” As an adult, Richard revisited “the big tree” near his boyhood home. “You know, that tree didn’t look so big anymore,” he chuckles. But for the doctor who heals, leads and teaches, faith in God will keep him climbing in His service to others. -Sylvia LaRose ASBURY TIDINGS 20




The Hands of the Healer

Dr. George Mauerman F

aith, family and friends. These are the “three F’s” Dr. George Mauerman lists as his priorities for living. Based on these priorities, Dr. Mauerman has had a lengthy and successful career. As he approaches 70, he maintains an incredibly active work schedule as an orthopedic surgeon and a founder of the Eastern Oklahoma Orthopedic Center (EOOC) where he has practiced for 38 years. George and his wifeAdrien, along with children Heidi, Heather and Bill joined Asbury in 1971, shortly after moving to Tulsa. Adrien loved to play the piano and was a regular at the nursing home services Bill Mason conducted weekly. She also was a founder of the puppet ministry that has grown over 30 years into a well loved outreach ministry. Adrien died of cancer in 1983. George continues as a member of the Mariners Class. Of the difficult time during Adrien’s illness, George says, “A book that helped me was Harold Kushner’s When Bad Things Happen To Good People.” He feels as if something good was given to him because of this great loss. He says he became closer to his family. As a physician with a busy practice and lengthy work hours, he knew there was a need to put his

priorities in a different order for his children’s sake. He is truly proud of the way his children have grown up. Heather and her family live in North Carolina, Heidi and her family live in Austin and son Bill has returned to Tulsa after living out-of-state for a number of years. Dr. Mauerman grew up in Wisconsin and played football at Vanderbilt. He went to medical school at Columbia in New York City. In addition to a busy practice, he has served as a clinical professor of surgery and as chair and committee member for a number of medical societies. But it is his life-long love of sports that continues to put him on the bench at many games every year. He is a pioneer in sports medicine. For 37 years George has been a team physician for a number of Tulsa teams including ORU, Tulsa Drillers, Tulsa Roughnecks, and Oklahoma Outlaws. His longest association is with the University of Tulsa. He says, “After 35 years as the team physician, they are like my second family, not ‘work’.” You can usually find him on campus seven days a week. He not

only attends games, he rarely misses practices. In addition to home games, he travels with the football and basketball teams. “I know the players, the coaches, the athletic staff and many of their families.” he says. He enjoys getting to know the individuals and sharing life stories. He is an icon at the University. A scholarship, the “George Mauerman LeadershipAward” is presented annually to an outstanding student. Among his numerous awards, Dr. Mauerman received the J. Pascal Twyman Award in 2004. This award is given for outstanding service to the university. Dr. Mauerman is frequently asked why he hasn’t retired. The reason, he says, is simple. “I love what I’m doing and look forward to seeing my “family” at TU, as well as my patients, every day.” His remarkable career is based on a strong work ethic. George Mauerman would be the first to say that his accomplishments have been built on the three F’s. -Liz Reece



The Hands of the Healer

Dr. Jim Day


decided to become a doctor in the third grade, and never looked back.” Inspired by the miracle of the human body, Jim Day knew medicine was his destiny, even as a young child. “The older I get, the more amazed I am; but now as I look at our bodies as God’s workmanship, I am utterly amazed at His creation.” Working as an anesthesiologist at Tulsa’s St. John Medical Center, Jim provides general, regional, spinal and epidural anesthesia to his patients. He also provides surgical procedures including general, urologic, orthopedic, neurological, cardio-thoracic, and pediatric and obstetrics. Though anesthesiologists work behind the scenes, Jim realizes that “patients are very attuned to the importance of what we do for them.” Jim describes his walk with Christ as a “lifelong journey” that has led him to the “ultimate destination.” While he always acknowledged God, he didn’t see the need to include God in his life. It’s interesting that it was blessings, not struggles that allowed Jim to realize the void. “I count myself as very blessed to have found Christ when everything in life was going so well. I came to the absolute realization that none of this was possible except through Christ.” Jim and wife, Janet, have been Asbury members since 2000 and are members of the 9:30 a.m. Family Fellowship community. They are involved in the Couple to Couple ministry and help provide communion in the 8:00 a.m. service. Jim also helps with ushering and Janet volunteers in the Children’s Ministry. Though choosing the right time to share his faith in the midst of his work can be a challenge, Jim looks for 23 ASBURY TIDINGS

opportunities to give hope. “You just can’t say to everyone, ‘Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?’ before you put him or her to sleep. As much as this is good, you might make some think you aren’t convinced how well they will do in the surgery,” says Jim. “God has given me the gift of compassion, and nowhere else can it be so easily dispensed than when dealing with patients in the operating room. When the time arises and the need is there, I never hesitate to talk with a patient about God’s presence and how much He carries me daily.” The biggest blessing of Jim’s career in medicine is the knowledge that God is the only reason he can do what he does. “God gave me the desire to go into medicine, the tools to get through the process, and then transformed me into an instrument to care for His creations with the knowledge He gave me.” The greatest test is working in the secular world. Relationships among co-workers can be scarce and Jim realizes it takes years to break

down those barriers. Sometimes thinking can become calloused to deal with the care that has to be administered. And while the surgical suite is “crammed full of the human ego,” Jim says it’s often difficult to find egos “who know that God is still bigger.” His relationship with Christ has given Jim more focus on serving others. And when there is an opportunity to speak up for God, Jim is committed to take it. “You never know who may be listening, but it most likely won’t be who you think it is.” Every believer, no matter what his or her profession, can make a difference. Jim gives the challenge to acknowledge our God-given gifts, be thankful and use our skills and gifts to glorify God. “No matter what vocation we choose we can always serve God and stand up for Him. We must always look for opportunities to serve God and others.” Caring for another life is quite a responsibility to accept, but like Jim, we must “thank God every day that He sees us worthy of this service.” -Nikki Boyd

OUT OF CONTROL ...and lovin’ every minute of it! God’s Word is abundantly clear about what God expects in the life of the committed Christian. As this book by Asburian Gail Knox takes the reader through God’s precepts for life, it is both convicting and encouraging. Perfect for mature Christians as well as the new-born babe in Christ. The major emphasis of the book is on what it takes to live a truly surrendered life to the Lord. Within that context, there are subtopics on prayer, forgiveness, fearing God, laying down your life, and many others. Watch for an excerpt in the April Tidings.

A Heart for Others


50 Years

50 Years

Don & Pat Chandler March 22, 1957

Glenn & Sydney Chowins March 9, 1957

50 Years Paul & Linda Hancock January 19, 1957

Last year, Asburian Megan Huss raised $1,005.00 by herself

45 Years

15 Years

H.L. & Florence Moore March 6

Steve & Laura Schueller March 28


10 Years

Harlan & Linda Ford March 20

Neal & DeDee Krueger March 22

20 Years

5 Years

Ray & Nancy Hartman March 14

Jerry & Barbara Clark February 2

for Jump Rope for Heart at Liberty School. Because she Congratulations to those who are celebrating Milestone Anniversaries.

raised the most money, she was awarded a certificate from the American Heart Association and a brand new bicycle. Megan made the decision to donate the bicycle to someone who may not have a bike. Megan’s hard work and generosity blessed the American Heart Association AND a grateful little girl who received the bike through Broken Arrow Neighbors. God loves a cheerful giver!

(5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) Report your Milestone Anniversary to or call 392-1146.

asbury opportunities general information Breakfast Served from 7:00-9:15 am. in the CLC Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donuts, bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) 9:15 am Sanctuary (Contemporary Communion) 11:00 am Sanctuary (Traditional with sign interpreter) 11:00 am Mason Chapel (Contemporary) Sundays for Children and Students 6 Weeks - 4 Years 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am K-6th Grades 9:15 or 11:00 am 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 9:15 & 11:00 am 10th, 11th & 12th Grades 9:15 am only Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Asbury Family Dinners Wednesdays through April 25 in the CLC, 5:00 -6:00 pm. (No dinner March 21) Adults: $5; children (2-12) $3; Maximum: $20 per family Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled? Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 492-1771, selcting option 2, and leaving a message for the pastor on call. The Gazebo is Open ...each Sunday morning between services. Perceptions and Asbury Bible Study and Prayer Journals on sale, as well as selections in Pastor Tom’s Book Club. Asbury Wear is also for sale. Extra Mission: Possible dogtags are available for $1. Recycling Hey church family! Keep collecting those aluminum cans and bringing them to the church when you come! Once a month our resident “can man,” Jim Schulz, picks them up from the east side storage area and takes them to the recycling center for us. Gently toss your well-bagged cans into the fenced area, and be a part of helping the children in our church and the community. Also, recycle unwanted paper product s. Two bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots.

Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists, births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and military listings. Doors of Asbury posters are at the Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing. New Additions to the Library The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library. Journey - Tulsa’s Century of Christian Faith, Leadership & Influence Available for $40 in the Gazebo. Free Tax Assistance Wednesdays, 1:00 -4:30 pm through April 11, Rm 1504. Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to book ASAP to allow ample time for Coupleto-Couple. Six months to one year suggested. Up for an Adventure at the End of Spring Break? Seeking Asbury people of all ages (families welcome) to volunteer 2-20 hours role playing people needing shelter because of a disaster. Asbury is opening our doors to the Tulsa Area Chapter of American Red Cross, and other community partners, to conduct a Shelter Exercise. Starts 2 pm, Friday, March 23, ends noon, Saturday, March 24. No RSVP required, just come as you are. Meals and sleeping arrangements provided. Questions? Call Charlene at 392-1145 or Adrena 392-1144.

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm. 2821

bible study Brochures with more details about RoadMap courses being offered are available at each of the Welcome Centers or online at

care and support American Red Cross Shelter Exercise Friday and Saturday, March 23 and 24 - 2:00 pm Friday through noon Saturday. Up for an adventure at the end of Spring Break? Seeking Asbury people of all ages (families welcome) to volunteer 2-20 hours role playing people needing shelter because of a disaster. Asbury is opening our doors to the Tulsa Area Chapter of American Red Cross, and other community partners, to conduct a Shelter Exercise. No RSVP required. Just come as you are. Meals and sleeping arrangements provided.

American Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, March 11 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC. Call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE to schedule your appointment, or you may make an appointment online at and enter sponsor code “asburymethodist.” Prayer Card Sending Team Usually meets 1st and 3rd Mondays at 11:00 am in Rm 1621 to send cards with God’s encouraging words and our prayers to those who are ill or going through hard times. Contact Gwen Mohler at for more information. Alzheimer’s Support Group Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in upstairs administration conference room. Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm, Parlor - For those living with cancer and their family and friends. Bipolar/Depression Support Group Second and fourth Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 1621 - For persons living with bipolar disorder or depression. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Employment Transitions Need a second set of eyes to review your resume? Free male and female one-onone support available through Asbury’s Employment Transitions. Contact Barbara Wright at Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1506. Family to Family For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. 4th Tuesdays from 1:30 - 3:00 pm in the Parlor. Call Ruth at 392-1146. Prison Fellowship Support Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00-8:30 pm. For family and friends of people who are incarcerated. Meets offsite. Call Ruth at 3921146 for location. Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great ASBURY TIDINGS


for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For more information, contact Beth at 392-1116.

children Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. Core Hours through May 2007 Parents who are involved in RoadMap classes during these core hours will have childcare provided with no reservations needed: Sun 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Mon & Tue 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Tue, Wed, & Thur 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Upward Basketball & Cheer Awards Thursday, March 1 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Come join us for this special awards presentation to celebrate with all the kids that have played Upward Basketball and Cheer this season. Special guests will be illusionists Dave and Teesha Laflin. God & Me and God & Family Scouting Awards Sunday, March 4 at 6:30 pm in the Cha pel. Easter “Egg”stravagana Sunday, April 1 at 2:30. Come join us for this annual celebration. Activities begin in the Sanctuary, then the hunt begins. For children up to 6th Grade. Donations of small individually-wrapped candy (that will fit into plastic Easter eggs) will be collected at the first floor children’s welcome desk. No chocolate please. Wednesday Night Live Through April 25 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm following children’s choirs. Live from Asbury...It’s Wednesday Night Live! WNL is a worship service - kid style - for 4 year olds through 4th graders. Worship, singing, character building, and Bible verses make this a fun night for all as we strive to help the kids live productive and fulfilled lives as followers of Jesus Christ. (We will not meet March 21 due to Spring Break). Murdock Villa Second Sunday of the month from 12:30 3:00 pm. (except April because of Easter). Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat then visit Murdock Villa where we will play Bingo and do crafts with special needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. Limited to ten kids each month. Cub Scouts Pack 10 Attention parents of boys ages seven or in the first grade through age 10! Get your son involved in awesome scouting adventures, 25 ASBURY TIDINGS

learning the fundamentals and participating in age-appropriate activities. They’ll love the opportunity for advancement and awards, as well as the frequent outings for the whole family. Pack meeting is one Monday evening per month during the school year from 7:008:30 pm in Rm 2820. Weekly den meetings are held according to the den leaders. Go to for a calendar and information on the Pack. Adults who wish to assist in or support the scouting program at Asbury should contact John Curzon at Pack 10 is sponsored byAsbury’s United Methodist Men. Upward Basketball & Cheer Awards Thursday, March 1 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Come join us for this special awards presentation to celebrate with all the kids that have played Upward Basketball and Cheer this season. Special guests will be illusionists Dave and Teesha Laflin.

discipleship Discipleship Communities If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship Community (Sunday School) why not visit one of our Welcome Centers and see what’s available for someone just like you!

marriage & family Milestone Wedding Anniversaries E-mail your May and June Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to or call 392-1146. 8 Dates: Habits of Highly Effective Christian Marriages Second Tuesday of each month through September 11 from 6:15 - 7:00 pm. Come join us for an inspiring monthly speaker, then dinner on your own. NEW TOPICS this year include: Commitment, Prayer, Fun, Awareness of His Needs/Her Needs, Shared Power, R-E-S-PE-C-T, Dealing Safely with Anger and Getting Rid of Myths to Find Satisfaction. Speakers include severalAsbury pastors and spouses, Rev. Darlene Johnson, Rod and Charlene Giles, and other well-knownAsbury leaders.

membership Asbury Exploration Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, March 4, from 12:15-2:15 pm. Call 392-1191 to register. Childcare available for six weeks through 12 years.

men Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Join the Men’s Ministry for a delicious

breakfast, meaningful worship and lifechanging prayer! Cost: $3/person March 7 Guest Speaker March 14 Dub Ambrose March 21 Pec Clark March 28 Don Herrold Car Care Saturday March 17 from 9:00 am - noon outside the Student Ministry Breakaway entrance, north side. This bi-monthly service is provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms by our Men’s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of our Student Ministry cafe, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles and update the owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith in action through loving and serving those in need. No reservations required. Just come get your vehicle in line by 11:30 a.m. Men’s Spring Retreat and Golf Tournament Friday and Saturday, March 9 and 10 at Western Hills Resort, Wagoner, OK. Forms available at the South Welcome Desk and in the Main Office. This is it, guys...the ultimate retreat. Great worship, great fellowship, great speakers, great breakouts, great food...and awesome golf. You do not want to miss this one. Participation in the golf tournament is optional at the conclusion of the retreat, but we’d love to have you st ay. Cost: $50 double occupancy; $65 single occupancy. “Be alert and on your guard; stand firm in your fatih. Act like men and be courageous; grow in strength. Let everything you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13. Men’s Bible Study Wednesdays from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm in the Parlor. All men are invited to join us in a relaxed, conversational atmosphere, with lots of opportunity for dialogue and interaction as we grow more in being a follower of Christ. Discussions will be based on the topic, “Following Jesus...Like a Man,” exploring the question “What does it look like to be a ‘manly’ Christian in this day and time?” Come explore with a great bunch of guys as they examine Asbury’s Objectives from a man’s perspective! Each week’s session will be self-contained so if you are unable to make it on any particular week, you won’t fall behind. Spread the word on this guys, so we can spread the Word! Home Improvement Ministry Workday Saturday, April 11 from 8:00 -9:30 am. Workers meet in the CLC. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves

available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. Just pick up a request form at any Welcome Center. A Home Improvement volunteer will contact you before the workday and make final arrangements to get the job(s) done.

missions/outreach Eyeglass Donations Are you wondering what to do with those old eyeglasses? Donate them to missions! You may drop yours off in the Global Outreach office. Campbell’s Soup Label Changes Save Campbell’s soup labels for missions. Please note that a different part of the label is now required. Please cut the UPC symbol and the Labels for Education symbol together. Turn these in for missions! Questions: Contact Missy Sistrunk at 3921163. Mission Matters A monthly newsletter is available with recent news of mission happenings. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163 or Preference is for the e-mail version, but hard copies can be mailed if needed. Global Outreach Prayer Ministry News and prayer requests from our missionaries and ministries are sent each week to our prayer ministry list. If you would like to join and become a prayer intercessor for those serving around the world, contact Missy at 392-1163. Global Outreach Ministry Teams These teams specialize in certain areas and all are open to anyone having an interest in those areas. They are as follows: Caspian Ministry (work in Azerbaijan), Latin America Ministry (work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala), College Missions Ministry, Communications, Estonia Ministry; Kami Tanzania Ministry, International Student Ministry, Missionary Care, and Prayer. If you need further information call the Global Outreach Of fice, 392-1117. Mentor Moms/Young Lives First and second Tuesdays of the month, 7:00-9:00 pm in the Parlor. This is a support group for teenage moms, sponsored by Young Life.

missions/vim 2007 Opportunities April 21 – 28 / Monterrey, Mexico (OPEN) Construction & MBS, $950 April 25 – 29 / Rio Bravo, Mexico

Men’s Construction, $500 May 18 – 20 / Cookson Hills, OK (OPEN) Light Construction, $50 June 13 - 25 / Azerbaijan (OPEN) Construction & Teaching, $2,000 June 13 – 24 / Quito, Ecuador (OPEN) Construction & MBS, $1,500 June 14 – 25 / Estonia, Lighthouse (OPEN) VBS & Construction, $2,400 June 21 – July 2 / Estonia, Camp Gideon (OPEN) Construction & Programs, $2,400 June 27 – July 9 / Tanzania, East Africa (OPEN) Medical, $2,600 July 7 – 14 / Pitorreal, Mexico (OPEN) Construction & MBS, $1,200 August 9 - 19 / Estonia, Parnu (OPEN) VBS & Light Construction, $2,400 Fall / Cookson Hills, Oklahoma (OPEN) Light Construction, $50 Sept. 19 – Oct. 1 / Azerbaijan (OPEN) Construction & Teaching, $2,000 September / Tanzania (OPEN) Water Well Work, $2,500 October 13 – 20 / Monterrey, Mexico (OPEN) Construction & MBS, $950 November 7 – 11 / Monterrey Mexico (OPEN) Medical, $950 VIM Leader Training / Lawton, Norman, McAlester & Tulsa: March 3, April 28, August 25 & November 10 All costs approximate. For further details about Volunteers-In-Mission opportunities, contact Marilene Long, 392-1164 or

music Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Choir Room New Covenant Orchestra Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, Rm 1510 Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:00 pm, Choir Room Children’s Choirs Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm 2506 New Creation Ringers Wednesdays, 4:45 pm, Rm 2504 Carillon Quartet Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Rm 2506 Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:00 am-noon, Rm 2506 Resonance Bell Ensemble Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 2506

Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm 1510 Asbury Brass Quintet Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm, Rm 1510 Saints of Swing Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, Rm 1510

prayer Youth Mission Trip Prayer Emphasis Sign Up Sundays, March 4 and 11 in the CLC Gallery from 8:00 am - 12:30 pm. Sign up for this two-fold opportunity. You may sign up to pray for our youth as they serve in mission fields on U.S. soil and beyond during Spring Break week. At the same time, you get to be part of a prayer effort that literally involves hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans in 2007. In celebration of the Centennial, Asbury is participating in the “Year of Unbroken Prayer.” ( Our week of 24/7 prayer will be held March 18 - 25 in the Mason Chapel Prayer Room. Prayeers will be blessed as they pray for the city of Tulsa and the state of Oklahoma, as well as for our students. Lenten Season Prayer Services Wednesdays, through April 4 from 6:00 6:30 pm in Mason Chapel. Children’s programming is offered during that time, with the exception of March 21 (Spring Break week). Come pray, reflect and prepare for the celebration of Easter. Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil April 7, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm in Mason Cha pel. Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or right after the service, please come to the altar rail at the front of the Sanctuary. A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual - at the altar or in the Prayer Room. College Moms in Touch Prayer Time Wednesdays, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm, Rm 1506 Mason Chapel Prayer Room Accessible Monday through Friday from 8:00 am - 9:00 pm, Saturday from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, and Sunday from 7:00 am - 9:00 pm. You can enter the room from the outside entrance of the southeast side of the Chapel, with the exception of Sunday from 7:00 am 12:30 pm. The Prayer Room can be accessed from inside the Chapel during those hours.



recovery Celebrate Recovery Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm; Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from 8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hangups? God never intended for you to live in bondage. Childcare available. Sunday Shoes Concert Saturday, March 3 from 4:00-6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. The sound of Sunday Shoes can be found at the intersection where rock, blues, soul, jazz and gospel collide. The lyrics are visual, fresh, realitybased telling stories of life, love, loss and redemption from a Christian perspective. Free - Everyone is welcome. A love offering will be taken. Sponosred by Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery Childcare Volunteers needed. T ime commitment is one Monday evening per month from 6:45 pm to 9:10 pm. Please call 3921103 if you can help. Life Hurts, God Heals (for Students) 6:00 - 8:00 pm, Rm 1508. If you’re tired of the burdens and secrets that keep you from really living, or if you know there’s an addiction you have to stop but just can’t, “Life Hurts, God Heals” is created specifically for you. Meet with a group of students for 13 weeks who are facing tough issues just like you are, and learn how God can heal you together. Join any time! Check Student Ministries Area for details or call Marsha at 392-1157. (Adults, we need leaders! Please call. We will not be meeting March 21 due to Spring Break.)

senior adults Asbury Singing Ambassadors Come and join the senior adult choir. No auditions required. Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 1:00 pm in the Choir Room. Call 392-1148 for more. AARP Safe Driving Course Fourth Friday of the month - March 23,April 27 and May 25 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm in Rm 2820. Cost:$10 per person. Class size is limited to 35 participants. First come-first served. Call 392-1191 to register. TheAARP Driver Safety Program is the nation’s first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older. It has helped millions of drivers remain safe on today’s roads. It is designed to help you tune up your driving skills, learn about normal age-related physical changes and how to adjust your driving to allow for these changes, and helps participants receive a discount on their insurance. 27


‘Tweenagers Thursday, March 22 from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC. Come enjoy a great lunch, and an inspiring program presented by Gary Murphy with a “Footsteps of Paul” travel-log. Special music wil be presented by Donna Wilson. If you’re between retirement and heaven, please join us...and bring a friend. Call Doni at 4921771 to make your reservations by noon, Monday, March 19. Senior Adult Mystery Trip Thursday, April 12 from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Come take a mystery trip for the day. We’ll meet at the church to board church transportation. Space is limited. Call Doni at 492-1771 to sign up. Senior Adult Trip to Guthrie Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9. The Senior Adult Council of Asbury would like to invite you to join us on a fun-filled, 2-day/1 night trip to the historic city of Guthrie. Departing early Friday morning, we will arrive in Guthrie in time for a little sightseeing before lunch and take it from there. We will have the opportunity to browse through the Victorian downtown area, the Oklahoma Territorial Museum, the Frontier Drugstore Museum, the State Capital Publishing Museum and the National Four-String Banjo Hall of Fame. We will also attend the opening night performance of “A Man for All Seasons” at the Pollard Theatre. There will be plenty of time to shop and explore on your own, too. The trip expense ($110 per person) includes four meals, 1 night’s lodging with 2 to a room, and all tickets and transportation costs. To sign up, call Doni at 492-1771. Space is limited. Senior Sit and Fit Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00-9:30 am in the Gym. Come join a time of stretching with fun and fellowship. Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30-9:00 am in the Gym. Come join a time of power walking with fun and fellowship.

singles AC2 - New Discipleship Community Wednesday nights from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in Rm 2500. Are you looking for a unique, dynamic and committed community of Christian Singles? Join us for in-depth Bible study, Christcentered fellowship, faith lived out through service and expectant prayer. Come and be a part of this new mid-week singles community. Singles Meet and Greet Sundays from 8:40-9:10 am or 10:20-10:50 am in the CLC. All singles are invited. ASM Potluck Luncheon Sunday, March 25 from 12:00 - 2:00 pm in the Parlor. Come, bring your children and enjoy a delicious lunch, courtesy of your fellow

singles! Just bring a “family-sized” food item, homemade or purchased. Great food, great fellowship, new friends. It just doesn’t get much better than that. Solutions Life Improvement Video Series by Cloud and Townsend Sunday afternoons,April 15 through May13, 3:00 - 4:40 pm in Rm 2820. All single and young married adults are invited to participate in one of the most exciting relationship studies to come our way in a long time. Best-selling authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend have developed a video series that has been offered on Sunday afternoons for nearly a year at Asbury. The series continues in April with course titles such as “Being in Jail,” “Who’s the Boss?,” and “I Deserve Better than That!” Facilitated by Tammy Beals and Jim Small, these sessions will help you develop healthy relationships, get to the root of your anxieties, and get past painful experiences. Each of these sessions are linked by a major topic area,but are independent studies. Check out our website for each week’s title and topic. Come as often as you can and bring a friend or two. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Singles “Passion Play” Weekend Eureka Springs, Friday through Sunday, April 20 22. Mark your calendars and watch future publications and the website for details. Single Adults Volleyball Tuesdays, 7:00 - 9:00 pm, in the Gym (Ages 18 and up) No children, please. Adult Volleyball Sundays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Gym - Coed adult volleyball. Must be 18 and above to participate. No children, please.

students Metro Worship Wednesday, March 7 at Believers Church. Come join kids from all over the city in a night to just worship Jesus. We meet from 7:00-8:30 pm. If you need a ride, meet at Asbury at 6:30 pm and we will be back by 9:00 pm. Student Missions Stock Campaign ....through March 18. Over 300 participants (236 students) will be going on various mission trips: - 7th grade to Houston, Texas to help a variety of established inner city works - 8th grade to Red Bird, Kentucky to work with rural poor, primarily through construction

- 9th and 10th grade to Reynosa, Mexico to work with a local church do do construction on housing and a library Our goal for stock money this year is $85,000. In the pews you will find a green-colored envelope where you can contribute and become a partner in all aspects of these mission trips. There will also be a table at the CLC gallery if you have any questions. Student Ministries thanks you for your support. Spring Break Missions Commissioning Sunday, March 11 during the 9:15 and 11:00 am worship services. All students serving on a spring break missions team will be commissioned to go out and serve. Meet in the Student Area at 8:30 am. Spring Confirmation Meeting Tuesday, March 13 from 4:00-5:15 pm. If you are in Spring Confirmation, don’t forget to attend this meeting! Questions? Call Marsha at 3821157. 7,8,9 Prayer Tour Wednesday, March 14. Have a hard time talking to your friends about Jesus? Come and spend time at local schools and teen hangouts as we use prayer as a way to impact Tulsa teens’ lives! Meet at Asbury at 6:30 pm, ready to load up the vans and go pray. We will return around 8:15 pm. Pray for Spring Break Mission Trips Pray for students and leaders serving in Guatemala, Mexico, Kentucky and Houston as they travel and serve March 17-24. Life Hurts, God Heals If you’re tired of the burdens and secrets that keep you from really living, or if you know there’s an addiction you have to stop but just can’t, “Life Hurts, God Heals” is created specifically for you. Meet with a group of students who are facing tough issues just like you are, (13 weeks every Wednesday from 6:00 8:00 pm) and learn how God can heal you together. Join any time! Check Student Ministries Area for details or call Marsha at 392-1157. Adult leaders needed. (We will not meet March 21 due to Spring Break.) 10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway Wednesdays, 6:30-9:00 pm - Breakaway Area. Join us every Wednesday (except March 21 due to Spring Break) for a time of connection, worship, learning about God, and some nights of just random fun. Don’t miss the food and hangout time afterwards. Come be a part. 7th, 8th, & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday school. Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards.

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Sunday AM Prayer 9:00 am - 9:15 am in the BAM Room. God hears our prayers. Start Sundays off right by praying with the 7, 8, 9 band, Mark and Marsha for the Sunday services, friends, family, the Asbury congregation, Tulsa, the U.S., and the nations. No sign-up necessary. Leaders and parents, we would love to have you there, too. 7th - 12th Grade Small Groups Don’t miss out on being a part of a small group. It’s a place to grow in your relationship with Jesus, have some accountability, and just have fun. (It’s never too late to sign up. Just come to the Student Ministries Area.) 7th and 9th graders: 5:30 - 7:00 pm atAsbury. 10th - 12th graders: time and place vary. Contact Amy at 392-1156 for more information. (No small groups March 18 and 25 due to Spring Break.) 7th, 8th & 9th Grade Bible Study Every Wednesday night except the first one of the month, from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Student Ministries Area. Come to the Student Ministry Café, hang out, have fun, and study what God’s Word has for us. It’s going to be aweinspiring and you won’t want to miss it! (No programming March 21 due to Spring Break) Boy Scout Troop 10 Monday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:30 pm in Rm 2818. Attention parents of boys ages 11 through 17! Get your son involved in awesome scouting adventures, experiencing the great outdoors and lots of other ageappropriate activities. Boy Scouts participate in monthly campouts and in resident camp each summer. Individual growth is developed in advancement through the ranks, from Scout to Eagle Scout, and through public service. Go to for an updated calendar and for information on the Troop. Adults who wish to assist in or support the scouting program at Asbury should contact John Curzon at Venture Crew 909 Monday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:30 in Rm 2201. Attention young men and women who have completed 8th grade through age 21. Come on board for high adventure ....sailing, mountain climbing, sharp shooting, backpacking, caving, scuba diving, canoeing and much more! Annual high adventure trips have included backpacking in Yellowstone, white water rafting in the Grand Tetons, and canoeing in Canada. High adventure in the company of Christian advisors is the focus of this organization. The crew motto is from James 1, “Count it all joy when you face trials of all kinds for it will give you perseverance and that leads to maturity.” Particip ants seek out new tests of their skills and grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. No previous scout experience is required, but

many members have already attained the Eagle in BSA or the Silver Award in GSA. This is a place for those who have gone as far as Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs can take them. However, simultaneous membership in BSA or GSA is fine. Go to venture for more information, or contact Bob Walter at Adults who wish to assist in or support the scouting program at Asbury should contact John Curzon at

women UMW Luncheon Thursday, March 1 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC. A delicious luncheon will be provided at no cost to you. (A donation basket will be available if you would like to contribute toward the cost).This month’s theme is “Things to Do in Tulsa.” Following the meal, there will be a fun, informative presentation by Susan Harris, VP for Community Betterment of the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce.The Scripture focus will be from 2 Chronicles 7:14, “ Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.” (Dorcas Circle: Set up; Rebekah Circle: Clean up) Women of the Word Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 1502. Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher. Phone Buddies Ladies, do you want a “cheer me up” with your morning coffee? We have ladies that can fill that need by being your own “phone buddy!” Call 392-1142. Lea or Shirley will return the call and get you set up! Arts and Crafts Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2821. Women who enjoy crafts are invited to come any Monday morning...come and go any time. Bring lunch to share. Contact Beverly Clarke. Car Care Saturday March 17 from 9:00 am - noon outside the Student Ministry Breakaway entrance, north side. This bi-monthly service is provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms by our men’ s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of our Student Ministry cafe, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles and update the owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith in action through loving and serving those in need. No reservations required. Just come get your vehicle in line by 11:30 a.m.


Home Improvement Ministry Workday Saturday, April 21 from 8:00 -9:30 am. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/ or home improvement projects. Just pick up a request form at any Welcome Center. A Home Improvement volunteer will contact you before the workday and make final arrangements to get the job(s) done. Whirlwind for Willard Friday,April 20 from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm in the CLC. Come one, come all and be a part of our annual Whirlwind for Willard Game Day. Hosted by Asbuy’s United Methodist Women, this awesome, fun-packed fundraiser benefits the Circle of Care Ministries. Tickets may be purchased from the church office through Monday, April 16 the cost (TBA) includes a delicious lunch. Annual Women’s Retreat Friday and Saturday, April 27 and 28 with an optional second night. Cost: $55 early registration; $68 after March 31. Heart O’ the Hills Retreat Center in Welling, OK for women of all ages. Theme: “Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord.” This beautiful setting offers a relaxing countryside atmosphere, complemented by the option of hotel-type accommodations. You will thoroughly enjoy hearing our speaker, Judy Starr, who uses a delightful sense of humor in sharing her powerful testimony. Based on scripture, she will teach practical steps to guard the integrity of the heart and the importance of continuing to develop intimacy with the Lord. Judy will encourage all of us to let God open our eyes to His forgiveness, love and purpose for our lives. In addition, the retreat will also offer many optional activities such as an evening of singing around the campfire, paddle boats, tennis, and jewelry-making, and many opportunities to build friendships in this beautiful camp setting. You will want to not only be a part, but invite your friends and family as well. Registration forms are being mailed to your homes on March 7, and will also be available at the South Welcome Desk and in the Main Office.“May the eyes of your hearts be opened to see that the Lord has called you to know and experience the hope, riches and power of God.” Ephesians 1:18

worship Online Worship Did you know that you can watch the 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday services online as they are occurring? Go to then click on “Watch Sermons” (by Tom’s picture). If you cannot attend worship, you can log on and share the experience. Or if there is a sermon that you wish someone else had been able to hear, send them to our website where several weeks of sermons are archived.



PERCEPTIONS Observations on Everyday Life by Pastor Tom Harrison

Father Joseph In 1873, a Catholic priest named Father Joseph went to the island of Molokai in Hawaii, to minister to a leper colony. He poured his life into his work. He built a chapel, held worship services and tried to build friendships with the lepers, but he was shunned. No one responded. Finally, after twelve years, he gave up. As he stood on the dock waiting his return to Belgium, he noticed some white spots and felt numbness in his hands. Instantly he knew; he was now a leper, too. So, Father Joseph returned to that leper colony. Within hours, the word of his condition spread. Hundreds of lepers came to his hut to share his pain, but the biggest surprise came the following Sunday. It was “standing room only” in his chapel. His ministry became enormously successful. Now, he was one of them. His endurance and empathy had achieved a great result. This story reminds me so much of why we celebrate Christmas. Jesus didn’t have to come from a comfortable place in heaven to share in our pain, but He did. Because He became one of us and bore our sins in His body, we know what the heart of God is really like! Salvation came because of Christ’s willingness to fully become one of us. Christmas is a staggering encounter between the human and the divine! Reprinted from Perceptions Volume III

Perceptions by Tom Harrison may be heard every weekday morning on the following radio stations, or you may hear the daily Perception at


92.9 7:47 am K 95.5 7:43 am Mix 96.5 7:45 am



7:55 am


104.5 106.9

7:47 am 7:55 am

Tommy and LeAnne Campbell and Tagg Ken and Janie Bradford Steven Ortman

Del and Amey Rice Lou Ann Perkins Roger and Patti Elsheimer and Alex

Herb and Susan Rouse

Rae Leet

Carolyn Cheatham

Natalie and Tony Harrison

Ken and Leslie Warren

Michael Horton Doug and Sally Warren Gene and Beverly Kozlowski ASBURY TIDINGS 30

David Erickson Tom and Rolanda Beckmann and Jordan

Tom and Sallie White

Matt Hester

Nancy Rardin, Maggie, Anna and Christina

Chris and Joanna Dixon & Mallory

Roxanna Ritchie

Delonna Snelson

Amie Lorson

Michael Owen and Traci Vickers

Armando Ortega

Jabg Sung

Wayne and Judy Werner

Diane Nash 31


Charlotte Rice

New member photographers: Allen H. Robison and Roxanne Shelton Whiteis

Gloria Nall

...we’re glad you’re here

we rejoice... with those who have experienced the joy of a new baby in their family: Isabella Danielle Ambrose Daughter of Jeremy and Dee Dee Ambrose Granddaughter of Dub and Cathy Ambrose Niece of Chap Ambrose and Delindy Ambrose and Bree and Rick Breig January 10, 2007 McKynlee Elizabeth Simpson Daughter of Mike and Jennifer Simpson Sister of Jacob and Kade January 18, 2007 Samuel Thomas Marshall Son of Roger and Angie Marshall Brother of Katherine, Chris, Sarah and Laura January 19, 2007

In 1984 after an invitation from a close friend, I attended a Walk to Emmaus. When I went that first night I didn’t have a clue as to what would be the outcome of this 72 hour experience, but in a nutshell God became closer to me than ever before. A few months later I left the business world, started my journey toward becoming a Methodist pastor, and the rest is history. Since 1984 I have been active in this outreach program of the Upper Room of the United Methodist Church and have seen countless lives touched and renewed through this 72 hour event. For several years I served as the Community Spiritual Director for the Walk to Emmaus and was blessed by Asbury as we were allowed to have several Walks at the Sheridan address and now at the new facility. On behalf of the more than 275 Asbury members that have attended Emmaus I would like to say “Thank You!” for your willingness to open the doors of our church for the Weekend Walks. Wow! Did I just say 275 persons attended from Asbury? As I looked at the list of names I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all of you would turn out to help on the upcoming Walks to be held here in May?” The Men’s Walk will be May 3-6 and the Women’s May 17-20. Remember when you were made aware of all the people who had served behind the scenes during the 72 hours of your Walk? People you didn’t even know were cleaning bathrooms, cooking and serving meals, snacks, picking up after you, praying for you, and doing this out of their love for Christ and you. So, how about the 275 of you? Are you ready to step up to the plate and be a part of this anonymous servanthood ministry? Here’s your chance! I hope you’ll say yes as we continue to serve the Risen Christ. Stay tuned, for more information on the W alk to Emmaus in upcoming Tidings. -Rev. Sonny Plischke

Carlos (Charlie) Ramirez Son of Luis and Shana Ramirez Brother of Sam and John January 29, 2007

we remember... those who have died and pray God’s comfort for those who have lost loved ones: Bryan Scott Jeffries Husband of Kim Father of Jacob, Ryan and Abigail January 10, 2007 Viola Whitten Mother of Jayna Bethel January 12, 2007 Dale Pritchett Husband of Joyce January 17, 2007 Oleta Hill January 18, 2007 Frank Taylor January 19, 2007 Roger Knopp January 20, 2007 Hazel Clayton Wife of Art January 23, 2007 Worden Parrish Husband of Margaret February 12, 2007 ASBURY TIDINGS 32

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