Asbury Tidings - Father Knows Best

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This month’s Tidings is explores the subject of answered prayer. Those whose stories we tell have experienced the power of prayer and have learned first hand that our heavely Father truly knows what is best for us.


Coming Soon


Notes from the Journey

4 — 23

Answered Prayer

24 — 29

Calendar of Events

30 — 31

New Members

32 — 33

Family Room

Tidings Staff Sandy Wagner Jan Weinheimer Juli Armour Lisa Tresch Lina Holmes

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting

I do not understand “how” prayer works. I have more questions than answers about it. This is one reason I’ve read the book “Prayer,” by Philip Yancey three times, have been in two study groups with it, and have listened to the audio CD’s twice. Our staff is will be reviewing it in 2008, too. Why should I prayer? All I know is that Jesus did it, and told us to do it, too. I know one very practical impact about prayer: it changes me. In one of Larry Crabb’s books, “The Safest Place on Earth,” he describes the spiritual life in terms of a house with two levels. The lower floor is our “natural” self (without Christ). When we become a Christian it is like being given an additional room. Crabb refers to this as “The Upper Room.” That has a rich meaning in the New Testament, as “The Upper Room” was the place of The Last Supper, the washing of the disciple’s feet, and it was in an upper room that the disciples went to immediately after Jesus’ ascension (Acts 1). I see prayer as my opportunity to elevate my spiritual life. It’s the time I choose to go into my upper room. In the upper room I live in the presence of God, not merely in my own wisdom and perspective. In the upper room I have the opportunity to give my concerns to God, not to wallow in worry and anxiety. In the upper room I have the opportunity to pray for others, not be consumed by self-interest. Prayer changes things because it changes me. (The Apostle Paul described this in terms of “sinful nature” vs. “spirit” in Galatians 5.) The great thing about being human is that we make choices that truly matter. I can do things to help others, to build up myself, and to further the Kingdom of God. Jesus modeled this. He is our teacher, example, inspiration, and Lord. The only answer to the question, “Why should I pray?” is: Jesus did, and He told us to. If you read Yancey’s book on prayer, you’ll find plenty of other reasons. I also hope you will follow along each and every day in Asbury’s “Daily Bible Study and Prayer Journal.” See you Sunday,

Tom Harrison, Sr. Pastor

at Asbury 8:00, 9:15 and 11:00 am

Chancel Choir & Orchestra in the Sanctuary

Message from Pastor Tom in all services

9:15 am

Open House Worship in CLC

11:00 am

Chapel Service in Mason Chapel

Do you sometimes feel trapped in the everyday routines and obligations of life? Are you tired of being bound by someone else’s expectations of you? Come and be one of the Sisters Set Free at this year’s Asbury Women’s Retreat to be held at the Heart ‘O Hills Conference Center near Tahlequah on the weekend of April 18 and 19, with the option to stay until the 20th. You will thoroughly enjoy this relaxed wooded-lake setting, hear some of Asbury’s most dynamic speakers, and build special friendships. Our focus will be on our relationship with the One who knows us best and loves us most, our Lord Jesus Christ. So come get refocused, recharged and SET FREE! Watch for more information coming soon. 1


Did you know that in the Bible whenever God wanted to do something incredible he took people on a trip? · Adam’s trip started out all alone but soon included others, and his trip helped him find direction · Jonah’s trip began inside a big fish, and although he could barely stomach it, his trip shook him and the fish up. · Abraham’s trip started out with his obedience, and although he was not even sure of where or why, his trip helped cement his faith. · Although Moses’ trip started on the water, it wasn’t until later that a burning bush was used to GET his attention. Yup, trips can help us find direction, shake us up, cement our faith or get our attention or maybe all of the above! We love trips….but……. What really trips us out is this: Each year whenever we prepare for our Spring Break Missions trips, we think that we’ve already broken records with the number of participants (last year 300 total – 236 students). But once again we’re pleased to announce that this year we have……drum roll…..(you should be tapping lightly on your table or desk)….356 participants (276 students).

Youth on Mission 24/7 Prayer Vigil Sign-up

Soooo…..our trip of raising the money is officially underway. Our goal once again is $85,000. The trips once again are:

Sunday, March 2 in Mason Chapel

7th – Houston,Texas to work with a variety of established Urban ministries

March 9 in CLC Gallery 8:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

8th – Red Bird Kentucky to work with rural poor 9th & 10th – Reynosa, Mexico to work with local missionaries in construction and evangelism 11 th & 12th Guatemala City to work with a local church in home construction and evangelism How are we able to pull off all these trips, you may ask? Well, there are a lot of reasons but two in particular….. 1) the overall support of our Pastor (thanks, Tom) and 2) the overall support of the people (that’s you, and we thank you).

This is a prayer opportunity you won’t want to miss! Commit to an hour of prayer in the Mason Chapel Prayer Room, on behalf of our Youth on Mission, March 15-22. Sign up for a time slot and be a part of a prayer effort to support our youth and sponsors as they serve in mission fields on U.S. soil and beyond.

And remember, stock money also helps throughout the rest of the year on a variety of other local missions projects as well. So join us on still yet another one of those great trips!

“Then you will call upon me and come pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12

Asbury’s VBS ‘08 Tuesday - Friday June 17 - 20 Kids will have a great time living God’s unshakeable truth on

Outrigger Island! Save the Date

The week’s activities will come to a close with our Family Fun Night, Friday, June 20 from 5:30 -8:30 pm. For additional information, call Kim Renkema, 392-1159. ASBURY TIDINGS 22

Notes from the Journey



By Lisa Tresch

’ve been talking to God quite a bit these days. Over the past year, circumstances and situations have driven me to my knees and placed me in a prayerful mode, which I have discovered is a pretty good place to be. I have made quite a few requests – many of them more like pleadings. I have done a little bargaining, some arguing, a bit of begging, and a fair amount of careful negotiation. It’s been an interesting year. One particular night of pleading last September found me pacing the parlor in our missionary friends’ home

come from me dragging around for days on end unable to do the work we had traveled halfway around the globe to do? So I asked God this question and waited for the answer.The clock in the parlor continued to tick and I heard nothing from God. I didn’t end up sleeping either.It made no sense. How hard would it be for God to arrange a state of sleep for my tired body? The answer is obvious:not hard at all. So why didn’t he? When I look back on last September, it’s amazing to realize that I hardly slept at all for ten days. My body did a

Asia at 3 a.m. But God did a work in me during those ten days, and it continues. I have learned that if you give God free reign to transform you into someone who looks like Christ, He might just take you seriously. And then it could get a little uncomfortable. I’m still praying this prayer, but I am also aware that God has a tremendous amount of work to do to make someone like me into someone who resembles Christ. Just getting me to trust in Him, instead of trusting in me seems to be a monumental task. I have many requests that I bring

in Central Asia at 3 a.m. For the second night in a row I had not slept and we had quite a bit to do the next day that would require being rested and alert.I did not understand why God couldn’t just answer my prayer and give me slumber.What possible good could

lousy job of adjusting to the nine-hour time difference throughout the entire trip, but God didn’t fix that problem. Instead he held me up and sustained me through it. And in doing so, He answered a much bigger prayer that I had been praying for months before the trip. God,do whatever it takes for me to become the person you want me to be. That’s a dangerous prayer, but it’s an amazingly freeing one.The answer can also be a little painful, and can lead you to places like dark parlors in Central

before God every day that make perfect sense to me.They are pleadings for healing of others, requests f or answers to career questions and a host of other supplications. But God cares much more about the person I am becoming than fulfilling my list of requests. He wants me to bring those requests to Him, but to also have the faith to realize that He will “never leave me nor forsake me”even if things don’t work out according to my specifications. He is teaching me to let go of my own tenuous control and He is teaching me this through prayer. “Whatever it takes” may mean that I walk through painful places and moments, but as I remember the sleepless nights last September, I am reminded that I never walk through those places alone. God is holding me up and sustaining me through the process of becoming like Christ.




Photo by Lina Holmes


hen I lost my father suddenly in June, I had no way of knowing how my life would change. After it happened, my immediate thought was how my faith was not strong enough yet to get me through what I was about to face. As I think about what has happened over the last seven and onehalf months, there have been many answered prayers but none as significant as the one on Wednesday, January 16. Our first holiday without dad was very difficult and painful. My mother surprised me with a special bracelet that she had made for me. On it was a charm of a pharmacy mortar and pestle that had been a tie tack that I had given my dad one Christmas. The bracelet was such a wonderful gift, something I could wear and feel my dad’s presence with me. I had worn it every day and it was very comforting. When I went to put it on that Wednesday morning and it was not there,the realization that I had lost it sometime during the previous day hit me very hard. I felt an overwhelming panic and despair. I had no time to search because I had to get my son to school and then go teach at a Bible study preschool program that I have been a part of for the last several years. I called my husband in tears and he suggested I call in and tell them what happened and that I could not come

that day. I didn’t feel that I could do that, so I went on with tears in my eyes, wondering how I was going to hold it together for the next three hours. We always pray as a leadership group before the Bible study starts. I decided that I needed to ask God to help me find the bracelet and to also help me to focus on Him so I could do my job and teach the lesson. After we left our prayer time, I was able to concentrate on the children. As I left the church, I began to think of a game plan on how to systematically search for my bracelet. It was then, that God gave me a clear picture of how my son and I had gone to the neighborhood park and had been by the swings. I felt a surge of hope that maybe I would find it. When I got home, I did a quick search around the house. Of course, it wasn’t there. I wasn’t looking forward to walking in the cold to the park, plus my feet were really hurting. I put on my coat and began a painful walk to the park,keeping my eyes open in case it had fallen off on the way. As I approached the playground, I thought, “Well, someone either picked it up or it has been covered up by all the sand.” I then thought “only God knows where it is.” When I got close to the swings, I looked down and there was my bracelet lying on top of the sand just under a swing. Words cannot describe the joy and amazement that I felt. It brought

me to my knees! It was like God was saying “See, I am here with you and have been the whole time. All you had to do was listen and trust.” Walking back home with tears in my eyes and a grateful heart, I began to realize just how significant finding the bracelet was to me. I had been walking down a path,hurting and feeling such a great loss. I had lost my earthly father, my rock. God showed me that I could rely on him as my Heavenly Father. He was my Rock and would help guide me through my journey. He heard my prayers and cared about my sorrow. Now, the bracelet will not only serve as a reminder of my wonderful father that I was blessed with on earth, but also a reminder of how my heavenly Father is with me and is always there to hear my prayers. -Heather Bates

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When I noticed one of my favorite, tiny earrings was missing from my jewelry box, I said a bullet prayer, “Dear God, this is silly, but if You desire, please help me find my lost earring.” A few days later, I found that tiny earring amidst my socks! Barbara Boothe Loyd ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○


Pastor Dub Ambrose performed the marriage ceremony for Jessica Bingham and Phillip Craig. ASBURY ASBURY TIDINGS TIDINGS





ast September, a wedding took place. Jessica, daughter of Asbury member Candis Bingham, married the man of her dreams — Phillip Craig. The outdoor ceremony took place in a quiet setting overlooking a small lake. Dub Ambrose officiated as dozens of friends and relatives witnessed the young couple recite their vows. But one beloved family member was missing from the crowd . .. or so it appeared. Grandpa Mac had left his earthly body to join the Lord several years ago and never got to meet Jessica’s fiance. As a child, Jessica was very close to her Grandpa. They spent long hours together on the family farm talking, laughing and exploring. Needless to say, Grandpa was crazy about Jessica too. One of their favorite activities was raising Canadian geese. The two would lovingly tend to the newly-hatched goslings, care for them until they were old enough to be banded, then release the birds back into the wild. During the wedding ceremony, Dub read a letter that Jessica had recently written to her late Grandpa. It told of a vivid dream she had just a few days before her marriage took place. In that dream, a smiling Grandpa Mac visited her and warmly said,“Well kid, I see you finally met your P.C. .. . your Phillip Craig.” The guests heard how an 7


Jessica with Grandma and Grandpa Mac.

excited Jessica called her Mom the next morning to tell her about the dream. Through tears,Candis told her daughter that she may not remember, but when Jessica was very young she used to chase frogs in the yard. Her Grandpa always told her,“One day you’ll catch one of those and he’ll be your P.C. .. your Prince Charming.” As Dub concluded Jessica’s letter, two Canadian geese flew over the lake as if on cue, and happily honked at the wedding party. A collective gasp went through the crowd of guests, along with many joyful tears from the bride and her mother. You see, Jessica and Candis had been praying to God to bless this marriage. And the Lord answered with a wonderful gift of love. When you invite Him, He comes. -Sylvia LaRose

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Even though this was seven or eight years back I have never forgotten how wonderful answered prayer can be when you truly put your faith in God. I had felt that God was calling me to go on a medical mission trip toTanzania. I was so excited and afraid at the same time! I just couldn’t imagine myself going to Africa to help give medical care to others in need. I had been on the Mexico medical mission trip and it seemed just fine. And as a young girl I remember thinking how fun and exciting it would be to go to Africa. I remember praying about these feelings that I was to sign up to go but was somewhat reluctant. Somehow, I did sign up to go. As the time grew closer to leaving and the meetings had begun, I really became afraid and wondered what I had gotten myself into. I finally decided that I was going to put my faith in God and ask him to take the haunting fear away since it seemed it was taking all the fun out of going to serve. Daily I began to ask him to please help me not to be afraid since I was doing what I thought he wanted me to do for him. It was really amazing. I can’t remember exactly how long it took, but I suddenly remember thinking I was no longer worried or scared to go to Africa. What a relief. Even though I had never been out of the country other than Canada and Mexico, I just knew this was what I was supposed to do and have a great time serving the Lord. I went, had an awesome experience seeing the wonderful people of Tanzania and getting to know other Asbury folks and am getting ready to go back this summer. I can hardly wait. Cindy Hill ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

At 52 I have been allowed to go back to college at TCC to continue my education with the help of the VA. All books and classes paid (full ride) plus a small income for attending class. Of course, there are some stipulations to coures of study and passing grades. Thank you, God. Gordon W. Hard ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○


is name was Bobby Montour. I recall his beautiful dark brown eyes and even darker hair shade. His smile radiated the entire classroom as he greeted me every morning when I arrived to Mrs. Chalacomb’s Kindergarten classroom at the young age of five. With a fluttering heart and a stammering “Hello,” I was confident I would never know such an attractive young boy as Bobby. Georgy enjoys the likeness of Bobby Montour. He enters Children’s Ministry with his best buddy, Rich, and a smile that often leaves me with the sense I have witnessed it before. His gracious demeanor assures me I am to enjoy one more visit from Georgy Herrera. Georgy and his mother, Imelda Martinez, have resided in Tulsa since he was five years old. Mom knew it would not be easy coming to a city with no family or friends, but Asbury and the “power of prayer”made Tulsa home. At the young age of seven, Georgy did not have a single friend in Tulsa after living here for two years. Georgy was of the opinion if he replaced his hair color from black to yellow, he would make numerous

friends. Mom shared that he simply needed to pray to his Heavenly Father for friends. After an extended visit to his grandparents, Georgy was delighted to hear a young boy,Rich, had been in constant prayer that he would return to school in Tulsa. Georgy had been introduced to the Cub Scouts which meet at Asbury weekly. Unfortunately, he began to miss meetings because of the change in his mom’s work schedule. Georgy knew it was impossible to make the meetings, but agreed with Mom that they would offer this dilemma to God. They prayed for HisWill to be done on this request and they would honor whatever the outcome. Two more weeks passed and an Asbury Cub Scout mom, Christy Capps, phoned about their absence and offered to take Georgy to the meetings on Monday nights. Christy has been responsible for his ride and Monday dinner for the last year. God continues to answer prayers for Georgy. Many Cub Scout events are for Father and Son.With Mom’s continued prayer for her sweet son, God answered yet another prayer for this family. Georgy received an invitation

Georgy was awarded Best Scout of the Week for Asbury’s Pack 10

from an Asbury Cub Scout dad, Mike Capps, to attend the “Dad and Lad” overnight campout. Georgy was delighted and Mom overwhelmed with the kindness and willingness to make this little boy feel so special.Mike did not stop with this event. He invited Georgy to every future activity that required a dad to attend. J. Heinrich Arnold is quoted in the book,“PRAYER…Does It Make Any Difference?”-- “Christian discipleship is not a question of our own doing; it is a matter of making room for God so that He can live in us.” I often observe people offering such kindness to others. What a difference this Asbury family has made in young Georgy’s world. Are these kind souls just designed to do so or have they chosen to make room for Him to live through them? -Vicki Ihrig


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Mike Capps teaching Georgy Her rera how to use a belt sander to shape his pinewood derby car for the Saturday race. Above: Mike, Rich Capps, Georgy and Dylan Capps at Cub Scout Pack meeting. Left: Mike, Rich Capps, Georgy, Jackie Capps, Dylan, Christy Capps, and Imelda Martinez.



Praying FOR LOST FAMILY MEMBERS BACH CAO (left) and her Vietnamese family.


bout 15 years ago a Christian couple made a cold call on a young family from Vietnam. The couple just knocked on the door of Bach and Nghia Cao’s home and talked to them about Jesus.The Caos became friends with the couple and would eventually accept Christ because of their witness. When Bach received a devastating telegram from her mother in Vietnam that her father was very sick and about to die, those same friends offered to pray for Bach and her father. It was then that Bach asked Jesus to come into her heart and take over her life.She prayed and asked God if it was in His will to let her see her dad before he passed. God “accepted”her request and allowed her to visit her father not once but twice, as he actually lived for three more years. Bach admitted she had no other words to say except, “Thanks be to God.” Bach explained how the Holy Spirit is teaching and guiding she and Nghia every minute of the day and how

they know that when they die they will have eternal life. But they wanted their whole family to have what they have. Bach said it’s like eating a sweet orange––“We want everyone to know how sweet the orange is!” So about seven years ago she and her husband traveled to Vietnam to visit their family and witness to them about Jesus Christ. “We wanted them to see how Jesus changed our lives,” Bach said.“God loves us unconditionally, and we wanted to share that love.” The Caos realized they could only show God’s love to their family through the testimony of their life. During that visit seven years ago, only Bach’s mother accepted Christ but the Caos didn’t give up;they continued to pray and believe that one day their brothers and sisters would also accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Bach said she loves Mark 11:24,in which Jesus proclaims, “Therefore I tell you,whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” This Scripture helps her to trust

God and hold onto His promises. Bach comments that God is teaching her to pray through good and bad. And He is teaching her to be patient. She says prayer is just talking to the Father, and she can trust Him because He knows everything. He knows what is best. Bach said even though she doesn’t deserve it, God who is the King above all kings, came down and died for her. He used His blood to wash all her sins away and make her His precious daughter.“And now Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and prays for me,” she mused. A few weeks ago two of Bach’s sisters called to share how they had gone to church and asked Jesus into their hearts! Now they are taking a class to be baptized. Bach invites her spiritual family at Asbury to rejoice with them for this long-awaited answer to prayer.To all who are hoping their family members will be saved, Bach’s advice is don’t give up on your family. Pray for them and show them God’s love! -Stephanie Hurd ASBURY TIDINGS 10


ast year I became a prayer journal-er. My first entry reads:January 8, 2007––For building improvements to be expedited and within our financial means. The entries march on like this in steady procession for 13 pages. I wince to look at them, but I will not despise the day of small beginnings! I had to start somewhere, and January 8 was the first step toward a much deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. As I flip through the journal I see the entries getting longer and more conversational over a period of weeks and months, until they eventually morph into an ongoing prayer dialogue with my new best friend. I write about Bible passages and other good books I’m reading; I have notes from Ross Murphy’s teaching and Pastor Tom’s preaching. One page has comments from a news program–– current events that needed prayer.

Scripture I want to keep close, brainstorming sessions, flashes of insight, and even on occasion, amazing revelations! During a walk last fall I found a giant leaf, about 14 inches across. I said aloud,“Hey Lord, that’s not bad as far as leaves go.” He quickly replied, Not bad? I’d like to see you make a leaf! I recorded the incident in my journal so I will always remember our witty exchange. In a rare moment of righteous rage I prayed, God help me––I hate those #@*!#s for what they did! (It was something related to world events.) No, it wasn’t a Christ-like attitude but it’s pointless to feign sanctimony when He already knows my heart. I’m thankful I was honest with Him because over the next few days He impressed on me that He was still in control so I need not worry,and certainly not hate anyone on His behalf.

a cold night, like traveling to a new place, and like coming home. Recently I lamented: Lord, I’m filled with so much anxiety and consternation today. Then I spent several pages laying all my cares on Jesus. I finally flung myself at Him, confessed my anxiety for the sin it is, and cried: God help me overcome my unbelief. And then I fell asleep. I’m no stranger to difficult beginnings. Having worked in retail for several years, I’m compassionate toward store clerks.Whenever I get a new one who bungles the transaction, gets confounded, and eventually seeks assistance, I wait patiently.When he apologizes, I give him a warm empathetic smile.“Don’t worry about it. Everyone is new at something sometime.You’ll soon get the hang of it,” I reassure him. When I read my first entry I’m reminded of that “new clerk”experi-

By May the entries are filled with thanksgiving and praise, confessions and pleas for mercy. I solicit God to meet me in nature and in my dreams. I’m constantly asking for wisdom and discernment,and the pages overflow with whole passages of scribbled

In one of my favorite entries I rejoiced: Good morning my Lord and my Love! I adore you like the smell of rain, like watching my children sleep, like laughing so hard my face hurts, like a warm chocolate chip cookie melting in my mouth, like a down comfor ter on

ence. But I’m elated that I took the initiative and started right where I was with those 11 tedious words. God is way more patient with me than I am with a sales associate, and if I didn’t start on January 8, 2007 with my sophomoric attempt to journal, I may never have grown or progressed in my relationship with God to where I am today.When I sought the Lord, He revealed Himself to me. I asked for help and He answered me––and lest I forget this, I wrote it all down. Sure, my journal’s a bit anomalous at times, but it’s from the heart.And I gladly give the Lord my whole heart, especially the written part. -Stephanie Hurd




y son, Jonathan, played football all his life and had dreams of playing in college as many boys do. In the spring of his junior year at Union High School, he sustained a severe back injury, followed by months of pain and rehab. He finally ended up having surgery in Louisiana just before his senior year.Then he had some post surgical complications, so playing this senior year was pretty much ruled out. It has been a very rough road since he sustained his injury, but through it all he has persevered in his faith. I am so very proud of him for staying with the football program, supporting his teammates, and never missing a practice or a meeting, though he couldn’t even jog or throw a ball. He cheered his team on to victory each and every week with a smile on his face (of course, he made it look a whole lot easier than it was) And the team showed him how much they appreciated him as well; he was voted a team captain by the players.When he would get discouraged, he would just double up on reading the Word and each time, the good Lord would lift him up stronger than before. Miraculously, the second to last week of the “post” season, the doctors cleared him to play ball.While that was music to his ears, it was pretty late in the season to even think about trying to 13 ASBURY TIDINGS

play. He had not done any exercise in eight months, so to jog, run, put on full pads and block and hit was going to be a challenge. Once again, God had bigger plans. Jonathan suited up for the semifinals game and actually got to play a few downs.Though he didn’t see any “action” it was still awesome to see him on that field. The state championship game against Jenks was the next week and the coaches put him in for punt returns.

Jonathan in. He ran out there, and he “took out” the Jenks quarterback in a tackle that was so awesome that it was named the “Taco Mayo crunch of the game.” So, in only one opportunity to make a play, he was able to reclaim his name, no longer an “injured” player, but now a “Healed of the LORD” player. Although Union lost the game to Jenks,Jonathan came out a winner in the game of life.

He was so pumped! The past few years he has been blessed to play first string on punt returns and strong safety, so he was elated to get a chance to run with the ball again. Unfortunately, Jenks wouldn’t kick to him, so he did not get a chance to make any plays. As a young man coming back from such a rough time, it meant so much to him to just have the chance to prove to himself that he could still “do it” and more importantly, to show“the world” that he was indeed healed. He could still give others hope and faith that God does answer prayers. He was interviewed several times throughout the season and each time he would continue to say that he was giving it all to God and that he believed God would be glorified in this situation. Well, at the very end of the championship game, the strong safety was injured,and the coach put

It is his hope, and that of my family as well, that others will hear of his story and their faith will be restored. God ALWAYS has a bigger and better plan. Of course, Jonathan missed playing most of his senior year.The team played in Ohio on national TV and while he did travel with the team, he did not get to play. He missed the first Union / Jenks game (Union won) where the NFL and Nike-sponsored the game and again, was nationally televised. These were “once in a lifetime” opportunities, but what he gained was immeasurable. His faith has grown in a way that is greater than any fame on the field; he has been honored in ways that will mean more to him than any punt return or tackle or interception. We praise God for this miraculous recovery as we give thanks to all those whose prayers sustained him. -Kay Ameen



Some of

God always answers prayers, but not always in the way we want. Several of our pastors have responded with prayer experiences where the answer was not what they desired or expected.



am continuing to learn that “God is always out to do me good!” This is helping me to grow in my trust in Him, so that when I pray and ask for something, I am learning to accept what He sends or allows to come my way. As I consider unexpected answers to prayers, what first comes to my mind is something that many others have experienced. My Dad was taken to the hospital in Fort Worth, Texas, several years ago when I was at a conference in Chicago. I received a call and decided to leave the conference

and fly directly to Fort Worth. On arrival, I immediately went to the hospital and saw my Dad and spoke to the doctors. It didn’t look good. I decided to stay with him overnight. It was a time I will never forget as I was able to be by his bedside, to pray for him and to talk with him, even though he was not responsive. My prayer was simple--”Heal him, Lord!” I possessed as much faith as I could muster and was hoping for my Dad to recover, but within a couple of days, he was gone.

hen has God answered your prayer in a way other than what you desired? I can honestly say God has never answered my prayers the way I desired. Thank the Lord! In my experience, our Heavenly Father’s responses to my prayers have always been richer, broader, and more grace-filled than I ever could have imagined. I’ve come to understand that, “God’s plan for our good and vision for our life is so much greater” (Jeremiah 29:11) – one that I could not have envisioned or even believed! Just three years ago, Sally and I prayed hard that doors would be opened somewhere and we would discern God’s place for us. We were very discouraged, but then came an e-mail of an opening in the chaplaincy program at Hillcrest Medical Center. While I was completing that program my fellow residents kept asking why I shouldn’t try to return to Asbury? I explained how that couldn’t happen but that didn’t stop them from praying for me while our personal prayers came to a point of complete surrender to the Lord’s will. Supported by a number of Christians that we knew were praying for our good, God surprised me and I am so blessed to be a part of the staff here at Asbury! Charlie Ryser ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

It was not what I was expecting, but it was when I was praying that my Dad was indeed healed! No longer did he have to live in a diseased and painridden body. No longer did he have to be limited by time and space. My prayer was answered... he was completely, eternally healed! Dub Ambrose








would have to say most recently it was my prayer as I was battling the respiratory stuff that kept me from work for over a week. My prayer was for immediate healing and to be able to keep working. I don’t like to slow down very often. Instead I seemed to get worse each day. When I finally stopped working and let my body rest, I found myself with a quiet house and lots of quiet time. I didn’t bounce back like I had initially hoped and prayed, but ended up with a nourishing time for my heart and soul while my body was healing. It turned out to be very enriching. Had God responded the way I wanted I would have missed a few quiet days that I didn’t even realize I needed. Cindy Mayes

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hrough the years there have been those intimate moments with the Father out of which I have seen prayers being answered. Those prayers were not always answered the way I expected, for I have discovered that God knows what is best. When Patty and I began to think about retirement a few years ago, our prayer was that God would enable us to “grow old” together and to be able to settle down in a quiet place, sit back and take it easy. Part of that prayer is being answered as we anticipated “getting older” and we share our aches and pains together. What wasn’t anticipated was how we would find ourselves in a church like Asbury where we would become more involved in ministry than ever. Oh what a joy and how grateful we are that God isn’t through with us yet. David Thomas


hen Asbury was considering the purchase of new property several years ago, I had my eyes on a particular property that I thought would be perfect for Asbury. EVERY time I drove past that property I prayed that God would make it available for us to purchase, trying to convince God that my idea was just what He wanted for us! Now that property is filled with a grocery store and a housing subdivision, and because of God’s wisdom and faithfulness we have settled into God’s perfect location for us! God’s promises are always accurate: “For I know the plans I have for you . . . plans to give you a hope and future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Dick Read


t was about two in the morning, about 35,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean. I was flying back home from a three week trip visiting the rigs in Papua, New Guinea. I couldn’t sleep so I began to journal about the trip I had just completed, the adventures, and characters I had met flying around the jungles and spending time with the employees of Parker Drilling Company. On this particular trip I was invited to take a brief helicopter ride to visit one of the villages where once upon a time they would have loved to have me over for supper . . . literally! As the day passed I was able to share Jesus with some of them and found that a missionary woman from England had been there and established a Christian church long before my visit, but it was still fun to see their faces when you mention Jesus. In fact after asking this one man, “Do you know Jesus?” he responded enthusiastically, “YES! Do you know him too?” As I wrote in my journal I came to the point where I laughed out loud at a thought that came to me. Here it was some 12-13 years after entering the ministry that I recalled asking God, “Please Lord, just don’t call me to be a missionary,” that I had discovered that’s exactly what I had become, and I loved every minute of it.Yes! God does have a sense of humor and a sense of knowing just exactly where I needed to be in my journey. Thanks be to God! Sonny Plischke

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rayer has been and still is a priority in my life over the many years of learning to trust God more. I have noticed a flow in my prayer life. When I was Senior Pastor of Asbury, one thing I never seemed to learn was when a staff person left our employment, I would pray and “stew” about where a competent replacement would come from. I found myself placing more dependence on my assuming full responsibility or finding that replacement. As I did this I was placing less dependence on God. Without fail, God provided! My reaction would be, “You did it again, Father.” Why from the “get go” I did not rely on Him, I do not know. One would think I would just know “trust God and He will provide.” As I look back over the 29 years, He was so very faithful.Why do I doubt? Bill Mason


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I took a study at Asbury in the summer 2006 called “Believing God” by Beth Moore. At the beginning you write out what you want to believe God for and then at the end of the session you look back to see how God has worked in your life. What I believed God for was to heal my heart after our miscarriage that past April and to give us the chance to have another baby. Everyday I wrote in my prayer journal and ended with what I knew God could feel in my heart--the longing for another child. The last week of class it turned out I was three weeks pregnant. God also lead me to a new OB, who I believe saved the pregnancy. We now have a healthy nine-month-old son, the completion of our family. GOD is so GOOD! BELIEVING GOD! Leanne Campbell ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Years ago, when my husband was doing a lot of international travel, I was in fervant prayer for his safe return. Seeking only the comfort that God’s word can bring I opened the Bible and found myself looking at Philemon:12 - I am sending him..... back to you. Instant answer and instant peace. Barbara Graves ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

In 1999 I started a personal prayer list. I enter a name or situation on the Excel spreadsheet in sequence of when it is received as a current prayer request. The basic reason is to just keep up with the times God answers prayer. This list covers many we know including Tom, Dana, Dub and many others at Asbury. It also includes my wife, family, work associates, et al. This list basically keeps up with the answers to prayer we can recognize. So since 1999 the count to date is 623 answers to my prayers. On a monthly basis, the average number of God’s answers to is 6.47. Not all of my prayers have answers yet. ANONYMOUS

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have prayed all my life. It has sustained me through life’s darkest moments. It has deepened my faith in ways I didn’t know were possible. In the summer of 2000, I was taught another lesson—the power of prayer with other caring Christians. Late that summer, my grandson, Christian, was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma,a cancer that preys on young children.It literally rocked my world and that of my family. From the day Christian was admitted to St. Francis, to this very day, we have been surrounded by my Asbury family and it’s ministers.They have prayed without ceasing through a year of Christian and his parents at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, a stem cell transplant at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, treatment at Sloan Kettering, and his continued treatment. They prayed for me as I helped care for Christian’s two brothers.They still pray for Christian’s recovery,for my family and me. Oftentimes it was difficult to feel beyond the pain I was feeling for Christian, my family and myself,but God answered my prayers every day as I leaned on Him for comfort and support. Sometimes, this came in the form of my Asbury family and Discipleship Community.It still does.

Today, Christian is 11 yeats old and in the fifth grade. He is a straight A student, plays the clarinet and is active in drama. He is a true testament of God’s love and power. God gave a miraculous talent to the doctors who continue to treat Christian, but he gave us all the awesome power of prayer. Prayer is our opportunity to talk one-on-one to God, either with others or alone. I know things might be entirely different if prayer hadn’t played a part these past seven years.Christian has touched more lives than I could ever have imagined, and has shown that God has great plans for him and those plans continue to make themselves known. We never know what life will bring to us. Our lives can change in a split second.We may not be able to understand why certain things have happened to us or those we love until we are with the Lord, but He has been and is with Christian. I know that sometimes it is difficult to feel beyond the pain that we are feeling, but I’ve learned to remember that “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him, to all who call upon Him. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will hear their cry and save them.” (Psalm 145:18-19) -Linda Freeman


Linda Freeman and grandson Christian. 17 ASBURY ASBURY TIDINGS TIDINGS 17



any at Asbury know that there was a very dark period in the life of our family when our beautiful daughter, Lindsay, who was raised in this church and in a family that encircled her daily with love, became addicted to meth (“the devil’s drug). In a state of excruciating pain and total disbelief, I would fall on my knees in prayer, often literally crying out to God to release her from this demon that appeared bent on destroying her. We belong to a very special and loving community called Harvest. A wonderful thing happened when we shared what we were living through. So many prayers were lifted up on our daughter’s behalf, for weeks that ran into months.Julie and Preston Reynolds held a prayer vigil in their home specifically for prayers to be lifted up for Lindsay;we were literally surrounded by the love and prayers of Harvest members.Were all of these prayers answered? I’ll let Lindsay tell you in her own words. “For so long in my selfishness and in my drug and alcohol messed up mind, I didn’t really understand prayer. My mom talked about it and I knew she was always praying for me when all I was doing was scaring her, breaking her heart, and hurting her. I kept on hurting my parents and my f amily, but they never stopped praying for me,” explained Lindsay.“Their friends at church in the Har vest community were

praying for me all the time as well. I wasn’t very responsive to that, but at the same time I couldn’t ignore it in my heart.Then there came a serious and dark time in my addiction when my dad told me that if I didn’t quit what I was doing or accept help or rehab again that I would have to leave the house.We got my bags and I packed them. I’ve never in my life seen my mom cry so hard. My dad took me to a friend’s house. I began to realize then how much my parents loved me and I knew I had to change if I wanted to live. It was then that I was so grateful that God loved me and had listened to all of the prayers.” I have no doubt that our daughter being drug free for nearly a year now and her sweet heart full of love for us and for God is absolutely due to prayer. Not only is she drug free, but she is a different person, a kinder, softer person that I always knew was inside of her somewhere,” said Sally. “One Sunday after I had completely given up the drugs and alcohol, I went to Harvest with my parents. I

really did not know the people there very well, but I was really touched because they knew me and they were warm and caring and had big smiles that seemed to say they were very happy I was there and I was okay,” said Lindsay.“They hugged me and talked to me and I felt so loved.I was amazed that those people could love a person like me and care enough about me to pray for me for such a long time. I am very, very grateful to them and to my parents for not giving up on me and for praying so long for my recovery. I love God. I love Jesus. And I pray every day because I know God is listening and He has loved me unconditionally. He has listened to my prayers, touched my heart, and helped me remain drug and alcohol free for a year now. I know he will always be with me.” No one could ever convince me that He does not listen to parents who pray for their children, friends who pray for friends, and all other prayers spoken to Him in the name of His precious son, Jesus Christ.There is something, however, that I believe we have to remember, and it is often very difficult to remember when we are in the depths of pain, sorrow, or depression over present circumstances. God works for us,His children in His own way and His own time which is not necessarily our time. Sometimes in our desperation we cannot understand His ways and we don’t always remember that He alone knows what is best.That is where faith comes in, and faith will give us peace. Our family goes forward now with our faith strengthened and with the knowledge that prayer is amazingly powerful. -Sally and Lindsay Nail



few years ago a wellknown company ran a series of commercials with the tagline,“Having a baby changes everything.” One shows a dad holding hands with his daughter while you hear,“You were always destined for big things.Who would have thought the biggest thing to happen to you would be the smallest.” As sweet as those ads are, for a couple struggling to have a child, they can be almost painful to watch. The journey of infertility can drive some to hopelessness, but in the testimony of Jennie and Jarrett Miller,it drove them to their knees. Jennie and Jarrett met at a workrelated golf tournament. After four years of dating they married and it didn’t take long for them to talk about starting a family.But after a year of trying, they decided to run some tests. The results put them in the “unexplained infertility category.” “From there, we started the journey that really strengthened our faith and marriage,”explains Jennie. The struggle caused them to pray together and trust God’s plan for them to become parents.“We had to be patient and wait for His perfect timing. 19 ASBURY TIDINGS

At times this was very difficult, but it has brought us closer together and stronger in our faith.” Both Jennie and Jarrett grew up in Christian homes and came to know Jesus early. Jarrett began to grow in his relationship with Jesus as a teen,while Jennie sees her spir itual growth taking off as an adult. Having Jesus in their lives has given the Millers guidance to make wise choices and build strong relationships with others.“Knowing Christ has also taught us that He has a plan for our lives,” Jennie says. And in their struggle to become parents, God has used prayer in a very profound way. “Prayer through this journey has allowed me to lay my deepest fears and greatest hopes in Christ’s hands and trust in Him that they will be handled in His time,”explains Jennie. ”It has taught me to focus on answered prayers and how Jesus answers every day, in big or small ways, if you take the time to notice.” A friend gave Jennie a scripture that encouraged her to not give up praying: “Blessed is she that believed,for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.” (Luke 1:45) Promises like this have

helped the Millers stay focused on God’s faithfulness and not give in to fear. There are many others who have continuously prayed alongside the Millers as they’ve continued to ask God for a child.Jennie calls these prayers offered up on their behalf amazing gifts. “Sometimes infertility can make you feel very alone and knowing there are others praying for the same things we are is very comforting.” When Jennie and Jarrett found out they were expecting last fall, they were overwhelmed with gratefulness to God. “It made us want to run out and hit our knees and thank God for His faithfulness to us and for listening to all our cries to become parents.” As the Millers await the arrival of their son, Jennie says she’s lear ned some lifelong lessons in prayer:“I have lear ned to stay with prayer for others until God answers and to stay focused on Him so I don’t miss when He answers. It may not always be the answer I expect or at the time I expect.” -Nikki Boyd (Jennie has helped establish a support group that offers encouragement for those struggling with infertility. For information, you can contact her at


ix mornings a week at an early hour, I pray for family and friends. You might call this my “serious” prayer time. Since becoming a widower 20 years ago, I carry on a conversation with God and Jesus throughout the day. You could call these my “not-so-serious” prayer moments. After shaving each morning, I wash my face with a washcloth wrung out from hot water, and it feels good. I say,“Thanks God for the steel of the razor and the cotton of the washcloth.” I enjoy bacon and eggs and toast five mornings a week. With a twist of a knob, the utility company’s generator heats my skillet and my oven broiler. I say,“Thanks God for the convenience of my kitchen.” As I enjoy the taste of a glass of cold orange juice, I say,“Thanks God for those who planted the orange trees, for those who nurtured the trees, for the ones who picked the fruit, for the people who processed the oranges, for those who shipped the fruit to my hometown, for the person who put the orange juice on my grocery store freezer shelf, and for the efficiency of each person, so that I can enjoy this glass of orange juice for 20 cents.” My companions at breakfast, Asbury’s Daily Bible Reading and Prayer Journal, Asbury’s Acts 29, and Proverbs, bring me joy.

On my volunteer job each morning, I play with Asbury preschool children. Sometimes I hear the voice of God through the children. In the afternoon I write a weekly letter to my family and other stories. I thank God for my computer, which makes it easier

to write. On some afternoons, I simply manage my household. When my arthritic ankle hurts, I say,“Thanks God for the ten thousand things that are working well.” I save my newspaper to read with supper. After a bite of brisket mixed with a bite of baked potato with salt and butter, I close my eyes for a moment and say,“Thanks God for taste buds that bring me such pleasure.” On Saturday morning, I fix pancakes, in part so I’ll not forget how. On this laundry day, I say,“Thanks God for my washer and dryer that let me maintain my household with less energy than I once had.” I express my appreciation to God for city water and sewer, electric power, and natural gas. Having reached age 80, I am up once or twice during the night. Sometimes I am awakened by a frustrating dream. Awake and in the bathroom, I tell God,“I love reality.” Back in bed with my eyes closed,I ask Jesus to pull up a chair and stay with me until I fall asleep. These conversations are my attempt to follow Paul’s instructions in I Thessalonians 5:16-18“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” -John Westervelt


The Lord’s Prayer MATTHEW 6:5-13 5"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9"This, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11Give us today our daily bread. 12Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’

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I was hit by a car that exploded, killing the young driver. I was pinned in my car and could see flames. After determining I couldn’t get out, I prayed. God sent a man with a large truck which he used to move my car away from the burning one. Margie Kirkendall ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

On my Walk to Emmaus in 2003, I was in prayer asking God to r eveal the unknown source of my anger. My father and I were very close—he was my spiritual mentor, especially since my second husband’s death in 1992. During incredible prayer time with my amazing small group, my burden was lifted. God has allowed me to become a source of support and comfort to my mother since my father died only three months later—God’s perfect timing, as always. Jane Hedrick ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

In July 2007 our daughter-in-law’s parents told us that she was living with a gang member. We immediately began praying for God to protect our grandchildren and to do what was best in that situation. Of course, I wanted the dude to move out; but you can’t manipulate the Lord to do what you want. Last week our ex-daughter-in-law told me that the dude moved out!!! Her mom confirmed it and boy, was I thrilled. Pat Wellendorf ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

While living in the military, I had a Sunday school teacher who told a story about asking God for a set of mag wheels for his truck and miraculously getting them. I never forgot that story. I was raised to thank God for what I had…not to ask for anything. BUT, one day I found myself desperate…my three-year-old daughter did not have a pair of shoes, and I had no money to buy any. I was devastated and decided to pray and ask God for a pair. The next day my mother stopped by with a bag of children’s clothes from a great aunt that had no little ones, so that was odd. My mother started digging through the bag to show me something she thought was a real find. In doing so, she pulled out a brand new pair of tennis shoes that were my daughter’s size! Time stood still! I was speechless and stared in awe, while my mother was still digging in the bag! THAT was my first “miracle” of trusting God to provide for me. He still is! Vicki Taylor


Conversation WITH GOD A transcript of a recent conversation between God and me: Me: God! God: Yes? Me: Oh, sorry, I was actually just saying the name in frustration. God: I know. You do it a lot. Stop it. Me: Sorry. I thought it sounded better than the alter natives. God: It doesn’t. Trust me, I hear everything. Anyway, what did you need? Me: Oh, nothing. God: Come on, you dragged me away from the playoffs. Don’t you know I’M the reason they put the hole in the roof at Texas Stadium? Me: At least I’m cheering for the right team. God: Son,why did you call me? Me: Because I feel empty. God: I hear that a lot. Me: Then why do I feel so alone? God: Because you’re looking for help in the wrong places. Me: Sir, this has gone on for so long that it’s just become a way of life. God: “Sir” sounds like you’re addressing a drill sergeant. I prefer God, Lord,Almighty, Your Omnipotence… Me: I get it. Lord, I don’t know any different. God: Yes, you do. Me: Well, then,what is it? God: I’ve been telling you for some time, but you haven’t been listening. Me: I’m sorry, I’ve been distracted. God: I’ve noticed. Me: I’m really in the hot seat, aren’t I? God: You called ME. Me: Okay, I’m listening. God: First of all, somewhere in your house, there’s a book. It’s been misplaced and it’s dusty. It’s pretty much the instruction manual for your life. Me: Oh, you mean “What WivesWish Their Husbands Knew about Women?” God: I like jokes. But only GOOD ones. Me: I’m sorry. I know, you’re talking about my Bible. God: Your pastor tells you to take it to church every Sunday. He tells you until he’s blue in the face, but you ignore him. Me: I get what I need from his sermons. God: Where do you think he gets his sermon ideas?



Me: Usually from movies or the St. Louis Cardinals. God: Okay, that joke was better. Find your Bible and take it to church. And READ it. Me: Yes, Lord. God: Next, find someone down there and make him or her believe that you love me. Me: Who? God: Find a person who you think needs me even more than you do. It’ll do you good to focus on someone else’s problems for a change. Me: I can think of someone right now. God: That’s a good choice. Me: How did you know what I was thinking? God: I’m all-knowing. Me: Terrific. You know everything and you hear everything. You’re like a politician with a hearing aid. God: Please don’t attempt a career in comedy. Me: Don’t worry. The writers are on strike, anyway. God: Oh, one last thing you must do. This is the most important one. If you don’t do this, nothing else matters. Honor me. Me: How do I do that, God? God: Inwardly and outwardly, care about me. Let me know you love and appreciate me. Let everyone else know you love and appreciate me. Treat me like a spouse, only one who’s silent and invisible. Me: A dream come true. God: What did I say about the comedy? Me: Sorry. So how do I start? God: Do something. Me: That’s rather vague. God: Read. Write. Sing. Hug. Do all the things you’ve wanted to do but haven’t. Me: You really do know everything,don’t you? God: The sooner you accept it, the better off you’ll be. Me: Okay. God, can I ask you one more question? God: Hurry. It’s fourth down and two, and I feel a prayer coming on. Me: What if I really need something, but even if I call and call, I don’t hear you? God: Read the manual. -Joe Simmons

asbury opportunities general information Breakfast

The Gazebo is Open CDs of Tom’s message of the day are available

All courses being offered in the Winter/Spring

Prayer Journals are also available for $5 each.

2008 RoadMap session are listed on the

Recycling Recycle unwanted paper products. Three bins

enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with

are available, located in the south and east

fresh donuts, bagels, biscuits & gravy,

parking lots.

adults & $1 for children 12 & under. Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am

Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion)

9:15 am

11:00 am

care and support Visits to Asbury Members Asbury has a unique group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit

births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and

people who are either homebound or in

military listings.

nursing homes. If you are interested in being

Doors of Asbury posters are at the

visited, call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact the coordinator, Abby Sluice at Prayer Card Sending Team

Open House Worship (CLC)

The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource.

(Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting)

Thank you to all who continue to contribute

Usually meets 1st & 3rd Mondays at 10:30 am


books to our Library.

in Room 1621 to send cards with God’s

(Traditional with sign interpreter) 11:00 am

Asbury website at

Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists,

New Additions to the Library

(Contemporary) 9:15 am

Asbury Family News is available at the

Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing.



immediately following the worship service - $3.

Served from 7: 15-9:00 am. in the CLC. Come

sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for

bible study

Free Tax Help

encouraging words and our prayers to those

Mason Chapel

Wednesdays, through April 9, from 1:00-4:30

who are ill or going through hard times. Cards


pm in Rom 1504.

and care packages are also sent to Asbury-

Lay Speaker Training

Thursday Night Worship 6:45 - 8:00 pm Simply Worship (CLC) (Casual, Praise and Worship) Sundays for Children and Students 6 Weeks - 4 Years 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 10th, 11th & 12th Grades

Mohler at for more

serve the church and community in a wide

information, or call 392-1146.

variety of ministries. Lay Speakers offer their

Asperger Support Group

gifts in the areas of caring, leading and

First Thursday from 7:00-9:00 pm in Rm 1506.

9:15 or 11:00 am

communicating. Some examples of our service

For mothers of children with Asperger

9:15 & 11:00 am

include visitation, teaching, volunteering in the

Syndrome. Childcare available.

9:15 am only

community, worship leadrship, support for the

8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am

K-6th Grades

related military personnel. Contact Gwen

Lay Speakers are trained volunteers who

Alzheimer’s Support Group

grieving, prison or nursing home ministry,

Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in Rm 1621.

coordination of food or clothing banks and

Christian hope, support and education for

leadership of committees and project groups.

friends and family of those with Alzheimer ’s or

Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm in the CLC. Cost:

There are virtually no limits to the possibilities

other dementia.

$5-adults, $3-children ages 2-12, $20

in ministry available to Lay Speakers.

maximum per family. (No dinner March 19 due

Training is required. Basic and Advanced

Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm,

to Spring Break.)

courses will be offered March 28 and 29 -

Parlor - For those living with cancer and their

(Friday, 6:00-9:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am -

family and friends.

Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, & 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Family Night Dinners

Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled?

Cancer Support Group

Divorce Recovery

Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by

4:30 pm). If you are interested, please contact

calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can

the Tulsa District Office, 742-7496. There is a

Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those

be in prayer for you. When you enter the

$30 fee per person, which includes materials

suf fering from the early, highly emotional

hospital, please designate Asbury as your church.

and lunch.

stages of divorce and separation trauma.

The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be


reached by calling 492-1771, selecting option 2, and leaving a message for the pastor on call. Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure

Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Discipleship Community Sundays, 11:00 am, Rm. 1507

Childcare available. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Childcare available. Eating Disorder Recovery

to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-to-

For individuals seeking support in the recovery

Couple (required premarital sessions). Six

process. Wednesdays at 12:00 pm in Room

months to one year lead time suggested.

1621. Bring a sack lunch. Contact Marcy McMurry at ASBURY TIDINGS


Employment Transitions

Save the Date for VBS ‘08

attention of a circle of preschoolers during

Need a second set of eyes to review your

Tuesday - Friday, June 17 - 20...Kids will have

Bible story time? Then join us for this interac-

resume? Free male and female one-on-one

a great time living God’s unshakeable truth on

tive, casual, fun class. This is for anyone who

support available through Asbury’s Employment

Outrigger Island! The week’s activities will

has an opportunity to teach children about

Transitions at

come to a close with our Family Fun Night,

God’s love - whether in their home or on

Friday, June 20 from 5:30-8:30 pm. For

Sunday morning. Usually the first two Wednes-

additional information, call Kim Rendema, 392-

days of the month, Children’s Ministry Office


Lobby. No cost. No obligation. You’ll be glad you

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1506. Mental Health: Support for Families (formerly Family-to-Family)

Midweek Madness

came! Sponsored by Asbury Children’s Ministry.

For family members or caregivers of people

Wednesdays through April 30 (except March

affected by a mental illness. 4th Thursdays

19), 7:00-8:00 pm in the Children’s Ministry

A mission opportunity for our 5th & 6th grade

from 1:30 - 3:00 pm in the Parlor. Call Ruth

Area for kindergartners - 4th graders. On

students. Usually the second Sunday of the

at 392-1146.

Wednesday nights, Faith Zone will be the

month from 12:30 - 3:30 pm. Cost is $5 for

Military Connection

Murdock Villa

place to be as children learn to apply biblical

CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat then visit Murdock Villa

To demonstrate the love of Christ, periodic care

truths to their lives. Our goal each week will

where we will play Bingo and do crafts with

packages and monthly encouragement cards

be to reinforce the lesson that was presented

special needs adults. It is an amazing time to

with God’s Word are sent to Asbury-related

on Sunday with hands-on activities that they

witness in our local community. Limited to 10

military personnel. The Prayer Ministry also

can apply to their lives. We will create an

kids each month. For further information

covers them in prayer. Please send contact

environment that will be both educational and

contact Jami at 392-1166.

information (complete name and address) to

entertaining. Kids will have the opportunity to

Gwen Mohler at or call

build relationships and go deeper into hiding


God’s Word in their hearts. Can’t wait to see

Prison Fellowship Support

Children’s Choirs Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Various Rooms 5.6 Road Trip

you there! Pick up your registration form and

April 19, 6:00 am - Midnight. At the crack of

First Tuesday of each month, 7:00-8:30 pm.

sign up early so that we may be wise

dawn, we will all pile onto a charter bus and

For family and friends of people who are

stewards and plan accordingly. Contact Kim

head for Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri,

incarcerated. Meets offsite. Call Ruth at 392-

Renkema at 392-1159 for more information.

returning close to midnight that evening! Plenty

1146 for location or send an email to

5.6 Bible Study

of sponsors will create a fun and safe

Wednesday nights through March 12 from

environment for our 5th and 6th graders to

7:00-8:00 pm. On Wednesday nights our 5th

have fun and fellowship, and to blow off some

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have

and 6th graders will get to experience Bible

end-of-the-school-year steam. The cost is $65

comforted young children for many years, but

study. They will meet together each week to

(includes the official Road Trip t-shirt). You

now you may give a Bear Bag with a

work on a study called “Journey - The Claim to

will need to bring an additional amount of

scripture-based journal included instead! Great

Life.” This study will cover topics like worship,

money for personal food costs (lunch &

for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an

prayer, forgiving, serving, courage and many

dinner) and souvenirs, etc. We won’t stop for

Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For

others. This is a good introductory study for

breakfast, so eat before you come or bring it

more information, contact Beth at 392-1116.

our 5th and 6th graders. You may pick up a

with you; it’s a long time until the park opens at

registration form in the Elementary or Pre-

10:00 am. The deadline to register for this event

Asbury Bear Bags


school area; your early registration helps us

is Sunday, April 6 or until we get 94 kids. For

Registration forms for all children’s

have the correct number of study books. Our

more information, call Jennifer Barnes at 392-

activities are available in the preschool

6th graders will promote to youth for Wednes-

4582 or We have

and elementary lobbies.

day nights beginning March 26th and our 5th

openings for 20 adults wanting to go on the trip.

Core Childcare Hours

graders will begin a new study. If you have any

Please let us know by April 6. Your cost will be

Parents who are involved in RoadMap

additional questions, contact Jami Moss at

$15 for your travel, t-shirt and park admission.

classes during these core hours will have childcare provided for children 6 weeks - 12 years of age with no reservations needed:

392-1166 or Kim Renkema at 392-1159. Teaching Minds...Training Hearts Ever wish you knew how to talk to your

discipleship Discipleship Communities

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

children about God in a more natural and

If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship

Mon & Tue

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

comfortable way? Ever want to learn some

Community check out “Get Involved” on our

Tue, Wed, & Thur

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

fun and creative ways to enhance a Bible

website, or pick up a

story? Ever want to be able to hold the

brochure at one of our Welcome Centers.




New Discipleship Community

Fulfilling men’s need for a compelling vision of

missions/outreach Eyeglass Donations

Thursdays, 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Shepherd’s Flock -

Biblical masculinity, this teaches men how to live

a community for all who desire to strengthen

lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus

Are you wondering what to do with those

their relationship with the Lord through prayer,

Christ and directed by the Word of God. More than

old eyeglasses? Donate them to missions!

biblical teaching, mission and service projects,

just a rally or Bible study, it is designed to help men

You may drop your glasses off in the Global

as well as fellowship with other believers.

come together, strengthening each other through

Outreach office.

Our general focus is to strengthen the ministry

weekly session of biblical teaching and small

to God’s precious children. We invite you to

group interaction. Facilitators are Rev. Dub

Save Campbell’s soup labels for missions.

come and join us as we support one another

Ambrose, Greg Ruley and Glen Fisher. Call 392-

Please note that a different part of the label is

and grow in the love of God.

1191 to register.

now required. Please cut the UPC symbol and

employment opportunities Children’s Associate Position

Campbell’s Soup Label Changes

the Labels for Education symbol together.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC.

Turn these in for missions! Questions:

Attention men of Asbury. Make plans to join us

Contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163.

Do you want to share the joy of your walk

for a great time of meaningful worship, life-

with the Lord? Would you enjoy working with

changing prayer and an awesome big

A monthly newsletter is available with recent

other Christians who want to see your faith

breakfast, all for just $3 per person. First-time

news of mission happenings. If you would like

grow and put into practice? Do you have a

guests are free.

to receive the newsletter, please contact Missy

Mission Matters

creative spirit that needs an outlet?Then we

March 5

have the job for you! We are looking for a fun-

March 12

Mark Springer Preference is for

loving, creative individual to help with our 4

March 19

Dub Ambrose

the email version, but hard copies can be

and 5 year-olds. For more information about

March 26

Pec Clark

this flexible, part-time position, please contact

Bill Johnson

Car Care Saturdays

Sistrunk at 392-1163 or

mailed if needed. Global Outreach Prayer Ministry

Amy Russell at 392-1175 or

March 15, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. This every-

News and prayer requests from our

other-month workday is provided for Asbury’s

missionaries and ministries are sent each

widows and single moms. While the ladies wait

week to our prayer ministry list. If you

in the comfort of the cafe, volunteers check

would like to join and become a prayer

tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They

intercessor for those serving around the

If you are planning to use an Asbury p astor to

also vacuum and wash the vehicles, then

world, contact Missy at 392-1163.

officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure

update owners on what’s running smoothly

to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-

and what needs professional attention. This

to-Couple (required premarital sessions). Six

free service gives our men the opportunity to

marriage & family Attention Engaged Couples

months to one year lead time is suggested. Milestone Wedding Anniversaries Email your May or June Milestone Ann iversary (5,10,15,20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at or call 392-1146.

membership Asbury Exploration Come to a lunch/class to learn more about

put their faith into action through loving and serving those in need. No reservations required; just get your vehicle in line by 11:30 am. Home Improvement Ministry Saturday, April 19 The Men’s Ministry offers home improvement for widows, widowers and single moms within the Asbury family. Volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects.

becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, March 2

Just pick up a request form at the South

from 12:15-2:00 pm in CLC. Lunch provided and

Welcome Desk, or call your request to Pam

childcare is available for children six weeks

Wallace at 392-1199, ext. 253 at least ten days

through 6th grade. Call 392-1191 to register.

before the scheduled work day. A Home

men Men’s Fraternity: The Quest for Authentic Manhood Wednesdays, through April 30 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm in the Mason Chapel and CLC. Cost: $10.

Improvement volunteer will contact you, and make arrangements to get the job(s) done.

missions/vim Volunteers-In-Mission Opportunities March 29 – April 7


Construction & Teaching,$2400 March 29 – April 5

Monterrey, Mexico

Construction & MBS, $950 April 23–27

Rio Bravo, Mexico

Men’s Construction, $550 May 2 – 4

Cookson Hills, Oklahoma

Light Construction, $50 May 22 –June 3

Tanzania, East Africa

Work Team, $2500 June 11-23

Quito, Ecuador

Construction & MBS, $1800 June 12-23


Lighthouse MBS & Construction, $2500 June 18-30

Tanzania, East Africa

Medical, $2700 June 19-30


Camp Gideon, Programs & Const., $2500 August 1-10

Estonia, Parnu

MBS & Light Construction, $2500 Sept/October




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The day after the ice storm I looked out over my wooded two and one-half acres and had the most hopeless feeling flood me. Being a widow, all I could see was about a year of work ahead of me. However, during a Sunday service, Tom announced that anyone that needed help should sign up after the service. Of course, I made a beeline for the sign-up sheet. I was amazed when Joe Hooks showed up the very next week with helpers to start clearing all the mess. My Asbury family had come to my rescue. Joe was here for the next four days with different volunteers every day. At the end of the fourth day it had all been done. Something that would have taken me a year to accomplish. Each day I offered to supply lunch, but they wouldn’t accept anything. PRAISETHE LORD FOR MY ASBURY FAMILY.It feels so good to belong! DeeDee Crow ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

I pray every day that God will surround my two sons with Christians who will witness to them in a way that they’ll believe and understand. I’ve been praying this everyday for years. My younger son, Mark, was deployed to Iraq in August 2007 and is supposed to return toTwenty-nine Palms, California on March 17. After he got there and got his duties assigned, he called us one day. He had guard duty from 6 a.m.-10 a.m. and again at 6 p.m.-10 p.m. He told us that the Iraqi guard he did duty with was a Christian! I just couldn’t believe it. Who would have ever thought that out of all the Iraqi guards and Marines in his group that he would be paired with a Christian! It just showed me how great our God is and that He can do anything. I could just see a big smile on His face as he watched my expression when Mark told us.I immediately knew what happened. I caught myself smiling back at God and thanking him. Mark has since had different duties, and I don’t know what seeds were planted, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is it was a sign that God gave me to tell me, “Yes, I will take care of your son no matter where he is.” Jeanine Gray 21 ASBURY TIDINGS

I continually stand in awe of God’s grace and blessings each time I pray. Each time I ask, “Father, why do you do this for me?” He always answers, “Because you are Mine.” At nine years old I had a ruptured appendix, at 32 a rare arterial disease that closed the arteries around my heart with scar tissue, requiring arterial bypass surgery to my brain. At 37 I had a surgery uncovering massive amounts of indodemetriosos to find that I could not have a child - ending my marriag e and leaving me devastated. Then four and a half years ago I was diagnosed with stage three cancer, systemic lymphatic melanoma, and was given a 37 percent chance to be alive in a year. At the core of each were God and prayer--so many prayers from so many people in so many places. I am healed of all my illnesses, yes, even cancer. God healed my cancer before my surgery to remove almost all my lymph nodes on one side of my body. I knew the moment I was healed. So, I told my surgeon he could only take nodes if he found the cancer still there. It no longer existed in my body. My surgeon only took three. I have been blessed with an incredible family and friends who believe in prayer. God has answered my prayer for healing with the best doctors and surgeons, but more importantly the Great Physician. Why me? Because I am His. Tammy Pallares ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

For years I had serious drinking problem and I would pray to God to help me quit. Since I never really wanted to stop, I wasted God’s time. Then one day I told God that I was going to stop drinking. I realized He had given me the tools all along to stop. That was nearly ten months ago and I have never missed a day thanking Him for his support. Kevin Caruthers

During the aftermath of the Tulsa December ice storm, I felt an oncoming cold, trickily throat and runny nose. I felt the impending results were ominous. On Monday night, December 17, I earnestly prayed to the Lord to remove this malady. Tuesday mor ning when I awoke, I had no trace of any such symptoms. Praise the Lord! Beth Cowles ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

My daughter and her boyfriend were hit by a car. He died. She flew 200 feet, hitting a metal pole. She was badly broken and has undergone 30 surgeries. Many Christians have prayed on her behalf. GOD saved her for her child and to witness that MIRACLES do transpire if we BELIEVE. Linda ○ ○ ○Gorton ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Through the wonderful, amazing, grace of God, and prayers from my brother and sister-in-law’s church in West Virginia (my sister-in-law is the pastor of that and another Methodist church now) through Oklahoma to New Mexico (Catholic churches) and on to Oregon , chemo (leaving me bald for my daughter’s wedding) and radiation. I am now taking medication to help God keep me cancer free (I am high risk for recurrence of cancer, according to medical statistics, but not according to God’s statistics). He works through whatever means HE chooses. I have been breast cancer free for three years. By the way, one of the prayer warriors is now my husband of two wonderful years - Rick Dietrich! May God’s Holy Name Be Praised! Susan Dietrich ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

We skidded on a patch of ice on a mountain road in Colorado. As we went over the side, I screamed, “Save us, Lord.” There was a small level area with a few trees and the deep snow stopped our descent into the valley. EMT’s were there who helped us. Betty Godsey

Construction & Teaching, $2400 October 11-18

Monterrey, Mexico

MBS & Construction, $950 Fall

Cookson Hills, Oklahoma

Light Construction, $50 November 5-9

Hiding any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God

Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make

never intended for you to live in bondage.

the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.” James 5:13-15

Monterrey, Mexico

Medical, $900 November 12-16

and anoint him with oil in the name of the

Rio Bravo, Mexico

Men’s Construction, $600 VIM Leader Training February 23, Oklahoma City September 13, Enid October 25, Ada All costs are approximate. For more information about these exciting mission opportunities, contact Marilene at 392-1164 or

Visits to Asbury Members

Holy W eek Youth on Mission

Asbury has a unique group of volunteers

24/7 Prayer Vigil

(Asbury Connection) who regularly visit

March 15 through March 22 in the Mason

people who are either homebound or in

Prayer Chapel. Commit to an hour of prayer on

nursing homes. If you are interested in being

behalf of your Youth on Mission. Sign up

visited, call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact the

dates: Sundays, February 24 and March 9

coordinator, Abby Sluice at

from 8:00 am - 12:15 pm in the CLC and

Sunday, March 2 from 8:30 am - 12:15 in the

A Spiritual Event Sunday, March 2, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Come enjoy an evening of beautiful music as the Asbury Singing Ambassadors, our senior adult choir, presents “A Spiritual Event,” a concert of your favorite spirituals and gospel songs. Chancel Choir Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, Choir Room New Covenant Orchestra Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, Rm 1510 Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:00 pm, Choir Room Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Rm 2506 Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:00 am-noon, Rm 2506 Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm 1510 Saints of Swing Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, Rm 1510 Children’s Choirs Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Various Rooms

prayer Service for Healing and Wholeness Wednesday, March 5, 6:00-6:30 pm in Mason

Asbury Singing Ambassadors Choir

Mason Chapel. “Then you will call upon me

Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30 pm in the Choir

and come and pray to me, and I will listen to

Room upstairs through June 24. Come enjoy

you.” Jeremiah 29:12

fun and fellowship with other senior adults

Altar Prayer


senior adults

(60+). This awesome choir is made up of

If you would like someone to pray with you

over 160 senior adults who sing on occasion

during Holy Communion or immediately

during Sunday morning worship services and

following a worship service, please come to

on special occasions and holidays, as well

the altar rail. A pastor or member of the Altar

as out in our community. No experience

Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for

necessary...just show up and sing!

your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual at the altar or in the Prayer Room. Prayer Room Reservations

‘Tweenagers Program and Luncheon Everyone aged 55 and up is welcome to join us for our monthly Tweenagers meeting &

The leadership of Asbury’s prayer ministry

luncheon, Thursday, March 27 from 10:30 am.

would like to remind you that the main facility

to 1:00 p.m. in the CLC. Our program will be

Prayer Room is open not only to individuals

presented by Tom McCloud, Tulsa Community

desiring to pray in a quiet, meditative

Spirit publisher. The guest soloist will be Paul

atmosphere, but also to prayer groups within

Hocket. Call the church office at 492-1771 to

communities and ministries. Just give Debbie in

make your reservations BY NOON, Monday,

the Adult Ministries office a call at 392-1177 to

March 24. If, during that week, you find you

reserve the Prayer Room for your group on a

need to cancel, please let Doni know as we

weekly or monthly basis.

need to give an accurate count to the cooks.

Prayer Room Days & Times

Should you choose, you can make a donation

Our prayer rooms are accessible to you at

for the meal when you check in that morning.

these times:

Come join us for fun and fellowship!

Mason Chapel (during construction)

AARP Safe Driving Course

Sundays from 7:00 am - 12:30 pm through

Fridays, March 28 or April 25 from 9:00 am -

the interior door.

5:00 pm in Room 2820. Cost: $10. Class size is

Main Facility Monday - Friday

limited to 35. First come- first served. The 7:00 am - 9:00 pm

AARP Driver Safety Program is the nation’s


10:00 am - 3:00 pm

first and largest refresher course for drivers


12:30 pm - 9:00 pm

age 50 and older that has helped millions of

recovery Celebrate Recovery

drivers remain safe on today’s roads. It is designed to help you: 1. Tune up your driving skills and update your

Chapel. “Is any one of you in trouble? He

Come join this supportive group of people each

knowledge of the rules of the road.

should pray. Is anyone of you sick? He should

Monday night at 6:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm;

2. Learn about normal age-related physical

call the elders of the church to pray over him

Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from

changes, and how to adjust your driving to

8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm.

allow for these changes.



3. Reduce your traffic violations, crashes and chances for injuries.

students Student-Led Prayer Service

4. Drive more safely.

Join us every month on the second Tuesday in

5. Get an insurance discount. Auto insurance

the Student Ministry Area from 7:00-8:00ish pm

companies in most states provide a multi-year

for a time to be still, pray and seek God.

discount to AARP graduates.

Everyone is welcome.

To sign up, call Asbury’s Registration Hotline at

7th - 12th Metro Worship

Mandatory Spring Break Missions Training Guatemala Students and Leaders - March 9 from 12:30 - 2:30 pm. Bring $3 for lunch. Mexico Students and Leaders - March 9 from 12:30 - 5:00 pm. Bring $3 for lunch. Spring Break Missions Commissioning Sunday, March 9. Mandatory for students and

392-1191. At least 12 participants are required

Wednesday, March 5. Come join students

leaders going on Spring Break Missions. All

for the class to take place, so tell your friends

from all over the city in a night to just worship

students and leaders serving on a Spring

and neighbors and sign up today.

Jesus. We meet the first Wednesday night of

Break Missions team will be commissioned to

every month from 7:00-8:30ish. If you need a

go out and serve in the 9:15 am and 11:00 am

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from

ride, meet at the church by 6:30 pm; we will

services. Please meet in the Student Ministries

9:00-9:30 am in the Gym. All senior adults are

be back by 9:00 pm. Or you can just meet us

Area at 8:30 am to get ready.

invited to join us for a time of stretching,

over at Believers Church, 47th and Memorial.

coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. No high

Questions? Call Todd at 392-1154.

Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class

impact workout here. We take it nice and easy. Come give it a try. Senior Walk in the Gym with Him Class

7th - 12th Grade Small Groups Hey, did you know that we have great small groups for 7th - 12th grade students? A small

Spring Confirmation Meeting If you are in Spring Confirmation, don’t miss your mandatory meeting March 11 from 4:005:00 pm in the Student Ministries Area. 7th, 8th & 9th Grade Breakaway

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from

group is a group of 10 students and two

Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the

8:30-9:00 am in the gym. All senior adults are

leaders who have fun while exploring the

Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal

invited to join us for power walking, coupled with

Word of God and learning what it means to live

Sunday school. Come join us for worship, fun

lots of fun and fellowship. Come give it a try.

a Christian lifestyle. Small groups meet on

and games, interactive talk/lesson, and

Sunday nights. If you are not plugged into one,

sometimes free candy and gift cards.

singles Singles Ministry Potluck Luncheon

you need to be. Call or come by on Sunday and get plugged in.

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Bible Study Wednesdays through April 30 from 6:30-8:00

Sunday, March 30 from 12:00 - 2:00 pm in the

7th-9th Grades meet every Sunday night

Parlor. Come, bring your children and enjoy a

through April 27. Contact Marsha at 392-1157

learn more about the heart of God? Then don’t

delicious lunch, courtesy of your fellow


miss Wednesday Night Bible Study!

singles. Just bring a “family-sized” food item,

10th- 12th Grades meets Sunday nights.

pm. in the Student Ministries Area. Want to

Called to Ministry - 10th, 11th, 12th

homemade or purchased. Great food, great

Time and places vary. Contact Todd at 392-

Is God speaking to you, leading you...okay,

fellowship, new friends. It just doesn’t get

1154 or Amy at 392-1156 to get plugged in.

maybe CALLING you into a future vocational

much better than that.

(Small Groups will not meet March 9, 16 or 23.)

ministry? You may not know what that looks

Singles Meet and Greet

7th - 12th Life Hurts, God Heals

like; you just know that God is stirring

Sunday mornings from 10:20-10:50. All singles

Wednesdays through April 30, 6:00-8:00 pm in

something in you. Join us every month on the

out from communities or worship services are

Rm 1502 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Face it, life hurts,

SECOND SUNDAY from 12:30-2:00 pm in the

invited to join together for a short time of

but the truth will set us free! This spring, we

Student Ministry Area for lunch and to talk

fellowship. Look for the singles signs, just

will be doing another semester of the 13-week

about what this means for you. This is for

outside the CLC near the staircase and we’ll

small group experience called Life Hurts, God

10th, 11th and 12th graders. RSVP to Amy at

see you there!

Heals, created specifically for teenagers who

392-1115 the Thursday before.oi an tme.

Divorce Recovery

have experienced some type of pain in their

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway

Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those

lives - divorce, bad breakups, friends,

Join us March 12 and 26, 6:30-8:30ish pm in

suffering from the early, highly emotional

sexuality issues, disappointment, rejection,

the Student Ministry Cafe for a time of

stages of divorce and separation trauma.

abuse, alcohol, etc. Groups start January 9

connection and worship. Our desire is to

Childcare available.

and end April 30 and will meet W ednesday

explore who God really is and how our lives

nights (except March 19). Come any time or

matter to Him. We get started around 6:30 and

Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those

come by the Student Ministry area if you have

wrap up around 8:30ish. Plan on hanging out

ready to rebuild their lives after separation or

questions. We will start with pizza, so come

afterwards for pizza. Ninth graders will begin

divorce. Childcare available.

hungry! Parents, if this is something that grabs at your heart to help lead, we need you.

attending Breakaway March 26!

Please call Marsha at 392-1157.

(See information listed below under “Women.”)

Divorce Rebuilding

UMW Scholarship Program


Student Spring Break Missions

clearer idea of God’s purpose for your life? All

to play games, then bring those and your

Please pray for our students as they travel to

of these things and many others will be

friends on up to the church on Friday, April 25

Houston, Kentucky, Mexico and Guatemala.

addressed in our class on Spiritual

from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Tickets are just $8

Pray that lives will be transformed as our

Empowerment. You will find out what is

and may be purchased from the church office

students represent Jesus.

blocking your growth and also get scriptural

through Monday, April 21 and even includes a

No Student Programming

guidance on building from right where you are.

delicious lunch. Watch future publications for

No 7,8,9 Bible Study, Life Hurts God Heals, or

This class is designed to assist you in better

more details.

10,11,12 Breakaway on March 19 due to

understanding the process of growth, things

Spring Break.

that interfere with that growth and techniques

March 15, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. This every-

and strategies for moving past obstacles in

other-month workday is provided for Asbury’s

your life. Our guest speakers will be Pastor

widows and single moms. While the ladies

women UMW Scholarship Program

Car Care Saturdays

Darlene Johnson and Jackie Cleary, Asbury

wait in the comfort of the cafe, volunteers

Applications for the United Methodist Women’s

member and a Licensed Professional

check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries.

Scholarship will be available beginning

Counselor. We sincerely hope to see you in

They also vacuum and wash the vehicles,

Thursday, February 7 in the main office. This

the class. It will be a fun, intimate evening with

then update owners on what’s running

$1,200 scholarship is to be given to an Asbury

hope of change and growth in the air.

smoothly and what needs professional

senior high school young woman. To be

Sisters Set Free Women’s Retreat

attention. This free service gives our men the

eligible, the applicant must have a relative who

Friday, April 18 (5:00 pm) through Sunday,

opportunity to put their faith into action through

is currently a member of Asbury’s UMW or a

April 20 (5:00 pm). A second night option until

loving and serving those in need. No

member of the Priscilla Circle. She must be an

11:00 am on Sunday is available. Heart O’Hills

reservations required; just get your vehicle in

entering freshman at an accredited university

Retreat Center. Do you sometimes feel trapped

line by 11:30 am.

for the 2008-2009 school year. The deadline

in the every-day routines and obligations of

for the completed applications is noon, Friday,

life? Sisters in Christ, unite. Come and

Saturday, April 19. The Men’s Ministry offers

April 11. The church office business hours are

thoroughly enjoy a relaxed wooded lake

home improvement for widows, widowers

Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

setting, hear from dynamic speakers, including

and single moms within the Asbury family.

and Fridays, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. For more

our own pastors, Darlene Johnson and Cindy

Volunteers make themselves available every

information, contact Dyanne Sidner,

Mayes, and take the opporutnity to makes lots

other month to help folks out with minor home

Scholarship Committee Chairperson.

of new friends. Choose from various fun

repairs and/or home improvement projects.

activities such as paddle boats, miniature golf,

Just pick up a request form at the South

Thursday, March 6, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm.

or just curl up with a book during your free

Welcome Desk, or call your request to Pam

Attention ladies! The program planned for

time period. You’ll enjoy good food,

Wallace at 392-1199, ext. 253 at least ten days

March’s UMW Luncheon will be a wonderful

comfortable hotel rooms and even a bonfire!

before the scheduled work day. A Home

piano and organ duet presentation by our very

There’s an optional second night with a

Improvement volunteer will contact you, and

own Barbara Graves and Rosanna Corrales

Sunday morning outdoor chapel service. The

make arrangements to get the job(s) done.

on “Hymns of the Church.” Our scripture

focus will be our relationship with the One

emphasis for this month comes from

who knows us best and loves us most. So

Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 2319.

Colossians 3:16, “Let the word of Christ dwell

come get re-charged, re-energized and set

Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher.

in you richly as you teach and admonish one

free! “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is

another with all wisdom, and as you sing

FREEDOM! Stand firm and do not let yourself

Ladies, would like a “cheer me up” with your

psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with

be shackled again by chains of bondage!”

morning coffee? We have dedicated, caring

gratitude in your hearts to God.” A delicious

2 Cor. 3:17, Gal. 5:1. Cost: $55 for cabin, $69

women who would love to meet that need in

luncheon by Virginia will be prepared for just

for 3-4 per hotel room/ $79 for 1-2 per hotel

your life by being your very own “phone

$6 per person. Bring a friend and be a part of

room plus $40 for second night and $20 for

buddy.” Call Shirley Martin and she’ll connect

the blessing.

optional transportation.

you with a loving volunteer.

UMW March Luncheon

Women’s Spiritual Empowerment: Growing and Serving

Whirlwind Game Day

Home Improvement Work Days

Women of the Word

Phone Buddies

Crafty Ladies Fellowship

Friday, September 25 from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2820. We

Thursday, March 13 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm, Rm

in the CLC. Come one, come all and be a part

gather to work on our own individual arts and

2818. Do you ever wish you had more

of our Game Day. Hosted by Asbury’s United

crafts, stop for a delicious potluck lunch, and

courage? Do you sometimes feel like you are

Methodist Women, this awesome, fun-packed

continue on through until 2:00 pm. We would

fighting your battles all alone? Maybe you

fundraiser benefits the Circle of Care

love to have you join us! For more contact

question your faith, or dream of having a

Ministries, Child S.H.A.R.E. program. If you like

Beverly Clarke and stop by some Monday!



welcome to asbury... ...we’re glad you’re here! Chad and Brandi Bules and Maicy

Tom and Kerri Zimmerman

Cindy Hibblen, Preson and Pierce

Patric and Jennifer Todd and Jordan

C.F. and Betty McGee

Blake and Jennifer Simpson

If you are interested in learning more

Bob and Jan Elms

Jeff and Meg Pense, Addison, John, Baylor and Megan

about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. We will spend our time looking at Asbury’s “Mission – Vision- Objectives.” Most of the time will be spent in talking about our eight objectives.

Choose from one of the upcoming Sunday membership classes: Mar 2, 2008 Apr 6, 2008 May 4, 2008 June 1, 2008 Aug 3, 2008 Sept 7, 2008 Oct 5, 2008 Nov 2, 2008 Dec 7, 2008 Classes are from 12:15 – 2:00 pm Call 392-1191 to make your reservation. Childcare is available and lunch is included.

Tim and Becky Anderson, Madie, Parker, Cooper and Tate ASBURY TIDINGS


Thomas Amburn

Jason Wilson Jim and Joanne Benson

Mark and Kitty Rubertus Cory and Nick Porter Lea Knight

Terry Sweetwood

J.B. Barrett

Tracy Perrin

Gail Wilson

Kevin and Arnell Rogers Ashley, Brycen, Chance and Lexi

Dennie and Carrie Botjer

Lauren Henry

Marilyn Shuller

Tracy Cinocca and Javen

Lance and Sue Hightower RaeLee and Sterling

Sheila Manley

Adam Rogers

Mitch McGree

Justin Yates

Tom and Cindy Raffensperger Robert and Barbara Avakian 31


you are invited... in appreciation...

My grateful thanks to the five men who came and worked so hard for several hours to rid my backyard of tree limbs and the ice storm debris. They wished to remain anonymous - so I only know that they were from the Faithbuilders Community. They did a beautiful job and in so doing, gave this doddering old lady a huge lift. God bless them, and God bless Asbury. Edie Washburn Dear friends at Asbury, Thank you to all who sent your loving support in some way when we lost our beloved husband and father. Thanks to the Ambassadors for the music; Dub Ambrose, Pec Clark and John Keefe for the wonderful messages; the Disciples Community for all their support and the luncheon; and to those who sent cards of comfort, phone calls and donations to the Nomads, the Gideons and the Church in Duane’s honor and memory. Love to All, Grace Lee and family Thank you to my many Asbury family and friends. To Tapestry Community, UMW Dorcas Circle, Darlene’s Women’s Bible Study, Stephen Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Tweenagers and many other friends. Thank you for your prayers, food, cards, calls and visits. With your help, prayers and support, my family and I have been able to stay strong and courageous through our recent sad time. I know that my precious daughter, Sue, is at rest in the arms of God and my family and I find peace in God’s love and in yours, too. God bless you, Pat Finch and Family

in celebration of marriage... 55 Years Robert & Ruscel Holtzapple March 10, 1953 Gary & Celeste Zarley March 28, 1953

40 Years Bill & Mary Jane Sparkman March 25 50 Years Bruce & Carolyn Nixon March 29, 1958 Report your Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at or call 392-1146.

25 Years Tom & Susan Golliver March 26 10 Years Gene & Kay Spell March 10

to a celebration in honor of Esther Gene Morrison

for 25 years of service and 85 years of life, Monday, April 7 at 9:30 a.m. in the Parlor. If you have been a member of Mothers’ Fellowship in the past, please join us for this time of commemoration. Sponsored by Asbury’s Mothers’ Fellowship

we rejoice... with those who have experienced the joy of welcoming a new baby:

NathanDaniel Harris son of Rodney and Sarah Harris brother of Haleigh and Emma January 15, 2008 Caleb Jordan Craig son of Todd and Stephenie Craig brother of Ethan grandson of Don and Janet Craig February 7, 208

we remember... and celebrate the lives of:

Jack Bourns January 21, 2008 Richard Maio husband of Karyn January 21, 2008 Clint Bales brother of Terry Bales January 22, 2008 Howard Stone father of Leslie Stone January 23, 2008 John Hubbard husband of Ethyl January 29, 2008 Chet Leet husband of Rae February 13, 2008 ASBURY TIDINGS 32

He Protects Us Dear Members and Support Group, I am writing you all in regards to my thanks for everything you all do. I spoke with my mother, Pamela Parrish, the other day and she told me something I found very interesting. So now I’m writing you all to say how thankful I am for our church and your group! On December 3, 2007 at 11:30 am in Masul, Iraq, my vehicle was destroyed by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) while we were in route to another mission where my Platoon’s support was needed. All of my crew survived and they were not injured. I took shrapnel to my face and I have fully recovered with no scars. I continued on with missions even after this incident. My mother told me that you all pray over every soldier’s piece of mail you send out and it came to one of your members that on December 3, 2007 at 11:30 am (Central Time) you all prayed over my mail. I found that very interesting and it has opened by eyes and heart a lot more. I thank you for this blessing you have given me. I felt that I needed to send everyone my thanks! I sit here every day in the line of danger and I will never know when it’s my time, but I would like to ask that you pray for these men that we have lost over here. We lost three men so far from my Squadron and I hope and pray that we don’t lose any more. Well thank you all so much for your support and I hope to see you all when I’m home on leave. God bless you. Thank you, with love, Sgt. Harrison Parrish P.S. I hope to be able to stand in front of our congregation and send out my thanks as well!

I had the very distinct pleasure of visiting with one of our Asbury military men last November. His name is Hunter Smith and we have sent him prayer cards while he was with his Marine battalion in Iraq. He is a tall, handsome, Christian young man, with a sparkle in his eyes and a smiling countenance. His parents, Len and Laneta Smith, are in my Family Fellowship community, and he joined them in our seven-couple small group meeting at Dick Read’s home. He was home with his family for a few days, then back to Camp Pendleton, CA. He told me that he REALLY appreciated the bi-weekly reminder that someone cared enough to pray for him and send him a special Asbury card in the mail.

Before he left the USA in February ’07, his Marine Chaplain prayed for the safety of all 1,000 men in the battalion. They were given Psalm 91 prayer cards. (He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust…”). Hunter kept his Psalm 91 card on him every day. When they left Iraq the first of October ’07, about one fourth of the Marines still had their Psalm 91 cards. With all of their equipment hauling and movement, he thought that was so cool that there were so many sacred cards still intact. But here is the amazing part: every single Marine…all 1,000 of them…returned to Camp Pendleton. Only 14 had been injured. Hunter claimed it as “God’s miracle of protection.” Here’s the best news. I asked him, “Tell me the truth, from the inside of Iraq, do you really believe that Good is winning over Evil?” He looked me square in the eye, and with a strong voice said, “Absolutely!” Don’t ever give up praying. Miracles still happen. Good still wins over evil. Love in Christ, Darlene Truman

Please pray for the safety of my son-in-law, Bryan Davis. One of his times out on patrol, the main gun was jammed. Pray for him and all the young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan and other volatile places in the world. It is a scary place to be, but not one of those brave soldiers complain. They know that any day could be the day they meet Jesus Christ face to face, but most are not afraid, either because of their faith or because they are so patriotic and believe in what they do. God becomes really close when the danger of death is so near. It is very real to them, but it does not stop them from defending what they believe in and that is a strong belief in the United States of America, the belief in freedom and the freedom of worship. We are indeed blessed with these young people at the helm of this ship. Phyllis Friesner

The prayers for our soldiers and their families are so important. If you would like to join us in the important ministry of prayer and encouragement, please contact me Gwen Mohler at or call 392-1146.

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