Asbury Tidings - Irresistible Invitation

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ne of the great Bible stories is the “Parable of the Waiting Father,” more commonly known as the “Parable of the Prodigal Son.” However,

the emphasis of the story is not about the younger son’s hubris and repentance, it was about the love and graciousness of his father. The younger son insults his father, grabs his inheritance, and leaves home. That was far more sensational than the attitude of his judgmental elder brother. However, the older son was full of resentment. He was furious at both his brother’s recklessness and his father’s willingness to forgive and restore. I can see “Elder” sulking around the house wearing a T-shirt which read: “That’s not fair to me!” The story is actually about TWO “lost” sons. Romans 1 (the sins of the “fleshly” younger brother) and Romans 2 (the sins of the judgmental, spiritual sins of the elder) shows this same pattern. Jesus found more receptive and penitent hearts among those who realized they were sinners and needed forgiveness than He did among the righteous. At least the sick know they need a doctor. Unfortunately, not all of us realize we are ALL sick (Romans 3:23). Sin is no respecter of persons. No doubt, behavioral sins have more immediate consequences than the sins of the spirit. Make no mistake, however: “sin is sin.” It may be the harshness, hypocrisy, and condemnation of “spiritual” people that forces “unspiritual” people into not pursuing a relationship with God. People are far more complex than what we would imagine. Lent is a 40-day season of preparation for Resurrection Sunday. These are excellent times to pay close at-

tention to our spiritual journeys. As such, I will be preaching on “Irresistible Invitation: Responding to the Extravagant Heart of God.” This comes from a devotional book written by someone who has been a spiritual mentor for me, Maxie Dunnam. Maxie was President of Asbury Theological Seminary (he is now Chancellor of ATS). We are offering his devotional book by this title for $10. You can pick up a copy and go through this study with us. Our daily scripture readings are provided elsewhere in our March edition of “Tidings.” Our invitation is to come back home to God. Some of us have been away, living in a far country. We’ve been living inappropriately and beyond our boundaries. Others among us haven’t left physically, but spiritually we have grown hard and cold. We still come to church but have become cynical and judgmental. We want to repent of our sin, and come back home to God so we can experience His love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Others of us have been doing well, but we can always improve and grow! As we gather for worship during the Lenten season, this will be the emphasis made. As the hymn goes: “Come home! Come home! Ye who are weary come home.” This home is a good, safe, and loving place to be. See you Sunday,

Dr. Tom Harrison


Managing Editor Tara Lynn Thompson

4 Partners in the Gospel

15 Faith of a Child

6 Helpers of the Fatherless

16 Daily Prayers for Lent

8 Fit for Kingdom Living

20 My Life: Scot Williams

10 Alive in Christ

22 Opportunities

12 Why Have You Forsaken Me?

31 New Members

14 Kaffe Bona

34 Family Room

Graphic Designer Nicole McMahan

Photographer Don Kreutzweiser

Guest Contributors Heather Bates • Kim Beair Christy Capps • Marcia Culver • Marcia Curley Marty McBroom • John Westervelt

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting


Irresistible Invitation

Partners in the Gospel


Parents and the Church

christy capps

n a cold and blustery Sunday morning, a beautiful browneyed baby girl was presented for infant baptism. Pastor Tom held the little

very seriously. One example of this is the Road Map

girl in his arms as he read the familiar words: “Our

children how to love and serve Jesus, and they are

Lord has expressly given to little children a place

hungry for instruction on how to do just that. With a

among the people of God which holy privilege must

strong commitment from the church and home, the

not be denied them. Remember the words of the Lord

Bible gives us the best instruction.

class, Value-Packed Parenting, led by Christina Gray. It is packed with parents. There is not an empty seat in the classroom! Parents are eager to teach their

Jesus who said, ‘Let the little children come to me,

God’s Word says in Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (MSG)

and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven

“Write these commandments that I’ve given you

belongs to such as these.’”

today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and

After the parents made their commitment to the

then get them inside your children. Talk about them

child and Pastor Tom prepared to sprinkle the child

wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the

with water, the little girl’s tiny hand reached out to

street; talk about them from the time you get up in

touch his face. The congregation collectively said,

the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie


them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder;

The ceremony of infant baptism is a perfect representation of the building blocks vital to the beginning

inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates.”

of faith. To grow in the love of Jesus Christ, children

With God’s help, the Faith Zone begins its inten-

need parents who take responsibility to teach and

tional Christian education when a baby is six weeks

exemplify the Christian faith. Children also need the

old. While the parents attend worship, their commu-

church to surround them with support and embrace

nity, or volunteer, their baby is held, fed, and loved.

them in Christian fellowship. Both of these commit-

They also are introduced to “Babies Bible Class”

ments, from the parents and the congregation, are

started by Diane Murphy. Diane and other volunteers

promised to the child during this service.

sing to the children while teaching them basic Chris-

Asbury parents are taking their God-given respon-

tian beliefs. Using a hand mirror, Diane holds it up for

sibility of being the spiritual nurturers of their children

each child to see their reflection and sings to them by name: “God loves Miller, yes He does; God loves,


are the center of Asbury’s Children’s Ministry. Faith Zone’s first priority is supporting parents in their role as the primary spiritual nurturers of their children. And the first step of faith for each child begins with parents holding one hand and the church holding the other.

Children’s Ministry + Student Ministry = Prayer Mission

Julia, yes He does; God made Caitlin just this way and He loves her every day.” Diane is imprinting on their tiny hearts a picture of

The children of Asbury’s Faith Zone will cover the students going on Spring Break missions with their prayers. The Children’s Ministry staff, with the help of Stephanie Hurd and Cathy Carney, will pair the children with students on each trip as follows: • Pre K & Kindergarten children will pray for the 7th graders going to Texas. • 1st & 2nd grade children will pray for the 8th graders going to Kentucky. • 3rd & 4th grade children will pray for the 9th & 10th graders going to Mexico. • 5th & 6th grade children will pray for the 11th & 12th graders going to Guatemala.

Christ. She is passionate about teaching young children because of the research that indicates children learn the most between 0 and two years of age. “A child’s spiritual character will be molded—and molded early...Childhood is the critical window to a person’s development of personality and soul. The baby and toddler are most open to your influence and instruction. By three years of age the child’s basic personality has been established...By seven, the child is pretty much a miniature of what he will be at maturity and the window of opportunity to influence his character is less wide.” says Dr. Kay Kuzma in her book “Building a Child’s Character from the Inside Out” (Elgin, Illinois: David C. Cook Publishing). Parents who come to church regularly, joined with consistent loving caregivers at Asbury, help the young child understand that God’s community of people is a wonderful place for them to be. This marks the beginning of a child’s journey to faith in Christ. Families

This month the children will learn about the mission trip the students they are praying for will be going on. They will be visited by some of the students going on the trip and hear their prayer requests. The students will give the children prayer bracelets to wear during Spring Break to remind them to pray. On Sunday, March 15, every child who attends Faith Zone will receive a prayer card with a photograph of a student and a prayer guide to help the child and their family to pray every day specifically for that student and their trip. Families are encouraged to join together in teaching their children how to pray for our young missionaries. The children are excited to partner with students and to play such a vital role by praying for the youth on Spring Break Mission trips! ASBURY TIDINGS

Irresistible Invitation

Helpers of the Fatherless


marty mcbroom

very day in Tulsa County three teenage girls become pregnant. It isn’t a pretty statistic,

as the Early Head Start Program Coordinator. This

and it only gets worse. Those pregnant and parenting

“I’m so thankful for the huge heart Asbury has for

teens are seven times more likely to commit suicide.

gives her an inside track in helping many teen moms since it focuses on parents being teachers. the YoungLives ministry,” Cathy said.

Oklahoma’s teen pregnancy rate is one of the high-

A pregnant girl might find out about YoungLives in

est in the nation. They mostly come from non-intact

several ways—word of mouth, the school system or

homes, having had little or no contact with their fa-

one of the many help agencies around town. Much

thers. Many were abused.

networking is done with these agencies which include

Young Life, a mission devoted to introducing teens

Christian, state-run and independent. They also have

to Jesus Christ and help them grow, started a na-

good contacts that can help with adoptions. About

tion-wide ministry called “YoungLives” for unwed

one-third of pregnant teens will have abortions. Doris

pregnant teen girls and teen moms. Their purpose is

noted that while many churches are faithful to con-

to demonstrate the love of Jesus—especially to that

demn abortion, they do not often provide the help

segment of pregnant teens who have no support sys-

needed for a pregnant teen to deal with her predica-

tem, no one to help.


Christian women, as mentors, are matched with

The Mosaic Community adopted YoungLives as

pregnant girls. They are mostly from broken homes

one of its special class ministries a number of years

and have very little or no support system. These men-

ago. More recently the Purpose Driven Life Fellow-

tors come alongside to compassionately help both

ship (PDF) has also joined in ministry. Several women

practically and spiritually. Mentors are vital tools in

in these communities, along with others at Asbury

this program.

and other churches, serve as mentors to girls who

Doris Schlafke, a long-time Asbury member and

are pregnant or already moms. These compassionate

part of the Mosaic Community, directed this ministry

women are role models, friends, motivators, advo-

in Tulsa on a volunteer basis for nine years and is still

cates and spiritual guides in helping a girl to know

involved. Cathy Duke took over as the new director in

and walk with Christ. Once Doris let a girl spend the

2005. Cathy’s day job is for the Union School District

night at her house because she had no place to sleep that night. The next morning the girl shared that this


was the first time in her life she had slept between

abstinence, AIDS/STD information, abusive relations

two sheets.

and others. The girls are encouraged to finish high

Asbury participates in YoungLives by providing

school or get their GED, and sometimes their men-

meeting space and nursery care for their two month-

tors will assist them with transportation and always

ly meetings. The first meeting is called “Club” and

guidance and encouragement.

includes dinner, games,






and a chance for


the girls to have

meeting, one of

some fun. The

the teens was



proudly nursing










girl brought an




Bible study time.








year to year, but



usually there are

had been pre-or-

between 15 and

dered. She earns



extra money do-

in the program

ing this. The girls

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me… I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these…you did for me.” for Club meetings, but only a few attend the Cam-

want to work, but it’s difficult. Another girl who was

paigners Bible study. The Mosaics and PDFs provide

there already had three children. This is not uncom-

the dinners and snacks for meetings and manage the

mon. About 20 percent will have a second pregnancy

activities held at Asbury.

before age 20.

There is also a annual Christmas party held for

The rewards of participating with and reaching out

their girls and their babies, called Christmas Stocking

to one of these young women are tremendous. May-

Project. Lots of presents for baby and mom, along

be you won’t change the world, but you could make

with decorations, music, games and a celebration of

a huge difference in one family’s life. If you would like

the birth of Jesus, help the girls know that God loves

to learn more about being a volunteer mentor or to

them and so do others.

help in any other capacity, contact YoungLives Direc-

YoungLives offers many programs to the girls including parenting, home-making, breast feeding,

tor, Cathy Duke, at 724-1332 or the Tulsa Young Life Office at 665-8525. ASBURY TIDINGS

Irresistible Invitation

Fit for Kingdom Living


marcia curley

t had been a few years since I had last visited with her, but as soon as I saw that huge smile and energetic step in her walk, I recognized her immediately.

Although she no longer lives in University Village,

She had lost a few pounds and maybe gained an

last year, she only missed about a week and a half of

extra character line or two on her face, but she was

classes, and that was only after months of radiation

the same spry and spirited lady that I had known and


she was instrumental in making the class available at Asbury. She has been teaching at Asbury for almost five years now and rarely ever misses teaching the class. Even when she experienced a bout with cancer

worked with in the print shop. Phyllis Younts is 85

One of Phyllis’s fitness students, 67-year-old Nell

years old, or should I say 85-years young, and she is

Parsons, loves the Sit-n-Fit class and gushed, “Phyllis

what I want to be when I grow up!

does a wonderful job!”

Phyllis can be found every Monday/Wednesday/

The class provides cardiovascular benefits, in-

Friday morning in the Asbury gym warming up for

creased flexibility, and joint therapy; plus, it is inside

her Sit-n-Fit Class, a cardiovascular workout geared

and safe from the outside elements. Clearly there are

for seniors. Class members usually begin arriving

physical benefits to exercise but there are also spiritu-

around 8:30 am and start warming up by walking

al benefits. Every class begins with prayer, and there

around the gym. As the class begins at 9 am, teacher

is a sweet and wonderful fellowship that exists.

and students take their positions—yes, the lady teaching at the front of the class is none other than our Phyllis.

“It’s my favorite group—they are both good to me and good for me,” said Phyllis. Trying to keep up with Phyllis’s schedule is like

Phyllis originally became familiar with Sit-n-Fit

trying to keep up with my teenagers. She’s like a

several years ago when she lived at University Vil-

workaholic volunteer always running somewhere.

lage. Back then, exercise specialists with Oral Roberts

She’s like the energizer bunny that never runs out of

University designed and set up the program with the

power. She squeezed in our interview for this article

senior population who lived in University Village.

after the Exploration Class where she greets potential new members.


But this is nothing new for Phyllis. She has worked

Last September, when Phyllis was diagnosed with

and been active all of her life so why would any-

an aggressive form of Sarcoma, she was quickly re-

thing change just because she is in the “retirement”

minded of how many people cared for her. And she


was touched and encouraged by the many people

“My spirit and personality are active and I want to keep active by doing something,” said Phyllis.

who prayed for her. With no immediate family in Tulsa, it is comforting to know that there are many

And indeed, she does just that. When she’s not

brothers and sisters in Christ who are there to step in

teaching Sit-n-Fit, she is singing in the Senior Choir,

and help. Being physically fit at her age has played a

active in Tweenagers, or working with the UMW

huge role in treating her illness. Going into radiation

(United Methodist Women). She also acts as a hostess

treatments, she was strong and fit both physically

during the New Member Exploration Class and she

and spiritually.

works three days a week in the church Print Shop. One of the things that strike me most about Phyllis is her love for Christ. She does these things to keep active, but the core of her activity is to honor Christ. As Paul told the Corinthian Believers in the sixth

Like the poet in Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart does good, like medicine. But a broken spirit dries the bones.” During her illness, she was reminded that God is her great physician.

chapter of 1 Corinthians, “Do you not know that your

“I know that I’ll always be taken care of—God is

body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,

my heavenly Father and he cares for me. I don’t have

whom you have received from God? You are not your

fears or worries about the future. Sure, I have con-


cerns, but fear or worries? No, not fear or worries,”

It’s not just about keeping her physical body

Phyllis said.

healthy; it’s about keeping her spirit healthy too. This is her act of worship; it is her act of loving God. ASBURY TIDINGS

Irresistible Invitation

Alive in Christ


heather bates

or Bob Greaves, getting a diagnosis of prostate cancer in 1997 was the biggest shock of his life.

loved ones. Open to both church members and non-

“Cancer is something that is catastrophic. You im-

struggles, they are able to get information about dif-

mediately see it as a formidable opponent. A lot of times you lose the fight,” he said. Before he even had a chance to get over the shock, he and his wife, Carole, faced very difficult and over-

members, the group consists of men and women of all ages, facing all types of cancer. Not only do they find fellowship with others who are experiencing similar ferent treatments, medications, and resources. It was around the time the group started that Dolores Willits was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She says that she was devastated.

whelming decisions concerning his treatment plan.

“(The) journey starts out in the most fearful way,”

Bob remembers going home and immediately ask-

she said. Not only do you fear the cancer but “the

ing God for the strength and courage to get through

treatments are such an assault on your body.”

what was before him. As he spent time in prayer, he

Shortly after being diagnosed, her husband, Neil,

remembered a man he knew who had gone through

saw an announcement in the church bulletin about

the same surgery. After talking to him and doing ad-

the group and thought it would be good for them to

ditional reading, Bob made the decision to have the

go. When Dolores thinks about the group, she says


the words “caring” and “sharing” come to mind.

He then began the long recovery process. Part of his recovery was receiving the support of a special

“Because they have been through it themselves, they truly know how you feel,” she said.

group of people who knew exactly what he was going

After her treatments were finished, Dolores and

through. It was the Cancer Support Group that gave

Neil were asked to help lead the group. The group

Bob and Carole the encouragement they needed to

was still small, about five or six people attending the

face the battle ahead of them.

meetings. With a strong desire to reach others and

The group started meeting at Asbury in February

help them through their battle, Dolores made flyers

1990. For the past 19 years, it has provided spiritual

and left them at the hospitals and at other places

and emotional support to cancer patients and their

where patients received treatments. More people,


many from outside the church, began to attend the

has always remained constant and that is the encour-

meetings. Over the next few years, the group grew

agement, hope, and care this group provides for one

to over 30.


Each meeting starts with a prayer including prayer

“Out of our grief, we can help others along the

requests made by the members. There is a devotional

way,” Dolores said. “If we do not use our bad experi-

and refreshments are served. The rest of the time is

ences to make something good, then we are not do-

for the members to share what has been going on in

ing what God wants us to do.”

their lives since the last meeting. Everyone, including

Although no longer able to attend the group regu-

caregivers and family members, is welcome to share.

larly, she still receives calls from people who are

Bob says it is a very good place to get your tank filled

struggling. She always takes the opportunity to listen

both spiritually and emotionally.

and offer her support.

Outside of the group, members follow up with each

Ultimately, it is faith that enables these courageous

other through phone calls and cards. The group also

people to win the battle. Bob knows that whatever

meets periodically for breakfast and have a Christmas

happens “God loves him and wants what is best for

party each year.


Jan Farris, who has been the facilitator of the

After losing many friends and two children to can-

group for the past couple of years, says the group

cer, he also realizes that healing can come in many

is able to help people through the difficult times by

forms whether here on earth or in heaven. God is

providing many different kinds of support, such as

our creator and wants nothing but good for us. He

prayers, sharing treatment information, and just be-

is the one who gives us the strength and courage to

ing with others in the same boat.

get through each day. Many times He accomplishes

Through the years, the group has seen many changes. There have been several different leaders.

this through the fellowship of others facing the same challenges.

Many of their friends have lost their battle with can-

The Cancer Support Group meets on the second

cer. Others have been healed and have moved on to

Sunday of each month in the Parlor from 4 pm to 6

other things. But, despite these changes, one thing


“Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4:16


Irresistible Invitation My God, My God,

Why Have You Forsaken Me? kim beair, ms, lpc, ncc


ost of us, at some time or another, have struggled with the question of whether or not we are loved and valued by God.

commanded to move on. What causes some to pass

His mercy is new every morning, but by 10 am we are

Outside influences impact our self-worth when

sometimes back to ground zero. We know He is there,

they are warped into faulty beliefs. Keeping outside

but it doesn’t always feel like it. Losses for ourselves

influence in balance makes for an easier process of

or a loved one can shake our faith to the core. The

adjusting and feeling God is near when we need Him

question becomes this: when it is all said and done,

most. To keep balance in check, ask yourself two ques-

do we look back in hindsight, having grown closer to

tions; “how do I define myself?” and “how would I

God, or farther away?

feel if this definition no longer fit?”

through the storm while others keep living inside it? It comes back to feeling worthy to move forward with the grace of God, despite our circumstances.

We sometimes feel unloved by God, when in re-

If you recognize the value of just being a child of

ality, we are feeling our own lack of self worth and

God, then you are probably in the right place. Allow-

attributing it to Him. It isn’t conscious; instead our

ing faulty perceptions to define us rather than seeing

irrational and faulty thoughts and beliefs catch up

how God defines us puts our self worth and percep-

with us during times of trouble, and color the way we

tion of Him in jeopardy.

process events in our minds.

Christians sometimes bend the Word of God as

The losses we experience cause real pain. The

consolation. Statements like: “God never gives us

initial loss and question of “why me?” is healthy

anything we can’t handle” or “God must be trying

and normal. It is part of the grief process that God

to teach me something” are popular phrases, but are

designed for the human mind. But after the initial

not the Word of God. We decide God has “given” us

loss and questioning comes the process of gather-

a tragedy, which divides His house against itself. Talk

ing and assessing events, information and feelings

about internal conflict!

so we can emerge on the other side of the storm in

The simple fact is every bad thing that happens to you

a healthy way. Loss and trauma remain, yet we are

does not mean God is trying to teach YOU something.


Though you hear nothing, he is speaking. Though you see nothing, he is acting. With God there are no accidents. Every incident is intended to bring us closer to Him. - Max Lucado

God can take any

accept the bad into

situation and mold

our lives as if we

it into something

deserve it but fail

beneficial, but that

to accept the gifts

doesn’t mean He


caused pain for you


today so you could



For some reason,




especially forgiveness.

it seems easier to

Another bling




live by a “works”


mentality, than a

many Christians is




ity, as if we could

people into their in-

ever do enough to

ner circle. The Bible

be worthy of God

is full of firm boundary setting; it helps God’s people



stay on track. Allowing the bad habits of others un-

People fear that letting go and letting God means

der the guise of “what would Jesus do?” is just an

losing something valuable. What God will remove is

excuse for not doing the hard stuff God commands.

the proverbial albatross, but though it is heavy and

The Bible presents guidelines for the types of people

smelly, we constantly reclaim it because it is our se-

we are to keep at arm’s length; but when we decide

curity. We are unwilling to fully clothe ourselves in

to let dysfunctional people in, it becomes unfair to

the yoke of Jesus, which we are promised is easy, the

wonder why God allowed our lives to crumble. God

burden light.

is not punishing us when we defy his Word and get stuck with negative consequences.

Letting go and letting God is the first step in regaining our own self worth, and the answer that helps us

Not accepting the forgiveness, love and renewal

see clearly what God does for us, in contrast to what

of Jesus Christ is another way in which we keep

we do to ourselves. Try it, and your focus will clear to

ourselves in conflict, which again minimizes our self

see the God who really is, and who wants to be your

worth. Society teaches we must work hard for every-

Savior—regardless of your works. Once this is ac-

thing or we are not worthy. This attitude keeps us from

complished, it is impossible not to see, hear and feel

receiving the unmerited favor of Christ. We certainly

the love of God as you move through the storm. ASBURY TIDINGS 13

Irresistible Invitation

Kaffe Bona


marcia culver

ou are sitting in church, Bible study or one of the other many opportunities at Asbury, and your stomach starts to growl. Just ask anyone on staff in the Children’s Ministry and they will tell you that I am always guilty of this offense. You are wondering if anyone heard and then someone turns to look at you. Caught, red handed, guilty of hunger. Well, you should know that you are blessed. Have you heard about the irresistible café at Asbury Venue|68? You don’t even need to leave the Asbury campus to enjoy a delicious meal or snack. Kaffe Bona opened its doors in Venue|68 on November 30, 2008. Since that day, the wonderful staff of Kaffe Bona has been serving up delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner items to the people of Asbury and the public. Did you know that Asbury is one of two churches in Tulsa to be blessed with a Kaffe Bona location? The restaurant has seven locations in Tulsa including the one at Asbury Venue|68. The concept originated when Asbury approached Kaffe Bona about opening a location at Venue|68. Asbury had a café atmosphere in the old Breakaway area but with the purchase of the old ice arena and the new Breakaway under construction, Asbury was looking for a new way to open the church to people in the community. The owners of Kaffe Bona thought that the church, location and people of Asbury were a great fit. “The response from Asbury staff and members has been great,” said Jenny Beatie, Corporate Manager for the Kaffe Bona. Kaffe Bona has catered many staff events, meetings, hosted birthday parties, and been 14 ASBURY TIDINGS

the site of bridge and board games. Kaffe Bona offers a relaxed atmosphere to meet, eat and enjoy the company of friends. KB offers a wonderful menu of espresso, fine foods and desserts. They have hot drinks, cold drinks, smoothies, breakfast, lunch combo, sandwiches, salads, wraps and delicious desserts. My personal favorite is the California sandwich. There are several people on staff in the Children’s Ministry that rave about the Chicken Salad Pie. I still need to try that one. There are some specialized items on the menu only offered at the Kaffe Bona Venue location. These include The Asbury Tom, The Asbury Dana, the Union High School pizza quesadilla and brownie bites. I remember Pastor Tom talking about the Asbury Tom when Kaffe Bona opened. I just don’t remember if it had mustard or not. I guess I should order one to find out. The Kaffe Bona Venue|68 location has great hours for any meal during the day. Store Hours are: Sunday, 9am – 3pm; Monday - Friday, 7am – 8pm; and Saturday, 9am – 8pm. Kaffe Bona @ Venue|68 may be contacted at 918.392.4590. According to Jenny, one of the best things about Kaffe Bona is its history. The owners have a love of serving the Lord and have ministered to college students through Bible studies in their home. Jenny said it is a joy to work with people she respects and loves. If you haven’t visited Kaffe Bona, take a minute to drop by, say hello and grab a bite to eat. The Kaffe Bona staff is great. Be sure to say hello to Elin. She will treat you right and the staff will make something really good to eat. Bon a’ ppétit!


Faith of a Child

john westervelt

s a youth while reading “do not be anxious” in the ending verses of the sixth chapter of Matthew, I thought, “Who is ever anxious?” On the first day of Asbury Week-

Jesus. Finally, the teacher explains the activity centers

day Preschool in late August, I greeted 16 three year

color a picture with bright markers and write SUMMER

olds. Some children cried for their mothers. Some

across the bottom. I would ask, “Do you want to send

mothers silently cried for their children. Separation is

this picture to your grandmother?”

hard. On the other hand, Summer walked directly into the

at each of four roundtables. My friend Sue Freeman had a rough autumn fighting cancer. The dark days of December were especially difficult for Sue. During December, Summer would

“Yes.” “What do you call her?”

classroom with a smile on a face framed by long, dark-


brown hair with bangs. I could see from her last name

So I would write GRANDMOMMY across the top of

that she was the granddaughter of Kerry and Sue Freeman, my friends for 45 years.

the picture. On the first Wednesday of January, Sue died.


I knew that the Freeman’s daughter Kelly had mar-

wondered what I could say to Summer when she came

ried Scott Luttenberg and that they had six children,

to class the next day. The next morning arrived, and

with Summer being the youngest. All of Summer’s

Summer entered the classroom with a smile as she

family attend Sunday school every week, so she was

joined her friends for play, so I said nothing.

familiar with the classrooms.

Later in the morning, Summer came to the table

As a preschool volunteer, I experience the joy of

where I was helping and said in a soft voice, “Grandpa

being with the same 16 children from August to May.

John, Grandmommy is in heaven.” If only I had the

Mothers and children outgrow the pain of separation. I

faith of this child, my grieving would be less painful.

could have expected Summer to be self-assured from

Summer’s belief in heaven continued on Saturday

the beginning, having grown up with a sister and four

morning as she entered Asbury’s sanctuary for a me-


morial service for Sue. With a sweet countenance,

At opening circle time, the children stand and pledge

Summer walked down the aisle holding her mother’s

allegiance to the American flag, the Christian flag, and

left hand and grasping in her own left hand the front

the Bible. Then they sing, “The B – I – B – L – E that’s

leg of a stuffed bear. While Summer believes in heav-

the book for me...” Next, Miss Jan or Miss Sue asks

en, it didn’t hurt to have an Asbury Care Bear to cuddle

the children to bow their heads for prayer. The teacher

while her Uncle Kevin, her brother Stephen, and Rev-

prays in the language of a three year old as she talks to

erend Bill Mason talked about Grandmommy.


Daily Prayer for the Season of Lent


ent is the Christian season leading up to Easter Sunday. Traditionally these 40 days are a time of repentance and preparing our hearts for the celebration of the Lord’s resurrection. You will notice that the season of Lent does not include Sundays. Each Sunday, known also as the Lord’s Day, is a “little” Easter, and therefore a day of celebration. There is a prayer for Sundays at the beginning of the devotional that reflects the joy of Easter that the season of Lent anticipates. This Lenten devotional is intended to take you

on a journey of transformation. Such a journey can only begin once we honestly reflect on the sin in our lives. Coming to terms with our sin should cause real grief within us. But in that grief we experience God’s grace. Such love in light of our sinful lives instills humility. A truly humble heart will find renewal. Renewal leads to greater intentionality in our daily living. As our lives turn around we find ourselves standing in the light of God’s glory, full of awe, knowing that God loves us so.

Sunday Thank you, Almighty God, for the gift of your son Jesus Christ and for the promise of the gift of eternal life with you. Amen.

Thursday: Merciful God, I confess that I don’t treat others the way Christ taught us. Too often I am judgmental, envious, prideful, arrogant, rude, and without compassion. Forgive me. Amen. Friday: Heavenly Father, I confess that there are times I just don’t want to be bothered with the effort it takes to do the right thing. I leave the responsibility of discipleship to someone else. Forgive me. Amen. Saturday: Father, sometimes I find myself doing or saying things that I know are not right. I find myself hurting someone or diminishing myself by my words and actions. Forgive me. Amen.

Week One: Sin/Confession Ash Wednesday: Almighty God, I confess that you are not primary in my life. Other things take precedent and I struggle to keep you front and center in all I do. I speak of you carelessly and without reverence. And I ignore your call to Sabbath rest. Forgive me. Amen. (Exodus 20)


Week Two: Contrition Monday: Loving Lord, with the Psalmist I pray that you create in me a clean heart. I know my sin and it grieves me. Teach me the path of righteousness for your sake. Amen. (Psalm 51) Tuesday: O God, my heart is full of sorrow. When I think of your goodness and mercy I am ashamed that I do not respond to you with my whole heart. Amen. Wednesday: Sovereign God, I hate the sin in my life. I am filled with remorse knowing that I do not live according to your ways and I ignore your purpose for my life. Amen. Thursday: Lord, I ask you to help me overcome the temptations of sin and turn in a new direction. Amen. Friday: Merciful God, restore my life and lead me in the path that leads to joy. Give me a willingness to change and to submit my life to you. Amen. Saturday: O God, search me and know my heart; see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting (Psalm 139:23-24.) Amen.

endures forever. It is more than I can comprehend. Amen. Thursday: Everlasting Lord, your grace is such a blessing in my life. I hunger to be fully known and fully loved, even while I am incapable of loving so perfectly myself. The gift of your grace fills me in the way nothing else can. Amen. Friday: Faithful God, to be loved is such a deeply rooted need, and yet I am incapable of knowing what love is without first experiencing your love. Teach me how to love as you love. Amen. Saturday: Gracious One, your grace knows no ends. Let my life be a channel of your grace. Let it pour through me so that others will know the depth of your love. Amen.

Week Three: Grace Monday: Merciful Father, your grace pours over my life and I am overwhelmed by such love. Your mercies are new every day. My cup overflows. Amen. (Psalm 23) Tuesday: Holy Lord, it overwhelms me to know that your love is unconditional. I barely know what that means because everything in my life is conditional. It is amazing to know that no matter what I do, you have the capacity to love me through anything. Amen. Wednesday: Lord God, I am overcome by the knowledge that your love never ends. The world is changing so fast and nothing seems to stay the same. Yet your love ASBURY TIDINGS 17

Week Four: Humility Monday: Amazing Lord, the culture around me encourages me to have a sense of self importance. Humility is rare and sometimes even mocked. But your call to discipleship asks me to follow with a servant heart. Help me to turn toward the desires of your heart. Amen. Tuesday: God of Righteousness, sometimes my pride gets in the way of the things I do. I want others to think highly of me so I can think more highly of myself. Help me to understand that pride is an empty achievement. Amen. Wednesday: Sovereign God, sometimes it is not pride but arrogance that creeps into my life. I don’t care about those around me except for the moments when they can serve my causes and inflate my ego. Help me to see the damage that arrogance causes. Amen. Thursday: Father, help me to realize that your love for me is what makes me significant. Without you I am nothing. With you I am your child. Amen. Friday: Holy Lord, Creator of the Universe, you sent your Son to live among us and in a demonstration of his love, he washed his disciples feet. In doing so he gave us the meaning of humility. Humble my heart, Lord, and show me how to let go of my pride. Amen. Saturday: God of Salvation, teach me how to grow a servant heart. Grow a spirit of humility within me, understanding that humility comes before honor. Amen. (Proverbs 18:12)


Week Five: Renewal Monday: Merciful Lord, by your grace you let us begin again. When we confess our sins to you, everything is made new and you give us a fresh start. We rejoice in new beginnings. Amen. (Psalm 51) Tuesday: Heavenly Father, restore me to your righteousness and lead me in the way everlasting. Let me know the joy of your salvation. Amen. Wednesday: Renovate my heart, O Lord. Clear out the things that don’t belong and begin to build in me a life of prayer and devotion to you. Amen. Thursday: Almighty God, regenerate your passion within me and give me an unquenchable hunger and thirst for you. Amen. Friday: Renew your Holy Spirit within me, Lord, and move me to the place where I am alive in your love. I want to know the abundant life you promise. Amen. Saturday: Merciful Father, whose very Name is Mercy, your mercies are new every day. Refresh my soul so that I can walk in newness of life with you. Amen.

Week Six: Intention Monday: Lord, as a covenant people, we are quick to hear your promises, but we often ignore our responsibilities as a covenant people. I want to be a person who, every day, says to you, “Here I am. I am yours, O Lord. Use me.” Amen. Tuesday: Almighty Father, infuse me with a spirit of determination, to live as you have called me to live. Help me to walk in your ways at all times. Amen.

Wednesday: O God, from this day on I want to be a person who seeks to move forward, a person who is growing daily in faith, in wisdom, and in compassion. I want to be a person who is being transformed day by day into the likeness of your son Jesus Christ. Amen. Thursday: Sustainer God, help me to persevere in all circumstances. Grow in me a faith that is firm in the face of hurt, grief, sadness, loneliness, confusion, pain, and suffering. Keep me from giving up when life gets hard. Amen. Friday: Lord, I know my desire to grow is dependent on my willingness to spend quality time with you on a daily basis. I commit myself to daily prayer, daily study of your Word, and daily service in the building of your Kingdom. Let me be relentless in my commitment. Amen. Saturday: Holy God, I want to be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. Teach me, that I may know the full meaning of faithfulness. Amen.

Holy Week: Awe Monday: Holy Creator, when I look at the wonders of your creation I am speechless. From the stars that fill the night sky, to the mountains, to the flowing streams, to the animals that run the earth, to the breath of air that fills our lungs and gives us life, I know that your knowledge is too great for me. Yet, in the midst of all of your creation, you care for me. I can only give thanks in return. Amen.

Tuesday: For the miracle of life with you, O Lord, I give thanks. Who are you that you are mindful of mankind? Yet you show me that you are, indeed, mindful of me. What blessing! Amen. Wednesday: Holy One, your compassion for those who have nothing, for those who are oppressed, for those without family, and for those who are suffering, moves me and stirs within me a compassion for them, as well. I am astounded by the depth of your mercy. Amen. Thursday: Everlasting Father, your grace flows before you. To experience your unconditional love is overwhelming. It touches my deepest need, yet it confounds me. It heals me, transforms me, and gives me new life. I am filled with wonder. Amen. Friday: Gracious Lord, giving thanks to you for the gift of your son Jesus Christ seems so inadequate. He taught me how to love others, he died so that I can live abundantly, and he returned to show me that life with you doesn’t end. How, O Lord, can I adequately give thanks? Amen. Saturday: Great Three in One, I am ever in awe of you. By your Holy Spirit you come to dwell within me, to be present with me, and to comfort and guide me. I praise you, O Lord, for your grace, your mercy, your wisdom, your providence, and your mindfulness of me. Amen.


Irresistible Invitation

My Life:

Scot ‘One T’ Williams scot ‘one t’ williams


an, I am so incredibly blessed with such awesome friends and I’m so fortunate to break bread with them often.

PB&J sandwiches were the planned luncheon “every single day” while we were in Rio Bravo. As the rain fell that first day at the work site, the so called existing “homes” began to fill with mud as

As they often do on Sunday night, Frank and Cinderella

the dirt floor shanties became overrun with rain water.

Field opened their home to us to host a Super Bowl

Since there was no running water there at the shacks,

party. The meal was, as always, quite awesome, as

of course there were no indoor bathrooms or actual

was the fellowship!

toilets. The makeshift toilets were simply holes in the

As I sat there that night, I couldn’t help but think of

ground outside. When it rained, well…I’ll let you use

one of the greatest meals I’ve ever had. No, I’m not

your imagination regarding the conditions this would

talking about the smoked salmon, barbeque ribs, chili,

cause in the so called homes as they flooded.

and the many other delicious foods we ate during the

As we stood under the porch taking shelter from

Super Bowl party, including indulging in cakes and

the downpour, some of the children stood with us as a

brownies. I’m talking about the best meal I’ve ever

parent pulled back the blanket that was, in effect, the

had in my entire life—a single peanut butter and jelly

front door of the shack. We stood there huddled in a


group, all 10 of us, taking pictures and laughing and

A few months ago I went with many of my brothers on the Asbury Men’s Mission trip to Rio Bravo Mexico

joking along with the children. Even a parent or older sibling joined us.

where we built three casitas for some much less fortu-

And when the rain finally let up, we waded through

nate families. One day at the work site we had to take

the standing water and mud and, yes, the sewage soak-

shelter on the porch of one of the existing residences

ing up past our ankles as we made our way back to the

when a torrential rain came through unexpectedly.

van. Then we drove to our complex, winding through

This was our first day to work there in Rio Bravo,

the flooded rain soaked mud and gravel roads, not

and we had made the night before some peanut butter

even able to see where the actual roads were in many

and jelly sandwiches for lunch. I don’t really like PB&J

places due to the flooding.

sandwiches much. In fact, I have somewhat of a strong

When we arrived at our compound, driving through

disdain for peanut butter and jelly, since this was a

the gates then locking them behind us, I went inside,

weekly staple meal I had growing up. So needless to

took a shower, washed my hair, dried off, hung my rain

say, I was rather disappointed (putting it lightly) that

soaked clothes in front of a fan to dry, turned out the


room light, walked to the

therefore had to cook

large open kitchen and sat

outside. What were they

down to eat my lunch—a

doing? What were they

single peanut butter and

thinking at that moment?

jelly sandwich. You see,

As I sat there in my

this sandwich, which ear-

chair and continued to

lier in the day I actually

think about them, I could

had loathed, had such an

still see their faces. I

incredibly great taste as I

thought, “Man, I am so

bit into it.

incredibly blessed in so

As I sat there at the

many ways, and I way too

table, I thought about the

often take even the simple

men, women and children

things for granted.” I took

we had left behind in their

another bite of my peanut

homes, in the mud soaked

butter and jelly sandwich,

shanties with no electricity

then thought, “You know,

(meaning no television to

this PB&J sandwich, quite

watch for weather updates,

frankly, tastes so unbe-

no radio, no electric devic-

lievably good. It is abso-

es whatsoever, not even a

lutely the best single meal

single light in the homes),

I have ever had in my en-

with no running water (no

tire life.”

shower, no hot water at all,

Yes, the meal on Super

nothing in which to bathe,

Bowl night was certainly a

not even a toilet in the

great one, and the fellow-

shacks), with no gas (no

ship was no doubt second

washer and dryer, no gas

to none. However, when it

logs or fireplace, not even

comes to a great meal, it’s

a small fan to dry their

hard to beat a single pea-


nut butter and jelly sand-

I sat and wondered what little Omar and the other children, as well as adults, were doing. Were they standing in water? In sewage? Were they cold? Were they wet or somehow dry? Were they able to eat that day with all the rain? They had no stove or oven and

wich, on a rain soaked day, in Rio Bravo Mexico…It just doesn’t get any better than that! Thank you God! If you have a ‘My Life’ story to share, please email them to

“Man, I am so incredibly blessed in so many ways, and I way too often take even the simple things for granted.” I took another bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and thought, “…this PB&J sandwich tastes so unbelievably good. It is absolutely the best single meal I have ever had in my entire life.” - Scot ‘One T’ WIlliams ASBURY TIDINGS 21



Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled?

New Additions to the Library

Be sure to let Asbury know ahead

resource. Thank you to all who

of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can be in prayer for

general information

you. When you enter the hospital,


church. The after-hours pastoral

Served from 7:15-9 am in the

emergency line can be reached by

CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with

calling 492-1771, selecting option

Asburians along with fresh donuts,

2, and leaving a message for the

bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage,

pastor on call.

please designate Asbury as your

eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under.

Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an

Sunday Morning Worship

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

8 am, Mason Chapel

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

(Traditional Communion)

book ASAP to allow ample time

9:15 am, Sanctuary

for Couple-to-Couple (required


premarital sessions). Six months to

9:15 am, CLC (Open House Wor-

one year lead time suggested.

ship) (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting)

The Gazebo is Open

11 am, Sanctuary (Traditional w/

CDs of Tom’s “Message of the Day”

sign interpreter)

are available immediately following

11 am, Venue 68 (Modern)

the worship service for $3. Prayer Journals are also available for $5

Sundays for Children & Students


6 Weeks-4 Yrs: 8:00, 9:15 & 11 am K-6th Grades: 9:15 or 11 am


7th-9th Grades: 9:15 & 11 am

Recycle unwanted paper products.

10th-12th Grades: 9:15 am only

Three bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots.

Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, & 11 am and Wednes-

Asbury Family News is available at

days, 6 pm and Shepherd’s Flock on

the Welcome Centers. It includes

Tuesdays at 6 pm. NEW! “Genera-

hospital lists, births, deaths,

tions”—a multigenerational com-

marriages, baptisms and military

munity made up of people from


all demographics: married, single, young, and “seasoned” spanning

Doors of Asbury posters are at the

6 decades in age groups! (See

Welcome Centers…FREE! Suitable


for framing.


The Asbury Library is a wonderful continue to contribute books to our Library.

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6-7 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Community Sundays, 11 am, Rm. 1507

bible study RoadMap All courses being offered in the Winter 2009 RoadMap session are listed on the Asbury website at and in the Winter brochure.

care and support 180 Minutes of Stephen Ministry Skills Two 90-minute workshop sessions on Wednesdays, April 22 & 29, 6:30-8 pm. A unique opportunity for you to learn valuable Stephen Ministry skills that you can use immediately. Develop some of the same skills Stephen Ministers learn during training from their 645 page training manuals. Topics include: The Art of Listening, Dimensions of Forgiveness, Dealing with Depression, Handling Crisis, Boundaries, and others. For anyone dealing with life’s situations with their friends and family. Childcare available. Register by calling 392-1191.

Finding Your Way After Someone You Love Takes Their Life

Cancer Support Group

Asbury Bear Bags

Second Sunday of each month,

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring

Four Tuesdays beginning April 14, 7

4-6 pm, Parlor. For those living with

books have comforted young

pm, Room 1507. Yes, real Christians

cancer and their family and friends.

children for many years, but now

do take their lives. For their loved

you may give a Bear Bag with a

ones it is devastating. Book used is

Divorce Recovery

scripture-based journal included

gentle and faith-affirming, helping

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

instead! Great for teens and adults.

survivors deal with guilt feelings,

For those suffering from the early,

Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear

the role of depression in suicides,

highly emotional stages of divorce

to someone who is grieving. For

and creating support systems. Call

and separation trauma. Childcare

more information, contact Beth at

392-1191 to register.



Visits to Asbury Members

Divorce Rebuilding

Asbury has a unique group of vol-


Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

unteers (Asbury Connection) who

Registration forms for all children’s

For those ready to rebuild their

regularly visit people who are either

activities are available in the

lives after separation or divorce.

homebound or in nursing homes. If

preschool and elementary lobbies.

Childcare available.

Core Childcare Hours

you are interested in being visited,

Parents who are involved in

call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact

Eating Disorder Recovery

the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

RoadMap classes during these core

First and third Wednesdays, 12-1:30

hours will have childcare provided

pm. For individuals seeking support

for children 6 weeks-12 yrs. of age

in the recovery process. Bring sack

with no reservations needed:

Prayer Card Sending Team


Usually meets first and third Mondays at 10 am in Rm. 1621 to

Sun: 8 am-12 pm Mon & Tue: 9 am-12 pm

send cards with God’s encouraging

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

words and our prayers to those

First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30

who are ill or going through hard

pm, Rm 1506.

times. Cards and care packages are also sent to Asbury-related military

Mental Health Support for Families

personnel. Contact Gwen Mohler

For family members or caregivers of

at for more

people affected by a mental illness.

information, or call 392-1146.

4th Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm, Parlor.

Asperger Support Group

Military Connection

First Thursday from 7-9 pm in Rm.

Please join us in praying for our

1506. For mothers of children with

troops in harm’s way and their

Asperger Syndrome. Childcare

families. Periodic care packages and


monthly encouragement cards with God’s Word are sent to Asbury-re-

Alzheimer’s Support Group

lated military personnel. The Prayer

Third Thursday, from 1:30-3 pm in

Ministry also covers them in prayer.

Rm. 1621. Christian hope, support

Please send contact information

and education for friends and

(complete name and address) to

family of those with Alzheimer’s or

Gwen Mohler at

other dementia.

or call 392-1146.

Tue, Wed, & Thur: 6-9 pm Murdock Villa A mission opportunity for our 5th & 6th grade students. Usually the second Sunday of the month from 12:30-3:30 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat, then visit Murdock Villa where we will play Bingo and do crafts with special needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. Limited to 10 kids each month. For further information contact Jami at 392-1166. Wednesday Night Live Wednesdays 7 pm – 8 pm, January 7-April 29, 4 year olds – 4th grade, beginning in their choir room and pick up in Chapel. Join us on Wednesday nights for worship in the Chapel—Kid Style. We will ASBURY TIDINGS 23

combine music, high energy, verse

“God and Family” awards. Both

memory and a Bible lesson in a set-

programs will start on Thursday

ting that encourages kids to learn

evening, March 26 and run for six

about worship. Our lessons will

weeks of lessons. All scouts will

tie right into what we are doing on

start in the 5.6 room and break into

Sunday mornings. Can’t wait to see

groups from there. The $30 cost

you there! For more information

includes their workbook, a cer-

contact Amber Cox at 392-1171,

tificate, all program supplies, and

their award medallion. For more information contact Kim Broadhurst

5th & 6th Grade Bible Study & Crew Leader Service Wednesdays, January 7–April 29, 7–8 pm, 5.6 Room, cost $8 for workbook. On Wednesday nights our 5th & 6th graders will be studying “From the Heart for Youth.” If they’ve ever wondered what their role is in God’s church, they won’t have to be confused anymore. Our 5th & 6th graders will learn how to serve from the heart and discover the awesome and unique way God created them. They will spend most of the 14 weeks in study, but will actually take what they are learning and serve during the Wednesday Night Live service with our younger kids a time or two. If you have any additional questions, please contact Jami Moss at 392-1166 or jmoss@ God & Me/God & Family Scouting Award Thursdays, March 26–May 7 (No class April 9 due to Holy Week). “God & Me” is for boy & girl scouts in 2nd & 3rd grade; “God & Family” is for boy & girl scouts in 4th & 5th grade. Awards ceremony will be Thursday, May 14, 6:30 pm in the Chapel. We are excited to offer these two programs for Boy and Girl Scouts that fulfill requirements for the “God and Me” and 24 ASBURY TIDINGS

at 392-1165 or kbroadhurst@

discipleship Discipleship Communities If you have not found an Adult Discipleship Community check out “Get Involved” at www.asburytulsa. org or pick up a brochure at one of our Welcome Centers.

employment PT Nursery Staff Positions Available Part-time position will work 1015 hours weekly in the Asbury

H20 Scavenger Hunt

Nursery. The schedule will include

Hey Kids! Join us for our awesome

Sunday morning from 8:30 am-

scavenger hunt! This year we’re

12:30 pm with a few remaining

takin’ it to the streets along with

hours during the childcare weekday

searchin’ the church! Come join us

and weeknight core hours. Suc-

for a day of clue finding and good

cessful applicant should have a

deed doing! The cost for the event

love for children, willingness to

is $15 and includes a T-shirt. The

portray Christian beliefs and values

registration deadline is Thursday,

to children and families. Resumés

March 12 in order to make sure we

should be sent to Vicki Ihrig, Asbury

have a t-shirt and enough seats for

UMC, 6767 S. Mingo Rd., Tulsa, OK,

everyone. For more information

74133 or call her at 918-392-1160.

contact Jennifer Barnes at 392-4582 or

endowments Leave a legacy that continues

Easter Celebration & Egg Hunt

to give forever to a ministry you

You and your family are invited to

want to support. There are endow-

join us for our Children’s Easter

ments that support many areas

Egg-stravaganza on Saturday, April

of Asbury’s outreach including

4. We’ll begin at 2 pm in the Sanctu-

children, youth, music, missions,

ary for a celebration, followed by

and training of pastors as well as a

Egg Hunts on the Asbury property

general endowment. You can easily

along with refreshments and activi-

impact a ministry thru your will

ties in the Community Life Center.

or a current gift. Contact Dwight

Bring your cameras and Easter

Yoder at

baskets. For more information

or 392-1113.

contact Debbie Case at 392-4580 or

marriage & family


Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference

Asbury Exploration

March 20-22, hosted by FamilyLife

more about becoming a member

Ministries at Marriott Southern

of Asbury. Sunday, March 1, from

Hills. Learn practical skills and bibli-

12:15-2 pm in CLC. Lunch provided

cal principles to strengthen and re-

and childcare is available for chil-

energize your marriage or prepare

dren six weeks through 6th grade.

you for your upcoming marriage.

Call 392-1191 to register.

need. To volunteer, contact Debbie


1177 or

Come to a lunch/class to learn

To register: 1-800-FL-Today or Group rate of $89/person available until March 10 using group name “asburytulsa.” For info. call Ruth, 392-1146. 8 Dates With Your Mate 2nd Tuesdays, February 10-September 8, 6:15-7 pm, Rm. 1502. Celebrate your marriage with conversation over dinner alone, or with another couple in the group. Gather to hear a variety of topics led by various speakers (30 minutes), then have dinner out. NEW TOPICS/SPEAKERS! Call 392-1191 to register. Attention Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-to-Couple (required premarital sessions). Six months to one year lead time is suggested. Milestone Wedding Anniversaries Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5,10,15,20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at brucetschutte@ or call Ruth at 3921146.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Attention men of Asbury. Make plans to join us for a great time of meaningful worship, lifechanging prayer and an awesome big breakfast, all for just $3 per person. First-time guests are free. March 4

Don Herrold

March 11

Todd Johnson

March 18

Bill Johnson

March 25

Mark Springer

Home Improvement Workday Saturday, April 18. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our men’s ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. To volunteer, contact Debbie in the Adult Ministries Office, 392-1177 or

fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith in to action through loving and serving those in in the Adult Ministries Office, 392-

Men’s Open Basketball Fridays, 11:30 am – 1:15 pm, Gym. Men! Make plans to join other Asbury guys and their friends each week as we get together for a little “round ball” and lots of fun! Come show us what you’ve got, and we’ll have a great time of exercise and fellowship. Invite your friends, and we’ll see you on the court!

missions/outreach Mission Yearbooks The 2009 Mission books are here! Pick one up at the Welcome Centers or come by the Mission Office. Oklahoma Outreach and Global Outreach are together in one book. Eyeglass Donations Are you wondering what to do with those old eyeglasses? Donate them to missions! You may drop your glasses off in the Global Outreach office.

Car Care Workday Saturday, March 21. Car Care Saturday is an every-other-month workday provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through our men’s ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the café, volunteers check tires, belts, ASBURY TIDINGS 25

Mission Matters

• Late October: Central Asia, Con-

Asbury Singing Ambassadors

A monthly newsletter is available

struction & Teaching

Tuesdays, 2:30–4 pm, Choir room

with recent news of mission hap-

• October 23-25: Cookson Hills,

penings. Preference is for the email

Oklahoma, Light Construction


version, but hard copies can be

• October 24-31: Monterrey, Mexico,

Altar Prayer

mailed if needed. To receive the

MBS & Construction

If you would like someone to pray

newsletter, please contact Missy

• November 4-8: Monterrey, Mexico,

with you during Holy Communion

Sistrunk, 392-1163 or msistrunk@


or immediately following a worship

• November 11-15: Rio Bravo,

service, please come to the altar

Mexico, Men’s Construction

rail. A pastor or member of the Al-

Global Outreach Prayer Ministry

• VIM Team Leader Training:

tar Prayer Team will be glad to pray

News and prayer requests from

September 19 in Bixby; October 24

with you for your needs—physical,

our missionaries and ministries

in Clinton.

emotional or spiritual—at the altar

are sent each week to our prayer

For more about these exciting mis-

or in the Prayer Room.

ministry list. If you would like to join

sion opportunities, contact Marilene

and become a prayer intercessor for

Long at or

Prayer Room Reservations

those serving around the world,


The leadership of Asbury’s prayer

contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163.



ministry would like to remind you that the main facility Prayer Room

Chancel Choir

is open not only to individuals

Volunteers-In-Mission Opportunities

Wednesdays, 7 pm, Choir Room

desiring to pray in a quiet, medita-

• March 15-20: Santa Fe, TX, Deaf

New Covenant Orchestra

groups within communities and

Mission, Hurricane Ike Recovery

Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm, Rm. 1510

ministries. Just give Debbie in the

tive atmosphere, but also to prayer

• March 22-28: South TX, Men &

Adult Ministries office a call at 392-

Women, Hurricane Ike Recovery

Children’s Choirs

1177 to reserve the Prayer Room for

• March 28-April 4: Monterrey,

Wednesdays, 6 pm, various

your group on a weekly or monthly

Mexico, MBS & Construction • April 17-19: Cookson Hills, OK,

Asbury Power & Light

Light Construction

Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm. 1510

• April 24-May 4: Central Asia, Construction & Teaching • May 30-June 6: Ecuador, MBS & Construction • June 4-15: Estonia, Lighthouse • June 18-30: Tanzania, East Africa,

Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm. 2506

basis. Prayer Room Days & Times Our prayer rooms are accessible to you at these times: Mason Chapel & Venue 68: Sun-

Youth Orchestra

days, 7 am-12:30 pm through the

Wednesdays, 5:30 pm

interior door. Main Facility, Mason Chapel &


Asbury Ringers

Venue 68: Mon.-Fri., 8 am-9 pm;

• June 25-July 6: Estonia, Camp

Wednesdays, 6-6:50 pm, Rm. 2506

Saturday, 10 am-3 pm;

Gideon, Youth Camp & Construc-

Sunday, 12:30 pm-9 pm.


Perpetual Light

To obtain pass codes, call Debbie in

• July 23-August 2: Estonia, Parnu,

Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Rm.

the Adult Ministries office, 392-1177.

MBS & Light Construction


• July 26-August 2: Honduras, MBS & Construction

Saints of Swing Dixieland Band

• September 17-29: Tanzania, East

Thursdays, 2-3 pm, Rm 1510

Africa, Construction 26 ASBURY TIDINGS

Prayer Service for Those Without Christ Wednesday, March 11, 6-6:30 pm, Mason Chapel. Are there people in your life who need the salvation of Jesus? Then make it a point to attend this service, focusing our prayers for those without Christ in their lives. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.

recovery Celebrate Recovery Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6 pm. Dinner at 6 pm; Worship from 7-8 pm; Small Groups from 8-9 pm; Dessert from 9-9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God never intended for you to live in bondage.

senior adults

100 senior adults who sing every fourth Sunday at 8 am in the Mason Chapel, during special occasions and holidays, as well as out in our community. No experience necessary…just show up and sing! March Tweenagers Program & Luncheon Thursday, March 26, 10:30 am–1 pm, CLC. Everyone aged 55 & up is welcome to join us for our monthly Tweenagers meeting & luncheon.

Visits to Asbury Members

Adrena Mahu, Asbury Parish Nurse,

Asbury has a unique group of vol-

and visiting nurses Beverlyn and

unteers (Asbury Connection) who

Bob Summers will be our guest

This is a prayer opportunity you

regularly visit people who are either

speakers for the morning. You don’t

won’t want to miss! Commit to

homebound or in nursing homes. If

want to miss this, and remember

an hour of prayer in the Venue

you are interested in being visited,

to invite your friends! Call the main

68 Prayer Room, on behalf of our

call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact

office at 492-1771 to make your

Youth on Mission, March 14-21.

the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

reservations BY NOON, Monday,

Sign up for a time slot on Sunday,

March 23. If, during that week, you

Youth on Mission 24/7 Prayer Vigil Sign-Up

find you need to cancel, please also

March 1, in the CLC Gallery. Or, you may sign up in the foyer of Venue

Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class

let us know as we need to give an

68 on Sunday, March 8. Be a part of

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

accurate count to the cooks. Should

a prayer effort to support our youth

from 9-9:30 am in the Gym. All

you choose, you may make a dona-

and sponsors as they serve in mis-

senior adults are invited to join us

tion for the meal when you check in

sion fields on U.S. soil and beyond.

for a time of stretching, coupled

that morning. Come join us for fun

“Then you will call upon me and

with lots of fun and fellowship. No

and fellowship.

come pray to me, and I will listen to

high impact workout here. We take

you.” Jeremiah 29:12.

it nice and easy. Come give it a try.

Prayer Service for Healing & Wholeness

Senior Walk in the Gym with Him

9 am – 5 pm, Rm. 2820. Cost is $12

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

for AARP members, $14 for non-

Wednesday, March 25, 6-6:30 pm,

from 8:30-9 am in the gym. All

members. The AARP Driver Safety

Mason Chapel. “Is any one of

senior adults are invited to join us

Program is the nation’s first and

you in trouble? He should pray. Is

for power walking, coupled with

largest refresher course for drivers

anyone of you sick? He should call

lots of fun and fellowship. Come

age 50 and older that has helped

the elders of the church to pray

give it a try.

millions of drivers remain safe on

AARP Driver Safety Program Friday, March 27 & Friday, April 24,

over him and anoint him with oil

today’s roads. It is designed to help

in the name of the Lord. And the

Asbury Singing Ambassadors


prayer offered in faith will make the

Come enjoy fun and fellowship

1. Tune up your driving skills and

sick person well; The Lord will raise

with other senior adults (60+), on

update your knowledge of the rules

him up. If he has sinned, he will be

Tuesdays, 2:30-4 pm in the Sanctu-

of the road.

forgiven.” James 5:13-15.

ary Choir Room. This awesome

2. Learn about normal age-related

choir is made up of approximately

physical changes, and how to ASBURY TIDINGS 27

adjust your driving to allow for these changes. 3. Reduce your traffic violations, crashes, and chances for injuries. 4. Drive more safely. 5. Get an insurance discount. Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multiyear discount to AARP graduates! To sign up, call Asbury’s Registration Hotline at 392-1191. At least 12 participants are required for the class to take place, so tell your friends and neighbors, and sign up by the Wednesday before classes today!

singles Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Childcare available. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare available. Singles Potluck Fellowship Sunday, April 26, 12-2 pm, Parlor. Come, bring your children and enjoy a delicious lunch, courtesy of your fellow singles! Just bring a “family-sized” food item, homemade or purchased! Great food, great fellowship, new friends…it just doesn’t get much better than that!

students 7th, 8th & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday school. Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and some-

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway Every Wednesday night we come together for a time of connection and worship. Our desire is to explore who God really is and how our lives matter to Him. We get started around 6:30 pm and wrap

times free candy and gift cards.

up around 8:30ish. Plan on hanging

7th, 8th & 9th Bible Study

you will begin attending Breakaway

Wednesday night Bible Study is the place to be from 6:30-8 pm on Wednesday nights beginning Sept 10. Come to the Venue and hang out, have fun and study what God’s words has for us. 7th, 8th & 9th Small Groups Don’t miss our on being a part of a small group! It’s a place to grow in your relationship with Jesus, have some accountability, and just have fun! 7th grade meets from 4:30-6 pm and 8th grade meets 6:15-8 pm in the Venue68. 9th Graders are offsite! (It’s never too late to sign up, just come by Student Ministries Area!) There will be no small group meetings on March 15 & 22 because of Spring Break Missions. Called to Ministry, 10th, 11th, 12th Is God speaking to you, leading you...okay, maybe CALLING you into a future vocational ministry? You may not know what that looks like; you just know that God is stirring something in you. Join us every month on the SECOND SUNDAY from 12:30-2 pm in the Student Ministry Area for lunch and to talk about what this means for you. This is for 10th, 11th and 12th graders.

out afterwards for pizza. 9th graders on March 25! 10th, 11th & 12th Small Groups Small groups meet Sunday nights. Times & places vary. Contact Todd 392-1154 or Amy 392-1156 to get plugged in. Mexico & Guatemala SB Missions Commissioning MANDATORY Spring Break Commissioning for students and leaders, Sunday March 8, 8:45 am —meet at Venue 68. Mexico SB Missions Training Sunday, March 8, 12:30-2:30 pm. MANDATORY Spring Break Missions Training for students and leaders going to Mexico. Bring $3 each day for meals. Guatemala SB Missions Training Sunday, March 8, 12:30-2:30 pm. MANDATORY Spring Break Missions Training for students and leaders going to Guatemala. Bring $3 each day for meals. Spring Break Commissioning Sunday, March 8, 8:30 am, Venue 68. All students and leaders serving on a Spring Break Missions team will be commissioned to go out and serve in all the 9:15 and 11 am Services, all students and leaders


need to meet in Student Area at

applicant must have a relative who

we ask or imagine, according to his

8:30 am to get ready.

is currently a member of Asbury’s

power that is at work within us…

UMW. She must be an entering Life Hurts, God Heals

freshman at an accredited universi-

Starts January 14. Life Hurts God

ty for the school year of 2009-2010.

Heals is a Bible Study for teens all

The deadline for completed applica-

about sharing hurts and learning

tions is 5 pm Thursday, April 9. The

together the powerful message of

church office hours of business are

the redemptive purpose of pain. It

Monday through Thursday, 8 am–5

is two hours a week when hurting

pm, and Fridays, 8 am–12 pm.

teens can sit together and bravely work through their struggles. All

Women of the Word

teens 7th -12th grade are invited.

Wednesdays from 10-11 am in

Every Wednesday night 6-8 pm,

Rm. 2319, Rev. Darlene Johnson,

meet in the upstairs green room of


the Venue. Crafty Ladies Fellowship Metro Worship

Mondays, 9:30 am - 2 pm, Rm 2820.

Come join students from all over

Ladies, if you enjoy doing crafts and

the city for a night to just worship

fellowshipping at the same time,

Jesus. We meet the first Wednes-

this activity is for you! We gather

day night of every month from

on Monday mornings to work on

7-8:30ish pm in Venue68.

our own individual arts and crafts, stop for a delicious pot-luck lunch,

Women’s Spiritual Empowerment Workshop Thursday, March 5, 7–9 pm, Rm. 2818. Mark your calendars for an inspiring and educational night with our own Pastor to Women, Darlene Johnson, and Jackie Cleary, LPC, LMFT. Last year’s program addressed “Roadblocks to Empowerment.” This year we will tackle “Growing in the Spirit.” We’ll explore how this leads to personal and spiritual empowerment. Car Care Workday Saturday, March 21. Car Care Saturday is an every-other-month workday provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through our men’s ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the café, volunteers check tires, belts,

8th-12th Spring Confirmation

and continue on through until 2 pm.

Tuesdays, March 10 & 31, 4-5 pm,

We have a wonderful time together,

Venue. If your 8th-12th graders is

and would love to have you join

doing Spring Confirmation be sure

us! For more information, contact

and make this mandatory class

Beverly Clarke, and stop by some

from 4-5 pm in the Venue.

Monday and check us out!

Spring Break Missions

UMW March Luncheon & Program

tunity to put their faith in to action

March 14-21. Please pray for our

Thursday, March 5, 11:30 am–1

through loving and serving those

students as they travel to Houston,

pm in the CLC. Attention ladies!

in need. No reservations required;

Kentucky, Mexico, and Guatemala

The program planned for March’s

just get your vehicle in line by

during Spring Break.

luncheon will be a presentation


fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the oppor-

by Marcia Mitchell, Director of

women UMW Scholarship Program Applications for the United Methodist Women’s Scholarship are available in the main church office. This $1,200 scholarship is to be given to an Asbury senior high school young woman. To be eligible, the

The Little Light House. A delicious

Home Improvement Workday

luncheon prepared by our church

Saturday, April 18. The Home Im-

hostess, Virginia, will also be

provement Ministry serves widows

provided for just $6 per person.

and single moms within the Asbury

Bring a friend, and be a part of the

family. Our men’s ministry volun-

blessing! Our scripture emphasis

teers make themselves available

for the month is from Ephesians

every other month to help folks out

3:20; “Now to him who is able to

with minor home repairs and/or

do immeasureably more than all

home improvement projects. Just ASBURY TIDINGS 29

pick up a request form at the south welcome desk, or call your request in to Pam Wallace (392-1199, ext. 253), at least ten days before the scheduled work day. A Home Improvement volunteer will contact

worship • 8 am, Communion Service: Mason Chapel. Traditional service. Communion is served and Dr. Harrison preaches.

you, and make final arrangements

• 9:15 am, Contemporary Praise &

to get the job(s) done!

Worship: Sanctuary. Music, time of prayer and the message will all

Whirlwind Game Day

carry a prevailing theme for the

Come one, come all and be a part

morning. Dr. Harrison preaches.

of our annual Whirlwind Game Day! Hosted by Asbury’s United

• 9:15 am, Open House Worship:

Methodist Women, this awesome,

Community Life Center. A relaxed

fun-packed fundraiser benefits

atmosphere with engaging wor-

the Circle of Care Ministries, Child

ship. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message

S.H.A.R.E program. If you like to

is simulcast with an occasional live

play games, then bring those and

sermon from another pastor.

your friends on up to the church on Friday, April 17 from 10 am–3 pm. Tickets are just $8, and may be purchased from the church office through Monday, April 13 and even includes a delicious lunch! Watch future publications for more details! Women’s Spring Retreat Friday, April 24 – Saturday, April 25. Ladies, mark your calendars NOW, and get ready for another amazing retreat for women, at the beautiful “Heart O’ the Hills” facility, near Tahlequah, OK! Watch Asbury publications for details, invite a friend or two, and get ready to rest and grow in your Heavenly Father!


• 11 am, Traditional Service: Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra and various vocal and instrumental ensembles offer a variety of styles of music. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches. • 11 am, Modern Service: Venue 68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by the worship band. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast.


new members

Cliff Baker

Marjorie Blair

Gloria Bell

Sonya Bott

Amy Childs, Emma & Sophie

Jeff & Beth Evenson

Wes & Gina Black

Lindsey Bouse

Scott Edwards & Benjamin

Joel & Mindee Ferland, Tyler & Macy

Aaron & Hollace Fugate



new members

Chresta Gann

Brian & Micah Highfill

Travis & Missy Lawson

Jim & Gail Puckett, Rachel


Diana Hepner

Stacie Hamilton

Hannah Hill

Alex Marshall

Bill & Donna Kennedy

Arlin & Nancy Mullins

Charles & Naomi Redd

Kathy Redden

welcome to asbury

we’re glad you’re here

Justin & Jackie Stevens, Jaxon & Julianne

Jim & Judy Striegel

David & Christie Watson, Carter & Collin

Mary Alice Trent

Judy Williams

Frank & Kim Wolfe, Aubrey, Bradley & Charlsey

Wayne Washington & Brooklyn Sargent

Jack & Sharon Wing

David & Donna Wunch

If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. Choose from one of the upcoming Sunday membership classes: March 1 • April 5 • May 3 Classes are from 12:15 - 2 pm. Call 392-1191 to reserve your place. Childcare is available and lunch is provided. ASBURY TIDINGS 33


family room in celebration of marriage 50 years Lou & Gloria Lasiter, March 6, 1959

35 years Don & Beth McCalman, March 2, 1974

we celebrate • Zoe Allison Brucks, daughter of Russ & Stephanie Brucks, born November 13, 2008 • Marley Jo Sanderson, daughter of Jason & Amanda Sanderson, born December 17, 2008 • Brooks Walter Stanford, son of Jeremy & Becky Stanford, born January 20, 2009 • Matthew Alexander Swayze, son of Angela Bibby & Nathan Swayze, born January 20, 2009 • Addison Mae Thomas, daughter of Jeff & Lisa Thomas was born January 24, 2009

we remember

• Pat Robinson, died December 15, 2008 • Viva Rogers, died December 25, 2008 • Sue Freeman, died January 7, 2009 • Cynthia Hess, died January 17, 2009

• Ruby Fenimore, mother of Scott (Julie) Brillhart, died January 22, 2009 • Dorothy (Dot) Hix, died January 24, 2009 • Deloris Adams, mother of Todd (Jennifer) Adams, died January 25, 2009 • Les Nienhuis, husband of Evelyn, died February 1, 2009 34 ASBURY TIDINGS

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