Asbury Tidings - Vital Signs

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Over the next three months, the sermons will be coming from First and Second Kings. These Old Testament books have some very

This month’s Tidings looks at various vital signs that determine the condition of one’s heart.

interesting characters. Some of them had exemplary characteristics. Most of them were a “mixed bag” of good and evil. A significant number of them were mainly evildoers.


Coming Soon


Notes from the Journey

4 — 22

Conditions of the Heart

23 — 29

Calendar of Events

30 — 31

New Members

32 — 33

Family Room

Like the kings, queens, and prophets of the Bible, our characteristics have not changed since their times. We have the same opportunities to do well; only we are empowered by the Holy Spirit and the presence of Jesus within us. We also have the same opportunities to do evil. Most of us are neither completely good or completely bad – we just have a lot of work for God to do within us. During these 13 weeks, we will be looking at the following concepts: wisdom, compromise, pride, courage,

Tidings Staff Sandy Wagner Jan Weinheimer JuliArmour Lisa Tresch Lina Holmes


loneliness, humility, healing, greed, honesty, prayer, legacy,

Michael Armour Marsha Baker Nikki Boyd Christy Capps Marcia Curley Sylvia LaRose Marty McBroom Marti Morris Samantha Nigh Joe Simmons John Westervelt

obedience, and captivity. You will see these concepts in this month’s Tidings. These are perceptions of the human condition. As keeping our physical heart strong is vital, so is our spiritual heart, too. Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:37-40

Dr. Tom Harrison, Sr. Pastor

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Back issues are available on our webiste at

National Day of Prayer Service & Vigil Thursday, May 1, 2008

Service: 12:00 -12:40 p.m. in Mason Chapel Vigil: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Mason Chapel Prayer Room See page 26 for details.

VBS and Challenge Camp ‘08 Vacation Bible School: Tuesday through Friday, June 17 - 20 Challenge Camp: Monday - Friday, June 16 -20 See page 23 and 24 for more information

Annual Men’s Spring

Golf Tournament Monday, April 28, 2008 Lunch: 11:30 am Shotgun Start: 1:00 pm Tulsa Country Club Deadline for Registration: Monday, April 21, 2008 Attention men! Spring is here, and you know what that means! That’s right! It’s time for our annual Asbury Men’s Spring Golf Tourney, and you definitely want to be a part of the fun this year! The tournament will be held on Monday, April 28 at the Tulsa Country Club. The format is a four-man scramble, and you may form your own team or be placed on a team. Registration forms may be picked up in the church office or at any welcome center, and returned with payment (TBA) to the Asbury Registrar’s Office. This year’s organizer is Todd White, if you have questions or concerns. Call your family, call your friends … and join us for a great af ternoon of fellowship. 1 Asbury Tidings

Children’s Ministry: Prayer Mission In an effort to involve as many children as possible in the Youth on Mission 24/7 Prayer Vigil, last month the children of Asbury covered the students going on Spring Break missions with their prayers. The staff of Asbury’s Faith Zone with the help of Stephanie Hurd and Cathy Carney, paired the children with students on each trip as follows: · Preschool children prayed for the 7th graders going to Texas. · 1st & 2nd grade children prayed for the 8th graders going to Kentucky. · 3rd & 4th grade children prayed for the 9th & 10th graders going to Mexico. · 5th & 6th grade children prayed for the 11th & 12th graders going to Guatemala. During the month of March, the children learned about the mission trip the students they were praying for would be going on. They were visited by some of the students going on the trip and heard from them their prayer requests. The students gave the children prayer bracelets to wear during Spring Break to remind them to pray. The week before Spring Break every child who attended Faith Zone received a prayer card with a photograph of a student and with a prayer guide to help the child and their family pray every day specifically for that student and their trip. Families were encouraged to join together in teaching their children how to pray for our young missionaries. The children were thrilled to play such an important role in praying for the youth on Spring Break Mission trips! Asbury Tidings 2

Notes for the Journey

MY WANDERING HEART BY LISA TRESCH My father’s bed these days is a short blue vinyl couch tucked into a corner of my mother’s oddly shaped hospital room. His feet hang off the end of the couch and he is stubbornly refusing to use anything but the flat pillow and stiff blanket loaned to him by the hospital. He claims to be sleeping well, except for the vitals. Every few hours, the nurse comes in rolling her cart and rustles my mother out of sleep to check blood pressure, pulse and temperature. As a result, my father wakes up also and his already tenuous night of rest is further disturbed. But he, along with the nurses and doctors know that these vital signs are necessary indicators. The exterior condition of my mother’s body would lead someone to believe that the interior might be in danger. The only way to know for sure is to keep checking the interior every few hours – around the clock. As a result, we know that despite appearances, my mother’s body temperature is normal, and her heart is in relatively good condition. Somewhere on another floor of the hospital is a patient who looks robust and healthy on the outside, but 3

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when the vital signs are checked, they reveal a weak heart and pulse and a dangerous blood pressure reading. In the medical world, it’s dangerous to rely only on the exterior to gauge the interior. It’s dangerous in the spiritual life as well. In Ezekiel 36, I read that just as God gave the Israelites a new heart, so He creates a clean heart in me. My heart of stone has been removed, and in its place He has given me a heart that is God-willed, not self-willed. This is good news. Yet I am also reminded of all the times that my heart has been prone to wander. “The soul grows inebriated with life,” says Plato, “and forgets its divine origins.” This is easy to miss, especially when I take such intentional care with the appearance of my exterior. The self-willed heart that has been sprinkled clean can turn dark with pride, and jealousy, judgmental attitudes and materialism, even though I appear to be spiritual, wholesome and pure on the outside. No one is the wiser, because, as Samuel learned, God doesn’t look at the things man looks at – the outward appearance. God looks straight at the heart. I can fool some of the people some of the

time. I can even fool myself into believing that my heart has not strayed away, but God knows its true condition. Solomon’s wisdom from God warns us to guard our hearts above all else. We cannot hope to have the life of Christ well up in us and out of us if our hearts are left unchecked. Just as my mother has her vitals checked at the most inconvenient times, I’m learning to examine my heart at the times when I’m lulled into a misplaced reliance on my outward appearance. The times when I look as though I’ve got myself all put together can be deceptive and can mask a heart of pride. My helpful and constructive criticism, which I am only too happy to dispense, can hide a heart of judgment. And justifications for providing myself with things I “need” can conceal a heart of greed and materialism. The closer I move toward God, the clearer I can see the true condition of my heart. I am continually awakened to the desire that my heart be undivided, and released from the desire to wander away from the only One who can see it, cleanse it, and set it free.


Photo by Stephanie Hurd

It is early in the morning as I prepare to enter my patient’s room. She is frail and elderly and has cancer throughout her body. She is dying. I’m bracing myself for the conversation to come, because there is no treatment left to offer for her disease. It is a familiar conversation. Sadly, it is one I have had many times. After explaining the difficult news, we pray together and I am grateful that she knows Jesus as her Lord. As I leave the room I continue to pray for her healing, and the healing of many others I will see during the day. The issue of healing is often on my mind, as I work everyday with patients who have cancer. I have lost track of the number of times patients have asked, “Do you believe God heals people?” After several years as a believer working in medicine, I am able to answer unequivocally YES! I have certainly seen my share of miracles–– they walk through the doors of my office everyday! I have to confess though, that my understanding of “healing” has grown broader over the years. At first I narrowly defined it as a “cure” of bodily illness, but now I find myself filled with

equal wonder and joy when I see God demonstrate His healing power in the subtle, but no less miraculous, restorations of the spirit and the soul. As I read through the Gospels, I am reminded how much “healing” characterized Jesus’ earthly ministry. He was moved with compassion almost daily to heal people––body, soul and spirit. In Luke 9:11 it says that Jesus

“welcomed them [the crowds] and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing.” Because of this I am encouraged to continue to pray with boldness that God will demonstrate his awesome power by physically healing those I minister to daily, and often He does! Nevertheless, I have shed many tears in my profession and I am frequently confronted with the “whys” of life. It never makes sense to me when a young mother dies leaving behind her children, or a devoted spouse is left to face the long-awaited golden years alone. Faith-filled and fervent prayers were offered for these precious loved ones also, and yet they have gone to be with our Lord. At moments like these I am comforted by the fact that Jesus himself wept over the sorrow of death. Death and illness were never God’s plan and through Christ He will make good on His promise in Isaiah 53 that “by His wounds we are healed.” So even when life doesn’t make sense to me, and it seems my prayers go unanswered, I am still confident that God keeps His word––He heals all of His children. Sometimes He heals on this side of Heaven and sometimes on the other.

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Pastor Bill Mason ties Joe’s errant shoelances.

BY JOE SIMMONS Bill Mason tied my shoe. It began as an ordinary Sunday morning this winter. Some friends and I were walking into the sanctuary for the 11:00 worship service, and there was Bill in his usual seat down front. As I greeted him and introduced him to my friends, he rose to shake our hands. Then it happened. My earliest memories of Rev. William C. Mason date back to the mid-1970s, when my family attended Asbury at its former location on Sheridan Road. Bill was in his second decade of service as senior pastor. I recall sitting with my parents in church, squirming as little boys sometimes do, as Bill preached his weekly sermons. Perhaps I was too young to fully appreciate his spoken words, but the ones he sang each week still ring sweetly in my ears. Before his morning prayer, Bill sang, the following lyrics: 5

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Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face And the things of Earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace. He is Lord, He is Lord, He is risen from the dead, and he is Lord. Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord. Even as a grade-school student, I remember being flooded with a sense of peace when Bill sang that song. It was like he was taking all the cares and worries of the week, wrapping them up, and handing them over to God. The wrapping was not fancy-just the sound of the piano and Bill’s prayerful voice-but I looked forward to hearing Bill hand our burdens to the Lord every week. When I was a bit older, I became an acolyte and had the privilege of sitting behind the pulpit most Sundays as Bill sang and preached. By then I was listening more intently to Bill’s messages of the tranquility one can only find by unconditionally giving one’s life to the Lord, as he had. Around this time, my mother required surgery at St. Francis Hospital. Guess who met my father and me before dawn and sat with us during the entire procedure, offering prayer and words of hope and encouragement? Yep, Bill Mason. At the age of 11, I was confirmed into the church and baptized by Bill. I had chosen to be immersed, so my baptism was “by special appointment” at the Baptist church across the street. (Asbury’s former location had no baptismal font.) I will never forget the cold January day that Bill waded

into the water with me and prayed for me as he administered the Sacrament. When I emerged from the water, I felt completely changed. My son was born in 2001, and Bill was kind enough to come out of “retirement” to baptize Mason. He did the same for my daughter, Elizabeth, born in 2005. To have the same minister baptize my children who had baptized me so many years ago was a privilege and an honor, one of God’s richest blessings in my life. Oh, I should mention that during the 1990s, when I worked as a news reporter for a local radio station, Bill called me directly in the newsroom one afternoon. He just wanted to tell me how crisp and clear my voice sounded over the airwaves and how much he enjoyed hearing me. And a few years later, my home phone rang one weekend. When I answered, Bill was on the other end. He had been cleaning out his closet and had run across a few old suits he thought I might like. Which brings me back to my untied shoe on Sunday morning, January 6, 2008. When I realized that Bill Mason was tying it for me, I felt humbled beyond description. This same man-who sang of turning his eyes upon Jesus, who baptized my children and me, who pastored to my family in the truest sense of the word, and who called me on the phone “just because”was kneeling before me. The metaphor of Jesus’s washing the feet of his disciples immediately leapt to mind. But Bill would probably not want to hear that. He is a humble servant of the Lord who is simply doing God’s workeven if it involves keeping a 37-year-old from tripping on his shoelaces.

Greed has three facets: love of things, love of fame, and love of pleasure; and these can be attacked directly with frugality, anonymity, and moderation. Reduction of greed will be translated into stepped-up vitality, diminished self-centeredness, and a clearer awareness of our real identity. For a permanent commitment to working with the tools of the spiritual life provides a disciplined basis for liberation from greed’s tentacles. -Paul Martin CRAIG CONAWAY understands those three facets; matter of fact, he once felt things, prestige and pleasure spelled success. And he managed to experience them all. When Craig completed college, he began a career in banking. This coincided with the Oklahoma oil boom when both jobs and money were plentiful. “I immediately began coveting the jobs, status and lifestyles of others I saw as successful. Seeking that better life, I was hired as a loan officer in a Tulsa area bank.” Coming hand-in-hand with this new position was an expense account and the opportunity to entertain customers. “This began an almost daily ritual of heading to one of the local bars, the golf course, or some social function after work,” explained Craig. “I was putting my own selfish desires ahead of my family. I often stayed out late and thoughts of God or attending church rarely entered my mind. I was living the ‘good’ life.” By 1983 the oil boom ended and Craig began to experience problems. His solution was to simply change

jobs. In his new position he met an even more affluent set of customers. Many of them drove expensive cars, had impressive boats and took great vacations. “That lifestyle became my goal,” said Craig. “Realizing that I might never achieve the life I desired, I left my position at the bank to enter a business venture with a friend. This quickly failed. This began a two-year period of anxiety and financial difficulties.” During this time, Craig’s wife, Denise informed him that she had made the decision to begin attending church. Craig had absolutely no intention of doing the same. “I didn’t see God and the church as the solution for my problems. I still had the same materialistic dreams as ever even though I was flat broke,” said Craig. Craig made another business decision that helped him realize his dreams for success—for a while. He and another friend purchased a local manufacturing company. The business was in sad shape, but fortunately the timing was good as the economy in

Oklahoma had rebounded and his business began to thrive. “I worked long hours, took little salary and the business continued to grow. Within six years I thought I was on top of the world. My dreams of material possessions, a great lifestyle and power were coming true,” he said. “But where was the happiness I expected? No matter how much money I spent, there was always someone or something to covet. I made the decision that what I needed was more leisure time. I began traveling, playing golf and spending longer weekends at the lake. Although I enjoyed these activities, they were unfulfilling and were not conducive to continued business success.” By 2003, Craig’s short-lived success began to falter. He was dealing with stress and his reaction was an unhealthy avoidance. He began drinking more and found more and more excuses to be “out of the office.” Of course, this only compounded his problems. For the first time in life, he realized he needed help. He made the decision to seek counseling. “I opened the yellow pages and found a counselor. It turned out to be a Christian counselor. While I had accepted Jesus Christ as a 15-year-old boy, it hadn’t affected my lifestyle. This counselor introduced me to Christ’s healing power. Also, during this time a friend gave his life to Christ and I was impressed with his new-found ability to cope with the stress of our business problems.” During this time he also began attending church at Asbury with Denise and their daughter. Shortly after that, the Conway’s were invited to attend the Purpose-Driven Life study being held at Pastor Tom and Dana Harrison’s home. In 2004, Craig heard a message by Dr. Normal Vincent Peale while Asbury Tidings 6

riding in his car. “He was telling a story about a businessman who came to him for counseling. His business had failed and he felt he had nothing to live for. Dr. Peale suggested doing an inventory. He asked him questions about his relationship with God, marriage, children, health and finances. Then Dr. Peale told the man that he already possessed four of the five ingredients of a joyful and successful life. Upon hearing this message, I pulled over to the side of the road and cried. I believe God was using this message to speak directly to me. My story was the same—failed business, a good marriage, two children, two grandchildren and good health. The big difference was that I had yet to secure my relationship with Christ. Several times over the next few days I prayed and asked God into my life. I began to feel a calm I had not experienced for many years, if ever.” During the study at the Harrison’s

home, Dana suggested I meet Dub Ambrose and join a Joshua’s Men’s Group. I did. One week my prayer partner was Glen Grusendorf. We had lunch and then spent a two-hour session at his home. He suggested I attend Celebrate Recovery. I wasn’t sure this was what I needed, but later decided it was a good place for me to do volunteer work.” After attending three Monday nights, Craig realized that “I needed CR more than CR needed me.” He later signed up for a 12-step study. Now he serves as a leader in the ministry. “I’m happy to say that I feel closer to God than at any time in my life,” he told me. Oh, and his business? Well, that’s all over. He went through some tough trials in resolving it, but he’s come out on the other

side. He has taken his experiences— both good and bad—to develop Triunity Solutions, a managing, marketing and financial consulting ministry. His goals in life are no longer based on success by the world’s standards, but success by God’s standards. He totally agrees with a statement by Rick Warren in PurposeDriven Life, “Self worth does not equal net worth.” And “Basing your life goals on material wealth is a prescription for living a life without purpose. . . Material acquisition can make you happy, but only temporarily, the need for new acquisitions will continue forever unless you change your priorities.” Craig has done just that. -Sandy Wagner

Pictured, left to right: Bo Boaz, Terry Bales, Bruce DeGidts, Glen Grusendorf, Craig Conaway, Michiel Connor and John Dellavedova.

Photo by Lina Holmes 7

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DYLAN CAPPS He wouldn’t pray out loud. He had heard countless mealtime and bedtime prayers said by his older brother, his father and I, but no matter how often we’d ask him to pray, he’d refuse. We never forced Dylan to say route memorized prayers but we continued to ask if he would like to join in leading the family prayers; time after time he declined. This year marked a milestone in Dylan’s life. When he became a first grader, he was able to join Cub Scouts as a Tiger Cub. Dylan knew all about Cub Scouts because he had watched his older brother, Rich earn countless belt loops and badges. Dylan was thrilled to finally be in the program at Asbury. Tiger Cubs bring their parents to every den meeting and activity, so at our first meeting, the room was filled with ten excited first grade boys and their parents. As the assistant den leader, I explained to the boys that at each den meeting, one boy would be


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chosen to lead us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance, the Cub Scout Promise and a prayer to God. On that first night, I asked for a scout to volunteer in saying a closing prayer. Mike and I were amazed when Dylan’s hand shot up like a rocket. Nervously, I asked, “Dylan, would you like to lead us in prayer?” He nodded and came up to the front of the room and then immediately got down on his knees to pray. We all stood there, taken aback, by the humility of this child showing his reverence to God. He never hesitated as he thanked God for Asbury, the Cub Scouts and all the parents. It was the most beautiful authentic prayer. At that moment, I realized that God was teaching me a lesson on prayer through my son. When I heard him pray, he had a freshness and vulnerability as he approached his Heavenly Father. I understood that it’s not nearly as important to teach Dylan how to pray as it is for Dylan to know the God to whom he is praying.

In the book, Prayer Saturated Kids, Cheryl Sacks comments: “What an awesome responsibility and privilege we have- to teach, train, and mentor the next generation in prayer. This is obviously one of the most important roles of parents, teacher and church leaders. God constantly admonished Israel to teach His ways to their offspring, to instruct them in His statutes, and to pass down the stories of His faithfulness (see Psalm 78:2-7).” It is an awesome responsibility and privilege to teach children about God and to pass our faith on to them. As a parent, I know I need all the help I can get and I trust God to meet my every need. I also need the support of my Asbury family. Would you please pray for us who are raising children in this generation? And pray for the children of Asbury to be the next generation of prayer warriors. -Christy Capps

“Being used as an example of wisdom makes me feel like an oxymoron because anyone who thinks he is wise usually is not.” This was said by A.B. STEEN who insists he “gets better press than he deserves.” Pastor Tom Harrison’s favorite quote by A.B. is, “I always get into trouble when I tell more than I know.” Tom said, “When I came to Asbury, the Bishop at the time (Dan Solomon) told me he thought A.B. would be a source of wise counsel for me. He was certainly right. In every congregation I have pastored, one of the first things I do is find people who can coach me. At Asbury, I found many. One of the best things about being at Asbury is having members who have been leaders and understand the responsibilities of senior leadership. A.B. was the first person I sought out here. He has remained a source of wisdom and counsel for me for nearly 15 years. These people are so important to me and A.B. Steen is right at the top of my list.” A.B. started working for T.D. Williamson as a project engineer as a

young man. He was eventually made president, and later retired as chairman of the board after 34 years with the company. He said, “In business I wanted to surround myself with people who were smarter than I was. I think this is true with my faith too. If I surround myself with people who are more godly, it helps me become more godly.” He said his parents just wanted him to do what was right. When the opportunity to get into trouble came along, he thought, “What would my parents think? I did not want to disappoint them.” He and Gwen, his wife of 57 years, tried to teach their kids the same thing. A.B. said, “I believe you gain knowledge from everything you do in life and can use it later in the decisionmaking process. This means learning from both negative and positive experiences. Sometimes it seems you have made a snap decision, but you are just applying what you learned previously. “I never felt like I was an expert in anything, but I could adapt to most situations. Wisdom can be equated to common sense. It is different from

intelligence. We all know intelligent people who make decisions that are unwise.” A few more “A.B.isms” are: · You can make a right decision for the wrong reasons. · Some people have 20 years experience and keep on trying to learn the same lesson. · Don’t keep delaying making decisions. Decide as best you can and then adjust it. It’s hard to be 100% wrong. · Go to the heart of the matter. Make the decision and then decide the details. Don’t get bogged down in minutia. Bill Mason had this to say about A.B. “I’ve known and worked with him for well over 30 years. One of his great talents is his ability to see the strengths in others. This served him significantly in business and at Asbury. It was helpful when filling key staff positions as well as picking people to serve on key committees in the church. A.B. is a leader and friend that I listened to as we served our Lord Jesus.” -Marty McBroom Photo by Richard Holmes


Her enthusiasm and passion are noticeable immediately. Her smile is huge and genuine. Her love for Christ is obvious and it’s contagious! Her vision and wisdom are impressive and are beyond her age. Her name is EMILY SKAGGS and she wants people to know just how much God loves and cares for them. As her best friend Kori Weidman describes Emily, “She shines, shines, shines for HIM!” And indeed, Emily does shine with the love of Christ. Growing up at Asbury, Emily came to know Christ at a young age and quickly learned the value of small group Bible studies and immersing herself in the things of God. She is grateful for parents who grew and nurtured her faith. “My parents, more than anyone else, have been my mentors—they gave me and my brothers the priceless gift of the knowledge of Jesus,” says Emily. What greater gift can a parent give to their children? What greater joy can a parent experience than praying with their children as they ask Christ into their life? She was pretty young and it’s a little hard to remember all of the details, but Emily took her first mission trip to Estonia when she was only 10 years old. This was followed by more mission trips that included adventures in Guatemala, a summer in Estonia, and numerous visits to Honduras. These trips were the beginning of her global worldview but what really ignited the fire in her heart was a class called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. She took the class her sophomore year 11

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Emily Skaggs and fiance Jon Odom

while she was a student at Oklahoma State University along with several of her friends. She believes God used this class to literally change the course of her life. It opened her eyes to the things that God cares about. It opened her eyes to a new worldview. It opened her eyes to God’s purpose. And she discovered that her purpose is God’s purpose, and as long as there continues to be entire groups of people that have never heard about Jesus—she will continue to spread her passion for Christ. Her heart’s desire is to be a spiritual contributor not just a spiritual consumer. It’s impossible to meet Emily and not be touched by her unbelievable passion for Christ. She’s passionate about showing and demonstrating the love of Christ. She’s passionate about helping those who are hurting. She’s passionate about sharing the Good News of Christ. “Everyone who meets her falls in love with her warm smile, contagious laugh, extremely intelligent

mind, and most of all—her diligent and humble heart,” says her best friend Kori. Another best friend of Emily’s is her fiancé, Jon Odom, whom she has dated since high school. The two plan to be married in June, and then plan to leave for Tegucigalpa, Honduras in August or September. And no—this is not for their honeymoon— but rather, they will partner with another couple from Oklahoma and work with a ministry called Hope for Honduras. They will minister to the poorest of poor in the capital city of Honduras. “God has blessed Jon and I with very similar passions,” says Emily and they are excited to begin their new life together. They are honored that God is opening this door for them. The God-inspired wisdom of a young adult like Emily is contagious. Her words are inspiring when she says, “The great majority of the world does not live like we do—both in the material sense (we are blessed) and in the spiritual sense. Where we live, there’s a church on every corner, but there are millions of people all over the world who have never even heard of Jesus Christ.” And she adds, “Going to these people and being generous with all that God has blessed us with opens our eyes to the world around us; makes us more grateful for all that we have; and it reminds us of how big God is—He is not just working in our own hearts, and in our own homes, but He is working all over the world!!” Yes, it’s a contagious passion—Catch it! -Marcia Curley

Photo by David Hurd

BY STEPHANIE HURD Over the last two years I have experienced a spiritual awakening, and to my surprise I woke up in captivity. I am a slave to fear! I’m not talking about a debilitating phobia that makes me want to hide under my desk––rather fear is the invisible framework on which I have built a safe and comfortable life. To varying degrees I’m afraid of failure, rejection, confrontation, dying violently, living too long, looking/sounding/being foolish, losing loved ones, sharing my faith, and being called to foreign missions. Oddly enough I have no fear of going to the dentist. Typically, I never do anything unless I am sure of its success so I’ve spent my whole life avoiding risks and responsibilities. My “mode of operation” was to be invisible and noncommittal. However, when studying Revelations the reality of my future in God’s kingdom began to materialize in my consciousness. I realized one day I would stand before Christ, in person, and give an account of my works to His face (the very face of Jesus) and I was filled with dread! Suddenly I knew

that I am the person Jesus spoke of in the parable––I am the wicked, lazy servant who buried the talent (Matthew 25:14-29). My talent! Please understand that I am not frightened of condemnation, because I know Christ has redeemed me. No, I’m worried I will stand before Him and have very little to show for my time on earth. I picture this meeting with my Savior like my first job interview after college when I tried to convince the guy across the desk that doing nothing for 21 years was actually something. Of course God didn’t reveal this truth and leave me to flounder. As I read through the Old Testament, He is providing many fresh applications from Scripture to help me break free. First of all, God can deliver me from captivity just as He delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. His arm is not too short! Also, He requires obedience–– even when I’m afraid. The Israelites were terrified of the giants in Canaan and disobeyed when God told them to take the land. As a result they spent 40 years in a wilderness time-out. I’ve

wandered the desert long enough and I’m ready to take a chance with my personal Anakites (see Joshua 11:2123). I know the Lord will fight for me! Finally, God says, “No man should appear before the Lord emptyhanded: Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you” (Deuteronomy 16:16,17). Although the context is instructions for the Israelites at the Tabernacle during the Feasts of the Lord, I see how it can also apply to me. When I meet with Jesus in our one-on-one, I certainly don’t want to be empty-handed. I have been blessed beyond measure so I figure my offering should be fairly substantial. I want Him to say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21). I want Him to be proud of me, so I’m choosing to risk failure, rejection and even foolishness just for Him. I cling to Jesus, lean on the Holy Spirit, and leave the results to God. The more I grow in a healthy and respectful fear of the Lord, the less I fear what everyone else thinks of me. And therein lies my emancipation! Asbury Tidings 12

I met B ETTY JO AND JOHN VOGEL in 2001 just after they joined Asbury. Betty Jo, whose body suffered the effects caused by a stroke, had come to the old church to see if she could make it down the stairs to the choir room and back up the stairs into the cramped choir loft so she could be a Chancel Choir member. Betty Jo, who majored in music at Oklahoma Baptist University and Tulsa University, had sung in a choir all her life and she meant to continue in that ministry even in a place that threw out so many physical hurdles. Because she felt God’s call she knew He would help her through all the difficulties involved. When she joined the choir, she was not yet physically able to hold her own music folder. But her new alto friends surrounded her with help and love. They still do each week as they determine where she will sit in the choir loft making sure she is between two helpers on the front row. Each Sunday morning John gets Betty Jo’s robe, fills her folder with music and


Asbury Tidings

escorts her into the choir loft after the choir’s initial warm-up in the choir room. This is a team effort. “The driving force behind Betty Jo continuing to do things after her stroke is her determination more than courage,” said John.”To me, courage is a relative thing,” he continued. “What might be courage to others might not be courage to me, given my life experiences. So when I am taking care of Betty Jo, I am simply doing my job. After all, we did take vows...for better or worse...,” he laughed. Betty Jo’s stroke came just at retirement for John. Initially, she was completely paralyzed; ten days after the stroke, God gave her back the use of her right side. After five weeks of rehab, she returned home. John fully retired at this time to serve as her caregiver. Betty Jo said, “I messed up John’s retirement.” He does not agree. Together this team has been an inspiration to all of us who know them. The last Wednesday of February an

ice storm was predicted to hit Tulsa just as choir rehearsal was ending. Lots of choir members stayed home fearing the worst; Betty Jo and John were there. When the Chancel Choir works a Saturday for Upward Basketball each year Betty Jo and John are there. One year Betty Jo was seen pushing a broom at clean up time at the day’s end! The choir members have tried to entice John into singing with the choir but he says, “The music has been a great healing program for her; it gives her a sense of purpose, and allows her to be in something independent of my care provider role.” When things we take for granted are taken away from us, when normal is difficult to accomplish, our perspectives change. Betty Jo and John are surely an example of that. “What a wonderful God who has made it possible for me to serve Him and praise Him through the Chancel Choir!” exclaimed Betty Jo. “Not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for his mercies.” -Marti Morris

BY SANDY WAGNER Sometimes it’s hard to do what is right. Sometimes I wonder if it’s really the wisest thing to do. Sometimes compromise would be so easy— just a little compromise here or there. I remember one such incident early in my career at Northeastern State University when a little compromise almost made sense. When I moved to Tahlequah I was renting a very nice house quite close to the campus. My plan was to rent for awhile as I got to know the local housing market and I would buy or build a house later. I was very comfortable in the house I was living in, however eventually a friend told me of a builder that might be in my price range that was building at a good location. I took her recommendation and visited with him. It seemed like a good plan, a reasonable price and it was in a nice location. We proceeded with the paper work. During the visits with the builder and subsequent visit with the banker (an acquaintance of mine) I admitted that I really didn’t have the sum of money in savings that they suggested. Both the builder and banker thought that was no problem at all and assured me the loan would go through. What difference would

it make since all the people involved understood? But there was the rub—I would know and God would know. As I worked my way through the rest of the paper work, I came upon a page where I had to sign that I had X amount in savings. As I looked at that page, I realized that in good conscience I just couldn’t sign my name to a lie. I went to the builder and told him I just couldn’t do it. I went to the banker and explained why I was not going to pursue it. They both seemed to think I was being too literal and that my objection was silly. Maybe it was, but I had to be obedient to the principles in scripture that encouraged us toward honesty and truthfulness in all our dealings with others. Consequently, I told both the builder and banker that I had to live with my decision and it felt right to me. I must admit that I wondered (and asked Him) why I would have felt it was His direction to build the house only to be stopped halfway. It seemed to be a no-brainer. Surely He would want me to invest in a home rather than continue to rent. Regardless, I also knew He didn’t want me to have it if I had to lie to get it.

The interesting thing about it was that just two months later my older son (who was in Bible school in California) became very ill. We got him back to Oklahoma, however that began an almost four-month stay in the hospital. The time spent going from work to Tulsa to be at the hospital, the expense that his insurance didn’t cover, all took quite a toll on my family. I now look back and realize that God saved me from what could have been a disaster—the time and expense that would be incurred in a building project. He saved me from that problem. I also feel that God wanted my obedience even in the seemingly small things. Several years later my Mom had some very serious health problems and I needed to move to Muskogee where I could be more accessible to her on nights and weekends. I’ve never regretted my decision to forgo the home and was very aware that God really does see the whole picture. By the way, my son did eventually recover after surgery and I had the privilege of seeing to my Mom’s care during her final years. I’m thankful that He carefully chose my path concerning this matter.

Asbury Tidings 14

Photo by Lina Holmes

Growing up, MARK SPRINGER’S family attended church more for social reasons than for reasons of faith. But when he was about 11 years old, his father had a personal encounter with Jesus and, as Mark describes it, became a “2 Corinthians 5:17 person”. His dad’s transformation into a “new creation” would set in motion Mark’s own personal walk with the Lord. In high school Mark was active in youth group activities at his local church like camp and mission trips. Though he had several “brushes with

Jesus” through his early years, it wasn’t until well into college that Mark realized his heart was aching. “It was the same feeling I had when I was homesick as a child, only bigger,” describes Mark. Then one night in 1977, as he walked home longing for someone to talk to, Mark noticed the old TV antenna above the roof of his house – in the shape of a simple cross. “I realized that Jesus was waiting for me at home. “That night I spent over four hours in prayer; I confessed everything,” recalls Mark. “ I had to be honest with myself and with God.” Now 30 years later, though he’s seen high and low points in his faith walk, Mark says he’s never forgotten where “home” is. Mark believes that kind of honesty plays an important role in every believer’s life and that knowing Christ is different than letting Him be Lord. Moving from a casual relationship with Jesus to being under His Lordship requires an ongoing willingness to allow God to reveal our sin and then letting that change the way we live. “The transforming times in my life are when I obey,” Mark says. “Honesty is a

lifestyle,” continues Mark. “For Christians, we must continually be honest with ourselves and with God.” Whether it is through confession of weakness, selfishness or something else, “the more we are open with God, the more honest we will be with people.” Mark, who holds a law degree and works as an investment advisor and CPA, relates honesty to a bank account. If you add to it through life and are consistently honest with people, when the time comes for a “withdrawal” and you ask someone to trust you, your word will be enough. Living a life of integrity has a cost. It requires a personal effort and commitment to live out honesty in practical ways – like giving back too much change or just saying you’re sorry when you’ve wronged someone. It also requires humility and vulnerability before God and people. In business, it could even cost you a client or a pay raise. But every time we choose to obey, we bring glory to God, strengthen our faith and testimony, and store up eternal rewards. “It’s like retirement planning,” Mark explains. “The typical person spends too much and puts too little into retirement until late in life. Then they fret over keeping the little they have saved until they die.” We shouldn’t put off investing in a life of integrity. We should look at our eternal treasure account (our true retirement) and consider if, by the way we live, we are wasting our resources or storing treasure in heaven. -Nikki Boyd


Asbury Tidings


Photo by Lina Holmes


Asbury Tidings 16

BY MICHAEL ARMOUR It’s 6:30 in the morning. As I lie on my bed, the gears in my brain begin to turn. I start to wake up and go through the motions as usual. I begin to brush my teeth, and for some odd reason, I use cold water rather than warm water. As I begin to make the journey downstairs, the smell of quesadillas runs under my nose. My mom doesn’t normally make egg quesadillas for breakfast. As I run to my car, I realize how cold it is outside. I don’t remember it being so cold last year on January 9. I start up my car and head for the Jenks High School North parking lot. Every day I park my red Escape in the same parking spot, but today someone decided to take the opportunity to park their SUV in my spot. Without a second thought, I begin a search for an empty spot. Once I find a temporary location for the Escape, I begin to read my devotion and Bible as usual. As I open up my Bible, I choose to randomly pick a verse as I sometimes do. My hands open the Bible to Philippians 3:21. It says, “Who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself.” This verse hits me hard. At that moment I begin to realize the normality of my life. At that moment I begin to wonder what is it that I was


Asbury Tidings

meant to do in this world. At this moment, I know that I need to let God take me out of my “humble state” and transform me to be more like Christ in everything I do. When my mind comes back down to Jenks High School, I see the people passing my car heading to class just like they do every day, oblivious to the life-changing experience I’m going through. As I bow my head to pray, I feel overcome with the Holy Spirit. As I pray, I feel that something is different about this prayer. I feel like I am talking to God face to face. I pray for the people walking to school every morning. I thank God for giving me the life he gave me. I pray that every day I would strive to literally be more like Christ. Good days are pretty common in the life of Michael Armour, but great days are hard to come by. I step out of my car and it no longer feels cold because I feel warm inside. This day I don’t feel down or sad. I can’t stop being happy. Later at Fellowship of Christian Athletes during worship, I am so happy and full and I can’t stop thanking God for everything he has given me and has done for me. This day is a marker on my spiritual walk with Christ. It marks the day when I start to actively live my Christian life and stop just sitting on the sidelines and watching.

ED LUSK is a new face around Asbury, but the legacy he has left on the lives of his past is eternal. From serving breakfast to hungry youth every Sunday morning to helping a student get carpel tunnel surgery and even taking in a young man in need, Ed has impacted generations of people. At age 13, Ed met Jesus by the big stone just across the bridge before the Chapel at Camp Egan. He felt at that moment for

the rest of his life, whether it was mowing the church lawn, singing in the choir, or leading misbehaved youth, ministry was his priority. Now at age 75, looking back his legacy shows he held true to this call. Ed’s legacy starts in Muskogee where he became the President of the Eastern Oklahoma Conference for the Methodist church and licensed a local preacher at age 18! As he started a career in the

business world, he continued to meet any and every need in the churches he served. The stories of the people transformed, saved, and led into ministry by Ed’s godly influence during these years are immeasurable. Keith, one of Ed’s first students, became an Assemblies of God Pastor, while Rhonda, one of Ed’s latest students, ministered on the back streets of New York and Houston. Ed portrayed the Asbury Tidings 18


Photo by Marsha Baker

Left to right: Parker Anderson, Taylor Lansford, Ian Weidner, Bobby Baker, Preston Walker,Dylan Shelton, Jake Heckman and Ed Lusk.

message of Jesus with such passion, one of his former students is even currently working behind the iron curtain teaching and living as a full time witness to Communist students. One of his classes of sixth graders had 13 find the Lord in one night by the guiding hand of God. The people Ed left his legacy on are long-term leaders of their churches, members of divine healing teams, and ministers, but not 19

Asbury Tidings

only that, they are architects, dentists, teachers, and business people that go into the work place with a Christian influence and often become strong anchors and volunteers within their local communities and churches. Even Camp Egan, the place Ed met Jesus, holds his legacy. Ed has been on the board at Egan for 25 years helping create the master building plan and making the impossible possible with one building project after another. He even coordinated a work day in which 175 people renovated camp! As the story continues, his time at Wagoner UMC stamped legacy on three generations of the Baker family. While teaching an adult Bible study, Ed met Alvin Baker and their relationship grew into a friendship that is still a blessing today. When the church needed help in the youth area, Ed was the ready for the challenge and during this adventure he bonded with Alvin’s son, Mel. Mel married and had a son, Bobby Baker, who has been the third generation

under Ed’s teaching. Shortly after he started attending Asbury, Ed heard Tom’s plea for male small group leaders and responded immediately. When he walked into my office and told me his name, my eyes widened in awe. You see, I had been hearing stories about Ed’s legacy from my husband, Bobby Baker, for months and here Ed was in my office willing to lead a group. Bobby had described Ed to me as one of those men of God that you encounter and truly know God is real. Ed has impacted Bobby’s life in every way from being a teacher, mentor, boss, and friend. The most amazing part… the spot needing filled was with the group Bobby was leading! This is where Ed’s legacy continues— co-leading a group of rambunctious seventh grade boys with Bobby, his former student. And hopefully if Ed stays at Asbury for a few more years, one day he will be able to leave his legacy on our kids, a fourth generation of Bakers affected by Ed! -Marsha Baker

BY JOHN WESTERVELT My year-younger sister, Harriette, and my year-older brother, Wallace, have always been my best friends. In our youth group at Wesley Methodist Church in Oklahoma City in the 1940s, we shared the same friends. As young married couples, we gathered with our seven children at our mother’s house in Oklahoma City on Christmas Eve to spend the night. When our children were college age, Harriette and Lloyd, Wallace and Barbara, and Nelda and I enjoyed the Colorado Mountains viewed from a rustic cabin. A few years later, Harriette became a young widow, when cancer took the life of her husband Lloyd. My daughter Mary Kim always had a special affection for her Aunt Harriette. Af ter a couple of years for Harriette’s grieving to stabilize, Mary Kim asked if Nelda and I would take Harriette and her to New York and Washington D.C.; and we did. We saw four plays in three days in New York. With cabs scarce when the theaters let out, we walked the mile to our hotel across from the south end of Central Park. On Monday morning, we boarded the Amtrak at Grand Central Station for Washington D.C. From our hotel just across the Potomac, we rode the Underground each day for a week to see the sites I had read about in school. On the last night together, the three women voted to go to London for our next adventure. These plans were thwarted by the untimely death of Nelda two years later. Another year passed, and Mary Kim said, “Dad, it’s time to take Aunt Harriette to London.” An engineer in my office from London suggested I make reservations for the dormitory at Imperial College in Central London. Our small single rooms were clustered about a shared shower and toilet. The nearby Underground gave us passage to historical sites. Boarding the Underground, I watched attractive women with their hair blown, if not by wind on the street, then by the turbulence of the oncoming subway. While I stood at the right, they bounced down the escalator on the left with almost a dance step as they hurried to catch their subway. Mary Kim continued as Harriette’s roommate for family trips with Wallace and Barbara and me to western Canada, northern England and Scotland, and the Canadian Maritime Provinces. Some years later, Harriette and I joined the Wesley Eight for new travel adventures. On the first of these trips, Harriette and I were joined by Wallace and Barbara and a couple from Great Bend, Kansas to spend a week with a couple in Vermont. Except for two wives, all of these had attended our youth group at Wesley. It was during the following week in New Hampshire that Harriette agreed I could share her room with a shower because my room had none. I would get ready early and then leave the room to Harriette for an hour, while I wrote in my journal. This room-sharing arrangement worked well for the next five Septembers with the Wesley Eight in Kansas, Chautauqua, NY; Texas Hill Country, Grand Canyon, and Branson, Missouri. So now you see how Harriette and I avoided loneliness by sharing our lives with family and friends. More of John Westervelt’s writings may be found at Asbury Tidings 20

Even on tip-toe, GARRETT DRAPER stands barely 5-foot tall. But on the basketball court with his team the “Mystics” . . . he’s a giant! Garrett is one of the 492 basketball players (boys and girls K- sixth) who participated in this season of Upward Basketball at Asbury. It’s a non-traditional league designed for the child who isn’t the best shooter or fastest runner. The program is much more than playing hoops. It promotes character and self esteem for those who reach higher for God through sportsmanship. And as Garrett found out, it’s fun too. “I didn’t think that I would fit in,” explains Garrett. “I’ve never played on a basketball team. I’m kinda small.” Garrett’s mom Cammy says a friend in the neighborhood encouraged her son to join. “And it helped him with his confidence,” she continues. “Now, he knows he can play.” The “Mystics” team was made up of eight boys, four beginners and four Upward veterans. “When Garrett came to the first practice, he was shy and quiet,” says Coach Kelly Walker. “In every practice and game after that, he was the first to throw up a

hand if he had something to ask or add. His smile was contagious as he became a more confident player each week.” Upward’s mission is to introduce children to Jesus Christ by creating opportunities to serve through sports. At each practice, devotional time shares the floor with game fundamentals. “We talk about kindness, dependability and character traits that put God in the picture,” says Coach Danielle Howard. “Our focus on devotions helped us be more open with each other and bond as a team.” For eight weeks in January and February, the church gym hosts Upward games. All kids play equal amounts of time. And success isn’t measured on the scoreboard or in standings, but in hi-fives, pats on the back and team spirit. “In week one some were timid, by week three they were rebounding, by week five everyone had scored a basket, and by week eight they were brothers,” says Coach Kelly. “Their success was making friends, self-confidence and a lot of smiles.” Additionally, each player is given special recognition at the beginning of every game. Names and numbers are

announced over a loud speaker as the players run onto the court through a fog machine, strobe lights and an explosion of applause from the fans. It’s almost like the start of an NBA play-off! And at the end of the game, each player receives an Upward achievement star reflecting best effort, defense, offense, sportsmanship and being most Christlike. Garrett has both sleeves of his uniform filled with stars of every color. The Upward program has been blessed with tremendous growth, with teams in almost every state and over 40 countries. This is Asbury’s seventh year of providing opportunities for all believers, no matter what denomination, to learn life lessons and grow closer to the Lord. “It’s awesome!” concludes Garrett. “I learned a lot about basketball, I learned to be a better player and walk with God.” The Upward motto is “Every Child is a Winner.” Players who do their best, put their teammates ahead of themselves, and respect their coaches . . . are winners. And for Garrett, he’s a winner who stands tall and proud. -Sylvia LaRose

Photo by Lina Holmes

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 21

Asbury Tidings

asbury opportunities general information Breakfast Served from 7:15 -9:00 am. in the CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with

Engaged Couples

Resources departments with Tulsa companies

If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to

will discuss the employment process from the

officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure

employer’s view. Resume assistance will also

to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-

be available. Individual assistance will be

to-Couple (required premarital sessions). Six

available by emailing

months to one year lead time suggested.

The Gazebo is Open

Visits to Asbury Members

fresh donuts, bagels, biscuits & gravy,

CDs of Tom’s message of the day are

Asbury has a unique group of volunteers

sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for

available immediately following the worship

(Asbury Connection) who regularly visit

adults & $1 for children 12 & under.

service - $3. Prayer Journals are also

people who are either homebound or in

available for $5 each.

nursing homes. If you are interested in being

Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am

9:15 am

9:15 am

11:00 am

11:00 am

Mason Chapel


visited, call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact the

(Traditional Communion)

Recycle unwanted paper products. Three

coordinator, Abby Sluice at


bins are available, located in the south and


east parking lots.

Open House Worship (CLC)

Asbury Family News is available at the

Prayer Card Sending Team Usually meets first and third Mondays at 10:30

(Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting)

Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists,

am in Room 1621 to send cards with God’s


births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and

encouraging words and our prayers to those

(Traditional with sign interpreter)

military listings.

who are ill or going through hard times. Cards

Mason Chapel

Doors of Asbury posters are at the


Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing.

Thursday Night Worship

New Additions to the Library

6:45 - 8:00 pm Simply Worship (CLC) (Casual, Praise and Worship) Sundays for Children and Students 6 Weeks - 4 Years

8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am

The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library. Free Tax Help

K-6th Grades

9:15 or 11:00 am

Wednesdays, through April 9, from 1:00-4:30

7th, 8th & 9th Grades

9:15 & 11:00 am

pm in Room 1504.

10th, 11th & 12th Grades

9:15 am only

Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, & 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Family Night Dinners Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm in the CLC. Cost: $5-adults, $3-children ages 2-12, $20

Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by

related military personnel. Contact Gwen Mohler at for more information, or call 392-1146. Asperger Support Group First Thursday from 7:00-9:00 pm in Rm 1506. For mothers of children with Asperger Syndrome. Childcare available. Alzheimer’s Support Group Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in Rm 1621.

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Community Sundays, 11:00 am, Rm. 1507

maximum per family. Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled?

and care packages are also sent to Asbury-

Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer ’s or other dementia. Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm, Parlor - For those living with cancer and their

bible study RoadMap

family and friends. Divorce Recovery

calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can

All courses being offered in the Winter/Spring

Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those

be in prayer for you. When you enter the

2008 RoadMap session are listed on the

suffering from the early, highly emotional

hospital, please designate Asbury as your

Asbury website at

stages of divorce and separation trauma.

church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 492-1771, selecting option 2, and leaving a message for the pastor on call.

Childcare available.

care and support Employers Perspective

Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those

Thursday, April 24 from 7:00-8:30 pm in the

ready to rebuild their lives after separation or

Parlor. A panel of persons in the Human

divorce. Childcare available.

Asbury Tidings 22


to register for this event is Sunday, April 6 or

For individuals seeking support in the

Registration forms for all children’s

until we get 94 kids. For more information, call

recovery process. Wednesdays at 12:00 pm

activities are available in the preschool

Jennifer Barnes at 392-4582 or

in Room 1621. Bring a sack lunch. Contact

and elementary lobbies. We have openings

Marcy McMurry at

Core Childcare Hours

for 20 adults wanting to go on the trip. Please

Parents who are involved in RoadMap

let us know by April 6. Your cost will be $15

Employment Transitions

classes during these core hours will have

Eating Disorder Recovery

Need a second set of eyes to review your

childcare provided for children 6 weeks - 12

resume? Free male and female one-on-one

years of age with no reservations needed:

for your travel, t-shirt and park admission. 5th Grade Bible Study Wednesday nights through April 30 from

support available through Asbury’s


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

7:00-8:00 pm. On Wednesday nights our fifth

Employment Transitions at

Mon & Tue

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

grders will continue to experience Bible

Tue, Wed, & Thur

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Study. They will meet together each week to

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

H2O Camp-In

work on a study called “Journey - the Claim to

First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm

For 3rd and 4th Graders, 7:00 pm Friday, April

Life.” This study will cover topics like


4 to 7:00 am Saturday, April 5 in the H2O

worship, prayer, forgiving, serving, courage

Room. There’s nothing like fun, food, and

and many others. This is a good introductory

For family members or caregivers of

exhaustion to bring 100 plus 3rd and 4th

study for our fifth graders. You may pick up a

people affected by a mental illness. 4th

graders closer together! The H2O Camp-In is

registration form in the Elementary or

Thursdays from 1:30 - 3:00 pm in the

all that and more. We will make the rounds at

Preschool area. If you are continuing from

Parlor. Call Ruth at 392-1146.

some totally cool and fun places around

last session, you do not need to re-register

Mental Health Support for Families

Military Connection

Tulsa, (Pump It Up and Incredible Pizza) and

nor purchase a new book. If you have any

To demonstrate the love of Christ, periodic

then return around 2:00 am for a camp-in and

additional questions, please contact Jami

care packages and monthly encouragement

a couple hours of shut-eye. This is one of the

Moss at 392-1166 or Kim Renkema at 392-

cards with God’s Word are sent to Asbury-

highlights of the year for the H2O group, so

1159. Cost for book: $6.00.

related military personnel. The Prayer Ministry

bring everyone you know. The cost includes

also covers them in prayer. Please send

all the food and expenses plus a very cool T-

Friday, May 30, 6:30 pm in the CLC. We’d love

contact information (complete name and

shirt. Pick up your registration form and sign

to have you and your whole family join us as

address) to Gwen Mohler at

up. For more information, contact April Crew

we watch “Game Plan” on the screen in the or call 392-1146.

at 392-1165 or

CLC. Invite friends and neighbors to this great

Cost: $35.

event. Bring the whole family along with your

Pathways Through Grief Pathways through Grief. Come be with

5.6 Road Trip

Family Movie Night

chairs, blankets and enjoy this movie with us.

others who have been where you are. There

April 19, 6:00 am - Midnight. At the crack of

The movie is free, but we will be selling

can be hope and healing in sharing with

dawn, we will all pile onto a charter bus and

concessions if you think you’ll need to snack

others in similar circumstances. Tuesdays,

head for Silver Dollar City in Branson,

during the movie.

May 13-August 5, 7:00-8:30 pm, room 2500.

Missouri, returning close to midnight that

Call 392-1191 to register.

evening! Plenty of sponsors will create a fun

Tuesday - Friday, June 17 - 20 from 9:00 am -

Asbury Bear Bags

Save the Date for VBS ‘08

and safe environment for our 5th and 6th

12:30 pm. Cost: $10 per child with $25

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have

graders to have fun and fellowship, and to

maximum per family. Kids will have a great

comforted young children for many years, but

blow off some end-of-the-school-year steam.

time living God’s unshakeable truth. They will

now you may give a Bear Bag with a

The cost is $65 (includes the official Road

experience God’s Word and biblical truths

scripture-based journal included instead!

Trip t-shirt). You will need to bring an

each day in Worship Rally, Life Time Drama,

Great for teens and adults. Anyone may

additional amount of money for personal food

Crafts, Music and Recreation. They will also

deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is

costs (lunch & dinner) and souvenirs, etc.

learn how we take God’s Word to others in

grieving. For more information, contact Beth

We won’t stop for breakfast, so eat before

missions. The week’s activities will come to a

at 392-1116.

you come or bring it with you; it’s a long time

close with our Family Fun Night on Friday,

until the park opens at 10:00 am. The deadline

June 20 from 5:30 - 8:30 pm. It’s an awesome


Asbury Tidings

time to celebrate the fabulous week of VBS,

fee. For additional information, call Amber Cox

hang out with friends and family, play on the

at 392-1171 or

cool inflatibles and eat, eat, eat! Cost includes

VBS Volunteer Training

Teaching Minds...Training Hearts Ever wish you knew how to talk to your children about God in a more natural and

a VBS T-shirt. Registration must be received

Wednesday, June 4 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm OR

comfortable way? Ever want to learn some

by Friday, May 23 to be guaranteed a shirt. To

Saturday, June 7 from 8:30 - 10:00 am in the

fun and creative ways to enhance a Bible

help us with our registration process, please

Children’s Elementary Rooms. VBS is

story? Ever want to be able to hold the

go online to and fill out

successful thanks to the hundreds of

attention of a circle of preschoolers during

the form. Hit submit, then print out the form,

volunteers. We simply could not do it

Bible story time? Then join us for this

sign it and bring it to the South Welcome Desk

without you. All volunteers must attend one

interactive, casual, fun class. This is for

with the fee. For additional information, call

of these trainings to ensure our VBS kids

anyone who has an opportunity to teach

Kim Renkema, 392-1159.

are safe and learning about the love of

children about God’s love - whether in their

Christ. If you are interested in volunteering

home or on Sunday morning. Usually the first

VBS T-Shirt Hand Out VBS T-shirts will be available beginning

with VBS, please contact Shelley Hughes at

two Wednesdays of the month, Children’s

Sunday, April 20. You must register and pay, Tiffanie Garrett

Ministry Office Lobby. No cost. No obligation.

the fee before you pick up your T-shirt. Shirt s

at, or Jen Sharpe at

You’ll be glad you came! Sponsored by Asbury

can only be guaranteed if you are registered and we will find a place

Children’s Ministry.

and your shirt is picked up before May 23rd.

that works for you.

For additional information, call Kim Renkema at 392-1159.

VBS Teen Training

Murdock Villa A mission opportunity for our 5th & 6th grade

Thursday, June 12 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in

students. Usually the second Sunday of the

the Student Ministries Area. VBS is success-

month from 12:30 - 3:30 pm. Cost is $5 for

Monday, June 16 from 3:00 - 8:00 pm and

ful thanks to the many teen volunteers! Teens

CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat then visit Murdock Villa

Tuesday-Friday, June 17 -20 from 9:00 am -

must attend this traiing to ensure our VBS

where we will play Bingo and do crafts with

12:30 pm and Family Fun Night, June 20 from

kids are safe and learning about the love of

special needs adults. It is an amazing time to

8:30 - 10:30 pm. Cost: $25.

Christ. Pizza lunch is included. If you are

witness in our local community. Limited to 10

Challenge Camp takes place the same week

interested in volunteering with VBS, please

kids each month. For further information

as VBS. On Monday, the 5.6ers will meet

contact Leslie at

contact Jami at 392-1166.

VBS Challenge Camp

from the 3:00 - 8:00 pm for worship and

Midweek Madness

Children’s Choirs

dinner and then do our planning for the entire

Wednesdays through April 30, 7:00-8:00 pm

Wednesdays through April 30, 6:00-6:50 pm,

VBS week. Each day, they will st art their day

in the Children’s Ministry Area for kindergart-

Various Rooms

in Worship Rally, then go their own way to

ners - 4th graders. On Wednesday nights,

several small groups, learning the crafts,

Faith Zone will be the place to be as children

games and Bible stories they will share with

learn to apply biblical truths to their lives. Our

others. They will even have a day to practice

goal each week will be to reinforce the

If you have not yet found an Adult

their missionary skills in the Tulsa community.

lesson that was presented on Sunday with

Discipleship Community check out “Get

This weeks is all about setting up our 5.6ers

hands-on activities that they can apply to

Involved” on our website,

to get ready to serve in the world around

their lives. We will create an environment that or pick up a brochure

them; it takes VBS to the next level. We will

will be both educational and entertaining. Kids

at one of our Welcome Centers.

celebrate our week of hard work on Friday

will have the opportunity to build relationships

after Family Fun Night. Registration must be

and go deeper into hiding God’s Word in their

Thursdays, 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Shepherd’s Flock

received by Friday, May 23 to be guaranteed

hearts. Can’t wait to see you there! Pick up

- a community for all who desire to

a T-shirt. To help us with our registration

your registration form and sign up early so

strengthen their relationship with the Lord

process, please go on line to

that we may be wise stewards and plan

through prayer, biblical teaching, mission and and fill out the form. Hit

accordingly. Contact Kim Renkema at 392-

service projects, as well as fellowship with

submit, then print out the form, sign it, and

1159 for more information.

other believers. Our general focus is to

bring it to the South Welcome Desk with the

discipleship Discipleship Communities

New Discipleship Community

strengthen the ministry to God’s precious children.

Asbury Tidings 24

We invite you to come and join us as we support

or be placed on a team. Registration forms

Improvement volunteer will contact you, and

one another and grow in the love of God.

may be picked up in the church office or at

make arrangements to get the job(s) done.

any Welcome Center, and returned with

Car Care Saturdays

payment (TBA) to the Asbury Registrar’s

May 17, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. This every-

Office. This year ’s organizer is Todd White, if

other-month workday is provided for

Weekend to Remember Conference

you have any questions or concerns. Call

Asbury’s widows and single moms. While the

April 11-13 at the Double Tree Hotel Downtown.

your family and friends...and join us for a

ladies wait in the comfort of the cafe,

Cost: $129 per person. Hosted by Family Life

great afternoon of fellowship, friends and

volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and

Ministries, this conference will help you learn


batteries. They also vacuum and wash the

marriage & family

practical skills and biblical principles to

Men’s Fraternity: The Quest for

vehicles, then update owners on what’s

strengthen and re-energize your marriage or

Authentic Manhood

running smoothly and what needs

prepare you for your upcoming marriage. For

Wednesdays, through April 30 from 6:00 - 8:00

professional attention. This free service

information, call 1-800-FL-Today or go to

pm in the Mason Chapel and CLC. Cost: $10.

gives our men the opportunity to put their faith

weekend to For group rates

Fulfilling men’s need for a compelling vision of

into action through loving and serving those in

($89 per person) mention code 16722.

Biblical masculinity, this teaches men how to live

need. No reservations required; just get your

lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus

vehicle in line by 11:30 am.

Attention Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an Asbury p astor to

Christ and directed by the Word of God. More

officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be

than just a rally or Bible study, it is designed to


sure to book ASAP to allow ample time for

help men come together, strengthening each

New Mission Books Are In

Couple-to-Couple (required premarital

other through weekly session of biblical teaching

Pick up the newest mission books at the

sessions). Six months to one year lead time

and small group interaction. Facilitators are Rev.

Welcome Centers or come by the Missions

is suggested.

Dub Ambrose, Greg Ruley and Glen Fisher. Call

office. Make sure to pick up two

392-1191 to register. for Global Outreach and one

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries Email your June or July Milestone

for Oklahoma Outreach (previously called

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Ann iversary (5,10,15,20, etc.) to Carolyn

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC.

Schutte at or

Attention men of Asbury. Make plans to join

call 392-1146.

membership Asbury Exploration

Regional Outreach). Global Outreach Dinner

us for a great time of meaningful worship,

Wednesday, May 7 at 6:00 pm in the CLC.

life-changing prayer and an awesome big

Come enjoy dinner and hearing about

breakfast, all for just $3 per person. First-time

Asbury’s global mission efforts. Cost: $5.

guests are free.

Contact Missy at 392-1163 for reservations

Come to a lunch/class to learn more about

April 2

Don Herrold

by Wednesday, April 30.

becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, April 6

April 9

Todd Johnson

Eyeglass Donations

from 12:15-2:00 pm in CLC. Lunch provided and

April 16

Bill Johnson

Are you wondering what to do with those

childcare is available for children six weeks

April 23

Mark Springer

old eyeglasses? Donate them to missions!

through 6th grade. Call 392-1191 to register.

April 30

Dub Ambrose

Home Improvement Ministry


Saturday, April 19 The Men’s Ministry offers

You may drop your glasses off in the Global Outreach office. Campbell’s Soup Label

home improvement for widows, widowers

Save Campbell’s soup labels for missions.

Monday, April 28 at Tulsa Country Club. Lunch

and single moms within the Asbury family.

Please cut the UPC symbol and the Labels for

at 11:30 am. Shotgun Start at 1:00 pm.

Volunteers make themselves available every

Education symbol together. Turn these in for

Attention men! Spring is here and you know

other month to help folks out with minor home

missions! Questions: Contact Missy Sistrunk

what that means.That’s right. It’s time for our

repairs and/or home improvement projects.

at 392-1163.

annual Asbury Men’s Spring Golf Tourney,

Just pick up a request form at the South

and you definitely want to be a part of the

Welcome Desk, or call your request to Pam

A monthly newsletter is available with recent

fun this year. The format is a four-man

Wallace at 392-1199, ext. 253 at least ten

news of mission happenings. If you would like

scramble, and you may form your own team

days before the scheduled work day. A Home

to receive the newsletter, please contact

Annual Men’s Spring Golf Tournament

25 Asbury Tidings

Mission Matters


Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163 or Preference is for the email version, but hard copies can be mailed if needed.

Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, Choir Room New Covenant Orchestra

Global Outreach Prayer Ministry News and prayer requests from our missionaries and ministries are sent each week to our prayer ministry list. If you would like to join and become a prayer intercessor for those serving around the world, contact Missy at 392-1163.

Tuesdays, 1:00 pm, Choir Room Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Ringers

Thursdays, 10:00 am-noon, Rm 2506 Rio Bravo, Mexico

Men’s Construction, $600

Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm 1510 Saints of Swing Dixieland Band

Cookson Hills, Oklahoma

Light Construction, $50 May 22 – June 3

Asbury Singing Ambassadors

Perpetual Light

Volunteers-In-Mission Opportunities April 23–27 (FULL)

Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, Rm 1510

Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Rm 2506


May 2 – 4

Chancel Choir

Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, Rm 1510 Children’s Choirs

Tanzania, East Africa

Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Various Rooms

Work Team, $2500 Quito, Ecuador

Construction & MBS, $1800



Lighthouse MBS & Construction, $2500 Tanzania, East Africa

Medical, $2700 June 26 – July 7


Camp Gideon, Programs & Const., $2500 August 1-10

Estonia, Parnu

MBS & Light Construction, $2500 Sept/October


Construction & Teaching, $2400 October 11-18

Monterrey, Mexico

MBS & Construction, $950 Cookson Hills, Oklahoma

Light Construction, $50 Monterrey, Mexico

Medical, $900 November 12-16

Prayer Room Reservations The leadership of Asbury’s prayer ministry would like to remind you that the main facility Prayer Room is open not only to individuals desiring to pray in a quiet, meditative atmosphere, but also to prayer groups within communities and ministries. Just give Debbie in the Adult Ministries office a call at 392-1177 to reserve the Prayer Room for your group on a weekly or monthly basis. Prayer Room Days & Times Our prayer rooms are accessible to you at these times: Mason Chapel (during construction) Sundays from 7:00 am - 12:30 pm through the interior door.

Rio Bravo, Mexico

Men’s Construction, $600 VIM Leader Training September 13, Enid October 25, Ada All costs are approximate. For more about these exciting mission opportunities, contact Marilene at 392-1164 or

Monday - Friday

7:00 am - 9:00 pm 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Thursday, May 1. Service from 12:00 - 12:40


12:30 pm - 9:00 pm

pm and Vigil from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm in the


Mason Chapel and Prayer Room. “The Lord is my strength and shield; my heart trusts in

November 5-9

at the altar or in the Prayer Room.


National Day of Prayer Service & Vigil

June 12-23


your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual -

Main Facility

June 11-23

June 18-30

Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for

Him and I am helped.” Psalm 28:7. The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It exists to communicate with every individual the need for personal

Celebrate Recovery Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm; Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from 8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God never intended for you to live in bondage.

repentance and prayer, and to mobilize the Christian community to intercede for America’s leaders and its families. Plan on

senior adults Senior Adult Mystery Trip

joining your church family and the community

Friday, April 4. Come take a Mystery Trip for

on this special day, as we pray with

the day! We’ll meet at the church early that

conviction that God would continue to “shed

morning and return in the late afternoon. Of

His grace on thee.” The prayer vigil will be

course, the destination is a surprise! Our

held from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm in the Mason

rented luxury coach can only accommodate

Chapel Prayer Room, and the prayer service

54 passengers, so make sure and pick up a

will take place from 12:00 noon to 12:40 pm in

registration form in the main office or at any

the Mason Chapel.

of the Welcome Centers ASAP. Place your

Altar Prayer

completed registration, with payment, in the

If you would like someone to pray with you

following a worship service, please come to

during Holy Communion or immediately

the altar rail. A pastor or member of the Altar

Asbury Tidings 26

registration slot at the South Welcome Desk.

AARP Safe Driving Course

with your friends as you are seved by our

(The times and cost are being determined,

Friday, April 25 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm in

own head chef, Chuck Maddin, and his

and will be noted on the registration form and

Room 2820. Cost: $10. Class size is limited to

wonderfully talented team. A fabulous meal of

in future publications). The fee must be paid

35. First come- first served. The AARP Driver

Vintner’s Salad, Grillades and Garlic Cheese

to secure your place on the bus. You will be

Safety Program is the nation’s first and

Grits, and Chocolate Charlemagne, is just $4

contacted and placed on the waiting list if the

largest refresher course for drivers age 50

per person and will be served no later than

bus is full. Don’t miss a great day of fun,

and older that has helped millions of drivers

12:30 pm. You’ll want to make sure you get

fellowship and feasting...get that form turned

remain safe on today’s roads. It is designed

seated as quickly as possible after the


to help you:

worship service. This is an event you do not

1. Tune up your driving skills and update your

want to miss, and as always, your children

Asbury has a unique group of volunteers

knowledge of the rules of the road.

are wanted and welcome.

(Asbury Connection) who regularly visit

2. Learn about normal age-related physical

Singles Ministry Potluck Luncheon

people who are either homebound or in

changes, and how to adjust your driving to

Sunday, April 27 from 12:00 - 2:00 pm in the

nursing homes. If you are interested in being

allow for these changes.

Parlor. Come, bring your children and enjoy a

visited, call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact the

3. Reduce your traffic violations, crashes and

delicious lunch, courtesy of your fellow

coordinator, Abby Sluice at

chances for injuries.

singles. Just bring a “family-sized” food item,

4. Drive more safely.

homemade or purchased. Great food, great

5. Get an insurance discount. Auto insurance

fellowship, new friends. It just doesn’t get

Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30 pm in the Choir

companies in most states provide a multi-year

much better than that.

Room upstairs through June 24. Come enjoy

discount to AARP graduates.

fun and fellowship with other senior adults

To sign up, call Asbury’s Registration Hotline

Monday, May 26 from 3:00 - 7:00 pm at

(60+). This awesome choir is made up of

at 392-1191. At least 12 participants are

Haikey Creek Park Tri-Plex. Join us for our

over 160 senior adults who sing on occasion

required for the class to take place, so tell

annual Memorial Day Picnic. Bring your lawn

during Sunday morning worship services

your friends and neighbors and sign up

chair, sunscreen, and favorite family-sized

and on special occasions and holidays, as


dish, dessert or drinks to share with the

Visits to Asbury Members

Asbury Singing Ambassadors Choir

well as out in our community. No experience necessary...just show up and sing! ‘Tweenagers Program and Luncheon

Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class

ASM Memorial Day Picnic

group. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from

provided by the ministry. And your children of

9:00-9:30 am in the Gym. All senior adults are

all ages are welcome!

Everyone aged 55 and up is welcome to join

invited to join us for a time of stretching,

us for our monthly Tweenagers meeting &

coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. No

Sunday mornings from 10:20-10:50. All

luncheon, Thursday, April 24 from 10:30 am.

high impact workout here. We take it nice and

singles out from communities or worship

to 1:00 p.m. in the CLC. Our program will be

easy. Come give it a try.

services are invited to join together for a

presented by Pastor Tom Harrison on “The

Senior Walk in the Gym with Him Class

Singles Meet and Greet

short time of fellowship. Look for the singles

State of Asbury.” Music will be presented by

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from

signs, just outside the CLC near the staircase

the awesome Asbury Singing Ambassadors,

8:30-9:00 am in the gym. All senior adults are

and we’ll see you there!

directed by Brady Cypert. You don’t want to

invited to join us for power walking, coupled with

Divorce Recovery

miss this program, and don’t foget to invite

lots of fun and fellowship. Come give it a try.

your friends. Call the church office at 4921771 to make your reservations BY NOON, Monday, April 21. If, during that week, you find you need to cancel, please call the

Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional

singles Cafe Celebataire Luncheon Sunday, April 13 from 12:00 - 2:00 pm in the

stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare available. Divorce Rebuilding

office, as we need to give an accurate count

CLC. Cost: $4.00. Asbury Single Adults are

Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For

to the cooks. Should you choose, you can

invited to join us for the beginning of a new

those ready to rebuild their lives after

make a donation for the meal when you

experience - Cafe Celibataire - our new

separation or divorce. Childcare available.

check in that morning. Come join us for fun

Singles Cafe! You will enjoy a relaxed, bistro-

and fellowship!

like atmosphere, where you can sit and chat

27 Asbury Tidings

students Student-Led Prayer Service

breakups, friends, sexuality issues,

and games, interactive talk/lesson, and

disappointment, rejection, abuse, alcohol, etc.

sometimes free candy and gift cards.

Join us every month on the second Tuesday

Groups start January 9 and end April 30 and

in the Student Ministry Area from 7:00-8:00ish

will meet Wednesday nights. Come any time

Wednesdays through April 30 from 6:30-8:00

pm for a time to be still, pray and seek God.

or come by the Student Ministry area if you

pm. in the Student Ministries Area. Want to

Everyone is welcome.

have questions. We will start with pizza, so

learn more about the heart of God? Then

come hungry! Parents, if this is something

don’t miss Wednesday Night Bible Study!

7th - 12th Metro Worship

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Bible Study

Wednesday, April 2 . Come join students from

that grabs at your heart to help lead, we need

Attention Seniors:

all over the city in a night to just worship

you. Please call Marsha at 392-1157.

Grad Celebration Video Photos

Jesus. We meet the first Wednesday night of every month from 7:00-8:30ish. If you

Spring Confirmation News th

(This is not for 7 graders going through

Please turn in ONE senior picture and ONE baby picture to Amy in the Student Ministry

need a ride, meet at the church by 6:30 pm;

Confirmation but for our other group of

office by April 20. We’d also love to have

we will be back by 9:00 pm. Or you can just

Spring Confirmation students ONLY) If you

candid shots of different activities over the

meet us over at Believers Church, 47th and

are going to be confirmed with the Spring

years. Be sure your name and address are

Memorial. Questions? Call Todd at 392-1154.

Confirmation class May 4, don’t miss your

clearly marked on each picture and we will

mandatory meetings April 1 and 15 from 4:00-

return them to you.

Common Ground Attention all 7th - 12th graders! One Sunday,

5:00 pm in the Student Ministry Area. Also,

Called to Ministry - 10th, 11th, 12th

April 27 we are going to have an all-grade

you must attend the rehearsal on April 27

Is God speaking to you, leading you...okay,

worship night from 6:00-7:30 pm instead of

from 5:00 - 6:00 pm. (Then stay around for

maybe CALLING you into a future vocational

small groups. You won’t want to miss this

Common Ground!)

ministry? You may not know what that looks

evening. Small group leaders are welcome. 7th - 12th Grade Small Groups

Confirmation Parent Meeting

like; you just know that God is stirring

Attention 7th grade parents. If your student is

something in you. Join us every month on the

Hey, did you know that we have great small

going through Confirmation, you must attend

SECOND SUNDAY from 12:30-2:00 pm in the

groups for 7th - 12th grade students? A small

the mandatory parent meeting April 6 from

Student Ministry Area for lunch and to talk

group is a group of 10 students and two

5:30 - 7:00 pm in Mason Chapel. Don’t forget

about what this means for you. This is for

leaders who have fun while exploring the

your Prayer and Parent/Student Confirmation

10th, 11th and 12th graders. RSVP to Amy at

Word of God and learning what it means to

Response homework is due!

392-1115 the Thursday before.oi an

live a Christian lifestyle. Small groups meet on

7th, 8th & 9th Grade All Night Blast

10th, 11th & 12th Grade Small Groups

Sunday nights. If you are not plugged into

Friday, April 25 is the only time we stay up

These groups meet Sunday nights. Times and

one, you need to be. Call or come by on

all night and do lots of really cool stuff -

places vary. Contact Todd at 392-1154 or

Sunday and get plugged in.

concerts, bowling, etc. from 8:00 pm - 6:00 am.

Amy at 392-1156 to get plugged in.

7th-9th Grades meet every Sunday night

Registrations due April 23. Be sure to pick up one

through April 27. Contact Marsha at 392-1157

for yourself and for your friends. ANB rocks!

or 10th- 12th Grades meets Sunday nights.

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Prayer Tour

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway Join us Wednesday nights in April and May 14, 21 and 28, 6:30-8:30ish pm in the Student

Wednesday, April 16 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Have

Ministry Cafe for a time of connection and

Time and places vary. Contact Todd at 392-

a hard time talking to your friends about

worship. Our desire is to explore who God

1154 or Amy at 392-1156 to get plugged in.

Jesus? Come and spend time at local schools

really is and how our lives matter to Him. We

and teen hangouts as we use prayer as a way

get started around 6:30 and wrap up around

Wednesdays through April 30, 6:00-8:00 pm

to impact Tulsa teens’ lives. Meet at Asbury at

8:30ish. Plan on hanging out afterwards for

in Rm 1502 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Face it, life

6:30 pm ready to load up the vans and go

pizza. Ninth graders will begin attending

hurts, but the truth will set us free! This

pray. We will arrive back around 8:30 pm.

Breakaway March 26!

7th - 12th Life Hurts, God Heals

spring, we will be doing another semester of

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Breakaway

UMW Scholarship Program

the 13-week small group experience called

Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the

(See information listed below under

Life Hurts, God Heals, created specifically

Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal


for teenagers who have experienced some

Sunday school. Come join us for worship, fun

type of pain in their lives - divorce, bad

Asbury Tidings 28

women UMW Scholarship Program Applications for the United Methodist

plus $40 for second night and $20 for optional transportation. Details on Page 1. Whirlwind Game Day

Women of the Word Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 2319. Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher.

Women’s Scholarship are available in the

Friday, April 25 from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm in the

main office. This $1,200 scholarship is to be

CLC. Come one, come all and be a part of our

Ladies, would like a “cheer me up” with your

given to an Asbury senior high school young

Game Day. Hosted by Asbury’s United

morning coffee? We have dedicated, caring

woman. To be eligible, the applicant must

Methodist Women, this awesome, fun-packed

women who would love to meet that need in

have a relative who is currently a member of

fundraiser benefits the Circle of Care

your life by being your very own “phone

Asbury’s UMW and be an entering freshman

Ministries, Child S.H.A.R.E. program. If you

buddy.” Call Shirley Martin and she’ll connect

at an accredited university for the 2008-2009

like to play games, then bring those and your

you with a loving volunteer.

schoolyear. The deadline for the completed

friends on up to the church on Friday, April 25

applications is noon, Friday, April 11. The

from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Tickets are just $8

Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2820. We

church office business hours are Monday

and may be purchased from the church

gather to work on our own individual arts and

through Thursday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and

office through Monday, April 21 and even

crafts, stop for a delicious potluck lunch, and

Fridays, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. For more

includes a delicious lunch. Watch future

continue on through until 2:00 pm. We would

information, contact Dyanne Sidner,

publications for more details.

love to have you join us. For more contact

Scholarship Committee Chairperson. UMW March Luncheon

Home Improvement Work Days

Phone Buddies

Crafty Ladies Fellowship

Beverly Clarke and stop by some Monday!

Saturday, April 19. The Men’s Ministry of fers


Thursday, April 3, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm.

home improvement for widows, widowers

Attention ladies! The program planned for April

and single moms within the Asbury family.

is “Friendships of Women,” presented by

Volunteers make themselves available every

Mason Chapel. Traditional service.

Pastor Darlene Johnson. A delicious luncheon

other month to help folks out with minor home

Communion is served and Dr. Harrison

prepared by our church hostess, Virginia, will

repairs and/or home improvement projects.


be prepared for just $6 per person. Our

Just pick up a request form at the South

scripture emphasis for this month comes from

Welcome Desk, or call your request to Pam

Sanctuary. Music, time of prayer and the

Colossians 3:12-14. “Since God chose you to

Wallace at 392-1199, ext. 253 at least ten days

message will all carry a prevailing them for

be the holy people who He loves, you must

before the scheduled work day. A Home

the morning. Dr. Harrison preaches.

clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy,

Improvement volunteer will contact you, and

kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

make arrangements to get the job(s) done.

You must make allowance for each other’s

Car Care Saturdays

8:00 am Communion Service

9:15 am Contemporary Praise & Worship

9:15 am Open House Worship Community Life Center. A relaxed atmosphere with engaging worship. Dr. Tom Harrison’s

faults and forgive the person who offends

May 17, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. This every-

message is simulcast with an occasional live

you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you

other-month workday is provided for

sermon from another pastor.

must forgive others. And the most important

Asbury’s widows and single moms. While the

piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love

ladies wait in the comfort of the cafe,

Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir and the Asbury

is what binds us all together in perfect

volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters

Orchestra and Concer Band offer a variety of

harmony.” Bring a friend and be a part of the

and batteries. They also vacuum and wash

styles of music. Sign interpreterse for the


the vehicles, then update owners on what’s

deaf are offered. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches.

Sisters Set Free Women’s Retreat

running smoothly and what needs

11:00 am Traditional Service

11:00 am Modern Service

Friday, April 18 (5:00 pm) through Saturday,

professional attention. This free service

Mason Chapel. Rich blend of ancient and

April 19 (5:00 pm). A second night option until

gives our men the opportunity to put their

modern worship, led by the worship band.

11:00 am on Sunday is available. Heart O’Hills

faith into action through loving and serving

Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast.

Retreat Center.Cost: $55 for cabin, $69 for 3-

those in need. No reservations required; just

4 per hotel room/ $79 for 1-2 per hotel room

get your vehicle in line by 11:30 am.

Thursday Night Simply Worship 6:45-7:45 pm in the Community LIfe Center Mid-week gathering with contemporary praise songs and hymns with a message from Spencer Smith.

29 Asbury Tidings

welcome to asbury... we’re glad you’re here! Susan Daniels

Len and LeNeta Smith

Ric and Barbara Bailey

Stephanie Bates

Pat DeLong

Marold and Patty Lohrenz

Stephen and Terry Curtis

Pat Bickel

Anne Gaddis

Henry and Mari Migliore

Richard and Karen Dunn

Mildred Cass

Betty Godsey

Justin and Ashley Yager

Paxton and Catherine Ellis

Helen Dailey

Gene Allen

Danny Hill and Jordan Danielle

Asbury Tidings


Frank and Theresa Smentowski and Joy

Allison McKinney

Paula and Kara Jo Wilson, Jake and Calen

Bill Williams Nathan and Diane Taylor

John Hale Ken and Shirley Crouch Briana Delozier, Atom Ward, Lara and Houston Skjerseth Harley and Mary Hinson

If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. Debbie Justice

Patti Alred 31

Asbury Tidings

Choose from one of the upcoming Sunday membership classes: Sunday membership classes: Apr 6, 2008 Sept 7, 2008 May 4, 2008 Oct 5, 2008 Jun 1, 2008 Nov 2, 2008 Aug 3, 2008 Dec 7, 2008

Stan and Stacy McCabe, Laura and Mason

Classes are from 12:15 – 2:00 pm Call 392-1191 to reserve you place. Childcare is available and lunch is included.

we rejoice... with those who have experienced the joy of welcoming a new baby:

in appreciation... My heartfelt thanks to my many Asbury friends and the Card Ministry for your prayers and calls and your words of comfort upon the death of my son, Ron, and the sudden and unexpected death of my sister. A special thanks to the Wordfinders Community and Ruth Circle for the delicious luncheons provided for my family. They were so appreciated. In His love, Ruth Potts and Family

Elena Jane “Laney” Breig daughter of Ric and Bree Breig granddaughter of Dub and Cathy Ambrose February 14, 2008, 208 Benjamin Oliver Yang son of Jason and Emily Yang February 28, 2008

we remember... and celebrate the lives of:

Lloyd Holsapple husband of Harriet February 22, 2008

“Student Commissioning Sunday is our favorite Sunday of the year” We’ve heard so many of you make this comment. It is one of favorite Sundays as well! To see that sea of green shirts, (even though we were a little early for St. Patrick’s Day), in front of the church. Pretty Cool! When we all get to join together to make something like Spring Break Missions work, it’s a great feeling! THANKS to all who have given to make this possible! Starting with our Pastor and to all the people…it’s great to feel your love and support. Goal for 2008 Spring Break Missions: Contributions as of March 10:

$ 85,000 $ 94,609

Thanks Again! the Student Ministries Gang “Now Lord consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great BOLDNESS.” Acts 4:29

Pat Roberson wife of Jim February 26, 2008 Bill Perrine husband of Mary February 29, 2008 Foster Mullen husband of Maybelle February 29, 2008 Charles Don Bradley husband of Doris Father of Lisa Burkman and Stan Bradley Grandfather of Alisha and Erika Burkman and Hannah Bradley March 8, 2008

we celebrate... the anniversary of:

Report your Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at or call 392-1146

Todd & Laurajane Peterson April 26, 2008 5 Years ASBURY TIDINGS 32 32

· 4-6oz sa lm · Salmon ½ cup b on steaks or fil Teriyak rown su lets · i Steak gar ¼ cup s · s o 2 y T s a b · u s c p e f ( r ¼ u e s s e h c · u r le e p d mon juic Heat br water uced so 4 or mo ow dium if e on a low re lemon slice hold the n sugar, soy sau s s c o s e a d , lm iu w m o a n steaks ter, and diet) ered, sti lemon ju snu rrin ice in a heat and g occasionally gly (but don’t f r y , until th p e sugar ut steaks in the pan large enou warm. B cover. Simmer gh to is melte salmon oil the s pan yet) d s a . te . u with sau Now ad a d salmo Boil, uncovce and g ce until thicken ks for 5-6 min n steaks utes per as show ed (abou arnished . Reduc na sid tf w e barbecu bove. Marinate ith lemon slice our minutes). S e. Remove and e over m s e keep s .T r te v o e salmo aks in s g r il remainin l edium-h it auce for n drizzle on the b ig g d before s sauce from pan h heat for 4-5 m 15 minutes. C arbecue: Prepa erving. ook on . Do not inutes p a well-o re sauce Salmon er side, baste du ile ba is ring the final few sting occasion d calories rich in heart-he ally wit althy om minutes per 6 oz h ega-3 fa of cook serving . ing tty acid s and co ntains o nly abo ut 200

ch Salad ch in Spina a Mandar , torn spin s washed liced celery p u c 8 · opped gonally s 1 cup dia ions with tops, ch rained · n o ranges, d 2 green ted · andarin o m n g a nds, toas c . z rge servin 1-11o ered almo follows) v · li s e g ce on a la ern on spinach a la k e c P a . ip p y c . e tl z n (r o 1-2 ssing toss ge ed patt · d sour dre nd green onions; almonds in desir a Sweet an d , te ry s a · rv le e e to s ings c nges and ield: 6-8 spinach, Combine ange mandarin ora d sour dressing. Y r of peppe an rr platter; a · Dash the sweet h it w e ce Serv f hot sau mixture. essing: y 5 drops o -Sour Dr sh parsle d · e n a fr td e e e p il p o Sw o la h c o n p r ca or best · 1 ts alt ¼ olive o orously. F gar e ig · v s in e v p k e ts a it h 1 h nd s · 2 Tbsp w ar tightly, a · ½ cup. e for Cover jar r. sp sug ld: about b ja ie T a Y 2 . ood sourc in g g a ts in · n ’s rv ie e it s d , s re plu efore all ing oxidants; the day b Combine dressing other anti d re n a a p e re n p te flavor, ta-caro rich in be Spinach is nd fiber. calcium a

Strawberry Ice · 2 cups fresh strawberries · ¼ cup sugar · ½ cup water · 2 Tbsp unsw eetened oran · ge juice 2 egg whites · ¼ tsp cream of tartar · Pinch of salt Combine stra wberries, su gar, water, an process unti d orange juic l smooth. Pou e in containe r mixture in minutes, stir r of an electr to a medium ring occasion ic blender; saucepan, an minutes or al ly . L et co d cook over ol, and pour until slushy low heat 5 . into a mediu Combine eg m mixing bo g whites (at wl; freeze 45 room tempe until soft pe rature), crea aks form. m of ta rtar, and salt Beat strawbe in mixing bo rry mixture wl; beat until fluffy Yield: 6 serv an d ings (about sm oo th . Fold in egg 57 calories pe Strawberrie whites. Freez s are high in r e until firm. vitamin C an serving). d rich in anti oxidants.

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