Asbury Tidings - Eternal Treasure

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ne of my favorite childhood dreams was about treasure. I think I tried to dig up our backyard once hoping I could find a chest that had been buried by pirates in our backyard at the intersection of Harvard and Haskell. Those images of gold and pirates came to me from reading books like “Treasure Island” or from movies like “Swiss Family Robinson.” One of my favorite boyhood movies was “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World.” It was a comedy about people going “mad” over the possibility of finding buried treasure. You recall other “treasure” films: “Treasure of the Sierra Madre,” the Indiana Jones series of searching for treasure, “Goonies,” “National Treasure: Book of Secrets,” and the “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Today, certain people literally dig for a special type of buried treasure. Their profession is called “archeology,” which has helped us understand ancient civilizations so much better (including the Biblical world). One of the members of our church has shown me some of the treasure he has recovered from his underwater searches. The word “Treasure” conjures up fascinating possibilities. Everyone likes treasures whether large or small (fortune cookies, the prize in Crackerjack, wrapped presents, bonuses). Even the Bible talks about “Treasure” a lot (nine times in the Old Testament and nine times in the New Testament). The word “Treasures” appears even more frequently (38 in the Old and six in the New). On the Sunday after Easter, I will begin a new sermon series on “Treasure.” It will focus upon three main concepts: 1. Our True Treasure in life is spiritual. The New

Testament teaches that this is found through Christ. It has both a “here-and-now” emphasis as well as an eternal focus. 2. Wisdom is Treasure—so “Learn to Be Wise!” 3. Warning labels need to appear on treasure: Handle Treasure with Extreme Care! Ironically, valuable items can entrap us. Their lure has enticed innumerable people to their physical death and far more have been deceived by its spiritual power. Relationships have been destroyed by the pursuit of earthly treasure. Treasure can demand an extremely high toll if not pursued in the right way. When treasure is found and used in extremely productive ways, the world is blessed. The Apostle Paul said it like this: “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body” (2 Corinthians 4:7-12). I hope you will be present in worship during this series, and that you will bring a friend with you. See you Sunday,

Dr. Tom Harrison


Managing Editor Tara Lynn Thompson

4 Once Upon a Time

18 It Takes A Village

6 Bringing Up the House

19 Little Treasures

8 The Treasure Hunt

20 My Life: Jeniffer Hernandez

10 Life Is Hard, God Is Good

21 God’s Land

12 Treasure In Your Wallet

22 Opportunities

14 Putting On Your Parachute

32 New Members

16 Communion

34 Family Room

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting

Graphic Designer Nicole McMahan

Photographer Don Kreutzweiser

Guest Contributors Heather Bates • Kim Beair Nikki Boyd • Christy Capps • Marcia Culver Marcia Curley • Rod Giles • Christina Gray Stephanie Hurd • Joan Kahl • Julie Reynolds John Westervelt


Eternal Treasure Once Upon a Time The Arends Find Real Fairy Story Through Christ

rod giles




come true.




For him, a life of climbing the corporate ladder in a dynamic international corporation with travel to exotic places around the world. For her, it was life as the corporate wife, surrounded by all the things of comfort that come with that. Their three children attended the finest private schools. This was success for two people who came from families with very little. It was the all-American dream for an all-American couple. For John and Tricia Arends, life was good, at least on the surface. Under the surface, there were many lonely nights for Tricia. John traveled so much, she remembers one of the boys asking, “When is Dad coming to visit?” They attended Church regularly, but it was more of the social thing to do. The kids were active in the youth group, but both John and Tricia say there was no real spiritual depth or strength to their family’s involvement. And then the kids started to enter their teen years. That created a lot of pressure, a lot of tension and a lot of loud and angry discussions.


Tricia attributes her responses to her heritage as an Irish Catholic. When John would raise his voice in anger and frustration it reminded her of her growing up years. She responded like the girl of her youth, with fear and resentment. They stayed in a stormy relationship until the last child went off to college. They thought it be would best for the kids that way, to provide as stable a home for them as they could. Looking back on that time, they now see that the damage had already been done. Children are very impressionable, and moms and dads can never mask their true emotions. None of what the world offered them through their success and possessions could heal the pain the whole family felt. Like kids in a candy store, it all looks so good. But after we indulge ourselves, we are still left wanting with an aching stomach. They finalized their divorce after 27 years of marriage. The battle was over but carnage was left behind. Both moved on with their lives, in different directions. John poured himself into his business, and Tricia began a career of her own. The kids moved on with their lives. John and Tricia saw each other at family events

and were cordial. Funny, they continued to call each other “Honey” even after all that hurt and time away from each other. Both John and Tricia said they never stopped loving each other. They just didn’t like each other very much. After nearly 10 years of living separate lives, God put someone very special in their paths. It was a Christian woman who worked for John’s parents as an in-home care giver. Her name was Debbie. “Have you ever read the booked entitled ‘The Five Love Languages’,” Debbie asked John one day. Intrigued, he bought a copy and started to read. He began to have some “Ah Hah!” moments. He was so moved he called Tricia and invited her to dinner to share what he had learned. They would have several dinner dates together over time, and

something very special was rekindled. God was preparing Tricia, as well, in a very special way before their first dinner date. She had been involved in a 12step program for women working through issues they all shared. Her heart was being softened to a point where she would be receptive to John’s invitation. Her hot Irish temper was cooled to where she could receive the messages of love that were being sent. John said it was really Christ’s love that helped them rekindle their love for each other. To bring this wonderful love story full circle, after 10 years of divorce and life apart, John and Tricia Arends were remarried. Just recently they celebrated their seventh anniversary together, the second time around. Their new and renewed life together is a powerful testimony for their family and for everyone they know. Their new-found joy is based upon different principles from what they understood before. It’s not the things of this world that have given them such great joy and love for each other. It is their shared deep commitment to Christ. John specifically credits praying together as a couple for their continual growth together and towards God. Tricia said the verse that tells their story best is Isaiah 43:18. It reads, “Forget the former things: do not dwell on the past.”


Eternal Treasure Bringing Up the House nikki boyd













ship service decided to adopt for


house. The project

was born out of Venue68’s vision—to transform worship from an event into an active lifestyle; a desire to be led by the Spirit, engage in God’s work and LIVE worship everyday. “The Scripture that was tied with our project was Micah 6:8, the namesake for the building and the service,” said Pastor Todd Craig. “Scripture doesn’t allow us to divorce worship and justice and outreach. What does the Lord require of us? What is true religion? The answers to these questions served as our motivation.” In the July 2008 issue of the Tidings, Venue68 leadership talked about the new worship service and their anticipation to see God move through the Habitat project. Spencer Smith shared more about the inspiration of Micah 6:8. “The word justice is the same as righteousness in Scripture,” Smith said. “And we’re joining with what He’s already doing. We aren’t going out in our own power or volition to build a Habitat House, but we feel God is at work in the ministry so we’re joining in.” Pastor Dick Read added that the Habitat project


would be a way to “put feet” to what God has called all believers to be. “In strategic ways our worshipping community will be going out together and changing our Tulsa community,” Read said. A LEGO house was displayed every week in the service, a tangible way to see the progress of the fundraising and build a sense of “team” among the people. For every $100 raised, a new brick was

the team. “Although our team was formed by different age groups and Asbury community members, it was awesome to see them demonstrate Christ’s love for others,” said Heflin. “It was really cool to see the many different gifts that each individual brought to the house, such as

added until it was completed. “We had many gifts from many different people rather than a couple of large gifts from a handful of people,” said Craig. “This was an answer to prayer for us. We wanted this project to be an all-hands-ondeck project, something we all did together.” In mid-September, ground was broken for the house. Over the span of the project, approximately 75 people, ranging from age 16 to 60, along with the actual partner family who received the home, invested their “sweat equity.” Within 14 weeks, the dust settled, construction was complete and the family was handed the keys to their new home. For Rustin Heflin, team leader of the Venue68 Habitat project, this was his first Habitat experience. Seeing students, adults, and the partner family come together as a team reminded him of how the church is one body made up of different parts. “If one part is honored, every part rejoices with it,” said Heflin. “Our team was made up of many different types of people and we came together to serve as one body of Christ.” “One beautiful thing about construction is that it requires more than one person to execute a task,” Heflin explained. “One person holds up the end of a 2’x4’ while someone else cuts. One hand reaches to get materials up on the roof. Multiple hands are needed to raise a wall. That sense of interdependence strengthened

precision, workmanship, hospitality, and humor.” Heflin jokes that his biggest responsibilities as team leader were surviving a fall off the roof and getting the pizza on time, but he’s fully aware of how God was at work on the building site. “This project made me even more aware of how dedicated our members are to serving others. Many adults and kids showed up almost every Saturday to work on the house. I am so proud to be surrounded by people who take time out of their busy schedules to make an impact in our community and the lives of others.” Last July, Craig shared that Venue’s hope was “not to move to a new building, but to build a new movement.” The completion of this Habitat building project is the fruit of this prayer, and inspiration for believers to roll up their sleeves and get involved in what God is doing in the world. No matter the worship community or preference in music, preaching style or order of service, believers living Micah 6:8—“to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”—are making an impact for the glory of Jesus Christ.


Eternal Treasure The treasure Hunt marcia curley


rank Field has been on a journey. And like the saying goes, life is the journey, not the destination. He has experienced days of sunny skies and calm seas only to watch them transform instantaneously into choppy waters and howling winds. However, through the prayers of a believing wife and the fellowship of Godly men, Frank has landed on the shore of purpose, uncovering his true treasure—not in big bank accounts or a high-powered career—in Jesus Christ. Growing up in the Fort Worth area, Frank’s childhood home was without any real godly influences. His father never went to church and there were no spiritual role models in his life. Consequently, as a young man, he questioned the existence of God. And if God did exist, Frank didn’t need Him anyways. He was a “good person” with good values and a strong work ethic, and he was flying high in his career in the oil and gas business. As a successful businessman in gas marketing, Frank was ambitious. The pursuit of money was his life’s purpose, banking his treasure in the here and now. From a materialist standpoint, he was very successful. He provided well for his family—his wife Cinderella, son Chris, and daughter Lisa were well taken care of financially. From outward appearances things looked rosy, but on the inside, storms were


brewing and the journey was getting rough. His marriage was rocky, and he and Cinderella were struggling to make it work. They attended church occasionally, but it was all in a very casual sort of way. They weren’t connected with other couples or other believers. To make things worse, he began experiencing severe migraine headaches and on Valentine’s Day in 1992, he woke up to discover his field of vision was only to the right; everything to the left side of his face was black. He could see nothing. The diagnosis was a severe and complex migraine. The blood flow was so extremely constricted in his brain that he experienced something akin to a stroke. The doctor prescribed pain medication, which soon became his “drug of choice.” As the years went by, he started using the medicine more and more frequently and for more than just the headaches. He knew this wasn’t healthy, but he told himself, ‘This isn’t illegal. I’m a good person. I’m not hurting anyone.’ As if to reinforce these rationalizations, he not only kept functioning at work, but he was actually excelling. The pursuit of money continued to be his purpose. By 1999, he and his family had moved to Tulsa and started attending Asbury—not every Sunday but mostly when it was convenient. Work was getting more and more stressful, and the problems in

his marriage were not getting any better. As the stress at work and at home mounted, he started falling deeper into his addiction. His marriage was crumbling. He had no friends. He didn’t know where to turn. The turning point finally came in February 2008 when Cinderella gave him a name and number—it was Glen Grusendorf, Director of Recovery Ministries at Asbury. Through this gentle

Not long after that, with the help of his friend Bo Boaz, Frank prayed the prayer of salvation. “And this time, I prayed it for real,” said Frank. That day in the Venue, he gave it all to God. Since that day, there was still some healing that had to occur, but the change in his family has been dramatic. He has been clean of the pills since

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 suggestion, Frank soon met with Glen and their lunch appointment turned into a four-hour discussion. At the end of the conversation, Glen asked him frankly, “What about you? How is your relationship

June 8, and he and Cinderella are back together as one. His teenage kids, Chris and Lisa, who once were totally disconnected and had no time for God, are now totally plugged into the student ministry and are on fire for God. Additionally, they are both

with God? Do you want to change you?” Glen led him to Men’s Fraternity—The Quest for Authentic Manhood. He went on a men’s mission trip to Rio Bravo, Mexico in April. And it was in Rio Bravo that Frank had a realization. “For the first time in my life, I saw God. I really saw God,” Frank said. After returning from Mexico, he began attending Celebrate Recovery. “Before I met these Godly men, I felt so isolated, like I was in a black hole with no way out,” said Frank, in a voice choked with emotion. “These men jumped in the hole with me and grabbed my arm. They showed me the way out.”

involved with Life Hurts, God Heals. All these things are not just coincidences. They’re the result of many fervent and faithful prayers of his wife and friends. They never gave up on Frank. “Prayer was, and is, a key component in these changes,” Frank said. “When I finally stood up and became the spiritual leader in my family, God brought my family back to Himself.” One of Frank’s favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11— “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Yes, it’s been a journey, and Frank has finally found his treasure.


Eternal Treasure Life is Hard, God is Good julie reynolds


e looks at me from across the room, winks at me and gives that

grin that says everything is go-

ing to be okay. The three of us sit and wait for

the doctor, mostly in silence, but, of course, Jordan is compelled to tell a joke. As the doctor comes in, we are all laughing. We are his last appointment of the day, a special appointment to discuss the results of Jordan’s brain scan. Jordan was experiencing some rather strange symptoms; the most prominent is double vision that has impaired his function to do just about anything. He can’t drive, work, or read. He had also experienced numbness and pain in his feet and side and severe headaches and fatigue. We had been to three different doctors already and here we were finally waiting to hear. The news is horrifying. The radiologist report says it appears to be multiple malignant brain tumors. I can’t breathe, and no one speaks or moves. Appointments are made for more tests and to see the oncologist. It is only when we reach the parking lot that we begin to cry. We grab each other and the sobs make standing almost impossible. This is April 1, 2008 and Jordan is our 19-year-old son. Upon recommendation from his doctor, Jordan moved back home that day and the exhausting and emotional journey began.


The next three weeks were spent in hospitals and seeing doctors, but more time was spent praying than anything. Jordan was finally sent to a neurosurgeon that was to perform brain surgery and remove part of one of the tumors to biopsy. The day before it was scheduled, they decided to perform a spinal tap, suspicious that it could be MS, Multiple Sclerosis. The waiting is excruciating but family and friends are always with us and while we are terrified, the room is full of joy and laughter. Every night, my husband and I lie in bed awake, praying together with tears pooling in our ears. We can only imagine what Jordan thinks and feels in the dark of night alone in his room. Just like when he was a baby and a small boy, I have now started checking on him at night again. When he was little, we could fix most things. We can’t fix this now. A week after we received the results of the spinal tap, we were sent to a neurologist confirming that Jordan has MS and possibly a brain tumor that they will continue to monitor. Five years previously, Jordan had experienced profound hearing loss and violent episodes of vertigo. This continued for months and the specialists diagnosed him then with an autoimmune disorder. We were told he would be profoundly deaf. Jordan was 15 at the time. His hearing was miraculously

I would like to tell you that this isn’t hard or that Jordan is healed. Jordan has more good days than bad days, but he still has some really bad days. You would never know it though. If you asked Jordan how he is, his response will always be “Great.” He blesses everyone he comes into contact with.

To think that God

has chosen to

take up residence in us is overwhelming.

Jordan’s everyday

life is a testimony

Holy in him.

to this as it is evident that the

Spirit has

taken up residence

restored, but we now know that those episodes were also part of his MS. Jordan is currently undergoing treatment that involves injections and infusion treatments that take the better part of a day to administer at the hospital. The side affects are no vacation either. For the kid that hated going to the doctor and especially hated shots, he is now the human pin cushion and I am nurse Ratchet. He is a good sport and while my technique has probably improved; I still cry after each and every shot I give him. There is no cure for MS and all patients are affected differently and respond to the treatment differently. His treatment isn’t working so his doctor has changed his regime and we continue to pray that something will work. Ironically, we return to Mercy Hospital in OKC on April 1, 2009; a year to the day when all this started. We are praying for a good report.

I sat with him at the hospital last week while he had his infusion treatment and witnessed how he touched the life of every person that came into contact with him. His precious gentle spirit and hilarious sense of humor are infectious. You think you are blessing him by taking care of him, but the result is he blesses you. He even thanks me now for his injections and says, “Good job, Mom.” I now fully appreciate the frailty of our human bodies and the power of the Holy Spirit. To think that God has chosen to take up residence in us is overwhelming. Jordan’s everyday life is a testimony to this as it is evident that the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in him. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. This isn’t over and we continue to take one day at a time. Life is hard. God is good. ASBURY TIDINGS 11

Eternal Treasure Treasure in Your Wallet heather bates


he world can be a frightening place, especially with the recent

economic crisis. You can’t turn on the television

or open the paper without seeing more bad news about our economy. It is so easy to get caught up in worry and fear concerning our financial future. However, the Bible tells us repeatedly not to worry, especially when it comes to our needs. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus addresses this very thing when he tells us not to worry about our life, what we will eat or what we will wear. He uses the example of how God takes care of the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. He then reminds us how much more valuable we are to God than these creatures and how much more he will take care of us. He adds that worrying does not add a single hour to our lives, and if we seek his kingdom, he will provide for our needs. Yet, even with these assurances, we continue to let fear and worry overtake us. Joe and Marilyn Ford know what it is like to have financial worries. Joe works as a teacher and Marilyn is self-employed as a seamstress. Money can get very tight for their family of four. However, even in the most difficult of times, they have learned to rely on God to fulfill their needs. It is not that they never worry. Joe said he is not a worrier by nature, but when he begins to get stressed, especially concerning financial matters, it is because 12 ASBURY TIDINGS

he is paying too much attention to the details and has lost sight of the big picture. Marilyn compares this to weaving a tapestry. There is a front side and a back side. We can get so focused on the back side with all its messy stitches and hanging threads, we forget about the beautiful picture being created on the other side. The Ford’s strong faith and reliance on God has been a gradual process, one that has involved studying God’s word, prayer, and service. Often it hasn’t been until they looked backwards that they saw God’s provisions. However, they sometimes felt they were not where they needed to be financially, especially when it came to giving. After they participated in the Walk to Emmaus, they realized it was time to take what they had learned and put it into action. The first thing they did was to start tithing. Joe said tithing did not happen overnight. It has been a multi-year process, one that required increasing the amount they give each year, progressing toward their goal. In the beginning it was scary to turn loose of limited finances, Joe said. But as they began to let go of their finances, they really began to see God’s blessings. Marilyn said she remembers them disagreeing on the amount to give. Finally, they realized it all belongs to God, and He only asks for 10 percent. Another commitment was to increase the amount


where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Luke 12:34 of time they spent serving others. They both feel strongly that even though their financial giving has its limits, they are able to extend their giving by the use of their talents and their time. However, giving of your time can cost money. Joe believes when you give of yourself, God will provide. That has been true when it has come to financing his mission trips. He said there are those who have the ability to give of their time and skills. Then there are others who don’t have the time to give but have the finances. It is always so amazing when the two come together for God’s purposes. Marilyn experienced this firsthand last year when she felt the call to go on her first mission trip, Tanzania. When she approached Joe with the idea, she was a little hesitant because of the cost. Joe was thrilled and excited for her and wasn’t concerned at all about

the cost. He knew if this was from God, he would make the provision for her to go. And that is just what happened. After deciding to go to Tanzania, she felt she needed to take in some extra jobs around the holidays to help cover the cost. However, God must have had other plans because the work was very limited. Marilyn and Joe put it in God’s hands and before she had even sent out her letters asking for support, the cost of the trip was completely covered. Marilyn and Joe have truly been able to experience financial peace in their lives. It hasn’t been easy, but they continue to put their trust in God and give generously. They want to encourage people to hang on to God, especially during these difficult times, and not to lose sight of the beautiful tapestry that God is weaving. ASBURY TIDINGS 13

Eternal Treasure Putting On Your Parachute kim beair, ms, lpc, ncc


espite the troubles, trials and disappointments in life, we as


messed up their mortgages. Can you imagine the life of praying, seeking

should have hope and joy. No

God’s face, and telling everybody else how to live

matter what happens here, on earth, we will always

their lives? No spouses, no bosses, no children, no

have Him. We have every right to be optimistic, to

pets to feed —just praying and preaching and writ-

find joy, to be blessed and happy. “Should” state-

ing. He had some good times. It wasn’t all jail cells

ments are generally negative, but let’s face it, we all

and ship wrecks.

have them.

Pastor Ray Comfort has a wonderful audio called:

The apostle Paul is an awesome guy. Strong, re-

“Hell’s Best Kept Secret.” It is a lesson that puts per-

silient, bold yet humble. One of our more persecuted

spective in place and can help achieve the deep joy

gospel writers, he was in chains at times and likely

Christ can bring. Pastor Comfort speaks of frustra-

up to his knees in, shall we say, a mess, while main-

tion that thousands of people were being reached

taining peace, joy and hope. He was able to see the

for Christ, but fell away. Long ago, someone thought

glorification of Christ in everything that happened

that the real message of Christ just wasn’t exciting

and did not wait to use hindsight—he “got it” even

enough to gain converts, so the message of “Life

in the most horrific moments.

Enhancement” began to emerge. It says “if you get

How do we measure up and have the peace, joy and hope of Paul while we are in our own proverbial chains? First, don’t compare yourself to Paul. You weren’t called to Paul’s calling, and he had

Jesus, life will be rosy.” Here is Pastor Comfort’s analogy of Life Enhancement verses the real truth of the gospel: Two guys get on a plane. They are both given parachutes:

a great advantage; no dissatisfied wife to appease,

Guy #1: He is told the parachute will make him

or a disabled child, or the worry of losing his pay-

happy on the flight, but it is heavy and uncomfort-

check and health insurance that pays for the child’s

able, and the other passengers chastise him for look-

medicine, or the need to take care of his ailing par-

ing like an idiot. He gets increasingly frustrated but

ents while his 401K went bust because other people

leaves it on waiting for the “ah-ha moment” to hit.


For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you. 2 Corinthians 4:11-12, NIV

Next, the flight attendant spills coffee on him. Agitated and frustrated, he takes the parachute off, throws it to the ground, and somehow blames it for the coffee, the rude passengers, and his mismanaged expectations. Guy #2: He is told there will be a “situation” and he will need to jump; the parachute will save his life. Though it is heavy, uncomfortable, and bringing ridicule from other passengers, he is thankful for its life saving purpose. He keeps thinking “the end is near, but I will live.” The flight attendant spills coffee on him, but he shrugs it off. He did not put the parachute on to be comfortable or happy or keep coffee from spilling on him. He put it on to live, and all he can be is thankful. He has the kind of deep peace, joy and hope we Christians aspire to have. He remains calm in the face of persecution and discomfort and analyzes the situation for what it is, having perspective and thankfulness even in moments of danger and persecution. In difficult times, it can seem impossible to gain perspective, peace, joy and hope. Remember that He will never leave us or forsake us and that when a door closes, He will open another one that no man can close. Soon, we all begin to realize that because we have a blood right to an amazing home in eternity, we can reclaim our peace, joy and hope. Jesus is not your copilot; He is your parachute. Take a leap of faith today and be thankful and grateful for your new perspective on the eternal gift of life. ASBURY TIDINGS 15

Eternal Treasure in Remembrance of Me stephanie hurd


Lord’s Supper has never meant much to me on a personal level.

eyes. Aren’t they beautiful? I made each one of them!

In my lifetime, I have experienced Commu-

I also felt He wanted me to make physical contact.

nion weekly as a Catholic, quarterly as a Baptist, and

I pleaded with Him, “Oh no Lord. I don’t want to. Peo-

monthly as a Methodist. I understood it intellectually

ple will think I’m weird! And what if it’s against the

and was sincere whenever I participated, but it had no



real effect on my life spiritually, physically, mentally or emotionally. That was until the first time I served it. Three years ago, I volunteered my whole family

They’re precious to me.

I was resistant, so over several months the Holy Spirit worked on me, saying, Stephanie, I have so much love to give! I only need your hands.

to be Communion stewards because we pretty much

Finally, I realized He was not asking me to love

do everything together. While standing in the Chapel

anyone with my own strength or ability but with His.

serving the Lord’s Supper for the first time––some-

So little by little He gave me the courage to make eye

thing amazing happened. I realized I would probably

contact, touch, sometimes hug, and love each person

never heal a leper, raise a child from the dead, or teach

I served. God used the Lord’s Supper to transform my

in a synagogue like Jesus. But at that moment I was

heart and my life.

intimately connected with Christ because I was doing

I have since come to treasure sharing Communion,

something He actually did! He shared a sacred meal

and I am learning to appreciate the value God places

with his best friends on earth.

on every individual because each one is beautiful and

The only difference between the two of us (besides

precious to Him. I applied this truth when working with

the obvious) was that He was acting in love. God used

displaced people at the Red Cross Shelter during the

this opportunity to show me that I had a stingy heart;

ice storm and with the kids at VBS last summer. The

I only gave love to those whom I felt were worthy or

Lord has replaced my heart of stone with one of flesh,

had somehow earned it. I considered it exhausting to

and by His grace I am learning to love more gener-

do otherwise.


As each person came through the line that day––I

And if that were not enough, He also used the Lord’s

focused on the bread––not wanting to make eye con-

Supper to demonstrate the scope of His brilliance. Re-

tact or get too involved. But I felt the Holy Spirit gently

cently, at Venue68, all the Communion stewards stood

lift my chin as if to say, Look at their faces. Look in their

in the wings (sanitizing our hands and waiting for our cue). As Pastor Spencer consecrated the elements, he


lifted them up, first the bread and then the cup. I no-

munion table links us to each other and to God the Fa-

ticed above his head smoke from the smoke machine

ther by Christ to the past, the present, and the future.

was churning and swirling, caught in a beam of light.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and

The Spirit reminded me of the pillar of cloud that

is and is to come!

rested over the tabernacle as God’s manifest presence

Oftentimes, it seems we are expected to be long-

to the Israelites (Exodus 40:34). I imagined Spencer as

faced and sad during Communion, which is certainly

a Levite, ministering at the table of showbread in the

appropriate for an attitude of repentance. But I suppose

Holy Place. The showbread, or the Bread of the Pres-

many people are expressionless, feeling unmoved as I

ence, was always present before the Lord in His tab-

did for many years.

ernacle as an early symbol of Jesus the Messiah, the Bread of Life (Exodus 25:23-30 and John 6:32-35).

Communion Sunday is now my favorite day of the month, and I approach the Lord’s Supper with enthu-

Then my eyes were drawn to the congregation

siasm, joy, and thankfulness. I thank God for Jesus. I

as they sat quietly watching and waiting. The Spirit

thank God because Jesus is a friend to lay down His

impressed upon me the future, a time when we, the

life for us. And He loves us with an unending love. I

Church, will gather at the wedding supper of the Lamb

celebrate His transforming work in my heart and re-

and share in a sacred and joyous meal together with

member Him as the Bread of Life!

Christ in His risen flesh (Revelations 19:9). The Com-

The Passover Seder

and the

Lamb • By Stephanie Hurd

The Passover occurred on the eve of Israel’s deliverance from bondage to slavery some 3,500 years ago. In Exodus 12, God carefully instructs the Israelites regarding the sacrificial lamb, whose shed blood (when applied to their doorposts) would cause the Lord’s judgment to pass over their homes and spare their lives. The Passover Service (or Seder) is the memorial to that event and it is the oldest, continuously celebrated religious holiday in existence. Jesus and His disciples shared the Passover Seder in the Upper Room on the eve of His crucifixion. It was during this last supper together that Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper as a memorial to Him and His shed blood. Until the destruction of the second Temple in 70 A.D., the Seder included a meal of roasted lamb, bitter herbs, and unleavened bread—reflective of the last supper eaten in Egypt before Israel’s emancipation. With the razing of the Temple by the Romans, sacrifices came to an abrupt halt, as did serving roasted lamb. Eventually the lamb, which was key to the Passover observance, came to be represented by a piece of unleavened bread. To this day, three pieces of matzah are contained within a linen bag during the Seder; the middle piece is broken—half is replaced and the other half, called the “afikomen,” is wrapped in a linen cloth and

hidden away. When the children discover the “afikomen” near the end of the service, pieces are broken and eaten by everyone present as a reminder of the Passover lamb, which is then followed by drinking the “cup of redemption.” Of course, Jews have assigned symbolism to the three matzahs and even the “afikomen,” although it’s breaking and hiding ritual is a mystery. Even more mysterious is the name itself. “Afikomen” is the only Greek word used in this Jewish tradition and does not exist in the Hebrew language. Rabbinic scholars claims the word means, “to come after” and therefore implies, “dessert” since it comes after the meal. However, Christian scholars assert, “afikomen” means “I came.” It’s plausible the three matzahs in the linen bag represent the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The middle piece of bread, the one representing the Son or the Messiah is broken (crucified), wrapped and hidden (buried), and then found (resurrected). When Christian symbolism is applied, the “afikomen” actually represents the Lamb of God who came! For more information about the Passover and other Jewish holidays, read, “The Feasts of the Lord,” by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal, available in the Asbury library. ASBURY TIDINGS 17

Eternal Treasure It Takes a Village to Raise A Child joan kahl


rior to


few of us had ever

heard this phrase. For me, it creates

a visual of many adults tending to children

of any background, any race or any age. People of faith who will look out for the welfare of a child because

soon and we all need to be ready to welcome the

they are each a precious child of God—a treasure.

stranger. What a glorious day it would be if every per-

It takes a church to raise a Christian. I don’t know if

son was greeted by someone—every person touched

anyone in particular coined that phrase, but I believe it

in some way that would allow them to experience the

to be true. A person can take baptism and membership

warmth and love at Asbury. But wait…there is more.

vows and be declared a Christian, but it will take the

We want to give them an “irresistible invitation” to

love and fellowship of the entire congregation to help

come back the following Sunday and we need your

the new Christian become a follower of Christ.


Pastor Tom can plant a seed, and he literally tried in

Sunday, April 19 we will host a special event for

February. But he can’t tend to all the seeds alone. He

members and guests. It will surely be a day to “trea-

cannot recognize all the guests. They are scattered all

sure.” Look for activities for adults as well as children,

over. The only possible way for the seeds to take hold

particularly with our guests in mind. We need your

and grow is if “we”—the entire congregation take care

participation in this event to serve our guests. We will

of the seeds.

need many people in hospitality—assisting at the curb,

Every guest who comes to Asbury is a seed. We are the ones who can welcome them, we are the ones who

with people and “stuff,” holding the door to the building open, greeting as they step inside.

can greet the stranger sitting in front of us, invite some-

During activities, we’ll need hospitality to provide

one to community, walk them to Connection Corner

directions throughout the building, serving food and

for additional information, introduce them to someone

beverages, engaging in conversation with someone

else or just shake their hand and invite them to come

you don’t know as they search for “treasure.”

back. You do not need to discern who is a member and

Come to worship and praise God. Give thanks for

who isn’t. You simply give your name and tell them

the abundant life and love that you have thanks to

you’re glad they’re here.

Christ, and pray that He will use you to care for the

We all know that Easter and Christmas Eve bring more visitors than any other service. Easter is coming 18 ASBURY TIDINGS

tender seeds. Then stay for the fun and start touching lives.

Little Treasures christina gray


reasure. Now there’s a word I’ve heard

heart to volunteer on Sundays in Children’s Ministry

a lot lately.

and slowly my understanding of how I could teach my

Treasure could be a prize, something to

kids began to change. I realized that I didn’t have to

win or something to value or love. If treasure is some-

be the perfect Christian and that watching me build a

thing to value or love, then what do I value?

stronger relationship with Christ was helping my kids

Well, I value my husband and our marriage, our

to build one, too.

home, our families, my job, but mostly I value my kids.

I found that the most important treasure I can give

I rejoice in them so much. They are the most amazing

my kids is to teach them about Christ. I started praying

gifts I’ve been given, and I absolutely treasure my time

with them, not just the “bedtime prayer” but an honest

with them.

conversation with God. I changed the music we listen

As a parent, I dedicate time to teaching my kids how

to in the car to Christian, granted most of it is kids mu-

to read, throw a ball, and ride a bike. But somehow I

sic but sometimes it’s an adult singing. Now there is

didn’t always put the same effort into teaching them

nothing that fills my heart with joy as much as hearing

about Jesus. Maybe it’s because I assumed they learn

my children sing their favorite songs like “Awesome

everything at church or maybe it’s because I don’t think

God” or “Step by Step” because I know that they are

I will have all the answers to their questions.

learning about Christ and starting to build a relation-

I taught them the standard songs like “Jesus Loves

ship with Him, even at a young age.

Me” and “Jesus Loves the Little Children.” I had them

But my job doesn’t stop there. I am showing them

baptized as babies. I taught them about the meaning of

how to be Christians in how I treat others, in how I live.

Christmas and Easter and read the baby Bible stories

I can teach them how to be generous with their toys

to them. But somehow I thought the rest would come

and clothes by letting them decide what to donate to

from somewhere else, that they would learn how to be

kids that don’t have anything. I can teach them about

a Christian from just going to church.

kindness by teaching them to use kind words with

I wasn’t the perfect Christian and I didn’t know all of the scriptures, so what else could I teach them? I was

those around us. I can teach them about honesty and compassion by my actions to them and to others.

content with that. It was comforting because it meant

But most of all, I can show them what Christ’s un-

that I didn’t have to stretch or grow in my relationship

conditional love is like by giving that kind of love to

with Christ.

them everyday.

But God had other plans. He put a desire on my

Yes, that is what I treasure most. ASBURY TIDINGS 19

My Life...

Legal and With Love jeniffer hernandez


i my name is Jeniffer Hernandez in Tulsa. At first things were smooth sailing, then the and I want to share my story with guy started doing things that I didn’t realize were bad. As I got older, things became more apparent and I realyou.

I was born in Mexico and then traveled to Oklahoma

City when I was five-years-old for vacation. My mom and dad decided to stay here in search of a better lifestyle for my sister, Larissa, and me, even though it was past our legal permitted tourist visa time. I saw it as a new house, new friends, and new school. Never did it once cross my mind that it was illegal. In my eyes things were great. I’d learned English, made new friends, and even moved into a cute house. Never would I have known the heartbreak that was staring me in the face. One day, I remember my parents asking us to sit down to talk. A couple of things crossed my mind at that moment but nothing as terrifying as what they said. They were getting a divorce. WHAT!? My perfect happy family was breaking up. Where was I going? Where was daddy going? And what about my sister? Was it my fault? Did they still love me? These were all thoughts that haunted me. My heart felt heavy and I felt alone, but I remember praying one day to God whom I didn’t really know. Then my mom moved us to her boyfriend’s house 20 ASBURY TIDINGS

ized what he was doing wasn’t normal and decided to tell my mom. In about a week we were out of there and into our

own apartment. By this time, I was confused about my entire life. There were so many things I couldn’t understand. Why had my parents divorced? Why did my dad move to Colorado? Why did that man do what he did? Things in my life weren’t going well. I was extremely unhappy and a lost soul with no real father figure. Everyone I knew as a father always seemed to disappear. At this point I also realized I wasn’t legal and that was very stressful. By this time, my mom was working at a low paying job. I could tell that she was very unhappy, and that she had lost her trust in God. God was working though. One day she went to the bank and the bank-teller asked her if she would like to go to a Bible study called “40 Days of Purpose.” Being polite, she said yes and next thing I knew we were at this thing eating pizza with a tall redhead named Bryan Spence. He was really nice and truly seemed to like us. At one of the last nights, we were invited to go to Asbury United Methodist Church on Sunday morning. So

those wounds…but not completely. After my mom and Bryan got married, we became part of a great family who accepted and loved us. We became legal, which was so relieving. I started to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. He was no longer a man I only heard about, He became another Dad to me, and my eternally loving best friend. My faith is now entirely in Jesus, and I look to Him in any hardship because I know He will be there for me as He was in the past. Looking back now, I wouldn’t change anything because it is part of who I am and how far I’ve come and grown as a daughter in Jesus Christ. My sister and I love Bryan and my mommy because they are both our parents now and thank his family for receiving us so kindly. I hope my story will someday touch someone and do great things because God is truth and everyone needs to know that He loves them and is shaping our lives everyday, although they might not realize it or are hurting. He did it in my life…He’ll do it in yours.

I hope my story will someday touch someone and do great

things because God is truth and everyone needs to know that He loves them and is shaping our lives everyday, although they might not realize it or are hurting.

we all went. There we saw the redhead, Bryan, again and he showed us around. Bryan and my mom liked each other. We continued going to Asbury, but I never really got close to the Lord. I just went because of my mom. Later we started hanging out with Bryan a lot. My mom was happy and starting to put her trust in the Lord again. And I was beginning too also. Bryan and my mom started dating and, best of all, they included

Editorial Note: One of the most amazing parts of this story is the first time Jeniffer shared her testimony the bankteller, Tyler Nuzum, was sitting in the room listening! As her story unfolded he realized that her mom was the one he had suggested years ago to come to “40 Days of Purpose.” He had no idea the eternal impact he made on her family until the day he heard Jeniffer’s story. God asks us to plant seeds, this is what happens when we obey!

my sister and me in their relationship. After a year or so, they were engaged and things were great! My biological dad was doing well and we saw him often. My heart was starting to heal from all ASBURY TIDINGS 21

Eternal Treasure God’s Land john westervelt


s a widower, my



ing chores include the laundry.

After sorting the clothes, I start the washing machine, turn, close the utility room door behind me, and start breakfast. Several years ago on a Saturday morning in August I sat at the patio table. I looked beyond my pancakes to view the heavy dew on the grass and roses. The wind was calm. Unseasonable August rains had cooled the temperature and made all the vegetation lush. The rose garden was topped with a covering of red, pink, peach, and white. The zinnias across the back of the yard created a low wall of gold and purple. Deuteronomy 8:10 says, “When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you.” On this day I praised God for my land. With the cool air keeping me at the table, my mind wandered to the beginnings of this parcel of the earth. Over a billion years ago, God began the formation of the earth. Geologists have discovered from drilling for oil around Tulsa that many millions of years ago the lot where my house sits was under a sea. Finally, God raised it up, and in time plants and animals covered the land. Then man came to enjoy this paradise. Man’s claim to land ownership in the United States

is only recent. The French laid claim to my lot and all the land west of the Mississippi River, extending to the eastern ridges of the Rocky mountains, to the Spanish territory on the south, and to the British frontier on the north. In 1803, a wise President Jefferson signed an agreement to purchase the 831,000 square miles from the French for fifteen million dollars. My lot sold for about a penny under this contract. Later, I found that the Abstract of Title for my lot records the transfer of the land in 1852 from the United States to the Creek Tribe of Indians. The Creeks had been forcefully removed from eastern Alabama, southwest Georgia, and northwest Florida in the 1830’s to Indian Territory in Oklahoma. In 1903 my lot, surrounded by 120 acres next to the Farm Shopping center in southeast Tulsa, was allotted to Lillie Wray, a three-year-old Creek Indian. An inch-thick stack of paper records other transfers of the deed, and on the final page, dated July 17, 1964, is the transfer to John C. and Nelda J. Westervelt. My contemplation continued as I considered God’s dynamic world. Lands moved to new latitudes, so that what once was tropical is now buried underneath Alaska. Though I understand that God’s creation is dynamic, as I viewed the glistening droplets of dew resting uniformly across the lawn, shrubs, and flowers, it all looked so static. For a moment, I wished my life were static, with all those I’ve ever loved gathered around to quietly sit and enjoy the view. But then God reminded me that He didn’t design the world that way, so I might as well get up and get going. I began with the second load of laundry.




Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled?

New Additions to the Library

Be sure to let Asbury know ahead

resource. Thank you to all who

of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146

continue to contribute books to

so your pastors can be in prayer for

our Library.

general information

you. When you enter the hospital,


church. The after-hours pastoral

Served from 7:15-9 am in the

emergency line can be reached by

CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with

calling 492-1771, selecting option

Asburians along with fresh donuts,

2, and leaving a message for the

bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage,

pastor on call.

please designate Asbury as your

eggs, fruit, and cereal. $3 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under.

Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an

Sunday Morning Worship

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

8 am, Mason Chapel

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

(Traditional Communion)

book ASAP to allow ample time

9:15 am, Sanctuary

for Couple-to-Couple (required


premarital sessions). Six months to

9:15 am, CLC (Open House Wor-

one year lead time suggested.

ship) (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting)

The Gazebo is Open

11 am, Sanctuary (Traditional)

CDs of Tom’s “Message of the Day”

11 am, Venue 68 (Modern with sign

are available immediately following


the worship service for $3. Prayer Journals are also available for $5

Sundays for Children & Students


6 Weeks-4 Yrs: 8:00, 9:15 & 11 am K-6th Grades: 9:15 or 11 am


7th-9th Grades: 9:15 & 11 am

Recycle unwanted paper products.

10th-12th Grades: 9:15 am only

Three bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots.

Adult Discipleship Communities

The Asbury Library is a wonderful

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6-7 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Community Sundays, 11 am, Rm. 1507

bible study RoadMap All courses being offered in the Winter 2009 RoadMap session are listed on the Asbury website at and in the Winter brochure.

care and support Job Search Methods & Resources Thursday, April 30, 7-8:30 pm, Parlor. Presenters: Sharee Wells of Oklahoma Professional Search and a resume presentation by Deb McCaskey of Key Personnel. Childcare available. For more information, contact employ.transitions@yahoo. com 180 Minutes of Stephen Ministry Skills

8:00, 9:15, & 11 am and Wednes-

Asbury Family News is available at

Two 90-minute workshop sessions

days, 6 pm and Shepherd’s Flock

the Welcome Centers. It includes

on Wednesdays, April 22 & 29,

on Tuesdays at 6 pm. NEW! “Gen-

hospital lists, births, deaths,

7-8:30 pm, Rm. 2821. A unique

erations” on Sundays at 11:00—a

marriages, baptisms and military

opportunity for you to learn valu-

multigenerational community made


able Stephen Ministry skills that

up of people from all demograph-

you can use immediately. Develop

ics: married, single, young, and

Doors of Asbury posters are at the

some of the same skills Stephen

“seasoned” spanning 6 decades in

Welcome Centers…FREE! Suitable

Ministers learn during training from

age groups! (See Discipleship).

for framing.

their 645 page training manuals. Topics include: The Art of Listening, Dimensions of Forgiveness, Dealing with Depression, Handling ASBURY TIDINGS 23

Crisis, Boundaries, and others. For

Alzheimer’s Support Group

God’s Word are sent to Asbury-re-

anyone dealing with life’s situations

Third Thursday, from 1:30-3 pm in

lated military personnel. The Prayer

with their friends and family. Child-

Rm. 1621. Christian hope, support

Ministry also covers them in prayer.

care available. Register by calling

and education for friends and

Please send contact information


family of those with Alzheimer’s or

(complete name and address) to

other dementia.

Gwen Mohler at

Finding Your Way After Someone You Love Takes Their Life

Cancer Support Group

Four Tuesdays beginning April 14,

Second Sunday of each month,

Asbury Bear Bags

7 pm, Rm. 1507. Yes, real Christians

4-6 pm, Parlor. For those living with

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring

do take their lives. For their loved

cancer and their family and friends.

books have comforted young

or call 392-1146.

ones it is devastating. Book used is

children for many years, but now

gentle and faith-affirming, helping

Divorce Recovery

you may give a Bear Bag with a

survivors deal with guilt feelings,

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

scripture-based journal included

the role of depression in suicides,

For those suffering from the early,

instead! Great for teens and adults.

and creating support systems. Call

highly emotional stages of divorce

Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear

392-1191 to register.

and separation trauma. Childcare

to someone who is grieving. For


more information, contact Beth at

Visits to Asbury Members


Asbury has a unique group of vol-

Divorce Rebuilding

unteers (Asbury Connection) who

Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

regularly visit people who are either


For those ready to rebuild their

homebound or in nursing homes. If

Registration forms for all children’s

lives after separation or divorce.

you are interested in being visited,

activities are available in the

Childcare available.

preschool and elementary lobbies.

call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact

Core Childcare Hours

the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

Eating Disorder Recovery

Parents who are involved in

First and third Wednesdays, 12-1:30

RoadMap classes during these core

pm. For individuals seeking support Prayer Card Sending Team

hours will have childcare provided

in the recovery process. Bring sack

Usually meets first and third

for children 6 weeks-12 yrs. of age


with no reservations needed:

Mondays at 10 am in Rm. 1621 to send cards with God’s encouraging

Sun: 8 am-12 pm

words and our prayers to those

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

who are ill or going through hard

First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30

times. Cards and care packages are

pm, Rm 1506.

also sent to Asbury-related military personnel. Contact Gwen Mohler

Mental Health Support for Families

at for more

For family members or caregivers of

information, or call 392-1146.

people affected by a mental illness. 4th Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm, Parlor.

Asperger Support Group First Thursday from 7-9 pm in Rm.

Military Connection

1506. For mothers of children with

Please join us in praying for our

Asperger Syndrome. Childcare

troops in harm’s way and their


families. Periodic care packages and monthly encouragement cards with


Mon & Tue: 9 am-12 pm Tue, Wed, & Thur: 6-9 pm Murdock Villa A mission opportunity for our 5th & 6th grade students. Usually the second Sunday of the month from 12:30-3:30 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat, then visit Murdock Villa where we will play Bingo and do crafts with special needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. Limited to 10 kids each month. For further information contact Jami at 392-1166.

Wednesday Night Live

Family” is for boy & girl scouts in

is Sunday, April 5 or until we reach

Wednesdays 7 pm – 8 pm, January

4th & 5th grade. Awards ceremony

125 kids. For more information call

7-April 29, 4 year olds – 4th grade,

will be Thursday, May 14, 6:30 pm

Amber Cox at 392-1171 or acox@

beginning in their choir room

in the Chapel. We are excited to

and pick up in Chapel. Join us on

offer these two programs for Boy

Wednesday nights for worship

and Girl Scouts that fulfill require-


in the Chapel—Kid Style. We will

ments for the “God and Me” and

Discipleship Communities

combine music, high energy, verse

“God and Family” awards. Both

If you have not found an Adult

memory and a Bible lesson in a set-

programs will start on Thursday

Discipleship Community check out

ting that encourages kids to learn

evening, March 26 and run for six

“Get Involved” at www.asburytulsa.

about worship. Our lessons will

weeks of lessons. All scouts will

org or pick up a brochure at one of

tie right into what we are doing on

start in the 5.6 room and break into

our Welcome Centers.

Sunday mornings. Can’t wait to see

groups from there. The $30 cost

you there! For more information

includes their workbook, a cer-


contact Amber Cox at 392-1171,

tificate, all program supplies, and

their award medallion. For more at 392-1165 or kbroadhurst@

PT Nursery Staff Positions Available Part-time position will work 1015 hours weekly in the Asbury

Nursery. The schedule will include

information contact Kim Broadhurst 5th & 6th Grade Bible Study & Crew Leader Service Wednesdays, January 7–April 29, 7–8 pm, 5.6 Room, cost $8 for workbook. On Wednesday nights our 5th & 6th graders will be studying “From the Heart for Youth.” If they’ve ever wondered what their role is in God’s church, they won’t have to be confused anymore. Our 5th & 6th graders will learn how to serve from the heart and discover the awesome and unique way God created them. They will spend most of the 14 weeks in study, but will actually take what they are learning and serve during the Wednesday Night Live service with our younger kids a time or two. If you have any additional questions, please contact Jami Moss at 392-1166 or jmoss@ God & Me/God & Family Scouting Award Thursdays, March 26–May 7 (No class April 9 due to Holy Week). “God & Me” is for boy & girl scouts in 2nd & 3rd grade; “God &

Sunday morning from 8:30 am5.6 Road Trip

12:30 pm with a few remaining

Saturday, April 25, 7:30 am–12

hours during the childcare weekday

am (Midnight). 5th & 6th grad-

and weeknight core hours. Suc-

ers. Deadline, Sunday, April 5t

cessful applicant should have a

or event limited of 125 kids. On

love for children, willingness to

Saturday morning we’ll hop on a

portray Christian beliefs and values

bus and head to Frontier City in

to children and families. Resumés

Oklahoma City, returning close

should be sent to Vicki Ihrig, Asbury

to midnight that evening! Plenty

UMC, 6767 S. Mingo Rd., Tulsa, OK,

of sponsors will create a fun and

74133 or call her at 918-392-1160.

safe environment for our 5th & 6th graders to have fun and fellowship,


and to blow off some end-of-the-

Leave a legacy that continues

school-year steam. The cost is $45

to give forever to a ministry you

(includes the official Road Trip

want to support. There are endow-

t-shirt, transportation, admission to

ments that support many areas

the park and a lunch meal ticket).

of Asbury’s outreach including

You will need to bring an additional

children, youth, music, missions,

amount of money for personal food

and training of pastors as well as a

costs for one meal in the park and

general endowment. You can easily

souvenirs, etc. Many volunteers

impact a ministry thru your will

are needed for this event. To show

or a current gift. Contact Dwight

our appreciation to volunteers,

Yoder at

their cost is $30—spaces fill quickly

or 392-1113.

so reserve your spot today. The deadline to register for this event ASBURY TIDINGS 25

marriage & family 8 Dates With Your Mate 2nd Tuesdays, February 10-September 8, 6:15-7 pm, Rm. 1502. Celebrate your marriage with conversation over dinner alone, or with another couple in the group. Gather to hear a variety of topics led by various speakers (30 minutes), then have dinner out. NEW TOPICS/SPEAKERS! Call 392-1191

changing prayer and an awesome

Men’s Open Basketball

big breakfast, all for just $3 per

Fridays, 11:30 am – 1:15 pm, Gym.

person. First-time guests are free.

Men! Make plans to join other

April 1

Dub Ambrose

Asbury guys and their friends each

April 8

Pec Clark

week as we get together for a little

April 15

Don Herrold

“round ball” and lots of fun! Come

April 22

Todd Johnson

show us what you’ve got, and we’ll

April 29

Bill Johnson

have a great time of exercise and fellowship. Invite your friends, and

Home Improvement Workday

we’ll see you on the court!

Saturday, April 18. The Home Im-

to register.

provement Ministry serves widows


and single moms within the Asbury

Global Outreach Dinner

Attention Engaged Couples

family. Our men’s ministry volun-

Come join us Tuesday, May 5 at 6

teers make themselves available

pm for the next Global Outreach

every other month to help folks out

dinner. Contact Missy Sistrunk at

with minor home repairs and/or

392-1163 for reservations by Thurs-

home improvement projects. To

day, April 30.

If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-to-Couple (required

volunteer, contact Debbie in the Adult Ministries Office, 392-1177 or

Mission Yearbooks

one year lead time is suggested.

The 2009 Mission books are here!

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries

Car Care Workday

or come by the Mission Office.

Saturday, May 16. Car Care Sat-

Oklahoma Outreach and Global

urday is an every-other-month

Outreach are together in one book.

premarital sessions). Six months to

Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5,10,15,20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at brucetschutte@ or call Ruth at 3921146.

membership Asbury Exploration Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, April 5, from 12:152 pm in CLC. Lunch provided and childcare is available for children six weeks through 6th grade. Call 392-1191 to register.

men Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Attention men of Asbury. Make plans to join us for a great time of meaningful worship, life26 ASBURY TIDINGS

Pick one up at the Welcome Centers

workday provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through

Eyeglass Donations

our men’s ministry. While the ladies

Are you wondering what to do with

wait in the comfort of the café,

those old eyeglasses? Donate them

volunteers check tires, belts,

to missions! You may drop your

fluids, filters and batteries. They

glasses off in the Global Outreach

also vacuum and wash the vehicles,


and then update owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs

Mission Matters

professional attention. This free

A monthly newsletter is available

service gives our men the oppor-

with recent news of mission hap-

tunity to put their faith in to action

penings. Preference is for the email

through loving and serving those in

version, but hard copies can be

need. To volunteer, contact Debbie

mailed if needed. To receive the

in the Adult Ministries Office, 392-

newsletter, please contact Missy

1177 or

Sistrunk, 392-1163 or msistrunk@

Global Outreach Prayer Ministry

mission opportunities, contact

Prayer Room Reservations

News and prayer requests from

Marilene Long at mlong@asbury-

The leadership of Asbury’s prayer

our missionaries and ministries or 392-1164.

ministry would like to remind you

are sent each week to our prayer

that the main facility Prayer Room

ministry list. If you would like to join


and become a prayer intercessor for

Chancel Choir

desiring to pray in a quiet, medita-

those serving around the world,

Wednesdays, 7 pm, Choir Room

tive atmosphere, but also to prayer

contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163.


is open not only to individuals

groups within communities and New Covenant Orchestra

ministries. Just give Debbie in the

Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm, Rm. 1510

Adult Ministries office a call at 3921177 to reserve the Prayer Room for

Volunteers-In-Mission Opportunities

Children’s Choirs

your group on a weekly or monthly

• March 28-April 4: Monterrey,

Wednesdays, 6 pm, various


• April 17-19: Cookson Hills, OK,

Asbury Power & Light

Prayer Room Days & Times

Light Construction

Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm. 1510

Our prayer rooms are accessible to

Mexico, MBS & Construction

• April 22-May 2: Central Asia, Construction & Teaching • May 30-June 6: Ecuador, MBS & Construction • June 4-15: Estonia, Lighthouse • June 19-29: Tanzania, East Africa, Medical • June 25-July 6: Estonia, Camp Gideon, Youth Camp & Construc-

Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm. 2506 Youth Orchestra Wednesdays, 5:30 pm, Rm. 2319

you at these times: • Mason Chapel & Venue 68: Sundays, 7 am-12:30 pm through the interior door. • Main Facility, Mason Chapel & Venue 68: Mon.-Fri., 8 am-9 pm;

Asbury Ringers

Saturday, 10 am-3 pm; Sunday,

Wednesdays, 6-6:50 pm, Rm. 2506

12:30 pm-9 pm. To obtain pass codes, call Debbie in the Adult


Perpetual Light

• July 23-August 2: Estonia, Parnu,

Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Rm.

MBS & Light Construction


• July 26-August 2: Honduras, MBS

Ministries office, 392-1177.

recovery Celebrate Recovery

& Construction

Saints of Swing Dixieland Band

Come join this supportive group

• September 17-29: Tanzania, East

Thursdays, 2-3 pm, Rm 1510

of people each Monday night at 6

Africa, Construction

pm. Dinner at 6 pm; Worship from

• November: Central Asia, Construc-

Asbury Singing Ambassadors

7-8 pm; Small Groups from 8-9 pm;

tion & Teaching

Tuesdays, 2:30–4 pm, Choir room

Dessert from 9-9:30 pm. Hiding

• October 23-25: Cookson Hills,

any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God

Oklahoma, Light Construction


• October 24-31: Monterrey, Mexico,

Altar Prayer

MBS & Construction

If you would like someone to pray

• November 4-8: Monterrey, Mexico,

with you during Holy Communion


or immediately following a worship

• November 11-15: Rio Bravo,

service, please come to the altar

Mexico, Men’s Construction

Asbury has a unique group of vol-

rail. A pastor or member of the Al-

• VIM Team Leader Training:

unteers (Asbury Connection) who

tar Prayer Team will be glad to pray

September 19 in Bixby; October 24

regularly visit people who are either

with you for your needs—physical,

in Clinton.

homebound or in nursing homes. If

emotional or spiritual—at the altar

For more about these exciting

you are interested in being visited,

or in the Prayer Room.

never intended for you to live in bondage.

senior adults Visits to Asbury Members


call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact

You don’t want to miss this pro-

the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

gram, and don’t forget to invite

your friends! Call the main office at 492-1771 to make your reservations

Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class

BY NOON, Monday, April 20. If,

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

during that week, you find you need

from 9-9:30 am in the Gym. All

to cancel, please also let us know

senior adults are invited to join us

as we need to give an accurate

for a time of stretching, coupled

count to the cooks. Should you

with lots of fun and fellowship. No

choose, you may make a donation

high impact workout here. We take

for the meal when you check in that

it nice and easy. Come give it a try.

morning. Come join us for fun and fellowship!

Senior Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

AARP Driver Safety Program

from 8:30-9 am in the gym. All

Friday, April 24, 9 am – 5 pm, Rm.

senior adults are invited to join us

2820. Cost is $12 for AARP mem-

for power walking, coupled with

bers, $14 for non-members. The

lots of fun and fellowship. Come

AARP Driver Safety Program is the

give it a try.

nation’s first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older

Asbury Singing Ambassadors

that has helped millions of drivers

Come enjoy fun and fellowship

remain safe on today’s roads. It is

with other senior adults (60+), on

designed to help you:

Tuesdays, 2:30-4 pm in the Sanctu-

1. Tune up your driving skills and

ary Choir Room. This awesome

update your knowledge of the rules

choir is made up of approximately

of the road.

100 senior adults who sing every

2. Learn about normal age-related

fourth Sunday at 8 am in the Mason

physical changes, and how to

Chapel, during special occasions

adjust your driving to allow for

and holidays, as well as out in our

these changes.

community. No experience neces-

3. Reduce your traffic violations,

sary…just show up and sing!

crashes, and chances for injuries. 4. Drive more safely.

April Tweenagers Program & Luncheon Thursday, April 23, 10:30 am–1 pm, CLC. Everyone aged 55 and up is welcome to join us for our monthly Tweenagers meeting & luncheon, taking place on Thursday, April 23, from 10:30 am - 1 pm in the CLC. Our program will be presented by Pastor Tom Harrison on “The State of Asbury.” Music will be presented by “Ragtime,” led by Bill Rowland! 28 ASBURY TIDINGS

5. Get up to a 5% insurance discount. Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multiyear discount to AARP graduates, up to three years after you complete the course! To sign up, call Asbury’s Registration Hotline at 392-1191. At least 12 participants are required for the class to take place, so tell your friends and neighbors, and sign up by the Wednesday before classes today!

singles Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Childcare available. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare available. Singles Potluck Fellowship Sunday, April 26, 12-2 pm, Parlor. Come, bring your children and enjoy a delicious lunch, courtesy of your fellow singles! Just bring a “family-sized” food item, homemade or purchased! Great food, great fellowship, new friends…it just doesn’t get much better than that!

students 7th, 8th & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday school. Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards. 7th, 8th & 9th Bible Study Wednesday night Bible Study is the place to be from 6:30-8 pm on Wednesday nights beginning Sept 10. Come to the Venue and hang out, have fun and study what God’s words has for us. 7th, 8th & 9th Small Groups Don’t miss our on being a part of a small group! It’s a place to grow in

your relationship with Jesus, have

SUNDAY from 12:30-2 pm in the

Every Wednesday night 6-8 pm,

some accountability, and just have

Student Ministry Area for lunch and

meet in the upstairs green room of

fun! 7th grade meets from 4:30-6

to talk about what this means for

the Venue.

pm and 8th grade meets 6:15-8 pm

you. This is for 10th, 11th and 12th

in the Venue68. 9th Graders are


offsite! (It’s never too late to sign

Metro Worship Come join students from all over

up, just come by Student Ministries

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway

the city for a night to just worship

Area!) There will be no small group

Every Wednesday night we come

Jesus. We meet the first Wednes-

meetings on April 12 because of

together for a time of connection

day night of every month from


and worship. Our desire is to

7-8:30ish pm in Venue68.

explore who God really is and how 7th Grade Confirmation Parent Meeting

our lives matter to Him. We get


started around 6:30 pm and wrap

If your student is doing 7th grade

UMW Scholarship Program

up around 8:30ish. Plan on hanging

confirmation, don’t miss this man-

Applications for the United Method-

out afterwards for pizza. 9th graders

datory parent meeting 4:15 – 6pm,

ist Women’s Scholarship are avail-

you will begin attending Breakaway

bring your homework.

able in the main church office. This

on March 25!

$1,200 scholarship is to be given

8th – 12th Grade Spring Confirmation

10th, 11th & 12th Small Groups

young woman. To be eligible, the

Small groups meet Sunday nights.

applicant must have a relative who

Times & places vary. Contact Todd

is currently a member of Asbury’s

392-1154 or Amy 392-1156 to get

UMW. She must be an entering

plugged in. There will be no small

freshman at an accredited universi-

group meetings on April 12 be-

ty for the school year of 2009-2010.

cause of Easter.

The deadline for completed applica-

If your student is doing 8th–12th grader is doing spring confirmation be sure and make this mandatory class from 4-5 pm in the Venue. Confirmation Service Rehearsal All students and leaders that will be in the confirmation service on April 26, you must attend this MANDATORY confirmation service rehearsal April 19 from 4:30 – 5:30 pm. Meet in the Venue. Confirmation Service Sunday, April 26, 6 pm. Students need to arrive in the old Breakaway area at 5:15, dressed and ready. Called to Ministry, 10th, 11th, 12th Is God speaking to you, leading you...okay, maybe CALLING you into a future vocational ministry? You may not know what that looks like; you just know that God is stirring something in you. Join us every month on the SECOND

to an Asbury senior high school

tions is 5 pm Thursday, April 9. The Grad Celebration Video Picture

church office hours of business are

Please turn in ONE senior picture

Monday through Thursday, 8 am–5

and ONE baby picture to Amy in the

pm, and Fridays, 8 am–12 pm.

student ministry office by April 19; we’d love to have candid shots of

Women of the Word

different activities over the years.

Wednesdays from 10-11 am in

Be sure your name and address is

Rm. 2319, Rev. Darlene Johnson,

clearly marked on each picture, we


will return them to you. Crafty Ladies Fellowship Life Hurts, God Heals

Mondays, 9:30 am - 2 pm, Rm 2820.

Starts January 14. Life Hurts God

Ladies, if you enjoy doing crafts and

Heals is a Bible Study for teens all

fellowshipping at the same time,

about sharing hurts and learning

this activity is for you! We gather

together the powerful message of

on Monday mornings to work on

the redemptive purpose of pain. It

our own individual arts and crafts,

is two hours a week when hurting

stop for a delicious pot-luck lunch,

teens can sit together and bravely

and continue on through until 2 pm.

work through their struggles. All

We have a wonderful time together,

teens 7th -12th grade are invited.

and would love to have you join ASBURY TIDINGS 29

us! For more information, contact

Car Care Workday

and speaker (www.staciwallace.

Beverly Clarke, and stop by some

Saturday, May 16. Car Care Sat-

com), and our very own Pastor

Monday and check us out!

urday is an every-other-month

Darlene Johnson! Invite a friend or

workday provided for Asbury’s

two, watch your mail for registra-

UMW April Luncheon & Program

widows and single moms, through

tion information, and get ready to

Thursday, April 2, 11:30 am – 1 pm

our men’s ministry. While the

rest and grow in the reflection of

in the CLC. All United Methodist

ladies wait in the comfort of the


Women are invited to a very special

café, volunteers check tires, belts,

luncheon! This time has been

fluids, filters and batteries. They

Asbury Mother Daughter Brunch

set aside to honor and celebrate

also vacuum and wash the vehicles,

Saturday, May 9, 11 am – 1 pm,

the service our most mature and

and then update owners on what’s

CLC. Make plans now to join us

faithful volunteers for their many

running smoothly and what needs

for this biennial event, an Asbury

years of service through the UMW

professional attention. This free

tradition, as we celebrate mothers

organization. This special program

service gives our men the oppor-

and daughters during Mother’s

is entitled, “Covered in the Glory

tunity to put their faith in to action

Day weekend! All ages of women

of God,” and will be presented by

through loving and serving those in

and girls are invited to attend, even

Pastor Darlene Johnson. A deli-

need. No reservations required; just

visitors who may be in town for the

cious luncheon prepared by our

get your vehicle in line by 11:30!

weekend, or your extended family

church hostess, Virginia, will also

and friends. The theme, “Leaving a

be provided. The scripture em-

Whirlwind Game Day

Legacy,” will be based on scripture

phasis for this month comes from

Come one, come all and be a part

from Psalm 89:1b: “…I will make

Ephesians 4:29: “Do not let any

of our annual Whirlwind Game

your faithfulness known through

unwholesome talk come out of your

Day! Hosted by Asbury’s United

all generations.” You and your

mouths, but only what is helpful

Methodist Women, this awesome,

guests will enjoy a delicious catered

for building others up according

fun-packed fundraiser benefits

brunch, and inspiring speakers and

to their needs, that it may benefit

the Circle of Care Ministries, Child

music! We’ve even throwing in a

those who listen.”

S.H.A.R.E program. If you like to

surprise or two, just for fun! Tickets

play games, then bring those and

may be obtained from any member

Home Improvement Workday

your friends on up to the church

of UMW or the Women’s Council,

Saturday, April 18. The Home Im-

on Friday, April 17 from 10 am–3

or through the church office at $8

provement Ministry serves widows

pm. Tickets are just $8, and may be

for adults and teens, and $7 for

and single moms within the Asbury

purchased from the church office

children ages 12 and under. Tickets

family. Our men’s ministry volun-

through Monday, April 13 and even

may also be purchased in the CLC

teers make themselves available

includes a delicious lunch! Watch

Gallery on Sunday, April 19 or 26.

every other month to help folks out

future publications for more details!

Only 350 seats are available, so

with minor home repairs and/or

don’t delay! Come on girls…don

home improvement projects. Just

Women’s Spring Retreat

your spring finery and prepare to

pick up a request form at the south

Friday, April 24 – Saturday, April 25.

be blessed!

welcome desk, or call your request

Cost: $60-$85 per person. Ladies,

in to Pam Wallace (392-1199, ext.

mark your calendars NOW, and

253), at least ten days before the

get ready for another amazing

scheduled work day. A Home

retreat for women, at the beautiful

Improvement volunteer will contact

“Heart O’ the Hills” facility, near

you, and make final arrangements

Tahlequah, OK! This year’s featured

to get the job(s) done!

speakers will be Staci Wallace, internationally renowned author


worship • 8 am, Communion Service: Mason Chapel. Traditional service. Communion is served and Dr. Har-

of that long ago day. Join us for this hour-long service which marks the end of our Lenten season and prepares our hearts for our celebra-

rison preaches.

tion of Easter Sunday. Nursery will

• 9:15 am, Contemporary Praise &


be provided for children four and

Worship: Sanctuary. Music, time of prayer and the message will all carry a prevailing theme for the morning. Dr. Harrison preaches. • 9:15 am, Open House Worship: Community Life Center. A relaxed atmosphere with engaging worship. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast with an occasional live sermon from another pastor. • 11 am, Traditional Service: Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra and various vocal and instrumental ensembles offer a variety of styles of music. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches. • 11 am, Modern Service: Venue 68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by the worship band. Sign interpreters for the deaf are offered. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast. Maundy Thursday Service Thursday, April 9, at 7 pm in the Mason Chapel. Good Friday Service of Darkness Friday, April 10, at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. Dr. Tom Harrison, Hart Morris, the Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra, Perpetual Light and One Voice will lead the congregation in a service of remembrance on Good Friday. Hymns, anthems and scripture will depict the events ASBURY TIDINGS 31


new members

John Cawthon

Matthew & Erika Elijah

Clayton & Stacy Hawkins, Vanessa

Heidi Leinbach Mary & Michael

Shawn & Gayla McKinnon, Shawn, Camryn & Jacob


Dan & Terri Fields

Michael & Ronda Lau, Ella, Avery & Eden

Preston & Stephanie Long, Hadley & Ella

Jan & Paige Miller

welcome to asbury

we’re glad you’re here

Roberta Neel

Michael Rice

Truman & Linda Rachels

Debbie Reece

Tom & Suzanne Shirley

Chris Willard

Asbury Exploration Classes If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. Choose from one of the upcoming Sunday membership classes: April 5 • May 3 Classes are from 12:15 - 2 pm. Call 392-1191 to reserve your place. Childcare is available and lunch is provided.



family room in celebration of marriage 55 years

50 years

Vernon & Maralee Jones April 3, 1954

Lee & Virginia Flowers April 18, 1959 Jim & Sue Allison April 11, 1959

we celebrate • Jensley Black, daughter of Wes and Gina Black, born February 25 • Lia Katelyn Van Buskirk, daughter of Dan and Kristen Van Buskirk, born February 3

we remember

• Grace Lee, mother of Bob (Robbie) Lee, died on February 3 • Patricia Benson, died on February 6 • Bert Widlund, husband of Retha, died on February 9

• Tom Lovell, son of Patsy (Rick) Brooks, and father of Skyler and Tyler, died on February 10 • Charles Hall, husband of Jean, died on February 11 • Charles R. (Chuck) Spears, father of Charlie Spears & Greg (Denise) Spears, died on February 26 34 ASBURY TIDINGS

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