Asbury Tidings - Where We Are Going

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inside tidings 3-4

This Month at Asbury


Notes from the Journey

6 - 25

Where We’re Going

26 - 30

Calendar of Events


Crossword Puzzle

32 - 33

New Members

34 - 35

Family Room

Looking Ahead...

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for your harm, to give you a future with hope” (Jer. 29:11). God has great plans for His people; His plans move us towards a future and hope. “Future” in this verse is the Hebrew word, “akaryth” meaning, “the The disciples were trying to protect Jesus from the children. Because they latter-part or after-part.” Everything in life assumed that Jesus had more important things to do than hang around a bunch of takes place in parts or stages, after the first kids. “Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them part comes the second part, and so on. As and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them .” (Matt 19:13) we move forward in stages, it is comforting The disciples were thinking of adult men, not little children. “Jesus said, “Let to know that God’s plan for each stage is the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven towards our welfare. “Shalom,” is the word belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from translated “welfare,” it implies wholeness, there.” completeness, soundness, and peace. This means that we can look forward to the future Ironically, it was the disciples who were attempting to block what Jesus was Invite your friends and neighbors... with confident expectation and anticipation, trying to do. They were supposed to be “followers” of Jesus. Imagine that! The knowing that the fulfillment of His plans will kingdom of heaven was bursting forth right in front of their very eyes but they were result in our “shalom.” too focused on other things. They had lost their vision.

Asbury’s Annual Sola Akala Easter Egg -Hunt Sunday, April 9 Tidings Staff Jan Weinheimer 2:00-4:00 pm Sandy Wagner Juli Armour Lisa Tresch Lina Holmes Chris Lo

Contributors Scott MacDonald, Christy Capps Julie Reynolds Special Thanks to Our M:P Agents LeAnne Taylor Erwin, Julie Reynolds Larry Stockard & J.C. Crum On the cover: Agent Larry Stockard considers the challenge of MISSION: POSSIBLE. This month’s Tidings presents more evidence of Asbury’s need for expansion. Back cover: Agent J.C. Crum takes a closer look at MISSION: POSSIBLE.

It is impossible to think of Asbury’s future without thinking about children and students. I want to be a pastor of a church that passionately loves children and students. I want to be part of a church that places hands on children, not with abuse, but with compassion and kindness. I want to be part of a church that introduces children and youth to the kingdom of heaven. Asbury has a glorious past. Last month’s Tidings focused upon that. We are building upon that legacy. As a result, we are far more than merely a rearview mirror congregation. We cherish our memories, but we also have a future. We have a vision that is calling us forth to reach a new generation in a new day. Much of that vision is about taking care of the little ones that God has given to us. “Mission Possible” calls us to be on a spiritual journey to decide how we can invest in the lives of people over the next 36 months. Some of our gifts will help with mission projects, some will help reduce our debt (if we make our goal we will be debt-free in 6 ½ years), some will make building improvements (a walkway and porticos), and some gifts will add adult classrooms. But the primary beneficiaries will be children and students. We are going to try to act as Jesus did – “placing our hands on them ” to pray for them and bless them. There is simply nothing closer to the heart of Jesus than these little ones. One of my favorite quotes of John Wesley’s was a call to action. He said, “If your heart is as my heart, lend me your hand!” Join with me as we respond this month to these wonderful opportunities before us! See you Sunday, photo by Christy Capps


Mission: Possible... is a spiritual journey that we will take as a church body, and as individuals. Each person will have the opportunity to prayerfully consider how they will be a part of the future of Asbury – and the mission of building God’s kingdom. Resources and teaching materials are available to help you make a financial commitment decision. In addition, this month’s Tidings will provide answers to questions you may have regarding Mission: Possible. Or, you may log onto our website at and submit your questions. On May 21, 2006, each individual or family will have the opportunity to make its commitment for the three-year giving period. We hope you will take time to do three things: 1) Learn about the Mission: Possible campaign and all that will be accomplished through it. 2) Pray about how God would have you be involved. 3) Participate. You will be blessed when you follow God’s leading. (A sample commitment card is shown below. The Asbury family will receive one in the mail before May 21.)

Can I designate my pledge to a specific component or components that are already part of the overall expansion plan? Our consultant, RSI has advised us, based on their experience in thousands of stewardshihp programs, not to accept such directed giving. Therefore all pledges received will be applied to the entire project.

Can I designate my giving to something that is not in the plans for this phase? A great deal of time and study went into the decisions that resulted in the components of phase two of expansion. As a result, the Administrative Council and the church body approved those components and the required funding specifically. Also, any funds above the required level for the whole project were approved to go to debt reduction. Therefore, funds designated for other purposes are not part of this campaign.

Jesus looked at them and said,

“With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27 Beginning June 2006 through May 2009, I commit to helping make Asbury’s

Mission: Possible! I commit to give $______________ per ________________________(week/month/quarter/year) for a total three-year pledge of $ _______________ Name_______________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________________________ This voluntary commitment may be changed at Signature __________________________________________ any time by contacting the church financial office. 3 TIDINGS

May 3-4.pmd


4/11/2006, 10:40 AM

Asbury Vacation Bible School 2006 Arctic Edge Monday-Thursday June 26-29


9:00 am - 12:15 pm. Cost: $10 per child with $25 family maximum, applying to preschool through new 4th graders. No registration deadline, but in order to be guaranteed T-shirt size and crew placement, please register by June 1. Register online at or pick up a form in one of the gathering areas.

Volunteer Training Required training for volunteers will be held for all previous and new vol-

5.6 Challenge Camp Sunday - Thursday, June 25 - 29 Sunday, June 25 from 3:00-8:00 pm, Monday - Thursday, June 26-29 from 9:00 am - 12:15 pm, and Friday, June 30 from 10:00

unteers. Come learn how we can keep VBS kids safe and learn about what VBS looks like this year. Saturday, May 20 from 8:30 - 10:00 am or Wednesday, June 14 from 6:00-7:30 pm. Call 392-1159 with any questions.

am - 2:00 pm. Cost: $25 a child. No family

tion deadline, but in order to be guaran-

arctic edge T een T ra ining Tra raining

teed your T-shirt size, please register by

Thursday, June 22 from 11:00 am –

June 1. You may register online at

3:00 pm in the 5.6 Room. All teen Questions? Contact

helpers are required to attend this

training. You will learn how to help

discount available. There is no registra-

with VBS. We will feed you lunch, and you will get to help create decorations! Call Kim at 392-1159 with

famil y fun night amily

any questions.

The week’s activities will come to a close with our Family Fun Night, Thursday, June 29 from 5:30-8:30 pm. It’s an awesome

Arctic Edge CDs

time to celebrate the fabulous week of VBS,

Available in the Gazebo for $6!

hang out with friends and family, play on

Get a head-start on the great

the cool inflatables, and eat, eat, eat!

songs we’ll be singing during Vacation Bible School! TIDINGS 4

May 3-4.pmd


4/11/2006, 10:40 AM

Notes from the Journey Fixing Up the House by Lisa Tresch


ur family moved into a new house last July. We bought the house in late May, but it needed a facelift, so we waited for eight weeks before we actually moved in. Each day, we trekked over to the house to see how things were coming along. My son, Colin, worked for the contractor during those summer months, and so he spent his days putting up drywall, sanding, painting, pulling out bathroom commodes. We watched as the house was transformed, but it was a strange feeling. More than once, we all felt what only a few of us would say: “This house doesn’t feel much like home yet.” On a steamy July day, we loaded our furniture and belongings onto a truck and made the move to the new house. It was a short drive, since we moved within our neighborhood, and I began to worry that we would pass by the old house and wish that we were “back home.” But as the weeks went by, an amazing thing began to happen. Once the five of us-eight if you include the two dogs and the very angry cat--were settled into the house, it became home. We walk by the old house almost every day, but it belongs to someone else. Our home is where our family resides. I drive by the place where Asbury used to meet every day also, and it’s the same feeling. Our family has moved. Once the walk was made to 66th and Mingo, we began to meet in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings and occupy discipleship community rooms and pass each other in the hallways. 5

And now it is home. There is another element to all of this, however. One of the commitments our family made when we moved into our house last July was to open the doors and welcome people into it. We’ve had office parties, family gatherings, youth small group get-togethers and friends sleep on the air mattress in the gameroom. There is something about inviting other people into your house that puts the final touch on the concept of home. When I think about Mission: Possible, this seems to be the best way to bring it into clear focus. Every element of what we are going to do opens the door a little wider so that we can welcome people into the house, and into the family. I think about my children in these terms. They are still learning what it means to be part of a church family. My two teenagers would not be the same people without the children’s and student ministries of Asbury. I am certain of this. They just returned from spring break mission trips and there is a different light in their eyes, and they’re talking about things like growing in Christ and serving people who are less fortunate. And so the idea of student ministries having a place that allows Asbury to open the doors wider to even more students whose lives will be changed

makes perfect sense to me. The same goes for the children’s ministry. People just keep coming, and the space is now limited. I would hate to have to turn people away from my home because we couldn’t fit them in. God asks that we open our arms and hearts to people who are not yet part of our family, and He asks that we take care of those who are. Sometimes, you have to fix up the house a little to make sure that happens. And you have to plan for the future, and extend yourself even further out into the world. Asbury seeks to do all of these things through the Mission: Possible. For those who aren’t sure if it’s worth it, think back to when the doors were opened for you and someone welcomed you into the house, and into the family.


Tidings 5-06.pmd


5/5/2006, 11:07 AM

MISSION: POSSIBLE You have been selected for a top secret mission. In April you received your official document outlining the need for this important mission. Please continue to pray about your part in Mission: Possible.

SPECIAL AGENTS: Special agents assigned to lead you on the mission are: Basil & Gay James, Jeff & Cathy Wilkie, Julie Reynolds, Brian & Tiffany Kiker, John & Stephanie Locher, Drew & Melinda Phillips, Randy & Jonni Segnar; Teresa Springer; Jeremy Burton, Patrick Jackson, Todd Lesikar, Melissa Phenicie, Debbie Wilson, Hugh & Jean Atchison, Ed & Jan Hines, Frank & Cathy Gentry, Tom & Jennifer Sharpe, Steve & Tiffanie Garrett, Bill & Dixie Keeth, Rick & Lila Miller, John & Jennifer Points, Clay & Theresa Smith, Juli Armour, Mike & Wendy Gray, Leonard & Mary Stubbs, Jeff & Kerry Turner, Rev. Mark McAdow, Cheryl Steffen, Beverlyn Summers, Carolyn Yoder, Karl & Mary Alice Ahlgren, Jimmy Bloyed, Lina Holmes, Chris Lo, Lori McKinnon, Lisa Tresch, Sandy Wagner, Jan Weinheimer, Jeff & Tonia Brown, Michele Caine, Joan Henning, Tim & Cathey Carney, Chris & Missy Cooper, Mark Fowler, John Weidman, Rex Alexander, Bill Barnes, Don Davis, Gary VanFossen, Bryan Johnson, Dennis Linscheid, Russ McBroom, Jeff Thomas, Dwight Yoder. ASBURY TIDINGS

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Insights from Headquarters Mission: Possible is as much a spiritual journey as it is a money-raising venture. Prayer, fasting and seeking God’s will has already been a vital part of the campaign, and co-leadership couples Basil and Gay James, and Jeff and Cathy Wilkie believe that the spiritual aspect of MP is vital. “It will be a time for the strengthening of the faith of the faithful,” said Basil. “There is joy when a couple goes before God to decide what they will contribute over three years – they will be stretched and the Lord will provide.”

“The activities,” adds Gay, “are also designed to enable people to find areas of involvement so that they can meet needs and nourish their own souls.” Jeff says that he sees a calling that has been laid on Asbury, and it’s God’s blessing that we have outgrown our present facilities. “We continue to grow because we have met those needs in the community, and we will continue to grow as we keep meeting the needs.”


The co-leadership couples agree that the importance of prayer shouldn’t be underestimated. “Every decision should be taken to God,” says Cathy. Jeff agrees, and adds, “The thrust of Mission: Possible is to discern what God’s will is and to ask ourselves what we can sacrifice or do without. It is a time to become more aware of the needs, and seek out what God would have us to do.” Basil says, “Where your treasure lies, there is your heart.” It is his prayer that through the course of the campaign people will be exposed to the needs of the children and students, and will want to provide them the opportunity to grow and mature in their faith. Adults also figure into the campaign in an important way, says Jeff. “There is a need for adult programming space for new communities. It’s also about our commitment to Abiding Harvest, our work in the Baltic, and our continuing outreach programs. I’d like to see everyone take responsibility, and there are so many opportunities to help.” Both Jeff and Cathy say they are touched by the people who, in spite of their busy schedules, have stepped up to help with the campaign. New friendships have formed as a result of the work together, they said. The campaign is the result of the labors of at least a dozen people over three to five years – starting almost as soon as Building on Faith was completed. “It was the building fund project

that opened my eyes and taught me to raise them to the Lord,” says Basil. “No two or three or four of us can raise 14 million dollars on our own. No one can just write the check, but together, all things are possible with God.” Jeff says that he sees the campaign as a real turning point for the Asbury congregation, and an opportunity to build on the culture established by those who have gone before us and paved the way. He sees it as a time to ask if we’re still feeding people and meeting their needs. The co-leadership couples stress a single goal of the campaign: making sure the resources are available so that Asbury can continue to build God’s Kingdom. They all agree that there is joy in going before the Lord and asking how to best stretch ourselves to meet His will. - Scott MacDonald


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5/5/2006, 11:07 AM

Moving Forward with the Mission: The Expansion Project In August, 2005, the Administrative Council approved an expansion project that will meet our needs for present ministry programs and future growth. This expansion project will allow Asbury to continue to carry out the mission to which we have been called in the Tulsa community and beyond. The project includes: Mission Component of $500,000. The Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary will receive $250,000; New church start Abiding Harvest UMC will receive $125,000 for a building program; a struggling urban UMC (to be determined) will receive $125,000 over a three-year period.


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ASSIGNMENT: MISSIONS They lovingly referred to it as the “Corvette Cathedral.” That was the name the members of Abiding Harvest gave their first location in a room in a garage complete with folding chairs; the first of seven locations for the newly planted church. Since that time they met in six more locations including three schools, office space and a combination of both. Since 2002 they have leased a store-front location in the back area of Shannon Square Business Park at 51st and Mingo Road. Abiding Harvest Pastor Chris Buskirk likens leasing space to “dancing Swan Lake in football pads. It’s just not good stewardship. School auditoriums are not only costly but exhausting to completely set up and tear down in a few hours before and after services and store everything from nursery cribs to sound equipment at a remote site. We sustained this routine for two years before relieving our move crew with facilities we could use 24/7.” Interestingly, Chris was a part of Asbury’s youth ministry in the late 70s and early 80s. Graduating from Jenks High School, he continued his education at ORU and later Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. His first pastorate was in North Georgia. Then he returned to First United Methodist Church of Tulsa. While working toward his doctorate he was invited to serve as preaching associate at First United Methodist Church of Houston. After being there for two years, he and his wife, Cheryl, returned to Tulsa to meet the challenge of planting a new church—Abiding Harvest. He has pastored this church for seven years growing from 50 members to its current 225 member congregation. The church is now experiencing growing pains, feeling cramped. This has led the congregation to prepare for their future with a new facility that will accommodate 400 worshipers and add 6000 sq. ft. of space. “The per foot cost in mortgage payments will be almost the same as our current cost per foot now as we lease,” explained Chris. Again, it’s just good stewardship. “Our new facilities will dramatically increase our visibility and accessibility in our target community. Children’s ministries will be more secure, spacious and creative,” he said. According to Chris their audio/visual needs far outpace their budget. “Our amphitheater will only be roughed in. Furnishing and playground equipment will be minimal. If funds become available after the completion of Asbury’s three-year campaign, the funds given by Asbury would likely be directed toward securing our option on an adjacent ten-acres of land that would complete our originally envisioned 20-acre campus. In either case, the funds would enable us to do what we could not do on our own, and more of that to which God has set our aim while knowing unless He intervenes it is impossible. But ‘with God’ . . . and God’s help Part of the Mission: through friends like you . . . ‘all things are posPossible campaign sible.’” includes a commitment of -Sandy Wagner

$250,000 to the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary in Tallin, Estonia.



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5/5/2006, 11:07 AM

. n o i ans ids come p x y E ion that “k rder to r t s o ini to the vis d. In M n a xp is n’s ommitted to e e in th s r e e u c n c ld in Chi Asbury is inistry cont with excelle he expan-

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Tidings 5-06.pmd


5/5/2006, 11:07 AM


Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6


icture a place where babies are rocked, sung to and treasured, where young children first learn how to pray, where they learn about Jesus through games and puppet shows. Visualize older kids inviting their friends to come and worship God, singing songs that help them remember Biblical truths, where stories from the Bible are taught using video and drama in an engaging way and children are a part of a small group in which they are known and loved. Imagine children who are growing in their relationship with Christ, who love His Word, who know how to live the Christian life at home, in their school and in their neighborhoods. Envision a group of adults who serve with great joy and passion, who are part of the body of Christ and are committed to using their spiritual gifts to mentor a generation of children who will become leaders for the Kingdom. Welcome to the Faith Zone. “We wanted our vision of the ministry to be encompassed in our logo. We want the children to have faith in Jesus Christ, have fun, feel loved and at home,” said Sandra McAteer, Director of Children’s Ministry. “Our vision for the future is to have so many children we will be offering additional programming in addition to 11

Sundays. We want our ministry to reach outside to the entire community. We will continue to improve and grow our Vacation Bible School so that the walls are bulging.” On Sunday mornings the

walls are already bulging in the infant room, two-year-old and three-year-old classrooms. Currently the Faith Zone has 1,964 children enrolled in Sunday morning programming ranging in age from six-weeks to 13-years-old. The average weekly attendance is 800. (It takes 300 volunteers to provide outstanding programming each week for the children.) “Young children bring the entire family to church. Families in today’s society come in many different packages: single moms, single dads, grandparent’s assuming the role of the parents, blended families, etc. We want to make a conscious effort to partner and

equip parents to help grow their children spiritually,” she said. The Faith Zone staff tries hard to reach each individual child. “We will continue to make the ministry feel small as we grow. It’s all about relationships. We want to know every child by name,” Sandra said. They have developed new tools to help with their ministry to children. One of these tools is called “Milestones.” This identifies basic Biblical principles that will be taught from birth through sixth grade as the children grow spiritually. The Bible lessons and activities are relevant to kids in their life today because the staff looks for ways to reach them by knowing their culture, listening to their music, renting their movies, and watching the television shows kids are watching. Sandra spoke emphatically about the talented Children’s Ministry staff members who work very hard to put together the programs, events and classes that reach the kids. They meet together on a regular basis for prayer and Bible study. They also attend conferences which help them receive the tools needed to improve or confirm the direction they are taking. When asked how she and her team plan to keep this thriving children’s ministry working, Sandra said, “I think we need to stay on our knees.” -Christy Capps


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t to n a u w ow up? o y t do you gr a h W hen be w





Tidings 5-06.pmd


5/5/2006, 11:07 AM


What do you want to be wh en you gr ow up?








Tidings 5-06.pmd


5/5/2006, 11:07 AM

Chief of Student Ministries Agency: Greg Lynn At one point in his ministry with students, Greg Lynn would see 20,000 youth at the worship services each week. Through the use of Sidewalk Sunday School trucks during the week and multiple Sunday services, the church Lynn served at in Brooklyn, N.Y. was able to reach far out into the community. And outreach was the key. Each student was visited at home by a volunteer or staff at the church. Greg, who is the new Students Ministries Manager at Asbury, still sees outreach as the key to ministry and to the success of a church. And he is working hard at getting to know the students at Asbury. The culture and environment in a sprawling suburban church is very different than the inner-city ministry in Brooklyn, but the principle is the same: relationships. Greg believes outreach helps foster these relationships by taking the church outside its own walls. “Jesus didn’t tell the world to go to church,” he says. “But He did tell the church to go to the world.” After nineteen years, Greg moved back to Oklahoma in 2003, where he served in a church in east Tulsa. He continued the concept of Sidewalk Sunday Schools while he was at the east Tulsa church, and after three years God directed his steps to Asbury. Greg, his wife Sandy and their three children, Jeneva, Josiah and Jayda came to Asbury in February. They live near Beggs in a house he and his father built when Greg was in high school. After becoming a Christian at age five, Greg grew up in church and when he was in junior high, the North Tulsa congregation his family belonged to merged with a south Tulsa church. “Seeing the contrast of environments probably made me question just how the Gospel works. That was a blessing in disguise because I’ve never quit questioning and I continue to try and figure out how the Gospel still applies today in all types of settings and places.” Greg believes Asbury has a wonderful facility and many parents who are involved in volunteering in student ministries, but he also sees the potential for outreach and for continuing to involve students in serving in the world beyond. Spring Break mission trips are a lifechanging starting point for taking the students outside of themselves, and the walls of the church. He wants to see the students continue that “others-centered” mentality throughout the year. “Outreach, or going outside of ourselves is the last in the healthy process of a God-breathed life. If we don’t attempt this or continue to just take in, we become unhealthy,” he says. For now, however, Greg is working on getting to know the students and continuing to build a base of teamwork within the Student Ministry staff. He is excited about the direction of the ministry, and sees the new ice rink facility as another tool that will allow Asbury Student Ministries to continue to expand and reach students for Chrisl. Relationships, he still maintains, are the key. “Most Christians, and a lot of adults want to race to relevancy first, but they do so without the relationships. Consequently, not too many will listen. But with relationships first, you earn the right for relevancy,” Greg says. Greg loves working with students and making connections with each individual person. “I feel like it’s such an opportunity to make friendships for life,” he says. He still keeps in contact with many of his students that are now adults. “It’s exciting to see how you can really influence students...influence them for God.” -Lisa Tresch ASBURY TIDINGS 14

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Student Ministry Expansion. Studies indicated that tremendous growth in small group participation and mission trip involvement, however, space deficiencies in the student ministry facility limit Sunday morning programming flexibility. The studies show that growth on Sunday morning is at a flat rate. Both Sunday morning and small group programming need additional and more flexible facilities. When the Tulsa Ice Arena was put on the market in June, 2005, an initial study was made concerning the purchase of this property. Leadership determined that it offered many options and met the needs of student ministry programming better than anything we could have developed in the expansion project. A recommendation was made to the Administrative Council, Trustees, Finance and SPRC to purchase the property, and they voted unanimously to proceed. The church voted on September 18, 2005 to purchase the property for $1,650,000, and the property was purchased on September 29. The building is on 3.5 acres and is approximately 38,300 square feet. It includes an additional 217 parking spaces. The expansion project will increase the square footage of the building to 53,000 square feet to accommodate student ministry space, as well as provide an 800-1,000 seat auditorium. The estimate for the remodel on the Arena is approximately $3,250,000, which will include removing the berm on the southeast corner of our property and creating a landscaped drive and walkway that will connect the buildings.


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5/5/2006, 11:07 AM

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? How do you plan to make a difference for the Kingdom of God?

Operative-in-Training: Amy Reinking Recent Assignment: Casa Bernabe Future Assignment: University of Oklahoma, Nursing Goal: God has given me many gifts and experiences that have led me to the decisions I have made. The Lord has given me a passion for loving and serving people. For the past four years I have been on missions trips with the Asbury youth group and I have learned that I have a desire to help people.

Undercover Agent-in-Training: Jennifer Milligan Recent Assignment: Casa Bernabe Future Assignment: Psychology, Spanish Language and Culture Goal: I really feel God has placed it on my heart to pursue my goal to become bilingual and to use my Spanish in the future. The puzzle of God’s great mystery is only beginning to come together and many things I envision for my own future my be the complete opposite of God’s plan. God knows what is best for me and through prayer and patience, I will come to understand His desires for my life in the coming years.

Operative-in-Training: Kara Bunting Recent Assignment: Casa Bernabe Future Assignment: College, Working with Children Goal: I love working with children and I think this is where God wants me to make a difference in the world. I am totally putting my faith in God, because I know that He is guiding me in every decision. I hope that as I continue growing closer to God. He will reveal His purpose for me. Whatever I do and wherever I go I know it is for Him!

Agent-in-Training: Lydia Tate Recent Assignment: Casa Bernabe Future Assignment: College, Teacher, Nurse or Social Worker Goal; To be completely honest, I have no idea where I will be in ten years. All I want is to be happy and doing what God wants me to be doing. The unknown does scare me though. But whenever I do get scared, I think back to Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give a hope and a future

Agent-in-Training: Katie Brower Recent Assignment: Potter’s House Future Assignment: Athletic Trainer at a High School Goal: I want to make a different in the world through my work. I will get to be helping the same students day after day. I want to live my life as a shining A.I.A. Agent-in-Training: light for Jesus Christ. Missions is also Lauren Hufft a big part of my life. I can truly say Recent Assignment: Potter’s House Future Assignment: College, Medical that without the church I would not have realized what my potential is. I School, Neurosurgeon Goal: With my knowledge, I want to go want to thank the church for always on medical missions to Guatemala and supporting student ministries because it has made a difference in my life. Tanzania. I want to be a well-known surgeon not only for my great work, but also for my faith in God. A.I.A. Agent-in-Training:

Operative-in-Training: Jennifer Ebigwu Recent Assignment: Potter’s House Future Assignment: College, Medical School, Anesthesiologist or Pediatrician Goal: Helping people in the future because people are the most important thing.

Kathleen Wagner Recent Assignment: Potter’s House Future Assignment: College, Pharmacy or Education, International Missions Goal: Using my degree to help those in need and spread Christ’s love throughout the nations, perhaps in Africa or Central America. I feel so blessed in my life and I feel that God wants me to share these blessings with others ASBURY TIDINGS 16

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Agent-in-Training: Jordan Hill Recent Assignment: Casa Bernabe Future Assignment: Family, Job and Missions Goal: Whether it is Africa or inner-city Tulsa, missions will be part of my life. Sometimes I feel that as we grow up we get caught up in our personal lives and forget about our spiritual life and about other people’s needs. God has blessed me with an ability to see when people need something. I’m going to use that gift to serve others no matter where I go.

A.I.A. Agent-in-Training: Kirk Phillips Recent Assignment: Casa Bernabe Future Assignment: College, Job and Family Goal: I will make a difference in the world by sharing God with others and by working hard to make the world a great place. I will remember what I have learned at Asbury and try to apply it in my everyday life.

Operative-in-Training: Phillip Ford Recent Assignment: Potter’s House Future Assignment: Golf Professional (PGA) Goal: I want to play professional golf, but there’s lot of odds against me. I know with God all things are possible. If it’s God’s will, He and I will just lean back and push those obstacles down. If I were to achieve my goal I would not be ashamed to give the glory to God. I also want to give money to missionaries and religious outreach programs.



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Negotiator-in-Training: Scott Briggs Recent Assignment: Potter’s House Future Assignment: Missions Goal: I’m planning on returning to Potter’s House this summer. This trip has changed my life, the people of Potter’s House have made me so different. I love them all, both trips— everyone. Thank you, Asbury, for this opportunity. You have changed my life. Agent-in-Training: J.C. Crum Recent Assignment: Potter’s House Future Assignment: Sports Analyst with ESPN Goal: I would like to show my faith through my work and display Christ through my attitude towards others. I thank Asbury for giving me the opportunity to go on missions because the mission experiences I have been on have truly helped me draw closer to Christ. Agent-in-Training: Andrew Hopper Recent Assignment: Potter’s House Future Assignment: Car Shop, Married with Children Goal: I see myself going on plenty of mission trips as a leader. I see myself living an incredible life for God and raising an awesome family with wife and kids. Agent-in-Training: Donald Martin Recent Assignment: Potter’s House Future Assignment: Christian Family, Career Goal Unsure Goal: I want to make an impact for God’s kingdom. I currently have no idea what that exactly is, but through prayer time will tell. I would like to have a family that is living strong in the Lord and He will be the foundation.

A.I.A. Agent-in-Training: Cory Sexton Recent Assignment: Case Bernabe Future Assignment: Married with Children, Outreach Goal: Sometimes I want to travel the world and do missions work to make a difference. At other time I want to start up a new outreach program to reach kids. No matter what happens in my life it will be where God wants me

Operative-in-Training: Aaron DeSilva Recent Assignment: Potter’s House Future Assignment: College, Business, Married with Children (and puppy) Goal: I plan on living close to my parents so that they can baby sit my kids. Negotiator-inTraining: Jeffrey Harrison Recent Assignment: Casa Bernabe Future Assignment: College, Psychology Goal: One thing that is for sure is my faith in God will remain strong.

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REMODEL CURRENT CLASSROOM SPACE. Adult Discipleship Communities continue to grow, and as a result, we are now out of spaces to begin new communities. Those that have formed recently meet at other times of the week, such as Wednesday evenings. Some communities that meet on Sunday morning have outgrown their classrooms, but have nowhere to move. Part of our vision is to have each member involved in a small group community, but we must provide a place for this to happen. Building out additional adult classroom space is not feasible at this time, and so the expansion plan calls for the conversion of the current Student Ministry area into adult space. This would provide an additional 7,000 square feet and would allow us to start eight to twelve new communities. This would provide for 600-900 more people to participate in Sunday morning communities. The estimated cost of this remodel is $500,000. Covered Entrances/Porticos. The all-church survey revealed that we lack easy access into our facility during inclement weather. A covered walkway from the south entrance (by the children’s area) to the curb at the driveway is included in the expansion plan. A similar walkway is planned for the northeast entrance (current Breakaway entrance). The estimated cost of construction for these walkways/porticos is approximately $300,000. Covered Walkway to Mason Chapel. The construction of a walkway from the main facility to Mason Chapel will tie the facilities together and complete a major architectural feature for our campus. The construction will be of cast stone and brick and will tie into the existing atrium adjacent to the Community Life Center, extending to the southeast entrance of the Chapel. Estimated cost of construction is approximately $500,000.


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The mission of Asbury United Methodist Church is to Glorify God and make Disciples. If we are truly about making disciples as is evident in this church then expanding is an obvious necessity. As a church grows in number so does the need of its members to worship in a convenient environment and bring along those who are dear to them especially the children, our future. Asbury had already moved to this new location when I came but I have been told that the Children’s Department was at its maximum capacity even at the time of moving here. With that and the fact that God continues to extend His Kingdom among us by drawing more people to him through this church, the need for more room cannot be over emphasized. -Judith Banya

Asbury has a vital Christian education program for all ages including children, youth and adults. Currently there are over 30 Sunday morning adult classes offered and our children and youth areas are filled to the maximum capacity. Since we’ve moved into our new facility, we’ve experienced growth only dreamed about by many churches. We actually have a “waiting list” of groups needing room to begin a new class. This is a remarkable fact. We actually have groups praying for a room in which to meet. It is a wonderful challenge for us and a critical one. -Linda Petty

Patty and I wanted to be able to retire from the active ministry in a church where the Spirit of God was moving in a special way. We praise God for leading us to Asbury for we have seen the Holy Spirit at work beyond our wildest imagination. Through the dedication of these special people we have not only made a major move to 6767 S. Mingo, but we have seen every department explode with vital ministries. Because of this explosion of God’s Spirit in our midst, we are out of room in the Children’s and Youth Departments, and we don’t have another room to start a new community on Sunday mornings. We believe that even as God has brought us thus far, we will see the Holy Spirit at work through our lives in “Mission: Possible.” -David Thomas

Last year I realized a dream that I have had—from years ago. I have wanted to have a “safe room.” As we drew up the plans it grew from “just a safe room” to additional storage space for clothes, etc. I thought that closet space would appear when I moved my stuff to the new storage space. Wrong! We have filled the available space. That seems to be what has happened in our new, beautiful spacious building on Mingo. I am so very grateful to God for the children who come each Sunday and during the week. It takes a small army of volunteers to staff the Children’s Department to adequately care for and nurture those precious lives. When we are able to raise the necessary funds we will need to enlarge the children’s area, adding 22 more classrooms for more precious children. The same need is true for our youth and adults. How very much I will welcome the ability to load and unload families and friends “under cover.” I am getting slower in my old age and find it difficult to “run between the rain drops” any more. It is wonderful what God can do when together we do our part to make things better. -Bill Mason

Explosive growth! It’s amazing to note that in just two short years, our average worship attendance has grown to nearly 3,500 on any given Sunday. The growth in the Children’s area has been nothing less than remarkable! As a father of three children at Asbury – the need for additional space on Sunday morning cannot be denied. We simply do not have the space to adequately care for our children and students. Mission Possible will provide 50% more space for our children and a brand new space dedicated to our Student Ministries at the former Tulsa Ice Arena. This will provide the opportunity to divide students into their own grade levels for more effective Bible study and teaching. It will also provide a new worship venue for Asbury and needed student small group space. Since moving to our new location, Adult Community space is completely maxed out at both 9:15 and 11:00, which is preventing growth in beginning new Adult Communities at those hours on Sunday mornings. With a successful Mission Possible Campaign, we will be able to renovate current Youth space and offer four more additional Adult Communities at both those hours. God continues to bless Asbury as we are faithful to Him. It’s nothing short of amazing to see what God is doing and will do as we put our trust in Him! It’s really true – “All things are possible with God!” – Mark 10:2 -Mark McAdow


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P Meth erhaps y ou k odist n of th C e Un hurch i ow that s “Op the o ited mess Me en ut ag open e, and A thodist C Minds, O reach m o sbur p h as w y is c urch W en Hear tto for T e see Our elcom ts, Op he U ertai k to hear n nly t ts ha e e 119:1 hat k You!” I n Doors… ited 0). O are open ve “the The mind ind o think the e ur d a s Peop see f chu oo o n le rch. this is a we’r trance o rs are o k God w f Christ” good e goi i O p f ( t e u 1 h t n h r C our e Kin o as w ng to m r i i nds a nthia who ew go fo T more he “Open cus on O f Glory ( elcome a le hearts ns 2:16) re . P P l …alw ( l C E salm P a hair NC a grou 24:7) nd as w salm ps ac ys expec ” concep HAIRS! e . antic And t t tuall gathe ipate now y inc God to b is simpl r. , onc e…alw ring lude e aga othe a an e y This s hav in, rs… mpty room is at er chair always the h be ho oom for in th who (chairs!) eart sp eir c to re of M a ircle itable. S is ac alwa re not co om when ys ha nnec h out to sion: Poss they e -Dub ve an Op ted to th the tens ible! We e Ch en C a of th Amb u hair ousa re makin rose and rch, the n g mo ds i B say t o all… ody of C n the Tu re hrist lsa a “YOU rea . As are w elcom bury wil l e her ur e!” from o move d n r a u o r e ov p to icated ding u mmun ths lea o ach.” c e n o b m e m o nd the on th ion T t in d a n r c e ation a la lo b c m esent as “to a relo r w p h t I reme s g d r e u la u e o n he oo hr been t ressing been t ation t at has old loc t our p I had never h a t h e t r u in ga ry, ent e over a t Asbu ting the adv ugh th g up a a in ip w ic t o ce thro er “How r n la a G p f o g d in way t is tak en won r had no s! try tha y today I oft operated ove eis r in a e m y r e d gr u h a t b n s h two o t c A a e ur ok s of ”? W As I lo ity of o rogram old location iv p t a e e h r t e ec and ry is at th thanks to th people minist r do th e e il v h e ent to e w m a it r e o m it did w t m u co ga y for q nd the workin n capacit dness a selves again ampaig o c o g g ’s in d . d r o n il u G u o io f t b ga is eo ind sed Becaus y we f ited about th increa Asbur ial for c f t x o n e e t e le o r p ep mo peo now th of the ! I am apacity ause I now k wo years. c e v o ab tt bec the las he last ced by than t n e id v ry e minist riag -Todd C

I have been am azed in seeing the variety of brought to Asbu people that Go ry these two ye d has ars. Our newer ethnically, econ members are di omically and vo verse ca tionally, as wel marital status. l as in their ag One common in e and gredient amon is that, before co g many of our ming to Asbury new members , many have be church for a nu en disconnected mber of years. from the While holding Savior and Lord to their faith in , they were no Je sus as t in are reconnectin fellowship with g with the chur fellow Christia ns. Many ch so that their opportunity to children will ha know the storie ve the s of the Bible an ally. d to know Jesu s personAsbury contin ues to be given children and st the privilege of udents in our having LOTS of congregation. struggle with While most ch the aging of th urches eir congregatio youth. It is a tr ns, Asbury still emendous hono has plenty of r to pass along “next generatio the Christian ns!” faith to the -Dick Read


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Debt Reduction of $3,000,000. This money, raised during the capital stewardship campaign, will allow us to have our current debt completely repaid according to its terms by 2014.


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DEBT REDUCTION Our leadership and congregation agree that debt reduction is a critical piece of this campaign. It is our desire to be intentional and strategic concerning our long term debt. At the completion of the construction of Phase One, our long term debt on the new facility was $10,000,000. This was more than desired but, due to the economic crisis related to 9/11 and other factors, it was unavoidable. However, as we look back on the decisions that were made during Phase One to build more than first anticipated, it actually worked out best. First, it allowed us to accommodate many more people. The additional expense was primarily due to the full build out of the Sanctuary and the construction of Mason Chapel. Secondly, the cost of construction has increased by nearly 25% since Phase One was completed. The additional expense related to the above referenced spaces would now cost us an estimated $800,000 to $1,000,000 in today’s prices. Not to mention the inefficiency of the remodel of the sanctuary. The original bank debt was at a fixed rate of 5.84% and was due in 2009, at which time a sizeable balloon payment would have been required which would have necessitated refinancing. In view of this, the risk of rising interest rates concerned the Administrative Council and led them to recommend and approve the refinancing of our existing term loan. Since the close of construction we continued to receive payments to the capital fund. The $300,000 matching gift at the end of 2005 offered further debt reduction. Collectively, these funds let us reduce the long term debt associated with Phase One to $7,600,000, including repaying land purchase notes for property on the north side of our campus. Our plan is to make a payment in 2009 of $ 3,000,000 raised from the capital stewardship campaign and have the debt completely repaid according to its terms by 2014.

REFINANCING The primary goal of the refinancing was to obtain rate protection for a longer term. This is not easy financing to acquire. At the conclusion of the competitive process JPMorgan Chase bank was selected as our financial partner. They offered the best rate, the best terms and were very flexible in meeting Asbury’s requirements. The long term debt refinancing was completed on October 25, 2005. Asbury now has a term note with Chase for $7,600,000 at 5.66% for approximately 8 1/2 years at which point, in 2014, it will be paid off (assuming we can make the $3,000,000 payment in four years as discussed earlier). Further, the Administrative Council has decided that no additional long term debt will be incurred for the proposed expansion project. We won’t build what we cannot fund. However, working capital is always necessary in a project such as this. Expenses are incurred for a project of this magnitude before all pledges are collected. In fact, the trend is that 30% of pledges are given in the first year of a campaign, 40% the second and 30% in the final year. So you can see the need for cash flow throughout the life of a project. Construction financing or lines of credit are commonly used to handle this situation. We did this for Phase One also. At the time of the refinancing, JPMorgan Chase also extended to Asbury a line of credit not to exceed $10,000,000. The payments are interest only and based on a floating rate of prime minus 1.5%, a very good rate. Both the long term debt and the line of credit are secured by a mortgage on the main Asbury facility, but there is no encumbrance on the land to the north of the ice rink; they are owned free and clear by the church. If you have any questions about our finances or anything in this article, you can go to our website and e-mail questions or call the Finance Department at the church. -Julie Reynolds 23 ASBURY TIDINGS

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a y made r u b s A s How ha o u r l i f e? y n i e c differen

of a and need peration es this, d f y o m because ealized r e, r I o e ef er er h h future ist; w d is. T short, my know Chr ior was an to In v . a e S m m t a a ca I I th o e wh where d who and their and becom f Asbury Asbury is understan o im ly le H u p tr er eo I p ft a e d where aped by th ke me seek th Savior an greatly sh ury to ma Wackenhu e sb b ty A l help il is d r w se h d u -C n a e. n m couldn’t ee b in God has invest life has ership, I d e b y r n r a m ti u e e en m sb m y f e A gsid ave ow o and m come alon ith sad to le ok my v w to ’s to s It te I es a s s. gn u A r d n willi ill gra 20 yea n, DC. w r to I e g v y in o a r sh M a in fo In rch in W een my church to work e to be. ed a chu ay in DC called m d I can st as b s n l h a a il , h h y w d ic it o d h c I just join G here of my uage an w s g sbury, w d n in A e m a e a f L n n o I a d e k eshm econ know ut th but thin sh as a S . As a fr and abo a), but I y li g r r ts m n e u o n b E e h sb d g m la A u e k in em y st er of (and O in teach oup. I r about m a memb in s degree youth gr assionate riences I had as ’s erience p p y r x e m u a Master I’ y sb . m A n e , o h r p ti x it ere te a e w c la th e du ople to th years n trip urban e r the pe ow, ten a missio ion back fo N ss n ommud . a o c n p k a a n e t e o f y a Houst part o that w Asbur g a r to trace th t e fo in b r n l and e u fu to d w grate how ool I istry kforce ( learned high sch the wor ban min fe. I am I r li in to u y y r in ly to m u e m d g sb alle olle d fir uit in At A feeling c g from c grounde my life. earing fr in f b m n o a l o t il I ti r , st si a is n p is a at tra Houston ard as th me to be It’s hard But, as h e their ti y faith. v . e m ) a te e g t b n u o o l o h il M e w w v n at I how to li cult that s in Him. -Mega urance th en how diffi nity and st ss e a u r o h y ty it s ti w n n e ar is wh g me no one w use I know my id example providin n y A b . h it a it c d e er my my fa I nee Christ b ere to off henever th rence in s w fe e f if s n d r o e b ig em first ry b ecause o om the m sbury were the ade a ve d time. B r fr m a t s h r a o t h p a p y A th . su of gh Asbur y blessed help and e people et throu I am ver 1999. Th lped us g ays have . e y h in lw il a y n m l ll il w fa a o e w d y yr burned e and m . Asbur ere for m my house tever we needed th e b g l il w ha how lon rch family w t my chu o matter a N s. th . m e r r w a e o pen be th that I kn n Taylor k with o tinue to s me bac will con e -Morga m it o t lc a e th ys w ow re. I kn rch alwa ry. ave our chu been the , out Asbu love Jesus and h s e h y m a it o w h lw a s e a s m a w o ve a h ly I h a u y h e ’t ays ho tr e isn st tim Asbur people w I will alw ury has done oing hom ce the la . y G n y b si . a e d n w e u e a d n e Asb ove it has b ill conti surroun hen I m rt, what ship at this w ury, I am . In sho ok for w relation e lo k y li to m k t f o I know th me I am at Asb o a lo h e r w ld e u tu o m fu ti e ught rch sh Every l affect th It has ta of a chu that wil e heart hearts. d n g th a t in a z ip a h sh am w to w in a fello ample as look for great ex s to a t a a D h n w e de me is teach ly. -Kati immense d o G h wit t opporme grea n e iv g s ha and Asbury worship oth the b see God in to s e ie tunit wing m o ll a . I feel s, ld li fie cts of fe as e sp mission a t n ce w differe ght it on in many ld I thou r ll that I o a w f o e view that th in d e g n a ch at after has now . I feel th d e c n out ie r e le to go have exp ill be ab w ence by I r , n fe o if ake a d graduati m to ld wor in my into the onfident c d for n a g on disicple being str e to be a n m a g th in e w r o s mo faith, all y action m in ld r the wo s. my word Graves -Jeremy


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Bringing In Reinforcements

Less than a year ago, a group of folks sat around a conference table bouncing ideas back and forth like participants in a frenetic game of ping pong. The team was assembled to come up with a theme for Asbury’s upcoming capital stewardship campaign. By the end of the meeting, it was unanimous that “Mission: Possible” conveyed the spirit of the challenge that was ahead of us. “Building on Faith” had inspired the Asbury family and had brought us to our home on Mingo. It came as no surprise that we would be expanding, as Phase II had always been a part of the plan. Membership and attendance figures had grown to the point that it was time to add classrooms for children, youth and adults, as well as to build walkways and porticos to accommodate the ever-changing Oklahoma weather. The congregation voted and agreed. The Communications Team, made up of church staff and volunteers, went into action to help convey the need. Four of those team members are featured here. Chris Lo and his wife, Lois, are the owners of Matcha Design, a graphic and web design company, as well as Chris Lo Photography. Chris had designed and maintained Asbury’s awardwinning website, and in January he joined Asbury’s staff, where his

responsibilities were expanded to include video production. He and Lois directed and produced the video component of the campaign. “Working on this project has been such a joy,” Chris said. “Lois and I feel so honored and blessed to be involved in it. We can see God’s work so clearly, so distinctively, and so powerfully.” In a matter of a few short weeks, hundreds of hours were spent producing the DVD as well as videos used in the worship service and communities. “God provided us with strength, support, as well as minimal technical difficulties. Our faith has grown more through this experience, and i n d e e d we can testify that ‘all things are possible with Him,’” Chris said. Lisa Tresch is a professional editor and writer and a regular contributor to the Tidings. She used her gift of storytelling to write the scripts for the video productions, as well as much of the copy for other printed pieces that have been provided to the Asbury family. Knowing your audience is the first challenge for a writer. Lisa’s family (husband Kyle, and children Colin, Erin and Alison) is involved in all of the areas which will benefit from the upcoming expansion, and so the words came easily for her. “I got involved in this project because I feel as though I have finally realized that writing is a ministry,” Lisa said. “I believe that God is creative, and that He de-

lights to see us ‘creating’ as well. I have been given the opportunity to work with incredibly creative people, and I see God at work in them every time I am with them. It’s a blessing to be able to have such fun while doing ministry.” Lina Holmes, owner of Studio 51, is a graphic artist and served on the communications staff of two churches before she and her husband Richard joined Asbury three and one-half years ago. She has volunteered in the music ministry, where she is a member of the Chancel Choir. Lina designed the informational brochure that Asbury families received in April. When an opening came up recently on Asbury’s Communication Team, she was a natural fit. She is now on staff, working ten hours a week. “Mission: Possible is an important project in the life of Asbury, and quite frankly, I’m honored to be involved with it,” Lina said. “Our team works so well together.” Because of the selfless contributions of each of these people, we were able to provide the informational packet to each Asbury family for less than $2.50, including DVD, brochures and dog tag! Our prayer is that the information will fuel the desire for you to pray about how you want to be involved in the exciting challenge that is before us, and that our mission will indeed be possible. -Jan Weinheimer


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asbury opportunities


general information

biblical literacy

Breakfast Served from 7:00-9:15 a.m. in the CLC Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donut s, bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) 9:15 am Sanctuary (Contemporary Communion) 11:00 am Sanctuary (Traditional) Sign interpreter provided 11:00 am Mason Chapel (Contemporary) Children and Students 6 Weeks - 4 Years 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am K-6th Grades 9:15 or 11:00 am 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 9:15 & 11:00 am 10th, 11th & 12th Grades 9:15 am only Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm The Gazebo is Open ...each Sunday morning between services and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Perceptions and Prayer Journals on sale (note: the sermon notes page on the bulletin is designed to fit in the Prayer Journal) , as well as selections in Pastor Tom’s Book Club. AsburyWear is also for sale. Need an extra dogtag? You may buy one at the Gazebo for $1. Or if you’d like a copy of the music that will be featured in this year ’s VBS – Arctic Edge, you may buy a CD for $6. Aluminum Can Recycling Hey church family! Keep collecting those aluminum cans and bringing them to the church when you come! Once a month our resident “can man,” Jim Schultz, picks them up from the east side storage area and takes them to the recyling center for us. Gently toss your wellbagged cans into the fenced area, and be a part of ministry to the children in our church and the community. On behalf of our children and the environment, thank you! Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists, births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and military listings. Doors of Asbury posters are at the Welcome Centers...our gift to you. Suitable for framing. Paper Recycling Bin Locations - Recycle unwanted paper products. Two bins available, located in the south and east parking lots. Free Tax Assistance - Every Wednesday through April 12, 1:00-4:30 p.m., room 1504. New Additions to the Library The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library.

Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 2821

Asbury University Classes are available for all levels of learning. Brochures are available at the Welcome Centers and on the website: Ephesians Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:00 pm through July 26. Rm: 1502; Teacher: Don Herrold.

care and support

Who’s Pushing Your Buttons? Wednesday, June 13 - July 19 (no class June 28) from 6:30-8:00 pm in Rm 2500. Dr. John Townsend book, video and handouts. No homework. If someone is making your life difficult, take control and stop the stress. The person who pushes your buttons is likely someone who matters to you. Usually this difficult person is connected to you by blood, love, faith or money. As a result, you can’t just end the relationship without causing pain and upheaval in your life. In this easy-to-read book, Dr. Townsend offers expert insight s to help you understand your own button-pusher, wise assistance in determining the nature of the problem, compassionate help in identifying your failed attempts to fix things, hope-filled vision for what can be and how to make it come true, and rich resources to help you navigate the necessary changes. Call 3921191 to register. Prayer Card Ministry Creative people are needed for a new prayer card ministry. If you have skills in drawing, calligraphy, scrapbooking, card stamping, and/ or MS Publisher, call Ruth at 392-1146. Minimal time required. Blood Drive - OBI June 4 from 8 am – 1 pm in the CLC. Call the Oklahoma Blood Institute to schedule your appointment: 477-0400.

Personalized Greeting Cards If you know someone who is going through a tough time, has a long-term illness, is receiving chemo, etc., and would like to receive personalized encouragement cards, please call Ruth Winn at 392-1146. Alzheimer’s Support Group Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in Room 2821. Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm, Parlor - For those living with cancer and their family and friends Bipolar/Depression Support Group Second and fourth Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 1508 - For persons living with bipolar disorder or depression Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suf fering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1508. Family to Family Usually meets the fourth Tuesday of the month, 1:30-3:30 pm, Parlor. For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bears are not just for little kids anymore! Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For more information, contact Beth at 392-1116.



children Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. Core Hours for Childcare Parents who are involved in AU classes during these core hours will have childcare provided with no reservations needed: Sundays 7:45 am - 12:15 pm Mondays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Tuesdays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Tuesdays 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Wednesdays 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Thursdays 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Summer Core Hours for Childcare In order for you to prepare for your summer , please be advised of the change in core hours effective June 1: Sundays 7:45 am – 12:15 pm Tuesdays 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Tuesdays 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Wednesdays 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Wednesdays 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Thursdays 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Mission: Possible May 7th from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm the gym. Hey kids! Just show up and we guarantee a good time. This festival is planned to help make children aware of the importance of Mission: Possible. See you there! Questions? Call Patrick at 392-1161. Vacation Bible School Training Required training for volunteers will be held for all previous and new volunteers. Come learn how we can keep VBS kids safe and learn about what VBS looks like this year. Saturday, May 20 from 8:30 - 10:00 am or Wednesday, June 14 from 6:00-7:30 pm. Call 392-1159 with any questions you might have. VBS – Teen Training for Arctic Edge Thursday, June 22 from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm in the 5.6 Room. All teen helpers are required to attend this training. You will learn how to help with VBS. We will feed you lunch, and you will get to help create decorations! Call Kim at 3921159 with any questions. VBS - 5.6 Challenge Camp Sunday, June 25 from 3:00-8:00 pm, MondayThursday, June 26-29 from 9:00 am - 12:15 pm, and Friday, June 30 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Cost: $25 a child. No family discount available. There is no registration deadline, but in order to be guaranteed your T-shirt size, please register by June 1. You may register online at Questions? Contct VBS - Arctic Edge Monday-Thursday, June 26-29 from 9:00 am 12:15 pm. Cost: $10 per child with $25 family maximum, applying to preschool through new 4th graders. No registration deadline, but in order to be guaranteed T-shirt size and crew placement, please register by June 1. Register



online at or pick up a form in one of the gathering areas. VBS –Arctic Edge CDs Available in the Gazebo for $6! VBS Family Fun Night The week’s activities will come to a close with our Family Fun Night, Thursday, June 29 from 5:30-8:30 pm. It’s an awesome time to celebrate the fabulous week of VBS, hang out with friends and family, play on the cool inflatables, and eat, eat, eat! Murdock Villa Sunday, May 7, 12:30 – 3:30 pm at Murdock Villa. Visit Murdock Villa and share in the fun as we fellowship with adults with special needs. We will go to CiCi’s pizza (bring $5 for lunch) then to Murdock Villa. We will play Bingo and do crafts together. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. We can take ten kids each month. Call 392-1166 to confirm. Rock Time Sunday, May 21. Check for more information in Sunday’s journal pages.


Spiritual Gift Connections Sessions are held the second Thursday of each month in Room 2821 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Focus on volunteer opportunities at Asbury that use your Spiritual Gifts and personality traits. You are requested to complete the Spiritual Gifts Inventory prior to attending this class. Call the registration hotline at 392-1191 to register for one of the Thursday sessions.

marriage & family

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries Email your July or August Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to or call 392-1146. Weekend to Remember May 5-7 at the Double Tree Warren Place. Cost: $109. This memorable getaway for couples, hosted by Family Life Ministries, is a time to learn practical skills and biblical

principles to strengthen and re-energize your marriage or prepare you for your upcoming marriage. For information call 1-800-FL-Today or go to To save $30 per person on registration, contact Carol Grisham at

membership Asbury Exploration Come to one of these classes to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, May 7, from 12:30-2:30 pm. Call 392-1191 to register. Childcare available.

men Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Join the Men’s Ministry for a delicious breakfast , meaningful worship and lifechanging prayer! Cost: $3/person May 3 Dub Ambrose, speaker May 10 Pec Clark, speaker May 17 Don Herrold, speaker May 24 Dub Ambrose speaker May 31 Mark Hoffman, speaker Car Care for Widows and Single Moms Saturday, May 20 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. This bi-monthly service is provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through Asbury’s Men’s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the Student Ministry café, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update the owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men an opportunity to put their faith into action through loving and serving those in need. No reservations required; just come! Home Improvement Work Day Saturday, June 17. Meet at 8:00 for planning...then off to work! The Home Improvement ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. (See our Women’s section for details on how you can apply to have work done. Call 392-1142 for more information). Spring Golf Tournament Monday, May 22 at 12:30 pm - Golf Club of Oklahoma. Limited to the first 100 players to sign up. Tournament fee is $75 per person, includes driving range, green fee, cart, awards, lunch an door prizes. Format: 4-man scramble. You may form your own team (foursome) or we’ll put you on a team. Registration deadline (with payment) is May 14. Contact 392-1191. Hole sponsorships are available Contact Debbie at 392-1142 if you are interested. Sponsored by Asbury’s United Methodist Men.

missions/outreach Global Outreach Prayer Ministry News and prayer requests from our missionaries and ministries are sent each week to our prayer ministry list. If you would like to join and become a prayer intercessor for those serving around the world, contact Missy at 392-1163. Global Outreach Ministry Teams These teams specialize in certain areas and all are open to anyone having an interest in those areas. They are as follows: Caspian Ministry (work in Azerbaijan) , Latin America Ministry (work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala), College Missions Ministry, Communications, Estonia Ministry; Kami Tanzania Ministry, International Student Ministry, Missionary Care, and Prayer. If you need further information call the Global Outreach office, 391-1117. Mothers’ Day Honor A gift to Sisters in Service is suggested as an honorarium for your mother on her special day, May 14 th. Gifts made to this vital ministry to women in the most difficult places of the world will be acknowledged with a special card to your mother, daughter, or whomever you choose to honor. Call the GO office for more details. 392-1117. Mentor Moms/Young Lives First and second Tuesdays of the month, 7:009:00 pm in the Parlor. This is a support group for teenage moms, sponsored by Young Life.


. The first three Volunteer-in-Mission teams for 2006 are: Estonia June 2-12, Lighthouse (Tallinn) - $2,400 Costa Rica June 17-24, Construction and MBS - $1,000 Azerbaijan June 19-30, Youth Work and Construction $2,000 Estonia

June 22 - July 7, Camp Gideon - $2,400 Tanzania, East Africa July 6 - 17, Medical - $2,600 (FULL) Oklahoma Indian Conference June 13 – 15, Singles Team, Construction $100 Cookson Hills (Oklahoma) Fall, 2006 Tanzania September 14-25, Construction and water well work - $2,500 Estonia Late September, Business Mission - $2,400 Monterrey, Mexico October 14-21, Construction and MBS - $900 Rio Bravo, Mexico November 1-5, Medical and Construction $500 Estonia December 28 - January 7, Camp Gideon $2,400 For further details about Volunteer-inMission opportunities, contact Marilene Long, 392-1164 or


Asbury Singing Ambassadors Concert Sunday, May 21, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Come see the energy and hear the music of Asbury’s senior adult choir under the direction of John Sawyer. Chancel Choir Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Choir Room Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:00 pm, Choir Room Orchestra/Concert Band Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Rm 1510 Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 2506 Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:00 am - noon, Rm 2506 Carillon Quartet Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm, Rm 2506 Resonance Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 pm, Rm 2506 New Creation Ringers Wednesdays, 4:45-5:30 pm, Rm 2504 Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm 1510 Brass Quintet Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm, Rm 1510 String Ensemble Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 1507 Wednesdays, 8:00-9:00 pm, Rm 1507 Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, Rm 1510

prayer Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or right after the service, please come to the altar rail at the front of the sanctuary. A pastor or member of

the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual - at the altar or in the Prayer Room. College Moms in Touch Prayer Time Wednesdays, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm, Rm 1506 Mason Chapel Prayer Room Accessible during core hours. You can enter the room from the outside entrance of the southeast side of the Chapel. Prayer Journals Available in Gazebo Asbury Prayer Journals now available in the Gazebo. This valuable tool is filled with scripture and resources designed to enhance your personal prayer time, plus a section for keeping sermon notes.

recovery Celebrate Recovery Mondays: Dinner at 6:00 pm; Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from 8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hangups? God never intended for you to live in bondage. Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6:00 pm. Childcare available. Celebrate Recovery Childcare Volunteers needed. Time commitment is one Monday evening per month from 6:45 pm to 9:10 pm. Please call 392-1103 if you can help.


Asbury Recreation Center - Hours Sundays 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Mondays 8:30 am - 9:30 am 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Wednesdays 8:00 am - 9:30 am 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Thursday 4:30 pm - 9:00 pm Fridays 8:00 am - 9:30 am Single Adults Volleyball Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00, Gym No children, please. Co-Ed Adult Volleyball Sundays, 2:00-5:00 pm, Gym Must be 18 and above to participate. No children, please. Open Gym Thursday, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Gym CALENDAR


Open to all members of the ARC to shoot some hoops, walk, run or workout. Must have a membership on file. Age 13-18 must have a parent’s signature on file. No one under the age of 13 may use the workout room. No one under the age of 13 is allowed in the gym unless supervised by a responsible adult. Inspirational Fitness Class – Rise Up to Health Mondays and Thursday, 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm. Enjoy a one-hour, total-body workout to incredible inspirational Christian music. Work your heart, mind and spirit and every muscle group in your body. Wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes,; bring water and a towel. Teens to older adults are welcome. Work at your own level. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. First workout is free, $5 for drop-in. Mats and hand weights are provided. Senior Sit and Fit Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:00-9:30 am, Gym. Come join a time of stretching with fun and fellowship. Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30-9:00 am in the gym. Come join a time of power walking with fun and fellowship. Lifestyle Weight Change with Christ Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 pm. This class and Bible study is for men and women interested in setting goals and learning to use exercise and God’s Word to build a healthier way of living. Contact Crista Grimes at

singles Singles Meet and Greet Sundays from 8:40-9:10 am or 10:20-10:50 am in the CLC. All singles are invited. ASM Singles Luncheon Sunday, April 30 from noon - 2 pm in the Parlor ASM Memorial Day Picnic Monday, May 29 from 3:00-7:00 pm at Haikey Creek Park, 121st and Garnett. Join us for an afternoon of good food, fun and fellowship on Memorial Day. The picnic is potluck, so bring your favorite dish to share. We’ll start eating around 4:00 p.m. Singles Bible Study Mondays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Rm 2820 Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce.

seniors Senior Adult Trip to the OK Mozart Concert Thursday, June 15. Depart 10:00 am and return 5:00 pm. The cost is $18 for concert and transportation, $9.50 - $11.00 for lunch at the Sterling Grill in Bartlesville. The concert, held at the high school, will follow. Limited to 35 participants. First come, first served. Make plans now to join Asbury’s senior adults as they travel to Bartlesville to enjoy an afternoon of Mozart. Call 392-1191 to reserve your space. Asbury Singing Ambassadors This senior adult choir rehearses Tuesdays at 1:00 pm in the Choir Room. ‘Tweenagers Thursday, May 25 at 10:30 am in the CLC. A special memorial service will be held to honor those who have gone before us, especially those who have served in the armed services. Call Doni at 492-1771 to make your reservations by noon Monday, May 22.




Grad Sunday Sunday, May 21 at 10:30 am in the Student Ministries Area. Don your cap and gown, or at least a good pair of flip flops, and be a part of our church family blessing you as you leave high school to head out into college, work, or the military. Meet in the student café at 10:30 am. You will be commissioned in both the 11:00 am Chapel and Sanctuary services. 6 th Grade Promotion Party Sunday, May 21 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm in the Student Ministries Area. Come all rising 7th, 8th & 9th grade students and worship, hang out, eat some great food, and welcome our new 7th grade students to the 7th, 8th & 9th grade Student Ministries family. Guys bring something salty…girls bring something sweet. Everyone bring $1. Grad Celebration Wednesday, May 24 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in the Student Ministries Area. WOW! How time has flown! It’s time to celebrate all that God has

done in you and in your family over the years and as you graduate! This is a night for you and your family to be honored by the student ministry. You won’t want to miss out on the special grad video, the memories, or the really good food! Please RSVP to 392-1191 by May 19.

Big Splash Day! Tuesday, June 13 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. This is going to be HUGE because all the Student Ministries (7th – 12th ) will be at Big Splash on the same day! We will be joining with Student Ministries of Believers’ Church to get into Big Splash for the low price of $9 (includes lunch) . You will need to sign up and pay before June 11 in the Student Ministries area. Remember this is an Asbury sponsored event so girls, you will need to wear a conservative, one-piece bathing suit…and boys,, no speedos! Be sure to come! 7 th, 8th & 9th Grade Pool Party Sunday, June 11 from 6:00-8:00 pm. It’s gonna be a pool party! We will grill burgers and dogs and swim. Bring your modest one-piece bathing suit and towel. Girls, you will need to bring something sweet…and guys, you will need to bring something salty! Watch for details about where! 9 th Grade Float Trip June 15 from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. This summer we are going to float the Illinois! Rising 9 th graders…this is YOUR trip! Watch for registrations. They are due June 11. We will meet at Asbury at 8:30 am and return around 4:00 pm. Cost is $20, plus bring your own sack lunch! Remember: one piece modest swim suits! 7 th, 8th & 9th Flick-n-Burger Wednesday, June 21 from 12:00 – 2:00 pm. Hey, come on down to the Student Café for lunch (brought by you) and a movie (provided by us). It’s just a time to hang out with friends, get out of the house, and have some fun. Come on over to Flick-n-Burgers! 10th, 11 th, & 12th Outdoor Movie Wednesday, June 28. From dark until the movie is over! Join us for our outdoor movie night.

Bring your own lawn chairs, blankets and friends. The cost is free. The movie will start around sundown, but check the web or with Student Ministries for exact time. 10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway Wednesdays, 6:30-9:00 pm - Breakaway Area Join us every Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of the month) for a time of connection, worship, and learning about God, and some nights of just random fun. Don’t miss the food and hangout time afterwards. 7th, 8th, & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday Mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday school! Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards! Sunday Night Small Groups 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th from 6:00-7:30 pm in homes. Don’t miss out on being a part of a small group! It’s a place to grow in your relationship with Jesus, have some accountability, and just have fun! Sign up in Student Ministries area. (7th, 8th, and 9th grade small groups will start again in September!) Metro Worship Wednesday, May 3 from 7:00-8:30 pm. for 7th12th graders. Come join youth from all over the city in a night to just worship Jesus. We meet the first Wednesday night of every month from 7:00-8:30 pm at Believers. If you need a ride, meet at Asbury at 6:30 pm. We’ll be back by 9:00 pm. Disciple Camp Registration Disciple is a discipleship camp for rising 7th, 8th and 9th grade students that involves really awesome worship, small groups, ropes course elements, recreation, free time, and a whole bunch of really cool students. Disciple registrations will be available April 2 and be due April 30 (without a late fee). The cost for camp is $205 ($230 if turned in after April 30) and a $100 deposit is due with the registration. The balance is due May 21. Be sure to pick up a registration! College Bible Study Each Sunday night from 6:00-7:15 pm in the College Room. Come learn about God with other college students. College Sunday Night Dinners 7:15-9:00 pm, Student Ministry Cafe. Share a home-cooked meal with other college students.

women Mothers’ Fellowship Mondays from 9:30-11:30 am in the Parlor. Cost: $20. Childcare is available. “Bad Girls of

the Bible and What We Can Learn From Them.” Book and workbook by Liz Curtis Higgs. “For ten years I studied bunches of biblical role models and finally realized what we had in common: ZIP. Sarah was so faithful. Esther was so courageous. Mary was so innocent. I was so none-of-the-above. Then I happened upon Jezebel, and something inside me clicked. I identified with her pushy personality. I understood her need for control. I empathized with her angry outbursts, and I began to wonder. Could those Bad Girls from the past teach us how to be Good Girls in the present. I’m here to tell you...YES!” UMW May Luncheon Thursday, May 4 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Lunch in CLC. All United Methodist Women are invited to come be a part of UMW’s annual Asbury “Salute to Walt Whitman Elementary.” This wonderful “partners in education” event will feature guest speaker Mrs. Twyla Watterson, principal of Walt Whitman. She will be bringing along the superfun and talented kids of the Walt Whitman African Drum Troupe! The program begins with a covered-dish luncheon, and ends with some of the best information and entertainment you’ll find in town! Car Care for Widows and Single Moms Saturday, May 20 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. This bi-monthly service is provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through Asbury’s Men’s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the Student Ministry café, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update the owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. No reservations required; just come! Home Improvement Work Day Saturday, June 17. The men meet at 8:00 for planning...then off to work! The Home Improvement ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. Call 392-1142 for more information and an application. Women of the Word Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 1502. Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher. Phone Buddies Ladies, do you want a “cheer me up” with your morning coffee? We have ladies that can

fill that need by being your own “phone buddy!” Call 392-1142. Lea or Shirley will return the call and get you set up! Arts and Crafts Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2820. Women who enjoy crafts are invited to come any Monday morning...come and go any time. Bring lunch to share. Contact Beverly Clarke.

worship Online Worship Did you know that you can watch the 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday services online as they are occurring? Go to then click on “Watch Sermons” (by Tom’s picture). If you cannot attend worship, you can log on and share the experience. Or if there is a sermon that you wish someone else had been able to hear, send them to our website where several weeks of sermons are archived.

Crossword Puzzle Answer





MISSION: POSSIBLE Your mission...should you choose to accept to solve this puzzle. Across 2 4 6 7 12 13 17 18 20 21 23 27 29 31 33 34 35


April 9 was _______ Distribution Number of Asbury Worship Services Blessings from above Debt Reduction Component: ______ Million Founder of Methodism (2 words) Number of Asbury Members (in thousands) May 1:______ _______ Gatherings Begin Broken Arrow United Methodist Church (2 words) Will we increase our long-term debt? Our Savior Undergo a transformation Going to the chapel (2 words) Methodist International Seminary Children’s Expansion: _____ thousand square feet Basil and Gay Adults in crowded rooms Jeff and Cathy


Down 1 Asbury’s Mission 2 Let’s stay dry 3 Ice Rink: _____ thousand square feet 5 To accept as true 8 Allegiance or attached, bound 9 May 21 (2 words) 10 April 23: Season of ___________ 11 How many stops did you have? 14 How much new debt?

15 16 19 22 24 25 26 28 30 32

______ Asbury Leaders of the future Mission Component: _______ Million Campaign Goal: _____ Million June 25: ________ Service Mission:_______ What cost 1.65 Million? Wear around your neck Campaign Scripture: ______ 10:27 Expansion Component: _____.4 Million

Welcome to Asbury...

Ryan Perkins and Katie Green

Cyndi Kramme

David and Christy Peterson Kelsie, Josh, Bret & Brian

Joan Armstrong

Tabatha Layman Cal and Doris Brusewitz

Beverly Tresch James and Susie Beymer Emily & Nathan

Scot Williams

Ron and Jackie Carter David Blades

Larry Wilkey

Mike and Kelly Gonzales Jared & Connor

Janet Turner

Rich and Danielle Conrad

Megan Moritz

Kimberly Barnes

Right: Fred and Cheryl Isaacs, Nate & Gabby

Warren and Kelsey Duvall NEW MEMBERS


Right: Ross and Tracy Teauseau Carter & Ryan

Bill and Johanna Graham

Right: Warren and Shanna Daniel Jordon, Madison & Terrell Jim and Nancy Harrison

Robert and Jodi Richey John and Joan Keil Nathan and Jessica Cross and Emily

Larry and Rene Ralph Bill and Mary Lee Kirwin

Mark and Pat Vawter and Logan 33


David and Elizabeth Atchley Keira & Carley

Carla and Sara Pace

we rejoice... with those who have experienced the joy of a new baby in their family:

The Lost One by John C. Westervelt In years gone by, I planted multicolored impatiens in a shaded flower bed across the front of my house, strawberry colored periwinkles in a square bed in the middle of the patio, and gold and purple zinnias in full sun across the back of my lot. Between the patio and the wrap around drive were 15 Hybrid Tea roses. You would have recognized the red, pink, and cream, both solid and blended, blossoms. Stepping through my seventh decade, I began scaling back my flowers for lower maintenance. The plot for zinnias was reclaimed by Bermuda grass. Hybrid Tea roses were replaced with Earth-Kind Knock Out roses that don’t need spraying for black spot. And finally, I began hiring the neighborhood children to plant my flowers. On a Tuesday after the Tulsa schools were out, I called my neighbor and discovered that the children were at camp for a week. Time was running out, so I called a phone number in a classified ad. The gardener could come at 11, so I went to Stringer Brothers where flats of 48 flowers could be mixed or matched. I selected 16 periwinkles and eighty impatiens to fill two flats. The gardener and a helper planted 16 periwinkles in the patio bed. After preparing the soil in the front bed, they laid two rows of impatiens on the ground. They scooped a hole in the loose soil with their fingers and planted a flower until all 80 were in place. Early Thursday morning, an inch of rain soaked the flower beds. After lunch, I checked the flowers and found two impatiens, roots and all, lying on the ground still seeking nourishment from the damp cube of soil that had surrounded the roots in the flat. I thought, “In God’s design, my oak tree drops thousands of acorns. Only a few become a tree. Many fill the bellies of young squirrels that scamper after one another under my tree. So I should be able to take my loss of two flowers out of eighty and feel good about it.” As I studied the two prone flowers struggling for life, my empathy sent me to the garage for my garden trowel and planting stool. Back in the ground, the leaves of the two scraggly plants were not as crisp as those of the other 78. Nestled in the moist earth, the nearly lost ones have a chance to live. I was reminded of Jesus telling about the man who left his 99 sheep in the open country to search for the lost one. Jesus’ story, in turn, made me think about Asbury’s outreach to 500 visitors each Sunday. One of these might be lost and hearing about Jesus for the first time. Asbury’s facilities and programs reach out to this lost one. Jesus affirms Asbury’s mission in Luke 15:7 – “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”

Lila Jayne Davis Daughter of Adam and Barbie Davis Granddaughter of Judy Johnson March 15, 2006 John Thomas Boyd Son of Jerry and Nikki Boyd Brother of Jackson March 16, 2006 James Conard Boudiette Son of Jess and Jeannie Boudiette Brother of Jack Grandson of Roger Boudiette March 20, 2006 Aidan John-Paul Sanders Son of Jerrad and Missy Sanders Grandson of Roger Boudiette March 20, 2006 Jackson Louis Wilkey Son of Justin and Joy Wikey Grandson of Chuck and Connie Coggins March 20, 2006 Reagan Elizabeth Holt Daughter of Mark and Clarisse Holt Granddaguther of Joe and Carol Holt March 23, 2006 Jayden Andrew Blackshare Son of Teil and Jennifer Blackshare Brother of Allyson, Tyler & Cassidy March 30, 2006 Virginia Susan Mills Daughter of Susan Outlaw and James Mills April 5, 2006 Ariel Page Logan Daughter of Geoff and Erica Logan April 8, 2006

we remember... and pray God’s peace for those who have lost loved ones: Audrey Erickson Wife of Jim Erickson March 16, 2006 Howard Cotten Husband of Bobbie Cotten March 27, 2006 Margery Whitt Wife of Arthur Whitt Mother of Brian Whitt Grandmother of Mallory, Zach & Katelyn March 29, 3006

More of John Westervelt’s writings may be found at FAMILY ROOM 34



we celebrate...

Don & Pat Hardin March 17 45 Years Charles & Anne Hearne April 16 45 Years Bob & Becky Cable May 31 25 Years Brad & Lynn Brill May 18 15 Years

Lester & Betty Kelsey May 3, 1946 60 Years

Rollo & Elizabeth Braswell May 26, 1956 50 Years

Steve & Stephanie King May 18 15 Years Makala & Todd Welsh May 18 10 Years J & Jessica Dyer May 26 5 Years

Clifton & Lamyrle Cox May 18, 1956 50 Years Wayne & Sammie Kendall May 25, 1956 50 Years

Leonard & Mary Stubbs June 10, 1956 50 Years

Don & Barbara Thornton May 21, 1956 50 Years

in appreciation... Congratulations to all couples who are celebrating Milestone Anniversaries. Report your Milestone Anniversary to or call 392-1146.


Dear Asbury Family, Thank you to the Wordfinders class, Gloria Phillips, and Ann Eldrdige for all the wonderful things, Bible studies, and provisions you have made for me. I can’t imagine anyone who is more blessed than I am. I appreciate so much all that Asbury and its members continually do for me. Betty Bray

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