Asbury Tidings - Celebrating Mother's Day

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Don Felder talks about his passion in life: music. His father’s passion was hard work. His brother treasured sports and academics. Many of Don’s musical companions had a passion for the “bohemian” lifestyle. Jesus warned the church at Laodicea not to lose their ultimate priority: I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. (Revelation 3:15-18) Their spiritual fire was flickering. The church was in danger. They were captivated by other priorities and treasuring other things Here are the “Top Ten Reasons Why I Stopped Going to Football Games.” 1. The band plays songs I don’t know or like. They are too loud (or not loud enough). 2. I played Jr. High football. The coaches don’t know how to coach anymore. 3. I hate staying late when they go into overtime. 4. They don’t win every game. 5. There are rude fans who don’t speak to me and stand up and block my vision. 6. They are always asking you for money.

7. At the last game I attended, someone wore the same outfit I was dressed in. 8. My parents forced me go to football games when I was a kid. I’m not going anymore. 9. They keep changing things. They have new coaches and players, uniforms, the plays, and even the stadium. I don’t like change! I’m not going anymore. 10. Many of the other fans are hypocrites. Some of them get drunk or fight. Some curse. Some just sit quietly and don’t yell or applaud. Some leave early. Some only come to one game a year. These things happen, but since football is a treasure true fans continue their support. They attend games knowing they won’t always win, that it’s crowded, uncomfortable, and loud. But the enjoyment of the game is worth the expense in time and money for them. Becoming and staying a disciple of Jesus means to keep the fire burning. It means we constantly have to repent of our tendency to follow our culture which encourages us to do it our way. “My Way” leads to a dead end. Life, abundant and everlasting, is found in following the one who holds the key to eternal treasure. That’s why we are to seek first the heavenly treasure and all these other things will be added unto us (Matthew 6:33). See you Sunday,

Dr. Tom Harrison


Managing Editor Tara Lynn Thompson

4 Finding Financial Peace

19 Leave an Inheritance

6 Bruce Johnson

20 My Life: Home of Hope

8 Wise Words

23 Opportunities

10 Fruit=Treasure

32 New Members

14 Sarah Adams

34 Family Room

17 A New Release Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting

Graphic Designer Nicole McMahan

Photographer Don Kreutzweiser

Guest Contributors Marsha Baker • Heather Bates Kim Beair • Christy Capps • Rod Giles • Marko Kutt Stephanie Hurd • John Miller Esther Gene Morrison • Rod Sayler John Westervelt

‌ y r o t s a s a h e n Everyo

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Eternal Treasure





If this is true for you, you already know that it doesn’t get better over time. When a person is unable to live within their means they soon learn the truth of Proverbs 22:7b. “…The borrower is servant to the lender.” This is a discouraging position to be in. It is hard to experience the abundant life God promises us when student loans, credit card bills or an unaffordable mortgage take hold of us. But there is hope and a way out and a way to righteous living with your check book. For over five years Asbury has offered a way out through Financial Peace University, a 13-week video series with small group discussions, taught by Dave Ramsey, a well known radio and TV personality. Rick Booth heads up a team of program facilitators who lead participants through the steps to financial peace. Rick said the biggest financial issue people face today is debt, especially credit card debt. Other common debt problems include student loans, auto loans and home second mortgages. Why does debt have such a hold on us? Rick said it is our culture’s view that, “You don’t have to do without!” 4


Ramsey explains that many young couples spend five to seven years trying to acquire the life style their parents took 30 years to achieve. The only way to do that is to take on huge amounts of consumer debt. Often, the focus is on the size of the monthly payment, not what is the responsible thing to do over the long term. The risks run high, especially in these economically uncertain times. What happens in event of a valid emergency, such as an unexpected illness, or a job loss, or property damage? Financial and emotional pain, even depression, can become part of the story. Rick said the program is effective because people can actually see results if they just follow the easy to understand, but hard to do, “baby steps.” Surprisingly, step one is to build an emergency fund of $1,000. That way people don’t have to fall back on credit cards and high interest rates to pay for unexpected expenses. They have a contingency fund they can rely on instead. Everyone who attends has the opportunity to create a budget. For many attendees, this is their first ever. Ramsey says it is important to be able to tell your money where it should go ahead of time. If not, a lack of a plan will always control you and

your money. During this process, Ramsey also emphasizes the importance of giving, how that needs to become part of every budget. Rick has observed that when people have a plan of how their money is spent, they actually plan for and sometimes increase their giving to the church. From a grateful


people from outside of the church have attended Financial Peace University. The class is taught in the spring and fall of each year. Two classes are currently running this semester, and two are planned for the fall of 2009. Rick hopes to implement a program for teens beginning in February 2010,



heart they find the freedom to give more. Rick has seen some real success stories. Recently, two graduates of past classes reported that over a period of three to four years, with a plan in place and discipline to work the plan, they were able to wipe out $64,000 and $84,000 in personal debt respectively. No small feat for either family. What did they gain from all of their hard work and discipline? They gained freedom from stress, new choices in life style and a huge sense of accomplishment. Everyone’s situation is different, and the length of time required may vary greatly. Is it worth it? You bet! To date, over 840 Asbury members and

as well. If you are interested in enrolling in the next class, contact Rick Booth at He will be happy to visit with you. Rick is quick to mention that he is not a licensed financial counselor. But he has learned so much over the years of leading FPU. What warms his heart most is when people leave his class with a game plan and hope.













AL MOORE’S HEAD. He had already been feeling a desire to do something life changing. As he sat in the pew, he knew just what God was asking him to do. Recently, Al had lost two great friends to suicide. One was Asbury’s own, Bruce Johnson. Everyone knew Bruce. He played his red guitar next to Dub on Sunday mornings and was very active in the Purpose Driven Fellowship Community. He was one of those guys you couldn’t help but love. Unfortunately, no one knew what was behind the mask. One unexpected day he was gone forever. Motivated by the tragic loss of Bruce, Al knew God wanted him to find a way to fundraise for Bruce and bring awareness to mental health and suicide prevention. The event idea was the easy part. Al coaches tennis and Bruce had even helped with a tennis event in the past. The fundraiser would have tennis drills with pros, lunch, organized matches, awards, door prizes, and an educational day all in memory of Bruce. However, he had been struggling with whom to fundraise for and where to start for several months. 6


When the seed fell upon him, he knew he had to starting trying harder to figure out how to make this God-idea a reality. That is where Charlene Giles came into play. Al remembered her visiting his community and talking about Stephen Ministry and realized that specific ministry would be the perfect one for the benefit. Stephen Ministry is a ministry of equipped lay people with 50 hours of training that reach out to people who are hurting, both congregation members and others. They provide weekly, one-on-one, confidential meetings to listen and pray. The fundraiser is about educating others on the truth about trials, depression, Stephen Ministry, and mental illness. “Because of our genetic makeup combined with our life experiences, we all have ways we respond to the stresses of life,” said Charlene. “Some of us get migraines, some of us get ulcers or cancer, and some of us have bouts of depressions, maybe even other serious mental illnesses. Mental illnesses are brain disorders. Most respond well with an accurate diagnosis and correct treatment. Sometimes Christians believe that if someone has enough faith they will never get depressed. And guilt on top of depression only makes the problem worse. While Stephen Ministers are not trained to deal with mentally ill or



suicidal individuals, sometimes people are just go going though a temporary hard situation and all they need is a caring, confidential Christian brother or sister to listen and pray. That, Stephen Ministers can do!” And what will Stephen Ministry do with the funds raised through this event? “We will explore the best ways to use these unexpected funds to get the word out that it is important to diagnose depression and seek treatment,” Charlene said. “Also, we hope to let people know that if folks are willing to get treatment, most people with mental illness are able to live normal, productive lives.” If you are struggling with depression or mental illness, let the seed that Pastor Tom threw be your first step to getting treatment. Or, if you think someone you know is fighting mental illness or depression,

don’t let another day go by without finding a way to help. Suicide is preventable, if only we all stepped out, looked deeper, cared harder, and really sought to know one another. As a junior high youth pastor, I daily see the effects on teenagers who have lost a parent to suicide. Losing someone to suicide changes your life forever, but God always finds a way to put purpose in pain, just like through the obedience of Al in creating this fundraiser in response to the tragic loss of Bruce. Jesus came to “bring life, abundant life” and He calls us “to love one another.” Whether it is attending or sponsoring this fundraiser, seeking treatment for yourself or others, or following through on a God-idea, don’t allow another day to go by without asking God, “What can I do to make a difference, to sow my seed?” just like Al Moore did after the loss of Bruce.


in Memory of Bruce Johnson JUNE 27, 2009 • 11 AM - 4 PM

SHADOW MOUNTAIN RACQUET CLUB $20 PER PERSON • $50 PER FAMILY REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JUNE 1 One-hour Drill Sessions with Pros • Lunch • Organized Matches • Awards • Prizes Contact Al Moore for more information 918.850.6198 Individuals who are seeking referral to a local Christian therapist are encouraged to call 492.1771 and request the Care and Professional Referrals line. Calls are returned Monday through Friday. For information about Stephen Ministry, call Charlene at 392.1145. ASBURY TIDINGS


Eternal Treasure














They graciously obliged.

ROD SAYLER The nugget of wisdom I would want to pass on to others is that the Lord does speak to us through His Word, and it is true, it is relevant, and it is absolutely reliable. I grew up in North Dakota, where our mother took us to church, and our Dad stayed home to milk the cows. While in Sunday school I learned the Bible stories, but we were never encouraged to read and study the Bible for ourselves. When I went to college I met some friends who actually studied the Bible for themselves, and without a pastor to interpret its meaning. I was intrigued by this activity and decided to join their Bible Study and see what the Bible had to say for myself. At first, I could not even find my way around the Bible without using the table of contents, but gradually I became more familiar with it. Then I realized, through the help of my friends, that I needed to have a personal relationship with Jesus before I would really be able to understand what it said. 8


So I prayed and asked Him to come into my life. At that point, the Lord, using the Bible passages I was reading, began to communicate to me personally. Now after 35 years of studying the Bible by myself and in small groups, I can honestly say I have always found it to be true and relevant to whatever is happening in my life or the world as a whole. Therefore, I highly recommend studying the Bible in two ways: 1. You need to study it by yourself, to hear what the Lord is saying to you as you read the passage. I look for verses in the passage that catch my attention and meditate upon them, as I believe He made them stand out to me for a reason. Then ask yourself three questions: What does the passage say? Why is this important? What should I do about it? The last question is the most important, as we consider how the Lord would have us apply this verse in our lives. 2. You also need to study the Bible in a small group, even if it is only two people. I have found that others looking at a passage with you will see different facets of the same jewel and, therefore, expand our understanding of the passage. A small group will also help to keep us in balance so we do not take passages out of context or apply them in an incorrect

manner to suit our own interests. My favorite Bible verse is Num 23:19 “God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it, or has He spoken and will He not make it good.” That verse to me means, His Word is ALWAYS true. Therefore, we can totally rely on it to guide us through our lives.

Esther Gene Morrison I have been a member of Asbury for 26 years, during which time I have led the Mothers’ Fellowship, a Bible study and prayer group of young mothers. The name of this ministry comes from Titus 2:3-5 which states that the older women are to teach the younger ones to love their husbands and children and to respect their husbands. In 1 Peter 3:1-4, we are told how to be good witnesses to our husbands and how inner beauty is so much more important than the outward adornment. I encourage them to study the Bible which is the inspired Word of God (2 Tim. 2:15). We spend some time in prayer at the close of the lesson for I believe there is great power in prayer, both in a group and privately (Matt.18:18-20). John 15 is one of my most loved Scriptures because of the image of Jesus as the vine and of us as the branches. We must abide in Him and Jesus in us in order for the fruit of the Holy Spirit to be produced in our lives. It is a process of continual surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The primary fruit of the Spirit is love and then the other eight are manifestations of that unconditional love (Gal.5:22-23). Another favorite passage is Psalm 37:3-5 in which we are exhorted to trust in the Lord, to delight ourselves in Him and commit our ways to Him. He will place in our hearts the desires He wants us to have and then grant them to us. Finally, I teach them to allow their children to grow and develop according to their natural talents and spiritual gifts, while at the same time training them in self-discipline and the reverential awe and deep love for God.

John Miller Wisdom is a difficult topic for me. If you know me you will understand. I am very blessed in that I have had the good fortune of having many wise friends. These men and women abound at Asbury United Methodist Church (I am wise enough not to list their names—this way all my relatives, friends, and acquaintances can think I am referring to them). What I have learned from these people is that there is only one source of true wisdom and that is God. You can learn a great deal from study, experience, listening, and observation. However, all of this can occur in the world and the outcome could be evil. Suicide bombers do all these things. Since the beginning of time wisdom has been the apple of men’s eye. In Genesis, Eve fell for the serpent’s trick because “the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom,” (Genesis 3:6). The source of Godly wisdom is God. James 1:5 says “if anyone lacks wisdom he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” The third chapter of James describes two kinds of wisdom. In verse 17 it describes “the wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James contrasts this to a wisdom that is rooted in envy and selfish ambition in James 3:1316. Often wisdom comes from learning in the standard manner, or from a new experience. The bookstores are filled with tips and systems to make you wiser. The men and women that I have watched and gained so much from are not seeking wisdom, they are seeking Christ. Wisdom is a natural result of that pursuit. Wisdom is desirable. God wants us to constantly seek it. His Word, prayer, praise and worship are the tools he has made available to us. The question is: are we wise enough to use them? ASBURY TIDINGS





still very uncomfortable for me. It was a chance to


die to self.


“Tidings” wanted to dis-

cover what a righteous home might look like, and

TIDINGS: You’re also a discussion leader at Bible

how regular people could attain such treasure. We

Study Fellowship (BSF). That puts you in a spotlight

turned to Lynnette Hudson (an average woman with

too, doesn’t it?

a “messy” house) to discuss her role as wife, mother, leader, and follower of Christ. She laughed at the

LYNNETTE: BSF leadership is a humbling experi-

idea of representing Christ’s righteousness but the

ence. I’m challenged beyond my ability. I know it’s a

conversation revealed her home does contain trea-

God-thing because it taught me to pray.


I even pray God would bring me to my knees. I know people think I’m crazy to ask that but what

TIDINGS: Scripture says we’re made righteous in

could happen that He couldn’t handle? If He’s going

Christ. But in action we have to learn that behavior

to put it in my path then I know it’s something God

and put it into practice. How do you do that?

can do.

LYNNETTE: One of my favorite verses is 2 Corin-

TIDINGS: And you just became the president of

thians 12:9-10, “My grace is sufficient.” Whenever

Women’s Ministry in January. That sounds like a

I’m weak, that’s where God makes me strong. Then

challenge. How’s it going?

God has the ability to shine, and I have to die to self. That’s what I’m learning to do––and it’s hard!

LYNNETTE: Women’s Ministry is another area that

I’m an independent person and I like to be chal-

God is going to grow me because I can’t do this on

lenged, but one of the hardest things for me is to be

my own. I could see ahead of time I couldn’t take

in the spotlight. Like starting Cornerstone Commu-

this position without God. Like Moses said, I won’t

nity almost five years ago. That was my vision, and

go unless you go with me.

I worked hard to get it going. Well, then somebody had to lead it. So I would stand up there in front of

TIDINGS: Besides prayer, what else helps you get

everyone and shake! I knew these people but it was

through the day? ASBURY TIDINGS 11

Eternal Treasure LYNNETTE: The biggest thing is Scripture. Learn-

I have to step back and wait and pray and let him

ing how to study God’s word through BSF made

lead, which is not my nature.

Scripture come alive. Scripture has actually become my lifeline! It’s all there: How to live my life, how to

TIDINGS: How does this affect your children?

raise my children, how to do my laundry. I always heard Scripture was the living word, but I never un-

LYNNETTE: When Emilee (10) started kindergarten,

derstood that until I started studying it. When I learn

the teacher asked a volunteer to give the class rules;

Moses’ life applies to my life directly, that’s huge!

she raised her hand and listed the fruit of the Spirit.

Studying Moses this year has taught me so much

Recently, Levi’s teacher’s daughter was having sur-

about leadership––my leadership. Which goes back

gery and Levi (8) raised his hand in class and said, “I

to 2 Corinthians, “His grace is sufficient.”

think we should pray for your daughter right now.” I know being in public schools is exactly where they

TIDINGS: So how did you transition from point-of-

need to be. I’m seeing how in their own ways they’re

decision for Christ as a child, to actually living for

salt and light. It’s fun to see how bold they are, which

Him as an adult?

I never would’ve been.

LYNNETTE: When Joel and I got married 17 years

TIDINGS: What else do you do to raise them up in

ago we decided to make this a priority. We joined

the way they should go?

a [different] church, and of course, I had to get involved. When I see something needs done, I jump

LYNNETTE: Little things influence our kids and you

in and do it. This was slowly moving me toward

wouldn’t expect it. We only listen to Christian music,

God. These acts of service were helping me get in

for example. And we adopted a missionary from As-

tune with Him. That was a big turning point. Then I

bury––that’s made a huge difference in Emilee’s life;

started to study Scripture and understand what God

now she wants to be a missionary.

was saying.

Recently Joel was out of town, so after community I considered skipping the service and leaving

TIDINGS: How has this understanding changed your

early. It would’ve been much easier to go home than


to take Hannah (4) to the Sanctuary. But I decided to stay.

LYNNETTE: We have a new perspective that mar-

After the service, Emilee said she wanted to buy

riage is God-centered and not just two people living

lots of bracelets that say, “Jesus Loves You,” so she

together. Joel takes the older kids to BSF with him,

can take them with us to Africa this summer and

and helps them with their Bible study. When I see

pass them out. Pastor Tom said something in the

him investing time in the children then I love him

sermon to inspire her. We think our kids aren’t lis-

even more. It has changed Joel’s spiritual position

tening, but they are.

in the house, and causes me to be more humble.










TIDINGS: So you’ve been on this journey for 17 years

than I do cleaning. There are seasons for everything

and you’re just starting to see some progress?

and it’s not my season for housekeeping. And that’s okay, because I’m finally seeing the fruit in my family.

LYNNETTE: For the first time in my life I can see our family of five, who are all different ages and going

TIDINGS: In other words, this messy house contains

all different directions, have one point in common

great treasure because it’s the home of a family who

other than being a family, and that is we have a love

bears good fruit.

and a hunger for Christ. Life’s not easy. It’s not pretty. My house is a mess, and I can’t keep it under control. But I’ve learned that’s pride and I have to let some things go. I only have a limited time to teach my kids everything I can, so I spend more time with my children


Eternal Treasure

Sarah Adams

Asbury Missionary CHRISTY CAPPS









M A few summers before, Sarah had the opportuni


6:21 her monthly need for support at $2,250, The Faith

ty to travel to Tanzania where God showed her what

Zone children wanted to meet that need for her for

third-world life was like. She saw many children in

a month.

the same clothes day after day, walking miles to get

The Children’s Ministry staff offered the kids an

dirty water from the lake to drink and bathe in. She

incentive. If each age group raised $500, then their

met joyful mothers working in the fields from dusk

teacher and willing adult volunteers would get a pie

to dawn singing songs of praise for work God had

in the face on a Sunday in April.


Children came each Sunday in March pouring out

Sarah fell in love with a group of orphaned girls

their gifts to Sarah. One child in Mrs. Sandy Lynn’s

she was able to befriend. God opened her eyes to

third and fourth grade class (also known as H20) had

such beauty, and yet such poverty, all at the same

been saving money for awhile to buy a hand-held


electronic gaming system called “Nintendo DS.”

In Sub-Saharan Africa, poverty and disease have

She had saved $50 on her own. After learning about

ravaged villages across the continent. An estimated 50 percent of the population is under the age of 15 and life expectancy ranges from 38 to 44 years old. “My eyes were opened for the first time to real pain and struggle. In my life those words seemed so light and meaningless. I am so thankful for the blessing of being raised in a Christian home and running the halls of Asbury UMC,” Sarah said. “Now, many years later, I know God asked me to GO, and I know He confirmed this calling through my trips to Africa. I want to use the gifts He gave me to serve youth in Africa.” The Sunday before she left for Africa, Sarah paid a special visit to the children of Asbury. She met the children during their Big Group time and shared with them what she would be doing in Africa for two years. She told them how much she needed their prayers while she was away. The children responded enthusiastically to her request. One three-year-old girl asked both her grandmother and grandfather to teach her how to pray so she could pray for Sarah. Sarah’s mission inspired the Faith Zone kids ages 4–12 to collect money to support her. With ASBURY TIDINGS 15

Eternal Treasure Sarah and her mission, this young girl told her mother, “I want to give money to Sarah.” That Sunday, she gave it all. A young boy pulled money out of his piggy bank to put in the class offering every Sunday. He never asked his mom for money. When his mom realized what he was doing, she said, “I will give you some Sarah’s mom, Jan Adams, was there as a special

money, you don’t have to use your money.” The child replied, “That’s

guest to see the celebration and rejoice in the love

okay, I want to give mine.”

our children have for Sarah.

After all the pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and

“Thank you so much for supporting me and hav-

dollars were counted, the children and families of

ing all the children bring in money to support me,”

Asbury’s Faith Zone had donated more than $2,700

Sarah said. “I always fall asleep feeling so blessed

to support Sarah. Needless to say, each teacher and

and proud to be here [in Africa] for Jesus. It is so

several willing volunteers got nice fat pies in their

neat to see/feel/experience my relationship with

faces to the delight of the children.

God growing so much.”

Sarah’s mission includes serving Malawian youth, ages 625, who have not heard or responded to the Gospel. She will conduct soccer ministry, church day camps and other youth programs. She will also assist other SIM (Serving In Missions) team members in the Hope for AIDS program started by SIM. You can learn more about Sarah Adams by visiting her website at or email


Eternal Treasure




characters central to any given Bible story are no dif-


ferent than our young horror victim.


Consider David spying on roof-bather Bathsheba,

Be honest—whether you love or hate them, most

Samson cavorting with a harlot who cut his “never to

have experienced the classic horror movie scene. You

be cut” hair or Peter lopping off an ear. Then there’s

know, the one where the attractive, young, scantily

Eve being wooed to eat the fruit and Lot’s wife suc-

clad teenage female has opened the door to the psy-

cumbing to the temptation to turn around and look.

chopathic killer who takes her to her demise.

We cannot forget Moses arguing with God about his

The inner voice in you screams “NO, NO, don’t open the door!” After the climaxing trauma of her death, you cannot help but entertain the crazy thought that the victim was so foolish, she deserved the fate she met.

qualifications to do the job God commanded him to do, or Solomon marrying a bunch of idol worshipping unbelievers. In every case the reader almost can’t help but say “NO, NO….DON’T DO IT!”

If you study your Bible, you will see that the cheesy

Admit it. While reading, you silently say, “Well if I

horror movie scene is not an original idea. God docu-

was actually lucky enough to have a direct conversation

mented this phenomenon long before Hollywood

with God, I would not waiver from what He told me.”

existed. Oftentimes, the destructive decisions of the



Oftentimes the Bible character does what God says,

We would be wise to prayerfully consider what our

in part, but not without arguing with God or adding or

gifts, blessings and treasures are, realizing they actu-

subtracting crucial elements to God’s plan, instruction

ally belong to God. At times our treasures become our

or timing. After all, in reality it’s not just important to

lives, and we take ownership and control of them more

do what God says but when and how he says, as well.

than we probably should. Spending daily alone time

For some reason, horror movie characters, Bible

with God and constantly re-assessing how God wants

characters, and many of us today have a hard time to-

us to relate to our treasures, keeps us from making

tally trusting God and His plan for our lives. We like to

them our idols.

retain a portion of control over our gifts, talents, blessings and treasures.

Treasures should be cherished and cared for responsibly, but our passion for our children, jobs, oppor-

Consider your treasures—could they come from

tunities, talents and possessions should be carefully

Treasures should be cherished and cared for responsibly, but our passion for our children, jobs, opportunities, talents and possessions should be carefully balanced by God’s expectations of how we view them and what we do with them. seemingly positive categories such as mates, children,

balanced by God’s expectations of how we view them

jobs, possessions, relationships, talents or abilities?

and what we do with them. If we do not use wisdom

Do you thank God daily for these good gifts He has

and discernment with what we have been given, we

given you, and trust Him for direction on how to view

begin to get out of balance and into that horror movie

them and use them in your life for His purpose?

mode; that mode where we get more invested in our

Bible characters and modern day humans also hold

daily activities, what we have, and what we want,

on to treasures that really aren’t treasures at all. Fear,

rather than what God has given us, and what He wants

greed, envy, jealousy, hatred, immorality, and a host of

us to do with it.

others are all like the proverbial albatross around the

Love the positive treasures you have been given,

neck. As odd as it sounds, many hesitate to let go of

and reevaluate the ones that have become your idols.

these negative characteristics thinking, if they let them

Love the One more that gave you the good gifts, and

go, their life will fall apart. Some secretly hoard these

trust Him to help you let go of the negative ones.

attributes at the expense of relationships, jobs, reputation, and ultimately salvation. Fortunately, we are able to see some of our favorite Bible characters exercise more spiritual maturity than

When the events of your life unfold, do you want the great gallery of witnesses to scream “No, no, don’t do it!” or would you prefer to receive a standing ovation for a job well done?

they did in their younger years. Abraham obeyed God,

The choice is yours. God’s mercies are new each

and took his gift, blessing and treasure—Isaac—to be

morning, so begin each day with the Treasure-giver,

sacrificed because he knew Isaac belonged to God. By

and treasure Him. You might have a better ending to

the time Abraham had lived so many years not totally

the script of your life than you can ever imagine.

trusting God, he realized trusting God with his “treasures” was easier and more beneficial than holding onto pieces of them himself. Can you release your most valuable treasure to God and trust His outcome? 18 ASBURY TIDINGS

Leave An Inheritance JOHN WESTERVELT


ince becoming a widower 22 years ago, I have enjoyed dinner every Friday night at the home of my brother Wallace and his wife Barbara. On a recent Friday night, Barbara fixed oven-fried chicken, sweet potatoes, cabbage amandine, and orange slices. The cabbage amandine was particularly delicious, so I asked, “Where did you get the recipe?”

Study on Sunday night. Since her daughter Caroline was a seventh-grader at the time, Paula chose a group of girls who were that age, but one that did not include Caroline. These girls, now high school juniors, continue their Bible study and mission work with Paula and two other women as their leaders. Paula went to Red Bird Mission in Kentucky with an

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children. Luke 12:34 Barbara said, “That is Rosalie Ashworth’s recipe from an Asbury cookbook from the early 1970s. Each time I fix it I am reminded of Rosalie.” I thought, “On this Friday night, I am enjoying an inheritance from Rosalie.” I was to learn on Monday from Rosalie’s daughter Paula Smallwood that Rosalie died in 1976 at age 57 after battling cancer for four years. I found in my coffeetable book, “The Heritage of Asbury United Methodist Church,” on page 115 that Rosalie was on an Asbury bowling team with Pat Ulrich and Jayne Mason. On page 175, Rosalie was listed as President of Asbury’s Woman’s Society of Christian Service for 1969-1971. This group was the predecessor of today’s United Methodist Women. As I thought about the inheritance that Rosalie left, my mind focused on her daughter. Paula shares Jesus with four-year-olds in Asbury’s weekday preschool. I have been blessed to work with Paula as a volunteer. I observe her love for the children. I know about the work she does at home to be prepared for the school day. As good friends, Paula and I share what’s going on in our lives. It was years ago now that the Student Ministries staff asked Paula to lead a Small Group Bible

Asbury youth group to repair homes in impoverished areas. Paula joined volunteers from Venue68 to build a house for Habitat for Humanity. She has shared how much she loves the people that she and her brother visit twice a month for Meals on Wheels. On Wednesday night Paula can be found at Asbury’s Venue68 helping with “Life Hurts, God Heals,” a Celebrate Recovery Bible study. There are 50 junior- and senior-high youth that gather for worship and singing. The service is followed by small group meetings. Paula and another woman listen to eight or ten girls share their hurts and healings. So Rosalie’s inheritance lives on in service to children and youth.

Rosalie’s Cabbage Amandine 1 Tbsp. oleo

5 c. coarsely shredded cabbage 1/4 c. chopped, blanched almond s 1 tsp. salt 2 Tbsp. oleo 1 1/2 c. milk 2 Tbsp. flour Melt 1 tablespoon oleo in skillet. Add almonds and cook until lightly browned. Set aside. Heat milk in large saucepan; add cabbage and salt . Cover and simmer 2 minutes, add 2 tablespoons ole o. Sprinkle flour over cabbage. Mix and simmer 3 min utes, stirring frequently. Stir in almonds. Makes 6 servin gs.


My Life...

Home of Hope Marko Kutt


very Wednesday at 3 pm you can hear from the 89.0 MHz: ”Hello, my name is Marko Kutt, I’m 39 years old and you are listening radio broadcast Carpe Diem. And sorry, I’m not available, happily married 18 years.”

But you can hear this about 6,000 miles from Oklahoma in the country Estonia. Isn’t it wonderful—like Philip—to be at the same time in two different places! To understand my broadcast you need to know Estonian. Thanks God for the internet and Skype (by the way, Skype was invented by Estonians). Let me tell you about Estonia in a few words. Notwithstanding, basically no one knows what is Estonia or where is Estonin and a million Estonians are proud to declare “I’m Estonian!” We are located in Eastern part of Europe, and our neighbor countries are Latvia, Finland and Russia. We have had our own culture, traditions and language for more than 5,000 years, but we got our own Republic in 1918 and lost our independence in 1939. When Soviet Union broke down, more than 50 years later, we got our independence and democracy back in 1991. To survive more than 5,000 years, Estonians have become a very tough nation. And some more tips 20 ASBURY TIDINGS

about Estonian characteristics—we are not afraid to work hard, if necessary. We are proud, and we are not afraid. Not afraid of dying. We don’t fear Russia and we don’t fear even God. There is a really famous saying in Estonia, “That the best dessert is other Estonian!” (Don’t take it word by word please. Ok, you’ll get it later!) Estonia and estone-a are very similar words. Estonia needs desperately a revival. Isn’t God magnificent—in loving us, loving all nations, and even those who don’t love him or maybe even hate Him? I would like to share with you short story about The Prodigal Son, and also the young rich man. It was a Prodigal Son’s decision - to leave from home. His free choice! And we know the story. He lost everything. Everything. And he was close to starving to death. Then, what happened? Hope. Some hope started to percolate from somewhere deep inside, ‘What if... What if…I had in the word available be in my fathers house...not as a Son, of course...but as a one of his servants…Then I have not need to die...but how could I?’ Hope came to the game. He thought, ‘Hope helps me! There is nothing more to lose anyway. Here I’m

going to die anyway.’

• John 12:24,25 ker-

And we know the

nel of wheat.

end of the story. He had






no faith for his father’s


forgiveness, for him—a


sinner. But he had a

at least from wealthy


family. He and we, as



‘I will do what I can

highly educated peo-

to do,’ he decided: I

ple, know about some

will repent, and I will

basic principles in busi-

go back.

ness. And the basic




role is—who owns the

story, the story of the

51 percent of shares in

rich, young man (Mark

your company? Who is


the Boss?



probably be the BEST

Where am I today

Church member that

in my journey with



my Master, Lord and

ever, ever dream of. But

Savior Jesus? Where

why did he run after

am I in my journey

Jesus to ask, “What do

as a member of my

I miss here good Mas-

Church? Where are we

ter?” How did he know

in our journey as Citi-

that he was missing

zens of our countries

something? And Jesus

USA or Estonia, etc.?

really felt genuine love

Where are we in our

for him. (Mark 10:21)

journey as a Body of


We all have our own story, history and background.

And because of it, God can use all of us in specific ways to reach out and help through us and our experiences those who are today in similar situations and problems we have gone through.

But why Jesus couldn’t help this young man? • Because he, the young man offered to Jesus the second place in his life. • Because he had a John 12:42,43 problem —they loved human praise more than the praise of God. • And he wanted, guaranteed ticket, to Paradise, after HIS nice life on the Earth. • Eph. 2:8,9 says that salvation is not a reward for

Christ? Why is my family here in the United States? I got saved 20 years ago during the Soviet Union time. As godforsaken kid after my parents divorced, I spent five years in a gang ”family” in the streets. No home, no food, no money, no home country, because Soviet Union wasn’t my home country, and no people who cares about you. ”Someone really loves you—and His name is Jesus!”

the good things we have done, we can’t take credit for this. ASBURY TIDINGS 21

much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.”

My Life...

1. Mark 16:15, To preach the Good News, and help local Churches around the world, 2. To establish Homes of Hope for those kids and youth who have really big need for a home. And for

These words saved me in 1989. To deliver this mes-

caring people, as James 1:27 says as well. James 2:15-

sage to me took 19 long, unpredictable years. And God

17 Faith and Works.

found His faithful servant, an older woman, the Meth-

We have registered the Home of Hope NGO/Lootuse

odist lady, whose name is Saima and who has a heart

Kodu MTU in Estonia and we are giving our house in

like Jesus has. Praise to the Lord and thanks for all this

Estonia, city of Kuressaare, for this purpose to estab-

kind of people like Saima!

lish there a reformatory/children home for 20+ kids

“How can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14 I wasn’t a Mr. Perfect Kid, but don’t worry—not a killer either, and have not been in a prison. And when

and youth in need. We appreciate your prayers, help and support. All are welcome. Here are some of the ideas how it is available to support our Home of Hope Ministry in Estonia:

I got saved, God did a miracle after miracle in my life

A) by prayers

and also gave me an opportunity to leave from the for-

B) practical activities

mer Soviet Union to the United States.

C) donations: by donating your old car and filling

Long story again, but I felt, when Holy Spirit asked

it with children clothes and goods you don’t need in

three times from me about those plans to move out

your household; by collecting coins, for example twice

from Estonia, I finally realized that He has His own

a year, during the Christmas and next one for Midsum-

plans. And since then I learned to take His priorities for


my first priorities.

Eventually, let us say a huge thanks to all of you

Now, 20 years have past since that day, and today

guys at Asbury family, and for all this wonderful work

I’m here, with my family. We are studying at Rhema

what you have done in Estonia and doing in Estonia

Bible Training Center as first year students and believ-

and for Estonia. And for this heart, that reaches out

ing in resources also for our second year.

to other countries around the word. Special thanks to

Only two percent of Estonian population today is

Pastor Tom, Pastor Dick Read, Mrs. Mary Ann Smith,

religious or interested about Christianity! And because

Ryan Proctor, Tim Corney, our linC community, Coo-

current years of our children, Miriam (16) and Andreas

pers, Gary Worley, Livingstone’s, Millers, Johnson’s

(14), are very important years in their lives, we wanted

and all other dear friends.

to show them the other kind of world as well, where

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three, but the

Christianity is totally NORMAL, not abnormal, as it has

greatest of these is love! This is our DNA now, as we

been in Estonia unfortunately more then 50 years.

are born again. And this is not our, human love, but

Our Vision(s)

We all have our own story, history and background.

And because of it, God can use all of us in specific

God kind of love—Agape! We have an amazing God, The Father. Jesus is coming soon—our part is to be prepared! Carpe Diem—Seize the day!

ways to reach out and help through us and our experiences those who are today in similar situations and problems we have gone through. Luke 7: 41- 43 and 47B says: ”Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved 22 ASBURY TIDINGS

If you would like to help with the Home of Hope Ministry in Estonia or to learn additional information, you can contact Marko Kutt at



Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled?

New Additions to the Library

Be sure to let Asbury know ahead

resource. Thank you to all who

of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146

continue to contribute books to

so your pastors can be in prayer for

our Library.

general information

you. When you enter the hospital,


church. The after-hours pastoral

Served from 7:15-9 am in the

emergency line can be reached by

CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with

calling 492-1771, selecting option

Asburians along with fresh donuts,

2, and leaving a message for the

bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage,

pastor on call.

please designate Asbury as your

eggs, fruit, and cereal. $3 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under.

Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an

Sunday Morning Worship

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

8 am, Mason Chapel

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

(Traditional Communion)

book ASAP to allow ample time

9:15 am, Sanctuary

for Couple-to-Couple (required


premarital sessions). Six months to

9:15 am, CLC (Open House Wor-

one year lead time suggested.

ship) (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting)

The Gazebo is Open

11 am, Sanctuary (Traditional)

CDs of Tom’s “Message of the Day”

11 am, Venue 68 (Modern with sign

are available immediately following


the worship service for $3. Prayer Journals are also available for $5

Sundays for Children & Students


6 Weeks-4 Yrs: 8:00, 9:15 & 11 am K-6th Grades: 9:15 or 11 am


7th-9th Grades: 9:15 & 11 am

Recycle unwanted paper products.

10th-12th Grades: 9:15 am only

Three bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots.

Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, & 11 am and Wednes-

Asbury Family News is available at

days, 6 pm and Shepherd’s Flock

the Welcome Centers. It includes

on Tuesdays at 6 pm. NEW! “Gen-

hospital lists, births, deaths,

erations” on Sundays at 11 am—a

marriages, baptisms and military

multigenerational community made


up of people from all demographics: married, single, young, and

Doors of Asbury posters are at the

“seasoned” spanning 6 decades in

Welcome Centers…FREE! Suitable

age groups! (See Discipleship).

for framing.

The Asbury Library is a wonderful

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6-7 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Community Sundays, 11 am, Rm. 1507

bible study RoadMap Coming soon! Summer 2009 RoadMap courses in the new brochure and on the Asbury website at www.

care and support GriefShare Tuesdays, May 5 – July 28, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 2500. GriefShare is a special weekly video series and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It’s a safe place to be around people who understand what you are feeling. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future. Cost: $12 for workbook. Childcare available. Call 392-1191 to register. Asbury Tennis Day Hosted by Purpose Driven Fellowship Community and benefiting Stephen Ministry in memory of Bruce Johnson. Saturday, June 27, 11 am – 4 pm, at Shadow Mountain Racquet Club, 7500 E. 61st Street. Cost: $20/person or $50 max/family. ASBURY TIDINGS 23

Fee includes a one hour drill ses-

Cancer Support Group

Asbury Bear Bags

sion with club pros, lunch, orga-

Second Sunday of each month,

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring

nized matches, awards and prizes.

4-6 pm, Parlor. For those living with

books have comforted young

Questions? Contact Al Moore at

cancer and their family and friends.

children for many years, but now or

you may give a Bear Bag with a

call Ruth at 392-1146. Pick up entry

Divorce Recovery

scripture-based journal included

form at South Desk, Connection

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

instead! Great for teens and adults.

Corner, or in classrooms.

For those suffering from the early,

Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear

highly emotional stages of divorce

to someone who is grieving. For

Visits to Asbury Members

and separation trauma. Childcare

more information, contact Beth at

Asbury has a unique group of vol-



regularly visit people who are either

Divorce Rebuilding


homebound or in nursing homes. If

Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

Registration forms for all children’s

you are interested in being visited,

For those ready to rebuild their

activities are available in the

call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact

lives after separation or divorce.

preschool and elementary lobbies.

the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

Childcare available.

Core Childcare Hours

unteers (Asbury Connection) who

Parents who are involved in Eating Disorder Recovery

RoadMap classes during these core

Prayer Card Sending Team

First and third Wednesdays, 12-1:30

hours will have childcare provided

Usually meets first and third

pm. For individuals seeking support

for children 6 weeks-12 yrs. of age

Mondays at 10 am in Rm. 1621 to

in the recovery process. Bring sack

with no reservations needed:

send cards with God’s encouraging


words and our prayers to those who are ill or going through hard times. Cards and care packages are also sent to Asbury-related military personnel. Contact Gwen Mohler at for more

Mon & Tue: 9 am-12 pm Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1506.

information, or call 392-1146.

Mental Health Support for Families

Asperger Support Group

people affected by a mental illness.

First Thursday from 7-9 pm in Rm. 1506. For mothers of children with Asperger Syndrome. Childcare

For family members or caregivers of 4th Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm, Parlor. Military Connection


Please join us in praying for our

Alzheimer’s Support Group

families. Periodic care packages and

Third Thursday, from 1:30-3 pm in Rm. 1621. Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia.


Sun: 8 am-12 pm

troops in harm’s way and their monthly encouragement cards with God’s Word are sent to Asbury-re-

Tue, Wed, & Thur: 6-9 pm Murdock Villa A mission opportunity for our 5th & 6th grade students. Usually the second Sunday of the month from 12:30-3:30 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat, then visit Murdock Villa where we will play Bingo and do crafts with special needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. Limited to 10 kids each month. For further information contact Jami at 392-1166.

lated military personnel. The Prayer

God & Me/God & Family Scouting Award

Ministry also covers them in prayer.

Awards Ceremony will be Thursday,

Please send contact information

May 14 at 6:30 pm in the Chapel.

(complete name and address) to

For more information contact Kim

Gwen Mohler at

Broadhurst at 392-1165 or

or call 392-1146.


to practice their missionary skills in or 392-

For children 1st through 4th grades

the Tulsa community. We will have


(fall 2009), June 16-19, 9 am – 12:30

a celebration on Friday following

pm. Cost: $10 per child. Our 1st

the VBS day to end our week of


-4th graders will begin their day

hard work. We’ll stay in the Venue

Discipleship Communities

with worship and then spend 25

for lunch and then head out for lots

If you have not found an Adult

minutes in each area of VBS. The

of low ropes fun. Parents can pick

Discipleship Community check out

cost includes a VBS shirt. To make

up at 5pm at Hunter Park. To make

“Get Involved” at www.asburytulsa.

your registration complete, make

your registration complete, make

org or pick up a brochure at one of

sure you return the signed form

sure you return the signed form

our Welcome Centers.

to Asbury with the fee and pick up

to Asbury with the fee and pick up

your t-shirt. For additional informa-

your t-shirt. For additional informa-


tion, call Jennifer Barnes, 392-4582

tion, call Amber Cox, 392-1171 or


T-shirt Pick-up Days

VBS Volunteer Training

PT Nursery Staff Positions Available Part-time position will work 1015 hours weekly in the Asbury

Once you are registered you can

Wednesday, June 3, 6 – 7:30 pm

Nursery. The schedule will include

drop off your form and payment or

(childcare available on Wednesday

Sunday morning from 8:30 am-

mail it to Asbury. You may pick up

only) or Saturday, June 6, 8:30

12:30 pm with a few remaining

your t-shirts after you’ve completed

- 10 am. If you are interested in

hours during the childcare weekday

your paperwork on Sunday morn-

volunteering with VBS you may

and weeknight core hours. Suc-

ings in the 2nd floor Children’s

sign up online or please call Jen-

cessful applicant should have a

Lobby area on May 3, May 17,

nifer Barnes at 392-4582 or Kim

love for children, willingness to

and June 6. Please remember that

Renkema at 392-1159 to find a place

portray Christian beliefs and values

registrations received after Friday,

that works for you. There is VBS

to children and families. Resumés

May 22 are not guaranteed a t-shirt.

for kindergarten age and younger

should be sent to Vicki Ihrig, Asbury

if you volunteer on site all week.

UMC, 6767 S. Mingo Rd., Tulsa, OK,

VBS Challenge Camp

Volunteers must attend one of the

74133 or call her at 918-392-1160.

5th and 6th graders (fall 2009),

mandatory training sessions so that

Monday, June 15, 4–8 pm; Tuesday

we have a successful week teaching


– Thursday, June 16–18, 8:45 am

our kids about Christ while keeping

Leave a legacy that continues

- 12:45 pm; Friday, June 19, 8:45

them safe.

to give forever to a ministry you want to support. There are endow-

am - 5 pm. Cost is $30 for the entire week. Challenge camp takes place

VBS Teen Training

ments that support many areas

in Venue68 the same week as VBS

Wednesday, June 10, 2 pm – 3:30

of Asbury’s outreach including

and is the next step for our older

pm. Teen volunteers who are

children, youth, music, missions,

kids. We will meet for worship,

entering 7th grade through 19

and training of pastors as well as a

dinner and planning on Monday.

years old are also needed! If your

general endowment. You can easily

The rest of the week will have a

teen is interested in volunteering,

impact a ministry thru your will

slightly different start and stop time

have them register online. They

or a current gift. Contact Dwight

to allow you to drop off your 5.6ers

can then print out the form, sign it,

Yoder at

and still have time to take your

have a parent sign it and put it in

or 392-1113.

little ones to and from the main

the drop box in Venue68. Training is

building. Each day, they will share

mandatory; you will be able to pick

VBS with each other ending with

up your t-shirt then. For additional

worship. They will also have a day

information, call Jennifer Barnes, ASBURY TIDINGS 25

marriage & family


8 Dates With Your Mate

Asbury Exploration

2nd Tuesdays, February 10-Sep-

Come to a lunch/class to learn

tember 8, 6:15-7 pm, Rm. 1502.

more about becoming a member of

Celebrate your marriage with

Asbury. Sunday, May 3, from 12:15-

conversation over dinner alone, or

2 pm in CLC. Lunch provided and

with another couple in the group.

childcare is available for children

Gather to hear a variety of topics

six weeks through 6th grade. Call

led by various speakers (30 min-

392-1191 to register.

need. To volunteer, contact Debbie

TOPICS/SPEAKERS! Call 392-1191


1177 or

to register.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

utes), then have dinner out. NEW

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the Attention Engaged Couples

CLC. Attention men of Asbury.

If you are planning to use an

Make plans to join us for a great

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

time of meaningful worship, life-

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

changing prayer and an awesome

book ASAP to allow ample time

big breakfast, all for just $3 per

for Couple-to-Couple (required

person. First-time guests are free.

premarital sessions). Six months to

May 6

one year lead time is suggested.

May 13

Dub Ambrose

May 20

Pec Clark

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries

May 27

Mark Springer

Don Herrold

Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5,10,15,20, etc.) to

Home Improvement Workday

Carolyn Schutte at brucetschutte@

Saturday, June 20. The Home or call Ruth at 392-

Improvement Ministry serves wid-


ows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our men’s ministry

Dynamic Marriage

volunteers make themselves avail-

Tuesdays beginning June 9, OR

able every other month to help

Sundays beginning June 21, 6:30-9

folks out with minor home repairs

pm, Rm. 2201. This is a 9-week

and/or home improvement projects.

interactive class that will help you

To volunteer, contact Debbie in the

replace old habits with new ones

Adult Ministries Office, 392-1177 or

in a unique, safe environment. Go

from good to great, mediocre to magnificent or hurt to healed. $130/

Car Care Workday

couple (scholarships available). $50

Saturday, May 16. Car Care Sat-

holds your spot. Childcare avail-

urday is an every-other-month

able. To register, contact Jackie or

workday provided for Asbury’s

Ron at asburydynamicmarriage@

widows and single moms, through prior to first class.

our men’s ministry. While the ladies

Limited to first 12 paid couples.

wait in the comfort of the café, volunteers check tires, belts,


fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith in to action through loving and serving those in in the Adult Ministries Office, 392-

Men’s Open Basketball Fridays, 11:30 am – 1:15 pm, Gym. Men! Make plans to join other Asbury guys and their friends each week as we get together for a little “round ball” and lots of fun! Come show us what you’ve got, and we’ll have a great time of exercise and fellowship. Invite your friends, and we’ll see you on the court! Men’s Spring Barbecue Sunday, May 3, 6 – 7:30 pm. Attention Asbury Men! You do not want to miss this! Make plans now to join us for our annual Men’s Spring Barbecue! This awesome event will take place just outside the gym on the concrete slab! That’s right! Come enjoy a “slab” of barbeque, on a “slab” of concrete. (Our rain location is the CLC.) This will be a night of fellowship and celebration, and all men ages 18 and up are encouraged to attend, as there will be plenty of barbeque with all the trimmings, for just $5 per guy! Bring a friend, and we hope to see you there! Annual Men’s Spring Golf Tournament Monday, May 18, 11 am. Attention men! Spring is here, and you know

what that means! That’s right!

to missions! You may drop your

• October 23-25: Cookson Hills,

It’s time for our annual Asbury

glasses off in the Global Outreach

Oklahoma, Light Construction

Men’s Spring Golf Tourney, and


• October 24-31: Monterrey, Mexico,

you definitely want to be a part of

MBS & Construction

the fun this year! The tournament

Mission Matters

• November 4-8: Monterrey, Mexico,

will be held at the Golf Club of

A monthly newsletter is available


Oklahoma. Lunch will be served at

with recent news of mission hap-

• November 11-15: Rio Bravo,

11 am, and the shotgun tee time

penings. Preference is for the email

Mexico, Men’s Construction

begins at 12:30 pm. The cost is

version, but hard copies can be

• VIM Team Leader Training:

$80 per person, which includes

mailed if needed. To receive the

September 19 in Bixby; October 24

the driving range, green fee, cart,

newsletter, please contact Missy

in Clinton.

lunch, awards and prizes! The

Sistrunk, 392-1163 or msistrunk@

For more about these exciting

format is a four-man scramble, and

mission opportunities, contact

you may form your own team or

Marilene Long at mlong@asbury-

be placed on a team. The deadline

Global Outreach Prayer Ministry

for paid registrations is Monday,

News and prayer requests from

May 11, with a limit of 120 players.

our missionaries and ministries


Forms may be picked up in the

are sent each week to our prayer

Chancel Choir

church office or at any welcome

ministry list. If you would like to join

Wednesdays, 7 pm, Choir Room

center, and returned with payment

and become a prayer intercessor for

to the Asbury Registrar’s Office.

those serving around the world,

New Covenant Orchestra

This year’s organizer is Todd White,

contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163.

Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm, Rm. 1510

Call your family, call your friends


Children’s Choirs

and join us for a great afternoon of

Volunteers-In-Mission Opportunities

Wednesdays, 6 pm, various

fellowship, friends and fun!

• April 19-25: South Texas, Hur-

Asbury Power & Light

ricane Ike Construction

Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm. 1510

if you have questions or concerns.

missions/outreach Global Outreach Dinner

• April 22-May 2: Central Asia,

Come join us Tuesday, May 5 at 6

Construction & Teaching

pm for the next Global Outreach

• May 30-June 6: Ecuador, MBS &

dinner. Contact Missy Sistrunk at


392-1163 for reservations by Thurs-

• June 4-15: Estonia, Lighthouse

day, April 30.

• June 19-29: Tanzania, East Africa, Medical or 392-1164.

Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm. 2506 Youth Orchestra Wednesdays, 5:30 pm, Rm. 2319 Asbury Ringers

Mission Yearbooks

• June 25-July 6: Estonia, Camp

The 2009 Mission books are here!

Gideon, Youth Camp & Construc-

Pick one up at the Welcome Centers


Perpetual Light

or come by the Mission Office.

• July 23-August 2: Estonia, Parnu,

Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Rm.

Oklahoma Outreach and Global

MBS & Light Construction


Outreach are together in one book.

• July 26-August 2: Honduras, MBS

Wednesdays, 6-6:50 pm, Rm. 2506

& Construction

Saints of Swing Dixieland Band

Eyeglass Donations

• September 17-29: Tanzania, East

Thursdays, 2-3 pm, Rm 1510

Are you wondering what to do with

Africa, Construction

those old eyeglasses? Donate them

• November: Central Asia, Construc-

Asbury Singing Ambassadors

tion & Teaching

Tuesdays, 2:30–4 pm, Choir room ASBURY TIDINGS 27

Summer Song Registration

Venue68: Mon.-Fri., 8 am-9 pm; Sat-

call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact

Sign up for a wonderful week (June

urday, 10 am-3 pm; Sunday, 12:30

the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

8-12) of fun and music! Children

pm-9 pm. To obtain pass codes, call

who have completed third through

Debbie in the Adult Ministries office,

6th grades in the summer of 2009


Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

are eligible to attend. Enrollment is limited to the first sixty who sign

VBS Prayer Vigil

from 9-9:30 am in the Gym. All

up. Our musical for this year will be

Monday, June 15 – Friday, June

senior adults are invited to join us

“Camp Wallaballa.” Don’t miss our

19. Make a difference in the lives

for a time of stretching, coupled

on all the fun! Cost is $25, registra-

of children. Commit to one hour of

with lots of fun and fellowship. No

tion will be in the music office May

prayer, on-site, while our children

high impact workout here. We take

3 and 10, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm.

attend Vacation Bible School. It is

it nice and easy. Come give it a try.


essential that we pray for our children during VBS, considering many

Senior Walk in the Gym with Him

Altar Prayer

children make first time decisions

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

If you would like someone to pray

for Christ while attending. Sign-up

from 8:30-9 am in the gym. All

with you during Holy Communion

will take place on Sunday, June 7

senior adults are invited to join us

or immediately following a worship

in the CLC Gallery & Sunday, June

for power walking, coupled with

service, please come to the altar

14, in Venue68. “The little children

lots of fun and fellowship. Come

rail. A pastor or member of the Al-

were brought to Jesus for Him to

give it a try.

tar Prayer Team will be glad to pray

place His hands on them and pray

with you for your needs—physical,

for them.” Jesus said, “Let the little

Asbury Singing Ambassadors

emotional or spiritual—at the altar

children come to me, and do not

Come enjoy fun and fellowship

or in the Prayer Room.

hinder them, for the kingdom of

with other senior adults (60+), on

heaven belongs to such as these.”

Tuesdays, 2:30-4 pm in the Sanctu-

Matthew 19:13-14

ary Choir Room. This awesome

Prayer Room Reservations The leadership of Asbury’s prayer

choir is made up of approximately

ministry would like to remind you


that the main facility Prayer Room

Celebrate Recovery

fourth Sunday at 8 am in the Mason

is open not only to individuals

Come join this supportive group

Chapel, during special occasions

desiring to pray in a quiet, medita-

of people each Monday night at 6

and holidays, as well as out in our

tive atmosphere, but also to prayer

pm. Dinner at 6 pm; Worship from

community. No experience neces-

groups within communities and

7-8 pm; Small Groups from 8-9 pm;

sary…just show up and sing!

ministries. Just give Debbie in the

Dessert from 9-9:30 pm. Hiding

Adult Ministries office a call at 392-

any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God

1177 to reserve the Prayer Room for

never intended for you to live in

your group on a weekly or monthly


basis. Prayer Room Days & Times

senior adults Visits to Asbury Members

Our prayer rooms are accessible to

Asbury has a unique group of vol-

you at these times:

unteers (Asbury Connection) who

• Mason Chapel & Venue68:

regularly visit people who are either

Sundays, 7 am-12:30 pm through

homebound or in nursing homes. If

the interior door.

you are interested in being visited,

• Main Facility, Mason Chapel & 28 ASBURY TIDINGS

100 senior adults who sing every

May Tweenagers Program & Luncheon Thursday, May 28, 10:30 am – 1 pm. Everyone aged 55 and up is welcome to join us for our monthly Tweenagers meeting & luncheon, taking place in the CLC. Our program will be an opportunity for you to “Show and Tell Your Treasures!” Music will be presented by the “Daughters of God” women’s trio, from Grove, OK! You don’t want to

miss this program, and don’t forget

and enjoy a delicious lunch,

7th & 8th Grade All Night Blast

to invite your friends! Call the main

courtesy of your fellow singles!

Friday, June 5, 8 pm – 6 am. June

office at 492-1771 to make your

Just bring a “family-sized” food

5 is the only time we stay up all

reservations by noon, Tuesday,

item, homemade or purchased!

night and do lots of really cool stuff.

May 26. If, during that week, you

Great food, great fellowship, new

Watch for registrations coming out

find you need to cancel, please also

friends…it just doesn’t get much

in May. This date changed because

let us know as we need to give an

better than that!

Disciple camp moved. This will be

accurate count to the cooks. Should

the first event with our new 7th

you choose, you may make a dona-

ASM Spring Luncheon

tion for the meal when you check in

Sunday, May 31, 12:15 – 1:30

that morning. Come join us for fun

pm, CLC. Come be a part of this

and fellowship!

luncheon designed for singles of

Senior Singles Game Time Thursday, May 21, 1 – 4 pm. Attention Asbury Senior Singles! How would you like to get together on a regular basis with a wonderful bunch of folks and play a few rounds of cards, dominoes, or whatever board or card game you chose? You KNOW you’d love it! If you’re a single or widowed senior adult age 55 and up, come check it out in Rm. 2820. Bring a friend and stay for as long as you like! This fun group will meet every third Thursday, so mark your calendars!

singles Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce.

all ages, with plenty of good food and great fellowship! The catered luncheon will consist of a delicious casserole and salad, with homemade bread and dessert. The cost is just $5 for adults, and children 10

grade class! 7th, 8th & 9th Disciple Registrations Due 789 students, Disciple Camp is coming August 3-7! This is an incredible 5 days at Camp WOW where you experience God, worship, small groups, and tons of fun. Registrations available in student area they are due July 22!

and under eat FREE!


7th, 8th & 9th Mysteries of the Word

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Breakaway

Sunday, May 17, 12:30 - 3:30 pm.

Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am

For all 789 students. Come for an

in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t

afternoon of learning all about how

your normal Sunday school. Come

to ready the Bible and what it has

join us for worship, fun and games,

to say about YOUR life. Preregister

interactive talk/lesson, and some-

by emailing Marsha at mbaker@

times free candy and gift cards. by May 13. Bring $3 for lunch, meet in the Venue.

7th, 8th & 9th Bible Study Wednesday night Bible Study is the place to be from 6:30-8 pm on Wednesday nights beginning Sept

Student Ministry Parent Support Group This is simply a Parent Support Group of parents who come togeth-

Childcare available.

10. Come to the Venue and hang

Divorce Recovery

words has for us.

strength, hope and new ideas from

7th, 8th & 9th Float Trip

als, but strive with God’s wisdom to

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare

out, have fun and study what God’s

June 23, 7th, 8th and 9th graders are going to float the Illinois! Watch


for registrations! We will meet

Singles Potluck Fellowship

around 4 pm. Cost is $20; plus bring

Sunday, June 28, 12 - 2 pm in the Parlor. Come, bring your children

at Asbury at 8:30 am and return your own sack lunch.

er to share experiences and gain each other. We are not professionlove, care, and support one another through all struggles of life. If you or your teen is struggling, please take this opportunity to get support, we meet upstairs in the Venue every Tuesday from 1 - 2:30 pm or 7 - 8:30 pm, attend whichever works ASBURY TIDINGS 29

better for you. Call Marsha Baker for more info 392-1157. 10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway Every Wednesday night we come together for a time of connection and worship. Our desire is to explore who God really is and how our lives matter to Him. We get started around 6:30 pm and wrap up around 8:30ish. Plan on hanging out afterwards for pizza. 9th graders you will begin attending Breakaway on March 25! 10th, 11th & 12th Small Groups Small groups meet Sunday nights. Times & places vary. Contact Todd 392-1154 or Amy 392-1156 to get plugged in.

women Women of the Word Wednesdays from 10-11 am in Rm. 2319, Rev. Darlene Johnson,

Home Improvement Workday Saturday, June 20. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury


family. Our men’s ministry volun-

Crafty Ladies Fellowship

every other month to help folks out

Mondays, 9:30 am - 2 pm, Rm 2820. Ladies, if you enjoy doing crafts and fellowshipping at the same time, this activity is for you! We gather on Monday mornings to work on our own individual arts and crafts, stop for a delicious pot-luck lunch, and continue on through until 2 pm. We have a wonderful time together, and would love to have you join us! For more information, contact Beverly Clarke, and stop by some

teers make themselves available with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. Just pick up a request form at the south welcome desk, or call your request in to Pam Wallace (392-1199, ext. 253), at least ten days before the scheduled work day. A Home Improvement volunteer will contact you, and make final arrangements to get the job(s) done! Car Care Workday

Monday and check us out!

Saturday, May 16. Car Care Sat-

6th Grade Promotion

UMW May Luncheon & Program

workday provided for Asbury’s

The current 6th grade class will

Thursday, May 7, 11:30 am – 1

widows and single moms, through

become 7th graders and start

pm in the CLC. Attention ladies!

our men’s ministry. While the

attending all things Junior High

The program planned for May’s

ladies wait in the comfort of the

starting June 7! We can’t wait;

luncheon will be an observance of

café, volunteers check tires, belts,

current 6th graders start in 5.6 on

the National Day of Prayer. Asbury’s

fluids, filters and batteries. They

June 7 and then will be walked over

own, Judge Robert Perugino, will

also vacuum and wash the vehicles,

to the Venue.

be the guest speaker. We will also

and then update owners on what’s

be installing the 2009-2011 Circle

running smoothly and what needs

Grad Celebration

Leaders. A delicious luncheon

professional attention. This free

Sunday, May 17, meet in the main

prepared by our church hostess,

service gives our men the oppor-

church foyer at 10:30 am wearing

Virginia, will be provided for just

tunity to put their faith in to action

your cap and gown, then you’ll

$6 per person. Our scripture em-

through loving and serving those in

head over to both the 11 am Sanc-

phasis for this month comes from 1

need. No reservations required; just

tuary and Venue services. After the

Timothy 2:1,2: “I urge, then, first of

get your vehicle in line by 11:30!

11 am service, you and your family

all, that requests, prayers, interces-

are invited to lunch in the CLC to

sion and thanksgiving be made for

Asbury Mother Daughter Luncheon

celebrate the class of 1009 (RSVP

everyone—for kings and all those in

Saturday, May 9, 11 am – 1 pm,

required). You won’t want to miss

authority, that we may live peaceful

CLC. Make plans now to join us

out on the special grad video, the

and quiet lives in all godliness and

for this biennial event, an Asbury

memories, or the really good food!


tradition, as we celebrate mothers

urday is an every-other-month

Please RSVP by April 30 to Amy

and daughters during Mother’s


Day weekend! All ages of women and girls are invited to attend, even visitors who may be in town for the


weekend, or your extended family

• 11 am, Traditional Service:

and friends. The theme, “Leaving a

Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir,

Legacy,” will be based on scripture

the New Covenant Orchestra and

from Psalm 89:1b: “…I will make

various vocal and instrumental en-

your faithfulness known through

sembles offer a variety of styles of

all generations.” You and your

music. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches.

guests will enjoy a delicious catered lunch, and inspiring speakers and music! We’ve even throwing in a surprise or two, just for fun! Tickets may be obtained from any member of UMW or the Women’s Council, or through the church office at $8

• 11 am, Modern Service: Venue 68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by the worship band. Sign interpreters for the deaf are offered. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast.

for adults and teens, and $7 for children ages 12 and under. Tickets may also be purchased in the CLC Gallery on Sunday, April 19 or 26. Only 360 seats are available, so don’t delay! Come on girls…don your spring finery and prepare to be blessed! UMW Garage Sale Friday & Saturday, July 17 & 18 Mark your calendars and watch Asbury publications for details!

worship • 8 am, Communion Service: Mason Chapel. Traditional service. Communion is served and Dr. Harrison preaches. • 9:15 am, Contemporary Praise & Worship: Sanctuary. Music, time of prayer and the message will all carry a prevailing theme for the morning. Dr. Harrison preaches. • 9:15 am, Open House Worship: Community Life Center. A relaxed atmosphere with engaging worship. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast with an occasional live sermon from another pastor. ASBURY TIDINGS 31


new members

Larry & Denise Bahler

Irene Bakos

Bob & Martha Carpenter, Chris & Kelli

David & Jennifer Fisher, Jessica, Tyler & Zach

Winifred Graves


Jim & Nancy Jones

Ray & Laura Bury

Pat Davis

Kirk & Tina Fridrich, Joshua & John

Brandon & Darla Koetter, Sydney

welcome to asbury

we’re glad you’re here

Jarret Rosser

Jim & Mickey Toney

David & Sarah St. John

Natalie Wagner

Wendy Taylor

Lance & Tracy Watson, Rylie, Ramsie & Reese

Asbury Exploration Classes If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. Choose from one of the upcoming Sunday membership classes: May 3 • June 7 • August 2 • September 13 October 4 • November 1 • December 6 Classes are from 12:15 pm - 2 pm. Call 392-1191 to reserve your place. Childcare is available and lunch is provided. ASBURY TIDINGS 33


family room in celebration of marriage 50 years

Jim & Sue Allison April 11, 1959 Ron & Jackie Carter April 24, 1959

Truman & Linda Rachels March 15, 1959

John & Betty Jo Vogel May 29, 1959

25 years Larry & Jana Annett May 26, 1984

we celebrate • Jenna Payton Todd, daughter of Patric and Jennifer Todd, born November 24, 2008 • Landon Keeling Adams, son of Reid and Alissa Adams, born March 3, 2009 • Jordyn Taylor Matson, daughter of John and Jennifer Matson, born March 12, 2008 • William Terry Toole, son of Michael and Rae Toole, born April 1, 2009

we remember

• Gerry Koons, died March 2, 2009 • Glen Thomason, Sr., husband of Cheryl, died March 20, 2009

• B. Jo Burlingame, mother of Lisa Burlingame, died March 24, 2009 • Vance Sharpe III, husband of Mary, died March 30, 2009 34 ASBURY TIDINGS

Glorify God‌ Make Disciples

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