Asbury Tidings - Charting the Course

Page 1

Charting the Course

Inside Tidings 1

This Month at Asbury


RoadMap Course List


Notes from the Journey

4 21

Charting the Course

22 27

Calendar of Events

28 30

New Members


Volunteer Opportunities

32 33

Family Room

In the Apostle Paul s last letter, he says to Timothy: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7) The context of this text is that Paul is about to be martyred. He wants young Timothy to serve as an effective pastor. In other words, this is the time when Paul is charting the course for the next generation. Pastor Tom Harrison

I have experienced that since coming to Asbury in 1993. When Bill Mason retired, he handed

off the ministry he had steered for 29 years. Can you imagine how hard that would be? Like a father walking his daughter down the aisle looking at a young

Tidings Staff

man who has years of INEXPERIENCE combined with unbridled enthusiasm

Sandy Wagner

and overconfidence. Sometimes I have wondered if Bill thought he handed the

Jan Weinheimer

keys of an expensive Porsche to a gorilla when I took the reins. Recently I told

Juli Armour

Bill that I had something he did not have when I became the senior pastor. He

Lisa Tresch

said, What is that? I said, I had YOU! Not only has Bill been a huge

Lina Holmes Chris Lo

influence before 1993 in Asbury s life, we would never have been able to accomplish what we have done if he had not been part of our congregation since 1993. I knew my role as Asbury s senior pastor would be to retain Bill s ( The

Contributors Christy Capps, Stephanie Hurd, Sylvia LaRose, Marty McBroom, Grant Miller, Liz Reece, Sheryl Tomlinson, Steve W right, John Westervelt, Nathan Woodard

Greatest ) generation while trying to reach my ( The Baby Boomer ) generation. Now that I m in my early 50 s I must stay awake and anticipate what is coming. A glimpse in the rear view mirror is essential from time to time, but where we have been should never become our focus. As I age, I have more life behind me than ahead of me, so I really have to pay attention to the next generation(s). The Lord willing, I will have another 10 years or so in ministry here, but I will eventually hand off the ministry to someone else. It is very easy to lose sight of where we need to be going as individuals

This month s Tidings

and as the Body of Christ, the Church. It is very easy to look just at people my

pays tribute to those

age who think as I do, without looking through the corridor of years and antici-

who have gone ahead

pating those who follow. We must make sure that we don t drop the baton or

of us to Chart the Course.

the race will be lost. Paul was not going to have that happen. He entrusted all he knew about the ministry to a younger man. We are to follow that example.

We pray that the stories will encourage you to

Charting a course is important. Leaving a legacy is essential. Bill Mason has left one for me. I plan on leaving one for those who follow me. And I

be making a difference

trust you are doing the same, as well. It s not just about me it s about

today for those who

you .and those who are coming.

will follow.

Dr. Tom Harrison, Senior Pastor

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.

You may read our back issues at

Vacation Bible School

For new (Fall 2007) 1 - 4 Graders Cost: $10 per child with $25 per family maximum

Challenge Camp Sunday, June 24 3:00-8:00 pm

Preschool age children may only attend if an adult volunteers the entire week for VBS. (New Kindergarten children will travel with the elementary age kids.)

Kids will join the team to hear the Bible story at Worship Rally, learn how to apply the

June 25-28 9:00 am - 12:15 pm

lessons to their life at Bible Theater, play games at the Recreation Field House, sing songs at the Music Pep Rally and have a “crafty time” at the Crafts Fan Zone and learn

Friday, June 29

how to play in the neighborhood in our Missions area. Each day kids learn what true

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

heroes are all about.

Big Splash Celebration

Family Fun Night 1


Thursday, June 28 from 5:30 - 8:30 pm

For new (Fall 2007) 5


& 6



Cost: $25 per child (no maximum)

GriefShare Support Group 13 weeks Tuesdays, May 22 - August 21 (no class June 26) June 12 in Room 1900 (Parlor) 7:00 - 8:30 pm Childcare Provided Instructors: Mary Ann Whisnant and Connie Conrad GriefShare is a special weekly video series and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It s a place to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You ll

Daniel (Beth Moore Study)

learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and

13 Sessions

renewing your hope for the future.

Wednesdays, May 16 August 22 (no class June 27 & July 4)

Best of Solutions - Cloud & Townsend Video Series

6:15-8:30 p.m.

Tuesdays, June 5 July 10 (no class June 26)

Room 2820

6:30 8:00 p.m.

Teacher: Katie Ruley and Tammy Houghton

Room 2820

Cost: $18 Childcare provided

Instructors: Tammy Beals and Jim Small

Do you want God to take you places you ve never been? Do you

Child care provided

want to go on a journey that will rock your world and thrill your senses? Do you want to learn things about history and prophecy? You will never become bored on this journey of faith, an interactive study

A 5-session video series featuring lectures by the best-selling authors of Boundaries, Christian Counselors Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John

that includes personal daily assignments and weekly video-centered


group sessions. Whether you are single, married, young or

topics for singles, couples and parents:

mature this study will empower you, encourage you and ignite you!

June 5:

We cannot wait to join each of you on this amazing journey that is

June 19: The Fine Art of Fighting

June 26:

No Class (VBS)

July 3:

July 10:

The Sum of All Fears

guaranteed to help you live your summer to the fullest!

When Godly People Do Ungodly Things

Each session stands alone. These are great life enrichment

Give Up the Blame Game

Best of Friends

June 12:

Step into My World

Dynamic Marriage 9 weeks

(Beth Moore Study)

Wednesdays, July 11 September 5

7 Sessions Tuesdays June 5 July 24 (no class on June 26) 9:30-11:30 a.m.

(required intro meeting on July 11) 6:30 9:00 p.m. Room 1506

Room 2820

Instructors: Rod and Charlene Giles

Teacher: Lynette Hudson

Child care provided

Cost: $13 Childcare provided

Give us 8 weeks we ll give you a dynamic marriage! This is a NEW

Believers are still subject to Satan s attacks; he is determined to disrupt the lives of Christians, destroy their ministry, and steal their joy. Sadly, those who have fallen may not recognize the devil s schemes until they have already been caught in a snare of defeat. This

interactive class that will help you replace old habits with new ones in a unique, safe environment. Go from good to great, mediocre to magnificent or hurt to healed.

Limited to first 12 paid couples.

Scholarships available call Charlene at 392-1145.

biblical guide to authentic repentance and restoration shows Christians how to prepare for attacks by the enemy and arm themselves against temptation, and includes a guide on how to help other fallen believers.

Pressure Proof Your Marriage 1 Weekend 6:00 pm Friday, July 13 - noon Sunday, July 15

Learning About Your Spiritual Gifts

Neosho River Ranch

One session

(55 minute drive, near Wagoner, OK)

May 9 in Room 2820 or

Instructors: John & Stephanie Locher

June 12 in Room 1900 (Parlor)

Brock & Diane King

6:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Pressure getting to you?

Childcare Provided

and breakfast setting?

Teacher: Dee Gibbs

help you learn to get rid of myths and find ways to handle stress.

Pastor Tom Harrison has urged us to learn what our gfits are and to USE them to Glorify God and Make Disciples .

How about a getaway for two nights in a bed

Group discussions and times as a couple will

Have you been

Best of all, only $50 per couple! Limited to first 10 paid couples. (Asbury members or visitors)

wondering what on earth you are here for? Come explore God s design

Believers Bible Study

for Spiritual Gifts and how you uniquely fit into the body of Christ! (There is no one like you!)

Women of the Word

Prerequisite: Take online Spiritual Gifts inventory found on the

Wednesdays 10:00 11:00 am

Asbury website if you have not done so previously. Bring your

(no class on June 27)

completed copy of

Room 2319


Spiritual Gifts Inventory printout to class for

discussion and deeper understanding.

Teacher: Darlene Johnson

Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 pm May through July (no class on June 26) Room: 1502 Teacher: Don Herrold


Notes from the Journey

The Great Circle Route by Lisa Tresch


ive years ago our family flew to China. We

which at the time didn t seem to be Oklahoma. I was going

boarded a monstrously large airplane that had

to marry when I was around 30 years old and have children

stairs leading to a second level. This was a

late in life so that I could get it all in before I had to settle

cause for concern for those of us in the family who don t

down. God, however, had something else in mind, which

understand how something so heavy can work its way into

more closely resembles the Great Circle Route. It took me

the air, but my two elementary age children assured me

a direction I would have never dreamed of going, and landed

that the size of the plane made no difference. And my

me in places that took my breath away. I have come to

husband allowed me to dig my fingernails into his arms as

realize that perhaps God isn t really into straight lines like I

we took off, as he always does.

am. Perhaps he thinks we get more out of a route that isn t

Despite my love of travel, I don t really like to fly. But flying was the only option because we had to get to China

I like straight lines because you can see what s in

where our soon-to-be daughter was waiting for us. So after I

front of you. In Proverbs, we are promised that if we ac-

pulled my nails out of Kyle s forearm and took a deep

knowledge God in all our ways, he will make our paths

breath, I noticed the little screen on my armrest had

straight (3:6). And the psalmist asks God to lead him in a

mapped out our route to Beijing. I studied it carefully,

straight path (27:11) and make straight the way before

watching the little plane and the arrows that pointed out

me. (5:8). Naturally, I assumed that a straight path meant a

which direction we were going. Our two-story plane would

steady, safe and comfortable route--no detours, rocks, cliffs

fly over Alaska and Russia (at one point we were able to

or storms in the desert. I think perhaps what Solomon and

look out the window and see the white-capped mountains of

the psalmist are talking about is charting a course that

Siberia), and somewhere around Zyryanka, Russia, we

keeps our eyes focused straight ahead at the One who is

would veer back south. I pulled out the flat map in the seat

ultimately in control of the route, even if that route is

pocket and studied the route, noting that it seemed we were

circuitous and winding.

taking a long detour north instead of flying the straight line

I like to make plans, and chart courses, but I have

across the Pacific Ocean. My friend Bobby, who is a pilot,

found that I don t have much creativity where this is con-

told me the other day that this is called the Great Circle

cerned. Most of the time my idea of the perfect path is the

Route, which makes sense because we don t live on a flat

one that keeps me at a distance from something as

map. We live on a round planet, where navigators must

beautiful as ice-capped mountains of Siberia, or something

chart courses based on circles, not straight lines.

as life-changing as looking into the eyes of a tiny orphaned

I prefer straight lines. In college, I had my life route


so predictable and clear-cut.

girl. God loves detours and deserts and routes that seem a

planned out, and it was a straight line. It consisted of a

little out of the way, and he asks us to keep trusting that

career in a place where exciting things were happening,

His path is the one that will bring us closest to His heart.


ottie Westerberg has

nity according to the child s capability.

each child so Dottie is looking for

been a key lay person

This enables the parents to either

volunteers. One buddy reported how

attend a worship service or a commu-

great it was to see her little guy

ministry for about 25 years. Last spring

nity. Heather and Alan Bates, parents

participating in his class with enjoy-

there were indications that Asbury

of nine-year-old Logan, are grateful to

ment and confidence. Another little girl

needed to have a ministry program for

be able to attend a community as a

blesses Dottie and others she has

special-needs children. Dottie and

couple and have peace of mind that

come to know by signing Hi when

others were concerned about this so

Logan is enjoying himself in his own

she meets them.

research was gathered from other

community with a buddy to guide him.


in Asbury s children s

churches around the country to get an

This new ministry includes th

Dottie retired last year after 29 years of teaching third grade. She was

idea of the challenges, expectations

children from birth through 6

and possible problems to be faced with

Only the 9:15 and 11:00 hours are

1993/94 school year. Her heart for all

such a ministry.

available at this time. Only children who

kids includes making her seek the

I think God is telling me to do


Teacher of the Year in Bixby for the

can be in a regular classroom or

highest good for these dear children with

this, Dottie confided to her daughter,

nursery (with help from a buddy) are

special needs by drawing them closer

Carrie, a trained special education

able to participate. The safety for the

into the fellowship of Christians. She is

teacher. Armed with her convictions

child and the other children must be

also concerned with the increased

and the help and guidance of others on

determined by first having the parent(s)

pressure on the parents of these

our children s staff, Dottie became the

attend an evaluation session to deter-

children, and desires that they have the

ministry team coordinator for this new

mine these issues. All handicapping

opportunity to have an hour of worry-free


conditions that can be handled in the

worship and fellowship each week.

The idea is to have a buddy accompany a special-needs child to

classroom or nursery are considered. Being a buddy is a blessing. The

If you would like to be a buddy, call Dottie Westerberg at 369-5460 or

his or her community and stay with the

time commitment is only one hour a


child during that hour until the parents

month since the child has a different

-Marty McBroom

come to get him. The buddy helps the

buddy each week. This means, of

child fit in and enter into the commu-

course, four buddies are needed for



Guiding Me Toward Faith by Grant Miller hen I was about 12 years old my


father invited me to

this was different. This was serious. I think they even gave us nametags.

and encouraging me as I walk in faith

I really enjoyed the experience

step by step. I will always love and

attend the Bill Gothard seminar with

and the teaching but most of all I just

him downtown at the convention

thought it was really cool doing some-

center. I was very excited about this

thing grown-up with my dad. Then

opportunity to share a new experi-

began listening more and more closely.

ence with my dad. We had been to

Suddenly, God s word began to move

countless Sooner football games

me in a way that I had never experi-

together in Norman but

enced before.

there beside me quietly influencing me


I felt an

overwhelming peace in my spirit as I experienced the presence of God in a new way. Standing there next to my dad, I slowly began to realize that although my dad

cherish the Bible that he gave me as I began full-time ministry. I hope he will forgive me sharing his words of encouragement to me with all of you.

Grant, My prayer is that you will learn to love this book more with each passing day. It is the truth. It is alive. Its contents are life-changing You will never know too much of what is written in these pages. These words house God s love. May God use you for good. Love, Dad

was my hero, my faith was my own. I did not just believe these words from the Bible because my dad and mom did but I truly believed in my own heart that these were God s words of eternal life. My dad has always been my real-life model and a champion of faith for me. To this day he is always standing



I can t thank God enough for blessing me with parents who love me unconditionally and support and encourage me in all that I do. I have also been incredibly blessed in my life to be influenced by so many champions of faith who have given of themselves unselflessly to help me along my way. I could not even begin to name them all. But I do thank God for them every day and pray for them knowing that God will continue to bless them. May God bless you as you helped chart my path in life. - Grant Miller

ne recent breezy

I applied to

Saturday, Kenya


Johnson, with the help

of thirty volunteers from Asbury and Redeemer Covenant Church, hoisted the first wall into place on the smooth concrete slab that is the foundation for her new home. Kenya wore work gloves and a carpenter s apron as she spoke excitedly, over the din of pounding hammers, about becoming a member of the Habitat for Humanity family. I applied to Habitat because I m in a position where I make too much income to receive any assistance; however, I don t earn enough to make ends meet. It s really hard to make it as a single parent. I knew I needed some help I literally felt like I was drowning, said Kenya. Habitat s selection process determines the applicant s need for housing, their ability to repay the mortgage, and their

Habitat because I m in a position

willingness to work in partnership with the organization. Recipients are expected to do 500 hours of sweat equity, including 10 months of money management classes, eight work-

where I make too much income to receive any assistance; however, I don t earn enough to make ends meet. It s really hard to make it as a single parent. I knew I needed some help I literally felt like I was drowning. -Kenya Johnson

shops (every thing from woodshop to cooking), and provide 10 months of $50 installments to serve as a down payment. Kenya also earned credit hours by assisting with other builds. After reaching 450 hours of sweat equity in November of 2006, she was put on the waiting list for her own build. Habitat suggests the last 50 hours of labor be used on one s own house. Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian ministry dedicated to the cause of eliminating poverty housing. Habitat has built more than 225,000 houses in nearly 100 countries providing simple, decent, and affordable shelter for more than one million people. Tulsa just celebrated its 150


Habitat house, and



Kenya Johnson, Tom Harrison and Beth McCalman at the Raising of the Wall on Saturday, April 21.

Asbury has fully or partially sponsored eight of those. The houses are made affordable by not-for-profit mortgages, vital financial support, and because homeowners and volunteers build the houses themselves. The homeowner s mortgage payments go into a revolving fund to help build more Habitat houses.

7 7


It was a tremendous sacrifice for

deepest and most sincere gratitude to

my entire family; my eldest son,

Asbury and Redeemer Covenant for

Aaron, had to babysit his two brothers

becoming Habitat sponsors and to

as I was rarely home. He had to make

thank everyone who has helped me

sure everyone ate, took baths, did

and my family, whether through prayer,

homework; he had to monitor them

coming out to build, giving time and/or

during outside play, and get them in

supporting Habitat, said Kenya. Her

bed on time. My two younger sons,

eldest son has known about their

Jalen and Kenneth, had to learn to be

financial struggles throughout his

submissive to their brother. We all

whole life, but now he won t have to

sacrificed, and now our home is being

worry because now he will see us

built, Kenya said.

thrive, said his mom.

Although her home is still under

It is incredible what the body of

construction, she already has a sense

Christ can accomplish when building

of relief from her difficulties and real

on a firm foundation of love, coopera-

hope for the future. Kenya wants the

tion, and the generous outpouring of

members of Asbury to know how their

time, labor, and financial support.

sponsorship will significantly improve

Kenya agrees, It is a truly awesome

the lives of her and her children. I


would really like to express my

-Stephanie Hurd

Hands of Tulsa) came knocking. She

Heart has helped him grow because it

define us, Starla

ircumstances don t

was hesitant at first but the volunteers

has given him strong leaders to look

Doberstein-Reed told her


were consistent in coming back and

up to. Even his Scout leader is a

children. Starla s family had hit a

talking to her about the wonderful

volunteer with Youth at Heart. They ve

bump in the road of life. It was a

programs they had in place for children

made such an impact on our lives, now

through a series of difficult circum-

in public housing.

my family wants to give back, she said.

stances and that Starla and her children

After several meetings, Starla

And with God s help, they are doing just

moved into low-income housing.

allowed her children to attend a

that. Starla and her husband have put

Starla s son, Antonio was in the fifth

Mother s Day activity and they came

their family back together. Her husband

grade. God carried every one of us

back raving about the wonderful time

is now one of the recreation directors for

and once I surrendered to His will for

they had. As her children began

Youth at Heart.

my life, He opened doors, she said.

participating in the weekly tutoring

One of the doors God opened

Youth at Heart was formed on

program, Starla watched their grades at

October 1, 2003, by the merger of

was Starla s front door when volunteers

school skyrocket. I was so thrilled

Destination Discovery and Helping

from Youth at Heart (formerly known as

with the program, I began volunteering.

Hands of Tulsa. In 1976, Asbury

Destination Discovery and Helping

Antonio believes that Youth at

Pastor Joe Harris, who is now the



Oklahoma Conference Communica-

His thank you letter told of the differ-

tions Director, was the first Executive

ence they had made in his life.

Director of Destination Discovery.

The mission of Youth at Heart is

Asbury joined with Memorial Drive

to shape, support and encourage

Methodist to find volunteers to help

Tulsa s inner city youth. They

kids who needed tutors.

provide educational and recreational

Sgt. Pat Calhoun, a Tulsa Police

after-school and summer programs for

Officer and Asbury member was one of

inner city youth ages six-18 living in

those volunteers and is now a member

Tulsa s public housing communities

of the board for Youth at Heart. He

and low-income apartment complexes.

knows the difference Youth at Heart is

In the 11 communities, they manage

making in our community. We

nine recreation centers. Their educa-

recently received a thank you letter

tional, cultural and recreational pro-

from a young man whose life was

grams provide an effective alternative to

changed because of a basketball

idleness, vandalism, school truancy,

game. This boy was on his way to join

drug use and gang-related activities.

a gang when he came across some

point kids in the right direction and

basketball with kids in the neighbor-

they are always looking for volunteers

hood. They invited him to join the

to help. To learn more about Youth at

game. In that moment, he made a

Heart visit their website

choice. It was a defining moment in

that young man s life because he had

-Christy Capps

found someone who cared about him.

Youth at Heart students getting ready for Christmas. ASBURY TIDINGS






Youth at Heart works tirelessly to

Youth at Heart volunteers playing





Learning the Lesson of Total Surrender

Nathan with his

by Nathan Woodward

f there are two things I


have learned in my short 20 years of life, they are

saxophone Arriving home, her mother was sitting

situation that seemed larger than life

at the piano. Silently, she remained

was a testament to the fact that we

out of sight with this burden sinking

have a God that is larger than anything

as follows: First, when God calls, I

deeper and deeper into her soul.

this world may throw our way.

answer. There is no benefit in avoiding

Reaching her breaking point, Amy

it, as God will always reign supreme.

appeared from around the corner and

Amy and her family trusted God with

Doubt it? Take a moment and remem-

slid onto the smooth piano bench

their need. Deep within her soul, Amy

ber Jonah. Second, God will always

beside her mom.

knew that to keep this child would not

meet me at my point of need. Chances

With tears streaming down her

As abortion was never an option,

be an option either. Deserving the best,

are He will not be early, but He will

face, words left her mouth that would

the baby must be adopted by a loving

never be late. God is a God that is

strike terror into the heart of any parent

family that could give this child the life

perfectly on time every time. Take a

of a 15 year old. Through the tears,

he or she so desperately deserves.

moment and think back to a day in

she whispered, Mom, I think I m

your life that you just needed God to

pregnant. Without hesitation, and in

prayers steadily covered the child that

be God. Maybe that moment is now,

the midst of sudden shock, Amy s

somehow, God would receive glory

and if it is, there is no mistake that

mom embraced her young daughter

through it all. With help by the Missis-

you are reading these words. I want to

and through her own tears said,

sippi United Methodist conference

share a true story with you of total

Honey, it s going to be okay. God is

evangelist at that time, Cecil

surrender. Surrender in the midst of a

ultimately in control. Let s go talk to

Williamson, Amy and her family were

time where all who watched testified

your father. Moments later she was

united with a pastor and his wife from

that nothing good could come of this.

curled up in her father s arms, crying


On a warm summer day in 1986,

like a little girl. Like her mother, and in

For the next nine months,

For this Mississippi couple,

a young girl of 15 returned home to

a separate moment in time, her father

having children just was not an option

Menasha, Wisconsin, from a summer

wrapped his arms around his little girl

without adoption. For what seemed

retreat with a school group. When all

and said Honey, it s going to be okay.

like an eternity, the soon to be adopt-

others were focusing their attention on

God is in control.

ing mother had yearned to have a child

beginnings of a new school year, None

Seconds after hearing words that

of her own. While sitting in a public

of Amy s friends could relate to the

no parent of a 15 year old would want

place and hearing the innocent voice of

burden of fear she was carrying.

to hear, this family s surrender of a

a child, her heart would become weak


The Bradshaws: Curtis, Curt, Clayton and Deborah.

in her immense desire for a son or

requested that a dedication service be

Ross. In January of 2001, Amy and I

daughter. Through her surrender,

held in the hospital room. Officiated by

were reunited and it has been one of the

finally, God opened a door through

her pastor, Nathan was passed from

greatest blessings in my life. Years later,

Cecil Willamson.

Amy s arms to the adopting mother. At

the prayers of Amy and her family have

this moment, it was understood that

been answered. Though my dad left the

adopting parents met Amy and her

Nathan was no longer under the

church and the family, God has blessed

family face to face for the first time in

protection of Amy but in the arms of a

me with such a wonderful Christian

Menasha. In only a way that God can

family that loves him just as much as

family. Now, at the age of 20, I have

orchestrate, two families from opposite

Amy and her family.

spent a steady six years traveling,

One week before the birth, the

ends of the nation converged in

Hours later, the two families

performing, and using that platform to

Wisconsin to celebrate the birth of this

departed the hospital. Amy released

spread encouragement that No one is

child. Indeed, it was a celebration.

Nathan as well, into the care of her

beyond the grace of God and at your

son s adoptive parents, trusting God

moment of total surrender God will take

that one day it would come full circle.

your mess and bless you beyond your

Finally on February 26, 1987, at 1:18 p.m., Nathaniel Ross was born. Before leaving the hospital, Amy



I must confess that I am Nathaniel

wildest imagination.

oms are busy. They cook,


vacuum, dust,

created this baby for a reason. Young Lives meets on the second Tuesday of each month at

girls. And we believe God will provide us with the tools to do His work. Someday, these new teen moms

wash, take the kids to practice, pick

Asbury United Methodist Church. For

will be busy too, and have their own

them up again, cheer at games, work

two hours, the young mothers are

long to do lists. But for now, they can

outside the home, run errands, help

treated to crafts, skits, games, songs

feel like children--safe and loved by a

with homework, pull weeds . . . the list

and prizes. There are always lots of

Mentor Mom, who always has time to

goes on an on. Usually, it never ends!

prizes, chuckles Cathy. We want the

open her heart.

But there is a group of moms

girls to feel lucky during this time in

Mentor Moms are continually

who have carved out time in their busy

their life. We want them to laugh and

needed. If you would like to volunteer,

schedules to help teenage moms

just enjoy being a teenaged girl.

or know of a teenage girl who needs

become better parents and grow in

The club also provides a hot,

spiritual support during her pregnancy,

their faith with the Lord. They are the

home cooked meal and childcare

contact Young Lives Director Cathy

Mentor Moms of Young Lives.

during meetings. Asbury has been so

Duke at (918) 724-1332 or

good and gracious by letting us use

is an offshoot of the high school

their kitchen, nursery, and space,

-Sylvia LaRose

ministry Young Life. It s a club that

continues Barbara.

offers support to pregnant girls, who

essentials also allow Young Lives to

often have nowhere to turn for advice

give each expecting girl special

and friendship. If a girl wants a mentor,

recognition at a Baby Blessing

we pair them up with a volunteer Mom,

shower during her birth month.

What is that? Well, Young Lives

says Cathy Duke, Director of Young

Donations of baby

It s all God. I m just a

Lives. It s a one-year commitment of

walking participant. I couldn t pass

really getting to know the girl and

up the opportunity to be part of

showing her Christ s heart.

God s plan to walk with teen parents,

We take one girl and walk with

Cathy explains. Cathy s day job is

her, give her unconditional love, and

the coordinator for the Parents as

hopefully show her how to make good

Teachers program in the Union Public

choices in life, says Barbara Rader, one

School District.

of the original Mentor Moms who has

parents. When her mother was four

served in the group for more than eight

months pregnant, she was told to go

years. We go to lunch, go to doctor s

home and not return to high school. And

appointments, take them to meetings,

back then, Cathy says, there was

invite them to church. It s being a friend,

nowhere for a pregnant teen to turn for

being available, helping them cope with

comfort. I have seen a need for this

motherhood, or just talking. We tell

kind of program during off-school time. It

them how Christ loves them, and how

has truly been a blessing to bring Christ

their pregnancy is not a mistake. God

into my work and spiritual value to these

She is a child of teen


didn t like having time on


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The

will be commissioned as a Stephen

my hands, says Carolyn

children really are excited to see Lucy

Minister, and this summer has plans to


and love to read to him. Of the award

work with Project Transformation.

Before she retired her life could

Carolyn says, I didn t feel I was

It is not surprising that the Bible

not have been much busier. For 21 years

qualified. I think they just really like

verse that helps Carolyn stay the

she had taught second grade while

Lucy. The school knows different. In

course is Philippians 4:13, I can do

raising a family. So as she and husband

addition to reading, Carolyn helps with

everything through him who gives me

Bruce, who had also retired, faced a

other assignments and monitors


major life change, she charted a new

classrooms during state testing. She

course using her teaching experience

is proud of the way so many individu-

1975, Carolyn and Bruce and their

and a compassion for others.

als and communities at Asbury

daughters visited Asbury. That afternoon

Carolyn was recently named

respond to specific needs the school

an assistant minister and a member

Volunteer of the Year for Walt Whitman

has. They have donated such things

knocked on their door. Carolyn remem-

Elementary School, Asbury s partner

as tissue, school supplies, mittens,

bers thinking, Boy, that s nice. Soon

school. She has been a part of the A &

hats and coats.

they became active members. Their

W (Asbury and Whitman) team for four

Other volunteer activities take

Shortly after moving to Tulsa in

daughter Sharon now lives in Edmond

years and has seen the big difference

Carolyn on a caring course every day.

with her family including two of their

many timely assists from Asbury has

She serves the funeral ministry by

grandchildren. Their other daughter

brought the school.

delivering flowers after services to

Susan, her husband and three children

hospitals and shut-ins. She is active in

live in Tampa, Florida.

The kindergarten class has 25 students and one teacher, a challenge

Asbury Connection bringing a special

to which Carolyn could certainly relate.

part of Asbury to shut-ins and nursing

Sunday morning services once a month,

The opportunity she now has to work

home residents, is a member of the

they serve communion and are members

one-on-one with students is valued by

local missions commission and works

of the Son Risers community. They

her and the children. She tutors

at The Little Light House. Lucy also

recently witnessed a wall-raising at a

children at individual reading sessions.

gets additional duty. She and Carolyn

Habitat for Humanity house and have

They love to read and run to get a

are part of the P.A.W.S. ministry.

signed up to bring food for workers.

book to share with me, Carolyn says.

Together they visit nursing homes and

-Liz Reece

Sometimes she takes Lucy, her

interact with residents. In June Carolyn



She and Bruce are greeters for

he poignant story of a


childless woman and her emotional entreaties

before God were recorded in the book of 1 Samuel about 1000 B.C. The passage in The Message says, Crushed in soul, Hannah prayed to God and cried and cried--inconsolably. Hannah made a vow to God that if He

Brian vividly recalls going on

ary in their country and both Brian and

mission trips with his dad to the

Barry honored their family s decision for

Philippines, Hong Kong and China. At

their marriages. Brian s father found

the Christian Conference of Asia, Brian

a girl named Blossom while he was in

enjoyed the experience of meeting

America visiting his sister. Blossom s

many diverse peoples and learning

parents were his old friends from school

about the various cultures. It opened

in Pakistan. Both parents agreed this

my mind to the world and I recognized

would be a good union. His father

how blessed we

returned to Pakistan and showed Brian her picture. Both Brian and

granted her request for a son, she

Blossom agreed and her whole

would give him to God to be set

family came to Pakistan where

apart for a life of holy discipline.

they were married a year

God granted her wish and Samuel

later. Barry married his wife

became a preeminent man of God.

Uzma, who was from Pakistan.

Many years later another

Barry became an American

family having born six daughters

citizen in 2005 and Uzma will

entreated God for a son. Devout

apply for citizenship later this

people, they also made a vow to God

year. Brian and Blossom are

that if He gave them a son they d

both citizens They have two

name him Samuel and like his

children, Ariel and Noah. Barry

biblical namesake, he would be

and Uzma have one son,

dedicated to God s service. This

Shaharyaar. They came to the

Samuel, father of Asburians Brian and

United States because of the

Barry Samuel, wasn t the least bit

abundant opportunities and

interested in the religious life. As a

freedoms in America.

matter of fact, he ran away from

Once in Tulsa they visited

seminary twice. Finally, he acquiesced

many churches finding many of

and became a pastor in their home

them lacking in grace. So, we

country of Pakistan, later becoming

tried Asbury and loved it from

Bishop of Sialkot as well as the

the first time we visited. Pastor

President of the NCCP (National

Tom is a great pastor and we

Council of Churches of Pakistan).

love his style of teaching. Our

While Christianity is acceptable

kids love it, too, said Brian. There s

in Pakistan there are also many restrictions placed upon Christians. Brian recalls instances of subtle pressure because of their faith. During his school days Brian s Islamic teacher used to be very mean, pinch him and admonish him to become a Muslim. There were also drive-by shootings around the compound where they lived. Eventually, his father had the outside walls raised to 12 feet and posted an armed guard 24/7 at the main gate.

are, he said. Brian and Barry were also

lots of stuff for them to do to grow in

involved in youth groups like Campus

their faith.

Crusade for Christ. Both young men were profoundly

In the tradition of their father Samuel, a devout man of God who

influenced by their father s faith and

charted a steady Christian course for

their Pakistani culture. While they

his family, Brian and Barry now pursue

revere their family, Brian has been an

a life of faith in Tulsa at Asbury. They

American citizen for ten years and says

are thankful for the solid foundation laid

he is loving it everyday. He came to

by their family, but feel blessed by the

America in 1993. His younger brother,

enormous opportunities found in their

Barry, followed six months later.

new home.

Arranged marriages were custom-

-Sandy Wagner ASBURY TIDINGS 14

any years ago, a father in Hong Kong


gave his son a

never turn back. When I watched my Dad walk his path, I could see that he did not

name with great meaning. It is pro-

belong to this world, but to another

nounced Chuen Kee, but the Chinese

kingdom, Chris said. Growing up in

characters that make up the name

Hong Kong, a city that is driven by the

require many strokes in other words,

economy of making money and getting

it takes a long time to write it. Chris Lo

more, Chris was struck by the realiza-

grew up disappointed about having

tion that his father did not live by that

such a long name. It means, spread-

standard. The pay for a pastor in Hong

someone whose heart belongs to

ing the Word of Christ, and now that

Kong is not good, and the hours are

Christ. And because of this, he works

he is a grown man, Chris can look

long. But my father continued to work

hard. On the mainland, he often has to

back and see that his life has been

so hard, pastoring these churches in

walk great distances to reach the

greatly influenced by the father who

Hong Kong and then traveling to

churches. My father walks so much.

gave him this name. Not only did David

Mainland China to help spread Christ s

He is 65 years old, and he is still

Lo desire for his son to walk with

gospel there. Sometimes it would take

walking and preaching and working so

Christ, he gave his son the footsteps

eight or 10 years to get his foot in the

hard to spread the gospel to people.

to follow in.

door so that he could work with the

My father is a pastor in Hong

people are hungry for the word of God. Chris describes his father as

I am not a preacher or a pastor.

churches there. The government puts

But I use my gifts and talents for

Kong, Chris explains. I grew up

many restrictions on the churches,

ministry to also spread the gospel to

watching him preach to congregations,

and there are unspoken rules about

people and to show them Christ s love.

and when he wasn t pastoring his

what you can and can t do. It takes a

My father and I talk once or twice a

churches he was traveling around

lot of patience, but God is moving

week, and we share with each other

Mainland China, helping to start and

there. One Sunday there were 30

our experiences of ministry. Chris s

disciple Christian churches. He is a

people converted in one of the

work in the video ministry of Asbury

quiet man, but he has put the scrip-

churches he was involved with. The

has given him the opportunity to tell

tures into practice.

stories of how God is

When I read

moving in the hearts of

Proverbs, I see my

people at Asbury. He

Dad. He is wise,

sees this as a tool for

gentle and so

reaching those who

patient. He has

may not know the love

shown me how to

of Christ.

be a good minister.

The name that was once a disappoint-

Chris grew

ment to Chris now has

up in this Chris-

great meaning for him.

tian home and

It is a beautiful descrip-

was baptized by

tion of how he desires

his father in High

to live his life: following

School. From

in the footsteps of his

that point on,

father and sharing the

Chris knew that

word of Christ with

he wanted to

those along the

follow Christ and

pathway. -Lisa Tresch



ministry called the Asbury Military

gas rationing and the food short-

call echoed through the

he sound of a bugle

Connection that works with the Blue

ages, yet saw lines of young men

valley as the sun rose to

Star Mothers to provide cards, letters,

lined up at the post office to enlist,

warm the earth. She stood transfixed

gifts and necessities to troops over-

even in those times of hardship.

on the porch, clutching a handkerchief

seas. Gwen Mohler will happily show

Jeane Abbey says it well: in

in her fingers, as her husband strode

you the flag in the prayer room which

America we still enjoy unprec-

away, following the insistent brass

flew in Afghanistan on a Blackhawk

edented freedoms, an exceptional

tones. The fog was beginning to lift,

helicopter, as well as the letters of

way of life and a very generous

giving the scene a dreamlike quality

gratitude from Russell and Daniel and

measure of God s blessings.

which made her utter a silent, wishful

so many other soldiers whose hearts

Patriotic support for our nation and

prayer that she was still asleep. But,

have been transformed by those who

for the men and women who stand

alas, the sound of the baby s cry

support them.

ready to defend it is a strong vote for


brought her out of her reverie, firmly

But what is patriotism? Patrio-

preserving these and all the other

reminding her that this was no dream,

tism takes on many forms other than

and as she wiped the final tears away,

military service. Patriotism is not a

she turned and walked back into her

matter of politics, it is a matter of pride

dors will present a patriotic concert

house, into her reality, into her life

and devotion. Ask the members of

on Sunday, July 1, 2007 at 6:00 pm

alone, for now for how long?

Asbury s senior adult choir, the Asbury

in the Sanctuary. This concert is

Singing Ambassadors. Nevin Loerke

meant not only to honor our mili-

generations, even today, can identify

will tell you that patriotism is the thrill

tary, but to revive that feeling of

with this picture. Those who have gone

that runs up and down her spine when

pride and devotion to our country in

before us have charted the course for

she sees the color guard holding the

all of us. God calls us to remember

our country, from the Revolutionary War

flag of our country high. Brady Cypert

the past: Tell your sons about it,

to the present. Our duty is to pass on

will say it is the vehicle we use to

and let your sons tell their sons;

that history, that patriotism to the next

educate the next generation. If we care

and their sons to the next genera-

generations, to help chart the course for

about this country, then let s be sure to

tion. We are charting the course

those who follow. Patriotism may be

pass on our greatest heritage, the love

for the future let it be a faithful

most visible in those who serve in the

of our blessed country. Many of the


military and their families. Asbury has a

ASA, like Sid Heidler, remember the

-Sheryl Tomlinson

Who knows how many over the

great things about living in the USA. The Asbury Singing Ambassa-





The Value of Time by Steve Wright C mon Jake, grab your sweater,

throw. What fun! Haul back and let her

I said to my grandson as we headed

rip! A grandpa with his five-year-old

outside on a chilly, but comfortable

grandson talking and pitching and

Saturday night last December. On the

chasing. About 30 minutes later we

way we got a bucket of 28 old tennis

lay down on a bench and studied

balls from the garage and headed for

cloud shapes. Soon we headed home

the school ground a block away. With

dragging that old bucket with 27

a full moon and floodlights nearby we

tennis balls. One got lost in the dark

could see pretty well . . . and the


flashlight helped. In the middle of the schoolyard was a wooden wall about eight feet tall and 20 feet wide just begging to be hit with a barrage of tennis balls. So we did! And when all the balls had been

How much did this experience cost? Nothing. How long will it be remembered? Forever. Several weeks later I opened my Christmas gift from Jake and his

thrown against and over that wall we

sister, Mackenzie. Tears welled up

gathered them up and did it all over

slightly, along with a gulp. It was an

again, feeling better with each hard

old-fashioned pocket watch with

Grandpa inscribed on the outside. Behind the watch was a card that read, To a grandpa who knows that the most important thing you can spend on your grandchildren is TIME. I thought, They understand. There will surely be more evenings in the moon-lit schoolyard throwing tennis balls against a wooden wall . . . and talking . . . and chasing. The value of time: We can choose to invest it on things that will never be forgotten, or spend it on things that will never be remembered. And, it s like that with God. He, who gave us so much and will always be there, wants our time so we ll never forget. And it doesn t get any greater than that.



Faith From My Mother by John Westervelt eople were buying elegant clothes and new


automobiles when my

mother and father were married in the

on this foundation, and it will be

to carry on with such strength when


Daddy died in 1943, and Wallace went

A tradition during the 1960s was for my family and the families of my

off to war in the spring of 1945? Mother said, I think it is all about

mid-1920s. Three children were born

brother and sister to gather at Mother s

faith. As a girl, my father (a Presbyte-

in three years. During the roaring

house on Christmas Eve. Late at

rian preacher) started me on my

twenties, most Americans thought

night, with the children sleeping, the

journey of faith. With three babies and

prosperity would last forever.

adults gathered around the Christmas

with the stock market crash of 1929

tree to assemble the toys. I remember

leaving your daddy unemployed, I

sion began and, like a bulldog, tena-

A year later, the Great Depres-

well the joy I felt. In later years I

prayed for more faith.

ciously hung on year after year. When

wondered, What was so special about

her children were all in school, Mother

those Christmases? After reflection, I

went to work as a schoolteacher.

concluded that Mother s joy was

years, I realize that God used the hard

Wallace, Harriette, and I were in high


times to increase my faith, so I could

school when Daddy died in 1943. In 1949 Mother began payments on a small, three-bedroom brick home

Mother s perennial joy raised more questions. After I became a father, I asked her, How were you able

Did you receive more? Yes, as I look back over the

know more joy in the good times. In late October 1972, my mother s physician called to say, Your

in Oklahoma City. She

mother s heart has

planted peace roses beside

deteriorated to the point

the garage, two pecan

that you boys need to

trees centered in the

come to Oklahoma City

backyard, and flowers

and select a nursing home

beside the front porch.

for her. I dreaded this part

She often made

of a child s responsibility,

double monthly house

but Wallace and I agreed

payments, hoping to pay off

to come on Saturday.

the mortgage by retirement.

On Tuesday,

By faith, she paid the debt

Harriette called to say,

and in later years saved

Mother, Aunt Werdna,

enough to add an extension

Aunt Laura, and I were

to a bedroom with a second

visiting in the living room

bath, so her two sisters

early this afternoon.

could spend their retirement

Mother was sitting in her

years with her.

favorite chair, the wooden

Nelda and I were

rocker. She closed her

married in February of

eyes; a countenance of

1954. The tattered Bible

joy spread over her face;

located on my bookshelf

and she died.

among newer ones was a

Now in my late-

gift from my mother. Inside

seventies, I need more

the front cover, she wrote,

faith than ever before. As I

To John and Nelda.

ask God to increase my

Christmas 1954. From

faith, I think of my mother,

Mother. Build your home

and then I know He will.



disabilities and their families to victory in spite of imperfect circumstances. Parents know from the first time ope, guidance and

They also agree that much of the strength they

they walk through the doors of The

possess each day comes from

Little Light House that their child is

spending time in Flock held each

loved, said Asburian Beth Camille. The

morning from 7:30 8:00 a.m. During

joy she finds in serving there is evident.

this time staff members hear a

desire to stay on course. Illuminating

Claiming to have the best seat in the

devotion and share joys and concerns

the way, the beacon directs those

house, she is the receptionist and first

with each other before the children

who are attempting to pass through

point of contact for students and their


fear and darkness.

families. Other Asbury members on


ultimately peace. A lighthouse offers

these to weary travelers who

The story of The Little Light

Meeting each morning places the

TLLH staff include Jan Carr, speech-

Word of God in our minds, the peace

House, a beacon of hope in the

language pathologist, and Julie Wilson,

of God in our hearts and the spirit of

Tulsa community, is truly one of

physical therapist. All three women

God in our steps, Jan said.

miracles. Founder, Marcia Mitchell,

claim that God has led them to a very

believed that her daughter, Missy,

special place.

deserved a place where she could be

There is a palpable presence of

And as a lighthouse spreads illumination far into the reaches of darkness, The Little Light House now

challenged in spite of her visual

peace that is over the entire place,


impairment. Through a series of

said Julie. Even when the kids are

with another one scheduled to open in

circumstances and encounters that

there and making all kinds of racket, it

Denton, Texas this fall. A Little Light

could only be orchestrated by God,

is a calm racket.

House is also in the preparation

The Little Light House, a ministry to

satellites in Jackson, Mississippi

Julie has recently joined the staff

stages in Iowa. The Hiromi Children s

God s special children, opened its

and said she is especially blessed as

Recovery Center in Luo Yuan, China,

doors in 1972. Since that time it has

she watches her fellow workers trust

is a residential school for Chinese

pointed countless children with

completely in the Lord to provide for all

children with hearing impairments and

the needs of The Little Light House,

is closely connected, having been

ranging from paper products to staff

started by a former missionery intern

and finances. While every student

who served at TLLH in Tulsa several

attends tuition-free, staff members

years ago. Each addition is helping to

understand that they may be asked to

chart the course of hope and victory

delay receiving a paycheck if

for generations to come.

donations do not come in. Seeing

-Jan Weinheimer

God continually meet every need is indeed a faith-builder for everyone. Every day I come with

Supported monetari ly by Asbury s Regional Outreach, numerous members

anticipation of what new miracle I will

of the Asbury family have found great

witness in these beautiful children,

joy in serving as volunteers at The Little

Jan said. It may be a smile, a new

Light House. If you are interested in

word or simply a Hi, Ms. Jan! and my

knowing more, you may call 664-6746,

heart melts.

or you may want to read Milestones &

All three women agree that the

Miracles the Story of The Little Light

courage of the children and their

House, by Marcia Mitchell, available in

families inspires them to give their

Asbury s Library.

very best.



ason Chapel was


always packed with children on

beyond the level of the age he encountered. Whether preschool or sixth grade,

Wednesday nights eager and ani-

he was the hip member of Children s

mated for the recurring performance of

that knew the right language, the right

Mission Man . He would spin down

music, the right games, and the right

the aisle adorned in matching cape

time to teach God s Word.

and mask as the children cheered and

Patrick s forte never stopped with

clapped. Mission Man became the

the children. His support, respect, and

visitor of choice on a weekly basis as

sense of humor would encourage the

the children would chant for his arrival.

women of Children s Ministry to laugh

The spectacle of a man clothed with

with him, pray with him, or, as a tal-

socks tugged around his strong arms

ented chef , be served by him. The

along with a hidden pair of underpants,

most memorable was a luncheon he

just waiting to be tossed in the air, was

served to all 18 Children s staff in the

much of the thrill. The awe-inspiring

Asbury Parlor after a tiring weekend of

motive for this man was to gather

Children s events.

socks and underpants for one of many

Patrick endured conversa-

missions Children s supported. This

tions on fashion, raising

was only one of the productions by

children, marriages, diets,

this man creating entertainment as

romance, broken nails, and

well as planting the seed in our

always a joke or two on the

innocent children of the future.

other gender . We would

Patrick Jackson connected with hundreds of children weekly through a skit, a message, a smile, and a friendship that never extended



be remiss not to mention a

few conversations we endured as well! (Mountain climbing, bad jokes, marriage proposal to Stephanie, desire to have Thor in his wedding, and more that we dare not place in print.) Today we said good-bye to a man that has changed each of us with his compassion, faithfulness, encouragement, and sweet spirit. We wish him much success as he moves on to a promising career in ministry at Southern Hills Baptist. Our prayer is he touches their lives just as he did ours .We love you, Mission Man ! - The Children s Ministry Ladies

asbury opportunities general information Breakfast Served from 7:00-9:15 am. in the CLC Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donut s, bagels, biscuits & gravy,

$2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under

Sundays for Children and Students 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am

7th, 8th & 9th Grades 10th, 11th & 12th Grades

9:15 or 11:00 am 9:15 & 11:00 am 9:15 am only

Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled? Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 492-1771, selecting option 2, and leaving a message for the pastor on call. Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an Asbury p astor to officiate and/or use Asbury s facilities, be sure to book ASAP to allow ample time for Coupleto-Couple. Six months to one year suggested. The Gazebo is Open ...each Sunday morning between services. Perceptions as well as selections in Pastor Tom s Book Club available. Asbury Wear is also for VBS CDs. Recycling Recycle unwanted paper products. Two bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots.

Thank you to all who continue to contribute

access Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm. 2821

Sundays, 11:00 am, Rm. 1507

bible study


K-6th Grades

New Additions to the Library

June 12 - Step into My World - Discover how to step into another person s world and show true empathy without losing your sense of self. June 19 - The Fine Art of Fighting Discover the common reasons why fighting

will allow you to preserve love and get closer to the people you care about. July 3 - Best of Friends - Friends provide a safe harbor during the storms of life and compliment our family of origin. What role do they play in our spiritual life? Are your friends

Mason Chapel

6 Weeks - 4 Years

Doors of Asbury posters are at the Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing.

Friends in Christ Discipleship Community

Sanctuary (Traditional with sign interpreter)

11:00 am

an extraordinary relationship to flourish.

Hands of Love Sign Choir

Sanctuary (Contemporary Communion)

11:00 am

own stuff to create the right environment for

military listings.

erupts, and learn an approach to fighting that

Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion)

9:15 am

births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and

books to our Library.

Sunday Morning Worship

June 5 - Give Up the Blame Game - Learn how to stop blaming others and own your

The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource.

sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal.

8:00 am

Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists,

Brochures with more details about Summer

toxic or safe? July 10 - The Sum of All Fears - This

RoadMap courses being offered are available

program will get to the root of your anxieties

at each of the Welcome Centers or online at

and fears and help you take charge of your


care and support

register. Childcare is available.

Walk-ins are welcome. Call 392-1191 to

GriefShare Support Group

Red Cross Shelter Exercise

Tuesdays through August 21 (no class June

Friday and Saturday, July 27 and 28, from 2:00

26) from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in Rm 1504. Mary Ann

pm Friday through noon Saturday. Up for an

Whisnant and Connie Conrad facilitate this

adventure during the summer? Seeking Asbury

special weekly video series and support group

people of all ages (families welcome) to

for people who are grieving the death of

volunteer 2-20 hours role playing people

someone close to them. It s a place to be

needing shelter because of a disaster?

around people who understand what you are

Asbury is opening our doors to the Tulsa Area

feeling. At GriefShare, you ll learn valuable

Chapter of American Red Cross and other

information about recovering from your grief

community partners, to conduct a Shelter

and renewing your hope for the future.

Exercise. No RSVP required. Just come as you

Childcare is available. Call 392-1191 to

are. Meals and sleeping arrangements



Oklahoma Blood Institute Blood Drive

Prayer Card Sending Team

Sunday, June 3 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm in the

Usually meets 1st and 3rd Mondays at 10:45

CLC. Call 477-0400 to schedule your

am in Rm 1621 to send cards with God s


encouraging words and our prayers to those

Best Solutions: Cloud & Townsend

who are ill or going through hard times. Cards

Video Series

and care packages are also sent to Asbury-

Five Tuesdays, June 5 - July 10 (no class

related military personnel. Contact Gwen

June 26) from 6:30-8:00 pm, Rm 2820. This

Mohler at for more

series features lectures by best-selling


authors, Drs. Cloud and Townsend. Great life

Alzheimer s Support Group

enrichment topics for singles, couples and

Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in upstairs

parents. Each session stands alone.

Administration Conference Room. Christian hope, support and education for friends and



family of those with Alzheimer s or other dementia. Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm,

scripture-based journal included instead! Great

Sunday June 10 in the 2nd Floor Elementary

Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For

Space. VBS is $10 or $25 for Challenge Camp

more information, contact Beth at 392-1116.

and includes t-shirt. You must be registered by June 1 to be guaranteed a t-shirt. To help us

Parlor - For those living with cancer and their family and friends. Bipolar/Depression Support Group Second and fourth Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 1621 - For persons living with bipolar disorder or depression. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. (Will not meet June 26 due to VBS.) Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. (Will not meet June 28 due to VBS.) Employment Transitions Need a second set of eyes to review your resume? Free male and female one-on-one support available through Asbury s Employment Transitions. Contact Barbara Wright at Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1506. Family to Family For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. 4th Tuesdays from 1:30 - 3:00 pm in the Parlor. Call Ruth at 392-1146. (Will not meet June 26 due to VBS.) Military Connection To demonstrate the love of Christ, periodic care packages and monthly encouragement cards with God s Word are sent to Asburyrelated military personnel. The Prayer Ministry also covers them in prayer. Please send contact information(complete name and address) to Gwen Mohler at Prison Fellowship Support Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00-8:30 pm. For family and friends of people who are incarcerated. Meets offsite. Call Ruth at 3921146 for location. Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a



VBS T-Shirt Hand Out

for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an


with the registration process, please go to

Registration forms for all children s and fill out the form.

activities are available in the preschool

Click submit, then print out the form, sign it and

and elementary lobbies.

bring it to the South Welcome Desk with the

Summer Core Hours Parents who are involved in RoadMap

fee. Family Bowling Night

classes during these core hours will have

Wednesday, July 18 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at

childcare provided with no reservations

Mickey s Bowling Alley, 21st and 145th E. Ave.


Come enjoy this event with other Asbury


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Mon & Tue

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Tue, Wed, & Thur

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Family Movie Night

families. Big Splash Family Day Friday, August 3 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. (registration from 10:00 - 11:00 am only).

Friday, June 1 at 8:30 pm on the lawn at

Come enjoy this event with other Asbury

Asbury. Bring the whole family along (and

families. Cost: $10.00, includes lunch.

your friends and their families) with your

VBS Challenge Camp

chairs and blankets and enjoy Facing the

Sunday, June 24 through Friday, June 29.

Giants with your church family. Popcorn,

Sunday: 3:00-8:00 pm; Monday-Thursday:

drinks, candy and munchies will be available

9:00 am - 12:15 pm; Friday: 10:00 - 2:00 pm.

for purchase at the concession stand.

Challenge camp takes place the same week as

VBS CDs for Sale in the Gazebo

VBS. On Sunday, the 5.6ers will meet from

Available for $6 in the Gazebo. Get yours

3:00 pm - 8:00 p.m. for worship and dinner

today and help your kids get a jumpstart on all

and then do our planning for the entire VBS

those great VBS songs that we ll be singing.

week. Each day they will start their day in

VBS Volunteer Training

Worship Rally, and then go their own way to

Wednesday, June 13 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm OR

several small groups, learning the crafts,

Saturday, June 16 from 8:30 - 10:00 am in the

games and Bible stories they will share with

Elementary Area. VBS is a GREAT week. It will

each other. They will even have a day to

be even better for the volunteers because of

practice their missionary skills in the Tulsa

the training. You MUST attend one of these

community. This week is all about setting up

two dates. Childcare available Wednesday

our 5.6ers to get ready to serve in the world

night only. Call Heidi at 392-1168 or Kim at 392-

around them. It takes VBS to the next level.

1159 or contact or

We will celebrate our week of hard work on with questions.

Friday at Big Splash! Cost: $25 per child,

VBS Teen Training

includes t-shirt and Big Splash day. Registra-

Thursday, June 14 from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm in

tion must be received by June 1 to be

the Elementary Area. VBS is successful partly

guaranteed a t-shirt. To help us with our

because of all the teen help we have. Please

registration process, please go online to

plan to attend this mandatory training. We will and fill out the form. Hit

have training, hand out t-shirts, help with

submit, then print out the form, sign it and bring

decorations and eat pizza. Call Heidi at 392-

it to the South Welcome Desk with the fee.

1168 or Kim at 392-1159 or cont act

Vacation Bible School or

Monday, June 25 through Thursday, June 28 with questions.

from 9:00 am - 12:15 pm. Plus, Thursday Night

Family Fun Night, June 28 from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Spiritual Gifts Class

near Wagoner, OK. Cost: $50. Call 392-1191 to

Kids will join the team to hear about the Bible

Learning About Your Spiritual Gift s , Tuesday,

register by July 6. Pressure getting to you?

story at Worship Rally, learn how to apply the

June 12 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm in the Parlor.

How about a getaway for two nights in a bed

lessons to their life at Bible Theater, play

Pastor Tom Harrison has urged us to learn

and breakfast setting? Group discussions and

games at the Recreation Field House, sing

what our gifts are and to USE them to glorify

time together as a couple will help you learn to

songs at the Music Pep Rally, and have a

God and make disciples. Have you been

get rid of myths and find ways to handle

crafty time at the Crafts Fan Zone. Each day

wondering what on earth you are here for?

stress. Best of all, it s only $50 per couple!

kids learn what true heroes are all about. They

Come explore God s design for Spiritual Gif ts

Limited to first 10 paid couples. (Asbury

will learn to Join the Team, Get in the Game,

and how you uniquely fit into the body of

members or visitors only, please.)

Take it to the Next Level, and even Recruit

Christ. (There s no one like you!).

New Teammates. The week s activities will

Prerequisite: Take online Spiritual Gifts

come to a close with Family Fun Night. It s an

inventory found on the Asbury website if you

awesome time to celebrate the fabulous week

have not done so previously. Bring your

Come to a lunch/class to learn more about

of VBS, hang out with friends and family, play

completed copy of the Spiritual Gifts Inventory

becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, June

on the cool inflatables, and eat, eat, eat. Cost

printout to class for discussion and deeper

10 from 12:15-2:15 pm. Call 392-1191 to

is $10 per child, or $25 maximum per family


register. Childcare available for six weeks

and includes a VBS t-shirt. Registration must be received by Friday, June 1 to be guaranteed a shirt. To help us with our registration

membership Asbury Exploration

through 12 years.

marriage & family Milestone Wedding Anniversaries


process, please go online to

Email your August and September Milestone and fill out the form.

Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC.

Click submit, then print out the form, sign it and or call 392-1146.

Breakfast, meaningful worship and life-

bring it to the South Welcome Desk with the

8 Dates: Habits of Highly Effective


Christian Marriages

Men s Prayer Breakfast

changing prayer! Cost: $3/person June 6

Bill Johnson

Second Tuesday of each month through

June 13

Mark Springer

Usually the second Sunday of the month from

September 11 from 6:15 - 7:00 pm. Come join us

June 20

Dub Ambrose

12:30 - 3:00 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi s Pizza.

for an inspiring monthly speaker, then dinner on

June 27

Pec Clark

We ll eat then visit Murdock Villa where we

your own. NEW TOPICS this year include:

Home Improvement Ministry Workday

will play Bingo and do crafts with special

Commitment, Prayer, Fun,Awareness of His

Saturday, June 16. Workers meet in the CLC

needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness

Needs/Her Needs, Shared Power, R-E-S-P-E-C-

at 8:00 am. The Home Improvement Ministry

in our local community. Limited to 10 kids each

T, Dealing Safely with Anger and Getting Rid of

serves widows and single moms within the


Myths to Find Satisfaction. Speakers include

Asbury family. Our Men s Ministry volunteers

Murdock Villa

several Asbury pastors and spouses, Rev.

make themselves available every other

Sunday, June 3, all children in Asbury s

Darlene Johnson, Rod and Charlene Giles, and

month to help folks out with minor home

Sunday Preschool and Elementary will be

other well-known Asbury leaders.

repairs and/or home improvement projects.

Promotion Sunday

promoted up to their new classes. Asbury s

Dynamic Marriage

Contact the Adult Ministries office to offer

nursery two-year-olds will promote into the

Wednesdays July 11 through September 5

preschool program as well. Please contact

(required intro meeting July 11 ) from 6:30-9:00

Vicki Ihrig, Early Childhood Sunday Team

pm in Rm 1506. $130/couple (scholarships

July 21 from 9:00 am - noon outside the

Leader, 392-1160 or Amy Russell, Elementary Charlene at 392-1145). Limited to

Student Ministry Breakaway entrance, north

Team Leader, 392-1175, with any questions.

first 12 paid couples. Give us eight

side. This service is provided for Asbury s

weeks...we ll give you a dynamic marriage. This

widows and single moms by our Men s

is a NEW interactive class that will help you

Ministry every other month of the year. While

replace old habits with new ones in a unique,

the ladies wait in the comfort of our Student

If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship

safe environment. Go from good to great,

Ministry Cafe, volunteers check tires, belts,

Community (similar to Sunday School) why

mediocre to magnificent or hurt to healed.

fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum

not visit one of our Welcome Centers and see

Facilitators: Rod and Charlene Giles. Childcare is

and wash the vehicles and update the owners

what s available for someone just like you!


on what s running smoothly and what needs

discipleship Discipleship Communities

Brochures are available in the Welcome

Pressure Proof Your Marriage

your services. Car Care Saturday

professional attention. This free service gives

Centers, or you may check them out at

July 13 - 15 (6:00 pm Friday through Noon

our men the opportunity to put their faith in (Get Connected).

Sunday) Neosho River Ranch, 55 minute drive

action through loving and serving those in ASBURY TIDINGS


need. No reservations required. Just get your vehicle in line by 11:30 a.m.

2007 Opportunities June 13 25 / Azerbaijan

missions/outreach Eyeglass Donations Are you wondering what to do with those old eyeglasses? Donate them to missions! You may drop yours off in the Global Outreach office. Campbell s Soup Label Changes Save Campbell s soup labels for missions. Please note that a different part of the label is now required. Please cut the UPC symbol and the Labels for Education symbol together. Turn these in for missions! Questions: Contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-

Construction & Teaching, $2,400 June 13 24 / Quito, Ecuador Construction & MBS, $1,700 June 13 25 / Estonia, Lighthouse VBS & Construction, $2,400 June 21 July 2 / Estonia, Camp Gideon Construction & Programs, $2,400 June 27 July 9 / Tanzania, East Africa Medical, $2,600 - FULL July 7 14 / Pitorreal, Mexico Construction & MBS, $1,200 August 9 20 / Estonia, Parnu VBS & Light Construction, $2,400 Fall / Cookson Hills, Oklahoma

1163. Mi ssi on Mat te rs A monthly newsletter is available with recent news of mission happenings. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please cont act Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163 or Preference is for the email version, but hard copies can be mailed if needed. Global Outreach Prayer Ministry News and prayer requests from our missionaries and ministries are sent each week to our prayer ministry list. If you would like to join and become a prayer intercessor for those serving around the world, contact Missy at 392-1163. Global Outreach Ministry Tea ms These teams specialize in certain areas and all are open to anyone having an interest in those areas. They are as follows: Caspian Ministry (work in Azerbaijan), Latin America Ministry (work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala), College Missions Ministry, Communications, Estonia Ministry; Kami Tanzania Ministry, International Student Ministry, Missionary Care, and Prayer. If you need further information call the Global Outreach Office, 392-1117. Mentor Moms/Young Lives First and second Tuesdays of the month, 7:00-9:00 pm in the Parlor. This is a support group for teenage moms, sponsored by Young Life.

Light Construction, $50 September 19 October 1 / Azerbaijan Construction & Teaching, $2,200 October 13 20 / Monterrey, Mexico



Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:00 pm, Choir Room Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm 2506 New Creation Ringers Wednesdays, 4:45 pm, Rm 2504 Carillon Quartet Mondays, 6:30-7:30 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Rm 2506 Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:00 am-noon, Rm 2506 Resonance Bell Ensemble Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm 1510 Saints of Swing Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, Rm 1510

Construction & MBS, $950 November 7 11 / Monterrey Mexico Medical, $950

prayer Altar Prayer

VIM Leader Training: McAlester - August 25;

If you would like someone to pray with you

Tulsa - November 10.

during Holy Communion or right after the

All costs approximate. For further details

service, please come to the altar rail at the

about Volunteers-In-Mission opportunities,

front of the Sanctuary. A pastor or member of

contact Marilene Long, 392-1164 or

the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with

you for your needs physical, emotional or spiritual - at the altar or in the Prayer Room.

music SummerSong Friday, June 8 at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

College Moms in Touch Prayer Time Wednesdays, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm, Rm 1506 Mason Chapel Prayer Room

Come see the culmination of our week-long

Accessible Monday through Friday from 8:00

music camp! Our children will perform a

am - 9:00 pm, Saturday from 10:00 am - 3:00

scriptural presentation with song, dance,

pm, and Sunday from 7:00 am - 9:00 pm. Yo u

handbells, and who nows what else.

can enter the room from the outside entrance

Nielson & Young Concert

of the southeast side of the Chapel, with the

Sunday, June 17 at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

exception of Sunday from 7:00 am - 12:30 pm.

This dynamic piano duo returns to Asbury for

The Prayer Room can be accessed from inside

a thrilling evening of hymns, praise and

the Chapel during those hours.

worship music and the classics. Asbury Singing Ambassadors Patriotic Concert

recovery Celebrate Recovery

Sunday, July 1 at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

Come join this supportive group of people each

Join the Abury Singing Ambassadors in a

Monday night at 6:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm;

concert celebrating our country and honoring

Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from

our armed forces.

8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm.

Chancel Choir


New Covenant Orchestra Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, Rm 1510

Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, Choir Room

Hiding any hurts, habits or hangups? God never intended for you to live in bondage.

Childcare available. (Worship will be in the

service and expectant prayer. Come and be a

Chapel June 25 due to VBS.)

part of this new mid-week singles community.

Celebrate Recovery Childcare

Singles Meet and Greet

7th, 8th & 9th Tulsa Mission Sign-Up Don t just sit on the couch all summer being bored. Change Tulsa by checking your

Volunteers needed. Time commitment is one

Sundays from 8:40-9:10 am or 10:20-10:50 am

calendar and getting signed up for local

Monday evening per month from 6:45 pm to

in the CLC. All singles are invited.

missions! We can only take about 12 students

9:10 pm. Please call 392-1103 if you can help.

senior adults

Best Of Solutions Life Improvement

on each trip (except Food Bank we will take

Video Series by Cloud and Townsend

60) so it will be Sign Up Only! Sunday morning,

Tuesday evenings, June 5 through July 10,

June 17 will be the first official time to sign up.

6:30 - 8:00 pm in Rm 2820. Come be a part of

Be sure you come to church that morning with

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from

these Best of Series lectures from the video

the dates you want (check the student

9:00-9:30 am in the Gym. Come join a time of

segments from the past several months. They

brochure) to help so you don t miss you t.

stretching with fun and fellowship. (No Sit

offer great enrichment topics for single adults,

Otherwise, just ask Mark or Marsha where

and Fit the week of VBS)

couples and parents. Each session covers a

you can sign up.

Senior Sit and Fit

Walk in the Gym with Him

new topic, so if you are unable to attend all

7th, 8th, & 9th Tulsa Mission Food Bank

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from

the sessions, it s not a problem. See the

Monday, June 18 from 8:30 am - 12:15 pm.

8:30-9:00 am in the Gym. Come join a time of

summer Asbury RoadMap brochure for more

Want to help feed the hungry in Tulsa? Sign up

power walking with fun and fellowship. (No

information. Call 392-1191 to register.

any Sunday with Mark or Marsha and come

Walk in the Gym the week of VBS.)

However, walk-ins are welcome.

help serve at the Tulsa Food Bank. We will be

Divorce Recovery

singles ASM Memorial Day Picnic Monday, May 28 from 3:00 - 7:00 pm at Leake Park, 72nd and Memorial, on the west side.

sorting, labeling, and working with all kinds of

Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those

food to help feed the hungry. We will meet at

suffering from the early, highly emotional

Asbury at 8:30 am and return by 1:15 pm.

stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding

Monday, June 18 from 9:00 am - noon. This is

Join us for an afternoon of good food, fun and

Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those

a chance to make a difference in the lives of

fellowship. The picnic is potluck so bring your

ready to rebuild their lives after separation or

kids. We will read to young kids, build

favorite dish to share. We will start eating


relationships, and have fun. Meet at Asbury at

around 4:00 pm. Children are welcome. It s free! ASM Potluck Luncheon Sunday, June 24 from 12:00 - 2:00 pm in the Parlor. Come bring your children and enjoy a delicious lunch, courtesy of your fellow

8:30 am.

students Ultimate Frisbee

Float Trip for Rising Seniors & Grads Tuesday, June 19. Are you going to be a

Every Sunday throughout the summer, 3:00 pm

senior in high school next year? Did you

at LaFortune Park.

graduate in 2007? Then come float the Illinois

Pool Party: 10th - 12th Grade

River with us. Cost: $20 and bring a sack

singles. Just bring a family-sized food item,

Sunday, June 10. Join us for swimming, food

lunch. Turn in your registration to Amy by June

homemade or purchased. Great food, great

and fellowship. Check with Breakaway

14. Meet at Asbury at 8:30 am and we ll return

fellowship, new just doesn t get

Student Ministry for more details.

around 4:00 pm.

much better than that. ASM Fourth of July Picnic

Big Splash Day

7th, 8th & 9th FlicknBurger

June 12, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. This is going to

Wednesday, June 20 from noon - 2:00 pm.

Wednesday, July 4 from 3:00 - 7:00 pm at

be HUGE because all of Student Ministries (7th

Hey, come on down to the Student Cafe for

Haikey Creek Park, 121st and Garnett. Join us

- 12th grades) will be at Big Splash on the

lunch (brought by you) and a movie (provided

for an afternoon of good food, fun and

same day. We will be joining with Believers

by us). It s just a time to hang out with friends,

fellowship. The picnic is potluck, so bring your

Church Student and Children s Ministries to get

get out of the house and have some fun.

favorite dish to share. We will start eating

into Big Splash for the low price of $9, which

around 4:00 pm. Children are welcome...and

includes lunch. You will need to sign up and

Thursday, June 21. This summer we are going

it s free!

pay before June 11 in the Student Ministries

to float the Illinois. Rising 8th graders...this is

Area. Then meet at Big Splash on Tuesday,

just for you. Watch for registrations. They are

Wednesday nights from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in Rm

June 12 at 10:00 am. (We are finished at 4:00

due June 17. W e will meet at Asbury at 8:30

2500. Are you looking for a unique, dynamic

pm.) Remember this is an Asbury-sponsored

am and return around 4:00 pm. The cost is

and committed community of Christian singles?

event, so girls need to wear a conservative

$20, plus bring your own sack lunch.

Join us for in-depth Bible study, Christ-

one-piece bathing suit.

AC2 - New Discipleship Community

8th Grade Float Trip

centered fellowship, faith lived out through



Outdoor Movie Night: 10th - 12th Grade

7th, 8th, & 9th Grade Breakaway

CLC on Thursday, July 12 from 9:00 am - 5:00

Wednesday, June 27 at dark! Join us for our

Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the

pm. (No underclothing, socks, shoes or

outdoor movie night. Bring your own lawn

Breakaway Area. This isn t your normal

computers. All clothing must be on hangers,

chairs, blankets and friends. It s free. The movie

Sunday School. Come join us for worship, fun

please). Don t miss this great opportunity to get

will start around sundown, but check the web

and games, interactive talk/lesson, and

good quality items at rock-bottom prices. See

or with Student Ministries for exact time.

sometimes free candy and gift cards.

you at the sale! Proceeds benefit missions!

7th, 8th & 9th Pool Party

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Sunday AM Prayer

Car Care Saturday

Sunday, July 1 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. It s gonna

9:00 am - 9:15 am in the BAM Room. God

July 21 from 9:00 am - noon outside the

be a pool party at the Briggs place. We will

hears our prayers. Start Sundays off right by

Student Ministry Breakaway entrance, north

grill burgers and dogs and swim. Bring your

praying with the 7, 8, 9 band, Mark and

side. This service is provided for Asbury s

modest one-piece bathing suit and towel. Girls

Marsha for the Sunday services, friends,

widows and single moms by our Men s

you will need to bring something sweet, and

family, the Asbury congregation, Tulsa, the

Ministry every other month. While the ladies

guys you will need to bring something salty.

U.S., and the nations. No sign-up necessary.

wait in the comfort of our Student Ministry

Leaders and parents, we would love to have

cafe, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids,

you there, too.

filters and batteries. They also vacuum and

Float Trip for Rising Sophomores Wednesday, July 5 from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm. Are you going to be a sophomore in high school next year? Then come float the Illinois River with us. The cost is $20 and bring a sack lunch. Turn in your registration to Todd by July 1.

wash the vehicles and update the owners on

women UMW Luncheon

what s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives

Thursday, June 7 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in

our men the opportunity to put their faith in

SOS (Summer of Service) Tulsa Missions

the CLC. Attention all ladies! It s summertime,

action through loving and serving those in

10th - 12th Grade

and the pace is a little slower for Asbury s

need. No reservations required. Just get your

July 8 - 12. Come be a part of missions in our

UMW. Join us for our Covered Dish Summer

vehicle in line by 11:30 a.m.

own backyard! We re going to be hanging out

Salad Luncheon series, the first Thursday of

with kids from John 3:16 Youth and Family

June, July and August. Bring your favorite

Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 1502.

Center doing Vacation Bible School. We ll be

salad and a friend and get ready for three fun,

Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher.

leading awesome games, cool crafts, playing

relaxing times with your Asbury family.

like crazy, peparing snacks, doing drama and

Home Improvement Ministry Workday

Women of the Word

Phone Buddies Ladies, do you want a cheer me up with

all kinds of fun things. Join us for all five days

Saturday, June 16. Workers meet at 8:00 am.

your morning coffee? We have ladies that can

or just one day - whatever you can do is

The Home Improvement Ministry serves

fill that need by being your own phone

great! Watch for registrations. Cost is $35.

widows and single moms within the Asbury

buddy! Call 392-1142. Lea or Shirley will

More details on the way.

family. Our Men s Ministry volunteers make

return the call and get you set up!

Dayspring Camp

themselves available every other month to help

Arts and Crafts

July 23 - 27 at Camp Egan. Cost: $190.

folks out with minor home repairs and/or home

Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2821. Women

Registration deadline is June 20. For those

improvement projects. Just pick up a request

who enjoy crafts are invited to come any

who have completed 9th - 12th grades. It s

form at any Welcome Center or call Pam at

Monday morning...come and go any time. Bring

five days that will challenge your heart, renew

392-1199, ext. 253 at least 10 days before

a sandwich for yourself or a lunch to share.

your passions, and kick things into high gear.

the scheduled workday. A Home

Contact Beverly Clarke. (Will not meet June

It s about relationships, some serious fun, and

Improvement volunteer will contact you

25 due to VBS.)

amazing worship. You know those moments

before the workday and make arrangements.

when you get bored in your walk with God

Annual UMW Garage Sale


and you wonder if there s something more.

Come one, come all to Asbury s United

There is! Come see for yourself. Late

Methodist Women s Annual Garage Sale,

Did you know that you can watch the 9:15 and

registration is $200 and subject to space

benefiting mission efforts in our community

11:00 a.m. Sunday services online as they are


and beyond. This colossal event takes place

occurring? Go to then

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway

Online Worship

on Friday and Saturday, July 13 and 14, and

click on Watch Sermons (by Tom s picture).

Wednesdays, 6:30-9:00 pm - Breakaway

draws hundreds of contributors and bargain

If you cannot attend worship, you can log on

Area. Join us every Wednesday for a time of

hunters alike. You ll find toys, gently-used

and share the experience. Or if there is a

connection, worship, learning about God, and

clothing, books, CDs, jewelry, small

sermon that you wish someone else had been

some nights of just random fun. Don t miss the

appliances, furniture and so much more! Those

able to hear, send them to our website where

food and hangout time afterwards.

wishing to donate items may bring them to the

several weeks of sermons are archived.



Kevin and Jill Burns Delores Adams

Adrienne Reinkemeyer

Brett and Candis Bingham and Tori

Andrea Doughty

Jack Shoalmire Robert Dixon and Mikayla

Melanie Chambers Pat and Ritchie Chambers

Dannie Schulz Brandon Foley

Merlin and Judy Ingram

Linda France, Hilary and Kyle

Mary Margaret Jones

Mercedes Smith

Jim and Sharon Longwill

Lisa Hall, Connor, Lindy and Elizabeth Darin and Vanessa Dunn

Jeremy and Becky Stanford

Molly, Lucas and Garrett ASBURY TIDINGS


Byron and Christy Roberts Tyler and Michelle Best Drew, Ashley, chase and Calli

John and Debby Doak Kasey and Zach

Madison, Ethan, Amy Pike and Mary Pike

Jacob and Amy McIntosh James and Shirley Davis

and Morgan

Lorrie, Eric and Kevin

Bob and Angel Taylor Ari and Avery Bill and M.A. Kohl New member photographers:

Steve and Becky Yoder, Tara and Brennan

Allen H. Robison and Diana Fields

Choose from one of the upcoming If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of

membership classes:

the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. We will spend our time looking at Asbury s Mission Vision- Objectives. Most of the time will be spent in talking about our eight objectives. Another part of the membership process is to spend time in a pastoral visit. We want for you to know at least one of our pastors so that when life s difficulties arise, you will have a pastor who can help you through it. Perfection is not required of Asbury members, but we do want to grow and get better. As John Wesley, the founder of Methodism said, If your heart is as my heart, lend me your hand.

Sunday, June 10 Sunday, August 5 Sunday, September 9 Sunday, October 7 Sunday, November 4 Sunday, December 2 Classes are from 12:15 2:30 p.m. Call 392-1191 to make your reservation. Childcare is available and lunch is included.



Congratulations...Spring 2007 Confirmands Christian Allman

Carson Dale

Samuel Jellison

Jason Proctor

Elizabeth Asbury

Katelyn DeCuyper

Stefan Johanson

Stefanie Renkema

Blake Barnes

Garrett Dellavedova

Blake Kendall

Perri Roberson

Benjamin Barton

Morgan Derr

Addison Kirkpatrick

Skyler Roberts

Jordan Beckmann

Clair Dietz

Kelly Koscielniak

Anna Rohweder

Victoria Bingham

Dena Dills

Kristi Kuntz

Chandler Ruben

Jack Bloomfield

Lauren Dowell

Brynne Kurtz

Ashley Saxton

Hunter Boeken

Madi Dowell

Joseph Landers

Morgan Schwier

Catie Boone

Laurel Eve

Ryan Lenihan

Morgan Servais

Madison Bourgeois

Meghan Fisher

Logan Martin

Allison Stallings

Janetta Bridges

Tom Games

Ashley McKillip

Reid Stinson

Daniel Briggs

Carlie Goekeler

Garrett McKinney

Kaitlin Stockard

Alisha Burkman

Caroline Graham

Elizabeth McMurray

Cole Sullivan

Michelle Carney

George Hall

Forrest McMurray

Emily Taylor

Alyssa Carson

Jefferson Hall

Payton Miller

Mackenzie Taylor

Mitchell Carson

Heather Harper

Abigail Mitchell

Jessica Thomas

Kaitlyn Carter

Lindsey Harr

Brooke Morris

Trevor Thompson

Kaci Caruthers

Riley Harrison

Maxwell Munchinski

Corbin Thurman

Samuel Castles

Hunter Hart

John Nettles

Hannah Tomlinson

Carly Chalmers

Courtney Helm

Berkeley Parris

Madison Warren

Sara Chalmers

Kathryn Herndon

Kelsie Peterson

Collin Watson

Bria Colgan

Daniel Hesselberth

Andrew Peterson-Gargan

Katelyn Whitt

Cole Cooper

Blair Hosier

Emily Points

John Wilburn

Colton Craig

Nathan Isaacs

Alexandra Pratt

Matthew Wilson

Mitchell Curley

Kelsey Jamison

Lauren Pratt

Taylor W itcher Zachary Ziegenhorn

photo by Marsha Baker


Preschool Classroom Leader


Read and prepare bible story lesson, assign duties

to helpers and see that the room and materials are ready. Dates/Times: Sunday mornings 9:00 to 10:45 am or 10:45 to 12:15 Frequency:

Every other month on an even/odd month

rotation. Location: Children s Ministry First floor Positions to be filled: 20 Contact:

Vicki Ihrig


Preschool Classroom Helper



Greet children as they arrive, take attendance, sit with

children during story time and assist with crafts.

Help with

set up and clean up.


Dates/Times: Sunday mornings 9:00 to 10:45 am or 10:45 to Duties:

Watch over and interact with children of various ages

while their parents attend CR worship and small group sessions.

Background clearance required.

12:15 Frequency:

Every other month on an even/odd month


Dates/Time: Monday evenings from 6:50 to 9:10 pm


Frequency: One Monday a month

Positions to be filled: 20


Children s Ministry area by the South door

Children s Ministry First floor

Contact: Vicki Ihrig


Number of positions: 6 Contact:

Charlotte Jones


Dessert Team Associate Duties:


Assist serving dessert and cleaning up afterwards.


Monday evenings from 8:30 to 9:45 pm.

Frequency: Once or twice a month Location: Breakaway area/Community Life Center

Contact: Joan (Henning) Kahl 392-1176


Duties: Greeter - greet visiting families as they arrive in the Children s Ministry area, or assist guests in finding the Registration - register guests and/or

families who forgot their ID cards.

Door Monitor - monitor the

door to the secure area for proper identification cards. Date/s Time: Sunday mornings times vary Frequency: Every other month on an even/odd month rotation. Children s Ministry

Positions to be filled: 20 Vicki Ihrig 392-1160



Sunday mornings either 9:00 to 10:40 or 10:40

to 12:00 Frequency: Every other month on an even/odd rotation Elementary Sunday School Rooms Second floor

Positions to be filled: 50 Amy Russell 392-1175


Hospitality Team Greeter, Registration, or Door Monitor


interaction and discussion with the children.



Reinforce the lesson taught by staff through


Number of positions: 4

appropriate classroom.

Elementary Small Group Leader

Barnabas Team members


Meets and greets prospects joining Asbury on

Sunday morning.

Sees that their picture is taken for the

directory and their personal information is provided for the pastor.

Escorts to and sits with them in the sanctuary and

stands with them during their membership vows. Time/Dates:

Serve one Sunday a month at 8:45 am for the

9:15 service or 10:30 am for the 11:00 service. Frequency: One Sunday per month Location:

Main Office Administrative Conference Room

Positions to be filled: 3

we remember... those who have died and pray God s comfort for those who have lost loved ones:

we rejoice... In the 24


Chapter of the Gospel of

St. Luke is the story about two men who, after the crucifixion of Jesus, were walking toward their home called Emmaus. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and

Maryelyn Woodward April 7, 2007

with those who have experienced

Travis VanArsdel

the joy of a new baby in their family:

Father of Brenda Nail

Matthew Robert Morgan Son of Gwen and Bob Morgan

Grandfather of Jackson Nail April 10, 2007

Brother of Kenneth Luke February 14, 2007

Sidney Knight

walked with them (Luke 24:15). The Walk To Emmaus gets its name from this story (Luke 24:13-35) and

Husband of Frances Jordan Caleb Peterson

April 15, 2007

Son of Todd and Laurajane Peterson

provides the central image for the three-

Brother of Caden

day experience and follow-up. Luke tells

May 10, 2007

Karl Ball Husband of Mary Ball May 10, 2007

the story of that first Easter afternoon when the risen Christ appeared to the two disciples who were walking together along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Time

we appreciate...

doesn t always change the way Christians deal with their own immediate difficulties. We to tend to be just like these two disciples, whose sadness and hopelessness seemed to have prevented them from seeing God s redemptive purpose in things that had happened. And yet, the risen Christ came near and went with them, opening the disciples eyes to his presence and lighting

I wanted to express my gratitude and thanks regarding the confirmation services held last Sunday evening. We had two children that were confirmed-Madison Warren and Cole Sullivan. The service was very organized and really meaningful and I wanted to thank everyone involved. Pastor Tom was so patient, passionate and made every child feel so important and grown up and kept the meaning and importance of the commitment they were making equally as important from the first child to the last (with 103 children and 103 repetitions, that says a lot). Marsha and Mark

the fire of God s life in their hearts. As they

and all the group leaders giving so much of their time and advice and making

waked to the town of Emmaus, Jesus

learning and worship so fun for the kids; they are so wonderful and

explains to them the meaning of all the

appreciated. Charlie Stinson and Michelle, that gave their testimonies, spoke

scriptures concerning himself. When they

with such passion and it was so heartfelt that I guarantee it left an

arrived in Emmaus, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it , and gave it to them, and their eyes were opened. They recognized him as Jesus, the risen Lord, and they remembered how their hearts had burned within them as they talked with him on the road. The walk to Emmaus offers today s

impression on everyone there. The Bibles that were provided for the children are unexpected beautiful keepsakes that I bet I can safely say every child there will appreciate and cherish for their lifetime. To Dick Read and all the others involved in creating and organizing this confirmation program: I want to thank them for their wisdom by incorporating the parents into the program so much. We have always been involved with our kids and we usually have family time once a week or so, but this was different, more meaningful and

disciples a parallel opportunity to redis-

has helped our family make the time and remember the importance of

cover Christ s presence in their lives, to

spiritual family time.

gain fresh understanding of God s transforming grace, and to form friendships that foster faith and support spiritual maturity. While Emmaus provides a pathway to the mountaintop of God s love, it also supports the pilgrims return to the world in the power of the Spirit to share the love they have received with a hurtful and hurting world.

I know I ve left out many names of people who have given so much to the youth program (mainly because I don t know all their names) but my thanks goes out to the all of the people involved. You are appreciated and what a wonderful reward (and big responsibility) to set such good examples for the children at such an impressionable time in their lives. So thank you all for such a wonderful confirmation experience and not just for our kids but for our whole family. Actually all of our experiences at Asbury have been good and memorable ones. We really cherish our recently founded Asbury home. God Bless, Leslie Warren

- Rev. Sonny Plischke ASBURY TIDINGS


Congratulations 45 Years

Jim and Sally Hickman June 10

Don and Patti Cooper June 21

60 Years 25 Years

Jack and Doris Bruin

60 Years

June 7, 1947

Rudy and Alice Gorishek

Steve and Nancy Williams

June 29, 1947

April 2

Joe and Marilee Dullea June 5 55 Years Fred and Joanne

Donna and Kevin Wylie


June 26

June 28, 1952

20 Years

Todd and Cathy Harris May 9

Kevin and Melanie Burdick June 13

55 Years Bill and June Carr

Mark and Lori Zahn

June 30, 1952

June 27

15 Years

Tim and Nancy Cornett June 20

50 Years

Goerge and Janna Kiser

Brown and Becky Joyner

June 29

June 23, 1957

10 Years

Chris Lo and Lois Lai May 24

50 Years Cal and Doris

Chris and Julie Spencer June 7

Brusewitz June 25, 1957

Matt and Karri Polson June 14

Congratulations to those who are celebrating 5 Years

Milestone Anniversaries. (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) Report your Milestone Anniversary to

Karl and Mary Alice Ahlgren June 9 or call 392-1146.

50 Years Carl and Joanne Weatherford June 15, 1957

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