Asbury Tidings - Power of the Holy Spirit

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he Lord willing, over the next three years we will be studying the Acts of the Apostles. We begin this sum-

mer, with June 7 being the first: “Baptized by the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:1-5). Labor Day Sunday concludes our first year with: “He Went on His Way Rejoicing” (Acts 8:26-40). During these 15 sermons, we will develop these themes: the Holy Spirit, the Ascension, Prayer, Salvation, Forgiveness, Witness, Empowerment, Perseverance, Flexibility, Perspective, Eternal Life, Persecution, Unrighteousness, and Transformation. During these 15 weeks we will see the powerful transformation and witness in the lives of people: Peter, John, and Stephen. We will celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the astonishing birth of the church. We will witness the salvation of people and the growth of the church. For every “Dr. Jekyll” there is a corresponding “Mr. Hyde.” It’s not all “Happy-Happy Joy-Joy” in Acts! Devastating events occur. The destructive nature of sin carries off Ananias and Sapphira. Severe conflicts and genuine disagreements emerge as people are thrown together in difficult situations without adequate resources or systems. By the end of chapter seven, the first Christian is martyred. The persecution of believers began. As it turned out, the persecution was actually pivotal to the growth of the church. It enlisted only those who were truly committed to Christ. A high risk was involved. It moved people out of Jerusalem, beyond Judea and Samaria, to the uttermost parts of the earth. Like so many things in life, adversity

opened the way to a whole new world. While we call it “The Book of Acts of the Apostles,” it really should be called “A Book of Some of the Actions of Some of the Apostles.” It is unfortunate that we do not have even more stories. The first half of Acts revolves primarily around Peter in Jerusalem with Jewish believers. The second half of Acts features Paul on his missionary journeys with the Gentiles. We would like to know what happened to the other apostles, too. We have so many unanswered questions. However, the good news is that we have enough information to give us a historical background on the way the church began, and we have enough direction to help us continue the church as it was originally founded by Jesus. President Harry Truman once said, “Great leaders read! Great leaders read books of history and biography.” I believe he was right! We learn so much from the success, mistakes, and perspectives of those who have journeyed before us. When those lessons come from the Bible, there is a spiritual application as well. I hope you will make every effort to read through Acts 1-8 between now and June 7. This will give you an overview of where we will be going during the next 15 weeks. I also hope you’ll bring a friend and be in your place as we study the scriptures together. See you Sunday,

Dr. Tom Harrison

Contents 3 What’s Happening

17 Back to Work

4 Prayer Room

19 Grandpa John

7 The Birdcage

20 My Life: Mary Lou Hartung

9 Passion for Worship

23 Opportunities

12 Good Ol’ Summertime

32 New Members

14 Columbarium Dedication

34 Family Room

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting

Managing Editor Tara Lynn Thompson

Graphic Designer Nicole McMahan

Photographer Don Kreutzweiser

Guest Contributors Kim Beair • Marcia Curley Christina Gray • Mary Lou Hartung Stephanie Hurd • John Westervelt Dwight Yoder

dwight yoder, executive director


’m often asked “How is Asbury doing?” My common response is “better than we main campus. This is condeserve.” sistent with our master plan.

We continue to be blessed. Most of our problems come from good reasons rather than negative ones. We face challenges because of our success. I want to inform you of two good “problems” currently under discussion: adult meeting space and parking. For a couple of years, we have struggled to find Sunday morning meeting space for adult communities. Our staff and volunteers have worked hard to accommodate growth. As one example, communities are shuffled a couple of times a year to adjust their size and growth to the size of the meeting room. Asbury has a great group of volunteers who help oversee the development and operation of our adult communities. It is called the Asbury Community Life Council (ACLC), chaired by Dewey Sherbon. I want to thank Dewey and that team for their hard work and dedication to this important aspect of the life of our church—an aspect that Tom heavily encourages. Recently, the ACLC informed us that they are out of options to accommodate any substantial growth at our 9:15 am hour and that space is tight at the 11 am hour, as well. At a meeting with the ACLC and representatives of our trustees and management, this issue was discussed. Results of studies done the past few years were reviewed. Options were reconsidered. After careful thought, our ACLC recommended the church look at ways to expand Sunday morning meeting space. That proposal immediately brings another issue into play. We are short of attractive parking spaces now. Some Sundays it is not possible to find a space on our main campus. Increasing community attendance will place more demand on parking. Our issue with parking is not an absolute shortage of spaces. There are unused spaces at Union (from which shuttle service is provided right to the front door), in the shopping center, and on the north edge of our campus. An option is to pave the southwest corner of our

While helpful, it will not provide sufficient “prime” spaces. Tom has asked for more people to use the Union spaces. He has also asked for able-bodied volunteers to park in more remote spaces so we can give preference to senior citizens and families with young children. These issues have been discussed in two of our governing committees: administrative council and trustees. No decisions have been made but a new expansion project is a possibility. There are valid concerns that need to be addressed: • Some of our members are still paying on pledges made for Mission Possible. • We still owe money from the original construction project (Mission Possible did not add to the debt). • Shouldn’t we take a break between finishing one project and beginning another? • We need additional funding for the long-term maintenance of our current facility. • These are uncertain economic times. • I’m sure there are other concerns also. A counterbalancing view references Bill Mason’s statement which Tom confirms: I never want to belong to a church that is not growing. The study required to appropriately weigh growth opportunities versus cost is underway. You are invited to participate in the process. First, please pray. Secondly, to address concerns and to receive other comments, Tom has called a

townhall meeting for Sunday, June 7 at 6 pm to be held in the CLC. Asbury is making a difference and transforming lives, starting in our congregation and extending around the world. We have been blessed with many opportunities and resources, and with that comes responsibilities. Asbury is fortunate to be called in this manner. ASBURY TIDINGS

How a Prayer Room Becomes a Prayer Room stephanie hurd


hen Venue68 opened last June, its designated prayer space was being used for storage.

Asbury’s Prayer Team began praying for that room in August and kept praying throughout the year. They asked God to show them how to create a sacred place to draw believers in and bring transformation. In late September, Betty Higgins and some youth cleaned out the “closet” and established a crude prayer space with items left over from Dayspring. The Prayer Team continued praying God would reveal His vision and provide everything necessary to execute the plan and bring transformation to people’s lives. Abby Smith joined the team that fall and used her gift for creativity and her passion for Venue68 to create a beautiful and purposeful design. Betty and her crew painted walls, while Abby assembled various other elements. In January, the Prayer Team thanked God for the progress and began praying for the Youth On Mission 24/7 Prayer Vigil. They asked the Spirit for


wisdom, creativity, guidance, and resources to further transform the prayer room for the vigil, so the participants could encounter God and engage with students on mission. As the prayers grew more detailed through February and March, so did the room. Furnishings, light-

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3: 20-21 poor village in Mexico. Approximately 24 pray-ers ing, and art—all came together. The night before

into the vigil, the fourth group of students boarded

the vigil started, the Prayer Team anointed the room

a plane for Guatemala. 211 pray-ers later, all the

with oil and asked for God’s blessing.

teams returned home safely.

At midnight on Friday, March 13, the first vigil

The missionaries attest they could actually feel the

pray-er arrived at Venue68. Six hours later, buses

prayer coverage and God’s divine protection while

started rolling out loaded with students headed for

traveling and serving. According to Connie Briggs,

Houston’s inner city, the hills of Kentucky, and a

their team saw evidence of violence all around and ASBURY TIDINGS

were being watched by drug dealers and prostitutes all week, but they still felt a sense of security.

The prayer room also offers printed guides,

Some groups took the

mood lighting and mu-

prayer schedule and had

sic, comfortable seating,

fun tracking the people

and cushions for kneel-

praying. Ruth Brower said

ing. A stunning portrait

it was humbling to know

of Christ leans against

people were getting up

one wall, and a beauti-

in the middle of the night

fully handcrafted walnut

to pray for them. And as

cross hangs on another.

the people praying lifted

Venue68’s prayer room

their requests to God,

is both a resource and a

they were energized by





How the prayer room

with Jesus. People who

became a prayer room

normally struggle with

is a perfect illustration of

prayer were amazed at

how the church functions.

how quickly the hour

It started with prayer and



was sustained by prayer

tion was occurring both

during the entire pro-

abroad and at home.


Venue’s prayer room

Asbury’s generous tith-

serves a bigger purpose

ing members funded the

than one week of unbro-

material necessities. The

ken prayer. It is always a

work was divided among

place to encounter God’s

many willing and capable

presence in a focused and intentional manner. “Entering this prayer room is like entering the mind of God,” said one pray-er.

hands, with people using their God-given gifts and talents to accomplish the task. Pastor Cindy Mayes, the Pastor of Prayer at that

Often times, prayer can seem illusive, but in the

time, shepherded the leadership team and volun-

prayer room, it becomes tangible—even visible. Sta-

teers accomplished 95 percent of the work, with a

tions are set up to physically lead the person pray-

broad range of ages working synergistically.

ing into communion with the Father. Some people

In classic Venue style, the prayer room is both the

have learned how to pray by using the stations in

product of transformation and a tool for transforma-

the room.

tion. It is also the result of a community effort led

At Venue68, the person begins by using a “sin board” where confessed sins literally disappear before one’s eyes.

praise and thanksgiving.

by the Holy Spirit, in answer to the prayers of God’s people. The Prayer Team invites every member of Asbury

Next, the person has an opportunity to make

to have a date with God in one of its four prayer

supplications at the prayer tree. A large world map

rooms. Come experience His presence in a tangible

with little sticky flags gives a visual image as he or

way, and come with the hopeful expectation of be-

she prays for different areas of the world. A large

ing transformed. For more information pick up a

chalkboard wall provides a place for expressions of

Prayer Ministry brochure, or call 392-1177.


The Birdcage God’s Work of Art

marcia curley


t was late November 1963. Gloria Phillips

and her husband, Sam, had suddenly found themselves jobless, homeless, and on the precipice of a miraculous spiritual journey. Sam, an ordained minister, had been forced to resign from his job. Sam was the pastor of a little church in New Mexico. The forced resignation was not due to anything scandalous. On the contrary. It was forced because Sam and Gloria were on fire for God. Months before the resignation, Gloria had been healed of severe depression and Hepatitis C. Her “22-pills-day” routine was gone, cured by God’s healing touch. Years of grudges she had harbored were released. She was freed from the bitterness and hurts of her past. Sam and Gloria couldn’t keep quiet about what God was doing in their lives. It was just a little too much excitement for the stiff congregation. And now, Sam had been asked to resign. Moving out of the church parsonage, they were jobless and homeless. How could they go from

“living in power to living in the desert” so quickly? God was quiet, and they felt alone and scared. In a twist of events, they moved to Lubbock, Texas where a friend rented a house to them for $100 a month. As both Sam and Gloria continued to look for work, Gloria applied for a teaching position at Lubbock Public Schools. The personnel director took one look at Gloria and said, “I wouldn’t hire you unless I was at the bottom of the barrel.” ASBURY TIDINGS

Gloria had no teaching experience, no Texas certification, and had been out of college for 15 years. Fighting back tears, she walked out of his office feeling totally rejected and useless. God, however, likes the “bottom of the barrel.” The same personnel director later called Gloria and offered her a job. She would be the new art teacher in a middle school. Gloria was grateful to have an income, but to say she was delighted with her new position…well, that would be a stretch. Her 8 am class was an all-boy class, and Gloria

God was showing her that He loves everyone… even these “greasy, grimy” boys. The Holy Spirit was melting her and molding her into his work of art. Somehow, she made it through that first year. She began praying daily for her classes, often times, getting up at 4 am. Going from desk to desk, she would touch each student’s desk and pray for power and healing in their lives. The more she prayed for these kids, the more her heart softened. The more she prayed, the more she loved them. She began to see their hurts, their dis-

The more she prayed for these kids, the more her heart softened. The more she prayed, the more she loved them. She began to see their hurts, their disappointments, their needs. She began to see them through the eyes of Jesus. was not good with boys. Especially not these boys. The boys were dirty and unruly and from povertyridden families. Their families were broken and often abusive. The boys were loud and spoke with obscenities. Their hair was greasy, they reeked of body odor, and any form of authority was something to be defied. In stark contrast, Gloria was a mother of three little girls. She had been raised to always “act like a lady” and had grown-up on the “good” side of town. She was prim and proper in her pretty, silk dresses and totally unprepared. That first year at O.L. Slaton Junior High was a nightmare. She tried everything she knew, but nothing worked. How could she teach art to these unruly boys? How could she teach these kids to appreciate the beauty of artistic things? One of the worst days happened when her all-boy class choreographed a display for her. On a given cue, every boy in the class expelled gas at the exact same time. She was totally humiliated. But God was in the midst, working in Gloria’s life. “God was getting rid of the prissiness in my life,” said Gloria.


appointments, their needs. She began to see them through the eyes of Jesus. As her third year started, she sensed that something was changing. God was breaking down the walls. In the same way that Joseph had found favor with the Pharaoh of Egypt, Gloria had found favor in her students’ eyes. The students trusted her. They came to her with their hurts and sorrows. “God gave me such a great love for these kids,” said Gloria. She was as different from them as “night and day” but that was no problem for God. The Holy Spirit was touching and changing Gloria’s heart. He was softening and molding the students’ hearts, too. And in the process, he was knitting their lives together in a glorious pattern. He was creating a beautiful piece of art. Today, Gloria still treasures a gift that her students gave her one Christmas—a wrought iron birdcage with plastic red pansies. It sits on her patio…a constant reminder of those students who forever changed her heart.

Passion for Worship stephanie hurd


hris Cleveland, age 24, is the worship leader at Venue68. Last fall his

life was in shambles. A broken engagement left him broken-hearted and dragged down by school, work, and life in general. On a whim, he did something drastic––he and a buddy booked nonrefundable tickets to Europe. He needed a defining moment in his life and it happened at Notre Dame. “It was one of the most incredible experiences I’ve ever had. I walked in and felt God’s presence on me,” he said, concerning that moment in Paris. Tidings visited with Chris in the north lobby of

Venue68 to learn more about getting focused, having passion, and leading worship. TIDINGS: Besides Notre Dame, did God meet with you in any other ways while you were in Europe? CHRIS: In Rome, we had a down day so I had time to reflect. I started praying, and thinking and started writing down goals. I felt like I was on the outside watching my life go by. I had lost my passion and my drive. So I started writing down personal goals, goals at church, music goals and names of people I could count on. I typed this stuff into my phone, and I’ve still got it here. Also, I had a conversation with a guy in Munich, and he asked me to describe myself in three words. I was stumped. I just started rambling. Sometime later I came up with three words: God, family, and music. That best describes me, and that’s how I want to ASBURY TIDINGS

TIDINGS: As a worship leader, what is your philosophy of worship?

be seen. During that trip, God let me know he was still there and He had a plan for me even though I couldn’t see it. When I was at my lowest, God was faithful. He brought me through, and He used that trip to get me focused. And without this place, in the last year of my life I don’t know where I would be. I have a lot of gratitude for this place. TIDINGS: What’s it like working with the worship band? CHRIS: I’ve got some really talented musicians on the team. Jason [Yang] and Daniel [Hoffman], they’ve been with me the whole time, and they’re my rocks. They give so much to this program. I have the Starkweathers, and they’ve been really loyal and faithful. All the people in the band are really talented and totally volunteer. They have willing hearts––servant hearts, and I just appreciate them all so much.


CHRIS: I think there is a little misconception of what people are doing here on Sunday. One of the biggest mistakes we make is thinking the time we are singing songs, we qualify as worship and that we’re going to get this awesome feeling and feel really good about it. And we become selfish and think it’s all about me, me, me. We leave thinking, “I wasn’t really feeling the music today,” or whatever. When in reality worship should be everything we do. It’s not just the music; it’s how we live our lives. It’s what we’re doing in community, it’s Second Saturday, and building Habitat Houses and going to Estonia and Guatemala, and providing groceries for people in need. We should constantly be in this worshipful kind of mindset in everything we do. To me the songs come in when it’s time for praise. Honestly, it has absolutely zero to do with us and how we feel. This is us saying, “God you’re freaking awesome! You’re so great that I got to tell you about it. This is me thanking you for everything you’ve done and for how wonderful you are.” Sometimes I’m not feeling it, and I don’t want to be up there. But I have to take myself out of it and remember it’s not about me. I’m there because I want to give God what He deserves. TIDINGS: Then how do you lead in worship? CHRIS: My number one focus is to worship passionately. If I’m giving it everything I can, that’s what people are going to connect to, and it gives them an opportunity to do the same thing. I want to lead by example and worship passionately. What’s cool about this congregation is that so

many people praise God differently, from the small kids to the seniors to the deaf. The deaf ministry are loving it because they can feel the vibrations from the music and they’re on the front row and they’re doing it and it’s awesome! I’ve got the youth over

The Munich-Man Challenge

here and the 20s over there and people my parents age in the middle. Everyone’s worshiping in their own way. I saw some kids break dancing last week. I think we have a really good congregation who is willing and wanting to seek God in that way. This is a place where we can all come and be ourselves, and that’s the coolest part. It’s amazing to be in a position to lead people to a place of worship, knowing it has nothing to do with me because I’m faulted and imperfect in so many ways but still knowing for some reason God has His hand on me and has this plan for me to be here.

In honor of Venue68’s first anniversary, and in the same spirit as the Munich man who challenged Chris Cleveland to describe himself in three words, I would like to describe for you the worship community at Venue68. In three words: Transformation, Community, Ownership.

TIDINGS: So what difference has Christ made in your life? CHRIS: Everything! I’m not perfect and I’m not going to act like I am. I have a sinful nature and I’m not Jesus. But at the same time I’ve been covered by grace and I have the will to follow Christ and do what’s pleasing to Him. I can reach more people by being myself than pretending I’m something I’m not. That’s what I love about this place, we are real and true to ourselves, but we love God and we do our best and we love people. I’m glad I have a Savior who loves me and bought me for a price and knew everything I was going to do before I did it. And He still gave His life for me and I’m thankful for that, and I’m thankful for this place. My favorite Bible verse is Num 23:19 “God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it, or has He spoken and will He not make it good.” That verse to me means, His Word is ALWAYS true. Therefore, we can totally rely on it to guide us through our lives.

stephanie hurd Dear Asbury,

TRANSFORMATION: We’ve seen an ice rink transformed into a worship space and an empty lot transformed into a home. We’ve seen individuals suffering from drug addiction, rejection, and doubt transformed by the power of Christ. Now we’re seeing the Tulsa community transformed through Second Saturdays––with over 400 hours of service in the first two months. COMMUNITY: This intimate congregation is developing community and growing relationships in an organic way. “We have ad-hoc communities that are just happening, without names, they find a corner and meet,” said Pastor Spencer Smith. Last Sunday, half an hour after the service ended about a hundred people continued to linger and visit. “That kind of stuff has been cool, and clearly God is at work because nobody is doing anything in an official way to make it happen,” said Pastor Todd Craig. OWNERSHIP: Venue’s worship community is stepping up and contributing hundreds of volunteer hours per month with the band, the technical team, graphics and animation, hospitality, communion, and Second Saturdays. “There’s an increased level of excitability for involvement. The congregation has more ownership and that motivates me––I’m excited to come to church on Sunday, which hasn’t always been the case,” Spencer explained. “The amount of time and energy people are putting in volunteering is continually surprising me. The potential is there and we are on the edge of something great. God is transforming lives and people are seeing that and the role they can play in it, and it’s exciting for everybody.” ASBURY TIDINGS 11

Good Ol’ Summertime How to teach your children Godly lessons throughout the summer

christina gray


e’ve all heard the scripture, “Spare the rod; spoil the child” from Proverbs, which is full of scriptures that teach us how to raise our children.

because I know I’m not an expert parent, but I quickly

My favorite parenting scripture is Proverbs 22:6,

As parents, we all face similar challenges and

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he

have the same frustrations with our children. As a

is old he will not turn from it.”

group, we were able to talk about these challenges

realized I had nothing to worry about. The class was full of men and women who wanted the same thing I did. We all shared the same hopes and dreams for our kids, and we all had the same fears.

Parents are always looking for a new idea to help

and learn from each other how to handle them. As

with raising their kids. Several magazines are de-

a class, we learned how to apply God’s wisdom into

voted to advice on how to raise kids and the internet

day-to-day parenting.

provides unlimited resources. But, the Bible is God’s

Now that summer is here I’m faced with a new

handbook to us for parenting. Asbury is a great place

set of challenges. How do I apply God’s wisdom to

to learn about it, as well, especially in the Roadmap

those long hot summer days filled with “I’m bored,”

Parenting classes.

and “He hit me,” and “Stop touching me”?

The Roadmap classes are offered in the fall and

Here are some fun and practical ways to apply

spring and always provide a place to come and learn

God’s word and spend quality family time this sum-

a biblical perspective on raising children. I had the


privilege of leading the class in the spring and was a little sad when it ended. It was such a rewarding

• Act out Bible stories. Let the children assign the rolls for each family member

experience to be in a room full of parents who are

• Read the Bible to your children, or let them read

eager to learn how to raise kids and provide them

to you. Ask simple questions to check for under-

with a spiritual foundation.


I was hesitant when I agreed to lead the class 12 ASBURY TIDINGS

• Make a small gift. It can be food, flowers, etc.,

and take it to a neighbor, with a note that says, “Thank you for being you.” Let children help you make cookies, put them in bags, and give them. Notes to those who serve you daily are so encouraging. Have your kids write to the grocer, postman, barber, or beautician. • Make a short visit to someone at home, like a shut-in or person recovering from illness. • Write a family letter of “thank you.” You can send it to a school teacher, policeman, church staff member, pastor, or make a cheery note to “someone nice.”

• Be Outdoor Detectives. Take a pencil and pad for dates.

of paper to write notes, a bag to collect things, and

• Let the kids choose an activity. Each child gets

pretend binoculars (made out of toilet paper rolls)

to pick an activity for the day and everyone partici-

and look for signs of God’s creation, like sprouting

pates (no arguing).

flowers, animal tracks, and tiny insects hard at work. Listen for birds chirping, leaves rustling, and wind. • The library offers a summer reading program. It is perfect for keeping up with those reading skills. Plus,

• Play games or work on crafts. Christiancrafters. com has lots of great ideas for all ages and offers 99 days of great summer games on their website.

once completed, you get a coupon book for free

• Check out the Faith Zone summer newsletter

admissions to places like the Zoo and Aquarium.

or go to for a complete list of

They also offer free Storytime in the Park. Go to

our 2009 summer fun events! ASBURY TIDINGS 13

Columbarium Dedication Held


t is a place of peace, of prayer, of quiet contemplation and silent reverence to the memory of loved ones gone. The Columbarium and Prayer Garden, dedicated during a special ceremony on Sunday, May 17, provides Asbury families a reverential area to spend time with God.


“This project has been the vision of Tom



many years. It became a reality as a result of his and key Asbury families’ efforts,” said Joe. “It has been an honor to assist in the design and construction of the Asbury Columbarium and Prayer Garden.” The



dens, a 75’ x 25’ area located in front of the


Artist, Rosalind Cook and “Intercession.” “My father and his relatives are buried right next to the little, country Church in Belleville, Arkansas,” said Pastor Tom Harrison. “I remember seeing the Church in England where John Wesley actually preached from his father’s tombstone. The connection between death and resurrection is seen in this historic notion of a cemetery being located next to the Church.”

provides a beautiful landscape for church members

Phase two, of the three phase project, is com-

to enjoy quiet time and prayer, all centered around a

pleted, creating a 75’ x 55’ columbarium east of the

specially commissioned sculpture of Jesus praying,

Chapel and north of the covered walkway with 100

called “Intercession.”

niches, explained Joe Spence, Director of Opera-

“Having a columbarium on our site in the midst of

tions. The third and final phase, scheduled to begin

a prayer garden with a statue of Jesus praying for us

after we sell of the current niches, will include 700

seems a fitting way for some of our families to have

additional niches.

closure with loved ones,” said Pastor Tom. “I can ASBURY TIDINGS 15

this very significant place,” said Rosalind. “Since it is a garden of prayer and remembrance, I feel it was God who gave me the vision to have Christ in prayer interceding for us.” She found inspiration in the prayer of intercession found in John 17 as Christ prepares for His ascension. “It begins, ‘And lifting His eyes.’ This is how I pictured Christ as He asks the Father for incredible blessings for you and for me,” Rosalind said. “Among those is that: we each may truly know Christ and God, that we be unified and perfected in that unity, that we be kept from the evil one, and that the LOVE of Christ would always be with us into eternity. May this sculpture be a continual blessing to each one who enters this sacred place.” The columbarium is being funded through niche sales. Currently, 40 niches have been sold, with 60 still available at the currently reduced price of $3,500, with niches see people wanting to go into the prayer garden to give thanks, to remember, to grieve, and to worship. The columbarium reminds us of our own mortality —the statue of Jesus points us to eternal life.” Rosalind Cook, Tulsa sculptor, designed and created the sculpture, approximately 110 percent the size of a person during that era. “I approached this project with humble supplication that God would give me what He wanted for 16 ASBURY TIDINGS

afterward costing $4,250. Maquette sculptures, smaller versions of the “Intercession,” are also available to purchase for $2,400. Call Victoria Williamson 392-1113 for setting up inurnment services & making arrangements. Call Jenny Stevens 392-1124 for Niche and Marquette purchases.

Back to Work Finding the plan of action to fulfill your calling

kim beair, ms, lpc, ncc


motional Maturity and Holy Spirit Power: are you sure you have them, and do you know how to use them? One look at the scriptures shows us what happens when the Holy Spirit comes on our favorite Bible Characters. Their understanding of God and how his Spirit would come to work in their lives is obvious—they had extreme motivation to do the work they were called to do, and they experienced great joy and success with it. We know they were already in ministry, but their ministries changed for the better when the Holy Spirit came on the scene. Basically, they became more mature in their outlook on, not only, what they were doing but how and when they did it.

It would be easy to believe that if God provided the calling with the Holy Spirit motivation to fulfill it, He would also do the work to make it come to fruition. If He calls me to Africa, shouldn’t I believe he will magically make the plane tickets and hotel reservations appear out of thin air? Do I allow myself to believe it’s acceptable for me to tell all my friends and relatives I have been “called” and then expect them to foot my bill? Do I put on fundraisers and expect everyone else to do all the work? When I ultimately get doors shut in my face should I be surprised? Part of our calling is to use the maturity of our Bible character friends and understand that, if they had to do the hard stuff, we should expect nothing different. The simple truth is, they knew that people were watching their every move, and in addition to making their ministry for Jesus look bad, they could be jailed or killed if they took one misstep—halting their ministry for good. ASBURY TIDINGS 17

When Jesus left and the disciples were staring at

If you are wise, you will pray that God will lead

the clouds, the angels told them to get back to work.

you to the right “experts” and then work with them

They could have stared until they died waiting on

to gain wisdom, insight, understanding and direc-

their fearless leader to return. But, the example of

tion. After more prayer (which is not analysis pa-

work ethic and maturity was demonstrated by Je-

ralysis), God will have lit your path by educating

sus himself. There were times when God provided,

you—through community—of the legal, ethical,

which was always to make a point, such as when the

moral, cultural and business aspects of whatever it

5,000 were miraculously fed.

is you are doing.

If you are wise, you will pray that God will lead you to the right “experts” and then work with them to gain wisdom, insight, understanding and direction. After more prayer God will have lit your path by educating you. Conversely, at one point taxes needed to be paid.

You can do it the easy way—the wise and discern-

Jesus sent some of the boys out to fish and told

ing way—or keep doing it on your own and waiting

them to “cast their nets.” Jesus could have simply

for God to do all the work. This way, however, will

reigned down fish from Heaven or had them col-

be harder. You see, God will either go get some-

lect money on the streets, but He didn’t. He showed

one else to do the work He called you to do (giving

them they had to work, though they were in active

someone else YOUR ministry), or YOU will make

ministry at the time with Him. They had to work to

your ministry more laborsome than God intended.

fulfill the laws of the land—taxpaying—which Jesus

Sometimes I wonder if God is sitting on His throne

calls all of us to do.

saying “PEOPLE PLEASE—you are working harder,

Most who receive the calling to be teachers,

NOT smarter!”

physicians and electricians know they cannot begin

Jesus said “My yoke is easy, my burden light.”

these “callings” without obtaining the appropriate

Reevaluate your “calling” today. If you are tired or

coursework and licensure. Work is required.

feel like God or others are not assisting you in your

How often do we receive a calling and reject

efforts, ask yourself if you need to re-examine how

emotional maturity (which is really wisdom and

you are managing this part of your life. Chances are

discernment) for our ill-informed ways of expecting

God has already told you through His servants how

our calling to magically evolve? Do you get a calling

to do things the right way for His success and for

then expect God to equip you by Himself?

your own. Round up some Holy Spirit Power and

Part of God’s calling is within community. If you are called to go on a mission trip, embark on a new career, write a book, or take up music, and that is not your area of expertise, do you just do it? Many do, which is why the majority of non-profits in this country fail.


Emotional Maturity today. It might be the first great day of the rest of your life!

My Name is Wisdom john westervelt


hen I, Wisdom, was beside Him, as a master workman; and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him, rejoicing in the world, His earth, and having my delight in the sons of men.� Proverbs 8:30-31

comprehend, that God had designed tectonic plates that

Let the Holy Spirit help you get acquainted with

design. The Lord seemed in no hurry as He prepared

covered the world. It was these plates slowly bumping into each other that formed hills and mountains. I remained beside the Lord as a master workman with the ongoing design of His earth. I rejoiced continuously as I worked beside Him in the miracles of His

The Lord possessed me, Wisdom, at the beginning of His design of the earth and all that is on it. I urge you to take my instructions, rather than silver, and knowledge, rather than gold. Wisdom and the treasures she holds for you. Listen as Wisdom tells her story. My name is Wisdom. You can read about me in the writings of wise King Solomon. This king loved women, especially a wise one, so he personified my story. The Lord possessed me, Wisdom, at the beginning of His design of the earth and all that is on it. I urge you

the land and the waters for life. First, He created many types of plants, all of which could absorb energy from the light of the sun to grow and propagate themselves. Next, God created simple, little creatures that could live with nourishment from plants. There was never a rush as He made larger and more complex animals.

to take my instructions, rather than silver, and knowl-

Finally, God designed His crowning achievement

edge, rather than gold. I, Wisdom, am better than jew-

—man and woman. This was a creation with whom

els. I walk in the way of righteousness in the midst of

God could personally commune.

the paths of justice. In my early days with the Lord, there were no springs abounding with water. There were no hills or moun-

Throughout the eons of time, God and I have rejoiced together. Now He rejoices with each of you. And that is good.

tains. Solomon did not record, because he could not


My Life...

Lessons from a Terminal Illness mary lou hartung


ne and a half years ago, I began doctor’s office, began to cry. I turned to hold her, while we both shed tears. a journey, a journey of trusting I whispered to God, “The number of days you God. Faith in this living God has kept my

feet to the path. But only recently have I begun to see the journey as a gift. The journey began March 2007, when I confessed to my daughter, Kathryn, that I was experiencing difficulty in swallowing. By the fall, I had lost my diction; my words were garbled and slowed. I visited my primary doctor who sent me to a gastroenterologist. He sent a balloon down my throat, saw no cancer and pulled the balloon back up. I went home thinking I was better, but I wasn’t. The next step was a neurologist. Many, many tests later, my daughter and I met with Dr. Dunaway for his final analysis on April 2, 2008. “You have ALS, Lou Gehrigs Disease,” he said, looking at me. “You already knew that, didn’t you?” “Yes,” I said. “I suspected this diagnosis.” My first thought, while sitting in his office chair and hearing the confirmation, was, ‘Well, why not? Both my brothers died of this disease. Why shouldn’t I?’ My daughter Kathryn, who sat next to me in the


grant me to live, I will live for one purpose alone, to glorify you in all I say and do!” But I wondered, just how would that happen? I never once asked or thought, “Why me?” I promised to be fully submitted to Jesus. By His Spirit, I would never walk alone. This is one of the gifts on this journey—the relationships. My children, David, Kathryn and Steve, have each received a love letter from me. They have woven a tight circle around me of caring and encouragement. We never talk on the phone or communicate by e-mail or speak face to face that we fail to say, “I love you”. I used to say to God, “I don’t want to die slowly, but just go to sleep and never wake up.” Perhaps some of you have said that, too. But the greatest gift of this longer journey is the opportunity to get it right! I will go to Jesus with no regrets. Life is meant to be about relationships—sharing life and concerns together. The one who takes time

for others, learns how to love. Jesus came into our world, not to build synagogues or to form bible studies, but to establish relationships with those who believe by faith, with His disciples and with the people of His time. If God should heal me tomorrow, I will never live my life the same again. I’ve experienced a better way to live! Even my husband, Jack, one who is rather self-focused, has become a tender, caring, helpful mate. I have fallen in love again with my handsome husband.

scriptures. They have become God’s promise and love words just for me. And what a joy to claim them and see God’s response. I have always preferred a tub bath with bath bubbles and still do. Time and time again, I would start to get up out of the tub and sit back down. When several attempts failed, I would say, “God I need your strengthening help.” Then, I’d remember two scriptures:

Love is the motivating and dominating force in my life.

Nothing else matters much. Today, I’m walking with the One who is perfect love, destined for that place of ultimate love.

Love is the motivating and dominating force in my life. Nothing else matters much. Today, I’m walking with the One who is perfect love, destined for that place of ultimate love. I thought I understood and believed the scriptures, as God’s Breathed-Word message to us. Perhaps I believed them intellectually but walking this path to the “finish line” has changed God’s word from concepts, ideologies and intellectual understandings. Now the scriptures are real, alive, like neon signs. This has been another gift: that I’ve experienced the

1. “Power is perfected in weakness” 2. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Each time I rise to my feet! To believe and act on God’s word has given me an acute awareness of God’s loving presence. This has been a gift but also a new understanding regarding my response. God’s love is so great for us, that He gave us our independence, a choice to choose or refuse His offer of love. He didn’t want robots but people who would rejoice and live in His presence. ASBURY TIDINGS 21

My Life...

Our joy and abundant blessings come when we yield control to God, the One who has already joined us in our journey through life. Yielding control brings with it an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be and will not be. With this acceptance, comes true freedom. There are many reasons for pain, for cancer and ALS. But God promises to use every situation for the ultimate good and the most loving outcome. My death sentence has shown me this. There is no way to create true freedom without a cost. Do you remember that my one promise and purpose for the days remaining in my journey was to glorify God? I wasn’t sure how this would happen. Two comments have clarified at least part of the answer. A resident at Inverness, where I live, told me, “Your loving acceptance of your disease is beautiful 22 ASBURY TIDINGS

to behold; you are an inspiration to all of us.” Then my daughter Kathryn emailed me this, “Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with sadness, but watching how gracefully you are taking it all, provides so much comfort for me. You are an amazing woman.” It is my hope that my joy and my face are becoming like a mirror, reflecting the brightness of the Lord! (2 Cor. 318) This journey is leading me to pray for a world wide revolution, for a world of love and kindness, for life that revolves totally around Jesus, what he did, and what He continues to do. I am praying for the daily moments to serve others before self, for more tender days with love and laughter, and for many more random acts of kindness. I’m praying for God-fulfilled lives on earth, until that wonderful day when all bow down on our knees and confess that Jesus is Lord of all Creation, to the glory of God. Elizabeth Barrett Browning said: “It is not how or when you die, but how you live each day! That is what the journey teaches. Finally, our earth is crammed with heaven; Emmanuel with us. And every common bush afire with God. But only those who will see, will take off their shoes!” May we be found daily in our socks.



Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled?

New Additions to the Library

Be sure to let Asbury know ahead

resource. Thank you to all who

of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146

continue to contribute books to

so your pastors can be in prayer for

our Library.

general information

you. When you enter the hospital,


church. The after-hours pastoral

Served from 7:15-9 am in the

emergency line can be reached by

CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with

calling 492-1771, selecting option

Asburians along with fresh donuts,

2, and leaving a message for the

bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage,

pastor on call.

please designate Asbury as your

eggs, fruit, and cereal. $3 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under.

Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an

Sunday Morning Worship

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

8 am, Mason Chapel

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

(Traditional Communion)

book ASAP to allow ample time

9:15 am, Sanctuary

for Couple-to-Couple (required


premarital sessions). Six months to

9:15 am, CLC (Open House Wor-

one year lead time suggested.

ship) (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting)

The Gazebo is Open

11 am, Sanctuary (Traditional)

CDs of Tom’s “Message of the Day”

11 am, Venue 68 (Modern with sign

are available immediately following


the worship service for $3. Prayer Journals are also available for $5

Sundays for Children & Students


6 Weeks-4 Yrs: 8:00, 9:15 & 11 am K-6th Grades: 9:15 or 11 am


7th-9th Grades: 9:15 & 11 am

Recycle unwanted paper products.

10th-12th Grades: 9:15 am only

Three bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots.

Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, & 11 am and Wednes-

Asbury Family News is available at

days, 6 pm and Shepherd’s Flock

the Welcome Centers. It includes

on Tuesdays at 6 pm. NEW! “Gen-

hospital lists, births, deaths,

erations” on Sundays at 11 am—a

marriages, baptisms and military

multigenerational community made


up of people from all demographics: married, single, young, and

Doors of Asbury posters are at the

“seasoned” spanning 6 decades in

Welcome Centers…FREE! Suitable

age groups! (See Discipleship).

for framing.

The Asbury Library is a wonderful

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6-7 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Community Sundays, 11 am, Rm. 1507

bible study RoadMap Coming soon! Summer 2009 RoadMap courses in the new brochure and on the Asbury website at www.

care and support GriefShare Tuesdays, May 5 – July 28, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 2500. GriefShare is a special weekly video series and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It’s a safe place to be around people who understand what you are feeling. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future. Cost: $12 for workbook. Childcare available. Asbury Tennis Day Hosted by Purpose Driven Fellowship Community and benefiting Stephen Ministry in memory of Bruce Johnson. Saturday, June 27, 11 am – 4 pm, at Shadow Mountain Racquet Club, 7500 E. 61st Street. Cost: $20/person or $50 max/family. Fee includes a one ASBURY TIDINGS 23

hour drill session with club pros,

and education for friends and

Please send contact information

lunch, organized matches, awards

family of those with Alzheimer’s or

(complete name and address) to

and prizes. Questions? Contact Al

other dementia.

Gwen Mohler at

Moore at amoore@oklahomatennis.

or call 392-1146.

org or call Ruth at 392-1146. Pick up

Cancer Support Group

entry form at South Desk, Connec-

Second Sunday of each month,

Asbury Bear Bags

tion Corner, or in classrooms.

4-6 pm, Parlor. For those living with

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring

cancer and their family and friends.

books have comforted young

Stephen Ministry Commissioning

children for many years, but now

Sunday, June 7 during the 11

Divorce Recovery

you may give a Bear Bag with a

am sanctuary service. Join us in

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

scripture-based journal included

welcoming and praying for those

For those suffering from the early,

instead! Great for teens and adults.

being commissioned as Stephen

highly emotional stages of divorce

Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear


and separation trauma. Childcare

to someone who is grieving. For


more information, contact Beth at

Visits to Asbury Members


Asbury has a unique group of vol-

Divorce Rebuilding

unteers (Asbury Connection) who

Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.


regularly visit people who are either

For those ready to rebuild their

Registration forms for all children’s

homebound or in nursing homes. If

lives after separation or divorce.

activities are available in the

you are interested in being visited,

Childcare available.

preschool and elementary lobbies.

call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact

Core Childcare Hours

the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

Eating Disorder Recovery

Parents who are involved in

First and third Wednesdays, 12-1:30

RoadMap classes during these core

pm. For individuals seeking support

hours will have childcare provided

Prayer Card Sending Team

in the recovery process. Bring sack

for children 6 weeks-12 yrs. of age

Usually meets first and third


with no reservations needed:

Mondays at 10 am in Rm. 1621 to send cards with God’s encouraging words and our prayers to those who are ill or going through hard times. Cards and care packages are also sent to Asbury-related military personnel. Contact Gwen Mohler at for more information, or call 392-1146. Asperger Support Group First Thursday from 7-9 pm in Rm. 1506. For mothers of children with Asperger Syndrome. Childcare

Sun: 8 am-12 pm Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1506. Mental Health Support for Families For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. 4th Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm, Parlor. Military Connection Please join us in praying for our troops in harm’s way and their


families. Periodic care packages and

Alzheimer’s Support Group

God’s Word are sent to Asbury-re-

Third Thursday, from 1:30-3 pm in Rm. 1621. Christian hope, support 24 ASBURY TIDINGS

monthly encouragement cards with lated military personnel. The Prayer Ministry also covers them in prayer.

Mon & Tue: 9 am-12 pm Tue, Wed, & Thur: 6-9 pm Murdock Villa A mission opportunity for our 5th & 6th grade students. Usually the second Sunday of the month from 12:30-3:30 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat, then visit Murdock Villa where we will play Bingo and do crafts with special needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. Limited to 10 kids each month. For further information contact Jami at 392-1166.


to practice their missionary skills in or 392-

For children 1st through 4th grades

the Tulsa community. We will have


(fall 2009), June 16-19, 9 am – 12:30

a celebration on Friday following

pm. Cost: $10 per child. Our 1st

the VBS day to end our week of

Roller Skating Day

-4th graders will begin their day

hard work. We’ll stay in the Venue

Monday, June 29, 1-3 pm, Broken

with worship and then spend 25

for lunch and then head out for lots

Arrow Sports, 1st–6th grade. Get

minutes in each area of VBS. The

of low ropes fun. Parents can pick

rollin’ with Asbury! Meet your

cost includes a VBS shirt. To make

up at 5pm at Hunter Park. To make

friends or bring some along to get

your registration complete, make

your registration complete, make

out of the heat and skate the day

sure you return the signed form

sure you return the signed form

away! Asbury has the whole place

to Asbury with the fee and pick up

to Asbury with the fee and pick up

to ourselves! Admission is $7 per

your t-shirt. For additional informa-

your t-shirt. For additional informa-

person and includes your skates, a

tion, call Jennifer Barnes, 392-4582

tion, call Amber Cox, 392-1171 or

drink, and an ice cream treat! For


more information call Amber Cox at 392-1171 or

T-shirt Pick-up Days

VBS Volunteer Training

Once you are registered you can

Wednesday, June 3, 6 – 7:30 pm


drop off your form and payment or

(childcare available on Wednesday

Discipleship Communities

mail it to Asbury. You may pick up

only) or Saturday, June 6, 8:30

If you have not found an Adult

your t-shirts after you’ve completed

- 10 am. If you are interested in

Discipleship Community check out

your paperwork on Sunday morn-

volunteering with VBS you may

“Get Involved” at www.asburytulsa.

ings in the 2nd floor Children’s

sign up online or please call Jen-

org or pick up a brochure at one of

Lobby area on May 3, May 17,

nifer Barnes at 392-4582 or Kim

our Welcome Centers.

and June 6. Please remember that

Renkema at 392-1159 to find a place

registrations received after Friday,

that works for you. There is VBS


May 22 are not guaranteed a t-shirt.

for kindergarten age and younger

VBS Challenge Camp

Volunteers must attend one of the

5th and 6th graders (fall 2009),

mandatory training sessions so that

PT Nursery Staff Positions Available Part-time position will work 1015 hours weekly in the Asbury

Monday, June 15, 4–8 pm; Tuesday

we have a successful week teaching

Nursery. The schedule will include

– Thursday, June 16–18, 8:45 am

our kids about Christ while keeping

Sunday morning from 8:30 am-

- 12:45 pm; Friday, June 19, 8:45

them safe.

12:30 pm with a few remaining

if you volunteer on site all week.

hours during the childcare weekday

am - 5 pm. Cost is $30 for the entire week. Challenge camp takes place

VBS Teen Training

and weeknight core hours. Suc-

in Venue68 the same week as VBS

Wednesday, June 10, 2 pm – 3:30

cessful applicant should have a

and is the next step for our older

pm. Teen volunteers who are

love for children, willingness to

kids. We will meet for worship,

entering 7th grade through 19

portray Christian beliefs and values

dinner and planning on Monday.

years old are also needed! If your

to children and families. Resumés

The rest of the week will have a

teen is interested in volunteering,

should be sent to Vicki Ihrig, Asbury

slightly different start and stop time

have them register online. They

UMC, 6767 S. Mingo Rd., Tulsa, OK,

to allow you to drop off your 5.6ers

can then print out the form, sign it,

74133 or call her at 918-392-1160.

and still have time to take your

have a parent sign it and put it in

little ones to and from the main

the drop box in Venue68. Training is

building. Each day, they will share

mandatory; you will be able to pick

VBS with each other ending with

up your t-shirt then. For additional

worship. They will also have a day

information, call Jennifer Barnes, ASBURY TIDINGS 25

endowments Leave a legacy that continues to give forever to a ministry you want to support. There are endowments that support many areas of Asbury’s outreach including children, youth, music, missions, and training of pastors as well as a general endowment. You can easily impact a ministry thru your will

Attention Engaged Couples

Make plans to join us for a great

If you are planning to use an

time of meaningful worship, life-

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

changing prayer and an awesome

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

big breakfast, all for just $3 per

book ASAP to allow ample time

person. First-time guests are free.

for Couple-to-Couple (required

June 3

Don Herrold

premarital sessions). Six months to

June 10 Bill Johnson

one year lead time is suggested.

June 17 Mark Springer June 24 Dub Ambrose

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries Email your upcoming Milestone

Home Improvement Workday

Anniversary (5,10,15,20, etc.) to

Saturday, June 20. The Home

or 392-1113.

Carolyn Schutte at brucetschutte@

Improvement Ministry serves wid- or call Ruth at 392-

ows and single moms within the

marriage & family


Asbury family. Our men’s ministry

or a current gift. Contact Dwight Yoder at

8 Dates With Your Mate 2nd Tuesdays, February 10-September 8, 6:15-7 pm, Rm. 1502. Celebrate your marriage with conversation over dinner alone, or with another couple in the group. Gather to hear a variety of topics led by various speakers (30

volunteers make themselves availDynamic Marriage

able every other month to help

Tuesdays beginning June 9, OR

folks out with minor home repairs

Sundays beginning June 21, 6:30-9

and/or home improvement projects.

pm, Rm. 2201. This is a 9-week

To volunteer, contact Debbie in the

interactive class that will help you

Adult Ministries Office, 392-1177 or

replace old habits with new ones

in a unique, safe environment. Go from good to great, mediocre to

Car Care Workday

magnificent or hurt to healed. $130/

Saturday, July 18. Car Care Sat-

couple (scholarships available). $50

urday is an every-other-month

holds your spot. Childcare avail-

workday provided for Asbury’s

able. To register, contact Jackie or

widows and single moms, through

Ron at asburydynamicmarriage@

our men’s ministry. While the ladies

Friday, July 31, 6:30-9:15 pm AND prior to first class.

wait in the comfort of the café,

Saturday, August 1, 9 am – noon,

Limited to first 12 paid couples.

volunteers check tires, belts,

minutes), then have dinner out. NEW TOPICS/SPEAKERS! Childcare available. “Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage”

Venue68. Mark Gungor’s DVD semi-

fluids, filters and batteries. They

nar provides hilarious, practical and


no-holds-barred advice on marriage

Asbury Exploration

and then update owners on what’s

and male/female relationships!

Come to a lunch/class to learn

running smoothly and what needs

(This isn’t your typical marriage

more about becoming a member

professional attention. This free

weekend event!) Topics include: “A

of Asbury. Sunday, June 7, from

service gives our men the oppor-

Tale of Two Brains,” “Why Does

12:15-2 pm in CLC. Lunch provided

tunity to put their faith in to action

He/She Do That?,” “The #1 Key to

and childcare is available for chil-

through loving and serving those in

Incredible Sex,” and “How to Stay

dren six weeks through 6th grade.

need. To volunteer, contact Debbie

Married and Not Kill Anybody.” No

Call 392-1191 to register.

in the Adult Ministries Office, 392-

one under 18 due to mature con-

also vacuum and wash the vehicles,

1177 or

tent. Special emcee Rachelle Renee.


Neighbors and family welcome!

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Men’s Open Basketball

FREE tickets Sundays in July, plus

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the

Fridays, 11:30 am – 1:15 pm, Gym.

CLC. Attention men of Asbury.

Men! Make plans to join other

Asbury office weekdays. 26 ASBURY TIDINGS

Asbury guys and their friends each

• June 19-29: Tanzania, East Africa,

hymn tunes. You will not want to

week as we get together for a little


miss this event!

“round ball” and lots of fun! Come

• June 25-July 6: Estonia, Camp

show us what you’ve got, and we’ll

Gideon, Youth Camp & Construc-

Chancel Choir

have a great time of exercise and


Wednesdays, 7 pm, Choir Room

fellowship. Invite your friends, and

• July 23-August 2: Estonia, Parnu,

we’ll see you on the court!

MBS & Light Construction

New Covenant Orchestra

• July 26-August 2: Honduras, MBS

Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm, Rm. 1510


& Construction

Oklahoma Outreach

• September 17-29: Tanzania, East

Children’s Choirs

Asbury will partner with Aldersgate

Africa, Construction

Wednesdays, 6 pm, various

UMC for Project Transformation

• November: Central Asia, Construc-

this summer. Asbury will provide

tion & Teaching

Asbury Power & Light

volunteers, lunches for the interns,

• October 23-25: Cookson Hills,

Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm. 1510

snacks for the campers, and din-

Oklahoma, Light Construction

ners for the interns the week of

• October 24-31: Monterrey, Mexico,

June 29-July 2. If you would like

MBS & Construction

to volunteer, please contact Beth

• November 4-8: Monterrey, Mexico,

McCalman at 392-1116.

Medical • November 11-15: Rio Bravo,

Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm. 2506 Youth Orchestra Wednesdays, 5:30 pm, Rm. 2319

Mission Matters

Mexico, Men’s Construction

Asbury Ringers

A monthly newsletter is available

• VIM Team Leader Training:

Wednesdays, 6-6:50 pm, Rm. 2506

with recent news of mission hap-

September 19 in Bixby; October 24

penings. Preference is for the email

in Clinton.

Perpetual Light

version, but hard copies can be

For more about these exciting

Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Rm.

mailed if needed. To receive the

mission opportunities, contact


newsletter, please contact Missy

Marilene Long at mlong@asbury-

Sistrunk, 392-1163 or msistrunk@ or 392-1164. Global Outreach Prayer Ministry


Saints of Swing Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2-3 pm, Rm 1510 Asbury Singing Ambassadors

News and prayer requests from

Americana: A Musical Celebration of Our Country

our missionaries and ministries

Sunday, June 29, at 6 pm in the

are sent each week to our prayer

sanctuary. The New Covenant

Summer Song Registration

ministry list. If you would like to join

Orchestra, the Chancel Choir

Camp Wallaballa will be presented

and become a prayer intercessor for

and Perpetual Light will pres-

by SummerSong 2009 at 7 pm on

those serving around the world,

ent a concert of music from our

Friday, June 12 in the sanctuary.

contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163.

American heritage and by American

Don’t miss this wonderful time of

composers. Featured will be the

watching the children sing, dance,


music of John Williams (Superman,

play handbells and act out the

Volunteers-In-Mission Opportunities

E.T., Jaws, Star Wars), Carmen

promises of God in a simple and

Dragon (A Stephen Foster Medley),

fun-loving way.

• May 30-June 6: Ecuador, MBS &

Duke Ellington, Meredith Willson


(Seventy-six Trombones) and our

• June 4-15: Estonia, Lighthouse

soul-stirring national songs and

Tuesdays, 2:30–4 pm, Choir room


prayer Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or immediately following a worship service, please come to the altar rail. A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs—physical, emotional or spiritual—at the altar

essential that we pray for our chil-

Senior Walk in the Gym with Him

dren during VBS, considering many

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

children make first time decisions

from 8:30-9 am in the gym. All

for Christ while attending. Sign-up

senior adults are invited to join us

will take place on Sunday, June 7

for power walking, coupled with

in the CLC Gallery & Sunday, June

lots of fun and fellowship. Come

14, in Venue68. “The little children

give it a try.

were brought to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them and pray for them.” Jesus said, “Let the little

or in the Prayer Room.

children come to me, and do not

Prayer Room Reservations

heaven belongs to such as these.”

The leadership of Asbury’s prayer ministry would like to remind you that the main facility Prayer Room is open not only to individuals desiring to pray in a quiet, meditative atmosphere, but also to prayer groups within communities and ministries. Just give Debbie in the Adult Ministries office a call at 3921177 to reserve the Prayer Room for

hinder them, for the kingdom of Matthew 19:13-14

recovery Celebrate Recovery Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6 pm. Dinner at 6 pm; Worship from 7-8 pm; Small Groups from 8-9 pm; Dessert from 9-9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God

your group on a weekly or monthly

never intended for you to live in



Prayer Room Days & Times

senior adults

Our prayer rooms are accessible to

Visits to Asbury Members

you at these times:

Asbury has a unique group of vol-

• Mason Chapel & Venue68:

unteers (Asbury Connection) who

Sundays, 7 am-12:30 pm through

regularly visit people who are either

the interior door.

homebound or in nursing homes. If

• Main Facility, Mason Chapel &

you are interested in being visited,

Venue68: Mon.-Fri., 8 am-9 pm; Sat-

call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact

urday, 10 am-3 pm; Sunday, 12:30

the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

pm-9 pm. To obtain pass codes, call

Debbie in the Adult Ministries office, 392-1177.

Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

VBS Prayer Vigil

from 9-9:30 am in the Gym. All

Monday, June 15 – Friday, June

senior adults are invited to join us

19. Make a difference in the lives

for a time of stretching, coupled

of children. Commit to one hour of

with lots of fun and fellowship. No

prayer, on-site, while our children

high impact workout here. We take

attend Vacation Bible School. It is

it nice and easy. Come give it a try.


Senior Adult Trip to Pawhuska Thursday, June 11, 8:15 am – 5 pm. Hey folks! Hop on the bus, and let’s head northwest to Pawhuska, OK! Join us for a great adventure on the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, where bison roam free, and tour the Osage Tribal Museum, Library and Archives. We’ll also visit the Osage County Historical Museum with its turn-of-the-century schoolhouse, the 1871 Blacksmith’s House and the Constantine Community Center, built in the 1880’s. And you certainly don’t want to miss the tour of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, with its 1919 stained glass windows from Munich, Germany. Our lunch plans are awesome, too! We’ll dine, buffet-style, at the Buffalo Hills Country Club. Registration forms are available at the south welcome desk and may be placed, with payment, in the registration slot. The bus will only seat 54, so get your reservation form and payment in TODAY! The reservation deadline is Thursday, June 4 or until all seats are filled! Senior Singles Game Time Thursday, June 18, 1 – 4 pm. Attention Asbury Senior Singles! How would you like to get together on a regular basis with a wonderful bunch of folks and play a few rounds of cards, dominoes, or whatever board or card game you

chose? You KNOW you’d love it! If

For those suffering from the early,

7th, 8th & 9th Float Trip

you’re a single or widowed senior

highly emotional stages of divorce

June 23, 7th, 8th and 9th graders

adult age 55 and up, come check

and separation trauma. Childcare

are going to float the Illinois! Watch

it out in Room 2820. Bring a friend


for registrations! We will meet

and stay for as long as you like!

at Asbury at 8:30 am and return

This fun group will meet every third

Singles Potluck Fellowship

around 4 pm. Cost is $20; plus bring

Thursday, so mark your calendars!

Sunday, June 28, 12 - 2 pm in the

your own sack lunch.

Senior Adult Trip to Tahlequah – Turn Your Radio On Thursday, July 11, 9:30 am – 6 pm, You are cordially invited to step back in time with Asbury’s Senior Adults! Turn your radio dial back to the beginning of country music, when legendary stars such as Bob Wills filled the airwaves with their signature songs of love, loss and faith. That’s what you’ll experience

Parlor. Come, bring your children and enjoy a delicious lunch,

7th & 8th Grade All Night Blast

courtesy of your fellow singles!

Friday, June 5, 8 pm – 6 am. June

Just bring a “family-sized” food

5 is the only time we stay up all

item, homemade or purchased!

night and do lots of really cool stuff.

Great food, great fellowship, new

Watch for registrations coming out

friends…it just doesn’t get much

in May. This date changed because

better than that!

Disciple camp moved. This will be the first event with our new 7th

ASM Spring Luncheon Sunday, May 31, 12:15 – 1:30

at NSU-Tahlequah’s presentation

pm, CLC. Come be a part of this

of “Turn Your Radio On!” In ad-

luncheon designed for singles of

dition to that, you will also enjoy

all ages, with plenty of good food

a FABULOUS buffet in Mazie, at

and great fellowship! The catered

Fannie Miller’s Amish farm. What

luncheon will consist of a delicious

a treat! The $37 registration fee

casserole and salad, with home-

includes our luxury motor coach,

made bread and dessert. The cost

the luncheon, show tickets and all

is just $5 for adults, and children 10

gratuities. Registration forms are

and under eat FREE!

available at the south welcome desk and may be placed, with payment, in the registration slot. The bus will only seat 54, so get your reservation form and payment in TODAY! The reservation deadline is Wednesday, July 3 or until all seats have been filled.

singles Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Childcare available. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

grade class!


7th, 8th & 9th Disciple Registrations Due 789 students, Disciple Camp is coming August 3-7! This is an incredible 5 days at Camp WOW where you experience God, worship, small groups, and tons of fun. Registrations available in student area they are due July 22! 7th, 8th & 9th Food Bank June 11. All 789 students are

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Breakaway

invited to help serve at the Food

Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am

Bank as part of our Summer Tulsa

in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t

Missions, meet at Venue68 at 8:30

your normal Sunday school. Come

am we will be back by 12:15 pm.

join us for worship, fun and games,

Signup on Sunday morning or just

interactive talk/lesson, and some-

show up!

times free candy and gift cards. 7th, 8th & 9th Bible Study

Student Ministry Parent Support Group

Wednesday night Bible Study is

This is simply a Parent Support

the place to be from 6:30-8 pm on

Group of parents who come togeth-

Wednesday nights beginning Sept

er to share experiences and gain

10. Come to the Venue and hang

strength, hope and new ideas from

out, have fun and study what God’s

each other. We are not profession-

words has for us.

als, but strive with God’s wisdom to love, care, and support one another ASBURY TIDINGS 29

through all struggles of life. If you

fellowshipping at the same time,

Car Care Workday

or your teen is struggling, please

this activity is for you! We gather

Saturday, July 18. Car Care Sat-

take this opportunity to get support,

on Monday mornings to work on

urday is an every-other-month

we meet upstairs in the Venue

our own individual arts and crafts,

workday provided for Asbury’s

every Tuesday from 1 - 2:30 pm or 7

stop for a delicious pot-luck lunch,

widows and single moms, through

- 8:30 pm, attend whichever works

and continue on through until 2 pm.

our men’s ministry. While the

better for you. Call Marsha Baker

We have a wonderful time together,

ladies wait in the comfort of the

for more info 392-1157.

and would love to have you join

café, volunteers check tires, belts,

us! For more information, contact

fluids, filters and batteries. They

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway

Beverly Clarke, and stop by some

also vacuum and wash the vehicles,

Every Wednesday night we come

Monday and check us out!

and then update owners on what’s

together for a time of connection

running smoothly and what needs

and worship. Our desire is to

UMW June Luncheon & Program

professional attention. This free

explore who God really is and how

Attention all ladies! It’s summer-

service gives our men the oppor-

our lives matter to Him. We get

time, and the pace is a little slower

tunity to put their faith in to action

started around 6:30 pm and wrap

for Asbury’s UMW. Join us on June

through loving and serving those in

up around 8:30ish. Plan on hanging

4 at 11:30 am, for our Covered Dish

need. No reservations required; just

out afterwards for pizza. 9th graders

Summer Salad Luncheon series.

get your vehicle in line by 11:30!

you will begin attending Breakaway

This month’s luncheon will feature

on March 25!

the presentation of the Mission Rec-

UMW Garage Sale

ognition Award and the 2009-2010

Friday, July 17, 8 am – 4 pm,

10th, 11th & 12th Small Groups

UMW Scholarship Award. Bring

Saturday, July 18, 8 am – 12 pm.

Small groups meet Sunday nights.

your favorite salad and a friend,

Come one, come all to the United

Times & places vary. Contact Todd

and get ready for a relaxing and

Methodist Women’s Annual Garage

392-1154 or Amy 392-1156 to get

celebrative time with your Asbury

Sale, benefiting mission efforts

plugged in.


in our community and beyond! This colossal event takes place on

6th Grade Promotion

Home Improvement Workday

Friday and Saturday, July 17 & 18

The current 6th grade class will

Saturday, June 20. The Home Im-

in the Community Life Center, and

become 7th graders and start

provement Ministry serves widows

draws hundreds of contributors and

attending all things Junior High

and single moms within the Asbury

bargain hunters alike! You’ll find

starting June 7! We can’t wait;

family. Our men’s ministry volun-

toys, gently-used clothing, books,

current 6th graders start in 5.6 on

teers make themselves available

DVD’s, jewelry, small appliances,

June 7 and then will be walked over

every other month to help folks out

furniture and so much more! Those

to the Venue.

with minor home repairs and/or

wishing to donate items may bring

home improvement projects. Just

them to the CLC on Thursday,

pick up a request form at the south

July 16 from 9 am to 5 pm. (No

welcome desk, or call your request

underclothing, socks, shoes or

in to Pam Wallace (392-1199, ext.

computers, and all clothes must

253), at least ten days before the

be on hangers, please.) Don’t miss

scheduled work day. A Home

this great opportunity to get good

Improvement volunteer will contact

quality items at rock-bottom prices!

you, and make final arrangements

See you at the sale!

women Women of the Word Wednesdays from 10-11 am in Rm. 2319, Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher. Crafty Ladies Fellowship Mondays, 9:30 am - 2 pm, Rm 2820. Ladies, if you enjoy doing crafts and 30 ASBURY TIDINGS

to get the job(s) done!

worship • 8 am, Communion Service: Mason Chapel. Traditional service. Communion is served and Dr. Harrison preaches. • 9:15 am, Contemporary Praise & Worship: Sanctuary. Music, time of prayer and the message will all carry a prevailing theme for the morning. Dr. Harrison preaches. • 9:15 am, Open House Worship: Community Life Center. A relaxed atmosphere with engaging worship. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast with an occasional live sermon from another pastor. • 11 am, Traditional Service: Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra and various vocal and instrumental ensembles offer a variety of styles of music. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches. • 11 am, Modern Service: Venue68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by the worship band. Sign interpreters for the deaf are offered. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast.

… y r o t s a s a h e Everyon

are ousands. They th e v a h ly b a b In fact, you pro , the rhythm es ch a rt ea h e th the joys, the experiences, and the horizon on re a e w ey journ of our lives, the given as a gift, re a ey th d n A . ing we are approach a gift to share. ou. n’t solely for y is it d n A . y or You have a st vide hope, give ro p s, er h ot r fo load e, It can lighten a ize, excite, reliev g er en , lm ca , then support, streng e rtain, do all thes te en , rm fo in , intrigue, explain eone else. things for som it. ou have to share y , h g ou th , st ir F do), and would ou y d n (a y or If you have a st our platform. y is s g in id T Asbury like to share it, r them. We want to hea , for publication ed er d si n co y or To have your st ra ings Editor Ta id T to s on si is m email your sub th n n ly ra ta @ n at tara Lynn Thompso s. ately 800 word im x ro p p a e b ld Stories shou



new members

Dave & Carm Campbell

Mike & Brooke Condry

Tim & Gina Cook

Duncan & Sara Fourie

Phyllis Maxwell


Diane Miller

Brandon & Kristin Conkling Lauren, Chase & Natalie

Rain Delaune

Jeff Diven

Jessica Galassie

Tom Kruzyna

Sue Morey

Austin O’Neal

welcome to asbury

we’re glad you’re here

Ed Sells

David & Susan Smith

Terri Walker

Jennifer Thompson Christian & Trisden

John & Karen Ward

Sandra Ward

Asbury Exploration Classes If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. Choose from one of the upcoming Sunday membership classes: June 7 • August 2 • September 13 October 4 • November 1 • December 6 Classes are from 12:15 pm - 2 pm. Call 392-1191 to reserve your place. Childcare is available and lunch is provided.



family room in celebration of marriage 65 years

60 years

55 years

Allan Marian Tonding June 26, 1949

Ben & Joy Weddington June 17, 1954

50 years

15 years

Ed & Leslie Lusk June 17, 1959

Ed & Leslie Lusk May 28, 1994

Herbert & Betty Maresh June 29, 1944

we celebrate • Noah Malachi Swanson, son of Matt & Molly Swanson, born April 12 • Anna Grace Hill, daughter of Danny & Teresa Hill, born April 20 • Cash Daniel Bevins, son of Micah and Kim Bevins, born April 21 • Andrew Charles Elijah, son of Matt & Erika Elijah, born April 22 • Sarah Kate Stinnett, daughter of Don & Christal Stinnett, born April 22 • Hailey Kristen Honomichl, daughter of Steve & Emily Honomichl, born April 23

we remember • Ernie Achterberg, husband of Mollie, died April 6 • Trudy Harris, wife of Neil, died April 25


Glorify God‌ Make Disciples

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