Asbury Tidings - Family Reunions

Page 1

Inside Tidings 3

Coming Up


Disciple Camp Recap

5 - 27

Family Reunion

28 - 31

July Calendar

32 - 34

New Members


Family Room

Family Reunions On the cover: Bruce Arnold returned home after spending nine months in Afghanistan as a member of Oklahoma’s Army National Guard, 45th Infantry Brigade - Task Force Phoenix. He is shown below with wife, Shari, and daughters, Kaitlin, 13, Samantha, 10, and Kiersten, 7. You may read more about this family on page 6. This month we honor families...their traditions, values and special reunions.

Traditions Looking Ahead... “Traditions” are wonderful ways to experience life. Certain traditions add an incredible value to us. For some, it might be a holiday tradition, a favorite vacation spot, an activity, or a shared experience. Our pastors have shared some of these meaningful traditions in their lives elsewhere in this magazine. There are also traditions in our faith that provide Pastor Tom Harrison great meaning. A worship service provides such meaning in the reciting of the Apostles Creed, the singing of a hymn or chorus, the Lord’s Prayer, the offertory, the sermon, and the sacraments of baptism and communion. A tradition can turn into “traditionalism.” That is to say, the form becomes more important than the content; or the vehicle more the emphasis than the cargo. Jesus spoke about not putting “new wine into old wineskins.” When traditionalism pushes traditions out of the way, legalism rears its ugly head. The spirit becomes harsh and judgmental, focusing exclusively on the outside. Some have seen “traditionalism” and have “thrown the baby out with the bath water.” They pride themselves in not having a tradition (which ironically becomes in itself, a new traditionalism). It reminds me of the old hippie movement that prided itself on everyone being “different,” when in fact; they all ended up looking alike. When I hear people say, “I don’t like communion” (or whatever) I think to myself, “that’s too bad – they are missing out on the means of grace.” It is far less what happens to us and far more about the spirit we bring to it. When a child learns to play the piano, they are not “free” when they just bang on the keys with their fists. They are free to play when they have learned the discipline that goes with it. Likewise, I believe tradition, properly taught and experienced, can be of invaluable assistance in our spiritual lives. It does not leave it all up to the individual to decide, but uses the strength of Christian community through the ages. Yet, tradition means it is something I get to experience in and participate with in my own life. Tradition, not traditionalism or anti-tradition, is a great way to experience the grace of Jesus Christ.

Tidings Staff Jan Weinheimer Sandy Wagner Juli Armour Lisa Tresch Lina Holmes Chris Lo, Photographer

Contributors Nikki Boyd, Christy Capps, Marcia Curley, Marty McBroom, Scott MacDonald, Marti Morris, Liz Reece, Larry Stockard, Debbie Wallis, John Westervelt

photo by Christy Capps TIDINGS 2

Stephen Ministers Commissioned

Asbury United Methodist Church

Annual Garage Sale

Friday, July 14 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday, July 15 8:00 am - noon Please bring donations to the CLC Thursday, July 13, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Congratulations to our newly-commissioned Stephen Ministers: Front Row: Kayla Smith, Cathy Hoye, Joan Henning, Sylvia Dean, Annette Novinger, Carl Novinger Back Row: Bill Wagner, Adrena Mahu (facilitator), Dan Thorning, Jackie Hendrix, Angela Drake, Tom Sharpe Not pictured: Darlene Wagner If you are going through a difficult time and would like someone to walk beside you, to listen and pray with you, please call Ruth at 392-1146.

Elizabeth Oyler Receives Asbury UMW Scholarship As bu r y’ s UMW recently presented their $1,200 scholarship for the school year of 2006-2007, to Elizabeth Oyler. Elizabeth is the 3


daughter of Barry and Susan, and her grandparents are Laneer and Jean Ham. A graduate of Union High School, Elizabeth was very involved in school activities, including the National Honor Society, Drug-Free Youth, the Senior Cabinet, the Yearbook Committee, and the Security Committee for the OASC Convention, to name just a few! Elizabeth has been active inAsbury student ministries, and was a faithful

Please do not donate underclothes, socks, shoes or computers. All clothing must be on hangers. Proceeds benefit missions. Sponsored by Asbury’s United Methodist Women

participant in a small group all through high school. After a few years of serving as an Asbury preschool volunteer, she became an employee of the Childcare Department two years ago, and now works during the week and on the weekends, as needed. This fall, Elizabeth will be attending the University of Oklahoma, where she plans to major in accounting. Congratulations, Elizabeth!

Disciple Camp 2006 What do you get when you take 85 Asbury 7 th, 8th , & 9th graders, mix them with junior high kids from over twenty Oklahoma Methodist churches, add in over 100 adults serving the students as ropes course instructors, counselors, and small group leaders, and throw in dedicated high school students serving as Students in Training? You get Disciple Camp. June 1-5, Asbury’s students spent five days away from home in a beautiful camp wilderness Kristin Fitzgerald, Kelsey Burdick and Frances McMahon enjoying a meal. near Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Each day students spent time in small group Bible studies focused on what it means to encounter Jesus epidemic in our schools, our work face to face. The small groups went places, our homes. The prayer was together to ropes course challenges offered that it would start at Disciple where they encouraged, supported and be carried to the very ends of the and tested each other. When sunset earth. Looking around the came, there were over 300 students tabernacle after worship, a mom was waiting anxiously for the doors of the hugging her teenage son, the prayer tabernacle to open, signaling the room was filled with students and beginning of worship. adults praying and an overwhelming Worship was the place each sense of peace filled the place. night where students felt the loving We had encountered Jesus face presence of God and the kids to face. responded in ways they never thought - Christy Capps they would. The band played modern Photos by Christy Capps worship songs and the students slowly opened their hearts and lifted their voices to sing praises to God. Alex Sanchez surfing the log jam All over the tabernacle teenage hands were lifted, declaring Erik Richison takes on the high wire publicly their surrender to Him. God’s love swept over the kids and some fell to their knees… some went to the prayer room with friends to pray…some stood still and cried. The message on the last night of camp was from I Samuel 3:10. “The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, ‘Samuel, Samuel!’ Then Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.” Everyone was encouraged to listen for the voice of God and respond by starting a spiritual

Abby Blunt, Ben Dalton and Angie Gibbs, Students in Training ASBURY TIDINGS 4

Notes from the Journey

In the Middle of a Beautiful Place By Lisa Tresch


o there we were--11 of us sitting on the edge of a cliff with a drop that had no end in sight. I was determined not to peer over the edge, but the rest of my family did. They love this kind of stuff. Someone decided that this death-defying cliff would be the perfect place for a family portrait. I’m sitting too close to the edge for my own comfort with a strained smile that clearly communicates my summation of that picture-perfect moment: my family is crazy. To be fair, I should confess that I am afraid of heights. This comes as no surprise to my family – most of whom have no fear of cliffs, ski lifts, narrow trails perched on the side of a mountain. I could go on. It is our family tradition in the waning months of summer to fill four vehicles with 15 people and corresponding vacation necessities and roll west, then north until we are in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. We always stay in a nice little condo with a view of the mountains that is better than television. Some people in the family are content to hang out on the back patio and soak in the grandeur of creation. There is another group that wants more from this two week vacation: hikes across narrow gorges, tubing excursions down



the river, excruciatingly slow rides up the mountain on a ski lift and then back down riding toboggans at ridiculous speeds. I go with the group that doesn’t hang out on the back patio. I do this not because I love the thrill of it all – but because I don’t want to look like a wimpy girl. And because I live in a family of girls that aren’t wimpy (most of these crazy ideas come from the

girls), it’s imperative that I set a wecan-do-anything-boys-can-do attitude for my own daughters. So this is one of the reasons I ended up on the edge of the cliff. The other is simple: it’s a family tradition. It seems like we spend these two weeks searching for the places and the adventures that will take our breath away. The Psalmist says that God sets the lonely in families. If you think that doesn’t apply to you, imagine yourself without a family of some kind. You would be lonely. So would I. God knew

what He was doing when he set us down in the middle of people who share our genes, our memories, our passion for the Rocky Mountain air. Back to the cliff. I grumbled about this choice of location and thought to myself that we are a completely irresponsible bunch for putting our children in such danger. But I forced a terse smile while my aunt snapped about five pictures. We kept shifting around because she wanted everyone in a certain place and I was sure that one of us was going to eventually tumble off the edge with every reposition. When she finished and we were standing up to continue our hike, I forced myself to turn around – slowly, carefully - and look behind me. With all my grumbling and palm-sweating and barking at the children to stay away from the edge, I almost missed the whole thing. Stretching across the bottom of the canyon below us was a tiny river and an endless valley dotted in patches of sunlight and shadows. My family had somehow found yet another place that took my breath away. I didn’t linger at the edge of the cliff, but I was silently grateful that someone had insisted on a photo to remind us of the beauty of this place – and the family tradition that brought us to it.

Welcome Home!


eeing his daughters at the Task Force’s Homecoming Celebration was a reminder of all he had missed. A year had passed since Bruce Arnold bid farewell to his wife, Shari, and their three girls, Kaitlin, Samantha and Kiersten. He returned earlier this year after serving in Afghanistan as a member of Oklahoma’s Army National Guard, 45th Infantry Brigade – Task Force Phoenix. “I wasn’t prepared for the changes I saw in the girls,” Bruce said. Kaitlin, the oldest, had matured both physically and mentally. She got braces, glasses and pierced ears while her dad was away. His younger girls had changed, too. Samantha had grown much taller and had grown her hair long. Kiersten, the youngest, had lost any resemblance to a toddler and started kindergarten. All three had become more independent. It was obvious that time had not stood still in his absence, and although Bruce was quite aware of how long he had been away, time itself has become even more precious to him. “You get a sense of your own mortality when you see the disease, death and destruction of war firsthand. I want to have a positive impact in people’s lives and I’ve learned to treasure time. Time with family. Time with friends. Time spent helping others. And time alone with myself has become more important, too.” Shari learned her own lesson regarding time. “Time is more important than I realized previously. I know now that you can’t make more of it; you simply need to try to make the best of it by using it wisely. I try to stay focused on things that matter to me and to my family. I try to work on ‘being there’ in the moment I am in.” Bruce added, “The little stuff is

not important. I watched grown men and children fight over school supplies that we would deliver. Their ‘little stuff’ was a pencil; our ‘little stuff’ might be waiting in line at a restaurant or getting upset because a child dropped a piece of bread, jelly side down, on the carpet. Life goes on and carpets can be cleaned.” “I learned a phrase – (phonetically) – tash-wishnee-koh-o-door-doe-dan– which means, ‘Don’t worry, it’s on order.’ So when it comes to the small stuff, I tash-wishnee-koh – because God has it all in order.” Bruce said there is a general order barring all US military personnel Bruce and Shari Arnold, with daughters from proselytizing anyone Kaitlin, Samantha and Kiersten. of the Islamic faith toward Bruce and Shari met her first week at OSU. (He was a Christianity. “We were not allowed to give the junior). The daughter of Marietta (and the late Ron) Seibert Afghanis Bibles, religious and sister of Tiffanie Cherry (all Asburians), Shari grew up materials, nor even speak calling Asbury home. Her roots go deep. She received her to them about Jesus. An third grade Bible from and was confirmed by Rev. Bill Afghani can be killed for Mason, who also performed her wedding in 1987. All three being caught with a Bible of their daughters were baptized at Asbury, and Bill in his possession. So I performed the memorial service for Ron in January, 2003. was caught off guard Those deep roots of faith sustained Shari while Bruce was when my interpreter started asking me quesdeployed and helped her comfort her older daughters who tions about Jesus. When feared that their daddy would not come home alive. we had a moment alone, I would try to answer his questions and tell him And just as a precious life is about the path to salvation. He could birthed out of months of anticipation, read English, so I found a Bible for him. I just pray that he is still alive and so the value of time, the beauty of family, and the importance of faith that I did not do anything to cause his death. His risk was much greater than were delivered in a new way to the Arnold family. mine. I believe that one experience What a welcome home gift! caused me to grow more as a Chris- Jan Weinheimer tian than any other.” ASBURY TIDINGS


Food & Conversation: A Recipe for Good Parenting


ave you ever seen a Mom eating lunch with her teenager in a car in the parking lot at Union High School? If so, it might have been Betty Higgins. Lunch with her children is a family tradition that Betty started 14 years ago. She began having lunch once a week with her daughter when Emily started first grade. With her young son, Brian in tow, Betty would join her daughter in the cafeteria and chat with all the kids at the table. When Brian was old enough to be in school all day, Betty adapted to the change by staying at the school for two lunch periods. During these times, Betty found that she was getting uninterrupted time to hear what was going on in the lives of her children. Emily and Brian’s friends enjoyed Betty’s visits as well. “With the lunches, I began to realize that it was not just a ministry to my child. I would talk to the kids and say, ‘How’s your day going?’ I’d ask their friends what kind of candy they liked and the

next week I’d bring it to them. The kids would tell Emily how they wished their parents would come and have lunch with them.” Betty has always tried to give her kids time and respect. “Parenting takes time. You get quality time by having quantity time. Children are amazing gifts from God at any age. Being a parent is incredibly important. I think it is somewhat a learned skill; you can take classes and read books. As a parent and a Christian, I’m committed to being a life-long learner.” It was Betty’s children who led her to a deep relationship with Christ. The desire to raise Emily and Brian in the Christian faith brought Betty to church regularly with her husband, Mark. “My journey to Christ has been a day-by-day conversion. To some degree, it is a powerful statement about what your children mean to you if you’re willing to get deep for them. Your children need to know that you’re willing to sacrifice for them. They need to see

their parents growing spiritually. I finally realized this is my spiritual journey. What my children choose to believe is what they will choose. I thank God that because of my children, I went back to church and dug in.” The lunchroom family tradition continued through Emily and Brian’s elementary and middle school years. When Emily reached the I-High, she said, “Mom can we adapt our lunch together and eat in the car?” And just like that, Betty began picking up lunch at various fast-food restaurants, or anything the kids chose, and eating with them in the car. Emily said the quiet car was a welcomed retreat from the noisy crowded cafeteria. Betty felt that this was a great time to talk to her kids without having an agenda. During the school year, you can still catch Betty every week eating lunch with Brian in the Union parking lot. Today however, she had lunch with her daughter, who just finished her freshman year at the University of Oklahoma, not in lunchroom… or in a car… but at Applebee’s. The family tradition seems to be adapting once again as their life changes. -Christy Capps


Betty Higgins and her daughter Emily enjoy being out together for their traditional lunch. 7


Coming Home to Asbury


harles Ryser has come home, come home to Asbury. And his reunion with Asbury is just what the doctor ordered considering his education, professional background and family. Charles is now Pastor of Care and as such, will make hospital and nursing home calls, home visitations to inactive and homebound members. He’ll also help with the growing Celebrate Recovery ministry at Asbury. Charles and Asbury go way back when he was an “Asbury kid.” His parents—Norm and Nona Ryser were members of another denomination, but felt led to come to Bill Mason’s fledgling church—Asbury United Methodist of Tulsa. “Bill Mason has been my mentor and inspiration throughout the years,” Charles said. “Bill’s always kept track of me. Sally and I have had a close friendship with him. We met Tom and Dana when we were serving in churches that were 13 miles apart. We were in the middle of nowhere, so you value those connections.” “Even while I was at TU Bill kept

in touch. One day there were three or four of us lined up outside his office to talk about entering the ministry. Bill told me, ‘Keep your business degree and trust that God will make His will known to you.’ He did. It’s unbelievable to think that I’m going to be at Asbury doing what I most love to do. I’m thrilled,” he said. At age 11 Charles was baptized. Then when Bill Mason was beginning his “new” church his parents switched to Asbury. “I always sensed that God was important to me, but it was during college when Sally (later to be his wife) led me to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I had been to Grand Lake fishing and I asked God if He had something special for me. That’s when I received my call to ministry and began my journey.” Charles went to TU and Sally attended OSU, but they first met when they were younger. Sally and her family lived two doors down from the

Rysers. “I set a next door neighbor boy up for a date with Sally. He got cold feet, so I felt I should go in his place.” Later, Sally moved away and they had no contact for a number of years. When he was at OSU helping his sister Ellen move on campus, he ran into Sally and as they say . . . the rest is history. Charles earned a Business Management and Marketing degree from TU. “Because of my major I think Sally thought we’d have a stable life, but then I felt the call to be a minister. Of course, we’ve moved many times, but in spite of that we’ve been married 32 years.” He feels sure this is a testament to Sally’s many endearing qualities. He thinks her best trait is probably that she is an eternal optimist. His family has a history of large and lavish reunions. “Our family used to have great Thanksgiving celebrations. Dad loved that holiday and he loved to

Dave & Donna Devore



cook for it. He especially enjoyed making a big breakfast for everyone— not only our family, but aunts, uncles and cousins, sometimes over 100. Later, we’d gather around the piano as a family and sing songs, play instruments or dance. If we were musically inclined we had to perform. Music has been a big part of our life. Now, the reunion has moved to the fourth of July and it’s in Texas, but we still have a great time.” “Dad’s love of cooking breakfast was also utilized at Asbury. He loved participating in the Men’s Prayer Breakfast each Wednesday morning. He also loved assembling Thanksgiving sacks and helping to deliver them. Dad died the week after Asbury moved to its new location. Bill and Tom officiated at the funeral. Asbury has



been such an important part of my family’s life.” Following his call to the ministry Charles attended the Perkins Theological Seminary where he received his Master of Divinity degree in 1979. Ordained an elder in the Oklahoma Annual Conference in1980, Charles has served for 25 years as pastor in seven churches in Oklahoma and as associate pastor in two—First UMC in Oklahoma City and Asbury. Because of his love for pastoral care he has done graduate theological education in a clinical setting at three Oklahoma hospitals including Presbyterian Hospital and Integris Baptist Health Center both in Oklahoma City and most recently, Hillcrest Medical Center in Tulsa. Students accepted into these programs serve throughout

the hospitals in a variety of situations—crisis, trauma, end-of-life. Charles says his greatest joy in life comes from the love of his girls— wife Sally and daughters Sara and Kate. Charles adds that “Professionally, I think my greatest satisfaction comes from knowing that I can share the love and care of the Lord with people. I love being in the healing and recovery ministry. It’s my responsibility to love and reach out—even to an enemy. Whether they’re ready to receive the Gospel yet, it is still my job to show them love, honor and respect. Sometimes it’s just being there to break the cycle of hurt in a gentle and thoughtful way.” -Sandy Wagner

Family Life in the ‘Hood


n this “Hood” all members live within a few miles of each other, have children of stairstep ages, have compatible in-laws, all are members of Asbury and most importantly, all share the same Mom. This is the Bohannan sisterhood, current population 17. For them family reunions come on a frequent basis. The Bohannan sisters, Cindy, Polly, Kelly and Tracy, share many memories of growing up in Tulsa. However, they never imagined that as adults they would all end up back in town with their own families. Mom Marjorie Bohannan says she and her husband, Tom, who passed away four years ago, always encouraged the girls to find their own way and to do what they really liked. Family expansion includes four son-in-laws. Cindy is married to Dick Read, Asbury Pastor of Discipleship. Polly is the wife of Brad Richison, Kelly’s husband is Bill Dudney, and Tracy is married to Brad Rinehart. Eight cousins ranging in age from eight to 19 make up the third generation. The Bohannan family first joined Asbury in 1980. Cindy and Dick met while both were working with Asbury youth. They never left Tulsa, but Polly, Kelly, and Tracy moved to Missouri, Florida, and Michigan with their families. In the 1990s, one-by-one each family made the decision to move back to Tulsa.

They agree that everyone coming back to Tulsa was “Definitely a God thing.” All ending up at Asbury was a natural too. Kelly said her family almost fought it, wanting to do their own thing, visiting a lot of places. Then they visited Asbury and said, “Ahh, this feels so right.” Asbury has been a major part of their lives and focusing on one special church memory was hard. Marjorie said it was the “truly wonderful” memorial service for her husband followed by a lunch prepared by church

friends. “How ‘cared for’ we all felt at this very sad time in our lives.” Cindy said one event was surely the entire week of the move from Sheridan to Mingo— from reading scripture in the new building, touring the facility, the service on Sheridan and the walk visiting with family and friends. “I loved watching the children just running ahead with sweaty red faces – even in February!” Polly said watching son Erik go through confirmation, be baptized and confirmed was very special. “Becom-

The Bohannan Family: Front, left to rightKasey Rinehart, Becca Richison, Dick and Cindy Read, Piper Rinehart, Rachel Read, David Read, Erik Richison, Will Dudney. BackBrad and Polly Richison, Brad Rinehart (standing), Tracy Rinehart, Kelly, Bill and Emily Dudney, and Marjorie Bohannan. ASBURY TIDINGS


ing a member of Asbury was very important to him. He was excited to vote and have a say on the future of the church.” Kelly chose her wedding. “Rev. Mason performed the ceremony in the old church and it was beautiful!” For Tracy a special time came eight months after they moved back with the birth of their daughter Piper. “It was incredible to have my entire family at the hospital. Shortly after she was born, in walked my brother-in-


law Dick and Tom Harrison. Tom said the most awesome prayer. That moment is just etched into my mind. What a perfect way to begin our new life in Tulsa with our new baby girl.” All list endless advantages of having family close by. Kelly enthusiastically sums it up, “We so love to spend time together whenever we can. We have the advantage of getting to go to all the cousin’s sporting events, school plays and musicals, awards assemblies, graduations, and whatever

else everyone has! Plus, we are available to help each other with our kiddos. We celebrate everyone’s birthday (averaging one family party each month) and love any excuse for getting together.” This family enjoys one another so much that they even take a weeklong vacation together each year, usually to the beach. The family tie that binds this sisterhood is blessed and strong. -Liz Reece


eady … set … GO!” Squeals of anticipation ring out across Cyndee Rice’s farm, as children race toward candy-filled eggs on a freshly-mowed lawn. Some stumble, some fall, but all come up grinning and triumphant, their baskets full of tempting

PDF Kids “Pretty Darn Fun” treats. Great food, great fellowship, and what appears to be a “who-cantake-the-most-spills” sack race brings the afternoon to a close. Another PDF Kids’ event is a resounding success, but then again that’s nothing new. The Purpose-Driven Fellowship Community of Asbury (PDF), is made up of single adults, mostly parents, desiring spiritual growth and fellowship among like-hearted followers. They meet for Bible study at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays, as well as get together regularly for relational studies, service projects, concerts, cookouts,

you name it, they’re doing it! Being an active and vital part of Asbury ministry has never been a challenge for the PDF community, but it used to be an entirely different story for many of their children. Growing up in separated, divorced or one-parent family homes presents a myriad of challenges most can’t comprehend. Where or with whom children live often changes. Many find themselves in new neighborhoods and new schools, with the possibility of attending a different church



every other weekend. Sunday mornings can become battlegrounds. Kids don’t know the other kids, can’t be involved on a weekly basis, and don’t want to go. Nobody wins. With this in mind, the creative and forward-thinking leadership of PDF set about developing a way to help their kids connect with the other children of class members. Dave

Fling and Amy Miller led the way in what was dubbed “PDF Kids,” and helped plan events like fishing derbies, pool parties, bonfire cookouts, and Easter Egg hunts. The success of PDF Kids speaks for itself. The community is growing, attendance at special events has increased, and involved kids are happier and more connected. It takes lots of planning and hard work, but the PDF Community has

photo by Amy Miller 13


found a way to make the singles ministry at Asbury, a family ministry as well. They invite all single parents to come try them on for size. Chances are it will be a great fit! PDF isn’t just an acronym for “Purpose-Driven Fellowship.” It also stands for pretty darn fun, for mom, dad and all the kids! -Debbie Wallis


Beginning a Brand New Family--God’s Way


n his book, Fatherhood, Bill Cosby describes having children as “the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit.” It’s true. Parenting is one of God’s greatest gifts, but it’s often a paradox. One moment you’re driven to the breaking point of your sanity and the next you’re glowing with absolute joy. Just ask Geoff and Erica Logan. Welcoming their first child, Ariel, this past April, they are very familiar with the late night feedings and constant care of a newborn. But through the exhaustion, they are seeing God at work. Having a child has made Geoff aware of his humanness and selfishness. “I’ve begun to think about how God has seen me—completely helpless and completely dependent on Him. I’m amazed at His infinite patience.” Erica agrees. Even in midst of frustration, there is a fuller life. “I’ve been challenged to take my eyes off momentary details and see the big picture as God sees it.” The couple met while both were studying music at Oral Roberts University. They became friends long before thoughts of dating entered their minds. But as the friendship grew, both realized they couldn’t imagine the future

without one another. They had a long friendship and a short engagement. Raised in church, Erica came to know Christ at an early age. She describes her relationship with Jesus as a journey. “My commitment to Him grew as my understanding of what that meant grew. I think it will continue in this way until I die.” The influence of another pointed Geoff to Christ. That person demonstrated God’s love and it led Geoff to the desire to know Jesus personally. That relationship has impacted every area of Geoff and Erica’s lives. The Logans began attending Asbury in 2000 when Erica became a staff member. Later that year, Geoff became the worship leader for the 11 a.m. Living Room Service. Erica continues to serve as Youth Assistant. She works behind the scenes designing programs and large events for Asbury’s students as well as designing and maintaining the Student Ministries website. Both are actively involved in the worship ministry of Asbury. Erica volunteers on Sunday mornings as the keyboardist for the Chapel band while Geoff leads the worship in the Chapel service. Geoff also volunteers in the Student Ministry.

As they begin this new journey as parents, memories of family vacations, weekly pizza dinners, birthdays, camping are shaping the way they desire to parent. They were raised in families that “showed their love by sharing their time,” and now they carry on the importance of building relationships.


Spending quality time together and investing in the lives of others is intentional. As Erica puts it, “This is where life happens.” They don’t spend very much time around the television because “it sucks the life and energy out of a family.” “I can’t teach (the love of Christ) without living it in my life,” says Geoff.


“They need to see who God is in the way that I interact with them.” Erica and Geoff’s greatest desire for Ariel is for her to “love God, love life and to be full of both.” That’s one family tradition that every parent should aspire to carry on. And it’s the one thing that should give parents the motivation they need to see beyond

the moment’s frustration and smile at the incredible future of the life that God has entrusted to them. -Nikki Boyd

Confessions of a Recovering Unitarian By Larry Stockard


felt very privileged to participate in the making of the Mission: Possible literature and videos this spring. It was a lot of fun and I have been very blessed and humbled, I might add, by the experience. But how surprised was I when Tom held up the May issue of The Tidings in church with my picture on the cover? It was an epiphany—a true revelatory moment. Let me explain. I have not always been a Methodist, or even a Christian and have frequently referred to myself as a recovering Unitarian. Yes, I grew up attending the Methodist Church, mostly to placate my mother, and usually when my dad and I couldn’t be on a creek bank or chasing a birddog hot on the trail of a covey of quail on Sunday morning. I loved the out-ofdoors, treasured the time spent with my dad and I marveled at God’s creation. But I couldn’t help wondering why God, if He was real, couldn’t just give me a little sign that He knew or cared about me—just something between the two of us. By the time I got to college I’d decided that religion was mostly folklore and fantasy. So, what happened? I was a 20year-old skeptic and English major at OSU when I attended a meeting designed to recruit door-to-door Bible salesmen for the summer. Jobs for students were scarce and money was scarcer. The recruiters were very sincere and claimed that I could make a lot of money if I was coachable and willing to work hard. I figured I could do just about anything if the money was right, even posing as a “believer” if necessary. After a grueling week of sales training in Nashville my fraternity brother-partner and I were assigned to a

territory in Dover, Delaware, a long 1,300 miles from home. At first, Bob and I joked about being Paul and Silas in a land of Philistines. But by the end of the first week when neither of us had made a sale, we weren’t joking anymore. We were broke and more than a little scared at our prospects. Perhaps for the first time in my life I solemnly prayed. I asked for the courage to just keep knocking on doors. My mother sent me $2 in a letter and I returned it with a borrowed stamp so she wouldn’t worry about me. Amazingly, that very day I met the nicest people. I stumbled into my first sale, collected a $10 book deposit, and had the uncommon good sense to leave before they changed their minds. The next morning Bob and I celebrated; I bought our breakfast of eggs, biscuits and country ham at Virginia’s Roadhouse, our first real meal in days. Then Bob, very near tears, confessed to me that he had checked the bus schedule back to Enid—but because of my success was now encouraged and determined to succeed in Dover. If I could do it, he could do it, and we vowed to challenge each other daily. I, too, had checked the bus schedules to Oklahoma, but I couldn’t tell Bob just then. What’s remarkable to me today is that even though my motives were wrong, God did not withhold His grace. He used that summer to teach me and soften my heart. Bob and I finished an incredible summer in Delaware and returned to Oklahoma very different young men. People have heard me

say that I learned more that summer than I learned in four years in college— and I stand by that today. Now here’s the kicker. Some eight to ten years following my experience as a Bible salesmen, a cousin showed me a treasured copy of a church magazine, “The Church and Community Booster,” from Henning, Tennessee, June, 1924. On the cover was a picture of my great-grandfather, Rev. L. C. DeShazo, a Methodist circuit rider. Astride his horse, Black Hawk, a faithful servant of 22 years, the reverend was retiring from a ministry which began in 1870. When Tom held up The Tidings with my picture on the front, the Lord was gently nudging my ribs...He and I both knew who had been the real Bible salesman. Last year, Larry gave nine performances of C.S. Lewis’ “Screwtape Proposes A Toast,” including one at Asbury. He will be presenting this one-man show again this summer at the Monte Cassino Performing Arts Center, 21st & Lewis, August 25 and 26 and 8 p.m., and August 27 at 2 p.m. You won’t want to miss it! ASBURY TIDINGS 16


Yours, Mine & Ours

chool, sports, doctors appointments, church activities, music and drama programs, graduations, band, Cub Scouts, birthdays…It’s the “stuff of life” that keeps most family’s calendars full, but for blended families like the McMains, it’s enough to make your head spin. Everyday they juggle the activities and needs of their four children, ages eight to 20, and make decisions that test their priorities and demand sacrifice, patience and a double portion of grace. When Jeff and Andi first met, Jeff was divorced with two children, eightyear-old Chad and six-year-old Lynna, and Andi was a single mom of tenyear-old Daniel. Through different circumstances, they both had experienced deep hurt and disappointment in the way life was turning out. Each had come to a point of surrender before the Lord praying, “Lord, I’ve tried managing my life on my own, and things haven’t worked out too well. I’m asking You to take over from here.” As they learned to seek God first and yield to His will, things started to change. They met the day Andi inter-

viewed for a job in the office where Jeff worked. They began attending Asbury and found themselves sitting next to the same two couples each week – Brown and Rebecca Joyner and Bill and Jayne Mason. Their godly example continues to be a positive influence. One of the biggest adjustments was redefining roles. Chad was no longer the oldest, Daniel was no longer an only child and the man in his mom’s life, and when their son Cameron was born, Lynna was no longer the baby of the family. Andi had to find her place in Chad and Lynna’s life, and Jeff had to ease into a father role with Daniel. The normal issues of family life were even more complex given everyone’s unique personality and relationship. One interesting way they have seen God work is through Walk to Emmaus. Early in their marriage, Jeff and Andi were scheduled to attend the Emmaus weekend, but they backed out when Jeff’s ex-wife, Debi and her husband Dan were scheduled for the same weekend. The second time they planned to attend, Debi and Dan were also scheduled, so they cancelled again. The third time, Jeff and Andi determined they were going, no matter

what. And, you guessed it, Debi and Dan were there. Reluctantly, they went and in the process the Lord accomplished more healing than any of them could have asked or imagined. Because Christ is at the center of their lives, they are learning to “die to self” and work together to raise their children in a godly way. It’s still not easy and compromise is exercised daily, but as they seek God’s wisdom, He has been faithful to lead the way. Jeff and Andi are especially grateful for the encouragement and friendship they receive from their accountability groups. Having a safe place to work out issues has helped them to stay grounded, as their friends regularly provide listening ears and godly wisdom. One of Jeff’s life verses is “be still and know that I am God.” It reminds him to stay calm in the tumultuous times and to seek His wisdom in all circumstances. Jeff and Andi are quick to point out that they don’t have all the answers and have not been perfect parents, but they have navigated these waters successfully by depending on the Lord as they daily live out their commitment to make family a priority. -Juli Armour

Chad’s Graduation from Oolagah High School: Daniel, Jeff, Lynna, Andi, Cameron, Chad, Debi and Dan (Lambert). photo submitted 17



Growing Up Twins, Yet Unique


hey are similar in many ways, and yet—they are clearly unique individuals. Although they often think alike, dress alike (not intentionally), and perhaps talk alike—they are uniquely created and distinctly different, and God has called each of them to serve here at Asbury. They are Brent and Brett Barnes—twin brothers who grew up in Tulsa and call Asbury their home. Like many adventures in life, growing up as twin brothers had its ups and downs. Brett explained that the best thing about being a twin is, “I was born with my best friend.” What does it mean to grow up as a twin? It means that there is always someone right next to you who is going through the same life experiences at the same time…both the challenges and joys of growing up. Perhaps the most challenging part of growing up as a twin was the constant comparison. It’s not uncommon for people to compare siblings— that problem is hugely magnified with twins. People would assume that if one twin could do something well then obviously the other twin could do it also. Brent said, “It took a long time for people to recognize that we were different in many ways.” To try and

maintain their own identity, they never dressed alike and they always combed their hair differently. However, their mom, Anita Barnes, notes that once in awhile they did dress alike

and comb their hair the same…it was then that the “red flag” would go up and Mom would wonder what her boys were up to. They never intentionally “switched” identities growing up, but there were frequent bouts of mistaken identities. It seemed they were never called by their first names because often people were unable to tell them apart. The worst case of mistaken identity came when they were kids

and Brent’s nose got broken. The aggressor thought he was Brett! Both men credit their families for enriching their spiritual lives. Growing up in Tulsa and Broken Arrow, their mom always took them to church. As Brent said, “She loved us unconditionally and gave everything to us without asking for anything in return.” Like many, they strayed away from the church for a period of time, but through the love and encouragement of those around them, they have found a joy and peace that only comes from knowing Christ. Their lives are centered on their families and as Brett explained, “Children are truly gifts from God”..Brent and wife Amy are the proud parents of Kaylee (7), Paige (5), and Gracie (3). Brett is married to Jennifer and they also have three children: McKenzie (9), Maddison (5), and Max (2). Both couples have been married 11 years (they married within six months of each other). They were born best friends and they’ll always be best friends. They joked that when they’re old and gray, sitting in their wheelchairs—they’ll probably still be teasing and picking on each other just like when they were six years old. -Marcia Curley ASBURY TIDINGS 20

Brent with children Kaylee, Paige and Gracie. Brett with his three children McKenzie, Maddison and Max. Brett with Max and fraternal twin Brent with daughter Gracie. Photos submitted.

Brotherly Love Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. 1 Thessalonians 4:9 Lord, You have brought us together, sons and daughters all, and made us into one family, teaching every one of us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are Your Church. We are different in many ways: rich and poor, black and white, male and female. Some of us lead and some follow, each according to the talents You have given us and the needs of the community. In many ways we are more different than we are alike, yet Your love for us knows no human boundaries. We are family. We are Your Church. 21 ASBURY TIDINGS

photo submitted

Family Fortunes


sbury’s Betty Kent said, “After I started dating Don, I knew he was exactly the kind of man I wanted. That’s how I knew we would have a marriage made in heaven.” After 53 years, Betty says she has never seen Don depressed and has only seen him angry about half-a-dozen times. Don added, “I mind well too!” Don and Betty grew up in Christian families in the small town of Cisco, Texas. Indeed, Betty was blessed with four generations before her mom who were Christians. Don describes his family as “rich in the things that mattered.” Both Don and Betty remember their families doing a lot of sharing with others inside and outside their homes. “Kids didn’t have their own room or even their own bed in those days. There was always lots of noise and laughing.” The Kents were married when Don was just out of college and Betty was 19 years old. Don served in the Marines before starting his long career with Amoco in Tulsa. They have been members of Asbury for 34 years. Betty and Don had two daughters six years apart—Donna and Julie. “They were wonderful daughters and always got along with each other,” Betty said. Don added laughing, “They didn’t even need to have their teeth straightened!” He said, “It’s easy to be a good dad when you have such a great mom.” Donna married Frank Lester, and

Julie married Preston Reynolds. There are two grandchildren from each daughter who, according to the Kents, are also “wonderful!” Don said, “Our social life has always revolved around church and friends. We had a place at Lake Tenkiller when the girls were young where we would spend weekends. Our girls had friends there as well as inviting their own friends.” Once when Donna was still a teenager, Bill Mason joked with her that their family was spending too much time at the lake. “The next week our boat sank, so we put all the blame on Bill,” Don laughed. Donna and Julie agree that their parents are exceptional! Julie said, “They both have the gift of hospitality, and our house was always full of people.” Donna said, “Our friends knew if they couldn’t talk to their own mom, they could confide in ours.” Both Frank and Preston agree they are treated like sons. The Kents’ kids are important in the life of Asbury. Julie Reynolds came on staff as Asbury’s Chief Financial Officer in 2002. She said, “This is where I’m supposed to be. I’m

passionate about Asbury.” Preston owns his own business and has great admiration for Asbury’s staff. Donna and Frank are both pharmacists. They became Asbury’s Lay Leaders in 2005 for a three-year term. Frank is the Missions Team Leader for the Kami Project and has made five trips to Tanzania. The whole family is dedicated to Asbury’s mission effort. The Kent-Reynolds-Lester family is a great example of God’s principles at work. They are not perfect, and each of them has faced hardships. They all say that the support and love of God’s people at Asbury has been key in their lives. Don summed it up by saying, “We are so blessed I don’t know how to explain it, but we’re so thankful to God for His goodness.” -Marty McBroom




ou and I have two families. One, we were born into. The other one, our church family, we chose. The year was 1972. With membership nearing 1700, Asbury was making plans to build a sanctuary. A fall Lay Witness Mission so stirred the hearts of the people that many accepted the invitation to form small groups for prayer and study. Bob and Nancy Staab invited Nelda and me to attend a small group at their house. In time, the Staabs left our small group to begin another one. For ten years, our small group met every Wednesday evening in each other’s homes. For me, the homemade desserts, fresh coffee, and fellowship were as nurturing as the study material. Jan and Ron Cook were a vital part of the small group. Jan eventually moved to a tree-filled area on Lake Keystone. She took a job in Mannford and joined a church there. Jan has a new family in her new church, but her old family at Asbury remains. In recent years, she became a widow. As you would expect with a family, each one reaches out to the others in their time of need. An e-mail was circulated among the core members of the small group in late March 2006, saying that Jan Cook-Rutledge had been diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer. I e-mailed Jan hoping to encourage her. I talked with my friend Ken Bays about Jan’s plight. Ken, a bladder cancer survivor, prays for each one of Asbury’s cancer victims. He added Jan to his prayer journal and suggested I get her in touch with Asbury’s Dolores Willits, an ovarian cancer survivor. In a later e-mail, Jan said, “Dolores is my angel.” I started out trying to encourage Jan. As our e-mails continued, I began to realize that Jan was encouraging me. Along the way in her spiritual journey, Jan had assimilated Jesus’ words of Matthew 6:25-27. “... Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life.” As you read 23 ASBURY TIDINGS

Church Family by John C. Westervelt Jan’s e-mail of early May, you will be encouraged, too. “John, it’s so good to have you there, supporting me with your thoughts and prayers, as I walk through this very cloudy portion on this journey of my life. “Today, I want to share a window of my ‘Morning Time’ with you... “As I sit by my patio door window, in my ‘prayer chair,’ I enjoy the four large white planters overflowing with beautiful red geraniums, white begonias, bright green sweet potato vines, red million bells, and numerous other little flowering plants sitting on my back deck. Everything is so beautiful right now, and isn’t it wonderful that I can enjoy these beautiful plants all day through my living room windows. I can’t have any blooming plants inside my house right now, because of the cancer therapy. I guess the pollen from the blooms may cause allergies or such, and I have no white cells to fight anything right now. But, the good news is: after this chemo tomorrow, they are going to give me shots to bring my white count back up, so I will be ready for this surgery. “Anyway—on with my morning. I also have a bird feeder on a pole beside the deck, right in front of my window. This morning, for the first time in the 20 years that I have lived here, a Painted Bunting came to the feeder for his breakfast! He was so and red and yellowgreen! What a treat it was for me to watch him eat awhile, then fly

away, then come back. Then Mr Bluebird came and set on top of the feeder pole with a little worm in his mouth, ready to go feed his babies. I have a bluebird box at the edge of the yard with a family of babies in it right now. I can see their little heads pop up in front of the hole, when I use the binoculars. Mr. Bluebird kept coming and going this morning, feeding them. He always stopped on the feeder pole and looked around, before darting to the bird house with his worm. What a joy that was to watch! Then, of course, I always have Mr and Mrs Cardinal coming every morning for breakfast and lunch and dinner. I’m sure they have a nest somewhere near here, but they keep their address pretty secret, so I don’t imagine I’ll be seeing their babies. But that’s okay. I surely enjoy their visit to my feeder. “Guess you can see, I do enjoy my bird watching. The Lord gave me a very special morning today with the beauty of his handiwork coming right into my view! It was a very blessed morning for me, and I really needed it. Isn’t it amazing how the Lord always knows just what you need at just the right time?! “We do have an Awesome God!! And thank you again, John, for all your prayers... I surely do need them! Love, Jan”

Taken at a Christmas Party Reunion in 1986. Pictured: Marge and Mack Creager, Joe and Mary Pottorf, Nelda and John Westervelt, Nancy and Chris Parks, Jan and Ron Cook, and Dean Wright. (Dean’s wife, Marilyn, was taking the photo.)

Celebrating Their Family with Time Together


or more than 20 years Dub and Cathy Ambrose have had family night each week with their four children. They call it Circle Night, and it consists of dinner, followed by scripture, a devotion and prayer time. Then they participate in a group activity. They’ve gone to plays, recitals, movies and sporting events. They’ve had pie-baking contests and pizza-making competitions. They’ve even staged their very own version of the Olympics--complete with medals for the winners. More than once the Ambrose family has “creamed a family.” It was Dub’ s idea. They leave ice cream on someone’s doorstep, ring the bell then run. And every year on July 4th, they present a talent show. Everyone performs. Along with doing fun activities together, the weekly gathering is a time for the Ambrose family to get away from the negative stuff of the week. Early on, Dub specifically asked the kids to tell something they appreciated about each other. “If what they appreciated most about the day was that they didn’t get hit - even though they got hit the day before, well, that’s okay,” he said. One of their favorite activities is known as the “Affirmation Circle.” Each family member takes a turn being the recipient and the others, one at a time, share something they

appreciate about that person. “It’s a great time to reaffirm, encourage, and nurture closeness with family members,” said Cathy. Children who sometimes have difficulty with the verbalization of affirmation are given permission to express how they really feel inside. “Many times, hidden hurt feelings are healed and unresolved anger is dispersed,” Cathy said. “God has established the family to give us love and support. Families are so important, and we are losing that in this country,” Cathy said. “The family is God’s instrument to mold us to be like Christ. [Through Circle Night] we’ve learned to appreciate each other and listen to each other; we’ve learned to resolve conflicts and to forgive each other.” “I love family nights because it keeps us so in tune with each other’s lives. It is a time we can get together and be ourselves. A night left open for fun,” Chap said. “It’s what I missed the most when I was in college, so I made some good friends and we had our own family night.” Circle Night for the Ambrose soon led to a family project. Cathy met with a family that had just moved to a run-down neighborhood near downtown Tulsa. The family was living in a two-

The Ambrose Family: Front-DeeDee Ambrose, Bree Breig, Cathy and Delindy Ambrose. BackJeremy Ambrose, Ric Breig, Dub and Chap Ambrose. room shack and had nothing. During a family night close to Christmas the Ambrose bunch bagged up some clothes, toiletries and kitchen items and surprised the needy family by singing carols outside their door. “At that time my kids had never seen poverty first-hand,” Cathy said. “The whole experience made a lasting impression on all of us.” There were always things during the past 20 years that could have interfered with Circle Night had the Ambrose family allowed it. But once the scheduled day was mutually decided upon, both Dub and Cathy said a resounding “no” to everything else, enforcing the importance of their time together as a family. There were no parties, no dates, and no other activities on Circle Night. It wasn’t always easy, but when conflicts arose, they worked it out. Dub and Cathy wanted their children to understand that family always comes first. “Friends come and go, but your family is always there,” Cathy said. One of the things that helped


with the scheduling of Circle Night was a non-negotiable rule Dub enforced: only one extra curricular activity per child per year - not per semester; not per season, but per year. “Some people may feel that doing baseball five times a week is supporting their kids, but it’s not. It’s deceptive because it requires so much energy,” Cathy said. “Too many activities can take away from family closeness. We need to step back and ask, ‘Is baseball what we need to promote, or is it family and our relationship with Christ? How can we have that when we we’re rushing around? Instead of building strong relationships, we’re building strong baseball teams.” As the children grew older and became more involved in various activities, the schedule for Circle Night became a bit more flexible, but the rules didn’t change. Having a bonded family takes a lot of work,” said Cathy. ”And having one night each week devoted to spending time with the family should take

precedence over everything else.” Will Dub and Cathy continue this tradition? You bet they will. Even though their children are now all grown, (Bree is 27, Jeremy, 25, Chap, 22, Delindy, 20), they still gather each week on a designated night and welcome whoever can make it. “Once [our children] have their own families, we understand that they have their own lives. It’s difficult, but we have to give them space,” Cathy said. “We understand that they have their own lives. But if they still want to come to our circle time, we will be happy to have them.” - Lina Holmes


The family poses for one of the wellknown Valentines which has also become an Ambrose tradition. An early photo of of Bree, Jeremy and Chap celebrating their Dad.



Walking Through the Tough Times with Community

hey say bad things come in threes. A son going to war, a job loss, and a home destroyed by fire happened to Dawn Liebman in 2004. As Lois Haynes, Dawn’s mom, watched firemen work to put out the fire that consumed their duplex she phoned Dawn with the terrible news. Dawn raced home that Friday afternoon in April, her mind filled with thoughts of what might be gone: “pictures…yearbooks…Christmas decorations…my ring!” When she arrived at her burned out home, Chancel Choir members Nancy and David Frampton were already there waiting for her. “Mom and I couldn’t believe that my community members dropped everything and came to be with us,” remembered Dawn. Other choir members came that afternoon and shopped for clothes, shoes, toothbrushes and other daily essentials for Dawn and her family. Everywhere she turned a choir member was helping her. The Red Cross took the surviving pets to a local vet where Emily Howland worked. Because Emily knew Dawn from choir she took a special interest in their recovery. The fire which started in the attic destroyed most everything. Dawn salvaged only a few things: a jewelry box and ring that her son, Allen, 18, had sent her fromAfghanistan and the only thing she had left of her father, his leather coat. “God knew what was going to happen to me and He prepared me by putting me in the Chancel Choir. This community felt like family even before the fire,” said Dawn. “When Allen went toAfghanistan and later to Iraq they surrounded me with tremendous love and support. They

prayed for him and me and they listened to me. I talked a lot about him but they never turned me off.” Just after the fire, the choir began meeting Dawn and her family’s immediate needs. People brought clothes, food, money and toys for her seven-year-old daughter Sarah,. All totaled the choir raised about $4,000 for Dawn and her family. Then the rebuilding process began. While they lived in a small condominium for seven months the choir members helped Dawn pick out faucets, furniture and clothes. They brought her decorating ideas and shopped with her and then helped her move back in. Today Dawn is a nursing student, a decision that came out of that time. “ God made the path very clear that I should do this,” she said. He has affirmed that decision at every turn. Dawn’s choir friends have helped her with homework and prayed for her

when she takes exams. When her mom became ill and unable to work and care for Sarah, choir members stepped in to help with doctor appointments and Sarah’s schedule. But Dawn is not just a care receiver. This past spring she and other choir members sat with Amey Mason’s family through the grueling trial of Amey’s killer. “I would never have done that before the fire. If I hadn’t had such love and support I wouldn’t have known how much that family needed us,” said Dawn. Being at the trial for six days caused her to get a ‘B’ in chemistry. “I knew He wanted me there so a ‘B’ is no big deal!” laughed Dawn. Maybe bad things do come in threes, but God sends people to walk with those who are experiencing them. -Marti Morris Dawn with her son, Allen, and daughter Sarah.


A Time Worthy of Celebration! By Scott MacDonald


Depth and definition most frequently come as we embrace and celebrate the living of a full life . . .


iedersehen is a German word which we roughly translate as “reunion.” I say roughly because wiedersehen is a much more nuanced and textured word. We do not have an English equivalent and we find our emotional vocabulary the poorer for the deficiency. It is the unalloyed joy of seeing and holding my adventurous granddaughter when she returns from a year of living in China. It is the celebration of both the adventurer and the adventure. A Wiedersehen is frequently a celebratory kind thing and it commonly celebrates our love unfettered. While family reunions are unavoidably somewhat contrived, there seems to be a a real need to come up with an excuse that will drive people to their cars to schlep their families crosscountry, usually in the heat of summer. But just beneath the surface of the corniest contrivance bubbles a healthy spring of wiedersehen. It feeds the shouts of greeting and, with luck, will overflow the most socially correct confines and produce a frothy mixture of joy and connectedness. It is there that we celebrate one another, as we celebrate the mysterious chemistry that is family. The happiest family reunions are those which are blessed by the attendance of the matriarch or patriarch of the family--God willing, both. Pictures are taken with great-grand-

children and great-great-grandchildren. Memories are stored away by the younger generation to be cherished at a later date. The elders sit in the shade as a doting family dances in attendance and they savor the richlycolored tapestry of those who follow in their footsteps. It’s a time worthy of celebration. Quieter reunions, too, qualify. Consider two middle-aged men sitting in the relatively tranquil corner of a pub. In their youth they had been soldiers together in a far away land. They sit and speak softly of youth sacrificed on

foreign fields, of those they knew by name who did not make it home, and of those whose names they did not have time to learn before they were no more. Soon the conversation turns to the retelling of the legends that had grown up over time about their time together. No longer knowing (or very much caring) what was true, the mythology now has a life independent of the facts of long ago. Wiedersehen occasionally carries a bittersweet hue but without tannin, there is no wine. Depth and definition most frequently come as we embrace and celebrate the living of a full life, which frequently is dabbed with bittersweet shades. Our spiritual life, too, is informed by the spirit of Wiedersehen, for when the Light of the Gospel finally breaks into the heart; we turn around and meet our Father again for the first time. A German translation of the Gospels, in the final chapter of Luke, has our Lord wishing the disciples, auf wiedersehen as he instructs them to tarry in the city of Jerusalem. He is emphatically not saying good bye. Auf Wiedersehen is the promise of a reunion. And then . . . Acts, Chapter Two, chronicles the most powerful and joyous reunion of all as the Holy Spirit came crashing into history – a wiedersehen which reverberates to this very day. Let the celebration continue.

asbury opportunities general information Breakfast Served from 7:00-9:15 am. in the CLC Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donut s, bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) 9:15 am Sanctuary (Contemporary Communion) 11:00 am Sanctuary (Traditional) Sign interpreter provided 11:00 am Mason Chapel (Contemporary) Children and Students 6 Weeks - 4 Years 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am K-6th Grades 9:15 or 11:00 am 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 9:15 & 11:00 am 10th, 11th & 12th Grades 9:15 am only Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm The Gazebo is Open ...each Sunday morning between services and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Perceptions and Prayer Journals on sale (note: the sermon notes page on the bulletin is designed to fit in the Prayer Journal), as well as selections in Pastor Tom’s Book Club. Asbury Wear is also for sale. Extra Mission: Possible dogtags are available for $1. Recycling Hey church family! Keep collecting those aluminum cans and bringing them to the church when you come! Once a month our resident “can man,” Jim Schulz, picks them up from the east side storage area and takes them to the recyling center for us. Gently toss your wellbagged cans into the fenced area, and be a part of ministry to the children in our church and the community. Also, recycle unwanted paper products. Two bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots. Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists, births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and military listings. Doors of Asbury posters are at the Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing. New Additions to the Library The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library. Journey - Tulsa’s Century of Christian Faith, Leadership & Influence Available for $40 in the Gazebo. This beautiful book includes Asbury history, as well as other significant features. A beautiful gift!

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm. 2821

asbury university Asbury University Classes are available for all levels of learning. Brochures are available at the Welcome Centers and on the website: Believers Bible Study: I and II Corinthians Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, through July 26 in Rm. 1502; Teacher: Don Herrold. How to Live a Healthy Life Join Dr. Geneva Hickman Monday and Thursday mornings, July 10 - August 2 from 10:30 am noon in Rm 1504. Cost: $5. Materials needed: “Walking in Divine Health,” by Don Colbert, M.D.; “The Maker’s Diet,” by Jordan S. Rubin, N.M.D., Ph.D.; Holy Bible (KJV or NIV). You don’t have to get cancer, heart disease or other dreaded diseases; there are ways to help prevent them. This is a start to bring the body of Christ health information that is biblically sound and tested by science and will turn us from sickness to prevention and wellness. No gender bias - this is for male and female, and the principles are for your children, too.

care and support Blood Drive - American Red Cross August 20 from 8 am – 1 pm in the CLC. Call 831-1151 to schedule your appointment or you may make an appointment online at and enter sponsor code “asburymethodist.” Alzheimer’s Support Group Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in Room 2821. Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm, Parlor - For those living with cancer and their family and friends. Bipolar/Depression Support Group Second and fourth Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 1508 - For persons living with bipolar disorder or depression. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1508. Family to Family Usually meets the fourth Tuesday of the month, 1:30-3:30 pm, Parlor. For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness.

Prison Fellowship Support Meets offsite on the first Tuesday of each month. For family and friends of people who are incarcerated. Contact Robby Creager at for location. Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bears are not just for little kids anymore! Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For more information, contact Beth at 392-1116.

children Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. Core Hours for Childcare Parent s who are involved in AU classes during these core hours will have childcare provided with no reservations needed: Sundays 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Tuesdays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Tuesdays 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Wednesdays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Wednesdays 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Toddler Time Tuesdays: July 11 and July 18 from 10:0011:30 am in the Elementary Gathering and KRS classroom. Cost: $3 per session per child. Please register early as it helps with our planning and purchasing. This is a special time set aside on Tuesday mornings for parents or grandparents and their 2 or 3 year-old to share in music, a story time and crafts and activities. A great time for fellowship with your child. Call Mallory at 392-1167 or Kim at 3921159. Bible Buddies For fall 4’s and 5’s (born 9-2-00 through 8-3102, including those going into Kindergarten). Wednesdays, July 12 and 19 from 10:00 am 2:00 pm. Please register early as it helps with our planning and purchasing. Mosey on into the Circle G Ranch...where God is at the center and love never ends. This year we have campfire sing alongs, the open recreation range and will listen to our Bible story adventures. Please send a lunch with your child. If you feel your young-un is not quite ready for the entire four hours, they may be picked up at noon and still be a part of the most important aspects of the program. Call Susan at 392-1172 or Kim at 392-1159. Creating for the Creator July 3, 5, 6 and 7. K-2nd grade: 9:00-11:00 am; 2nd and 3rd grade: 10:00 am - noon; 4th - 6th grade: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. Cost: $35 for four lessons and supplies. Cathy Ambrose will share her wonderful talent and help kids cultivate God’ s gift of creativity. Kindergarten CALENDAR


6th graders will learn various techniques in drawing, shading perspective, and sketching. Bible lessons are used to enhance the lesson and they may choose to exhibit their art July 916 in the elementary gathering area. Wild Wednesday - Water Day July 12 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Cost: $4:00 and bring a sack lunch. Sign up 10 days before the event and receive $1 off! First through sixth graders will play water games and cool off on a hot summer day. Wash cars for missions and get ourselves and everyone else wet! Bring a swimsuit, a towel, and sunscreen. Wild Wednesday - Zoo Day July 19 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Sign up 10 days before the event and receive $1 off! First through sixth graders will go to the Tulsa Zoo for a relaxing, fun day. Cost is $10 and includes lunch. Big Splash Family Day Wednesday, August 2 from 10 am - 2 pm. Cost: $10 per person, includes lunch. Registration forms are available in the preschool and elementary areas. It’s gonna be hot this summer and what better way to cool off than to play in the water. Third-sixth graders may be dropped off at Big Splash without an adult, but need a signed registration form. Second grade and younger must have an accompanying adult. Bring the whole family and meet at Big Splash. Pick up your water-logged third-sixth grader at 2:00 pm. Kindergarten Blessing Service Sunday, August 6 at 4:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Forms available in preschool and elementary gathering areas. Children who are just entering kindergarten and their families are invited to be a part of this service of affirmation and blessing. Registrations need to be returned by August 1 to ensure your child’s certificate will be completed. The service will be followed by a celebration reception and activities in the CLC. CallAmy at 392-1175 or Kim at 392-1159. Upward Basketball Camp

July 24-28, 9:00 am - noon. The cost for camp is $35, which includes a camp t-shirt, ball, water bottle and poster. We will conduct player evaluations on the first day of camp. All players must have completed Kindergarten through 6th grade. No outside balls, please! Contact Janet Teel at 492-1771 with any questions. Deadline for registration is July 1.

discipleship Spiritual Gift Connections Sessions are held the second Thursday of each month in Room 2821 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Focus on volunteer opportunities at Asbury that use your Spiritual Gif ts and personality traits. You are requested to complete the Spiritual Gifts Inventory prior to 29


attending this class. Call the registration hotline at 392-1191 to register for one of the Thursday sessions.

marriage & family Milestone Wedding Anniversaries E-mail your September or October Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to or call 392-1146. Marriage Matters Wednesdays, July 12 - August 16 from 6:308:30 pm in Rm 2820. Wouldn’t it be great to attend a 6-week class with a variety of topics taught by qualified teachers and some personal stories of victories by real couples who understand how hard it is to build and maintain a Christian marriage? Then there will be some time to talk with other couples about ways to live out these concepts in practical ways. Here’s your chance! And it’s free! Engaged couples welcome.(Different lineup from last summer!) Please register by July 5 for this free series by calling 392-1191. A Lasting Promise Friday - Sunday, July 28-30 at Neosho River Ranch (55 minute drive near Wagoner, OK). Cost: $50 per couple for lodging, meals and materials. Would you and your mate love to get away overnight? What if you could go to a beautiful hacienda overlooking a lake? What if while you were there you made your relationship even stronger? Asbury will provide this for you! Nine couples, either married or engaged, will be staying at the Neosho River Ranch. While there you will have time to enjoy the scenery and each other. You will also be equipped with some simple-to-use ways to make your communication with one another one of the strengths of your marriage. Materials used are the Christian version of the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program or “C-PREP.” Call 392-1191 to register. Note: Engaged couples will not share living quarters.

membership Asbury Exploration Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, August 6, from 12:15-2:15 pm. Call 392-1191 to register. Childcare available.

men Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Join the Men’s Ministry for a delicious breakfast, meaningful worship and lifechanging prayer! Cost: $3/person July 5 Don Herrold, speaker July 12 Mark Hoffman, speaker July 19 Bill Johnson speaker July 26 Dub Ambrose, speaker

Car Care for Widows and Single Moms Saturday, July 15 from 9:00 - 11:30 am. This bi-monthly service is provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms through Asbury’s Men’s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the Student Ministry café, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update the owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men an opportunity to put their faith into action through loving and serving those in need. No reservations required; just come! Home Improvement Work Day Saturday, August 19. Meet at 8:00 for planning...then off to work! The Home Improvement ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. (See our Women’s section for details on how you can apply to have work done. Call 392-1142 for more information).

missions/outreach New! Mission Matters A monthly newsletter is available with recent news of mission happenings. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163 or Preference is for the e-mail version, but hard copies can be mailed if needed. Global Outreach Prayer Ministry News and prayer requests from our missionaries and ministries are sent each week to our prayer ministry list. If you would like to join and become a prayer intercessor for those serving around the world, contact Missy at 392-1163. Global Outreach Ministry Teams These teams specialize in certain areas and all are open to anyone having an interest in those areas. They are as follows: Caspian Ministry (work in Azerbaijan) , Latin America Ministry (work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala), College Missions Ministry, Communications, Estonia Ministry; Kami Tanzania Ministry, International Student Ministry, Missionary Care, and Prayer. If you need further information call the Global Outreach office, 391-1117. Mentor Moms/Young Lives First and second Tuesdays of the month, 7:009:00 pm in the Parlor. This is a support group for teenage moms, sponsored by Young Life.




The upcoming Volunteer-In-Mission (VIM) Teams are: Tanzania, East Africa July 6 - 17, Medical - $2,600 Cookson Hills, Oklahoma (open) Fall, 2006 Tanzania (open) September 14-25, Construction and water well work - $2,500 Monterrey, Mexico (open) October 14-21, Construction and MBS - $950 Rio Bravo, Mexico (open) November 1-5, Medical and Construction $500 Guatemala (open) November 4-11, Medical - $1200 Estonia (open) December 28 - January 7, Camp Gideon $2,400 For further details about Volunteer-in-Mission opportunities, contact Marilene Long, 3921164 or

Asbury Recreation Center - Hours Sundays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Mondays 8:00 am - 9:30 am 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Wednesdays 8:00 am - 9:30 am Thursday 4:30 pm - 9:00 pm Fridays 8:00 am - 9:30 am The workout room is available during classes scheduled during the above hours. Must be 13 years or above to use equipment and a liability form must be on file. Upward Basketball Camp July 24-28, 9:00 am - noon. The cost for camp is $35, which includes a camp t-shirt, ball, water bottle and poster. We will do player evaluations on the first day of camp. All players must have completed Kindergarten through 6th grade. No outside balls, please! Contact Janet Teel at 492-1771 with any questions. Deadline for registration is July 1! Single Adults Volleyball Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Gym No children, please. Adult Volleyball Sundays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Gym Coed adult volleyball. Must be 18 and above to participate. Must be 18 and above to participate. No children, please. Open Gym Thursday, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Gym Open to all members of the ARC to shoot some hoops, walk, run or workout. Must have a membership on file. Age 13-18 must have a parent’s signature on file. No one under the age of 13 may use the workout room. No one under the age of 13 is allowed in the gym unless supervised by a responsible adult. Inspirational Fitness Class – Rise Up to Health Mondays and Thursday, 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm. Enjoy a one-hour, total-body workout to incredible inspirational Christian music. Work your heart, mind and spirit and every muscle group in your body. Wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes,; bring water and a towel. Teens to older adults are welcome. Work at your own level. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. First workout is free, $5 for drop-in. Mats and hand weights are provided. Senior Sit and Fit Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:00-9:30 am, Gym. Come join a time of stretching with fun and fellowship. Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30-9:00 am in the gym. Come join a time of power walking with fun and fellowship.

Retirement Living Expo Sunday, July 9 at noon in the CLC. Retired? Approaching retirement? Should your parents think about changes in retirement living? Then come to the AUMC Retirement Living Expo! There will be a free luncheon and valuable information on all the various living options in Tulsa. If you and your loved ones are thinking about retirement living, services and af fordability, plan to join us for this informative event! The lunch is free, but RSVPs are need. Call 392-1121 by noon, Thursday, July 6. Fall Trip to Branson Tuesday, October 31 through Thursday, November 2. (Depart at 8:30 am and return at 6:00 pm). Cost: $345 for triple occupancy; $375 for double occupancy; $435 for single occupancy. Deposit ($50) due by Tuesday, August 1. Registration forms are in the church office and at the south welcome desk. We will again be staying at the wonderful Branson Towers Hotel, and taking in all the fun sights and sounds this southern Missouri town has to offer! Our afternoons and evenings will be filled with several of the most popular musical shows in town, including Yakov Smirnoff, the Magnificent Seven, “The Promise,” and the Andy Williams Christmas Show. There will be plenty of time for shopping, sight-seeing and eating! There are only 50 spaces available, so pick up a registration form today! Balance is due by September 15.

prayer Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or right after the service, please come to the altar rail at the front of the sanctuary. A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual - at the altar or in the Prayer Room. College Moms in Touch Prayer Time Wednesdays, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm, Rm 1506 Mason Chapel Prayer Room Accessible during core hours. You can enter the room from the outside entrance of the southeast side of the Chapel. Prayer Journals Available in Gazebo Asbury Prayer Journals now available in the Gazebo. This valuable tool is filled with scripture and resources designed to enhance your personal prayer time, plus a section for keeping sermon notes.

recovery Celebrate Recovery Mondays: Dinner at 6:00 pm; Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from 8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hangups? God never intended for you to live in bondage. Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6:00 pm. Childcare available. Celebrate Recovery Childcare Volunteers needed. Time commitment is one Monday evening per month from 6:45 pm to 9:10 pm. Please call 392-1103 if you can help.

singles Fourth of July Picnic Tuesday, July 4 from 3:00-7:00 pm at Haikey Creek Park, 121st and Garnett. Children welcome.I t’s Free! Join us for an afternoon of good food, fun and fellowship. The picnic is potluck, so bring your favorite dish to share. We will start eating around 4:00 pm. Call 392-1142 for more information. Solutions Life Improvement Video Series Sunday afternoons through July 23 (with the exception of June 4 and June 25) from 3:005:00 pm in Rm 2820. All single and young married adults are invited to participate in one of the most exciting relationship studies to come our way in a long time! Bestselling authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend have developed a video series entitled, “Solutions - Life improvement,” to be presented over the course of 11 Sunday afternoons. Course titles include “Give Up the Blame Game,” “The Fine Art of Fighting,” and “Dare to Dream.” Facilitated by Nancy Graves, Gretchen Valentine and Jim Small, these twohour sessions will help you learn how to tap the potential in yourself and others, say what you really mean, and overcome internal and external obstacles that keep you from achieving your goals. Each of these sessions CALENDAR


is linked by a major topic area, but are independent studies. Check out our website at for each week’s title and topic. Come as often as you can and bring a friend or two! Singles Meet and Greet Sundays from 8:40-9:10 am or 10:20-10:50 am in the CLC. All singles are invited. Singles Bible Study Mondays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Rm 1900. Come join us as we hear from a variety of speakers on a number of topics. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce.

students 7th, 8th & 9th Tulsa Mission July 10-13. Don’t just sit on the couch all summer being bored! Come be a part of helping out at places like the Day Center for the Homeless, Little Light House,Tulsa Food Bank, Methodist Manor, and many other amazing places. It’s missions here in our own neighborhood! Cost is $35. Registrations due July 5. Metro Kickball Tournament Wednesday, July 5 at Redeemer Covenant. Come kick for Asbury in the biggest church kickball tournament of the year! 10th, 11th & 12th Summer of Service July 10-13. Come be a part of missions in our own backyard! We’re going to be hanging out with kids from John 3:16 Youth and Family Center doing Vacation Bible School. We’ll be leading awesome games, cool crafts, playing like crazy, preparing snacks, doing drama and all kinds of fun things. It’s a GREAT way to knock out some service points for school AND have a great time serving kids! Cost is $25. Registrations due July 6. 8 th Grade Float Trip Thursday, July 6 from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm. This summer we are going to float the Illinois! Rising 8th graders - this is YOUR trip! Registrations are due July 2. Cost is $20, plus bring your own sack lunch. Remember: one piece modest swim suits! 7 th, 8 th & 9th Grade Video Scavenger Hunt Sunday, July 9 from 6:00-9:00 pm. What’s funnier on a Sunday night than a video scavenger hunt and ice cream sundaes? You won’t want to miss this! Meet at Asbury at 6:00 pm with $2 and get ready to have a blast. We’ll finish up at 9:00 pm. 7 th, 8 th & 9th Incredible Pizza Sunday, July 23. Since everybody loves games and pizza....for $10 a person, you will get a $10 game card AND food! You don’t have 31 CALENDAR

to sign up ahead of time. All you have to do is show up at Incredible Pizza at 5:45 pm and get picked up at 8:00 pm. See you there! 10th, 11 th, & 12th Dayspring Camp July 24-28. It’s five days that will challenge your heart, renew your passions, and kick things into high gear. It’s about relationships, some serious fun, and amazing worship. You know those moments when you get bored in your walk with God and you wonder if there’s something more? There is! Come see for yourself! Cost: $200.(Registrations are due July 21). 10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway Wednesdays, 6:30-9:00 pm - Breakaway area. Join us every Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of the month) for a time of connection, worship, learning about God, and some nights of just random fun. Don’t miss the food and hangout time afterwards. 7th, 8th, & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday school! Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards! College Bible Study Each Sunday night from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the College Room. Come learn about God with other college students.

women UMW Summer Luncheons The first Thursday of each month from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC. Attention all ladies! It’s summertime, and the pace is a little slower for Asbury’s UMW. Join us for our covered dish summer salad luncheon series, the first Thursday of July and August. Bring your favorite salad and a friend, and get ready for three fun, relaxing times together with your Asbury family! UMW Garage Sale Friday and Saturday, July 14 and 15. Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm and Saturday, 8:00 am - noon in the CLC. Come one, come all to Asbury’s United Methodist Women’s Annual Garage Sale, benefiting mission efforts in our community and beyond! This colossal event draws hundreds of contributors and bargain hunters alike! You’ll find toys, gently-used clothing, books, CD’s, jewelry, small appliances, furniture and so much more! Those wishing to donate items may bring them to the CLC on Thursday, July 13 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.(No underclothing, socks, shoes, or computers. All clothes must be on hangers, please). Don’t miss this great opportunity to get good quality items at rockbottom prices! See you at the sale! Car Care for Widows and Single Moms Saturday, July 15 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. This bimonthly service is provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through

Asbury’s Men’s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the Student Ministry café, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update the owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. No reservations required; just come! Home Improvement Work Day Saturday, August 19. The men meet at 8:00 for planning...then off to work! The Home Improvement ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. Call 392-1142 for more information and an application. Women of the Word Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 1502. Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher. Phone Buddies Ladies, do you want a “cheer me up” with your morning coffee? We have ladies that can fill that need by being your own “phone buddy!” Call 392-1142. Lea or Shirley will return the call and get you set up! Arts and Crafts Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2820. Women who enjoy crafts are invited to come any Monday morning...come and go any time. Bring lunch to share. Contact Beverly Clarke.

worship Online Worship Did you know that you can watch the 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday services online as they are occurring? Go to then click on “Watch Sermons” (by Tom’s picture). If you cannot attend worship, you can log on and share the experience. Or if there is a sermon that you wish someone else had been able to hear, send them to our website where several weeks of sermons are archived.

I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. 2 Timothy 1:15. The New Testament, patria is one of the Greek words translated family. This word refers to nuclear family units as well as generations. When Paul wrote the above words to Timothy, he was definitely mindful of Timothy’s spiritual patria or lineage. Timothy’s grandmother made sure that something eternal and enduring was handed down through the generations. Faith in God gives value to all other family traditions making them enjoyable and long lasting. - Sola Akala

Welcome to Asbury... New member photographers: Allen H. Robinson and Roxanne Shelton Whiteis

Carol Russell

Millie Harper

Steve Cousparis

Stacy Minnich

Nell Parsons

Joan Butler

Florence Ness

Khaigin Haokip

Rex Mitchener

Melinda Meek

Ted and Kaye Woodbury

Bruce and Rita Skaistis

Patricia Purdy and Chelsea

Dan and Sandra Thorning

Robert and Shelley Sims, Michael and Katherine

Mark and Crystal Singh and Briana

left: Heather Lobser right: Kenneth Hietbrink

left: Tom and Mary Adams, Kelly, Jeffrey, Gregory and Abby right: Charles and Holly Mayfield, Jack and Clare

left: Lynne Wallace, Cale, Conner and Carson Lenfesty

right: Wayne and Kandi Jones, Maci and Grant

left: Jeff and Susan Waldie, Caleb, Robin and Joshua

right: Marsha Roper, Malihah, Ahmad and Natalie

left: Greg and Teresa Baker and Laura Purdy

we’re glad you’re here...

Planning a Family Reunion? Here’s Some Ideas to Help! Certificates and Awards Create certificates to be passed out to family members. Use your imagination and try to think up as many categories as possible, so that you can recognize the largest amount of family members that you can. Possible recognition categories include these basics: The oldest and youngest family members Who traveled the least and greatest distances to attend Who has attended the most consecutive reunions Youngest grandparents Couple with the most children or grandchildren

A Family Recipe Book Create a family recipe book using the favorite recipe (or a few of them) from each family. Make sure you give credit to all the contributors.

Family History Book If you have a genealogy software program capable of automatically printing books of your family (descendants of the main person, along with pictures, notes, etc), print a book of your family and make it available. If your program can print photos in the book, ask family members for a picture to scan in and include in the book. Have a marker available for corrections and updates to the book for next year’s reunion (you know, babies and all).

Family Newsletter A family newsletter is a great way to keep in touch with each other between reunions. Two or three times a year is plenty to keep everyone in touch. Ask family members to send you information.

You can: Spotlight one of the family members Print a list of upcoming birthdays and anniversaries. Anniversaries of any particular event (next Wednesday marks the third anniversary of when Little Billy fell down the hill and broke a rib) Print new addresses for families that have moved Memorial stories on family members who have recently passed away

Guest Book Buy a guest book (kind of like the ones at wedding receptions) for attendees to sign when they arrive. In addition to their name, you might ask them to write their address and phone number as well. Then, as the reunion winds down, ask them to enter a comment about their favorite moment at the reunion. Collect these books from each reunion, and have them available for laughs at future reunions.

Name Tags In addition to the person’s name, you could add the city and state they live in, or add the meaning of the person’s name. Hand the name tags out as the family members arrive at the reunion. Or, if you want a little less work, just buy a big pack of stick-on nametags.

Family Directory Create a family directory to give as a take-home gift to everyone who attends the reunion. List your family members’ names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses if they have one. You could also include their birth dates, ages, important anniversaries, special interests or hobbies, school

information, pictures, and anything else you want to put in that describes them. Don’t forget to include college addresses, et cetera, for kids who are living away at school. Compile this information into a book format. Use the plastic binders that you can find in the school supplies section of your favorite retailer to bind the information in a cheap manner, or you can take it to your local quick print or copy shop. They can reproduce as many copies as you need and attractively bind it with a variety of bindings in different price ranges.

Family Reunion Scrapbook Scrapbooking is hot. After your family reunion is over, have the creative person in the family put together a scrapbook of the reunion. Then make copies of the scrapbook to send to people, or just bring the scrapbook to the next reunion for folks to browse through. What should you put in the scrapbook? A synopsis of the reunion. Photos that were taken at the reunion (group photos, individual photos, photos of activities, pictures of the location). A record page for all those awards you passed out at the reunion (oldest and youngest attendee, greatest distance, Fire Dragon, etc). A statistics page (how many people attended, how much food you went through, how long it took the back lawn to recover)

Family Reunion Website To make a long story short... do the scrapbook thing above, but put it online for the whole family to visit throughout the year. In addition, you can post information about next years reunion. When people see the photos of last years reunion, it will remind them how much fun they had, and will influence their decision to attend the next one. Several websites are available where you can easily build your own family website with just a little time and no expense involved. Go to to learn more. excerpts from FAMILY ROOM 34

we rejoice... with those who have experienced the joy of a new baby in their family:

Leaving a Legacy On a recent vacation to visit our son in Annapolis, I reflected on our family. Jaunting down to Virginia Beach for a couple of days, I was amused that our sons chose to spend the time playing cards with family rather than fraternizing with other young people or laying on the beach for hours soaking up the rays. We did spend a good deal of together time which is what we have always done. I realized that was also what my family always did. It’s a legacy. What we have seen and been a part of is often what we become and what we pass on. What a treasure. A gift. I remember what I have been taught and that is that certain events or holidays are so important. In my family these are important enough to make the effort tp preserve this legacy and spend this time together. Legacies mean many different things to different people at different times. Our legacy means that Christ is our foundation. He comes first and

family is next. You make time for both. You make sacrifices. These are the key factors. These are vital to our lives. I reflect on how I handle and deal with joys and crisis and I follow the same paths I have seen journeyed. Therefore, that is what I teach, model and live for my sons and hopefully one day they will do the same. A legacy passed on. I remember so vividly the lessons and memories both my grandparents gave to the lives around them, especially mine. Whether it was the everyday messages or the holiday celebration, the love for God and family were paramount. Joy, harmony and laughter were also measured ingredients to be used plentifully. The way we deal with the issues in life is a choice we all make. The guidance, devotion, determination, persistence, and commitment passed on to me show me how to cope and enjoy life. With God’s blessing, my family’s legacy will continue from generation to generation, making us stronger. -Cathey Milburn

Mark William Lawson son of Mike and Joanna Lawson May 10, 2006 Joshua James Deibert Son of Jimmie & Laura Deibert and brother of Andrew May 23, 2006 Luke James McCants Son of Dylan and Nicole McCants May 30, 2006 Connor Aaron Paul Son of Adam and Erin Paul Brother of Taylor and Cade Grandson of Mark and Linda Andrus May 30, 2006

2006 Spring Confirmands

Paige Michele Cochran Daughter of David and Amy Cochran Sister of Davis and Benjamin May 31, 2006

Spring 2006 Confirmands Kathryn Elizabeth Butler

Daughter of Ryan and Kelly Butler June 7, 2006 Ella Rose Robateau Daughter of Rupy and Lisa Robateau Sister of Alicia Fe June 11, 2006

we remember... Mildred Beible May 15, 2006

thank you...

Jim Day June 9, 2006

Dear Asbury Friends, Thank you each and every one for your dear scriptures and words of comfort in the days since our beloved husband and dad left us on January 31, 2006. Thank you for caring and sharing, Nina M. Barnes

we celebrate... Congratulations to all couples who are celebrating Milestone Anniversaries. Report your Milestone Anniversary to or call 392-1146.

15 Years Tim & Cynthia Reed July 11 35 THE FAMILY ROOM

50 Years

25 Years

30 Years

40 Years

Richard & Meredith Richards May 16

Glenn & Holly Tucker July 1

Ben & Pat Long July 9

Dan & Annette Frey June 27

35 Years

50 Years

Paul & Juli Crist July 10

Reynard & Betty Spence July 8

Dave & Donna DeVore July 4 Doug & Nancy Baumunk July 11

Hap & Pam Parrish July 10

Frank & Darlene Petterson July 25

60 Years Barney & Kay Welch July 3

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