Asbury Tidings - Mission Possible Accomplished

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ohn Wesley, the founder of Methodism, insisted that we should be “going on towards perfection.” We might

not attain it, but that was the goal. He believed we must always be improving; not maintaining (or declining). He was industrious and hardworking. “Man was not born in shades to lie” was one of his famous quotes. I remember J.C. McPheeters, the President of Asbury Theological Seminary, who went water-skiing to celebrate his 90th birthday. He said, “If you slow down, you go down.” We are not slowing down at Asbury! We are always trying to get better and grow. I personally want this, too. I want to be part of an organization that is stretching and straining to reach the world for Christ. (Wesley’s most famous quote was: “The world is my parish.” He did not reverse the order and say “The parish is my world.”) “Mission Possible” has been an attempt to improve and grow. We’ve added significant space to our Children’s facility. “Kids Come First!” was Jesus’ mindset. “Let the children come to me, don’t forbid them!” he told the disciples who were more adult-friendly than kid-friendly. If we don’t reach our children and students our church will die. It will take a few years, but the downward arc of lack of activity, energy, and growth will eventually defeat

us. And if we don’t reach kids for Christ, other cultures who are not particularly friendly to the Christian faith will reach them. “Mission Possible” has opened up a new building named “Venue 68.”* This building located southeast of our main campus, is going to be open to all groups, but will primarily be a hub for our Student Ministries. The 11 a.m. chapel worship service is moving there. We will see a significant increase in the number of students participating now that they have a building specifically designed for them. They will be having a lot of concerts as well. Our prayer is that this will be an outreach center for Asbury that we’ve never been able to do before. We are very optimistic about our future. Thank you to all who have supported “Mission Possible!” We still have a race to run in finishing strong in this campaign, but the end is in sight. Now that we are moved in, it is very important that we complete our pledges (Dana and I are still working on ours—it was for three years ending in May 2009). To God Be the Glory! Let’s Make Disciples Together.

Dr. Tom Harrison *The name, “Venue,” was already reserved by another organization, so we simply added “68” to it. This comes from Micah 6:8: “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

CONTENTS 3 4 5 7 16 18

Coming Soon Bill & Jayne Mason Building Onto the Future Venue 68 The Logans Faith Zone

22 23 24 30 34

Prayer Points Grandpa John Opportunities New Members Family Room

Managing Editor Tara Lynn Thompson Graphic Designer Nicole McMahan Photographer Don Kreutzweiser Guest Contributors Lyla Brown • Dr. Tom Harrison Stephanie Hurd • Christy Capps John Westervelt

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting





Bill and Jayne Mason Together a Lifetime DR. TOM HARRISON


hen Bill and Jayne Mason arrived in Tulsa in June of 1964, little did they or anyone else know of the impact they would have upon Asbury United Methodist Church. It was a small congregation at that time, but it was in a growing part of south Tulsa. Bill and Jayne did it right! When I arrived as pastor in 1993, the congregation had grown to over 5,000 members. Since becoming the Senior Pastor at Asbury, I have told you of the deep impact Bill has had upon my life. I’ve heard more than one remark about Bill being a “father figure” for them. My very first quote in my doctoral dissertation done in 1986 was from Bill. I find that quite remarkable. He has been of tremendous influence in the lives of an extraordinary number of people. I cannot begin to tell you of the deep affection and appreciation I have for this special man. Bill is the first one to say that he did not do the ministry alone. One of the first things I remember about Bill was that he always deflected any praise he received to the Lord Jesus Christ. All that Bill has been about has been done to the glory of our Savior. Now after 50 years of marriage, I have heard Bill say on innumerable occasions that there has been a second place of honor that must be recognized. He describes in great detail and passion the wonderful support Jayne has been to him in



the ministry. Jayne has always been her own person. While married to a preacher, she did not lose her individuality. I admire that quality about Jayne. She is direct and straight to the point. She has been a sounding board for Bill. She has given him good counsel and direction. She has shown the way of hospitality for years. She has entertained innumerable people for meals and for lodging (which sometimes lasted longer than one night) without complaint. She has been an avid student of the Bible. She has been a leader and role model for the women of Asbury. Her example includes the raising of their four children. Life in the parsonage was not always easy for them, but their children have all turned out very well. They certainly love their parents, too. Those of us who have known the Mason’s know what a tremendous team we have been blessed to have at Asbury. Knowing them better than most, I can tell you that these are sincere and genuine people. Our lives are better because Bill and Jayne have not just taken up space on their journey; they have truly made a difference in our world. Thanks to you, Bill and Jayne! We honor you for 50 years of loving each other…and us.


g n i d l i u B e h t o t n o e r u Fut ission Possible started with hope and excitement. It is ending

with the same hope and excitement. Created nine years ago, the master plan of the Asbury campus included three phases. The Building On Faith (BOF) project, which moved us from Sheridan to Mingo, completed Phase One. “When we moved into the first building, we always knew we would have a second expansion,” said Teil Blackshare, Director of Ministries. If there was a good problem, growth was it. “It’s a great problem,” said Blackshare. “I wouldn’t want to be in a place trying to figure out what ministries to shut down, what staff to cut down. God is really moving.” The building seams were quickly being stretched. More space was needed. “There were two glaring concerns. For one, the student area for their ministry was too small. It just wasn’t handling the growth,” said Blackshare. “And number two, the chapel service at 11. It was suppose to seat 450 to 475. It was already at 450 to 500. The conversations were, ‘That’s our fastest growing service. How are we going to meet the need?’” Taking into consideration these and other needs, the leadership at Asbury gathered six focus groups to confer and brainstorm the issues. “We gathered all this data from the congregation

about ‘here’s what we feel is needed, here’s what we would support,’” Blackshare said. “We had a master plan. Just like any game…once you start the game you have to make adjustments to the plan. The ice rink was that adjustment.” ASBURY TIDINGS


As part of the $14.4 million Mission Possible project, the ice rink provided a unique and timely opportunity to create space for the thriving chapel service. The trend for the youth groups has been off campus locations and the ice rink created a perfectly suited space for the thriving youth in Asbury, Blackshare said. “Around the same time frame we were working on Phase II, Pastor Tom started talking about reaching the third generation,” Blackshare said. “We weren’t reaching the 20s and 30s well. He put the task in front of me to reach them and keep the church alive. It was another reason the ice rink was strategically important to the Mission Possible project.” Although not part of the Mission Possible project, two other things were also happening. First, a private donor provided additional funding to put a steeple on the chapel. Secondly, construction is about to start on the longawaited columbarium and prayer garden—also a self-funded initiative and not part of Mission Possible. “We had a prayer garden at the other place and people missed that,” Blackshare said. “We have generous people. They see a need and step up and provide funding.” Now completed, Mission Possible encompassed the purchase of the old ice rink and remodeling as Venue68 for $7,650,000, children’s area expansion for $4,250,000, construction of the walkway and porticoes for $1,950,000, as well as $500,000 for outreach. “We try not to get caught up in the building,” 6


he said. “These are all tools to reach people. If we’re not doing that and not doing that well, then shame on us.”





ne night after a VBS meeting, my family and I took a sneak peak at Venue68. We entered through the north doors, past the dusty foyer and into the cohesive new worship space. Aesthetically, it’s sharp and clean with tan walls and black accents. The carpet and chairs were in place, but the platform was a work in progress. Red cube-shaped chairs and chartreuse ottomans were stacked three high against the far wall. At 12 days before the grand opening, the noxious odors of paint and carpet filled the whole place. I love that chemical scent. Not because it smells good, but because it reminds me of the biggest adventures in life. It reminds me of my first apartment, getting married, having babies and every fixer-upper we’ve ever owned. It reminds 8


me of new friends, new experiences, and taking chances. The smell of paint is the smell of new beginnings. After duly admiring the worship space, we wandered into the student ministry area, which pulsated with activity. Most of the youth had been there since early afternoon assembling furniture. Almost everything in the student area came from IKEA so instruction manuals and Allen wrenches littered the floor. IKEA takes “some assembly required” to a new level, but the youth were digging it. Being so involved in the process was imparting a sense of ownership to them. Couches were everywhere, all cramped and askew. Some girls were mixing cushions to see which color combination they liked best. Greg Lynn told me the

couches would be positioned throughout the hallways and gathering areas to host small group meetings. He estimated 80 percent of Asbury’s youth are involved with small groups and Venue68 would accommodate them perfectly. Amy Malnar showed me her new office. “They put me right by the door,” she said excitedly. “I’ll get to talk to everyone who comes in.” I wondered aloud how she would get any work done. “I’ll come in early to do paper work. Venue68 is all about building relationships.” “Well, Jesus had a ministry of interruptions,” I said. “Yes! That’s exactly what we are hoping for! A ministry of interruptions,” she responded, with her sparkly aquamarine eyes smiling at me. The student ministry is employing four college interns for the summer, and they’re planning to keep the Venue68 open several nights a week with staff on hand. “We want this to be a safe place for the youth to come, bring their friends and hang out whenever they want,” Greg said. The activity (but not the noise) was winding down and finally around 9:30 p.m. the youth started to disperse. My family exited through the worship area and decided to scope out our new

seats. My daughters always want to occupy the front row––so we tested it out. “The platform is kind of high. Do you think it will strain our necks being this close?” I asked them. “Oh no,” they assured me, “it will be fine!” Actually, it would be better than fine. The energy, the excitement, the fumes and all the potential had a dizzying affect. I love fixer-uppers, new beginnings and the smell of paint.



Not Just a Funny Name STEPHANIE HURD


he prayer team stands in the entrance to Venue68 with the evening sun warming our backs through the glass doors. Hands clasped and eyes closed, we lift up thanks and petitions to God. Esther Gene Morrison, still spry at 85, prays God


will help her generation not to feel left out or overlooked by all the attention given to the children and youth. She asks the Lord to help people her age realize how important it is to mentor young folks. I make a mental note of her supplication. Eventually we finish our group prayer and disperse to pray over every room in the building, anointing every door and every chair with oil. Together we claim the Venue for God, for His purposes and to His glory. Later that night I’m still thinking about Esther Gene’s prayer and how a few days prior, when I interviewed Todd Craig, Spencer Smith, and Chris Cleveland at Kaffe Bona, they also spoke about the older generations at Asbury. “The Venue is building off of Asbury’s legacy,” says Spencer, between sips of coffee. “It’s because of the generations who came before that we’re able to engage in this new era.” Todd elaborates with his “Goonies” speech, “Asbury is stepping up and making a commitment to our younger generations that many of the established, traditional, mainline churches just aren’t doing. As a church, we’re still trying to figure out what that means, but the willingness and commitment are there. The biggest challenge

facing Asbury today is the young people must step up––this is our time! We can’t point fingers at the church and say they aren’t willing to speak our language because Tom and the leadership are doing what it takes to figure that out. We have no excuses. It’s time for us to be the worship community we’ve been hoping for. That’s the awesome part about being at Asbury, but it’s also a huge

our parents to pull us through.” Todd nods and admits, “And then we complain when things aren’t the way we want them to be.” He peers at the table contemplatively for a moment, takes a swig of his mixed-berry smoothie and continues, “One of the keys is the younger generations want to make a difference in the world. The desire is there, but they don’t know

“Aside from the pretty lights and high-tech cool? I’m most excited about the potential to reach people for Christ. We have the opportunity and the responsibility to take these blessings we’ve been given through this building and the people who are in it and actually do something. The Venue is a tool to continue the legacy of Asbury.” —Chris responsibility. We’ve been sitting back simply because we’ve been able to, simply because the older generations provide such incredible leadership. We’ve felt like we can take it easy and enjoy the benefits of their work.” Sporting his “I Summitted Turkey Mountain” t-shirt, Spencer said, “It’s like we’ve been remaining perpetual adolescents and we’re relying on

how. The older generations know how, but they need to pass it on by teaching leadership to the 20 and 30 year olds.” The pastors describe how the learning process could begin with discipleship communities of varying ages coming together and working side by side on service projects. (As I write this article I wonder if intentionally including more young


people on leadership committees would also facilitate mentoring. I know I’m fortunate to serve on the prayer team with people who are ten to 46 years my senior because they’re teaching me about prayer and commitment.) A noisy bunco game forces us to relocate. We grab a new table and the conversation shifts. The guys tell me how they’re psyched about the creative potential of Venue68 and how they see creativity as a growing edge for this congregation. Chris thinks the new environment will help the band reach their potential, and aside from the “pretty lights and high-tech cool,” what he’s most excited about is the potential to reach people for Christ. “We have the opportunity and the responsibility to take these blessings we’ve been given through this building and the people who are in it and actually do something,” he says, looking casual with his long, blonde hair temporarily tamed by a headband. “We have the music arts, but we would like to see visual arts, too. We’d love to see members come forward with photography and paintings. We have talent and we would like to gallery some of that,” Todd remarks. They have several concerts lined up for outreach purposes and have decided to adopt a Habitat for Humanity House. “We’re getting a new home as a worship community so we want to tie that to justice by adopting a Habitat House. We’ll raise the money to help fund it, and in the fall we’ll work together to build it,” says Todd excitedly. “We’ve made this thing where we do worship, then service, then discipleship. We want to merge these into a common experience so when we go to worship we also do justice. We want the theme to flow through our liturgy, our giving, and the greater good of the world. We want our worship and justice to be connected. We aren’t going to sing ‘Holy is the Lord’ while we’re neglecting our 12 ASBURY TIDINGS

neighbor,” says Spencer. He goes on to explain the justice piece. “Justice is a deeply Biblical word. The word justice is the same as righteousness in Scripture. God is making things right in the world and we’re joining with what He is already doing. We aren’t going out on our own power or volition to build a Habitat House, but we feel like God is at work in this ministry so we’re joining in where the Spirit is making things right. We’re using the word ‘justice’ instead of ‘mission’ or ‘outreach’.” Suddenly it clicks. This is classic Gen Y. At approximately 70 million strong, Gen Y-ers have altruistic sensibilities and they’re passionate about community and service. They want their work to make a difference in the world. Also, they seek freedom to try new things in new ways. “We communicate differently and we need the freedom to do that. We have to broaden our worship

to include outreach and mission. Our worship language is more than the songs we sing, it’s also when we serve. It’s going to look different,” Todd confirms. Spiritually this translates into a worship language of loving Christ by serving others—it translates into justice and mercy. I visited with Dick Read in his tidy, little office about worship languages a few weeks ago. He

fice’ and a sacrifice is not easy to make. A sacrifice of praise or worship may not always be pleasant, but it’s my obligation as a worshiper to do it anyway. We’ve had the opportunity to create different worship settings at Asbury to make it easier for everyone.” Dick continues in his soft-spoken and intentional manner, “Worship teaches me, reminds me,

“Worship teaches me, reminds me, equips me to be who I am called to be as a creature, as a son of God, and as a person of destiny in the kingdom of heaven.” —Dick explained how Dub Ambrose first suggested the concept of everyone speaking a love language to God. The 11 chapel service fits perfectly with Dick’s worship language. “If I am in one of the other worship venues, then I have a responsibility as a believer to choose to worship. I have to choose to cross that divide of language, but then it becomes a discipline. There is a psalm about the sacrifice of praise, which sounds so sweet until you take that word ‘sacri-

equips me to be who I am called to be as a creature, as a son of God, and as a person of destiny in the kingdom of heaven. We can think in terms of the elements of worship such as the offering, the sermon, or the hymn, but those are tertiary. Primarily, am I worshiping? Am I bringing honor and glory to God with my mouth, with my heart, with my mind, with the body God has given me? How am I expressing my love for God?” When I ask Dick about the mechanics of worship


he looks skyward as though the answer is written in the air, then responds pensively. “I want our people to experience worship as a verb rather than a noun. Worship is not something you attend—it’s something you do. It’s an audience of One, and we are not the audience. Our responsibility in worship is to be active and engaged. God

In strategic ways, our worshiping community will be going out together and changing our Tulsa community, like with the Habitat House,” Dick explains. Finally, I have to ask the question that at least 5,000 of Asbury’s 7,344 members are wondering: Why the name Venue68?

“The Venue is a building off of Asbury’s legacy. It’s because of the generations who came before that we’re able to engage in this new era.”

—Spencer is the audience, and we are the cast. It’s our job to worship God actively and in no way passively.” This explanation is perfectly congruent with the worship philosophy of Venue68. We’ll worship God on Sunday mornings, and we’ll worship Him everyday in between with acts of service. “People out there need Jesus and we’re the ones God has called. We want to put feet on that.


Todd responds first, “With the name we wanted to stay generic so we didn’t carry any baggage. We all liked ‘The Venue’ but somebody already owned the rights to that name, so we had to modify. The verse Micah 6:8 came to mind since we’d been talking about how worship and justice go together. When the Israelites engaged in worship without acts of justice, God wanted nothing to do

with it. The verse fit. We want the space to be a place to gather for worship but also a place where we live Micah 6:8.” Now on his second cup of medium roast, Spencer continues, “We wanted to get away from a churchy kind of feel with the architecture and with the purpose of space to better engage the community. Venue is a generic name. It was the most generic we could get without calling it Space68.” With a deeply dimpled smirk Todd quips, “And Sanctuary was taken.” Spencer rejoins, “Chapel has been used and CLC didn’t work; we didn’t want to end up with Arena or Auditorium, so it’s Venue with a 6-8.” Referring to the name, Dick anticipates whenever members of Asbury see the numbers 6-8 they will automatically think of justice and mercy. “Our hope is this isn’t just a move to a new building, but it’s building a new movement,” Todd concludes.

With Venue68, Asbury has chosen to invest millions of dollars in it’s future. Now, we’re choosing to minister differently so we may cast a wider net. We’re choosing to be all things to all people that we may win them to Christ. We’re choosing to be relevant to our culture and true to the gospel. We’re choosing to pursue inter-generational synergy with the hope of continuing Asbury’s incredible legacy. We’re choosing to practice justice and mercy in our worship and in our world. We’re choosing to participate with God in making things right. We’re choosing to speak a new love language to our Lord and to our neighbor. We are choosing all these things but only because He first chose us, and He has done so for His purposes and to His glory.



Geoff & Erica Logan



ot much has changed. Geoff and Erica Logan are still reaching people through worship music. They are still serving God with their talents. And they are still faithful to go wherever God leads. Then again, a few things have changed. Their friends are different, their fish is fresh, and their home isn’t Tulsa anymore. They are missionaries in Davao, Phillipines, a city of beauty, of populace, of busy cargo hubs and endangered eagles. After six years at Asbury, Geoff, a worship leader, and Erica, a youth assistant, traversed the ocean in 2007 to a land not quite Oklahoma, not quite the American heartland, not even close. “God had to prepare us for that time period. While leading music at DaySpring the summer of 06, God was like, ‘Okay, time to go,’” said Geoff, sitting in the Break Room at Venue 68, he and his family enjoying a brief visit back home. “He wanted us to start a music ministry.” They packed up their life, their dishes, and their daughter, Ariel, heading to a culture with the same core need of every American—Jesus. “Our goal is using music as a tool for evangelism, worship, discipleship and training,” said Geoff. “Whatever context we’re in, that is the overriding goal we’re trying to accomplish.” Working as a rock and roll band without the


rock and roll persona, their context has been bars, clubs, outdoor events, any social setting with a stage and sound system. And the message is making it through. “The message becomes more friendly in nature because it is through music,” said Erica. One evening in particular, the progress was evident. “I was at a club,” said Geoff, “and most everyone was already inebriated.” His next song was three minutes long and spoke of the brokenness in the world. “I said, ‘This is the reality—50 people will die of starvation in the time it takes me to sing this song.” A man in the audience, not far from Erica, spoke

up, telling Geoff not to say stuff like that. Just sing the song, the man said. So Geoff sang. “Soon, he was just into the song, totally engaged in the delivery of the message,” Erica said. “What he could not accept straight to him, he could accept through the music.” In this predominately Catholic community, the Logans said the message continues to be about developing a personal relationship with Jesus. “They need to see who Jesus really is. Hands on,” Geoff said. “Everyone knows the story, but…” “They need to know He is interested in what happens in their homes and to their kids and in their marriages,” Erica added. “And He’s interested in their poverty and the sex trade,” Geoff finished. The tough subjects won’t be silenced. The band, currently in more of an establishment period, has no hesitation in telling it straight, telling it true, and telling it through music. And they have a historically popular band as an example. “Our model is U2. The message of Christ is in there but without an agenda,” Geoff said. “It’s a group of guys saying, ‘We’re followers of Jesus. This is just who we are.’” So far, that message seems to be working. As Geoff puts it, “They like us.” After one particular music event, the band came home to a ringing phone and four gigs in just over a week, including two live radio shows, one major hot spot, and a hodgepodge gathering of local bands for a big event. This could eventually spread to other venues, other cities, even other countries, but it isn’t the goal. “We recognize our role is to engage in the community we’re in. We’re just focusing on our own city,” Geoff said. “It’s possible it could get bigger. But if we’re focusing on that, we could miss our opportunity.” The Logans came back to their home—what they call their city and their church—in June to celebrate the grand opening of the Venue68. It’s

great being back, and in many ways, hard to leave again and say goodbye to friends and family. “One of the hardest sacrifices has been Ariel not having a regular relationship with her grandparents and great-grandparents,” said Erica. “That’s hard for a mommy’s heart. But they have all handled it well. But when we leave I think they go and cry.” Coming back was not only a chance to see their blood family, but their spiritual family at Asbury, and the culmination of their fruits from their missions here at home. “This is the production of a lot of people’s work, including mine,” Geoff said, concerning the new Venue68 building. “We saw the tree but there had been no apple yet. We’re eating the apple now.” Asbury prepared them for their ministry abroad, Erica said, and being, yet again, pioneers, Geoff added. Heading across the ocean, the Logans returned to the land of yellow fin tuna and white sandy beaches, of escalating poverty and moral struggles, of people who simply need a Savior. ASBURY TIDINGS 17



or many months we watched the construction of the Children’s addition and wondered what it would be like when completed. Excitement increased with each visual proof of progress. We pondered what would change and what would remain the same. Now completed, the addition of 25,000 square feet to the Children’s area has brought many significant changes. Let me show you.

New & Exciting Design and Décor The two-story tree in the lobby is the first sight as families come through the FaithZone entrance. Children run to the tree certain they can climb it; they dart in and out among the tree trunks. The hallway seems to be a path leading through the woods with tree branches overhead and bugs, butterflies and bees on the walls. Peaceful pastel blue paint and oak paneling decorate the Ark hallways where animals holding room numbers will soon be placed at classroom doorways. 18 ASBURY TIDINGS

New Traffic Flow There are new ways to enter, travel through, and exit the Children’s areas. New doorways and hallways reduce congestion. The interior stairs provide direct access to and from the first and second floors, eliminating the need to go outside the secure area.

New Classroom & Big Group Activities Eyes and ears of the children in the crib and crawl rooms are fully focused on Diane Murphy as she sits at their level to present a short lesson on the many wonders of God’s creation all around us. Using repetition, music, a bell, mirror, a doll and familiar stuffed animals, the children are hearing about God the Creator and Jesus who came as a baby and grew up showing His love for us. This program will expand to the toddler rooms as volunteers are recruited. New energy is heard and felt in the first floor Big Group space where two year olds and three year olds gather both hours to have fun with sound shakers and music led by Marti Curzon. The praise

sixth grade. Bible stories are the basis of the teaching, and biblical truths are presented in one of four different hands-on activities—“God of Wonders” uses science experiments to show the amazing world God made; “Masterpieces” creates art for our Master through various mediums; “Foodles” is oodles of fun with food; and “Inside-Out/Upside-Down” uses movement and activities to praise God through music, games and fun.

New Volunteers

expressed by these little ones through dance and song is spontaneous and joyful. “Praise Him, Praise Him, All You Little Children” never sounded so sweet. Upstairs, the FaithZone Clubhouse teems with activity as four year olds, five year olds, and Kindergartners gather in their Big Group space for the morning’s lesson. Pail Mail arrives posing a question based on the day’s lesson. Scout the Squirrel tries to help by providing props, but only after hearing the Bible story is he able to understand the answer. The children stay involved as they “get” the answer before Scout and have to help him along. They return to their classrooms to enjoy centers designed to relate to the morning’s lesson.

With the additional square footage, a great need arose for volunteers to staff the classrooms and the security teams. Many responded to the call and these men, women and young people are making new friends where they serve. These faithful ones are finding a community of fellowship with one another. There are many new experiences for the children of Asbury, and there are many changes resulting from the increased space. They are all exciting and promise significant impact on the

Classrooms & Gathering Space The grade school classrooms and group areas are bright and beautiful with bold colors to match the enthusiasm and energy of the first through ASBURY TIDINGS 19

children who come through the FaithZone doorways. Our staff is adjusting to these changes and, yes, we too are trying to find our way to the new areas and determine which route is the faster and more expedient route to take from one location to another. Some of our staff moved into new offices and the contents of storage closets are being rearranged for accessibility. As a staff of all women, we know there will be much discussion and rearranging before that project is finished. Our staff pondered what would change and what would remain the same. We were uncertain of, and even apprehensive about, some of the


changes. We had opinions on what these changes would look like. There was, however, one area where we were in total, unwavering agreement that there would be no change: the purpose for Asbury Children’s Ministry. There is a Scripture on a banner over the South entrance to FaithZone. It is Mark 10:14, “Let the children come to me.” This IS the FaithZone for the children of Asbury. The FaithZone is a childtargeted ministry where lessons are relevant to the children and where the truth of the Bible is taught in age-appropriate and appealing ways. We recognize that children must be shepherded toward following Christ, that they need to be spiritually, emotionally, and physically safe. Children need to learn how to reach others for Christ. The Children’s Ministry Vision Statement says, “We believe God calls the church to supplement the family in its effort to lay spiritual foundations so that all children know (believe), love (belong), and follow Jesus (become).” The foundation of our Children’s Ministry has not changed. Our purpose and vision have not changed. We are strengthened by our Lord who encourages us to remain steadfast in the faith and effective in the development of spiritual foundations for the children of Asbury. It’s still…“All About God.”

Children’s Ministry Vision Statement: “We believe God calls the church to supplement the family in its effort to lay spiritual foundations so that all children know (believe), love (belong), and follow Jesus (become).”


Children’s Ministry Prayer Requests 1. That the spiritual journey of a child is cultivated and grown here at Asbury. 2. That volunteers step forward to lead the next generation to Christ. 3. That many more families will utilize our space and we can reach more children than ever before. 4. That this will be a safe and nurturing place for children and families. 5. That the new space will generate excitement among children and adult members. 6. That Christ be the center of all that happens here and that the Bible will be the basis for all that is taught.

Prayer Requests

Please continue to pray dai l throughou y the summe t r.

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. Micah 6:8 1. Pray for the continued growth in the spiritual lives of our students. Let the physical evidence of this building expansion be a reflection of what is happening spiritually in the lives of the people using this building. Colossians 1:10 2. Open our eyes for opportunities to bless others. As we have been abundantly blessed, let us find ways to abundantly bless others. Matthew 5:16 3. Look to God for help. Help us to not rely on our gifts or buildings or programs as the answer, but look always to you, Oh God, as our source. 1 Peter 2:12 4. Find ways to use this building to “Glorify God and Make Disciples” Matthew 28:19 5. That others will come to know Christ through the ministry and outreach of Venue68. 22 ASBURY TIDINGS

g n i m o C p e e K n e The Childr

assroom for older cl ew n d n a br a e door of I was helping at th ool. acation Bible Sch V ’s ry u sb A r fo s three year old y hand with a m r fo ed ch a re d ht in an Jaycee walked rig fident friendly n co a ly in a rt ce ght, “This is warm smile. I thou re old friends.” a e w e k li is It l. t our little gir ett, I realized tha rr a G s a w e m a n st Seeing that her la other Tiffanie to m er h h it w e m ca when she fourfriendship began eekday preschool w e th r fo on rd Jo sister drop off her older rdon, her older Jo e or ef B . ed er te ere I volun year-old class wh looks just like e il sm s e’ ce y Ja . s in my class brother Joshua wa Joshua’s. her children. ot en oz d a d n a e joyed Jayce For four days I en time the children y or st or F s. ft a rlor for cr We went to the pa g area with a in er th a g ed ct ru a newly const dsat on the floor of ors. Besides the ol ct a en te d n a lt u dozen ad stage for the half es and a classre th le d id m of s a classroom of er threes, there wa ere many classes w e er th e, rs u co f threes. O room of younger er children. older and young , the children and n io ct ru st in le ib and B For a week of fun aking Mism in rt pa r ou y r thank you fo their teachers say en. sion Possible happ ohn

Grandpa J



calling 492-1771, selecting option

Friends in Christ Community


2, and leaving a message for the

Sundays, 11 am, Rm. 1507

pastor on call.

general information

Engaged Couples


If you are planning to use an

All courses being offered in the

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

Summer 2008 RoadMap session

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

are listed on the Asbury website at

book ASAP to allow ample time Look for the

for Couple-to-Couple (required

new Fall brochure coming soon!

Breakfast Served from 7:15-9 am in the CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donuts, bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under. Sunday Morning Worship 8 am, Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) 9:15 am, Sanctuary (Contemporary) 9:15 am, Open House Worship (CLC) (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting) 11 am, Sanctuary (Traditional w/ sign interpreter) 11 am, Venue 68 (Modern) Sundays for Children & Students 6 Weeks-4 Yrs: 8:00, 9:15 & 11 am K-6th Grades: 9:15 or 11 am 7th-9th Grades: 9:15 & 11 am 10th-12th Grades: 9:15 am only Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, & 11 am & Wednesdays, 6:00 and 6:30 pm and NEW! Thursdays at 5:30 pm (See Discipleship) Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled? Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by

premarital sessions). Six months to one year lead time suggested.

bible study

care and support Visits to Asbury Members

The Gazebo is Open

Asbury has a unique group of vol-

CDs of Tom’s message of the day

unteers (Asbury Connection) who

are available immediately following

regularly visit people who are either

the worship service for $3. Prayer

homebound or in nursing homes. If

Journals are also available for $5

you are interested in being visited,


call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact the coordinator, Abby Sluice at


Recycle unwanted paper products. Three bins are available, located in

Prayer Card Sending Team

the south and east parking lots.

Usually meets first and third Mondays at 10:30 am in Room 1621 to

Asbury Family News is available at

send cards with God’s encouraging

the Welcome Centers. It includes

words and our prayers to those

hospital lists, births, deaths,

who are ill or going through hard

marriages, baptisms and military

times. Cards and care packages are


also sent to Asbury-related military personnel. Contact Gwen Mohler

Doors of Asbury posters are at the

at for more

Welcome Centers…FREE! Suitable

information, or call 392-1146.

for framing. Asperger Support Group New Additions to the Library

First Thursday from 7-9 pm in Rm

The Asbury Library is a wonderful

1506. For mothers of children with

resource. Thank you to all who

Asperger Syndrome. Childcare

continue to contribute books to our




Alzheimer’s Support Group Third Thursday, from 1:30-3 pm

Hands of Love Sign Choir

in Rm 1621. Christian hope, sup-

Sundays, 6-7 pm, Rm. 2821

port and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia.


Cancer Support Group

periodic care packages and monthly

Second Sunday of each month,

encouragement cards with God’s

Sun 8 am-12 pm

4-6 pm, Parlor. For those living with

Word are sent to Asbury-related

Mon & Tue 9 am-12 pm

cancer and their family and friends.

military personnel. The Prayer

Tue, Wed, & Thur 6 pm-9 pm

with no reservations needed:

Ministry also covers them in prayer. Divorce Recovery

Please send contact info. (complete

Murdock Villa

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm 2319.

name & address) call Gwen Mohler,

A mission opportunity for our 5th

For those suffering from the early,

392-1146 or at

& 6th grade students. Usually the second Sunday of the month from

highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare


12:30-3:30 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s


GriefShare is a special weekly

Pizza. We’ll eat then visit Murdock

video series and support group for

Villa where we will play Bingo and

Divorce Rebuilding

people who are grieving the death

do crafts with special needs adults.

Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm 2319. For

of someone close to them. It’s a

It is an amazing time to witness in

those ready to rebuild their lives

safe place to be around people who

our local community. Limited to 10

after separation or divorce. Child-

understand what you are feeling.

kids each month. For further infor-

care available.

At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable

mation contact Jami at 392-1166.

information about recovering from Eating Disorder Recovery

your grief and renewing your hope


For individuals seeking support in

for the future. Tuesdays, August

Discipleship Communities

the recovery process. Wednesdays

26 - November 18, 7-8:30 pm, Rm

If you have not yet found an Adult

at 12 pm in Room 1621. Bring a

2314. Cost is $12 for workbook. Call

Discipleship Community check out

sack lunch. Contact Marcy McMurry

392-1191 to register.

“Get Involved” on our website,

at or pick up a Asbury Bear Bags

brochure at one of our Welcome

Employment Transitions

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring


Need a second set of eyes to review

books have comforted young

your resume? Free male and female

children for many years, but now

New Discipleship Community

one-on-one support available

you may give a Bear Bag with a

Thursdays, 5:30-6:30 pm,

through Asbury’s Employment

scripture-based journal included

Shepherd’s Flock: a community for

Transitions at employ.transitions@

instead! Great for teens and adults.

all who desire to strengthen their

Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear

relationship with the Lord through

to someone who is grieving. For

prayer, biblical teaching, mission

more information, contact Beth at

and service projects, as well as


fellowship with other believers. Our

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1506. Mental Health Support for Families For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. 4th Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm in the Parlor. Call Ruth at 392-1146. Military Connection To demonstrate the love of Christ,


general focus is to strengthen the ministry to God’s precious children.

Registration forms for all children’s

We invite you to come and join us

activities are available in the

as we support one another and

preschool and elementary lobbies.

grow in the love of God.

Core Childcare Hours Parents who are involved in


RoadMap classes during these core hours will have childcare provided

PT Sunday Early Childhood Associate

for children 6 weeks-12 yrs of age

20 hours/weekly. The schedule will ASBURY TIDINGS 25

include Sundays from 8:30 am-

Methodist Church, 6767 S. Mingo

CLC. Attention men of Asbury.

12:30 pm with the remaining hours

Rd., Tulsa, OK 74133, or

Make plans to join us for a great

during the week preparing for

time of meaningful worship, life-

Sunday morning needs. Successs-


changing prayer and an awesome

ful applicant should have a love for

big breakfast, all for just $3 per

children, administrative/computer

marriage & family

skills, and be able to recruit and

Attention Engaged Couples

August 6

train volunteers for Sunday. This

If you are planning to use an

August 13 Todd Johnson

candidate will direct and mentor

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

August 20 Bill Johnson

volunteers serving children from

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

August 27 Mark Springer

infant to 23 months. Resumes

book ASAP to allow ample time

should be sent to Vicki Ihrig, Asbury

for Couple-to-Couple (required

Car Care Saturdays

UMC, 6767 S. Mingo Rd., Tulsa, OK,

premarital sessions). Six months to

September 20, 9 am-12 pm. This

74133 or call her at 918-392-1160.

one year lead time is suggested.

every-other-month workday is

person. First-time guests are free. Don Herrold

provided for Asbury’s widows and PT Nursery Staff Positions Available

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries

single moms. While the ladies wait

Part-time position will work 10-

Email your September or October

in the comfort of the cafe, volun-

Milestone Anniversary (5,10,15,20,

teers check tires, belts, fluids, filters

etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at

and batteries. They also vacuum or call

and wash the vehicles, then update


owners on what’s running smoothly

15 hours weekly in the Asbury Nursery. The schedule will include Sunday morning from 8:30 am12:30 pm with a few remaining hours during the childcare weekday and weeknight core hours. Successful applicant should have a love for children, willingness to portray Christian beliefs and values to children and families. Resumes should be sent to Vicki Ihrig, Asbury UMC, 6767 S. Mingo Rd., Tulsa, OK, 74133 or call her at 918-392-1160. Children’s Ministry Programming Assistant The position is 25 hours weekly. The schedule will include Wednesday nights, Upward Basketball assistance, all children’s events outside of Sunday morning and daytime office work. Successful applicant should have a love for children with strong administrative and computer skills along with the ability to creatively teach Bible lessons. Resumes should be sent to: Kim Renkema, Asbury United 26 ASBURY TIDINGS

and what needs professional atC2C Support Couple Training

tention. This free service gives our

Make a difference in families of

men the opportunity to put their

the future! Get trained as a Sup-

faith into action through loving and

port Couple to engaged couples.

serving those in need. No reserva-

Training starts Tuesday, August 19.

tions required; just get your vehicle

Call Charlene at 392-1145 for more

in line by 11:30 am.

information. Remarriages welcome. August 19-October 14, 6:30-8:45

Home Improvement Ministry

pm, Rm 1504.

Saturday, August 16, The Men’s


Ministry offers this service for widows, widowers and single moms

Asbury Exploration

within the Asbury family. Volun-

Come to a lunch/class to learn more

teers make themselves available

about becoming a member of As-

every other month to help folks out

bury. Sunday, August 3 from 12:15-

with minor home repairs or minor

2 pm in CLC. Lunch provided and

home improvement projects. To

childcare is available for children

volunteer, contact Debbie in the

six weeks through 6th grade. Call

Adult Ministries Office, 392-1177.

392-1191 to register.


New Mission Books Are In


Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Pick up the newest mission books

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the

at the Welcome Centers or come by

the Missions office. Make sure to

Construction & Teaching, $2400.

with you during Holy Communion

pick up two for Global

• Oct. 11-18, Monterrey, Mexico:

or immediately following a worship

Outreach and one for Oklahoma

MBS & Construction, $950.

service, please come to the altar

Outreach (previously called Re-

• Fall, Cookson Hills, OK:

rail. A pastor or member of the Al-

gional Outreach).

Light Construction, $50.

tar Prayer Team will be glad to pray

• Nov. 5-9, Monterrey, Mexico:

with you for your needs—physical,

Eyeglass Donations

Medical, $900.

emotional or spiritual—at the altar

Are you wondering what to do with

• Nov. 12-16: Rio Bravo, Mexico

or in the Prayer Room.

those old eyeglasses? Donate them

Men’s Construction, $600.

to missions! You may drop your

• VIM Leader Training:

Prayer Room Reservations

glasses off in the Global Outreach

September 13, Enid

The leadership of Asbury’s prayer


October 25, Ada

ministry would like to remind you

All costs are approximate. For more

that the main facility Prayer Room

Campbell’s Soup Label

about these exciting mission oppor-

is open not only to individuals

Save Campbell’s soup labels for

tunities, contact Marilene at

desiring to pray in a quiet, medita-

missions. Please cut the UPC sym-

tive atmosphere, but also to prayer

bol and the Labels for Education

or 918-392-1164

groups within communities and

symbol together. Turn these in for

ministries. Just give Debbie in the

missions! Questions: Contact Missy


Sistrunk at 392-1163.

Chancel Choir

1177 to reserve the Prayer Room for

Wednesdays, 7 pm, Choir Room

your group on a weekly or monthly

Mission Matters

Adult Ministries office a call at 392-


A monthly newsletter is available

New Covenant Orchestra

with recent news of mission hap-

Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm, Rm 1510

penings. If you would like to receive

Prayer Room Days & Times Our prayer rooms are accessible to

the newsletter, please contact Missy

Asbury Singing Ambassadors

you at these times:

Sistrunk at 392-1163 or msistrunk@

Tuesdays, 1 pm, Choir Room

Mason Chapel (during construc- Preference is for

tion): Sundays, 7 am-12:30 pm

the email version, but hard copies

Celebration Ringers

through the interior door.

can be mailed if needed.

Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm 2506

Main Facility: Mon-Fri 7 am-9 pm; Saturday 10 am-3 pm; Sun. 12:30

Global Outreach Prayer Ministry

Asbury Ringers

News and prayer requests from

Wednesdays, 6-6:50 pm, Rm 2506

our missionaries and ministries

pm-9 pm.


are sent each week to our prayer

Perpetual Light

Celebrate Recovery

ministry list. If you would like to join

Thursdays, 10 am-noon, Rm 2506

Come join this supportive group

and become a prayer intercessor for

of people each Monday night at 6

those serving around the world,

Asbury Power & Light

pm. Dinner at 6 pm; Worship from

contact Missy at 392-1163.

Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm 1510

7-8 pm; Small Groups from 8-9 pm;


Saints of Swing Dixieland Band

any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God

Volunteers-In-Mission Opportunities

Thursdays, 2-3 pm, Rm 1510

never intended for you to live in

Dessert from 9-9:30 pm. Hiding

• July 31-Aug. 10, Estonia, Parnu:


MBS & Light Construction, $2500.

Altar Prayer

• Sept/October, Azerbaijan:

If you would like someone to pray



senior adults

5. Get an insurance discount. Auto

Labor Day Picnic

insurance companies in most states

Join us for our annual Labor Day

provide a multiyear discount to

Picnic, on site this year at Asbury!

AARP graduates!

Bring your lawn chair, sunscreen,

To sign up, call Asbury’s Registra-

and favorite family-sized dish,

tion Hotline at 392-1191. At least

dessert or drinks to share with the

12 participants are required for

group. Hamburgers and hotdogs

the class to take place, so tell your

will be provided by the ministry.

friends and neighbors, and sign up

And your children of all ages are


welcome! Monday, September 1,

Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class


Visits to Asbury Members Asbury has a unique group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are either homebound or in nursing homes. If you are interested in being visited, call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

3-7 pm.

Singles Meet and Greet


Sunday mornings from 10:20-10:50

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Breakaway

am. All singles out from communi-

Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am

ties or worship services are invited

in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t

to join together for a short time

your normal Sunday school. Come

of fellowship. Look for the singles

join us for worship, fun and games,

signs in the southwest corner of the

interactive talk/lesson, and some-

main foyer, and we’ll see you there!

times free candy and gift cards.

Divorce Recovery

7th, 8th & 9th Bible Study

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm 2319.

Come to the Student Cafe, hang

For those suffering from the early,

out, have fun, and study what God’s

highly emotional stages of divorce

Word has for us. It’s going to be an

and separation trauma. Childcare

awe inspiring you won’t want to

give it a try.


miss it! Call Marsha at 392-1157.

AARP Driver Safety Program

Divorce Rebuilding

Called to Ministry: 10th, 11th, 12th

Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm 2319. For

Is God speaking to you, leading

those ready to rebuild their lives

you...okay, maybe CALLING you

after separation or divorce. Child-

into a future vocational ministry?

care available.

You may not know what that looks

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 9-9:30 am in the Gym. All senior adults are invited to join us for a time of stretching, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. No high impact workout here. We take it nice and easy. Come give it a try. Senior Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 8:30-9 am in the gym. All senior adults are invited to join us for power walking, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. Come

The AARP Driver Safety Program is the nation’s first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older that has helped millions of drivers remain safe on today’s roads. It is designed to help you: 1. Tune up your driving skills and update your knowledge of the rules of the road. 2. Learn about normal age-related physical changes, and how to adjust your driving to allow for these changes. 3. Reduce your traffic violations, crashes, and chances for injuries. 4. Drive more safely. 28 ASBURY TIDINGS

like; you just know that God is Café Celibataire!

stirring something in you. Join

Asbury Single Adults! Join us on

us every month on the SECOND

Sunday, August 24, at 12 pm in the

SUNDAY from 12:30-2 pm in the

CLC, for a great experience—Café

Student Ministry Area for lunch and

Celibataire! You will enjoy a

to talk about what this means for

relaxed, bistro-like atmosphere,

you. This is for 10th, 11th & 12th

where you can sit and chat with

graders. RSVP to Amy at 392-1156

your friends as you are served

the Thursday before.

delicious, catered meal at just $4.00 per person. No reservations are

7th-12th Grade Small Groups

necessary, and your children are

These groups meet Sunday nights.

wanted and welcome!

Times and places vary. Contact

Todd at 392-1154 or Amy at 392-

every other month to help folks

of prayer and the message will all

1156 to get plugged in.

out with minor home repairs or

carry a prevailing theme for the

minor home improvement projects.

morning. Dr. Harrison preaches.

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway

Just pick up a request form at the

Join us Wednesdays, 6:30-9 pm

South Welcome Desk, or call your

9:15 am, Open House Worship:

for a time of connection, worship,

request to Pam Wallace at 392-1199,

Community Life Center. A relaxed

and God. We will also have nights

ext. 253 at least ten days before

atmosphere with engaging wor-

of just random fun! Don’t miss

the scheduled work day. A Home

ship. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message

the food and hang out times after-

Improvement volunteer will contact

is simulcast with an occasional live

wards! Come be a part. Call Marsha

you, and make arrangements to get

sermon from another pastor.

at 392-1157 for more information.

the job(s) done. 11 am, Traditional Service: Sanctu-

College Bible Study

Women of the Word

ary. The Chancel Choir and the

Come and be a part of the College

Wednesdays from 10-11 am in

Asbury Orchestra and Concert Band

Ministry at Asbury and learn about

Rm 2319, Rev. Darlene Johnson,

offer a variety of styles of music.

God with other College Students!


Sign interpreters for the deaf are

Stay and enjoy a homecooked

offered. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches.

meal. Bible Study 6-7:15 pm, Dinner

Phone Buddies

7:15-9 pm.

Ladies, would like a “cheer me

11 am, Modern Service: Venue 68.

up” with your morning coffee? We

Rich blend of ancient and modern

have dedicated, caring women who

worship, led by the worship band.

Car Care Saturdays

would love to meet that need in

Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is

September 20, 9 am-12 pm. This

your life by being your very own


every-other-month workday is

“phone buddy.” Call Shirley Martin

provided for Asbury’s widows and

and she’ll connect you with a loving

single moms. While the ladies wait



in the comfort of the cafe, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters

Crafty Ladies Fellowship

and batteries. They also vacuum

Mondays, 9:30 am-2 pm, Rm 2820.

and wash the vehicles, then update

We gather to work on our own

owners on what’s running smoothly

individual arts and crafts, stop

and what needs professional at-

for a delicious potluck lunch, and

tention. This free service gives our

continue on through until 2 pm. We

men the opportunity to put their

would love to have you join us. For

faith into action through loving and

more contact Beverly Clarke and

serving those in need. No reserva-

stop by some Monday!

tions required; just get your vehicle in line by 11:30 am.

worship 8 am, Communion Service:

Home Improvement Work Days

Mason Chapel. Traditional service.

Saturday, August 16. The Men’s

Communion is served and Dr. Har-

Ministry offers this service for wid-

rison preaches.

ows, widowers and single moms within the Asbury family. Volun-

9:15 am, Contemporary Praise &

teers make themselves available

Worship: Sanctuary. Music, time ASBURY TIDINGS 29


new members

Louis Bodner

Keith & Lynn Bottoms

Trey & Jamie Cooper

Charles & Kathy Duke

Lloyg & Sherry Hemphill, Stacy & Leslie


Bill Brewer

Bob & Jean Dalton

John & Betsy Figgis & Teale

Jim & Shirley Herndon

Charles Buck

Ed & Yuta Daughters

Christopher & Gina Gallagher

Deena Hines

welcome to asbury

we’re glad you’re here

Jeff & Erin Hislop Connor, Colin & Ian

Joel & Karen Hunter Bryant, Rachel & Ryan

Tom & Julie Karalis

Chelsea King

Linda Lytle

Dixie Kemp

Mary & Robin Anne Kurzyna

Tony & Debby Margiotta

Brian & Debbie Johnson Andy & David

Judy Kennedy

John & Mary Lea

Jim & Martha Martin



new members

Matt & Skyler McCormick Carys & Sam

Vernon McCannon

Rodger McKnight

Eugene & Amber Metcalf

Bob & Kathy Rives

Dan & Trish Saul Lindsey & Sarah


Robert & Cynda McDaniel & Ashley

Daniel Mount

Pat & Marsha Robison

Hope Schwabe

Shannon Ortman

Peggy Rowley

Robert & Jeannie Smith

welcome to asbury

we’re glad you’re here

Sandra Southern

Nelson Strother

Al & Ruth Sowards

Kirsten Stukey

Paul & Julia Sullivan Chad & Savanna

Don & Debra Stephens

Olive Thompson

If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. Choose from one of the upcoming Sunday membership classes: August 3, 2008 September 7, 2008 October 5, 2008 November 2, 2008 December 7, 2008 Classes are from 12:15 - 2 pm Call 392-1191 to reserve your place. Childcare is available and lunch is provided. ASBURY TIDINGS 33


family room in celebration of marriage 65 years

55 years

60 years

Vic & Betty Goodknight June 26, 1943 Howard & Vera McCloud June 15, 1948

Vic & Roberta Hairston June 1, 1953

55 years

Frank & Betty Schemm June 15, 1953

50 years

Larry & Judy Lairmore May 29, 1958 Bob & Dorothy Beck June 14, 1958

LaVerne & Jean Reed June 21, 1958

Allison Carpenter 2008 Metro Christian Academy Graduate Recipient of the 2008-09 Asbury United Methodist Women Scholarship


Glorify God‌

Make Disciples

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