he Bible is a difficult book to read, understand, and apply. It is hard for
us because the most recent part of it was written over 1,900 years ago. It was not written in the English language. Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic were the native tongues. The places mentioned in the Bible are foreign to us. The Roman government and its methods were supreme, and very different from our own. The cultures were vastly dissimilar, even from one to another, and certainly unlike anything we know today. Their technology was primitive compared to ours. However, with some work on our part, we can bridge the gap and make the Bible our book, too. If we believe it is a worthwhile goal, we can train and equip ourselves. But let’s not kid ourselves: it DOES take some work. I feel my #1 job as your senior pastor at Asbury is to help connect you with the Bible, the “written Word.” I believe this is the very best way God has given us to encounter the “Living Word,” Jesus. The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, often said: “I am a man of one book.” While he read and authored innumerable books, he was a man of the Bible. I share in emphasizing this part of our heritage. This is why we focus on our “Daily Bible Reading and Prayer Journal” guide. I trust you are doing the daily readings. We are in the midst of a three-year Bible study on the Book of Acts. In 2009, we are focused on Acts 1-8. In the month of July I will be preaching from 4 texts: July 5: Acts 2:36-41, “What Shall We Do?” (Forgiveness) July 12: Acts 3:11-16, “We Are Witnesses of This” (Witness)
July 19: Acts 4:22-31, “With Great Boldness” (Empowerment) July 26: Acts 5:29-42, “Rejoicing in Suffering” (Perseverance) The “Day of Pentecost” is the birth of the church. The Holy Spirit was poured out upon the believers gathered in “The Upper Room.” It must have been incredible! These men who had been in hiding because of fear they would be hunted down and executed, too, were no longer timid. They lifted up their voices and boldly proclaimed that Jesus Christ was Lord. The Holy Spirit filled them to such an extent that they were later accused of having “turned the entire world upside down.” As we look at what happened in Acts, we see a lot of application for us. Much of what they did serves as models for how we are to engage with others in ministry. The issues of the church are our issues, too. We struggle with issues such as forgiveness, witness, empowerment, and perseverance. As Ecclesiastes says, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” Summer is a wonderful time to take vacations, to rest and relax. But I trust you will not neglect the key component of your life: your walk with God. I will look forward to seeing you in worship in July. Bring a friend, too! See you in July,
Dr. Tom Harrison
16 All in God’s Plan
3 What’s Happening
19 F.E.W.
4 United Methodist System
21 Grandpa John
7 The Soul Doctor
22 My Life: Nancy Williams
9 Volunteering for Children
24 Opportunities
12 A.B. Steen
32 New Members
14 A Modern Day Paul
34 Family Room
Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting www.asburytulsa.org
Managing Editor Tara Lynn Thompson taralynnthompson.com
Graphic Designer Nicole McMahan nicole@lookmacreative.com
Photographer Don Kreutzweiser donsimages.com
Guest Contributors Kara Beair • Kim Beair Marcia Curley • Christina Gray • Paul Iwanaga Dr. David Thomas • John Westervelt Nancy Williams • Dwight Yoder
dwight yoder, executive director
ast month I told you about a couple of challenges (“good problems”) we face as a result of our growth, specifically, adult meeting space and parking. There are two more issues to discuss. Capital expenses associated with our new facility are much higher than for our previous one. In the past it was possible to acquire adequate capital funding on an ad hoc basis. That is no longer viable. Averaged over the next 15 to 20 years our capital expenditures will likely exceed $500k per year. We need a formal funding plan. The second issue is our debt coming out of our initial relocation building program (recall that Mission Possible did not add to our debt). We owe $6,300,000 at 5.68%, scheduled to be paid off in 2017. This level of debt is generally considered very reasonable for a church of our size. Asbury has no problems making the payments. Within our membership some would be happy to have a higher debt level while others believe that paying off our existing debt should be a high priority. In recognition of the latter group, we arranged for a $1,000,000 prepayment at the end of 2011. This payment is optional, not required. These four issues, viz., meeting space, parking, capital funding, and debt, were addressed in a proposal from our administrative council based on input from the trustees, the Asbury Community Life Council, and other leaders. It was discussed at a town hall meeting on June 7, to which all members were invited. Here is a brief summary of the proposed $3.6 million project. Note that all costs are preliminary and approximate: · Extend the shell of the gym to cover the existing slab. Build adult meeting rooms therein: $1 million · Add parking in the southwest corner of our campus and possibly one or two other smaller spaces: $600,000 · Create a capital fund to augment existing funding over the next several years: $1 million · Collect funds for the $1 million debt payment: $1 million
The purpose of the town hall meeting was for discussion, not for a vote to accept or reject the proposal. Not all questions could be answered during the meeting. We have posted the questions along with answers on our website www. asburytulsa.org. In a straw poll the sentiment of those attending was overwhelming in favor of approving the project. Of those, some preferred to expand the adult space per the master plan, a more expensive option than proposed. Here is a broad outline of the next steps: · Over the summer continue to do the required study and analysis. · Present the final proposal at a church conference in mid summer. · Assuming it is approved, communicate to the congregation in September and October. · Accept pledges thereafter. · Pledge payments and construction beginning in January. Out of the discussions about these challenges has come heightened awareness of an acknowledged tension. We ask for three things from our congregation on a Sunday morning. They are worship, adult communities, and service. Yet there are only two time slots. It is easy to assign more significance to worship or community and skip over the service aspect. But Tom and our pastoral staff expect all three to be held in appropriate balance. It is therefore clearly necessary for us to miss, for periods of time, either community or worship in order to serve. Some are already doing this, missing one or the other for several months out of the year. We need many more to take this “balancing” step. Over the next month you will be hearing about even more Sunday morning serving opportunities. ASBURY TIDINGS
Our United Methodist System Dr. David thomas
o understand the United Methodist means our Bishops are the chief ministers of the system, you have to think “connec- church. There are 50 active Bishops and some 38 tional.” retired Bishops, and together they composed the
Ultimately, we are “connected” with all the
Council of Bishops.
other United Methodist Churches around the world
The Bishops give direction and oversight to the
through the General Conference. The General Con-
church between sessions of General Conference.
Ultimately, we are “connected” with all the other United Methodist Churches around the world through the General Conference… the governing body of our church. ference is the governing body of our church and is
They can speak to the church, though they cannot
the only body that can speak for the church. It meets
speak for the church.
every four years and is composed of some 1,000
Each active Bishop presides over an “Episcopal
delegates, equally divided between laity and clergy.
Area” or Annual Conference. Our “Episcopal Area”
The actions of General Conference are recorded
includes the state of Oklahoma and our presiding
in what is called the Discipline, which becomes the
Bishop is Robert E. Hayes, Jr., who has spoken at
“law” of the United Methodist Churches. Tom has
Asbury several times.
been a delegate to General Conference for several years.
We have 12 Districts in Oklahoma, and the District
We are also “connected” through our five Juris-
Superintendents and the Bishop form what is called
dictional Conferences, which also meets every four
the Cabinet. Our District Superintendent is Mike
years for the primary purpose of electing Bishops.
We operate under the Episcopal system, which
Each Annual Conference is divided into Districts.
With the help of his District Superintendents,
Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.
The people of The United Methodist Church®
Elders Tom Harrison • Jim Lenderman • Charles Ryser Spencer Smith • Sonny Plischke • David Thomas
Deacons Dick Read • Dub Ambrose • Todd Craig
Local Pastor Darlene Johnson the Bishop is responsible for making the pastoral
the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion,
appointments in his/her Episcopal Area. The pas-
and to order the life of the Church for mission and
tors are appointed, or re-appointed, at each Annual
ministry.” They are itinerant, which means “they of-
Conference. Bill Mason was “appointed” each year
fer themselves without reserve to be appointed to
to Asbury for 29 years and Tom Harrison as been
serve, after consultation, as the appointive authority
“appointed” to Asbury for 17 years.
(the Bishop) may determine.”
Appointments are made through what is called
Our Deacons include Dick Read, Dub Ambrose
the “consultative process.” The District Superin-
and Todd Craig. The Discipline states, “They are
tendents consult with the local church through the
called to Word and Service and are to equip others
Staff Parish Relations Committee and with the pas-
for a ministry of service through teaching, procla-
tor involved, and that information is shared with the
mation, worship and assisting the Elders in the
Cabinet as the Bishop prepares to make the appoint-
administration of the sacraments.” They are not
itinerant, though their appointment is “confirmed”
United Methodist pastors are divided into three categories: Elders, Deacons and Local Pastors.
by the Bishop each year. Darlene Johnson serves as a Local Pastor and the
The Elders at Asbury include Tom Harrison, Jim
Discipline states that she is “appointed to preach,
Lenderman, Charles Ryser, Spencer Smith, and the
conduct divine worship, and to perform the duties
two retired pastors on staff, Sonny Plischke and,
of a pastor” in her local church. Our new pastor, Tif-
my myself, David Thomas. Our Discipline states,
fany Smith, is a “certified candidate for ministry”
“Elders are ordained to a lifetime of ministry of
and is appointed as a Local Pastor preparing for
Service, Word, Sacrament and Order. They are au-
thorized to preach the Word of God, to administer ASBURY TIDINGS
THE STRUCTURE OF OUR CONNECTIONAL CHURCH GENERAL CONFERENCE • 1,000 Delegates (Clergy and Laity) • Meets Every Four Years (May/April) • Governing Body of UMC…Only One Which Can Speak for the Whole Church
GENERAL BOARDS AND AGENCIES • Helps to Develop Programs for the Local Churches
COUNCIL OF BISHOPS • 57 Active Bishops…38 Retired Bishops • Assigned to an Episcopal Area by Jurisdictional Episcopal Committee • They Can Speak to the Church…but not for the Church
JUDICIAL COUNCIL • 9 Members…Elected by General Conference Delegates • The Supreme Court of the UMC
JURISDICTIONAL CONFERENCES • 5 Jurisdictional Conferences…Meets Every Four Years…Elects Bishops
CENTRAL CONFERENCES • Outside the U.S….7 Central Conferences (Like Jurisdictional…Geographic) • Includes 46 Annual Conferences…5,165 Churches…1,160,500 Members
ANNUAL CONFERENCES • 72 Annual Conferences in the UMC • Basic Connectional Unit of the Church • 254,747 Members in the Oklahoma Conference • About 1,200 Delegates from Local Churches (Laity and Clergy)
DISTRICT CONFERENCES • 12 Districts in Oklahoma • 526 Districts in the UMC
THE LOCAL CHURCH • 600 Local Churches in the Oklahoma Conference • 250,000 Members
The Soul Doctor Introducing Our New Pastor, Tiffany Smith
kara beair
he month of July brings a host of exciting events, including the celebration of our nation’s birthday and church camp. As we usher in July at Asbury, we also welcome a new pastor, Tiffany Smith, to our church family. Tiffany grew up in Alva, Oklahoma, with parents Troy and Liz and siblings Tray and Tenille. She lived in a loving, God-centered household, where education and athletics were encouraged. Born and raised in the church, Tiffany loved going to Sunday school and church services. She was involved in VBS, Wednesday night activities, youth, Christmas plays, and children’s choir. “I guess you could say that if it was available then I was a part of it, but that is the advantage of being in a small congregation in a small town,” Tiffany said. “I would hear about God and God’s love, and I would see and experience it at home.” Being part of a family that valued love and helping others, Tiffany was naturally drawn to a life in ministry. Tiffany’s father is an Optometrist and her mother is his office manager. Watching him with his patients, she saw the tremendous opportunity to
serve others that a career in medicine provided. At the age of 10 or 11, Tiffany decided she wanted to be a physician. In the years that followed, she attended medical camp in Houston, participated in the Medical Explorers Program at the local hospital, shadowed numerous physicians, and participated in ASBURY TIDINGS
a medical mission. At Northwestern State University, she majored in Chemistry and minored in Biology. Tiffany was on her way to becoming a doctor, but when it came time to apply for medical school, something no longer felt right. For the last 12 years, she’d been focused on pursuing a career in medicine so she could help others for God. Suddenly, she realized she hadn’t exactly asked God what He wanted. With encouragement from her campus minister, Tiffany began to research the option of a career in full-time ministry.
said. “I also love telling others that when we say yes to God we are saying yes to ministry. Whatever your passion, you have a ministry!” Tiffany takes a well-rounded approach to life. “I very much believe in a holistic lifestyle, where we not only focus on the spiritual, but also on the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of ourselves,” she said. She maintains balance in her life by finding time to do things she enjoys, including working out, watching movies, writing, reading, being outside, and spending time with family. In addition to her
“I very much believe in a holistic lifestyle, where we not only focus on the spiritual, but also on the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of ourselves.” - Pastor Tiffany Smith “I love God, I love people, I love sports, I love missions and traveling in general, I love medicine, I love different cultures, I love serving, and I love my country and the men and woman that serve,” she said. “I was trying to figure out a career that could incorporate all of these passions. I started looking at ministry and what opportunities were available. This was the first time that I had ever heard of chaplaincy, especially in a hospital and the military. The military has two floating hospitals called the Comfort and the Mercy. I saw that I would be serving individuals between the average ages of 18 to 25, many of whom were athletes and all of whom loved their country. I would be at the bedside of the wounded not just physically, but spiritually as well.” Tiffany had finally found the career God had for her. He was leading her into full-time ministry and eventually toward a career as a military chaplain. After graduating with her Bachelor of Science in 2005, Tiffany went to the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. She graduated this past May with a Master of Divinity and a certificate in Pastoral Care. “I consider that I went from wanting to be a doctor of the body to now a doctor of the soul,” Tiffany
parents and siblings, she now has a sister-in-law named Whitney. There are also some important four-legged members of her family. Bella (a standard poodle) and Lucy (a border collie) live with her parents. Tray and Whitney also have two dogs, Daisy (a yorkie) and Duke (a beagle), who Tiffany refers to as her “niece and nephew.” Tiffany’s enthusiasm for ministry makes her a wonderful addition to Asbury. As a pastor, she feels the most important qualities she can possess are grace, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, transparency, and love. These are the characteristics she believes will best help her serve and support God’s people. Developing relationships and meeting needs are what Tiffany is all about, and her approach begins with love. “If there is no love, then you really do not have anything, even if you have an abundance of faith,” she said. Tiffany will focus on these principles as she serves Asbury and the people of Tulsa. Tiffany Smith always knew she wanted to practice medicine. As she begins her career at Asbury, she’ll be doing so—as a doctor of the spiritual kind. The “Soul Doctor” is in.
Volunteering for the Children christina gray • photos by christy capps
very Sunday over 250 volunteers invest their time in Children’s Ministry. These volunteers have gotten to ex-
perience firsthand the joy of teaching a child about Jesus. Some of those volunteers have made working with children their personal ministry and their passion shines through in everything they do. Four years ago, Rex Powell offered to play his guitar in each of the two-year-old classrooms. He spends time in each room, singing several songs like, ‘Jesus Loves Me’ and the ‘B-I-B-L-E’ song. Rex said he has played for several different audiences but these kids are by far his favorite. Kids are genuine, he said, and he enjoys watching them grow from apprehensive and shy to excited and involved with the music. A good example of that excitement is little Kaydee. When she hears Rex singing in the next room, she runs and gets him a chair, puts it on the rug and then sits down with her doll because she can’t wait to sing with him. Rex said moments like that make him realize the blessings are coming back to him tenfold. Cary and Susie Wood have been long time volunteers in Children’s Ministry, serving for over 24
years. They found a passion for teaching three-yearold children the Gospel and have never left. Cary, who was a high school teacher for many years, says the perspective of three-year-old children is refreshing, and it’s rewarding to watch them grow and be a part of that. Susie’s love for the kids shows in her actions. She is always bringing special crafts and puzzles for the kids, and she makes dress up clothes and homemade play-dough that the kids can’t wait to get their hands in. She cherishes the special moments like last Sunday when she finished the story and a child announced that Susie deserved a reward for telling them the “Bible School Story” and walked up and gave Susie a heartfelt hug, which was proceeded by several more hugs from the other children. Susie said they may not be able to do this for another 24 years, but perhaps some of the children they have taught will become their replacements. Then they can show God’s love to another generation and receive hugs, smiles and kisses as their rewards. Eldon and Amy Trimble love volunteering in Children’s so much so they created their own community, Shepherds Flock, which meets on Tuesday ASBURY TIDINGS
nights so they could serve both hours every Sunday. Their Sundays are busy, they trade off two- and three-year-old children at 9:15 am and then at 11 am, they go upstairs and work with kindergarten. Eldon is also the voice for Scout the Squirrel in the Kindergarten Big Group. And it’s not just volunteering they are involved in. Eldon has played a big part in the painting of the Children’s wing and Amy made the fun pillows on the benches in the main children’s entrance. They embody a servant attitude and are always willing and ready to help in any way they can. Bill Sparkman began volunteering when we moved into the new building six years ago. God had put a desire in his heart to give back, and he found a place in H2O with the third and fourth graders. He quickly realized how important it was to build a relationship with the kids and began volunteering every
Sunday. Bill began leading a small group and now, in addition to that, he helps get the room ready and leads the other volunteers in prayer before class starts. His wife, Mary Jane, decided to join him in his ministry two years ago. Like Bill, she volunteers every Sunday. Mary Jane chose to teach the two year olds because she enjoys spending time with them and watching them grow. Her goal is to help each little one to become comfortable at church, learn about Jesus, and learn how to give. Angie Anderson grew up knowing that part of going to church meant serving. Two and a half years ago she was trying to decide where to serve and Bill Sparkman suggested she join him in H2O because they needed more small group leaders. While Angie doesn’t have kids of her own, she learned that didn’t matter and began building a relationship with her group of kids. When asked about a special memory, she shared the time a parent came up to her one Sunday to tell
Angie that her daughter told her she only had two friends at church. When the mom asked who they were, the daughter named a girl in class and Angie. The little girl said, “I know Angie is my teacher, but she is also my friend.” Steve Wright agreed to be a helper in a two-yearold class because that was where the greatest need was. At the end of that first class when Steve put on his coat to leave, a little boy tried to pull if back off so Steve would stay. Soon he was asked to be the room leader and teach each week. Steve said he remembers thinking that teaching wasn’t what he signed up for but he knew God was in charge and soon realized how important it was for him to be there. Now when a three-year-old child stops in the hallway on Sunday and says “Mom, that’s my Sunday School teacher!” he thinks, ‘I am making a difference in the life of a child.’ Not all of our volunteers are on the front line Sunday morning. Some volunteers, like Ruth Beatie, work quietly behind the scenes. Ruth comes every Monday and helps with whatever is needed. She
helps regroup after Sunday, does filing, and gets the crafts ready for the next Sunday. That might sound like a simple task, but the elementary area has over 600 kids and many times their crafts rival science class. Her help means the staff in children’s can focus their time on creating the lessons and preparing the Bible story for each room. When I was talking to each of these volunteers I noticed a few common denominators. First, humility. None of them wanted to be in the spotlight. They all shared with me that they were the ones receiving the blessings, that they were getting more than they were giving, and that serving in Children’s was just their way of giving back to the Church. Second, each of them has a passion for teaching these kids about Jesus. They know the time they spend here each Sunday makes a difference, and they are helping build a foundation that will last forever in the heart of each child. Join us on Sunday in the Children’s Ministry. Come play, have fun and make a difference.
A.B. Steen A Life of Leadership
“He was always available to give me council. I soon learned, after A.B. and his family joined Asbury, that he was a very wise man and I’d do well to seek his council.” - Pastor Emeritus Bill Mason tara lynn thompson
.B. Steen’s coach gave him some advice.
“He told me, ‘I hope you don’t get a desk job and stop doing things. You’ve been so active,” Steen said, remembering the conversation on his college graduation day. “I’ve always tried to stay active.” Those words have defined his life. Steen has always been active, active in life, active with work, active volunteering and serving and guiding. Now, after 17 years on the Asbury United Methodist Administrative Council, he is retiring, taking his activity into his golf game. “There’s only one complaint I have about A.B. Steen: I just wish he would let me beat him in golf,” said Pastor Tom Harrison. “But I guess some things are just impossible.” Never sedentary for long, Steen has been a man knocking down challenges with actions. At age 16, he graduated from Tulsa Central High School at 127 pounds, too small to have participated in any sporting activity other than wrestling his senior year. That didn’t stop him from attending college on an athletic scholarship. “I just tried out. And they said, ‘okay’,” Steen said, who walked off the court that day with a basketball scholarship.
He was younger, quite a bit younger, than his fellow college classmates, most returning from their wartime service in the U.S. Military. But if it affected him at all, it was just a pause. “All the guys came back from World War II, so the average age was 25. And here I was a 16 year old in class with all these G.I.’s,” Steen said, who graduated from Panhandle A&M as a 150-pound football, basketball, and baseball player, as well as a participant in track. He would teach and coach for a year before wearing a U.S. military uniform himself. His draft notice came. He had seven days to pick a military service and join. In December 1950, he married his sweetheart Gwen. By 1951, he was serving as an Air Traffic Controller with the U.S. Air Force, spending a year in the Aleutian Islands and over two years at Andrews Air Force Base in D.C.. Completing his military service in 1955, Steen and his wife moved back to Tulsa. He eventually went to work for T.D. Williamson, starting as a project engineer and 34 years later, retiring as the President and CEO. “He was the first non-family member to be appointed President of T.D. Williamson. That said a lot of what Mr. Williamson thought of A.B., to make
him President over his son,” said Pastor Emeritus Bill Mason. The years in between, however, would send him and his family to Europe for eight years. He and Gwen had three boys by now, ages 3, 8, and 10. The move off American soil would be a defining experience in their lives. They lived the first four years in England, joining an old Methodist Church on High Street, where Steen volunteered as a Pour Steward during Communion. “It was so cold,” he said, recalling the services. “I remember sitting on my hands. Everyone kept their overcoats on because there was no heat.” Heavy in tradition, the church eventually constructed a new building and the Queen Mother attended the dedication. “I couldn’t believe the pomp and circumstance that occurred,” Steen said, concerning her visit. “My job was to open the door when she came through.” Eventually, TD Williamson moved Steen to Belgium to build a new factory for the manufacturing of pipeline maintenance equipment. His family joined a protestant church in Brussels, connected with pegs so it could be moved. Situated between the Flemish or Dutch speaking residents of the north and the French speaking residents of the south, the church families, including Steen’s, would visit smaller congregations in the area. He remembers one particular day while attending a poor church in the French area, the choir, in honor of the American attendees, sang “Swanee River” in their native tongue and sacrificed to feed them sandwiches. Eventually, Steen moved back to Tulsa, settling in a home close to Asbury. Before leaving the U.S., he and his wife had been members of Trinity Methodist Church. “Gwen wanted to go back. She told me, ‘We have all our friends at Trinity,’” said Steen, who was curious about Asbury since it was so close. “I told her, ‘We’ll still have them. But we’ll make new friends at Asbury.’ That was ‘71 or ’72, and I haven’t been disappointed.” Steen said the biggest asset of the church has been the strength of the pastors. “I’ve seen the growth in the church. Growth has to be because we’re offering whatever people need who join,” he said. Pastor Tom says he has been the blessed recipient
of Steen’s guidance and direction during his service to the church. “A.B. has been like a giant Redwood tree for me since I’ve been at Asbury,” said Pastor Tom. “He has been one of the greatest sources of encouragement and wisdom to me in my life. I have sought his counsel on numerous occasions through my 16 years here. I have learned that when ‘A.B. speaks, I should listen.’ I know I speak for a lot of people when I speak of my deep appreciation and affection for A.B. and Gwen Steen. These are remarkable people!” Steen, however, always redirects the praise. “I’ve always gotten better press than I deserved. The reason I can work with people is because that’s what I did in business. I always wanted people smarter than me around me or they couldn’t help me. You give people an assignment and then let them go. Don’t micromanage,” Steen said. “It’s a great board. There are good thinkers on the board who have kept us out of trouble a lot of times, both financially and otherwise. I’ve served my time. It’s time for somebody else.” ASBURY TIDINGS 13
A Modern Day Paul marcia curley
ust like the Apostle Paul, Philip Lian is passionate about spreading the Gospel of Jesus to the people of his country. “He is a modern day Paul,” says Gail Knox, Asbury Bible teacher and founder of Word Among Us Ministry. “He is taking the gospel to remote areas and planting churches in the tradition of Paul and Silas.” Despite the many challenges and obstacles he faces daily, Philip pours himself into his faith and his family, and he’s making a difference in the lives of everyone he touches. His given name is Van Lal Lian but was later named Philip when he became a believer. It is a tradition in his native Myanmar to be given a Christian name when a person decides to follow Christ. Myanmar, also known as Burma, is a country that is situated between India, China, and Thailand. It’s a country that is ruled by a military-led dictatorship, and the government has no qualms whatsoever about using violence to squelch anyone who disagrees with them. Yangon, the capital city of Myanmar, is home to over four million people and a huge majority of them are Buddhist (89 percent). Here in Yangon, Philip formed his Antioch-style church in his home in 2006. The church is known as Yangon Grace Bible 14 ASBURY TIDINGS
Fellowship, and it also operates a newly opened bible school called Yangon Grace Bible School. “Philip is a visionary,” says Gail. At 5’10” tall, Philip is taller than most Burmese people and is a natural-born leader. “He is a dynamic young man and is always thinking strategically on how to reach people for Christ.” Imagine living in a country where it is illegal for five or more people to gather together, a gathering of any type—peaceful or otherwise. This is one of the daily challenges of living in Myanmar. Although illegal, this law is rarely enforced. But the fear is always there…hanging over their heads…an everpresent threat. Despite this threat, the vision of Yangon Grace Bible Fellowship and its Bible School is clear—to plant Antioch-type churches throughout Myanmar, reaching even the most remote villages. They train and equip believers to not only go and reach people for Christ, but to also build churches so the new believers can grow in their faith. So far, they have planted nine churches in remote parts of the country and have sent out nine native missionaries to pastor these congregations. Oftentimes these villages may be as far as a six-day journey—two days on a “third-world” bus (the kind with no air conditioning…sharing a seat with a chicken…lots of body aromas…you know, the kind we only see in movies). This two-day bus
trip is followed by another two days in a canoe-type boat down muddy and leech-infested waters. Then finally, it’s two days on foot through treacherous mountain terrain. Once the pastor-missionaries reach these villages, they are met with no water and no electricity. Sickness and dysentery are common. Malaria is a common illness, too. Like many, Philip has malaria and sometimes he is hit with an episode that zaps
him of his strength and energy. Overcoming ancient or old philosophy is also a daily encounter. A popular spirituality found in this part of the world is a philosophy called Animism. This is the belief that everything has a spirit or a soul. Whether it’s an object like a rock or a car or some kind of natural phenomena like thunder and lightning, Animism says all these things possess a spirit and are worthy of worshipping. Perhaps the biggest obstacle to spreading the good news is the lack of communication tools. In a country where there are over 100 dialects, there is only one Burmese Bible translation. In the U.S., a person simply goes into a bookstore and buys whatever translation of the Bible they most prefer. In Myanmar, if a person speaks one of these other
dialects, there aren’t any other options. This is the primary reason that Philip decided a few years ago to teach himself English. Using audiotapes, he would
listen over and over again, practicing in front of a mirror until he was able to speak the words. “He has so much charisma and enthusiasm,” says Gail. “And God is using him to reach the Burmese people.” Philip and his fellowship of Believers enthusiastically answer the vision to which God has called them. In the three short years since the beginning of Yangon Grace Bible Fellowship, many people have turned to follow Christ. In a country where only four percent of the population is Christian, the harvest is ripe and God is doing great things in this part of the world. He and his wife, Dante, say it best on the church’s website, “Life is a challenge and ministry is full of challenges. So, do not look for excuses.” They add, “There is no greater joy than to invest who we are and what we have in the lives of people that He created for His glory.” In all that they do, they do it for the Glory of God. For more information on Philip Lian’s ministry, go to www.ygbflife.weebly.com ASBURY TIDINGS 15
All in God’s Plan paul iwanaga
remember when I first started working with the youth at Asbury United Methodist Church. We took a spiritual gifts test. I looked at the results of my test only to find a mistake—it said teacher #2 and missionary #1. I quickly crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. I was in my first year of teaching and had never been outside of the United States on any mission trip. The thought of being a missionary was scary. A few weeks later I was in Rio Bravo, Mexico on my first spring break mission trip. That week turned out to be a life changing moment and left me yearning for my next mission trip. In the summer of 2008, I was hanging out with two very close friends named Bobby and Marsha, who had stumbled across the website for “The World Race.” I always wanted to travel around the world and this mission trip included traveling to 11 countries in 11 months. I clicked on the August of 2009 trip (the only trip I could do because of school). It included stops in Israel and Egypt, two places I’ve always wanted to visit. The whole thing sounded pretty cool, but I wasn’t ready for a yearlong mission trip. God planted a seed that evening and was getting ready
to water it. On the evening of January 20th, 2009, I had left my Life Group to head over to Bobby and Marsha’s house. This was the routine I had become accustomed to doing every Tuesday night. We began discussing “The World Race” and I decided to pull up the website and click on the application. I couldn’t believe the application was so long, and I wasn’t serious enough to pay the $39 application fee, so I just saved and closed the application. Luckily God wasn’t ready to throw in the towel like me. The next day I received a voicemail from a woman at Adventures in Missions regarding my “The World Race” application. She noticed I had started to fill out the application and wanted to let me know they were waiving the application fee through Friday. That night, I decided to look at “The World Race” website again and began to fill out the application. I didn’t have any excuses. It wasn’t going to cost me anything. That Sunday our pastor was talking about missions and how the church could do so much more in the world if we had the resources—people willing to go and people willing to support. I felt like the sermon was just for me that day. At the end of the sermon he concluded with the
www.pauliwanaga.theworldrace.org results of a survey directed at older adults, it asked, “Do you regret the things that you did or the things that you didn’t do?” He said 84 percent regretted the things they didn’t do in life, only 16 percent regretted the things they did. At this point I felt convicted. When I arrived home later that afternoon, I came up with a list of obstacles that were preventing me from being a missionary. The first thing on my list was finances. I was tied down to a mortgage and car payment. The second item on my list was my auntie Carolyn, my mom’s sister, who was a second mother to me growing up. She had been battling cancer for more than four years. The idea of leaving the country while her health was deteriorating made me feel uneasy. The third thing on my list was my job. I had this great teaching job and job security, which doesn’t come easy in our economy. Later that same Sunday evening, I received a call from my mom. My aunt wasn’t well and she was heading to the hospital in Chicago where she had been admitted. On Tuesday evening, I flew to Chicago right after work. I stayed with her during the night, giving my mom and cousins a chance to rest, and it gave me the opportunity to spend valuable time with my auntie. A few days later my auntie Carolyn passed away. On the drive home from Chicago, my dad and I
had some really deep conversations. He also talked to me about giving my brother and me an interest free loan. I kept telling him no thanks, but he kept insisting. When I added up the money I had saved over the past two years, along with my dad’s loan, I was able to pay off my car loan and remaining student loans. That week, I sat down with my boss to tell him about the mission trip, hoping he would consider hiring me back when I returned. He told me that I should check into a leave of absence, instead. Within the month, the Broken Arrow School Board would approve my request. By the time the phone interview rolled around, all three things on my list, my excuses for not being a missionary, were gone. When I realized this I was blown away. The interview went great. They would call me back in a few days with the results, whether I would go on the August 2009 trip or not. Meanwhile, I started asking around to find someone wanting to rent my house, as well as a way to keep my yard mowed. Not long after, I had dinner with a friend, Kara, whom I had reconnected with on Facebook. While enjoying a meal at my favorite Japanese restaurant, I told her about wanting to rent my house. When she learned the address, she was shocked. Kara had ASBURY TIDINGS 17
been looking for a home in my neighborhood for eight months. And not only that, she loved mowing and landscaping. Her current lease ended at the end of July. I left on August 1. God had not only addressed all of my concerns, but He had blessed me more than I could have ever dreamed. In the middle of our conversation, I received a call from “The World Race” letting me know I had been accepted. I was speechless. But God wasn’t done yet. One more miracle was still coming.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” Hebrews 12:1
On Thanksgiving Day, 2008, I slipped while searching for “hidden treasure” in a river bed with my cousins, popping my arm out of socket. It eventually popped back in, after several deep breaths and a few replayed scenes of Mel Gibson in “Lethal Weapon” throwing his shoulder against a hard surface to knock it back into socket. I went to see my bone and joint doctor, Dr. Dukes, in mid-December, who took an x-ray that showed a growth in my left shoulder. “I don’t want to scare you, but you really need to get this looked at,” he said. A few days later, on my first visit to see Dr. Reinking, my new primary care physician, he looked at the x-ray and immediately ordered a cat scan. At this point I had only told Steve, Bobby, and Marsha about the growth in my left shoulder and asked them to pray about it. By the time February rolled around I felt like God definitely wanted me to be on this mission trip. All I had to do is remind myself of all the obstacles I had already overcome, but at the same time I didn’t understand why I had this growth in my shoulder. I couldn’t help but wonder why me. I knew whether this growth was benign or malignant, the doctors would push me to have 18 ASBURY TIDINGS
surgery to take it out for testing. If that happened, I knew I would probably miss the mission trip to Guatemala and the required training dates in late May for “The World Race.” The night before my cat scan, I was with Steve leading our group of high school senior boys. As the evening concluded and we were about to pray, Steve told our small group I had some type of growth in my shoulder and asked them to pray. The next day I went in for the cat scan. When the results came back a few days later, the doctors
couldn’t find anything in my shoulder anymore. I was blown away again. It was a miracle. Looking back on my life I can see some things very clearly. First, I know why I’m still single. I’ve realized that God has a plan for me. If I had married the last serious girl I dated, I probably wouldn’t be going on this trip. Or if I had found someone I’d probably be engaged or wanting to see where the relationship was heading. Second, I understand that God planted many seeds along the way, including that spiritual gifts test many years ago. Third, God knew when I became a teacher He could work on my heart and give me a heart towards missions. I never had opportunities to go on mission trips growing up, so by becoming a teacher my schedule allowed me to go on mission trips over spring break and during the summer. Editor’s Note: Currently, Paul has raised $7,540 for the World Race, but he needs $14,800. If you would like to donate or read more about Paul’s incredible story, visit www.pauliwanaga.theworldrace.org
lifted up
Looking for a F.E.W. Good Men (or Women) kim beair, ms, lpc, ncc
o you have what it takes when author of this gospel. Acts is a powerful, historically significant account times get tough? Thank goodness for
times of prosperity and blessing—we all need them. But when the going gets tough, do you get going, and if so, are you going in the right direction? When we look at the themes in Acts such as Forgiveness, Empowerment, Witness and Perseverance, we should also examine the life of Luke, the presumed
chronicling the 30 years from the beginning of the Christian church through the spread of the Word to the Gentiles. Luke traveled with Paul and writes about the life and times of both Jesus and Paul in a way that inspires us to persevere in difficult times. In addition to authoring the text, Luke demonstrated
that like Jesus and Paul, he was a guy who could persevere. Think about the impact of Luke, as you ponder the impact of your life for the work of Christ. Luke was a physician, yet he traveled with Paul and became an author for Christ. We could wonder what he thought when his life went from a cultured, educated physician healer to servant of Christ. Can you imagine a physician today giving up his practice, Lexus, lake home and golf membership to travel around with a
cannot possibly do what is asked? Like Moses, Paul murdered, but he forgave himself and quickly moved on to do the work set before him. Of course, it might be a little easier to get to work if Christ would strike us blind on our donkeys to make the point! No matter how they got there, at least in the end, Moses and Paul were empowered to go forward for the cause. Think about Peter, who likely always had to accept forgiveness and mercy for his rash acts — even in front of Jesus. Unfortunately, being bold for
The Book of Acts: F: Forgiveness – What shall we do? Acts 2:36-41 E: Empowerment – With great Boldness. Acts 4:23-31 W: Witness – We are Witnesses of This. Acts 3:11-16 Rejoice in Suffering: Perseverance guy who used to kill Christians? And what about all those years of medical school down the drain to pick up writing? Do you have any idea why you are called in your own life to do what you do? God chose the authors of the Bible for specific purposes. Various Biblical authors appeal to different groups of readers. Luke was a physician, and by and large, physicians deal with the facts. Luke’s factual, historical writings have served to be confirmed by archaeological findings, and that actually gives tremendous credibility to the scriptures and the Christian Church as a whole. So when he took up his work for Christ, including traipsing around with Paul, his life likely took a major turn very different from the “intellectual” one he had already embarked upon. Lucky is any man or woman who enjoys a very stable, ongoing life with few bumps in the road. But when the bumps appear, do we hold on for the ride, or just stop in the road? Chances are that bump is not going to go away. Luke could have talked himself out of his ultimate calling because his initial calling was to be a physician. We now see the impact of why he was chosen for this job, as his kind of brain and training was needed for God’s purpose of meeting the historical and knowledgeable-minded folks in a scientific, historically proven way. When God calls us to do something, anything, are we Moses by making every excuse of why we 20 ASBURY TIDINGS
Christ sometimes means we make mistakes along the way in our efforts to balance boldness and foolishness. But that is part of the journey. If we learn to forgive ourselves and others, we can move forward more quickly to do the job at hand. There are positives and negatives to balancing healthy boldness and empowerment, while staying humble before Christ to do the jobs we are called to do. We will make mistakes—so how do we persevere when we are busy kicking ourselves? Many of us are our own worst critics, but God is not that much of a critic himself. He only expects three things of us when we make our mistakes. He expects that we “get it,” make an effort to avoid doing the same things in the future, and come to Him boldly for forgiveness and mercy so we can move forward without condemnation. Will your witness be to forgive and empower yourself to do the work that needs to be done? Can you persevere when you make mistakes and keep going whether you are embarrassed, humiliated or mad at yourself? Can you extend forgiveness and empowerment to others to encourage them to keep going? None of us are perfect in this area, but today is another day for a new beginning. Be one of the FEW, and persevere! The end result will definitely be worth it, and like Luke’s story, it might surprise you.
Redeemed and Forgiven john westervelt
saiah, speaking for God, says we this day. “Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new are redeemed and called by name. strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles,
This prophet lived in Jerusalem during the latter half of the eighth century B.C. during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. In 740 B.C., the year Uzziah died, Isaiah saw a vision of the Lord. He heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send as a messenger to my people?
they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah shared that God redeems us and calls us by name. In the New Testament, Peter and Jesus share more insight into God’s redemption and forgiveness. Peter said in Acts 2:38, “Repent, and let each of you
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine! Isaiah 43:1 NAS Who will go?” Isaiah answered, “Here am I, Lord. Send me.” Thus began the career of an eloquent, prolific prophet who gave words of wisdom to kings, as well as to the common man. As a boy I knew little about Isaiah, still I had heard his words, “They will hammer their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, and never again will they learn war.” Years later, these words continue to impart hope in these turbulent times. Isaiah records God’s encouragement for His people. “He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in Him.” “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’” “For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but my lovingkindness will not be removed from you.” Isaiah found words of hope for the people of Judah in their day. These same words offer hope to me on
be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Peter is letting me know that I must repent of my sins and be baptized to receive the joy of having the Holy Spirit with me at all times. If I ever think I can not forgive someone, I must think again. Jesus said in Matthew 6:14-15, “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Forgiving sets me free from resentment. With the release of resentment, I become a free man, and that feels good.
My Life...
My “Intentional” God nancy williams
I remember the many years of silence. I rememomeone once told me that “God ber the depth of the despair I felt. I thought back to a is far more intentional about our time at the age of 19 when I wanted to end my life. wholeness than we are”! I decided a It was then that I felt the intentional presence of God
long time ago I was “messed up” and would always be “broken.” I used to say that I was as “whole” as I could be this side of heaven. It was 1991 and I found myself in my early 30s, married for ten years and with two children. Every day my life felt like such a struggle for me, like running in deep sand. Each day I struggled with anxiety, guilt and lack of forgiveness. My marriage was a struggle because of the “walls” I had built. My sweet husband, Steve, bestowed love on me that I could not receive because I could not love myself. How could He love me? Intimacy and innocence had been damaged as a result of childhood sexual abuse. This had left me full of shame and guilt. My subsequent wrong choices as a “messed up” young woman only added to my brokenness. This was not the sort of thing you could ever talk about, especially for a young Christian woman in the CHURCH! I knew I needed help, but I did not know where to turn. I was a Christian. I was active in a large downtown church. I was involved in the music ministry, but the last place I wanted to seek help was from my church. Besides, it took too much time and effort to work on “wholeness.”
beginning to work in my life. Specific events actually prevented a suicide attempt. And a hospitalization began a new direction in my life and the beginning of a healing process that continues today. Back to the ten year marriage mark. I had a friend and neighbor who confided in me one day about some marriage problems she was having. I felt like she was telling MY story. She was looking to me for help, and I had nothing to offer! I cried out to God for help and healing. I wanted the past to be removed from my present life. A few days later I was out for a drive when a song came on the radio. It was a favorite artist of mine, Amy Grant. The lyrics of the song literally made me stop the car to listen...and to cry. Ask her how she knows there’s a God up in the heavens. Where did He go in the middle of her shame? Ask her how she knows there`s a God up in the heavens She said His mercy is bringing her life again. “Ask Me,” by Amy Grant So…once again I felt the intentional presence of God pushing me out of my apathy and into action. If I did not get help, how could I help my friend? How
could I save my marriage? If Amy Grant wrote a song about sexual abuse and it was on the radio, then surely I could talk to someone at my church about it. I began an intense journey over the next few years of healing and forgiveness. This journey required action, commitment and an intentional effort on my part. God was intentional in “leading this horse to water” but it was up to me to “drink.” God’s intentional provision: A female minister to confide in. The right counselor to follow-up with. Being encouraged to attend “The Walk to Emmaus” (A spiritual retreat fo-
comfort we ourselves have received.” In 1994, we began to attend Asbury where God’s intentional healing continued: in Tom’s sermons, through the wonderful music, and in a wonderful counseling relationship turned friendship with Charlene Giles (Asbury’s Family/Marriage ministry leader). Charlene invited Steve and I to be a part of the marriage ministry team. She encouraged me to have a Stephen’s minister and invited me to explore a ministry called Celebrate Recovery. She also introduced me to Glen Grusendorf, Cel-
“Praise be to the God of all comfort who comforts us in
our struggles so that we may comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received.” 2 Cor. 1:3-4
cusing on God’s very intentional grace). Meeting another young woman on a similar journey. Having a husband willing to walk through this time with me. People and events along the way to encourage and help me. Most importantly my “higher power,” Jesus Christ! My intentional response: Putting one foot in front of the other as I walked through the doors God opened. Sometimes it was exhausting, but each step brought me closer to God and closer to wholeness. A favorite scripture of mine is ll Cor 1:3,4 “Praise be to the God of all comfort who comforts us in our struggles so that we may comfort others with the
ebrate Recovery’s ministry leader. I guess Charlene was pretty INTENTIONAL herself. I am now blessed to be the worship leader at Asbury’s Celebrate Recovery, a ministry where we are very INTENTIONAL about allowing our “higher power,” Jesus Christ, to heal us from our Hurts, Habits and Hang-ups. God has certainly made me more “whole” this side of Heaven! He has bestowed His INTENTIONAL love on me. He has blessed me with three children and 27 years with Steve (the last 17 better than the first 10). God has INTENTIONALLY changed my life! ASBURY TIDINGS 23
Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled?
New Additions to the Library
Be sure to let Asbury know ahead
resource. Thank you to all who
of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146
continue to contribute books to
so your pastors can be in prayer for
our Library.
general information
you. When you enter the hospital,
church. The after-hours pastoral
Served from 7:15-9 am in the
emergency line can be reached by
CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with
calling 492-1771, selecting option
Asburians along with fresh donuts,
2, and leaving a message for the
bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage,
pastor on call.
please designate Asbury as your
eggs, fruit, and cereal. $3 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under.
Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an
Sunday Morning Worship
Asbury pastor to officiate and/or
8 am, Mason Chapel
use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to
(Traditional Communion)
book ASAP to allow ample time
9:15 am, Sanctuary
for Couple-to-Couple (required
premarital sessions). Six months to
9:15 am, CLC (Open House Wor-
one year lead time suggested.
ship) (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting)
The Gazebo is Open
11 am, Sanctuary (Traditional)
CDs of Tom’s “Message of the Day”
11 am, Venue68 (Modern with sign
are available immediately following
the worship service for $3. Prayer Journals are also available for $5
Sundays for Children & Students
6 Weeks-4 Yrs: 8:00, 9:15 & 11 am K-6th Grades: 9:15 or 11 am
7th-9th Grades: 9:15 & 11 am
Recycle unwanted paper products.
10th-12th Grades: 9:15 am only
Three bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots.
Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, & 11 am and Wednes-
Asbury Family News is available at
days, 6 pm and Shepherd’s Flock
the Welcome Centers. It includes
on Tuesdays at 6 pm. NEW! “Gen-
hospital lists, births, deaths,
erations” on Sundays at 11 am—a
marriages, baptisms and military
multigenerational community made
up of people from all demographics: married, single, young, and
Doors of Asbury posters are at the
“seasoned” spanning 6 decades in
Welcome Centers…FREE! Suitable
age groups! (See Discipleship).
for framing.
The Asbury Library is a wonderful
access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6-7 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Community Sundays, 11 am, Rm. 1507
bible study RoadMap Coming soon! Summer 2009 RoadMap courses in the new brochure and on the Asbury website at www. asburytulsa.org
care and support GriefShare Tuesdays, May 5 – July 28, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 2500. GriefShare is a special weekly video series and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It’s a safe place to be around people who understand what you are feeling. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future. Cost: $12 for workbook. Childcare available. You may begin attending this group at any time… each session is “self-contained.” Visits to Asbury Members Asbury has a unique group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are either homebound or in nursing homes. If you are interested in being visited, call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact
the coordinator, Abby Sluice at
Eating Disorder Recovery
Core Childcare Hours:
First and third Wednesdays, 12-1:30
Parents who are involved in
pm. For individuals seeking support
RoadMap classes during these core
Prayer Card Sending Team
in the recovery process. Bring sack
hours will have childcare provided
Usually meets first and third
for children 6 weeks-12 yrs. of age
Mondays at 10 am in Rm. 1621 to send cards with God’s encouraging words and our prayers to those who are ill or going through hard times. Cards and care packages are also sent to Asbury-related military personnel. Contact Gwen Mohler at grmohler@aol.com for more information, or call 392-1146. Asperger Support Group First Thursday from 7-9 pm in Rm. 1506. For mothers of children with Asperger Syndrome. Childcare
with no reservations needed: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Sun: 8 am-12 pm
First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30
Tue, Wed, & Thur: 6-9 pm
pm, Rm 1506. Mental Health Support for Families For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. 4th Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm, Parlor. Military Connection Please join us in praying for our troops in harm’s way and their
families. Periodic care packages and
Alzheimer’s Support Group
God’s Word are sent to Asbury-re-
Third Thursday, from 1:30-3 pm in Rm. 1621. Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4-6 pm, Parlor. For those living with
monthly encouragement cards with lated military personnel. The Prayer Ministry also covers them in prayer. Please send contact information (complete name and address) to Gwen Mohler at grmohler@aol.com or call 392-1146. Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bear Bags with coloring
cancer and their family and friends.
books have comforted young
Divorce Recovery
you may give a Bear Bag with a
Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare available. Divorce Rebuilding
children for many years, but now scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For more information, contact Beth at 392-1116.
Mon & Tue: 9 am-12 pm
Murdock Villa A mission opportunity for our 5th & 6th grade students. Usually the second Sunday of the month from 12:30-3:30 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat, then visit Murdock Villa where we will play Bingo and do crafts with special needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. Limited to 10 kids each month. For further information contact Jami at 392-1166. Family Game Night Thursday, July 9, 6-9 pm. Let’s play some Bingo! Come enjoy this free family night out and play a game with your kids! We’ll have prizes for our Bingo winners. This would be a fun event to bring some friends along with you. Concessions including hot dogs and nachos will be for sale. No registration necessary. For more information call Jennifer Barnes at 392-4582 or jbarnes@ asburytulsa.org Toddler n’ Me Tuesday, July 14, 10 - 11:30 am, Children’s 2nd Floor Gathering Area, 2 & 3 year olds. Cost: $3/child
Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.
For those ready to rebuild their
Registration forms for all children’s
is s special time for a parent and/or
lives after separation or divorce.
activities are available in the
grandparent and their two and
Childcare available.
preschool and elementary lobbies.
three-year olds to enjoy activities
and Adults are Free. Toddler n’ Me
designed for everyone to have lots ASBURY TIDINGS 25
of fun just being together! Nursery
Family Talent Show
will be provided for younger (over 6
Thursday, July 30, 6-8:30 pm, CLC.
weeks) and older (up to 6th grade)
Asbury’s Got Talent! Calling all
siblings. Cost is $3/child to help
families…We are showcasing some
cover supplies. Please register in
of the amazing talent we have here
PT Nursery Staff Positions Available Part-time position will work 1015 hours weekly in the Asbury
advance to help with planning for
at Asbury. We welcome all family
Nursery. The schedule will include
supplies. For more information
and solo talent. This is a great fam-
Sunday morning from 8:30 am-
call Kim Broadhurst at 392-1165 or
ily event for all of us to enjoy with
12:30 pm with a few remaining
a concession stand open for busi-
hours during the childcare weekday
ness. Each act needs to complete
and weeknight core hours. Suc-
Mega Movie Morning
a registration form and remember
cessful applicant should have a
Thursday, July 16, 10 am-12 pm, 4
that all contents of the act and
love for children, willingness to
year olds – 6th graders, Children’s
costumes must be church appropri-
portray Christian beliefs and values
2nd Floor Gathering Area. Take
ate. And if you have no talent you
to children and families. Resumés
one.…and Action! Come join us
want to share, it would be a great
should be sent to Vicki Ihrig, Asbury
in your pajamas for a morning of
time to sit back and enjoy the show;
UMC, 6767 S. Mingo Rd., Tulsa, OK,
movies. We will be offering 3 movie
our performers would appreciate
74133 or call her at 918-392-1160.
choices and have a concession
an audience! For more information
stand open for your favorite snacks.
call Kim Broadhurst at 392-1165 or
All of our 4 year olds to 6th graders
Leave a legacy that continues
plan on bringing a few dollars to
to give forever to a ministry you
buy some yummy snacks and a
Kindergarten Blessing Service
want to support. There are endow-
pillow to sit back and enjoy some
Sunday, August 9, 4 pm. Children
ments that support many areas
great flicks with all of your friends.
who are just entering kindergarten
of Asbury’s outreach including
For more information call Debbie
and their families are invited to
children, youth, music, missions,
Case at 392-4580 or dcase@asbury-
come be a part of this service of af-
and training of pastors as well as a
firmation and blessing. This service
general endowment. You can easily
will be followed by a celebration
impact a ministry thru your will
Family Bowling Night
reception and commemorative
or a current gift. Contact Dwight
Wednesday, July 22, 6:15-8:30 pm,
activities in the CLC. Please register
Yoder at dyoder@asburytulsa.org
Broken Arrow Lanes, 111th and
by August 4 to ensure your child
or 392-1113.
Elm, $7/person. Come for a fun
receives a certificate. For more
filled two hours of family bowling
information call Kim Broadhurst at
marriage & family
that the whole family can par-
392-1165 or kbroadhurst@asbury-
8 Dates With Your Mate
ticipate. The cost is $7 per person
2nd Tuesdays, February 10-Sep-
including shoe rental. Concessions
tember 8, 6:15-7 pm, Rm. 1502.
will be open. Please plan on coming
a little early to insure a lane for you
Discipleship Communities
conversation over dinner alone,
and your family as we are only able
If you have not found an Adult
or with another couple in the
to accommodate about 125 people.
Discipleship Community check out
group. Gather to hear a variety of
See you there! For more informa-
“Get Involved” at www.asburytulsa.
topics led by various speakers (30
tion call Amber Cox at 392-1171 or
org or pick up a brochure at one of
minutes), then have dinner out.
our Welcome Centers.
Celebrate your marriage with
“Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage”
Attention Engaged Couples
Car Care Workday
If you are planning to use an
Saturday, July 18. Car Care Sat-
Friday, July 31, 6:30-9:15 pm AND
Asbury pastor to officiate and/or
urday is an every-other-month
Saturday, August 1, 9 am – noon,
use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to
workday provided for Asbury’s
Venue68. Mark Gungor’s DVD semi-
book ASAP to allow ample time
widows and single moms, through
nar provides hilarious, practical and
for Couple-to-Couple (required
our men’s ministry. While the ladies
no-holds-barred advice on marriage
premarital sessions). Six months to
wait in the comfort of the café,
and male/female relationships!
one year lead time is suggested.
volunteers check tires, belts,
(This isn’t your typical marriage weekend event!) Topics include: “A Tale of Two Brains,” “Why Does He/She Do That?,” “The #1 Key to Incredible Sex,” and “How to Stay Married and Not Kill Anybody.” No one under 18 due to mature content. Special emcee Rachelle Renee. Neighbors and family welcome! FREE tickets Sundays in July, plus Asbury office weekdays. Dynamic Marriage Thursdays beginning September 17, OR Sundays beginning September 20, 6:30-9 pm, Room 2201. This is a 9-week interactive class that will help you replace old habits with new ones in a unique, safe environment. Go from good to great, mediocre to magnificent or hurt to healed. $130/couple (scholarships available). $50 holds your spot. Childcare available. To register, contact Jackie or Ron at asburydynamicmarriage@windstream.net prior to first class. Limited to first 12 paid couples in each class. Classes are offered three times per year. Milestone Wedding Anniversaries Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5,10,15,20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at brucetschutte@ valornet.com or call Ruth at 392-1146.
fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles,
Asbury Exploration
and then update owners on what’s
Come to a lunch/class to learn
running smoothly and what needs
more about becoming a member
professional attention. This free
of Asbury. Sunday, August 2, from
service gives our men the oppor-
12:15-2 pm in CLC. Lunch provided
tunity to put their faith in to action
and childcare is available for chil-
through loving and serving those in
dren six weeks through 6th grade.
need. To volunteer, contact Debbie
Call 392-1191 to register.
in the Adult Ministries Office, 3921177 or dwallis@asburytulsa.org
men Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Open Basketball
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the
Fridays, 11:30 am – 1:15 pm, Gym.
CLC. Attention men of Asbury.
Men! Make plans to join other
Make plans to join us for a great
Asbury guys and their friends each
time of meaningful worship, life-
week as we get together for a little
changing prayer and an awesome
“round ball” and lots of fun! Come
big breakfast, all for just $3 per
show us what you’ve got, and we’ll
person. First-time guests are free.
have a great time of exercise and
July 1
Pec Clark
fellowship. Invite your friends, and
July 8
Don Herrold
we’ll see you on the court!
July 15
Todd Johnson
July 22
Bill Johnson
July 29
Mark Springer
Spread the Word The Bible translation for the North-
Home Improvement Workday
ern Central Asia language was done
Saturday, August 15. The Home
in early 2009. A second printing
Improvement Ministry serves wid-
is scheduled later this year, and
ows and single moms within the
Asbury is undertaking a fundraising
Asbury family. Our men’s ministry
event for this in connection with
volunteers make themselves avail-
the Book of Acts sermon series
able every other month to help
scheduled for June through August.
folks out with minor home repairs
Exhibits with more information on
and/or home improvement projects.
this fundraising effort will be avail-
To volunteer, contact Debbie in the
able outside all worship services
Adult Ministries Office, 392-1177 or
during the sermon series. The cost
of printing each Bible is $10, or a ASBURY TIDINGS 27
package of 10 for $100. Please help
QuikTrip, Wal-Mart, Sanders Nurs-
us “Spread the Word.” The literacy
ery and Yale Cleaners just to name
rate is very high, above 90% and
a few. For a more detailed list there
there is very little Christian litera-
is Community Club Awards booklet
ture available.
in each Community room. Receipts can be dropped off in the Mission
music Chancel Choir Wednesdays, 7 pm, Choir Room New Covenant Orchestra Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm, Rm. 1510
Mission Matters
A monthly newsletter is available
• Newspapers, copy paper, cata-
with recent news of mission hap-
logues, etc. collected in the recycle
penings. Preference is for the email
bins in the Asbury parking lot:
version, but hard copies can be
benefit Asbury.
Asbury Power & Light
mailed if needed. To receive the
All donations can be dropped off
Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm. 1510
newsletter, please contact Missy
in the Mission Office, unless other-
Sistrunk, 392-1163 or msistrunk@
wise noted.
asburytulsa.org Global Outreach Prayer Ministry
News and prayer requests from
Volunteers-In-Mission Opportunities
our missionaries and ministries
• June 25-July 6: Estonia, Camp
are sent each week to our prayer
Gideon, Youth Camp & Construc-
ministry list. If you would like to join
and become a prayer intercessor for
• July 23-August 2: Estonia, Parnu,
those serving around the world,
MBS & Light Construction
contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163.
• July 26-August 2: Honduras, MBS & Construction
Recycling Efforts
• September 17-29: Tanzania, East
• Campbell’s soup labels & Box
Africa, Construction
Tops: benefit Red Bird Mission in
• November: Central Asia, Construc-
tion & Teaching
• Campbell’s soup labels & Swan-
• October 23-25: Cookson Hills,
son labels: benefit Cookson Hills in
Oklahoma, Light Construction
• October 24-31: Monterrey, Mexico,
• Small soaps and shampoo: benefit
MBS & Construction
medical missions and Circle of
• November 4-8: Monterrey, Mexico,
• Old eyeglasses for adults or
• November 11-15: Rio Bravo,
children: benefit medical missions.
Mexico, Men’s Construction
• Old cell phones: benefit Little Light
• VIM Team Leader Training:
September 19 in Bixby; October 24
• Old home printer cartridges:
in Clinton.
benefit Walt Whitman Elementary
For more about these exciting
mission opportunities, contact
• Hearing Aids: collected by Deaf
Marilene Long at mlong@asbury-
Perceptions Community.
tulsa.org or 392-1164.
• Operation Hope collects the following receipts: Drysdales, McDonald’s, 28 ASBURY TIDINGS
Children’s Choirs Wednesdays, 6 pm, various
Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm. 2506 Youth Orchestra Wednesdays, 5:30 pm, Rm. 2319 Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6-6:50 pm, Rm. 2506 Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Rm. 2506 Saints of Swing Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2-3 pm, Rm 1510 Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 2:30–4 pm, Choir room
prayer Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or immediately following a worship service, please come to the altar rail. A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs—physical, emotional or spiritual—at the altar or in the Prayer Room.
Prayer Room Reservations
call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact
signature songs of love, loss and
The leadership of Asbury’s prayer
the coordinator, Abby Sluice at
faith. That’s what you’ll experience
ministry would like to remind you
at NSU-Tahlequah’s presentation of “Turn Your Radio On!” In ad-
that the main facility Prayer Room is open not only to individuals
Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class
dition to that, you will also enjoy
desiring to pray in a quiet, medita-
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
a FABULOUS buffet in Mazie, at
tive atmosphere, but also to prayer
from 9-9:30 am in the Gym. All
Fannie Miller’s Amish farm. What
groups within communities and
senior adults are invited to join us
a treat! The $37 registration fee
ministries. Just give Debbie in
for a time of stretching, coupled
includes our luxury motor coach,
the Adult Ministries office a call
with lots of fun and fellowship. No
the luncheon, show tickets and all
at 392-1177 to reserve the Prayer
high impact workout here. We take
gratuities. Registration forms are
Room for your group on a weekly
it nice and easy. Come give it a try.
available at the south welcome desk and may be placed, with pay-
or monthly basis. Senior Walk in the Gym with Him
ment, in the registration slot. The
Prayer Room Days & Times
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
bus will only seat 54, so get your
Our prayer rooms are accessible to
from 8:30-9 am in the gym. All
reservation form and payment in
you at these times:
senior adults are invited to join us
TODAY! The reservation deadline is
for power walking, coupled with
Wednesday, July 3 or until all seats
Sundays, 7 am-12:30 pm through
lots of fun and fellowship. Come
have been filled.
the interior door.
give it a try.
• Mason Chapel & Venue68:
Senior Adult Meal & Movie
• Main Facility, Mason Chapel & Venue68: Mon.-Fri., 8 am-9 pm; Sat-
Senior Singles Game Time
Attention all single senior adults
urday, 10 am-3 pm; Sunday, 12:30
Every third Thursday, 1–4 pm,
of Asbury! If you’re 55 years of
pm-9 pm. To obtain pass codes, call
(July 16). Attention Asbury Senior
age or over, our monthly meal and
Debbie in the Adult Ministries office,
Singles! How would you like to get
movie day event may be just the
together on a regular basis with a
“ticket” for you! We get together
wonderful bunch of folks and play a
at a different Tulsa restaurant each
few rounds of cards, dominoes, or
month, and then head off to see a
whatever board or card game you
“first run” movie. The dates and
chose? You KNOW you’d love it! If
times vary according to the movie
you’re a single or widowed senior
selected, but those who express
adult age 55 and up, come check
an interest will be contacted a few
it out in Room 2820. Bring a friend
days ahead of time so they can
and stay for as long as you like!
make plans accordingly. For more
This fun group will meet every third
information or to sign up for the
never intended for you to live in
Thursday, so mark your calendars!
call list, contact Sally Wood:
Senior Adult Trip to Tahlequah: “Turn Your Radio On”
recovery Celebrate Recovery Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6 pm. Dinner at 6 pm; Worship from 7-8 pm; Small Groups from 8-9 pm; Dessert from 9-9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God
Thursday, July 11, 9:30 am – 6 pm,
Visits to Asbury Members
You are cordially invited to step
Divorce Rebuilding
Asbury has a unique group of vol-
back in time with Asbury’s Senior
Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.
unteers (Asbury Connection) who
Adults! Turn your radio dial back
For those ready to rebuild their
regularly visit people who are either
to the beginning of country music,
lives after separation or divorce.
homebound or in nursing homes. If
when legendary stars such as Bob
Childcare available.
you are interested in being visited,
Wills filled the airwaves with their
senior adults
Divorce Recovery
Registrations available in student
our lives matter to Him. We get
Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.
area they are due July 1!
started around 6:30 pm and wrap up around 8:30ish. Plan on hanging
For those suffering from the early,
out afterwards for pizza. There will
and separation trauma. Childcare
7th, 8th & 9th Digital Scavenger Hunt
July 12, 6-9:30 pm. What’s more fun
highly emotional stages of divorce
be NO Breakaway July 22 due to
on a Sunday night than a Digital Singles Potluck Luncheon
Scavenger Hunt and Ice Cream
Sunday, July 29, 12:15-1:30 pm in
Sundaes? Meet at Asbury at 6 pm
10th, 11th & 12th Project Transformation
the Parlor. Come, bring your chil-
with $2 and get ready to have a
July 13, meet at Venue68 at 8:30
dren and enjoy a delicious lunch,
blast, we will finish up at 9:30 pm.
am, this is a chance to make a difference in the lives of kids! We will
courtesy of your fellow singles! Just bring a “family-sized” food
7th, 8th & 9th Incredible Pizza
read to young kids, build relation-
item, homemade or purchased!
July 26, 5-8 pm. 789 students don’t
ships, and have fun!
Great food, great fellowship, new
miss this fun night of pizza and
friends…it just doesn’t get much
games! Meet and pick up at Incred-
better than that!
ible Pizza, bring $10.
Singles Summer Luncheon
7th, 8th & 9th Tulsa Missions
to help out with their VBS for the
Sunday, August 16, 12-2 pm, CLC.
Don’t forget about the Tulsa Mis-
week. Training: Sunday, June 28,
Come be a part of this luncheon
sions stuff you signed up for! For
12:30-5 pm (Lunch provided). SOS:
designed for singles of all ages,
more info call Marsha 392-1157
Monday-Thursday, July 6-9, we
We will be headed to John 3:16
will meet at the church at 9 am and
with plenty of good food and great fellowship! The catered luncheon will consist of a delicious entree and salad, with homemade bread and dessert. The cost is just $5 for adults, and children 10 and under eat FREE!
students 7th, 8th & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday school. Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards. 7th, 8th & 9th Disciple Registrations Due 789 students, Disciple Camp is coming August 3-7! This is an incredible 5 days at Camp WOW where you experience God, worship, small groups, and tons of fun. 30 ASBURY TIDINGS
10th, 11th & 12th SOS Summer Missions
Student Ministry Parent Support Group
return about 4:30 pm.
This is simply a Parent Support
Metro Kickball Tournament
Group of parents who come togeth-
July 1, 6 pm. Meet at Asbury at 6
er to share experiences and gain
pm for a ride over to Redeemer
strength, hope and new ideas from
Covenant Church to play in the
each other. We are not profession-
annual Metro Kickball Tournament!
als, but strive with God’s wisdom to
We’ll be back around 9 pm. This
love, care, and support one another
event is free.
through all struggles of life. If you or your teen is struggling, please
take this opportunity to get support,
Dayspring is July 20-24.
we meet upstairs in the Venue every Tuesday from 1 - 2:30 pm or 7
- 8:30 pm, attend whichever works
Women of the Word
better for you. Call Marsha Baker
Wednesdays from 10-11 am in
for more info 392-1157.
Rm. 2319, Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher.
10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway Every Wednesday night we come
Crafty Ladies Fellowship
together for a time of connection
Mondays, 9:30 am - 2 pm, Rm 2820.
and worship. Our desire is to
Ladies, if you enjoy doing crafts and
explore who God really is and how
fellowshipping at the same time,
this activity is for you! We gather
Car Care Workday
on Monday mornings to work on
Saturday, July 18. Car Care Sat-
our own individual arts and crafts,
urday is an every-other-month
stop for a delicious pot-luck lunch,
workday provided for Asbury’s
and continue on through until 2 pm.
widows and single moms, through
We have a wonderful time together,
our men’s ministry. While the
and would love to have you join
ladies wait in the comfort of the
• 9:15 am, Contemporary Praise &
us! For more information, contact
café, volunteers check tires, belts,
Worship: Sanctuary. Music, time
Beverly Clarke, and stop by some
fluids, filters and batteries. They
of prayer and the message will all
Monday and check us out!
also vacuum and wash the vehicles,
carry a prevailing theme for the
and then update owners on what’s
morning. Dr. Harrison preaches.
• 8 am, Communion Service: Mason Chapel. Traditional service. Communion is served and Dr. Harrison preaches.
UMW Summer Salad Luncheon Series
running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free
• 9:15 am, Open House Worship:
Thursday, July 2, 11:30 am – 1 pm,
service gives our men the oppor-
Community Life Center. A relaxed
CLC. Attention all ladies! It’s sum-
tunity to put their faith in to action
atmosphere with engaging wor-
mertime, and the pace is a little
through loving and serving those in
ship. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message
slower for Asbury’s UMW. Join
need. No reservations required; just
is simulcast with an occasional live
us on July 2 at 11:30 am for our
get your vehicle in line by 11:30!
sermon from another pastor.
This month’s luncheon will feature
UMW Garage Sale
• 11 am, Traditional Service:
a patriotic theme, in honor of our
Friday, July 17, 8 am – 4 pm,
country’s 233rd birthday! Bring
Saturday, July 18, 8 am – 12 pm.
your favorite salad and a friend,
Come one, come all to the United
and get ready for a celebrative time
Methodist Women’s Annual Garage
with your Asbury sisters!
Sale, benefiting mission efforts
Summer Salad Luncheon series.
in our community and beyond! Home Improvement Workday
This colossal event takes place on
Saturday, August 15. The Home Im-
Friday and Saturday, July 17 & 18
provement Ministry serves widows
in the Community Life Center, and
and single moms within the Asbury
draws hundreds of contributors and
family. Our men’s ministry volun-
bargain hunters alike! You’ll find
teers make themselves available
toys, gently-used clothing, books,
every other month to help folks out
DVD’s, jewelry, small appliances,
with minor home repairs and/or
furniture and so much more! Those
home improvement projects. Just
wishing to donate items may bring
pick up a request form at the south
them to the CLC on Thursday,
welcome desk, or call your request
July 16 from 9 am to 5 pm. (No
in to Pam Wallace (392-1199, ext.
underclothing, socks, shoes or
253), at least ten days before the
computers, and all clothes must
scheduled work day. A Home
be on hangers, please.) Don’t miss
Improvement volunteer will contact
this great opportunity to get good
you, and make final arrangements
quality items at rock-bottom prices!
to get the job(s) done!
See you at the sale!
Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra and various vocal and instrumental ensembles offer a variety of styles of music. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches. • 11 am, Modern Service: Venue68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by the worship band. Sign interpreters for the deaf are offered. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast.
new members
Sherry & Caden Batterson
JoAnn Bodenstab
Bob & Patsy Heldmar
Betty Bender
Jeff Fitzpatrick, Hunter
Naoma Crawford
Bill & Joan Matzdorf
Sue Ramey, Hunter, Zach, Sam & Lily
Joni Bilyeu
Phil & Jan Odom
Phobus Sullivan, Reginald & Emmanual
welcome to asbury
we’re glad you’re here
Kevin & Marquita Tate, Summer
Tricia Waites, Tyler
Beverly Thummel
Bob & Maggie Wagner
Gary & Billie Winham
Ahna Wright
Asbury Exploration Classes If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. Choose from one of the upcoming Sunday membership classes: August 2 • September 13 October 4 • November 1 • December 6 Classes are from 12:15 pm - 2 pm. Call 392-1191 to reserve your place. Childcare is available and lunch is provided.
family room in celebration of marriage 60 years
50 years
Joe & Mary Pottorf July 31, 1949
Robert & Betty Ogilvie June 5, 1959
Harold & Donna Brantley July 24, 1959
Cecil & Jan Burnett July 25, 1959
Tom & Lillie Hardcastle July 2, 1949 • Matthew Ryan Wilson & Tara Beth High, married May 2 • William Garland & Melanie Ritter, married May 16 • Trevor Schultz & Andria Coats, married May 16 • Thomas Berry & Glenna McCollum, married May 17 • Kevin Marshall Rice & Kristen Rae Weidner, married May 23 • Cliff Price & Jessee Harrison, married May 30 • Lincoln Brown II & Megan Hull, married, June 6 • William Frierson & Kylie Johnson, married, June 6
Glen & Charlene Ravens • July 25, 1959
40 years Bob & Marcia McCoy • July 5, 1969
we celebrate • Bennett Steven Burns, son of Brandon & Lindsey Burns, born on May 5 • Lexi Dawn Richison, daughter of Brett & Kristi Richison, born May 11 • Reid Wilson Schafer, son of Russ & Christy Schafer, born May 14 • Alyssa Belle Taylor, daughter of Bob & Angel Taylor, born May 18 • Benjamin Tucker Robert Phillippe, son of Brent & Christy Phillippe, born June 1
we remember
• John Baker, husband of Beverly, died May 23
• Paul Melton, husband of Toni, died May 24 34 ASBURY TIDINGS
• Beverly Clarke died on May 28
Glorify God‌ Make Disciples