Asbury Tidings -

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ײ-·¼» Ì·¼·²¹- 1 2 — 3 4 — 30 31 — 37 38 — 39 39 40 — 41

Coming Soon Notes from the Journey Calendar of Events Volunteer Opportunities New Members Family Room

Tidings Staff Sandy Wagner Jan Weinheimer Juli Armour Lisa Tresch Lina HolmesChris L Each fall, students everywhere are asked to write about “how I spent my summer.” Many of Asbury’s young people will have extraordinary things to tell because of their service in summer missions both here and abroad. We’re grateful for their mission­mindedness and are sure you will enjoy reading about their experiences in this month’s Tidings, which is dedicated to them. Our format this month reflects blogging (web log), a popular means of communication with today’s computer­savy generation.

ӧͫ³³»®Ó·--·±²ò½±³ One of the things that I’ve noticed developing at Asbury over the past few years has been the increas­ ing number of our students and young people who are going on mission trips, taking internships, and have made full­time mission commitments. As this month’s Tidings shows, this is becoming an important part of our ministry at Asbury. Momentum is building. A legacy is being created. Each year it seems we see Pastor Tom Harrison the results of compounded interest in mission. We invest significant dollars in sending our students on spring break mission trips. This major commitment takes a LOT of work. It is not easy. Sometimes things do not go as we had hoped. But that’s life. Ministry is sometimes messy. Sheep sometimes bite. Jesus experienced that with His disciples. In the midst of His last week, the disciples were into debating who was going to sit at the right hand of Jesus. They were more into position, power, and pride, than they were into humility, service, and love. Yet, Jesus loved them to the end. The result was that ordinary people were transformed. They turned the world upside down. At the very core of what we do as a congregation is the belief that people matter to God, that we are called to be different in how we live, that we genuinely care about others, and that today really does make a difference. We are seeing these beliefs lived out in the lives of these young people who are literally going all over the world to “Glorify God/Make Disciples.” This is a cause of great celebra­ tion. They want to do something of great significance with their lives. We rejoice with what they are doing! We do not have to leave Oklahoma to be in mission! Jesus calls ALL to serve. The “mission field” is not “out there” in some far away place removed from our present lives. The transformation takes place when we realize that as Jesus’ disciples, our mission field is right before us. Some of us will be “sent.” The Apostle Paul was one with a special and unique calling. Most of us will “stay.” One is not superior to the other. They are both essential. The key thing is to personally engage wherever we are called. There are things that need to be done right here in our Tulsa community. Just as these students have said, “Yes!” to Jesus, we need our people to open their hearts and to say, “Here am I Lord send me!” It doesn’t have to be complicated. It just has to be from your heart. “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:37­40 See you Sunday,

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting

New Worship Opportunities Coming Soon We are expanding our worship opportunities at Asbury. Two new services will begin soon in the Community Life Center (CLC). Both will be very casual, and have a relaxed atmosphere. The first new service will be launched Sunday, October 7 at 9:15 a.m. Rev. Dub Ambrose will be leading this time of worship. An additional service, still in the planning stages, is being created to accommodate many Asbury staff and other church family members who might not be unable to worship on Sunday mornings or who would choose to worship mid­ week. It will be held Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Pastor Tom will be preaching the majority of the services, as there will be a live simulcast at the Sunday service and a video replay of the previous Sunday’s sermon on Thursday’s evening. We look forward to providing additional opportunities to meet the needs of our congregation. More details as they come available.

Jesus spoke to his disciples about the importance of love. The love he described is not romantic, family­ based, or that which we have in common with friends. Instead he used a Greek word, “agape,” as his definition of love. Agape is the way God loves. Christians are to receive agape into our lives and share that within Christian community and with others who are yet to believe. They will know we are Christians by agape. In John 15­17, Jesus describes what love is about and how we can find it and apply it to every day life. Bring a friend and join us on Sunday mornings as our

Guys and Gals... Check out the calendar on pages 31­37 to see details about some of the exciting things happening this fall, including:

Amazing Widows Salad Luncheon Saturday, September 8 Value of a Woman Conference with June Hunt Saturday, October 27 Men’s Fraternity: The Quest for Authentic Manhood Wednesdays, beginnging September 5 Annual Men’s Fall Golf Tournament Friday, October 19 ...and much, much more.

“LoveALMIGHTY series continues.

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Me with a couple of Tanzanian children.

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Asbury Tidings 4

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Two elederly Maasi warriors­­we gave them fashionable sunglasses.

5 Asbury Tidings

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Asbury Tidings 6

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Asbury Tidings 8

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Asbury Tidings 10

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11 Asbury Tidings

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Asbury Tidings 12

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Asbury Tidings 14

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15 Asbury Tidings



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Asbury Tidings 16

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Asbury Tidings 18 Asbury Tidings 28

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19 Asbury Tidings 29 Asbury Tidings

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Asbury Tidings 20

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21 Asbury Tidings

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Reagan and me.

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Asbury Tidings 24

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asbury opportunities general information


$15. Have you ever felt that you must refuse a

Recycle unwanted paper products. Three bins

request, but were concerned that it might be

are available, located in the south and east

interpreted as rejection by the person? “Speaking

parking lots.

the Truth in Love” invites you to experience the

Asbury Family News is available at the

freedom and joy of Christian assertiveness. You will

Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists, births,

discover how a Scriptural understanding of assertive

Served from 7:00­9:15 am. in the CLC. Come

deaths, marriages, baptisms and military listings.

living builds healthy relationships and how to handle

enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh

Doors of Asbury posters are at the Welcome

agner, criticisim, and other tough relational


donuts, bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage, eggs,

Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing.

fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults & $1 for children

New Additions to the Library

12 & under Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 11:00 am

Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) Sanctuary (Contemporary Communion) Sanctuary (Traditional with sign interpreter) Mason Chapel (Modern)

K­6th Grades

9:15 or 11:00 am

7th, 8th & 9th Grades

9:15 & 11:00 am

10th, 11th & 12th Grades

9:15 am only

Adult Discipleship Communities

Understanding & Hope for Relief

Thank you to all who continue to contribute

of the Pain of Depression

books to our Library.

Wednesdays, 5:15­6:15 pm in the CLC. Cost: $5­adults, $3­children, $20 maximum per family. Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled? Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Ruth at 392­1146 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The after­hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 492­1771, selecting option 2, and leaving a message for the pastor on call. Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple­to­ Couple. Six months to one year lead time suggested. The Gazebo is Open CDs of Tom’s message of the day are available immediately following the worship service.



Thursday, September 20, 7:15­9:00 pm, Rm 1502. ”How d o Ch ristian ity an d Ps yc ho lo gy

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00­7:00 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Discipleship Community Sundays, 11:00 am, Rm. 1507

relate?”“What are the symptoms of depression?” “If I’m feeling rotten physically, could that be a sign of depression?” “Should I seek help for my depression from my church or from a mental health professional?” If any of these are your questions, come join us as we explore the

bible study

answers. Your choice of two dates and times:

Brochures with details about Fall ‘07 RoadMap

Tim Peterson, M.A. L.P.C., L.M.F.T. will host an

courses being offered are available at each of

“evening edition” on Thursday, September 20

the Welco me Ce nters o r o nline at

from 7:15­9:00 pm in Rm 1502. Geneva Hickman,

Ph.D., L.M.F.T., will host an “afternoon edtion”

8:00, 9:15, & 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Family Night Dinners

(that’s all of us) need to live assertively, too.

The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource.

Sundays for Children and Students 6 Weeks ­ 4 Years 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am

issues. Jesus lived assertively. Jesus’ disciples

on Tuesday, September 25 from1:30­3:00 pm in

care and support The Fear Factor

the Parlor. Please come be our guest and feel free to bring a friend. Asbury offers these

Thursdays, September 6 ­ November 15. (no

programs to honor those who battle depression

class Oct. 18), 7:00­8:30 pm, Rm 2500. Cost:

and the people who love them.

$15. Ever have distress over fear or anxiety?

Ready When the Time Comes

Whether you are young or not so young, fear

Saturday, October 6, 10:00 am ­ 2:00 pm, Rm

can immobilize. Come seek God’s ways to

2821. No charge. Training on shelter, food and

overcome even the fear of one another!

non­certified adult CPR provided by the Red

Materials: The Fear Factor by Wayne and

Cross for local disaster response. Call 392­1191

Joshua Mack. Call 392­1191 to register.

by September 24 to register.

Pathways Through Grief

Dealing with the Loss of a Child

Tuesdays, September 11 ­ November 13, 7:00­

Sunday, October 7, 3:00­5:00 pm, Parlor. Dr. Mel

8:30 pm, Rm 2818. No cost. This course is based

and Pat Whittington were required to put faith to

on Doug Manning’s book, “Don’t Take My Grief

the test when their 17­year­old daughter died in

Away!” Once people who have experienced loss

a car accident. Is God’s grace sufficient? Meet

find themselves in a small, safe setting with

Mel and Pat. Hear from God. No cost and no

others on a similar journey, they begin to find

registration necessary.

hop e and healing with th e help of new relationships. Call 392­1191 to register. Speaking the Truth in Love

Preparing for the Holidays Grief Workshop Saturday, November 10, 10:00 am ­ noon, Rm 2500. No charge. Coping with the holidays during

Thursdays, September 13 ­ November 8 (no

the challenging times following the loss of a loved

class October 18), 7:00­8:30 pm, Rm 1506. Cost:

one. No cost and no registration necessary.

Oklahoma Blood Institute Blood Drive

Military Connection

this world are not the ones who run the fastest

Sunday, November 18 from 8:00 am ­ 1:00 pm in

To demonstrate the love of Christ, periodic care

or jump the highest; the real stars are the ones

the CLC. Call 477­0400 to schedule your

packages and monthly encouragement cards

who honor God and honor others by the way


with God’s Word are sent to Asbury­related

they practice and play the game. This program

military personnel. The Prayer Ministry also covers

promotes character and self­esteem in every

Usually meets 1st and 3rd Mondays at 10:45 am

them in prayer. Please send contact information

child by providing equal playing time for each

in Rm 1621 to send cards with God’s encouraging

(complete name and address) to Gwen Mohler at

player, one­hour practice and game each week

words and our prayers to those who are ill or

of the season with devotions, and an evalua­

Prayer Card Sending Team

going through hard times. Cards and care

Prison Fellowship Support

tion process to provide equal opportunity for

packages are also sent to Asbury­related military

First Tuesday of each month, 7:00­8:30 pm. For

improvement. Each player signs up as an indi­

p erso nn el. Co nta ct G we n Mo hler at

family an d frie nd s of p eo ple w ho a re

vidual, not as a group or team. Separate leagues for more information.

incarcerated. Meets offsite. Call Ruth at 392­

for boys and girls. All participants MUST attend

1146 for location.

one evaluation. Evaluations will be held Octo­

Asperger Support Group: First Thursday from 7:00­9:00 pm in Rm 1621. For mothers of

Asbury Bear Bags

ber 11, 12, and 13. Practices for both basket­

children with Asperger Syndrome.

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have

ball and cheerleading will be one night a week

Alzheimer’s Support Group

comforted young children for many years, but

on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, with games

Third Thursday, from 1:30­3:00 pm in upstairs

now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture­

on Friday or Saturday. Practices begin Novem­

Administration Conference Room. Christian hope,

based journal included instead! Great for teens

ber 26 and games begin January 4. Awards

support and education for friends and family of

and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear

Program will be Sunday, February 24 from 2:00­

those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia.

to so meo ne w ho is grie ving . Fo r mo re

4:00 pm to celebrate a fun and exciting sea­

information, contact Beth at 392­1116.

son. Parents are needed to be coaches, refer­

Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4:00­6:00 pm,

ees and squad leaders. If you would like to

Parlor ­ For those living with cancer and their


volunteer, an Upward ‘07­’08 volunteer form

family and friends.

Re gistra tio n fo rm s fo r a ll ch ildren ’s

and background check must be completed and

activities are available in the preschool

returned by October 12. Parents, if you plan to

Second and fourth Thursdays, 7:00­8:30 pm,

and elementary lobbies.

coach your child’s team a form MUST accom­

Rm 1621 ­ For persons living with bipolar disorder

Summer Core Hours

pany your child’s registration. All volunteers

Bipolar/Depression Support Group

or depression. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00­8:30 pm, Rm 2319 ­ For those

Parents who are involved in RoadMap classes

must attend an Upward training November 9

during these core hours will have childcare

and 10. Registration forms and volunteer forms

provided with no reservations needed:

will be available in the preschool and elemen­

suffering from the early, highly emotional stages


8:00 am ­ 12:00 pm

tary gathering areas, gymnasium and also online

of divorce and separation trauma.

Mon & Tue

9:00 am ­ 12:00 pm

at beginning Saturday,

Divorce Rebuilding

Tue, Wed, & Thur 6:00 pm ­ 9:00

September 1. ALL registrations must be turned

Thursdays, 7:00­8:30 pm, Rm 2319 ­ For those ready

(Childcare will be closed for Martin Luther King,

in by October 5. Any forms received or post­

to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce.

Jr., President’s Day, the week between Christ­

marked after that date will be placed on a wait­

Employment Transitions

mas and New Year’s, October 17­19 for Fall

ing list. For more information or if you have ques­

Need a second set of eyes to review your

Break; October 31 evening for Fall Festival and

tions, contact Janet Teel, Programming Associ­

resume? Free male and female one­on­one

November 21­23 for Thanksgiving.)

ate at or at 392­1171.

support available through Asbury’s Employment

Upward Basketball and Cheerleading

So don’t be left out. Everybody wins. Every­

Transition s. Con ta ct Barbara Wrig ht at

Registration begins Saturday, September 1 for

body gets awards. And every participant is a

those in Kindergarten through 6th grade in the


Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30­8:30 pm, Rm 1506. Family to Family

2007­2008 school year. Everybody plays, ev­

Preparing for Adolescence

erybody has fun, and everything revolves

Wednesdays, September 5 ­ November 14 from

around developing a relationship with God

7:00­8:00 pm. It’s better to prepare than repair.

For family members or caregivers of people

through Jesus Christ and living in a way that

This course is designed especially for our sixth

affected by a mental illness. 4th Tuesdays from

glorifies God. That’s what UPWARD Basketball

graders. We will discuss the topics of inferior­

1:30 ­ 3:00 pm in the Parlor. Call Ruth at 392­1146.

and Cheerleading is all about. The real stars in

ity, conformity, puberty, romantic love, and iden­ ASBURY TIDINGS


tity from a biblical perspective. Our reference book is Preparing for Adolescence by Dr. James

Kim at 392­1159 for more information. Bible Explorers

Dobson. Call Kim at 392­1159 for more informa­

Sundays, September 16, 23, and 30 from 6:30­

tion. Parental permission is required.

8:00 pm. Hey third graders and parents...want

Midweek Madness

to spend some time in the Word together? Well,

Wednesdays, September 5­ November 14 from

this is the place. We’ll discuss how your new

7:00­8:00 pm in the Children’s Elementary Area

third grade Bible is written, discover how it is

for Kindergarten ­ 5th graders. On Wednesday

organized and see how to use it. There is a $2

nights, Faith Zone will be the place to be as chil­

donation per person on September 16 and in­

dren learn to apply biblical truths to their lives.

cludes dinner. We will meet in the H2O Room

Our goal each week will be to reinforce the les­

from 6:30­8:00 pm and childcare is provided for

son that was presented on Sunday with hands­

infants through 6th grade for siblings. To help us

on activities that they can apply to their lives. We

plan, please register early. You may come

will create an environment that will be both edu­

whether or not you received a Bible on Septem­

cational and entertaining. Kids will have the op­

ber 16th. We’d love to have you. For more infor­

portunity to build relationships and go deeper into

mation, contact Kim at 392­1159.

hiding God’s Word in their hearts. Can’t wait to

Murdock Villa

see you there. Pick up your registration form and

Usually the second Sunday of the month from

sign up early so we may be wise stewards and

12:30 ­ 3:00 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll

plan accordingly. For more information contact

eat then visit Murdock Villa where we will play

Kim at 392­1159 or

Bingo and do crafts with special needs adults. It

Rock 5.6 Girls and Boys All Nite Bash

is an amazing time to witness in our local com­

From 8:00 pm Friday, September 7 to 6:00 am Saturday September 8. You won’t want to miss this event planned just for you and your friends! Our focus is for you to have fun, hang out with

munity. Limited to 10 kids each month.

discipleship Financial Peace University

friends, and maybe a few challenging games

Wednesdays, August 22 ­ November 14 from

that promote teamwork. The $40 fee covers a

6:00 ­ 8:00 pm, Rm 2818. Cost: $91. FPU is a 13­

late snack, breakfast, awesome t­shirt, and all

week program which teaches you money man­

activity expenses. The deadline to register is

agement basics. FPU can give you hope and

Wednesday, August 29. For more information,

provide a solid plan to walk you from the finan­

call Kim at 392­1159. Pick up your registration

cial bondage of debt into true Financial Peace.

form and sign up early so we may be wise stew­ ards and plan accordingly. Third Grade Bible Presentation

Discipleship Communities If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship Community (similar to Sunday School) why not

Christian faith in a relaxed, nonthreatening setting such questions as Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? Who is the Holy Spirit? Why should I read the Bible? Preview dinner Luau party, September 11 at 6:30 pm in the CLC. Overnight retreat (adults), October 26­27. No commitment or course cost. Meal RSVP, 392­1191.

marriage & family Want to Build a Better Marriage? Thursdays, September 27 ­ November 8. (No class October 18), 6:30 ­ 8:30 pm, Rm 2820. Cost: $10/couple. Falling in love is easy! Staying in love is easy, too, if you learn “love skills” to stop behaviors that kill relationships. Based on C­PREP materials, engaged or married couples will benefit from trained facilitators plus a host couple. Childcare available. Call 392­1191 to register. Secrets to a Successful Stepfamily October 5 and 6, 6:00­9:00 pm Friday and 8:45 ­ am ­ 2:00 pm Saturday in the Parlor. Couples will learn new tools to help them grow as a couple and family. Combining families can lead to strained marriages. You are not alone! Leader Gaye Call has 20 years in ministry. She and Bill have been married 18 years and have successfully blended their stepfamily. Four follow­up meetings in homes, choice of night. Cost: $50 per couple. Includes three homecooked meals and materials. Milestone Wedding Anniversaries E m a i l y o u r N o v e m b e r o r D e c e m b e r Milestone Anniversary (5,10,15,20,etc.) to or call 392­1146.

Sunday, September 16 in all worship services.

visit one of our Welcome Centers and see what’s


On this very special and significant Sunday, all

available for someone just like you! Brochures

Asbury Exploration

children entering the third grade will receive their

are available in the Welcome Centers, or you

Come to a lunch/class to learn more about

very own copy of the Word of God. This annual

may check them out at

becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday,

event is a great stepping stone of immense sig­

(Get Connected).

September 9 from 12:15­2:15 pm in CLC. Lunch

nificance. The presentation will take place dur­ ing all worship services. The third graders and their parents will come forward and line the al­

provided and childcare is available for children 6

evangelism Alpha and Alpha Sprouts

weeks through 6th grade. Call 392­1191 to register.


tar rail for the Bible presentations. You are in­

Tuesdays, September 18 ­ November 20, 6:30 ­

vited to attend a reception in their honor after

8:45 pm; Adults in CLC, Children in 2901. No cost.

Men’s Fraternity:

the service. More information will be sent to third

Alpha (for adults) and Alpha Sprouts (for kids

The Quest for Authentic Manhood

grade families as the date draws nearer. Call

preschool through 6th grade). Exploring the

Wednesdays, September 5 ­ November 14 in Mason Chapel and CLC, 6:00­8:00 pm. Cost: $10.



Fulfilling men’s needs for a compelling vision of

batteries. They also vacuum and wash the

N e w s a n d p ra y e r re q u e sts f ro m o u r

biblical masculinity, this teaches men how to live

vehicles and update the owners on what’s

missionaries and ministries are sent each

lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus

running smoothly and what needs professional

week to our prayer ministry list. If you would

Christ and directed by the Word of God. More

attention. This free service gives our men the

like to join and become a prayer intercessor

than just a rally or Bible study, it is designed to

opportunity to put their faith in action through loving

for those serving around the world, contact

help men come together, strengthening each

and serving those in need. No reservations

Missy at 392­1163.

other through weekly sessions of biblical

required. Just get your vehicle in line by 11:30 am.

teaching and small group interaction. These time­

Home Improvement Ministry Workday

These teams specialize in certain areas and

tested resources have equipped men all over

Saturday, October 20. Workers meet in the CLC

all are open to anyone having an interest in

the world to pursue noble manhood as a lifelong

at 8:00 am. The Home Improvement Ministry

those areas. They are as follows: Caspian

priority. Facilitators will be Rev. Dub Ambrose,

serves widows and single moms within the

Ministry (work in Azerbaijan), Latin America

Greg Ruley and Glen Fisher.

Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers

Ministry (work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and

make themselves available every other month to

Guatemala), College Mis sion s Ministry,

Friday, October 19; 11:30 am lunch and 1:00 pm

help folks out with minor home repairs and/or

Communications, Estonia Ministry; Kami ­

shotgun start at Forest Ridge. Cost: $75.

home improvement projects. Contact the Adult

Tanzania Ministry, International Student

Attention men. Fall is just around the corner and

Ministries office to offer your services.

Ministry, Missionary Care, and Prayer. If you

Annual Men’s Fall Golf Tournament

you know what that means. That’s right. It’s time for our annual Asbury Men’s Fall Golf Tourney, and you will definitely want to be a part of the

Global Outreach Ministry Teams

need further information call the Global

missions/outreach Armchair Traveler...Asbury Style

Outreach Office, 392­1117. Young Lives (formerly Mentor Moms)

fun this year. The cost includes driving range, coming again! Sessions start Thursday,

First and second Tuesdays of the month,

green fee, cart, lunch, awards and prizes. The

September 6 at 7:00 pm. Come and “travel” to

7:00­9:00 pm in the Parlor. This is a support

format is a four­man scramble and you may form

Azerbaijan, Ecuador, Mexico, Estonia, and

group for teenage moms, sponsored by

your own team or be placed on a team. The

Tanzania through the eyes of our mission leaders

Young Life.

deadline for paid registrations is Monday, October

and short­term missionaries. One country or

15 with a limit of 100 players. Forms may be

region will be the focus of each week. Call the

picked up in the church office or at any Welcome

Global Outreach office for further information,

Center and returned with payment to Doroto Dietze in the Registrar’s Office. This year’s

392­1117. Eyeglass Donations

organizer is Donnie Cox. Call your family, call

Are you wondering what to do with those old

your friends...and join us for a great afternoon

eyeglasses? Donate them to missions! You

of fellowship, friends and fun. Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30­7:30 am in the CLC. Breakfast, meaningful worship and life­changing prayer! Cost: $3/person

may drop yours off in the Global Outreach office. Campbell’s Soup Label Changes Save Campbell’s soup labels for missions. Please note that a different part of the label is

September 5

Bill Johnson

now required. Please cut the UPC symbol and

September 12

Mark Springer

the Labels for Education symbol together. Turn

September 19

Ed Lusk, Guest Speaker

these in for missions! Questions: Contact Missy

September 26

Dub Ambrose

Car Care Saturday

missions/vim Remaining 2007 Opportunities Fall / Cookson Hills, Oklahoma Light Construction, $50 September 25 – October 13/ Azerbaijan Construction & Teaching, $2,200 October 13 – 20 / Monterrey, Mexico Construction & Mission Bible School, $950 November 7 – 11 / Rio Bravo, Mexico Men’s Construction, $500 November 7 – 11/Monterrey, Mexico Medical, $950 VIM Leader Training: McAlester ­ August 25; Tulsa ­ November 10.

Sistrunk at 392­1163.

All costs approximate. For further details

Mission Matters

about Volunteers­In­Mission opportunities,

September 15 from 9:00 am ­ noon outside the

A monthly newsletter is available with recent news

c o n ta ct M a rile n e L o n g , 3 9 2 ­11 6 4 o r

Student Ministry Breakaway entrance, north

of mission happenings. If you would like to receive

side. This service is provided for Asbury’s

the newsletter, please contact Missy Sistrunk at

widows and single moms by our Men’s Ministry

392­1163 or

every other month of the year. While the ladies

Preference is for the email version, but hard copies

wait in the comfort of our Student Ministry Cafe,

can be mailed if needed.

volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and

Global Outreach Prayer Ministry

music Chancel Choir Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, Choir Room New Covenant Orchestra Wednesdays, 6:00­7:30 pm, Rm 1510 ASBURY TIDINGS


Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:00 pm, Choir Room Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30­5:30 pm, Rm 2506 New Creation Ringers Wednesdays, 4:45 pm, Rm 2504 Carillon Quartet Mondays, 6:30­7:30 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6:00­6:50 pm, Rm 2506 Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:00 am­noon, Rm 2506

senior adults Asbury Singing Ambassadors Choir Tuesdays, September 11 ­ June 24 from 1:00­ 2:30 pm in the Sanctuary choir loft. Come enjoy fun and fellowship with other senior adults (60+). This awesome choir is made up of over 160 senior adults who sing on occasion during Sunday morning worship services and on special occasions and holidays, as well as out in our community. No experience necessary...just show up and sing! Book of Revelation Bible Study Wednesdays, September 12 ­ November 14 from

Resonance Bell Ensemble

3:30­5:00 pm in Rm 2820. Attention senior adults.

Tuesdays, 6:00­7:00 pm, Rm 2506

Come join us for an exciting overview study of

Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15­9:15 am, Rm 1510 Saints of Swing Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2:00­3:00 pm, Rm 1510

the Book of Revelation taught by Dr. David Thomas. You might think you’ve heard it all on this amazing book of prophecy, but we’ve barely scratched the surface. Don’t miss it. ‘Tweenagers Program and Luncheon

prayer Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you during

Thursday, September 27 from 10:30 am ­ 1:00 pm in the CLC. The monthly meeting will feature Rev. Cindy Mayes, our new Pastor of Prayer

Holy Communion or right after the service, please

and Belonging. This will be a wonderful

come to the altar rail at the front of the Sanctuary.

opportunity for you to get to know Cindy and to

A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will

bear witness to her heart for ministry at Asbury.

be glad to pray with you for your needs –

If you’re between retirement and heaven, please

physical, emotional or spiritual ­ at the altar or in

join us...and bring a friend. Call Doni at 492­1771

the Prayer Room.

to make your reservations by noon, Monday,

Mason Chapel Prayer Room Because of construction, you may not enter the

September 24. We hope to see you there. AARP Safe Driving Course

Mason Chapel Prayer Room from the outside

Friday, September 28 from 9:00 am ­ 5:00 pm in

entrance of the southeast side of the Chapel.

Rm 2820. The AARP Driver Safety Program is

Sundays from 7:00 am ­ 12:30 pm the Prayer

the nation’s first and largest refresher course

Room can be accessed from inside Mason Chapel.

for drivers age 50 and older that has helped millions of drivers remain safe on today’s roads.

recovery Celebrate Recovery

It is designed to help you: 1. Tun up your driving skills and update your

Come join this supportive group of people each

knowledge of the rules of the road.

Monday night at 6:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm;

2 Learn about normal age­related physical

Worship from 7:00­8:00 pm; Small Groups from

changes and how to adjust your driving to allow

8:00­9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00­9:30 pm. Hiding

for these changes.

any hurts, habits or hangups? God never intended

3. Reduce your traffic violations, crashes, and

for you to live in bondage. Childcare available.

how to adjust your driving to allow for these

Celebrate Recovery Childcare


Volunteers needed. Time commitment is one

4. Drive more safely.

Monday evening per month from 6:45 pm to 9:10

5. Get an insurance discount. Auto insurance

pm. Please call 392­1103 if you can help.

companies in most states provide a multi­year



discount to AARP graduates!

Call the Registration Hotline at 392­1191. Class fee is $10 and due the day of the class. The class is taught by Marge Creager. At least 12 participants are required for the class to take place, so tell your friends and neighbors and sign up today. Tulsa Garden Center/Linnaeus Tour Thursday, November 8. Attention Senior Adults. Make plans to join us as we tour the Linnaeus Teaching Gardens at the Tulsa Garden Center. Following the tour, we’ll have lunch together (the only expsnse of this event) at a location soon to be announced. We’ll meet at the church at 9:00 am and depart via Asbury’s People Movers at 9:30 am. If you enjoy gardening and good times with great folks, call the church office at 492­ 1771 no later than noon, Friday, October 26 to get your name on the reservation list. Senior Sit and Fit Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00­9:30 am in the Gym. Come join a time of stretching with fun and fellowship. Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30­ 9:00 am in the Gym. Come join a time of power walking with fun and fellowship.

singles Annual Labor Day Picnic Monday, September 3, 3:00­7:00 pm, Haikey Creek Park at 121st and Garnett. Join us for our annual Labor Day Picnic. Bring your lawn chair, sunscreen and favorite family­sized dish, dessert or drinks to share with the group. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided by the ministry. Your children of all ages are welcome. Singles Ministry Luncheon Sunday, September 23, 12:00­2:00 pm in the CLC. Come be a part of this luncheon designed for singles of all ages with lots of fun, food and fellowship. This luncheon will have an Italian theme...mamma mia! Children are welcome. Cost: $4. Children 12 and under eat free. Singles Ministry Potluck Luncheon Sunday, October 28 from 12:00­2:00 pm in the Parlor. Come, bring your children and enjoy a delcious lunch, courtesy of your fellow singles.

Just bring a family­sized food item, homemade

7th, 8th & 9th Fall Retreat

informational meeting in the Student Ministries

or purchased. Great food, great fellowship, new

Registration Deadline

Area to learn your role in your student’s purity.

friends. It just doesn’t get much better than that. Singles Meet and Greet Sundays from 8:40­9:10 am or 10:20­10:50 am in the CLC. All singles are invited. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00­8:30 pm, Rm 2319 ­ For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00­8:30 pm, Rm 2319 ­ For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce.

students 7th ­ 12th Metro Worship Wednesday, September 5. Come join youth from all over the city in a night to just worship Jesus. We meet the first Wednesday night of every month from 7:00­8:30ish. If you need a ride, meet at the church by 6:45 pm or you can just meet us over at Believers Church, 47th and Memorial. Questions? Call Todd at 392­1154. Life Hurts, God Heals Wednesdays, beginning September 12 ­ December 12, 6:00­8:00 pm in Rm 1502. Truth. Find it. If you’re tired of the burdens (divorce, hurting friends, etc.) and secrets that keep you from really living, or if you know there’s an addiction you have to stop but just can’t, Life Hurts, God Heals is created specifically for you. Meet with a group of students facing tough issues just like you, and learn how God can heal you together. Join any time. Life Hurts, God Heals Leader Meeting If you are leading a Life Hurts, God Heals group, be sure to attend the mandatory training, Wednesday, September 5 from 5:30­7:00 pm in Rm 1502. Life Hurts, God Heals Parent Meeting Wednesday, September 5 from 7:00­8:00 pm in Rm 1502. Parents, if you have questions about Life Hurts, God Heals or if your student is going to be involved and you would like more information, please attend this parent meeting. 7th, 8th & 9th Fall Retreat Registration Deadline

Check it out! The summer has been amazing and

7th, 8th, & 9th Food Bank

God has good stuff for the school year too!

Don’t miss this opportunity to step out and serve

it means to totally surrender your life to Christ.

Tulsa like Jesus teaches. September 22 we will

Cost is $80 per person. Meet at Asbury at 5:00

fill a school bus with about 50 students and head

pm to leave (eat dinner before you come). We

to the Food Bank where we will feed the hungry

will return around 1:00 pm on Sunday. If you

and hopefully change lives through our service.

want a shirt and don’t want to pay the $5 late

Pay attention Sunday mornings to sign up and to

fee, your registration must be turned in by 9:00

get more details.

pm August 26. HS Fall Retreat Forms Due

9th Grade Parents Meeting Attention parents of 9th graders. As your

Turn in your form by September 12. Space is

students work through the sexual integrity

limited so don’t be late. Fall Retreat is September

curriculum, we want to meet with you to share

21­23 at New Life Ranch. Questions? Call Amy

the sexual struggles your students are facing

at 392­1156 or

and ways to battle them. This is such an important

HS Fall Retreat

issue, please don’t miss these significant

10th, 11th and 12th grade students are headed

meetings: September 23, 30, and October 7,

to New Life Ranch September 21­23. It will be a

5:30­7:00 pm in Rm 2319.

time to go deeper, hear the heart of God, and

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway

have a blast. If you want a shirt, get your

Join us every Wednesday (except Oct. 17, Nov.

registration in by September 12.

21, Dec. 19 and Dec. 26) from 6:30­8:30ish pm in

7th Grade Confirmation Parent Meeting

the Student Ministry Cafe. for a time of connection,

Attention all parents of 7th graders: if you want

worship, and God. We will also have nights of

your student to go through Confirmation, you must

just random fun. Don’t miss the food and hang­

attend the mandatory parent meeting September

out time afterwards. Come and be a part.

16 from 4:30­5:30 pm with your student in the Student Ministries Area. Don’t miss it. 7th Grade Confirmation

7th, 8th, & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15­10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday

Attention 7th Graders! Confirmation is learning

School. Come join us for worship, fun and games,

about God, Jesus, the church and where you fit

interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free

in, what it means to be a Christian, plus a whole

candy and gift cards.

bunch of other stuff that will help you decide

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Bible Study

whether or not you want to become a member

Wednesdays, September 12 ­ December 12 from

of the United Methodist Church. It is a parent/

6:30­8:00 pm. Come to the Student Cafe, hang

student­based experience with adult­led Small

out, have fun, and study what God’s Word has

Groups (Sunday nights from 5:30­7:00 pm)

for us. It’s going to be awe­inspiring. You won’t

starting September 16 for students and parent­

want to miss it.

led home assignments. Get signed up today! If

7th ­ 12th Grade Small Groups

you want or need more information about

Don’t miss out on being a part of a small group.

Confirmation, please call Marsha at 392­1157.

It’s a place to grow in your relationship with

9th Grade Small Group Parent Meeting

Jesus, have some accountability, and just have

Sunday, September 16 from 6:00­7:00 pm. If your

fun. 10th ­ 12th grade small groups begin

student is attending a 9th grade small group then

Sunday, September 9 and 7th ­ 9th grade small

they will be working through sexual integrity.

groups start Sunday, September 16. It’s never

curriculum. Small groups for the fall only will be

too late to sign up. Just come by the Student

from 5:30­7:30 pm. Parents please attend the

Ministries area.

Check it out! The summer has been amazing and God has good stuff for the school year too! We’re headed to New Life Ranch for the Fall



7th, 8th & 9th Grade Sunday AM Prayer 9:00 am ­ 9:15 am in the BAM Room. God hears

in need. No reservations required. Just get your

need by being your own “phone buddy!” Call

vehicle in line by 11:30 a.m.

392­1142. Lea or Shirley will return the call and

our prayers. Start Sundays off right by praying

Home Improvement Ministry Workday

with the 7, 8, 9 band, Mark and Marsha for the

Saturday, October 20. Workers meet at 8:00 am.

Sunday services, friends, family, the Asbury

The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows

Mondays, 9:30 am ­ 2:00 pm, Rm 2821. Women

congregation, Tulsa, the U.S., and the nations.

and single moms within the Asbury family. Our

who enjoy crafts are invited to come any

No sign­up necessary. Leaders and parents, we

Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves

Monday morning...come and go any time. Bring

would love to have you there, too.

available every other month to help folks out with

a sandwich for yourself or a lunch to share.

minor home repairs and/or home improvement

Contact Beverly Clarke.

women UMW September Luncheon

get you set up! Arts and Crafts

projects. Just pick up a request form at any Welcome Center or call Pam at 392­1199, ext.


Thursday, September 6 from 11:30 am ­ 1:00 pm

253 at least 10 days before the scheduled

in the CLC. Attention ladies. The special guest

workday. A Home Improvement volunteer will

Did you know that you can watch the 9:15 and

speak for September’s UMW luncheon will be

contact you before the workday and make

11:00 a.m. Sunday services online as they are

Cindy Mayes our new Pastor of Prayer and


occurring? Go to then

Belonging. This will be a wonderful opportunity

Value of a Woman Conference

Online Worship

click on “Watch Sermons” (by Tom’s picture).

for you to get to know Cindy better, and bear

Saturday, October 27, 9:00 am ­ 1:00 pm in the

If you cannot attend worship, you can log on

witness to her heart for ministry at Asbury. A

Chapel and CLC. Cost: $20.Get on the road to a

and share the experience. Or if there is a sermon

delicious luncheon will be provided at no cost to

Christ­like identity! Join us as we welcome

that you wish someone else had been able to

you. However, there will be donation baskets

national speaker and radio personality, June Hunt

hear, send them to our website where several

set out if you would like to contribute toward the

(Hope for the Heart), who will walk us through

weeks of sermons are archived.

cost. Bring a friend and a part of the blessing.

what our identity in Christ looks like to ourselves


Amazing Widows Salad Luncheon

and others. It’s a process and a life­long journey.

Jesus spoke to his disciples about the importance

and Makeover

The day’s offerings will include a catered lunch

of love. The love he described is not romantic,

Saturday, September 8 at noon in the CLC. The

and time set aside to “S.H.O.P.” with June. No,

family­based, or that which we have in common

newly­formed Asbury Amazing Widows ministry

not the kind that requires cash, but a “Special

with friends. Instead he used a Greek word,

would like to invite all our widwos to attend a

Hour of Private Time!” If you have specific

“agape,” as his definition of love. Agape is the

potluck salad luncheon and “makeover” designed

questions, June’s inspirational message and

way God loves. Christians are to receive agape

just for them. Everyone is asked to bring their

experience can guide you to the answers you

into our lives and share that within Christian

favorite salad to share and find out just what

seek. Also offered this year is childcare for

community and with others who are yet to believe.

getting a “makeover” really means. Reservations

children six weeks through sixth grade. Asbury’s

They will know we Christians by agape. In John

for this kick­off event may be called in to Jane

Single Adult Ministry will be underwriting the

15­17, Jesus describes what love is about and

Hedrick, Beth Dennis, or Dee Coy no later than

effort. Reservations for that and the conference

how we can find it and apply it to every day life.

Friday, August 31.

may be made by completeing a registration form,

Come and join us on Sunday mornings at Asbury

attaching payment, and returning it to the church

for our “Love Almighty” series.

Car Care Saturday September 15 from 9:00 am ­ noon outside the

office no later than Monday, October 22, by 5:00

Student Ministry Breakaway entrance, north

p.m. Forms will be mailed to homes and are also

side. This service is provided for Asbury’s

available at all the Welcome Centers. We invite

widows and single moms by our Men’s Ministry

you and your friends to come explore the

every other month. While the ladies wait in the

possibilities of a Christ­like identity. See you there,

comfort of our Student Ministry Cafe, volunteers


check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries.

Women of the Word

They also vacuum and wash the vehicles and

Wednesday from 10:00­11:00 am in Rm 1502.

update the owners on what’s running smoothly

Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher.

and what needs professional attention. This free

Phone Buddies

service gives our men the opportunity to put their

Ladies, do you want a “cheer me up” with your

faith in action through loving and serving those

morning coffee? We have ladies that can fill that



Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk Saturday, September 29 th – 10:00 a.m. ORU Campus – 81 st & Yale Come and be a part of the Asbury Team. We are walking in honor of Kathy Robbins. Please contact Victoria at 392­1113.

Location: 2nd Floor, Children’s Ministry­ Elementary Area Number of positions: 15 Contact: Kim Renkema, 392­1159

DISCIPLESHIPPLESHIP CARE Assistant Leader for Employment Transitions Duties: Help plan and attend quarterly meetings. Offer assistance and guidance to those who are underemployed or un­ employed. Dates/Time: Quarterly meetings, last Thursday evening of the month, plus flex­ ible one­on­one time in person and/or on the phone. Seldom more than two hours per week. Frequency: Flexible Location: Meetings are at Asbury, flexible location for individual meetings. Number of positions: one Contact: email Barbara Wri ght at

CHILDREN Elementary Small Group Leader Duties: Listen with the children to the les­ son presentation, then apply it through games and activities at a table with a few 3rd and 4th graders. Dates/Time: Sunday mornings either 9­ 10:40 or 10:40­noon. Frequency: Every other month on an even/ odd rotation Location: Elementary Sunday School Rooms­Second Floor Number of positions: 10 Contact: Amy Russell, 392­1175

Wednesday Night Helpers Duties: Help with attendance, supervise activities and help with the lesson for chil­ dren in kindergarten through 5th grade. Dates/Time: Wednesday, September 5 through Wednesday, November 14. We will not meet on Fall Break 10/17 or 10/31 for the Fall Festival. Frequency: Every Wednesday except Fall Break and Halloween.

Resource Room Librarian Duties: Maintaining the room that houses our resources for small group curriculum and RoadMap classes. We are currently getting it arranged, catalogued and computerized. Once it is up and running, we will need a couple of volunteers to check in and check out materials on the computer, as well as help people find what they are looking for. Dates/Time: Tues, Wed., or Thursday – your choice of time Frequency: 1 ­2 mornings or afternoons a week Location: Work will be in downstairs Resource Room, behind front office. (See Diane King in upstairs office suite) Number of positions: 2­4 Conta ct: Dian e King at 392­1122 or

New! Community Connections Host/Hostess Duties: Help guests and members select and locate a community to attend. Dates/Time: Sunday morning before and at the beginning of community times (8:45­9:30 or 10:30­11:15 a.m.) Frequency: Goal would be one Sunday a month Location: Welcome Desks Number of positions: 2 to 4 each Sunday morning period Contact: Diane King at 392­1122 or

Friends in Christ Class Teacher/Substitute Duties: Prepare lesson, interact with class and teach Dates/Time: Every Sunday at 11 a.m. Frequency: We are looking for someone to rotate on a regular basis, perhaps for a 3­4 month period. Also, we need subs in case someone is ill. Location: Room 1507 Number of positions: Several teachers are needed. Contact: Deborah Bradshaw­email at


MARRIAGE Couple­to­Couple Support Couple Duties: Serve as a Support Couple to an engaged couple. Meet with the engaged couple to discuss the strengths and growth areas of their relationship which were revealed in the results of a relation­ ship inventory. Couples of all ages and remarried couples are needed. Training. Twenty hours of training re­ quired. Training starts Tuesday, Septem­ ber 25, 6:30 to 8:45 pm and ends No­ vember 13 (no meeting October 2). PLUS one training session on Saturday, Sep­ tember 29, 9 am to 3 pm. Childcare pro­ vided for Tuesday night training classes. Two­five hours per week of homework. Frequency: One hour/week with engaged couple, plus monthly 1½ hour supervision meetings (4 th Tuesday evenings, except June, July, August & December). Number of positions: 10 couples Contact: Charlene Giles, 392­1145

MUSIC Children’s Choir Helpers Duties: Roll keeping, supervising early arriver activity and small group activities; helping with large group time, crafts and snacks (preschool only) Loving God, children and music. There are 5 children’s choirs. Dates/Time: Wednesday, September 5 through the last Wednesday in April from 5:40­7 p.m. Frequency: Every Wednesday with the exception of Fall Break, Halloween, Thanksgiving week and Spring Break. Location: Preschool area, KRS Room; Choir Room and Room 2319. Number of positions: 30 Contact: Marty Morris, 392­1147

Adult Handbell Ringers Duties: Participate in handbell choir, perform in Sunday morning services Dates/Time: Rehearsals Wednesdays 6­6:50 p.m., September through May Frequency: varies Location: Bell Room Number of positions: 10 Contact: Sheryl “Bob” Tomlinson, 392­ 1199, Ext. 473 ASBURY TIDINGS 38


7th­9th Grade Small Group Leaders

To uphold itby our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.

Duties: Care and mentor students by co­ teaching a 7th­9th grade small group. Some preparation and follow­up with students each week is necessary. Application nec­ essary. Dates/Time: Sunday nights, 5:30­7 p.m., September­April Frequency: Weekly Location: Student Ministry Area Number of Positions: 15 Contact: Marsha Baker at 392­1157

For a comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities, go to

Asbury is blessed with many mem­ bers who have a heart to serve. Try as we may, we cannot keep track of all the works of Asbury members. We have vol­ unteers who help us record who attends worship and who attends community ev­ ery week. Of course that is not always accurate either because some may not sign the pew pad. The same is true with In His Steps – the program we’ve used to ask for ser­ vice commitments. It does not truly iden­ tify all who are serving, and yet takes a lot of time, effort and cost.

Leo and Pat Hillman

Bart and Cathryn Boatright, Davis and Bryant

Dick and Gloria Schroeder Becky Flynn

Hailey Herd

We’re going to lighten up this year and we will not be producing the booklet and commitment card. We’re going to com­ municate to you on a monthly basis through our normal communication processes, just what our volunteers needs are. Those of you who serve year after year in the same ministry, thank you! Please continue to serve, and if the time comes you need a change, please con­ tact your ministry leader. If you made a one year commitment for 2007 and do not want to continue in 2008, please con­ tact your ministry leader. If you would like to serve in another area, please check the volunteer opportunities listed on the website or contact JoanKahl 392­1176 or If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. We will spend our time looking at Asbury’s “Mission – Vision­ Objectives.” Most of the time will be spent in talking about our eight objectives. Another part of the membership process is to spend time in a pastoral visit. We want you to know at least one of our pastors so that when life’s difficulties arise, you will have a pastor who can help you through it. Perfection is not required of Asbury members, but we do want to grow and get better. As John Wesley, the founder of Methodism said, “If your heart is as my heart, lend me your hand.” Choose from one of the upcoming membership classes: Sunday, September 9 Sunday, October 7 Sunday, November 4 Sunday, December 2

Jason McConnell

left: Mary Yadon and Rachael Paige

Heather Masso

Classes are from 12:15 – 2:30 p.m. Call 392­1191 to make your reservation. Childcare is available and lunch is included.

Welcome to Asbury...we’re glad you’re here! New Member Photographers: Allen Robison and Diana Fields



we remember... Leslie Armour

Fred Winn

The First Psalm by John C. Westervelt Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish. Psalm 1 KJV An Asbury email encouraged me to study Psalm 1 to prepare for the sermon on July 15. Upon reading this Psalm, my mind was flooded with memories of my boyhood at Wesley Methodist Church in Oklahoma City in the late 1930s. I could see and almost smell the wooden pews of the gathering area for the Junior Department (fourth, fifth, and sixth grades). Mr. Gibbens was superintendent of the Junior Depart­ ment long before and long after I was a young boy. Mr. Gibbens welcomed the children each Sunday and shared a brief message. When dismissed, I would go with a dozen other fifth grade boys to a small classroom. There were five other small rooms, one for each grade for boys and for girls. My teacher was small, soft­spoken, a little shy, and older than my mother. I never misbehaved because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, and besides I felt she loved me. The church had given each boy and girl a King James Bible when they were promoted into the Junior Department. As the school year began, my teacher challenged the boys to memorize a verse of the first Psalm each week. As encouragement, she agreed to give us a penny for quoting the scripture in class. A penny was a lot of money during the Great Depression. As a ten­year­old, the words of the first Psalm were firmly entrenched in my mind. Those words are still familiar to me 60 years later. I don’t remember the name of the saint who touched the lives of a dozen boys that year. I hope she will search me out in heaven some day, so that I can tell her that I love her, too.

in appreciation... We want to express our appreciation for the many visits by the Pastoral Staff and lay members during Joanne’s recent hospitalization. Fred and Joanne Setser

July 20, 2007 Stephen Schmaltz July 26, 2007 Dorothy O’Neal

July 29, 2007 Carroll Erwin

July 27, 2007

July 31, 2007

we rejoice... with those who have experienced the joy of a new baby in their family:

James Logan Graham June 15, 2007 Lauren Annette Isaacs

June 21, 2007 Kellen Beilue Rhoton

Isaac James Bergin

Ella Grace Isenberg

July 20, 2007 Julia Joanne Roark

July 18, 2007 Alec Michael Sanders

July 27, 2007



in celebration of marriage

Construction Corner Update ­ September 2007

55 Years A.J. & Corrine Cobble September 14, 1952 45 Years Don & Carol Martin September 8 Larry & Beth Camille September 15 25 Years Bob & Kay Skaggs August 20 Asa & Suzanne Adamson September 3 20 Years Eldon & Amy Trimble September 18 15 Years Larry & Julie Tarwater September 5 Chuck & Kristye McKinney September 12 10 Years Charlie & Missy Utley September 27 Ron & Ruth Winn September 11 5 Years Terry & Julie Fisher September 7

Congratulations to those who are celebrating Milestone Anniversaries (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) Report your Milestone Anniversary to or call 392­1146.

If you aren’t excited yet about the progress on our expansion projects, prepare to get excited! The work that is happening now will make things start to take shape so you can really see the impact our expansion will make to our ministry. The piers have all been poured at the children’s area and the slab is going in and the steel is going up! Once the steel is in place, you will get a real visual for the additional 25,000 square feet we are adding. Please respect the safety fencing around this area as the steel erection can be dangerous. The work in the parking area has moved along nicely. Hopefully you can begin to get a feel for opening the campus to the rink. This is designed to provide both a secure and safe path to the new building and provide a seamless feel to our campus. If you have been paying attention, you will notice that we are also putting in additional storm water drainage systems in the new access area as well as in the front of the building and by the Chapel. Thanks to our vigilant Board of Trustees, the drainage issues we have at our site are being addressed to the extent possible. While we can’t make all the water issues go away, we believe this will be a huge help. The start date for the south portico isn’t final­ ized yet and is dependent on steel fabrication. The covered walkway to the Chapel will also begin to take shape as the steel begins to go up. Again, please respect the safety fencing. We apologize that the East entrance and prayer room are not accessible at this time. We will keep you posted on the progress. Work at the rink is still going very well. Once the excavation is completed, the slab is poured then the steel for the second floor in the student ministry area will be erected. This will give us a good visual idea of the space in that building. It is so exciting to see the months and years of planning begin to take shape. Flintco and Tri Arch are doing a great job as well as the sub contractors and consultants. Make sure you stay informed by going to the Asbury website. The pictures help to make it all real!

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