Asbury Tidings - God, Are You Listening?

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Inside Tidings 3 —4

Coming Up



5 — 24


25 — 31

October Calendar

32 — 33

New Members

34 — 35

Family Room

Tidings Staff Jan Weinheimer Sandy Wagner Juli Armour Lisa Tresch Lina Holmes Chris Lo, Photographer

This month we asked the Asbury staff to submit their experiences with answered prayer. Their stories confirm that God indeed does answer, but not always in the way we assume. We hope that these accounts will serve as a reminder that God is faithful to hear us...and faithful to respond. On the cover: Asbury staff member, Teresa Johnson in the Mason Center Prayer Room. To learn more about this special place of refuge, see page 35.

Answered Prayer Looking Ahead... When someone becomes a member of our congregation we ask them this question, “Will you be loyal to Jesus Christ expressed through Asbury United Methodist Church, and will you uphold it by your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.” Notice that prayer comes first. Pastor Tom Harrison Yet, most all of us would say, “I do not pray enough.” Primarily, we are too busy. Our calendars often push God aside. I feel that way frequently. I am in such a hurry to do things for God that often I do not spend adequate time with Him. When we get too busy or neglect to pray, we become anxious. That is one reason why Jesus spoke about and modeled the life of prayer. When we are not attending to a life of prayer, then our “result bin” is virtually empty. As I reflect on answered prayers in my life, I think of prayers for me since my birth, when the doctors told my parents that I had a problem: I could not swallow. They also told my parents that I might never talk. People prayed for me when I was impaled on a friend’s fence gate ornament. It miraculously plunged through my chest without hitting any vital organ or artery. I prayed myself when I asked Christ into my life when I was 14. I think of answered prayers in direction for ministry, for Dana, for our three children, and for ministry settings. I think of answered prayers related to other family members. One of the best aspects of ministry is to see the results of prayer taking root in the lives of people. My favorite answered prayer is when I have the privilege of praying with someone to receive Jesus Christ as one’s Savior. I also have the privilege of being around you as you tell me of God’s faithfulness as He has answered your prayers. My favorite scripture about prayer comes from Revelation 8:3-5 “Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. 4 The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel’s hand. 5 Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.” God hears and collects our prayers and hurls them back to earth where they have a powerful effect. What a great encouragement to us that whatever else we do, to always remember to pray.

Tom Harrison, Sr. Pastor photo by Christy Capps TIDINGS 2

Tuesday, October 31 5:30-8:30 pm Please bring a bag of wrapped candy. Come treat yourself to a new twist on the traditional fall festival. Travel with your friends back to Biblical times, where you can race in a chariot, ride a camel, slay Goliath, learn to fish, weave, bake bread, do carpentry and pottery, as well as play traditional carnival games and more. Fun for all ages! Dinner provided by Tin Star. (Adults $5/Children $3) Contact Deana at 392-1169 to preorder food.

“In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.� 3 ASBURY TIDINGS

Acts 19:20

Asbury Men’s Retreat More Men: Depending on God and Each Other Date:

Friday and Saturday November 17 and 18

Location: Camp Loughridge in West Tulsa

Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115:1

Building on the momentum of our last retreat, we will experience challenging and practical teachings, uplifting worship,

Find encouragement, fellowship and renewal when you join us at Asbury’s Fall Women’s Conference, Value of a Woman...Gifted and Courageous. Asbury’s own Gail Knox, Gretchen Valentine and Adesola Akala will examine how women of the Bible were intimately associated with the unfolding purpose of God. They will also provide insight for living your life with a genuine devotion to God and an unwavering faith. We will enjoy music and teaching, then end the morning with a savory lunch and heart-warming fellowship. Women of all ages are encouraged to attend and bring a friend.

Date: Time: Location:


Saturday, November 4 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (doors open at 8:30 a.m.) Asbury United Methodist Church 6767 South Mingo, Tulsa Mason Chapel $15, includes lunch Scholarships Available

meaningful small groups, and the energy of being with other Christian brothers! Sessions will be led by some of our younger leaders, like Pastor Todd Craig, John Locher, Dr. Todd Johnson, and Greg Ruley, as well as some of our “seasoned” leaders, like General Godsman Howitzer (Bill Johnson) and Pastor Dub Ambrose. PUT THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR and look for more details coming soon!

Coming Up for Air

Registration Deadline is October 30 Regrettably, no childcare available

Value of a woman Registration Form

Friday, October 27 Saturday, October 28






City State Zip:


The Fabulous MaggieB



Home Church:


Asbury Community: _________________________ Please consider me for a scholarship

Drop off or send this form with $15 to: Asbury UMC Registrar 6767 S Mingo Road Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133

(Margaret Becker) See page 29 for details


Notes from the Journey

Eight Words and Answered Prayer


By Lisa Tresch

have known and heard of people with incredible stories about answered prayer - the kind of stories where the prayer was specifically answered in the most definite, accurate and miraculous way. For instance, a group was about to shut down their mission organization because of lack of funds. They prayed about it and received a check in the mail a few days later for the exact amount they needed to keep it in

after people I deemed “prayer warriors.” It was all good stuff and I was rocking along – growing, maturing, getting more spiritual every day. And then something happened that changed my perspective on prayer. I started doubting. I doubted things that I had grown up believing. I doubted Scripture. I doubted what I heard from the pulpit and in Sunday school. I didn’t want to

God, and despite all my doubts, I knew He was listening. After several days, I added the words, “I love you.” So there I was, someone who had been a Christian for decades, sitting on the front porch unable to utter anything but, “God, help me believe again. I love you.” Those words became like a mantra for me, and it went against everything I had been taught about prayer. But God doesn’t like boxes,

operation. A friend prayed that her mother would be healed of cancer, and

be so cynical and skeptical but the truths that had been a part of me

and so it didn’t really matter what I had learned about prayer. God performed a

at the next appointment with the oncologist he discovered that the tumor

suddenly seemed as fragile as thin glass. I couldn’t read my Bible,

quiet miracle through these eight words…He led me back home. My

in her mother’s stomach had disappeared. Those are the kinds of stories I

couldn’t listen to sermons, participate in Bible studies or worship with any

primitive, childlike prayer had been answered. Through all my doubting, He

don’t have. Not that I won’t someday, but so far my answered prayers have

sincerity. I was hanging on by a thread and I only had one thing left: prayer. It

had been there all along, ready to take my hand and walk me back to every-

come in the form of something with a little less jaw-dropping awe. Or maybe not. I guess it depends on how you

was all I could do because in some very strange way, it seemed to be the only thing left that made sense. On

thing that was familiar – and true. I learned that prayer is the thing between God and me that keeps us

think about prayer. I used to think that prayer was

the front porch of my house, after several months of silence between

walking together. My crisis of faith reminded me that He is ready to

something you did if you were a good Christian and that as you grew in faith,

God and me, I remember praying the most primitive, simplistic prayer

answer the prayers of those who doubt, and struggle, and cry out in despera-

your prayers would sound more mature and more spiritual. And in direct

imaginable: “God, help me believe again.”

tion, just as much as he answers the prayers of those whose faith is rock

correlation to all that pious prayer would be the answers that would come in amazing ways. So I worked hard at

It was five words, and all I could do was sit on the step that morning and repeat them over and over. And

solid. He listens to the heart and responds with grace, which makes me think that perhaps my story is more

making my prayers just right. I participated in Bible studies on prayer, read

that evening. And the next morning and evening. It was all I could say, but

miraculous than I could possibly imagine.

books about prayer, modeled prayers

it was comforting. I was talking to

Photo by Erin Tresch 5


In the right place at the right time Published: 8/18/2006 in the Oklahoma Conference Contact Digest


hursday, July 20th, started out like all my other busy days. Early that morning, I traveled to Tulsa to spend the day with the interns and children of Project Transformation. I was scheduled to visit the sites, observe the ministry of this fine summer program, speak to the interns at dinner that evening, and return to Oklahoma City late that night. Little did I know just how long the day would be. At Tulsa-St. Mark’s and Grace churches, I saw loving attention to children.All were engaged-with the help of volunteers and interns-in reading, creative art classes, and games. I even joined them in a dance. My visits concluded, I had some free time before the meal at Tulsa-Asbury church. A friendly greeter showed me Asbury’s prayer room. It was a quiet, cool place to wait on a 104-degree day, and provided me some devotional time. I began to read that day’s lesson in the Upper Room magazine. My cell phone rang as I finished reading the selected verse from John 14. My niece from Houston updated me about my ailing mother: Her status had suddenly worsened. It was not the first time I had received such news in recent months. Yet, no matter how many times you hear that, you become unsettled in spirit. When I returned to the day’s devotional, I realized its topic was the unexpected death of a mother. The writer shared how emotionally devastating the loss was to her entire family. The lesson’s conclusion examined the words Jesus spoke to his disciples on what the Holy Spirit would do in their lives. The sentence that leaped out at

me spoke of the “unimaginable gift from God that is with us and within us.” I moved to the room’s small altar and knelt to pray. The Bible there was opened to Isaiah 43. My eyes immediately fell on verse 5: “Do not fear, for I am with

you!” I prayed at length, and thought long about my mother. My phone rang again at 9:15 p.m., as I was returning to Oklahoma City. In that call from my niece, I learned my mother had crossed over into eternal life five minutes earlier. After that call, what I experienced on the highway that night can only be described as surreal. Mingled between my cries of thanksgiving and praise to God, a feeling of calmness and peace overcame me. At that moment, I realized I was not the only one in the car! The Comforter, the Counselor, the very Holy Spirit was there with me, reminding me of the Truth I have preached all these years. I was

assured that the death of my mother was not an ending, but a beginning, and that I would see her again. In following days, that same abiding Spirit held me up and enabled me to stand firm. In retrospect, I realize God came to me in that prayer room at a time I most needed Him. It was not coincidence that the Upper Room lesson dealt with the passing of a mother. It was not happenstance the Bible was opened to a passage in Isaiah that reminded me God is with me. Of all the places I could have been, I know being in that prayer room put me in the right place at the right time! Reflecting today on my experiences these recent weeks, I proclaim to you: God’s power that is with us and within us is REAL. God’s promises are TRUE. God truly has given us an unimaginable gift; although it hurts deeply to lose someone you love, it is possible for your sorrow to be eased, for you to be comforted in your pain. God can do that! I thank God for the life of my mother, Dorothy, whose memory will forever guide me and be with me. I thank you, Oklahomans, for all your prayers and expressions of kindness. Most importantly, I am thankful for the presence of the Comforter who rode with me during the darkest night of my life. We are not alone. “O Thou, in whose presence my soul takes delight, on whom in affliction I call, my comfort by day and my song in the night, my hope, my salvation, my all!” -No. 518, United Methodist Hymnal, writer Joseph Swain. -Bishop Robert Hayes ASBURY TIDINGS


We have a dream to serve You.

God, are You listening? The largest snowflakes I have ever seen filled my vision as we stepped out of the airport onto this once great nation ruled by Genghis Khan. As the bus driver took us to what was to be our home for the next two weeks, I silently watched through a blanket of snow the dim shapes of mountainous terrain pass on the horizon. My dream was coming true. This was Mongolia. The most remote and exotic place I could imagine when my interest was first peaked by the sounds of Throat Singing years earlier. Now it was I, one out of only a handful of Americans to step foot on Mongolian soil.” October 2003


or a long time Geoff and I have been called to overseas missions. We didn’t know when it was going to happen, but we knew it was coming. Our journey has been one of patience and prayer. We have always been willing to drop everything and go, but God continually asked us to wait and live fruitfully where we were planted. Until now, that has been Tulsa, Oklahoma and more specifically, 7


Asbury. During our waiting, our greatest prayer has been to stay in the middle of God’s will. Many times His will was very different than ours. Dreams of being overseas and working as full-time missionaries have been sacrificed on many occasions. Every time we thought we were ready, an event would happen (job changes, pregnancy, financial difficulties, etc.) and our timeline disappeared. Personal prayers became cries of, “Why?” We don’t understand.” and “Must we sacrifice the very thing we feel called to do?” In the meantime, life has been a joy and a struggle. We prayed that if we were not to go overseas, God would allow us to make a difference where we were. Even though our prayers for overseas ministry went unanswered, we were finding that our marriage was getting stronger, our relationships with others were going deeper, and we were truly learning how to live fruitfully in whatever circumstances we found ourselves in. This summer God finally gave us the big green light and we will be moving to the Philippines in May of 2007. Our work will focus on music ministry in the Philippines and Mongolia. It is amazing what has

happened since we responded to God’s call. We have seen Him working in even the smallest areas of our lives. During this process we have learned that God is a God of relationship. He desires communication and takes pleasure in hearing our request and granting it. He loves the interaction and teaches us how to enjoy the journey. Rather than taking us straight to the destination, He wants to experience it with us and for us to experience it with Him by expressing our faith and trust in Him through prayer. We were beginning to think that our prayer to go overseas was going to remain unanswered, but in reality, He has been answering us all along by giving us the opportunity to strengthen our family, our relationships with others, and our job skills in preparation for the next step. We still don’t have all the answers and we don’t know how all of our needs will be met. But we know that as we continue to ask and seek, God will answer and open the doors. Our asking is a declaration of His goodness, faithfulness and power. To pray and to ask is to Glorify, and with that He is pleased. -Erica Logan

We need sustaining hope.


God, are You listening?

or Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are thy works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from Thee, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.

Little did I know just how timely and relevant the scripture I was reading would become. Just 20 short hours earlier, I’d given birth to a beautiful little 6 lb. 8 oz. baby girl named Leslie. By evening, it had become apparent that something was terribly wrong and Leslie was taken by ambulance from Rome to Syracuse where they determined she had a blockage and perforated intestine requiring immediate surgery. As things unfolded, we learned that Leslie had a disease called cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder involving primarily the pancreas and lungs, It was over 20 years ago, but I marked by inability to digest fats and remember reading these words from chronic lung infections. Leslie had Psalm 139 for the first time as if it were inherited the recessive CF gene from just yesterday. Glancing at the back both myself and my husband Bobby. cover of the Guidepost magazine in the According to our home encyclopedia, hospital waiting room in Syracuse, New most affected children did not survive York, I was struck by how comforting to age 10. those words were and the fact that I had So began our journey, a detour of never seen those particular verses. sorts, an unexpected change of course

from what we thought our lives would become. Instead of bringing home a healthy baby sister for our son Trip, our beautiful Leslie brought to our lives an ugly disease that demanded a relentless daily regimen of breathing treatments, chest PT, mountains of pills—all to delay what appeared to be an inevitable death sentence. But in the midst of our grief, fear, disbelief and exhaustion, God’s faithfulness and grace have always been evident. From the time my children started school, I have met weekly with other women who spend an hour lifting up our children and their schools. Every group in which I have been involved has been faithful to not only pray for Leslie during Moms In Touch time, but I know they remember to pray for her throughout the week. Moms In Touch has taught me to praise God first, to pray scripture and the value of praying together. Wherever ASBURY TIDINGS


we have lived, the Lord has always provided friends who have faithfully prayed for our family. Over the years, there have been countless opportunities to ask for prayer and to call out to God for His “very present help in time of need.” I think of the over 50 hospital stays, nine surgeries, hundreds of doctors visits, thousands of breathing treatments, pills, injections and sleepless nights, all of which was made more challenging by the fact Bobby was an Air Force F-16 pilot, who’s job required frequent moves, a year long deployment to Korea an eight months away in Desert Storm. Over and over, we have seen God’s faithfulness and grace to provide things we didn’t even



know to ask for. All the “normal” milestones of life—first day of school, sleepovers, learning to drive, prom night, and going off to college—were always somehow that much more special and terrifying. Each step stretches our faith in a limitless God, as we continue to learn to live the truth of Isaiah 26:3, which promises us that “the steadfast of mind Thou wilt keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in Thee.” While Bobby, Trip, Michael and I have been challenged by the strain CF has brought to our family, it’s been nothing compared to the perseverance Leslie has displayed fighting a daily battle against a relentless enemy. God has given Leslie such an endearing

personality and determined and positive attitude. In many ways, we have seen God do“exceedingly abundantly more that we could ask or imagine.” From that first “calling card from God” in Psalm 139, we have been reassured by the truth of God’s word that comforts us with the knowledge that God has a plan for Leslie’s, and our, lives. She is not a mistake, but has been perfectly formed for His purposes, and only He knows the number of her days. Our role has been to trust and to yield to His will and place our hope securely in Him for the future. -Juli Armour Communications

Cheryl Steffen is definitely an answer to prayer. When she and her family began attending Asbury, she felt particularly drawn to the prayer room close to the downstairs Children’s Ministry desk. Little did she know that within three years she would be serving as Asbury’s Prayer Coordinator. Cheryl accepted this volunteer responsibility when Claudia Abernathy felt that family responsibilities were calling her away from leading this vital ministry. Cheryl and her husband, Mike, have two daughters, Jennifer, 17 and Ashlee, 10. Q. How did you come to know the Lord? A. I accepted Christ at age 11, but it was not until much later in my life that I surrendered my life to the Lord and began walking with Him. I was in an in-depth Bible Study and began to seek the Lord daily in prayer. When I began that daily relationship with the Lord, He began to reveal Himself to me. I fell in love with the Lord and His word and He became first in my heart and my life. Q. What brought you to Asbury? A. I’m still amazed that Asbury is our church home. In July of 2003 I prayed and asked God for his will in seeking a church home. God answered that prayer and began drawing our hearts to Asbury. I will never forget going shopping with my daughters and seeing the cross on Asbury’s steeple all the way from the Woodland Hills Mall parking lot. It drew me like a magnet, and God continued to make His will known through His Word and circumstances. We joined the church May 30, 2004.

God answered Asbury’s prayers

Q. What sparked your passion for prayer? A. As my relationship with the Lord grew, it cultivated a passion for prayer. I discovered I could serve the Lord through prayer. Through intercessory prayer, I was able to have an impact for good in the lives of others, as well as in our nation and the world for God’s glory. Q. What does prayer mean to you? A. To pray is to live the adventurous life. It is thrilling to be a tool in God’s hand and see Him glorified as He works wonders in response to my prayers. Prayer is a gift; a blessed work. I am grateful to my Savior Jesus who makes it all possible. What a privilege to be used as a channel where prayer can bring God’s blessing. Q. How do you know that God hears you when you pray? A. God says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3) How can you argue with the Bible? God’s Word is true. God reveals throughout the Bible that He hears our prayers, and He is faithful to answer them. Journals help track God’s faithfulness as I record prayer requests and God’s answers. Q. What do you hope to accomplish as Coordinator of Asbury’s prayer ministry? A. First, let me say that Asbury is God’s church, and God is the head of this prayer ministry. I am simply His instrument through which to accomplish His purpose: Every believer will cherish prayer as a means of intimate and constant communication with God. God says, “My house will be called a house of prayer.” (Matthew 21:13) We must all learn to pray first and let God work in response to our prayers so that He is glorified.



We want a baby.

God, are You listening? W

hen Jan Weinheimer asked if I wanted to write an article on “Answered Prayer” I quickly sent a response, “Yes!” Then it hit me—which one? God has answered so many prayers in my life, I could write several pages. You probably could as well (and that’s just ones I know about and can remember)! The main one the Lord brings to my mind, is actually a prayer God answered over 15 years ago. I trust it will have special meaning for some of you, as you read of God’s faithfulness in our lives. Robin and I were married on June 16, 1984 and moved to a small Kentucky town called Wilmore to complete my M. Div. degree at Asbury Seminary. In 1986, we moved to

an even smaller town, Spiro, Oklahoma, to begin our ministry at the First (and only United Methodist Church) in Spiro. We anticipated the joy of beginning a family now that we had insurance and a “real” home. Though we were very blessed in our first church, we were not blessed with any children. The first 18 months we weren’t too concerned, but the disappointment continued monthly for another three years. We both went for the normal testing and we asked friends and family to pray for us, but still “no bundle of joy” was coming our way. In June of 1990, the first Sunday after Annual Conference, something special happened in our worship service. At the close of the service, our piano player who happened to be the church “everything lady”—Mikey— made a presentation to Robin and me. It was a wooden board painted blue with a perpetual monthly calendar on it. Every day of the month had a name written on it, names of people in our church and some in the community. The title

The McAdows” Mark, Matthew, 15, Robin, Hannah, 11 and Lauren, 8. photos submitted 11 ASBURY TIDINGS

across the top was “Prayer Covenant.” Some ladies in our church sang a simple song they had written, “There’s a Miracle in the Making” and the church gave us a love offering to help defray the cost of traveling to Tulsa to see a fertility specialist. The people listed on the Prayer Covenant had agreed to pray for us, every day of every month, whether we were their pastor or someone else’s, until we had a baby. Robin and I were overwhelmed by their love and commitment. I knew then God was going to do something special to honor them. A praying church is a powerful church! Seven weeks later, in August of 1990, an angel (well. she was really a nurse, but she was dressed in white) gave us the news of our life, “It’s positive!” We sat in shock and two weeks later with grateful tears, we shared our news with our church and then our family. On April 24, 1991 our son Matthew Josiah McAdow was born in direct answer to prayer and with a little help from mom and dad! That “baby boy” towers above us both now. God is good. He’s blessed us with two daughters as well, but that’s another story about answered prayer. -Mark McAdow Pastor of Evangelism

I need protection for Jennifer.

God, are You listening?


he shrill ring of the telephone jarred us from our sleep. It was unusual for our home to be so quiet on a Sunday morning, but all the children were out of town and we were taking advantage of the peace. I fumbled for the phone and was happy to hear the voice of our 10-year-old daughter, Jennifer, who was scheduled to return home later in the day after spending a week in Florida with friends. “You almost home?” I asked. “I’m in the hospital. There’s been a wreck.” My knees buckled as I remembered being awakened before daylight, impressed to pray. Jason was in Mexico on a missions trip and Joy was visiting a friend in South Louisiana, but when I looked at the clock at 3:48 a.m., it was Jennifer’s name that consumed my thoughts; I knew I had no choice but to pray for her. I prayed for what seemed to be hours, but as I concluded, I glanced at the clock and only ten minutes had passed. It was 3:58 a.m. I was at perfect peace and immediately fell back to sleep.

A doctor took the phone from Jennifer and identified himself and his location…Wiggins, Mississippi. He said that Jennifer had a sore foot, but other than that, she seemed to be fine. All the other passengers had been transferred to Hattiesburg, he said. The hospital would care for Jennifer until we could get to her. Through tears and confusion we left Shreveport and began the longest six-hour drive of our lives. Although we didn’t have any details of the wreck, we had the assurance of having talked with Jennifer. She told us that her friend, Leigh, had broken her leg and that she was fearful that Leigh’s dad had been killed. We prayed that she was wrong, rationalizing that Randy could have been knocked unconscious by the impact. When we arrived at the hospital, the staff confirmed Randy’s death before escorting us to Jennifer ’s room. She was sitting in the hospital bed, dirty and scratched, but she was safe. We hugged, cried, and then sat and listened. Leigh’s brother had taken

over driving from his dad and had fallen asleep at the wheel. Jennifer recalled drawing her legs up under her to get more comfortable as she slept. She remembered the incredible bumping as the van left the paved road. Then…the impact. With the cruise control set at 65 mph, the van hit a tree head-on. The captains’ chairs broke loose, hurling bodies and breaking limbs. The front of the van was crushed the engine coming to rest on top of the driver. Randy was killed instantly. One boy’s seat landed on top of another boy, who had been sleeping on the floor of the van, causing extensive internal injuries to both of them. Leigh’s leg was badly broken, rendering her immobile. And there, in the aftermath of the crash, was Jennifer…shaken but unharmed. She tried to move the captain’s chair to relieve the boy on the floor, but realized she simply wasn’t strong enough. In the shadows she could see the devastation and could hear the moaning and decided that she was the only one capable of going for help.



It was pitch black and the van was up on its front end, the rear door suspended several feet off the ground. Jennifer opened the back door and jumped, not realizing how far the drop was. (Her only injuries, which were later diagnosed, were a broken foot and crushed vertebrae, most likely sustained from the impact of the jump.) She remembered running through water and wading to the highway, where she attempted to wave down a passing truck. She ran back through the water to the other side of the highway, waving both arms wildly, finally getting the attention of another trucker. The driver radioed for help. Two ambulances were sent to shuttle the six passengers to the Wiggins hospital. Because Jennifer was the least injured, she was the last to leave the scene of the accident. As she lay on the side of the road, two young men approached. One of them assigned himself to Jennifer. He held her…comforted her…and prayed for her. He said his name was 13


Tony. With all the activity of the rescue squad around them, this gentle man was not distracted from his “assignment” to care for Jennifer. As Jennifer continued telling her story, we were keenly aware of God’s miraculous intervention. Had she not moved her legs before the impact, they would have been crushed and she would not have been able to summon help for her critically injured friends. Authorities said they could not believe so many lives had been spared, although each of the injured children required months of hospitalization and rehabilitation. One of the firemen who had been at the scene asked if Jennifer had mentioned going through water to get to the road. I told him she had, and her muddy clothes had confirmed it. “Well that’s only lucky little girl,” he said. “When daylight broke, a water moccasin

the size of a man’s arm was discovered in the water where she’d been tromping just hours before.” I spoke with authorities hoping to get the identity of Tony so we could thank him. They said they’d never seen him and his friend before or since. They confirmed that the pair had just shown up and quietly disappeared. We can’t help but believe that Tony was truly an angel sent by God to minister to our child. Before we left the hospital, I asked if anyone knew what time the accident had occurred. The police verified that the clock in the van stopped at 3:50 a.m. – the time of impact – just after I had concluded my prayers. I cannot explain why God, in His mercy, awakened me to pray for Jennifer. Eighteen years later I still feel humbled by the experience. And today, more than ever, praying for those I love is a privilege I treasure. -Jan Weinheimer Communications

We’ve waited so long.

God, are You listening?


n my twenty-ninth birthday, the Lord gave my mom a promise for me during her morning quiet time: “He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children.” (Psalm 113:9) She had already been praying for my husband but with this word, mom was confident that God would also bring children into my life. I wouldn’t marry for eight more years. During my journey as a single, I wish I could say I was as trusting as my mom. I was active in student and music ministry, and on staff at a large church in Dallas but my faith was wavering. I was teaching and mentoring girls but in my own heart, I often wondered if I even believed what I was telling them. Baby dedications and sermons on marriage made me cringe. I felt cheated, like only half a woman. Many of my students were now marrying before me and I resented it. I wanted deeply to be a wife and mother but for some reason God allowed many years of waiting for me. That reason was for my good. God was doing more than just preparing me for marriage; He wanted me to be wholly His. The


y name is Valerie Smith and I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I have been delivered from a destructive relationship with alcohol and today I struggle with an eating disorder, low self-esteem, social anxiety, and relationship issues.

breakthrough came when I realized I had to surrender my fear and pride. I had to quit feeling sorry for myself because I thought God wasn’t giving me what I deserved. Freedom came when I came to the end of myself. With a newfound sense of purpose, I found completeness in who I was in Christ and began to celebrate the joy of others. I wasted a lot of time on myself so I got busy investing in peoples’ lives and decided to let God handle the circumstances out of my control. I had met Jerry while at seminary but little did I know God was orchestrating details to bring us together 10 years later. We not only share a love for ministry; he is generous, caring, and loves me extravagantly. God’s best was definitely worth the wait. It didn’t take long for us to talk about having children. But close to our first year anniversary we suffered our first miscarriage. Over the next few years we would experience five more. Once again, God was whispering in my ear through the loss and waiting, “You can trust Me; I am faithful.” God is faithful. Jackson David arrived the week Asbury moved into our new campus. He was

healthy and beautiful and I was 40 years old. As a “high risk” pregnancy, I accepted the fact that Jack would be our only child. But this past March, Jonathan Thomas was born. His name means, “Double gift from God.” So here I am in my early 40’s a mom of a two and half year old and a young infant. Some days I wonder, “God, what were You thinking!” Friends are becoming grandparents and I’m just getting started. But what joy I’ve found in this adventure! Marriage and motherhood bring on an entirely new set of challenges. But the lessons are the same. God wants me to trust and obey no matter what the season of life. And He has great things in store for those who rest in Him. I know I’m reaping the blessings of a praying mom. The goodness that I’ve received is in part because my mom stood on God’s word and has prayed over my life. And now it’s my turn. So keep praying. And in the meantime, trust and obey. The journey to what you might be asking God for is more important than actually getting what you think you need. -Nikki Boyd Communications



Is this what You want me to do?


God, are You listening? meant, but I was willing to do whatever He chose. I went to college at OU and then

to be done in less dramatic ways. I continuously asked God, “Don’t You want me to use my training?”

finished my master’s degree in Religious Education at a theological

His answer was: “This is the most important thing that I want you to

seminary. A month after graduation, I stood at the altar and pledged to my

do right now.” So I became a stay-at-home

soul to Jesus. At the age of 16, I answered God’s call to dedicate my life

new husband, Brock, “Whither thou goest, I will go.” I had stars in my eyes

mom, always working in some way as a volunteer at church in children’s,

in full-time service to the Lord. My prayer was for Him to do something

and zeal in my heart. I couldn’t wait to go out and change the world.

youth, music and drama ministries, and ladies’ Bible studies.

eternal with my life to make a difference for others and His kingdom. He

Getting married and later having three children meant that many of my dreams and prayers of having God use me to show the world His love would have

During a seven-year stint in Midland, Texas, we began to pray that God would lead us back to Oklahoma to be closer to family and friends. We

ust before my fourteenth birthday in Oklahoma City,

God used the witness of a spirit-filled youth group who absolutely glowed with the love of the Lord to pluck me from my self-destructive downhill path, and I gave my heart and

was amazingly silent about giving specifics about exactly what that


TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING; IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM, AND HE WILL MAKE YOUR PATHS STRAIGHT. . . PROVERBS 3:5,6 even subscribed to the Tulsa World for a while to see if there were any positions for which my husband could apply. But he was gainfully employed as a landman for Exxon (this was during the oil bust of the ‘80s). The answer to our prayer for that time was a resounding, “No.” Instead, we were transferred even farther away to the Houston area and we settled our family in the suburb of Kingwood, Texas. After all of my own children were

Finally, God made it clear that He wanted me to take a leap of faith and quit my job first. I got up the next morning and turned in my resignation with shaky hands. I had been there for eight years, I had seen all three of my own children go through its halls. It was my very safe, secure life. But God’s instructions were clear: “Trust Me.” It was as if that act of faith tipped a long string of dominoes. Within a few months, when we weren’t even looking, my husband was hired by The

school age, God led me to a teaching position at Kingwood High School. I

Williams Company in Tulsa. Twenty years after praying that God would

knew that God could use me in that classroom to touch the lives of those

bring us to Tulsa, He answered our prayer!

teenagers. Still, I prayed and wondered why God had led me to semi-

We had been visiting Asbury as we looked for a new church home.

nary and if I would ever get to use my professional training. It seemed that God’s answer was, “No.” Over the

One Sunday morning, I read they were looking for someone to help in their prayer ministry. My heart jumped a

years, I grew to accept that His ways were not my ways and that I might

little, but I laid it aside, thinking that God had said no for some reason to

never understand. In the summer of 2004, I felt God

my prayer about church work. Thinking I would try for a job in

leading me to end my time as a public school teacher. I prayed for God to

the business world, I got on with Key Personnel as a temporary employee.

to show that God longs to give us “richly, abundantly, full to overflowing.” And sometimes we think His

open up another job in the business world for me so that I could quit my

After working sporadically at different businesses, I began to despair.

answer is “No” when really, He is saying, “Later, in My perfect time.”

teaching job. I had a great connection in what I thought would be the perfect company to work for, but nothing would happen.

Something was wrong and I couldn’t understand what the Lord was doing. Just as I was getting ready to apply to substitute teach in the public

-Diane King Discipleship


schools, the phone rang. It was Lisa Kepfer at Key Personnel, asking me if I would consider working for a church. “I know you want full-time, this is part-time. I know you want permanent, this is just temporary. But I thought of you when they called,” she said. I had not told her about my seminary training. She went on to describe a parttime position to help with a prayer ministry at one of the local churches. “Which church is it?” I asked. “Asbury United Methodist. Are you familiar with it?” she said. Holy Cow! The first day I came to Asbury to work, I knew this was what God had planned for me all along. Now, almost a year later, I am privileged to serve as Discipleship Team Associate with the most wonderful team of pastors, co-workers and congregation, blessing me beyond what I could ever pray for. It just goes

I need guidance.

God, are You listening?


t was a real dilemma. On one hand I felt God’s leading to take the job (which hadn’t been offered yet!) and on the other hand, I had made a promise to my younger son that I wouldn’t move until he completed high school. We were living in Wisconsin, I was happy in my job and my son was getting ready to begin his sophomore year in high school. He was happy in his school situation, making good

at school and my younger son was in Minnesota visiting his dad. One evening I was at a movie with friends. My friend Betty turned to me and said, “Are you ready to return to Oklahoma?” “No,” I said. “I’m happy in Wisconsin.” “Well, they’ve got a position

promised Ken. I left that day with the strangest feeling that I would be taking that position as Alumni/Publications Director of NSU. A few days later I left Oklahoma with no resolution to the situation. When I had told my son during our phone conversation, his

open at Northeastern that is tailormade for you. Dr. Collins (a former

answer was predictable. “Mom, no, you promised!”

grades and participating in basketball. We also lived on the edge of a golf

“Well, I’ll go see him, but I’m sure not in line for a move.”

spend my travel time in prayer. If what I was sensing in my spirit was right

course. Though we were from Oklahoma, we were enjoying the lifestyle

Several days later I did visit with Dr. Collins. Betty was right, the job

then God was going to have to change my son’s heart. That’s just what I told

and pace of small town Wisconsin. To make matters more complicated I was

was just right for my particular skill set and personality. I knew I’d enjoy it, but I still didn’t intend to move. I liked

God. For about 700 miles I prayed. My car became a six-cylinder prayer chamber. It was uninterrupted com-

my job in Wisconsin and I had promised Ken I’d stay put.

munion with God. And these were my petitions: 1) I hadn’t been offered the

respect, so I was diligent to keep my promises.

“Sandy, just visit with President Webb about it,” said Dr. Collins when I

position yet, 2) I wasn’t sure how I could afford to move, and 3) He’d have

So how did I get in this dilemma?

met with him. I’m not sure what it was about

to change Ken’s mind. When I arrived at the location

It was definitely God’s doing and everything in my spirit confirmed His

my meeting with President Webb, but I had the clearest assurance that I was to accept that position should it

where I was to meet my ex-husband and Ken, I had determined that only if Ken changed his mind about remain-

be offered. Yet, how could I? It was July and they wanted someone to

ing in Wisconsin would I make the move. (You understand that the job

start in August. And after all, I had

hadn’t been offered yet, but somehow

adamant about not breaking a promise to my sons. As a single parent I wanted and needed their trust and

leading. Let me explain. I had returned to Oklahoma to visit family and attend a high school class reunion. My older son was away

professor and friend) would like to visit with you about it,” Betty said.

He was right, I had. So, as I drove north I decided to


I knew it would.) About six miles down the road after Ken and I headed toward Wisconsin, he turned to me and said, “Mom, I’ve been thinking. Maybe it would be okay if we moved back to Oklahoma. You know how much I like basketball and golf and I’d probably have more opportunities in a larger place. Besides, I’ll only be living at home three more years before college and you’ll be there for a long time. It’s okay if you

I also decided to sell most of my furniture. I was in a 5-bedroom house and knew the money required for such a move wasn’t there. Little by little I sold most of my household goods. I was paying to have the remaining furniture moved, so I booked a date and a mover. Just three days before the movers were to arrive, President Webb called and offered me the job. When

want to take that job.” It was all I could do to keep my

he did, I had to negotiate several points in the contract (money and

composure. God had answered my prayers in a way that simply couldn’t

vacation, of course). Two days later, he called and

be denied. Tears streamed down my cheeks in thankfulness for His incred-

agreed to my requests. So, right before the movers were to arrive and I

ible faithfulness. Ken had literally done an about face. That scene was 26 years ago and

was to head for Oklahoma, it was confirmed. I had the job. It had been a walk of faith all the

I can still remember it as if it was yesterday. And that was just the

way. And you know what? The money I had made through the sale of my

beginning of the miracles God did in regard to this move. Since the job

furniture lasted just until I got my first paycheck.

required an August start, I knew I’d have I wish I could tell you that I’m to give notice right away to honor the 30 always that sure about God’s leading. days required for administrative person- I’m not. But that time, I just knew nel. I did. (Please remember that I knew because I knew. How can I explain I was in the running for the job, but hadn’t received a definite offer yet.)



that? I can’t. -Sandy Wagner Communications

Help my child do the right thing.

God, are you listening? M

y son, Alex, and his girlfriend Sara had baby Emma in June of 2005. After much soul-searching, Alan and I decided to allow their little family to ive with us even though they were not married. We loved having sweet Sara and baby Emma here along with Alex, but we were praying diligently that they would do the right thing. We were thrilled when they eloped. In June we celebrated with a wedding reception and Emma’s first birthday party in the Parlor at Asbury. Alex spent his middle school years in Princeton, New Jersey, singing soprano in the American Boychoir. Coming home to high school in Broken Arrow was a real letdown after performing in Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. The doldrums continued and he did not go on to college. He just did not seem to know what he wanted to do with his life. We felt that when he figured it out, he would be energized to accomplish anything, just like when he auditioned for Boychoir. After much soul-searching and talking with Sara, he decided he wants to be a chef. It’s the only thing he has always wanted to do. When he was little, he didn’t have baseballs and bats, he had a toy kitchen and listened to classical music.

The school he wanted to attend is Johnson & Wales in Denver, Colorado. They have a four-year Culinary Nutrition degree. Tuition alone is $21,660 per year for four years. We told them that we would help them move to Denver, but would not be able to help with school. They had to depend on God for scholarships and for jobs to pay their other expenses. Last Friday while I was practicing, Alex called me to tell me that he had gotten a printout from the school with all his scholarships and loans. The bottom line is that he only owes $101 and all but $5,000 is scholarships and grants. He won’t even have to pay back a lot of student loans. While he was on the phone with me he said, “Mom, I gotta go. The school is calling me.” When he called back he was almost crying and said, “Mom, here’s the way the conversation went: I answered the phone and she confirmed that I was the person she wanted to talk to. Then she said to me, ‘The answer is NO.’ I said, ‘What do you mean, NO?’ and she said, ‘NO, it’s not too good to be true. I’ve never seen

I am the proud and happy mother of a beautiful baby girl named Emma. But I wasn’t always like that. Last October, I found out I was pregnant. I was scared and ashamed, because I was not married and I was definitely not sure how the news of my unborn child would be received by the future grandparents. I was surprised to find my own parents welcoming me back

home so I could better take care of myself and my growing baby without being ridiculed or put down. The major obstacle I feared was the other set of grandparents; Rosanna and Alan Corrales and Mike Davis. I knew none of them very well but did know that Rosie and Alan had a very deep root in their faith. I also knew it would be difficult for them to accept. And in the

anybody get scholarships like this. Congratulations! BUT, we did make one mistake. We forgot to credit your $300 deposit. You have a credit of $199 toward next year’s tuition.’” What a blessing. God works in many different ways, but it seems to me that once they got their hearts right with God and married, dreams began to be fulfilled in their lives. What a joy to have a son and daughter-inlaw who recognize the power of God in their lives. We thank Him for His incredible blessings. -Rosanna Corrales Organist Photo submitted

end, after a few rough bumps, they made their choice. They chose to accept me into their family and love me and my baby as one of their own. After a few dinners with Rosie, she convinced me to take a look into the church Chancel Choir. She said that I should go just once and if I didn’t like it or if I felt uncomfortable in any way, I ASBURY TIDINGS 20

didn’t have to go back and that would be the end of it. I didn’t immediately go, but chose instead to attend a few sermons where I refound my faith. I have had some negative experiences with churches when I was younger, but found that Asbury was the complete antithesis of the churches I had previously visited. Although it is a large church, it was hard to be lost in the crowd. I met new people every Sunday and was always greeted with a friendly smile and a welcoming “hello.” So I decided that I would go to one choir practice. Just one. But when I got there, I got the same treatment I received on Sundays. I was received by nice people who genuinely cared and gave me a warm welcome. I wasn’t uncomfortable and I actually liked singing my worship instead of just talking about it. I continued to go and as I slowly started learning about the people in the choir, I learned more about myself. And the more I knew about myself, the more things started to fall into place in my life. I found out just how much the choir cared about me at the joint baby shower that was held for me and another young motherto-be. I couldn’t believe the generosity of people who didn’t really know me that well. But I was at that moment and remain to this day, thankful. Now I have the love, concern and support of not only my own family, but Rosie and hers as well. I feel a sense of gratefulness that I have been allowed into their lives and that they made the choice to accept me. I know that I will never be able to thank Rosie enough for everything she has done for me or anything she might do in the future. All I can do or say is I love her and her family and I am glad I am part of her life. -Sara Johnson, Alto 21 ASBURY TIDINGS

Help us be a good witness.

God, are You listening?

“Lord, if you are ever going to answer a prayer I hope it is now or I’m going to be really embarrassed.” That was my selfserving thought at the beginning of a prayer that God chose to answer in a garden in 1988. Janie, an elderly woman, depended on her garden for survival during the winter and our Asbury mission team was to help prepare that garden for planting. We were “down a holler” near Red Bird Mission in an impoverished area of Kentucky. Henry, a local teen, was to rototill the garden. After many unsuccessful attempts to start the roto-tiller, I suggested we surround the machine and simply pray for it to start. My thoughts were not of great faith but the prayer was answered

and the garden was tilled. More important than the answered prayer was the strong message of God’s care, even in the simplest things, to Henry and the other members of our work team from Iowa. Henry’s mother told me later it had a major impact on him that day as it had seemed truly like a miracle. And for me, it was the beginning of answered prayers too numerous to count during my 20 years of Asbury missions involvement. Every mission team that goes could tell a similar story. It was just this one that helped me understand the total goodness of God in providing even for the simplest of needs. It’s one I’ve always remembered. -Mary Ann Smith Global Outreach Photo submitted

Please heal Richard.

God, are You listening? H

e stood in front of the mirror and tugged at his sweater, then straightened the collar of his shirt. He joked with his step-dad and me, negotiating for a later night and a little extra spending money. Then off he went. Five hours later the Jaws of Life were cutting my 18-year-old son, Richard Brown, from the crushed cab of a Chevy pick-up. Richard’s friend, with whom he’s been riding, had fallen asleep at the wheel just before the vehicle slammed into the guardrail at I44 and Harvard. The truck flew into the air then flipped end over end several times before landing on its roof, then slid another 50 feet and collided with a van. No one in the van was injured and Richard’s friend walked away from the crash uninjured. But Richard was trapped in the cab of the truck clinging to life. Somehow emergency personnel managed to get Richard out of the car, into the ambulance and over to St John’s Hospital. When the phone rang in the purple hours of that dark Sunday morning and we were told about the accident, the first words out of my mouth were, “Oh God.” Richard’s injuries were life-threatening. His neck was broken in three places; his back in two. He had a closed head injury and brain shearing. His lungs had collapsed and he was on a respirator. His shoulder was fractured and one ear was nearly severed. He wasn’t expected to live through the night. Family members and close friends began to arrive at the hospital. The description from the doctors about Richard’s condition hung densely in the air as we circled, joined hands and prayed silently. Finally, one of our friends voiced a prayer. It wasn’t a long

eloquent prayer. It was simply a quiet plea to God asking him to heal Richard and fully restore him to us. Twenty minutes later two doctors walked back into the waiting room. One of them sat down in front of me and just shook his head. I was sure he was about to tell me that Richard had died. But the doctor was shaking his head in amazement. Richard had responded to a voice

command. The doctor asked him to hold up two fingers and he had done it, not once, but twice. To use the doctor’s own words, “I’m astonished.” Richard remained in a coma for three weeks. One night during the first few awful days when leaving the hospital was not an option, I rented a little sleeping room in the basement of the hospital, a room that had once been occupied by nuns. I laid face down on the floor and prayed and cried and sobbed and prayed. I felt alone and like God had turned His back on me. It had been just a little over four years since the death of my husband, Arney, Richard’s father. I told God He “owed me one,” because I felt He had

taken Arney from us. Instantly, I begged God’s forgiveness. Immediately, I realized God had given us everything when He gave us his Son, His own precious Son, who suffered and died for us. God knew exactly how it felt to see a Son suffer. God knew exactly what I was feeling. Daily, as I leaned over the side of Richard’s bed railing in the ICU, I prayed out loud. At one point, I felt the presence of God so keenly I thought that if I looked up, I’d see Him standing right beside me. I knew God was with us. I knew he heard our prayers. I knew that no matter what the outcome, God would not forsake us. He would be there. We would make it. And I would see my son restored even if it wasn’t going to be until we were both Heaven. I felt at peace. Richard’s road to recovery was long and bumpy, and at times, awfully scary. But prayer got us through it—our own prayers, the prayers of our friends and families, and the prayers of total strangers. Emails flooded in each day from people we didn’t even know, faces we’d never seen, and churches we’d never stepped into. And all were filled with messages of hope, encouragement and promises for continued prayer. Richard has been restored. He’s happy, healthy and aside from a few scars, shows very little sign of ever having been injured so severely. God answered our prayers on every level and we are thankful beyond words. Richard is a miracle. And our desperate prayers of hope have turned into eternal prayers of thankfulness. -Lina Holmes Communications Lina and Richard in Rehab at St. John’s Hospital and Richard today. Photos submitted. ASBURY TIDINGS 22

I need to hear from You.


God, are You listening?

or 19 years an intriguing story of lives once lived waited patiently on the bookshelf in my den wrapped in an unruffled, rose-colored dust jacket. I was awakened to its presence by what seemed like answered prayer. My most difficult weeks of the year are the last week of July and the first two weeks of August, between the ending of summer preschool programs and the beginning of the fall preschool classes. I need to be doing something worthwhile, and this need is met as I volunteer in the Asbury weekday preschool. My prayer for these interim weeks had been that God would help me be a good steward of His gift of time. On a Friday in late July, I turned the thermostat five degrees lower before saying to Barbara, “While you are cleaning, I’ll be in the library at


Asbury.” With my newspaper and a peanut butter and honey sandwich in my canvas satchel, I drove into the sun toward the steeple two miles ahead. Naomi, the Friday volunteer librarian, was quietly busy at her desk. I pulled up a chair at the round table and spread out my newspaper. By mid-morning, I had finished the paper. I stood and turned to see “FICTION” at the top of the stack of books next to me. I thought, “An intriguing novel could fill these slow days.” My eyes were drawn to bold white letters on a rose book jacket that read, “I Came to Love You Late.” The title struck a cord, so I pulled it off the shelf. I began to read Joyce Landorf’s novel about Martha. I walked beside Martha around Bethany and the nearby countryside as she opened her spacious home to Jesus and His friends. At 11 o’clock I filled a styrofoam cup with water and retrieved my sandwich. I ate an early lunch without missing a word on the pages passing before my eyes. At noon, I walked to the desk and told Naomi, “I’d like to check out this book, even though I have a feeling I may have a copy at home.” By one o’clock Barbara had my house sparkling clean. She gathered her things, and we walked together to her car. I remembered to tell her how much I appreciated her doing for me what I can no longer do for myself. When I returned to the house, the first thing I did was look up, down, and across the shelves of the bookcase. At eye level I spotted “I Came to Love You

Late.” Of the 350 books on my shelves, 90 percent were bought by my wife Nelda. As a book reviewer, she bought many books and would have enjoyed this one. I peeled and quartered an apple, pulled a paper towel off the roll by the sink, sat down at the kitchen table, and opened what was to be my newfound treasure. Serving as a bookmark was a small Hallmark Charmer card. Below a bonneted little girl and a cat at the candy counter were the words “A Valentine I went and got...” Opening the card, I read on the inside page, “...because I like you a lot!” I suppose I thought the card said it all, because in engineering letters I had added only three words, “With Love, John.” Nelda died 19 year ago in August. I was pleased that I remembered that Valentine day so long ago. Martha’s encounter with Jesus and his friends was so intriguing that I kept reading until I finished the book by late Saturday afternoon. After reading her story, Martha became one of my favorite biblical characters. For three years, Martha busily served Jesus and His disciples. After watching Jesus raise her brother Lazarus from the dead, Martha asked, “How could I have been so close to You, yet almost missed You?” Martha finally recognized Jesus for who He truly is. Nelda always read with a pencil in one hand. Martha’s quote was marked with an asterisk, and there were pencil marks in the margins alongside the paragraphs before and after the quote. Nelda may have felt what Martha felt. If so, then there were three of us feeling a deeper love for Jesus. -John Westervelt Asbury Preschool/MDO

God hears the prayers of a mother.


was prayed into the Kingdom. I am someone’s answered prayer. The same can be said of everyone who has given their life to Christ—those who have learned who and whose they are in Christ Jesus. There may be exceptions, but I haven’t found one and I am notorious for asking. I love to hear the stories. Granted, some of the stories I hear are more stimulating than others; but, all sing of God’s mercy and love for us—“God so loved the world. . . .” As the recipients of such generous largess, we are under considerable obligation to share the Good News with those who have not heard and with whom we share a world. This is an obligation which is often best served upon our knees. An old Polish folk tale says that a bell rings and all of heaven rejoices every time a soul makes the commitment and joins the family. There is a whole wide world to win and bells to be rung—it’s the least that we can do. My life is filled to overflowing with answered prayer, some of them quite

dramatic, but I think that is a description of every believer’s life. It’s all a matter of awareness. Awareness leads to thanksgiving; thanksgiving leads to praise; and praise leads to a heightened sense of awareness. And so it goes. It’s a glorious cycle. We are meant to be an expectant people. I believe that the Holy Spirit uses this cycle to educate us concerning the grace of God. As we pray, our confidence in the Father grows accordingly and as our confidence grows, the boldness of our prayers grow. We are meant to pray big, bold, expectant prayers. A request tendered without the expectation of an answer is akin to whistling in the dark. Jesus is the model and he prayed big prayers and He always expected an answer. Paul wrote about moving from glory to glory. I never think he is describing some kind of linear movement; rather, I always envision stair steps, leading from this level to the next. The landscape of our prayer life grows to accommodate our level of

expectation every time we pass through the cycle. We never cover the same ground twice, even if our prayers sound the same to us. It is the prayers that have been answered in our life that drives our expectation and it is expectation which aids us as we move up the provided stairway. An expectant prayer is an answered prayer. One of the great blessings in my life, an answered prayer, is to have won the love of a good woman who knows how to pray. We gather together, just the two of us, to pray a couple of times a week. There is something extraordinarily powerful about collective prayer, whether in our families, our church, our communities or at our work or leisure. As like minds gather expectantly before our Father, hungry to praise, moved to pray mighty things happen. For Jesus said, “Where two or more of you are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of you. . .” That would have been the answer to my mother’s prayers. She always thought I ran with a rough crowd and she was right. -Scott MacDonald


asbury opportunities access general information Breakfast Served from 7:00-9:15 am. in the CLC Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donuts, bagels, biscuit s & gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) 9:15 am Sanctuary (Contemporary Communion) 11:00 am Sanctuary (Traditional) Sign interpreter provided 11:00 am Mason Chapel (Contemporary) Sundays for Children and Students 6 Weeks - 4 Years 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am K-6th Grades 9:15 or 11:00 am 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 9:15 & 11:00 am 10th, 11th & 12th Grades 9:15 am only Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm The Gazebo is Open ...each Sunday morning between services and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Perceptions and Prayer Journals on sale (note: the sermon notes page on the bulletin is designed to fit in the Prayer Journal), as well as selections in Pastor Tom’s Book Club. Asbury Wear is also for sale. Extra Mission: Possible dogtags are available for $1. Recycling Hey church family! Keep collecting those aluminum cans and bringing them to the church when you come! Once a month our resident “can man,” Jim Schulz, picks them up from the east side storage area and takes them to the recycling center for us. Gently toss your wellbagged cans into the fenced area, and be a part helping the children in our church and the community. Also, recycle unwanted paper products. Two bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots. Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists, births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and military listings. Doors of Asbury posters are at the Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing. New Additions to the Library The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library. Journey - Tulsa’s Century of Christian Faith, Leadership & Influence Available for $40 in the Gazebo. These would make beautiful Christmas gifts. 25


Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm. 2821

bible study Roadmap Brochures with more details about courses being offered are available at each of the We lc om e C en te rs o r o nline at

care and support GriefShare Support Group Tuesdays through December 5 from 7:00-8:30 pm in Rm 1621. Facilitators: Jane Hedrick and Sylvia Dean. GriefShare is a special weekly video series and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It’s a place to be around people who understand what you are feeling. At GriefShare,you’ll learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future. Call 3921191 to register. Shattered Dreams: God’s Unexpected Pathway to Joy Thursdays through November 16 from 6:308:30 pm in Rm 2500. The cost is $12 and childcare is available. We will be studying Larry Crabb’s book, which will help us understand how the Holy Spirit uses the pain of shattered dreams to help discover our deep desire for God, to help us begin dreaming the highest dream. Larry Crabb wraps his insights around the bold story of Naomi in the Bible’s book of Ruth. Call 392-1191 to register. Listening Clinic: A Light-Hearted Approach to Listening Monday, October 16 from 7:00-9:00 pm in the Parlor. There is no better way to show you care than to listen. Good listeners seek to understand others in order to convey their care. No child care is available. No cost. Call 392-1191 to register. Resources for Job Seekers Thursday, October 26 from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Parlor. A job seeker’s plan must include access to resources, followed by effective communication and the interview. For ongoing resume assistance, contact Barbara Wright at Preparing for the Holidays Grief Workshop Saturday, November 4 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Parlor. Experiencing grief can be especially painful during the holidays. Let’s spend some time together. We’ll have materials for you to take home and share ideas about the best way to spend the holidays during

those particularly challenging times of life following a loss. Drive-Through Flu Shot Clinic Saturday, November 4 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm in the North/East Parking Lot. Shots are $25 (which may be covered by Medicare Part B). Sponsored by Visiting Nurses Association. For more information, contact Adrena Mahu at 392-1144. Blood Drive - Oklahoma Blood Institute November 19 from 8 am – 1 pm in the CLC. Call 477-0400 to schedule your appointment. Alzheimer’s Support Group Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in Room 2821. Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm, Parlor - For those living with cancer and their family and friends. Bipolar/Depression Support Group Second and fourth Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2821 - For persons living with bipolar disorder or depression. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1508. Family to Family Usually meets the fourth Tuesday of the month, 1:30-3:30 pm, Parlor. For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. Prison Fellowship Support Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00-8:30 pm in the Parlor. For family and friends of people who are incarcerated. Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adult s. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For more information, contact Beth at 392-1116.

children Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. Fall Childcare Core Hours thru May 2007 Parents who are involved in RoadMap classes during these core hours will have childcare provided with no reservations needed: Sun 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Mon & Tue 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Tue, Wed, & Thur 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Children’s Choirs Children’s Choirs meet Wednesdays at 6:00 pm, for children three years through 6th grade. No pre-registration required. For more information, call Marti at 392-1147. Wednesday Night Live Live from’s Wednesday Night Live! WNL is a worship service - kid style - for four year-olds through 4th graders. Worship, singing, character building, Bible verses and possibly a surprise visit from the Church Lady. Make this a fun night for all as we strive to help the kids live productive and fulfilled lives as followers of Jesus Christ. Wednesdays, through November 15 from 7:00-8:00 pm, following children’s choirs. (No WNL 10/18) Murdock Villa First Sunday of the month from 12:30 - 3:00 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat then visit Murdock Villa where we will play Bingo and do crafts with special needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. Limited to ten kids each month. Rock U Rock U is designed to give early adolescents a fun, informal evening and encourage relational, biblical and Christian growth. It includes small group Bible study, fellowship and ministry projects. Wednesdays through November 15 from 7:00-8:00 pm in the 5.6 room. (No meeting 10/18) 5.6 Girls’ Nite Out Friday, October 6 from 4:00-10:00 pm in the 5.6 Rm. This is a girls only night of fun, crafts, food, games, teamwork and dinner and a movie only a girl would love! Bring your friends and your appetite, but remember NO BOYS ALLOWED! Cost: $15. Registration deadline is October 1. Forms available in the preschool and elementary gathering areas. 5.6 Boys’ Nite Out Friday, October 27, 2006 from 4:00 - 10:00 pm in the 5.6 room. Boys Nite Out is a Boys only night of fun, gross stuff, food, games, teamwork and dinner and a movie only a guy would love! Bring your friends and your appetite, but remember NO GIRLSALLOWED.

Cost: $15. Registration deadline: October 22. Forms available in the preschool and elementary gathering areas. Fall Carnival Tuesday, October 31 from 5:30-8:30 pm. Walk through the Bible with your child as they trick or treat throughout the church and church grounds. There will be camel rides, games, inflatables, chariot races, live Bible characters and fun, fun fun! H2O Camp-In Friday and Saturday, November 10 and 11. from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am! Cost: $40. There’s nothing like fun, fun and exhaustion to bring 100 or so 3rd and 4th graders closer together. The H2O Camp-In is all that and more. We will make the rounds at some totally cool and fun places around Tulsa, then return around 2:00 am for a camp-in and couple hours of shut eye! Volunteer Enrichment Training Tuesday, November 14 from 7:00-8:30 pm in the H20 room. This is an opportunity for the adults to grow and learn. The Whats, Whys and Hows of Religious Holidays will be presented by Rev. Dick Read. Childcare is available. Preschool/MDO Blessing Basket Celebration and Book Fair

will now have a Discipleship Community on Sunday mornings. Please come and join us for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Hearing people are welcome, too! Spiritual Gift Connections Sessions are held the second Thursday of each month in Room 1502 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Focus on volunteer opportunities at Asbury that use your Spiritual Gifts and personality traits. You are requested to complete the Spiritual Gif ts Inventory prior to attending this class. Call the registration hotline at 392-1191 to register for one of the Thursday sessions.

Wednesday, November 15 and Thursday, November 16, 9:30 am. Join us as we thank God for our many blessings and ask Him to bless the food the children bring for Restore Hope Ministries. A book and toy sale will take place before and after the Blessing Basket Service. Cider and donuts will be served and a percentage of your purchase will be given back to the Preschool/Mothers Day Out program for the school. Looking Ahead: Christmas Eve Family Service Sunday, December 24 from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. The 5th and 6th graders have the privilege of presenting the Christmas Story to the congregation at the 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Family Service. This special service is a traditional favorite. We would love instrumentalists, scripture readers and actors and actresses to make this a memorable evening for all involved. Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts (See Men’s Ministry)

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries E-mail your December and January Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to or call 392-1146. Heartache Prevention 101 Thursdays through October 19 from 6:30-8:00 pm in Rm 1507. Dating to get to know one another is important! Following God’s design for love and relationships instead of Hollywood’s model can prevent much heartache and lead to a deep, fulfilling relationship. Material will be loosely based on Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships by Chip Ingram (discussion and video). For dating couples - come together or alone. Childcare is available. There is no cost for this course. Facilitators: Rachael Hatley (intern) and Jack & Brenda Pauling.


evangelism Alpha and Alpha Sprouts at Asbury! We have been doing the adult Alpha program for over five years at Asbury and now families will be able to share in the experience together. Alpha and Alpha Sprouts for kids will run concurrently every Tuesday night through November 21 from 6:30-8:45 pm. (No meeting October 31.)

marriage & family

membership Asbury Exploration Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, October 1, from 12:15-2:15 pm. Call 392-1191 to register. Childcare available.

Deaf Perceptions Discipleship Community Beginning Sunday, September 10 at 9:15 am in Rm 2314, our non-hearing and hard-of-hearing CALENDAR


men Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Join the Men’s Ministry for a delicious breakfast, meaningful worship and lifechanging prayer! Cost: $3/person October 4 Mark Springer, speaker October 11 Guest speaker October 18 Dub Ambrose, speaker October 25 Pec Clark, speaker Men’s Bible Study Wednesdays, September 13 through November 15 from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm in Rm 2314. All men are invited to join us in a relaxed, conversational atmosphere, with lots of opportunity for dialogue and interaction as we grow more in being a follower of Christ. Our Pastor to Men, Dub Ambrose, will lead in discussions from the book of Matthew. Each week’s lesson will be self-contained, so if you are unable to come on any particular week, you won’t fall behind. Spread the word on this, guys, so we can spread the Word! Car Care for Widows and Single Moms Saturday, October 21 from 9:00 am - noon. This bi-monthly service is provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms through our Men’s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the Student Ministry café, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update the owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men an opportunity to put their faith into action through loving and serving those in need. No reservations required; just come! Please try to arrive by 11:30 am Men’s Fall Retreat - “Band of Brothers” Mark your calendar for Friday and Saturday, November 17 and 18 at Camp Loughridge in West Tulsa. Cost to be determined. “More Men: Depending on God and Each Other!” Building on the momentum of our last retreat, we will experience challenging and practical teachings, uplifting worship, meaningful small groups, and the energy of being with other Christian brothers! Sessions will be led by some of our young leaders like Pastor Todd Craig, John Locher, Dr. Todd Johnson, and Greg Ruley, as well as some of our “seasoned” leaders, like General Godsman Howitzer (Bill Johnson) and Pastor Dub Ambrose. Put this on your calendar and look for more details coming soon! Forms are


available at the South Welcome Desk or in the main office. Home Improvement Work Day Saturday, November 18. Meet at 8:00 am for planning...then off to work! The Home Improvement ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minorhome repairs and/or home improvement projects. (Work requests, due by Wednesday, November 8, are available at the Welcome Desks or in the main office. Questions? Call Debbie at 392-1142.) Cub Scout Pack 10 Monday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:30 pm in Rm 2820. Attention parents of boys ages 7 or in the first grade, through age 10! Get your son involved this fall in awesome scouting adventures, learning the fundamentals and participating in age-appropriate activities. They’ll love the opportunity for advancement and awards, as well as the frequent outings for the whole family! Go to for this fall’s calendar and information on the Pack. Adults who wish to assist in or support the scouting program at Asbury should contact John Curzon at Pack 10 is sponsored byAsbury’s United Methodist Men. Boy Scout Troop 10 Monday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:30 pm in Rm 2818. Attention parents of boys ages 11 through 17! Get your son involved this fall in awesome scouting adventures, experiencing the great outdoors and lots of other age-appropriate activities. Boy Scouts participate in monthly campouts and in resident camp each summer. Individual growth is developed in advancement through the ranks, from scout to Eagle Scout, and through public service. Go to for this fall’s calendar and for information on the Troop. Adults who wish to assist in or support the scouting program at Asbury should contact John Curzon at Venture Crew 909 Monday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:30 in Rm 2201.Attention young men and women who have completed 8th grade through age 21. Come on board for high adventure....sailing, mountain climbing, sharp shooting, backpacking, caving, scuba diving, canoeing and much more! Annual high adventure trips have included backpacking in Yellowstone, white water rafting in the Grand

Tetons, and canoeing in Canada. High adventure in the company of Christian advisors is the focus of this organization. The crew motto is from James 1, “Count it all joy when you face trials of all kinds for it will give you perseverance and that leads to maturity.” Participants seek out new tests of their skills and grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. No previous scout experience is required, but many members have already att ained the Eagle in BSA or the Silver Award in GSA. This is a place for those who have gone as far as Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs can take them. However, simultaneous membership in BSA or GSA is fine. Go to for more information, or contact Bob Walter at Adults who wish to assist in or support the scouting program at Asbury should contact John Curzon at Mark Your Calendars! Boy Scout/ Veteran’s Day Pancake Breakfast Saturday, November 11 from 7:00-11:00 am in the CLC. Cost: $4 per person. Tickets will be available for purchase in mid-October.Along with great food, this year’s theme will be a celebration of our veterans and will feature a Veteran’s Day salute!

missions/outreach Armchair Traveler - Asbury Style Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 in the CLC. Come hear and see in-depth information about these countries and about the work Asbury is doing in each. Childcare will be provided. October 4 - Tanzania October 11 - Mission Matters Eyeglass Donations Are you wondering what to do with those old eyeglasses? Donate them to missions! You may drop yours off in the Global Outreach office. Mission Matters A monthly newsletter is available with recent news of mission happenings. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163 or Preference is for the e-mail version, but hard copies can be mailed if needed. Global Outreach Prayer Ministry News and prayer requests from our missionaries and ministries are sent each week to our prayer ministry list. If you would

like to join and become a prayer intercessor for those serving around the world, contact Missy at 392-1163. Global Outreach Ministry Teams These teams specialize in certain areas and all are open to anyone having an interest in those areas. They are as follows: Caspian Ministry (work in Azerbaijan) , Latin America Ministry (work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala), College Missions Ministry, Communications, Estonia Ministry; Kami Tanzania Ministry, International Student Ministry, Missionary Care, and Prayer. If you need further information call the Global Outreach office, 392-1117. Mentor Moms/Young Lives First and second Tuesdays of the month, 7:009:00 pm in the Parlor. This is a support group for teenage moms, sponsored by Young Life.

missions/vim The upcoming Volunteer-In-Mission (VIM) Teams are: Mobile, Alabama October 3-8, Hurricane Katrina Construction/ Restoration - $400 Cookson Hills, Oklahoma (open) October 27-29 Monterrey, Mexico October 14-21, Construction and MBS - $950 Rio Bravo, Mexico (open) November 1-5, Medical and Construction $500 Guatemala (open) November 4-11, Medical - $1200 VIM Team Leader Training & Disaster Early Response Training, Tulsa Saturday, November 18 - from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm at Faith UMC. The $50/$25 cost is covered by Asbury. For further details about Volunteers-InMission opportunities, contact Marilene Long, 392-1164 or

music Asbury Singing Ambassadors Come join the senior adult choir! No auditions required. Tuesdays,1:00 pm in the choir room. Children’s Choirs Children’s Choirs, Wednesdays at 6:00 pm, for children three years through 6th grade. No pre-registration required. For more infomation, call Marti at 392-1147. Chancel Choir Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Choir Room New Creation Orchestra

Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, Rm 1510 Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm 1510 Brass Quintet Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm, Rm 1510 Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, Rm 1510 Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:00 pm, Choir Room Children’s Choirs Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm 2506 Resonance Bell Ensemble Thursday, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 2506 New Creation Ringers Wednesdays, 4:45 pm, Rm 2504 Carillon Quartet Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Rm 2506 Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:00 am-noon, Rm 2506

Hiding any hurts, habits or hangups? God never intended for you to live in bondage. Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6:00 pm. Childcare available. Celebrate Recovery Childcare Volunteers needed. Time commitment is one Monday evening per month from 6:45 pm to 9:10 pm. Please call 392-1103 if you can help. NEW FOR STUDENTS! Life Hurts, God Heals If you’re tired of the burdens and secrets that keep you from really living, or if you know there’s an addiction you have to stop but just can’t, “Life Hurts, God Heals” is created specifically for you. Meet with a group of students for 13 weeks who are facing tough issues just like you are, and learn how God can heal you together. Join any time! Check Student Ministries Area for details or call Marsha at 392-1157.(Adults, we need leaders! Please call!)

recreation prayer Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or right after the service, please come to the altar rail at the front of the sanctuary. A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual - at the altar or in the Prayer Room. College Moms in Touch Prayer Time Wednesdays, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm, Rm 1506 Families Prayer Together Every Wednesday from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm in Rm 1507. Call 392-1142 for more information. Mason Chapel Prayer Room Accessible during core hours. You can enter the room from the outside entrance of the southeast side of the Chapel. Prayer Journals Available in Gazebo Asbury Prayer Journals now available in the Gazebo. This valuable tool is filled with scripture and resources designed to enhance your personal prayer time, plus a section for keeping sermon notes.

recovery Celebrate Recovery Mondays: Dinner at 6:00 pm; Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from 8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm.

Asbury Recreation Center Hours Sundays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Mondays 8:00 am - 9:30 am 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Wednesdays 8:00 am - 9:30 am Thursday 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm Fridays 8:00 am - 9:30 am The workout room is available during classes scheduled during the above hours. Must be 13 years or above to use equipment and a liability form must be on file. Upward Basketball/Cheer Registration Cost: $75 until October 10 and $85 if postmarked between October 11-14. All registrations received after October 14 will be placed on a waiting list. Coaches, Squad Leaders and Referees are needed. Registrations forms available. Upward Coach/Referee/Cheer Squad Leader Volunteer Training Friday, November 10 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm or Saturday, November 11, 10:00 - 12:30 pm in the gym. Please contact Janet Teel to reserve your spot for Friday or Saturday. Training is for all returning and new volunteers for the ‘06-’07 season of Upward Basketball. ALL coaches/ assistant coaches/referees/cheer squad leaders MUST attend one training to serve. Call Janet Teel at 392-1171 or email her at



Upward Basketball/Cheerleading Evaluations Thursday, October 12 from 6:00-8:00 pm, Friday, October 13 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm, or Saturday, October 14 from 9:00 am noon at Bethany Free Will Baptist Church, 100 N. Olive (between 71st and 81st). All Upward players and cheerleaders MUST attend one evaluation time to participate. Call Janet Teel at 392-1171 or email her at SingleAdults Volleyball Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Gym (Ages 18 and up) No children, please. Adult Volleyball Sundays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Gym Coed adult volleyball. Must be 18 and above to participate. No children, please. Inspirational Fitness Class – Rise Up to Health Mondays and Thursday, 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm. Enjoy a one-hour, total-body workout to incredible inspirational Christian music. Work your heart, mind and spirit and every muscle group in your body. Wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes, bring water and a towel. Teens to older adults are welcome. W ork at your own level. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. First workout is free, $5 for drop-in. Mats and hand weights are provided. Senior Sit and Fit Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:00-9:30 am, Gym. Come join a time of stretching with fun and fellowship. Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30-9:00 am in the gym. Come join a time of power walking with fun and fellowship. Fitness Room Treadmills, stationary bicycles, strength training machines, and some free weights are available for use. This room may be used during other scheduled activities.

seniors Asbury Singing Ambassadors Come join the senior adult choir! No auditions required. Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 1:00 pm in the Choir Room. For more information, call 3921148. ‘Tweenagers Thursday, October 26 from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC. Come enjoy a great program and a 29


delicious lunch with us, if you’re ‘tween retirement and heaven...and bring a friend. Call Doni at 492-1771 to make your reservations by noon, Monday, October 23. We hope to see you there! Fall Trip to Branson Tuesday, October 31 through Thursday, November 2. (Depart at 8:30 am and return at 6:00 pm).Cost: $345 for triple occupancy; $375 for double occupancy; $435 for single occupancy. Deposit ($50) due by Sunday, October 1. Registration forms are in the church office and at the South Welcome Desk. We will again be staying at the wonderful Branson Towers Hotel and taking in all the fun sights and sounds this southern Missouri town has to offer! Our afternoons and evenings will be filled with several of the most popular musical shows in town, including Yakov Smirnoff, the Magnificent Seven, “The Promise,” and theAndy Williams Christmas Show. There will be plenty of time for shopping, sightseeing and eating! There are only 26 spaces left, so pick up a registration form today! Balance is due within a week of our October 31 departure. Mark Your Calendar! Senior Adult Christmas Light Tour Monday, December 11 from 5:30 - 8:30 pm. Cost: $10 per person.Attention Senior Adults! Make plans now to be a part of one of the most fun evenings out you could possibly have in the month of December! We’ll gather in the CLC at 5:30 pm for a delicious dinner prepared by our church hostess extraordinaire, Virginia, and then load the people-movers for a tour of south Tulsa and Broken Arrow’s most exquisite light displays! We will then return to the church for dessert, coffee and more fellowship time until 8:30 pm. The cost is only $10 per person, which includes the meal and transportation. To sign up, call the Event Registration Hotline at 3921191 no later than Wednesday, December 6. Participation is limited to 50 folks, so call TODAY!

singles Solutions Life Improvement Video Series Sunday afternoons through October 22 (with the exception of September 3) from 3:00-4:30 pm in Rm 2820. No cost. No childcare available. All single and young married adults are invited to participate in one of the most exciting relationship studies to come our way in a long time! Best-selling authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend have developed this series which will help you develop healthy relationships, get to the root of your anxieties, and get past

painful experiences. Each of the sessions are linked by a major topic area, but are independent studies. Check for each week’s topic. Come as often as you can and bring a friend or two. Heartache Prevention 101 Thursdays through October 19 from 6:30-8:00 pm in Rm 1507. Dating to get to know one another is important! Following God’s design for love and relationships instead of Hollywood’s model can prevent much heartache and lead to a deep, fulfilling relationship. Material will be loosely based on Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships by Chip Ingram (discussion and video). For dating couples - come together or alone. Childcare is available. There is no cost for this course. Facilitators: Rachael Hatley (intern)and Jack & Brenda Pauling. Singles Potluck Luncheon Sunday, October 22 from 12:00-2:00 pm in the Parlor. Come, bring your children and enjoy a delicious lunch, courtesy of your fellow singles. Great food, great fellowship, new friends. It just doesn’t get much better than that! Bring a “super-sized” food item - baked or bought! No charge. Singles Coming Up for Air Concert and Anti-Conference Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28. Friday’s concert is at 7:00 pm at First Baptist Church (403 S. Cincinnati) and theAntiConference is Saturday from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm at the Renaissance Hotel (6808 S. 107th E. Ave.) at 12:00 noon. Cost is $50 per person for both events. First Baptist Church and Asbury are bringing The Fabulous MaggieB (Margaret Becker) to Tulsa for her famous Anti-Conference Getaway and a concert! On Friday night hear this gifted speaker, author, producer in song, and on Saturday hear MaggieB speak from her new book, “Coming Up for Air - Simple Acts to Redefine Your Life.” On Saturday, join her as she chronicles her own personal journey of discovery, pausing midday for a delicious meal atAsbury. This is an event you nor your single adult friends will want to miss. Registrations may be mailed to “Coming Up for Air Tulsa” c/o Nancy Post, First Baptist Church, 403 S. Cincinnati, Tulsa, OK 74103, or may be turned into the registration office at Asbury. For more information or questions, please contact Gretchen at the ASM “Meet and Greet” on Sunday mornings. Concert tickets only are $10 if you buy direct from Asbury, $12 otherwise.

Singles Meet and Greet Sundays from 8:40-9:10 am or 10:20-10:50 am in the CLC. All singles are invited. Singles Bible Study Mondays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Rm 1900. Come join us as we hear from a variety of speakers on a number of topics. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce.

students Metro Worship Wednesday, October 4 at Believers church. Come join kids from all over the city in a night to just worship Jesus. We meet from 7:00-8:30 pm. If you need a ride, meet at Asbury at 6:30 pm and we will be back by 9:00 pm. Life Hurts, God Heals If you’re tired of the burdens and secrets that keep you from really living, or if you know there’s an addiction you have to stop but just can’t, “Life Hurts, God Heals” is created specifically for you. Meet with a group of students for 13 weeks who are facing tough issues just like you are, and learn how God can heal you together. Join any time! Check Student Ministries Area for details or call Marsha at 392-1157. (Adults, we need leaders! Please call!) 10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway Wednesdays, 6:30-9:00 pm - Breakaway area. Join us every Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of the month and holidays) for a time of connection, worship, learning about God, and some nights of just random fun. Don’t miss the food and hangout time afterwards. Come be a part. 10th, 11th & 12th Small Groups You won’t want to miss out! (If you haven’t signed up for a group, it’s not too late. Stop by Student Ministries Area today.) 7th, 8th, & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday school. Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards. 7th - 12th Grade Small Groups Don’t miss out on being a part of a small group. It’s a place to grow in your relationship with Jesus, have some accountability, and just

have fun. (It’s never too late to sign up. Just come to the Student Ministries Area.) Questions? Call Marsha at 392-1157. 7th, 8th & 9th Grade Bible Study Every Wednesday night except the first one of the month, through December 13 from 6:308:00 pm in the Student Ministries Area. Come to the Student Ministry Café, hang out, have fun, and study what God’s Word has for us. It’s going to be awe-inspiring and you won’t want to miss it! 7th Grade Confirmation Parent Meeting Sunday, October 15 from 5:30-7:00 pm in the Student Area. If your student is going through 7th grade confirmation, don’t miss this MANDATORY parent meeting. NO BREAKAWAY OR BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, October 18. Fall Break. Spring Break Missions Paper Work due October 29. Okay, so you could just hang out at home and spend the week on the couch...OR you could have an adventure! Mark the calendar for March 17-24 spring break missions 2007! Applications are due October 29 and we only have so many slots available. You don’t want to miss it! 10th - 12th Grade Paintball Sunday, October 29 from 9:00 am - 3:00 p.m. . Everyone’s been asking to play, so here we go! Come join us for a serious good time of paintball. We will meet at the church at 9:00 am and return around 3:00 pm. Cost: $20. Bring a sack lunch with you! National Youth Workers Convention November 1-6. The offices will be empty because we are all headed to Anaheim, CA for our yearly National Youth Workers Convention. It’s a retreat to get us refreshed, renewed, and motivated. Please pray for your Youth Staff during these couple of days! 7th - 12th Common Ground Worship October 29 from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Student Area. We are going to have an all-grade worship night from 6:00-7:30 pm instead of small groups. You won’t want to miss this evening. Small group leaders are invited as well and we will have a special time at the beginning of this evening just for you. Spring Break Missions Fund Raising Meeting Sunday, November 12 from 12:30-1:15 pm in the Student Area. If you are going on a Spring Break Missions Trip with Student Ministries and need some fundraising advice, don’t miss this meeting! It will inform you of a great product to sell that can help you raise all the needed support for the trip of a lifetime.

7th - 12th Small Group Open Night Sunday, November 26. No small groups at church. Instead, groups will have an open night where they can meet offsite and just have fun. Contact your small group leader for details. 7th - 12th Small Group Parties Sunday, December 17. Contact your small group leader and discover what fun things you are going to do to finish off the year. Boy Scouts and Venture Crew 909 (See the Men’s Ministry)

women UMW Luncheon Thursday, October 5 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC. Attention women of Asbury! You are invited to attend our monthly covered-dish lunchen. Following the “feast,” Barbara Graves will present a mini-concert of “Great Hymns of the Church” in Mason Chapel. Our scripture focus will be 1 Chronicles 15:16, “David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their brothers as singers to sing joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments: lyres, harps and cymbals.” Bring a friend and be a part of the blessing! Car Care for Widows and Single Moms October 21 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. This bimonthly service is provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through our Men’s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the Student Ministry café, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update the owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. No reservations required; just come! Please try to arrive by 11:30 a.m. Value of a W oman Saturday, November 4 from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm in the Chapel and CLC. Cost: $15 per person, includes lunch. Deadline for reservations: Monday, October 30. Find encouragement, fellowship and renewal when you join us at Asbury’ s Fall Women’s Conference. Asbury’s own Gail Knox, Gretchen Valentine and Adesola Akala will examine how women of the Bible were intimately associated with the unfolding purpose of God. They’ll also give new insight into living your life with a genuine devotion to God and an unwavering faith. Enjoy music and teaching, then end the morning with a savory lunch and heartwarming fellowship. Bring a friend and join us at this half-day event. “Not to us, O Lord, not

to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115:1 Home Improvement Work Day Saturday, November 18. The men meet at 8:00 for planning...then off to work! The Home Improvement ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. (Work requests due by are available at the Welcome Desks or in the main office. Questions? Call Debbie at 3921142.)

Women of the Word Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 1502. Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher. Phone Buddies Ladies, do you want a “cheer me up” with your morning coffee? We have ladies that can fill that need by being your own “phone buddy!” Call 392-1142. Lea or Shirley will return the call and get you set up! Arts and Crafts Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2820. Women who enjoy crafts are invited to come any Monday morning...come and go any time. Bring lunch to share. Contact Beverly Clarke.

worship Online Worship Did you know that you can watch the 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday services online as they are occurring? Go to then click on “Watch Sermons” (by Tom’s picture). If you cannot attend worship, you can log on and share the experience. Or if there is a sermon that you wish someone else had been able to hear, send them to our website where several weeks of sermons are archived.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. - Hebrews 4:16 Objective 7 of the Asbury Mission, Vision and Objectives is “every member devoted to prayer.” Asbury’s Prayer Ministry is continually striving to enhance and assist our members’ prayer life so they will have a closer walk with God. Prayer Rooms Two places are provided for a more intimate setting for prayer. One is located in the main facility on the first floor next to the elevator at South entrance (near the downstairs Children’s area). The other one is located in the Mason Chapel. You may read more about this room on page 35 (inside back cover). There is an outside entrance into this prayer room and a code is required for this entrance. Call 392-1142 for the code. · Doors may be locked when Asbury is closed for holidays. Contact Debbie Wallis at 392-1142 or for more information or to volunteer in one of the following areas of ministry.

Act 29 Prayer Team prays for Asbury, pastors, staff, and prayer requests that are submitted by pastors and staff.

Moms In Touch meet one day per week during the school year to pray for their child’s school.

Altar Prayer Team prays with those who request prayer, one on one, at the altar.

Pastors’ Prayer Shield Team prays during one of the worship hours on Sunday morning.

Care Calling is when all Asbury members are called to see how they are doing and if there are any prayer concerns or needs that Asbury can assist them with.

Pray for All Prayer Team is given a list of 8-10 families of Asbury member and asked to pray for their families on a regular basis. Goal is to make sure that every Asbury family is covered in prayer.

E-mail Prayer Team prays for requests submitted during the week. Intercessory Prayer Team prays for all the prayer requests that are submitted during Sunday worship services. Phone/Email Prayer Team prays for all the prayer requests that come in during the week to the church.

Youth Prayer Wall Prayer Team sign up each year in the Spring to pray while the youth are on Spring Break missions trips. Goal is to have the students and sponsors covered in prayer every hour on their trip.

Welcome toAsbury... Gary & Susan Belitz

Ann Stout

Allix Whiteley

Bobby Decatur

Kathleen Baab

Lauren Reeves

Nancy Wilson

Luann Steen

Jonathan Youman

Richard & Patty Johnson

New member photographers: Allen H. Robinson and Roxanne Shelton Whiteis

Lindsay Woodard and Jay Young

Kathleen Castleman and Hannah

Pastor Tom congratulates one of the 131 third graders who were recently presented a Bible from Asbury. NEW MEMBERS


Daniel Bedford & Carlee Vogt

Troy & Erica Andrews, Noah and Sydney Kevin & Tammy Hern, Kelby and Kaden Jason Kearney & Lisa Thayer

photo submitted

Lee & Brenda Belt, Taylor and Jordan Pennington and Sterling Belt

Robert & Meredith Steele

Trevor & Chere Sammons, Allie and Lizzie John and Shirley Shaw

David & Stephanie Hurd, Sophia and Olivia Margaret Harmon

Wendy Stock

...we’re glad you’re here 33


Charles and Marion Yadon

in appreciation...

we rejoice...

we celebrate...

Dear Fellow Members, Thank you so much for the prayers, visits and delicious food during my third, and hopefully, last back surgery. Asbury certainly takes wonderful care of their members when needs arise. I appreciate all of you! Sincerely, Christine Vander Lind

with those who have experienced the joy of a new baby in their family:

Congratulations to all couples who are celebrating MilestoneAnniversaries. (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) Report your Milestone Anniversary to or call 392-1146.

Summertime is a critical time for having enough blood to serve our community, as the high schools provide a large percentage of units when school is in session. Through the Blood Ministry at Asbury, donors had the opportunity to give the gift of life in August. With only 33 donors making appointments, the day started out slowly, but 61 donors did sign in by the end of the drive at 1:00 p.m., resulting in 54 units of blood to be divided into three components: red blood cells, plasma, and platelets. This will provide 162 lives the gift that only human beings can produce! As coordinator for the American Red Cross Blood Drive, I appreciate all the volunteers, donors, Ruth Winn, Adrena Mahu and Charlene Giles who contributed the time and care for this Blood Drive to be a success. Many thanks to Asbury for contributing the site for donors to have the chance to donate blood, and the nine first-time donors for learning a new charitable way to serve their fellow man. It is my wish that this will continue to be a new health habit by donating whole blood every 56 days. In the future, the Red Cross will be offering a “double red blood cell” procedure, which takes 10-15 minutes longer than the normal process. If interested in this, I will be happy to visit with you about this. For His children I serve. Bernie Skinner, R.N.

Ty Maddox Bevins Son of Micah and Kim Bevins Brother of Ella June 25, 2006 Landry Hugh Warder Son of John and Kim Warder Brother of Trinity, Payto & Keeley August 2, 2006 Aidan Emrys Taylor Son of Shane and Julie Taylor August 28, 2006 Haley Diana Wagner Daughter of Jay and Shonda Wagner Sister of Zachary August 29, 2006

we remember... those who have died and pray God’s comfort for those who are left behind: Clarence Lain Husband of Ella Lain August 8, 2006

45 Years Harley & Billie Drake October 6

40 Years Joe & Paula Galusha September 10

35 Years Howard & Melanie Kelsey August 15 Ed & Teresa Enlow September 29

30 Years Roger & Edna Willmann October 8 Roger & Jan Steffenson October 23 Scott & Marilene Long October 23

15 Years

thank you... to the Home Improvement Team for the beautiful oak magazine racks you will be noticing around the church. A special thank you to Paul Crist and Tom Diehl who got the ball rolling and to Joe Harris who constructed each of the Tidings holders. This team continually says “yes” when called upon, and we appreciate not only their wonderful workmanship, but their willing spirits.

Bert & Retha Widlund October 5

10 Years Troy & Michelle Cupps September 28 Larry & Shirley Lane October 23

5 Years Jason & LaWana Axtell September 1 FAMILY ROOM 34

Mason Chapel Prayer Room The Mason Chapel Prayer Room is a refuge from the craziness of this world. We hope you will spend some time there soon. Six stations, described below, are provided to assist you. Notebooks at each station will guide you into a deeper time of prayer. Station 1 - Be Still Before the Lord

Station 3 - Prayers of Confessions

Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10) This station is designed to help you remove your distractions of worldly concerns, worries, burdens, anxieties or any other issues that will keep you from focusing on God. As you sit at the desk, you may write any distractions that might keep you from experiencing God on your journey. Place the distractions in the box and let them go.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (I John 19) Here you may confess your sins before God, writing them on the paper that is provided. After folding the paper in half, you may put it in the shredder beneath the table. Just as the shredder causes the paper to disappear , so God’s forgiveness causes your sins to disappear.

Station 2 - Prayers of Praise O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? (Psalm 8:1, 3-4) Focus on the greatness of who God is in your life. Praise God for who He is in your life. A notebook is provided that lists the names, character, and attributes of God to assist you in praising His holy name. 35 THE FAMILY ROOM

Station 4 - Prayers of Thanksgiving Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singing. (Psalm 100:1-2) Give thanks for all the blessings in your life. Reflect upon God’s Word to lead you into a time of thanksgiving. At this station you may read the prayers of thanksgiving in the notebook. Paper is provided to write your prayer of thanksgiving.

Exterior Door Access

Interior Door Access

M -F

8 am - 9 pm



10 am - 3 pm


12:30 pm - 9 pm

7 am - 12:30 pm Call 392-1142 for access code.

Station 5 - Prayers of Intercession for Family and Friends Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:12-13) Here you are guided to pray for your family, friends and yourself. Resources are provided to assist you. Notepaper is provided for you to write a note to the person for whom you’ve prayed.

Station 6 - Prayers of Intercession for Our World Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching the to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. -Hebrews 7:25) Pray for Asbury, Tulsa, our country, regional and global missions.

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