Asbury Tidings - Celebrate Recovery

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Inside Tidings 1 2 3 — 22 23 — 27 28 — 29 30 — 31 32 — 33

Coming Soon Notes from the Journey Celebrating Recovery Calendar of Events Volunteer Opportunities New Members Family Room

Tidings Staff Sandy Wagner Jan Weinheimer Juli Armour Lisa Tresch Lina Holmes Chris Lo Nikki Boyd

Through Celebrate Recovery countless individuals have made lasting changes in their lives by relying on God to transform them. In this issue of Tidings we bring you the redemptive stories of some special people who have found freedom, peace and serenity through God’s healing power.

Different is Good! Todd Craig sent me an article called, “The Beloit College Mindset List for the Class of 2011.” Those entering college as a freshman this year were born in 1989. They have a totally different worldview than do their seniors. For instance: *They have grown up with bottled water. Pastor Tom Harrison *They have no idea what the “Berlin Wall” was about. *Pete Rose never played baseball. *Walmart has always been a larger retailer than Sears and has always employed more workers than G.M. *Al Gore has always been running for president or thinking about it. These are just a few of their perceptions, which are totally valid. They are just far different than mine. When it comes to church, all of us bring our perceptions of reality with us. If we tell them that they must fit into our box, some of them, being compliant, will do so. But for many, if not the majority, they have little interest in carrying on our traditions. Jesus spoke about the same thing when he said, “No one puts new wine into old skins.” Sometimes our traditions become more valued than the gospel. Every generation will find their own wineskins. One of my chief responsibilities as the senior pastor at Asbury is to make sure that we have meaningful worship experiences for ALL of our generations. That means a variety of styles. It is not unilateral, either. Some from one generation prefer another style than their own. We are expanding from four worship services to six, by adding a 9:15 service in the Community Life Center (CLC) to begin October 7 and a Thursday night service (to begin later this fall). We have the space, the technology, and the people to do these services. We will also be changing the format of the 9:15 service. Each service has a pastor(s) who is responsible for the format of it. We are also letting various Communities change and adjust so they can attend the worship service that is best for the majority of them. Since I came in 1993 I have been saying, “Different is Good!” We all know that not all differences are good, and that “different can be hard,” too. But if we do not change, adjust, adapt, and expand, we will soon find ourselves left behind. That is why we will always be changing. See you Sunday,

Tom Harrison

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting

Radio Host June Hunt Featured Speaker for Annual Women’s Event


sbury’s Women’s Council welcomes June Hunt to the 2007 Value of a Woman Conference.June is an author, singer, speaker and founder of “Hope for the Heart”, a worldwide biblical counseling ministry which features the award-winning radio broadcast by the same name, heard daily across America. This year’s conference theme is “Keys to Forgiveness” and touches upon June’s newly released book, How to Forgive When You Don’t Feel Like It. Her counsel combines biblical truth with heartfelt compassion, helping people discover the tremendous healing and freedom that comes with forgiveness. The day’s offering will include a catered lunch and time set aside in the early afternoon to interact on a more personal level with June. If you have specific questions, this smaller venue will allow the opportunity for June to guide you to the answers you seek. Also offered this year is childcare for children six weeks through sixth grade. Asbury’s Singles Ministry will be underwriting the effort. Reservations for childcare and the conference may be made by completing a registration form, attaching payment, and returning it to the church office no later than Monday, October 22, by 5:00 p.m. Forms will be mailed to homes and are also available at all the Welcome Centers. We invite you and your friends to come for a day of laughter and learning, as we grow together toward forgiving

and being forgiven and changed through Christ. Scholarships are available. 1 Asbury Tidings

Notes from the Journey

Celebrating Together By Lisa Tresch


was late for a Caspian Team meeting and the church doors were locked. I double-checked my calendar to make sure I hadn’t written down the wrong date (it happens). After confirming I was at the right place at the right time, I decided to try to sneak in through the Student Ministries area where Celebrate Recovery meets. I didn’t want to disturb whatever was going on in there, and I planned to duck my head and dash behind the counter where they might not notice me. No such luck. As soon as I walked through the door, two people greeted me, and I had the distinct impression that I should know them, not because they looked familiar but because they seemed to know me. “We’re so glad you made it. Did you get blown away in that wind?” A lady with a coffee cup in her hand smiled at me and held out an arm for a hug. “Just about,” I said, smiling back and trying to look casual as I glanced at her nametag. Do I know you? I wanted to ask. From behind me, my friend Sandy greeted me. I gave her a hug and before I knew it, another woman came up beside me and put her arm around me. Sandy introduced me, and I smiled again. “I’m actually here for another meeting…upstairs,” I said almost apologetically to the lady. “That’s okay,” she said. “We’re glad to see you anyway.” For a brief moment, I was tempted to ditch my Caspian Team meeting and hang out with the Celebrate Recovery crowd. I had never felt so genuinely welcomed anywhere by people who didn’t know me at all. But I love my Caspian Team friends also, so I waved goodbye to my new friends and headed toward the stairs. I’ve known many people who were wounded, and decided to get back into church after many years away because they were looking for healing. Sometimes healing came about because people embraced them and accepted them and made sure they were part of the community. But sometimes, wounded people get overlooked in churches because those of us who are busy with meetings and

committees and agendas forget that everyone who walks through the doors needs to feel as though someone genuinely cares about them. On the Monday night I wandered into Celebrate Recovery, I felt instantly embraced, accepted and part of the community. It didn’t even seem to matter that I wasn’t staying around, or that most of the people in that room had never seen my face before. Last Monday night, I had another Caspian Team meeting. Two people who were standing outside the doors of CR waved at me as I passed by, and I was almost hoping my doors were locked so I could crash the party again. When I read the Gospels, it appears that Jesus really enjoyed a good celebration. He recognized that everyone has a need to recover from something, and the only true recovery comes when He is invited into the process. I think the folks in Celebrate Recovery have this figured out. They appear to be celebrating, and I have no doubt that each Monday night they welcome Jesus into their midst, and that His loves flows through smiles that greet, arms that embrace, and the words that heal. Asbury Tidings 2

Perfect People Need Not Apply


elebrate Recovery is a ministry for believers in Jesus Christ who recognize the struggles they have and the chaos of their lives. Through CR, we are accessing Christ’s power in our lives to overcome our issues of anger, control, grief, guilt, shame, financial loss, divorce, eating disorders, sexual addictions, drug and alcohol abuse, and many more. The Bible clearly states, “All have sinned. . . “ It is my nature to sin, and it is yours, too. None of us is untainted. Because of sin, we have all hurt ourselves, we have all hurt other people, and others have hurt us. This means each of us needs repentance and recovery in order to live our lives the way God intended. CR is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory, our recovery ministry is unique, and more effective in helping people change than anything else I have seen or heard of. I have witnessed how the Holy Spirit has used this ministry to transform lives and help people grow toward Christlike maturity. This recovery ministry is forward-looking. Rather than wallowing in the past, or dredging up and rehearsing painful memories repeatedly, CR focuses on the future. Regardless of what has already happened, the solution is to start making wise choices now and depend on Christ’s power to help us make those changes. Celebrate Recovery emphasizes personal responsibil-

ity. Instead of playing the “accuse and excuse” game of victimization, this ministry helps people face up to their own poor choices and deal with what they can do something about now. We cannot control all that happens to us, but we can control how we respond to everything. That is a secret of happiness. When we stop wasting time ascribing blame, we have more energy to fix the problems that occur in our lives. When we stop hiding our faults and stophurling accusations at others, then the healing power of Christ can begin working in our minds, our will and our emotions. CR emphasizes spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. The third principle of Celebrate Recovery calls for people to make a total surrender of their lives to Jesus Christ. Lasting recovery cannot happen without this step. Everybody needs Jesus. CR is thoroughly evangelistic in nature. This recovery ministry utilizes the biblical truth that we need each other in order to grow spiritually and emotionally. It is built around small group interaction and the fellowship of a caring community. Many therapy programs are built around one-on-one interaction. CR is built on the New Testament principle that we do not get well by ourselves. We need each other. Fellowship and accountability are two important components of spiritual growth. In CR we see lives changed in dramatic ways. We see hopeless marriages restored and people set free from all kinds of sinful habits, hang-ups, and hurts as they allow Jesus Christ to be Lord in every area of their lives. You’ll read about some of those individuals in this issue of Tidings. My closing explanation of this ministry comes from the book of James 5:16a “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed…” Thanks for reading, see you at Celebrate Recovery!

Glen Grusendorf Jr.


Asbury Tidings

JACK CARTER celebrating recovery Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11


hese versus became a daily mantra for me over the course of several very difficult years in my life. A string of human events strung in succession, figuratively and literally, put me on my knees. A serious medical problem, the death of a son-in-law, the death of my best friend, the closing of the plant

where I worked, months of unemployment and a divorce nearly took me under. There were days that the strength of these versus and God’s grace and goodness were the only thing that got me through the day. The first 45 years of my Christian experience was a walk of selfcenteredness. It was all about my wants, my desires and me. What was in it for me? I take full responsibility for the bad choices and decisions and the pain that was left in their wake. As a survival technique, I learned to disconnect myself emotionally and physically from what was happening. When I got myself in a situation where I thought I might get hurt or create a problem for myself, I would withdraw. You can’t get to me because I am not

going to let you. You won’t find out about me because I am not going to tell you. I am not going to think about this because it will be painful. Sharing any deep personal thoughts or feelings with anyone was unthinkable. My heart continued to get harder and harder each day. God used a series of human events as a catalyst to change my heart and my life. People face these events everyday. These growing experiences can be very painful and life can change in the blink of an eye. My hardened heart was to change with a phone call. This experience was the pivotal point in my Christian experience that started me on the long road to recovery. This transforming experience was the death of my son-in-law, who was

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Jack helps greet participants as they enter the doors of the Breakaway area each Monday night at 6 p.m.

an Air Force pilot. He lost his life in a training accident early in 2001. I did a lot of soul searching. For the first time in my life, I felt the pain of another person. The hard shell around my heart was broken. It was as if the Holy Spirit had used a meat hammer to tenderize my heart. This self-examination was painful and humbling. I viewed all my sins, problems, insensitivities and hurts that I had dealt out to every person in my life, particularly those in my close family. The issues were laid out before my eyes. I wondered why God had taken my son-in-law and not me. I was the one with all the sin, but that was not in God’s plan. My thinking made a dramatic shift after the initial shock of his death. Lord, what do you want me


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to learn from this experience? Please don’t let this be wasted. I started to view life through a different set of lenses. God was making a change in my life because He was transforming my heart. I wanted to change right now, but that wasn’t God’s plan, instead He was taking me one step at a time. The struggle was to continue, including an extended period of unemployment after a plant closing and a divorce. These later events helped me peel away the pride and self-sufficiency from my life. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. . . A major life lesson learned was that the journey and growing experiences such as these do not have to be made alone, but can be shared with others. In the middle of the circumstances God put individuals in my life,

right at the point they were needed and not a minute too soon or too late. The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8 Celebrate Recovery was one of those intervention points God put in my life and it has played a major role in my recovery. The opportunity to share our experiences in a safe environment in both large and small group settings has allowed me to see that I am not different. I share a close bond with my brothers and sisters who are struggling with some of the same experiences as me and some with experiences which are quite different. Being able to see how God works in each of our lives offers much encouragement. God is good, all of the time.

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JACINDA PARKER celebrating recovery


rowing up, my life was filled with sadness and loneliness. My mother died when I was young and that left the job of raising my brother and me to my grandparents, both of which were alcoholics. I found solace in going to church. Having accepted Jesus Christ into my life as a young girl, I turned to him for comfort. I can still remember lying in bed as a young child and imagining an angel at the foot with her wings spread over me to protect me as I slept. And I loved going to church. Anytime the doors were open, I was there. Unfortunately, as I grew into my teenage years, my relationship with God became a distant one. At the age of 22 I made the move the Houston, Texas. In my mind, I was leaving Tulsa, God, the church and all my problems behind—never to return again. By all accounts, I was successful in Houston. I had a public relations job in retail and that allowed me to be a part of the inner “party” circle. I attended black tie events and club openings always wearing the latest fashions. I helped dress the richest women in Houston. They invited me to their parties and I thought they were my friends. It was during this time that I started drinking heavily, but I managed to contain my consumption to nights and weekends. Then, I met the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with and we spent the next six years together. He was also successful and


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together we became a party team. We traveled a lot, but, everywhere we went included drinking and cocaine. I was never much of a drug user, so I focused primarily on alcohol. The last two years we were together became a blur. I began drinking in the morning, primarily because of the shaking my body developed without alcohol. At that time, I didn’t realize I had become an alcoholic. Two months before our wedding he called off our engagement. I was devastated and I had nowhere to go but home, back to Tulsa. This sent me into a deep depression. Everything I had run away from was now coming back into my life. When I came back I rented an apartment and spent the next year of my life making a career out of drinking. I drank from the moment I woke up until I went to sleep. I was a complete non-functioning alcoholic and if I had wanted to stop, I didn’t even begin to know how. Anyone who came to visit was never sure I was going to be alive when they found me. This brought my family great pain and anguish. At my brother’s insistence, I started attending church again. This time I would challenge God, though. I went to church drunk. To my surprise, no one asked me to leave and that is where I met my husband, Bryan. He is a God-fearing man that could see past the drinking and pray that I could get back to the woman I once was. Three months after we married, I was put in

jail for a DUI. Since I had refused treatment, Bryan and my family thought it best if I stay in jail for 30 days. That did it. I got out, stayed sober and had my first child. I was enjoying church again and I thought life was moving along just fine. My mistake was that I had not developed a support group and 17 months after my DUI I had a relapse. That relapse brought me to Celebrate Recovery. I instantly knew I had found a way to help me recover. Through Celebrate Recovery and the 12 steps, I found a way to break free from the painful experiences of my childhood. I developed a relationship with God I never thought possible. My husband and I are going strong and I have a good relationship with other family members. Today, I am part of the CR101 team and I assist in leading another 12-step group. An addition to my original testimony, which I have shared in our large group, would include this: last December I had my second son. Afterwards, I developed postpartum depression so horrible that I had to be hospitalized for four days. During this time, my Celebrate Recovery sisters were there for me. They prayed for me and were there for me when I needed a shoulder to lean on. Without them and my faith in God, I have no doubt that I would have had another relapse. Celebrate Recovery and the chance to help others will be part of my life as long as God allows me to be on this earth!

SCOT WILLIAMS celebrating recovery


hen first invited to CR in 2004, my response was one that I’m certain many people have, I’m not recovering from alcohol or drugs. Yet I had a number of hurts and hang-ups that I never truly faced. Those hurts and hang-ups resulted from various life experiences dating back to childhood. I thought I had buried them deep inside me, never to be faced again. However, I was wrong. There came a time when I looked in the mirror, and I didn’t like what I saw. I put on a mask for others to see, yet I was unhappy inside. I finally realized that those things that I buried inside were not gone. They became seeds that sprouted roots, eventually being cultivated by Satan into deepseeded anger, unresolved resentment, inability to forgive others, inability to forgive myself, as well as inability to truly accept God’s forgiveness. Growing up in a so called broken family, I never really knew my father. My mom was an incredible mom and dad for that matter, but I felt abandoned by my father. I resented him tremendously. Later in life I learned that as a child my sister had been abused by another relative who had become a male role model for us. The resulting anger, bitterness and hatred I felt for this man would for years attack my soul like poison. I had many failed relationships due to a lack of trust. One relationship years ago resulted in an abortion that I not only supported, I encouraged,

subsequently seeing myself as a murderer. I had two failed marriages that I blamed on others, again seeing myself as a failure. To mask the pain that started in childhood, I turned to many avenues. One was simply denial. Another was to attempt to find value in my valuables – sports cars, motorcycles, earthly treasures, always looking for something bigger and better. I was extremely selfish; it was all about me. I distanced myself from those closest to me, and even from God. I pursued unhealthy friendships, sought destructive relationships and found other unhealthy ways of coping with my hurts and hang-ups. As a result of many prayers by those who loved me, I was eventually led by God to CR. From the floor in Glen Grusendorf’s office with my head in my hands, the Lord lifted me to my feet and I attended my first CR praise and worship meeting that evening. The next night I visited and immediately joined a 12 step study. That was 18 months ago and I now participate in CR as a co-leader of another 12-step study where, with other men, I am continuing down a path to become more Christlike. Certainly we fail at times, but we lift each other up. I am blessed to be in such company, for as iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another. Through participating in CR and working the 12 steps, I’ve learned that I am helpless at times to control my tendency to do the wrong things. I must consciously choose daily to

commit my life and will to Christ’s care. I’ve experienced the tremendous healing that results when we confess our sins to one another and pray for each other. I’ve learned to accept God’s forgiveness as well as to forgive myself for the hurts I have caused others. I’ve even been blessed by making amends with those I have hurt as well as by offering forgiveness to those who have hurt me, including my father and the man who abused my sister. Had I not found a close personal relationship with Christ through CR, this would not have been possible. You may be wondering, as I did when I first heard some of the recovery stories, how can he share some of those things? Well, having had a spiritual experience as a result of working the 12 steps, I am no longer ashamed to tell my story and I want others to experience this incredible ministry. Certainly I am not proud of many things in my life, yet it is pride that once kept me from sharing my story. God has raised me from my knees on the floor in Glen’s office, with my head in my hands, to my feet, only to lead me back to my knees, with my head again in my hands. Yet today I come to my knees not in shame, but in honor; not in sadness, but in joy; not in pain, but in prayer; not in hiding my sin, but confessing my sin; not in selfcondemnation, but in humility; not in defeat, but in victory, through Jesus. My hurts, habits and hang-ups no longer define me. I am now, and will forever be, a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. Asbury Tidings 8


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HOPE BUCHANAN celebrating recovery


y name is Hope Buchanan and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I struggle with overcoming issues of low self-esteem, low self worth, & self criticism. I also struggle with codependency and occasional emotional eating. I have learned that self-rejection, self-criticism and self-hatred are major stumbling blocks to healthy relationships, not only with myself, with others, but also with God. Experiencing sexual abuse at the age of three from my paternal grandfather set the stage for my future behavior. There were many other experiences of sexual abuse from the age of three through the age of 12, by several different perpetrators. I also experienced a date rape at the age of 17, after I graduated from high school, which was the main catalyst in lowering my self-esteem. Although I had never told anyone about any of the abuse, I felt responsible some how, and I felt I had let my parents and God down. I don’t blame God or my parents for not being able to protect me from the perpetrators, I only blame myself for the subsequent wrong decisions I made throughout most of my adult life. So many times in my life I have felt so alone, despite the fact that I have two loving parents and my family

is very close. Over the years I have experienced several failed marriages. During those times, my two sons endured emotional abandonment as the marriages failed. Knowing how much I hurt my children and family by the wrong decisions I have made in relationships, has caused a lifetime of shame and guilt. God held onto me through all of the failed relationships and significant health problems. In 1992, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease forcing me to leave the nursing profession for seven years. I was told by my doctors that I would never work again . I responded, “My God is bigger than that!” Every two years I would renew my nurses license and pray without ceasing thanking God for healing me. During the seven years of this illness, I also experienced severe depression due to a significant chemical imbalance in my body. I also experienced flashbacks of the sexual abuse which caused panic and anxiety attacks. God never left me. He remained steadfastly close, just as He had promised. In 1999, I returned to work full time in the nursing profession. I had wanted to be a nurse since the age of five. My parents always encouraged my brother and me to be all we could be and never give up on our hopes and dreams. This year I will celebrate 33 years in the profession. My life took a major turn in May of 2005 when I was encouraged to

attend a ministry called Celebrate Recovery by a co-worker. I was in another abusive marriage and it was coming to an end. When I walked through the doors of Asbury UMC, I felt like I was coming home. My first night at CR was amazing. I met some of “those people” who were just like me-hurting people, fully exposed, not fearful of letting the “bad stuff” out in front of everyone. Hurting people, God’s people, accepting each other with the love of Christ, not with judgment or condemnation. I have never felt as though my story would make a difference in anyone’s life. Being involved in CR has helped me work through so many of my struggles, and it has made me run with my arms wide open into the waiting arms of Jesus. This is the first time since the date rape (35 years) that I have truly liked myself. This is the first time in my life I have ever been in a healthy relationship. This is the first time in my life I have broken free from the chains of fear, shame, guilt and self-hatred. I am so thankful for this ministry and for all the people God has placed in my pathway on this journey called life. God is truly amazing and His grace is sufficient for me. I recently read this statement, “The will of God will never take you to where the Grace of God will not protect you.” We are all ‘those people” in need of God’s healing power.

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Hope helps serve the Monday night meal at Celebrate Recovery.


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KEVIN IHRIG celebrating recovery

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ow many of you have seen the television commercial where the guy talks about his two luxury cars, country club membership, and beautiful home? And as he stands in front of the pool in his backyard, there’s this pregnant pause…and he then calmly states, “And I’m in debt up to my eyeballs!” The announcer comes in and starts telling us that life is not always what it seems. This WAS my life—I was that guy you sit next to in church that has it all together! And my crowning achievement? I also secretly managed a life where I viewed porn on the internet. This was my life until a couple of years ago. I wish I could tell you that there was some horrible reason I could blame for my actions in my adult life. In reality, I grew up in a loving home. God was involved in my life as a boy and I believed myself to be a good Christian. BUT, my father subscribed to Playboy magazine. It was delivered each month to our home in that infamous plain brown wrapper. As Celebrate Recovery has taught me, my father, unwittingly, was leaving me an unhealthy legacy. He didn’t intend it for my use, he would have punished me if he caught me at it, but it was in the house and I found a way to it. While I was in college, there was the occasional magazine I would buy. Then VCR’s came along and the movie rental business soon followed. I rented

movies from time to time to wind down from my late night work as a restaurant manager. Then I discovered the “back room” at a video rental place and I began to view porn in a more upscale manner and on a more regular basis. I married, and as my wife and I moved around the country with my career, we would find a house, hook up the utilities, she would find a job, and I would find a video rental place with “that” back room. Then the internet exploded and I don’t think I have to tell you where that led me. My family was growing with the birth of our two sons, but my relationship with my wife on an intimate level was becoming more and more distant. Why? I turned to porn more and more as “an outlet” for my sexual needs and desires. I knew my wife didn’t like the fact I viewed porn, but I was a man and I had needs. So, I justified my actions as making up for what she was “seemingly” unwilling to provide for me. Besides, who was I hurting? This was for me and only affected me. Keep this point in mind please. One night, my wife woke up and walked in on me late at night when I was cruising the net in places I shouldn’t be. She promptly walked back out, but this time I followed her back to our bedroom. She was mad, and I absolutely knew it. I sat down beside her on our bed, the bed that had grown so cold between us, and I listened to how angry she was that

this was a part of my life. I listened to how she worried that our sons would see these images and pick it up as a part of their lives. I told her I would stop, and more importantly, I would seek some help to stop. I’d stopped looking at porn for periods in my life before, but “willpower” always failed. I told her I would begin attending Celebrate Recovery the following Monday evening. And then God got busy and began the process to fix my life as well as our marriage. We went on a family vacation soon after that night and instead of two roommates raising two kids, we became a couple again. Vicki and I have rediscovered one another and our marriage is at the best place it has ever been. And that’s because the third person, the porn, is not in our lives. And I have grown so much closer in my walk with God. Remember the statement about how my activities weren’t hurting anyone? Well, how wrong I was. The very thing I turned to in order to satisfy my own selfish needs was the force driving my wife away from me! Today, this body and mind that God gave me as his temple is a little purer, I now honor my bride, and my sons will not have this unwanted legacy left to them. My name is Kevin Ihrig and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. Through God’s grace, I have been delivered from the bonds of pornography.

Upon Tom’s recommendation, Kevin read the book: “Every Man’s Battle” by Stephen Arterburn. He recommends it to all men. 13

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ALICE MORROW celebrating recovery Asbury Tidings 14


i, I’m Alice Pennington Morrow, a grateful believer in Jesus Christ celebrating recovery from anger, childhood sexual abuse and a teenage rape resulting in an abortion. Currently, I struggle with food addiction, control issues and fear of abandonment. These struggles coupled with the pain of divorce brought me to Celebrate Recovery. My dysfunctional past started when I was very young. At two years my mom says I became my father’s “emotional wife.” At five my grandfather sexually molested me. As a result, I suffered from a recurring nightmare for years and developed several phobias. Ultimately, I lost my childhood and accepted hyper-vigilance as normal. It was the Lord’s help I desperately needed. As He said, “I will never leave or forsake you.” At seven I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Corrie ten Boom once said, “I have learned to hold things loosely because it hurts so when the Father pries away my fingers.” Yet until Celebrate Recovery I believed holding things tightly allowed me to have full control. The term “micromanager” described me to a “T”. My youth included negotiating my parents’ divorce with my legal pad of paper and each parent in a separate room. At the time I was suffering a spastic colon and was addicted to Valium. Because of this I missed half a semester of high school.. My childhood set the stage for me to be the perfect wife for a narcissist. At 24, I married and I learned to


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cope with his tendency to rewrite history. I was managing my life and struggling to get everything right. I was a very codependent woman. In 1993 a car accident left me with three herniated neck discs and fibromyalgia. I spent six months in bed. For 12 years I was fully disabled and often needed a wheelchair. For a time, driving became impossible. I was no longer able to manage my food addiction, so I gained 60 pounds. Some of my best and worst days took place as I home-schooled my National Merit finalist daughter and Regent Scholar son. My husband and I disagreed on parenting, so the children suffered greatly. Our united, biblical parenting quickly ended and time after time I found myself the only one following through with the principles we had agreed on. This see-saw cycle often put me in the position of scapegoat of the family, and taught the children to disrespect me, their mother. After 20 years of severe emotional and verbal abuse and nine years of counseling with several different counselors and classes, my husband chose to ex-communicate from our church and sought a divorce. On separate occasions, my son and daughter confronted me with misinformation they had been told by their father. When I would answer their questions, they would have to struggle to reconcile the truth in their minds. This became the most painful experience of my life. As I lay in a hospital bed with doctors saying I might not live through the night, my friend and I begged the children’s father to bring them to see me. He refused. My

confused children did NOT visit me. I cried bitter tears from a broken heart. In CR, I learned to “let go” as required for Step One. “I am powerless…” God desires our powerless state relying on Him (John 15:5). I then learned Step Two, “God can restore.” Since completing the 12 steps in 2005, the LORD healed my neurological symptoms and fibromyalgia. I no longer take narcotics or any prescription medication. I walk three miles a day thanking God for His miracles. Eight months ago God gave me a wonderful Christian husband, John, and once again I am teaching nursing, currently at Tulsa Community College. My 21-year-old son blessed me this Mother’s Day with the best statement. With tears streaming down his face he said, “Mom, you have changed so much and Mom it is so good to see you happy, really happy. You deserve it.” Since the divorce my 24-year-old daughter has spoken to me only twice for less than 10 minutes each time, refusing to have any relationship with me despite my letter of amends. Often with tears I say the Serenity Prayer lines: “God, Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change...accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. Taking as Jesus did this sinful world as it is not as I would have it.” My license plate reads, “IN HIS JOY.” I thank the Lord for using CR to help restore my life. I say to everyone “Come to Celebrate Recovery and ‘Keep Coming Back.’”

KAILEY ROSE life hurts, God heals


y name is Kailey Rose...and I’m afraid of being abandoned. Ever since I was little I always looked up to my dad like a superhero or a “super strong mightyman.” It just seemed like he would always be there for me and pick me up when I fell. However, soon he just kind of abandoned me and wasn’t the dad I grew to respect and love. He wasn’t a dad to me anymore—drugs and alcohol became his “child.” I felt so alone and scared, it became like I had to be tough for my mom and not let anyone know that I was hurting inside. But truly my world was being torn apart limb by limb. Last year was kind of tough on me, because I still had the hurt inside of me and was starting to go through A LOT of tough teenage stuff! Then one of my good friend’s mom knew about my past and some of the feelings I felt. So she told me about a church group called “Life Hurts God Heals” that Marsha Baker led. I was nervous about it at first, but when I got into my group it changed my life! I’ve gone through LHGH twice now and I’m definitely planning on a third! From one thing after another, my “sisters” were always there for me, no one in my “LHGH family” made me feel bad about what happened or what I did. I sooo love coming every Wednesday and knowing they are there for me. They have made me realize that I can move on, and through them God made me realize that I can help others with the “junk” in their lives, too.

I’m a new me—MAJOR lover of God and a person who doesn’t hold on to bad stuff from the past or what

might happen in the future. Thanks to LHGH, I’m not who I was! Kailey Rose, 14

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hen I first moved here from Mexico City I wasn’t into church and I didn’t really like going. After a year of not going to church I decided that it was time to start, so I got enrolled in a group called, Life Hurts, God Heals (LHGH). At first I just did it because I wanted to make friends, but as time went by I learned better than that. We met every Wednesday afternoon. After a couple of weeks I started sharing a lot of stuff that

was going on in my life during that period of time. I was really hurt about the death of one of my family members. My small group helped me get through that issue and other kinds of stuff that I was struggling with. One of the things I learned was that I don’t have to carry my guilt around anymore! That was a big relief for me. At first I couldn’t really believe that God would give His only Son for me. I mean, why me? I don’t deserve that huge and wonderful gift, but then I realized that God loves me so much and that is why He did it! All the guilt that kept pulling me towards the darkness of the world is now gone; He took it all away and gave Jesus the punishment that I deserved for all my sins. Telling people about how I feel makes me feel lighter; it just takes the weight off my back. In small group Marsha [Baker] always said, “God never wastes a hurt. Everything happens for a reason.” Now I understand what she meant by that and I believe her. My small group was the best! My friends from LHGH are really good to me; they are always by my side and that they will always be there for me in

good and bad times. They always support me in every decision I make and help me make good decisions. I got to see a different side of my friends. I call this the “secret side” because I think that no one has seen that side of others. I feel really special when I think about that. I have been in LHGH for two semesters now and I’m looking forward to the third. I just feel so free when I’m there every Wednesday night. I like being there for my friends and having them there for me. After attending LHGH I started going to church more often. Now I don’t miss the world. I learned a lot of things during Life Hurts, God Heals and I like telling people about how God can change people’s lives and turn them in a different direction like He did with my life. God has a plan for everybody and He thinks we are all an art piece, even though we screw up a lot and break His heart. He still forgives us and loves us no matter what we do or say. That is one of the most precious things I learned at LHGH. Sofia Rossainzz, 14

SOFIA GROSSAINZZ life hurts, God heals Kailey Rose and Sofia Grossainzz


Asbury Tidings

DONNA SIMONSON celebrating recovery


i, I’m Donna Simonson. I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I struggle with codependency, people pleasing and bipolar illness. I came to Celebrate Recovery and joined a 12-Step study because our church planned to start a CR ministry. After the first lessons, I realized I was here for me to work out my issues. I was raised in a family who loved God and went to church every Sunday, however, my parents argued often and I wanted to fix it. When I was 14, I went on a retreat and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I didn’t fully

understand “saved by grace.” I was trying to be saved by works and felt condemned when I sinned. Then I met the love of my life at church. We dated for six years. We got married the end of my junior year in college. Before marriage, in college, a friend invited me to Campus Crusade for Christ. I didn’t go because I didn’t want to confess my secret sins. CR has taught me that God was giving me an opportunity to be set free, but I missed that chance. When I had our first child, I had a bipolar episode which the doctor thought was postpartum depression. I wasn’t in control. It was frightening. I

prayed to God and admitted that I was powerless without Him. I had a dream and in it Jesus revealed to me that I was forgiven and that I was saved by grace, not by works. It was a joy and relief. I told everyone. Everyone thought I was a fanatic, except my husband. He believed me. I consciously chose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control. I was admitted to psychiatric ward but I had peace that God was with me. I had been a worrier, but as I grew closer to the Lord, I became less anxious. Reading the Psalms and singing Christian songs helped me overcome my depression.

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The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners . . . to comfort all who mourn. Isaiah 61:1-3 When we visited our parents, I tried to please everyone. My mother and motherin-law controlled how much time we spent with them. One time I counted the hours and divided it by two. Both my mother and my mother-in-law complained. God seemed to be telling me that I couldn’t please everyone. In 1982 we moved to Seattle. I had another bipolar episode. I thought the Rapture was coming. I couldn’t sleep for three days and then I plummeted into a pit of despair. I was up and down. It was like I was on drugs, but I wasn’t. That’s what chemicals in the brain do. I will be forever grateful to God for sending us to a good Christian psychiatrist who put me on Lithium. In three days the delusions disappeared; the clouds of depression blew away. Jesus walked through the valley with me as my Shepherd. When I was confused, my husband read me the Bible and then I


Asbury Tidings

could think clearly. God’s Word is powerful. God used each of our three children to minister to me during that time. One day I was depressed and couldn’t decide what food to buy at the store. God sent a friend who had also been depressed to help me. When you’re depressed, God will send someone to lift you up. The CR family can do that for you. When our oldest daughter was a teenager, she and her dad argued. I wanted to stop the fighting. It reminded me of when my parents argued and I wanted them to stop. CR has taught me I can’t fix everyone and make them happy—only Jesus can. I need to quit trying to fix them so God can work in their lives. Our daughter got married and in 1999 had her first baby. Six months later my husband was diagnosed with t-cell lymphoma, stage four. He went to National Institute of Health in Maryland for experimental treatment. We prayed for him and the treatment worked. God had compassion on him and healed him. After that our daughter had her second baby three months premature. She weighed one pound, one ounce. We prayed for her and she is now a healthy six year old. We were blessed

with another miracle. One year after her baby was born our daughter got divorced. It was hard to accept that I couldn’t fix it. Isaiah 61:1-3 says, “I have come to heal the brokenhearted, to set the captives free.” This verse helped me. Celebrate Recovery taught me to let go and let God. I couldn’t identify my feelings, but the 12-step study taught me to journal and this helped me process my thoughts. I can express my feelings much better. My husband has cancer again but CR is helping me distinguish between co-dependency and caregiving. I have learned that recovery is a journey. “He who has begun a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” (Philippians 1:6) Occasionally I have periods of depression, but reading God’s Word and prayer helps me overcome these feelings. My step-sisters, accountability partners, husband and children have helped me in my recovery. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to share my secrets. “Therefore confess your sins to each other so that you may be healed.” (James 5:16) I recently finished co-leading a 12-step study and received even more freedom and healing the second time through the study.

BARBARA McMAHON celebrating recovery


y name is Barbara McMahon and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I am in recovery and struggle with anxiety of public speaking, depression, overeating, controlling, hiding, enabling, anger and low selfesteem. To sum it all up in one pretty ugly package: “I am Queen of Codependency”. I was the last of nine children born to poor middle-aged parents. I was truly blessed with siblings and parents that loved and spoiled me. Most of my siblings are much older and helped take care of me. I had loving Christian parents that took us to church every time the door was opened and taught me the right from

wrong. One of my first memories was being in my mother’s arms, leaning over a lady sleeping in a box (I didn’t realize it was a coffin). My mother said, “Say goodbye to your grandmother.” I remember thinking, “Who is this lady?” I wasn’t scared; it just seemed odd. I didn’t realize until I went through my 12-step study, my whole life seemed focused around death. When I was six, my oldest brother died of cancer. I remember the whole family going to Washington D.C. where I was again telling someone I really didn’t know goodbye. I became a Christian at the age of 11 and was so full of His grace. I can remember my sister reading John

3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only beloved son, that whosoever shall believe in him, shall not perish, but have ever lasting life” and leading me to the Lord. I will never forget it and neither will she. In fact it is still one of my favorite Bible verses. I started babysitting to buy clothes and help support myself. I had to grow up fast as there was little money for essentials. Around 15, my oldest and dearest sister (22 years older) was diagnosed with breast cancer. Jenny had to undergo a radical mastectomy. Mom and Dad went to Kansas City to help out. This left my two older sisters to take care of me. By this time I felt as though I was a bother to everyone and just needed to Asbury Tidings 20

stay out of the way. This is when I started to make bad choices. I felt such hurt and loss when Jenny died. I was so angry and I blamed God for taking her. I became a very rebellious teenager and my parents and siblings didn’t know what to do with me. I was making bad choices that I would have to live with. This was the end of the hippy era (early 1970s) and I was doing what I wanted to do. I was selfish, selfcentered and was in the process of breaking up with my boyfriend when I got pregnant. I had a choice of keeping the baby, marrying the guy or having an abortion. I married though it only lasted over a year. So, at 17 I had the most beautiful big brown-eyed boy. My whole family fell in love with him. The following year my dad died suddenly from a blood clot that went to his lung. This really crushed me as I was a Daddy’s girl. Next I fell in love with this tall, good-looking guy and we were married. The following year I got pregnant and had a second son. Everything seemed perfect. Why would we need anything else? We had friends, family, good jobs, and we were partying up a storm. My sister Sandy had been helping in a prison ministry and fell in love with a prisoner that had become a Christian. She helped him get out of prison early. They ran off and got married without telling any one. We knew something just was not right with this whole situation. Then we got a call that there had been an accident and Sandy had been shot. My sister died. I missed her so much and felt guilty that I should have done something to prevent it. I know now there was nothing I could have done By this time my husband and I were not getting along, the drinking and pot was starting to take a toll on our marriage. My husband would leave me alone a lot. We were growing farther apart and I was so lonely. He lost his job and wouldn’t look for another and we were losing everything—our place at the lake, the boat, 21

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cars, and he didn’t seem to care. I had to get out. So, we divorced even though I still loved him. He later died of cancer and it was very painful for me and my sons. By this time I was working long hours and partying a lot, dating the wrong men and my children were paying the price for it. Once again, I thought I was in love, married another man. It only lasted one year as he was an alcoholic. This was the first time I learned about Al-Anon. My mom helped with my sons a lot, and she always let me know what wrong choices I was making, but I knew it all. My mom who was always there for me had a severe heart attack and had to have open-heart surgery. She was never the same as there was severe heart damage. My world fell apart when I received another early morning call from the hospital that my oldest son, Jeremy, had been in a car wreck. I was shaking and couldn’t think as I hurried to the hospital. Jeremy died and I truly felt that my heart had been ripped out of me. The next year was a blur and there are parts I can’t remember. I had a hole in my heart. I felt anger, depression, and sadness for many years to come. The next year after Jeremy died, my mother passed away. I just felt numb. My remaining son needed me to help him as he was spiraling out of control into drugs and I didn’t know what to do. It seemed like all the therapists in the world couldn’t help bring his dad, brother and grandmother back. My depression was severe and I didn’t know how to help my son. I started crying out to God to help me and the all-knowing, all-faithful responded. Little by little, I regained my strength. My son was better. I married again. We were each others’ best friends. We both had great jobs and we built our dream home. We traveled and life was grand, or so I thought. His drinking started getting worse and he would get in trouble and I helped hide it. I had to make sure that all our

friends never found out all the terrible things that were going on behind closed doors. Between his hospital and rehab stays I realized I couldn’t fix him. One of the psychiatrists finally told us that my husband was a sex addict as well as an alcoholic and the only place he knew that could help was Celebrate Recovery. That was when we started attending CR. When I walked through those doors, I was feeling cold, hard and tired. I couldn’t figure out why these people were so happy! I’ll never forget when Glen talked with us he told me that I couldn’t do anything more for him but pray; that he had to want change for himself. When he turned and started talking to my husband like he did, it was the Holy Spirit t alking, not Glen. During the first few weeks after we came to Celebrate Recovery, I lost my job and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. At the time I didn’t think so, but a year to the day I started my new career. I am single now and God is truly taking care of me. I can’t tell you all the miraculous wonderful things God has done for me in just one year. Celebrate Recovery and the 12-step study has changed my life. I am so grateful to my sponsors, friends and my step-sisters as I know what I was and how my Lord and Savior changed me. I now know I cannot do it on my own. Trust me, if there was a way, I would have found it. Only God could cleanse me and make me white as snow. Isaiah 30:21, says “And if you leave God’s paths and go astray, you will hear a Voice behind you say, No, this is the way, walk here.” I hear my Father’s voice when I start to go astray. I am so blessed that God has shown me favor and I know one day I will see all my loved ones in heaven and that will be a glorious day. I still have a lot of work to do, as I take my inventory and ask God for help. I will tell you I am not where I want to be yet, but I am not where I was, and I thank God and Celebrate Recovery for that.

CHARLIE RYSER celebrating recovery


i, I’m Charlie Ryser, a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. The Lord has helped me experience victory over depression and is presently helping me confront new issues concerning my pride and anger. I write from the perspective of a pastor of 27 years who has been involved with Celebrate Recovery for only about a year and a half and is in the process of walking my 12 Steps to recovery. Celebrate Recovery is based on the A.A. model and works the same 12 Steps but with a beautiful twist--the direct acknowledgement, celebration, and help of Jesus Christ as our one true Higher Power and the use of scriptures to undergird each step. CR is an ecumenical program with quite a few programs throughout the metropolitan area. It has been my experience that Celebrate Recovery ministers to any person with hurts, habits and hangups, which when we begin to get honest, pretty much includes everyone you and I know.

From the large group gathering, which includes a meal and a time of worship and praise, to the various group meetings which break into more intimate guided discussion, the program is directed by trained volunteer guides that help the group stay focused on their issues, remembering to balance their challenges with victories and celebrations. Celebrate Recovery isn’t an organized “poor me” party, but is about finding and living an honest, balanced, and healthy life in supportive fellowship with other Christians who have experienced the wounds of life but are also experiencing life healing changes with the help of those same trusted leaders. It takes courage to peel back the masks of our lives in order to confront a hurt, habit or hang-up via a wholesome spiritual process and discover the better path and plan that Jesus wants us to walk with Him. Each participant purchases four workbooks with questions, scriptures, and prayers designed to help focus on their particular issue(s) and to discover the gospel

response and challenges to the direction of their life. It can take time to develop the trust and chemistry necessary to set aside the tools/masks we’ve developed over our life journeys but when the spirit of Christ is allowed to hold sway over a group committed to Christ-like care of one another, awesome things begin to happen. The information discovered and shared in your group is confidential and in that safe environment you begin experiencing a new view for a healthy life filled with a peace and sanity. The scriptural declaration becomes reality. Truth really does set a person free! Honesty, confession, and turning your life around one step at a time with the help of Christ and other committed Christians working together are powerful experiences. Learning to rejoice in our victories, being comforted when we falter, and hearing the voice of Christ lovingly saying, “Get up and follow me,” whether for the first time or the one hundredth time is a lot of what Celebrate Recovery is about. We are reminded that we already know what the end result is going to be, because Christ is working His good purposes and won’t stop working until they are completed in each of us. Christ wants us to help ourselves and others to experience His faithful grace, mercy, and victory one step at a time. I invite you to visit CR on Monday evenings at Asbury or cont act Glen Grusendorf to discover other locations in the Tulsa area. You won’t regret getting involved because Jesus is at the heart of this program. He’s calling your name and wants you to experience His abundant life.

asbury opportunities general information Breakfast Served from 7:00-8:45 am. in the CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donuts, bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under. Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) 9:15 am Sanctuary (Contemporary Communion) 9:15 am CommunityLife Center (Praise and Worship) 11:00 am Sanctuary (Traditional with sign interpreter) 11:00 am Mason Chapel (Modern) Sundays for Children and Students 6 Weeks - 4 Years 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am K-6th Grades 9:15 or 11:00 am 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 9:15 & 11:00 am 10th, 11th & 12th Grades 9:15 am only Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, & 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Family Night Dinners Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm in the CLC. Cost: $5-adults, $3-children ages 2-12, $20 maximum per family. Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled? Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 492-1771, selecting option 2, and leaving a message for the pastor on call. Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-toCouple. Six months to one year lead time suggested. The Gazebo is Open CDs of Tom’s message of the day are available immediately following the worship service - $3. Recycling Recycle unwanted paper products. Three bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots. Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists, births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and military listings. 23


Doors of Asbury posters are at the Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing. New Additions to the Library The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library.

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Discipleship Community Sundays, 11:00 am, Rm. 1507

bible study Brochures with details about Fall ‘07 RoadMap courses being offered are available at each of the Welcome Centers or online at

care and support Ready When the Time Comes Saturday, October 6, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2821. No charge. Training on shelter, food and non-certified adult CPR provided by the Red Cross for local disaster response. Call 392-1191 by September 24 to register. Dealing with the Loss of a Child Sunday, October 7, 3:00-5:00 pm, Parlor. Dr. Mel and Pat Whittington were required to put faith to the test when their 17-year-old daughter died in a car accident. Is God’s grace sufficient? Meet Mel and Pat. Hear from God. No cost and no registration necessary. Flu and Pneumonia Shot Clinic Sponsored and run by the Visiting Nurses Association. Wednesday, November 7, 5:007:00 pm in the Main Entry of Asbury. Cost: Flu Shot is $28 and Pneumonia Shot is $45. May be covered by Medicare Part B. Fore more information, contact Bernie Skinner at Preparing for the Holidays Grief Workshop Saturday, November 10, 10:00 am - noon, Rm 2500. No charge. Coping with the holidays during the challenging times following the loss of a loved one. No cost and no registration necessary. Prayer Card Ministry Let us know of anyone going through a tough time (including Asbury-related military and families) that would be blessed by prayer cards sent twice a month, filled with God’s encouraging words, love and our prayers. Calligraphers and card designers are needed. Contact Gwen Mohler at or call 392-1146. Asperger Support Group: First Thursday from 7:00-9:00 pm in Rm 1621. For mothers of children with Asperger Syndrome.

Alzheimer’s Support Group Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in upstairs Administration Conference Room. Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm, Parlor - For those living with cancer and their family and friends. Bipolar/Depression Support Group Second and fourth Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 1621 - For persons living with bipolar disorder or depression. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Employment Transitions Need a second set of eyes to review your resume? Free male and female one-on-one support available through Asbury’s Employment Transitions. Contact Barbara Wright at Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1506. Family to Family For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. 4th Tuesdays from 1:30 - 3:00 pm in the Parlor. Call Ruth at 392-1146. Military Connection You are invited to write a letter or note of appreciation and thanks to Asbury-related military to let them know we appreciate what they are doing for us and our country. Please put them in the mail slot on top of the South desk, attention Military Connection. Children are encouraged to write a note or draw pictures. If you have a loved one in the milit ary, we will send them prayer cards and gift boxes (if deployed overseas). Please send complete name and address to Gwen Mohler at or call 392-1146. Prison Fellowship Support First Tuesday of each month, 7:00-8:30 pm. For family and friends of people who are incarcerated. Meets offsite. Call Ruth at 3921146 for location. Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripturebased journal included instead! Great for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For more information, contact Beth at 392-1116.

children Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. Core Childcare Hours Parents who are involved in RoadMap classes during these core hours will have childcare provided with no reservations needed: Sun 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Mon & Tue 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Tue, Wed, & Thur 6:00 pm - 9:00 (Childcare will be closed for Martin Luther King, Jr., President’s Day, the week between Christmas and New Year’s, October 17-19 for Fall Break; October 31 evening for Fall Festival and November 21-23 for Thanksgiving.) Upward Basketball and Cheerleading Registrations now being taken for those in Kindergarten through 6th grade in the 2007-2008 school year. Everybody plays, everybody has fun, and everything revolves around developing a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and living in a way that glorifies God. That’s what UPWARD Basketball and Cheerleading is all about. The real stars in this world are not the ones who run the fastest or jump the highest; the real stars are the ones who honor God and honor others by the way they practice and play the game. This program promotes character and self-esteem in every child by providing equal playing time for each player, one-hour practice and game each week of the season with devotions, and an evaluation process to provide equal opportunity for improvement. Each player signs up as an individual, not as a group or team. Separate leagues for boys and girls. All participants MUST attend one evaluation. Evaluations will be held October 11, 12, and 13. Practices for both basketball and cheerleading will be one night a week on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, with games on Friday or Saturday. Practices begin November 26 and games begin January 4. Awards Program will be Sunday, February 24 from 2:00-4:00 pm to celebrate a fun and exciting season. Parents are needed to be coaches, referees and squad leaders. If you would like to volunteer, an Upward ‘07-’08 volunteer form and background check must be completed and returned by October 12. Parents, if you plan to coach your child’s team a form MUST accompany your child’s registration. All volunteers must attend an Upward training November 9 and 10. Registration forms and volunteer forms will be available in the preschool and elementary gathering areas, gymnasium and also online at

ALL registrations must be turned in by October 5. Any forms received or postmarked after that date will be placed on a waiting list. For more information or if you have questions, contact Janet Teel, Programming Associate at or at 392-1171. So don’t be left out. Everybody wins. Everybody gets awards. And every particip ant is a STAR! Midweek Madness Wednesdays through November 14 from 7:008:00 pm in the Children’s Elementary Area for Kindergarten - 5th graders. On Wednesday nights, Faith Zone will be the place to be as children learn to apply biblical truths to their lives. Our goal each week will be to reinforce the lesson that was presented on Sunday with hands-on activities that they can apply to their lives. We will create an environment that will be both educational and entertaining. Kids will have the opportunity to build relationships and go deeper into hiding God’s Word in their hearts. Can’t wait to see you there. Pick up your registration form and sign up early so we may be wise stewards and plan accordingly. For more information contact Kim at 392-1159 or Fall Festival Wednesday October 31 from 5:30-8:00 pm. Admission cost: 1 bag of candy. Come treat your family to a new twist on the traditional fall festival. Travel with your friends back to biblical times where you can ride in a chariot, slay Goliath, be a guest at a wedding as well as enjoy traditional carnival games and more. Lots of volunteers are needed. Call Kim at 392-1159 or email her at KRS Emperor’s Groovy PJ Party November 16 from 5:30-9:30 pm in the KRS Room. Cost: $10. Our first and second graders will have games, crafts, snacks and a video to make this a groovy evening. Our lesson will be based on 1 Peter 3:9 - “Do not repay evil with evil...” Please get registration forms in by November 8 to help us plan, as we want to be good stewards. For questions or more information, please contact Kim at 392-1159 or email Murdock Villa Usually the second Sunday of the month from 12:30 - 3:00 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat then visit Murdock Villa where we will play Bingo and do crafts with special needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. Limited to 10 kids each month.

discipleship Discipleship Communities If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship Community (similar to Sunday School) why not

visit one of our Welcome Centers and see what’s available for someone just like you! Brochures are available in the Welcome Centers, or you may check them out at (Get Connected). Community Emphasis Sunday Sunday, September 30. This is the time that all our Adult Disicpleship Communities roll out the red carpet and proclaim their uniqueness throughout the building. There will be tables throughout the Main foyer and around the hall, with displays of our 38 different “families” who would love to welcome you to join them. If you have not yet found that special place to “Belong, Believe, and Become” a family of believers, come check out your choices as you enjoy the festivities. Communities, this is your special day to let your light shine for the Lord on Sunday morning. Spiritual Gifts Classes Sunday, October 4, 2:00-4:30 pm, Rm 1506 or Wednesday, November 7, 6:00-8:30 pm, Rm 1506. Have you been wondering what on earth you are here for? Our pastor has urged us to learn what our gifts are and to USE them to “glorify God and make disciples.” Come explore God’s design for Spiritual Gifrts and how you uniquely fit into the body of Christ. Take the Spiritual Gifts Inventory online (contact Teresa Springer at if you haven’t done so previously, and bring your completed inventory printout to class for discussion and deeper understanding.

evangelism Alpha and Alpha Sprouts Tuesdays through November 20, 6:30 - 8:45 pm; Adults in CLC, Children in 2901. No cost. Alpha (for adults) and Alpha Sprouts (for kids preschool through 6th grade). Exploring the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening setting with such questions as Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? Who is the Holy Spirit? Why should I read the Bible? Preview dinner Luau party, September 11 at 6:30 pm in the CLC. Overnight retreat (adults), October 26-27. No commitment or course cost. Meal RSVP, 392-1191.

marriage & family Want to Build a Better Marriage? Thursdays through November 8. (No class October 18), 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Rm 2820. Cost: $10/couple. Falling in love is easy! Staying in love is easy, too, if you learn “love skills” to stop behaviors that kill relationships. Based on C-PREP materials, engaged or married couples will benefit from trained facilitators plus a host couple. Childcare available. Call 392-1191 to register. ASBURY TIDINGS


Secrets to a Successful Stepfamily October 5 and 6, 6:00-9:00 pm Friday and 8:45 am - 2:00 pm Saturday in the Parlor. Couples will learn new tools to help them grow as a couple and family. Combining families can lead to strained marriages. You are not alone! Leader Gaye Call has 20 years in ministry. She and Bill have been married 18 years and have successfully blended their stepfamily. Four follow-up meetings in homes, choice of night. Cost: $50 per couple. Includes three home-cooked meals and materials. Milestone Wedding Anniversaries Email your December or January Milestone Anniversary (5,10,15,20,etc.) to or call 392-1146.

make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. Contact the Adult Ministries office to offer your services. Boy Scout/Veteran’ s Observance Pancake Breakfast Asbury Boy Scout Troop 10 is once again hosting this annual event Saturday, November 10. We will once again feature a salute to Asbury veterans and active service members from all branches. Tickets may be purchased on Sunday, November 4 at the South Entrance, as well as at the door the morning of the event. (All proceeds benefit the Asbury Scout Leadership Foundation.)


Eyeglass Donations Are you wondering what to do with those old eyeglasses? Donate them to missions! You may drop yours off in the Global Outreach office. Campbell’s Soup Label Changes Save Campbell’s soup labels for missions. Please note that a different part of the label is now required. Please cut the UPC symbol and the Labels for Education symbol together. Turn these in for missions! Questions: Contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163. Mission Matters A monthly newsletter is available with recent news of mission happenings. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163 or Preference is for the email version, but hard copies can be mailed if needed. Global Outreach Prayer Ministry News and prayer requests from our missionaries and ministries are sent each week to our prayer ministry list. If you would like to join and become a prayer intercessor for those serving around the world, contact Missy at 392-1163. Global Outreach Ministry Teams These teams specialize in certain areas and all are open to anyone having an interest in those areas. They are as follows: Caspian Ministry (work in Azerbaijan), Latin America Ministry (work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala), College Missions Ministry, Communications, Estonia Ministry; Kami Tanzania Ministry, International Student Ministry, Missionary Care, and Prayer. If you need further information call the Global Outreach Office, 392-1117. Young Lives (formerly Mentor Moms) First and second Tuesdays of the month, 7:00-9:00 pm in the Parlor. This is a support

Asbury Exploration Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, October 7 from 12:15-2:15 pm in CLC. Lunch provided and childcare is available for children 6 weeks through 6th grade. Call 392-1191 to register.

men Annual Men’s Fall Golf Tournament Friday, October 19 - 11:30 am lunch and 1:00 pm shotgun start at Forest Ridge. Cost: $75. Attention men. Fall is just around the corner and you know what that means. That’s right. It’s time for our annual Asbury Men’s Fall Golf Tourney, and you will definitely want to be a part of the fun this year. The cost includes driving range, green fee, cart, lunch, awards and prizes. The format is a four-man scramble and you may form your own team or be placed on a team. The deadline for paid registrations is Monday, October 15 with a limit of 100 players. Forms may be picked up in the church office or at any Welcome Center and returned with payment to Doroto Dietze in the Registrar’s Office. This year’s organizer is Donnie Cox. Call your family, call your friends...and join us for a great afternoon of fellowship, friends and fun. Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Breakfast, meaningful worship and life-changing prayer! Cost: $3/person October 3 Pec Clark October 10 Don Herrold October 17 Special Guest Speaker October 24 Todd Johnson October 31 Bill Johnson Home Improvement Ministry Workday Saturday, October 20. Workers meet in the CLC at 8:00 am. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers 25



group for teenage moms, sponsored by Young Life.


Remaining 2007 Opportunities

Fall / Cookson Hills, Oklahoma Light Construction, $55 October 13 – 20 / Monterrey, Mexico Construction & Mission Bible School, $950 November 7 – 11 / Rio Bravo, Mexico Men’s Construction, $550 November 7 – 11/Monterrey, Mexico Medical, $900 November 10 – VIM Leader Training in Tulsa All costs approximate. For further details about Volunteers-In-Mission opportunities, cont act Marilene Long, 392-1164 or

music Oklahoma Centennial Program Sunday, October 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Come enjoy the celebration of our state’s 100th birthday with the Chancel Choir, New Covenant Orchestra and special guests. Chancel Choir Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, Choir Room New Covenant Orchestra Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, Rm 1510 Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:00 pm, Choir Room Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm 2506 New Creation Ringers Wednesdays, 4:45 pm, Rm 2504 Carillon Quartet Mondays, 6:30-7:30 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Rm 2506 Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:00 am-noon, Rm 2506 Resonance Bell Ensemble Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm 1510 Saints of Swing Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, Rm 1510

prayer Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or right after the service, please come to the altar rail at the front of the Sanctuary. A p astor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual - at the altar or in the Prayer Room.

Mason Chapel Prayer Room Because of construction, you may not enter the Mason Chapel Prayer Room from the outside entrance of the southeast side of the Chapel. Sundays from 7:00 am - 12:30 pm the Prayer Room can be accessed from inside Mason Chapel.

recovery Celebrate Recovery Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm; Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from 8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hangups? God never intended for you to live in bondage. Childcare available. Celebrate Recovery Childcare Volunteers needed. Time commitment is one Monday evening per month from 6:45 pm to 9:10 pm. Please call 392-1103 if you can help.

senior adults Asbury Singing Ambassadors Choir Tuesdays through June 24 from 1:00-2:30 pm in the Sanctuary choir loft. Come enjoy fun and fellowship with other senior adults (60+). This awesome choir is made up of over 160 senior adults who sing on occasion during Sunday morning worship services and on special occasions and holidays, as well as out in our community. No experience necessary...just show up and sing! Book of Revelation Bible Study Wednesdays through November 14 from 3:305:00 pm in Rm 2820. Attention senior adults. Come join us for an exciting overview study of the Book of Revelation taught by Dr. David Thomas. You might think you’ve heard it all on this amazing book of prophecy, but we’ve barely scratched the surface. Don’t miss it. ‘Tweenagers Program and Luncheon Thursday, October 25 from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC. Everyone aged 55 and up is welcome to join us for our monthly meeting and luncheon. Our program will feature the Happy Children’s Home in China, presented by Dr. Lewis and Mrs. Mary Ann Thompson. Also, Rev. and Mrs. Timothy Siswanto, wil be speaking from the Chinese Christian Church in Tulsa. We know you won’t want to miss it. The luncheon will be graciously repaired and served by our volunteer “angels.” Call Doni at 492-1771 to make your reservations by noon, Monday, October 22. If during the week you find you need to cancel, please let Doni know as we need to give an accurate count to the cooks. Should you choose, you can make a donation for the meal when you check in that morning. We hope to see you there. AARP Safe Driving Course October 26 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm in Rm 2820. The AARP Driver Safety Program is the nation’ s

first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older that has helped millions of drivers remain safe on today’s roads. It is designed to help you: 1. Tun up your driving skills and update your knowledge of the rules of the road. 2 Learn about normal age-related physical changes and how to adjust your driving to allow for these changes. 3. Reduce your traffic violations, crashes, and how to adjust your driving to allow for these changes. 4. Drive more safely. 5. Get an insurance discount. Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multi-year discount to AARP graduates! Call the Registration Hotline at 392-1191. Class fee is $10 and due the day of the class. The class is taught by Marge Creager. At least 12 participants are required for the class to take place, so tell your friends and neighbors and sign up today. Centennial Celebration Trip to OKC November 2-4. You absolutely don’t want to miss this great adventure to the capital city of Oklahoma. Join us as we hit the road for the second largest city (per square mile) in the US. We’ll board a charted bus at 8:00 am and head southwest for a full itenerary of fun and celebration. Sites and attracions for this three day/two night trip will be a guided tour of the State Capitol, visits to the Oklahoma History Center, National Memorial and Museum, and the Myriad Botanical Gardens. We will also check out the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, OCU, and the Bricktown entertainment district with that great canal boat ride. Saturday evening’s schedule will be topped off with a country/western music show at the OKC Stockyards, Grant’s Rodeo Opry and we’ll visit FUMC with Pastor Mark McAdow on Sunday, November 4. After lunch we’ll head back home, arriving at the church at approximately 5:00 pm. The $200 fee includes transportation, lodging at a downtown Quality Inn, all meals with the exception of one, and all fees for sites and attractions. Registration forms are available in the main office and the South Welcome Desk. Return your completed form and $50 deposit to Doroto Dietze no later than Monday, October 1. The full fee is due by October 15. There are only 54 seats available on the bus, so get your registration in as soon as possible. A waiting list will be started after all seats have been filled. Tulsa Garden Center/Linnaeus Tour Thursday, November 8. Attention Senior Adults. Make plans to join us as we tour the Linnaeus Teaching Gardens at the Tulsa Garden Center. Following the tour, we’ll have lunch together (the only expense of this event) at a location soon to

be announced. We’ll meet at the church at 9:00 am and dep art via Asbury’s People Movers at 9:30 am. If you enjoy gardening and good times with great folks, call the church office at 4921771 no later than noon, Friday, October 26 to get your name on the reservation list. Senior Sit and Fit Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00-9:30 am in the Gym. Come join a time of stretching with fun and fellowship. Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:309:00 am in the Gym. Come join a time of power walking with fun and fellowship.

singles Singles Ministry Potluck Luncheon Sunday, October 28 from 12:00-2:00 pm in the Parlor. Come, bring your children and enjoy a delicious lunch, courtesy of your fellow singles. Just bring a family-sized food item, homemade or purchased. Great food, great fellowship, new friends. It just doesn’t get much better than that. Singles Meet and Greet Sundays from 8:40-9:10 am or 10:20-10:50 am in the CLC. All singles are invited. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce.

students 7th - 12th Fall Break Schedule Due to Fall Break there will not be Breakaway, 7th, 8th or 9th Grade Bible Studies or Life Hurts God Heals on October 17. There will be no 7th9th grade small groups October 21. 7th - 12th Metro Worship Wednesday, October 3. Come join youth from all over the city in a night to just worship Jesus. We meet the first Wednesday night of every month from 7:00-8:30ish. If you need a ride, meet at the church by 6:45 pm or you can just meet us over at Believers Church, 47th and Memorial. Questions? Call Todd at 392-1154. 7th - 12th Grade Small Groups Don’t miss out on being a part of a small group. It’s a place to grow in your relationship with Jesus, have some accountability, and just have fun. It’s never too late to sign up. Just come by the Student Ministries area. (No 7,8,9 grade Small Groups October 21 due to Fall Break.) 7th - 12th Common Ground We are going to have an all-grade worship night from 6:00-7:30ish pm instead of small groups on ASBURY TIDINGS


October 28. You won’t want to miss this evening as we change things up some. Small Group Leaders are invited to join us. 7th - 12th Spring Break Mission Stuff Okay. So you could just hang out at home and spend the week on the couch...OR you could have an adventure! Mark the family calendar for March 15-22, Spring Break MIssions 2008! 7th graders: Houston, Texas 8th graders: Redbird, Kentucky 9th and 10th graders: Mexico 11th and 12th graders: Guatemala Applications and paperwork come out the end of September. Be sure to pick one up and get it turned in by October 28. We only have so many slots available. Fundraising meetings will be held Novem ber 11. Don’t miss out on this awesome week to touch and transform the lives of people around the world. 7th - 12th Life Hurts, God Heals Wednesdays through December 12, 6:00-8:00 pm in Rm 1502. Truth. Find it. If you’re tired of the burdens (divorce, hurting friends, etc.) and secrets that keep you from really living, or if you know there’s an addiction you have to stop but just can’t, Life Hurts, God Heals is created specifically for you. Meet with a group of students facing tough issues just like you, and learn how God can heal you together. Join any

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway Join us every Wednesday (except Oct. 17, Nov. 21, Dec. 19 and Dec. 26) from 6:30-8:30ish pm in the Student Ministry Cafe. for a time of connection, worship, and God. We will also have nights of just random fun. Don’t miss the food and hangout time afterwards. Come and be a part.

time. (We will not meet October 17 due to Fall Break.) 7th Grade Confirmation Parent Meeting Attention all parents of 7th graders: if you your student is going through Confirmation, you must attend the mandatory parent meeting October 14 from 5:30-7:00 pm with your student in the Student Ministries Area. Don’t miss it. 9th Grade Parents Meeting Attention parents of 9th graders. As your students work through the sexual integrity curriculum, we want to meet with you to share the sexual struggles your students are facing and ways to battle them. This is such an important issue, please don’t miss these significant meetings: September 23, 30, and October 7, 5:30-7:00 pm in Rm 2319. 7th, 8th, & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday School. Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards. 7th, 8th & 9th Grade Bible Study Wednesdays through December 12 from 6:308:00 pm. Come to the Student Cafe, hang out, have fun, and study what God’s Word has for us. It’s going to be awe-inspiring. You won’t want to miss it. (No Bible Studies October 17 due to Fall Break.)

Welcome Center or call Pam at 392-1199, ext. 253 at least 10 days before the scheduled workday. A Home Improvement volunteer will contact you before the workday and make arrangements. Value of a Woman Conference The Women’s Council of Asbury UMC welcomes June Hunt to the 2007 Value of a Woman Conference. June is an author, singer, speaker and founder of “Hope for the Heart”, a worldwide biblical counseling ministry which features the award-winning radio broadcast by the same name, heard daily across America. This year’s conference theme is “Keys to Forgiveness” and touches upon June’s newly released book, How to Forgive When You Don’t Feel Like It. Her counsel combines biblical truth with heartfelt compassion, helping people discover the tremendous healing and freedom that comes with forgiveness. The day’s offering will include a catered lunch and time set aside in the early afternoon to interact on a more personal level with June. If you have specific questions, this smaller venue will allow the opportunity for June to guide you to the answers you seek. Also offered this year is childcare for children six weeks through sixth grade. Asbury’s Singles Ministry will be underwriting the effort. Reservations for childcare and the conference may be made by completing a registration form,



women UMW October Luncheon Thursday, October4 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC.Attention ladies. The special guest speak for October’s luncheon will be Dick O’Neil, 2006 Docent President for the Philbrook Art Museum. Mr. O’Neil will be sharing about his love for Philbrook, and also bring a video presentation showcasing this Tulsa treasure! A delicious luncheon will be provided at no cost to you. However, there will be donation baskets set out if you would like to contribute toward the cost. Bring a friend and a part of the blessing. Home Improvement Ministry Workday Saturday, October 20. Workers meet at 8:00 am. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. Just pick up a request form at any

attaching payment, and returning it to the church office no later than Monday, October 22, by 5:00 p.m. Forms will be mailed to homes and are also available at all the Welcome Centers. We invite you and your friends to come for a day of laughter and learning, as we grow together toward forgiving and being forgiven and changed through Christ. Scholarships are available. Women of the Word Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 1502. Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher. Phone Buddies Ladies, do you want a “cheer me up” with your morning coffee? We have ladies that can fill that need by being your own “phone buddy!” Call 392-1142. Lea or Shirley will return the call and get you set up! Arts and Crafts Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2821. Women who enjoy crafts are invited to come any Monday morning...come and go any time. Bring a sandwich for yourself or a lunch to share. Contact Beverly Clarke.

worship Online Worship Did you know that you can watch the 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday services online as they are occurring? Go to then click on “Watch Sermons” (by Tom’s picture). If you cannot attend worship, you can log on and share the experience. Or if there is a sermon that you wish someone else had been able to hear, send them to our website where several weeks of sermons are archived. LoveALMIGHTY Jesus spoke to his disciples about the importance of love. The love he described is not romantic, family-based, or that which we have in common with fri ends. Instead he used a Greek word, “agape,” as his definition of love. Agape is the way God loves. Christians are to receive agape into our lives and share that within Christian community and with others who are yet to believe. They will know we Christians by agape. In John 15-17, Jesus describes what love is about and how we can find it and apply it to every day life. Come and join us on Sunday mornings at Asbury for our “Love Almighty” series.

Vickie Bales Brian and Kathy Guenther, Marianne and Kevin

Jeff Batchelor, Katelyn and Joshua

Rose Farmer

Brad and Suzanne Mueller, Brady, Brooks and Bailee

Shawn Gottschalk, Kemi and Maximilian

Patrick Johnston

Right: Russ and Heather Peevy, Preslee and Cale Todd and Elaine Palmquist and Conor



David and Jeralee Wolf

Charles and Janet Johnston

If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. We will spend our time looking at Asbury’s “Mission – VisionObjectives.” Most of the time will be spent in talking about our eight objectives. Another part of the membership process is to spend time in a pastoral visit. We want you to know at least one of our pastors so that when life’s difficulties arise, you will have a pastor who can help you through it. Perfection is not required of Asbury members, but we do want to grow and get better. As John Wesley, the founder of Methodism said, “If your heart is as my heart, lend me your hand.” Choose from one of the upcoming membership classes:

Kevin and Terry Herauf Allan and Marian Tonding

Sunday, October 7 Sunday, November 4 Sunday, December 2 Classes are from 12:15 – 2:30 p.m. Call 392-1191 to make your reservation. Childcare is available and lunch is included.

Jarrett and Jennie Miller

Lynn and Kathy Ruffin

J.T. and Crystal Turner New Member Photographers: Allen Robison and Diana Fields



Jonathan and Andrea Livingston

Julie Wheeler, Sarah and Megan

For a comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities, go to Wherever the Church Needs Me


Duties: Varies according to what God calls us to do. Your name and email address will be added to a group list that could be contacted when a need is determined, whether it be an event here in the church, or a project taking us out into the community. Accept or decline according to your schedule. Dates/Time: as needed Frequency: as needed Location: Asbury or within the community Number of positions: unlimited Contact: Joan Kahl 392-1176 or Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Serving

To uphold it by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. MEDIA MINISTRY

Sound Operators, Video Switchers, Stage Hands, Camera Operators Duties: Operate necessary equipment for live events including worship services. Some positions may require a demonstration of proficiency. Training is available. Dates/Time: Sunday morning positions for individual services, occasional live events as scheduled Frequency: Weekly, moving towards monthly rotation Location: Determined by service or event Number of positions: multiple Contact: Danny Hill 392-1161 or Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Serving


Children’s Christmas Shop Volunteers Duties: ASM is sponsoring a Christmas Shop for children from single parent homes; a place where these children will have the opportunity to select gifts for their parents, grandparents and siblings. Volunteer needs include helping with the planning team, assist with set-up or cleanup, be a greeter, serve in hospitality, read Christmas stories, help wrap gifts, assist with registration or be a mentor and help a child with their shopping. Dates/T ime: Event date – Saturday, Planning team meetings, and other groups meet for orientation prior to the event.

Frequency: n/a Location: Asbury CLC Number of positions: 60 Contact: Michele Caine at Helpful S piritual Gifts: Administration, Hospitality, Serving WORSHIP

Christmas Decorators Duties: Decorate and “Undecorate” the Sanctuary, halls and Chapel with Christmas trees, garlands and wreaths Dates/Time: Last week in November; First week in January Frequency: Once a year Location: Sanctuary and Chapel Number of positions: 30 Contact: Marty Morris Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Serving


Couple-to-Couple Support Couple Duties: Serve as a Support Couple to an engaged couple. Meet with the engaged couple to discuss the strengths and growth areas of their relationship which are revealed in the results of a relationship inventory. Couples of all ages and remarried couples are needed. Training. Twenty hours of training required. Training starts Tuesday, September 25, 6:30-8:45 pm and ends November 13 (no meeting October 2). PLUS one training session on Saturday, September 29, 9 am – 3 pm. Childcare provided for Tuesday night training classes. Two-five hours per week of homework. Frequency: One hour/week with engaged couple, plus monthly 1½ hour supervision meetings (4t h Tuesday evenings, except June, July, August & December). Number of positions: 10 couples Contact: Charlene Giles, 392-1145


Coordinator - Food Services Cashiers Duties: Maintain schedule of volunteers for Wednesday dinners and Sunday breakfast. Make reminder calls twice a year. Assist in finding new volunteers when necessary. Dates/Time: Flexible Frequency: As needed Location: Can work from home Number of positions: 1 Contact: Joan Kahl 392-1176 or Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Administration


Male 7 th Grade Small Group Leaders Duties: Our small groups will not exist this year if we do not have more male 7 th grade small group leaders!!! Your duties are to co-lead a small group of boys. Dates/Time: Sunday evenings 5:30 to 7:00 pm Frequency: Weekly – Sept 16 to May 4 Location: Student Ministry Area Number of positions: 8 positions Contact: Marsha Baker 361-1248 or ASBURY TIDINGS 30

Hospital Visitors DISCIPLESHIP

Resource Room Librarian Duties: Maintaining the room that houses our resources for small group curriculum and RoadMap classes. We are currently getting it arranged, catalogued and computerized. Once it is up and running, we will need a couple of volunteers to check in and check out materials on the computer, as well as help people find what they are looking for. Dates/Time: Tues, Wed., or Thursday – your choice of time Frequency: 1 - 2 mornings or afternoons a week Location: Work will be in downstairs Resource Room, behind front office. (See Diane King in upstairs office suite) Number of positions: 2-4 Cont act: Diane King at 392-1122 or

New - Community Connections Host/Hostess Duties: Help guests and members select and locate a community to attend. Dates/Time: Sunday morning before and at beginning of community times - (8:459:30 or 10:30-11:15 a.m.) Frequency: Goal would be to work only one Sunday a month Location: Welcome Desks Number of positions: 2 to 4 each Sunday morning period Cont act: Diane King at 392-1122 or CARE MINISTRY

Employment Transitions Asst. Leader Duties: Help plan, and attend, quarterly meetings. Offer assistance and guidance to those who are underemployed or unemployed. Dates/Time: Quarterly meetings held on the last Thursday evening of the month, plus flexible one-on-one time in person and/or on the phone. Seldom more than two hours per week. Frequency: Flexible Location: Meetings are at Asbury, flexible location for individual meetings Number of positions: one Contact: e-mail Barbara Wright at Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Exhortation, Discernment, Wisdom



Duties : Call on hospitalized members and others affiliated with Asbury once a week for a month to let them know we care. Dates/Time: Once a week for the following months: September – St. John/Hillcrest November – St. John/Hillcrest and Southcrest December – St. John/Hillcrest and Southcrest December at Saint Francis Once on the weekend: 1st , 2 nd, and 4th weekend at Southcrest 2nd, 3rd and 4th weekends at St. John/Hillcrest Frequency: 4 times a month or 1 weekend a month Location: St. Francis, St. John/Hillcrest and Southcrest Number of positions: 13 Contact: LaW ana Axtell, Hospita l Visitation Volunteer Coordinator, 272-0735 or Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Mercy, Service

Stephen Minister Duties: Stephen Ministers offer one-onone weekly support and prayer to people who are going through a crisis or time of transition (men meet with men and women meet with women). Training: Training begins in January and ends in May. Monday morning and Thursday evening training options are available. Fifty hours of training total, which includes two training sessions on Saturdays, 9 am – 3 pm. Frequency: You will meet once a week with your assigned care receiver, or help with making phone calls to people who have been hospitalized or have had a loss. Attend ongoing supervision meetings twice a month. Number of positions: 30-40 Contact: Charlene Giles at 392-1145 or Helpful Spiritual Gifts: Mercy, wisdom, discernment, faith, exhortation. WORSHIP

New - Open House Worship Service Duties: Servants are needed to help launch the new worship service beginning October 7. Many varied opportunities. Dates/Time: Sunday mornings Frequency: Flexible Location: Community Life Center Number of positions: many Contact: Russ Knight at

Serving at Asbury Asbury has been blessed by many members with a servant heart, although each of them would tell you it is they who have received the blessing. Being selfless and serving others is very fulfilling! We’ve been looking at our process of connecting volunteers with ministry opportunities and just don’t feel our current process is the most effective, so we will be making a change this fall. You will not be receiving an In His Steps packet this year. Every member in service is still a very important part of Asbury’s objectives and we will be communicating volunteer needs on a continual basis. This will allow us to connect members and ministries when the need arises, and connect new members when they join our Asbury family. For those of you who are currently serving, you will not need to fill out a new commitment card. We invite you to continue where you are currently serving. If and when you would like to change, please notify your ministry leader and allow them time to find a replacement. Current volunteer needs will be updated by the first Sunday of the month and can be found at the Welcome Centers at any time. You can also find them listed on our website. Just click on the Asbury Classified button on the home page.

we rejoice...

with those who have experienced the joy of a new

New Worship Opportunities to Begin October 7 Sanctuary Service

Open House Worship

Sundays, 9:15 a.m. Sanctuary

Sundays, 9:15 a.m. Community Life Center (CLC)

The first thing people will notice as they walk into the new 9:15 Sanctuary service is that the chancel area will look quite different. With new lighting and backdrops for the front of the sanctuary, we hope to create an inviting and intriguing focal point for worship. And from the moment the service begins, worshipers will know “the big idea” for the morning. Music, time of prayer, and the message will all carry a prevailing theme for the morning. It is the intention of the design team to create time and space in the service each week for worshipers to let go of the distractions of their lives and find themselves in the presence of God in ways they’ve not experienced before. We want to infuse the service with experiential times of prayer, creative elements that will likely include drama and liturgical dancers, and so much more. We hope to tell the story of Jesus Christ in a way that makes people use all of their senses. We want them to see, hear, smell, touch and taste the story of Jesus.

The New OPEN HOUSE WORSHIP will be a place where you can be yourself and experience Jesus with others. You are invited to come as you are to meet new friends, enjoy “old” friends, have a cup of coffee and relax. In this casual environment you will be touched through active and engaging worship led by Pastor Dub Ambrose and the worship band. You will see Pastor Tom’s sermons by simulcast or hear a special “live” sermon from another pastor. And each week you will experience something different, such as a children’s message, personal testimony, group dialogue, or some other creative element. Prayer centers will be available throughout the service for personal and family prayer. Open House Friends will be available to pray with you if you desire. Individuals and families of all ages will enjoy OPEN HOUSE WORSHIP. Be yourself. Experience Jesus with others!”

A new Thursday Night Worship Service is in the planning stages. Watch for details.

baby in their family:

Lela Rose Ahlfenger daughter of Jay and Amy Ahlfenger sister of Grace Marie August 15, 2007

we remember... Kathleen Maltby August 14, 2007

Lucille Belch mother of Debbie Ewing and Cindy Belch August 14, 2007 Addison Neal daughter of Tom Neal Jr. granddaughter of Lois Neal August 20, 2007 Nina Reeves mother of Dewayne Reeves granddaughter of Lois Neal August 20, 2007 Shirley Miller wife of John mother of Cindy Reed grandmother of Becca August 22, 2007 Isabel Bourns wife of Jack mother of Alice Laster and Doug Fellers Bruce Wyatt September 3, 2007

in appreciation... Thank you so much for your prayers and visits to Nina Reeves and Charles Baker during their terminal illnesses. SincereThanks, Dewayne and Rosemarie Reeves ASBURY TIDINGS 32

Construction Corner in celebration of marriage

60 Years W.L. & Frances Rowland October 10, 1947

Update - October 2007 It is so exciting to see the steel going up in various areas and the parking and access area between the main campus and the rink almost to completion. The expansion projects are moving along quite well and our schedule is on track so far. You can see the steel at the children’s area and the covered walkway will start taking shape soon. Things inside the rink are going great and that space is really starting to resemble something we have designed! We thought it would be fun to give you a “Sneak Peek” at the artist’s rendering for the tree house theme elements in the new children’s area to give you an idea of the feel of that space. These are final drawings provided by Jonathan Martin. Jonathan is a very gifted artist and has done work for other churches, theme parks and even movie sets. This will give our Children’s Ministry space personality and interest for everyone! Another exciting design feature that has been finalized is a steeple for the Mason Chapel. The donors who provided the funding to build the Chapel also provided the funding to add a steeple to complete the look. By tying the Chapel to the main facility with the covered walkway and the addition of the steeple, the architectural impact will be outstanding. We hope you enjoy these pictures and illustrations. Keep praying for this very important project.

30 Years Doug & Mary Leib October 14

10 Years Jeff & Charlotte Jones October 4

5 Years Kyle & Rachel McConkay October 12

Proposed tree house theme elements for the new children’s area

Congratulations to those who are celebrating Milestone Anniversaries (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) Report your Milestone Anniversary to or call 392-1146.

Covered walkway and Mason Chapel steeple

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