Asbury Tidings - How to Save a Life

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a Life

HOW TO SAVE - -Aafiery crash, appointment, fiery crash,aadivine divine appointment, andaamiracle miraclemorning morning and

A Good Soldier

- Military chaplain witnesses on the front lines

Change makes Change - A teenager takes on the fight against human slavery

The Circle of Life - Asbury’s Columbarium makes a timeless family connection

Saved Letters Page 1

- Grandpa John shares 1950s war letters




When we look at the early Church, we see the very name of the book, Acts, is short for “actions.” It’s not called “Facts of the Apostles.” It’s a book about going and doing. Facts and belief are crucial; but Christianity is more than just opinions or a belief system. Christianity is intended to be following Jesus. And Jesus was very clear about it: “Go!” The people became engaged with their neighbors, nation, and with all the nations. They were going in mission.

This sermon series is about the way the early church developed (Acts 9-16). Conversion talk is found again and again. Saul, Cornelius, Timothy, Lydia, the Philippian jailer, all follow conversion stories of Acts 1-8 (thousands on Pentecost, Barnabas, Stephen, the Ethiopian eunuch). After people were saved, they gathered together as the Church. Salvation is both an individual experience, and a corporate one. “I” am saved; but “WE” are saved together. I am not the Bride of Christ—that’s the role of the Church. Within the context of church, we find our place to belong, to build our belief in Christ, and to become equipped as servants. I think that much of our problem within the Church is our failure to move beyond ourselves. The familiar refrain of the Bible from beginning to end (starting with Abraham in Genesis 12) is to “go!” It’s the same message given by Jesus to the disciples in the first gospel (Matt. 28:18-20). “Go!” It’s not “sit” or “wait” but “go!” Moses was told to “go!” Joshua, Samuel, David, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, and Jonah were all told to “go!” Ruth said she would “go” wherever her mother-in-law Naomi went. (The word go is found 1,413 times in the New International Version). It’s like all of the greats in the Bible were commissioned with this word.

A quote I learned in seminary was: “The Church exists by mission as fire exists by burning.” If a fire doesn’t burn, it ceases to be a fire. If a church doesn’t “go in mission,” it ceases to be a church. Its lost its salt and light—becoming what Jesus warned about—worthless (Matt. 5:13-16). Our light is intended to shine before others, so they’ll be able to know God, too. Mission isn’t just for vocational “missionaries.” Some are called to that. But mission exists for ALL Christians. Once saved—always sent. We, like the great people of the Bible, are called to “go!” We go to a world that desperately needs to hear the good news. We go in a wide assortment of ways and places. The important thing, though, is to figure out how to go. We have to see the world as a place for us to share our gifts and call. The Church will be as dynamic as our laity’s response to mission. One of the best things in all of ministry is to see someone “get it.” Finding your place in ministry is when the excitement begins in the Christian faith. Dr. Tom Harrison, Sr. Pastor

CONTENTS 3. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14.

What’s Happening Take Perspectives A Good Soldier Go Ahead - Act Like A Child Got Milk? Where’s the Beef? Past the Pain Change Makes Change

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting

16. 18. 20. 22. 24.

Managing Editor Tara Lynn Thompson The Circle of Life From Your Test Is Guest Editor: Christy Phillippe Your Testimony; From Your Mess Is Your Graphic Designer Jonathan Van Risseghem Message How To Save A Life Photographer Don Kreutzweiser Saved Letters Opportunities Guest Contributors Dwight Yoder, Kim Beair, Melanie Burdick, Jarrod Glenn, Stephanie Hurd, Melanie ChambersWillard, Nikki Boyd, Jessica Dyer, Marilyn Shuller, John C. Westervelt, Mike and Traci Owen Page 2

by Dwight Yoder, Executive Director


hat subject

commands as much attention from us as any other? I think it is finances.

We give consideration to our personal finances, to the financial state of organizations we work for or are associated with, and to the general economy. This month I want to talk about Asbury’s finances. To begin, I must say that Asbury is very blessed. Even over the past couple of tough years in the national economy, we have been able to not only maintain but also to grow our ministry. This has been possible because of the generosity of our members and guests. Thank you for faithfully giving to God through Asbury. There are two primary responsibilities that a church has to those who support it financially. First, the gifts must be used to effectively and efficiently promote our mission. Second, we must responsibly and transparently account for all money given. One of the most important aspects of my job is to insure those two conditions are met. When I think of effective and efficient use, the first thing that comes to mind is the dedication and conscientiousness of our staff.They constantly strive to produce the best results for each resource they are given. Every person on our staff works with that mindset. Many of you who serve at Asbury have commented how impressed you are with the ministries in which you serve. I can tell you that all of our ministries are run with equal dedication. Approximately one-half of our regular budget, which is over $9 million for 2010, goes directly to ministry programs. Our major ministry areas are worship/music, discipleship, children, student, mission/ outreach, care/marriage, Celebrate Recovery, adult ministries, and prayer. After adjusting for capital expenses and apportionments Asbury tithes (10 percent) of our budget to outward-directed missions and outreach. Asbury impacts people within our church, our community, and, literally, around the world. The scope and scale of Asbury’s ministry activity is only possible because we have the facility and back office services to support it. Major areas include maintenance

of our buildings, equipment, and grounds; accounting; printing and communications; hospitality; security; member records; food service; volunteer and newmember support; and information technology. I believe that Asbury is very fortunate that our members recognize that, like any organization, the frontline work can only be accomplished if there is sufficient behindthe-scenes support. It is too often that we hear of nonprofit organizations, and unfortunately this includes churches, that get into trouble because they do not handle their finances appropriately. Our senior pastor Tom has always stressed that Asbury be particularly diligent in this area. He wants our members and supporters to have 100 percent confidence in our financial integrity. We have rigorous standards and controls regarding the acceptance, accounting, and payment of funds. Each year we have a thorough audit done by a well-known regional firm, Hogan Taylor. As I explained in a previous column, Asbury has four very effective governance committees made up of non-staff members of the church. They have oversight and approval authority of our financial activities. In particular, the finance committee’s entire focus is the oversight of our financial operations. Our financials are transparent. Every week we publish our actual and budgeted offerings. More detailed budget information is available on request. The sixth of Asbury’s eight Objectives is that every member will “bring the tithe (10 percent) in loving obedience to God’s gracious provision.” Those of us who are members of Asbury made a membership vow to support Asbury with our financial gifts in response to all God has provided for us. That is our personal responsibility - and our opportunity. The church responds by being effective, efficient, and accountable regarding the use of those gifts. To all of those who support Asbury financially, thank you. It is because of you that God is able to touch so many lives through Asbury. If you have questions about Asbury’s finances, please contact me at

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PERSPECTIVES It will ruin you from the ordinary

by melanie burdick Page 4

I didn’t

really understand that quote when I first heard it. In fact, I probably rolled my eyes at what I saw as just more hyperbole in advertising. I’m not sure what exactly prompted me to sign up for the Perspectives course when it was held at Asbury in the spring of 2005. Was it pure academic interest? Was I drawn despite my skepticism by the numerous claims about it being “life-changing”? I’m sure both played a part, but I know that a much larger hand was ultimately responsible for nudging me, and I jumped in without really knowing much about the class. I soon discovered that this was no “ordinary” Christian education class. I had no clue that I was participating in something so big and distinct. First, Perspectives crosses denominational barriers, which I saw firsthand when they did a roll call of churches that first night. Over half the class was made up of people from a variety of other churches and denominations. Second, I didn’t realize how longstanding and wellrespected the course was. The first course was held in 1974, and it has continued to grow since. Over 200 classes are held in the United States each year, in addition to those offered in other languages and countries around the world. Perspectives has over 100,000 alumni, 80,000 in the United States alone! Their website,, states that, “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is a Christian education course designed to help believers learn more about God’s heart for all nations and how believers worldwide can play an active role in the Great Commission.” But that hardly does justice to the curriculum, which was far from “ordinary” as well. The lessons are structured around a fabulous collection of writings by men and women who have all played a part in expanding God’s kingdom. The diversity of the authors’ backgrounds provides incredible insight into the many ways each of us can assist the Christian movement.

The articles are grouped into four categories or “perspectives” of Christianity: biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic. The writings run the gamut; one focuses on the Old Testament and Abraham’s call to be a blessing to the nations, while another looks at the role business can play in reaching others for Christ. They also span many generations, from 1790 to our modern era. For example, the week our readings focused on pioneer church planting, our speaker was Brian Hogan, a former missionary who had spent five years struggling to plant a church in Mongolia. He illustrated many of the issues the articles addressed with his own life stories. Some were hilarious. Some were heartbreaking. He shared the frustrations and setbacks his team experienced in their early efforts to gain a foothold. Then he told us about how the death of his infant son was a turning point in their mission. The hope that Brian maintained despite his terrible loss modeled a picture of Christ that made many believe. His story may have been the most powerful one I heard, but it was just one of many. Finally, the most extraordinary aspect of the class was the impact it has had on me. I can’t read my Bible in the same way. It has become a unified story with God’s heart for the world throughout. What I thought would be a mostly intellectual endeavor instead touched my heart in a way I never imagined. My love and appreciation for God grew, and with it my willingness to join Him in fulfilling His purpose. Prior to the class, I had been asked to teach some adult classes, but I was always too afraid. After the class, my desire to share some of what I had learned motivated me to step out of my comfort zone, so I put together a “Perspectives-inspired” lesson, which I have since taught in several communities. I took another step in faith when I joined a shortterm mission team to Central Asia, something I had never considered doing before. And in many other small ways, God has not only opened my eyes to see His hand at work in this world, but filled me with a passion to join Him in it. I want to echo another endorsement for Perspectives I saw five years ago: “It changed the way I view life, people, the world, Jesus, the Bible, myself.” For additional information on the Perspectives class, contact Mary Ann Smith,, or Melanie Burdick,

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A Good Soldier

The apostle Peter

is one of my favorite Bible heroes—from reading about his boldness in the book of Acts, launching into the first sermon of the Church and the initiative he took as the first primary Christian leader. I have always thought, if this “average Joe” fisherman could change the world, so can I. Peter had a way of “launching out by faith” and taking opportunities for outreach in his own awkwardness. He knew that no matter what happened, God would meet him there. I am often in that environment in the military. Whether I am leading a chapel service or a ceremonial prayer, I am constantly “launching out” and taking opportunities (in my own awkwardness) before mixed audiences ranging from Privates to Generals. The military can definitely be considered a Gentile culture. In Peter’s time, the Gentiles were simply people who were not Jewish. Today, I relate unbelievers in the military to the Gentiles of old. Reaching the military Gentiles is challenging. As I have attempted outreach, I have made a few observations:


The constant profanity, in most areas, really beats me down. Occasionally, someone will correct themselves or apologize (“shhhh, the chaplain is in the room”), but for the most part the offensive language continues.


I have discovered that wearing the cross in a military uniform usually invites three basic responses to outreach: trust, avoidance, or confrontation. Many soldiers and family members that I counsel are willing to trust me immediately with personal information. Others have crafted the art of avoidance and rarely even share in a conversation at all. Finally, on the other side, there are soldiers who playfully confront me to try and challenge my beliefs or point out “apparent” contradictions in the Bible.


One interesting angle to outreach in the military is that service

By Chaplain Jerrod Glenn, US Army, Germany

members are required to state their religious preference on their identification tags. The number-one selection I have noticed has been, “no religious preference,” which basically means, “leave me alone.” The good news is that most of the soldiers I visit with that have this stated belief are not atheists. More often than not, they have been raised in the Church and know the Gospel message well. The trouble is that they have either fallen away from their faith upbringing or have had an extremely negative experience with the Church. My passion every day is to help soldiers and family members find their way back to the Jesus they already know. Showing individuals Christian love and acceptance is the key to successful outreach. Acceptance is one of the most basic human needs, and Peter knew all too well about it. His fateful triple denial of Christ was one of the most devastating betrayals in the Bible, yet he knew Christ well enough to know that he would still be forgiven. I spend most of my time in the Army planting these seeds of acceptance. First Corinthians 3:6-7 shows the classic principle of the outreach process. The gardening illustration helps us understand that sharing our faith sometimes takes time and patience. I work in an environment that doesn’t often recognize the Christian Gospel, and opportunities for direct witnessing are rare. I constantly work at building relationships with soldiers and family members. During this building and connecting, I discover opportunities to interject godly principles and demonstrate the love of Christ. On the other hand, the most basic human avoidance is rejection. I talk with soldiers all the time who have been hurt in the Church or by others. They have taken that hurt as a rejection and no longer want to be associated with those individuals or experiences.


In my experience, the majority of US soldiers have been exposed to a faith experience (most of them Christian). I strive to be there for service members when they are hurting. I like to seize the opportunity to challenge the idea that they are not the only one who has ever been hurt/rejected by people of faith. In those moments, I can tell them how people may disappoint and let us down, but Jesus NEVER will. Page 6


So much of outreach is simply being prepared in and out of season (II Tim 4:2), like another “Peter,” Peter Sellers of the “Pink Panther” films of the 60’s and 70’s who played Inspector Jacques Clousaeu. The Inspector expected his martial arts trainer to attack him at any moment and he remained constantly vigilant to keep his skills strong.This illustration may be humorous, but it makes a great point. For some individuals, we may be the only testimony of Jesus they ever hear. Our readiness to show someone acceptance, share and help them discover Christ, could be a matter of spiritual life or spiritual death. I like to challenge believers to be prepared to “take” opportunities given to them and “make ” some opportunities happen. Some are dropped in our lap (taking) and we respond to them. And when opportunities are scarce, you may be able to start up a conversation about faith with someone (making). In my early years as a Christian, our Asbury Youth Bible Study Leaders would encourage us to write out our testimony and share it with the group. Maybe it is a “lost art,” but it is a simple and effective way to get started. Page 7

One great way to practice sharing your faith, other than street witnessing like Peter, is by playing an active part of a small group Bible Study. By “active,” I mean you are not just listening but becoming an active participant in the discussions. A group like this can be a helpful sounding board to train believers for outreach. The more you get opportunities to articulate (speak) your faith and understanding of the Gospel, the easier this becomes.


Peter lived in one of the most violent periods of Christian persecution. Even as a rough, awkward, “average Joe” fisherman, he continued to spread the Gospel message to the Gentile world. Take a little personal inventory today. Are you taking/ making opportunities to share your faith? We can all take a lesson from Peter. No matter how awkward we feel about sharing our faith, God will be there with us. Jerrod Glenn is an active duty Army Chaplain ordained by the Foursquare Gospel Church and accepted Christ through Asbury Youth Ministries in 1983. He just completed his second deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Jerrod, his wife Rita and four children, are currently stationed in Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Go Ahead ~Act Like a Child~

By Stephanie Hurd

The Book



captures the conversion stories of Cornelius, Lydia, and the Philippian jailer—each of them were converted, along with their entire household. These were the first families to raise their children in a “Christian home” and “a church.” The first generation of believers grew up without Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato in their living rooms adding clarity to Bible stories. And the First United Methodist Church of Philippi probably didn’t have a children’s ministry with sock-puppet Sunday school lessons, either. (Those came along later, after the invention of socks. And Methodists.) These kids probably never learned the words or hand motions to the song, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Yet, despite these tremendous deficiencies, the first Christian parents in the first-century Church raised their children in such a way that the Gospel continued to increase and spread beyond the original eyewitnesses, through the centuries and across the globe. The beautiful thing about God’s methodology is that every believer in Christ is also a minister—even a child. The Almighty is not limited by size, age, acceptability, or even species. He seems to get a kick from employing the most unlikely characters. In the Bible, God worked His plan using babies, donkeys, prostitutes, adulterers, murders, an unwed mother, a giant fish, and a kid with a sack lunch. Jesus actually used a couple of people who did not have a pulse. Clearly, the Lord is an equal opportunity employer, and Asbury’s Faith Zone is providing on-the-job training for some of God’s youngest ministers.

In the Children’s Ministry, we are working alongside parents to help kids put their faith into action. We recognize children have unique ministry opportunities with extended family, neighbors, classmates, teammates, and fellow bus riders that adults may never have. We want to equip them for ministry and educate them on missions at home and abroad. Therefore, every sermon series that we teach on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights has a mission project to go with it. Here is a partial list of what Asbury’s children have done this year: • Partnered with “big” church to collect canned goods for Restore Hope (“I Am” Series). • Made sandwiches and prepared sack lunches for homeless clients at John 3:16 Mission (Stewardship Series). • Wrote and decorated hundreds of encouraging notes for community leaders, such as firefighters, coaches, teachers, Asbury’s layleaders and pastors (Leadership Series). • Partnered with the youth who participated in spring break mission trips by praying for each student missionary by name (Now What Series). • Collected over 900 children’s books for Wesley UMC, Project Transformation, Restore Hope, and Walt Whitman School among others (Summer Series). Page 8

• Collected Bibles and prayed for inmates and their families at the David L. Moss Correctional Facility (Jonah Series). • Currently, we are partners with Agape UMC in Parnu, Estonia. We are collecting money to help them buy Christmas gifts for kids as a community outreach (Acts Series). • Next, we will collect baby items for local organizations that assist teen moms (Advent Series). Also, Asbury’s children have adopted Sarah Adams, who is a foreign missionary to Tanzania. She visits our classrooms whenever possible and keeps the kids informed of her work with orphans in Africa. Her photo hangs in several hallways to remind the kids of their commitment to her. The confines of our time and space on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings present a challenge in teaching the kids to serve. We try not to make it all about giving money or stuff. So we offer the chance to pray and act whenever possible. As the kids reach fifth and sixth grades, they have opportunities to serve at Murdock Villa monthly and through VBS Challenge Camp, where they learn leadership skills and go off-campus for mission projects. One thing is certain, if we, as parents and teachers, train our kids to sit still in church and do nothing but listen, then they will grow into adults who sit still in church and do nothing but listen. Undoing

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that kind of training is difficult, though not impossible. If we teach and expect the children to use their gifts and abilities to serve the Lord, then they will grow into adults who automatically do the same. It will be part of their nature—their Christ-like nature. At Asbury, we are providing opportunities, education, and expectations for the children to minister. And the children continue to exceed that challenge. As a congregation, we should be proud of them and their unique ability to share God’s love generously with others.These children, your children, are ministers and missionaries, and the leaders of tomorrow. Because of them, the good news will continue to increase and spread until the work is done.

GOT MILK? Where's the Beef? By Kim Beair, MS, LPC, NCC

Knowledge is power. Perseverance, commitment, and hard work help one stay the course. Logic and intellgence will get someone a long way in this life. Oh, and don’t forget the “being nice” factor we hear so much about today. I know many people (young and old) who make decisions based only on these qualities. Every person has gifts from God, and there are far more avenues today for developing skills, talents, and desires than ever before. No matter how many of these qualities we possess, it will never override the fact that in many situations, other people also come into play. My dad, who was in career law enforcement, used to say, “Do not think other people think like you do.” This is the most important and helpful advice I have ever received. Sometimes you cannot use your brain, logic, or hard work to overcome a negative situation, especially when it involves another person who has “issues.” Additionally, in this day and age our society is operating on the whole “let’s just make people happy and be politically correct” philosophy that can catapult us into a deeply negative situation before we realize it. So you set out to obtain a multitude of “wise counsel,” and everyone tells you what you want to hear because “I just want you to be happy.” Your advisors tell you, “You are smart; I trust your judgment because you are intelligent and you will do the right thing.” A word to the naïve: WARNING IF YOU HEAR THIS PHRASE.

Enter the Holy Spirit. Roll out the red carpet, boys, we are in need of a little wisdom and discernment. For Christians, wisdom and discernment generally come from learning the scriptures and from experience. Simply, we need to do what the Bible says, and quit making the same mistakes over and over. Staying in the Word will help our ability to make wise and discerning choices, even under fire. Now, gleaning from a variety of dictionary sources, we see discernment as a level of insight, perception, and judgment that helps to grasp and understand what is vague, covered over, or obscure. It also means to know by instinct and have an inward impulse, such as an inward knowing.The Bible encourages us to discern ourselves, as well as the actions and intents of others. Our souls are basically made up of emotions, thoughts, reasoning, will, and passions. There are times you can want something so much in your soul, you convince yourself it is the will of God, and it may not be at all. The Spirit lives inside us to speak to us. John 16:13 (NIV) states, “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” So ask yourself, “What is my track record?” Do you make logical and intelligent decisions, yet somehow keep stepping in it? Perhaps God did not baptize all those “soul” decisions you begged Him to baptize.

This is where well-meaning people refuse to give their opinion because they don’t want to influence your choice. Well, you wouldn’t be asking if you didn’t want their opinion. Then comes the statement I love so much: “I don’t have a right to an opinion because it is your life.” Oh, Puleeeeze!

The natural (soul) man cannot understand everything because many things are spiritually discerned. We have received the Spirit, and as such we are to judge and examine all things – meaning people and situations, for our safety. Discernment is not just for us, but also for the benefit of others, so we should seek it every chance we get.

We are now fueled by pride because of our extensive knowledge base that everyone keeps applauding – which was never in question anyway.

Of course, many a wise and discerning person will tell you of throwing their pearls before swine by attempting to help the naïve. In Hebrews 5 Paul writes of wanting Page 10

to tell other things, but “you are dull of hearing.” The dull people can only “hear” so much, because anything they cannot “see” via logic shuts them down. When we are groomed by the Spirit, we should want to be listening beyond even the words that are said. Our spirits should be “listening” to everything. We must be willing to graduate from the milk of babies to the meat of a strong adult. Young or old, our spiritual maturity must progress past logic and knowledge, and on toward listening to the promptings of the Spirit. A revelation was given to me recently when a pastor posed the question,“Why would God talk if He knows you aren’t going to listen anyway?”

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People with the mercy gift want to believe the best in everybody – to the point they shut out the Spirit when He is trying to speak and protect them. You know these people; they make excuses for everyone’s bad behavior instead of calling a spade a spade. These are the people who continually let toxic people or situations run away with their lives, and they end up heartbroken over and over. So today, have you “Got Milk?” Probably. But what you should be asking is “Where’s the Beef?”

Read more at http://kimspirations

Do you believe God can use you for His purpose, no matter where life has taken you? Do you believe God can turn “every circumstance� around for your future good? My name is

Melanie Chambers-Willard,

and I believe!

Past Pain the

- A great loss brings great Kingdom service By Melanie Chambers-Willard

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omans 8:28 states, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to his purpose.” In Ephesians 4:1-3 Paul challenges us by stating, “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” We are to make time to care about other people, take the focus off ourselves and our inner circles. I regret it took me 34 years to comprehend; I thank the Lord my eyes and heart were finally opened. On October 2, 2007, my “Daddy,” as I affectionately call him, passed away in my arms after a year-long fight with cancer. It was the most precious moment of my life, and at the same time the most tragic as I felt completely alone. The person I had respected the most and wanted to be the proudest of me had vanished. It’s like James says in 4:14, “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” It was an extremely sobering moment that would take me several years to fully grasp. The next year of my life was total confusion and turmoil. I experienced major depression and couldn’t find any reasons to go on. How could I? He was the first man in my life and the most prominent in all my years. I was consumed with questions, what did my daddy’s heavenly body look like? What was he doing in heaven? Does he know how much I desperately miss him? Does God allow him glimpses into my life? Fortunately, my daddy and I both found God and Asbury together, although we were totally defeated with his illness. For two dominating personalities to realize we had no control over his cancer was utterly a defining moment in both our lives. The seed was planted; God was beginning His work in both of us! We began to grow in the Word. Looking back, I was so mad at God for taking my daddy, and where was God now amidst all my pain? I meditated on Psalm 6:2-3: “Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am faint; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony. How long, O Lord, how long?” As I returned to Sunday worship, I was drawn to Tom Harrison’s continual message, “Use Your Spiritual Gifts.” Not having a clue, months later I got online and took the Spiritual Gifts Inventory; I was amazed at my possible gifts. Over time, Stephen Ministry kept catching my eye. I was feeling a calling. God was ready to use me.

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Of course I had doubts. I started thinking of my time constraints. Was I knowledgeable enough to share God’s Word? Could I really be quiet and let someone share their thoughts without me barging in with my own agenda? How could I pray out loud for a stranger when I don’t feel comfortable praying for a member of my own family? Into the unknown I went with a 17-month commitment and 50 hours of training. I became one of the youngest Asbury Stephen Ministers at the age of 37. Sometimes the closest people in our lives can’t help us and we need someone who has walked a familiar path. For me I found the “hand up” from James, a high school classmate; I believe he was led back into my life for a purpose. It reminds me of what Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Not everyone has someone they can honestly expose their pain to confidentially; this is where Stephen Ministry can step in. Stephen Ministry is a confidential one-on-one ministry for those in our congregation and community who are hurting. It was named after St. Stephen, who was commanded by the Apostles to care for widows in the early church. Stephen Ministers believe, “We are the care giver and God is the cure giver.” Emotional trauma is inevitable in all our lives; it knows no age boundaries, and it unites us at any stage of our lives. If you feel led to serve in Stephen Ministry, please check us out.The only qualifications are a heart of mercy and a growing relationship with Christ! “Rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5: 3-4

You are invited to attend a Stephen Ministry Information Meeting in Room 2500 at 9:30-10:30 am on Monday, Nov. 29, or 6:30-7:30 pm on Thursday, Dec. 2. Training begins Monday, Jan. 10, 2011 or Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011. For more information contact Charlene:, 918.392.1145

CHANGE MAKES CHANGE - A junior high student takes on the fight against human slavery

By Nikki Boyd

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ourteen-year-old Jeneva Lynn says she’s always known Jesus. With her dad in ministry, she grew up going to church. But it was never very personal.

However, after a life-changing experience at Asbury’s Junior High Fall Retreat, Jeneva’s relationship with Christ became very personal and her faith began to blossom. Two years later her love for Christ continues to grow. Recently, Jeneva’s heart has been inspired to invest in an unexpected ministry. And it’s become an experience that has touched her life and others around the world. She sat down with the Tidings recently to talk about her involvement in this national ministry.

How did you hear about Loose Change to Loosen Chains? While reading Do Hard Things

by Alex and Brett Harris, I learned about Loose Change to Loosen Chains (LC2LC). That prompted me to read Be the Change written by Zach Hunter, the 14-year-old who started the LC2LC organization to help teens (and adults) confront modern-day slavery called human trafficking. It’s not commonly known, but there are more slaves today than there were during any other time in human history! Over 27 million people live in the abhorrent conditions of slavery, while living in a society that prides itself on being “fair.” More than half of those are women and children. You can see the legitimate need for justice. About the time Zach Hunter heard about human trafficking, he discovered that there are millions of dollars of loose change just lying around our houses, churches, and schools. He came up with the idea of collecting this change and donating it to help end modern-day slavery. His book also provides information and ideas to help jumpstart your fundraiser.

How did God stir your heart to get involved? One morning, during my devotions, I felt

God calling me to start a LC2LC campaign. I discussed it with my mom and got permission from my home school co-op to speak to the classes.This was no small thing! My fears of public speaking cause me to stutter, freeze up, and once I almost blacked out. But I spoke to around 100 people and God gave me grace to speak easily and clearly. I set out little red buckets to collect donations; they came back full of change and dollar bills.


were some of the reactions you got from people? Kids were shocked to find out

about the reality of human trafficking. There was an Page 15

incredible amount of support from everyone. Parents asked how their kids could start their own campaign. Money poured into our little red buckets. We continued the fundraiser for a month. At the end, we had collected around $400 from a few homeschooled kids and their families! It was truly a miracle.




students get involved?

While telling Mark Fowler and Marsha Baker (Asbury’s Junior High Ministries) about the experience, they wanted me to do the same thing. So a few Sundays later, I was on stage talking to 200 more people! We collected change for another month and got almost $500!

I understand your vision went beyond Tulsa. Can you share about that? A few

months later, my parents met a staff member from a New York City organization called Restore. Its mission is to provide long-term aftercare services for international survivors of sex trafficking (www. I decided that instead of birthday presents, I’d ask my friends to give money to Restore and we were able to send them a donation. Someday, I would love to be an intern at Restore.



n total how much was raised Almost $1,000 was raised through all fundraising to Restore and LC2LC, and my birthday party, because of my obedience to God’s call! I was amazed.

How has your involvement in this effort impacted your personal relationship with Christ? I saw the hand of God throughout

the entire time. I’m slowly becoming more comfortable in front of people and hope that God will speak through me. It has showed me that I need to take a stand and fight for what I believe is right. I want to be involved in future fundraisers and mission projects. I believe God has given me a passion to help people.

Why do you think it’s important for be-

lievers to get outside themselves and be involved in ministry? One person can make a

huge impact on the world. Together, we can change the world. We shouldn’t disregard something just because something might not affect us. Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matt. 25:40).

What would you say to that child, student or even adult who might say the little they have to offer God can’t really make a difference? Remember what Jesus said

when the poor widow put her two small coins into the temple offering, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others” (Matt. 12:43). The $1,000 that was raised during my fundraising isn’t going to end slavery. It’s not that much. But it can still change lives.

The Circle


By Marilyn Shuller


I ’

t s a typical Sunday morning at Asbury. Cars begin turning into the church parking areas shortly before the 8 a.m. service. Throughout the morning, the traffic flow into and out of the parking lots increases and ebbs only after the last morning service ends shortly after 12 p.m. Yes, it’s a typical Sunday morning at Asbury, and in one case, the typical Sunday morning at Asbury has a particularly special meaning. As she does each Sunday morning, Grace Law arrives at Asbury with her five- year-old great-granddaughter, Mileena. After Grace parks her car, she and Mileena walk the familiar path toward their respective destinations: Mileena to the children’s area and Grace to her community group. However, on their way, Grace and Mileena always take a short detour, one that is special to the two of them and will be even more special to Mileena when she is older. Great-grandmother and great-granddaughter pause before the entrance to Asbury’s Columbarium and Prayer Garden and then walk toward a particular niche. Grace smiles as Mileena reaches out to run her small hand over the engraved plaque that bears her greatgrandfather’s name. And, although Mileena has heard stories about her great-grandfather from her great-grandmother, her grandparents, and her parents, touching her great-grandfather’s name on the plaque seems to help Mileena make a connection between who her greatgrandfather was on earth and who he is in Heaven. Grace and Mileena hug each other, clasp hands, and continue their walk to the children’s area and community group. And, on each of these Sundays that Grace and Mileena share, Grace says a prayer of thankfulness for the decision that she and her husband, Donald, made long before Asbury’s vision for a columbarium was realized. Grace and Donald Law joined Asbury United Methodist Church in 1978 and immediately became involved in church services, programs, and activities. From that time until Donald passed away in 1999 after an unsuccessful heart transplant, Grace was busy with women’s groups, and Donald was an active volunteer in youth activities. Prior to Donald’s death, he and Grace had discussed cremation as an alternative to traditional burial. After much research on biblical principles regarding the two forms of burial, Grace and Donald determined that scripture made no distinction between traditional burial and cremation, and the two agreed on interment by cremation.

Donald passed away on January 11, 1999, and Grace honored his request to be cremated. For a number of years, the vase containing Donald’s ashes rested on the fireplace mantel of Grace and Donald’s home. Although it was comforting to Grace to have Donald’s ashes so near, she felt that the mantel was not where the ashes should remain, and she prayed for God to help her find the perfect resting place. When Asbury announced its decision to create a columbarium and prayer garden, Grace knew her prayers had been answered. In fact, Grace was one of the first persons to purchase a niche. In recalling the many happy and fulfilling times Donald had had while working with Asbury’s youth and being involved in other aspects of Asbury’s ministry for so many years, Grace reflects, “It seemed so right to have him close to the church and church family who were so special to him. I feel such peace each time I visit the columbarium.” Grace’s words capture beautifully the purpose and design of Asbury’s Columbarium and Prayer Garden - a quiet, peaceful resting place for a deceased loved, near to the church community so much a part of his or her time on earth, a welcoming and convenient retreat for family members and friends to visit. The columbarium is not unique to modern times. As early as the Middle Ages, providing burial vaults to house urns that held the ashes of the departed was a common church practice. During the early days in America, customs changed, and what came to be known as “traditional burial” became the more acceptable form of interment. From that time until the mid-twentieth century, a church with a cemetery nearby was a familiar sight. In rural areas and villages, large and small, the church not only was a place for worship, but also, it was a gathering place for the community. Whether celebrating the birth of a child or mourning the death of a friend or relative, one’s connection with the church was literally “cradle to the grave.” America’s landscape began to change during the latter part of the 20th century, and many rural communities and small towns gradually became even smaller or disappeared completely as the move toward urbanization evolved. Once intimate, family-focused settings where everyone knew each other and shared each other’s good times and bad became a poignant memory as people became more mobile and attracted to urban living. Not only did urbanization impact long-held traditions, but also,it resulted in a demand for land.Acreages and farms that once were declared “out of town” soon became the hub of the city. To meet the needs of larger populations, bigger churches were built, parking lots were added, and any available space was reserved for future growth. Thus, the church and cemetery connection of early years became a rarity; there was simply no room for cemeteries. However, the shift to urbanization raised concerns among churches that wanted to retain the sense of community that existed in early churches. In fact, that sense of community was even more important as the Page 16

more mobile society resulted in frequent moves, often moves that took people far from friends, family, and familiar settings. Just as their great-grandparents and parents did in earlier years, these families needed a gathering place, a place to connect with God, find friends, and share celebrations and trials. Meeting these needs has been Asbury’s commitment since its beginning. No matter how large the building is, how many buildings there are, or how much parking lots overflow, a vital part of Asbury’s mission is that anyone who walks through any door on the campus feels welcomed and “at home” from the youngest child to the oldest adult from cradle to grave. Completing this circle of life is never easy for families. Memories and connections with those who loved and shared so much of the deceased person’s time on earth are treasured. Many of these memories and connections are related closely to the deceased’s church community, and family members want to continue this bond, just as their great-grandparents and grandparents did when they formed relationships with their neighbors and friends in worship, social activities, and life-changing experiences in a center of their community – the church. Recalling the early-day significance of having a burial place adjacent to the church and realizing that there was no space for a cemetery on its property, the Asbury leadership’s commitment to connection and community was a primary reason for its decision to provide an alternative to traditional burial. Thus, the columbarium and prayer garden evolved from a plan and a design to a reality. For many families, the columbarium and prayer garden truly are an answer to prayer in many ways. Not only are the columbarium and prayer garden places of comfort and peace for family members, but also, the choice to use the columbarium for burial instead of the traditional form of burial provides a convenient, practical, and environmentally-friendly way in which to honor the deceased. First, the columbarium is located close to

If you are interested

in purchasing a niche in Asbury’s Columbarium, please call the church at

492-1771 and ask for Jenny Stevens. Page 17

Asbury’s chapel and sanctuary, so funeral and interment services held in the columbarium can be followed conveniently by a memorial service in either Asbury’s chapel or sanctuary. Second, traditional burial costs have become increasingly more expensive. In fact, according to the National Funeral Directors Association, the average funeral cost, including casket, is more that $7,300, excluding the cost of the cemetery plot. On the other hand, the cost of cremation and a niche in Asbury’s columbarium is less than half this amount and, also, is partially tax-deductible. Lastly, cremation has become a popular option because it uses fewer chemicals than those which are necessary for traditional burials. Although the convenient, practical, and environmentally-friendly factors are important in building and maintaining Asbury’s Columbarium and Prayer Garden, perhaps the most important factor is that the columbarium and prayer garden provides a connection among the past, the present, and the future members of its congregation. After all, we are a community. We might dress differently from our great-grandparents and grandparents, live in different parts of the city, and have different vocations and interests, but our church is still the center of our lives, a gathering place where we share each other’s triumphs and sorrows from the cradle to the grave. The Sunday service has ended. Grace leaves the sanctuary and goes to the children’s area. Mileena greets her with an excited reprise of what she has learned in her class. Then, the two walk hand-in-hand outside the church and head toward Grace’s car. On their way, they pause and look toward the columbarium and the prayer garden. They each give a brief nod toward Donald’s niche, exchange smiles, and proceed toward Grace’s car. Somehow, both know that Donald is looking down from Heaven and smiling, too.

From your TEST is your TESTimony

From your MESS is your MESSage By Jessica Dyer


o you feel like your life is filled with one attack after another? Does it seem like you are tested again and again? How do we turn those attacks, tests, messes, or whatever you want to call them, into something that is useful or has purpose? This summer over 150 women from all over this great city have invested in their spiritual wellness by diving into an in-depth study on spiritual attack. Beth Moore’s When Godly People Do Ungodly Things was a six-week study that examined why devoted followers of Christ can fall into traps of Satan. This course served as a guide to authentic repentance and restoration. When we are in those pivotal moments to choose to take a bite of the apple or to resist and choose obedience, to whose voice do you listen? When the serpent said in Genesis 3:1,“Did God really say…”, it caused Eve to doubt what she knew God said to her and Adam. Isn’t that how we all fall into these traps? We stray from what we know is righteous and true even though we know what the Word of God says. Beth Moore mentions in her commentary on the enemy’s attack, “Many people who by the grace of God have never been had by the devil wrongly assume that all departures from godliness are nothing but defiance, rebellion, and proofs of inauthenticity. They have no idea of the suffering involved when someone with a genuine heart for God slips from the path. The enemy targets the believer

whom if they fall, can do the most damage to the Kingdom of God… Christ who reigns today in believers will reign outwardly and absolutely. He will take back what the enemy has stolen.” If we are already in the “fire” or the test, we can make the choice to be consumed by that fire or refined by it. Just as in the purification of silver, the silversmith puts the silver through the fire seven times to remove its impurities. We learn in Malachi 3:3 that the Lord Almighty, “will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” We may go through the same test, a new mess, a recurring attack, but we have the choice to be refined in that fire. As the dross, or impurities, are removed, the silver can then be used for its created purpose. Though it may not be as valuable if it contains flaws, it is still useful. God sees our flaws and wants to use us to advance His Kingdom because of those very flaws. Don’t you see? They are shaping our very story! When Eve took the bite into that apple, the enemy went to work allowing those impurities to enter man. God had to do something, so He made a choice: His only Son. He knew the answer was shed blood. The blood of Jesus was for you and me. This is the only answer to remove the impurities in us. The following story is about the work of Refining Silver: Page 18

Some time ago, a few ladies met in a certain city to read the scriptures and make them the subject of conversation.While reading the third chapter of Malachi, they came upon a remarkable expression in the third verse: “And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” One lady’s opinion was that is was intended to convey the view of the sanctifying influence of the grace of Christ. Then she proposed to visit a silversmith and report to them what he said on the subject. She went accordingly and without telling the object of her errand, begged to know the process of refining silver, which he fully described to her. “But sir,” she said, “do you sit while the work of refining is going on?” “Oh, yes, madam,” replied the silversmith; “I must sit with my eye steadily fixed on the furnace, for if the time necessary for refining be exceeded in the slightest degree, the silver will be injured.” The lady at once saw the beauty, and comfort too, of the expression, “He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” Christ sees it needful to put His children into a furnace; His eye is steadily intent on the work of purifying, and His wisdom and love are both engaged in the best manner for them.Their trials do not come at random; “the very hairs of your head are all19numbered.” Page

As the lady was leaving the shop, the silversmith called her back, and said he had forgotten to mention that the only way he knows when the process of purifying is complete is when he sees his own image reflected in the silver. —Author Unknown We are the silver for our Silversmith. Let Him use you and your flaws to guide you and lead you to fulfill your purpose in Him. His compassion is unyielding. As you seek Him, know Him, and follow Him, we will go through the refining process that will remove that desire for sin in us and make us more and more in His image. We may continually be refined until that glorious day when we see our Savior. But know that the Father will be able to look into the silver and see nothing but His true reflection in you. As you journey on, may you be refined by your fires and be transformed by the compassion of our Father’s love through the blood of Christ Jesus.

How to

Save a Life

By Mike and Traci Owen

- A fiery crash, a divine appointment, and a miracle morning


ne morning,

like many that have come before it and many that will follow, my husband, Michael, and I got out of bed to prepare for another day at work—I at a local hospital where I work as a RN and Michael, a paramedic/fire fighter, at the Tulsa Fire Department. You never know when God will ask us to use the talents He provided. For Michael and I, He chose that day. Traveling on the Creek Turnpike toward my hospital, we were approaching the toll booth when we noticed black smoke and flames coming from a car on the opposite side of the highway. Initially, we thought the car had just caught on fire. Michael merged across the lanes to turn around and that is when we discovered that the car had actually impacted the safety barriers of the toll booth with extreme force and the car was now fully engulfed in flames. As Michael was parking, we began our strategy— he would activate 911, check the car for other passengers, and grab the emergency gear. I would go directly to assess the patient on the ground. As I arrived at the side of the patient, there was an anxious-looking gentleman in Army fatigues standing over the young man. I asked if he had pulled the boy from the vehicle. “No,” he said. “Two people pulled him out, laid him in the grass here, and told me that they could not stay and that help is on the way. Then they left.” In one glance, I knew this boy was in grave condition. He told me his name was Kaleb and I was able to get the phone number of his grandmother before he opened his eyes, looked directly into my eyes, and said, “I’m getting ready to die.” I responded with “not today.” Just after that statement, he became unconscious and had a seizure due to lack of oxygen.

Those would be the last words Kaleb would speak for almost two weeks. Michael and I have worked many traumas together. With very little discussion, we went to work at the side of the road, providing the care we could to keep this boy alive. Soon, the Broken Arrow Fire ambulance arrived, loaded up Kaleb, and drove hot to the ER. When Kaleb arrived at the ER, the trauma team was ready, and he was whisked off to the operating room. Kaleb had a tear in his heart, his liver was nearly split in half, and he suffered from multiple contusions to the chest and abdomen from the crash impact. He survived the fiery crash and after several rocky days, Kaleb was released to his grandmother’s home to continue his recovery. It was a great success story. Greater than we could even comprehend at that time. As Michael and I began to absorb the events of our morning, the real story began to reveal itself… The day before the accident, we had attended a funeral in Muskogee for Michael’s partner and fellow fire fighter. He had picked me up from work to go to the funeral. On our way back in to town, we had discussed dropping me back at the hospital to pick up my car. Five miles down the road, we both missed seeing the exit, not realizing our mistake until well past our intended exit. Since Michael was on call that night, we changed our plans. We drove home in his Tulsa Fire Department van and decided Michael would take me to work in the morning. The Tulsa Fire Department van is a fully equipped paramedic unit with all emergency patient care supplies. On a normal morning, I would be traveling that road alone. Even though I would have responded to the accident, with or without Michael, I would not have had the equipment we used to save his life or the other set of experienced hands to provide the care. Page 20

Because Michael and I are well trained in emergency response, we know that timing is critical. Michael called a “trauma alert� to the hospital, which puts a multitude of processes and people into action. With this advanced notice, the hospital had time to get the needed personnel in place and an operating room prepared. By the time Michael arrived at the hospital, Kaleb was being whisked away to the OR to begin the surgical repair of his broken body. After arriving at work, I told the story of my morning and of the young man fighting for his life. My entire department prayed for Kaleb. The story spread through the hospital and, as people called or stopped me, I also asked them to pray. Soon, between the hospital,TFD, family, and friends, we had a small army of people praying for a boy none of us knew. Yes, as we look back on this, it is clear that God does have a plan for each and every one of us and that we are exactly where we need to be when He calls us to act. We believe that God has some phenomenal plans for Kaleb, and we are so blessed to have been used in His service. Mike Pageand 21 Traci Owen with Kaleb.

Saved Letters by John C. Westervelt

I have file folders holding current records, as well as archival ones. At age 82, I decided it was time to reduce my holdings so my children would not have so much to throw away someday. Going through the archival records was like a treasure hunt. I found a yellowed, lined sheet of notebook paper written on both sides. A poem of five stanzas with four lines each was titled “Mother” and signed “John Westervelt—fifth grade Jefferson School.” I came across a letter from my mother postmarked July 17, 1950. It was addressed to: Ensign John C. Westervelt USN Room 139 Bachelor Officer Quarter Treasure Island San Francisco, California I had just graduated from Oklahoma University in Electrical Engineering and was commissioned as an ensign in the navy. I was attending a three-month naval electronic school before joining my naval destroyer for duty off Korea. Mother wrote three pages about news at home in Oklahoma City. The fourth page contained words for her son. “The war news doesn’t sound at all good. It all seems so close this time because the boys on active duty are your friends and boys your age. We sure have made a mess of things if we can’t live peaceably with other nations. “I surely hope this is a short war episode, but you study hard to do your part well so if necessary you can do a good job doing your share. But don’t forget to learn how to take care of yourself. Remember to put your faith in God and not to ever lose that contact, then you can stand whatever comes your way. Always do your job in a way you can be proud of, knowing you do not have to stand alone. Much love, Mother” Page 22

I found a second letter from Mother postmarked February 18, 1951 addressed to: Ensign John C. Westervelt USN U S S Henry W Tucker DDR 875 Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California By now, my ship was operating off the coasts of Japan and Korea. Mother wrote, “Today is another beautiful Sunday. Last week we had snow, eight inches all together...” On the fourth page she continued,“Kathryn Ross let me read her copy of ‘Why I Believe’ by Fulton Oursler. I thought it was quite good, so yesterday I bought a copy and sent it to you. I had it wrapped at the bookstore. Hope you find it as good as Mamma and I did. Page 23

“Your letters are so interesting, and it is good to have you feel so cheerful and finding much in life where you are. I always try to remember it isn’t our circumstances in life, but how we meet them that counts. We can find good in life always if we look for it. Keep looking and keep your head above water. God is still in heaven and all is right with the world. Lovingly, Mother” At the end of the day, I had a large sack of paper for the garbage can and a small sack for the shredder. I read my mother’s letters one final time. I sat remembering. In a few moments, I folded the letters on their original creases, gently returned them to their envelopes, and put them back in their folder. I’ll let my children be the ones to throw them away someday. Other heartwarming stories at



ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-to-Couple (required premarital sessions). The Gazebo is Open CDs of Tom’s message of the day are available immediately following the worship service - $3. Prayer Journals are also available for $5 each.

general information

Breakfast Served from 7:15-9:00 am in the CLC. Recycling Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with Recycle unwanted paper products. Three bins are availfresh donuts,bagels,biscuits & gravy,sausage,eggs,fruit, able, located in the south and east parking lots. and cereal. $3 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under. Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes births, Sunday Morning Worship deaths, marriages, baptisms and military listings. 8:00 am Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) 9:15 am Sanctuary (Contemporary) 9:15 am CLC (Open House Worship) (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting) 11:00 am Sanctuary (Traditional) 11:00 am Venue 68 (Modern with sign interpreter) Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Venue68 (Modern) Sundays for Children and Students 6 Weeks - 4 Years 8:00,9:15,and 11:00 am K-6th Grades 9:15 or 11:00 am 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 9:15 & 11:00 am 10th, 11th & 12th Grades 9:15 am only Adult Discipleship Communities Adult Bible study, belonging, and serving together Sunday at 8:00, 9:15, & 11:00 am, and options during the week – Tuesdays at 6:00 pm, Wednesdays at 6 and 7:30 pm. Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled? Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Pam at 392-4589 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church.The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 492-1771, selecting option 6, and leaving a message for the pastor on call.

Doors of Asbury posters are at the Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing. New Additions to the Library The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library. Toastmasters Toastmasters is a learn-by-doing workshop in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a friendly atmosphere. Members learn communication skills by performing a series of 10 self-paced speaking assignments designed to instill a basic foundation in public speaking. Members also learn leadership skills by taking on various meeting roles. Every Monday that the church is open, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm, Room 2820


Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Community Sundays, 11:00 am, Rm. 1507

bible study

Check out the Fall 2010 RoadMap courses in the new brochures located at Connection Corner and Welcome Centers, on the Asbury website at Accept Pastor Tom’s challenge to get actively involved in digging deeper into God’s Word ~ there is something for everyone!

Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to book Page 24

care and support

The Internet and Your Job Search Thursday, October 14, 7:00-8:30 pm, Room 1502. The Internet is a vital part of the job search process today. Russ Knight will be presenting using LinkedIn and the Internet. Resume review also available. For information, contact or Childcare available.

above! Simply knit, crochet or sew a hat of your choice and drop it in the collection box located next to the Gazebo. Find more information in the literature rack attached to the collection box. Contact Sue at 455-2816 or for more information.

Visits to Asbury Members Asbury has a group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are homebound, GriefShare in nursing homes or in assisted living facilities. If you are GriefShare is a special weekly video series and support interested in being visited or doing visits, call Adrena group for people who are grieving the death of someone at 392-1144, or contact the coordinator, Abby Sluice at close to them. It’s a safe place to be around people who 392-4583 or understand what you are feeling. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future. Group sessions are offered three times per year. You may begin attending this group at any time...each video session is “self-contained.” Wednesdays, September 8 – Decem-

Résumé Assistance and Review Do you have an effective résumé? An extra set of eyes can make a difference. E-mail your résumé to employ.

ber 8, 6:00-8:00 pm, Room 2314 (no meeting on OJT (Overcoming Job Transitions) The 11/24). Cost: $13 for workbook. Call 392-1191 to unemployed are not lepers, but sometimes it feels that register. Childcare available. way. How can YOU help people you know dealing with job issues? INVITE THEM TO OJT! We offer encourPreparing for the agement, prayer support and hands-on workshops helpHolidays Grief Workshop ing with résumés, networking, interviewing, the internet Experiencing grief can be especially painful during and more. WE NEED MORE JOB CANDIDATES! You the holidays. Let’s spend some time together. We’ll know someone who needs this! Meets the third Tueshave materials for you to take home and share ideas day of each month, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm, Family Room. about the best way to spend the holidays during Questions? Contact Russ Knight at OJTjobs@gmail. those particularly challenging times of life following com or call Ruth at 392-1146. a loss. Saturday, November 6, 10 am-12 Noon, Parlor. No cost, no registration. Janie Hedrick, Facilitator. Prayer Card Sending Team Volunteers are needed to design encouragement cards, S.M.I.L.E. (Single Mothers in the pray over and help mail cards. Cards can be designed at Lord’s Embrace) home and drawn by hand or on the computer. Contact A new ministry that seeks to strengthen, empower, Gwen Mohler at 258-5479 or if you and support single moms while providing emotional would like to be a part of this ministry. Our meetings and spiritual encouragement; a place to belong, be are first and third Mondays at 9:30 am in room 1508. loved, and accepted; allowing ‘me’ time with free childcare. An opportunity for single moms to walk Asperger Support Group with others through this challenging journey know- FirstThursday from 7:00-9:00 pm in Rm 1506.For mothers ing they are not alone. Meets third Thursdays, 6:00- of children with Asperger Syndrome. Childcare available. 8:45 pm in the Parlor. For more information, contact Mary-Margaret at 808-0981 or Bonnie at benton. Alzheimer’s Support Group RSVP to Kellie at austin.kellie@ Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in Rm 1621. Childcare and free time included! tian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Healing Hats Ministry A new Asbury ministry created to provide hats to cancer patients who have lost their hair. Home spun with knots of love, woven together with help from

Page 25

Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm, Parlor - Reflections on the 23rd Psalm & sharing for people with cancer and their families. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 1335 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare available.


Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. Core Childcare Hours Parents who are involved in RoadMap classes during these core hours will have childcare provided for children 6 weeks - 12 years of age with no reservations needed:

Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 1335 - For those ready Sun to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Mon & Tue Childcare available. Tue, Wed, & Thur

8:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Eating Disorder Recovery Upward Basketball & Cheerleading First and third Wednesdays, 12:00-1:30 pm, Room Registration Begins September 1st 1621 - For individuals seeking support in the recovery process. Bring sack lunch. 5 years old by 9/1/10 thru 6th Grade in the 2010-2011 school year. The cost for basketball is $75 if you register Grandparents on or before Sunday, October 17th. Any forms received Raising Grandchildren or postmarked after that date will be charged $85 and First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1506. placed on availability of team space. The cost for cheerleading is $65 with an optional $12 for a mock turtleneck. Mental Health Support for Families All participants MUST attend one evaluation on OctoFor family members or caregivers of people affected ber 28, 29, or 30. Practices will be one night a week by a mental illness. 4th Thursdays from 1:30 - 3:00 on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday with games on Friday pm in Rm 1507. or Saturday. Practices begin December 6th and games begin January 7th. Military Connection Mark your calendars as we join Asbury Scouts for Parents are needed to be coaches and referees. Regis“A Salute to our Veterans” during their annual Pan- tration and volunteer forms will be available in children’s cake Breakfast on Saturday, November 6, in the CLC. ministry and also online at program starts at 8:15 am. All veterans, military, tries/children. families and friends are welcome. For more information or if you have questions, contact Christmas Boxes for Military Kim Broadhurst at or at Military Connection will mail Christmas boxes in 392-1165. November to Asbury-related military in harm’s way. Monetary donations are welcome. Call Jo VanDeW- Preparing for Adolescence iele at 459-0888 with complete name and address September 8 – November 17, 7-8pm. This course is just or send to Gwen at for sixth graders. Each week kids will have class discussion & two nights of discussion at home with parents. Asbury Bear Bags The cost is $15. Please call Joanna Edwards at 392-1166 Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have com- or for more information. forted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal Wednesday Night Live included instead! Great for teens and adults. Any- September 8 – November 17, 7-8pm, in the Chapel. Join one may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who us on Wednesday nights for worship in the Chapel—Kid is grieving. For more information, contact Beth at Style. We will combine music, high energy, verse memory Page 26

and a Bible lesson in a setting that encourages kids to learn about worship. Our lessons will tie right into what we are doing on Sunday mornings. You may pick up a registration form in the Children’s Ministry area. For more information contact the age appropriate staff member: Kindergarten- Amber at 392-1171, 1st & 2nd grade- Kim B. at 392-1165, or 3rd – 5th grade-Jennifer at 392-4582.


Spirit 1.2 Dog Days Friday, October 1, 5 – 9pm. The first and second graders have gone to the dogs. We will start our evening with dinner. Then we will have games, crafts and a video to bark about our evening. Register by September 22nd to help us plan. For questions or more information contact Shanon Brown @ 3921170 or email

marriage & family


Leave a legacy that continues to give forever to a ministry you want to support. There are endowments that support many areas of Asbury’s outreach including children, youth, music, missions, and training of pastors as well as a General endowment. You can easily impact a ministry thru your will or a current gift. Contact Dwight Yoder at 392-1113 or Dynamic Marriage Give us 9 weeks…we’ll give you a dynamic marriage! This is an interactive class that will help you replace old habits with new ones in a unique, safe environment. Go from good to great, mediocre to magnificent or hurt to healed. Cost: $130/couple (many materials included, scholarships available) $50 holds your spot. To register, contact Jackie or Ron at 251-6665 or asburydynamicmarriage@ Limited to first 12 paid couples in each class. Childcare available. Next classes start in February.

Discipleship Communities If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship Community check out “Get Involved” on our website, Attention Engaged Couples or pick up a brochure at one If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate of our Welcome Centers. 20/30 Vision meets at 9:15 and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to book ASAP to Sunday mornings in room 1507 for ages 20s-30s. allow ample time for Couple-to-Couple (required premarital sessions). Rooted: A NEW community of young couples—some enMilestone Wedding Anniversaries gaged, mostly married—who are seeking to know Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, and love Jesus and share Him with the world. We 20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at or also have lot of fun! Come join us! E-mail JOdom@ call her at 451-1559. for more information. 20s/Early 30s; 9:15 AM in room 2314


The Team: A NEW community of singles and couples who like to get together and talk about Jesus and what it looks like to follow Him.We’re mostly in our early to mid 20s and like doing lots of fun stuff together! Come hang out! E-mail for more information! For 20s/Early 30s; 7.30-9:00 PM, Wednesday nights in the Venue 68 N Lobby; Childcare provided

Asbury Exploration Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, October 3, from 12:152:00 pm in Community Life Center. Lunch provided and childcare is available for children six weeks through 6th grade. Call 392-1191 to register.


Men’s Prayer Breakfast –Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Attention men of Asbury. Make plans to join us for a great time of meaningful worship, life-changing prayer and an awesome big breakfast, all for just $3 per person. First-time guests are free.

Community Emphasis Day for Adult Discipleship October 3 is community emphasis Day, Check out the display tables set up in the Main Foyer and hallways to find that special place to “Belong, Believe, October 6 and Become”. Meet the people, ask questions, and October 13 find out where you best fit in this body of believers October 20 October 27 Page 27

Pec Clark Don Herrold Todd Johnson Bill Johnson

Men’s Open Basketball Fridays, 11:30 am – 1:15 pm, Gym. Men! Make plans to join other Asbury guys and their friends each week as we get together for a little “round ball” and lots of fun! Come show us what you’ve got, and we’ll have a great time of exercise and fellowship. Invite your friends, and we’ll see you on the court! Mature Men’s Ministry R.O.M.E.O. Luncheon Are you a “Retired Old Man” who wants to “Eat Out?” If so, then these luncheons are for you! A really awesome bunch of guys are meeting every 2nd & 4th Friday at 11:15 a.m., for good food and great fellowship. They take place at Village Inn (71st and Memorial), and are open to anyone 60 years and up. For more information, contact Bud at or Jim at “Looking in the Mirror” men’s Bible StudY Wednesdays, September 8 – November 17, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. The Bible isn’t just a list of do’s and don’ts – it’s a collection of stories that sound familiar because they are our stories. To open the Bible is to see our own reflection. The class is being taught by Brad Tuggle, former teaching pastor at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, TX. Home Improvement Work Days Saturday, October 16, meet in the CLC at 8:30-9:30 am for planning. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our men’s ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. If you’d like to help, contact Michiel at If you are in need of help, just pick up a request form at the south welcome desk, or call your request in to Pam Wallace (392-4589), at least ten days before the scheduled work day. A Home Improvement volunteer will contact you, and make final arrangements to get the job(s) done! Car Care Workday Saturday, November 13, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon, Outside Breakaway entrance, northeast side. Car Care Saturday is an every-other-month workday provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through our men’s ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the café, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters

and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith in to action through loving and serving those in need. If you would like to volunteer to help, contact Mike at mnalley16@ If you are in need of these services, just get your vehicle in line by 11:30! No reservations necessary! Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast We are privileged to salute those men and women who have served their country as members of the armed services, and those today who proudly wear the uniform of the Active, Reserve and National Guard forces. The Asbury Scouts Leadership Foundation and the Asbury Military Connection along with the Asbury Prayer Card Ministry invite you to join them in “A Salute to our Veterans”, to be held on Saturday, November 6, 2010 in the CLC. The Salute will include a flag ceremony, speakers, songs and video. The program will start around 8:15 a.m. and goes until 10:15 a.m. To kick off the celebration, the annual Asbury Scouts Leadership Foundation Pancake Breakfast will be held that morning between 7a.m. and 11a.m. There is no admission charge, though donations will be gratefully accepted. All proceeds will benefit the Asbury Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venture Crew members programs. Please come and help us celebrate!


2nd Saturday Looking for an easy way to make a difference and share Christ’s love in Tulsa! Join us this 2nd Saturday, October 9, at 8:30 a.m. at Venue68 and choose between local mission opportunities. At 8:45 we head to the ministry sites. Teams work from 9:00-11:30 a.m. and buses return to Venue68 no later than 12:15. Families with children welcomed and encouraged! Contact Betty Higgins at for more information. Operation Hope 9th Annual Fall Festival This festival is an opportunity for all of us to be ‘Bridging the Gap between Prison & Community’ and providing Hope, Unity and Promise. Save the date for the fundraiser on Friday, October 8 from 5:30 pm to Page 28

9:00 pm at Asbury UMC. The event is always exciting with lots of action going on in the ‘Live Auction’ and other activities. You will hear success stories of Operation Hope clients. Cost: $40. Contact Janet Theis at 625-1967 for more information. Latin American Mission Celebration Luncheon Join us Sunday, October 17 at 12:15 pm in the CLC for a Latin American Celebration. Learn more about Asbury’s mission outreach in Mexico and Ecuador as well as enjoying the Ballet Folklorico and other Hispanic dance groups. Special guests for the luncheon will be Bishop Robert E. Hayes and from Monterrey, Mexico – Bishop Raul Garcia, Rev. Mark Antonio Martinez (President of Juan Wesley Seminary), Seminary student Raul Israel Garcia, and Humberto and Mierta Flores. Lunch will be $7.00 and reservations are necessary. Please make reservations by October 11 with Missy Sistrunk, msistrunk@ or 392-1163. The event is hosted by the Latin America Ministry Team of Asbury with assistance from the Covenant Community. Donations Continue to save those old eye glasses, travel size shampoo, soaps, lotion, etc! Drop them by the mission office to be used by our medical mission teams and local ministries.

New Covenant Orchestra Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, Orchestra room Children’s Choirs Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm,Various rooms Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:30 -12 noon, Handbell room Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30- 5:30 pm, Handbell room Asbury Power & Light Co. Sundays, 8 to 9:15 am, Orchestra room Asbury Youth Orchestra Wednesdays, 5:30-6:15 pm, Orchestra Room Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:30- 3:00 pm, Choir Room


Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or immediately following a worship service, please come to the altar rail. A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual - at the altar or in the Prayer Room.

September 30 - October 9 Central Asia, Relationship, Teaching & Light Construction

Prayer Room Reservations The leadership of Asbury’s prayer ministry would like to remind you that the main facility Prayer Room is open not only to individuals desiring to pray in a quiet, meditative atmosphere, but also to prayer groups within communities and ministries. Just give Debbie in the Adult Ministries office a call at 392-1177 to reserve the Prayer Room for your group on a weekly or monthly basis.

VIM Leader Training October 23 - Oklahoma City

Prayer Room Days & Times Our prayer rooms are accessible to you at these times:


Volunteers In Mission 2010 Opportunities

Contact Marilene Long at 392-1164 or mlong@ if you are interested in serving on any of these teams or being part of the VIM Leader Training.


Chancel Choir Wednesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Choir room Page 29

Mason Chapel & Venue 68 Sundays from 7:00 am - 12:30 pm through the interior doors. Main Facility, Mason Chapel, & Venue 68 Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Sunday 12:30 pm - 9:00 pm To obtain pass codes, call Debbie in the Adult Ministries office at 392-1177.


Celebrate Recovery Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm; Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from 8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God never intended for you to live in bondage.

senior adults

Visits to Asbury Members Asbury has a unique group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are either homebound or in nursing homes. If you are interested in being visited, call Adrena at 392-1144, or contact the coordinator, Abby Sluice at Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00-9:30 am in the Gym. All senior adults are invited to join us for a time of stretching, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. No high impact workout here. We take it nice and easy. Come give it a try. Senior Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30-9:00 am in the gym. All senior adults are invited to join us for power walking, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. Come give it a try. Senior Game Time Every second Thursday – 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Attention Asbury Senior Adults! How would you like to get together on a regular basis with a wonderful bunch of folks and play a few rounds of cards, dominoes, or whatever board or card game you chose? You KNOW you’d love it! If you’re a senior adult age 55 and up, come check it out in Room 2820. Bring a friend and stay for as long as you like! Senior Adult Meal & Movie Attention all senior adults of Asbury! If you’re 55 years of age or over, our monthly meal and movie day event may be just the “ticket” for you! We get together at a different Tulsa restaurant each month, and then head off to see a “first run” movie. The dates and times vary according to the movie selected, but those who express an interest will be contacted a few days ahead of time so they can make plans accordingly. For more information or to sign up for the call list, contact Sally Wood,

“Scams”. Darlene Wagner, Chancel Choir soloist, will bring our special music. You don’t want to miss this program, and don’t forget to invite your friends! Call the main office at 492-1771 to make your reservations BY NOON, Monday, October 25. If, during that week, you find you need to cancel, please also let us know as we need to give an accurate count to the cooks. Should you choose, you may make a donation for the meal when you check in that morning. And don’t forget that some of us stick around after the luncheon and enjoy card or board games until 3:00 p.m. Come join us for fun and fellowship! Talimena Byway/Queen Wilhelmina Day Trip Monday, October 25, 8am – 9:30pm. Our fall trip will be a photographer’s dream! You will remember Nat King Cole’s song, “Autumn Leaves”, while taking photographs from numerous vistas along the 54-mile Byway. First, we will lunch at 11:00 a.m. at “Pam’s Diner” in Talihina, OK and afterwards we will relax before dining at the historic Wilhelmina Lodge in Arkansas, at 5:30 p.m. We will stop at approximately 17 scenic vistas to view the beautiful Ouachita & Kiamichi Mountain scenery, valleys and lakes. Interpretive signs are also available with site specific historic facts and geological information. A park ranger will be boarded at the Arkansas state line to provide a bit of history and facts about the Dutch Queen Wilhelmina and her contributions to the area’s development, including the Kansas City to New Orleans railroad. These mountains inspired the climatic events in John Wayne’s movie, “True Grit”. The author of the novel was an Arkansas native. We plan to stop at the Kerr Arboretum, also. Our charter coach will accommodate 55, so register soon! Registrations forms are available at the south welcome desk, and the registration deadline is Thursday, October 14.


Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 1335 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare available. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 1335 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Childcare available.

Tweenagers Program & Luncheon Everyone aged 55 and up is welcome to join us for our monthly Tweenagers meeting & luncheon, taking place on Thursday, October 28, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Single-Parent Christmas Shop in the CLC. Our program will be presented by Rick Saturday, December 4 – 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Faithful Brinkley from the Better Business Bureau, entitled volunteers - Mark your calendars now, and watch for more information in Asbury publications! Page 30


789Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday school. Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards. 789 Bible Study Wednesday night bible study is the place to be from 6:30-8:00pm beginning on September 8. Come to the Student Café and hang out, have fun and study what God’s words have for us. No 789 or 10 11 12 Small Groups There will be no 789 or 10 11 12 small group meeting on October 24 due to fall break. 7th grade Mandatory Confirmation Parent Meeting October 17, 4:15 – 6pm,Venue68. Parents! If your student is doing confirmation, you must attend this mandatory meeting. Please bring Family Time homework! 7th & 8th grade Small Group 2nd Saturday 7th and 8th grade small groups will be attending 2nd Saturday together October 9. Please arrive at 8am; we will be finished at noon. Parents and siblings welcome. 101112 Breakaway Every Wednesday night we come together for a time of connection and worship. Our desire is to explore who God really is and how our lives matter to Him. We get started around 6:30 pm and wrap up around 8:30ish. Plan on hanging out afterwards for pizza. 101112 grade Small Groups Get Connected – Are you looking for a way to get more connected? Are you looking for a place to grow in your walk with Jesus? Then being a part of a small group is where you need to be. If you are already in a small group, don’t forget to re-sign up for your group. Our small groups meet every Sunday night, times vary. Some of the groups meet in homes and others meet at the church. Call Todd @ 392-1154 or Amy @ 392-1156 to get more info.

Page 31

7th-12th Grade Metro Worship @ Venue 68 Come join youth from all over the city in a night to just worship Jesus. We meet the first Wednesday night of every month from 7 – 8:30ish. Life Hurts, God Heals Life Hurts God Heals is created specifically for teenagers who have experienced some type of pain in their lives – divorce, bad break-ups, sexuality issues, disappointment, rejection, alcohol, problems with friends, etc. Groups start September 8th from 5-7pm every Wednesday night, contact us anytime or come by the Student Ministry area and sign up. Parents if this is something that grabs at your heat to help lead we need you, please call Marsha 392-1157! Spring Break Missions Paperwork Due Spring break missions 2011 March 13-19! 7th graders will be headed to the inner city of Houston, TX. 8th graders will be headed to the Appalachia Mountains of Redbird, KY. 9th & 10th graders will be serving and the 11th & 12th graders will be hopping a plane to Guatemala City. Applications and paperwork is due October 31st.

volunteer opportunities

Get plugged in! Volunteer opportunities have been updated and can be found at the information desks near the main entrances and Venue68. Updates are also posted on the website. There is a link in the left column on the home page.


Women of the Word Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 2319, Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher. Crafty Ladies Fellowship Mondays, 9:30 am - 1:00 pm, Rm 2820. Ladies, if you enjoy doing crafts and fellowshipping at the same time, this activity is for you! We gather on Monday mornings to work on our own individual arts and crafts, stop for a delicious pot-luck lunch, and continue on through until 1:00 p.m. We have a wonderful time together, and would love to have you join us! For more information, contact Betty Seetin, and stop by some Monday and check us out!

October UMW Luncheon & Program Thursday, October 7, 11:30am – 1:00pm, CLC. Attention all ladies! This month’s luncheon will feature the author of Splinters: The Pain, The Passion, The Point, Barbara Howell! Come join us as Barbara shares her incredible story as an abandoned woman who faced her fears, endured her pain and overcame daunting obstacles to become successful in a man’s profession. She, along with her daughter and two granddaughters, birthed Southern Ladies Showcases by sheer sweat, guts and tears. Barbara’s commitment to suc ceed, her courage and undefeated attitude are an inspiration to us all. Bring your friends and $7 for a delicious catered lunch! No reservations are necessary. Home Improvement Work Days Saturday, October 16. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our men’s ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. If you’d like to help, contact Michiel at michiel0930@ If you are in need of help, just pick up a request form at the south welcome desk, or call your request in to Pam Wallace (392-4589), at least ten days before the scheduled work day. A Home Improvement volunteer will contact you, and make final arrangements to get the job(s) done! Car Care Workday Saturday, November 13, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon, Outside Breakaway entrance, northeast side. Car Care Saturday is an every-other-month workday provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through our men’s ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the café, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith in to action through loving and serving those in need. If you would like to volunteer to help, contact Mike at If you are in need of these services, just get your vehicle in line by 11:30! No reservations necessary!


8:00 am Communion Service Mason Chapel.Traditional service with music led by Hart Morris. Communion is served and Dr. Harrison preaches.

9:15 am Contemporary Praise & Worship Sanctuary. Contemporary music led by Mark Bennett and team, time of prayer and the message will all carry a prevailing theme for the morning. Dr. Harrison preaches. 9:15 am Open House Worship Community Life Center. A relaxed atmosphere with engaging worship led by Dub Ambrose and team. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast with an occasional live sermon from another pastor. 11:00 am Traditional Service Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra and various vocal and instrumental ensembles offer a variety of styles of music led by Hart Morris. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches. 11:00 am Modern Service Venue 68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by Chris Cleveland and team. Sign interpreters for the deaf are offered. Dr.Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast. 6:00 pm Modern Service Venue68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by the Ben Kilgore and team. Rev. Spencer Smith preaches.

Marriages, Births & Deaths Marriages: • Kyle David Culhane and Layne Elizabeth Dullea were married August 14, 2010.

• Dustin Thomas Curzon and Emily Kristen Lester were married August 21, 2010. Deaths: • Jack Wiles, husband of Rosemary, died June 20, 2010. • Norma Jackson died August 9, 2010. • Gloria Lord died August 25, 2010. • Jean Hamilton died August 26, 2010.


55 Years George & Maxine Clinton - 10/04/55 15 years Brad & Ellen Hargrove - 8/19/95 Scott & LeaAnn Anderson - 9/16/95 5 years Cory & Megan Haddock - 10/29/05 Page 32


Justin and Krissa Britsch

James Brown

Ron and Jill Brown

Carol Bunney

Cheree Christianson

Janis Clahoun

Charlene Craig

Lou Lou Easter

Gail Court

Page 33

Timothy & Jamell Gibson with Rhett, Donovan, Kainon

Steve and Amy Hendrix

Doug and Alicia Hess

Lori Lewis

Regina Magnon with Chloe

Michael and Rhonda Peynado

Jeff Roberts

Jon Roberts

John Reicks

Rick and Kathy Thayer

Asbury Exploration

Brad and Cheryl Tuggle with Catherine and Tori

Bob and Kathleen West

Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, October 3, or November 7 from 12:15-2:00 pm in Community Life Center. Lunch provided and childcare is available for children six weeks through 6th grade. Call 392-1191 to register. Page 34

Jennifer Mulvaney, Richard Laughlin, Dave Meilner, and Jan Meilner use puppets to minister to Asbury’s children.

Glorify God...Make Disciples Page 35

Page 36

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