Asbury Tidings - Planting Seeds for the Harvest

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Inside Tidings 3—4

Coming Up



5 — 26

Planting Seeds for the Harvest

27 — 31

October Calendar

32 — 33

New Members

34 — 35

Family Room

Sowing Seeds

Looking Ahead...

I think the essential virtues are probably two: humility (which is the opposite of pride, the most deadly of sin), and generosity. When combined, these virtues result in abundant giving without caring who gets the credit.

When a farmer plants crops, the one thing he Tidings Staff Jan Weinheimer Sandy Wagner Juli Armour Lisa Tresch Lina Holmes Chris Lo, Photographer

Asbury members plant seeds in various ways, and in doing so, prepare for the harvest to come. This month you will learn about the special ways that people have learned to invest their time, talent and resources. Opportunities for “seed planting” are listed in the In His Steps material recently mailed to Asbury members. If you would like to learn more about how you may serve through the ministries of Asbury, please contact Joan at 392-1176 or visit our website at

Pastor Tom Harrison

never skimps on is the seed. The crops grow in direct proportion to the seeds planted. You cannot have a harvest unless there is an abundance of opportunity. In this month’s edition of the Tidings, you will read of people who have been busy sowing seeds. The great thing about this edition is that you will discover all types of people with a variety of interests doing a wide spectrum of things. We each have different gifts. The important thing is to sow the seed, not hoard the resource. One guy who really got blasted in a parable by Jesus is the guy who did not use what had been entrusted to him. “Then the man who had received the one talent came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’ “His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then,

On the cover: Dr. Mel Pearson serves Asbury in a unique way, keeping land cleared with a tractor he purchased for this very purpose. He also prepares the dirt each year for Asbury’s Student Ministry’s Mudfest. (See pages 4 and 6)

you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. “‘Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ (Matthew 25:24-30) In the Kingdom of God, uselessness is an indictment of God’s judgment. In the Kingdom of God, there is no greater joy than sowing a seed and watching God bring a harvest from it. In this month’s edition of the Tidings, I hope you will enjoy these stories. I also hope it will be a catalyst to help you find your place where God is calling you to serve. As James 2:17 says, “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead.”

photo by Christy Capps TIDINGS 2

The GROW Conference presented by Stand in the Gap

Friday, November 10 Featuring

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend In this conference, Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend discuss that our desire to grow runs deep. But why, even with our best efforts at spiritual growth, do the issue and relationships in our lives that we wish would change often stay the same? Join us and learn what has to happen for growth to occur in your spiritual walk, your marriage and family life, your friendships, and your own personal development. Cost is $40 per person. Register online at or call 585-6112.

Friday and Saturday, December 1 and 2 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Tickets are $8 in advance or $10 at the door (No children under 12 please) Complimentary buses will be available for people not wanting to drive. Buses

Satur da 11 Saturda dayyy,, No Novvvember ember 11

will leave from Asbury’s main entrance at 10:45 and 12:45 only, both days. While you are waiting for the bus, feel free to enjoy our complimentary Tea

7 7:00 :00 AM - 11:00 11:00 AM

Room. Then step over to our Christmas Shoppe where you will be able to purchase an array of homemade goodies—cakes, cookies, candies, wrapped and ready for gift giving! Homes on this year’s tour include:

Cost: $4 per person Community Life Center Along with great food,

Alicia and Mike Knapp - 8021 S. Fulton Avenue

this year’s theme will be

Mary and Steve Area - 7910 S. Braden Avenue Judy and Richard Edmonson - 7924 S. Braden Avenue Mary Kay and Dick Secrest - 6442 S. Pittsbury Avenue

a celebration of our veterans and will feature a Veteran’s Day salute!

All proceeds benefit missions. 3




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Asbury Men’s Retreat

More Men: Depending on God and Each Other Date: Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115:1

Find encouragement, fellowship and renewal when you join us at Asbury’s Fall Women’s Conference, Value of a Woman...Gifted and Courageous. Asbury’s own Gail Knox, Gretchen Valentine and Adesola Akala will examine how women of the Bible were intimately associated with the unfolding purpose of God. They will also provide insight for living your life with a genuine devotion to God and an unwavering faith. We will enjoy music and teaching, then end the morning with a savory lunch and heartwarming fellowship. Women of all ages are encouraged to attend and bring a friend.


Saturday, November 4


9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (doors open at 8:30 a.m.)


Mason Chapel


$15, includes lunch Scholarships Available

Regrettably, no childcare is available. Call 392-1191 for reservations.

Friday and Saturday November 17 and 18

Location: Camp Loughridge in West Tulsa Building on the momentum of our last retreat, we will experience challenging and practical teachings, uplifting worship, meaningful small groups, and the energy of being with other Christian brothers! Sessions will be led by some of our young leaders like Pastor Todd Craig, John Locher, Dr. Todd Johnson, and Greg Ruley, as well as some of our “seasoned” leaders, like General Godsman Howitzer (Bill Johnson) and Pastor Dub Ambrose. Forms are available in the men’s slot at the South Welcome Desk or in the main office. Complete one and return with payment to Doni in the main office. Invite your family, your friends, your neighbors and your co-workers, and come be a part of one of the best overnight investments you can make this fall. Below: Mudfest is all about good clean….er “dirty” FUN. It’s our way of reigniting the Student Ministries Fall program schedule.This year we had 257 students ( the most ever) participate in the MUD. The best part is when the Fire Dept. hoses down the students in our parking lot. We don’t know who enjoys it more, the students or the firemen. The flowing stream of muddy water down the parking lot is incredible! And it’s not just about the MUD & FUN, but also gives students a chance to invite friends in an unusual way to start making relationships with Student Ministry staff and volunteers. This year we also introduced the”Life Hurts God Heals” program at the Mudfest because everyone’s got a little dirt in their life. LHGH is for all students with Hurts,Habits or Hang Ups. All in all, Mudfest is something that everyone looks forward to each year, so here’s mud in your eye! Thank you to Dr. Mel Pearson for spreading the dirt!




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y grandfather was a gardener. Not a gardener like most people I know, however. His garden wasn’t for piddling around in as a hobby now and then and it wasn’t just relegated to a corner of his backyard. The entire back of his property, which was about a half an acre, was a garden and he spent every spare moment working it. The first row was reserved for my grandmother’s cutting flowers, but the rest of it was long rows of onions, strawberries, Kentucky Wonder pole beans, green beans, okra, lettuce, radishes, peppers and anything else that would grow in the rich soil of western Arkansas. The back row was reserved for corn, my favorite. I loved to walk to the back of the garden and compare the stalks with my height. As the summer grew hotter, the stalks grew taller and before long they had outpaced me. One spring, my grandfather let me plant a few corn seeds. He prepared the soil, and then I was instructed to place the seeds one inch below the soil surface and a certain number of inches apart. After a few minutes of planting, I began to doubt my gardening ability. “I don’t think this is going to work,” I told my grandfather. He shook his head and waved me on. He was a man of few words 5

“I don’t think I’m doing it right. Am I covering up the dirt enough?” He nodded without looking up. “Are the seeds far enough apart?” He nodded again, still not looking up. “How do you know? I don’t think I can do it.” He finally looked at me and said, “You plant it. I’ll make sure it grows. You’ll eat corn.” Something happened that summer and I wasn’t there to see it, but the next time we went to my grandparent’s house we ate corn. Miraculous. My grandfather had fertilized the plants, watered them and made sure that the conditions in his garden were good for growing corn (this included keeping the pesky raccoons out). All my worrying had been for nothing. You can guess the spiritual analogy I’m going to make with this garden story: Plant the seed and let God take care of the harvest. But it’s harder than it looks, especially for those of us who like the big moment and the dramatic result. If I wanted to make the garden story an accurate analogy, I would have to leave out the part about eating the corn because most of my spiritual seed-planting hasn’t afforded me the opportunity to see the result. A word, a smile or an

afternoon spent sharing about Jesus has mostly been without the big moment or the dramatic result. Over the years I’ve had to get to the place where I don’t expect to see it. That’s different than not expecting it will happen. After my grandfather promised me that I would see corn, I didn’t have a doubt it would happen. Even if I had not been there to see it, I had seen him obsess over his garden enough to know that he would make sure the seeds turned into tall corn stalks, which would produce sweet, milky ears of corn. Spiritually speaking, it’s always dangerous to make a proclamation of arrival, but I may have finally gotten to the place where I can plant a seed without wringing my hands over the result. I sat next to a single mom on the plane last week who was new to Tulsa and having a rough time, so I invited her to visit Asbury. I didn’t share my faith story or draw her the bridge illustration—all good things, but I was not in good shape myself after 32 hours of air travel. She thanked me and said that it just so happened they were looking for a church. I won’t stress about hunting for her in the halls or worry that I should have done more. Like my grandfather, God is a seasoned gardener who can take the tiny seeds I plant and use them for harvest in the right season.




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ou may have never seen the Tractor Man, but he has roamed the Asbury properties along south Mingo since the day they were purchased. The Tractor Man’s story began in 1934 in the middle of the Great Depression on a farm near Watonga, Oklahoma where a healthy boy was born and given the name Mel. Mel Pearson grew up working the land in western Oklahoma. He graduated in veterinary medicine from Oklahoma State University. Mel and Mary were married when Mel was a first year veterinary student. While Mel was in school, Mary worked at the Agricultural Extension Service. The hard work of the farm carried over into Mel’s veterinary practice. After Mel retired, Mary told me how nice it was to have Mel home all morning on Christmas, for you see, he wouldn’t ask his employees to check the dogs and cats on Christmas Day, so he would. I tell you about Mel’s work habits to help you better understand why God chose him to be the Tractor Man. Soon

after Asbury purchased the Mingo property, Mel asked Mary what she thought about buying a tractor to keep the Asbury land mowed for a few years before construction would begin. Mary, who has a servant’s heart as well, approved the expenditure. In the spring of 2000, Mel was ready to mow. First, there were heavy rocks to move before the tractor could safely mow the 35 acres. Later, Mel found some other men to help him remove posts left

from an abandoned fence. On February 29, 2004, the people of Asbury worshiped in their new church. Most did not know that the Tractor Man had ridden his tractor for two years caring for the land while waiting for construction to begin. The Tractor Man’s work was not finished. A group from Asbury formed a partnership to buy vacant lots across the street north of Asbury. The property would be available to Asbury when needed. Mel cleared rocks, moved dirt, and mowed the grass. Three years ago, Mel and Mary sold their home and moved to Methodist Manor. Soon after the move, someone stole Mel’s tractor and trailer. Mel and Mary decided to buy another tractor and trailer, for their work was not done. Besides caring for the vacant land to the north of Asbury, Mel prepares the dirt each year for the Student Ministries’ Mudfest. Mel could spend his savings on exotic vacations, but he would rather ride his dusty tractor in service for Jesus. -John Westervelt




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Amy Malner’s trust fall. Ready to catch her at Todd Peterson, Greg Lynn, Mark Fowler, Todd Craig and Marsha Baker.

Amy Malner


erceptions, Pastor Tom’s daily radio spot, was what drew Amy Malnar to visit Asbury on Sheridan Road. “I remember one of the first Sundays I went to church at Asbury. Pastor Tom was so emphatic in expressing his personal love and devotion to Jesus Christ. He got so fired up about it that when he was finished the congregation gave him a standing ovation. I knew then that I wanted to be a part of this church. I heard God speaking to me through Pastor Tom and that kept me coming back,” Amy said. When God first led Amy to Asbury, she was at a point in her life where she needed Him. She needed to grow and to study His word. She joined the Jabez Community and began attending Bible studies. She made Christian friends who were a good influence on her. A month after becoming a


member of Asbury, Amy attended training to serve as a Stephen Minister. “I was put in the Stephen Ministry for a specific purpose. My faith increased by helping someone through a very difficult situation.” During that same year, she went on her first mission trip with some Jabez members to Monterrey, Mexico. Amy recounted the impact that trip had on her relationship with God, “I felt emptied of myself. It was a great feeling realizing God gave me a heart to serve other people.” When Paul Iwanaga asked Amy to consider going on the Spring Break ’06 Student Ministry Mission Trip to Mexico, she jumped at the chance. During this trip, God introduced Amy to the ministry of serving students. She was amazed to stand back and watch the students during worship. “Students are uninhibited in their worship. They don’t care who is standing next to them. It’s their time with God. Their lives are so incredibly busy. It’s a sanctuary for them to come to worship and escape from everything that’s going on outside of the doors.”

After returning from Mexico, she began pouring her heart into serving the high school students at Asbury as a volunteer in Student Ministries. “There have been several times girls have come to me to talk about things that are going on in their lives that they can’t really talk about with their friends. Everything I learned as a Stephen Minister is helping me. I learned listening skills and caring skills. I know this is why God has led me to minister to high school students. It’s not my purpose to solve their problems but to be someone to stand next to them, to hold their hand, to walk through it with them and to get them to the point of casting their cares on Jesus.” Now God has again brought Amy to a new level in her walk with Him. In response to God’s call, Amy has joined Asbury’s Student Ministry staff and is ministering to high school students fulltime. Amy admits that God has taken her out of her comfort zone with this new adventure but she will continue to trust in Him and go where He leads her. Greg Lynn, Director of Student Ministries explained that the staff prayed specifically for the person they needed for this new position and God answered all their requests with Amy. -Christy Capps




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Boy Scout Troop 10


n January of 2004 my son, Derek, and I began attending Asbury Methodist Church. We had heard many of Rev. Tom Harrison’s messages from the Perceptions on the radio and were drawn to the church. Less than a year later we attended a Boy Scout recruitment

meeting at Camp Russell. Based on our home address we were referred to a scout troop under the direction of Jeff McMains that meets at Asbury. I am a single parent seeking a positive male role model for Derek, so I enrolled him in Jeff’s Boy Scout troop. I have been very pleased with the outcome of this ministry. It hasn’t

even been a year, and Derek has brought Christ into his life and he has a better overall sense of balance that shows every day. He is more thoughtful and even volunteers to begin the opening prayer for the Cub Scout pack meetings. Derek’s grades have also improved and he is having the best academic year he’s ever had. ASBURY TIDINGS



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Our connection with the Boy Scouts has also allowed my father, an Eagle Scout from many years ago, to assist and bond with Derek. It’s been a positive impact all the way around. I am also pleased with the support of Jeff and with his extraordinary ability to be a leader. Since he’s a father himself, he understands the importance of being a father figure to all of the boys in his troop. Derek and I both appreciate his knowledge and guidance. He’s always got Derek’s best interests in mind and Derek adores Jeff. They work well together. I feel blessed to not only have found a Boy Scout troop for Derek, but to have also found one where all of the men are family-oriented, loving and caring. They are each supportive of the unique and individual qualities of all of the boys in the troop. The impact of Derek’s experience with the Boy Scouts is based on three important attributes from the scout leaders: Coaching - these men are coaches and encourage the boys to use their Godgiven strengths. Cheerleading - they help each scout in turning their weaknesses into strengths through teamwork and partnerships. They use positive reinforcement and encouragement. Counseling – each of the scout leaders is there emotionally for 9


the scouts. Through family counseling and the Boy Scouts, Derek and I both have learned that spending one-on-one time together helps him tremendously. I have seen dramatic changes and our lives are back to normal. A lot of it has to do with the support and guidance the leaders of this Boy Scout Troop have provided. They are positive Christian role models. -Dana Reynolds

Troop 10 Asbury United Methodist Church and the Men’s Ministry have promoted the Boy Scouts of America and Troop 10 for over 40 years. The Troop offers a solid scouting program for boys between the ages of 11 and 17 who enjoy outdoor activities along with personal growth in their faith and in their community. As a Troop, the scouts enjoy camping, shooting sports, climbing and repelling as well as skill development involving a number of Merit Badge opportunities that will introduce them to a variety of life skills. Troop 10 meets on Monday nights at 7:00 pm in room 2818. For information, please contact Darrell Parke, Troop Committee Chairman at 250-3802.



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t’s no surprise that Amy Trimble blesses new parents with hand-sewn christening gowns for their babies. It was in the face of her own child that Amy had a life-changing encounter with the love of God. “When I looked into his eyes I realized how wonderful God’s creation of life is, and at that miraculous moment knew that there was no question as to the existence of God.” Though her relationship with Christ has stirred up a desire to serve others, she learned the love of serving and ministering to others as a child through the inspiration of her mother. “She gave to others in so very many ways and places. She set the founda-

tion – a great example for me. My mother truly lived her faith.” Her mom also passed on a love for sewing. Amy loved watching her make their clothes. When she was in junior high, Amy’s mom began to teach her the craft and now sewing is a passion in Amy’s life. And now out of this love, God has birthed a ministry. While watching children being baptized, God spoke to Amy and husband Eldon. They saw these little ones dedicated and prayed over; parents asking God that one day their children would come to know Christ personally. As they prayed themselves, God revealed a need for christening gowns.

Amy Trimble



Amy sews the gowns and donates them to the church. She prays that God will use her gift to bless others. “I make each christening gown with love, and I pray for each gown that a child will wear. I know in my heart that God will love and protect that child.” Jesus’ words in Acts 20:35 inspire Amy to continue giving of her talent, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” By giving she gets so much in return; she finds herself blessed by the joy she sees in others as she gives from a “Christ-centered heart.” Joining Asbury in 2004, Amy and Eldon are involved in Family Fellowship Community and they also teach in the Children’s Ministry. Amy agrees that Christians are to be active in living a life that is marked by giving and ministry. “God’s word calls upon us to serve others, and I do not feel that simply professing to be a Christian, of just warming a pew on Sunday, is quite what God had in mind.” Amy’s mom loved to serve and loved to sew. She passed that passion on to her daughter. As Christians, we need to live out God’s love and invest in others’ lives. When we do, we experience purpose and joy and pass on an excitement that is contagious. As Amy puts it, “Once a person feels the true joy and love that comes from ministering to others, they will TIDINGS 10 beASBURY hooked.”

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William Camp


rises signaled a radical change in William Camp’s life. After 35 years of living through a series of manic episodes he transitioned into a period of dark depression. After several years of counseling and proper medication, he came to the shocking realization that his life thus far had been one of negativity. He decided to change that. He decided to make the world better. After what he described as a catastrophic event in his life, he sought help—first at Laureate and then through a state-funded program. “In people with this condition, there is a serotonin imbalance. There’s about a one-to-three-year period after the initial diagnosis that’s key to bringing this imbalance under control. Often patients begin feeling better and quit taking their medication. They think they’ve come out of it and no longer need them,” he said. “I finally realized that this was a permanent condition that


was going to require a lifetime of management.” He spent 35 years of his life as an overachiever. During this time he was operating in a manic state. William explained, “I worked too much. Everything I did was to an extreme, including being a workaholic. I went from being driven to depression. During that time of my life I was self-centered, not Christ-centered,” he said. “I felt an emptiness in my life. I just knew my life wasn’t complete. There were tremendous changes taking place. I was in the process of finding who I was. I began looking for a church home. As a result of Tom’s Perceptions radio program, I came to Asbury. I came here and felt at home. Asbury’s a real easy place to be.” In 1997 William made a commitment to follow Christ. “I realized the first part of my life I had been a taker; I had a negative impact on others rather than a positive one,” he said. “I decided I wanted to be a positive influence. I wanted to leave this earth better than I had found it.” He is fulfilling that goal through two ministries—as a member of the 9:15 worship team and as facilitator of the Bipolar/Depression Support Group. Of serving on the worship team, he speaks of how this helps him maintain balance in his life. “It helps to keep me centered and I feel closer to Christ. I always feel supported. Dub Ambrose is one of the best men of God I’ve ever known. He is a friend, a brother. I thank God for the influence

he has been in my life. Also, it’s such a blessing to be part of something that leads others closer to Christ.” Charlene Giles is another person of influence in William’s life. At a conference she attended, she met a man who was leading a successful support group for people who struggle with bipolar disorder. He agreed to help form a group at Asbury with the understanding that eventually the church would assume leadership. “It was the first group setting I had been in and it helped me reconnect. It gave me new insights into others who were experiencing the same things. ‘I must not be all alone in this,’ I realized.” Though reluctant to accept the role, Charlene persuaded him to facilitate the group. To him, the rewards are enormous. “There is great benefit in watching others grow and develop coping skills. Everyone has struggles, but you think you’re the only one. You feel isolated. Often participants come and won’t even speak at first. Then they begin to feel safe and comfortable and become able to share with others. They work through the processes to where they have a smile on their faces. I feel I’m having a positive impact rather than the negative influence I had in the past.” As a member of the worship team, William experiences true worship and the joy of turning others to God in praise. By facilitating the support group, he has the joy of contributing to healthy growth in others struggling with bipolar disorders. In both, he has found supportive, encouraging friends. -Sandy Wagner




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Barbara Engler


ometimes the questions of life, love and faith are left unanswered. Sometimes we think we understand, only to find out that the mysteries are deeper than we will ever comprehend. At that point we choose either to abandon our belief because we can’t fully understand, or embrace the hope that is offered through faith in a God who is greater than any of our questions. For Barbara Engler, the choice was clear. She has chosen to relinquish the circumstances of her life, which include the premature death of her husband and daughter, and has found the peace that comes from trusting God and acknowledging, “I don’t have to have all the answers. I’m not in charge.” In April 2004, Barbara began the daily habit of praying Psalm 91 for her troubled 41-year old daughter, Kim Lakin. Her intercession was that Kim would “dwell in the shelter of the Most High and rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” She prayed that He would be Kim’s “refuge and her fortress, her God in whom she trusts” and that He would protect her and “guard her in all her ways.” For six months she persevered in prayer for Kim. Then on Sunday, October 17, 2004, Barbara heard very clearly in her spirit the words, “you don’t

have to pray that anymore.” Five days later, Barbara went to Tahlequah and found her beloved daughter’s body. Kim, who struggled with depression and an abusive relationship, had taken her own life on the previous Sunday. Kim had at one time been an All-Star athlete and dynamic school teacher, but felt trapped in the circumstances of her life, and had often said to Barbara, “I should be blooming and taking care of God’s children.” But, as Barbara recalls, “she couldn’t even take care of herself.” Reminiscent of David in 2 Samuel 12, who prayed and fasted fervently while his son was ill, and then when he died, David “got up, washed, went into the house of the Lord and worshipped.“ Barbara was released from her intercession and began a new, albeit terribly painful chapter in her life. It’s one in which she seeks to obey the Lord and follow His leading and to do that which will bring Him glory. Now the verses that were so impressed on Barbara’s heart as she interceded faithfully for Kim, have become a comfort to her as she dwells in the shelter of the Most High and rests in the shadow of the Almighty, and learns to walk each day trusting in God, her refuge and fortress. In the months following Kim’s

death, Barbara received several donations for something to be built in Kim’s memory. Barbara shared with her friends Laura and Tony Francis that she was at a loss what to do with the money and they began keeping an eye out for something appropriate. Laura was in the tailor shop one day when she struck up a conversation with a fellow customer. One thing led to another and he shared that he was a counselor at Realation, a facility dedicated to treating abused children. They learned that Realation came about after Children’s Medical Center was closed and the CEO did not want to abandon the work being accomplished with the children in their abuse program. He made arrangements to purchase an abandoned facility, which could accommodate 36 children, ages 8-18 years. The counselor shared a need for a sign for their facility. When Barbara went to visit, she not only knew immediately she wanted to spend the money to replace the sign, but she and the Francis’ became personally involved in the program. Initially, they provided popcorn and a movie one Saturday night a month, which evolved into a dinner where the children could practice table manners and etiquette. Since then, they




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have made repairs, painted walls, and secured donations of mattresses and other practical items. She spends Thursday mornings tutoring the kids who are unable to attend school. They are making connections with other ministries and programs to offer classes and entertainment that otherwise would not be available. Like so many others who lose a loved one, the cry of Barbara’s heart


has been that something of value would come from her tragedy; that the testimony of Kim’s life would make a difference in someone’s life, influencing others in a way that God would receive the glory. By her obedience to the Holy Spirit, Barbara is fulfilling that desire by making a positive impact in the lives of some precious hurting children. She is experiencing the truth of Isaiah 61:3, “Giving them a garland instead of

ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting, so they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.” -Juli Armour




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Doug Walker


n 1980, just before entering high school for my 10th grade

honest, joyful Christian life of integrity. This is what Doug gave to me.

Doug’s insistence that the faith of a

year, I became a Christian. My family had joined Asbury just a few

We studied basic assurances and disciplines of the faith, we studied

important as the 42-year-old I am today. I also remember Doug asking

years before despite my parents’

the pursuit of holiness and godliness,

me why I wasn’t going on one of our

concerns that the church was too big (I would guess that membership was

and we studied great characters of the Bible. And we had lots of fun—silly

special events. I said something about being with some of my (non-

about 1,600 as compared to the 7000 plus of today!) The deciding factors for

skits, homemade cookies (not from Doug) and trips to the lake. I became

Christian) school friends that night who didn’t want to come and he said,

us were when we entered the worship service, we were asked to open our Bibles, and we prayed (what seemed

more and more comfortable in my new faith, with new friends and trying to become, albeit young, a man of

“Oh, like Paul who became all things to all people . . . ” (and I Corinthians 9:22 continues, “so that by all pos-

like, to a teenager, forever). That was

integrity as well.

sible means I might save some.”)

quite different, wonderfully so, from what we were used to. Eventually, with the prodding of some friends and the leading of the Holy Spirit, I began to

I recently asked Doug what were some of the harder things about youth work, things that maybe I never saw. He laughed, and said, “Special events

Doug understood that youth group was, yes, to establish us in our faith,


y name is Smith investigate Valerie the Bible myself and soon asked Christ to be in charge of my life. and I’m a grateful And thankfully, I quickly thereafter believer inand Jesus met Doug Walker Asbury’s fledgling youth group. Doug had Christ. I have been recently been hired as a full-time youth delivered from a dedirector as he worked on his seminary degree. I wonderrelationship sometimes what structive Doug and his great group of volunteers with alcohol and tothought of me then. I came to our SundayInight MYF meetings and day struggle with joined Wednesday night Bible studies, an eating disorder, but for the first year of my involvement, low self-esteem, sobarely said a word. But I was soaking everything in and learning everything I cial anxiety, and relacould about what it meant to live an tionship issues.

like those trips away?” Can you imagine? Doug, in his twenties, was organizing and working out the details

teenager is every bit as strong and

but also to launch us into the world. And finally in the verse from I Tim 6:11 “But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance

to provide opportunities for a group that had then grown to over 100, so we could grow in our faith in a fun safe

and gentleness.” To me, Doug epitomized this pursuit. He used his life effectively to

environment. Three scriptures come to mind

point me and many others to a life in Christ.

that Doug had spoken to me over time. One was “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in

Thanks, Doug. -John McMullen

speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.” from 1Timothy 4:12. It was one of the reasons I chose the name Timothy for my own son—





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Erin and Adam Paul


he thing about having a child with special needs is that your life takes a turn you never expected. But it’s not a wrong turn at all – it’s just that the new road might have a few more bumps.” Within hours of her birth, Erin and Adam Paul knew their daughter had Down Syndrome and a heart defect. It is news that can be devastating to new parents and from that moment their lives were changed forever. But because the Pauls chose to focus on the good, their unexpected journey has been blessed. At first, they wondered, as many would, “Why God?” But quickly the couple began to realize that God had given them Taylor because He loved them so much. “He wanted us to be able to have the experience of caring for such a precious gem. Now, we feel very fortunate that God entrusted us with her care.” She continues, “We consider Taylor a tremendous blessing from God. Having a disability is just a small part of who she is. She is Taylor first; she just happens to have Down Syndrome.” Erin came to know Christ personally while in junior high. But it’s been just over the last few years that she’s seen her relationship with Jesus grow. “He has given me a sense of peace. I know He will guide us and take care of us.” She felt this strongly

when faced with a 15-month-old Taylor having open-heart surgery. “I remember pacing all night and then hearing Christ tell me that He was there with us. It was an unbelievable feeling.” Taylor has had eight surgeries or procedures. She suffers from Celiac Disease, a digestive disorder. But even with those bumps in the road, Erin and Adam continue to see God at work. Taylor is more like a typical child than she is not. She loves to sing and go to Sunday School with her friends. She loves all the things of a typical five year-old. “Though we’ve dealt with various medical issues, God is making us realize that we are not in control, He is and we need to trust him.” Through their lives with Taylor, the Pauls have become involved with the Down Syndrome Association of Tulsa (DSAT), a non-profit organization that exists to enhance the lives of individuals with Down Syndrome, their families and caregivers. Adam serves as president; Erin serves as vice-president. The organization provides support, encouragement, current information, education, and opportunities for socialization and by promoting community recognition of the inherent dignity of all people with disabilities. God is using Erin and Adam to help build a

community among the families involved. “We have met some of the most incredible people, some of our very best friends are parents of children with Down Syndrome.” Taylor attended The Little Light House, a Christian Developmental Center serving young children with special needs. Her family remains active alumni of this important ministry. Giving love and effort to Taylor and families facing the same challenges is a way Erin and Adam can point others to Christ. “I feel that it is so important for Christians to be giving of their time and talents because we are examples. God is working through us. When people see us glorify Him, hopefully, they will realize how truly wonderful God is.” These lessons really are the same for all who walk with Jesus. Whatever journey we may be on, we are to be like Him – to love and invest in the lives of others. Erin sums it up well, “Sure there are challenges and bumps along the way and sometimes you may feel that you aren’t being successful at your task, but with God’s help you will make it through the challenges and be a better person at the end.” -Nikki Boyd




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The Joy Community


little less than three years ago on a Sunday morning, Shonda Wagner left her husband Jay with Dub Ambrose and the Worship Team to rehearse for the 9:15 worship service, and then she walked the cavernous halls of Asbury. She asked a lady she passed if there was a Sunday school class in session at the eight o’clock hour. The woman said, “The Joy class meets right here and you are welcome.” Shonda came, stayed, and even taught a chapter from a book that Bill Mason asked class members to help with. Over the ensuing months, Shonda and Jay invested their lives in the Joy Community, and the class members invested their lives in this young family. Zachary, now three-

years-old, would come with his mommy each Sunday and walk the aisles of the classroom greeting his 50 adopted great-grandparents. The outpouring of love prepared each of us for a better understanding of Jesus’ message that would follow from Bill Mason’s lesson. Throughout the summer months, Shonda, a beautiful woman, seemed more beautiful as she carried a baby sister for Zachary in her tummy. The Joy Community women gathered at the home of Barbara Thornton for an old-fashioned baby shower. Shonda and Jay asked all of Zachary’s adopted great-grandparents to stand with them at the 9:15 worship service for the baptism of Haley Dianna by Rev Bill Mason.

Following the service, the class enjoyed brunch at the home of Jay’s parents. Once again, as at every class party, Shonda, with her servant’s heart, served the guests and gathered empty plates from the tables. Jay and Shonda have held management positions for a number of years with McDonald’s. Both have been promoted and are moving to Dallas as soon as they sell their house. For now, Jay is commuting to Dallas. Their departing will leave behind some heavy hearts when Zachary no longer walks the aisles of the Joy classroom. Maybe it is just as well, for in another year, with Haley Diana beginning to walk, the pain of a departure would be twice as great. -John C. Westervelt




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“Why do we end all prayers with Amen? What does Amen mean?” “Where did the Lord’s Prayer come from?” A precious girl asks, “What happens if I say a bad word in heaven?” “When I die Jesus is going to open my eyes,” says an enthusiastic five-year-old boy.


uestions like these are flying as the Alpha Sprouts (children in preschool through 6th grade) sit on the edge of the of their seats, hands shooting up in response to the questions posed by the “Alpha Dudes,” a zany pair who present the Alpha lessons to the children. Randy Patterson vividly remembers Pastor Tom talking about children in a Sunday service, how important they are to God. When it came time to serve in Alpha, Randy and his friend Mike Rogers decided to work in Asbury’s first Alpha for children—Alpha Sprouts. Dressed in Hawaiian shirts and backwards baseball caps, these dudes present serious subjects despite their comic appearance and . . . the children love it! Obviously, the “Alpha Dudes” are only one aspect of the Alpha Sprouts program directed by Jan Farris. After dinner and large group with the dudes, the children break into small groups with the other volunteers. The children hear a Bible story followed by an arts and crafts project. According to Randy there are about 13 “fantastic” volunteers making Alpha Sprouts happen, but Randy and Mike steal the show with their madcap antics.




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Randy Patterson & Mike Rogers Alpha Sprouts is coordinated with the adult Alpha program—same evening, same time. The topics for both groups are the same so adults who have children in Spouts can talk about what they learned together. Randy and his wife Donna attended Alpha in the fall of 2005. They loved it and chose to be involved in future Alpha courses. “I think all but one person from our group have chosen to serve. We became close friends through Christ. The Holy Spirit touched us all during the Alpha overnight retreat. I would recommend Alpha (and the overnight) to anyone no matter where they are in their Christian walk.” Randy gave his life to Christ at


age 14, following a trip to Camp Egan. He and several friends responded to His call during the Sunday evening service at his church. He has since reaffirmed his faith in Christ at Asbury. For Mike and his wife Marie, Alpha explained what they hadn’t understood and helped them see the need to read the Bible cover to cover. Having completed Alpha, they watched for ways to serve. In the past Mike had helped with Youth at Heart for several years, so they were excited to work with the children in Alpha Sprouts. “Being an Alpha Dude has changed my life,” said Mike. “Jesus is more alive in me as I tell them about

Jesus. Also, Randy and I are both in the Praise and Worship Community with our wives. I have seen so many people find peace with the Lord over the years and wondered how this is possible. Now I understand what I was missing.” Randy and Mike have found their niche in ministry and revel in the opportunity to touch the hearts of their young charges. During playtime the children vie for the Alpha Dudes attention and when it comes time to go, they want to hug their mentors. “It’s an amazing feeling. It’s God’s love! The greatest!” said Randy. -Sandy Wagner




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Brady Cypert


o what extent I grew up, it was in Muskogee,” quipped Brady Cypert, the new director of the Asbury Singing Ambassadors, (ASA), Asbury’s approximately 140-member senior adult choir. He grew up all right – clear up to a little over six feet five inches. Brady will be filling the big shoes of John Sawyer, ASA’s founding director who stepped down last spring. Cheryl

(Bob) Tomlinson will be the accompanist replacing Billie Kay Sawyer. Rehearsals are Tuesdays at 1 p.m. and all those over age 55 are welcome. Brady is greatly encouraged by the wonderful people in the group. He said, “The choir members bring an enthusiasm and joyful attitude to the music. Their dedication and willingness to work hard is really exciting. The opportunity to work with them is what I anticipate most about this opportunity.” Brady joined his first choir at age five at St. Paul Methodist Church in Muskogee and has been involved in music ever since. Being musically gifted as a 15-year-old, he was selected to go to Westminster Choir College for a three-week vocal seminar. His education and career path has naturally followed a musical route. Brady has a B.A. in Music from Northeastern State University and a Master of Vocal Music Education Degree from the University of Tulsa. In 1994,

Brady retired from public education after 31 years where he had been an elementary school principal (and Music teacher, of course). His wife, Linda, also retired from teaching that same year. They both “unretired” quickly – Brady went to work in the educational publishing business until he retired again in 2003, and Linda went back into teaching at Riverfield Country Day School in West Tulsa and is still at it. Besides doing his “day job” Brady served as choir director for several churches during his career. These included Memorial Drive United Methodist for six years, Southern Hills United Methodist for 11 years, and two Presbyterian churches in Claremore and Sapulpa for 11 years. He and Linda have been Asbury members since 1996. “The message is what is important in music and the presentation of such an important message should be of high quality,” says Brady. He intends to continue the high standard of performances and plans to increase the number of presentations and venues for the ASA. For Brady Cypert, music is a calling. -Marty McBroom




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I don’t think most people intend to get themselves into a tough place financially. I think most people end up there as I did. They hit a tough place in life, lack an emergency fund, or if they did, it was insufficient and by the time the dust came to rest, debt collectors were trying to move in. I had a moment of clarity where I realized that I had to take responsibility and start making some changes. This was very humbling as I work in an industry where material items are very important. Despite this I did not know how I was going to make ends meet but I knew I had to try. I got a second job, worked hard, watched my spending and prayed that I would soon be in a better place financially. Being a single guy at the time, I remember girls treating me as sub-standard and my professional peers looked at me as though I had lost my mind. I sucked it up and moved forward. Things began to improve. In time, I was given a raise and found some tax credits. In 2004 I completed Asbury’s Financial Peace University and after years of being in debt I started to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Today, I am debt free except for my home. My debt snowball, budgeting and tenacious attitude helped me get there. I did not go to family, friends or the bank. I simply paid for what I could when I had an opportunity. The most important thing to pass on is what I can see in hindsight. Certainly, God wanted me to help myself, but I can now see that my efforts were being rewarded (though it did not always seem so). As I would try harder and make more sacrifices, God placed rewards in my path. When I began to give more in tithing, the money always returned to me AND THEN SOME. The experience helped me to grow as a person and provided an opportunity to help lead others to a better financial place. I can honestly say it was an extremely valuable moment of my life. When I began this journey in February 2000, I was well over $25K in debt, jobless, and homeless. Today I have over $70K in savings and my favorite thing to do is give. It always seems ironic that I can give as much as I do and still accumulate the nest egg that I have, but I can honestly say that the money saved has been through a number of blessings from God. My wish for you is to find the same happiness in life. -Jim Nation.




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Chris and Cindy Janka Child S.H.A.R.E. is changing hearts and lives: the story of the Jankas It’s been almost two years now since Chris & Cindy Janka sat down at our dining room table with a coordinator from the Circle of Care’s Child S.H.A.R.E., and began the process of becoming foster parents. They had been talking about doing this for years but had finally reached the point where they knew God was telling them it was time to quit talking and take that first step. To become Foster Parents, it takes approval by the Department of Human Services (DHS), but Child S.H.A.R.E. is a huge help in making that happen. “The Child S.H.A.R.E. Coordinator helped us with the MOUND of paperwork involved in applying,” said Cindy. “She also spent a lot of time talking through our expectations of foster care, and explaining the realities of what we were getting into.” Four months later, after background checks, homestudies and 27 hours of training, the Jankas signed their contract with DHS. The contract was signed on a Friday and on Monday morning, they received a call from the Foster Care worker. She had a list of eight baby girls who needed homes. Cindy continued, “Because we have four daughters of our own and because our girls are so young, we had told DHS we would prefer to take an infant girl as a foster child. So, that morning

that DHS called, they had eight baby girls needing long-term foster care placement.” After much prayer, and after receiving a special word from God from a friend, the Jankas told DHS they thought the seven-week-old baby girl (they called her J.J.) was the one for us. At that time, she had been at the shelter for two weeks. “That afternoon, my girls and I went to the shelter to pick Baby J. J. up,” said Cindy. “A case-aid met me in the waiting room, gave me a form to sign, and then handed me this tiny baby. It felt like I was signing for a package.” Along with the baby, the case worker gave Cindy an almost-empty baby bottle – no diapers, no formula, not even a blanket. It was a scary feeling. But, when they got home, waiting for us on the front porch, was a baby bassinette filled with clothes and diapers and some formula and bottles and pacifiers and other baby stuff. “It was an amazing sight! You see, that morning after talking with DHS, I had called Child S.H.A.R.E., and they did for us what they do for every child coming into a Child S.H.A.R.E. family, they bring a welcome basket--really, a tub--full of age appropriate supplies to ease the transition of that child into the home. In our case, we needed a bassinette for this tiny baby and Child S.H.A.R.E. provided one.” That was not the only help the Jankas have received from Child S.H.A.R.E. When J. J. outgrew the

bassinette and they needed a crib mattress, Cindy called Child S.H.A.R.E. and one showed up on my front porch. And when J. J. needed a bigger car seat, Child S.H.A.R.E. got us a brand new one, still in the box. Child S.H.A.R.E. hosts a Christmas party and an Easter Egg hunt each year and these are highlights in our family. Our biological children love the parties, because they are FUN and because it is a special time when they are surrounded by other families that have the same passion in their hearts for children in need. J. J. has been in the Janka home for 18 months. Because the circumstances with her biological parents haven’t improved during that time, they are now in the process of adopting J. J., so she will be a part of their forever family. “When we became foster parents, we hadn’t planned to adopt a child, but God has done some amazing things in the last 18 months, including changes He has made in our hearts,” said Cindy. “We are planning to change J. J.’s name to “Mikayla”, which is Hebrew for ‘Who Is Like God,’ so that we will always be reminded of the incredible way God worked through her circumstances and through DHS and Child S.H.A.R.E. to bring her to a home where she will be cherished and cared for always.”

From the Annual Report of the Oklahoma United Methodist Conference




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Sonny Plischke




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hile serving as a chaplain for a major oil drilling company I traveled worldwide and one of the tools of my trade was my Bible. Over the years the cover began to wear and Mary Helen took it (unbeknownst to me) and had it recovered. Upon its return I noticed the cover no longer told you what was inside, it just has

bag there the next morning and inside was his personal “Dry as a Bone” slicker and was it ever a lifesaver as it rained for the next two weeks I was visiting the rigs in the jungle. Over time I found this man, though rough on the outside had a heart of gold. He loved his job and rig hands. Through the years we would run into

great and felt the same. We saw each other one last time in Louisiana where he was involved in building a new rig. He said he was not feeling well and I encouraged him to go home get checked. When he did he found the cancer had returned with a vengeance. Over the next several months I would call him once or twice a week and we

each other and we began to form a

would talk, share stories that made us both laugh, then I’d always pray with

You really can’t judge a book by its cover. You need to open it up and look inside. Perhaps you’ll find a rich treasure as I did in my friendship with Darryl.

him, and close with, “I love you Darryl.”

My first thought was, “Man, what a piece of work this guy is. “ “There’ll be something for you on the office porch in the morning, but

friendship that led to many phone calls. Several years later he began to deal with cancerous tumors that

know we’ll see each other again. You really can’t judge a book by its cover. You need to open it up and

invaded his body. Doctors were able to

don’t you lose it, I’ll be wanting it

bring him to a stage of remission and he was able to return to work. I would see him again in Nigeria and he looked

look inside. Perhaps you’ll find a rich treasure as I did in my friendship with

my name there. I use this illustration to say simply, you can’t always tell a book by its cover, which leads me to this story. One of my first trips overseas was to Papua New Guinea. After arriving at the Moro base camp for Chevron, I was introduced to a fellow by the name of Darryl Sheffe, from Noosa, Australia. Tall, straight, dark complexion, and I swear he had black eyes, a very assuming character. “So you’re Sony, the new chaplain,” he said on meeting me for the first time.” Then he added, “Did you bring any rain gear? You’ll need it

He would answer in his Australian accent, “I love you too, Sony.” The last of August 2002, I received a phone call from his best friend that Darryl had passed away that morning and that Annie, his wife, wanted to talk to me. When she got on the phone the first thing she said was, “Can you come to Darryl’s funeral Sonny? I know you know that he was a Catholic, but you have become his priest, as well as a dear friend. Can you come?” Two days later I was in Noosa, Australia, on the Sunshine Coast saying good-bye for now to my friend. I

you know.”

back!” said Darryl. Sure enough, there was a black

Darryl. -Sonny Plischke

25 ASBURY TIDINGS Ì·¼·²¹-ïïóðêò°³¼


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t’s a remarkably simple concept as old as the ages-a natural law, like gravity only

infinitely more rewarding if not as much fun. The Bible speaks of it at considerable length and there are some entities which spend considerable energy in trying to make it into something it isn’t-often with distressing results.

overly concerned over the status of the seed should probably find another line of work.) The point of the seed is the harvest,the harvest is contained in the seed. A good farmer plants with his eye on the harvest with only passing interest in the seed. And it seems the first and second lessons to be learned are

I’m, of course, writing about the cycle of seedtime and harvest. All that

disposed of. And then, well, nothing much

biblical attention tells us that the concept is important, but the Bible is a little light on why that is so. Once

happens for a very long time, at least nothing that can be observed from above ground, which is where most of

again, we’re more or less left to our own devices to discover the whys of it.

us live. There is a large element of trust involved in this seedtime and harvest business. It’s not like the

Biblical truth frequently involves some effort from the searcher. I, for one, think that’s by design. I always think of farmers, those who dance to a waltz which is as old as mankind, at least as old as civilization its own self. A farmer strives to make the soil as healthy and as fertile as he can, the bulk of seedtime and harvest is taken

gathering. Not surprisingly, the farmer is seldom surprised that there is a harvest to be brought in and has been making preparations for this moment to come. Planting seed without the preparation to receive is akin to praying without expecting an answer. Seed is always reserved for the next cycle. If one is forced by circumstances to eat one’s seed, then dreadful circumstance rapidly evolves into dire straits. I have always benefited most from my reading when I look on the Bible as a book about relationships-God to us and we to God--and the lessons concerning seedtime and

farmer is left unemployed during this time. His plot has to be almost continually weeded, which means that

harvest are solidly of the mold. God provides, but it isn’t a bad idea to put your hand to the plow, otherwise, it’s

he must be able to distinguish between his harvest, in even its most

going to be a long, hungry winter. As

nascent disguise, and noxious, choking weeds, which always threaten the tender shoots when they, at last,

with all healthy relationships, we both have a part to play: we honor God’s promises as we prepare the soil for His blessing and He blesses our

make their appearance. Trust, industry and recognition

efforts with His bountiful touch.

up with preparation and waiting. He then plants the seed in the earth, covers it over and gives no more thought to the seed. (A farmer who is

are lessons three, four and five. A last--one is tempted to write at long last--the harvest is ready for the

that. -Scott MacDonald

It doesn’t get any simpler than




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asbury opportunities general information Breakfast Served from 7:00-9:15 am. in the CLC Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donuts, bagels, biscuit s & gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) 9:15 am Sanctuary (Contemporary Communion) 11:00 am Sanctuary (Traditional) Sign interpreter provided 11:00 am Mason Chapel (Contemporary) Sundays for Children and Students 6 Weeks - 4 Years 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am K-6th Grades 9:15 or 11:00 am 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 9:15 & 11:00 am 10th, 11th & 12th Grades 9:15 am only Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled? Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The Gazebo is Open ...each Sunday morning between services and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Perceptions and Prayer Journals on sale (note: the sermon notes page on the bulletin is designed to fit in the Prayer Journal), as well as selections in Pastor Tom’s Book Club. Asbury Wear is also for sale. Extra Mission: Possible dogtags are available for $1. Recycling Hey church family! Keep collecting those aluminum cans and bringing them to the church when you come! Once a month our resident “can man,” Jim Schulz, picks them up from the east side storage area and takes them to the recycling center for us. Gently toss your wellbagged cans into the fenced area, and be a part helping the children in our church and the community. Also, recycle unwanted paper products. Two bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots. Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists, births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and military listings. Doors of Asbury posters are at the Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing.



New Additions to the Library The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library. Journey - Tulsa’s Century of Christian Faith, Leadership & Influence Available for $40 in the Gazebo. These would make beautiful Christmas gifts.

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm. 2821

bible study Roadmap brochures with more details about courses being offered are available at each of the Welcome Centers or online at

care and support Preparing for the Holidays Grief Workshop Saturday, November 4 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Parlor. Experiencing grief can be especially painful during the holidays. Let’s spend some time together. We’ll have materials for you to take home and share ideas about the best way to spend the holidays during those particularly challenging times of life following a loss. Drive-Through Flu Shot Clinic Saturday, November 4 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm in the North/East Parking Lot. Shots are $25 (which may be covered by Medicare Part B). Sponsored by Visiting Nurses Association. For more information, contact Adrena Mahu at 392-1144. Blood Drive - Oklahoma Blood Institute November 19 from 8 am – 1 pm in the CLC. Call 477-0400 to schedule your appointment. Alzheimer’s Support Group Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in Room 2821. Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Cancer Support Group Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm, Parlor - For those living with cancer and their family and friends. Bipolar/Depression Support Group Second and fourth Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2821 - For persons living with bipolar disorder or depression. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma.

Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1508. Family to Family Usually meets the fourth Tuesday of the month, 1:30-3:00 pm, Parlor. For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. Prison Fellowship Support Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00-8:30 pm in the Parlor. For family and friends of people who are incarcerated. Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adult s. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For more information, contact Beth at 392-1116. Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled? Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church.

children Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. Fall Childcare Core Hours through May 2007 Parents who are involved in RoadMap classes during these core hours will have childcare provided with no reservations needed: Sun 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Mon & Tue 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Tue, Wed, & Thur 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Children’s Choirs Children’s Choirs meet Wednesdays at 6:00 pm, for children three years through 6th grade. No pre-registration required. For more information, call Marti at 392-1147. Wednesday Night Live Live from’s Wednesday Night Live! WNL is a worship service - kid style - for four year-olds through 4th graders. Worship, singing, character building, Bible verses and possibly a surprise visit from the Church Lady. Make this a fun night for all as we strive to help the kids live productive and fulfilled lives as followers of Jesus Christ. Wednesdays, through November 15 from 7:00-8:00 pm,

following children’s choirs. Murdock Villa First Sunday of the month from 12:30 - 3:00 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza. We’ll eat then visit Murdock Villa where we will play Bingo and do crafts with special needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. Limited to ten kids each month. H2O Camp-In Friday night ‘til Saturday morning, November 10, from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am! Cost: $40. There’s nothing like fun, fun and exhaustion to bring 100 or so 3rd and 4th graders closer together. The H2O Camp-In is all that and more. We will make the rounds at some totally cool and fun places around Tulsa, then return around 2:00 am for a camp-in and couple hours of shut eye! Volunteer Enrichment Training Tuesday, November 14 from 7:00-8:30 pm in the H20 room. This is an opportunity for the adults to grow and learn. The Whats, Whys and Hows of Religious Holidays will be presented by Rev. Dick Read. Childcare is available. Preschool/MDO Blessing Basket Celebration and Book Fair Wednesday, November 15 and Thursday, November 16, 9:30 am. Join us as we thank

Pack. Adults who wish to assist in or support the scouting program at Asbury should contact John Curzon at Pack 10 isponsored byAsbury’s United Methodist Men.

God for our many blessings and ask Him to bless the food the children bring for Restore Hope Ministries. A book and toy sale will take place before and after the Blessing Basket Service. Cider and donuts will be served and a percentage of your purchase will be given back to the Preschool/Mothers Day Out program for the school. Christmas Eve Family Service Sunday, December 24 from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. The 5th and 6th graders have the privilege of presenting the Christmas Story to the congregation at the 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Family Service. This special service is a traditional favorite. We would love instrumentalists, scripture readers and actors and actresses to make this a memorable evening for all involved. Cub Scouts Pack 10 Monday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:30 pm in Rm 2820. Attention parents of boys ages 7 or in the first grade, through age 10! Get your son involved this fall in awesome scouting adventures, learning the fundamentals and participating in age-appropriate activities. They’ll love the opportunity for advancement and awards, as well as the frequent outings for the whole family! Go to s.htm for this fall’s calendar and information on the

marriage & family

discipleship Deaf Perceptions Discipleship Community New class: 9:15 am in Rm 2314, our non-hearing and hard-of-hearing will now have a Discipleship Community on Sunday mornings. Please come and join us for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Hearing people are welcome, too! CrossRoads Discipleship Community Birthed out of Celebrate Recovery, this new community of grateful believers have come to a crossroad in life and desire to grow through Bible study, service and fellowship. It meets Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in the gym.

evangelism Alpha and Alpha Sprouts at Asbury! We have been doing the adult Alpha program for over five years at Asbury and now families will be able to share in the experience together. Alpha and Alpha Sprouts for kids will run concurrently every Tuesday night through November 21 from 6:30-8:45 pm.

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries E-mail your January and February Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to or call 392-1146.

membership Asbury Exploration Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, October 1, from 12:15-2:15 pm. Call 392-1191 to register. Childcare available.

men Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Join the Men’s Ministry for a delicious breakfast, meaningful worship and lifechanging prayer! Cost: $3/person November 1 Bill Johnson, speaker November 8 Mark Springer November 15 Guest speaker November 22 Dub Ambrose, speaker November 29 Pec Clark, speaker Men’s Bible Study Wednesdays through November 15 from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm in Rm 2314. All men are invited to join us in a relaxed, conversational atmosphere, with lots of opportunity for

dialogue and interaction as we grow more in being a follower of Christ. Our Pastor to Men, Dub Ambrose, will lead in discussions from the book of Matthew. Each week’s lesson will be self-contained, so if you are unable to come on any particular week, you won’t fall behind. Spread the word on this, guys, so we can spread the Word! Men’s Fall Retreat - “Band of Brothers” Friday and Saturday, November 17 and 18 at Camp Loughridge in West Tulsa. Cost is just $40 per person. “More Men: Depending on God and Each Other!” Building on the momentum of our last retreat, we will experience challenging and practical teachings, uplifting worship, meaningful small groups, and the energy of being with other Christian brothers. Sessions will be led by some of our young leaders like Pastor Todd Craig, John Locher, Dr. Todd Johnson, and Greg Ruley, as well as some of our “seasoned” leaders, like General Godsman Howitzer (Bill Johnson) and Pastor Dub Ambrose. Forms are available in the men’s slot at the South Welcome Desk or in the main office. Complete one and return with payment to Doni in the main office. Invite your family, your friends, your neighbors and your coworkers, and come be a part of one of the best overnight investments you can make this fall. Home Improvement Work Day Saturday, November 11. Meet at 8:00 am for planning...then off to work! The Home Improvement ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. To volunteer, call Debbie at 392-1142. BS/Veteran’s Day Pancake Breakfast On Veteran’s Day, Saturday, November 11, from 7:00am to 11:00am in the CLC, the Asbury Boy Scout Troop 10 will be hosting the Annual Asbury Pancake Breakfast. This year we will be giving a salute to our Asbury Veterans and active military Service Members. This is a major fundraiser for Troop 10 so that the Scouts, regardless of their financial ability, will be able to continue to go on exciting monthly camp outs, learn life skills, attend the Summer Camp, and provide volunteer services to other Asbury organizations. Please join us for an allyou-can-eat Pancake Breakfast and honoring our Veterans. Tickets are available at the door or in advance on Sundays October 29 th and November 4th. Cost is $4/adults, $2 under 10, and $16/family maximum. CALENDAR


missions/outreach Eyeglass Donations Are you wondering what to do with those old eyeglasses? Donate them to missions! You may drop yours off in the Global Outreach office. Mission Matters A monthly newsletter is available with recent news of mission happenings. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163 or Preference is for the e-mail version, but hard copies can be mailed if needed. Global Outreach Prayer Ministry News and prayer requests from our missionaries and ministries are sent each week to our prayer ministry list. If you would like to join and become a prayer intercessor for those serving around the world, contact Missy at 392-1163. Global Outreach Ministry Teams These teams specialize in certain areas and all are open to anyone having an interest in those areas. They are as follows: Caspian Ministry (work in Azerbaijan), Latin America Ministry (work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala), College Missions Ministry, Communications, Estonia Ministry; Kami Tanzania Ministry, International Student Ministry, Missionary Care, and Prayer. If you need further information call the Global Outreach office, 392-1117. Mentor Moms/Young Lives First and second Tuesdays of the month, 7:009:00 pm in the Parlor. This is a support group for teenage moms, sponsored by Young Life.

missions/vim The November Volunteer-In-Mission (VIM) Teams are: Rio Bravo, Mexico November 1-5, Medical and Construction $500 VIM Team Leader Training & Disaster Early Response Training, Tulsa Saturday, November 18 - from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm at Faith UMC. The $50/$25 cost is covered by Asbury. For further details about 2007 Volunteers-InMission opportunities, contact Marilene Long, 392-1164 or

music Chancel Choir Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Choir Room New Covenant Orchestra 29 CALENDAR

Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, Rm 1510 Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:00 pm, Choir Room Children’s Choirs Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm 2506 New Creation Ringers Wednesdays, 4:45 pm, Rm 2504 Carillon Quartet Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Rm 2506 Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:00 am-noon, Rm 2506 Resonance Bell Ensemble Thursday, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 2506 Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm 1510 Asbury Brass Quintet Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm, Rm 1510 Rejoice! Ensemble Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30, Rm 2504 Saints of Swing Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, Rm 1510

prayer Prayer and Healing Service “A Time to Remember,” Sunday, December 17 from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Mason Chapel. Join Rev. Darlene Johnson and the members of the grief support programs in a service of prayer and healing. The emphasis will be on grief and loss you and your family may have experienced within the past two years. There will be a time in the service where participants who so desire may light a candle in memory of lost loved ones. This special service can offer “strength for today and hope for tomorrow.” Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or right after the service, please come to the altar rail at the front of the sanctuary. A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual - at the altar or in the Prayer Room. College Moms in Touch Prayer Time Wednesdays, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm, Rm 1506 Families Prayer Together Every Wednesday from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm in Rm 1507. Call 392-1142 for more information. Mason Chapel Prayer Room Accessible Monday through Friday from 8:00 am - 9:00 pm, Saturday from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, and Sunday from 7:00 am - 9:00 pm. You can enter the room from the outside entrance of the southeast side of the Chapel, with the

exception of Sunday from 7:00 am - 12:30 pm. The Prayer Room can be accessed from inside the chapel during those hours. Prayer Journals Available in Gazebo Asbury Prayer Journals now available in the Gazebo. This valuable tool is filled with scripture and resources designed to enhance your personal prayer time, plus a section for keeping sermon notes.

recovery Celebrate Recovery Mondays: Dinner at 6:00 pm; Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from 8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hangups? God never intended for you to live in bondage. Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6:00 pm. Childcare available. Celebrate Recovery Childcare Volunteers needed. Time commitment is one Monday evening per month from 6:45 pm to 9:10 pm. Please call 392-1103 if you can help. NEW FOR STUDENTS! Life Hurts, God Heals If you’re tired of the burdens and secrets that keep you from really living, or if you know there’s an addiction you have to stop but just can’t, “Life Hurts, God Heals” is created specifically for you. Meet with a group of students for 13 weeks who are facing tough issues just like you are, and learn how God can heal you together. Join any time! Check Student Ministries Area for details or call Marsha at 392-1157. (Adults, we need leaders! Please call.)

recreation Asbury Recreation Center Hours Sundays Mondays

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 8:00 am - 8:30 am 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Wednesdays 8:00 am - 8:30 am Thursday 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm Fridays 8:00 am - 8:30 am The workout room is available during classes scheduled during the above hours. Must be 13 years or above to use equipment and a liability form must be on file.

Upward Coach/Referee/Cheer Squad Leader Volunteer Training Friday, November 10 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm or Saturday, November 11, 10:00 - 12:30 pm in the Gym. Please contact Janet Teel to reserve your spot for Friday or Saturday. Training is for all returning and new lead volunteers for the ‘06-’07 season of Upward Basketball. ALL

coaches/assistant coaches/referees/cheer squad leaders MUST attend one training to serve. Call Janet Teel at 392-1171 or email her at

Single Adults Volleyball Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Gym (Ages 18 and up) No children, please. Adult Volleyball Sundays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Gym Coed adult volleyball. Must be 18 and above to participate. No children, please. Inspirational Fitness Class – Rise Up to Health Mondays and Thursday, 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm. Enjoy a one-hour, total-body workout to incredible inspirational Christian music. Work your heart, mind and spirit and every muscle group in your body. W ear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes, bring water and a towel. Teens to older adults are welcome. Work at your own level. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. First workout is free, $5 for drop-in. Mats and hand weights are provided. Senior Sit and Fit Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:00-9:30 am, Gym. Come join a time of stretching with fun and fellowship. Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30-9:00 am in the gym. Come join a time of power walking with fun and fellowship. Fitness Room Treadmills, stationary bicycles, strength training machines, and some free weights are available for use. This room may be used during other scheduled activities.

senior adults Asbury Singing Ambassadors Come join the senior adult choir! No auditions required. Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 1:00 pm in the Choir Room. Call 392-1148 for more. ‘Tweenagers Thursday, November 9 from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC. “Foods of the Bible” will be presented by Lynn Thompson, Rev. Michael Langham. Kallie Campbell and Marshall Luton will provide music with his rendition of “Ole’ Man River.” A delicious lunch will also be served. If you’re ‘tween retirement and heaven...join us and bring a friend. Call Doni at 492-1771 to make your reservations by noon, Monday, November 6. Senior Adult Christmas Light Tour Monday, December 11 from 5:30 - 8:30 pm. Cost: $10 per person. Attention Senior Adults!

Make plans now to be a part of one of the most fun evenings out you could possibly have in the month of December! We’ll gather in the CLC at 5:30 pm for a delicious dinner prepared by our church hostess extraordinaire, Virginia, and then load the people-movers for a tour of south Tulsa and Broken Arrow’s most exquisite light displays!.We will then return to the church for dessert, coffee and more fellowship time until 8:30 pm. To sign up, call the Event Registration Hotline at 392-1191 no later than Wednesday, December 6. Participation is limited to 40 folks, so call TODAY.

singles Solutions Life Improvement Video Series Sunday afternoons through November 19 from 3:00-4:30 pm in Rm 2820. No cost. No childcare available. All single and young married adults are invited to participate in one of the most exciting relationship studies to come our way in a long time! Best-selling authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend have developed this series which will help you develop healthy relationships, get to the root of your anxieties, and get past painful experiences. Each of the sessions are linked by a major topic area, but are independent studies. Check for each week’s topic. Come as often as you can and bring a friend or two. Festival of Trees Saturday, November 18 from 12:00 - 5:00 pm at Philbrook Art Museum. Check for details. Singles Meet and Greet Sundays from 8:40-9:10 am or 10:20-10:50 am in the CLC. All singles are invited. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce.

students Metro Worship Wednesday, November 2 at Believers Church. Come join kids from all over the city in a night to just worship Jesus. We meet from 7:00-8:30 pm. If you need a ride, meet at Asbury at 6:30 pm and we will be back by 9:00 pm. Life Hurts, God Heals If you’re tired of the burdens and secrets that keep you from really living, or if you know there’s an addiction you have to stop but just can’t, “Life Hurts, God Heals” is created specifically for you. Meet with a group of

students for 13 weeks who are facing tough issues just like you are, and learn how God can heal you together. Join any time! Check Student Ministries Area for details or call Marsha at 392-1157.(Adults, we need leaders! Please call!) 10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway Wednesdays, 6:30-9:00 pm - Breakaway area. Join us every Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of the month and holidays) for a time of connection, worship, learning about God, and some nights of just random fun. Don’t miss the food and hangout time afterwards. Come be a part. 10th, 11th & 12th Small Groups You won’t want to miss out! (If you haven’t signed up for a group, it’s not too late. Stop by Student Ministries Area today.) 7th, 8th, & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday school. Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards. 7th - 12th Grade Small Groups Don’t miss out on being a part of a small group. It’s a place to grow in your relationship with Jesus, have some accountability, and just have fun. (It’s never too late to sign up. Just come to the Student Ministries Area.) Questions? Call Marsha at 392-1157. 7th, 8th & 9th Grade Bible Study Every Wednesday night except the first one of the month, through December 13 from 6:308:00 pm in the Student Ministries Area. Come to the Student Ministry Café, hang out, have fun, and study what God’s Word has for us. It’s going to be awe-inspiring and you won’t want to miss it! National Youth Workers Convention November 1-6. The offices will be empty because we are all headed to Anaheim, CA for our yearly National Youth Workers Convention. It’s a retreat to get us refreshed, renewed, and motivated. Please pray for your Youth Staff during these couple of days. Spring Break Missions Fund Raising Meeting Sunday, November 12 from 12:30-1:15 pm in the Student Area. If you are going on a Spring Break Missions Trip with Student Ministries and need some fundraising advice, don’t miss this meeting. It will inform you of a great product to sell that can help you raise all the needed support for the trip of a lifetime. 7th - 12th Small Group Open Night Sunday, November 26. No small groups at church. Instead, groups will have an open night where they can meet offsite and just CALENDAR


have fun. Contact your small group leader for details. 7th - 12th Small Group Parties Sunday, December 17. Contact your small group leader and discover what fun things you are going to do to finish off the year. Boy Scout Troop 10 Monday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:30 pm in Rm 2818. Attention parents of boys ages 11 through 17! Get your son involved this fall in awesome scouting adventures, experiencing the great outdoors and lots of other age-appropriate activities. Boy Scouts participate in monthly campouts and in resident camp each summer. Individual growth is developed in advancement through the ranks, from scout to Eagle Scout, and through public service. Go to asburyscouts.htm for this fall’s calendar and for information on the Troop. Adults who wish to assist in or support the scouting program at Asbury should contact John Curzon at Venture Crew 909 Monday evenings during the school year from 7:00-8:30 in Rm 2201. Attention young men and women who have completed 8th grade through age 21. Come on board for high adventure....sailing, mountain climbing, sharp shooting, backpacking, caving, scuba diving, canoeing and much more! Annual high adventure trips have included backpacking in Yellowstone, white water rafting in the Grand Tetons, and canoeing in Canada. High adventure in the company of Christian advisors is the focus of this organization. The crew motto is from James 1, “Count it all joy when you face trials of all kinds for it will give you perseverance and that leads to maturity.” Participants seek out new tests of their skills and grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. No previous scout experience is required, but many members have already attained the Eagle in BSA or the Silver Award in GSA. This is a place for those who have gone as far as Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs can take them. However, simultaneous membership in BSA or GSA is fine. Go to for more information, or contact Bob Walter at Adults who wish to assist in or support the scouting program at Asbury should contact John Curzon at

lunchen. The theme this month is “Mission Work in Korea,” with Barbara Theis, former missionary to Korea, presenting the program. Our scripture comes from Matthew 28:18, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Bring a friend and be a part of the blessing! Value of a Woman Saturday, November 4 from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm in the Chapel and CLC. Cost: $15 per person, includes lunch. Deadline for reservations: Monday, October 30. Find encouragement, fellowship and renewal when you join us at Asbury’s Fall Women’s Conference. Asbury’s own Gail Knox, Gretchen Valentine and Adesola Akala will examine how women of the Bible were intimately associated with the unfolding purpose of God. They’ll also give new insight into living your life with a genuine devotion to God and an unwavering faith. Enjoy music and teaching, then end the morning with a savory lunch and heart-warming fellowship. Bring a friend and join us at this half-day event. “Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115:1 Home Improvement Work Day Saturday, November 11. The Home Improvement ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. (Work requests are available at the Welcome Desks or in the main office and are due by Wednesday, November 1. Questions? Call Debbie at 392-1142.) Christmas Tour of Homes (See page 3 for details) Women of the Word Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 1502. Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher. Phone Buddies Ladies, do you want a “cheer me up” with your morning coffee? We have ladies that can fill that need by being your own “phone buddy!” Call 3921142. Lea or Shirley will return the call and get you set up! Arts and Crafts Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2820. Women who enjoy crafts are invited to come any Monday morning...come and go any time. Bring lunch to share. Contact Beverly Clarke.



UMW Luncheon Thursday, November 2 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC. Attention women of Asbury. You are invited to attend our monthly covered-dish

Online Worship Did you know that you can watch the 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday services online as they are occurring? Go to then click on “Watch Sermons”(by Tom’s picture).



Our Checking Accounts Let me look at your bank statement or your checking account and I can tell a lot about what your values really are. We communicate a lot by what we buy. If someone pays a thousand dollars for some golf clubs and three hundred dollars for green fees and lost seven hundred dollars in golf bets, we’d know two things about them. First, they are a “serious” golfer. Second, we’d know they either can’t play golf or they’d better not try gambling as a career. I love to talk about money because I think money can be used in incredible ways. When our youth went on a mission trip to Guatemala they took along enough “extra” money that they were able to buy shoes for 147 children who had no shoes. In Guatemala if a child has no shoes, they can’t go to school. The generosity of our students changed the future of 147 chidlren. That’s why I love to talk about money. Jesus said it like this: “Where your treasure is there is your heart, also.” People can tell a lot about what we believe by the way we spend our money. How’s your heart? Matthew 6:19-21 - Tom Harrison Perceptions, Volume IV

Trey and Shannon Bedford Michelle Conley

Jeff Rindt

Kenneth Harger

Mary White

James and Sharon Strickland

Jared and Janice Buswell Darrell and Murlene Hiatt

Deb Miller

Peggy Murphy

George and Jan Jaunitis Frank and Ikuko McCoy

Clint Bales

Sherry Ryer

Richard and Barbara McMahon

Mark Handy

Michael and Star Jones

Bea Whittenburg Terry and Barbara White and Nick NEW MEMBERS


Thad and Lori Dale, Carson, Wesley and Macy

Tom and Denise Ganem, Kelly, Jerrod, Tracey and Ashley

photo submitted

David and Lorinda Mires, Matthew andAndrew Mark and Kathi Nichols, Melissa and Leslie

New member photographers: Allen H. Robinson and Roxanne Shelton Whiteis

...we’re glad you’re here Join the Family If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about who we are and what we believe. We will spend our time looking at Asbury’ s “Mission – Vision- Objectives.” Most of the time will be spent in talking about our 8 objectives. Another part of the membership process is to spend time in a pastoral visit. We want for you to know at least one of our pastors so that if something were to ever take place in your life where you needed a pastor you would know at least one of us. 33


Perfection is not required of Asbury members, but we do want to grow and get better. As John Wesley, the founder of Methodism said, “If your heart is as my heart, lend me your hand.” Choose from one of the upcoming membership classes: Sunday, November 12 Sunday, December 3 Classes are from 12:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. and lunch is included. Call 392-1191 to make your reservation. Childcare is available

we rejoice... Investing with Collectibles

with those who have experienced the joy of a new baby in their family:

Americans love to collect, amass, gather. We are a nation of collectors; tinfoil and string, newspapers, match books—you name it, we gather it. And in the marketing of their products, American-fashion, companies have come up with a gimmick to encourage our buying of various products. We purchase the product and send in the required “proofs of purchase” (POPs)in specified quantities to be exchanged for vans and buses, computers, pianos and a myriad of other items needed by schools, organizations and church missions. Many Asbury folks are (and have been for many years) collectors of labels, pull tabs, and receipts which are the required POPs that turn into necessities, as well as luxuries, for qualifying entities throughout the USA. Here are examples of collectibles and the Asbury outreach mission that benefits from the collection:

Isaac Matthew Staggs son of Roy and Rhonda Staggs September 5, 2006

*Campbell Soup Company UPCs (Cookson Hills, McCurdy School, Expanola, NM & Red Bird Mission, Beverly, KY)


Henry Charles Duncan son of Jason and Heather Duncan September 11, 2006 Paige Eden Reece daughter of Will and Christy Reece granddaughter of Forest and Liz Reece September 26, 2006 Caroline Grace Fulton daughter of John and Julie Fulton Sister of Cory Paige September 25, 2006

(Happy Hands Early Childhood Development Center)

*Boxtops for Education from General Mills products (Happy Hands ECDC)

*Store receipts from Reasors, QuikTrip, Yale Cleaners, Tulsa CityCounty Library check-out receipts (Operation Hope Prison Ministry) *Newspapers, magazines and advertising mail, aluminum beverage cans (Asbury Children’s Ministry)

These are popular collectibles. I am sure there are more; for example, Ronald McDonald Houses in Kansas City and Oklahoma City collect pull tabs from beverage cans. The Tulsa House management verified this, but indicated our local house does NOT participate. I know anyone interested in leading this particular collection effort would be welcomed with open arms by the Tulsa House. The tabs are submitted in gallon containers to recyclers. More detailed and complete information on the many trash-to-treasure collectibles sought by the Mission Four (Mary Ann, Marilene, Beth and Missy) can be obtained by contacting them. With just a little effort, you have an additional way to invest in our mission to make a difference in our world. Note: Campbell’s no longer accepts just the front part of the soup can label. The UPC symbols AND Labels for Education symbols must be together and attached which now are assigned a point value. Check the company’s web site for details. THANK YOU for your support!!

in appreciation... Thank you so much to the many people, far too many to list,who visited me while at Grace Center and Methodist Manor while I was recovering. Your care and concern means a great deal to me. God bless you all. Gerry Koons .

we remember... those who have died and pray God’s comfort for those who have lost loved ones: Opal Harral-Huenke mother of Don Harral September 17, 2006 Jueretta Cosgrove mother of Craig Cosgrove gandmother of Brooke and Michael September 28, 2006 Barney Hale husband of Betty Hale September 29, 2006 Steve Steward husband of Chris father of Sherrill Simon grandfather of Lauren and Blair October 4, 2006 Patti Lewellen mother of Eric October 7, 2006


we celebrate... 60 Years Gene & Dottie Livengood November 17, 1946

35 Years Gary & Peggie Nash November 26

55 Years

John & Edna Middleton November 22, 1951

Don & Terry Davis November 3, 1951

25 Years Jim & Cathy Breece November 7

55 Years Les & Evelyn Nienhuis November 3, 1951

20 Years Kevin & Vicki Ihrig November 1 Steve & Tina Gilliland November 15

Asbury in Action! Over 80 Asburians joined together for the Alzheimers Memory Walk in honor of Pastor Tom’s sister, Kathy Robbins. The Asbury team raised nearly $6,000 and enjoyed the beautiful day together. Right: Tom, Kathy, and their mother, Kathryn Metsker.


55 Years

Congratulations to all couples who are celebrating Milestone Anniversaries. (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) Report your Milestone Anniversary to or call 392-1146.

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