Asbury Tidings - Thankful for...

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ther holidays are wonderful, too, but I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (unless I can count Halloween since October 31 is my birthday). George Washington

made the first national day of Thanksgiving on November 26, 1789. He said it was “to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.” Thanksgiving’s essence has remained true. It is a simple day. It is not highly pressurized. It is not about spending lots of money on expensive presents. It is a “Methodist” holiday, too, in that there is always plenty to eat. While there is much work to be done in preparing the food, most people cooperate with one another. The image connects with the image of abundance, not scarcity. And there is football! Thanksgiving gathers families who are distant and may see each other infrequently. A father called his son who lived a thousand miles away to let him know he was getting a divorce. The son could not believe it. “Dad, you and mom have been married for 55 years. This is impossible!” The man said, “Well, son, I’m tired of her constant nagging. I can’t take it anymore. I’ve made up my mind and I won’t be talked out of it.” When the father hung up, his wife said, “What did Tommy have to say?” The dad smiled and said, “Tommy said they ARE coming for Thanksgiving after all.”


Like anything, there is a downside to Thanksgiving. It is the day we also are reminded that some people are no longer present with us. There is a sadness around the table, particularly when it is the first year of such loss. I’m not sure that the sadness goes away the second or third year, either, but we do become more determined to make it through. The longer we live, the more absences we begin to notice. There are so many reasons to give thanks as a Christ-follower. I am so grateful that I have a faith that will sustain me in the face of disappointment and loss. I am so grateful that I have One who is worthy of my ultimate praise and loyalty. I am so grateful that I have a reason to live. I am so grateful that I have others who live out their faith with me. I am so grateful for the Bible, for music, for prayer, for ways to service, and for a place to give my money. And when it becomes me that my family and friends miss around the table, I am grateful that I will get to see them again in heaven. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. (Psalm 106:1) Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Dr. Tom Harrison

3 Coming Soon

21 Thanks for Seasons

4 Simplify the Holidays


8 Bill Metsker: WWII Veteran

23 Call for Submissions

11 Jerry & Carol Lillard

24 Opportunities

13 Thanksgiving Baskets

32 New Members

16 Wrapped in Warmth

34 Family Room

18 Jeff’s World

Managing Editor Tara Lynn Thompson Graphic Designer Nicole McMahan Photographer Don Kreutzweiser Guest Contributors Nikki Boyd • Susan Effron John Westervelt

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting



Thankful for‌Thanksgiving

Top 20 Things to Simplify Your Holidays susan effron


he holidays are wonderful, some- 4. Order a fresh turkey. Most local grocerthing to look forward to and yet ies will take orders for fresh turkeys, and then dread at the same time. With the there is no thawing time. You can request the size

all the expectations, all the hopes of having a perfect holiday, the stress can often make the holidays a miserable time. Here are a few tips to simplify your holiday to decrease the stress and increase the joy:

1. Plan and Prepare ahead of time. 2. Simplify the menu. Ask family members to choose one favorite dish for the meal. Give them choices of family favorites so you don’t end up with four vegetables and six desserts. Fix one favorite for Thanksgiving and another for Christmas. Saves calories and time. 3. Start shopping now. Make out a holiday shopping list and buy a few things each week you shop.


of the turkey and the date you will pick it up. Cost is only slightly more than a frozen turkey.

5. Bake the turkey in a cooking bag. The turkey will brown nicely, be very moist, cook in less time and the cleanup is simple. Follow box instructions for preparing and baking the turkey. When the turkey reaches 160 degrees, remove it from the oven and let stand on the counter. It will continue to cook and reach the 165 degree, safe temperature, while on the counter. The bag will be full of hot turkey broth for the gravy. With help, have someone lift the turkey in the bag and cut a hole in the corner of the bag. Drain the turkey broth into a pan for gravy. The turkey, covered with foil and a towel, can stand on the counter for over an hour and still be warm to serve. Carve the turkey just before serving to prevent the meat from drying out. Allowing the turkey to stand before carving will set the meat juices.

6. Prepare and bake the stuffing/dressing on the side. The turkey will cook faster and free up the oven for other dishes needed to be baked. If you stuff a turkey, make sure the stuffing reaches 165 degrees. A stuffed turkey can also be baked in a cooking bag. 7. Purchase prepared items and add your own embellishment. For example, buy a frozen apple pie and add caramel ice cream topping with roasted pecans for a sauce. Add a small amount of cinnamon to whipped topping or whipped cream to serve with your dessert. Canned sweet potatoes and pumpkin puree are fine in all recipes. Use a refrigerated pie crust in your own pie plate.

9. Start side dishes that are baked in the microwave to reduce oven time. Place the frozen or fresh dish in the microwave for about five to 10 minutes to get it warm. Then finish baking in the oven. 10. Cook cranberry sauce ahead of time. It will keep for over a week in the refrigerator. Make sure not to seal the storage container until it is cool. 11. Clean as you go. Have a family member assigned to wash up the pots and pans as others are preparing. After the meal, when everyone is full and sleepy, there is less clean up. Plus, the person who was assigned clean up before the meal should be excused for a nap.

8. Prepare and freeze dishes ahead of time. Dressing/stuffing, pie crusts, unbaked 12. Have the dishwasher clean and homemade apple pies and vegetable casseroles— empty before you sit down for the if you can find the item in the freezer section of the meal. You are then ready to rinse and load after grocery store, there is no reason you can’t make the meal. your own recipe and freeze it.


Thankful for‌Thanksgiving minute. Have the serving dishes and utensils out and ready to go.

13. Involve the whole family in the meal preparation. Assign preparation of a dish to a family member. No time like the present to learn how Mom makes the family favorite recipe. Children love to cook but can be underfoot on the meal day. So have them help in advance. Make the apple pie together and freeze it. Help with mashing the sweet potatoes and freeze the casserole.

15. Toss polyester linens in the dryer just before setting the table. Fold lines can be misted with water and then put in the dryer. Pull out and put on the table while the cloth is warm and hand press on the table. It will pull out a lot of the wrinkles and fold lines.

16. Use gourds, fruits and nuts for the centerpiece. Scatter small pumpkins, acorn squash, butternut squash, apples, pears, and 14. Set the table ahead of time. If it is your shell nuts in the center of the table. Mix in silk fall daily table, you can set it the night before. Pulling leaves, ceramic or plastic fruit and candles. After out the dishes early, you know what may need to the meal, you can use the squash, fruit and nuts in be polished, cleaned or pressed before the last other recipes. The arrangement can be done days


ahead and enjoyed more than just a few hours. Rule of thumb to remember, keep the centerpiece low so that guest can see each other across the table.

17. Discuss meal time with all the guests early in the month so that travel plans and other activities are taken into consideration. Flexibility on time can make everyone happy. Televised football games can be recorded and watched after the meal or with DVR you can watch the game and catch up to the end of the game and see who wins right with everyone else. Holiday meals are family time.

be ready for the purchased items and the leftovers.

19. Don’t worry that the house isn’t spotless. Dust in a straightened up home is never seen. Remember you will have lots of feet on the floor so save the thorough cleaning of the floors after everyone is gone. 20. Be flexiblE. No meal will be “Martha Stewart” perfect. You have no control over the weather or illness. Plans change at the last minute. The holiday meal doesn’t even have to be on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day. My mother always said it is a “Special Holiday” meal when we are all together.

18. Clean out the refrigerator and freezer early in the month. You will then

Food Safety Tips • Best purchase for holiday meal preparation is an instant read food thermometer. Food undercooked or left out too long is asking for illness. • Thaw a frozen turkey in the refrigerator or in a closed ice chest. Make sure the exterior of the turkey never goes above 41 degrees while thawing. • Bake, smoke or fry a turkey until the thigh meat is 165 degrees before serving.

• The “Food Danger Zone” (where bacteria for foodborne illnesses grow) is 41 degrees to 135 degrees. Food on the table or counter is in the danger zone. If food has been out for over 4 hours, it should be thrown away, especially if it has milk products, meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, baked or boiled potatoes. • Refrigerate hot leftovers uncovered. They will cool faster. Even in the refrigerator, a hot item is in the danger zone until it cools down below 41 degrees.

• Stuffing and prepared casseroles, especially with eggs and meat, must reach 165 degrees in the center of the dish.


Thankful for…Veterans

Something Worth Fighting For tara lynn thompson


omen saved pantyhose and string and even cooking grease. Gasoline

was rationed. Meat was a delicacy. And even tinfoil didn’t see a dumpster. This was World War II. The era of Bogart and Bergman. The music was Glenn Miller, the fashion…a uniform, and the investment…war bonds. America was a nation in battle. The entire nation. The sacrifices and bravery and fear and unity unfurled beyond military ranks to the very curb of rural Main Street. This wasn’t a war just for the boys overseas. It was here, among the tall prairies and Rocky Mountains, along the western and eastern coastlines, from the Heartland to the edges of the Mainland, from living rooms to classrooms to sanctuaries. Even mothers were on the front lines, saving, working, forever known as Rosie the Riveter, their handprints on the very artillery that protected their men. Everyone was at war. “World War II was the last war where all of the people were involved,” said Bill Metsker, WWII veteran of both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army. “It was the last time the whole population was a part of it. I pity the guys who went into Korea or Vietnam. They weren’t backed


up. We were treated like heroes back then.” This was the generation of freedom fighters, ridding the world of the plague of Communism threatening the very existence of any dissenting human life. You succumbed, you accepted, you gave up, or you fought until the death. America fought. “It was a nervous time,” Bill said, remembering the sobriety of the culture. “You didn’t know what your destiny was. But at the same time, there was patriotism in the country that I see lacking now. Whether drafted or enlisted, you felt it was necessary and you went to do your duty.” Bill would eventually be on the front lines of a planned attack, days from a mission that offered little hope of survival. He would arrive through what would become his life’s work—engineering. In 1941, after graduating high school, Bill accepted a scholarship in the School of Engineering at Purdue University in Indiana, enrolled in the Roster of Scientific Personnel under the War Manpower Commission. He, and the other 10,000 national students, where exempt from the draft until they finished college. “The military wanted to be sure that there would

“World War II was the last war where all of the people were involved,” said Bill Metsker, WWII veteran of both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army. “It was the last time the whole population was a part of it. I pity the guys who went into Korea or Vietnam. They weren’t backed up. We were treated like heroes back then.” be a continuance of engreens, between reds gineers available for the and browns. service,” Bill said. “They couldn’t give Reserve Officer Trainme an honorable dising was a requirement. charge because then Once completed, Bill I’d be exempt from would be subject to the draft. And they the draft and serve his couldn’t give me a discountry. honorable discharge However, his path to because I didn’t do higher education and anything wrong,” Bill military service would said. curve among the hills Instead, he received and cliffs of a country in a “special order disdesperate need of boots charge,” a release on the ground and from military affiliawings in the air. His sertion that wouldn’t last vice would come sooner long. than expected. America “Three months after needed soldiers, evendischarging from the tually dressing into uniNavy, I was drafted. I form 16 million military don’t think the Army personnel, according to cared about eyes at History Shots website. that point,” said Bill, “Every family probawho was now enterbly had some relative— ing his second military father, son, uncle—in branch within one the service,” Bill said. war. In 1943, the engineer After 17-weeks of program cancelled. Bill, basic training at Ft. with only about a year Hood in Texas, Bill left of education, enwas assigned to atBill Metsker, Camp Pendleton, CA, 1946. listed in the Navy’s V12 tend Rutgers University Program allowing him to for six months of special finish schooling and then going immediately to active training in civil engineering due to his previous engiduty as a Naval Officer. neering education. Once completed, he was assigned “After six months in the program, I failed a physical to the 1867th Engineering Battalion who had spent four because of deficient color perception,” Bill said. years in the Aleutian Islands, building military fortificaThat meant he could confuse between blues and tions at the closest northern point to Russia. He joined ASBURY TIDINGS

Thankful for…Veterans

them during their redeployment to the Pacific Coast to build airstrips, roads, barriers, and harbor fortifications. “I worked from San Diego to the State of Washington, all up and down the coast,” Bill said. “More than anything, they were afraid of an attack from the air. We were installing radar and aircraft detection. If they tried to bomb us like at Pearl Harbor, we’d get some kind of warning.” And as their secondary goal, the 1867th Engineering Battalion was in training. They had a mission: lead the Marines on an attack of the Japanese coastline. “Our assignment was to go ahead of the Marine deployment. Our intelligence figured there were barriers and traps in their bay to keep anyone from landing,” said Bill. “We would’ve been under aerial attack and cannons from the shore. We would have gone in small boats with explosive charges, clearing a path for the Marines.” The prognosis wasn’t good. Returning home after this mission was unlikely or even assumed. “The chances of survival were about zero. The Marines are dangerous enough, and we had to go in ahead of them,” Bill said. Everyday they trained. Everyday meant a day closer to deployment day. Everyday meant one day less of a possible future. Then one day, one event changed the entire course of the war. It came with a Presidential order and a bomb. “I’ll forever be grateful to President Harry Truman,” Bill said. “It cost 100,000 Japanese lives but probably saved one million lives. If he hadn’t done it, in a few more months there would have been millions of Americans trying to invade Japan.” On Monday, August 6, 1945, the day of the Hiroshima bomb, the war changed. American lives were saved, including Bill Metsker’s. 10 ASBURY TIDINGS

Bill Metsker, Rutgers University, Army Specialized Training Program, 1945.

“I lucked out,” said Bill. “Several friends didn’t.” Through his youth, in the early-morning hours of his adult life, Bill knew many, worked beside even more, men who sacrificed everything they had—their life—for the survival of their country. He would lose five fraternity house brothers, about 10 fellow high school graduates, and one future brother-in-law, a bomber pilot shot down over France. All men were warriors, all heroes, all veterans who have passed the inheritance of freedom to their following generations the only way they could - by serving and, when necessary, dying for it.

Thankful for…Support

Worldwide Recovery Celebration nikki boyd


e knew if we kept waiting to go on the mission field, we’d keep making excuses,” says Carol Lillard. So three years ago, she and

husband Jerry fulfilled the call God had laid on their hearts. They went to the Czech Republic and joined Jerry’s parents, Jerry and Ulli who are missionaries already on the field. They serve together at New Beginnings Christian Center in Prague, the church that Jerry and Ulli Lillard established in 1998. The Czech Republic has a rich spiritual heritage that includes Jan Hus, the reformer who inspired Martin Luther, and the missionary work of the Moravian Brethren. But the impact of communism’s domination in the 1900’s has left the nation overwhelmingly skeptical of religion and the church. With a boost in their nation’s economy over the last few years, many Czech people are experiencing new financial freedom. With this comes the mindset that there is no need, especially that of a Savior. In fact, in a nation that is 99 percent atheist, Carol says most people don’t even know who Jesus is. That’s why the Lillards are using relational evangelism to reach them with the gospel. But it takes time to build trust.

Jerry and Carol Lillard.


Thankful for…Support

In 2005, New Beginnings opened the Vysocanska Life Center. With weekly events ranging from aerobics to English classes to activities for kids and teenagers and even ballet, it is helping build relationships with non-believers who normally would never step foot into a church. Addiction is also a profound struggle that the Czech people face.

That’s where a recent fundraiser at Asbury comes into the picture. John Thompson, pastor of Tulsa’s All Nations Church, contacted his friend Mary Ann Smith, Asbury’s Director of Missions. He told her about the Lillard’s need and how Carol and Jerry had been active leaders at All Nations while attending Oral Roberts University. It wasn’t long until an offering was taken at an Asbury Celebrate Recovery meeting and $700 was raised. Since then, that amount has been matched twice, bringing the total to $2,100. John says with several other local churches investing in the cause, he has no doubt the remaining balance needed to complete the

Addiction is also a profound struggle that the Czech people face… Seeing addiction everywhere with not much support to help people break free, Carol began to realize the need to establish a Celebrate Recovery ministry at New Beginnings. “Alcohol is cheaper to buy than water,” says Carol. Seeing addiction everywhere with not much support to help people break free, Carol began to realize the need to establish a Celebrate Recovery ministry at New Beginnings. “I have had it on my heart to reach out to those who have hurts, hang-ups, and habits here,” she says. “We have so many people who come into our lives that need to recover from something. Now we will have a tool to assist them and help them where they are.” A core group of leaders are being trained and this mid-November, support groups for men’s drug addiction, co-dependency, eating disorders, and Divorce Recovery will begin. “Through this ministry God’s love will become real to many who do not yet know Him, and it will help deepen the faith of those who are growing spiritually.” Carol adds, “This is an opportunity to reach many more for Christ and we are so thankful to God for the tools to help people through their most difficult times.” One of the biggest challenges the Lillards face is the expense of translating the CR material into the Czech language. With each page costing $13 to translate, and with 234 total pages in the manual, over $3,000 is needed to complete the project. 12 ASBURY TIDINGS

CR manual translation will be met. But financial support is just the beginning. Carol asks that believers back at home pray for the people of the Czech Republic; that those outside the church walls would be drawn to the gospel. “We want to send a message that ‘Europe is not forgotten,’” she says. “There is a hunger here and we have a vision to see the people of Europe touched by God.” Celebrate Recovery is designed to help those struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. This purpose to see lives transformed is beautifully reflected in the call that God has put on the hearts of Jerry and Carol Lillard. “We believe that our sphere of influence is only as big as our willingness to love. The more we love others, the more influence we gain,” says Jerry. “And influence is simply for the purpose of allowing God to do his work in people’s lives as He guides us. The success is not measured by how many people we influence, but by the change in people’s lives.” To find out more about the Lillard’s work in the Czech Republic, go to

Thankful for…Nourishment

Basking in Thanksgiving tara lynn thompson


t’s the holiday of plenty, a time of celebration for what you’ve been given, not what’s missing. It’s a

day of saying “thank you” and meaning it. A festival of blessing. And the symbol of it all lies within the circumference of a single plate. The Thanksgiving meal is the tradition, the symbol of prosperity – be it in monetary value or spiritual gain – and a time to feast. The Asbury food baskets program is working to bring that celebratory spirit and moment of sharing to families without. “It truly brings me joy,” said Jamie Schaffetzil, a volunteer with the Thanksgiving Food Basket program, which repeats itself at Christmas. “I volunteer at a million different things and this is one thing that really touches my heart.” The baskets, all stuffed and overflowing, are delivered to 150 needy families, the bulk going to families with children involved at the Youth at Heart, a program that provides preventative after-school and summer programs for inner city youth six through 18 living in Tulsa public housing communities and low-income apartment complexes. “It’s a tremendous help to the families we serve

who definitely have a need at that time,” said Rodney Gray, director of education, Youth at Heart. “A lot of families are going paycheck to paycheck. Some are on zero income. They still want to celebrate the ASBURY TIDINGS 13

Thankful for…Nourishment

holidays like other families do.” The baskets include a full holiday meal with all the dressings, plus dessert. They are assembled at Asbury and then delivered directly door-to-door or community-to-community. “All the kids come and play with our kids,” Jamie said, concerning the children in the program. It’s no small task. Jamie got involved four years ago, helping to organize the food purchases, transportation, assemblage, and delivery. Now, she oversees the basket preparation with the volunteers and the delivery. “I get so caught up in so many things during the holidays, and it really keeps me grounded,” Jamie said, whose children leave school early to assemble the baskets and participate in what has become their family tradition. The food comes in mountains of 300 cans each of green beans, corn, and carrots, as well as 150 turkeys, bags of potatoes, and roll packages. That doesn’t include the cakes, the frosting, the cranberries, the yams, the stuffing and margarine and jello and apples and oranges and more. The food is purchased through Sam’s Club and Reasor’s, who sells to the basket program at cost, with each assembled meal only $30 each. That simple amount makes their holiday, said Rodney, who doesn’t know what Youth at Heart would do without the local Christian community. “It’s a big help to us. The services at Youth at Heart are unable to provide without support from churches, like Asbury, who love on the family at this time,” Rodney said. “The families are then more willing to hear about the Christian message on a weekly basis when they receive help, such as this, when their family needs it.” The affect dominos. Those children in the program on the receiving end, often grow up and come back to be the givers. 14 ASBURY TIDINGS

“We see a lot of these children when they become adults, come back and roll up their sleeves and want to give back,” Rodney said. One 10-year-old boy who participated in the program, grew up, went to school, obtained a Master’s in Business, and now works as an accountant for Habitat for Humanity, volunteers at his church for his old community, and works with Youth at Heart on a volunteer basis. “He said he wants the children in the community to know they can be successful at life,” Rodney said. He isn’t the only success story. Many children, due to help through Youth at Heart, return as adults to volunteer or eventually return with social worker degrees to become paid staff. Reaching these children

“The major reason we have entry into their lives is because of the church community at the holiday time. It’s like that old saying, ‘People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.’ It shows the families that God cares through people who care about them. Because of the love and care of Asbury, it’s a great time for these families.” - Rodney Gray, Youth at Heart is only possible through programs that show them compassion and concern, like the Thanksgiving food baskets, Rodney explained. “The major reason we have entry into their lives is because of the church community at the holiday time. It’s like that old saying, ‘People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care,’” Rodney said. “It shows the families that God cares through people who care about them. Because of the love and care of Asbury, it’s a great time for these families.” There are many ways to get involved, Jamie said. First, donations are needed. Only $30 can cover the cost of one basket. And all donations in the offering baskets with the words “food basket” on memo line goes directly to this program. “People do want to bring food. However, due to

the mass quantity of the food, as well as delivering the baskets to families who live at the same community complexes, it is easier to receive money donations,” Jamie said. During Christmas, another basket is also assembled for the families, along with toys for the children. Each year the funds are emptied so that whatever you give will be used now. One year, for example, the donations were enough for the program to also purchase new winter coats for the children. “We just pray the Lord will provide, and He always does,” Jamie said. Second, volunteers are always welcome. Delivering the baskets is usually when the most hands are necessary. To get involved, email Beth McCalman, Oklahoma Outreach Coordinator, at bmccalman@asburytulsa. org, or call Jamie Schaffitzel at 369-0631.


Thankful for…Comfort

Wrapped in Warmth tara lynn thompson


ary Pearson and her friend talked for two hours. They reminisced and

they laughed and they found comfort in a time when comfort seldom came. And it all started with a quilt. “She was overwhelmed when she found out the ministry and her Sunday school community had prayed over this quilt,” said Mary, whose close friend is fighting cancer. “She kept saying, ‘It’s too beautiful to use. It’s too beautiful to use.’ I told her she most certainly could use it because it would remind her of all the prayers.” The quilt was made by the Quilting Ministry at Asbury, a group of women using their love of the sewing craft for a purpose far beyond even physical warmth. Like most great movements, it started with an idea. Jan Steffensen wanted to quilt. She wanted to learn the patterns and colors and art, creating what could be seen as a painting in cloth. “I took a quilting course because I wanted to learn to quilt. After a few quilts, I found there was a limit to what I could do and pass on to family and friends,” Jan said. “I wanted to turn it into something worthwhile.”


That was approximately six years, 75 lap quilts, and 5 full-size quilts ago. Jan started the quilting group and refers to it as “a ministry, that’s all there is to it.” The group consists of 22 on the roster, with ten active members, who come together as individuals to make a solitary piece of wrap-able, lovable, solitary comfort, like a constant hug with color. “It’s really a small group that does a lot of work,” Jan said. The process starts with purchasing the fabric, washing and ironing it, developing the unique pattern, cutting out the pieces, and stitching them together. Each lap quilt takes approximately 15 hours of manual labor, Jan said.

The group meets every other month to coordinate projects and then head home to sew. Once the project is finished, Jan said she hopes the recipients “physically find warmth and emotionally find comfort. I hope they receive something someone lovingly made.” The majority of the finished quilts are given to the church where the quilts are prayed over before given to individuals dealing with sickness, loss, hurt or pain. “(Pastor) Cindy Mayes is really great about supporting this project. In fact, last month she gave nine quilts away. She talks it up when she teaches in the community,” Jan said. Every year the Quilt Ministry also creates a queen-sized quilt for the Oklahoma United Methodist Circle of Care fundraiser in Tulsa, raising $600 last year for the ministry’s Child S.H.A.R.E., a program that supports foster families, adoptive and respite families. The Child S.H.A.R.E. ministry

is working in congruence with licensing agencies, faith communities and volunteers to find homes or provide support for the 7,000 orphaned children in Oklahoma’s foster care system.

“We hope they will feel the warmth and love that goes out to them, God’s love to them, even though they don’t know the people who made the quilts.” - Jan Steffensen, Quilt Ministry “We hope the recipient will feel the prayers that have gone out for them,” said Jan. “We hope they will feel the warmth and love that goes out to them, God’s love to them, even though they don’t know the people who made the quilts.” That was exactly what Mary’s friend, in a time of difficulty, felt—love. “It was an experience of love that made her feel very humble,” said Mary, recalling the quilt given had been blue, her friend’s favorite color. “It was wonderful.”


Thankful for…Joy

Jeff ’s World

A Special Needs Young Man Proves Just How Special He Is

tara lynn thompson

udy Wright rocked her baby.

He snuggled within her arms, lulled to sleep by the rhythmic motion, the serene silence, the sanctuary of Mom’s caress. Jeff drifted to a place of sweetness and light, a place only babies travel in their dreams. Judy remained awake, alive with the reality of the “what’s”—what’s next, what’s happened, what’s to become of his future. Her alertness was permanent. And she knew it. “I prayed a lot. It was not an easy thing to digest at first,” said Judy, sitting next to her 34-year-old son Jeff, fresh off his job at Arby’s and still dressed in his uniform and gold nametag. “I would sit in the rocking chair and rock him, talking to God.” When the doctor presented her baby, he also presented the prognosis. Judy and her husband Stephen would come home from the hospital with a beautiful baby boy and a beautiful challenge: Jeff had Down Syndrome. “I made a vow. If God would give me the strength to deal with this, I would do everything within my ability for Jeff to be all he could be,” Judy said. “If ever there was an answered prayer, it would be that one.” 18 ASBURY TIDINGS

Jeff has accomplished unthinkable milestones. And that was just yesterday, the day before, the weeks previous. Tomorrow means something new for Jeff to conquer. “Jeff will do just about anything in the world if you make it into a competition,” Judy said. He entire life has been a competition, a challenge of the “yes’s” outweighing the “no’s.” He graduated from Nathan Hale High School in 1996, already an accomplished individual with a love of all things sports. He had been in the Boy Scouts, excelling to the rank of Star Scout. “Almost an eagle. Pretty close,” Jeff said, holding his fingers an inch apart. He learned to hike, cook, and camp out, spending time with his father and one of his older brothers in a man’s world. Jeff was one of three Wright boys, the youngest with older brothers Scott and Doug. “He went everywhere and did everything that we did,” said Judy, a teacher by profession and birth. “It was good development for him. He was just one of the three. It was not all about him.” From early on, Stephen and Judy had decided not to talk about Jeff’s situation. They used the words “special needs,” but otherwise opened the

door of possibility to anything Jeff wanted to conquer. He has never been shy about walking through that door. In 1994, Jeff was the Special Olympian of the Year, chosen to “carry the torch,” Jeff explains, animated with an explanation of what that entails, including his gift of a special watch. That was when he met coach Barry Switzer, an Oklahoma sports buff’s dream, and even attended a Dallas Cowboy’s football

“I’m really proud of everything Jeff can do,” Judy said. “Jeff doesn’t look at life as a challenge. He just lives it with so much enthusiasm and joy that it’s contagious to everyone around him.” game with VIP seats in Switzer’s box. “It was good,” Jeff recalls with a grin. He’s the guy most coaches around Tulsa know by name, Judy said, due to his enthusiasm for athletics and uncanny ability to recall anything and everything about sports. “Barry Switzer still says, ‘Hi Jeff,’ and it’s been years,” Judy said. Limits were never marked and tagged in the journey that has been Jeff’s life. The road was open. The light was green. “Lets not limit. We don’t know. Only God knows,” Judy said, her smile often as big as Jeff’s when speaking of his life. She took the same advice and never limited herself or God working through her to help Jeff. “Ev-

erything I tried to do I felt God was in the mix. I was just the messenger, He took care of everything.” And everything barely covers it. When Jeff wanted to be a part of a sport’s team, Judy went to work, calling coaches and finding ways Jeff could participate. He worked for a time as part of the equipment staff at The University of Tulsa. He is also part of Team Tulsa, a group of special needs people who get together to play basketball in the winter and baseball in the summer. Jeff plays first base. “His mother went around and found him jobs everywhere she could,” Judy said, laughing. When Jeff wanted to attend college, Judy forged ahead refusing to acknowledge the difficulties. Instead, she found doors within brick walls. ASBURY TIDINGS 19

Thankful for…Joy

Judy worked with Tulsa Community College (TCC), scheduling special education courses at the college. The class usually has 34 students who are picked up by Tulsa Transit, riding the city lift bus to class, which was another obstacle Judy cleared. She also became certified as a Habilitation Training Specialist (HTS), licensed to work with her son as an aid. Along with Lisa, his ETL (Effective Training and Learning), Jeff has a support team to help him adjust to everyday social events like attending concerts, going to Frontier City, or checking out at a grocery store. “If I need to do something, Jeff will put his hand up and say, ‘I got this Mom,’” said Judy, who now struggles with a back injury. “He’ll come back out of a store, carrying two bags of cat food, and you’ve never seen a grin like this. He’s so proud. That smile gives me chills.” The weeks are full and busy for Jeff. On Monday afternoons, Jeff competes in bowling, usually winning first, sometimes second. During a recent game, he and his partner bowled 253, an accomplishment he doesn’t mind bragging about. Tuesday nights are TCC classes. Thursdays in the spring are packed with baseball. When Friday comes, that’s “our veg time,” said Judy. “We go out and get a video.” Or, they hang out and watch “Survivor” and “The Amazing Race,” Jeff’s two favorite shows. On Sundays, Jeff often volunteers as an usher at Asbury services, and he attends a Sunday morning class. 20 ASBURY TIDINGS

During the day, he’s busy working at Arby’s, previously working at McDonald’s, taking care of the lobby, sweeping, cleaning, responsible for trays and excited about getting a new name tag in April once he’s reached the one-year employment mark. “I’m really proud of everything Jeff can do,” Judy said. “Jeff doesn’t look at life as a challenge. He just lives it with so much enthusiasm and joy that it’s contagious to everyone around him.” After Jeff was first born, Judy’s pastor at the time asked her what she would want most for Jeff. She answered, “For him to be happy.” Now, 34 years later, Judy said, “He is,” and shares his abundant joy with others.

Thankful for…Seasons

Thanks for the Seasons john c. westervelt


n a fall morning, the raspberry mysterious bruise. Legend holds that the deep colored leaves on the dogwood purple bruise shows the pain God felt when His outside my kitchen window are Son was on the cross. Spring for the dogwood is like my youth when motionless under a hanging fog.

This begins a new season in the life of the dogwood. Some years, the leaves quickly turn brown and are swept away by the first wind. Other years, the leaves hold themselves in an array of color for several weeks. I always hope for the latter. The green leaves turning red let me know it’s time to plant pansies. The impatiens in the front flowerbed and the periwinkles filling a square on the back patio gave me and those passing by pleasure all summer, but they will wilt and die with the first freeze. I know from last year and the years before that even though the dogwood looks lifeless through the winter, it will begin a new season in the spring after its winter rest. The rebirth is celebrated with white blossoms tipped with a

growth was bountiful and somewhat rambunctious. By summer the tree is basking in warm sunshine storing nutrients for her fall season. The middle years for me were filled with growing children, time at work and church, and storing up God’s treasures of friendships and assets to carry me through the winter. After the dogwood is dormant all winter, it will begin a new life right where it is. For me, the new life following winter will be in heaven. I wish I knew more about what the seasons there hold in store for me. I am thankful for the earthly seasons that have prepared the way for my time there.



Central Asian Research & Development

When You Want to Send the Very Best‌


ards for CARD is a project pio- (Central Asian Research and Development), a huneered by Lisa Tresch and Melanie manitarian organization that seeks to bring light Burdick that related to Asbury’s into the dark world these patients live in. The proceeds from these cards will be used to Caspian Ministry.

After Lisa and Melanie visited Azerbaijan, they had a compelling desire to make a difference in the lives of women, especially those in a psychiatric hospital. They produced and sold the cards last year and have extended the project to Christmas cards this year. Last year’s sales, plus a matching gift, replaced all of the windows in the hospital making their winter more bearable. Shortly after the windows were replaced, they had freezing temperatures that froze many of the water pipes in the whole city! The windows literally saved lives in the hospital due to their marginal nutritional and health status. The artwork on the note cards is reproduced from original paintings by artists in the Ganja Psychiatric Hospital in Azerbaijan. The patients receive art lessons through the project CARD 22 ASBURY TIDINGS

improve the living conditions in the hospital. Your purchase will help bring hope for the artists, and all the patients who live there. To learn more about CARD, visit the website at or you may contact Mary Ann Smith at 392-1117 for card purchases or more information.

‌ y r o t s a s a h Everyone

They ave thousands. h ly b a b ro p ou In fact, y e heartaches, th s, y jo e th s, ce are the experien are the journey we , es v li r ou of the rhythm roaching. And p p a re a e w on on and the horiz gift to share. a t, if g a s a en they are giv for you. It can ly le so ’t n is it d y. An t, You have a stor ope, give suppor h e id v ro p s, er h r ot lighten a load fo lieve, intrigue, re , te ci ex e, iz g , ener r strengthen, calm these things fo ll a o d , in a rt te , en explain, inform someone else. ve to share it. a h ou y , h g ou First, th nd would like to a , o) d ou y d n ory (a If you have a st . We want m or tf la p r ou y Tidings is share it, Asbury , to hear them. for publication ed er d si n co y or To have your st Tara Tidings Editor to s on si is m b . email your su ly ra ta @ ra ta t a n Lynn Thompso tely 800 words. a im x ro p p a e b Stories should



opportunities general information Breakfast

please designate Asbury as your church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 492-1771, selecting option 2, and leaving a message for the pastor on call.

Served from 7:15-9 am in the

Engaged Couples

CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with

If you are planning to use an

Asburians along with fresh donuts,

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage,

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults

book ASAP to allow ample time

& $1 for children 12 & under.

for Couple-to-Couple (required

Sunday Morning Worship 8 am, Mason Chapel

premarital sessions). Six months to one year lead time suggested.

(Traditional Communion)

The Gazebo is Open

9:15 am, Sanctuary

CDs of Tom’s “Message of the Day”


are available immediately following

9:15 am, Open House Worship (CLC) (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting) 11 am, Sanctuary (Traditional w/

the worship service for $3. Prayer Journals are also available for $5 each.

sign interpreter)


11 am, Venue 68 (Modern)

Recycle unwanted paper products.

Sundays for Children & Students 6 Weeks-4 Yrs: 8:00, 9:15 & 11 am K-6th Grades: 9:15 or 11 am 7th-9th Grades: 9:15 & 11 am 10th-12th Grades: 9:15 am only Adult Discipleship Communities

Three bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots. Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists, births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and military listings.

8:00, 9:15, & 11 am & Wednesdays, 6:00 and 6:30 pm and NEW!

Doors of Asbury posters are at the

Tuesdays at 6 pm. Also new is

Welcome Centers…FREE! Suitable

“Footprints” on Sundays at 11 am

for framing.

for Single Ladies ages 30-55. (See Discipleship) Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled? Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, 24 ASBURY TIDINGS

New Additions to the Library The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library.

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6-7 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Community Sundays, 11 am, Rm. 1507

bible study RoadMap All courses being offered in the Fall 2008 RoadMap session are listed on the Asbury website at and in the Fall brochure.

care and support Visits to Asbury Members Asbury has a unique group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are either homebound or in nursing homes. If you are interested in being visited, call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact the coordinator, Abby Sluice at Prayer Card Sending Team Usually meets first and third Mondays at 10 am in Rm. 1621 to send cards with God’s encouraging words and our prayers to those who are ill or going through hard times. Cards and care packages are also sent to Asbury-related military personnel. Contact Gwen Mohler at for more information, or call 392-1146. Asperger Support Group First Thursday from 7-9 pm in Rm. 1506. For mothers of children with Asperger Syndrome. Childcare available. Alzheimer’s Support Group Third Thursday, from 1:30-3 pm in Rm. 1621. Christian hope, support

and education for friends and

God’s Word are sent to Asbury-re-

Murdock Villa

family of those with Alzheimer’s or

lated military personnel. The Prayer

November 16. A mission op-

other dementia.

Ministry also covers them in prayer.

portunity for our 5th & 6th grade

Please send contact information

students. Usually the second

Cancer Support Group

(complete name and address) to

Sunday of the month from 12:30-

Second Sunday of each month,

Gwen Mohler at

3:30 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s Pizza.

4-6 pm, Parlor. For those living with

or call 392-1146.

We’ll eat, then visit Murdock Villa

cancer and their family and friends. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare available. Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Childcare available. Eating Disorder Recovery For individuals seeking support in the recovery process. First and third Wednesdays at 12 pm in Room 1621. Bring a sack lunch. Contact Marcy McMurry at marcymcmurry@

where we will play Bingo and do Preparing for the Holidays Grief Workshop Saturday, November 8, 10 am-12 pm in the Parlor. Coping with the holidays during the challenging times following the loss of a loved one. No cost and no registration necessary. Carl Novinger, Facilitator. Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For more information, contact Beth at 392-1116.


Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Registration forms for all children’s

First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30

preschool and elementary lobbies.

activities are available in the

pm, Rm 1506. Core Childcare Hours Mental Health Support for Families

Parents who are involved in

For family members or caregivers of

RoadMap classes during these core

people affected by a mental illness.

hours will have childcare provided

4th Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm in the

for children 6 weeks-12 yrs. of age

Parlor. Call Ruth at 392-1146.

with no reservations needed: Sun: 8 am-12 pm

Military Connection

Mon & Tue: 9 am-12 pm

Please join us in praying for our

Tue, Wed, & Thur: 6-9 pm

troops in harm’s way and their families. Periodic care packages and monthly encouragement cards with

crafts with special needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness in our local community. Limited to 10 kids each month. For further information contact Jami at 392-1166. Wednesday Night Live Our 4 year olds – 5th graders will want to join us on Wednesday Nights for worship in the Chapel — Kid Style. We will combine music, high energy and a Bible lesson in a setting that encourages kids to learn about worship. For more information contact Amber Cox at 392-1171 or at acox@asburytulsa. org KRS Round Up: 1st & 2nd Graders November 21 from 5:30-9:30 pm in the CLC we will be rustling up some grub and fun. We’ll have a great evening on the trail with dinner and lots of activities. Cost is $10. For questions or more information, please contact Amber Cox at 3921171 or email acox@asburytulsa. org Upward Coaches Training Mandatory training will be Saturday, November 15 at 9:30 am or Thursday, November 20 at 6 pm. All coaches MUST attend one session. Please contact Kim Renkema, 3921159 or for further information. ASBURY TIDINGS 25

discipleship Discipleship Communities If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship Community check out

Nursery. The schedule will include

childcare is available for children

Sunday morning from 8:30 am-

six weeks through 6th grade. Call

12:30 pm with a few remaining

392-1191 to register.

hours during the childcare weekday and weeknight core hours. Suc-


cessful applicant should have a

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

love for children, willingness to

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the


portray Christian beliefs and values

CLC. Attention men of Asbury.

to children and families. Resumés

Make plans to join us for a great

New! Footprints Community

should be sent to Vicki Ihrig, Asbury

time of meaningful worship, life-

UMC, 6767 S. Mingo Rd., Tulsa, OK,

changing prayer and an awesome

74133 or call her at 918-392-1160.

big breakfast, all for just $3 per

“Get Involved” on our website, or pick up a brochure at one of our Welcome

Join this NEW Discipleship Community especially for Single ladies ages 30-55 Sunday mornings at 11 am in rm. 2502. Developing an intimate relationship with Jesus, hiding God’s word in our hearts, and receiving the support of sisters in Christ allows separated, divorced, or widowed women to more forward and thrive. This is a place for women to feel safe, accepted, and loved as we share life together, functioning as the body of Christ, with each of us playing an important and necessary role. Alpha Got questions? Get answers! An opportunity to explore the meaning of life every Tuesday evening 6:30 pm-8:45 pm in the Community Life Center September 16-November 18. Alpha Preview/Luau Dinner Party on September 9. Come check it out! Alpha Sprouts for kids ages 4-12. Please call 392-1191 register for Alpha or Alpha Sprouts. For more information, call Dawn Snyder at 557-6843 or go to www.asburytulsa. org, search Alpha.

employment PT Nursery Staff Positions Available Part-time position will work 1015 hours weekly in the Asbury 26 ASBURY TIDINGS

marriage & family

person. First-time guests are free. November 5

Bill Johnson

Attention “Graduates” of Couple-to-Couple

November 12

Mark Springer

November 19

Dub Ambrose

Please stop by the marriage display

November 26

Pec Clark

tables on November 16 and pick up a survey—or pick up anytime in

Car Care Saturdays

Care Note racks (in front of CLC and

November 15, 9 am-12 pm, north-

at South entrance) before Decem-

east parking lot. This every-other-

ber 28. Your input is valuable for

month workday is provided for

future planning.

Asbury’s widows and single moms. While the ladies wait in the comfort

Attention Engaged Couples

of the cafe, volunteers check tires,

If you are planning to use an

belts, fluids, filters and batteries.

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

They also vacuum and wash the

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

vehicles, then update owners on

book ASAP to allow ample time

what’s running smoothly and what

for Couple-to-Couple (required

needs professional attention. This

premarital sessions). Six months to

free service gives our men the

one year lead time is suggested.

opportunity to put their faith into action through loving and serving

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries

those in need. To volunteer, contact

Email your December or January

Debbie in the Adult Ministries

Milestone Anniversary (5,10,15,20,

Office, 392-1177.

etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at or call Ruth at 392-1146.

Men’s Fraternity: The Quest for Authentic Manhood Tuesdays, September 9-November


25, 6:15-7:30 pm, Rm. 2820, $10

Asbury Exploration

fee. Come learn how to live a life

Come to a lunch/class to learn more

of authentic manhood as modeled

about becoming a member of As-

by Jesus Christ and directed by

bury. Sunday, November 2, 12:15-2

the Word of God. Designed to

pm in the CLC. Lunch provided and

help men come together, these

time-tested resources equip men

with teammates to help achieve

Foundation invites you to “A Salute to our Veterans,” to be held on Saturday, November 8, from 7-11 am in the CLC! It is our privilege to salute those men and women who have served their country as members of the armed services, and those today who proudly wear the uniform of the Active, Reserve and National Guard forces. Please join the Asbury Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venture Crew members for an all-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast, while honoring our veterans. Advance tickets, $4 for adults and $3 for children under 10 years of age, will be on sale at the church, on Sunday, October 26 & Sunday, November 2, or you may purchase them at the door. All proceeds benefit the Boy Scouting programs of Asbury.

those goals. You’ll also learn to deal

to pursue noble manhood as a life-long priority. Facilitated by Rev. Dub Ambrose and Brent Colgan. Men’s Fraternity: The Great Adventure Wednesdays, September 10–November 19, 6-8 pm. Rm. 1300, $10 fee. A follow-up course to “The Quest for Manhood,” this 20-week study explores a man’s world beyond the every day. It will help you find your “unique fit” in life—one that is realistic, thrilling and deeply satisfying. Through this series you will develop a personal mission that fits the “real” you, discover the best practices of successful men, and find out how to surround yourself

Mission Matters A monthly newsletter is available with recent news of mission happenings. Preference is for the email version, but hard copies can be mailed if needed. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163 or Global Outreach Prayer Ministry News and prayer requests from our missionaries and ministries are sent each week to our prayer ministry list. If you would like to join and become a prayer intercessor for those serving around the world, contact Missy at 392-1163.

missions/vim Volunteers-In-Mission Opportunities

with unfinished business and how


to leave a legacy of which you can

Mission Books

Medical, $900.

be proud. Facilitated by Rev. Dub

Pick up the 2008 mission books at

• Nov. 12-16, Rio Bravo, Mexico:

Ambrose and Greg Ruley.

the Welcome Centers or come by

Men’s Construction, $600.

the Missions office. Make sure to

All costs are approximate. For more

pick up two for Global

about these exciting mission oppor-

Outreach and one for Oklahoma

tunities, contact Marilene at

Outreach (previously called Re-

gional Outreach).

or 918-392-1164.

Eyeglass Donations


Men’s Open Basketball Thursdays, 7:45–9 pm and Fridays, 11:30 am–1:15 pm, Gym. Men! Make plans to join other Asbury guys and their friends each week as we get together for a little “round ball” and lots of fun! We have Thursday evenings from 7:45-9 pm and Friday lunchtimes from 11 am–1:15 pm reserved, just for us. Come show us what you’ve got (or what you want to get!), and we’ll have a great time of exercise and fellowship. Invite your friends, and we’ll see you on the court!

Are you wondering what to do with those old eyeglasses? Donate them

Chancel Choir Wednesdays, 7 pm, Choir Room

to missions! You may drop your glasses off in the Global Outreach

New Covenant Orchestra


Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm, Rm. 1510

Campbell’s Soup Label

Children’s Choirs

Save Campbell’s soup labels for

Wednesdays, 6 pm, various

missions. Please cut the UPC symBoy Scout/Veteran’s Celebration Pancake Breakfast Saturday, November 8, 7–11 am, CLC. The Asbury Scout Leadership

• Nov. 5-9, Monterrey, Mexico:

bol and the Labels for Education symbol together. Turn these in for missions! Questions: Contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163.

Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm. 1510 Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm. 2506 ASBURY TIDINGS 27

Youth Orchestra

Rick Fraley in Concert

Election Day Prayer Vigil

Wednesdays, 5:30 pm

Sunday, December 21 at 6 pm in

Tuesday, November 4, 7 am–7 pm,

the Sanctuary. One of Tulsa’s finest

Mason Chapel Prayer Room. Come

Asbury Ringers

concert pianists, Rick Fraley, will

devote yourself to prayer for our

Wednesdays, 6-6:50 pm, Rm. 2506

present an evening of Christmas

2008 Presidential Election, at any

music. Take a break from Christmas

time between 7 am and 7 pm, in the

shopping and come enjoy this

Mason Chapel Prayer Room. You

meditative time of Christmas music.

may stay for as little or as long as

Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Rm. 2506 Saints of Swing Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2-3 pm, Rm 1510 Service of Lessons and Carols Sunday, November 30, at 6 pm in the Sanctuary. We celebrate this first Sunday of Advent with a lovely service helping us focus on the real meaning of Christmas. Carols and Scripture readings will be interspersed by Christmas anthems presented by the Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra, Perpetual Light, One Voice, and the Young Musicians. You will not want to miss this event. Children’s Choir Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 7, 6 pm in the Sanctuary. Come join the fun and hear our children’s choirs tell the story of Christmas through drama and songs. Christmas Music Sunday Sunday, December 14 at the 9:15 am and 11 am sanctuary services. The Chancel Choir and New Covenant Orchestra will present Glad Tidings by Randol Alan Bass under the direction of Hart Morris. This stunning presentation will feature traditional Christmas carols arranged for choir and orchestra.



you like. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble

Altar Prayer

themselves, and pray, and seek my

If you would like someone to pray

face, and turn from their wicked

with you during Holy Communion

ways; then I will hear from Heaven,

or immediately following a worship

and will forgive their sin, and will

service, please come to the altar

heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

rail. A pastor or member of the Al-


tar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs—physical,

Service of Remembrance

emotional or spiritual—at the altar

Sunday, December 14, 5 pm, Ma-

or in the Prayer Room.

son Chapel. Join Pastors Darlene Johnson and Cindy Mayes, as well

Prayer Room Reservations

as members of the grief support

The leadership of Asbury’s prayer

programs, in a service of prayer

ministry would like to remind you

and healing. The emphasis will

that the main facility Prayer Room

be on grief and loss experienced

is open not only to individuals

within the past year or two. A time

desiring to pray in a quiet, medita-

has been set aside for participants

tive atmosphere, but also to prayer

who so desire to light a candle in

groups within communities and

memory of those they’ve lost. This

ministries. Just give Debbie in the

special service can offer “strength

Adult Ministries office a call at 392-

for today and hope for tomorrow.”

1177 to reserve the Prayer Room for your group on a weekly or monthly



Celebrate Recovery Come join this supportive group

Prayer Room Days & Times

of people each Monday night at 6

Our prayer rooms are accessible to

pm. Dinner at 6 pm; Worship from

you at these times:

7-8 pm; Small Groups from 8-9 pm;

Mason Chapel (during construc-

Dessert from 9-9:30 pm. Hiding

tion): Sundays, 7 am-12:30 pm

any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God

through the interior door.

never intended for you to live in

Main Facility: Mon.-Fri., 7 am-9 pm;


Saturday, 10 am-3 pm; Sunday, 12:30 pm-9 pm.

senior adults Visits to Asbury Members Asbury has a unique group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are either homebound or in nursing homes. If

Angela Parris and Billie Kay Saw-

Divorce Rebuilding

yer! You don’t want to miss this

Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

program, and remember to invite

For those ready to rebuild their

your friends! Call the main office at

lives after separation or divorce.

492-1771 to make your reservations

Childcare available.

BY NOON, Monday, November 10. If, during that week, you find you

Divorce Recovery

need to cancel, please also let us

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

know as we need to give an accu-

For those suffering from the early,

rate count to the cooks. Should you

highly emotional stages of divorce

choose, you may make a donation

and separation trauma. Childcare

Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class

for the meal when you check in that


you are interested in being visited, call Ruth at 392-1146, or contact the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 9-9:30 am in the Gym. All senior adults are invited to join us for a time of stretching, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. No high impact workout here. We take it nice and easy. Come give it a try. Senior Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 8:30-9 am in the gym. All senior adults are invited to join us for power walking, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. Come give it a try. Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays from 1 pm to 2:30 pm in the Choir room. Come join us for an exciting time of singing and fellowship if you are AARP eligible…or even if you are not quite there yet! November Tweenagers Program & Luncheon Everyone aged 55 and up is welcome to join us for our monthly Tweenagers meeting & luncheon, taking place on Thursday, November 13, from 10:30 am-1 pm, in the CLC. Our program will be presented by Ruth Drew, with the Alzheimer’s Association. Music will be presented by vocal favorites,

morning. Come join us for fun and fellowship! Amazing Widows and Widowers Christmas Luncheon Saturday, December 13, 1-3 pm, CLC. Come and celebrate the joyous season by bringing a widowed friend to our annual Christmas luncheon! You will enjoy an amazing meal, as well as experience the beautiful music of the season presented by our own Nancy Williams. There are other surprises, too, that will delight and encourage you during this holy season of Love. Tickets may be purchased in the south foyer on Sunday, November 23 and Sunday, November 30. Or, you may call Janie Hedrick or Jeri Ann Robinson to make arrangements for the purchase. The deadline to purchase tickets is Sunday, November 30. Cost is $10.

singles Singles Meet and Greet Sunday mornings from 10:20-10:50 am. All singles out from communities or worship services are invited to join together for a short time of fellowship. Look for us in the north café (former student café) beginning October 5! See you there!

Café Celibataire Luncheon Sunday, November 23, 12–2 pm, CLC. Asbury single adults, you are invited to join us for Café Celibataire—our new Singles Café! You will enjoy a relaxed, bistro-like atmosphere, where you can sit and chat with your friends as you are served a delicious, catered luncheon. The food is always fabulous, and the cost is just $5 per person, for those 11 years of age and up. Children 10 & under eat FREE from a special children’s menu! This is an event you do not want to miss! Christmas Shop for Single Parent Families Saturday, December 6, 10 am–3pm. Did you know there are approximately 175 single parents at Asbury, with 350 children to raise, and so many more just outside the doors of our church? During the Christmas season, it becomes more difficult for those families to make ends meet, and many children do not get to experience the joy of selecting and purchasing gifts for others. Through the Asbury Singles Ministry Christmas Shop, we hope to offer some relief from that pressure. On Saturday, December 6, kindergarten children through fifth graders coming from a single-parent ASBURY TIDINGS 29

home will have the opportunity, for just $5 each, to select gifts for their parents, grandparents and siblings. (Hardship scholarships available upon request.) The Christmas Shop will be open to children of Asbury families, Grove Elementary School, Lindbergh Elementary School, Walt Whitman Elementary School, Jenks East Elementary School, and Youth at Heart. Individuals and Asbury communities are being asked to assist by providing small gifts valued at no more than $5 each, or financial donations to help with purchases and refreshments. Unwrapped gifts may be brought on Sunday mornings to the singles “Meet & Greet” table in the north café (former student café), or during the week to the south welcome desk. In addition to the purchase of gifts or financial contributions, volunteers are needed to assist with set-up and clean-up, greeting, registration, hospitality, wrapping gifts…the list goes on and on! To offer your services, e-mail Gretchen at, as soon as possible, and begin praying for this inspired effort to bring the love of Christ to “the least of these.”


out, have fun and study what God’s

deepen your love for continue

words has for us.

living the life of Rebelution on November 11! Meet upstairs in the

7th, 8th & 9th Small Groups

Venue 68 area from 6:30-8 pm. All

Don’t miss our on being a part of a

7-9th graders welcome!

small group! It’s a place to grow in your relationship with Jesus, have some accountability, and just have fun! 7th and 8th grade meet from 4:30-6 pm and 9th grade meets 6:15-8 pm in the Venue68. (It’s never too late to sign up, just come by

If your student is going through the Confirmation Program then you and your student must attend this awesome Scavenger Hunt experience,

Student Ministries Area!)

meet in the Venue Area at 4:30 pm

Called to Ministry: 10th, 11th, 12th

9th Grade Small Groups will meet

Is God speaking to you, leading you...okay, maybe CALLING you into a future vocational ministry? You may not know what that looks like; you just know that God is stirring something in you. Join us every month on the SECOND SUNDAY from 12:30-2 pm in the Student Ministry Area for lunch and to talk about what this means for you. This is for 10th, 11th & 12th graders. RSVP to Amy at 392-1156

we will be done by 6:30 pm. 8th and off site for open night! Life Hurts, God Heals Life Hurts, God Heals is created specifically for teenagers who have experienced some type of pain in their lives—divorce, bad breakups, sexuality issues, disappointment, rejection, alcohol, etc. Every Wednesday night, 6-8 pm. Contact us anytime or come by the Student Ministry area and sign up.

the Thursday before.

Parents, if this is something that

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway

need you, please call Marsha at

Join us every Wednesday (except Nov. 26, Dec. 24 & 31) at Venue68 for a time of connection, wor-

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Breakaway

ship, and God. We will also have

Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am

nights of just random fun! Don’t

in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t

miss the food and hang out times

your normal Sunday school. Come

afterwards! Come be a part. 6:30-

join us for worship, fun and games,

8:30ish pm.

interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards.

7th Grade Confirmation Scavenger Hunt

AWAH Girls Slumber Party AWAH Girls Slumber Party, Novem-

grabs at your heart to help lead we 392-1157! Metro Worship All 7th-12th graders come join youth from all over the city in a night to just worship Jesus. We meet the first Wednesday night of every month from 7-8:30ish at Venue68.

women Car Care Saturdays

7th, 8th & 9th Bible Study

ber 7-8 @ Venue 68. See Amy or

Wednesday night Bible Study is

Marsha for details.

November 15, 9 am-12 pm. This

789 Rebelution Gathering

provided for Asbury’s widows and

the place to be from 6:30-8 pm on Wednesday nights beginning Sept 10. Come to the Venue and hang 30 ASBURY TIDINGS

Don’t miss the opportunity to

every-other-month workday is single moms. While the ladies wait

in the comfort of the cafe, volun-

volunteer Barbie Paige! A delicious

season by bringing a widowed

teers check tires, belts, fluids, filters

luncheon prepared by our church

friend to our annual Christmas

and batteries. They also vacuum

hostess, Virginia, will also be pro-

luncheon! You will enjoy an amaz-

and wash the vehicles, then update

vided for just $6 per person. Bring

ing meal, as well as experience

owners on what’s running smoothly

a friend, and be a part of the bless-

the beautiful music of the season

and what needs professional at-

ing! Our scripture emphasis for this

presented by our own Nancy Wil-

tention. This free service gives our

month comes from Luke 18:16; “But

liams. There are other surprises,

men the opportunity to put their

Jesus called the children to him and

too, that will delight and encourage

faith into action through loving and

said, ‘Let the little children come to

you during this holy season of

serving those in need. No reserva-

me, and do not hinder them, for the

Love. Tickets may be purchased in

tions required; just get your vehicle

kingdom of God belongs to such as

the south foyer on Sunday, No-

in line by 11:30 am.


vember 23 and Sunday, November 30. Or, you may call Janie Hedrick

Women of the Word

or Jeri Ann Robinson to make

Wednesdays from 10-11 am in

UMW Sixth Annual Christmas Tour of Homes

Rm. 2319, Rev. Darlene Johnson,

Friday, December 5 & Saturday, De-

The deadline to purchase tickets is


cember 6, 11 am–4 pm. Mark your

Sunday, November 30. Cost is $10.

arrangements for the purchase.

calendars now, church family, for Phone Buddies

the fun and excitement of UMW’s

Ladies, would like a “cheer me

Annual Christmas Tour of Homes

up” with your morning coffee? We

to benefit missions! As always,

have dedicated, caring women who

four beautiful homes are being

would love to meet that need in

readied for your visit, each filled

your life by being your very own

with unique and wonderful decora-

“phone buddy.” Call Shirley Martin

tions. Family traditions, decorating

and she’ll connect you with a loving

ideas and the sights and sounds of


Christmas await you! And for those who wish to ride our shuttles to and

Crafty Ladies Fellowship

from the homes, you’ll enjoy com-

Mondays, 9:30 am-2 pm, Rm. 2820.

plimentary tea and cookies while

We gather to work on our own

you wait, as well as the opportunity

individual arts and crafts, stop

to browse the Christmas Shoppe

for a delicious potluck lunch, and

and purchase homemade goodies!

continue on through until 2 pm. We

Tickets, $8 in advance and $10 at

would love to have you join us. For

the door, will be available from all

more contact Beverly Clarke and

circle leaders or in the main church

stop by some Monday!

office, beginning October 6. Again, ALL proceeds benefit missions

UMW November Luncheon & Program

so come be and blessing, and be

Thursday, November 6, 11:30 am–1

friends and family, too!

blest! And remember to bring your

pm, CLC. Attention ladies! The luncheon will be a presentation by

Amazing Widows and Widowers Christmas Luncheon

our Partner in Education, Walt Whit-

Saturday, December 13, 1-3 pm,

man Elementary School, and key

CLC. Come and celebrate the joyous

program planned for November’s

worship • 8 am, Communion Service: Mason Chapel. Traditional service. Communion is served and Dr. Harrison preaches. • 9:15 am, Contemporary Praise & Worship: Sanctuary. Music, time of prayer and the message will all carry a prevailing theme for the morning. Dr. Harrison preaches. • 9:15 am, Open House Worship: Community Life Center. A relaxed atmosphere with engaging worship. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast with an occasional live sermon from another pastor. • 11 am, Traditional Service: Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir and the Asbury Orchestra and Concert Band offer a variety of styles of music. Sign interpreters for the deaf are offered. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches. • 11 am, Modern Service: Venue 68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by the worship band. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast. ASBURY TIDINGS 31


new members

Jim & Katie Arens Elle, Peyron & Porter

Catherine Atkins

Nancy Dougherty

David & Carol Clements

Phillip & Amy Everett & Ben

Kashonda Harbin


Jake & Jessica Bell

John Fox

Jim & Ceretta Harris

Ron & Carolyn Bradshaw

Randy & Cammy Draper Anna & Garrett

Dustin Fry

Richard & Carolyn Fuchs

Melissa Henley

Kendall & Suzanne Johnson, Taylor & Nicholas

welcome to asbury

we’re glad you’re here

Jim & Betty Logan

Steve & Joan Meyer

Del & Joyce Ludlum

Trisha Pride

Ken Ruffin

Fred & Nancy Starkweather & Louise Starkweather

Kayla Welch

Nick Sesso

Louise Shewmaker

Sarah Wheeler

Bryan Wood

If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. Choose from one of the upcoming Sunday membership classes: November 2, 2008 & December 7, 2008 Classes are from 12:15 - 2 pm. Call 392-1191 to reserve your place. Childcare is available and lunch is provided. ASBURY TIDINGS 33


family room in celebration of marriage 65 years

55 years

50 years

Charles & Shirley Nelson November 20, 1943

Van & Nola Dickson November 21, 1953

Ken & Helen McCauley November 27, 1958

Cleo & Frankie Warren November 26, 1953

45 years

35 years

30 years

5 years

Skip & Dyanne Sidner August 24, 1963

Mike & Susan Stanford November 24, 1973

Mike & Alicia Knapp October 6, 1978

Matt & Robin Bartlett September 6, 2003


“Thank you” to all of those who participated in the Memory Walk in honor of my sister, Kathy Robbins. Asbury Discipleship Communities and individuals contributed over $7,300. We had over 40 walkers register, too. Special thanks to Victoria Williamson, for her hard work in putting this together.

we celebrate

- Pastor Tom

• Allie Mackenzie Parsons, daughter of John & Sara Parsons, born September 29 • Bryson William Cox, son of Brent & Stephanie Cox, born July 3 • Gabrielle Kathleen White, daughter of Michael & Kristen White, born September 8 • Rylan Nicholas Austin, son of Ted & Shelia Austin, born September 17 • Joseph Curtis Dennis II, Son of Joe and Amy Dennis, born September 4 • Margaret Brooke Butler, daughter of Ryan & Kelly Butler, born August 27 • Reagan Emmalee Flake, daughter of Travis & Liz Flake, born August 25

we remember

• Jason Magnuson, died September 29 • Evelyn Brentlinger, wife of Abe, died September 5 • Keith Boyd, husband of Betty, died August 15 • Ruby Boyce, mother of Norma Jackson, died September 22


Glorify God‌Make


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