What a Coincidence!

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september 2011


september 2011


here are four gospels which tell the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. The original Greek word for “gospel” is a combination of two words: “eu” (“good”) and “angel” (“message” or “messenger”). Each has its own unique character, flavor and personality. This fall, we are going to be going through the Gospel of Matthew. Our daily readings will reflect this emphasis. We are tying in to the Asbury Theological Seminary’s daily journal to do so. Let me give a little background as we begin our study. The first three Gospels have a shared core message to them and are referred to as “the synoptic Gospels” (“similar”). The fourth Gospel, John, is completely different from the first three. John tells stories and uses words which are not found in the previous three. Mark’s favorite word in his Gospel seems to be “immediately.” Everything is happening “immediately” in Mark. His is the most condensed - it has only 16 chapters. It’s like he was in a hurry to get ‘er done or was written for someone with a short attention span. Luke pays attention to detail, to lost objects, and to women and children. He was the “beloved physician.” Dr. Luke accompanies Paul on his missionary journey in Acts (“they” becomes “we” in the narrative). That the Gospel of Matthew is found first is no surprise. It has a strong link with the Old Testament. It has an essentially Jewish background and persona. Note the structure:

Contents What’s Happening The Business of Missions The Reach of a Child What a Coincidence! Roadmap Self-Help Versus God-Help Highlight of a Summer Day Opportunities Special Announcements New Members

1). Pre-Ministry –– Chapter 1 (Genealogy) –– Chapter 2 (Birth Narrative emphasizing Joseph’s role - Luke emphasizes Mary’s role) –– Chapter 3 (John the Baptist - like an Old Testament prophet) –– Chapter 4 (The Temptation Narrative) 2). Jesus’ Ministry –– Discipleship (Calling, equipping, deploying) –– Teaching (The Sermon on the Mount, Parables, Olivet Discourse, etc.) –– Miracles (Healings and over nature) –– Conflict (with the Pharisees) –– Holy Week (Palm Sunday, Last Supper, Crucifixion) –– Resurrection (Post-resurrection appearances + The Great Commission) Note that Jesus called His disciples, taught them, and ended up commissioning them to “Go into all the world and make disciples,” too. We will begin this section of teaching on September 11th. It’s now been TEN years since 9/11/01. As Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, try to redeem evil for good. Because of His unique teaching and because He gave to us His Spirit, we are commissioned to serve others. We will have a special call on that day to reach out into the Tulsa community and to serve. Thus, Asbury’s invitation is to receive the teaching of Jesus, and to give back to others what we’ve received. We don’t do this in isolation, but within Christian community. See you on Sundays in September!

Cover photo: Mike Owen, Lisa Bennet, Traci Owen, Jeff Showalter. Read full story on page 10.

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Asbury Tidings is a monthly publications designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting www.asburytulsa.org. Editor: Asbury Communications Department, 918.392.1140, kmains@asburytulsa.org Graphic Design: Tim Jurgensen, tjurgensen@asburytulsa.org Photographers: Don Kreutzweiser (donsimages.com), Chris Lo (matchadesign.com), Mark Moore (markmoore.photo@cox.net) Guest Contributors: Joan Henning, Sylvia LaRose, Charlie Ryser, John C. Westervelt

by Dwight Yoder, Executive Director


t the beginning of the year Tom listed several things on his mind for 2011. One of those items was the Asbury Foundation. The foundation is a separate 501(c3) organization set up to hold endowments for the support of Asbury and its ministries. The first fund created in the foundation was the Bill Mason Scholarship Fund. It supports students attending Asbury Theological Seminary for the purpose of becoming pastors. Gifts to that fund honor Bill and support something he strongly believes in. Supporting Asbury Seminary is also a big passion of Tom’s. Currently the fund contains about $500,000, the earnings of which are used each year to support students. There are also funds to support music, children’s ministry, and student missions. We hope to start a fund to assist with the long-term capital needs for the maintenance of our facility. Of course, you can give current gifts to the foundation, and many Asburians have done so. But here I want to discuss planned giving. This is a subject most of us prefer to ignore. Estimates of the number of Americans who have not prepared a will or trust are as high as 70%. Many times Tom has encouraged us to address this important task. Not only does it ensure that your wishes are known and followed but it is also extremely helpful to those you leave behind. In fact, it is often a great burden for a spouse or heirs to work through an estate without documentation. In some instances, the state ends up making decisions regarding your property. So I will repeat Tom’s encouragement, please take care of this important item. It is commonly suggested, and Tom has encouraged this practice, that Christians consider giving 10% of their estate to the church upon their death. Some people who do this elect to have the money given directly to the church for near-term use. Others

prefer that it go to an endowment from which only the earnings are employed each year. Our foundation is set up to take care of endowments. There are other options. Some families set up their own foundation or create a donor advised fund at another institution and support Asbury through those. Another approach to planned giving is to name Asbury or the foundation as the beneficiary of a portion of a life insurance policy. Even more intentional, some individuals purchase life insurance for the purpose of providing a significant gift to the church upon their death. The most important thing is for you to create a will or trust for the protection of your wishes and for the benefit of your family. Going through the process is not difficult. Making the decision to take care of it is where people get stuck. Secondly, Asbury would appreciate being a beneficiary. Our commitment is to use all gifts wisely for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God as we Glorify God and Make Disciples long into the future. Later this fall you will see the foundation promoted by both Bill and Tom. There will also be an event at which Tom will speak about these subjects. More information about the foundation is available on our website. Use “quick links” in the upper right corner of the homepage to find the Foundation link. If you have questions please contact me at dyoder@ asburytulsa.org or call the church office at 918-492-1771. Asbury is blessed to have so many people who support our ministries now and who make plans to support them in the future. Thank you.



*Editor’s Note: The author’s name has been removed to protect their identity.


ince I was a teenager, I knew I wanted to be a missionary. Seeing video of Asbury’s mission work in Tanzania and hearing the stories of missionaries from across the globe inspired me to give my life to global missions. I married a man with the same heart. And we started our journey. We did everything according to plan. We went to seminary. We joined a mission agency. We raised support. We left with plans to be overseas for two to four years before coming home for our first furlough. We would learn two languages in two different countries. Afterward, we’d worry about what kind of “job” we would have to provide a visa (and legitimacy) in the country. We had at least three years of a student visa and life ahead of us before that was a concern. Or so we thought. Then the expulsions began. And I say “began” because over a three-month period, 100-plus Christians were expelled from the North African country where



we were set to move. Included in this number were coworkers within our mission organization who had been working, living, raising their children, pouring out their lives, and building up the communities, for 10 to 15 years or more. Given no more than 24 hours’ notice, they were forced to leave. We were six months into our time in France. We were learning French as our first language since it was spoken along with Arabic in our future host country. I was five months pregnant with our second child. We had just visited for a week the city we hoped to begin our life in, to raise our family, and we loved the team of people there. We were ready for the next step. Unfortunately, that next step had to change. The expulsions changed the tone, the mind-set, the entire way we approached “going.” We had to think fast. We had to reevaluate. We asked the questions: What way can we best enter the country to have the best chance at staying? What would be believable and sustainable? We wanted to avoid having to leave as soon as we arrived. As a family of four, we knew we couldn’t just show up with no job and expect the community to not think us suspicious. What man with a family to support from a wealthy home country just goes to Africa and lives while learning the language? And is living in comparative luxury? CIA, that’s what they would think. Wouldn’t you? In what felt like a split second, we had decided. My husband would pursue an MBA in France. He found a few schools offering programs in English that were under a year in length, applied, studied for the GMAT, got accepted, and we were on our way to business school. Oh, and we had a baby, too. This was the first calendar year of our missionary journey. Business school? But aren’t we missionaries? Exactly. We knew this kind of shift in mission was happening; we just got caught in the middle of it. Today, the best way to go in this globalized world in places closed to

the Church is to do “business related work.” The days of “just going” and sharing the gospel are long over in most of the world where there is no church. We went to business school with no business experience. My husband studied English literature and has two master’s degrees from seminary. We felt like fish out of water, to say the least. However, we learned that ministry happens in business school. After years of ministry, he found he was sharing his faith more with his colleagues in school than he had in the all the years of full-time ministry, and with men and women from the far corners of the earth— China, Russia, Tunisia, Nigeria, France, India, Japan. What’s more, he didn’t wear the label “missionary.” To them, he was a businessman just like them. This opened the door to life-on-life ministry, and inspired us for what God wants from us in the future. We are convinced that working in business will be the best road to planting the Church in North Africa. This is the picture I see: my husband going to work day to day, side by side with his North African coworkers; me with our children in the home, meeting other moms and having play dates; life impacting life, sharing how Jesus has transformed our marriage, parenting, work ethic, lives. How different is this from how you live? After finishing the MBA program, we are now back in the States. My husband is completing the internship portion of his degree during the summer. We will spend the fall developing that viable and sustainable business plan we know we need to take and keep us in our future North African country. There is no guarantee that we won’t be expelled. There’s no promise from God like that. We walk by faith. We follow His direction. We believe with all our hearts that He loves North Africans just as much as He loves us and He wants to do whatever He can to reach them. Even if it means sending us to business school. Here am I, Lord, send me.



Registration tables will be available on Sundays until September 11 or visit www.asburytulsa.org to register for this event.

by Sylvia LaRose


hanks to Zoe, people in Africa’s Democratic Republic of Congo are reading God’s Word!

Zoe, who just turned seven years old, is the daughter of Tony and Michelle Taylor, and granddaughter of Rev. Carl “Sonny” and Mary Helen Plischke. She competes on a dance team, likes to read, has lots of friends and loves Jesus. What’s more, this industrious little girl raised $200 for Asbury’s Congo Bible project. “When I went to class one Sunday, I saw a video and heard a man speak about how people in the Congo don’t have Bibles. So I wanted to raise money to help. And I just did it!” ZOE TAYLOR

“Jesus loves the little children, All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.”


The man Zoe is referring to is Asbury’s Pastor Jim Lenderman, who organized the Congo Bible fundraiser last spring. “Several years ago, a sermon given by a Pastor from the Congo revealed a real need for Bibles in their own language,” says Jim. “God just grabbed my heart.” The Republic of Congo is a fragile country that has suffered through war, economic tragedy and social division. The inhabitants live with great hostility and poverty. For countless believers who long for the Word of God, the Bible written in English is just a jumble of letters. In fact, most pastors in the Congo


don’t possess a Bible in their own Swahili language, and almost no laypeople even have access to a Bible. The average church leader walks 15-20 miles to read a rare and treasured Bible in a neighboring town, and then memorizes verses to share with members back in the village church. “Bibles are the heart of a church,” Jim explains. “So last fall, I told Pastor Tom about the need for Bibles in Africa. He suggested we do a church-wide Congo Bible fundraiser during Lent.” Thus began Zoe’s mission! “It was all her idea,” declares Zoe’s mom Michelle. “She said she heard about it in Sunday school and told me, ‘These kids don’t know about Jesus! They have to walk about 1,000 miles to read the Bible! We have to do something!’ She has such a compassionate heart and would give her last dollar to help someone. So we said whatever she earned, we would round up, to make sure all those kids in the Congo can read a Bible.” So Zoe did extra chores to earn money, donated all the cash she got from the tooth fairy, and had a bake sale. “I made cookies and brownies and muffins and cupcakes,” exclaims Zoe. Her mom adds, “And she made sure all the cupcakes were in cute paper cups with pink frosting. They had to be displayed on a special plate too! It brings me such joy to think she did this all on her own.” And after a few weeks of careful attention and hard work – Zoe’s grand total in dollars and cents came to $200. During Lent, Asbury members raised a total of $272,000 to purchase Congo Bibles. And in recognition of kids who broke their piggy banks to give money, like Zoe … Pastor Tom asked her to present her earnings in front of the congregation during Sunday service. So with a baggie full of cash clutched in her hand, Zoe stepped up to the altar to make her donation. “It was exciting!” she describes. “I think the Congo people will really get to know about Jesus. And they won’t have to walk so far. They’ll have Bibles everywhere!” Michelle conveys, “I pray that Zoe will grow up to be a Godly woman and think of others before herself. I am so very proud. We always tell her, with Jesus by your side, you can do anything. And she did.”

“These kids don’t know about Jesus! They have to walk about 1,000 miles to read the Bible! We have to do something!”

The Congo Bible project continues even today at Asbury. The cost per Bible is just $12. Members can designate contributions to Congo Bible, drop it in the offering plate, and 100% will go to purchase Bibles in Swahili. In fact, 500 cases of Bibles, including Zoe’s, are en route to Kamina in the Republic of Congo where 500 pastors are gathering at the North Katanga Conference. The distribution of these volumes will be a surprise gift directly from Asbury. And it will be the first time many of the religious leaders will have possession of their own Bible. “The best thing about raising money for Congo Bibles?” ponders Zoe…“I was doing what God wanted me to do!”





or many of us, what we once thought were coincidences, we now recognize as God’s intervention.

On Sunday, February 27, there was a blood drive taking place in the gym. Lisa Bennett was among those who donated that morning. She went on to the 9:15 service in the sanctuary where she normally sits with her fiancé, Jeff Showalter, and other members of the Generations community, right in front of the sound booth. Midway through the 9:15 service, God began to set in motion a series of events we never could have anticipated. You might remember that day if you attended that service. The sound system quit working. Mark Bennett and Bill Shores moved to the grand piano to lead worship from there. Dick Read was preaching, and he encouraged everyone to move forward. Folks came down from the cascades and joined those moving forward. “While sitting in the pew, things began to fade and go dark,” said Lisa. “Prior to that day, I had never passed out, but I quickly realized that is what was happening.” Within a few minutes, Lisa slumped over on Jeff, making a noise loud enough that all those around her heard it. He could not keep her in an upright position and laid her down in the pew, thinking she had passed out due to donating blood. At that point, others realized it was a medical problem and immediately responded, including Mike and Traci Owen, a paramedic and ER-trained nurse, respectively. They were among those who had moved to the lower level, locating them in an area where they didn’t normally sit. After tending to Lisa for a few minutes, they determined she needed to go to the hospital. After arriving, Lisa had a third episode, and the doctors determined her heart was stopping. 10

“When the monitor showed that my heart was stopping, the cath lab team was paged, and I was prepared for a temporary pacemaker,” Lisa explained. “The following day, I received a permanent pacemaker. I’m active and otherwise healthy. What kept running through my head was that this was simply a reaction from donating blood. I was in denial all the way to the cath lab.” Although Jeff, Lisa, Mike and Traci are all volunteers at the Connection Corner, they were not acquainted with each other and normally do not sit near each other at services. Was this coincidence or was God at work that morning? After the crisis passed, Jeff mentioned he would like to meet Mike and Traci and thank them for their help that Sunday morning. A dinner was arranged to give them the opportunity to visit. It turned out to be an evening filled with laughter. “Meeting the people that helped me was beyond words,” expressed Lisa. “They are so much fun, and we laughed until our sides hurt. In talking with them, I remembered the sense of peace I felt among the chaos. “As I put the individual events of the morning together, it became clear how God orchestrated the day and placed people in my path to do His work. On a typical Sunday morning, we would have been sitting in different places within the sanctuary. On any other morning (except Sunday), I could have been home alone or driving to work. Instead, this happened at church was I was surrounded by people to help. “I knew I was in good hands, and I knew I wasn’t alone. I’m very thankful for Mike, Traci and everyone who responded that morning.”





elcome to RoadMap, your guide along the journey of Christian growth and education. We are pleased to offer a variety of biblically-based classes for adults of all ages. Register for RoadMap classes by calling the Registration Hotline at 918.392.1191 or register online for select courses by going to www. asburytulsa.org and click on RoadMap (under “Adults” in Quicklinks.). To insure that you will have materials by the first class session, register at least 2 weeks prior to class start date. After that, registrations will be accepted up to the start of the class, but no guarantees will be made concerning your materials. Childcare will be provided unless otherwise noted. There will be a special registration sign-up and book purchase opportunity on Sunday, August 21 in the Main Building West Foyer and Sunday, August 28 in the Venue 68 North Lobby before and after church and between services. This will be a chance for you to meet the instructors, ask questions, purchase and pick up your book(s).



Children may be dropped off 15 minutes before parent’s Roadmap class begins.

(NOTE: All of these listed below will NOT occur on October 19 for Fall Break)

Monday & Tuesday mornings 9:00 am–12:00 noon

Dinner in the CLC 5:00–6:00 pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings 6:00–9:00 pm NO CHILDCARE ON THESE DATES:

October 19–20 (Fall Break), November 23–24 (Thanksgiving), Week of December 26–30 (Christmas holiday)

ASBURY FAMILY DINNERS Wednesdays, September 7–November 16 (except October 19 for Fall Break) Community Life Center 5:00–6:00 pm

Children’s Choirs (4 year olds–6th grade) 6:00–6:50 pm Mission Minded Class (4th, 5th, 6th grade) 6:00–6:50 pm Children’s Programming WNL (Kindergarten–5th grade) 7:00–8:00 pm Preparing for Adolescence (6th Grade ) 7:00–8:00 pm Childcare (for children under 5 with parents in a Roadmap Class) 6:00–9:00 pm

Cost: Adults $5.00 | Children (2–12) $3.00 Max $20 per Family T IDI NGS , SEP T E M BER 2 011


BIBLICAL STUDIES GOSPEL OF JOHN: THAT YOU MAY KNOW JESUS IS LORD • 10 sessions • Tuesdays, September 6–November 8 • 6:30–8:30 pm • Room 2821 • Instructor: Gail Knox • Cost: $20 Apostle John refers to himself as “the disciple Jesus loves.” His intimate relationship with the Savior makes him our best source of getting to know Jesus up-closeand-personal. This easy-to-learn inductive study from Word Within International takes us right into the midst of our Lord’s inner circle where we will come to know Him as never before. For many, it’s a lifechanging study. Moderate lesson preparation involved. Workbook provided.

SCRIPTURE MEMORY • 6 sessions • Thursdays, September 8–October 13 • 6:00–7:00 pm • Room 1621 • Instructor: Eldon Trimble & Emsy Clark • Cost: $10 The Bible commands us to put God’s Word into our hearts. Come join us in this 6 week course that will teach, encourage, support, and promote the memorization of God’s Holy Word. Together we will learn what the Bible says about memorization as we discuss learning styles, memory theories, and application opportunities in the Word of God. DISCERNING THE VOICE OF GOD BY PRISCILLA SHIRER • 7 sessions • Tuesdays, September 13–October 25 • 9:30–11:00 am • Room 2818 • Instructor: Cindy Read • Cost: $15


Having a hard time knowing what God is saying versus what others are saying? This Bible study is designed to help participants know the voice of God: His language, character, and tone of voice. By growing closer to God through His Word, participants will be able to discern God’s voice from the voice of strangers. THE TRUTH PROJECT • 13 sessions • Wednesdays, September 7–November 30 • 3:00–5:00 pm • Room 1335 • Instructor: Dewey Sherbon • Cost: None • No childcare In a recent study, the Barna Research Group revealed the stunning statistic that only 9 percent of professing Christians have a biblical worldview. To counter this slide within the body of Christ, Focus on the Family launched The Truth Project, “one of the most ambitious and powerful projects in the history of our ministry.” The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum comprised of 13 one-hour lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life.

BETH MOORE BIBLE STUDIES FAITHFUL, ABUNDANT, TRUE • 7 sessions • Tuesdays, September 6–October 25 (will not meet October 18) • 6:30–8:30 pm • Room 2820 • Instructor: Dee Dee Geddie • Cost: $15 Join Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, and Priscilla Shirer in a women’s Bible study recorded live at the Orlando Deeper Still conference. While these three women each speak on the distinctive topic the Holy Spirit had lead them to teach, the messages result in a marvelous blend. Kay challenges us to faithfulness in difficult days. Priscilla points to the essential of trust in God’s ability, and Beth teaches on how to discern truth from error in these difficult days.


PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT A DIVIDED HEART, A DIVIDED NATION (I Kings 1:1–15:8, II Chronicles 1–13) • 2 time choices • 9 sessions • Tuesdays, September 6–November 8 (Will not meet October 18) • Cost: $20 • Morning class: –– 9:30–11:30 am –– Room 2821 –– Instructor: Nancy Baxter • Evening class: –– 6:30–8:30 pm –– Room 1504 –– Instructor: Dee Paige What happens when your heart is divided? Learn what God does when His people trust their own judgement and disobey Him in this study of Solomon, Rehoboam, Jeroboam, and Abijam. LAMENTATIONS–HOPE AND HEALING IN THE AFTERMATH OF REBELLION AGAINST GOD • 4 sessions • Tuesdays, September 6–27 • 9:30–11:30 am • Room 2820 • Instructor: Nancy Staab • Cost: $8 How do people survive when they have no hope? Where do they turn when there’s nothing but misery all around them? In whom do you put your trust and hope? Lamentations shows us our only hope is in God, whose compassion never fails. NEHEMIAH: REBUILDING, REVIVAL, AND RESTORATION OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD • 5 sessions • Tuesdays, October 4–November 1 • 9:30–11:30 am • Room 2820 • Instructor: Nancy Staab • Cost: $15

How do you respond when the enemy tries to interfere with God’s clear direction? The enemies of God sought to frighten Nehemiah as he proceeded to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah shows us leadership and obedience in the face of opposition, as well as God’s miraculous blessing and provision.

DOCTRINE AND THEOLOGY SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES: THE APPLAUSE OF A GRATEFUL HEART • 8 sessions • Wednesdays, September 7–November 2 (will not meet October 19) • 6:00–8:00 pm • Room 2818 • Instructor: Brad Tuggle • Cost: $15 Spiritual Disciplines are practices that we purposely cultivate to move us nearer to God. Things like serving, praying, simplifying our lives, reading the Bible–it’s not about earning his favor, or performing so he’ll love us more. It’s about saying “thank you.” Each week we’ll hear what the Bible has to say and then work together in small groups to build a disciple’s habits. Join us as we become more intentional about our faith.

CHRISTIAN LIVING FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY • 2 Time Choices • 13 weeks • Room 2820 • 6:00–8:00 pm • Cost: $100 for kit (one kit needed per couple) • Thursdays, August 18–November 17

(will not meet October 20) –– Facilitator: Joe Spence


Sundays, August 21–November 20 –– Facilitator: Ron Carter

No childcare available for Sunday class This program is not a quick fix for financial worries. It is a 13 week program which requires real commitment.



By teaching you money management basics, FPU can give you hope and provide a solid plan to walk you from the financial bondage of debt into true Financial Peace. Attend one of four free orientations from 6:00–7:00 p.m. in room 2820 on either Thursday nights August 4 or 11, or Sunday nights August 7 or 14 for an overview of FPU course material and to decide if you are ready to change your family tree.

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY DYNAMIC MARRIAGE • 9 sessions • Tuesdays, September 6–November 1 • 6:30–9:00 pm • Room 2201 • Facilitators: Ron & Hope Schwabe • Cost: $130/couple (many materials included, scholarships available) $50 deposit holds your spot Give us 9 weeks…we’ll give you a dynamic marriage! This is an interactive class that will help you replace old habits with new ones in a unique, safe environment. Go from good to great, mediocre to magnificent or hurt to healed. To register, contact Jackie or Ron at 918.251.6665 or asburydynamicmarriage@windstream.net. Limited to first 12 paid couples. SYNERGIZE YOUR MARRIAGE GETAWAY • 1 weekend • Friday & Saturday, October 7–8 • 1:00 pm Friday–6:30 pm Saturday • Holliman Lodge/Camp Egan, Tahlequah • Facilitators: Ron & Jackie Carter • Cost: $120/couple Childcare not provided Come explore what God may have in store for you as a couple. The weekend provides a fun-filled opportunity to learn, grow and seek a greater understanding of one another. We’ll identify who we are in Christ and learn how we can work more effectively as a team. Registration required: Contact Jackie or Ron at 918.251.6665 or asburydynamicmarriage@windstream.net. Limited to first 14 paid couples


DEVELOPING CAPABLE YOUNG PEOPLE • 6 sessions • Wednesdays, September 7–October 12 • 6:00–8:00 pm • Room 1504 • Facilitator: Betty Higgins • Cost: $15 Tired of defiant attitudes and power struggles with your little kids? Want to learn ways to handle the frustrations of parenting, to have peace in your home? With wit and wisdom, Betty Higgins will lead a series based on a class that changed her life called Developing Capable Young People, as well as looking at WWJDAAP–What Would Jesus Do As A Parent. This class is guaranteed to be interactive, fun and engaging. If you desire to be in healthy relationship with your child and they are between birth and 14 years old, this course is for you. RAISING A MODERN-DAY KNIGHT • 7 sessions • Wednesdays, September 7–October 26 (will not meet October 19) • 6:00–8:00 pm • Room 2500 • Facilitator: Mike Lee • Cost: $17 What does it mean to be a man? Moreover, how does a father instill these qualities in his son? Using as an example the process by which a boy moved through the medieval stages of knighthood, Robert Lewis identifies parallel stages for today’s fathers to create ceremonies to commemorate significant milestones in a young man’s journey toward becoming a modern-day knight. Additionally, each attendee will receive a plan that includes discussion points for the different stages of a son’s journey to manhood.

CARE GRIEFSHARE • 13 sessions • Wednesdays, September 7–November 30 • 1:30–3:00 pm • Room 2314


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Facilitators: Ann Peterson, Carolyn Moore & Claudia Kleeman Cost: $13

GriefShare is a special weekly video series and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It’s a safe place to be around people who understand what you are feeling. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future. Group sessions are offered three times per year. You may begin attending this group at any time...each video session is “self-contained.”

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Thursdays, October 27–November 17 7:00–8:30 pm Room 2504 Facilitator: Maribeth Blunt, MHR, LPC Cost: None

Recent discoveries in neuroscience confirm what God has been telling us all along about dealing with the sad and anxious things in life. Come hear Maribeth Blunt, Licensed Psychotherapist, share some simple tools to change your life for the better. SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS • 1 session • Saturday, November 5 • 10:00 am–12:00 noon • Parlor • Facilitator: Janie Hedrick • Cost: None

FEARLESS BY MAX LUCADO • 6 sessions • Tuesdays, September 6–October 18 (will not meet September 27) • 6:30–8:00 pm • Room 2314 • Facilitator: Adrena Mahu • Cost: $20 Can you imagine your life without fear? We will study Fearless by Max Lucado, a DVD-driven study that offers hope and calm in a time of fear in our nation and in our world. IDENTIFYING YOUR GOD-GIVEN FEELINGS • 1 session • Thursday, September 15 • 7:00–9:00 pm • Room 1502 • Instructor: Carol Anne McNamara, Plumbline Ministries • Cost: None God has created us with a wide range of feelings. Stephen Ministry invites you to a session with Carol Anne McNamara, Plumbline Ministries. Participants will learn processes to manage mad, bad, sad, glad, and numb feelings and to develop godly responses to emotions. No cost & no registration necessary. CHANGE YOUR BRAIN, CHANGE YOUR LIFE • Good News about Dealing with Anxiety and Depression • 4 sessions

Experiencing grief and loss can be especially painful during the holidays, so let’s spend some “sharing” time together. We will have materials for you to take home to discuss ideas with family members and others about ways to spend the holidays during those particularly challenging times following a loss. There will be special programming for the children provided at the same time.

COME ANYTIME These studies may continue beyond the semester and may be joined at any time. MOTHERS’ FELLOWSHIP • Tuesdays 9:45–11:30 am • September 6–December 6 • Parlor • Instructor: Katie Ruley Join this group of devoted moms who set aside every Tuesday morning to nurture their souls through fellowship, study of God’s Word, discussion and prayer. Childcare provided. WOMEN OF THE WORD • Wednesdays 10:00–11:00 am • Ongoing, year-round • Room 2319



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Instructor: Darlene Johnson, Pastor No childcare

Open Bible study focusing on the practical application of the Scripture sermon series. BREATHE ~ FOR WOMEN OF ALL AGES AND STAGES • Wednesdays 6:00–8:00 pm • September 7 – November 16 (WILL meet on October 19–Fall Break) • Room 1502 This semester will be spent on an 11-week Beth Moore DVD series called Here and Now…There and Then, A Lecture Series on the Revelation. Each week we will watch a video lecture by Beth Moore and follow-up with a discussion period. A listening guide will be included in the $10 fee for the class. BELIEVERS BIBLE STUDY • Wednesdays 6:00–7:30 pm • Year-round, begins again September 7 after a break in August • Room: 1508 • Instructor: Don Herrold Study of Select Imperatives of the New Testament: Meanings, Objectives, & Applications

For more information contact Marsha Baker at mbaker@ asburytulsa.org or Betty Higgins at bhiggins@asburytulsa. org. Topics schedule for fall classes: September 25 – Bad teachers/Bad schools October 23 – The Stressed Teenagers November & December – TBA

NEW MEMBERS ASBURY EXPLORATION CLASS • 1 Session–Choose a Sunday: October 2, November 6, December 4 • 12:15 – 2:15 pm (after church) • Lunch provided • Community Life Center • Presenters: Pastors and staff • Childcare by reservation (ages: 6 weeks–6th grade) Asbury Exploration is a time to meet the Asbury pastors. It is a time of food, fellowship, and presentations. A brief history of Methodism is presented, as well as a short history of Asbury United Methodist Church and a review of where we are headed. Much of what Asbury has to offer and what is expected of members is discussed, and the process of how to join Asbury. Written information on all the above topics is provided to each family. Please call for reservations at 918.392.1191. If you have questions about membership with Asbury, please call Don Hubbs at 918.492.1771 x1104.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY • Wednesday evenings 6:00 – 8:00 pm This semester, our Men’s Bible Study will be participating in the Spiritual Disciplines class taught by Brad Tuggle. (See listing under Doctrine and Theology.) PARENTING TEENS CLASSES • Offered in Venue 68 • 4th Sunday of every month • Choose from 2 time slots: 9:15 am–10:30 am or 11:00 am–12:15 pm • Blue classroom (upstairs) in the Venue • Instructors: Maribeth Blunt, a licensed professional counselor, and Betty Higgins, a parenting volunteer, and other experts. No advance registration is required. All are welcome!



by Pastor Charlie Ryser


ince Genesis (chapters 3, 4, and following), humanity has been wrestling with the issue of self help. Now that we’re more sophisticated in our technologies, ideas on how to help ourselves are rapidly disseminated with little or no reflection as to long-term consequences. Many people hop from fad to fad, book to book, with little reflection or time to even determine if their most recent self-help efforts really “worked” or were consistent with their core beliefs. Since Adam and Eve, men and women have recognized that somehow they have been wounded by their own actions or someone else’s actions and have sought to cover or heal their wounds in multiple ways—some thoughtful, some humorous, and others with quite tragic results.

Quick-thinking Adam and Eve humorously sought to cover “their sin” before God with fig leaves, which could have lead to a terrible itching rash, while their son’s quick-thinking response to his shame/guilt led to murdering his brother, Abel. According to the author of Genesis, they were determined to help themselves rather than let God help them acknowledge their pain and work through that pain to a healthy resolution. That led to all the subsequent manifestations of pain and separation from God, ourselves, our family, and neighbors that we continue to experience today in our own relationships.

“God still desires to be fully engaged in our healing and redemption.”

The author of Genesis sincerely believed there was nothing new under the sun when it came to the root of sin and its various symptoms. These are the same symptoms that we seek to understand and resolve through all the self-help books we find online, see at the grocery store checkout, and hear hawked by celebrities and lesser-known personalities over various media. On the positive side, God hasn’t changed! God still desires to be fully engaged in our healing and redemption, which we can’t do for ourselves.

Like most ministers, I am an avid reader. I need all the help, insight, and inspiration I can get, so I am not against the self-help industry, but I do wish people would develop a “discriminating taste” for what they read and for what they put into their hearts and minds. For me, that means continually inviting the Holy Spirit into the equation of my reasoning and direction for my spiritual life and relationships. Just as in the case of Cain, we serve a loving and T IDI NGS , SEP T E M BER 2 011


gracious God who wants to come to us, to sit and actively listen to us, to hear our pain and regrets and reason with us, to give us clarity concerning the source of our wounds, and to graciously guide us in how to respond to them in a healthy fashion…if we so choose (Genesis 4). That also includes sending us wise counsel through various authors, speakers, professionals, and occasional prophets. The context in which God wants us to deal with the wounds of sin, regrets, guilt, or shame leads away from thinking that I have to do it all alone or privately and in my own strengths (that’s why they call it “selfhelp”), toward one of confession and healing within the sanctuary/safety of a community of believers where confidentiality is strictly adhered to. Originally, God intended this safe place for healing and recovery and restoration to be within the family unit, with God as the head of the family. That was pretty much shattered by Adam and Eve. God responded to this shattering by providing a new definition of family, which Jesus models and offers to us that leads with grace, forgiveness, mercy, reconciliation, worship, and communion. Within Asbury there are cells where this new family can be found, modeled, tasted, and experienced by you. Some have found Celebrate Recovery and small group Bible studies a place to test the waters of a new family relationship. Joy in full communion with the Holy Trinity, our family, and our friends, is God’s ultimate goal for our lives. As revealed in Revelation 20 and 21, our mission is to be healers and reconcilers of our family and the nations, but that means we need to experience redemption and healing in our own lives, and self-help books can’t get us all the way there alone. But when we let the Holy Spirit guide us in our selection of materials to study, pray over, and reflect upon, and into new relationships along the way as we follow the paths of reconciliation the Lord guides us in, the understanding and healing we hunger for will ultimately come, if not in this life, then in the life to come.

“Joy in full communion with the Holy Trinity, our family, and our friends is God’s ultimate goal for our lives.”

Read and discuss with your spouse, in your community, or in your Bible study group some of the following books: True Faced: Trust God and Others with Who You Really Are by Bill Thrall; He Loves Me! by Wayne Jacobsen; God Was Here and I Was Out to Lunch by James Moore; or Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning. Rediscover afresh God’s intimacy and deep desire to heal, redeem, and restore your life.





ike other working moms and dads, part of the Asbury staff needs childcare for the summer. Eryn Wallis, Asbury’s Nursery Childcare Supervisor, accepted the job of fulfilling this need. In addition to planning curriculum, Eryn asked senior adults to be pen pals and exchange weekly letters with the children.


My pen pals were Brendan Perkins, going into sixth grade, and Ethan Craig, who will be in kindergarten. Ethan shared through his drawings. Brendan wrote real letters. When Brendan asked what I did in the summer when I was his age, I sent him a Grandpa John story published in the Tidings in 1997 titled “The Iceman Delivers.” I’ll insert some paragraphs from that story.

In June the pen pals were invited to watch a talent show. In July we toured the second floor gathering area to view several kinds of artwork each student had created. While looking at art, I visited with Brendan and his mother Gayle, who is an Early Childhood Team Associate at Asbury. The next day Gayle sent me the email that follows:

“One of my favorite summer activities as a boy during the Great Depression of the 1930s was to sit on the wooden steps of the front porch in the morning to watch for the iceman. When it was my turn, and after Mother told me how much ice we needed, I would put the square cardboard sign in the front window. I could select the number 12, 25, 50, or 100 to place at the top to tell the iceman how many pounds of ice to deliver.

“I read Brendan your story ‘The Iceman Delivers’ as he was having his afternoon snack today. He could have read it on his own but since he just finished reading his 700-page book today I thought he might like to hear the story as I read it. Besides, I enjoyed reading it so much that I wanted to see his reaction as I told him the story. After I read, “Eating ice was the highlight of our day,” he said, “THAT was the highlight?” I reminded him that back then people didn’t have icemakers so it was a real treat.

“The back of the iceman’s truck was filled with 100-pound blocks of ice. These were scored so that the iceman could chop on the line with his ice pick to split the block into 50, 25, or 12 pound pieces. Often, as he chipped on the ice block, a handsized chunk would fall onto the bed of the truck. With his ice tongs, he lifted fifty pounds of ice onto his shoulder and back across a piece of leather for delivery directly into our icebox. “As the iceman walked around the house to the screened-in, back porch, my barefoot friends and I scrambled into the back of the truck looking for scrap chunks of ice. After finding one, we would circle around our treasure while seated on the sidewalk to break up the ice into mouth-size pieces. Eating ice was the highlight of our day. “Mother fixed supper. Daddy washed the dishes, and two children dried them. After the kitchen was cleaned, the family gathered on the south porch that extended completely across the front of the house. Daddy and Mother sat on two wooden rocking chairs. I would sit on the narrow wooden banister. It was hard on my skinny bottom, but I didn’t want to miss my daddy’s boyhood stories. Occasionally, a neighbor stopped out front to talk about how President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was going to end the depression, and everyone would have a job. “As darkness enveloped all the outdoors, tiny, blinking, fluorescent yellow lights appeared under the sycamore trees. On some nights I chased lightning bugs and captured a few in a glass jar with air holes in the lid to use as a night light in the bedroom.”

“My mom and dad grew up in the 1930’s just like you did, so they like to collect antiques from their childhood. When I read about the cardboard ice sign, Alex, our 15-year-old, said he had seen one of those at grandma and grandpa’s house along with a set of ice tongs. My mother also has a collection of old milk bottles that she displays in her kitchen on a shelf. I know that she must have the same fond memories of the iceman. “I reminded Brendan that back in the 1930’s people didn’t have television so they entertained each other by telling stories and playing board games, just like we do at our yearly family campout. My husband’s grandmother (the mother of 12 children) started the annual camping trip over 50 years ago! Camping is a favorite tradition of our boys (and my husband who is a boy at heart). I think it is so enjoyable for the children because there are no electronics, just the great outdoors and their active imaginations to keep them occupied.” When Eryn began her summer program, she hoped that I would come to understand Brendan’s boyhood and he would understand mine. We made good progress with his mother’s explanation of how my “highlight of a summer day” differed from Brendan’s. Other Grandpa John stories at www.jwestervelt.com.



ASBURY OPPORTUNITIES Prayer Journals are also available for $5 each. UMW Cookbooks available for $20.


Served from 7:00–9:00 am in the CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donuts, bagels, biscuits and gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $3 for adults and $1 for children 12 and under. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP

8:00 am 9:15 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 11:00 am

Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) Sanctuary (Contemporary) CLC (Open House Worship) (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting) Sanctuary (Traditional) Venue 68 (Modern with sign interpreter)


The Boy Scouts at Asbury are pleased to invite you to participate in collecting and recycling aluminum cans. Please bring your aluminum cans (in plastic garbage bags) to the church and deposit them at the collection center, which is conveniently located on the short driveway on the East side of the church building. RECYCLING PAPER

Recycle unwanted paper products. Three bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots. DOORS OF ASBURY POSTERS


Available at the Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing.



6:00 pm

Venue 68 (Modern)

6 Weeks–4 Years K-6th Grades 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 10th, 11th & 12th Grades

8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am 9:15 or 11:00 am 9:15 and 11:00 am 9:15 am only


Adult Bible study, belonging, and serving together – Sunday at 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am, and options during the week–Tuesdays at 6:00 pm, Wednesdays at 6:00 and 7:30 pm. SURGERY OR HOSPITALIZATION SCHEDULED?

Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Joan at 918.392.1176 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 918.492.1771, selecting option 6, and leaving a message for the pastor on call. THE GAZEBO IS OPEN

CDs of Tom’s message of the day are available immediately following the worship service - $3. 20

The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library. TOASTMASTERS

Toastmasters is a learn-by-doing workshop in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a friendly atmosphere. Members learn communication skills by performing a series of 10 selfpaced speaking assignments designed to instill a basic foundation in public speaking. Members also learn leadership skills by taking on various meeting roles. Every Monday that the church is open, 11:45 am–12:45 pm, room 2820


Sundays, 6:00–7:00 pm, Family Room FRIENDS IN CHRIST COMMUNITY

Sundays, 11:00 am, room 1507



BIBLE STUDY Accept Pastor Tom’s challenge to get actively involved in digging deeper into God’s Word – there is something for everyone! RoadMap registration can be done via the Registration Hotline 918.392.1191 or online at http:// www.asburytulsa.org/AdultMinistries/Roadmap. aspx. Child care is provided unless otherwise noted. SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES: THE APPLAUSE OF A GRATEFUL HEART

Spiritual Disciplines are practices that we purposely cultivate to move us nearer to God. Things like serving, praying, simplifying our lives, reading the Bible – it’s not about earning His favor or performing so He’ll love us more. It’s about saying “thank you.” Each week Brad Tuggle will share what the Bible has to say, and then we will work together in small groups to build a disciple’s habits. Join us as we become more intentional about our faith. Class will meet on Wednesday nights September 7–November 2, from 6:00–8:00 pm in room 2818. No cost, but optional book is $15. BELIEVERS BIBLE STUDY

Wednesdays 6:00–7:30 pm. Year-round. Room: 1508, Instructor: Don Herrold. Study on the Imperatives of the New Testament: Meanings, Objectives, & Applications. WOMEN OF THE WORD

Wednesdays 10:00–11:00 am ongoing, year-round in room 2319. No childcare. Join Darlene Johnson, Asbury’s Pastor to Women, lead in open Bible study focusing on the practical application of the Scripture sermon series.


Tuesdays, September 6–October 18, 6:30–8:00 pm, room 2314. Can you imagine your life without fear? We will study Fearless by Max Lucado, a DVD-driven study that offers hope and calm in a time of fear in our nation and in our world. Facilitator: Adrena Mahu. Cost: $20. Call 918.392.1191 to register.

Wednesdays, September 7–November 30, 1:30–3:00 pm, room 2314. GriefShare is a special weekly video series and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It’s a safe place to be around people who understand what you are feeling. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future. Group sessions are offered three times per year. You may begin attending this group at any time...each video session is “self-contained.” Facilitators: Ann Peterson, Carolyn Moore and Claudia Kleeman. Cost: $13 for workbook. Call 918.392.1191 to register. IDENTIFYING YOUR GOD-GIVEN FEELINGS

Thursday, September 15, 7:00–9:00 pm, room 1502. God has created us with a wide range of feelings. Stephen Ministry invites you to come hear Carol Anne McNamara, Plumbline Ministries, and learn to process and manage: mad, bad, sad, glad and numb. Develop godly responses to emotions. No cost and no registration necessary. CHANGE YOUR BRAIN, CHANGE YOUR LIFE. GOOD NEWS ABOUT DEALING WITH ANXIETY, DEPRESSION

Recent discoveries in neuroscience confirm what God has been telling us all along about dealing with the sad and anxious things in life! Come hear Maribeth Blunt, Licensed Psychotherapist, share some simple tools to change your life for the better. Thursdays, October 27-November 17, 7:00–8:30 pm, room 2504. Call 918.392.1191 to register. No cost. S.M.I.L.E. (SINGLE MOTHERS IN THE LORD’S EMBRACE)

Third Thursdays, 6:00–8:45 pm, Parlor. Join us for a DVD series and book entitled “21 Principles of a Healthy Single Mom.” You will learn to apply specific, workable guidelines so you can flourish spiritually in the midst of overwhelming circumstances. Each principle/video session is self-contained and you may begin attending at any time. $12 for book. Free childcare. RSVP to Kellie at asburysmile@ymail.com.




An Asbury ministry created to provide hats to cancer patients who have lost their hair. Home spun with knots of love, woven together with help from above! Simply knit, crochet or sew a hat of your choice and drop it in the collection box located next to the Gazebo. Find more information in the literature rack attached to the collection box. Contact Sue at 918.455.2816 or HealingHatsMin@aol.com for more information. VISITS TO ASBURY MEMBERS

Asbury has a group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are homebound, in nursing homes or in assisted living facilities. If you are interested in being visited or doing visits, call Adrena at 918.392.1144, or contact the coordinator, Linda Pat Colgan at 918.366.3287 or jsclpc@yahoo.com. PRAYER CARD MINISTRY

Usually meets first and third Mondays at 9:30 am in room 1508 to send cards with God’s encouraging words and our prayers to those who are ill or going through hard times. Cards and care packages are also sent to Asbury-related military personnel. Contact Gwen Mohler at 918.258.5479 or grmohler@aol.com. CARD DESIGNERS NEEDED FOR PRAYER CARD MINISTRY

Volunteers are needed to design encouragement cards. Cards can be designed at home and drawn by hand or on the computer. Contact Gwen Mohler at 918.258.5479 or grmohler@aol.com for more information. MILITARY CONNECTION

Please join us in praying for our troops in harm’s way and their families. Periodic care packages and monthly encouragement cards with God’s Word are sent to Asbury-related military personnel. The Prayer Ministry also covers them in prayer. Please call Jo VanDeWiele at 918.459.0888 with complete name and address or send to Gwen at grmohler@aol.com. ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP

Third Thursday, from 1:30–3:00 pm in room 1621. Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s or other 22

dementia. Contact Mary Margaret Grisaffe at 918.369.1905 or mgrisaffe@earthlink.net. SURVIVORS!

Second Sunday of each month, 4:00–5:30 pm, Parlor. Reaching out to one another with God’s eternal perspective through the storms of life. For those living with life-changing physical illness. Friends and family too. Contact Rod at 918.740.4393. DIVORCE RECOVERY

Tuesdays, 7:00- 8:30 pm, room 1335–For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare available. Contact Malia Miller at 918.494.9596 or malia. miller@sbcglobal.net. DIVORCE REBUILDING

Thursdays, 7:00–8:30 pm, room 1335 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Childcare available. Contact Jim Small at 918.697.4220 or divorce-rebuilding@cox.net. MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES

For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. 4th Thursdays from 1:30–3:00 pm in room 1507. Contact Linda Lytle at 918.298.2707 or lllytle@wildflower.net. ASBURY BEAR BAGS

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury bear to someone who is grieving. Contact Sue at suemorey@yahoo.com.


Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. CORE CHILDCARE HOURS

Parents who are involved in RoadMap classes during these core hours will have childcare provided for children 6 weeks–12 years of age with no reservations needed:


Sun Mon and Tue Tue, Wed, and Thur

8:00 am–12:00 pm 9:00 am–12:00 pm 6:00 pm–9:00 pm


Children’s Ministry is actively pursuing classroom, security and hospitality volunteers. We have two rotations: Alpha (1st and 2nd Sunday) and Omega (3rd and 4th Sunday) at both the 9:15 and 11:00 class times. Please contact Joanna Edwards at 918.392.1166 or jedwards@asburytulsa.org to volunteer. CELEBRATION STATION

Mondays, 7:00–9:00 pm, Faith Zone. Celebration Station is a 52-week complementary children’s program to Celebrate Recovery. So while adults explore topics that bring healing and wholeness, kids discover the same truths in age-appropriate ways through worship, crafts, games and activities! Contact Eryn Wallis 918.392.4588 for details. SPECIAL VOLUNTEERS FOR SPECIAL KIDS!

Do you have a heart to help children with special needs? If so, the Children’s Ministry needs you to volunteer. Contact Dotti Westerberg at dottiwesterberg@hotmail.com or 918.381.0874. WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE

Join us on Wednesday nights for worship in the Chapel—kid style. We will combine music, high energy, verse memory and a Bible lesson in a setting that encourages kids to learn about worship. You may pick up a registration form in the Children’s Ministry area. For more information contact the age-appropriate staff member: Kindergarten, Stephen L. at 918.392.1171; 1st and 2nd grade, Shanon at 918.392.1170; 3rd-5th grade, Jennifer at 918.392.4582. MISSION MINDED CLASS

Wednesdays, September 7th through November 16, with no meeting on Fall Break (October 19th) 6:00– 6:50 pm. 4th–6th Grade, 6th grade room (2901). Join us as we explore missions’ opportunities in the Tulsa community. We will hear from different agencies one week and then help by creating something to meet their needs the next. If you’ve ever been interested in “what missions really are”, this is a good place to

start. There is a $10 fee to cover the cost of supplies for our mission projects. For more information, you may contact Joanna at 918.392.1166 or jedwards@ asburytulsa.org. PREPARING FOR ADOLESCENCE

Wednesdays, September 7–November 16, not meeting during Fall Break (Oct 19th) 7:00–8:00 pm. 6th graders in the 6th grade room (2901). Parental permission required “Preparing for Adolescence” is a course designed especially for our sixth graders. We will discuss the topics of inferiority, conformity, puberty, romantic love and identity from a biblical perspective. Our reference book is Preparing for Adolescence, by Dr. James Dobson. Each week kids will have class discussion and two nights of discussion at home with parents. The cost is $15 per student. Please call Shelley Hughes at 918.392.1172 or shughes@asburytulsa.org for more information. MURDOCK VILLA

Sunday, September 18, 12:30–3:00 pm. Our 4th through 6th graders have the opportunity to serve at an assisted living housing project – Murdock Villa. The cost includes a pizza lunch. Sign up is required since space is limited to the first 10 students. If you have any additional questions, please contact Shelley Hughes at 918.392.1172 or shughes@asburytulsa.org. THIRD GRADE BIBLE PRESENTATION

Sunday, September 25, all services. On this very special Sunday, all children entering the 3rd grade will receive their own copy of the Word of God! This annual event is a great stepping stone of immense significance. The presentation will take place during all worship services. The third graders and their parents will come forward and line the altar rail for the Bible presentations. You are then invited to attend a reception in their honor in the café on the north side outside the family room at either at 10:30 or 12:00. More information will be sent to third grade families as the date draws nearer. Call Shanon at 918.392.1170 or sbrown@asburytulsa.org for more information.




Come beat the heat as we head to the Ice Skating Rink to kick off our Odd Sundays. Meet in the 6th grade room after church for pizza, and then we will travel to the Oilers Ice Rink at 64th and Mingo. Parents will pick up at the rink at 3:00 pm. Cost is $10 per person. Contact Kim B at 918.392.1165 or kbroadhurst@asburytulsa.org if you have questions. BIBLE EXPLORERS

In this class you will learn how the Bible is written, discover how it is organized and see how to use it. It is designed for the 3rd grader and an adult (parent). We will meet in room 2818 from 3:30–5:00 pm for three Sunday afternoons, beginning September 25. You may come whether or not you received a Bible September 25. For more information contact Shanon at 918.392.1170 or sbrown@asburytulsa.org. 2.3 BANANA PAJAMA PARTY

Friday, October 14, 5:00–9:00 pm. The 2nd & 3rd graders have gone bananas. We will start our evening on the 2nd floor of Children’s Ministry with dinner in our pajamas. Then we will have games, crafts and a video for some serious monkey business. Register by October 5th to help us plan. The cost is $12. For questions or more information contact Stephanie L. at 918.392.1171 or slong@asburytulsa.org. UPWARD BASKETBALL AND CHEER

Upward basketball and cheer promotes character and self esteem in every child by providing equal playing time, one-hour practice and game each week with devotions, an evaluation process to provide equal opportunity for improvement, and separate leagues for boys and girls. All participants must attend one evaluation on October 27, 28, or 29. Practices will be one night a week (Monday, Tuesday or Thursday) with games on Friday or Saturday. Practices begin December 5 and games begin January 6. The season will finish with an awards program on February 26. Parents are needed as coaches and referees. Registration and volunteer forms will be available in Children’s Ministry and online. Cost for basketball is $75 if you register on or before October 17. Any forms received or postmarked after that date will be charged $95 and placed if there is still room on a team. The cost 24

for cheerleading is $65 with an option $15 for a mock turtleneck. For more information, contact Kim at kbroadhurst@asburytulsa.org or 918.392.1165. Registration begins September 1.


If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship Community check out “Get Involved” on our website, www.asburytulsa.org, or pick up a brochure at one of our Welcome Centers. Looking for a home-based small group? Email jodom@asburytulsa.org for information.

ENDOWMENTS Leave a legacy that continues to give forever to a ministry you want to support. There are endowments that support many areas of Asbury’s outreach including children, youth, music, missions, and training of pastors as well as a general endowment. You can easily impact a ministry through your will or a current gift. Contact Dwight Yoder at 918.392.1113 or dyoder@asburytulsa.org.

HOSPITALITY It’s the art of welcoming and treasuring people. It is extending the grace and welcome of God to all people. While we all should be extending this welcome and grace, there are specific positions within Asbury where we need volunteers willing to commit to serving once or twice a month. These positions include shuttle drivers, Gazebo cashiers, Connection Corner consultants, greeters and ushers. To volunteer, call Joan at 918.392.1176


Nine Tuesdays, September 6–November 1, 6:30–9:00 pm, Room 2201. Give us nine weeks…we’ll give you a dynamic marriage! This is an interactive class


that will help you replace old habits with new ones in a unique, safe environment. Go from good to great, mediocre to magnificent or hurt to healed. To register, contact Jackie or Ron at 918.251.6665 or asburydynamicmarriage@windstream.net. Limited to first 12 paid couples. Cost $130/couple (many materials included, scholarships available) $50 deposit holds your spot.

a member of Asbury. Sunday, October 2, from 12:15– 2:00 pm in Community Life Center. Lunch provided and childcare is available for children six weeks through 6th grade. Call 918.392.1191 to register.


Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 am in the CLC. Attention men of Asbury. Make plans to join us for a great time of meaningful worship, life-changing prayer and an awesome big breakfast, all for just $3 per person. First-time guests are free.

Friday & Saturday, October 7- 8 (1:00 pm Friday to 6:30 pm Saturday), Holliman Lodge/Camp Egan, Tahlequah OK (90 minute drive). Come explore what God may have in store for you as a couple. The weekend provides a fun-filled opportunity to learn, grow and seek a greater understanding of one another. We’ll identify who we are in Christ and learn how we can work more effectively as a team. Registration required: Contact Jackie or Ron at 918.251.6665 or asburydynamicmarriage@ windstream.net. Limited to first 14 paid couples. Cost: $120/couple. 10 GREAT DATES WITH YOUR MATE

2nd Thursdays through November 10, 6:15–7:00 pm, room 1502. Gather to hear a variety of topics led by various speakers (30 minutes), and then have dinner out. New topics/speakers! Reserve childcare by contacting Eryn at ewallis@asburytulsa.org or 918.392.4588. ATTENTION ENGAGED COUPLES

If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-to-Couple (required premarital meetings). MILESTONE WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES

Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at brucars2@cox.net or call her at 918.451.1559.


Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming



Are you a “Retired Old Man” who wants to “Eat Out?” If so, then these luncheons are for you! A really awesome bunch of guys are meeting every 2nd and 4th Friday at 11:15 am, for good food and great fellowship. The luncheons take place at Village Inn (71st and Memorial), and are open to anyone 60 years and up. For more information, contact Bud at bdmathes@cox.net or Jim at rober@cox.net. MEN’S STUDY, “RAISING A MODERN-DAY KNIGHT”

What does it mean to be a man, and how does a father instill these qualities in his son? Author Robert Lewis identifies parallel stages for today’s fathers to create ceremonies to commemorate significant milestones in a son’s journey toward becoming a modern-day knight. Each attendee of this video series will receive a plan that includes discussion points for the different stages of a son’s journey to manhood. Wednesdays, September 7–October 26 (except October 19), 6:00–8:00 pm. Cost is $17. CAR CARE WORKDAY

Saturday, September 10, 9:00 am–12:00 noon, outside Family Center entrance, northeast side. Car Care Saturday is an every-other-month workday provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through our Men’s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the café, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update owners on what’s running



smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith in to action through loving and serving those in need. If you would like to volunteer to help, contact Mike at mnalley16@cox.net. If you are in need of these services, just get your vehicle in line by 11:30! No reservations necessary! HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK DAYS

Saturday, October 15, meet in the Family Room Lobby at 8:30 am for planning. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. If you’d like to help, contact Michiel at 918.640.4382 or michiel0930@sbcglobal. net. If you are in need of help, just pick up a request form at the south welcome desk and return form at least ten days before the scheduled work day. A Home Improvement volunteer will contact you, and make arrangements to get the job(s) done!

We also need volunteers to provide and serve lunch each Saturday. This would be a lunch to feed approximately 30 people. The sign-ups for lunch can also be found on the Habitat Tulsa website. Contact Susan Beightol at sbeightol@cox.net or Radhika Mittapalli at rmittapalli@asburytulsa.org for questions. OJT (OVERCOMING JOB TRANSITIONS)


To commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11, we want to mobilize 1000 volunteers from Asbury to serve our community on Sunday, September 11, immediately following the 11 am service. We hope this project will bring about the same feelings of unity within our community as we previously experienced and empower each person with a way to make a difference. Even when we want to help, sometimes it’s hard to know when, how, or where to start; but with this project, all logistics will be taken care of—you need only a willing heart. Together we will transform a day of sorrow into a day of service. Please sign up online at asburytulsa.org. ASBURY-HABITAT FOR HUMANITY BUILD 2011

It is time for building the 14th Asbury Habitat House and we need you to make this possible. The project will be a “build and move” project which means that we will start the build on the Asbury property and then move it to its final destination in West Tulsa. 26

The build will take place on Saturday’s, starting on 9/10/11. We anticipate 5 weeks of building on the Asbury property, 2 weeks off for the moving of the house, and then 5 weeks of continued construction at the property in West Tulsa. Sign-up for the build will be electronically through the Habitat Tulsa website, www.habitat-tulsa.org. The first step requires registering with Habitat Tulsa and the second step allows you to sign-up for the build. There will be two working shifts each Saturday, a morning shift and an afternoon shift. If you wish to work the whole day, you will need to sign up for each shift separately. We are limiting the build to 20 volunteers each shift to make certain each volunteer has a job to accomplish.

Wonk, wonk. It sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher when you’re out of work. Asbury offers OJT to help those looking for work. Do you know someone who is looking? Is your company hiring? Do you know about resumes, interviewing, etc. and have a heart to serve? We want to hear from you! OJT meets the third Tuesday of each month, 6:30–9:00 pm, Family Room. Contact Russ Knight - OJTJobs@gmail.com. JOPLIN RELIEF

We continue to send day trip relief teams to Joplin, MO, on Tuesdays and/or Fridays. If you would like to be part of a team, please fill out the online form on the website at www.asburytulsa.org or you can fill out a downloadable form and drop off at the Asbury church office, Attention: Radhika Mittapalli.


September 29-October 8 Central Asia, Relationship, Teaching & Light Construction, $2,200


September 30-October 2 Light Construction, $60

Cookson Hills, OK,

October 15-22* MBS & Construction, $950

Monterrey, Mexico,

November 2-6 Medical, $900

Monterrey, Mexico,


September 17 or November 5 (Training dates are in Oklahoma City.) For more information about these exciting mission opportunities, contact Marilene Long at 918.392.1164 or mlong@asburytulsa.org. We also plan domestic teams in response to needs due to natural disasters.


Wednesdays, 7:00–9:00 pm, Choir room. Available for 7th grade youth through adults. NEW COVENANT ORCHESTRA

Wednesdays, 6:00–7:30 pm, Orchestra room


Tuesdays 1:30 to 3:00 pm, Choir room. Available for senior adults.


If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or immediately following a worship service, please come to the altar rail. A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs—physical, emotional or spiritual—at the altar or in the Prayer Room. PRAYER ROOM RESERVATIONS

The leadership of Asbury’s prayer ministry would like to remind you that the main facility Prayer Room is open not only to individuals desiring to pray in a quiet, meditative atmosphere but also to prayer groups within communities and ministries. Just call the Adult Ministries office at 918.392.4589 to reserve the Prayer Room for your group on a weekly or monthly basis. PRAYER ROOM DAYS & TIMES

Our prayer rooms are accessible to you at these times: Mason Chapel & Venue 68 Sundays from 7:00 am–12:30 pm through the interior doors.


Main Facility, Mason Chapel, & Venue 68 Monday–Friday 8:00 am–9:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am–3:00 pm Sunday 12:30 pm–9:00 pm


To obtain pass codes, call Pam in the Adult Ministries office at 918.392.4589.




Wednesdays, 5:30–6:00 pm, Orchestra room Thursdays, 10:30 -12:00 noon, Handbell room Tuesdays, 4:30–5:30 pm, Handbell room Sundays, 8:00 to 9:15 am, Orchestra room CHILDREN’S CHOIRS

Wednesdays, 6:00–6:50 pm. Available for children age 4 (by September 1, 2011) through 6th grade.


Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm; worship from 7:00–8:00 pm; small groups from 8:00–9:00 pm;



dessert from 9:00–9:30 pm. Hiding any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God never intended for you to live in bondage.

of fun adults and play cards, dominoes, or whatever board or card game you choose? Bring a friend and stay for as long as you like!.




Asbury has a unique group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are either homebound or in nursing homes. If you are interested in being visited, call Adrena at 918.392.1144, or contact the coordinator, Linda Pat Colgan, at 918.366.3287 or jsclpc@yahoo.com. SENIOR ADULT TRIP

Come with us on September 21 to view “Passages,” an exhibit of rare Biblical text and artifacts which explains how the Bible came to us, presently being displayed at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Each visitor will have his own audio set to hear the commentary, and narrators will be present in each room of the exhibit. Lunch will be enjoyed at Nonna’s in Bricktown, a continental restaurant providing a luxurious dining experience. A tour of the Governor’s Mansion is also scheduled, which includes historical antiques, exquisite artwork and beautiful gardens. Cost is $45 per person, and deadline is September 14 or until seats are filled.

Get your toes to tapping and start your hands to clapping! “The Saints of Swing” will perform for the Tweenagers Thursday, September 22. Bonnie Nuding will share with us in our “Getting to Know You” segment of our program. Everyone aged 55 and over is welcome to join us for our monthly Tweenagers meeting and luncheon from 10:30 am–1:00 pm in the CLC. Cost for lunch is $1.00. No advance reservations required. A donation to Teenagers’ missions and other expenses is appreciated. Come join us for fun and fellowship. SENIOR ADULT MEAL & MOVIE

Attention all senior adults of Asbury! If you’re 55 years of age or over, our monthly meal and movie day event may be just the “ticket” for you! We get together at a different Tulsa restaurant each month, and then head off to see a “first run” movie. The dates and times vary according to the movie selected, but those who express an interest will be contacted a few days ahead of time so they can make plans accordingly. For more information or to sign up for the call list, contact Sally Wood, sally-wood@sbcglobal.net.




Tuesdays, 7:00–8:30 pm, room 1335 - For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare available. Contact Malia Miller at malia.miller@sbcglobal.net.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30–9:00 am in the gym. All senior adults are invited to join us for power walking, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. Come give it a try. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00–9:30 am in the Gym. All senior adults are invited to join us for a time of stretching, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. No high impact workout here. We take it nice and easy. ADULT GAME DAY

Every third Thursday, 1:30–4:00 pm, in room 2821. Attention all adults! How would you like to get together on a regular basis with a wonderful bunch 28



Thursdays, 7:00–8:30 pm, room 1335 - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Childcare available. Contact Jim at divorcerebuilding@cox.net. COMMUNITIES

Sundays at 9:15 am – New Beginnings Class; Sundays at 11:00 am – Ambassadors for Christ, Footprints


(ladies only), SEGUE, Salt & Light. You are always welcome to join any other communities that are not “Singles Only”, as most are a mix of singles and marrieds.

Confirmation will start September 18 with a parent/ student meeting from 4:00–6:00 pm and then the first small group from 4:45–6:00 pm. If you need more information about Confirmation please call Marsha at 918.392.1157.




On Sunday mornings at 9:15 am, we meet in the BAM room (upstairs in the Venue) for a large total group experience of games, worship and teachings from God’s Word. If you like large groups and worship, be there. At 11:00 am, we meet in the green classroom as a smaller group and do a more in depth Bible study. 7TH-9TH SMALL GROUPS

Hey, don’t forget to sign up to be in a small group! Being a part of a small group is awesome. It’s a great place to grow your relationship with Jesus, have fun hanging out with guys/girls your own age. A small group is made up of same gender and the same grade plus two incredible adults that want to hang out with you. 7th-9th small groups all meet in the Student Ministries area this year. Yes, you can be in a 7th grade small group and not be a part of Confirmation! If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do that on Sunday mornings or just come to the church on Sunday nights: 7th grade, 4:45–6:00 pm; 8TH grades will be 6:15 -8 pm starting August 21(except Sept. 4, 11); 9th grade groups will meet at homes starting September 18th. 7TH GRADE CONFIRMATION

What is confirmation you ask? Confirmation is learning about God, Jesus, the church and where you fit in, what it means to be a Christian, plus a whole bunch of other stuff that will help you decide whether or not you want to become a member of the United Methodist Church. In other words this is how you become a member of Asbury. Confirmation is a parent/student-based experience where parent(s) and their student(s) are encouraged to seek and share— through adult led Sunday Night Small Groups for students and through parent led home discussions— the critical truths about His plan for their lives.

Sex is a hot topic in the world, and as our students are growing they’re faced with making choices about sexual integrity every day. Sure schools have sex education and there are the infamous sex talks from parents, but we also believe there is no better place to learn and talk about it then at church where they can get the truth and understand what God says about it. So the fall semester the 8th grade small groups will be working through the Every Young Women’s/Men’s Battle books. Mark (with the boys) and Marsha (with the girls) will teach a 30 minute session and then they will break up in their groups to discuss. Therefore, 8th grade small groups will be from 6:15–8:00 pm meeting in the children’s area. Parents please plan on attending the parent meeting September 18 6:15–8:00 pm to learn your role in this teaching and our other parent meetings October 16, November 6, and December 4 from 6:15–8:00 pm. There will be an awesome parent/student closing ceremony on December 11 from 6:30–7:30 pm. 7 8 9 GRADE BIBLE STUDY

Wednesday night Bible Study is the place to be from 6:30–8:00 pm on Wednesdays beginning September 14. Come to the Student Café and hang out, have fun and study what God’s words has for us. FALL RETREAT 7TH- 9TH GRADES REBELUTION

Fall Retreat is an awesome weekend focused on fun, worship, discipleship, and learning what it means to start a rebelution for God. Forms due August 28. Meet at Asbury 5:30 pm Friday, September 9, to depart for fall retreat at New Life Ranch. We should return Sunday about 1:00 pm. Call 918.392.1155 for exact time of return arrival. 10TH-12TH SUNDAY MORNINGS @ VENUE 68

On Sunday mornings we meet downstairs in the high school room at 9:15 am for an in-depth Bible Study and discussion. Hope to see you there!



10 11 12 BREAKAWAY

Every Wednesday night we come together for a time of connection and worship. Our desire is to explore who God really is and how our lives matter to Him. We get started around 7:00 pm and wrap up around 8:30 pm. Plan on hanging out afterwards for pizza. 10 11 12 SMALL GROUPS

Get connected. Are you looking for a way to get more connected? Are you looking for a place to grow in your walk with Jesus? Then being a part of a small group is where you need to be. If you are already in a small group, don’t forget to re-sign up for your group. Our small groups meet every Sunday night; times vary. Some of the groups meet in homes and others meet at the church. Call Todd at 918.392.1154 or Amy at 918.392.1156 to get more info. 7TH-12TH GRADE METRO WORSHIP @ VENUE 68

Come join youth from all over the city in a night to just worship Jesus. We meet the first Wednesday of every month from 7:00–8:30 pm at Venue68. LIFE HURTS…GOD HEALS, 7TH-12TH GRADES

Do you have problems with friends? Ever feel lonely? Ever question God why you have to go through hard things? Want to quit sinning but can’t? Life Hurts… God Heals is created specifically for teenagers who have experienced some type of struggle in their life. For most teenagers, life hurts, but the good news is God heals, and He has a lot to say about going through pain and hard times. That’s what we want to work through together in these 13 weeks. Groups start September 7 and will be 5:00 -7:00 pm every Wednesday night. Contact us anytime or come by the Student Ministry area and sign up. Parents, if this is something that grabs at your heart to help lead, we need you. Please call Marsha at 918.392.1157. 7TH-12TH GRADE PARENT SEMINAR

Bad teachers/bad schools. What do you do when your child has a bad teacher? Is your child struggling at school because of bad influences or bullying? Come learn some techniques to help with challenging school situations. September 25, 9:15 or 11 am in the Venue; all are welcome.



Sunday from 7:30–9:00 pm in Venue 68. If you are a College-aged student we would love to have you come join us. We eat a homemade meal together then open up God’s word. If you have questions please contact Todd Peterson at 918.392.1154 or tpeterson@ asburytulsa.org.


Volunteer opportunities have been updated and can be found at the information desks near the main entrances and Venue68. Updates are also posted on the website. VOLUNTEERS NEED FOR THE 9-11 NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE

Are you organized and detail minded? We need volunteers to assist with the registration process and T-shirt distribution for the 9-11 National Day of Service. We will need 12 people on September 4. On 9-11 the need is much greater. There will be 14 or more work sites with a check in table for each site. We will need 56 people on 9-11. This would be your service for the day. You would not need to go off site to serve in the afternoon. Contact Joan at 918.392.1176.


7:00–8:30 pm, Friday, September 30 and 8:15 am–3:00 pm, Saturday, October 1, Sanctuary and CLC. Ladies, are you juggling kids, a career, marriage, hot flashes or beyond? Whatever stage of life you’re in, come join speaker Carol Sallee as we discover how to embrace every season with God. You won’t want to miss this event, so mark your calendars for September 30th and October 1st. Cost: $12/person for both days. Register online at asburytulsa.org or pick up a registration form at the welcome desks. WOMEN OF THE WORD

Wednesdays from 10:00–11:00 am in room 2319, Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher. No childcare available.



Mondays, 9:30 am–1:00 pm, room 2821. Ladies, if you enjoy doing crafts and fellowshipping at the same time, this activity is for you! We gather on Monday mornings to work on our own individual arts and crafts, stop for a delicious pot-luck lunch, and continue on through until 1:00 pm. We have a wonderful time together, and would love to have you join us! For more information, contact Betty Seetin, and stop by some Monday and check us out! UMW SEPTEMBER LUNCHEON

Thursday, September 1, CLC, 11:30 am–1:00 pm, $7.00 for lunch. Paul Kent, Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity, will share how this organization builds decent homes in decent communities in which people can live and grow into all that God intended. Put “faith in action” by helping Asbury members build a Habitat home in our north parking lot this fall! Scripture: Matthew 25:45. No reservations necessary. CAR CARE WORK DAY

Saturday, September 10, 9:00 am–12:00 noon, outside Family Center entrance, northeast side. Car Care Saturday is an every-other-month workday provided for Asbury’s widows and single moms, through our Men’s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of the café, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith in to action through loving and serving those in need. If you would like to volunteer to help, contact Mike at mnalley16@cox.net. If you are in need of these services, just get your vehicle in line by 11:30. No reservations necessary. HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK DAYS

A Home Improvement volunteer will contact you and make arrangements to get the job(s) done!


Mason Chapel. Traditional service with music led by Hart Morris. Communion is served and Dr. Harrison preaches. 9:15 AM CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP

Sanctuary. Contemporary music led by Mark Bennett and team, time of prayer and the message will all carry a prevailing theme for the morning. Dr. Harrison preaches. 9:15 AM OPEN HOUSE WORSHIP

Community Life Center. A relaxed atmosphere with engaging worship led by Dub Ambrose and team. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast with an occasional live sermon from another pastor. 11:00 AM TRADITIONAL SERVICE

Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra and various vocal and instrumental ensembles offer a variety of styles of music led by Hart Morris. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches. 11:00 AM MODERN SERVICE

Venue 68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by Chris Cleveland and team. Sign interpreters for the deaf are offered. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast. 6:00 PM MODERN SERVICE

Venue68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by the Ben Kilgore and team. Rev. Spencer Smith preaches.

Saturday, October15. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our Men’s Ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. If you are in need of help, just pick up a request form at the south welcome desk and return form at least ten days before the scheduled work day. T IDI NGS , SEP T E M BER 2 011



Ashley Amber Sherkat & Ryan Matthew Eldridge – married 6-18-2011 Shannan Flaherty & Daniel McClain – married 6-242011. Sherri Lyn Cook & Larry Gene Dotson – married 7-9-2011. Melissa J Downum & Justin N Yates – married 7-232011 Jessica Evelyn Wilkins & David Luther “Luke” Flanagan – married 7-23-2011 Radhika Mittapalli & Joseph Lewis Aussieker – married 7-30-2011 Cheree Ann Christianson & James Adam Brown – married 7-30-2011

BIRTHS: • • • •

Reagan Claire Sanderson – born 6-24-2011, daughter of Jason & Amanda Sanderson. Leo Arthur Dullea – born 7-14-2011, son of Callan & Kelly Dullea. Jennings Ray Lowry – born 7-14-2011, son of Dan & Leslie Lowry. Benjamin James Thomas – born 7-21-2011, son of Jeff & Lisa Thomas


• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Gene Allen died June 23, 2011, father of Curtis (Tracey) Allen, grandfather of Harry Allen & Shelley (David) Lane. Great-grandfather of Hannah, Tony & Natalie Lane. Marion Scott died July 1, 2011, wife of Dan Scott. Mildred “Peggy” Collins died July 1, 2011, Mother of Paulette Collins. Amy Ellen McLaughlin died July 8, 2011, daughter of Sandy Cozier. W. Lynn Baker – died July 8, 2011, husband of Treva Baker, brother of Connie (Tom) Hansen Glen Mayo Perry died July 8, 2011, husband of Betty Lou Perry. Barbara Anthony died July 30, 2011. Glen Chowins died July 28, 2011, husband of Sydney. Laura Leona Henson died July 30, 2011, wife of James Lynn Henson, mother of Barbara (Jim) Trecek. John Schwendimann died August 3, 2011. Martha Wilson died August 3, 2011. Bob Doebler died August 5, 2011, husband of Judy. Neil Willits died August 6, 2011, husband of Delores. Don Chandler died August 11, 2011, spouse of Pat, father of Bret (& Roxanne) Chandler, Cory Chandler & Caron McCloskey


Laneer & Jean Ham

60 YEARS • •

Bill & Mary Kirwin Jack & Pat Compton

55 YEARS • •

Milton & Patricia VanDerwiele James & DeWanda Humphries

45 YEARS •


CF & Betty McGee


09/22/51 09/29/51

09/01/56 09/29/56

40 YEARS •

Mark & Sue Whitney

30 YEARS •

Clifton & Kathy Wood

25 YEARS • •

Edward & Angela Watson Steve & MaryPat Fennema

20 YEARS •

Charles & Cheryl Welch





08/02/86 09/06/86


Bill & Mary Kirwin 60 years

Jack & Pat Compton 60 years

Milton & Patricia VanDerwiele 55 years

James & DeWanda Humphries 55 years




Robb & Mary Jo Barnes with Mackenzie

Craig & Patti Bothwell

Paige & Jarrett Dick with Layla

David Dietz & Ashley Purdom

Mary Lou Martin

Jason & Katey Stephens

Paul & Tonya Thompson

ASBURY EXPLORATION CLASSES If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. Upcoming 2011 Exploration classes will be held on October 2, November 6 and December 4. Please call 918.392.1191 to reserve your place. Childcare is available and lunch is provided 34


Glorify God...Make Disciples

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