Pastor Bill Mason's Epistle to the Asbury Family

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march 2012

march 2012


asn’t it great to celebrate Asbury’s 50th anniversary? It is satisfying and appropriate to pause at these milestones and reflect on what God has done through Asbury. We are deeply appreciative of Bill and Jayne Mason for dedicating a large portion of their lives to the ministry and development of our church. Asbury is also fortunate to enjoy long-term engagement of our members. There are many people who worked alongside Bill and Jayne, contributing expertise, service and finances. In 1993, leadership was handed to Tom and Dana Harrison who have continued the history of effective ministry at Asbury. Asbury has much to be thankful for. We will continue to celebrate our 50th anniversary in smaller ways in the months ahead. As you’ve heard during the month of February, Asbury is not a backward-looking church. While celebrating our 50th anniversary, we are also looking forward to the next 50 years. With our many blessings and opportunities also come responsibilities. Beginning last year we started intense study to understand what questions should be asked, what decisions should be made, and what changes need to be initiated in this pivotal 50th year as we look forward. We have effective ministries, a large and committed congregation, resources, and a great facility. It could be tempting to settle into a comfortable existence. However, that would not honor the heritage we are celebrating nor is it what we are called to do. This looking-forward effort actually began several years ago with our long-range planning project. Last year many of you participated in a study conducted by the Barna Group. Thank you for doing so. That study is an important component in the broader effort. A similar congregational study was done in the early 1990s right before Tom came to Asbury. He has often mentioned how valuable that was in guiding his decisions. This recent study will also guide decisions. If by the time you read this column you have not seen a summary of the results of that study, you soon will. Like most other churches, Asbury is facing cultural and societal headwinds that contribute toward declining participation, declining giving, and difficulties in passing the faith to younger generations. Thankfully, Asbury has fared very well relatively speaking. Up to this point, we have experienced only a small decline in worship attendance. Participation in our ministries and financial giving have remained strong. A recent assessment of our efforts to reach young adults indicates that we still have much work to do. As we all know, and is often stated, Asbury is a multigenerational church. The advantages that brings are showcased well in our 50th anniversary celebration. We also know that there are challenges and are working to address those. Fortunately, there are more potential opportunities that we have not yet developed. Tom’s passion is to develop mature disciples, one definition of which is that they produce other disciples. He is constantly striving to have our multigenerational church operate as an inter-generational church working together to develop the whole person toward increasing discipleship. When Tom arrived in 1993, he began immediately emphasizing his desire to see every person Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, Belong to the body of Christ, and Become servants of Christ. That goal remains. We may change how we communicate it, we may change some of the means to achieve it, we may try new things, but the essential aim will not change. I hope that you are looking forward to the launch of our next 50 years. It will require the desires, effort, resources and prayers of all of us. To all who have contributed to getting us to this point, and for all who are willing to participate in the next phase, we thank you. Dwight

Contents A Word From Tom Harrison Asbury’s 50th Anniversary Celebration New Communion Tables Pastor Bill Mason's Epistle to the Asbury Family Student Missions Through the Years Student Ministry Memories Three Asburians We Are Following Bill Mason, the Head Man Together We Are Better Communities Grandpa John Odds and Ends Recipes of the Month Opportunities Special Announcements

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We need you! Do you have a story of what God has done in your life? Please contact us and tell us a little bit about what God has done. We will all be encouraged by hearing stories of what God is doing in the lives of those around us. Are you a writer or someone who enjoys writing? The Communications Department is always looking for someone to do an interview and write a story for us for Tidings. Have you noticed that we’ve been making some changes in Tidings? Please give us your feedback— both good and bad. Email or call 918.392.1140. Asbury Tidings is a monthly publications designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting Editor: Asbury Communications Department, 918.392.1140, Graphic Design: Tim Jurgensen, tjurgensen@ Photography: Mark Moore (mark, Ryan Farran ( Guest Contributors: Steve Area, Nancy Baxter, Nikki Boyd, Chris Cooper, Holly Brobst, Debbie Carpenter, Thomas Duke, Diane King, Sylvia LaRose, Bill Mason, Gloria McGee-Denton, Abbey Padgett, Dick Read, Susan Stanford, Charlie Stinson, John Westervelt, Anna Wortham


A Word From Tom Harrison This is an interesting month for Tidings. On the one hand, we are lifting up Bill and Jayne Mason. While not Asbury’s founding pastor, he came to a two-year old fledgling congregation in 1964. For 29 years, he shaped this congregation to become a church with a heart for missions and evangelism, stressing the highest priority on Jesus Christ as Lord. He taught the scriptures to our members. He visited the sick and performed all types of pastoral roles. I believe he told me he’s married 2,300 couples in ministry. He’s been a Moses figure for us – and I’m so glad the Lord has blessed him with so many years. Bill and Jayne have served this congregation for 48 years. What a blessing! On the other hand, this month’s feature is about Student Ministries. My heart has always been drawn to students because it was when I was 14 ½ years old that I gave my life to Jesus Christ. My life totally changed! It was a major conversion experience for me! The day after I graduated from Will Rogers High School, I drove to Marlow, Oklahoma, where I served for two summers as a youth director. I served in the Collinsville Community Church as their youth director my freshman year at ORU. My sophomore years through my senior year (until I went to Asbury Seminary), I serve at Epworth UMC in west Tulsa – again as a youth director. It was through this experience I met Rick Fraley (who plays the piano for us in a special Christmas service each year). One of the missionaries we support, Brian Burdick, was one of the kids in my youth group at Epworth. From this extensive personal involvement in student ministries, you can tell that it’s played a major role in my life. Todd Craig, one of our pastors, and I have given an hour each Wednesday afternoon during the school year to a group of high

school seniors. We go through the Book of Romans. We’ve been doing this for many years now. I can’t tell you how impressed I am with these young people! They are marvelous to observe. So much of their growth seems to come from being in small groups (which start at Confirmation) and by going on mission trips. Relationships and service seem to speak volumes to these students. I am 100% convinced that students want to give their lives to something which is impacting. When given the chance, they seize the opportunity to help change the world. I’m grateful for our student ministry workers, too. We have an exceptional group! It never hurts for them to hear it from you, either! Bill Mason, like Moses, has handed the baton to me. Like Joshua, I’m trying to hang on to his generation and mine, and to reach the next generations. We have an excellent model in Bill. We’ve got some terrific folks who are connecting with Baby Boomers. We will continue to reach into the next generation(s). This edition of Tidings illustrates a central point: We are a Church for ALL Generations! Dr. Tom Harrison, Sr. Pastor

Asbury Local Outreach: Eat at Chipotle On Tuesday, March 6th, 11:00 am–9:00 pm stop by any Tulsa Chipotle location. 50% of the proceeds will benefit Global Gardens, a local outreach at Asbury Corner.



Asbury’s 50th

Anniversary Celebration by Pastor Dick Read

On that Sunday morning of February 4, 1962, is there any way those first nine Asbury members could ever imagine that fifty years later thousands of people would gather together in worship to celebrate what happened on that very day? God sure knew! God’s sights had already been set. He knew the plans He had for this budding congregation. The weekend of February 4–5, 2012, the people of Asbury did celebrate! On Saturday evening, February 4 twenty of Asbury’s thirty-seven pastors came together for dinner. Some had never met one another, their pastoral tenures at Asbury never intersecting. Yet their shared love for and from the Asbury congregation drew them together for this special time of fellowship and story telling. After dinner, several hundred past and present Asbury members gathered in the church’s main foyer to express their love and appreciation for those who have served as their spiritual shepherds. The Pastors’ Reception was held under the visible declaration of why we are together: Glorify God – Make Disciples. And six of Asbury’s pastors who have gone ahead to the Lord were remembered with beautiful floral arrangements, now displayed on the sanctuary chancel. Sunday, February 5th, brought two astounding worship services celebrating all that God has done these past 50 years, acknowledging God’s gracious presence and affirming the assuring promises that await fulfillment in us. The choir, orchestra and band led us in incredible worship and Pastor Bill Mason invited us to prayer in singing the nostalgic words: Turn your eyes upon Jesus; look full in His wonderful face; and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.



Pastor Tom reminded us that it is Jesus we serve, and it is solely for the glory of God that Asbury continues to exist and to grow. Fifty years ago, the seeds of Asbury Church were planted. Under the influence and direction of the Holy Spirit, pastors and lay leaders have watered those seeds, so that spiritual fruit is constantly harvested in and through Asbury Church. Sunday afternoon’s Celebration Banquet brought together those who have been continuous members of Asbury for over 40 years. Honored guests were Asbury’s charter members, four who remain very active in the congregation: Jerry and Johnna Himes, Mary Fran Carle and Willie Sue Wade. Also present were charter

members Billie Coulter, Larry and Donna Cheeves, and Jimmy Pfeiffer. In addition to a fun program brought by Asburians from the Huntington Place koinonia group, greetings and stories were shared by Bill Mason and Tom Harrison. In appreciation for her decades of service to Asbury, Johnna Himes was presented with a stunning 50th Anniversary quilt, hand-made by the Asbury quilters group. It all started with nine members - nine ordinary Christians who laid a foundation strong enough to build Asbury United Methodist Church. Fifty years later that nine has become 8065. Could it be that the first fifty years are just the preface of God’s story?





New Communion Tables in the Sanctuary and in Venue68 by Debbie Carpenter, Susan Stanford, Anna Wortham, Joan Henning


committee was formed to plan the 50th Anniversary celebration to honor all the generations of Asbury. This was a very diverse group in age and membership longevity. Many ideas were exchanged regarding ways to celebrate our 50th. One of those suggestions was a permanent communion table that reflected the joy of communion and the significance of the cross. Marti Morris commented that this communion table needed to be “the most beautiful piece of furniture in our church.” A subcommittee was formed, nicknamed “The Dream Team”, which consisted of church members and sub-contractors, to begin to make the table a reality. This included fund raising, cardboard cut outs, granite shopping in 110 degree heat, font decisions, paint decisions…along with much laughing and fellowship. The greatest desire of all involved was to have a communion table that would inspire our worship and represent the celebration of the 50th anniversary with our church family. One of the families met a Eureka Springs artist-craftsman and commissioned him to make a cross (his first), crown and candle sticks that are more size appropriate for the table overlay. The making of the cross is a story in itself; but as Dick Read said upon seeing the cross for the first time, “kind of says it all, doesn’t it.” This table was unveiled on February 5 at the 50th anniversary celebration.

Venue68 also receives a new communion table! Unbeknownst to most at Asbury, the folks at the Venue had created their own communion table – every month – using two saw horses and an eight foot door. They did have attractive fabric to cover it, so the majority didn't know what was really underneath. However, it was time consuming setting it up each month and then taking it down again. Approval was given for them to have one made, and member Del Ludlum with Anything Wood, Inc. was commissioned to build the table. What an exciting change for them! It is complete with storage and casters that can be moved as needed and used for other purposes as well.

May each of these tables be a reminder of the opportunity we are given by our Lord to remember Him.



To my dearest friends and all those who carry the Name of Christ Jesus and Asbury United Methodist Church of Tulsa, including pastors and staff, long-time members and visitors both present and future… From the Reverend Dr. William Cameron Mason, known more often as Pastor Mason or even Bill to many of you. The grandson of a United Methodist pastor, raised in church by my family, versed in the right language but not engaged with the right heart. I once heard there was a voice of one crying in the wilderness. So I went to the Billy Graham Crusade in Oklahoma City and heard a story of two roads: a wide road and a narrow road. As I laid in bed that night, the reality of my own life passed before me. I realized I was on the wide road that leads to destruction, and it was not the way I wanted to live my life anymore. I prayed and went to sleep. The next morning, I was a new person. I lost my appetite for alcohol, for lying to cover my tracks, for foul language, for using church as a social function. I was astounded at how vibrant I felt. I was 28 years old, yet I was born again in Jesus Christ. Eight years later, a husband and father of four, I left my successful office supply and printing business to bring others to the same lifealtering unconditional love that I had found in Christ Jesus. When I went to seminary at Perkins in Dallas, Texas, I had no training in the Word or theology—I had only a love for the Lord in my heart. When I completed my education, the Lord sent me here to you to labor among you for His glorification.

Thanksgiving and Prayer Asbury, “I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 1:3-6 I cannot imagine a more wonderful life than what we’ve had here because of all of you. You have been our family and our friends, but never our foes. Not only have we felt love for you, but we have felt love from you. God has used you as instruments of His grace to raise my family into the people He created us to be. You allowed me to be myself and do the work for which God called me.

God Grows a Big Church Brothers and sisters, the truth is this: It was never my desire for Asbury to be a big church. The Lord chose to grow the church around me while I was busy being faithful with every opportunity I had to show that Jesus was present in times of crisis and trouble



when people are most interested in the Lord. It is our natural human need crying out for supernatural strength and wisdom. Therefore, I went to the hospital morning, noon and night according to your needs, and joined hands with you and your concerned family members in trustful prayer. Because God blessed you through Asbury’s very tangible ministry, you witnessed to others and invited them to come explore this great loving God. This was where the real Kingdom-building of Asbury took place. We learned together that you just have to do what you have to do. Sometimes, the going gets tough, so the tough get on their knees. With great humility, we sought God’s will and favor on our church. Asbury was young and slight in the early days. The salary didn’t support my family of six, so rather than assume we had misunderstood God’s leading and seek a more lucrative situation, we made sacrifices and sold personal investments in order to buy groceries. The choir practiced in my living room; the office was in my dining room; the mimeograph sat on my washer and dryer in my utility room; the bathroom doubled as a prayer room. For Sunday school and worship services, we shared space at Key Elementary School with our brothers and sisters in the faith from Park Plaza Church of Christ. God kept growing Asbury, and the time eventually came to build, so we sold church bonds door to door to raise the capital funds. All the while, I prayed and preached, learned and taught, and visited. We counted loss as gain, trials as triumphs. And God our Heavenly Father taught us that if you “turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace.” He taught us that no matter what, “He is Lord! He is risen from the dead and He is Lord!” Oh, that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Indeed, this is our very purpose. Amen!

God Grows a Big Vision God gave me a strong vision to reach beyond the doors of the church into and beyond Tulsa, and I was confident this would also bring God’s favor. In many ways, little has changed since I started ministry at Asbury over 48 years ago. We are still doing the same things Jesus told his disciples to do, and as we fulfill these, we make more disciples. You see, friends, people like to be involved in something that’s growing, that’s pregnant with promise and potential. They catch the vision of doing something bigger together than they could ever do by themselves, and they also get involved in making disciples with three Scriptural goals in mind: 1. “The Great Commandment” (Matthew 22:37-40) “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Loving God and loving others is core to the gospel and who Asbury is.

2. “The Great Compassion” (Matthew 25:35-36) “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Love reaches out to help others in need. 3. “The Great Commission” (Matthew 28:19) “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of this age.” This is what Jesus told us to do, thus I opened our worship services for many years with these words: “To all who sin and need a Saviour; To all who mourn and seek comfort; To all who are lonely and need a friend; To all who are weary and need rest; To whosoever will come, this church opens wide her doors and her heart, and in the Name of Jesus, bids you welcome!

God Grows Big Leaders I want you to know I believe whole-heartedly these responsibilities are central to our Kingdom-work, yet I could not do them all alone. Others led our mission efforts, singles, children’s and youth ministries and did our administration. Many fail because they do not share responsibility. Not only isn’t this conducive to good health of the pastor or the church, but others cannot grow as leaders if you follow them around and look over their shoulder. Throughout my ministry I sought out more successful churches and pastors to learn good practices, and from them I also learned that I did not fit the pattern of a typical pastor of a growing church. You see, sometimes God does extraordinary things through ordinary people. Wait and work expectantly for this miracle in your midst. The first step in sharing leadership is to pray, then to look for evidence of being Spirit-led and the gifts in others’ lives. Then mentor them to ensure their success in advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Remember, people do grow. I did. As a young Christian, I set the goal of getting up to pray for 10 minutes even though I had no idea how to fill up 10 minutes. With four young children in house, time alone with God was a challenge, but I did it. That eventually turned into getting up at 4 a.m. to spend two to three hours a day in prayer and study. My goal is always to recognize the Holy Spirit in my life, turn to Him and listen to Him. I’ve kept a prayer journal all these years as a reminder of what the Spirit has said and done. Friends, seek out vehicles by which men, women and young people can be built up in their faith and equipped for every good work. Invest in those younger than you. This is how our story continues



to be written and how the good news of Jesus is spread. One of Asbury’s great successes was in discovery classes and growth groups. The guiding principle for me was that until we understand the basics of the Christian faith in our minds and spirits, until we know what Jesus taught, we cannot know how to live an effective Christian witness. You simply cannot depend on what you hear and experience in a weekend worship service to be sufficient to live a Christian life all week. It requires every one of us setting aside significant time to let God grow us through Scripture, prayer, fellowship and learning to share our faith with others. Many years ago, leaders from Estonia, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and the Philippines visited Asbury to study discipleship and evangelism with us. A pastor from the Philippines explained that Communism was gaining such a stronghold there that he feared Christian pastors might be assassinated. His goal was to make the laity of his church strong enough disciples and disciple-makers that they could carry on the work of Jesus Christ without a pastor. What does the future hold for our denomination, our faith, our country, our world? Only God knows. But we are charged with the task of preparing our young people to be faithful in that future. There are two more verses that have guided my life and my ministry at Asbury. I think they hold much instruction for our present and future:

Proverbial Words of Wisdom 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says: “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” • Truth is found in Scripture. Believe that with me until the day we die. • If truth is found in Scripture, you should be in Scripture, too. • Seek its authority as the only appropriate guide to life. • Deal with things that distract you or diffuse your interest in the things of God. Ephesians 4:11-13 says: “It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

• Support one another. Use the blessings God has given you to bless others. • Let the Church bring out the very best that God has placed in you. • Get busy. Do things. Start things. Finish things. But don’t run ahead of the Holy Spirit. Let Him stop you if you take the wrong path. • Do not use others or opportunities as stepping stones. • You do not always need praise or a raise. You need to discover contentment. • Settle. Plant flowers. Put down roots. Commit for the long haul to your church and your Lord. • Pray that God will free you from bondage to scripts, addictions, crutches and bitterness. • You need not like everyone. They need not like you. • And do not let ‘dislike’ and ‘disagree’ quench relationship or fellowship. • Be quick to apologize and forgive for the sake of unity in the Body of Christ. • Being young is a poor reason for lack of generosity or engagement with the Body of Christ. • Let God grow trust in His provision within your spirit. • Be joyful. Give thanks all the time. For God is good all the time.

Closing Remarks Someone once said to me, “I cannot see any reason for Asbury to stop growing unless you get in the way.” Today, on the occasion of Asbury’s 50th Anniversary, I say the same to you. Asbury friends, it grieves me that people get lost along the way. I hope that you never see Asbury as so big that people, their problems, processes and progress don’t matter. The lost, those who don’t yet know the love of Christ, should always be on your minds and hearts. And you must pay close attention to one another so that none who are already in Christ are lost. I pray that God will show you how to cooperate with what He wants to do in the world. May you invest the very best of yourself and your church in this endeavor, for what else yields so high a return? The future of Asbury is in God’s hands. As we daily seek the leading of the Holy Spirit for Asbury, may His will be done!

• Yes, you have spiritual gifts and abilities. Find them, nurture them, use them. • Pray daily for your pastors and leaders. Pray daily for the work of Asbury. • Equip and empower the Body of Christ for every good work to the glory of Lord Jesus Christ. • Do not use guilt or fear to motivate others. Instead, draw out love, passion and conviction.



Bill Mason’s Favorite Scriptures Matthew 6:14-15

Ephesians 4:12-13



New International Version (NIV)

New International Version (NIV)

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Galatians 6:7

to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Ephesians 4:32

New International Version (NIV) 7

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Ephesians 2:8-9

New International Version (NIV) 32

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Philippians 4:13

New International Version (NIV) 8

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

New International Version (NIV) 13

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

God Bless You, Pastor Mason! The William Cameron Mason bust was unveiled on Sunday, February 26. The bust will be permanently placed in the front foyer of Mason Chapel. The idea was proposed by an individual community in August 2011. A noted sculptor, Rosalind Cook, was commissioned in October of that year to actually create the sculpture. She was delighted to be able to create the piece as she knew Bill personally. Bill sat in Rosalind’s studio while the clay version was created, modeling for it as well as having various measurements taken of his face. Money was raised by anonymous donors for the cost of the bust and a unique pedestal to hold the bust with a large bronze plaque affixed to the front which says: William Cameron Mason June 1964-June 1993, Senior Pastor June 1993, Pastor Emeritus “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” John 12:21


The Bill Mason I Know It was Friday evening August 14, 1987, the day my wife Nelda died unexpectedly. My daughter Mary Kim would fly in from Dallas as soon as she could get an airplane. Bill Mason showed up on my doorstep. We talked and prayed and just sat quietly for hours until time to pick up Mary Kim. I remember Bill best for "just sitting quietly." - Grandpa John Absolutely the most wonderful man. He always tells you that he “loves you”. - Larry and Judy Lairmore Bill Mason is an example of a true Christian that loves the Lord and follows the teachings of the Bible. He is a friend, confidante and comforter and is always there for you. Thank you Bill. We love you! - Dick and Nevin Loerke


by Sylvia LaRose

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8 NASB) For 50 Years, Asbury UMC has made “Glorify God, Make Disciples” words to live by. And with that goal, Asbury members have brought glad tidings, helping hands and the love of our Lord to our neighbors, our nation and our world.

Serving Tulsa Asbury’s Local Outreach works with over 23 agencies which help children, feed families and assist seniors. Some support is ongoing, like Second Saturday or home repairs for single moms and widows, and calls on individual, families, small groups and communities to share time and compassion with those who need it most. And of course Asbury gets the youth involved. Sophomore Hunter Hornay has been on several practical mini-missions to work and share God’s love. “We play with kids at the Day Center for the Homeless, sort clothes at John 3:16, pack canned goods at the Food Bank … we even picked beans in a field,” Hunter explains. Senior Garrett O’Dell has also served locally by organizing a warehouse/thrift store. “The people who ran the place told us how broken their hearts are for the people of Tulsa. There’s an abundance of opportunities right here,” describes Garrett. “We can help mend broken hearts.”

Across the USA Over the years, Asbury developed a strong foundation by sending our youth on a “Spring Break” quest for Jesus in the most impoverished areas of America. Ben Dalton is a college student who has ventured on global missions, but remembers his earliest trip to Houston, Texas. “It was our first trip out of Tulsa for 7th graders,” Ben describes. “We stayed in the inner-city and did something different every day, like pack meals at the food bank, or visit preschools and nursing homes. At a soup kitchen, we received encouragement like ‘stay in school’ and ‘value your education.’ God was speaking through them, even though we were the ones who had come in to minister.” Chris Cooper has been a Houston adult leader and was amazed the teenagers had no fear working out of their element. “When you work with those most in need, you see them as children of God,” explained Chris. San Antonio is another journey which has changed lives. “We were youth on a mission,” says Garrett O’Dell, whose group was unexpectedly detoured to the Texas location. “When we realized we weren’t going to Mexico, we still wanted to do everything possible to present God to those who needed it most.” Ruth Brower is a veteran of both adult and youth mission trips. Taking 8th graders to Redbird, Kentucky, was one of her most memorable. “It’s a great place to take students to see people not as fortunate,” Ruth explains. “Helping individual families in a rural setting is the first time most have stepped out of their comfort zone. What I love about mission trips is that they empower kids and teach them responsibility. They walk away with a real



Garrett O'Dell, Brynne Kurtz, Chris Cooper

feeling of accomplishment.” Although most of the teens had never used tools, they constructed wheel chair ramps, put on roofs and remodeled bathrooms. High school senior Brynne Kurtz described Redbird as one of the most rewarding. “We focused on one family,” Brynne explained. “We saw their personal joy and appreciation when we added a room to their house and put in a new floor. Going somewhere else makes you realize that God’s mission can happen at home too … every day.” And the journey getting there can be just as rewarding. “Back then, we drove vans to Redbird, filled with eight crazy kids with no cell phones or iPods,” Ruth remembers. “I never laughed so hard! We had streamers out the window, passed notes, sang Disney songs, even learned to knit! It’s great to be able to walk that path with the kids.”

Global Outreach Asbury missions are based on the directive from Jesus saying go out to all nations. Joe Brower serves on our Global Outreach Missionary Board and helps budget the church’s financial support for God’s calling throughout the world. “Members have helped support missionary families, youth trips and scholarships so everyone has a chance to go out and walk with God. They are absolutely a giving congregation,” expresses Joe. Jamaica is one of Asbury’s newer destinations. Although an island of extreme wealth, it is also a country of extreme poverty where the need for help is growing. Hunter was in the first group to go. “We repaired schools and worked with little kids. I never gave so many piggy-back rides!” he laughs. “The best thing about that trip was the chapel service at school every morning. I could see God’s love in the faces, and I knew He was working through us.” Children were also the focus on missions to Reynosa, Mexico. “My group would see the orphans. Some had never had people play with them,” says Brynne. “The girls would jump rope and blow bubbles; the guys would play soccer and Simon-says.” She also described her work in the city’s red-light district, where God initiated a plan. “We were building a safe-house from cinder blocks for those

who wanted to come out of that life. Now that building is the headquarters for Isaiah 55 missions.” Asbury regularly sends youth teams to Guatemala. Harold Briggs took his small group of 11th and 12th grade boys to help with the construction of a home for boys, with hope of turning troubled teens into Godly men. Harold adds, “Sometimes I think the biggest impact is on those who go on mission trips. We laugh, play and have more time to worship the Lord.” Relationships are built on these trips. Our mission to serve and spread God’s love also extends to places like the Congo, where native language Bibles are reaching believers. To Estonia, where Brynne and Garrett bonded with Russian students who yearned for God’s understanding. To Tanzania, where Ruth led a group of senior girls on the trip of a lifetime to support women in remote villages.

And Beyond… So what will the next 50 years of missions be like for Asbury? “I would like to see family trips,” says Chris. “There’s nothing like serving with your kids. It’s an amazing, life-changing experience. This year, Missy and I will have four of our five children with us in Guatemala.” “More trips!” offers Garrett. “Once you go, you want to keep going.” “Yeah,” Brynne adds. “Not only spring break missions, but summer, fall and winter break missions!” “I just hope it keeps going,” voices Ben. “My generation will be the senders, and we’ll be amazing motivators.” Whether crossing geographical borders or cultural boundaries, Asbury will be ready to carry the teachings of God to the ends of the earth…encouraging, energizing and praising His name.



Things didn’t pan out with the girl, but in the process of coming regularly, I ended up finding lifelong best friends and close mentors who still influence my life today. Most importantly, I learned how to cultivate a relationship with our loving, generous God – a relationship that is life-sustaining and a wellspring of hope for the brokenness in our own lives and in the world around us.

Abbey Padgett I grew up in a great home where my parents really loved the Lord and passed truth on to us. Being part of the Asbury's student ministry, however, is where I learned to grow in my own faith. Asbury was the place where God used so many people in my life to shape and cultivate what God began in my heart at a young age--an interest in missions. This early interest in missions has turned into a great passion and desire for Christ to be known throughout the world. Asbury's involvement in missions, and the investment they make in student ministries creates opportunities for students to get a taste of what God is doing in the world. This was instrumental in my life. As a young person at Asbury, I was encouraged by the student ministry leadership and church as a whole. I was challenged and encouraged in my walk with the Lord, and to believe in the person He was shaping me to be. Note from Mary Ann Smith, Global Missions Director: Abbey helped coordinate Perspectives Classes during college after being one of the youngest to go to California for the summer intensive course in Perspectives. She and Bryan (her husband) were with the Traveling Team challenging and inspiring college students to get involved in missions. They are now with Avant Ministries which specializes in church planting. Bryan is the director of mobilization and recruitment for Avant, and Abbey works with international families in whatever area she lives in.

Mark Fowler The landscape of students and what they believe is changing. It’s always fun and challenging trying to figure out ways to effectively communicate with them and teach them about Jesus.

Thomas Duke We all have our motivations for attending (or not attending) church. I have been a member of Asbury all my life, yet it wasn’t until I was a 14-year-old 8th grader that I first became interested in attending regularly. Why? Because of a cute girl I met in the youth group! What can I say?


Because of the way my life was shaped by the youth group at Asbury I felt compelled to give back. As a college student I spent all of my spring breaks helping to lead various high school spring break mission trips. I also was a small group leader for several of the summer camps and fall retreats that the youth group did during those years, and at the end of college I spent a summer as an intern for the youth group. I didn’t realize it at the time, but those experiences of working with teenagers helped to shape the career path that I am on today, as I am working toward becoming a psychologist and am currently working part-time as a counselor with adolescents while I complete my doctorate.

Todd Peterson I have loved watching students fall in love with Jesus and then that start to impact their whole family. I have also seen how the Spring Break Missions trips have started to impact whole families and not just the students.

Nancy Baxter My family moved to Tulsa in August l964 and started attending a new neighborhood Methodist Church named Asbury at Key Elementary School. We waited until the first Sunday in the "new" building to join in l965. In those early years Bill Mason led our youth group. I still remember vividly some of the programs he brought to us. Bill always set a high priority on the youth in the church. We had a great group of about 150 active kids. We enjoyed retreats, Bible studies, service projects, trips, talent shows, youth choirs, summer camps and money raising events. For several years we had a live nativity scene at Christmas. I remember when our $150.00 bus broke down on the way to Eureka Springs to see the Passion Play. We eventually made it with the Lord's help. It blesses my heart to watch our youth during praise and worship, their hearts full of love for our Lord.

Marsha Baker The students courage, faith, love, and passion through the years has been a bright light in my life.


Chris and Missy Cooper We've been at Asbury since 1990. We had no reservations about our students getting involved with student ministries..."it takes a village." I grew up in a youth group and wanted those experiences for my own sons. Closeness to God happens as you spend more time with Him and His kids. Each of our boys at one time or another has experienced things that have led them to one of the youth leaders for advice or prayer. It's awesome to have a Christian man in their lives who can relate, offer guidance and even accountability. That's another great thing about small gives our kids a sense of belonging, puts them in contact with like minded kids, and gives them a mentor whom they can trust. The teenage years are tough. I'm glad they have people in their lives who speak truth....and more importantly love them

Amy Malnar Looking back, it’s clear that God provided so many stepping stones, small calls to obedience, to lead me to a place where he surprised me with a heart for high school students.

Steve Area I felt God calling me to do something significant for the church. So, when the church called and asked me to help out with leading a youth Sunday school class, just for a few weeks, how could I say no? I knew nothing about such a daunting task, but certainly my experiences with my own four kids would get me through a few days of store-bought lessons.

Quite often, my involvement with these boys went well beyond the church lessons. The shared experiences were many: campouts, paintball outings, mission trips, retreats, amusement park, pizza nights, mudfest, lodge outings, card games, foosball tournaments, tennis, football, lake trips, dodgeball, pool parties, racquetball, four square, and even funerals. I seek to be one of the most stable elements in their world – someone they can turn to in their dealings with life issues, applying God’s word to the secular world and their pressure-packed lives. I focus on putting life in a perspective that with God’s help they can manage. I encourage them to work to build a strong relationship with both of their parents, but particularly their dad.

Dick Read God has done amazing work in and through Asbury. Lots of teenagers are involved and have the opportunity before them to follow Jesus alongside hundreds of fellow students and adults. Some see large numbers as a barrier to spiritual nurture and growth. I’m not one of those. Complementing the large numbers of people are the amazing resources and opportunities to grow right alongside others who also love the Lord! What I love to observe in today’s Christian teens is their determination to make a difference for the Kingdom of God in our everyday world. Our teens are not settling with the conventional way of doing church so they can go back to their “normal life” at noon. God is using these generations of students and young adults to remind the rest of us that the Church is called to engage with “the world,” letting that world know of God’s compassion and love expressed through Jesus Christ.

Student Ministry staff: Todd Peterson, Thomas Brown, Mark Fowler, Marsha Baker, Amy Malnar, Greg Lynn, Justine Celoni, Bobby Baker



Three Asburians We Are Following For One Year Christian: The Love of a Father Lately, for some reason, I have been thinking about the love of Jesus. He has been really good to me in that He has shown me His love in so many different ways lately. He has been the intimate lover that I long for. He has been the close friend that I can speak to and vent to. He has been the brother that I desperately wish I could be with. He has been the protector that I find safety in. He really has been just showering love on me in so many different ways. Out of all of the ways that Jesus loves though, I think that my favorite one is the way that He loves me as a father. Maybe it’s because I have had an absolutely amazing father my whole life. Having a true father is one of the greatest gifts that I think I have ever had in my life. I haven’t EVER wondered whether my father loved me. NEVER. My father has pursued Jesus to the point that He has actually been able to love me in a truly absurd way. My heart absolutely breaks for kids who don’t get the love of a father that I got to experience growing up. Jesus gave me the gift of a father so that my heart WOULD break for those kids. The reality though is that I had doubt in my heart about the ability of God to restore. Jesus called me out HARD on this though last night. Jesus showed me that He has so much more to show even ME about His “father’s love”. He has given me a heart that breaks when I see people operating without His love so that I can direct them to Jesus’ (the greatest father ever) love. He has given me a broken heart so that He can USE me to show His “father’s love” to people all over the world. Jesus is a lover, and He truly will encounter us in every way that we ever desire to be encountered. His love is literally all that we are ever searching for. I want to believe that His love is truly the answer to every bit of hurt and brokenness that I see as I go through this world.

Rachel: God can even cut through paperwork! Life in here has finally become normal… I’m even beginning to like the country! I truly thought that this would never happen, but I have just fallen in love with the people I am surrounded by. God has been so faithful as He has helped me to have grace with myself as I have adjusted to this strange yet awesome culture. I have actually even started craving the local food.


Please be praying for an event that our Aftercare is hosting on Thursday afternoon which I organized. Organized. This event is called Special Grievance Day where our clients can come and apply for six different government benefits. We will have, God-willing, 15 government officials there to see the needs of our clients and hopefully, to speed up the process of approving the applications. This is a very exciting event that could truly change the way our clients are currently living. My last prayer request is just to be praying for the people here. My heart has been so broken for these people as I have become close friends with many of them. They live their lives diligently worshipping gods that are made of gold or silver…or cows walking down the street. People need Jesus for true healing, yet they sometimes aren’t ready to accept Him as Lord. Please be praying for the hearts of the people of South Asia. Thank you all so much for being a part of this journey. I thank God for you all daily!

Kayla: God is Touching lives in Carabobo For the past month we have been starting back up with our college ministry since classes have started again! We have been focusing on getting to know students and welcoming them into our ministry. One day we had an event on the engineering campus to give students a break from homework, tests, classes, and the stress that comes with all of that. We had snacks and played games, and an engineering student named Edey shared his testimony with us and with the other students who were there. It was really refreshing and encouraging to see a student so passionate about Jesus and so willing to share the Gospel with others. I feel like God has been giving me so many opportunities to get to know students and pour into them. I have also started up discipleship relationships with a few girls on campus. God’s provision is clear in that because He has definitely had His hand on our interactions and meetings. Liliana, an education student, told me about how she has seen the Holy Spirit work in her life. She also opened up to me about the grief she experiences over the death of her father. I was able to relate with her on a deeper level because of my similar experience of losing my mom. God is definitely moving and doing awesome things here at the University of Carabobo. Thank you all for your support!


Bill Mason, the Head Man by Holly Brobst


t’s a question posed to many Christians throughout their lives: When did you accept God into your heart? For most of us, there’s not a clear answer. Many grew up in the church or had a strong connection to their Christian faith at an early age. But for the few, like Bud Mathes, it’s an “Ah-ha Moment” they will never forget. It was nearly 40 years ago that Bud Mathes watched as his life spiraled out of control. “I was as secular or as bad as you can get. I was a heavy drinker, heavy smoker, anything bad didn’t bother me,” he recalls. He describes his connection to the church as a “joke” in his younger years, only occasionally attending to make fun of the believers. Many Christians reached out to him throughout his life, but he didn’t want to hear about Christianity. He lost an infant son and remembers being so angry, he couldn’t believe that a God would let an infant be taken from him. He says he blamed God for everything. He spent nearly eight years in darkness; he didn’t care about anything. It wasn’t until 1970, another year filled with tragedy, that Bud’s life changed forever. He lost five people he loved in just a matter of two-weeks. “I started to wonder, is there life after death? Am I going to spend eternity in hell?” His wife Dianne, a long-time visitor of Asbury, had encouraged him for years to join her on Sunday mornings. He finally gave in. But he decided if he was going to church, he wanted to meet with the “head man” himself, Pastor Bill Mason. On the first night of their meeting, Bud made sure he was an open book, a bottle of whiskey on the counter for the “head man” to see. That night Bill prayed with Bud and asked if he could go through some Campus Crusade literature with him. Their meetings continued several times a week for the next five weeks. “He was as busy as a cranberry merchant,” Bud recalls. “He was just amazing. All the tracks that he made on his little Volkswagen, but he made time for me, and that’s when I knew I was ready to surrender my life.” That year Bud and his family became members of Asbury. Bud smiles as he remembers being baptized with his oldest daughter. He says his family life was transformed, his marriage was saved and many of the friends who negatively influenced his life started to fall away. But he still feared he had a serious battle to contend with. “I always told Bill, ‘I just don’t think I can give up this whiskey or the cigarettes.’ And Bill said ‘Bud you don’t have to give up anything. When the Lord is ready, he will take it away from you.’” Bud says the Lord removed both habits almost immediately

after becoming a Christian—he no longer had a thirst for alcohol and hasn't smoked a cigarette since. “Bill Mason has been such an inspiration in our lives,” says Bud. “I try not to deify Bill, but yet I almost do. I just can’t believe there’s a better human on Earth.“ When the Mathes family relocated for 10-years, it was Bill who kept in touch, writing letters and keeping them updated on the church as it grew. Bud says he was thrilled when they were transferred back to Tulsa and were able to rejoin their Asbury family once again, this time with a new addition to their own family – a second daughter. Through the years, Bud and his family have spent countless hours serving the church. Bud jokes he’s held just about every office he could at Asbury, from working on the finance committee, to serving as the president of Methodist Men and most recently heading up the ROMEO program (Retired Old Men Eating Out). Bud says none of this would have been possible without the guidance and perseverance of the “head man”. He speaks candidly of Bill Mason, the pastor he’s grown to call his friend. “At the time, just to see how dedicated and how busy he was, yet he always had a smile on his face. He was so good to so many people, it was just mind boggling. He was like the Energizer bunny!” Bill Mason and Asbury didn’t just give the Mathes family a church home, Bud says, they saved his entire existence. “I don’t know how you encapsulate Bill Mason—it’s impossible to put him in an article or in a bottle to say the kind of man that he really is—but he is the most humble giant that I’ve ever known.”



Together We Are Better by Charlie Stinson


ecently I was invited to witness a big event in the life of a young man who, along with his family, happens to be a member at Asbury. The event was national signing day for high school athletes receiving athletic scholarship offers, and Matt was signing with William Jewel College to play baseball. When I arrived at his school I was surprised by how many people were present, including several television news teams. The actual event turned out to be short and simple – two athletes that had received scholarship offers each had a table set up for them to sign their official letter of intent to play their respective college sport. At the first table was a young man seated between his parents who quickly signed his offer letter and graciously thanked his parents and his coaches for their ongoing support. At the other table was Matt Crawford along with his mother Cindi, his father Darrin, his little league coach, his high school coach, and his Asbury small group leader. When Matt’s turn came to sign his letter his hand was shaking so much I wasn’t sure he would be able to ink his contract. Part of this nervousness was simply due to being in the spotlight with so many people looking on, but part of it had to do with his nature. Matt has a rather humble nature, and I think he may have been having trouble accepting the fact that he was receiving such a prestigious opportunity. Regardless, he got the job done, and immediately upon completion, he stood up and gave glory to God for his good fortune. Then he turned to each of his parents and thanked them for the love and support that they had given him over the years. Next he turned to his little league coach, shook his hand and thanked him for teaching him how to pitch and for helping him develop a passion for the game. He thanked his high school coach for fine tuning his skills and for helping him navigate the recruiting process. And finally, he thanked his small group leader for helping him with all the “other stuff” you have to deal with in life. Very impressive for a high school senior standing in the spotlight under what I would guess to be a somewhat emotional environment. Later that morning I sent Cindi his mother a text asking her why the Crawford family choose to include Matt’s small group leader and if she could share any comments regarding Asbury Student Ministries that I could forward to Greg Lynn and his team. Her response included these comments: “It has truly been a delight to watch our son grow through the small group program. We have been attending Asbury for four years. We came specifically for the youth programs. We wanted our son to become grounded in God’s word, to have good friends and to be influenced by folks who have a vibrant relationship with Christ. During that time our son has been fortunate to have an excellent small group leader, who has been there for our son all four years while participating in numerous activities with Matt…”


We came specifically for the youth programs. We wanted our son to become grounded in God’s word, to have good friends and to be influenced by folks who have a vibrant relationship with Christ.

Matt Crawford

What a wonderful testimony to Darrin and Cindi, that they would be so intentional in what they believe is an important and necessary part in their efforts to raise their son. And how rewarding to know that our church was able to meet their need and play such an important role in this young man’s life. That evening while reflecting on the activities from earlier in the day something struck me that I think is extremely important and notable. Matt was accompanied by “a team of support” which included parents, coaches, and church. I heard this young man say, “Thank you, God, and thanks for my parents, and thanks for others who care about me. I now have this opportunity for which I am very grateful.” What a mature and humble thing for a young man to say; it made me feel proud, and he’s not even my son. This is a great example of how I believe Christ wants us to live and love-working together, helping our neighbors, lifting each other up, united as the body of Christ. When I asked Cindi to comment on these thoughts she simply said: “That is so true. Matt is living proof of everyone sowing into his life.” If you are not currently invested in someone outside of your immediate family, I prayerfully encourage you to do so. If you are not sure of where or how to begin, Asbury is more than willing to point you in the right direction and help get you started. All it takes is a willing and loving heart to truly make a difference in this world and the next. For additional reference, see Galatians 6:10, Proverbs 22:6, and Matthew 25:31-46.



Shout Out for JOY! by Diane King

Jesus first Others next Yourself last


Where are they now?

hile we are reminiscing about the roots of Asbury’s 50th anniversary, it wouldn’t be complete without talking about our second-oldest community, the JOY class.

Two couples who were interested in the small group concept, Harry and Sandra McLeod and Wint and Barbara Wilks, began with a small group of ten members that grew out of the Friendship class. The first meeting was held in the church office foyer in the old building on March 27, 1966. Intially called the Discussion class, it was renamed the JOY class in 1967 when it had 27 members. In its heyday in 1978, it boasted 156 members. As time went on, its members matured; most are now retired.

JOY is one of only two adult communities that meet at 8:00 on Sunday morning. They have literally been “on the move.” Wanting to encourage the new classes of younger people, they accepted the leftover space for their classroom, meeting wherever they could find a spot. It was often not convenient, but they wanted to give preference to other communities. At one point, they were meeting in a basement room. But because several of their members began to have trouble with the stairs (there was no elevator!), they made the tough decision to move back to the Parlor. Since they had to change the meeting time to 8:00 am, the earlier meeting time caused them to lose about 30% of their members. However, those that remained were both hardy and loyal.

In March of this year, JOY will celebrate 46 years of being Asbury’s second organized adult Sunday School class. Belonging The Joy class held its first social on May 19, 1967. They built on their class goal of friendship and fellowship by hosting many parties, picnics, bridge marathons, dinner groups, and other events. Currently the class dines together in different restaurants weekly, and they claim to have visited most of the restaurants in Tulsa over the years.

Believing When this group first began meeting, the class members served as teachers. Later different Asbury staff members would teach, usually a monthly series. The last Sunday of each month was celebrated as “Serendipity Sunday” on which an outside teacher would teach and refreshments served at the beginning of class. Bill Mason is their regular teacher now. As Susie Barrett says, “We have The Rock – Bill Mason!” Grandpa John Westervelt describes it this way, “Bill is our patriarch, and Jayne is our matriarch.”

“By this time our aging class had a number of widows and widowers. I was one of those. Some people wondered why we didn’t take advantage of the wonderful singles programs. Speaking for myself, I was not a single, but rather the remaining half of a couple,” states John Westerfelt. In March of this year, JOY will celebrate 46 years of being Asbury’s second organized adult Sunday School class. Its 68 members still meet at 8:00 am on Sundays in room 1508, and Bill Mason still steps into the front of the class and breaks open the Word of God to teach this “hardy and loyal” bunch.

Becoming JOY has reached out to others through missions and leadership. “In the early days of Asbury we were the mature class. We supplied chairmen of boards and leadership in all phases of the church,” states Grandpa John. They have been heavily involved in missions since the class began.




And for the new Transitions Community by Gloria McGee-Denton


ransitions is a newly forming community for young adults in their 20s-30s, married or single. God put this need before Diane King and her discipleship team, and after working with a few young adults who share the passion for peer ministry through fall 2011, they started inviting others in January of 2012. Gloria McGee-Denton, who provides pastoral leadership for Transitions, believes it is key to Asbury’s ministry of hospitality and evangelism. “Young people visit worship and want to know where to meet other people like them while they’re here. Now we have an answer to this common question.”

“Meeting and getting to know each other is a great opportunity to help each other grow stronger in our faith and come closer to Christ.”

Because there are new faces every week, it’s a great time to come check out Transitions at 9:15 in Room 2314. “My hope for Transitions is to create a Community where young adults—single, married, divorced, students, young professionals, young parents—have a place in the church to go and be together with fellow Christians living through the same things. I want to start at this point in my life building the foundation and friendships needed to continue my walk with Christ and as I make major life transitions.” - Lauren Effron “Meeting and getting to know each other is a great opportunity to help each other grow stronger in our faith and come closer to Christ.” He is determined that young adults find a warm welcome and place to belong and grow on Sundays. - Steve Adams

David Ellis, Lauren Effron, Gloria McGee-Denton, Lauren Webb




Dara: The Little Girl Who Drew Near To Jesus My name is Dara. I am eight years old, and I have a younger brother, Seth, who is five. Sometimes I see my friend, Yoby, who lives in a two room house in Jericho. One time when we were playing dolls, she turned to me and said, “I feel sorry for you because you live in such a tiny house. You must be poor.” I had never thought about being poor but decided that Yoby was probably right. I felt sorry for Yoby because she had no brothers or sisters, and I had Seth to play with. Sometimes Mother would take Seth and me down to the edge of the Jordan River to play. I would build a sand house with two rooms like Yoby’s and imagine that Seth and I had lots of room to play. Today my mother took Seth and me with her to a hillside near the river to listen to a teacher named Jesus. The crowd was still gathering when mother took Seth and me by the hand to try to get closer to Jesus. Other mothers were trying to get closer with their children, too. When we were just a short distance from Jesus, mother, still holding our hands, kneeled down between Seth and me. Then she placed Seth’s hand in mine and said, “Dara, I want you to take Seth with you and walk up beside Jesus. People have told me He will bless you, and things will be better.” I was scared, but I squeezed Seth’s hand tightly and pretended to be brave so that Seth wouldn’t be afraid. As I pulled Seth along through a group of men, all I could see were sandals and robes of blue, green, red and purple. Then one man yelled out, “Go on! Get out of here! This is no place for children!” Now I was really scared! When Seth could see that I was frightened, he began to cry. One of the men on the edge of the group knelt down and took both Seth’s and my hands. He said, “My name is Andrew. Don’t be afraid. Judas, the one yelling at you, doesn’t understand about children.”

Still holding our hands, Andrew led us to a nearby rock and said, “Here, you sit awhile with me so you can see Jesus.” Seth’s gaze was fixed on Andrew. His crying stopped, and he began to smile because Andrew was smiling at him. I turned to watch Jesus. He was bigger than the other men. I kept looking at His eyes, for they sparkled in a way that made me know that He must love Seth and me. In a little while, He raised His arms and reached out toward the children and their mothers saying, “Let the little children come to me, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as they.” The kingdom part I didn’t understand, but I knew that Jesus wanted me to come to Him. So I pulled Seth by the hand and walked right up beside Jesus where He was sitting on a big rock. When I leaned against His leg, He picked up Seth and sat him on His lap. He put one hand on Seth’s head and His other one on me. I glanced at Seth. He was smiling. Then I looked up at Jesus as He said, “Bless you and thank you for bringing your brother so I could bless him too.” “Since we have been blessed, will we no longer be poor?” “Now you will be rich in love, and someday you will understand that this is more important than a two room house.” I turned to hurry back to Mother to share the good news. As we drew near, she knelt down to greet us. When I told her that Jesus said, “We are going to be rich in love,” she began to cry. Seth looked bewildered, for Mother never cried. Soon he was crying too. “Mother, why are you crying? Are you sad?” As her strong arms gathered Seth and me to her breast, she said, “No, dear, I am overcome with happiness.” Then Mother


placed Seth’s hand in hers and held my hand tightly with her other as we began our journey back to our tiny home so full of love. Based on Mark 10:13-16

Note to the reader. If you read “Mahala – Sister of Paul” in a recent Tiding’s issue, you heard Paul’s mother Abigail saying to her friend Hannah, “Paul was a good boy and a natural leader. However, I have been disappointed on two counts. One, he never married so he gave me no grandsons. And secondly, he has written nothing noteworthy. Oh, Paul has written some letters which he tells me are read by the churches he has started.” I hope you knew I was kidding. If not, let me say that in my judgment the list of writers with the greatest command of the language are Paul, Lincoln, and Shakespeare in that order. Paul thought in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek. With translation, Paul lists love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control as the fruit of the spirit. Even more amazing, Paul lists fifteen descriptors of the desires of the flesh, which are opposite of the fruit of the spirit. (Galatians 5) Paul, thinking in entirely different languages, conveys to me clear, in-depth, word pictures of the meanings of spirit and flesh. And this I need to understand.

Other stories at



Scholarship Opportunities Bill Mason Scholarship Fund is a permanent endowment that supports the seminary education of candidates attending Asbury Theological Seminary. This special fund was formed at the suggestion of Dr. Tom Harrison to honor Dr. Bill Mason, pastor emeritus of Asbury United Methodist Church.

Free tax help!


ITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) provides free tax help in the community. Volunteers help people with basic tax returns, particularly those with low and limited income, individuals with disabilities, non-English speaking and elderly taxpayers. It is, however, open to anyone needing assistance. There is no charge.

What to bring: • This year’s tax package and/ or label • All forms, W-2 and 1099s • Information for other income • Information for all deductions/credits • A copy of last year’s tax return

Priority is given to Asbury members, but the scholarship is not limited to those students. Students must indicate, and show evidence of their support, for the stated Beliefs of ATS, and the candidate will be asked to convince the Foundation board of his or her capacity to graduate, become ordained, and enthusiastically and effectively preach and teach in accordance with the Beliefs. Once the scholarship is granted, it is reviewed each year.

United Methodist Men’s Scholarship Eligibility requirements: • Active member of Asbury or a relative of an active member • Have a high school GPA of at least 2.5 or a college GPA of 3.0 • Is attending or plans to attend an accredited college or university for the school year 2012-2013. • Complete and submit UMM scholarship application

United Methodist Women’s Scholarship Eligibility requirements: • Attend regularly and/or be an active member of Asbury United Methodist Church • Sponsored by a relative who is a current member of Asbury UMW (other than Priscilla Circle) • Have a high school GPA of at least 2.5 • Plan to attend an accredited college or university • Be classified as an entering freshman woman • Complete and submit UMW scholarship application and required documents. Deadline for application to be received is April 26, 2012 Courtney Loerke received the UMW Scholarship for 2011 “Getting the UMW scholarship really meant so much to me because I loved knowing that I had the support of the church as I went to college to accomplish my goals. I have really enjoyed college, and I got a 4.0 for my first semester. I am a nursing major, and I will be applying for nursing school next fall. As of now, I want to work in pediatrics, and I am also thinking about going on a student spring break mission trip as the nurse. Asbury taught me how to find good Christian friends which has been extremely important since I went to a school where I knew few people. I cannot express how thankful and blessed I am for receiving this scholarship.”

When/Where • Asbury United Methodist Church, Room 1504 • Every Wednesday until April 15 • 12:30–4:30 pm To get the most up-to-date tax products and information, visit




The following recipes are taken from the Asbury UMW Cookbook. Copies of the cookbook can be purchased for $20 at the gazebo on Sundays or at the front office. Proceeds support Asbury’s church projects, scholarship program, and local and global missions.

Baked Tilapia 18 Ritz crackers ¼ c. grated Parmesan cheese 3 T. olive oil ¾ tsp. dried basil

4 tilapia fillets, about 1½ lbs. 2 T. Dijon mustard ¼ tsp. salt ¼ tsp. black pepper

Heat oven to 425⁰. Spray a baking sheet with cooking spray. Crush crackers in a plastic bag. Add cheese, olive oil and basil. Shake to combine ingredients. Place tilapia on prepared baking sheet. Brush top side of each fillet with ½ T. of mustard and season with salt and pepper. Press cracker mixture onto the mustard-coated side of each fillet. Bake for 15 minutes or until fish flakes easily. Serve with lemon wedges and tartar sauce, if desired. Submitted by Betty P. Crockett I found this recipe in a magazine and have made it many times. It is one of my granddaughter’s favorites. I usually serve green beans alongside it, as a side dish.

Asparagus Casserole 1 lg. can asparagus 4 hard-boiled eggs, sliced 1 tsp. salt Dash of pepper

1 c. saltine cracker crumbs 1 ½ c. grated cheddar cheese 1 (10.5-oz.) can cream of mushroom soup

Preheat oven to 325⁰. Drain asparagus. Place layers of asparagus and sliced eggs in a buttered baking dish. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and cracker crumbs. Cover with half the grated cheese. Pour half of the soup over cheese. Repeat cheese and soup layers. Bake for 1 hour. Submitted by Marilene Long This yummy recipe is from my awesome sister-in-law in Dallas. It’s a family favorite as we try to offer something other than green bean casserole on the menu when we’re altogether. We’ve only used canned asparagus. I do not know how fresh asparagus would work, but the asparagus would probably need to be cooked before assembling the dish. I have never frozen this casserole but it works great to make a day ahead, refrigerate, and then cook just before serving.




Asbury Opportunities RECYCLING PAPER


Recycle unwanted paper products. Three bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots.


Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donuts, bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. • Served from 7:00–9:00 am in the CLC • $3 for adults and $1 for children 12 and under


The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library.


8:00 am 9:15 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 11:00 am

Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) Sanctuary (Contemporary) CLC - Open House Worship (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting) Sanctuary (Traditional) Venue 68 (Modern with sign interpreter)


• Sundays, 5:30–6:30 pm, Family Room


6:00 pm


FREE! Suitable for framing.

Venue 68 (Modern)


• Sundays, 11:00 am, Room 1507


6 Weeks–4 Years K–6th Grades 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 10th, 11th & 12th Grades

8:00, 9:15 and 11:00 am 9:15 or 11:00 am 9:15 and 11:00 am 9:15 am only


Adult Bible study, belonging, and serving together • Sunday at 8:00, 9:15 and 11:00 am • Options during the week - Tuesdays at 6:00 pm, Wednesdays at 6:00 and 7:30 pm

Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Joan at 918.392.1176 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 918.492.1771, selecting option 6, and leaving a message for the pastor on call.


Study on the Imperatives of the New Testament: Meanings, Objectives and Applications • Wednesdays, 6:00–7:30 pm • Room 1508 • Instructor: Don Herrold

Join Darlene Johnson as she leads an open Bible study focusing on the practical application of the Scripture sermon series. • Wednesdays, 10:00–11:00 am (No childcare) • Room 2818


CDs of Tom’s message of the day are available immediately following the worship service - $3. UMW Cookbooks available for $20. Additional volunteers needed.


Here are some ongoing studies you may attend at any time:





Exciting possible new ministry to physically disabled adults needs coordinator with passion and administrative gifts. To discuss or apply, call Adrena at 918.392.1144.




Join us for a DVD series and book entitled “21 Principles of a Healthy Single Mom.” You will learn to apply specific, workable guidelines so you can flourish spiritually in the midst of overwhelming circumstances. Each principle/video session is self-contained, and you may begin attending at any time. • Third Thursdays, 6:00–8:45 pm • Parlor • Childcare provided • $12 for book • RSVP to Kellie at HEALING HATS/BALL CAPS

Healing Hats Ministry is offering you a new opportunity to help create baseball caps for cancer patients who have lost their hair from chemo. If you can cut and glue this is for you! Come for good fellowship, use your creative ability and spread your love and care for those who need your thoughts and prayers. • Fourth Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30 am • Room 1507 • Baseball caps and decorating items will be available. • Contact Sue Fisher at or 918.455.2816 VISITS TO ASBURY MEMBERS

Asbury has a group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are homebound, in nursing homes or in assisted living facilities. • Contact Adrena at 918.392.1144 or the coordinator, Linda Pat Colgan at 918.366.3287 or PRAYER CARD MINISTRY

Send cards with God’s encouraging words and our prayers to those who are ill or going through hard times. • Usually meets first and third Mondays at 9:30 am • Room 1508 • Contact Gwen Mohler at 918.258.5479 or MILITARY CONNECTION

Please join us in praying for our troops in harm’s way and their families. Periodic care packages and monthly encouragement cards with God’s Word are sent to Asbury-related military personnel. The Prayer Ministry also covers them in prayer. Send complete name and address to: • Jo VanDeWiele at 918.459.0888 or Gwen at DIVORCE RECOVERY

For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. • Tuesdays, 7:00–8:30 pm • Room 1335

• Childcare available • Contact Malia Miller at 918.494.9596 or malia.miller@ DIVORCE REBUILDING

For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. • Thursdays, 7:00–8:30 pm • Room 1335 • Childcare available • Contact Jim Small at 918.697.4220 or divorce-rebuilding@ MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES

For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. • Usually meets the fourth Thursdays from 1:30–3:00 pm • Parlor • Contact Linda Lytle at 918.298.2707 or ASBURY BEAR BAGS

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury bear to someone who is grieving. • Contact Sue at

CHILDREN Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. CORE CHILDCARE HOURS

Parents who are involved in RoadMap classes during these core hours will have childcare provided for children 6 weeks–12 years of age with no reservations needed: • Sunday 8:00 am–12:00 pm • Monday and Tuesday 9:00 am–12:00 pm • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 6:00 pm–9:00 pm SUNDAY MORNING VOLUNTEERS

Children’s Ministry is actively pursuing classroom, security and hospitality volunteers. We have two rotations: Alpha (1st and 2nd Sundays) and Omega (3rd and 4th Sundays) at both the 9:15 and 11:00 class times. • Contact Joanna Edwards at 918.392.1166 or jedwards@ MURDOCK VILLA VISITS

4th, 5th and 6th graders can serve at an assisted living housing project once a month where the majority of the residents have




physical disabilities. Space is limited to the first 10 students. Make sure you sign up early and have your permission slip signed. • Sunday, March 4, 12:30 pm • Rock 2901 • $5 for a pizza lunch • Contact Abby Sluice at 918.392.4583 EASTER CELEBRATION AND EGG HUNT

You and your family are invited to join us for our own Easterville; an Easter Journey. A concession stand with snacks to purchase will be available. Free activities will be available including inflatables, crafts and an Easter egg hunt for your child’s age group. • Friday, March 30, 6:00–8:30 pm • 3rd to 6th grade need to bring a flashlight • Contact Shanon Brown at 918.392.1170 or sbrown@ • All children need to bring a basket WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE

Join us for worship in the chapel—kid style. We combine music, high energy and a Bible lesson in a setting that encourages kids to learn about worship. Our lessons will tie right into what we are doing on Sunday morning. If you were registered for the fall semester, you will not need to complete a new form • Wednesdays, 7:00–8:00 pm (will not meet March 21) • Mason Chapel TAKE FLYTE, 4TH, 5TH AND 6TH GRADERS

Join us as we fly through a series made just for you—“FLYTE: faith, life together” Bible study is made just for you. We’ll talk about heaven, family and more. Discover for yourself how to apply the Bible to your life. Your early registration helps us have the correct number of study books. • Wednesdays, 7:00–8:00 pm • Room 2901 • Cost is $8.00 • Contact Abby Sluice at 918.392.4583 MISSION MINDED CLASS

4th-6th graders can come explore mission opportunities in the Tulsa community. We hear from different agencies one week and then help by creating something to meet their needs the next. • Wednesdays, 6:00–6:50 pm (no class on February 22 or March 21) • Room 2909 • Cost is $10 per week • 918.392.1161 or

appropriate ways through worship, crafts, games and activities. • Mondays, 7:00–9:00 pm • Faith Zone • Contact Eryn Wallis 918.392.4588 SPECIAL VOLUNTEERS FOR SPECIAL KIDS!

Do you have a heart to help children with special needs? If so, the Children’s Ministry needs you to volunteer. • Contact Dotti Westerberg at or 918.381.0874


If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship Community check out “Get Involved” on our website,, or pick up a brochure at one of our Welcome Centers. • If you are 20’s to early 30’s, come check out our newest Sunday morning group at 11:00 am in room 2201, “Transitions”

ENDOWMENTS Leave a legacy that continues to give forever to a ministry you want to support. There are endowments that support many areas of Asbury’s outreach including children, youth, music, missions, and training of pastors as well as a general endowment. You can easily impact a ministry through your will or a current gift. • Contact Dwight Yoder at 918.392.1113 or dyoder@

HOSPITALITY We were recently asked, “why don’t you have volunteers holding the doors open on Sunday morning?” The simple answer is we have very few volunteers willing to do it. Most say Asbury is a friendly church, yet we don’t have enough friendly people willing to serve on Sunday mornings when the need is great to welcome folks who have possibly had little contact with people during the week. We need new volunteers to serve in a hospitality role as greeters and at Connection Corner where many people have their first experience at Asbury. The Gazebo needs new volunteers as well. Are you one of those friendly people? There are special events in early 2012 that will require many smiling servants. • Call Joan at 918.392.1176 to volunteer



Celebration Station is a 52-week complementary children’s program to Celebrate Recovery. While adults explore topics that bring healing and wholeness, kids discover the same truths in age-



Learn practical skills and Biblical principles to strengthen and



reenergize your marriage or prepare you for your upcoming marriage. Hosted by FamilyLife, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. • Friday through Sunday, March 9–11 • Renaissance Hotel, 6808 S. 107th East Ave., Tulsa • To register, call 1.800.FL.TODAY or go to www.familylife. com/groups/asburytulsa to save $80/couple by registering for ANY conference using group name, AsburyTulsa. ATTENTION ENGAGED COUPLES

If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-to-Couple (required premarital meetings).


Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. • Sunday, March 4, 12:15–2:00 pm • Community Life Center (CLC) • Childcare available for children six weeks through sixth grade • Lunch provided • Call 918.392.1191 to register


these luncheons are for you! A really awesome bunch of guys meet for good food and great fellowship. • Meet every second and fourth Friday, 11:15 am • Village Inn (71st and Memorial) • Open to anyone 60 years and up • Contact Bud at or Jim at robersonjim29@ MEN’S MISSION TRIP TO RIO BRAVO, MEXICO

Men, would you enjoy building casitas (small houses) for those in desperate need and helping local churches in Mexico? If so, you can become a part of an Asbury mission team traveling to Rio Bravo, Mexico, to do just that! You will not only be serving others and showing the love of Jesus Christ, but you will get to know other men in our church and form relationships that will last a lifetime. No building experience or skills are required - just a willing spirit! This is a great opportunity for "first-timers" but there will be many who return to volunteer again. A minimum of 30 men are anticipated. There may be incremental costs for additional airline tickets after the first 30 spots are taken, or for extra charges. • April 18–22 (deadline is April 1) • Cost is $595 per person • Partial scholarships may be available • A $100 deposit holds your place, with balance due April 1 • Contact Jim Furman at or 918.625.1316, or Frank Field at or 918.630.0717



The Asbury Boy Scout Foundation, sponsored by the Men's Ministry, would like to invite you to its annual Spaghetti and Chili Luncheon. Come celebrate Scout Sunday and enjoy a generous serving of spaghetti with bread sticks, chili with crackers, salad and yummy desserts with your family and friends. Tickets may be purchased in advance on Sunday, February 26 and March 4, from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm, or the day of the event at the door. Prepurchasing tickets is greatly appreciated to help with planning. All proceeds benefit Asbury's Boy Scout programs. • Sunday, March 11, 10:30 am – 2:00 pm • CLC • Cost is $5 per person or $20 maximum per family of four or more • Purchase tickets in advance or the day of the event MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST

Make plans to join us for a great time of meaningful worship, lifechanging prayer and an awesome big breakfast. • Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 am • CLC • Cost is $3 per person; first-time guests are free MATURE MEN’S MINISTRY R.O.M.E.O. LUNCHEON

Are you a “Retired Old Man” who wants to “Eat Out?” If so, then


Looking for an easy way to make a difference and share Christ’s love in Tulsa? Join us for Second Saturday and choose between local mission opportunities. Families with children are welcomed and encouraged! • Saturday, March 10, 8:30 am • Venue68 • Head to the ministry sites, 8:45; teams work from 9:00–11:30 am; buses return to Venue68 no later than 12:15 pm • Contact Betty Higgins at OJT (OVERCOMING JOB TRANSITIONS)

When someone asks “How are you doing?” it sounds like “Have you found a job yet?” God has created each of us uniquely for a specific purpose and some people are still seeking that. We can help. • Third Tuesday each month, 6:30–9:00 pm • Room 2319 • Contact Russ Knight at LEADERSHIP BEYOND CONFERENCE

International Leadership Institute presents Leadership Beyond Regional Conference. Multiply your training and affect others in your sphere of influence with ILI’s Eight Core Values that




they teach around the world. ILI is one of Asbury’s supported ministries. • March 29-31 • St. James UMC, 5050 E 111th, Tulsa • For more information contact Mary Ann Smith, 918.392.1117 VIM 2012 TEAM SCHEDULE

• March 3–10 –– Monterrey, Mexico, MBS & Construction, $950 • Spring –– Cookson Hills, Oklahoma, Light Construction, $60 • May 31–June 11 –– Estonia, Lighthouse, $2,700 • June 2–9 –– Ecuador, MBS & Construction, $2,000 • June 7–16 –– Central Asia, Relationship, Teaching & Light Construction, $2,200 • June 14–26 –– Tanzania, East Africa, Medical, $2,800 • June 28–July 9 –– Estonia, Camp Gideon, Youth Camp, $2,700 • July 19–30 –– Estonia, Parnu, MBS & Light Construction, $2,700 • September –– Tanzania, East Africa, Construction, $2,800 • Fall –– Cookson Hills, Oklahoma, Light Construction, $60 –– Central Asia, Relationship, Teaching & Light Construction, $2,200 • October* –– Monterrey, Mexico, MBS & Construction, $950 • November 7–11 –– Rio Bravo, Mexico, Medical, $700 * Tentative All costs apporximate.

For information about the men’s Rio Bravo, Mexico opportunities, contact Jim Furman at VIM LEADER TRAINING

• March 3, September 15 and November 3 (Oklahoma City)

MUSIC We have so much fun…singing, laughing and serving together. Come share your God-given talent with us. • Wednesdays, 7:00–9:00 pm



• Wednesdays, 6:00–7:30 pm • Orchestra room PERPETUAL LIGHT

• Thursdays, 10:30am–12:00 noon • Handbell room CELEBRATION RINGERS

• Tuesdays, 4:30–5:30 pm • Handbell room ASBURY POWER & LIGHT CO.

• Sundays, 8:00–9:15 am • Orchestra room CHILDREN’S CHOIRS

Come learn about God through music as we sing, play instruments, play musical games. • Wednesdays, 6:00–6:50 pm • Available for children age four (by September 1, 2011) through sixth grade ASBURY SINGING AMBASSADORS

• Tuesdays, 1:30–3:00 • Choir room • Available for senior adults


For more information about these exciting mission opportunities, contact Marilene Long at 918.392.1164 or


• Choir room • Available for seventh grade through adults.


This is a prayer opportunity you won't want to miss! Make plans now to sign up for an hour of prayer in the Venue 68 Prayer Room on behalf of our Youth of Mission. Individuals and families can sign up by going on-line at Asbury's home page (www.asburytulsa. org) and selecting a date and time slot. Be a valuable part of a prayer effort to support our youth and sponsors as they serve in mission fields on U.S. soil and beyond. • March 17–March 25 • Venue 68 Prayer Room ALTAR PRAYER

If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or immediately following a worship service, please come to the altar rail. A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer



Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual, at the altar or in the Prayer Room. PRAYER ROOM RESERVATIONS

The leadership of Asbury’s prayer ministry would like to remind you that the main facility Prayer Room is open not only to individuals desiring to pray in a quiet, meditative atmosphere but also to prayer groups within communities and ministries. Just call the Adult Ministries office at 918.392.4589 to reserve the Prayer Room for your group on a weekly or monthly basis. PRAYER ROOM DAYS AND TIMES

Our prayer rooms are accessible to you at these times: • Mason Chapel and Venue 68 –– Sundays from 7:00 am–12:30 pm, through the interior doors • Main Facility, Mason Chapel and Venue 68 –– Monday - Friday, 8:00 am–9:00 pm –– Saturday, 10:00 am–3:00 pm –– Sunday, 12:30 pm–9:00 pm To obtain door codes, call Pam in the Adult Ministries office at 918.392.4589.


Come join this supportive group of people. Hiding any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God never intended for you to live in bondage. • Every Monday night: dinner at 6:00 pm, worship from 7:00–8:00 pm, small groups from 8:00–9:00 pm, dessert from 9:00–9:30 pm


After light snacks in Asbury's Family Room, we will travel to First Assembly of God Church in Broken Arrow. There we will enjoy an inspiring evening of good 'ole Southern Gospel Music at its best! Three outstanding quartet groups will entertain us! THE MISSOURIANS combine various musical talents, each devoted to God. This Midwest-based group has developed a blend of southern gospel with a progressive sound, close knit harmonies and powerful vocals. THE DELIVERED 24/7 group from Lexington, Oklahoma, with lead Jeff Spor, include southern Oklahomans Josh Ransom, Tim Wall and Tyson Blevins. With sound tech coordinator, Gary Marr, they readily connect with their audiences with God's love, grace and beautiful harmony. The much sought after, Tulsa based, JOYFUL NOISE may be familiar to some of you as they have sung at Asbury before and are scheduled to perform at the Wordfinders and Happy Christians' joint Valentine Party this year. They believe that God has blessed them with a desire to spread the Gospel with song. • Saturday, March 3; deadline March 1

• • • •

Meet in the Family Room at 5:30; return at 8:30 pm Cost is $5.00 per person Registration forms available at the south welcome desk Pre-registration required due to limited seating


This month's program promises to be great! The "Reunion Quartet" will entertain us with their wonderful music! Come enjoy excellent entertainment, a delicious lunch, fun and fellowship. This is designed with you in mind! In addition, Asbury's Children's Ministry has asked for our help in stuffing candy in plastic Easter eggs for their annual Easter Egg Hunt. We will lend a hand after the program and lunch. • Thursday, March 22, 10:30 am - 1:00 pm • CLC • $1.00 for lunch; donation to Tweenagers' missions and other expenses is appreciated • No reservation required ADULT GAME DAY

Attention all adults! How would you like to get together on a regular basis with a wonderful bunch of fun adults and play cards, dominoes, or whatever board or card game you choose? Bring a friend and stay for as long as you like! • Every third Thursday, 1:30–4:00 pm • Room 2821 SENIOR WALK IN THE GYM WITH HIM

All senior adults are invited to join us for power walking, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. Come give it a try. • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 8:30–9:00 am • Gym SENIOR SIT AND FIT STRETCHING CLASS

All senior adults are invited to join us for a time of stretching, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. No high impact workout here. We take it nice and easy. • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00–9:30 am • Gym SENIOR ADULT MEAL & MOVIE

If you’re 55 years of age or over, our monthly meal and movie day event may be just the “ticket” for you! We get together at a different Tulsa restaurant each month, and then head off to see a “first run” movie. • The dates and times vary according to the movie selected, but those who express an interest will be contacted a few days ahead of time so they can make plans accordingly • For more information or to sign up for the call list, contact Sally Wood,






Join us and celebrate the coming of spring with other Christian singles at Asbury. Enjoy great food, fun and fellowship. • Sunday, March 25, 12:15 pm–1:30 pm • CLC • Cost is $5.00 per person, kids 10 years of age and under eat free • No reservations required COMMUNITIES

You are always welcome to join any other communities that are not “Singles Only”, as most are a mix of singles and marrieds. • Sundays, 9:15 am - New Beginnings Class • Sundays, 11:00 am - Ambassadors for Christ, Footprints (ladies only), SEGUE, Salt & Light


This movie is a documentary about four college students who leave their routine Christian lives in the U.S. in a quest to find what it really means to be a follower of Jesus. Following the viewing, you will be able to ask questions of the four young men in the documentary. If you are a high school or college student (or a parent), you will want to come see this movie. • Thursday, March 8, Venue Auditorium • 7:00–9:00 pm SPRING BREAK MISSIONS COMMISSIONING

All students, parents, and leaders serving on a Spring Break Missions team will be commissioned to go out and serve in all 9:15 and 11:00 services. • Sunday, March 11 • Meet in the gym at 8:30 am to get ready HOUSTON LEADER MEETING

All leaders going to Houston must be at the training meeting to make the trip the best it can be for both leaders and students. • Sunday, March 11, 3:00–4:30 pm • Saturday, March 17, from 1:30–3:00 pm • Venue HOUSTON PARENT/STUDENT MEETING

Mandatory for all students planning on going to Houston for Spring Break Missions. Students must bring a parent or guardian. • Sunday, March 11, 4:30–6:00 pm • Venue, upstairs


Parents of students going on this trip will drop their children off (as if they were departing) for training at 3:00 pm; we will leave early Sunday morning. • Saturday, March 17, 3:00 pm • Venue RED BIRD LEADER AND STUDENTS CONSTRUCTION SKILLS TRAINING

Come and learn the construction skills needed on the Red Bird Spring Break Missions Trip. • Sunday, March 11, 12:15–2:00 pm • Venue • Bring $3.00 to cover lunch RED BIRD TRAINING AND DEPARTURE

Leaders make sure you come and get the last minute details for the Red Bird trip in training and be prepared to leave right after with the students for Red Bird, Kentucky. • Saturday, March 17, 6:00 pm • Venue HOUSTON AND RED BIRD SPRING BREAK MISSIONS CELEBRATION

Hear testimonies and see pictures of what God did on Spring Break Missions 2012 in Houston and Kentucky. All ages welcome. • Sunday, April 1, 9:15 am • Venue, upstairs JAMAICA AND GUATEMALA SPRING BREAK MISSIONS TRAINING

If you are a student or leader going to either Jamaica or Guatemala you are required to be at trip training. • Sunday, March 11, 12:30–2:30 pm • Venue • Bring $3.00 from lunch JAMAICA AND GUATEMALA SPRING BREAK MISSIONS REUNION

Students, leaders and parents are invited to the spring break missions reunion to hear stories of how God moved on these trips. • Wednesday, March 28, 7:00–8:30 pm • Venue68 7TH GRADE CONFIRMATION PARENT MEETING

Don't miss the mandatory Parent meeting about 7th grade confirmation • Sunday, April 15, 4:45–6:00 pm • Venue, upstairs




We do lots of really cool stuff all night long, so bring your friends! • April 20–21, 8:00 pm–6:00 am • Venue • Registration due April 15 789 GRADE BREAKAWAY – SUNDAY MORNINGS

On Sunday mornings at 9:15 am, we meet in the BAM room (upstairs in the Venue) for a large total group experience of games, worship and teachings from God’s Word. If you like large groups and worship, be there. At 11:00 am, we meet in the green classroom as a smaller group and do a more in depth Bible study. 789 GRADE BIBLE STUDY

Come join us for Wednesday night Bible study; hang out, have fun and study what God’s words has for us. • Wednesdays, 6:30–8:00 pm • Student Café • No Bible study on March 21 due to Spring Break missions DISCIPLESHIP CAMP, 789

"Disciple is Awesome!" to quote a few people who went last year. Disciple is a discipleship camp for rising 7th, 8th and 9th grade students that involves really awesome worship, small groups, ropes course and cool students. • June 1–5 • Registration begins in April

10 11 12 BREAKAWAY

Every Wednesday night we come together for a time of connection and worship. Our desire is to explore who God really is and how our lives matter to Him. • Wednesday nights, 7:00–8:30 pm • Hang out afterwards for pizza • No Wednesday night activities on March 21 due to Spring Break Missions 10 11 12 SMALL GROUPS

Get connected. Are you looking for a way to get more connected? Are you looking for a place to grow in your walk with Jesus? Then being a part of a small group is where you need to be. Our small groups meet every Sunday night; times vary. Some of the groups meet in homes and others meet at the church. • Contact Todd at 918.392.1154 or Amy at 918.392.1156 • There are no small groups on March 18 due to Spring Break Missions 7TH–12TH GRADE METRO WORSHIP @ VENUE 68

Come join youth from all over the city in a night to just worship Jesus. • The first Wednesday of every month, 7:00–8:30 pm • Venue68


Visit, click on “Get Involved” in the middle of the page, then click on “Volunteer.” If you have questions or would like to visit with someone about serving, just get in touch with us. • Contact Joan at 918.392.1176 or email jhenning@


• No meetings on March 18 due to Spring Break • No meeting on April 8 due to Easter STUDENT MINISTRY PROGRAM


• No meetings on March 21 due to Spring Break



You are about to transition into the High School youth ministry and we are so excited about this! We will have a pancake breakfast in your honor as a celebration of your joining us. • Sunday, April 1, 9:15 am • High school room in the Venue 10 11 12 SUNDAY MORNINGS @ VENUE 68

On Sunday mornings we meet for an in-depth Bible Study and discussion. • Sundays, 9:15 am • High school room

Asbury member Giles Gere, President of Operation Hope Prison Ministries, will share how this ministry offers help and hope through counseling, tutoring and mentoring to men, women and children whose lives have been impacted by incarceration. Johnny and Carrie Angel and Jeannine Bezzotte Romo will share how their lives have been transformed by Operation Hope. Scripture: Matthew 25:34–40. • Thursday, March 1, 11:30 am–1:00 pm • CLC • $7.00 for lunch (No reservation necessary) UMW SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM

This $1,500 college scholarship will be awarded to a senior high school young woman. To be eligible, the applicant must have a




relative who is currently a member of Asbury's UMW, with the exception of the Priscilla Circle. Applicant must be an entering freshman at an accredited university or college for the school year of 2012–2013. • Applications available in the main church office beginning March 1 • Asbury's office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am–5:00 pm, and Fridays, 8:00 am–noon • Deadline for submitting a completed application to the church office is 5:00 pm on Thursday, April 26

• Dr. Tom Harrison preaches


• Sanctuary • The Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra and various vocal and instrumental ensembles offer a variety of styles of music led by Hart Morris • Dr. Tom Harrison preaches


Women’s Ministry’s “Common Grounds” is back! Ladies, when was the last time you took a break for life’s demands? Join us for some great camaraderie and the wit and wisdom of our newest pastor, Gloria McGee-Denton. • Thursday, March 29, 6:30–8:00 pm • CLC • Light snacks served • Childcare available • No reservations required WOMEN OF THE WORD

• • • •


• Community Life Center • A relaxed atmosphere with engaging worship led by Dub Ambrose and team • Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast with an occasional live sermon from another pastor

Wednesdays, 10:00–11:00 am Room 2818 No childcare available Teacher is Rev. Darlene Johnson


• Venue 68 • Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by Chris Cleveland and team • Sign interpreters for the deaf are offered 6:00 PM MODERN SERVICE

• Venue68 • Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by the Ben Kilgore and team • Rev. Spencer Smith preaches


Ladies, if you enjoy doing crafts and fellowshipping at the same time, this activity is for you. We gather on Monday mornings to work on our own individual arts and crafts then stop for a delicious pot-luck lunch, before resuming our crafts. We have a wonderful time together and would love to have you join us. • Mondays, 9:30 am–1:00 pm • Room 2821 • Contact Betty Seetin or just stop by


• • • •

Mason Chapel Traditional service with music led by Hart Morris Communion is served Dr. Tom Harrison preaches


• Sanctuary • Contemporary music led by Mark Bennett and team • Time of prayer and the message will all carry a prevailing theme for the morning




Marriages, Births and Deaths MARRIAGES


• Julie Armendia Christian & Spencer Conrad Pittman married 12/27/2011 • “Pamela” Sue Cooper & Curtis Marcus “Mark” French married 1/1/2012

BIRTHS • Harmony Grace Calhoun born 1/24/2012, daughter of Joshua & Rhianna Calhoun, granddaughter of Pat & Deborah Calhoun (M) and Bryan & Barbara Burdick (M), niece of Joshua Burdick (M), great granddaughter of Gene & Barbara Graves • Dawson Wesley Holmes born 12/25/2011, son of Wes & Julie Holmes • Timothy James Bedford born 10/25/2011, son of Daniel and Katie Bedford, little brother of Isabelle Bedford • Lucia Catherine Brieg born 1/11/2012, daughter of Ric & Bree Breig, little sister of Elena & Landon, granddaughter of Dub & Cathy Ambrose • Lillian Grace “Lilly” Hoffman born 1/19/2012, daughter of John & Caitlin Hoffman, big sister is London Hoffman

• Carol Layton died 12/10/2011, sister of Jane Martindale • Carole Minnix died 12/26/2011, mother of Kendall (Erin) Minnix, Cheryl (Ben) Thigpen and Kristi Posewitz, grandmother of Mason, Matthew & Madden Minnix , Margaux & Julia Thigpen, and Rita Vegas • Bernice Sober died 12/30/2011, wife of Frank Sober • Margaret L Yeck died 1/1/2012 • William C “Bill” Keeth died 1/25/2012, husband of Dixie Keeth • Winston Mobley died 1/03/12, father of Garnell (Rick) Riddle • Shirley Nelson died 11/07/11, spouse of Charles • Les Kelsey died 1/13/2012, husband of Grace Elizabeth “Betty” Kelsey • Nancy Lorraine Auer died 1/10/2012 • Dale E Lewis died 1/10/2012, husband of Sally E Lewis.

Milestone Anniversaries 50 YEARS • H.L. & Florence Moore 03/06/62 • Leon & Natalie Russell 03/17/62

35 YEARS • Ron & Robin Tanner 02/12/77

30 YEARS • Harlan & Linda Ford 03/20/82 • Darrell & Connie Moore 02/12/82 • Russ & Karen Weidner 03/12/82

10 YEARS • Bill & Beth Shores 02/23/02

H.L. & Florence Moore 03/06/62

Leon & Natalie Russell 03/17/62


Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at or call 918.451.1559.




New Members

Ray & Alyson Balyeat with Monica, Olivia and Paul

Sean Burns

Paul & Suzanne Fossett

Eric & Marsha Engles

Matt & Amy Payne with Madaline

Rod & Sharon Linsenmeyer with Emma, Cate, Hannah and Henry

Donna Peters


Johnny & Kelly Rhodes with Anna and Lila


Get Involved with Spring Break Missions 2012. The Asbury youth need your help! Every year hundreds of lives are transformed through Jesus Christ by attending Asbury’s Spring Break Missions. Even if you can’t attend as a leader, you can help by donating to the 2012 Spring Break Missions or signing up for the Youth on Mission Prayer Vigil. Make checks payable to Asbury, and be sure to write “Spring Break Missions” on the memo line.

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, gravetending life. It’s Adventurously Expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next Papa?” Romans 8:15

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