We are All in this Together

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october 2012

We Are All in This Together Local Outreach


lmost everyone I talk to is interested in the finances of our church. Even if you are not particularly interested in the subject, I hope that you will keep reading because there is more to the story than just numbers. We will look at history and the future. Most commonly, people want to know about our offering income and expenses. That is one side of our financial picture. The other side of the picture deals with our assets and liabilities, i.e., the balance sheet. On that side, the interest usually focuses on our debt. It is this latter perspective that we will consider this month. I would like to provide context for a discussion. The very large project to move from our previous location on Sheridan to where we are now began around the year 2000. It was named "Building on Faith." A master plan was developed for the first phase and for several potential future phases. Because Tom does not like debt, there was a goal to keep the cost of the project consistent with the pledges made in the capital campaign. During the course of the project two things happened that impacted the goal of making the move with no debt. Many of you will recall the tech-stock crash in 2002. Due to that, some pledges made in good faith were rendered impossible to pay. Secondly, at about the same time, the design work for our main sanctuary indicated that it would be much more cost effective to fully build out the sanctuary rather than do it in two phases. After careful consideration, the building committee and the leadership of the church made the decision to take the cost-effective recommendation even though it would mean that we would not be debt free at the time we moved in. In February 2004, the month in which we moved, our mortgage was approximately $10 million. The funds to make these payments were built into the regular operating budget. Time has proved the wisdom of the original decision resulting in our mortgage. Several years later, we started another project named "Mission Possible." It primarily expanded the wing containing children's ministry, developed the Venue68 facility for our students along with a new worship venue, and added the covered walkway to Mason Chapel. This project was entirely paid from pledged funds. It did not add to our debt. Now looking to the future. In 2011 we had a committee deciding how Asbury should celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2012. From that group came the idea of starting the next 50 years debt free. About the same time, a family made a significant commitment for a matching gift toward debt reduction. Tom, having never been completely happy that Asbury had any debt, decided to act on the idea. Very shortly, Tom will begin speaking to us about a campaign to raise this money. At the end of this year, the balance on our mortgage will be $4.2 million. In November, we will have the opportunity to make pledges to be paid over three years. As we pay off our debt over the three-year period, how will we spend the existing freed-up funds from the operating budget? Asbury has been blessed for a number of years to have run a surplus in our operating budget. We have used this money to help pay for repairs, capital expenses, and to accelerate some ministry work. Because our facility is new, we have not experienced significant maintenance costs. We are not expecting significant operating surpluses this year and probably not for the next two years. Therefore, we need to plan accordingly. We will need the freed-up operating funds to address these issues. Included will be the creation of a long-term maintenance fund to handle major repairs. Asbury is fortunate to be in a strong position financially. Raising these additional funds to pay off the remainder of our mortgage will allow us to remain financially strong in the years ahead. This is a great opportunity for all of us to make an incremental investment in the future of Asbury. We are thankful for all who have invested in the past so that we can have a bright future for the work of ministry to advance the Kingdom. Dwight Yoder Executive Director



A Word From Tom Harrison 1 Asbury’s Prayer Walk 2 Asbury’s Local Outreach Board 4 Habitat for Humanity 6 Faithful Servants 7 Lanette Celoni, Volunteer Co-Coordinator of 2nd Saturday 8 We Are All in This Together 9 We Are Asbury's 2nd Saturday 10 Serve Thursday 11 Good Samaritan Health Services 11 Finding Common Ground 12 Taking Hope to the Prisons 14 Exodus House 16 Youth at Heart and Asbury 17 A Very Special Lady—Darlene Mann 18 Blessing and Being Blessed 19 Mission Minded Class 20 Grove Elementary 21 Walt Whitman Elementary 21 Recipes of the Month 22 Opportunities 23 Special Announcements 30 We need you! Do you have a story of what God has done in your life? Please contact us and tell us a little bit about what God has done. We will all be encouraged by hearing stories of what God is doing in the lives of those around us. Are you a writer or someone who enjoys writing? The Communications Department is always looking for someone to do an interview and write a story for us for Tidings. Have you noticed that we’ve been making some changes in Tidings? Please give us your feedback—both good and bad. Email kmains@asburytulsa.org or call 918.392.1140. Asbury Tidings is a monthly publications designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting www.asburytulsa.org. Editor: Asbury Communications Department, 918.392.1140, kmains@asburytulsa.org Graphic Design: Tim Jurgensen, tjurgensen@ asburytulsa.org Photographers: Mark Moore (mark moore.photo. net), Chris Lo (matchadesign.com), Ryan Farran (ryanfarranphotography.com) Guest Contributors: Marsha Baker, Kim Berns, Lanette Celoni, Lois Christiansen, Debbie Craine, Juan Cruz, Jane Dunbar, Charlene Giles, Rodney Gray, Symon Hajjar, Betty Higgins, Radhika Mittapalli, “Joy” Alice Morrow, Cara Phillips, Rhoena Preciado, Alyschia Saiymeh

A Word From Tom Harrison Jesus gave the marching orders: “Go into all the world and make disciples.” He was given the authority by God to make such a claim (Matthew 28:18-20). We see how this played out immediately before the ascension: “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). All four of these destinations were challenging. Jerusalem was local, but they had serious opposition. Judea was regional and wasn’t the combustible caldron of emotions like the big city. Going to Samaria was ridiculous! Who’d want to take the gospel there? The ends of the earth – now THAT’s big! God put it upon the hearts of various individuals in the New Testament to go to different places. Stephen was martyred in Jerusalem. Peter, among others, went to Joppa (in Judea) to talk to a Gentile (Cornelius) about becoming a believer in Jesus. Philip went to Samaria, then he spoke to the Ethiopian who took the gospel international. Likewise, God calls us all to serve in different places and settings, and puts special people upon our hearts. Outreach is never an “either/or” proposition; it’s a “both/and” mission. In September’s Tidings, we discussed the ways Asbury has been involved overseas in mission. That’s quite exciting. Certain people have that love and fascination for those people groups and places. Others have a local calling. The list becomes lengthy when you think of ALL the things we’re involved in around here. Some of these are “hand-to-mouth” types of immediate aid. But much of

what we try to do to help people is to develop them. As the saying goes: “Not a hand-out but a hand-up.” Asbury’s “Local Outreach” ministry, under the direction of Radhika Aussieker and her council, does a wonderful job of trying to engage within the Tulsa and Oklahoma area. You’ll find out some more about what they are doing in this month’s articles. We also invite you to support their work by your participation in these ministries. You don’t need a passport for this! We have a wide variety of ways you can use your interests and gifts so you can help someone else. Your entire family can go, too. When Jesus told us “Go!” I believe He meant just that! “Go!” means “Go!” Every Christian should be involved in some type of outreach–whether it’s global or local. By going and investing our lives in the ministry of Christ, we so often encounter God’s grace in remarkable ways. We will be as effective in ministry as a congregation as our individuals will allow us. I invite you to let the light of Christ shine through you. Dr. Tom Harrison Senior Pastor

City of Tulsa Recognition Award “To say the Charles Page neighborhood is a large neighborhood is an understatement. It’s boundaries are West Edison St to the Arkansas River, and 33rd West Ave to 65th West Ave. “So, the goal of beautification is a big deal. Yet, with help of residents, volunteers from Asbury United Methodist Church and many area workers much has been achieved. “This neighborhood has realized a reduction in the number of code violations and an increase in resident driven neighborhood enhancement. “The spirits of the residents who live in Charles Page have also been raised. Just, recently, they partnered with the City of Tulsa Solid Waste Division and Working in Neighborhoods to remove 88.5 tons of trash in a neighborhood beautification event, ‘Beautiful Day.’ “Thank you Asbury for the tireless hours your congregation have given to make Tulsa a better place to live. Thank you and God bless!” –Tulsa Mayor Dewey F. Bartlett, Jr



Asbury’s Prayer Walk by Cheryl Steffen

“But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purpose of His heart through all the generations.” (Psalm 33:11) God’s Word tells us that we are all a part of a plan—a big plan— God’s plan! Asbury has a heritage of prayer from its inception, and today, we are all benefiting from the fruit of that labor. Along with the benefits, we now have the responsibility of continuing this legacy of prayer for future generations. Asbury’s prayer walk is a catalyst to influence our community and our world for God’s glory. Prayer accomplishes the purposes of God’s heart, and we have the privilege of playing a part in His plans. The prayer walk utilizes

Asbury’s continuous sidewalks around the building’s perimeter with strategically placed signs that mark seven targets of prayer affecting every aspect of our culture. Beginning October 7, we invite you to seize this new opportunity to partner with the Lord through prayer and to take Asbury’s legacy of prayer to new heights.

PRAY FOR GOVERNMENT “With My help, leaders rule and lawmakers legislate fairly.”  – Proverbs 8:15 PRAY FOR MILITARY “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”  – Psalm 91:11 Lord, send out workers into Your harvest field; be gracious and make Your face shine upon us, that Your ways be known, Your salvation among people everywhere. Amen. Matthew 9:38; Psalm 67:1–2 PRAY FOR EDUCATION “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”  – Proverbs 9:10 Lord, send out workers into Your harvest field; be gracious and make Your face shine upon us, that Your ways be known, Your salvation among people everywhere. Amen. Matthew 9:38; Psalm 67:1–2

PRAY FOR BUSINESS “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”  – Matthew 5:16 Lord, send out workers into Your harvest field; be gracious and make Your face shine upon us, that Your ways be known, Your salvation among people everywhere. Amen. Matthew 9:38; Psalm 67:1–2



PRAY FOR ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable; if anything is excellent or praiseworthy; think about such things.”  – Philippians 4:8 Lord, send out workers into Your harvest field; be gracious and make Your face shine upon us, that Your ways be known, Your salvation among people everywhere. Amen. Matthew 9:38; Psalm 67:1–2 PRAY FOR MEDIA “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings…”  – Isaiah 52:7 Lord, send out workers into Your harvest field; be gracious and make Your face shine upon us, that Your ways be known, Your salvation among people everywhere. Amen. Matthew 9:38; Psalm 67:1–2

PRAY FOR FAMILIES “But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD.”  – Joshua 24:15 Lord, send out workers into Your harvest field; be gracious and make Your face shine upon us, that Your ways be known, Your salvation among people everywhere. Amen. Matthew 9:38; Psalm 67:1–2

PRAY FOR THE CHURCH “Glory to God in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever!”  – Ephesians 3:21 Lord, send out workers into Your harvest field; be gracious and make Your face shine upon us, that Your ways be known, Your salvation among people everywhere. Amen. Matthew 9:38; Psalm 67:1–2

Launching October 7 This is the map of Asbury to help you navigate the prayer walk.



Asbury’s Local Outreach Board Charter of the Asbury Local Outreach Board of Directors To inspire a vision for service and to provide overall principles, guidance and leadership to one of the expressions of discipleship at Asbury: the mobilization, funding impact and measure of our service to the body at Asbury and community at large.

Board of Directors Steve Zenthoefer (Chairman)

Jack Crissup Member of Asbury for 34 years and the Local Outreach Board for two years My vision for local outreach is meeting specific needs of the Tulsa community with a hands-on, boots-on-the-ground, well planned and sustained missional approach by the membership of Asbury UMC. 2nd Saturday, Global Gardens and Day of Service are great initiatives that best illustrate my passion/vision. Becky Krieg

Joined Asbury in 1980 and again in 2002 and the Local Outreach Board for almost two years My desire to serve others was influenced by the Asbury Kingdom People program, volunteering on VIM hurricane relief teams and the book recommended by Tom Harrison, When Helping Hurts. Bible verses that have influenced my involvement in local outreach: Ephesians 2:8-10: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith...created in Christ Jesus to do good works”; Ephesians 5:12: “To prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be build up”; and James 2:26: “As the body without the Spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.”

Member of Asbury for 12 years and the Board for almost one year I'm actively involved in Exodus House (part of Asbury's Operation Hope prison ministries); I also enjoy working with children and look forward to opportunities to get involved at Union's Grove Elementary school. My life scripture is Psalm 118:24: “This is the day that the Lord hath made...” Clarence Zitterkob

Mark Springer

Member of Asbury and the Local outreach Board since 1999

Member of Asbury for 17 years and the Local Outreach Board for five years My passion for local missions is from Matthew 14:15-16: “As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, ‘This is a remote place, and it's already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.’ Jesus replied, ‘They do no need to go away. You give them something to eat.’”

My passion for local outreach is to help feed those in need with food and spiritual guidance. My favorite scripture Matthew 25:35: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Marcus Abernathy

Betty Higgins Member of Asbury for eight years and Local Outreach Board for two years My passion is encouraging and supporting parents. I believe with my whole heart that reconnecting families will change the world. I volunteer in the Asbury youth department and help cocoordinate 2nd Saturday and Day of Service. My favorite scripture: “You will seek Me and find Me if you seek Me with all your heart.”


Attended Asbury since age of 5, and joined at age 12. LO Board member for eight months Romans 10:11-12: “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” God calls us to be what? In a word, Christ-like. To me, being like Christ means serving. Service.


Radhika Aussieker

I don't always feel close to God. I'm definitely not a model Christian but that's okay because I am dependant on the Lord's grace. When I am serving, locally and globally, I feel the closest to Jesus than any other time. Service doesn't have to be manual labor for someone else, it can simply be holding a door open or flashing a smile to someone or sharing a relevant conversation. Jamie Schaffitzel Member of Asbury for 12 years and the LO Board for three years The Legacy community was founded based on the principle of serving. We believe in serving alongside our kids and try to volunteer as a family whenever possible. We love working with Special Olympics and at Asbury's Adopt A Christmas Child held every holiday season. My life scripture: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

On staff as Local Outreach Director since April 2010 I am a product of local outreach. Loving Christian people reached out when I was a college student and shared the lifetransforming message of the Gospel with me. The least I can do is to return the favor; to share God’s love with others. I believe only good can come out of “getting out of your comfort zone” for Christ. Life scriptures, John 15:16,17: “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.”

Local Outreach 2012 Budget Relief* 21,800 Construction 35,400 Food Delivery 5,000 Special Needs 60,500 Local Mission Trips 38,000 Youth Development 107,000 VIM 15,000 Response to Need 18,000 Community Service Match 15,700 Total $316,400 * $5,000 for Oklahoma Wildfire Response

The total approx. $300,000 represents a percentage of Asbury’s overall tithes and offering going specially toward local missions. Additionally, approx. $135,000 has come in donations in 2012 (in six months time).


Special Needs



Local Mission Trips

Response to Need

Food Delivery

Youth Development

Community Service Match



Christian organization, based on Christian principles. At the end of Fuller's talk, Linda Pat leaned over and said "this is something I would like to be involved with," and she quickly became a volunteer (most of it full time) for over 10 years, most of which was in family selection. After my retirement I became an active volunteer, primarily with the board of directors; Linda Pat did the real work. We both believe in the importance of homeownership. Sometimes we take for granted the importance of the stability and being able to stay in "your home" for as long as you want, establishing relationships with neighbors, planting flowers or gardens and children having their room. Habitat is a wonderful Christian concept that takes God's love, in a very personal and meaningful way, to people who often thought homeownership would never be possible.

Habitat for Humanity by Jane Dunbar


sbury United Methodist Church began its partnership with Tulsa Habitat for Humanity 16 years ago. It was the fall of 1996, when Asbury first helped to build a Habitat home here in Tulsa. Since that time, Asbury has had a part in 14 homes. Fourteen families have had the opportunity to make a change, make a new start and offer their children a more stable, secure life through home ownership because the people of Asbury were willing to step out and make a difference in the community. Asbury members and longtime Tulsa Habitat volunteers, Jim and Linda Pat Colgan, believe in Habitat. Here are their thoughts:

Seeking to put God’s love into action, Tulsa Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Asbury United Methodist Church understands how to put God’s love into action and we are honored to be able to continue our partnership with Asbury as we raise our fifteenth wall together in the spring of 2013.

In Millard Fuller's (founder of Habitat) book The Theology Of The Hammer, he says "....the theology of the hammer is that our Christian faith mandates that we do more than just talk about faith and sing about love. We must put faith and love into action to make them real, to make them come alive for people. Faith must be incarnated; that is to say, it must become more than a verbal proclamation or an intellectual assent. True faith must be acted out."

Seeking to put God’s love into action, Tulsa Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. In 1995, we had the opportunity to hear Mr. Fuller speak. He talked about Habitat's mission of providing safe, simple and decent housing to very low income families who were willing to partner in helping build their home and homes for other Habitat families. He described how it was a "hand-up, not a hand-out" that families made payments on a no-interest loan and how Habitat is a



Faithful Servants by Charlene Giles

Mike Mastraccio and his wife, Sandy, began attending Asbury in 1993, because Sandy’s sister told them that Asbury was a church that really believes in missions. It didn’t take them long to figure out that Sandy’s sister was right! In fact, they both quickly joined the Mission Council, back when the Global and Local councils were together. Later, when those two councils became independent, Mike went with Local and Sandy went with Global. That way they could keep track of what was happening in both arenas. Mike’s a practical, hands-on kind of guy. Faith is not theoretical to him; it is shown in actions. Through the years he’s helped at one time or another with nearly every mission project Asbury has had. These include: six trips to Red Bird Mission with eighth graders, tutoring for many years with “Youth at Heart” students, many trips to Mexico on missions, and six trips to Tanzania. In addition he has helped build numerous Habitat houses. Sandy says that Mike’s enthusiasm for outreach gave her encouragement to serve, too. Together they have served Meals on Wheels for many years. According to Sandy, “Any time you serve on a short term basis, you find great love for the people you serve, and also for those who work every day in those situations.” Through the years Mike has probably most enjoyed his service that affects future generations. Not only has he tutored “Youth at Heart” students, he also has helped with other projects there when needed. Last year they even presented him with the “Outstanding Volunteer of the Year” award. He also felt rewarded when he repaired baby beds for Emergency Infant Services. (Now they buy new cribs instead.) He liked to go the extra mile and move furniture for them whenever needed. Going the extra mile is something both Mike and Sandy are good at. So it is no surprise that when Mike recently fell from a ladder while doing his weekly service with “Rebuild Tulsa,” their friends surrounded them with that same kind of extravagant service and love. Their Family Fellowship Community has surrounded them in prayer and been there for them in every way imaginable. Men from the class are repairing the clothes drier that broke down, meals have been provided, and men have spent the night in the hospital with Mike so that Sandy and the children can get a good night’s sleep. “It makes a world of difference in tough times like these, to have people who love you,” says Sandy. Both are overwhelmed to be the recipients of so much care. But Mike continues to serve. Radhika Aussieker, Director of Local Outreach, notes, “Mike has a relentless commitment to serve, even from his hospital bed. On his Caring Bridge blog he reminds everyone to sign up to work at some location on Asbury’s Day of Service October 7th. How inspiring!”

Please continue to pray for Mike and his family as he continues his recovery.

Sounds like a servant of the Lord. And Mike and Sandy are.



Lanette Celoni, Volunteer Co-Coordinator of 2nd Saturday


hen my husband, John, accepted a job with Ramsey Industries, our family (John and I plus our two daughters Justine and Erika) moved to Tulsa in September 2009. As we were looking for a church, we had specific criteria in mind: Bible-based teaching, a place to grow in our faith, a place where we could get involved with mission/service-based projects and outreach opportunities, active youth ministry, and intergenerational services or mission trips. We happened to be staying at the Renaissance Hotel during our transition, saw Asbury’s steeple, and attended the 9:15 service. Tom did the sermon which was Bible-based and challenging; it sent us out with something to do and apply our faith. The worship band did a great job with enjoyable music and songs that were easy to sing along with.

There are many times when I leave a site, and God tells says, “You may not see the growth of the seed you planted today, but I know. You have been a light for My Kingdom and you have glorified Me today.” That is really what spiritual growth is - knowing that I have obeyed God, dug a hole in the desert and let God fill it when He is ready, not me. I am learning to get out of the way and do it God's way not mine. God will send the rain, but I have to dig the ditch. God expects me to do my part—have faith! I can't pray for rain unless I am willing to dig the ditch to hold it when it comes. Through 2nd Saturday, we are digging ditches all over Tulsa just like Elisha did in 2 Kings 3:9–20.

While attending Asbury, we were looking for a place to serve as a family. After meeting with Betty Higgins, we began volunteering in March 2010. Oh, the places, the people, the ministries God has shown me are great. But the new and amazing things God has shown me about who He is has helped me grow as a Christian and led me to rely on Him like never before. There is no possible way I can predict who will show up for 2nd Saturday or what sites they will want to go to, but God brings the exact people time and time again. Left to my own accord, I would plan and organize this outreach to death, but God quickly showed me to let go of my control and perfectionism and see how perfect He is. All He asks of me is to obey, prepare what He shows me, have faith, and leave room for Him to be the amazing God He is. Learning this lesson has allowed God to work in other areas of my life as well. 2nd Saturday has become a community for us as well as an opportunity to serve together. We find great joy in serving others and knowing that we are taking God out of the church. There are lots of tangibles: leadership, organization, joy of serving, a way to learn about our community, meeting and working with people of different ages and backgrounds. There have been a number of examples where God has shown Himself. John and I were serving at one site where the homeowner was so grateful for the help we were able to do that day, he was in tears as he tried to convey his appreciation. My husband was crying, knowing that this man saw God in our work that day. At this same site, I spoke individually with this man. He shared how he was so distraught and, without our help, he had thought of not being able to go on. At that moment the Holy Spirit led me to pray with the man (this is something that I had not done before, praying out loud and with a stranger made me uncomfortable.) God continues to stretch me out of my box, showing me that it is about showing God to others; if I move out of the way, God will do amazing things. I just need to be His servant and obey.



We Are All in This Together by Betty Higgins


here are a lot of churches in Tulsa that do great things for God’s kingdom. Some were at one time growing, dynamic churches, raising up generations of believers, building up their neighborhoods with their vibrant presence. But due to a variety of circumstances, maybe a change in local demographics or an aging congregation, they are now struggling.

Having visited multiple churches who have requested help from 2nd Saturday, I have seen what these churches are up against. Even though these churches have wonderful members who love Jesus and are positioned smack dab in the middle of hurting neighborhoods primed to hear the Gospel, for whatever reason they can no longer keep up with the demands of the church property. Some of them feel overwhelmed and alone. This is where 2nd Saturday has come in and made a difference. Here are a few stories from the ministers themselves: From Pastor Chris Beach at Wesley United Methodist Church in North Tulsa: “Asbury’s 2nd Saturday ministry has been a wind in our sails. The church has had many dreams of what we could do for the children in our neighborhoods, but until God sent us the faithful teams from Asbury’s 2nd Saturday, they were just dreams. We now have a prayer room, a protective fence around the church, basketball courts, community gardens, a nearly complete pizza restaurant, a food and clothing pantry, renovated bathrooms and offices. We praise God for our many new friends from Asbury who have helped this church become a vibrant growing church in our community again.”

From Pastor Cap McIlnay at Grace United Methodist Church in west Tulsa: “Grace is a neighborhood church, and we do our best to love on those in the neighborhood. There have been a couple of times Grace got to feel what it is like to be loved upon. One of those who have poured love on us is Asbury through their 2nd Saturday program. I got here early to put the coffee on and watched as Grace was invaded by an army of Christians. They attacked every room, corner and need we had. They polished our pews and brass, cleaned windows, worked on the yard, painted, vacuumed, swept, moped, and installed ceiling tiles in the Fellowship Hall. They went above and beyond the call of duty. We could only afford to replace one third of the ceiling tiles, but this did not stop this army of Christians. By the time they got back into their cars and buses, all of the ceiling tiles in the Fellowship Hall had been replaced. Love comes in many forms and fashions...one of the faces of love is Asbury's 2nd Saturdays. Thank you for loving us.” Asbury has lots of members with lots of abilities. Let’s come together every 2nd Saturday and work with other churches to spread the love of Jesus in Tulsa.



We Are Asbury's 2nd Saturday by Betty Higgins


e are 2nd Saturday. We are people who love to serve. We are people who follow Christ into areas of Tulsa where people are hungry and lonely and tired. We paint for elderly people so they can stay in their homes. We pack meals so children at risk will have food. We organize, clean or do whatever is needed to encourage and support other churches. We serve just a few hours one Saturday morning a month, but we have poured over 10,000 volunteer hours into Tulsa. We are the hands and feet of Christ in a world that needs to know Him. We are 2nd Saturday. What difference has 2nd Saturday made? The best way to describe the impact of 2nd Saturday is to understand what it means to the people we serve:

From Jeff Jaynes, Restore Hope Executive Director: “2nd Saturday quite simply allows us to take on projects that either we could not do on our own, or that would take so much time that it is not feasible for us to do them. This includes projects like building our new flower areas to bring a visible symbol of hope to our clients before they even walk through the door. It includes taking part in our "Extreme Hope Makeover" that has transformed our building to help us be more efficient. And, perhaps above all, it includes the almost heroic effort that folks from 2nd Saturday put in to help us after the blizzard collapsed our warehouse roof. Fourteen pallets full of food were saved that day to be given out later to families in need. 2nd Saturday is there for us in our time of need so that we can be there for our clients in their time of need. And for that, we are extraordinarily thankful.” (2nd Saturday mobilized 61 people in the middle of the winter storm of February 2010 to help Restore Hope with this disaster.)

needy to our ShareHouse warehouses is a sense of pride for me, not because of what I do or have done but because of what your teams from 2nd Saturday have done. They have given our dull and dilapidated building character with the wall murals and their painting of the buildings. It gives dignity to the needy when they come and find how you all have cleaned up and regularly give our ShareHouse warehouse the timely major makeovers it needs. Recently we had a break in and lost lots of mattresses. Once again your team from 2nd Saturday rallied together and professionally secured that mattress room by building an awesome wall to secure them. You may have heard the saying "Build it and they will come." Within a short time after your team secured the room, we received another major contribution of over 100 mattresses from ORU. Now we can rest assured that when the needy come expecting to receive a mattress or furniture, they will find it due to the intense amount of work your teams have done. Every smiling face that leaves our premises filled with hope and dignity is a result of all the work and all your teams you have sent that helped with moving shelves, sweeping, painting to building walls, and the list goes on and on. (2nd Saturday has gone to ShareHouse ministry 21 Saturdays, contributing over 550 volunteer hours.)

From Kate Pelizzoni at the Eastern Oklahoma Community Food Bank: “Since early 2009, Asbury UMC’s 2nd Saturday volunteers have helped out at the Food Bank. Every month, anywhere from 20-40 of these volunteers have happily and graciously worked on whatever tasks the Food Bank has asked them to do. This includes sorting and repackaging donated food and/or other grocery items, but mainly we ask these volunteers to help pack nutritious snack items for our awesome Food for Kids Backpack Program. The Backpack Program is geared toward kindergarteners through fifth graders, providing additional nutrition to children identified by their teachers, nurses and principles as ‘at risk’ of going hungry over the weekends. The 2nd Saturday volunteers from Asbury UMC are consistently among the best volunteers we have at the Food Bank. Their positive attitudes, helpfulness, and professionalism are appreciated a great deal by all Food Bank staff members.” (2nd Saturday has assembled over 6,470 meals at the Food Bank.) Come join 2nd Saturday and be part of a dynamic ministry that is changing lives in Tulsa!

From Chri Debruyn at ShareHouse, a ministry that maintains a warehouse of furniture to give to the needy: “Just bringing the


Colossians 3:24: “It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”


Serve Thursday

Good Samaritan Health Services

by Marsha Baker


erve Thursday is an opportunity every Thursday during the summer for 7th–12th graders to get up early and be the hands and feet of Jesus in Tulsa through service projects. This summer 114 students served on eight different Thursdays. We chose Project Transformation as a site because we love our students interacting with children in Tulsa and seeing God change the hearts of both our students and the Project Transformation children through these interactions (and because it is always one of the favorite sites of our students!). “Every week this summer I looked forward to going with my youth group to help spread God’s love to the kids through Project Transformation. It was amazing to see what His love did for them but also what He did for me too. Not only did He give the kids something to smile about, but it also changed me into a better person. Now I think about how I could do more things to help people. Every kid there had a different story about sad things that had already happened in their life. The stories they shared for their age were unbelievable and amazing. We felt God every time we were there because everyone was helping out for the same reason and it made His love even more powerful. God moved a lot of my friends in our youth group and even one of my new friends I would bring with me. I was so lucky to have experienced this.” –Kelsey Hausam

by “Joy” Alice Morrow


or over seven years, Asbury has partnered with Good Samaritan Health Services, a free clinic providing medical care to the underserved of our area. I am a nurse manager for them and have attended Asbury for the past seven years. My husband John also works as a volunteer with Good Samaritan. Not only are we able to minister to the medical needs of patients, but the Lord opens many opportunities for us to minister to the whole patient as well. We have found that when they are seeking physical health, they are also often in need of emotional and spiritual health. My goal is to help them understand that Jesus is the answer to all their health needs. We often say to them, “We are not your source, the Lord is.” It takes so many volunteers to make this ministry successful: doctors, nurses, nurse assistances, drivers, runners, persons helping with intake and the clerical part, counselors and prayer partners. We minister as the Body of Christ, offering medical help, yes, but so much more. As a part of 2nd Saturday on November 10, we will be at Asbury Corner as a part of the Good Samaritan Well Women’s Clinic. This would be a great opportunity for new medical and non-medical volunteers to join us, so contact us to get more information at goodsamaritanhealth.org.

“I walked through the Southern Hills UMC doors with a smile on my face and a mind ready to help kids with their reading abilities. A staff member briefed us on how the system worked, and then it was time to read. There were more volunteers than children (you can never have too many volunteers!), and I was asked to help with the gym rotation instead. Being the active person I am, I eagerly said yes. In the blazing July heat, we walked to a nearby park where I spent the morning as the official tire swing pusher. Yippee! During the walks to and from the park many of the girls came and just started talking to me. They asked me everything from how old I am to how old my dogs are. One of the girls, a sixth grader, asked me about my family, and then I asked about hers. She said she had four younger siblings, and then asked if I would be her big sister. That whole walk back to the church God showed me the impact I had on those little girls, and more importantly, the impact they had on me. By the end of the day, they were asking me the same question I was asking myself: when would I be back?” –Megan Harju



Finding Common Ground by Symon Hajjar and Ayschia Saiymeh

A year ago, Asbury UMC, Union Middle School and Global Gardens set off on a journey together. We wanted to see what would happen if we gave a group of middle school students an opportunity to change the landscape of their community. A handful of seeds and a houseful of dreams turned out to be an extraordinary combination. In the words of Asbury member, Ross Brown “Global Gardens is a program that works, it transforms the lives of these young people.” The gardens we cared for over the past 12 months rewarded us with more than just peas and carrots; the most prolific harvest of all came in the form of an inextricable connection to one another. You see, gardening implies intentionality. Tomato seeds, after all, aren't just blowing in the wind. If we want to eat, someone is going to need to get their hands dirty. The beauty of growing your own food is that when you really dig into something, you begin to notice the details, and therein lay the miracles. “A small thing isn't small if it leads to something great,” said St. John of Damascus. Discovering these miraculous little subtleties in the life of our plants had an extensive impact on the way we saw one another. The dynamics of our small community transformed from a fragmented mix of isolated individuals into a family where our distinctions and diversities were roots in the common ground of friendship and mutual interest. One of our students even had the idea of setting aside a special “family garden” where we would each plant the seed that best represented our identity in the group. Kevin, for example, was an onion because his personality has layers. Jazz was our moonflower, since her myriad of talents always seems to come



out when you least expect it! The best part of the family garden was listening as the gardeners helped each other choose a plant that represented them. With profound eloquence they recognized and appreciated their differences, seeing the unique value each one brought into the garden. This all begged the question, what if more people, of all ages, from all walks of life came into the garden and learned these same lessons, how would it change our community? Our conversations about the land always recognized the space as a community garden, which is defined by the American Community Garden Association as any piece of land gardened by a group of people. However, up until this point we haven’t had a structure to accomplish this goal outside of our Global Gardens group. This fall that is all changing. With so much land to spare and leadership with a vision, the idea for the community garden is taking root. “Asbury is wanting to reach our neighbors. We’d like to provide a safe place for them to be together and learn about gardens, healthy food choices and the love of Christ. In addition we hope many Asbury families will participate in community gardening and work alongside our neighbors,” says Steve Zenthoefer, Asbury member and Local Outreach board member. “So our goal is to have multiple generations of Asburians and our neighbors working together.” Community gardens have long since dotted the landscapes of cities and countrysides alike. Tulsa is no stranger either, with many community gardens popping up in neighborhoods, as a part of religious institutions, and alongside schools among other efforts. Those who participate in one of these gardens, like our own students, can recount the many benefits that research backs up; that working in the garden promotes physical, mental and social health. Participation in a garden also speaks to a commitment to people and to place – giving roots to other community efforts. Ann Raver, New York Times writer put it this way. “When people plant corn they are saying, let's stay here. And by their connection to the land, they are connected to one another.” With Asbury’s dynamic presence in the neighborhood, church members are an essential part of the community garden. Members are invited to take on a plot for a season. Plots are available to individuals, families or even as an entire community group project. All the materials will be provided and no prior gardening experience is needed, just a willingness to commit to sowing seeds in faith, hope and love. “For me it’s pretty straightforward: show up and start gardening,” explains Brown.

This poem, by then seventh grade Union Global gardener Juan Cruz, was written to commemorate the Bike for a Life ride benefiting the Pediatric Oncology Unit at the St. Francis Children’s Hospital. English is Juan’s second language, making the poem even more remarkable.

Harvesting Hope by Juan Cruz What is Hope? How do you harvest something you can’t see? Hope and harvesting both make you drop down to your knees They make you think about how dirt makes a giant tree And how a bird waits in that tree waiting for its mom to come with feed While you’re thinking a nurse walks into the room With some paper and a shaver, your heart starts to boom A few months later, you’re in the chemo room, soon the doors will close You think about the last flower you planted: a rose Your suitcase in one hand, a watering can in the other In a way you two resemble each other You said that you would be okay as long as the rose is alive Twenty years later both of you still thrive That rose has not been watered since you left But the life radiating around it is not a theft This story ends with two happy survivors Exceed your purpose and become a hope harvester



by Kay Mains

“Retirement is never mentioned in the Bible,” laughs Giles Gere. And Giles has proven that age does not disqualify you from God’s plans. And he should know! Giles had retired after 45 years at CITGO in both Houston and Tulsa and was on his way to Hawaii for a welldeserved and anticipated vacation. Loving to read, he picked up his copy of Rick Warren’s Purpose-Driven Life and settled down for the long flight. But one line hit him right between the eyes: “It’s not about you.” Really, God? Yes, Giles’ heart affirmed the truth: “It’s not about me.” While Giles had been living in Houston, his company had the Enron account. His clients, men on an executive level, went to prison. Giles went to visit one of them and was met with the following question: “Did you come here to gloat?” No, just to say hello. But the response was, “Well, you are the only one who has come, and you won’t be back.”But he did go back. That experience was still in his mind when he returned to Tulsa from Hawaii and inspired him to be passionate


from then on about prison ministry. By God’s grace, in 2007, Operation Hope was established under CJAMM (Criminal Justice and Mercies Ministries of the Methodist Church) to minister to those in prison. Asbury UMC along with other Methodist churches help support Operation Hope. Some people are familiar with the Bible studies held in the prisons. Those are vital. But we also need to teach them how to be better husbands and parents when they re-enter society. The Department of Corrections asked Operation Hope to teach a new course to non-violent offenders within the prisons called “Inside Out Dad’s Class” under the fatherhood initiative. Most of the men who are in prison have not had a father figure in their lives as they came from broken homes. Many are illiterate. They did not have the advantage of being trained in what we would consider basic Christian


behavior. They have left a wife or girlfriend behind as well as their children. This course is designed to teach them how to be a better parent and husband, to become the man of the household. And due to an improved relationship with the children, the kids will hopefully make better choices. (The statistics are staggering: 1 out of 6 children who have a parent incarcerated end up in prison themselves.) Once the inmates complete this parenting course, they qualify for a new program called “bedtime stories.” In this program, they are allowed 15 minutes to go into a room with books available for ages 3-15 and recorders. They are allowed to record a greeting to their child, then read a book or a portion of a book to their child. The CD and book is sent to the caregiver, which may be a grandmother, aunt or the mom. Some of the inmates are not able to read all the words in the book and ask the Operation Hope volunteer to read for them after they have greeted their child. Literacy has many victims. Another course that is taught by operation Hope is “Victim Impact.” Often the person who is incarcerated believes they are the victim because they are, after all, in prison. They fail to understand the impact their crime had on another person. Within this program, the facilitator might ask to see their wallet. When he fails to give it back, the inmate becomes irate. We do give it back but the point is made. The goal is helping them understand the ramifications of their crime. The volunteer might, at another class, say “your grandmother was the victim of a home invasion,” also provoking anger from the inmate. When the crime seemed personal, the inmate was told “this is just like what you did.” This was patterned for us in the Bible when King David was unable to face his sin until he thought another person had done the offense. Only when it became personal was he able to realize and accept his guilt. (see 2 Samuel 12) But there are others affected by the incarceration—innocent victims, the children of the offenders. Operation Hope has stepped up to help the children with a number of different programs. Play Days were established to transport children, ages 6-15, from the Tulsa area to the correctional facility to spend time with their mother or grandmother, keeping a bond alive between the mother and child. This has a profound impact not only on the child but on the mother. The hope is that, once leaving prison, she will not want to ever return. And they are beginning to see results. Within Oklahoma, more women are incarcerated than any other state, most due to drug-related charges. Approximately 1 in 4 return to prison. When the kids get on the buses to go see their mothers, they are loud, noisy, and gregarious with excitement. But on the return trip, there is often not a word spoken. The kids are given a “care bear.” There are many arms to this ministry. One of the huge needs is to assist recently released ex-offenders with housing, employment resources, transportation and counseling. Many come out of prison with virtually nothing waiting for them, no possessions, and having no idea how to get reintegrated into society. When

they became incarcerated, they lost their driver’s license, so even obtaining that first government-issued ID can be overwhelming. Since their only transportation is often bus service, they receive a bus pass along with training on how to seek out employment. Another option upon release for some inmates is Exodus House, which are apartments owned by the United Methodist Conference and offered rent-free to ex-offenders who meet specific criteria. Because these people often leave with absolutely nothing, the apartments are furnished every six months with all that they need. Two of the communities here at Asbury, Christian Explorers and Faithbuilders, each furnish one of the apartments. When Giles and two women from the community went to the prison to pick up the very first resident, she was standing outside waiting for them. She had a small box with her. She asked if they wanted to know what was in there, and said there were “flip flops, underwear, a Tupperware bowl and cup, and some hygiene stuff.” That was all she had. They took her to the small apartment where she went into the bedroom, touched the comforter on the bed and asked, “Is this really for me?” Then she asked if she could turn the lights and television on. She explained to them that the noise in prison was constant, and it was going to take some time to get use to the quiet. When the resident of the apartment moves out after six months, they are allowed to take everything with them but the refrigerator and stove, so it is re-furnished for each new resident. Juveniles are also included in Operation Hope’s plan. When Rader was closed, it presented a problem as they could not mix the children in with the general population. Matt and Janet Theis are the champions of the juvenile ministry, working with Mike Hargrove, the chaplain at David L. Moss. Matt and others do Bible studies twice a week, with Janet leading the praise and worship service. Janet also coordinates a weekend similar to the Walk to Emmaus some are familiar with. At one of the first group Bible studies, there were 18 there. Of those, only four knew their dad. There is a breakdown of the family, even here in Tulsa. Illiteracy and not having a parent lead to other things. Giles asked why some of the boys why they joined a gang. The answer was “I have nothing at home. They are my family; they have my back.” This is why the ministry in the schools, like Asbury does at Walt Whitman, is so vital. The Director of Operation Hope, Mary Leslie, is described by Giles as “the most compassionate person I have ever met, yet she can say ‘no.’” They try to give people the benefit of the doubt, knowing sometimes it is all lies. They network with other ministries such as Restore Hope and John 3:16 so that they know if someone is trying to “work the system.” OHPM needed another person to help in the office, someone with administrative skills as well as compassion to help with case studies. God provided just the right person—a former ex-offender, known by the Pastor Brantley Tillery at Redemption. She has a degree in accounting and a two-year degree Christian Studies from Victory Christian. When she was about 37 years old, she fell in with a fast crowd. After serving time, she has turned her life around. “She has a smile that would melt butter, and it’s marvelous what she has done for us,” brags Giles.



Making a difference, one person at a time. Are they always successful? No, but they are making a difference. God is at work in our prisons. “I am blessed to be involved,” Giles stated humbly. “But I also cannot thank Asbury enough for all their support, support in so many different ways.” Matthew 25:35-36 says: For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.

How can you help? • Volunteer to go with us to Play Day • Volunteer to work as an accountant, lawyer (only to advise, not go to court) or administrator • Donate furniture, money or a car • Attend Operation Hope Fall Fundraiser on October 12. Tickets $40 person. Contact Janet at 918.625.1967 • Talk with your community and spread the word about our needs • Pray that God will touch hearts • Donate toiletries for backpacks (deodorant, razors, shaving cream, shampoo, cream rinse, soap, toilet paper, hand towels, combs, brushes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lotion, hand sanitizer) • Fill up backpacks with donated supplies at Asbury’s Day of Service on October 7

Exodus House by Debbie Craine and Lois Christiansen


ou may never have heard of Exodus House. Many haven’t. These are apartments owned by the United Methodist Conference. Each apartment is adopted by a member of a church community. In our case, this is the Christian Explorers Community. These are utilized by (non-violent) offenders, for six months of rent-free living, providing a chance for them to get reestablished into the community. Not just a place to live, however; there are qualifications they have to meet:

Our class is stronger because of our united effort to make a difference. One of our past residents now speaks at various meeting and churches, giving her testimony, and believing that God will touch and change lives like He has changed hers. More than furniture. More than transportation. A manifestation of the redemptive power of God.

1. Get employment and save money for housing after graduating from Exodus House 2. Accept oversight from the resident case manager 3. Attend Redemption Church 4. Attend Asbury UMC at least once a month during their stay Asbury has been involved since 2005. Giles Gere approached our class with the opportunity to adopt an Exodus House apartment. We would be responsible to completely furnish a one-bedroom apartment every six months for an ex-offender who would come through a program run by the State of Oklahoma and the United Methodist Conference. The decision was made to get involved. But we provide more than just furniture. Most do not have transportation, so our community members have picked up residents and brought them to class, taken them to lunch, purchased groceries, and helped with medical and dental bills. We even made blocks for a Friendship quilt for one graduating resident. Our involvement doesn’t end there. We continue to remain in contact with residents once they graduate. We send notes of encouragement and pray regularly for them that God’s unending grace will be poured out for them.


Lana Sadler (Exodus House Coordinator for Christian Explorers for 5 years) presenting a friendship quilt made by C.E. members for our graduating resident, Chris


Youth at Heart and Asbury Changing Lives Together for 38 Years by Rodney Gray


ike clock work, every Monday afternoon, children from the Normandy Apartments in midtown Tulsa travel to Asbury to huddle with church volunteers for 45 minutes of one-onone tutoring. Every fall and winter, hundreds of children and their families receive much needed support from Asbury volunteers, making Thanksgiving and Christmas a joyous time. Every spring, a select group of Youth At Heart (YAH) teens travel with Asbury on spring break missions to serve less fortunate people. Every year, for 38 years, the commitment of YAH and Asbury to serve at-risk youth in Tulsa has not changed, but the lives of those being served most certainly have. YAH provides over 2,500 at-risk children and teens with opportunities to better themselves through recreation, character training, tutoring and Christian service. “We are very pleased that we are seeing more youth improve their academic skills and character each year from their involvement in our program,” said Rodney Gray, the YAH Director of Program Management. “Four years ago, only 40 percent of children attending tutoring actually completed the school year reading at their grade level, whereas, 70 percent are now reading at or above grade level by the end of the year,” said Gray. In character training, youth learn important principles of self discipline, integrity, respect for others and service to the community. Gray said outcome reports show that youth are also showing greater improvement in their character over the last few years. In 2009, only 63 percent of our youth showed significant improvement in self discipline, integrity and respect, whereas over 90 percent are showing great improvement today,” said Gray.

though others schools are pursuing her as well. The greatest thing Williams said she learned from YAH is that she can go to college and make a better future for herself. Williams hopes one day to be able to return to YAH and help other teens make it in life like her. Roberts is now living her dream. She is a freshman at Tulsa Community College, pursuing an associate’s degree in child development. Roberts plans to apply to Oral Roberts University to complete a bachelor’s degree in child development after completing her associate’s degree.

Four years ago, only 40 percent of children attending tutoring actually completed the school year reading at their grade level, whereas, 70 percent are now reading at or above grade level by the end of the year Roberts said her missions trip to Jamaica with Asbury initially piqued her interest in education and childhood development. Roberts’ experience interacting with children in Jamaica, then later in Africa and Guatemala, illuminated her natural gift of working with kids, which she is eager to cultivate. Her long term goal is to teach school either in the United States or on the mission field. She would also like to start a foundation to support sending other teens on missions to help them discover their gifts like her.

Two YAH teens that benefitted from participating in Asbury missions were Kimani Williams and Chapelle Roberts. Williams joined Asbury middle school students on missions to Red Bird, Kentucky, over spring break in 2009. Roberts joined Asbury on two senior high missions trips—to Jamaica in 2011 and to Guatemala in 2012. Roberts also received Asbury support to travel with YAH on a missions trip to Uganda in the summer of 2011. Williams said her trip to Red Bird, Kentucky, changed her life and made her a better person. “It showed me that teenagers can change the world, and that I can do anything that I put my mind to do.” Last year Williams put her mind to excelling in all of her classes as an 11th grade student at Webster. She ended the school year with a 4.0 grade point average. Williams received an Indian education award as a result of her academic success. Her former English teacher invited her to join the Webster Academic Bowl this year based on her achievements, which she is looking forward to doing. Ultimately, Williams plans to enroll in college to pursue a career in journalism. The University of Tulsa is Williams’ first choice,

top left: Asbury tutor Jan Reynolds assists YAH student Kesean with his homework. She has served as his tutor for 4 years. top right: Long time Asbury tutor Darlene Mann poses with YAH Staff Leader Troy Arnold bottom: Chapelle assists children at the Watoto Babies Homes during a recent YAH missions excursion to Uganda.



A Very Special Lady— Darlene Mann by Rhoena Preciado


hat are you looking forward to doing 30 years into retirement? Relaxing at home, perhaps pursuing a small hobby? Enjoying brief visits from the grandchildren or occasional, short walks in the park? Don’t suggest any of this to Darlene Mann. At 90 years of age, Mann’s passion remains trekking to Asbury United Methodist Church Monday evenings to work with one of the children Youth at Heart (YAH) brings to Asbury for oneon-one tutoring. Last March, YAH honored Mann as its volunteer of the year for her exemplary service to children in the tutoring program at Asbury United Methodist Church. “Destination Discovery, now Youth at Heart, is one of the most wonderful programs for children I’ve ever seen,” said Mann, who has helped with YAH tutoring for 29 years. Mann began tutoring YAH children in 1984, after reading about it in an Asbury publication. Mann fell in love with the program immediately and has never looked back. Mann has brought great compassion and skill to the YAH tutoring program. Her experience in the Asbury children’s department and as a third grade teacher made her an ideal candidate to serve as tutor coordinator when the position opened in her second year.

Mann has brought great compassion and skill to the YAH tutoring program. Mann served as coordinator from 1984 to 1991. She emphasized to tutors the great importance of listening to the children each week, even before opening the books to study. One tutor, Mann said, struggled with his child initially, frustrated that his student was more interested in telling him about what was going on in his life than with doing his homework. Mann urged the tutor to “postpone (the homework help) a little bit,” recognizing that the tutor would gain the child’s trust by listening. The tutor was amazed at the results of following Mann’s advice, and never had to approach her for help with the student again. Frances Jamieson, current tutor coordinator for the YAH program at Asbury said Mann is an inspiration and wonderful servant role model to the rest of the Asbury UMC tutors. “Attaining the age of 90 last December has not dampened her spirit nor willingness to meet the children’s needs, whether, reading, math or tender loving care,” Jamieson said. In fact, Mann has requested permission to rejoin the Asbury tutoring program this fall, as she turns 91 years old. Jamieson is jumping at the chance of getting her star tutor back. The YAH children cannot wait to see Mann return, either.



Blessing and Being Blessed by Kay Mains

After sitting in the balcony for 10 years, the time had come for Tim and Cathy Carney and their children to join Asbury. This was 15 years ago. Cathy laughed and said “I thought Tom might give us an award for sitting in the balcony the longest without joining!” But Cathy hadn’t been idle. She had already been working in the children’s area and with VBS. After being raised in a Christian home, she can’t remember any time when she wasn’t in church or a Christian. Her faith has just matured and deepened over the years. Having children and trying to teach them scriptures also had an impact on maturing her faith. But now, she has an empty nest with the last one just leaving for college. Cathy has been involved in Kingdom People and the Disciple class with Vaughn Story. All of the classes she has taken over the years helped her evolve and grow spiritually. She comments that we need to study the Bible all the time, but we also need to act when God gives us a nudge. “God wants us to serve, and He has equipped us to serve.” (See Ephesians 4:11-12) But, she laughs, “God doesn’t ask us to volunteer when it’s convenient. And sometimes, it’s not always where we want to be either!” But the feelings you get back are unbelievable. Cathy has been involved in teaching the children as well as working with the youth as she always wanted to be involved where her children were. She was a small group leader for youth for 10 years, now serving as a mentor for small group leaders. Because she has a gift of administration, she often worked behind the scenes, getting the paperwork done. When working with youth leaders, her goal was to do the work “behind the scenes,” enabling the leaders to spend more time with the students. Missions have been a part of her life since working with the youth. She and her husband have been on almost all of the spring break mission trips, not always on the same trips! On the very first mission trip, the leaders ended up being short one female sponsor. She was happy to go, but she had an 8 year old still at home. Not a problem--they all went! This was life changing for the family. That daughter has continued to do missions, serving at an orphanage in Ecuador for several weeks the past three summers. (Her first trip to

Ecuador was on a mission trip with her father. What a way to have father/daughter time.) One particularly mission trip stands out in Cathy’s mind. One day before they were to leave for a mission in Mexico, the trip was canceled. It broke her heart to have to call all of the kids and tell them. The next day was 2nd Saturday. All of the leaders showed up. By the end of that day, they had put together a plan to go into the inner city of San Antonio to minister. A meeting was set with parents for the following day, and it was an unforgettable trip for everyone involved. Not wanting to let missions be a once-a-year experience, the entire family began working with 2nd Saturday. Because the parents were serving and leading the way, it was only natural for the children to want to be involved in missions as well. Those values were passed on to the children—not just preached but lived out. Now Cathy is doing even more. Starting two years ago, she began helping in a classroom at Walt Whitman two days a week. She tutors, grades tests, reads with students, copies—anything the teacher needs. Because of her love of children, she considers this a perfect fit. She loves being able to offer just a little more one-on-one time than the teacher can provide, listening to the students read, answering their questions. Cathy says she is the one being blessed, but I suspect the students feel like they are the ones being blessed! Tulsa Public Schools provides a ropes course for the students each year. The sixth grade class Cathy works with was going on a field trip to do the course. Yes, Cathy got harnessed up with the rest of them. Some of the kids were terrified. She worked with them, encouraged them, and every single student was able to overcome their fear and complete the course. Having a part in the success of the kids was a huge blessing. This fall, Cathy is planning to establish a workroom for the teachers at Whitman. This will be a place where teachers or volunteers can laminate, prepare cut outs for bulletin boards, and do other things outside the actual classroom. She will also help to coordinate volunteers to help the teachers in the newly-established workroom. Leading by example. Being obedient to the Lord when He nudges. Realizing your gifts and being willing to use them. That’s all it takes.



Mission Minded Class by Cara Phillips


hat is Missions? Missions is obeying, sharing and relying on Christ. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus asks us to share His message of love and salvation to those who have not heard it. God has uniquely designed children who believe in Jesus to partner with Him in a work that impacts eternity. They have the simple faith God requires, eagerly crave involvement, and long to be committed to a cause. Let’s give them opportunities to commit to the greatest purpose of all—advancing the Kingdom of God. That’s why the Mission Minded class was started! Every Wednesday night at 6:00 pm, our 4th-6th grade students meet to serve our community. Asbury currently partners with 25 organizations in the Tulsa area, and our kids have served more than half of them. We visited Global Gardens where our students got to hear about other students just like them working together and glorifying God. Global Gardens is “dedicated to empowering students and communities through hands on-science education.” They are “committed to planting seeds of change!” On that Wednesday night, we challenged our students to come back for 2nd Saturday that weekend and join in alongside the students they had heard so much about. And, man did they work hard! They shoveled mulch into wheel barrels and spread it around every bed, picked up sticks and tree limbs, planted trees and watered. It is such a rewarding experience to see people from all walks of life and every age group, from grandparents to my 3 year old daughter, come together to serve Him. One of our mission minded students from last year said, “I like helping other kids just like me.” Our kids here at Asbury know they are blessed with many things, and they want others to feel just as blessed as them! This fall semester, the students will take ownership in the class as they work in groups to learn more about an organization of their choice. They will research, brainstorm, gather materials, plan projects, and write a presentation on their organization which they will present to the class in the spring semester. We are inviting adults to join us this spring to see what our kids have learned and have an opportunity to serve alongside us. We always spend the last 30 minutes of class creating, assembling, or doing something to make a difference for one of our partners.



Asbury & Walt Whitman Elementary 2012 Partner of the Year Award


ominations were accepted early in the year for Tulsa Metro Chamber and Tulsa Public Schools "Partners in Education" recognition awards.

Individuals, businesses, community and religious organizations that have contributed to the success of TPS students were eligible for nominations.

Teachers at Grove

Asbury United Methodist Church and Grove Elementary by Kim Berns


hen teachers and staff from Grove Elementary returned to school August 16, there were smiles all around when each and every teacher was surprised with a “back to school” gift bag from Asbury. Each teacher’s gift was personalized for his or her grade level and contained all the kinds of things teachers use in their classrooms: primary teachers found colorful pipe cleaners, stickers and play dough; upper grade teachers discovered colorful card stock, markers and highlighter pens. Kim Berns and Andrea McMains, principal and first grade teacher from Grove, watched the celebration as Vacation Bible School came to a close and everyone celebrated the week’s donations by dunking their teachers (what good sports!). Throughout the school year, Asbury donates Birthday Blessings bags to students who may not otherwise have a birthday celebration at home. While the contents of the blessings bags may seem ordinary to many people, for a family experiencing an economic hardship, they can make a birthday a special event. Having everything you need for a family birthday party (including fun birthday plates) is such a great way to make a child feel special. Grove Elementary is one of several elementary schools in Tulsa County participating in the Food 4 Kids Backpack Program through the Community Food Bank. Each Friday, small bags of non-perishable food are sent home with children who may need just a few snacks to get through the weekend. Students who are on the ‘backpack program” need to be greeted by caring, reliable people who will preserve their dignity and privacy while providing snacks and smiles. Asbury United Methodist Church provided two such volunteers, and we don’t know what we would do without them. Abby Sluice and Heather Lovell were here week after week, organizing the food and distributing it to the children. The smiles on the faces of the children were priceless when these ladies arrived in the doorways of the classrooms. Their positive outlook and kind words always sent home as much nourishment as the food in the backpacks!

The award categories included: Chittom Challenge Award, Outstanding Small Business Partner, Award for Excellence, Champions Award, Dedicated Partnership Award, Outstanding District Partner, Outstanding Faith-Based Partner Award, Valuable Investment Award, Principal of Excellence Award and Partner of the Year. Partner of the Year was given to a business or organization that exemplified characteristics of all above awards, providing continuing support and assistance to all schools, businesses, organizations and communities that participate in the Partners in Education program. Barbie Paige on behalf of Asbury United Methodist Church and volunteers humbly accepted the "Partner of the Year" award at a ceremony held at the Renaissance hotel on May 9, 2012. “Asbury has done so much for Whitman this year. They have been supportive and involved for the past eight years. We started with three volunteers and have grown to 93. There is not a single day that Asbury volunteers are not in our building. We love them. We have become friends. They have loved our staff and children. A true partnership. We are so blessed and proud to have Asbury United Methodist Church as our partner. Our children, community, parents and staff have grown and greatly benefited from our partnership. They are there for us.”

We look forward to continuing our partnership with Asbury; the positive attitudes and kindnesses extended to our staff and students have been wonderful.


–Elaine Buxton Principal, Walt Whitman Elementary



Recipes from “eat’em up!” Cookbook It’s fall! Need something to take to a sporting event, team dinner, tailgate party, or for eating with friends while watching the big game on TV! Check out these recipes! They are “Your Way to Victory!”

Touchdown Taco Bites 24 wonton wrappers 1 lb. ground beef 1 envelope taco seasoning mix 2 T. picante sauce

½ c. chunky salsa 1 c. (4-oz.) Mexican-blend shredded cheese Additional salsa, sour cream and sliced black olives (optional)

Press wonton wrappers into mini-muffin cups. Brown ground beef and drain. Stir in taco seasoning mix and picante sauce. Spoon beef mixture into wonton cups. Top with salsa and cheese. Bake at 425⁰ for 8 minutes or until wontons are golden brown. Serve immediately with additional salsa. Garnish with sour cream and olives, if desired. Makes 24 appetizers.

3-Points Corn Chowder 1 onion, chopped 1 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, cubed 2 cans creamed corn ¼ tsp. salt ¼ tsp. dried thyme ¼ tsp pepper 4-5 potatoes, peeled and diced ¼ tsp. basil 2 chicken bouillon cubes Crumbled bacon (optional) 1 (6 oz.) pkg. Velveeta cheese, cubed Cover potatoes, onion and chicken bouillon cubes with water. Cook on medium for 20 minutes. Do not drain. Add cans of creamed corn, thyme, salt, pepper and basil. Stir. Add Velveeta and cream cheese – thin with milk to desired consistency. Top with crumbled bacon, if desired.

Penalty Flag Shish-Kebabs 1 ¼ lbs. skinless chicken, cut into 1 ½-inch pieces 1 ¼ lbs. onions, bell peppers, and mushrooms, cut into 1-inch chunks (half the mushrooms) 1 tsp. salt ½ tsp. pepper Asian Paste: 2 T. sesame oil 2 tsp. garlic powder 2 tsp. ground ginger

1 tsp. hot red pepper flakes 6 T. soy sauce ½ c. frozen pineapple juice concentrate

Prepare paste by heating the sesame oil in a small skillet over medium-high heat, add the remaining ingredients and bring to a simmer. Simmer until reduced to a thick paste, 3 to 4 minutes. Set aside to cool. Sprinkle the chicken and vegetables with salt and pepper, and then toss with the cooled paste. Thread chicken and vegetables on each skewer, alternating between the two. Grill skewers until brown, about 4 minutes. Turn and grill on the other side for an additional 4 minutes or until fully cooked. These recipes are printed with permission from Eat’em Up Enterprises, LLC. Co-writers include Asburians Nancy Montee and Ree Ann Johns.




Asbury Opportunities operate continuously each Sunday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.


Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donuts, bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. • Served from 7:00–9:00 am in the CLC • $4 for adults and $1 for children 12 and under SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP

8:00 am 9:15 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 11:00 am


Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) Sanctuary (Contemporary) CLC - Open House Worship (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting) Sanctuary (Traditional) Venue 68 (Modern with sign interpreter)

Recycle unwanted paper products. Three bins are available, located in the south and east parking lots. Recycle aluminum cans by bringing them (in plastic garbage bags) to the wire collection cage located up the short driveway towards the east side of Asbury’s main church building. Thank you for helping to support the Boy Scouts.


6 Weeks–Pre-K K–6th Grades 7th, 8th & 9th Grades 10th, 11th & 12th Grades

8:00, 9:15 and 11:00 am 9:15 or 11:00 am 9:15 and 11:00 am 9:15 am only


FREE! Suitable for framing.


The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. Thank you to all who continue to contribute books to our Library.


Adult Bible study, belonging, and serving together • Sunday at 8:00, 9:15 and 11:00 am • Options during the week - Wednesdays at 6:00 pm



Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling the church receptionist at 918.492.1771 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 918.492.1771, selecting option 6, and leaving a message for the pastor on call. THE GAZEBO IS OPEN

CDs of Tom’s message of the day are available immediately following the worship service - $3. UMW Cookbooks available for $20. Additional volunteers needed. OVERFLOW PARKING AT UNION HIGH SCHOOL


This website is available to all members as a way to update your contact information, register for events, give online and indicate ministries you would like to receive communication from. Make sure you have an account and check it out.

Invite people you know dealing with job issues to OJT. We offer encouragement, prayer support and hands-on workshops helping with resumes, networking, interviewing, the internet and more. Meets the third Tuesday of each month. • Tuesday, October 16, 6:30–9:00 pm • Room 2319 • Contact Russ Knight at OJTJobs@gmail.com


• Sundays, 5:30–6:30 pm, Family Room FRIENDS IN CHRIST COMMUNITY

• Sundays, 11:00 am, Room 1507

Asbury’s Sunday overflow worship parking area will return to the Union high school parking lot (located along Mingo Road towards the north corner of their campus). Asbury shuttle service will





BIBLE STUDY Check out our adult Bible studies listed in our RoadMap brochures found at all welcome centers or online at www.asburytulsa.org/ AdultMinistries/Roadmap.aspx.



Experiencing grief and loss can be especially painful during the holidays, so let’s spend some “sharing” time together. You are not alone. Bring a friend or family member, and come join us. There will be special programming for children five and older in a separate room at the same time. • Saturday, November 3, 10:00 am–12:00 pm • Parlor • Facilitator: Claudia Kleeman • To register, call 918.392.1191 • Cost: None S.M.I.L.E. (SINGLE MOTHERS IN THE LORD’S EMBRACE)

Join us for a DVD series and book entitled “21 Principles of a Healthy Single Mom.” You will learn to apply specific, workable guidelines so you can flourish spiritually in the midst of overwhelming circumstances. Each principle/video session is self-contained, and you may begin attending at any time. • Third Thursdays, 6:00–8:45 pm (will meet offsite in October) • Parlor • Childcare provided • $12 for book • RSVP to Kellie at asburysmile@ymail.com HEALING HATS/BALL CAPS

An Asbury ministry created to provide hats to cancer patients who have lost their hair. “Home spun with knots of love, woven together with help from above!” Simply knit, crochet or sew a hat or decorate a ball cap of your choice and drop it in the collection box located next to the Gazebo. Find more information in the literature rack attached to the collection box. In addition, the following groups meet regularly for fellowship, while using their creative ability to make hats: • Crochet Group –– Second and fourth Tuesdays, 6:30–8:00 pm –– Room 1506 –– Contact Sue Fisher at healinghatsmin@aol.com or 918.455.2816 • Ball Caps (If you can cut and glue this is for you!) –– Fourth Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30 am –– Room 1508 –– Baseball caps and decorating items available –– Contact Sue Fisher at healinghatsmin@aol.com or 918.455.2816


Asbury has a group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are homebound, in nursing homes or in assisted living facilities. • Contact Lisa at 918.298.9014 or lisa_dalt@sbcglobal.net

Send cards with God’s encouraging words and our prayers to those who are ill or going through hard times. • Usually meets first and third Mondays at 9:30 am • Room 1508 • Contact Gwen Mohler at 918.258.5479 or grmohler@aol.com MILITARY CONNECTION

Please join us in praying for our troops in harm’s way and their families. Periodic care packages and monthly encouragement cards with God’s Word are sent to Asbury-related military personnel. The Prayer Ministry also covers them in prayer. Send complete name and address to: • Jo VanDeWiele at 918.459.0888 or Gwen at grmohler@aol.com VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

• Design patriotic cards for Asbury-related military. Cards can be designed at home and drawn by hand or on the computer. Call Jo VanDeWiele at 918.459.0888. • Design encouragement cards for prayer card ministry. Cards can be designed at home and drawn by hand or on the computer. Calligraphers and help with mailing also needed. Contact Gwen Mohler at 918.258.5479 or grmohler@aol.com. DIVORCE RECOVERY

For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. • Tuesdays, 7:00–8:30 pm • Room 1335 • Childcare available • Contact Malia Miller at 918.494.9596 or malia.miller@ sbcglobal.net DIVORCE REBUILDING

For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. • Thursdays, 7:00–8:30 pm • Room 1335 • Childcare available • Contact Jim Small at 918.697.4220 or divorce-rebuilding@ cox.net MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES

For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness.



• Usually meets the fourth Thursdays from 1:30–3:00 pm • Parlor • Contact Linda Lytle at 918.298.2707 or lllytle@wildflower.net

• Contact Christina Treat at 918.392.1172 or ctreat@ asburytulsa.org


2nd and 3rd graders, wear your favorite team shirt or jersey for a tailgate style dinner followed by games, crafts and a video. • October 5, 5:30–9:00 pm • 2nd floor of children’s area • Register by September 23 • For questions or more information contact Stephanie Long at 918.392.1171


Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury bear to someone who is grieving. • Contact Sue at suemorey@yahoo.com

CHILDREN Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. CORE CHILDCARE HOURS

Parents who are involved in RoadMap classes during these core hours will have childcare provided for children 6 weeks–12 years of age with no reservations needed: • Sunday 9:00 am–12:00 pm • Monday and Tuesday 9:00 am–12:00 pm • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 6:00 pm–9:00 pm SUNDAY MORNING VOLUNTEERS

Children’s Ministry is actively pursuing classroom, security and hospitality volunteers. We have two rotations: Alpha (1st and 2nd Sundays) and Omega (3rd and 4th Sundays) at both the 9:15 and 11:00 class times. • Contact Abby Sluice at 918.392.4583 or asluice@asburytulsa.org WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE

Join us on Wednesday nights for worship in the Chapel—kid style. We will combine music, high energy, verse memory and a Bible lesson in a setting that encourages kids to learn about worship. Our lessons will tie right into what we are doing on Sunday mornings. • Wednesdays, 7:00–8:00 pm • For more information contact the following staff members: kindergarten - Stephanie L. at 918.392.1171; 1st and 2nd grade - Shanon at 918.392.1170; 3rd-5th grade - Leanne at 918.392.2183. MURDOCK VILLA VISITS

4th, 5th and 6th graders can serve at an assisted living housing project once a month where the majority of the residents have physical disabilities. Space is limited to the first 10 students. Make sure you sign up early and have a signed permission slip. • Sunday, October 21, meet at 12:30 pm • Rock 6 room • Cost is $5 for a pizza lunch


6th graders will have a good ol' time bobbin' for apples, turkey bowling and all those fun fall festivities. • Sunday, November 4, gym • 6:30–8:00 pm • Cost is $5 • Contact Shanon at 918.392.1170 or sbrown@asburytulsa.org for more information UPWARD BASKETBALL AND CHEERLEADING

Upward Basketball and Cheerleading promotes character and selfesteem in every child! • Registration is open, for 5 yrs old thru 6th grade for the 20122013 school year • For more information, contact Leanne Campbell at 918.392.1183 or lcampbell@asburytulsa.org CELEBRATION STATION

Celebration Station is a 52-week complementary children’s program to Celebrate Recovery. While adults explore topics that bring healing and wholeness, kids discover the same truths in ageappropriate ways through worship, crafts, games and activities. • Mondays, 7:00–9:00 pm • Faith Zone • Contact Eryn Wallis 918.392.4588 or ewallis@asburytulsa.org SPECIAL VOLUNTEERS FOR SPECIAL KIDS!

Do you have a heart to help children with special needs? If so, the Children’s Ministry needs you to volunteer. • Contact Dotti Westerberg at dottiwesterberg@hotmail.com or 918.381.0874


If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship Community check out “Community Life” on our website, www.asburytulsa.org, or pick up a brochure at one of our Welcome Centers.




• If you are 20’s to early 30’s, come check out our newest Sunday morning group at 9:15 am in room 1507, “Transitions,” or “Rooted” for married couples in room 2314

ENDOWMENTS Leave a legacy that continues to give forever to a ministry you want to support. There are endowments that support many areas of Asbury’s outreach including children, youth, music, missions, and training of pastors as well as a general endowment. You can easily impact a ministry through your will or a current gift. • Contact Dwight Yoder at 918.392.1113 or dyoder@ asburytulsa.org

HOSPITALITY We were recently asked, “why don’t you have volunteers holding the doors open on Sunday morning?” The simple answer is we have very few volunteers willing to do it. Most say Asbury is a friendly church, yet we don’t have enough friendly people willing to serve on Sunday mornings when the need is great to welcome folks who have possibly had little contact with people during the week. We need new volunteers to serve in a hospitality role as greeters and at Connection Corner where many people have their first experience at Asbury. The Gazebo needs new volunteers as well. Are you one of those friendly people? Contact the church office at 918.492.1771 to volunteer.


If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to officiate and/or use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-to-Couple (required premarital meetings).


Are you interested in membership at Asbury or just want to learn more about who we are? Plan to attend Asbury Exploration. After a wonderful lunch, which is provided, you will enjoy time with our Asbury pastors as you learn about the ministries of Asbury, important United Methodist beliefs and how you can get into the mainstream of our life together at Asbury. • Sunday, October 14, 12:15–2:00 pm • Community Life Center (CLC) • Childcare available for children six weeks through sixth grade • Lunch provided • Call 918.392.1191 to register



If you like to work on cars, check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries, we have an opportunity for you. Put your faith and skills into action. Come join other volunteers as we perform basic maintenance checkups on the vehicles of widows and single women of Asbury. Workdays are every other month, 5 times a year. • Saturday, November 10, 9:00 am–noon • Family Room entrance • To volunteer, contact Mike Nalley at mnalley16@cox.net MEN’S MINISTRY – HOME IMPROVEMENT VOLUNTEERS

Home Improvement teams help widows and single women, who are Asbury members, with minor home repairs and/or small home improvement projects five times a year. If you are handy with a hammer, like to paint or clean out flower beds, please consider joining a team! You will be truly blessed! • Saturday, October 20 • Meet in the CLC at 8:30 am for planning and assignments • Contact Michiel Conner at 918.640.4382 or michiel0930@ sbcglobal MEN’S MISSION TRIP TO RIO BRAVO, MEXICO

Men, would you enjoy building casitas (small houses) for those in desperate need and help local churches in Mexico? If so, you can become a part of an Asbury mission team traveling to Rio Bravo, Mexico, to do just that! You will not only be serving others and showing the love of Jesus Christ, but you will get to know other men in our church and form relationships that will last a lifetime. No building experience or skills are required - just a willing spirit! This is a great opportunity for "first-timers" but there will be many who return to volunteer again. A minimum of 30 men are anticipated. • November 14–18, 2012 • Registration deadline October 29 • Cost is $595 per person but there may be incremental costs after the first 30 spots are taken, or for extra charges (partial scholarships may be available) • A $100 deposit holds your place; balance due October 29 • For questions or to sign up, contact Jim Furman at jnlfurman@ cox.net or 918.625.1316, or Frank Field at frank.field@ wpxenergy.com or 918.630.0717 MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST

Make plans to join us for a great time of meaningful worship, lifechanging prayer and an awesome big breakfast. • Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 am • CLC • Cost is $3 per person; first-time guests are free




Are you a “Retired Old Man” who wants to “Eat Out?” If so, then these luncheons are for you! A really awesome bunch of guys meet for good food and great fellowship. • Meet every second and fourth Friday, 11:15 am • Village Inn (71st and Memorial) • Open to anyone 60 years and up • Contact Bud at bdmathes@cox.net or Jim at robersonjim29@ ymail.com



Come learn about God through music as we sing, play instruments, play musical games. • Wednesdays, 6:00–6:50 pm • Available for children age four (by September 1, 2012) through sixth grade ASBURY POWER & LIGHT CO.

• Sundays, 8:00–9:15 am • Orchestra room



Help celebrate the success of Operation Hope by attending a dinner followed by both a silent and live auction. • Friday, October 12, 5:30 pm • CLC • Tickets are $40 • Contact Janet at 918.625.1967 VIM 2012 TEAM SCHEDULE

• November 7–11 –– Rio Bravo, Mexico, Medical, $700


For more information about these exciting mission opportunities, contact Marilene Long at 918.392.1164 or mlong@asburytulsa.org. For information about the men’s Rio Bravo, Mexico opportunities, contact Jim Furman at jnlfurman@cox.net. VIM LEADER TRAINING

• September 8 (OKC area) and November 3 (Chapel Hill UMC, OKC)


We have so much fun…singing, laughing and serving together. Come share your God-given talent with us. • Wednesdays, 7:00–9:00 pm • Choir room • Available for seventh grade through adults. NEW COVENANT ORCHESTRA

• Wednesdays, 6:00–7:30 pm • Orchestra room CELEBRATION RINGERS

• Tuesdays, 4:30–5:30 pm • Handbell room


Beginning October 7, we invite you to seize a new opportunity to integrate prayer and exercise. Asbury's Prayer Walk utilizes the continuous sidewalks around our building's perimeter in conjunction with strategically placed signs marking seven targets of prayer that influence culture. Asbury's Prayer Walk is a catalyst to impact our community and our world for God's glory.

In partnership with the Day of Service, we invite you to make a difference by joining in an on-site prayer effort that will impact our community as 2500 volunteers serve at various locations on October 7. “It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:24) • Sunday, October 7 • Sign up for 30-minute increments on Asbury's web page www.asburytulsa.org ALTAR PRAYER

If you would like someone to pray with you during Holy Communion or immediately following a worship service, please come to the altar rail. A pastor or member of the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with you for your needs – physical, emotional or spiritual, at the altar or in the Prayer Room. PRAYER ROOM RESERVATIONS

The leadership of Asbury’s prayer ministry would like to remind you that the main facility Prayer Room is open not only to individuals desiring to pray in a quiet, meditative atmosphere but also to prayer groups within communities and ministries. Just call the Adult Ministries office at 918.392.4589 to reserve the Prayer Room for your group on a weekly or monthly basis. PRAYER ROOM DAYS AND TIMES

Our prayer rooms are accessible to you at these times: • Mason Chapel and Venue 68 –– Sundays from 7:00 am–12:30 pm, through the interior doors • Main Facility, Mason Chapel and Venue68




–– Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–9:00 pm –– Saturday, 10:00 am–3:00 pm –– Sunday, 12:30 pm–9:00 pm


To obtain door codes, call Pam in the Adult Ministries office at 918.392.4589.


Come join this supportive group of people. Hiding any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God never intended for you to live in bondage. • Every Monday night: dinner at 6:00 pm, worship from 7:00–8:00 pm, small groups from 8:00–9:00 pm, dessert from 9:00–9:30 pm


A special program entitled “Freedom” will be presented by Jim Bridenstine. Patriotic metals and patriotic bears will be on display by Jo Van De Wiele, Nancy Ficken and Joanne Beckmann. Music by Darlene Wagner. Come enjoy the program, a delicious lunch and fellowship. • Thursday, October 25, 10:30 am–1:00 pm • CLC • Lunch is $1.00, and donations for missions and other expenses are welcomed • No reservations required • For ages 55 and older SENIOR ADULT TRIP TO OKLAHOMA CITY

Come with us to visit historic Oklahoma City University which was originally Epworth University, built in the early 1900’s and supported by the Methodist Episcopal Church. It has a wonderful history, a beautiful campus and offers a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees. We will enjoy a bus tour of the campus and a special, delicious lunch served there. Second stop will be the State Capital. Retired Senator Charles Ford will conduct the tour, pointing out the rich history of the building, first-hand facts, and history and development of our state. Having served a total of 38 years in both the House and Senate and having a love for art, Senator Ford has been a participant in procuring many of the art pieces. The collection began with donated art treasures of his own. We will see structural décor in various rooms, the rotunda, plus portraits, works in oil, bronze, stone and stained glass. Come be a part of this unique experience! • Monday, October 8 • Leave Asbury 10:30 am by chartered bus, return at 5:00 pm • Cost is $25 (includes transportation and lunch) • Deadline to register is Wednesday, October 3 • Registration forms available at the south desk


Come enjoy this full day at the Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium and the Oxley Nature Center. We will take a fascinating tour of the museum and learn about our aviation history and the future of space flight. At Oxley Nature Center, we will relax and enjoy the rich diversity of Tulsa’s natural and cultural history. Lunch of turkey, dressing and all the trimmings will be at Evelyn’s Soul Food Cuisine Restaurant near the museum. • Friday, November 9 • Gather at 10:45 am at Asbury’s Family Center entrance; return at 5:00 pm • Cost is $23 per person (includes admission and lunch) • Deadline to register is Thursday, November 1 • Registration forms available at south information desk ADULT GAME DAY

Attention all adults! How would you like to get together on a regular basis with a wonderful bunch of fun adults and play cards, dominoes, or whatever board or card game you choose? Bring a friend and stay for as long as you like! • Every third Thursday, 1:30–4:00 pm • Room 2821 SENIOR WALK IN THE GYM WITH HIM

All senior adults are invited to join us for power walking, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. Come give it a try. • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 8:30–9:00 am • Gym SENIOR SIT AND FIT STRETCHING CLASS

All senior adults are invited to join us for a time of stretching, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. No high impact workout here. We take it nice and easy. • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00–9:30 am • Gym SENIOR ADULT MEAL & MOVIE

If you’re 55 years of age or over, our monthly meal and movie day event may be just the “ticket” for you! We get together at a different Tulsa restaurant each month, and then head off to see a “first run” movie. • The dates and times vary according to the movie selected, but those who express an interest will be contacted a few days ahead of time so they can make plans accordingly • For more information or to sign up for the call list, contact Sally Wood, sally77onestick@cox.net


Do you enjoy playing recreational volleyball, mixed in with a little bit of competitiveness? Then come join us for a few hours of



exercise, fellowship and fun. All skill levels of play are welcome. Good sportsmanship and positive attitudes are required. It’s free and you do not have to be a member of Asbury to participate. • Every Sunday, 6:00–9:00 pm • Gym • Questions? Contact Doug at 918.607.0830


We want you on our adventures to Houston, Kentucky, Jamaica and Guatemala so hurry and sign up! Don’t forget to drop off your $100 deposit at the Venue 68. First come, first serve! • Deadline for signing up for SBM 2013 is October 28. 10 11 12 SUNDAY MORNINGS


You are always welcome to join any other communities that are not “Singles Only,” as most are a mix of singles and marrieds. • Sundays, 9:15 am – New Beginnings Class, Transitions (mixed singles/married) • Sundays, 11:00 am – Ambassadors for Christ, Footprints (ladies only), Salt & Light, Christ Centered Singles, Single B.A.S.I.X.


Sunday Mornings we have two great options. At 9:15 am, we have our large group time with a worship band, fun games and God's Word. Then at 11:00 am, we have a small Bible Study group. Whatever your preference, don't miss out. 8TH GRADE SMALL GROUPS

Sex is a hot topic today so where better for our 8th graders to learn the truth and understand God’s intentions for sex than at church. Twice a month, Marsha will teach the girls and Mark the boys. • Through December 16, 6:15–8:00 pm • Children’s area 9TH GRADE SMALL GROUPS

Another year is here and that means that small groups are back. This year, meetings are twice a month and held at their leader’s homes. Can’t wait to see you there! • Contact Mark Fowler 918.392.1155 CONFIRMATION PARENT MEETING

Come join us for an update on what’s happening in confirmation. • October 28 and December 2, Venue68 • 4:45–6:00 pm 8TH GRADE PURITY CLASS PARENT MEETING

If your student is in 8th grade, come to our parent meetings about the purity class and how you can help. • October 14 and November 4, 6:15–8:00 pm • Upstairs in Venue • Contact Marsha Baker 918.392.1157 with questions

Join us every Sunday morning for an in depth Bible study and discussion. • Sundays, 9:15 am • High school room 10 11 12 SMALL GROUPS

Get connected. Grow in your walk with Jesus. Our small groups meet every Sunday night, times vary. Some meet in homes and others at the church. • Call Todd 918.392.1154 or Amy 918.392.1156 for more info 10 11 12 WEDNESDAY NIGHTS

Every Wednesday night we come together for a time of connection and worship. Our desire is to explore who God really is and how our lives matter to Him. • Wednesdays, 7:00 until around 8:30 pm • Hang around for pizza afterwards 10 11 12 FALL RETREAT

We’re headed to New Life Ranch for a fall retreat. It’s a chance to rest and discover your heart, to connect to God and have fun! We will meet at the Venue68 Friday afternoon. • Friday–Sunday, October 12–14 • Cost is $85 • Call Todd or Amy if you haven’t registered but are interested in attending


Come hear the personal and poignant story of Asbury’s own LeAnne Taylor Erwin as she shares her personal view of breast cancer. Well known as the Six in the Morning anchor, LeAnne will discuss from diagnosis to treatment the things which she dealt with along the way and focus on what helped her through it all: her faith, family and friends. Jeremiah 29:11. • Thursday, October 4, 11:30 am–1:00 pm • CLC • Cost is $8.00 • No reservation necessary CAR CARE WORKDAY

Single women and widows of Asbury, while you wait in the comfort




of the Family Room café, volunteers from the Men's Ministry will check your tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries and do a basic maintenance check up. They will also vacuum and wash your vehicle, and then update you on what is running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith and skills into action by serving others. Workdays are every other month, 5 times a year. • Saturday, November 10, beginning at 9:00 am • Have your vehicle in line no later than 11:30 am • Family Center entrance • No reservations necessary • Contact Mike Nalley at mnalley16@cox.net HOME IMPROVEMENT WORKDAY

The men’s ministry serves widows and single women, who are Asbury members, by helping with minor home repairs and small home improvement projects. H.I. volunteers make themselves available every other month, five times a year. If you are in need of help and qualify, just pick up an application at a welcome desk, fill it out, and return it at least ten days before the scheduled work day. A volunteer from the H.I. team will contact you and make arrangements to get the job done. • Saturday, October 20 WOMEN OF THE WORD

• • • •

Wednesdays, 10:00–11:00 am Room 2818 No childcare available Teacher is Rev. Darlene Johnson

• Communion is served • Dr. Tom Harrison preaches 9:15 AM CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP

• Sanctuary • Contemporary music led by Mark Bennett and team • Time of prayer and the message will all carry a prevailing theme for the morning • Dr. Tom Harrison preaches 9:15 AM OPEN HOUSE WORSHIP

• Community Life Center • A relaxed atmosphere with engaging worship led by Dub Ambrose and team • Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast with an occasional live sermon from another pastor 11:00 AM TRADITIONAL SERVICE

• Sanctuary • The Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra and various vocal and instrumental ensembles offer a variety of styles of music • Dr. Tom Harrison preaches 11:00 AM MODERN SERVICE

• Venue68 • Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by Chris Cleveland and team • Sign interpreters for the deaf are offered • Rev. Todd Craig preaches


• Mason Chapel • Traditional service and music

Marriages, Births and Deaths • Cassie Rene Daigle & Christopher Scott Spicer married 8/11/2012

MARRIAGES • Brittney Suzanne Jones and Jonathan Scott Williams married 7/28/2012 • Christine Rochelle Ariana and David Mark Beeson married 7/28/2012 • Denise Dyanne Sidner and Sean Patrick Burns married 8/4/2012 • Kristin Nicole Thompson and Bradley Thomas Cantrell married 8/4/2012


BIRTHS • Henry Jonas Dawson born 6/15/2012, son of Daniel & Katie Dawson, grandparents are Mike & Karen Wackenhuth, great-grandparents are Dave & Janet Wehrenberg



• Murry Gene Womble died 8/13/2012, grandfather of Bob (Melissa) Blakemore, greatgrandfather of Brooks & Finley Blakemore • Bertha “Lovelle” Butler, died 8/17/2012 • Betty J Kent died 8/23/2012, wife of Donald R Kent, mother of Julie (Preston) Reynolds and Donna (Frank) Lester • Murray Gullatt died 8/28/2012, husband of Susan Gullatt

DEATHS • Katherine Watkins died 7/25/2012, Denton, TX • Evelyn Nelson died 8/5/2012 • Carl Weatherford died 8/8/2012, husband of Joanne Weatherford

Milestone Anniversaries 60 YEARS • Dick & Marcia Marshall • Bill & M.A. Kohl

10/11/52 10/25/52

55 YEARS • Doyle & Shirley George


50 YEARS • Jerry & Dixie Mitchell


30 YEARS • Bob & Lynn Archibald

Bill & M.A. Kohl 10/25/52

Doyle & Shirley George 08/29/57



25 YEARS • Alex & Angela Majed


Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at brucars2@cox.net or call 918.451.1559.

20 YEARS • Rick & Ellen Boothe


5 YEARS • Dennis & Kathy Dvorak


Jerry & Dixie Mitchell 10/26/62




New Members

Mike & Anna Brandes

Paul & Melodie Cole

Mark & Shannon Dusza with Brenden and Madelyn

David & Carol Lytle


Andrea Cooper

Leslie Herrmann

David McCoy

Gene McMath


Joey & Katie Forrest

Eric & Kim Hinojosa

Tony & Lisa Svendsen

Sunday, October 7 12:00–5:00 pm

After the success of the 9/11 Day of Service in 2011, Asbury decided to hold an annual event to serve the Tulsa community. Asbury would like to mobilize 2,500 people to serve. Volunteers will be able to serve at various on and off site locations to help with food restocking, painting, moving furniture, packing care boxes, neighborhood clean-up, planting trees and church beautification. All logistics will be taken care of. Everyone can participate regardless of age. Register at myasburytulsa.org before October 4 to choose your worksite.

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