Baptism Celebrated by Four Generations

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june/july 2013

Baptism Celebrated by Four Generations


here are several items on which to provide an update. One of the major accomplishments for 2012 was the debt reduction campaign. This was very important to Tom. It is a great way to concretely support our desire to be intergenerational. Those coming after us will have a wonderful facility that is debt free and for which a long-term maintenance fund has been established. Because a number of you paid your commitment up front, we have already paid over $2 million on our mortgage. In this column, I frequently discuss the subject of communications. It is an extremely important area that is full of challenges. We are making good progress. One example is the booklet you received at the end of April titled “2012 Transformations.” Through stories of transformation, it captures much of what Asbury is doing. We appreciate the many positive comments we received on that publication. Thanks go to our director of communications, Angie Brashears, and her team. The format of our worship bulletin has also changed to support our communications strategy. Fewer announcements are included. More focus is being given to strategic messaging. Additionally, there are stories of transformation. We appreciate that every change requires adjustment. Some things that were previously listed in the bulletin are no longer included. Understandably, this may feel like a loss, especially if an event that you participate in is not included anymore. But this more focused communication is a direct response to the feedback we received during the strategic study of the past 18 months. We are already seeing benefits. It is gratifying that most of our people are willing to see the big picture and support what is best for the entire church. One more item concerning communications. We learned that we were sending too many individual communications to our congregation. This resulted in several responses. One of them is the “interest” selection available at If you want to receive communication about a specific ministry, go to and select your interests. Most of our communication is now driven by what you have selected.


Contents A Word From Tom Harrison 1 God’s Love to a Thousand Generations: God’s Network of Grace 2 Discover Your Significance by Joining Asbury 4 RoadMap Summer 2013 5 Disciple Bible Study 2013–14 6 Something To Chew On (STCO) 7 North Tulsa Mother Sees Prayers Answered with Construction of Asbury-Sponsored Habitat Home 8 Local Outreach Interns 9 How Could a Stephen Minister Help Me? 10 Stephen Ministry 11 Spring Break Missions Recap 12 Summer Missions and More! 17 Asbury Youth Group Reunion: A “No Brainer!!” 20 UMW’s Annual Garage Sale Is Coming Up! 21 Grandpa John 22 Recipes of the Month 23 Opportunities 24 Special Announcements 29

Many of you have noticed the impact of Tom calling for more focus, creative content, and integration in the sermons and in the worship services in general. This is an ongoing effort. A visible example is the sermon journal. Much hard work is invested to make this a very meaningful preparation and supplement to the worship experience. Please make use of the journal. It will greatly increase the value of your worship experience. It is available in booklet form at the church and on our website in PDF format. Thanks to Stephanie Hurd, Gloria McGee-Denton and Tim Jurgensen for producing the journal and to Jim Lenderman for leading the entire worship team.

We need you! Do you have a story of what God has done in your life? Please contact us and tell us a little bit about what God has done. We will all be encouraged by hearing stories of what God is doing in the lives of those around us.

Our sermons this year have been centered around the components of our new vision. The key thing to remember about what Asbury is trying to do is this statement: Developing all generations for significant lives in Christ. Recently, we have been hearing about another component, the “map.” In succinct form, it says what we want people to do to connect at Asbury: worship + grow + influence. Because worship is the primary thing that Christians should do, the map is sometimes introduced with “worship +2” which communicates that we place worship as the highest priority. Everything that Asbury does is being studied to see how we can more effectively help all of us achieve the new vision.

Have you noticed that we’ve been making some changes in Tidings? Please give us your feedback—both good and bad. Email or call 918.392.1140.

Everything you do to advance the Kingdom through Asbury—your time and skills and money—is appreciated. Thank you. Dwight Yoder Executive Director

Are you a writer or someone who enjoys writing? The Communications Department is always looking for someone to do an interview and write a story for us for Tidings.

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting Editor: Asbury Communications Department, 918.392.1140, Photographers: Chris Lo (, Mark Moore ( Guest Contributors: Bill Abernathy, Guy Ames, Radhika Aussieker, Mark Dalton, Jim Davis, Charlene Giles, Jerrod Glenn, Rodney Gray, Diane King, Marilene Long, Adrena Mahu, Karen Mellen, John Westervelt, Carolyn Yoder

A Word From Tom Harrison It’s a wonderful feeling for me to be able to hand you such a superbly crafted document as our sermon journal. I hope you will become “positively addicted” (yes, there ARE positive addictions!) to this daily and weekly emphasis. We have five sermons in June on “Credo.” This word means a statement of religious belief. (“Creed” is a much more familiar term.) We will study “The Apostles Creed” in June. We will be giving out a book on this subject written by the President of Asbury Theological Seminary, Dr. Tim Tennent. We are most fortunate to have Dr. Tennent preach the first sermon of this series for us on June 2. People in early church history didn’t have access to books, magazines and technology as we do. They depended upon other forms of learning. One of those was memorization. And one of the things that Christians memorized was The Apostles Creed. Likewise, I am hoping that this will be an opportunity for our entire congregation to memorize this historic confession of the Christian faith. We’ve broken the creed down into these five Sundays. Here is the schedule: June 2 I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth”

June 23 I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints June 30 the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. In July, our sermon team has put together a “Come to the River” series. We will be looking at the biblical understandings for water. The invitation is to come to the river to find life. In the land of the Bible, such an invitation was not to be taken for granted. We are passionately committed to teaching our congregation about the Bible and about the traditions of historic Christianity. We also insist not only on an academic approach and understanding but a personal application which incorporates our reason and experience. These components help build believers with passion and balance.

June 9 And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead;

We pray that these two months will be a spiritually meaningful time in your life! We also pray that you will invite someone else to share this experience with you.

June 16 He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

Dr. Tom Harrison Senior Pastor

In Christ,




God’s Love to a Thousand Generations: God’s Network of Grace by Pastor Guy Ames

Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. (Deuteronomy 7: 9) Should you have worshipped during the eleven o’clock hour the last Sunday of April, you might have recalled a slight change to the typical service. In the earliest moments of the service, three proud families gathered to present their young children for baptism. Then near the end of the baptisms, Pastor Tom gave me the microphone as I took one of those infants into my arms for baptism. Jamie and Trey Cooper started attending Asbury over eight years ago and late last summer became first time parents of little Linley Beth. With their large extended family standing alongside, I placed the baptismal waters on those pretty blond strands as I offered those ancient words, “Linley Beth, I baptize you in the name of the Father…” As my hands held Linley’s sweet frame, my mind drifted back over to Christmas 1981 when I pronounced those same words over two month old Trey. “James Knight Cooper, III, I baptize you…” Few moments in a pastor’s life prove more precious than these. Shortly after their marriage (they also met at OU), Jim and Terri made their home in Ada, Oklahoma, and after searching for their own church settled on our little congregation, Asbury United Methodist Church. Can the world be any smaller than this? Now that a lifetime has passed, here we were once again with another generation. “Developing all generations…” But this time in a different Asbury United Methodist Church. How does this happen? Sunday morning, April 28, 2013, little Linley Beth Cooper brought together the spiritual influence of several generations and the


reminder that “developing all generations” is God’s business. As I thought over the spiritual intersections surrounding Linley’s baptism, I was reminded that God has always used the influence of what I like to call networks of grace. On that Sunday morning, these networks all intersected in this sacramental moment. Jamie grew up nurtured in a loving Roman Catholic family in Edmond, while Trey grew up on the pews of that same Methodist church in Ada in which he was baptized. The University of Oklahoma brought these two together, and while in school, they took turns attending church together. Following marriage in 2004, job opportunities brought them to Tulsa where Jamie’s parents had grown up. Immediately they began searching for a church, and they tried out many churches before finally settling on Asbury. (Jamie’s grandfather, Charlie Geister, who died the year before their marriage, joined Asbury after attending for many years.) They found that the traditional service suited them best, so they began attending off and on in 2005. Sunday School was not part of Jamie’s church experience, “I just didn’t see the need or understand the reason for community involvement,” Jamie shared. Consequently, for their first couple of years, their contact with Asbury was primarily Sunday worship. One of their close friends (a couple) moved to Tulsa a year later and began attending Asbury. When they invited the Coopers to their community, Jamie and Trey accepted and began attending Covenant Community.


“That sealed it for me…” Jamie comments. “The members were in a similar stage in life—younger, married, newly professional, younger children/babies, etc. And they were some of the most welcoming people. We attended Covenant about a year before joining the class. Then we joined Asbury about six months later. In Covenant, we have found some of our best friends, including Linley’s godparents (Julie and Wes Holmes). In Asbury, we found the perfect place to raise our daughter. We feel the church is an amazing place to grow, and we feel we’ve grown as individuals and as a couple.” Once again, God’s network of grace has touched this family. For decades, Christian leaders have been aware that the most powerful influence in reaching people for Christian discipleship is relationships. Most people attend church because a Friend, Relative, Acquaintance, or Neighbor (F.R.A.N.) invites them to attend. Over 85% of practicing Christians can trace their first attendance to worship to the influence of a F.R.A.N., God’s ongoing network of grace. This network keeps expanding. After Trey and his brother, John, left for college, Jim and Terri left Ada for several years of high school football coaching in Texas. As that journey came to an end, the opportunity to move to Tulsa arose as both took positions with the Jenks school system. After checking out other church possibilities, they chose Asbury; Trey brought his parents to church. Not long after that, Terri’s mother, Ruth Davidson, moved to Tulsa and started attending Asbury. Along with some extended family members who already belonged to Asbury, Linley’s baptism has networked four generations. Last year as Margaret and I received the news that we would be coming to Asbury, we also discovered that the Coopers had settled in Tulsa as well. As an itinerant preacher, being able to enjoy long time friends at this point of life is a rare privilege. Standing alongside Jim and Terri as they joined Asbury last summer brought me full circle to the ways and means God uses relationships to draw people to himself. About the same time we learned that Trey and Jamie were expecting, I was going through old family photos. There, in the midst of old pictures from Ada, was this photo of a much younger version of me holding Trey on his baptism day, a reminder to me of much more than good friends and old times. Trey’s picture reminded me that God continues to reach new generations in the same way he has always touched our world, one relationship at a time. This is God’s work. We too often like to take far too much credit for what God does. “Developing all generations…” isn’t Asbury’s theme—it is God’s will.

expressed frustration with the lack of other young adults. Jim asked to start a class, so with two other couples, the Seekers class emerged. Nearly a year passed with no more than six gathering in my small office when one Sunday we saw a new young couple sitting on the last pew. Before the closing prayer, I saw the Coopers heading for them, and learned later they had invited them to lunch; soon the Seekers had eight. Sometime later, I witnessed the same scene, then again and again until within a few months, the Seekers needed a larger space. Not long after their move, we needed larger nursery space. We grew! Sunday school and worship tripled in the space of five years. The prevailing culture has convinced many people that keeping children away from Christian teaching somehow lets them be free from over influence in deciding what to believe. Every generation builds upon the previous. Now a new generation takes up the mantle of influence. The presentation of Linley for baptism is a great fulfillment of the promise made by their two families in two different places long before Trey and Jamie set eyes on one another. Trey and Jamie write, “Her baptism is our commitment to raise Linley in Christ’s ways. It is also our request for help from our friends and family to live as examples of Christ (to quote the ceremony) in front of Linley. We’re absolutely thrilled to share our daughter with Asbury and have a place to raise her where she will be influenced for the better.” So many things kept racing through my mind that last Sunday morning of April as I considered the stories of those who stood around Linley as well as those names of those who no longer stand among us. God’s network of grace has been at work touching hearts, encouraging children, building families, bringing together new relationships, and Linley Beth is the newest point along this network of love. So you will understand that all of this ran through my mind as I stood before Asbury’s congregation the last Sunday of April and held a new Cooper generation in my arms. “Linley Beth Cooper, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”

As Jamie and Trey shared with Margaret and me about the impact of an invitation to Covenant Community on their lives, I remembered our ongoing conversation about “influence.” Jamie, Trey and Linley have helped to bring me full circle to the place I found myself as a young pastor. Margaret and I were introduced to Jim and Terri during the summer of 1979, a year after finishing seminary and starting our first pastorate in Ada. Being the youngest couple in the church, we were delighted when Jim and Terri began worshipping with us. They jumped into the life of the church immediately but soon



Discover Your Significance by Joining Asbury


t Asbury we think every life should be significant! Why? Because God created you. Your life has value and meaning because Christ laid down His life for you—He is the basis of your worth. God made each and every person on this earth for a purpose. He has set you apart to do good works for His Kingdom. The Christian life is more than knowing, it’s also doing—doing in every part of your life, not just Sundays, at work, school, home and community. God wants you to make a significant impact in the world each and every day. You have approximately 22,000 days on this earth. How will you be significant? So now you are probably thinking, “How can Asbury help me be significant in my life?” Asbury is a unique church with four generations of believers. All of these generations bring a different perspective when looking at one’s life. The older generations bring wisdom, stories of faith and examples of God’s work throughout their lives. The younger generations bring energy and innovation in very powerful ways. They want to make a difference around the world through outreach and compassion. Asbury’s four generations participate in all of the ministry programs. You can find out what you are passionate about and how God called you to be significant by volunteering with global outreach to go on a mission trip to Tanzania, Estonia, Central Asia or Latin America. You can engage in the children’s ministry by teaching God’s word, be a small group leader for the student ministry or volunteer with local outreach with 2nd Saturday, Day of Service or Asbury Corner. The possibilities are endless but SIGNIFICANT at Asbury! One way to begin is to attend worship every Sunday at Asbury. This will help you and your family to get connected to make life-long friendships with four generations of believers. Check out all of services listed! We have something for every generation. All you have to do is start—start searching your heart, listen to where God is leading you to find your significance. If you are still need some help getting started, talk to a pastor. What better person to help you! Asbury’s pastors have been leading significant lives by praying, supporting, mentoring, and preaching God’s Word to help people discover their journey through the ups and downs of life for the past 50 years at Asbury. Our pastors want to make sure you are given the knowledge and tools to grow in your faith for spiritual maturity and wholeness so you and your family can go out into the community and world to influence others with the life-giving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Once you start influencing in your journey, you have discovered your significance in Christ. Come be a part of God-size dreams at Asbury! We welcome you and your family.


Worship 8:00 am 9:15 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 11:00 am

Traditional service in Mason Chapel Contemporary service in Sanctuary Casual service in Community Life Center (CL) Traditional service in Sanctuary Modern service

The Asbury Membership Process 1. Attend Exploration–At Exploration, you will find out more about Asbury and our unique calling to develop all generations for significant lives in Christ, meet the pastors and hear about how to get connected at Asbury. This class is held monthly, 12:15 pm to 2:15 pm, in the Community Life Center (CLC), normally on the first Sunday of every month. Please check for the most accurate and current dates: Sunday, June 9 (in the Family Room, this month only) Sunday, August 4 Sunday, September 1 Lunch and child care are provided. To register visit www. For questions, or more information please call 918.392.1191. Dates are subject to change. 2. Visit with a pastor – Sign-up sheets are available at Exploration. Our pastors seek an opportunity to visit with you and have set aside dates and times to get to know you! 3. Come to the church office – On the Sunday morning you choose to join, please come to the church office at least 20 minutes prior to the worship service.


SUMMER 2013 îî BIBLICAL STUDIES Developing Your Prayer Life Jackie Carter èèWednesdays 6:00–8:00 pm èèJuly 10–August 14 èèRoom 1506 èèCost $10 Based on book Developing a Powerful Prayer Life by Gregory Frizzell This course is designed to help participants gain an understanding of prayer from God’s perspective and purpose, learn how to let Christ become the source and power of your prayer life, experience new motivation and confidence, and embrace a biblical pattern for developing a dynamic personal relationship with Christ. DISCIPLE – Part I Dr. Vaughn Story èè17 sessions (first half of a 2-semester


èèClass A: Tuesdays, August 6–December

10 (will not meet Oct. 15 or Nov. 26) OR èèClass B: Thursdays, August 8–December 12 (will not meet Oct. 17 or Nov. 28) èè6:30–8:30 pm èèRoom 2818 èèCost $40 (materials supplied for both semesters) These two concurrent 34-week courses are for adults wanting to study the whole Bible in order to learn what it means to be a

faithful follower of Jesus Christ. No previous Bible knowledge required. Second half of the course continues in the Winter 2014 RoadMap semester, beginning in January. Don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to get on board one of our most popular Bible courses! Child care provided. *To register for either Class A or Class B, you must attend only one of the Preview/ Enrollment meetings in room 2818 at 6:30–7:30 p.m. which will be held Tuesdays, July 23 or July 30, or Thursdays, July 25 or August 1 and pay for the course by cash or check at this time. No online or hotline registration available.

îî ONGOING STUDIES Something to Chew On Jessica Dyer èèMondays 12:00–1:00 pm èèOngoing

(will not meet June 10, September 2) èèRoom 2818 èèNo cost, no child care This new Bible study for men and women of all ages is intended to provide encouragement and hope through God’s Word in a one hour interactive study of the Bible. Various topics from the Bible will be covered and will include opportunity for participants to interact with one another in sharing life experiences that relate. Open to all—bring a friend! No registration, no homework, come whenever you can. Bring your own lunch and your Bible (any format welcome).

îî CARE Emotional/Relational Fitness Jenniffer Callaway èèWednesdays 6:30–8:00 pm èèJuly 10–August 14 èèRoom 2500 èèNo cost Explore how we love, the influence of family heritage, and how to develop biblical relationships. We will identify patterns that affect emotional fitness. Six sessions explore challenges to fulfilling friendships, parent/child relationships, marriages, and work relationships. Attend alone, with a friend, or with your spouse. GriefShare Jan Schueller & Sylvia Dean èèWednesdays 6:30–8:00 pm èèMay 8–July 31 èèRoom 1507 èèCost $15 GriefShare is a special weekly video series and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It’s a safe place to be around people who understand what you are feeling. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future. Group sessions are offered three times per year. You may begin attending this group at any time, as each video session is self-contained.

For more information, visit If you have questions, contact Diane King at 918.492.1771.



Disciple Bible Study 2013–14 by Diane King


isciple is a 34-week adult Bible study course that explores the books of the Bible in sequential order, spending 17 weeks exploring the Old Testament and 17 weeks on the New Testament. Designed to help both those who know absolutely nothing about the Bible as well as those who have some knowledge of the Bible learn how to be faithful followers of Lord Jesus Christ directly from the whole text of the Bible. Disciple will be held weekly on Tuesdays, August 6–December 10 or Thursdays, August 8–December 12 from 6:30–8:30 pm in Room 2818 (child care is provided). There will be a week off for fall break (week of October 15) and Thanksgiving (week of November 26). The second half will continue in January at the same time and location. Child care is included. Cost is $40 for both semesters, which covers your book and all handout materials, payable by cash or check at the enrollment class. Instructor Vaughn Story, MDiv, DMin, is a well-trained, experienced teacher who will employ various teaching methods in both large group and smaller table discussions to accommodate various learning styles. Participants will share their insights from reading and studying their Bible, learn how to practice Christian discipleship, and discuss popular questions about things like various biblical interpretations, Church history, denominational teachings, and Christian doctrine. Those who wish to enroll must attend only one of the four Disciple Preview and Enrollment meetings scheduled in Room 2818 from 6:30–7:30 pm on either Tuesday, July 23 or 30, or Thursday, July 25 or August 1. There you will be able to meet the teacher, learn more about the course’s content, enroll for the course, and purchase and receive the Disciple Study Manual to prepare for week one’s lesson in advance of the first class. No online or hotline registration available. Enrollment is limited to 100 participants per class. “After many reservations and much soul searching, I finally made up my mind to commit myself to taking Disciple. I was very reluctant to show my ignorance of the Bible. Well, I can’t begin to express how thankful I am that I went! How blessed I was actually to read the Bible, study it and enjoy it. The fellowship with others in the class was fantastic!” –Ellen W. “Disciple allowed me, for the first time in my life, to read the Bible through.” –Lana S. “God’s Word has once again become alive and renewed in my heart. Some of the things discussed in Disciple I have known all of my Christian life, but I gained new perspective and fresh insights into the heart of God! The entire study was a high point in my week. I sometimes arrived harried and exhausted from my job and often just wanted to go home; however, God never failed to refresh me during the class time.” –Teri P. For more information, call Diane King at 918.392.1122.



Something To Chew On (STCO) by Diane King


new, uniquely different Bible study was birthed at Asbury on Monday, May 13. Something to Chew On (STCO) is offered every Monday during the lunch hour from noon to 1:00 pm in Room 2818 for anyone who would like a boost from the Bible to begin their week. Anyone is welcome to come and bring a friend or two, enjoy a self-brought sack lunch if you like, and spend the hour breaking open the Word of God. A variety of topics from the Bible will be taught by Jessica Dyer, with table discussions among participants afterward. There is no cost, and child care is not available. Bring your lunch and any format of the Bible you choose. The brainchild of Jessica Dyer, this study will be one that allows those who cannot commit to a continuous study week after week to come whenever they are able and wish to do so. Being offered at the lunch hour will enable those who work during the week to attend during the day, as well as those who do not. Often it is difficult for some to attend nighttime studies, so this offers them a good alternative. When asked about where her idea came from for this study, Dyer said that in the beginning when she accepted Christ, she wondered, “Now what? How do we actually take this Bible and live it out?” Not having a Christian background, she found Bible study somewhat intimidating. She did discover Isaiah 55:11, which says, “So shall My Word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” She read about monks who spent hours and hours studying the Word, and the transforming power it would have on their lives. What would it be like to live out the lessons and apply it to our lives? “He is the Bread of life, the unleavened Bread,” Dyer declares. “He is not ‘fluffy bread’, He is unleavened bread, which means He is the kind that sustains those who are hungry.” She believes that if we could actually chew on that kind of Bread, it will sustain us. “This Bible study will hopefully give us small nuggets to chew on that will help sustain us. In ancient Palestine, people could not live without bread. When God provided manna, they had to get it every day.” Dyer quotes John 6:53, where Jesus said that unless you eat this bread and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. “I have a strong conviction to feed the hungry (spiritually), and believe in the impact of giving daily bread.” She empathizes with all those who attend church on Sunday, but then Monday comes and what was heard at church must be applied in everyday life. “How do we apply it right now?” she asks. “If we have the foundation of the Word of God, now what?” “The Holy Spirit speaks to us in the now. If we listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and do that which He instructs us to do, this is the mission of believers. It will capture people, anybody who needs

that fuel for the moments of our lives, to have that fresh start to bring to life the Word. We can bring life to the world! We are the ambassadors to the world, and the Holy Spirit empowers us to be the hands and feet of Jesus.” Her hope is that this study will allow us to have fewer missed opportunities for feeding those who hunger and thirst. There is no obligation to come every week, which may attract some who hesitate to attend other studies. “We need to be bucket-fillers,” Dyer claims, “so how do we love people?” This is one of the many ways Jessica Dyer will answer that question. If you would like to join her in this adventure, the study will continue every Monday throughout the year, only taking off for holidays when the church building will be closed. Jessica Dyer is married to J. Dyer and has two children, Vin (9 years old) and Lizzy (7 years old.) She also works as a sales representative for Amgen Biotech Company, and is co-president for the Wesley community.


Jessica Dyer

Mondays 12:00–1:00 pm, Room 2818 Ongoing (will not meet June 10, September 2) No cost, no child care This new Bible study for men and women of all ages is intended to provide encouragement and hope through God’s Word in a one hour interactive study of the Bible. Various topics from the Bible will be covered and will include opportunity for participants to interact with one another in sharing life experiences that relate. Open to all—bring a friend! No registration, no homework, come whenever you can. Bring your own lunch and your Bible (any format welcome.)



North Tulsa Mother Sees Prayers Answered with Construction of Asbury-Sponsored Habitat Home by Rodney Gray Working with Asbury building the home has been like “going to church,” Wilson said. The volunteer workers are quick to pray for Wilson, give a kind word, and ask about her dad. “I just love them. They just seem like family; everything they do is just so genuine,” Wilson said. Steve Garrett of Asbury has been like family to Wilson for six years. It started when he began delivering Christmas gifts to residents of Seminole. He and his family met Wilson and her daughter, Skye, on their first visit to the apartments. Garrett’s family wanted to be more involved in Wilson and Skye’s life throughout the year. He said they exchanged phone numbers, and promised to visit with each other throughout the year. “We stayed true to our promise, and that has allowed our relationship to blossom,” said Garrett. “We have been able to go to numerous performances, talent shows, and Skye’s sixth grade graduation. Most recently, we have shared in the excitement of Skye getting accepted to Booker T. Washington High School, and Vickie’s purchase of a new home. In essence, we are getting to ‘experience life’ with Vickie and Skye.”


ver the past few weeks, Victoria Wilson has witnessed one of her greatest prayers being answered. Wilson has prayed many years for the opportunity to purchase a home in which to raise her daughter and care for her ailing father. She has been skeptical about this ever happening since she is a single mother with limited income. Yet, her dream home is now being completed, thanks to Habitat for Humanities, and the tireless efforts of Wilson and her project sponsors that include Asbury United Methodist Church. Wilson currently lives in Seminoles Hills, a public housing site where Asbury has teamed with Youth At Heart to provide families needed assistance at Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was ironically at an Asbury-sponsored Christmas event that Wilson submitted a petition to God for a new home. Asbury volunteers encouraged Wilson to place her request in a prayer chest. They told her that Asbury members would pray regularly over the petition. Wilson did not think much about this again, however, until she learned that Asbury was sponsoring the building of her home. Wilson saw Asbury helping her build her new home as no coincidence. She viewed it as an act of God. Wilson already had a deep respect for Asbury because of their holiday support. She felt the Habitat project was merely another way God was using Asbury to show her that he cares.


Skye expressed similar gratitude for Asbury as her mother. Skye said she really appreciates the Garrett’s for treating her like family. She regards their son, Josh, as a good friend, and has kept in touch with him over the years. Skye recently made friends with more Asbury youth over spring break when she joined them on a mission trip to Kentucky. Skye said she loved meeting new teens on the trip and also enjoyed the idea of helping people in need.

We want to extend special thanks to Earl Stutzman who served as the construction foreman for the build as well as Bob Miller from the Generations Community who served as Asbury lead volunteer on this build. Pastor Dick Read was there to pray for the build when the walls were raised as well as the dedication on May 11.


Local Outreach Interns by Radhika Aussieker


he past two years, local outreach at Asbury has hosted interns for missions-minded college students. These internships provide a great cross-cultural missions experience right here in Tulsa! Local outreach interns work alongside Asbury staff and volunteers in gaining experience in building interpersonal relationships and sharing the love of Christ in word and deed. In conjunction with our partnered organizations such as Oral Roberts University and Youth at Heart, the internship is designed to strengthen the college student’s spiritual foundation, provide practical knowledge in areas of social work, social justice and community development. The intern is able to sharpen their leadership skills in challenging real-life environments that will help better prepare them for leadership roles in any career field as well as their home, church, community and the world. These are our current interns.

Autumn Harper Nickname: Autumnal City/State: Canton, Michigan College/Major: Oral Roberts University – social work What one thing you learned from being an intern at Asbury? I have learned about the various social service agencies and non-profits in the Tulsa community. How has this helped you developmentally? Interning at Asbury has allowed me to continue to develop professionally. Your next steps personally: I will be attending OU Tulsa for my masters in social work. A fun fact about yourself: I am the oldest of four kids, and I am very close with my family.

come true. The Lord gives us desires and, if we hold tight to His direction, He will use us to our full potential. How has this helped you developmentally? I have learned to “work outside of the box,”to think creatively and innovatively in order to reach people in need. Your next steps personally: I will begin graduate school at OUTulsa in May in order to obtain a masters in social work. A fun fact about yourself: I have visited the same number of states as I have countries (13 each).

Kaitlyn DaCosta Nickname: Katie, but people automatically shorten it to Kate once they know me really well. City/State: Dover, New Hampshire (the most beautiful state) College/Major: Oral Roberts University – social work What one thing you learned from being an intern at Asbury? My time at Global Gardens taught me about the value of offering people the freedom of self discovery, and creative potential that resides in every individual. How has this helped you developmentally? I grew into a much more peaceful and confident person, and learned a lot about extending grace toward myself and others. Your next steps personally: Moving to Tulsa for the time being and pursuing my dream of being a baker at the Great Harvest Bread Company. Come get the best bread you’ve ever tasted! A fun fact about yourself: I love backpacking and I’m hiking through Iceland for a week this summer!

Hanna Duininck Nickname: Hanny City/State: Tulsa, Oklahoma College/Major: Oral Roberts University – BSW in social work and BA in international community development What one thing you learned from being an intern at Asbury? My time under Radhika Aussieker’s supervision has taught me to hold on to big dreams because with prayer, the right people, and the right resources, they can



celebrating 2 5 years of Stephen Ministry

How Could a Stephen Minister Help Me? by Adrena Mahu, Stephen Ministry Referrals Coordinator


ome 25 years ago, Asbury began helping those going through difficulties with what is known as Stephen Ministry. Since the very first person to receive loving and caring support, over 1000 men and women have found that going through a tough time with a Stephen Minister (SM) was extremely beneficial. Our SMs receive 50 hours of training that includes many topics such as listening, boundaries, grief, etc. The goal of these instructions is to equip the volunteers to serve others looking for help as they go through various “road blocks” in life’s paths. Many are experiencing painful divorces, job losses, caring for elderly parents, deaths of loved ones, chronic illnesses just to name a few. Often family members of those going through crises are also in need of this support. If you think you might be interested in having a SM, you may call me at 918.392.1144, and I will be glad to explain to you how the process works. A call to me would be confidential and all SMs are trained in confidentiality.

Front row Left to Right: Suzanne McLaughlin, Kathy Winder, Dee Heavin, Teri DeWendt, Karen Hall (Faith UMC) , Wendy Stock Back row Left to Right: Lea Wimmer, Carol Bunny, Amberdawn Alfred, Jill Hollien, Rick Peterson, Kathy Jageler, Ellen Simmons



Stephen Ministry by Karen Mellen


s a two-year member of Asbury, I was looking for a place to serve in the church, wondering where God wanted me and what He wanted me to do. Sunday after Sunday, my heart was so touched by the number of people that would go forward at the end of the service to pray, some with special needs, some with heavy hearts, some with decisions to be made and some just plain hurting. It was then that God showed me where He wanted me to serve. He showed me that I needed to show love and care to the hurting people of His Church, and the Stephen Ministry does just that. Stephen Ministers, simply put, are simply loving members of the church that have the gift of mercy and a genuine love and compassion for hurting people. They have undergone 50 hours of initial training and remain in training and continuing education throughout their commitment to be a Stephen Minister. The need for this type of care greatly exceeds what pastors alone can provide; besides that fact, it’s not just the pastor’s job. Equipping laypeople helps them fulfill their calling as Christians and also expands the amount of caring ministry available through Asbury. I was privileged to go to Stephen Ministry Leadership Training in April and was so amazed at how many people the ministry has reached out to help. The number at that time was over 1,000,000 and grows every day. You see, the ministry is for any denomination, and churches throughout the world are participating in the ministry because it is one of the key proponents for a church to take care of its members and even its non-members.

I have been blessed to serve as a Stephen minister now for four years and during that time have worked with four ladies, two who were members and two who were not, but all four just reached out for help during their trying time. Unfortunately, not everybody reaches out for help. What God impressed on my heart this year at training is that we have so many outreach opportunities to let God’s love flow to those in need. Hurting or struggling people are everywhere—in our family, in our neighborhood, in our work, in our friends, in our community, and even and especially in our church. Most people just won’t ask for a Stephen minister because they don’t feel their issue is big enough, don’t want to bother someone with their issue or are just afraid to ask for help. But the thing is, no matter whether you (or someone you know) have just lost a loved one, are going through a divorce, just lost a job, are going through a terminal illness, can’t make a relationship or friendship work, feel like you are all alone, or most importantly, just need someone to talk to about the things in your life that give you pain, worry, depression, or frustration (just to mention a few) the Stephen ministers are hear for you, just waiting to care for you, listen to you and love you through the issue you are facing. We don’t give advice, and everything is completely confidential. We cry with you, laugh with you, hurt with you, comfort you, and listen to your concerns without judgment—just love. Plainly put, we help you find your way and help you feel God’s love each step of the way. The greatest gift you can give yourself is a vessel to allow God to love you in person, through the person of a Stephen minister. “Christ Caring for People Through People”



Spring Break Missions Recap Every year, hundreds of lives are developed to become significant in Christ by attending the Spring Break Missions. Many in the congregation support their efforts. This year, a total of 385 students and leaders went to Houston, Kentucky, Jamaica and Guatemala. They made a difference to the people there, but many students were changed significantly by the experience.









SBM Quotes “It opened up my eyes that I need to be thankful for everything God has given me. And that homelessness can happen to anyone.” –Jake McMurray “Let go and listen to the Holy Spirit. Enjoy the people God puts in your path.” –Stephanie King “I can make a difference if I can just get up and go.” –Lindsay Saul “I learned that love is a universal language and can break down any walls or barriers. Also, the Lord is holding my hand wherever I go and is ever present.” –Courtney Spears “I learned more about the expanse and greatness of God’s church throughout the world.” –Brigitte Taylor “I learned the significance of taking the focus off of myself.” –Jacob Ishee

His love is never ending and forever reaching.” –Kylee Shelhauer “I was reminded of the power of the Name of Jesus when I experienced Him breathing life into a sick little girl. I was reminded that He doesn’t just love us, He delights in us and loves to see us laugh and smile and praise Him.” – Bailey Amis “Before, my heart had been hardened. Stress from school ate away at me. I was in the lowest of valleys. But God redeems, and He welcomed me back eagerly. My faith is being strengthened because God waited for me, his prodigal daughter, to return.” –Megan McTigue “This week in Guatemala reminded me what the Body of Christ can accomplish when we surrender to the Spirit’s leading and collectively use our gifts for Kingdom purposes. These trips refocus me on living a life of significance.” –Greg Johnson, leader

“This week, I truly understood how big our God is. His love stretches to all corners of the earth and not just Tulsa.



Summer Missions and More! by Jim Davis (additional information provided by Bill Abernathy, Mark Dalton, Marilene Long and Carolyn Yoder)

As we welcome the arrival of summer in Tulsa, our minds often think of vacations and summer fun. Asbury’s short-term Volunteer In Missions (VIM) trips are a great way to use some of your vacation time to serve others around the globe. They are also a great way to connect with the global church and believers in contexts different than our own. We go to serve others, but we are also changed significantly as a result. Asbury has a vibrant global outreach program, and these VIM trips are a great way to get involved. Many Asbury members have been on these short-term trips and have come back changed forever. In fact, so many have gone that Pastor Todd Craig recently remarked in the Venue service that you might as well apply for a passport when you join Asbury!

constant need for help with repairs or replacing equipment. Dave and Jan Meilner have faithfully led this team for many years and we appreciate their dedication.

Short-term trips also fit Asbury’s new vision statement of “Developing all generations for significant lives in Christ,” as well as the new “map” that goes along with the vision statement: worship, grow, influence. All of these elements are part of a VIM trip. There are many opportunities to serve, and Asbury offers VIM trips to several locations. Even if it’s too late to plan for this year, consider planning for 2014. Talk to someone who has been before or visit with someone on staff at the church. We would love to have you join us for some summer fun in missions. See you around the world!

Estonia We have three opportunities each year to serve God and our brothers and sisters in Christ in Estonia. In early June a team goes to the capital city of Tallinn and works with The Lighthouse, a ministry that reaches out to children who come from dysfunctional homes where one or both parents are alcoholic or drug addicts. They provide a hot meal, tutoring, recreation, art and love. They have seen lives changed as some of the children have stayed in school, graduated and are now employed. Our team helps with music, crafts, puppets, etc. There is also a

Another team goes to Camp Gideon and works with the Russian speaking youth camp the end of June and first of July. The Camp is about two hours outside of Tallinn. It was purchased by Asbury and donated to the Methodist Church in Estonia. The team interacts with the youth which range in ages from 17 to 25. They worship with them, do recreation and crafts. Sometimes there are construction projects. The final team of the year goes to Agape Church in Parnu late July. They are our connecting, or sister, congregation. We help with VBS as well as do light construction projects. One year the team built a swing set on the church grounds which allows the parents and grandparents to visit in the fellowship hall and still see the children.



We spend time talking to our partners to learn more about their needs. In all cases we are there to assist, not to run the programming.

excited that Asbury is supporting this new opportunity financially and with your prayers!

Many long-term relationships have been developed over the years. Most people seem to connect with one area and that is where they wish to return. This gives some continuity to the connections. Our desire is for each team to be about 50/50 on first timers and those returning. There’s no limit to the number of times you can go so plan to join us next year if you’ve never been before or you’ve been there once or many times! We know you will be blessed.

We cannot bring the message of Jesus without also serving as His ambassadors to make life better for the people, knowing Jesus offers hope in the midst of the suffering. We will continue to carry that message as we return to Latin America.

Latin America Latin America encompasses many countries, cultures, languages and people groups. It is a vibrant yet challenging place to share the gospel of Jesus. Asbury is active in sharing this good news in these regions: Mexico, Ecuador and Guatemala. In Mexico, our mission teams partner with the Juan Wesley Seminary, providing seminary scholarships as well as supporting missionaries in Monterrey. We also send medical/construction/ Bible School teams to Rio Bravo and Monterrey. Our men’s ministry sends two construction teams each year to build casitas or do other building projects in Rio Bravo. In Ecuador, we go to Shell, where we minister at Casa de Fe, an orphanage there. We serve with the missionary couple, Dwight and Tandy Martin. They head up the construction projects, oversee the mission teams, and handle the many administrative duties with the orphanage. The trip combines construction projects and time with the children (infants through pre-teenagers –many pre-school and younger with some disability).

Asbury high school students work in the slums of Guatemala City during spring break each year to bring hope to the poorest of the poor in this impoverished country. New this June, Joe and Ruth Brower (Papa Joe and Fufi) will be leading a mission team to Rio Bravo, Mexico, with a group of youth and adults to build casitas (houses) for deserving families. This trip came about one night in a small group devotion while on spring break mission to Guatemala. One of the projects was to build a house for a woman and her children. Unfortunately, it did not get started during the spring break trip, and the youth and leaders were disappointed that the house didn’t get built. Joe responded with, “I can take you to Mexico, and we can build a house in three days!” Everybody in his group said, “Yes, let’s do this.” Todd Peterson and Joe then decided to open it up to all the youth who went to Guatemala! We are very


Tanzania Many people long to take a trip to an exotic far-away land. Most Christians have a deep heartfelt desire to share the love of Christ in both words and action. If you can relate to these statements, why not get out of the boat and share in the excitement of demonstrating God’s love for all people in very meaningful ways… in Africa! Asbury usually has two VIM opportunities every year to “go and make disciples.” Asbury has been involved in sending short term medical, construction, and water well teams to Tanzania in east Africa for over 15 years. Working in partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, Asbury has been involved in the planting of over 25 churches in Kami villages across a landscape of over 1000 square miles.

Our next Kingdom-building adventure with the Kami people will be from June 13–24 and is a medical VIM trip. While this particular trip has been filled to capacity with an incredibly talented team, this is an annual trip for us (so keep it in mind for next year). While team members mostly include doctors, dentists, pharmacists, optometrists, nurses, etc., there are always a couple of spots open for helpers (one year Tom Harrison held the flashlight for dentist Dr. Bert Johnson). This year’s team is being led again by Terry Lawson. This team typically has over 3,000 encounters with the indigenous people over a 10-day trip! It is much hard work but is an opportunity of a lifetime.


From September 19–30, we will be sending a VIM team to do construction projects in the Kami villages. Working alongside long-time missionaries Robert and Linda Spitaleri, these projects involve things like building churches, repairing evangelist homes, or constructing water cisterns. These teams are usually smaller in size allowing them to venture farther off the beaten path. If you’re looking for an opportunity to work alongside your Christian brothers and sisters of a different culture, this is definitely your trip! You will be amazed and humbled to soak in the incredible hospitality of these wonderful people.

Central Asia We have two opportunities a year to serve in Central Asia. Typical teams arrive in the capital city of the Central Asian country and spend the night in the historic walled area of that city. We explore and experience the hustle and bustle of the city the next day, stroll through the markets, try some new food, and perhaps even buy a carpet.

Volunteers In Mission 2013 Team Schedule From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. –Luke 12:48b • February 23–March 2: Monterrey, Mexico, MBS & Construction • April 17–29: Central Asia, Relationship, Teaching & Light Construction • Spring: Cookson Hills, Oklahoma, Light Construction • May 30–June 10: Estonia, Lighthouse • June 8–16: Ecuador, MBS & Construction • June 10–16: Rio Bravo, Mexico, Youth Construction • June 13–24: Tanzania, East Africa, Medical • June 27–July 8: Estonia, Camp Gideon, Youth Camp • July 18–29: Estonia, Parnu, MBS & Light Construction • September 19–30: Tanzania, East Africa, Construction • Fall: Cookson Hills, Oklahoma, Light Construction • October 8–20: Central Asia, Relationship, Teaching & Light Construction • October 12–19: Monterrey, Mexico, MBS & Construction • November 6–10: Rio Bravo, Mexico, Medical • Men’s Rio Bravo, Mexico construction teams are April 24–28 and November 13–17.*

VIM Leader Training March 2, April 6, September 7, November 2 We travel the next day to another large city about four hours away and there live with one of our host families or in the home of a local. We spend each day working with locals and expats who reach out their hands to “the least of these,” who are the focus of the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) we support there. These include orphans, poor children on the fringe and psychiatric patients. We are also part of English classes with local teenagers in a vocational technical school, which also teaches computers, woodworking, cooking and carpet making. We might visit a local believer who is confined to her home because of her faith. We often worship with persecuted local believers in a home church meeting. We worship with our host family, and love on and pray for them, because they need it badly. We eat some delicious local food: kebabs, cheeses, yogurt and breads. We become friends with the people. We also see puzzled stares as we walk the streets, wondering why we are there. We then return home to Tulsa, 10 short days after we leave. Our bodies are tired, and our hearts touched, tugged, bent, perhaps even broken. And we are never the same again. Because of recent changes in this country, it is becoming more difficult to do the work we have typically done. The April VIM team visited a neighboring country that is much more open. New work is beginning there to reach the same people group, and future VIM teams will probably engage there as well.

For more information about these exciting mission opportunities, contact Marilene Long at 918.392.1164 or *For information about the men’s Rio Bravo, Mexico opportunities, contact Jim Furman at We also plan domestic teams in response to needs due to natural disasters. There are additional VIM opportunities available through our OKVIM offices. Some scholarships are available for most teams. We also encourage team members to share support letters with family and friends to enlist financial and prayer assistance.

TELLING THE STORY OF MISSIONS Be on the lookout for a new way to hear about what is going on around the world in missions. We will periodically post short, informal videos on Asbury’s website and then email and tweet links to those videos. It will be a great way to hear from Asbury members, missionaries we support, and other interesting stories from the global church.



Asbury Youth Group Reunion: A “No Brainer!!” by Jerrod Glenn


undreds of young people have been a part of Asbury’s youth ministry through the years. And as with all good things, they only grow more valuable with age. So, when I started my Facebook account in 2009, it was a “no brainer” to start a group page (Tulsa Asbury Youth Alumni 1980–1990’s). As I started reuniting with old friends, I had a great desire to organize a reunion celebration that could, maybe, recapture the energy and excitement of our early years in the faith.

For me, the memories of Asbury MYF/ Breakaway span two decades. I experienced youth group first as a student from 1982– 1988, then as a youth sponsor from 1993– 1994. Through the years there were three essential parts that made Asbury special: fun activities, spiritual development and a family of friends. Activities? Where should I start? Dayspring camp, retreats, ski trips, lock-ins, the annual turkey bowl and countless hours spent in that classic Asbury tan and brown school bus! Every time I turned around, there was another great event to look forward to. Asbury did “fun” right. With all the fun we had at Breakaway, there was always an opportunity to hear the Gospel and to grow in our faith. Spiritual development, which should be the goal of any youth ministry, is the next essential part to celebrate the Breakaway experience. From my own personal testimony, within weeks of beginning my Christian life, I was drawn to learn more about God’s Word. The standard Wednesday night Bible study program was just what I needed. I still have


many of those “worksheets” from Doug Walker and Dick Read stored away. We not only studied Scripture, but it was an environment where we could share our hearts and pray for one another. The final essential part to the Asbury dynamic is friendships. Relationships were the ingredient that made the other pieces gel. Activities are entertaining; spiritual growth is meaningful, but caring, Christcentered friendships made the Asbury years incredible. Having had such a great experience with Asbury, I naturally wanted to duplicate it, or pass it on to other young people. Although there were many great experiences during those years, as a youth pastor myself for several years I learned that what we had at Asbury couldn’t be just “transplanted.” I grew more and more appreciative of how unique our church youth group really was. As I now approach my 25th high school reunion (go Memorial Chargers!) I realized that my Asbury “class” was significantly more important to me than my Alma Mater. I found myself longing to have a reunion with my spiritual family much more than my schoolmates. So having an Asbury youth reunion was, again, a “no brainer.”

So there I was. I had the dream and the desire to plan this great reunion. The trouble was that my military duty station was no where near Oklahoma – not even in the U.S. at the time. So you can imagine my joy when the family and I received orders to Fort Sill! Since we arrived in 2011, ideas have been brewing and many plans are in the works. A team of alumni has been assembled and special reunion plans are in the works for this July. Breakaway students and sponsors from the ‘80s–‘90s are the target group, but alumni from anytime are welcome to join the celebration.


The reunion event will take place, Saturday, July 20, from 4:00–9:00 pm in the Community Life Center (CLC). Activities include dinner, “memory lane” slide show, old school music and worship, and special guest speakers Doug Walker and Dick Read. Registration is $25.00 per person (childcare extra). Those interested can sign up at or contact Denise (Sidner) Burns at denise. There will also be extra events including an “Afterglow” immediately following the reunion and a “Family Day” Sunday July 21 at LaFortune Park from 11:00 am–4:00 pm.

This reunion promises to be an amazing gathering. Our planning team can’t contain our excitement. If you share the same type memories as we do with Asbury MYF/ Breakaway, attending truly is a “no brainer!” Jerrod Glenn is an active duty Army Chaplain ordained by the Foursquare Gospel Church. He accepted Christ through Asbury Youth Ministries in 1983. Jerrod, his wife Rita and four children are currently stationed in Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

ASBURY YOUTH GROUP REUNION July 20, 4:00–9:00 pm Community Life Center (CLC) at Asbury Cost is $25 per person (childcare extra) Register at Family Day July 21, 11:00 am–4:00 pm LaFortune Park

UMW’s Annual Garage Sale Is Coming Up! by Kay Mains


eginning in 1965, Asbury’s UMW began holding an annual garage sale. The very first sale was to raise money for a new commercial dishwasher and to cover expenses such as printing of the yearbook. Beginning in 1998, however, the money raised from the UMW garage sale went directly into missions. That year, the garage sale made $3,482 for Asbury missions, a huge boon to that program. Each year, the garage sale committee meets with Asbury’s local and global missions to determine how the money will be distributed after they know exactly how much has been raised. In 2012, over $13,000 was raised for missions! Many, both locally and globally, were blessed by the efforts. It’s a pretty intense three days for the women and a few of their willing husbands. There are two shifts, and it’s really hard to know exactly how many volunteers are there. But the estimate is about 30 people per shift, so approximately 60 people are involved. About 15 men are generally there as well, many of them retired. One day is allowed for the setup, which includes not only unpacking all the donated boxes but pricing and organizing everything then finding a location to effectively display the merchandise. All of the space within the Community Life Center (CLC) and nearby hallways is used to display, hold or sell things. The sale itself will last two

days—all day Friday and until noon on Saturday. This year, the dates to drop off contributions are Wednesday, July 10, from 4:00–8:00 pm and Thursday, July 11, from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm. Setup and pricing is done that Thursday. The sale itself will begin promptly at 8:00 am on Friday, July 12. Kathy Galegar elaborates, “The line starts forming between 7:00 and 7:30 am. We open the doors, and they all come running in! The dealers usually have an eye for collector’s items and do not stay long; others will shop for hours.” The biggest bargain time is Saturday morning beginning at 11:00 when the “Dollar a Bag” sale begins. The bag sale helps them get rid of a lot of items they would otherwise have to pack up after the sale ended. Kathy comments, “It’s amazing how much we get rid of during the bag sale!” During the sale, the mission department from Asbury also makes purchases, particularly of furniture for international students at TU. When students from other countries move to Tulsa to get their advanced education, the apartments they rent are generally not furnished. By having furnishings available, Asbury has an opportunity to become involved in the lives of these students. This gives us the opportunity to affect not only the students but often the entire country once they return.


Beginning at noon on Saturday, the pack up begins. Amazingly, it takes only about two hours to completely clear the CLC. Cornerstone Ministries has a thrift shop and picks up the leftovers, so even unsold items still help those in need within our community. Jeanne Funk or Kathy Galegar has been in charge of the garage sales since Asbury moved to the new building. The past two years, Jeanne and Kathy have shared the responsibility. But they will quickly tell you, without their husbands, Bob and David, they could not do it. It takes many volunteers, many hours and many hands to make this event successful. Start now getting your items ready to donate. Then plan to come to the sale and find some of the best bargains in Tulsa!

UMW GARAGE SALE Community Life Center (CLC) July 12 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm July 13 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Drop off items: Wednesday, July 10, 4:00–8:00 pm Thursday, July 11, 9:00 am–5:00 pm No underclothing, socks, shoes or computers, and all clothes on hangers, please.



A Saturday to Remember by John C. Westervelt In a recent Tidings, I shared from my archives: Tuesday April 1, 1997 When the three-year-olds began preschool in the fall, Megan would sometimes cry for her mother. Today this self-assured child arrives at school with a bounce in her step and a talking smile on her face. While helping at the play dough table today, I could see that Megan had the heart shaped cutter upside down. She was trying to cut with the blunt side rather than the sharp edge of the plastic pattern. I turned the cutter over and pressed it into the play dough for her. Unknown to me, Megan’s tiny finger was under the play dough below the cutter. By now so very mature, she didn’t cry, but I could see her looking up at me with a grimacing expression. I felt so terrible that she could see pain in my eyes. With eyes on eyes, she said, “That’s okay, Grandpa John.” A deep love for this child grew deeper. A few days after the Tidings was mailed, I received the following email:

Jamie and Megan brought me a hexagon shaped jar of strawberry spread. Jamie said as they prepared to leave, “Come go to the car with us. I want you to have some of my colored eggs.” These eggs from the Farmers’ Market on Cherry Street were colored, not by human hands, but by the chickens themselves. It was as if Jamie had a dozen colored jewels and she wanted me to have half of them. After eating supper and watching Lawrence Welk, I went out on my second story balcony. The shifting orange colors on the horizon soothed my soul. I took a deep breath and smelled and tasted the air. I was reminded of the air on the beach of Hawaii at sunset when I was there as a navy midshipman when I was Megan’s age. The reminiscing continued as I thought of a mother and daughter giving me two hours of their time on this Saturday. In the noontime conversation with Jamie and Megan, I talked about my life journey and about beginning the final leg with a move to a retirement home. As the sky darkened, I whispered to God, “I would not want to have missed this Saturday.”

Hello “Grandpa John”! We just received the latest “Tidings”, and I read your wonderful article. I am Megan White’s mom (the Megan you mentioned in one of your stories). She often attends Asbury now with her boyfriend, and receives the publication. Megan is currently a student at the University of Tulsa, and (if you’ll please forgive this proud mother for saying so) has grown into a wonderful, godly young woman. I sent her the article, and we started talking. I know this is very short notice, but would you by chance have time for us to drop by to visit you for a few minutes tomorrow (Saturday, April 6) - late morning or early afternoon? We would both love the opportunity to visit with you! Kindest regards, Jamie White I invited Jamie and Megan to have lunch with me in the Crestwood dining room at Oklahoma Methodist Manor on Saturday. I learned that Megan, a Metro Christian graduate and a Merit Scholar, is a sophomore at Tulsa University on full scholarship studying to be a speech pathologist. Before departing after two hours of renewed closeness, Jamie asked to get pictures. We stood arm in arm in front of the Crestwood fireplace. The three-year-old I had loved was now a woman in her own right.



above: Megan and her twin brother Jordan are on the left end of the first row in this picture of Asbury’s preschoolers, 1996–1997 left: Grandpa John, Megan and her mother Jamie

Other stories at


Enjoy grilling out this summer. Invite friends over and share these recipes with them.

Honey Orange BBQ Chicken Ingredients


Marinade: • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice • 1/4 cup olive oil • 1/4 cup hot sauce • 1/4 cup Dijon mustard • 1 tablespoon grated orange zest • 1 (4 pound chicken) cut into 10 pieces, patted dry with paper towels

1. Mix the orange juice, olive oil, hot sauce, mustard, and orange zest together in a large bowl. Add the chicken and toss to combine. Cover with plastic wrap and let marinate for at least 1 hour and up to overnight in the refrigerator. 2. Prepare the grill to medium direct heat. Let chicken come to room temperature before grilling. 3. Drain the chicken from the marinade and pat dry. Grill on each side for 5 minutes, then turn the heat to medium-low and cover the lid of the grill. Continue cooking the chicken until it’s cooked through, about 25 minutes more. 4. While the chicken is grilling, melt the butter in a small saucepan on the grill. Whisk in the honey, orange juice, BBQ sauce, zest, mustard and allspice. Reserve some of the glaze in a small ramekin for serving. 5. Brush the chicken pieces with glaze, then flip the chicken, glaze side down, and cook for 2 minutes. Brush second side of the chicken with glaze and flip again. Continue cooking for 3 more minutes. Remove the chicken from grill to a platter and serve with reserved glaze.

Glaze: • 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter • 1/4 cup honey • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed orange Juice • 1/4 cup BBQ sauce • 1 tablespoon grated orange zest • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard • 1/4 teaspoon allspice

Grilled Corn on the Cob Ingredients


• 6 ears of corn • 6 tablespoons butter, softened • Salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat an outdoor grill for high heat and lightly oil grate. 2. Peel back corn husks and remove silk. Place 1 tablespoon butter, salt and pepper on each piece of corn. Close husks. 3. Wrap each ear of corn tightly in aluminum foil. Place on the prepared grill. Cook approximately 30 minutes, turning occasionally, until corn is tender.

Watermelon Salsa Ingredients


• 2 cups seeded and coarsely chopped watermelon • 2 tablespoons chopped onion • 3 tablespoons seeded, chopped Anaheim chili pepper • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar • ¼ teaspoon garlic salt

1. In a serving bowl, mix together the watermelon, onion, and chile pepper. 2. Season with balsamic vinegar and garlic salt. 3. Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour to blend flavors.




Asbury Opportunities GENERAL INFORMATION



Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling the church receptionist at 918.492.1771 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 918.492.1771, selecting option 6, and leaving a message for the pastor on call. MYASBURYTULSA.ORG

This website is available to all members as a way to update your contact information, register for events, give online and indicate ministries you would like to receive communication from. Make sure you have an account and check it out.

ASBURY FOUNDATION Leave a legacy that continues to give forever to a ministry you want to support. There are endowments that support many areas of Asbury’s outreach including children, youth, music, missions, and training of pastors as well as a general endowment. You can easily impact a ministry through your will or a current gift. • Contact Dwight Yoder at 918.392.1113 or dyoder@

BIBLE STUDY Check out our adult Bible studies listed in our RoadMap brochures found at all welcome centers or online at AdultMinistries/Roadmap.aspx. SOMETHING TO CHEW ON

This new Bible Study for men and women of all ages is intended to provide encouragement and hope through God’s Word in a one hour interactive study of the Bible. Various topics from the Bible will be covered and will include opportunity for participants to interact with one another in sharing life experiences that relate. Open to all—bring a friend. No registration, no homework, come whenever you can. Bring your own lunch and your Bible (any format welcome). • Mondays, 12:00–1:00 pm, Room 2818 • No cost • Child care not available • Facilitator Jessica Dyer



Asbury has always been focused on providing the best pastoral care to our members. We are looking for caring lay members who are willing and able to assist pastors. Congregational Care Ministers will be trained and commissioned by the church in providing “pastor care” in a variety of settings. Join us to find out more. • Wednesday, June 5, 5:30–7:00 pm, Room 2120 • For further information, contact Guy Ames are 918.392.2125 or Adrena Mahu at 918.392.1144 EMOTIONAL/RELATIONAL FITNESS WORKSHOP

Explore how we love, the influence of family heritage, and how to develop biblical relationships. We will identify patterns that affect emotional fitness. Six sessions explore challenges to fulfilling friendships, parent/child relationships, marriages, and work relationships. Attend alone, with a friend, or your spouse. • Wednesdays, July 10–August 14, 6:30–8:00 pm, Room 2500 • Child care available • No cost; register online or call 918.392.1191 GRIEFSHARE

GriefShare is a weekly support group for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. The group offers a comfortable environment where the emotions and process of grief are understood and welcomed. Participants will learn practical strategies for grief recovery through the highly acclaimed GriefShare video series, study guide and group discussion. Individuals may begin attending this group at any time. • Tuesdays, May 8–July 31, 6:30–8:00 pm, Room 1507 • Cost is $15 • Child care available • Register online or call 918.392.1191 QUILTING MINISTRY

Utilize your love of quilting to make lap quilts that warm and comfort those who need to feel the loving presence of God in their lives. Quilts are prayed over before being given. • Second Wednesdays in odd months (January, March, etc.), Room 1621 • Contact Dotti Westerberg at 918.369.5460 or S.M.I.L.E. (SINGLE MOTHERS IN THE LORD’S EMBRACE)

Join us for a DVD series and book entitled “21 Principles of a Healthy Single Mom.” You will learn to apply specific, workable guidelines



so you can flourish spiritually in the midst of overwhelming circumstances. Each principle/video session is self-contained, and you may begin attending at any time. • Third Thursdays, 6:00–8:45 pm, Parlor • Child care provided • $12 for book • RSVP to Janet at 918.688.3392 or HEALING HATS/BALL CAPS

An Asbury ministry created to provide hats to cancer patients who have lost their hair. “Home spun with knots of love, woven together with help from above!” Simply knit, crochet or sew a hat or decorate a ball cap of your choice and drop it in the collection box located near the northeast entrance. Find more information in the literature rack attached to the collection box. In addition, the following groups meet regularly for fellowship, while using their creative ability to make hats. Contact Sue Fisher at or 918.455.2816 • Crochet Group –– Second and fourth Tuesdays, 6:30–8:00 pm, Room 1506 • Ball Caps (If you can cut and glue, this is for you!) –– Fourth Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30 am, Room 1508 –– Baseball caps and decorating items available VISITS TO ASBURY MEMBERS

Asbury has a group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are homebound, in nursing homes or in assisted living facilities. • Contact Lisa at 918.298.9014 or PRAYER CARD MINISTRY/ MILITARY CONNECTION

Send cards with God’s encouraging words and our prayers to those who are ill or going through hard times. If you would like to receive twice-monthly cards or know someone who would like to receive cards, please send name and address to Gwen at • Usually meets first and third Mondays at 9:30 am, Room 1508 • Contact Gwen Mohler at 918.258.5479 or • Military: Contact Jo VanDeWiele at 918.459.0888 or Nancy at DIVORCE RECOVERY

For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. • Tuesdays, 7:00–8:30 pm, Room 1335 • Child care available • Contact Malia Miller at 918.494.9596 or malia.miller@ DIVORCE REBUILDING

For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. • Thursdays, 7:00–8:30 pm, Room 1335

• Child care available • Contact Jim Small at 918.697.4220 or MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES

For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. • Usually meets the fourth Thursdays from 1:30–3:00 pm, Parlor • Contact Linda Lytle at 918.298.2707 or ASBURY BEAR BAGS

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury bear to someone who is grieving. Pick up bags anytime at the south security desk.


• Celebrate Recovery – Hiding any hurts, habits or hang ups? God never intended for you to live in bondage. Every Monday night: dinner at 6:00 pm, worship from 7:00–8:00 pm, small groups from 8:00–9:00 pm, dessert from 9:00–9:30 pm • The Landing – Hope-filled truths and real-life strategies for students. Every Monday night, 6:30–9:00 pm in Venue north lobby. Grades 6–12 • Celebration Station (CR for kids) – Kids discover the same truths in age-appropriate ways through worship, crafts, games and activities. Mondays, 7:00–9:00 pm, Faith Zone. Contact Eryn Wallis 918.392.4588 or

CHILDREN Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. CORE CHILD CARE HOURS

Parents who are involved in RoadMap classes and/or communities during these core hours will have child care provided for children 6 weeks–6th grade with no reservations needed: • Sunday 9:00 am–12:00 pm • Monday and Tuesday 8:45 am–12:00 pm • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 5:45 pm–9:00 pm SPECIAL VOLUNTEERS FOR SPECIAL KIDS!

Do you have a heart to help children with special needs? If so, the Children’s Ministry needs you to volunteer. • Contact Dotti Westerberg at or 918.381.0874





Come roll with your Asbury friends at the skating rink! Kindergarten to 6th graders are welcomed to be dropped off (younger kids are welcome if accompanied by an adult). • July 10, 10:00 am–12:00 pm, Broken Arrow Roller Sports, 551 W. Oakland Place (Elm and BA) • Cost of $7 includes skates, drink, and an ice cream treat; register at • Contact Shanon Brown for more info at 918.392.1170 or ODD SUNDAY FOR 6TH GRADERS

Grab your swimsuit and towel and meet us at Ms. Christina’s house for swimming and s’mores! (girls: one piece swimsuits or full coverage tankinis only) • July 14, 3:00–5:00 pm; cost is $3.00; register at www. • For more information, contact Stephanie Long at 918.392.1171 or


Children who are entering kindergarten this fall and their families are invited to come be a part of this service of affirmation and blessing. A celebration reception and commemorative activities will follow in the CLC. • August 11, 4:00 pm, Sanctuary and CLC • Register at by August 3 • For more information contact Stephanie at 918.392.1171 or



This is a special time for a parent and/or grandparent and their 2 and 3-year olds to enjoy activities designed for everyone to have lots of fun just being together! Nursery will be provided for younger (over 6 weeks) and older (up to 6th grade) siblings • Tuesday, July 16, 10:00–11:30 am. Cost is $3 per child. Register at • For more info, call Stephanie Long, 918.392.1171 or slong@ MEGA MOVIE MORNING

Hey, kids! Stay in your pajamas, grab your pillow and blanket, and come watch a movie with us! There will be three movies to choose from and a concession stand if you want to purchase snacks and drinks. This event is for Kindergarteners–6th grade, but younger children are welcome to come with an adult. • July 17, 10:00 am–12:00 pm • Register at For more information, contact Jennifer at 918.392.4582 or SUPER KIDS DAY

Come on over to the Asbury Gym and celebrate with us. Kindergarten to 6th graders can be dropped off (younger can come if accompanied by an adult). This event is $5 per person. We will have crafts, inflatable, and bring a little extra for concessions. • July 24, 10:00 am–12:00 pm, cost is $5, gym • Register at For questions, contact Shanon Brown at 918.392.1170 or FAMILY BINGO NIGHT

us in a fun night of family bingo and other silly competitions too! No cost, but there will be a concession stand including hot dogs and nachos open throughout the evening. • Wednesday, July 31, from 6:00–8:00, CLC • For more information, call Jennifer Barnes at 918.392.4582 or

If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship Community check out “Community Life” on our website,, or pick up a brochure at one of our Welcome Centers. • If you are 20s to early 30s, come check out our newest Sunday morning group at 9:15 am in Room 2314, “Transitions,” or “Rooted” for married couples in Room 1507.

HOSPITALITY Are you a friendly person who would be willing to serve on Sunday mornings? We need new volunteers to serve as greeters and at the welcome desk. Call the church office at 918.492.1771 to volunteer.


Mark Gungor’s DVD event provides hilarious, practical and no-holds-barred advice on developing marriage and male/female relationships. (This isn’t your typical marriage weekend!) Topics include: “A Tale of Two Brains,” “Why Does He/She Do That?” “The #1 Key to Incredible Sex,” and “How to Stay Married and Not Kill Anybody.” No one under 18 due to mature content. Special emcees Michael and Amanda Harrington, PhD. Bring your neighbors and family! • Friday, August 9, 6:30–9:15 pm (doors open at 6:00 pm) AND Saturday, August 10, 9:00 am–12:30 pm (doors open at 8:30 am) • Venue; no child care • FREE tickets Asbury office weekdays in July AND • Sundays, July 28 and August 4 between services

What’s more fun that playing games with your family? Come join





Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at or call 918.451.1559.

• Contact Bud at or Jim at robersonjim29@





Are you interested in membership at Asbury or just want to learn more about who we are? Plan to attend Asbury Exploration. After a wonderful lunch, which is provided, you will enjoy time with our Asbury pastors as you learn about the ministries of Asbury, important United Methodist beliefs and how you can get into the mainstream of our life together at Asbury. • Sunday, June 9, 12:15–2:00 pm; lunch provided; Family Room • Child care available for children 6 weeks through sixth grade • Call 918.392.1191 to register, or register online at


If you are handy with a hammer, like to paint or clean out flower beds, please consider joining our Home Improvement Ministry. This is an outreach ministry that serves widows and single women of Asbury with minor home repairs and home improvement projects. Commitment is only five times a year, on Saturdays. • Contact Michiel Conner at 918.640.4382 or michiel0930@ to volunteer CAR CARE MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

If you like to perform basic maintenance on cars, come join other volunteers outside the Family Room as they perform basic checkups on the tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries of vehicles of widows and single women of Asbury. Workdays are every other month, five times a year. • Saturday, July 13, 9:00 am–noon • To find out more, contact Mike Nalley at MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST

Make plans to join us for a great time of meaningful worship, lifechanging prayer and an awesome, big breakfast. • Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 am, Community Life Center (CLC) • Cost is $3 per person; first-time guests are free MATURE MEN’S MINISTRY R.O.M.E.O. LUNCHEON

Are you a “Retired Old Man” who wants to “Eat Out?” If so, then these luncheons are for you! A really awesome bunch of guys meet for good food and great fellowship. • Meet every second and fourth Friday, 11:15 am, Village Inn (71st and Memorial) • Open to anyone 60 years and up

Unemployment isn’t forever. You can help by telling people about OJT (Overcoming Job Transitions) which meets on the third Tuesday of each month. • Tuesdays, June 18 and July 16, 6:30–9:00 pm, Room 2319 • Contact Russ Knight at 2ND SATURDAY

Looking to serve Tulsa in Jesus’ Name? Join us for 2nd Saturday, January 12, 8:15 am, at Venue, and choose from different local mission opportunities. At 8:45 we head to the ministry sites. Teams work from 9:00–11:30 am, and buses return to Venue no later than 12:15 pm. Individuals and families of all sizes encouraged. • Saturdays, June 8 and July 13, 8:30 am–12:15 pm, meet at Venue • Contact Betty Higgins at for more information VIM 2013 TEAM SCHEDULE

• May 30–June 10 –– Estonia, Lighthouse • June 8–15 –– Ecuador, MBS & Construction • June 13–24 –– Tanzania, East Africa, Medical • June 27–July 8 –– Estonia, Camp Gideon, Youth Camp • July 18–29 –– Estonia, Parnu, MBS & Light Construction • September 19–30 –– Tanzania, East Africa, Construction • Fall –– Cookson Hills, Oklahoma, Light Construction • October 8–20 –– Central Asia, Relationship, Teaching, Light Construction • October 12–19 –– Monterrey, Mexico, MBS & Construction • November 6–10 –– Rio Bravo, Mexico, Medical • November 13–17 –– Men’s Rio Bravo, Mexico, construction team VIM TEAM LEADER TRAINING

September 7, November 2

For more information about these exciting mission opportunities, contact Marilene Long at 918.392.1164 or . For information about the Men’s Rio Bravo, Mexico opportunities, contact Jim Furman at






For more information on any of the music groups, please contact Cynthia Bedford at 918.392.1151 or CHANCEL CHOIR AND NEW COVENANT ORCHESTRA

Open for seventh grade through adults. • Wednesdays, 6:00–7:30 pm for orchestra; 7:00–9:00 pm for choir • Sundays, 11:00 am Sanctuary service ASBURY SINGING AMBASSADORS (WILL RESUME IN SEPTEMBER)

Join us for a great time of fun, fellowship and singing. Ages 55 and over. • Tuesdays, 1:30–3:00 pm; Choir Room 2706 CHILDREN’S CHOIRS (WILL RESUME IN SEPTEMBER)

Come learn about God through music as we sing, play instruments and musical games. • Wednesdays, 6:00–6:50 pm • Available for children age 4 (by September 1, 2012) through sixth grade HANDBELL CHOIRS (WILL RESUME IN SEPTEMBER)

• Celebration Ringers (adults) Tuesdays, 4:30–5:30 pm, Room 2506 • Perpetual Light (women), Thursdays, 10:30 am–12:00 pm, Room 2506


This is a summer literacy camp, sponsored by the United Methodist Church, for underserved elementary-aged children in Oklahoma. This project allows volunteers to help children with reading and other skills. Won’t you give a few hours of your week to listen to, encourage and make a positive impact on one of these precious children? Come share God’s love. Anyone is welcomed to volunteer. • June 24–27 (Monday–Thursday) at Southern Hills UMC, Tulsa • For more information or to volunteer, contact Joanne at 918.622.3614 MANY OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR OUR SENIOR ADULTS:

• Adult Game Day – every third Thursday, 1:30–4:00 pm, Room 2821 • Senior Walk in the Gym With Him – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 8:30–9:00 am, gym • Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00–9:30 am, gym • Senior Adult Meal & Movie – Dates and time vary. For more information or to sign up for the call list, contact Sally Wood, • Best Choice Save-a-Label – Can you help? Seniors are collecting Best Choice product labels from canned goods, boxed food, eggs, cheese, etc. Bundles your labels and drop them off at the south desk to the attention of “Tweenagers.”




This is an opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of children who are attending Vacation Bible School June 10–13. Many will make first-time decisions to follow Jesus Christ. Sign up to pray for one hour in the Venue Prayer Room by going to www. PRAYER ROOM DAYS AND TIMES

Our prayer rooms are accessible to you at these times: • Mason Chapel and Venue –– Sundays from 7:00 am–12:30 pm, through the interior doors • Main Facility, Mason Chapel and Venue –– Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–9:00 pm –– Saturday, 10:00 am–3:00 pm –– Sunday, 12:30 pm–9:00 pm

Do you enjoy playing recreational volleyball, mixed in with a little bit of competitiveness? All skill levels of play are welcome. Good sportsmanship and positive attitudes are required. It’s free and you do not have to be a member of Asbury to participate. • Every Sunday (will not meet June 9), 6:00–9:00 pm, gym • Questions? Contact Doug at 918.607.0830 COMMUNITIES

• Sundays, 9:15 am–New Beginnings Class, Transitions (mixed singles/married) • Sundays, 11:00 am–Ambassadors for Christ, Footprints (ladies only), Salt & Light, Christ Centered Singles, Single B.A.S.I.X. • You are always welcome to join any other communities that are not “Singles Only,” as most are a mix of singles and marrieds

Call Pam in the adult ministries office at 918.392.4589 to reserve the Prayer Room for your group on a weekly or monthly basis or to obtain door codes.




or computers, and all clothes must be on hangers, please.) • Friday, July 12 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and Saturday, July 13 from 8:00 am to noon in the Community Life Center


• Sundays, 9:15 am, Junior High room upstairs in the student ministry arearoom upstairs in the student ministry area • Sundays, 11:00 am, 7–12 grades combined 10 11 12 SUNDAY MORNINGS

• Sundays, 9:15 am, High School room • Sundays, 11:00 am, 7–12 grades combined


Single women and widows of Asbury, while you wait in the comfort of the Family Room lobby, volunteers from the men’s ministry will check your tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries then update you on what is running smoothly and what needs professional attention. If your vehicle needs a basic maintenance check-up and you qualify, have your vehicle in line by 11:30 am. • Saturday, July 13, 9:00 am–noon, Family Center entrance



This outreach ministry serves widows and single women who are Asbury members with minor home repairs and home improvement project. If you are in need of help and qualify, just pick up an application at the south desk, fill it out, and return it at least ten days before the scheduled work day. A volunteer from the H.I. team will contact you and make arrangements to get the job done! • Saturday, June 15

Gail Knox will teach on different passages from God’s Word. Join us on this new adventure among our women as we explore new vistas with a new teacher! • Every Wednesday 10:00–11:00 am, Room 2818, child care not available • No cost, no registration


Come one, come all to the United Methodist Women’s annual garage sale benefiting mission efforts in our community and beyond. You’ll find toys, books, DVD’s, jewelry, gently-used clothing, small appliances, furniture and so much more. Those wishing to donate items may bring them to the CLC on Thursday, July 11 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. (No underclothing, socks, shoes

• 8:00 am • 9:15 am • 9:15 am • 11:00 am • 11:00 am

Traditional Service in Mason Chapel Contemporary Service in Sanctuary Casual Service in Community Life Center (CLC) Traditional Service in Sanctuary Modern Service in Venue

Marriages, Births and Deaths MARRIAGES • Cynthia Galegar and Jim O’Donnell married 3/23/2013 • James Alfred Light & Karen Sue Lowe married 4/7/2013 • Kellie Austin & Scott Richardson married on 4/21/2013

BIRTHS • Charlotte Berry born 2/5/2013 to proud parent Jennifer Berry • Courtney Coleman born 2/10/2013 to proud parents Frank & Jana Coleman • Mason David Area born 3/4/2013 to proud parents David and Sarah Area • Chloe Marie Cahalen born 9/21/2012 to proud parents Jacob and Casie Cahalen. • Avery London born 10/25/2012 to proud parents Dustin and Amanda London • Kingston Wayne Cleveland born 3/12/2013 to proud parents Chris and Mackenzie Cleveland • Patrick Charles Roark born 4/2/2013 to parents Dillon & Rachel Roark




DEATHS: • Fred Setser died 3/1/2013, husband of Joanne Setser • Charlene Craig died 3/4/2013 • Wanda Lemley died 3/6/2013, mother of Judy (& Don) Holt • Frances Jaynes died 3/11/2013, grandmother of Jeff Jaynes

• Richard Gilliland died 3/16/2013, husband of Joyce Gilliland • Barbara Buergey died 3/18/2013 • Pauline Walker died 3/18/2013 • Charles Naiman died 3/22/2013, husband of Becky Naiman

• Janene Jones died 3/25/2013, wife of Bill Jones and mother of Jennifer Points • Jack Pauling died 3/31/2013, husband of Brenda Pauling • Beth Cowles died 4/15/2013

Milestone Anniversaries 70 YEARS • Vic & Betty Goodknight

55 YEARS 06/26/43

65 YEARS • Howard & Vera McCloud • Jimmy & Nancy Swindler

Vic & Roberta Hairston Walt & Marion Neary Frank & Betty Schemm Al & Lu Seiter

Bob & Dorothy Beck LaVerne & Jean Reed Bill & Jayne Mason Bob & Mary Ann Charles

06/15/48 07/15/48

06/14/58 06/21/58 07/09/58 07/12/58

50 YEARS • Sonny & Mary Helen Plischke

60 YEARS • • • •

• • • •

06/01/53 06/10/53 06/18/53 06/28/53


35 YEARS • Brian & Brenda Whitt


MILESTONE WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at or call 918.451.1559.

Vic & Betty Goodknight 06/26/43


Vic & Roberta Hairston 06/01/53


Walt & Marion Neary 06/10/53


Frank & Betty Schemm 06/18/53

Al & Lu Seiter 06/28/53

LaVerne & Jean Reed 06/21/58

Bob & Dorothy Beck 06/14/58

Bill & Jayne Mason 07/09/58

Bob & Mary Ann Charles 07/12/58

New Members

Alex Fish

Andria and Mark Burton

Ashley Castleman


Bruce Peacock

Bryan White



Chuck and Danna Cox with Thomas

Curtis and Ruth Roddy

Jay and Mary Burgess with Hayley

Jerry and Kay Gibbons

Lin Torner-Harms


Marc and Michelle Rafferty with Ryan

Nancy Gleeson

Rick and Sue Peterson

Sharon Nuttle


Daniel Chonka

James and Betty Cook

Jerry and Lisa Compton

Julie Heil

Nate and Chrissie Smith with Sylvia

Raymond and Annie Snoke

Steven Roberts

JUNE 10–13 Last year, VBS was a huge success! This year… Even better! REGISTER AT MYASBURYTULSA.ORG

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