Easter Events 2014

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march / april 2014


e are making good progress on the strategy that Tom outlined in November. As a reminder, the plan has three major components: outward focus, discipleship development, and worship. All three areas are important. We look at them as parts of an integrated picture. They cannot be addressed independently. Our biggest challenge lies in outward focus. As individuals and corporately, we must recover our desire to look outside of ourselves for influence for the Kingdom. Todd Craig, one of our pastors, is leading this effort. Every area of ministry in the church, including worship, will be affected by this renewed influence. The effort and associated changes begin now and will continue for several years. Our children’s ministry has been reworking their program for the past couple of years. The student ministry is looking at some aspects of their discipleship development to see what changes might be in order to better support the new vision. It is our adult discipleship ministry that will be receiving a new level of attention. We have hired a new adult discipleship director, Jason Jackson. He should be on board in the next few months. Worship is the third piece of the puzzle. We are moving from five worship styles in four different settings to three services. The chapel service will continue generally in its present style. There will be a new traditional service and a new modern service both held in the Sanctuary. The traditional service will meet at the early hour, the modern at the later time. This move helps us in several ways. It brings us more together, facilitating intergenerational interaction. It allows us to focus resources. It makes a broad outward focus more achievable. These new services will debut on April 27. The changes that are most visible now are those taking place in the Sanctuary. Our sound system is getting a major upgrade. This will improve the sound of both our modern and traditional music. It will also greatly improve the quality of the spoken word. Environmental projection lighting and other lighting effects are being installed. This technology offers two major advantages. It helps us transform the appearance of our traditional Sanctuary to one that appeals to those in our church family who are not necessarily drawn to traditional church structure. The other major advantage comes from the impact it will have on adding visual arts to both our music and our sermons. Both the modern and traditional worship services will enjoy this added dimension. Some work is also underway on the stage. To better accommodate the music for both services and the switchover between services, the platform is being enlarged. A redesign will result in the preaching pastor being closer to the congregation. The congregational response to the new vision and strategy has been very good. We greatly appreciate the widespread positive assessments. It is especially gratifying that a large number are not just positive about the new direction; they are excited. While acknowledging that we are still in the early stages, it is good to report that everything is on schedule and going well. On a different subject, Asbury once again had a good year financially. Our offering income was almost exactly what was budgeted. As always, a huge thank you to those who support the church with their gifts. Expenses came in under budget. This 2013 surplus will be used to help in 2014 with the impact of our new strategy. The debt campaign that Tom started at the end of 2012 is going very well. We are paying off the debt and will be able to start an endowment fund for the long-term upkeep of our facility. This is another example of an intergenerational perspective. For your support of time, money and prayers we are very thankful. Dwight Yoder Executive Director


Contents A Word From Tom Harrison Acts of Love Remembering Sarah Adams Restore Hope Easter Event 2014 Easter People Asbury Promotes the Good Samaritan’s Work Hospitality Ministry Is Changing! Hospitality: Six Easy Steps for You! Ministering to Those Who Minister Acts of Kindness Serving Enthusiastically Volunteer Fair Grandpa John Opportunities Special Announcements

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We need you! Do you have a story of what God has done in your life? Please contact us and tell us a little bit about what God has done. We will all be encouraged by hearing stories of what God is doing in the lives of those around us. Are you a writer or someone who enjoys writing? The Communications Department is always looking for someone to do an interview and write a story for us for Tidings. Have you noticed that we’ve been making some changes in Tidings? Please give us your feedback—both good and bad. Email kmains@asburytulsa.org or call 918.392.1140. Asbury Tidings is a bi-monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting www.asburytulsa.org. Editor: Asbury Communications Department, 918.392.1140, kmains@asburytulsa.org Graphic Design: Tim Jurgensen, tjurgensen@asburytulsa.org Photographers: Mark Moore (mark moore.photo.net), Ryan Farran (ryanfarranphotography.com), Matt Lima (wuzabuzzard@yahoo.com) Guest Contributors: Shanon Brown, Lauren Burke, Todd Craig, John Crouch, Jim Davis, Janet Day, Charlene Giles, Marilyn Glass, Jeff Jaynes, Katelyn Moore, David Thomas, John Westervelt


A Word From Tom Harrison


he resurrection of Jesus Christ changed EVERYTHING. Even our calendar reflects His uniqueness, as history is divided into “Before Christ” and “Anno Domini” (“In the year of the Lord”). Moses was a great leader, but he died. Confucius had some good ideas, but he died. Mohammed organized a religion, but he died. Darwin, Freud, Marx and Lenin were all revolutionary in science, philosophy and political impact, but they all died, too. But when Jesus died, that was the creation of the Christian faith. The empty tomb was provocative, but it was the post-crucifixion appearances of Jesus which inspired His disciples to become martyrs. They truly believed He was resurrected. That belief led to certain actions. They didn’t preach about economic or political theory. They didn’t preach about following some more rules and regulations. They didn’t offer a self-improvement class to improve morals. They didn’t conquer other people through warfare or through imposing religious (or non-religious) ideologies upon them. As Stephen told his critics just before they killed him: “You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.” (Acts 3:15) The act of God in the resurrection of Jesus Christ is such an incredible story! Indeed, it changed EVERYTHING. Once we encounter the resurrected Christ, our lives change. That’s always the witness of the New Testament. Christians aren’t perfect but are people who have met Jesus Christ and have been empowered to live in a brand new way. Paul calls us “new creations.” He says we’ve been “transferred out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.” Jesus gave us a wonderful invitation to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. The resurrection isn’t just some historical event; it has an impact upon our lives. It changes the way I go about my attitudes and actions. James (2:18) says: But someone will say, “You have faith; I

have deeds. Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.” During the period leading up to Easter, we will be focusing upon living out (“Act Out”) our faith. When we are blessed, we have the privilege to bless others. Thus, service, kindness, generosity, hospitality, and love are not just themes, but a way of life. The Scripture explains how important it is that we live with integrity before God and for the sake of our own souls. How we live also has a huge impact upon others. If we “Act Out” our faith in ways which bless others, we make a powerful witness. If we “Act Up” in ways which aren’t helpful, our witness has a profound and destructive influence on others, too. Faith AND deeds go together. We want to express our gratitude for His wondrous gift of resurrection by living in ways which please Him and influence others for good. Dr. Tom Harrison Senior Pastor

Asbury Associate Pastor Guy Ames III recently was elected a trustee of The Foundation for Evangelism, based in Junaluska, N.C., and founded in 1949 by distinguished evangelist Harry Denman. The foundation provides resources to help the national church bring people into personal relationships with Jesus Christ. “I heard Harry Denman preach in my father’s church when I was a child,” said Rev. Ames. “It is a particular honor to have known the man and now to serve as trustee for the foundation he established.” Guy is a fifth-generation United Methodist preacher, and we are blessed to have him here at Asbury.




Acts of Love By Charlene Giles

A popular book by Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages, theorizes that each of us has our own favorite “love language.” In fact, it is likely that we tend to express our caring to others in the same love language we ourselves prefer.




For example, if we like to receive a backrub, we are likely to assume that others will enjoy backrubs as much as we do. Chapman suggests that the five ways of expressing love include: words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, gifts and quality time. Recently Judith and Larry Kindred, relatively new Asbury members from the Denver, Colorado, area discussed some of the love languages that have kept their relationship alive through their 54 years. This couple had an exciting relationship from the beginning. Shortly after they met, at ages 18 and 20, Larry enlisted in the Army. While they were apart both dated others, but they kept their relationship alive through love letters. The fact that both still have every letter and card they ever sent one another makes it clear that words of affirmation are a key love language for both.

One reason their relationship is still so close is because they spent their early time together in a place far from home. At age 21, Judith was surprised one day when she received a phone call from Larry at 3:00 am, calling from Heidelberg, Germany. Larry had decided he wanted to spend his life with this young woman who had stolen his heart with her affirming words, letters and care packages. Judith was surprised and needed time to think before she said, “Yes.” But she did decide to take the plunge and traveled alone all the way to Germany to marry Larry and make a life with him. According to Larry, one reason their relationship is still so close is because they spent their early time together in a place far from home. They learned to rely on one another and fell even more deeply in love with one another during their first nine months of marriage. During those nine months in Germany, they had lots of experiences together. In fact, they remember taking five separate trips over long weekends and calling all five trips their honeymoon! Even after the babies came, they valued their times together. Through the years, they have traveled many places and have always enjoyed one another. Obviously, quality time is another love language they share. Though current health issues don’t allow much travel, they describe having lots of fun just watching a movie or talking and laughing together. Larry says that friendship is the key to a lasting marriage, and they were friends before they knew they loved one another. Acts of service are important to Judith. During their early time together in Germany, Larry showed his love by such actions as banking the stove with coal regularly. Later, when they lived in Denver and Judith worked for a marriage counselor, Judith appreciated how Larry would surprise her by filling her car with gas. He also warmed the car up for her on cold days. Sometimes he even packed her lunch to take to work.

But the most important acts of service have been during times of major illnesses. Each has taken a turn with frightening sicknesses and injuries through the years. But they have always cared for one another through every step of recuperation. Judith says that you truly know the character of the one you married when you need help during a debilitating illness. Larry and Judith also enjoy giving one another gifts. Chapman says that for someone who has this love language, the benefit of receiving the gift has nothing to do with the amount of money spent. The important thing is that someone thought of you while they were away from you and brought back something they thought would be pleasing. Larry says he loves it when Judith brings him home a Snickers bar from the store while Judith confesses she really enjoys Larry’s gifts of jewelry on special occasions. Finally, what about the love language of physical touch? Both Judith and Larry enjoy physical touch, whether a hug, a kiss or holding hands. As they talk together, there are many times when Judith flashes Larry her megawatt smile and he winks whenever he catches her eye. Clearly there is still a spark here. Yet, though all five love languages are important to this couple, one stands out —the importance of words of affirmation. Larry beams as he tells about times when Judith would put love notes in his lunch box or under his pillow through the years. Then he tells about a time years back when their relationship wasn’t going too well. They attended a Marriage Encounter weekend where they were asked to write love letters to one another on various topics. There could not have been a more meaningful way for this pair to reconnect. What are Judith’s favorite words to hear from Larry? “You look so beautiful today.” As for Larry, nothing makes him smile more than when Judith says, “I love you.”

Friendship is the key to a lasting marriage.

WONDER WHAT YOUR LOVE LANGUAGE IS? Go online to www.asburytulsa.org/marriage to take a free version of the Five Love Languages quiz. Even more fun, have other family members take it, too! When we attempt to show we care, it’s important to know that we are expressing love in a way it will best be received.




Sarah lived a big life in a short time! –Steve Larmey, Head of Young Life Africa From left to right: Wanangwa Sanga, Sarah Adams and Lusayo Mhango




Remembering Sarah Adams by Jim Davis

Sarah Adams was sure of her calling in life. The story of Philip and the Ethiopian from Acts 8:26–40 gave her confidence that when God calls us to go and we obey, He uses it for His glory. Philip was called down a “desert road” and was attuned to the Holy Spirit’s leading to come close to a chariot on the road. Because he was exactly where God called him, he met an Ethiopian man who was reading scripture from Isaiah and was used by God to lead that man to Jesus. Sarah, too, was right where God called her. Having grown up in Tulsa, she heard and obeyed God’s call to the other side of the world in Malawi in East Africa. The passions that took her there were obedience to God and the desire to show the love of Jesus to those who needed it. She pursued those passions well. Sarah grew up at Asbury, graduated from Holland Hall in 1999, and in her senior year received the Pat Morris Award for exemplifying Holland Hall’s ideals. In 2012, she also received Holland Hall’s Young Alumni Achievement Award, which recognizes those who have left a significant mark on their community and excelled in their profession. She was also involved with Young Life in high school, which is where she began her personal relationship with God through Jesus one evening at the weekly meeting. She attended the University of Richmond on a field hockey scholarship and earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology before returning to Holland Hall to teach and coach. That’s where she first developed her passion for Africa. A fellow graduate of the school runs an orphanage in Tanzania, and Sarah began leading summer trips for students to go serve there. She soon began to realize Africa was her calling. In 2008, she joined the mission organization SIM (Serving in Missions) and began serving those in Malawi who were affected by the AIDS epidemic. She also had a passion for youth, which is important in a place where half the population is under 15 years old. Another staggering statistic is that about 20 percent of rural Malawi is infected with HIV/AIDS, and that percentage is almost double in the cities. She took hope from Isaiah 58:10 that her light would rise in the darkness and that she could impact the next generation of leaders. Just before leaving for Africa, she heard that Young Life had just begun ministry in the city where she would be living, and they

were looking for someone in SIM to work with them as well! The feelings of excitement and confirmation were strong. Within a few weeks on the ground in Malawi, a great collaboration blossomed for Sarah with SIM and Young Life. She worked in leader training for national staff and ran a Young Life ministry at Saint Andrews International School in Blantyre. She eventually joined Young Life Africa staff full time. Her parents, Roger and Jan, described Sarah as a Pied Piper, gathering people wherever she went. That was the case with the high school students in Malawi, too. She gathered them around her and then poured her life into them for the sake of the Gospel. She was comfortable in any setting of her ministry and always preferred to serve than to be served. She never had any fear about her call to Africa, and wherever she went, she made a difference. In December 2013, Sarah and other Young Life Africa staff had traveled to the country of Zimbabwe for a staff training conference. After leaving the conference to return home to Malawi, an automobile accident claimed her life, along with the lives of two other Malawian staff— Wanangwa Sanga and Lusayo Mhango—on December 6. At the young age of 32, God called His faithful servant to her permanent home. Steve Larmey, head of Young Life Africa, summed it up in his comment, “Sarah lived a big life in a short time!” The Mason Chapel here at Asbury was overflowing on December 17 for Sarah’s memorial service. Family and friends from church, Holland Hall, Young Life and around the country celebrated her life in a worship service. The pictures, videos, hymns and stories pointed to her sense of call to follow Christ. The Holland Hall singers also sang a Zimbabwean praise song. During the previous week in Malawi, another memorial service was held for Sarah and her colleagues with an attendance of about 1,000. That service lasted over four hours with no one in a hurry to leave. We will miss Sarah here on earth as a sister in Christ and as a missionary sent by Asbury church. We are grateful for her life well lived and for her obedience to God’s call to take the Gospel to the world.




Restore Hope By Jeff Jaynes

As a child growing up at Asbury, with amazing (and patient) Sunday school teachers and the leadership of both Rev. Bill Mason and Rev. Tom Harrison, I couldn’t help but know God’s clear call to “GO” in mission. And, along with many of my friends, I did go: to Estonia three times (I even met my future wife on one of those trips!), and to Alaska to rebuild an area devastated by wildfire. These were all powerful and formative experiences I remember clearly many years later. I may not have known it at the time, but they were preparing me for a life in service to that mission of sharing the Good News of Christ’s hope for the world.

Restore Hope Every day at Restore Hope, we have a special opportunity to spread the Gospel. Many of the families we see are believers but their current crisis has cast doubt on their faith. Others have not set foot in a church building in some time. Some have never been invited; others felt pushed away. Some are afraid of what “church folk might think” of them or their issues. These families may not want to walk into a church building, but when they come to Restore Hope, they get to meet the church at work. As Rev. Mason taught and Rev. Harrison has literally engraved in stone, the church is NOT the building, but the people who meet there. At Restore Hope, the families we serve regularly come face to face with Asbury UMC and many other faithful churches in our community every day. At Restore Hope, that face of the church is the face of hope. This hope is present in the


flowers and plants that greet them in the parking lot—planted by Second Saturday and Day of Service volunteers. It is present in the smiles greeting them when they walk through our doors, and it is why we treat each family like the children of God that they are and meet with them person to person, face to face.

Meeting Christ in the Depths

I should add here that Restore Hope normally cannot help people who are currently homeless. There are great agencies in Tulsa that help people at that level of crisis and we work closely with them in many ways. We focus instead on those who are on the verge of homelessness—and try to keep them from falling off that “cliff.” So when this family came in and told us they were homeless, our staff knew there was little we could do to help them with our regular programs.

When a family comes into Restore Hope, they are often at their lowest point. Nobody really wakes up excited We have given the Bible—which made to ask for help. To do so such an impact on me growing up—to means admitting that they reached a point in which 596 families who did not have one. they can no longer help themselves—something most people simply do not want to do. So, when a family walks in our But we knew we could help restore their door, they often do so with great pain, just hope. Even if we could not help them as we saw this past fall. in other ways, we knew we had hope through Christ that we could share. On a cold weekday morning a family So we asked them to come in, and our came tentatively through our doors. amazing staff put their substantial They seemed unsure they really wanted expertise to work to help them out. to be there and almost walked right back out. As they eventually came inside—a Jesus says in Matthew 25 that, when we mom, dad and teenage daughter on help those who are the “least of these” in crutches—they looked at each other His family, we help Him. When we feed as if to say “I don’t want to say it…will them, care for them and welcome them, you?” Eventually, mom stepped up to the we are actually feeding Him, caring for counter and, holding back tears, said they Him and welcoming Him. So, when that had just been kicked out of the hotel they family walked in, we looked at each other were staying in and had nowhere to go. as if to say, “I think Jesus just walked into our building” and tried to find a way to



help. They did not have an appointment, did not meet the criteria for our normal programming, but they needed hope; and we could at least offer that. And we did. I’m proud to say that, when this family left, they walked a lot “lighter” than when they walked in our doors. As they walked out, I heard the mom say to her teenage daughter, “See, I told you…” Unfortunately, the door closed before she finished. But I can imagine how it ended… “See, I told you there were people who could help.” Or “See, I told you we would be OK.” Or “See, I told you there was hope.” That family walked out with hope. Within a couple of weeks, thanks to some help from friends in the homeless service community, they moved into a new apartment and onto a new and brighter path in their lives. They were on the path of hope, lit by the light of Christ.

Generosity In the past year, we helped thousands of families see that light. We distributed over 155,000 pounds of food to over 5,000 families in need. We kept over 400 families from becoming homeless (with a success rate of 99.64%--much higher than the 70% national average). We have given the Bible—which made such an impact on

me growing up—to 596 families who did not have one. We helped 2,509 kids with the supplies they needed for school, and 603 families had a special Thanksgiving with our Thanksgiving baskets. I say “we” for these statistics because I know Restore Hope does not do these things alone. We do so with the help of hundreds of individuals and groups— including many of you! And many of these programs are possible due to the great generosity of Asbury UMC. That generosity is evident every year at Super Care Sunday. Starting in 2008 with a “Trailer Full of Hope,” that helped us with over 10 TONS of food, we are continually amazed at the overwhelming support of the people of Asbury UMC. From children collecting cans in Sunday school to major donations, your generosity is breathtaking. In 2011, when snow canceled church—and collapsed our warehouse!—Asbury extended its generosity beyond food and funds. The next Saturday happened to be a “2nd Saturday,” and 61 Asbury volunteers helped us dig out and return our building to order. It was just another example of Asbury’s generosity, a trend that extends back over 30 years and continues today.

Restore Hope Sunday This year, Asbury has an incredible opportunity to hit a special milestone of generosity. Since we’ve been keeping records in our current database, Asbury is our biggest single donor—outpacing even the foundations and others who also generously support us. This year, if current trends continue, Asbury has a chance

to be our very first MILLION DOLLAR LIFETIME DONOR! To even write that is amazing, though, having grown up with many of you, I should not be surprised. For generations, Asbury has been supporting those who serve the mission of God. Whether it is Bruce Olson with the Motilone, or buying a former Nazi/ Communist camp in Estonia, or Restore Hope, Asbury UMC has continually extended its generosity beyond the walls of the building to build God’s Kingdom. Though “Restore Hope Sunday” is at a different time than in years past, I am confident in Asbury’s “super” generosity. I’ve seen it from the pews and, now, from the perspective of a recipient. For setting that example in my own life, and, for the thousands who have experienced it through Restore Hope, I want to say thank you. May the light of hope shine as brightly in your lives as you have helped it to shine for so many more.

RESTORE HOPE SUNDAY APRIL 6 This is a huge fundraiser for food, rent assistance and Bible distribution for the Tulsa community. Your donations will give Restore Hope the wholesale buying power at the Community Food Bank as well as the ability the help families out of their current crisis and onto a path of economic and spiritual vitality. Don’t miss this great opportunity to give during the Lenten season.




Easter Events 2014 By Shanon Brown


aster is a time to celebrate! One way that Asbury celebrates Easter is our annual Easter Celebration. This event is planned for children, but everyone is welcome to come. This is a great event to invite grandparents, family, neighbors and friends to because it’s so fun and a great opportunity to fellowship! The event is on Saturday, April 19, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. There is no need to register for this event; you can just show up and start the celebrating! We plan for all activities to be indoors so that the weather will not cause any issues. Once you walk in the doors, you will see a map of the activities to help direct you. Everything is planned to be a come-and-go type of atmosphere. The only scheduled activity is the egg hunt for children ages 0–3. This egg hunt will be at 10:30 on the first floor of the children’s ministry wing of the church. If your child is 0-3, make sure to bring their Easter basket to hold their eggs. Children that are 4-years-old to 6th grade will have their hunt in the gym. These children do not need an Easter basket for their hunt. The Easter Celebration is a free event, but we will have a concession stand available if you want to purchase snacks. We will have hot dogs, nachos, chips, popcorn, candy, cotton candy, snow cones and drinks. At the event you will find incredible inflatables set up around the church as well as a fantastic photo booth, a newly released Veggie Tale movie room, Easter craft room, and remote control race track. Something special that will be available for families to experience is the Stations of the Cross. (see schedule below) This will be set up for families to go through together. This is a great opportunity for parents to have the chance to walk through the stations with their children and experience the things that Jesus went through from being condemned to die to being laid in the tomb. This truly is a special way to for parents to teach their children about Jesus. We will have a kid-friendly Stations of the Cross wheel that each child can take and keep to guide them through the stations. If any adult wants to experience the Stations of the Cross in a more adult manner or without children, they can come before the Easter event to see what it’s like. Asbury’s Easter Celebration is a great way to fellowship with our church family and maybe even meet someone new! If you have any questions, you can contact Shanon Brown at sbrown@asburytulsa.org, or 918.392.1170.

Stations of the Cross • Wednesday, April 16, 5:30–9:30 pm • Thursday, April 17, 1:00–9:30 pm (closed during 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday service) • Friday, April 18, 1:00–9:30 pm (closed during 7:00 pm Good Friday service) • Saturday, April 19, 10:00 am–1:00 pm






Even as i live, so you shall also live.



Easter People By Pastor David Thomas

EASTER! Oh, what a day to celebrate! It has to be the most exciting day of the year for those who have learned to follow the One called Jesus. This is true around the world, for on this day Easter People of all nations will be affirming, “Christ the Lord is risen…He is risen indeed!” How do we know this is true? First, we have the evidence of an empty tomb as we read about that event in each of the Gospels (Matthew 20:1-10; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-18). A huge stone was rolled away from the entrance. Matthew tells us that “an angel of the Lord came down from heaven…rolled back the stone…and sat upon it.” John tells us that the burial cloth was still in the shape of the body, except the head piece. One scholar writes, “The empty tomb is ‘too notorious to be denied.’ The resurrection could not have been maintained in Jerusalem for a single day, for a single hour, if the emptiness of the tomb had not been established as a fact for all concerned.” Secondly, we are told in I Corinthians 15:5-8 and Acts 1:3 that over 500 people claimed to have seen Him alive. In his letter to Corinth, Paul was quick to say, “If you don’t believe me, ask them.” Thirdly, those who followed Him were dramatically changed. Read the story and you will see how they went from a cowardly, frightened bunch of bewildered followers, to a powerful group of witnesses who turned their world upside down for the Christ they loved. As you follow their story to the end, you realize that whatever happened that Easter morning, these witnesses were convinced it was for real, for all died a martyr’s death, except one who was finally exiled. Finally, just look around you today and see the lives of those who have been made different because of their faith in and their relationship with the Risen Lord. What does all of this mean for us? We belong to the One who is the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25-26), and who said “I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you shall be also” (John 14:1-3). He is the One who promised “even as I live, so you shall also live” (John 14:25). The apostle John believed all of this, for he wrote a letter to his friends saying, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.” We can know that, not because of our goodness, but because of God’s amazing grace in Jesus Christ. But Jesus didn’t come just to get us into heaven, but to bring heaven into us here and now. That happens as we daily open our lives to Him, and discover His presence produces that “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23), that others can to see in us. Our relationship with Him begins now, and it never ends. We are told that there is nothing in all of creation, not even death itself, “that shall be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). But I would want to share a word about what Easter means to me. A little over 60 years ago, I invited the Risen Christ into my life, and it has been quite a journey. I discovered what it truly means to be loved, forgiven and filled with a joy beyond anything I could have imagined. Oh, I have failed Him many times, but He will not let me go. He called me into His ministry, and I have discovered that “His gifts and His call are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29). Through His grace, He has given me the joy of serving among some of the finest people on God’s earth. Over and over again I have seen the Risen Lord ministering His love through their lives. This is so true in the life of Asbury church. What a joy to be serving among such wonderful Easter People!`



Asbury Promotes the Good Samaritan’s Work By Dr. John Crouch

One of the great stories of the New Testament is found in Luke 10, the story of the Good Samaritan, which follows immediately after Jesus’ dialogue with a lawyer who was testing Him. In the process, Jesus spelled out what we have all come to know as “The Great Commandment”—to love God with all of your heart, soul, strength and mind, and your neighbor as yourself. The following story about the Good Samaritan was in response to the lawyer’s question, “And who is my neighbor?” A very strong interpretation of that story is that JESUS is the True Good Samaritan. He was an “outsider” who came to earth. He tenderly came to man who had been robbed and beaten and left half dead, the three-fold curse of the law and sin: poverty, disease/injury, and spiritual death. The Good Samaritan, in



contrast to the priest (representing formal religion of the day) and the Levite (representing government and the law), went to the man, bound his wounds, and poured on him the oil and wine (of the Holy Spirit). He carried him to the inn (the church) and paid the price for his care and left; but he promised to return and pay whatever else the man owed; just as the Holy Spirit is our seed of promise until the Lord’s return. I grew up in a Christian home but really became a believer after I went to medical school at Washington University, St. Louis, did my internship, was drafted into the army, trained as a flight

surgeon, and went to Vietnam. My experiences there convinced me that I could not rest in my adopted agnostic beliefs. Pilots that I knew well and medically supervised would get shot down and killed; and when I was flying around in helicopters in “bad land” country being shot at and being shelled by mortars and rockets periodically, I became convinced that I needed to have an answer to what life really was all about. I started to go to the base chapel there in Vietnam, and when I returned to my duty station in the states, Jan and our family continued our chapel attendance. As I resumed my medical education (residency training) after my military obligation was completed, a friend gave me books by Francis Schaeffer, Paul Little, John Stott, John Warwick Montgomery, Josh McDowell, C.S. Lewis and others. I fell under the conviction of the Holy Spirit for my pride and disbelief, repented and came in great gratitude to the cross. I cried out to Jesus to be my Savior and my Lord. What a joy; what an answer to all my questions; what a peace I experienced; and it has not left since then. The Lord then clearly led Jan and me and our family to come to Tulsa to be a part of the new Christian medical school at ORU. When the ORU School of Medicine eventually closed in 1989, I was the acting Chairman of the Department of Family Medicine, and our faculty and residents did not believe that God was through with having a distinctly Christian family medicine residency. God opened up the doors for us to move the training program to Hillcrest Medical Center; and by starting a religious 501-C-3, we were able to contract with that hospital to run our Christian residency there. Our charter goals were to: 1) Continue a decidedly Christian family medicine residency where we would train young Christian doctors to integrate their faith into the daily practice of medicine. 2) Support worldwide medical missions, particularly the graduates of our own program. 3) Do something about the healthcare needs of the underserved population in our own community. We have since moved our residency program to St. John and have a strong spiritual curriculum and one of the best accreditation records of any family medicine program. Our faculty members are excellent physician Christians and mentor the young doctors daily. The number varies a bit from time to time, but we have 35 of our graduates who are long-term medical missionaries around the world; and that number continues to increase. One will often see in the local media that we, In His Image residency, are sending medical relief teams to the Philippines, or to Kurdistan to the Syrian refugees more recently; and there have been several other places in the past. Our faculty and senior residents are doing 8-12 teaching trips around the world every year. We now have eight fledgling residency programs around the world started by our alumni and partners. Asbury helps to support this incredible God-ordained international outreach. And Asbury is a very important partner with us with our Good Samaritan Health Services mobile medical vans by which we treat

the underserved population right here in our own community. I am so grateful that my church, Asbury, is so committed to reaching out in compassionate ministry to our own community. I am so thankful that our leadership believes in compassion ministries that truly takes the truth and power of the Gospel to those that we serve. I know, personal experience validating, that it is truly the power of the Gospel that transforms lives and takes true life and blessing to those who submit themselves to our loving God through Jesus Christ. The mobile vans take the much needed healthcare right into the community of need. Good Samaritan Health Services now has three mobile medical vans, two operational and one to be made so. We are currently conducting over 50 clinics per month in 14 different sites, partnering with about 30 different churches, who supply over 120 volunteers. We have regular medical clinics where we take care of a lot of folks (thousands each year) with chronic disease problems as well as some acute problems. Patients are prayed for and, by permission, prayed with, for their spiritual needs also. Partnering with churches brings their compassion ministries to bear also. We have much needed Women’s Health Clinics every month where, by God’s grace, we are finding critically important health problems and getting these dear folks treated. We are now in the early development of retinal screening, particularly for diabetics, in order to refer them on for vision saving treatment. Asbury is soon to hold one of the Women’s Health Clinics, which they have done before. When we held it here at Asbury, it was an incredible, broadly compassionate ministry that was done! Our strength is in the faith and commitment of our staff and incredible church volunteers! I am so thankful to Pastor Tom and his staff and the way that the Asbury church body is reaching out in so many ways with compassionate ministries AND, even more importantly, with THE GOSPEL. As Paul said in the New Testament, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believe . . . for it is written ‘BUT THE RIGHTEOUS MAN SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.‘“ When we are introducing people to the True Good Samaritan, Jesus, and they are saved, then we are truly being that neighbor that the lawyer asked about.




Hospitality Ministry Is Changing! By Pastor Todd Craig and Lauren Burke

Our “hospitality” ministry has operated under various assumed names. These have included “ushers,” “welcome team,” “hospitality team,” etc. Moving forward we will operate under the heading of guest services. The changes the church is making are being made to reach out and serve those who don’t know Christ or who are unchurched. The changes are not primarily about us or our teams but about “those who are not yet here.” It is imperative we remember this, because that will help us achieve our purpose of volunteering which is to show the love and grace of Jesus Christ to everyone who enters our doors.

Our purpose of volunteering is to show the love and grace of Jesus Christ to everyone who enters our doors. While there are many names that would work for the ministry we are building, we selected “guest services” for a couple of reasons. The primary reason is this name communicates clearly what we are doing and on whom we intend to focus. As a team we are here to serve our guests. We don’t serve on these teams for social standing or any other reason than to serve Jesus by serving our guests. Beginning April 27, our guest services ministry will be made up of multiple teams serving together, each with a distinct role. guest services will be made up of a parking lot team, a greeting team, a welcome desk team, and a host team (a role similar to our current “usher” role).



How to volunteer We would love to have each one of you serve on the guest services team! However, we need you to let us know! We will have recruitment cards at the Welcome Desk and front office for you to fill out. We know there may be some adjustments that need to be made if some communities decide to switch hours. Don’t hesitate to turn in the card. We will work with everyone as those changes are confirmed. We also want to encourage you to recruit friends or family members.

Hopes for 2014 We have three hopes for the guest services team: 1. We hope that each of you will model and share a hopeful and excited attitude about the changes happening at Asbury. 2. We hope that as we change the culture of our guest services teams in terms of outward focus, we will begin to change the culture of our congregation as well. 3. Our ultimate hope is that people will be introduced to the saving grace of Jesus Christ as a result of our shared ministry. We sincerely believe the guest services teams have significant influence in each of these areas. If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Burke at 918.392.1104


Hospitality Six Easy Steps for You!


ospitality is vital to a growing church. Hospitality is more than just being friend on Sunday mornings. It is seeing each and every person who comes through the doors of Asbury as a beloved child of God, and recognizing that God has brought them Asbury to worship Him. Hospitality is not easy. It takes a specific and intentional effort. To help us all, here are six steps you can take right now. 1. Wear a name badge. If you are in an official capacity (staff member, greeter, usher, etc.) wear a name badge. Wearing a name badge allows you to greet newcomers and new members to greet you by name. Do not assume everyone knows your name. 2. Fill out the VIP pad, our attendance register. When you fill out the register, so do newcomers and visitors. When you don’t, then visitors don’t think it’s important, and we need to get visitor contact information so we can invite them to come back to worship and begin getting them connected at Asbury. Please include your name and at least one contact point like email or phone. 3. Meet one new person each Sunday at worship. No one knows everyone at worship; we have too many people! So, make an effort to introduce yourself to one new person each Sunday. Go up to a person you don’t know and say, “Good morning. My name is , and I’m a member here at Asbury.” That will get the conversation started. 4. Don’t sit in the same place at worship. It’s true, we all get comfortable sitting in the same place; we all have our own “pew.” But if you move around, if you’ll sit in a different place, you’ll get the opportunity to worship next to someone you may not know, and worshipping together is important. 5. Reach out to others. Make a conscious effort not to talk only with your best friends on Sunday. We all have people to whom we are most closely connected and with whom we are most comfortable. New visitors may perceive our friendliness and comfort as welcoming, or new visitors may perceive us as cliquey. Make the effort to meet someone new. 6. Invite someone to lunch or coffee or dinner or something outside of the church services. Worshipping together is just the start. Your connection with them will strengthen when you spend time with other brothers or sisters in Christ outside the walls of Asbury.



Ministering to Those Who Minister By Marilyn Glass

Mike Hardgrove, one of our pastors here at Asbury, has three small, framed prints on his office wall. In the center is a heart outlined in green, with a red cross inserted through it; to the left is a black and white sketch of the Savior holding a furry lamb close, as He burrows His face into its scruff—the expression on the lamb’s face speaks of total peace and contentment; and the drawing to the right is of a joyous, laughing Christ. “These represent daily priorities for me,” he volunteers. “The one in the middle reminds me that ministry should always be an overflow of love from and through Christ; the one with Jesus and the lamb depicts to me what ministry should look like; and the laughing Christ emphasizes to me that I must find humor and laughter, no matter how challenging the situation.” Retired from the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office and currently serving as President of the International Conference of Police Chaplains (in addition to responsibilities here at Asbury), Mike is no stranger to challenging situations. In a chaplaincy career that spans more than 20 years with the sheriff’s office, Mike has seen countless accidents, criminal acts and traumatic events. But a few are etched into his memory. He recalls the time when a sergeant grabbed his arm and said, “Come on, Chappy, let’s go.” On the way, Mike learned that they were responding to a domestic disturbance. The sergeant explained that they were en route to the home of a couple who was embroiled in a divorce and custody dispute and were scheduled to be in court later in the day. Upon arrival, the horrifying discovery was made that instead of appearing before the judge regarding the custody decision, the mother had chosen to shoot dead her two children, both under the age of 10! When the father arrived later, the difficult chore of notifying him of his children’s death fell to Mike. “I will never forget the helplessness and despair I felt in that situation,” he reveals. “There are no words to change anything.”



In a separate incident, he was called to the scene of a suicide by a 32-year-old woman. “Both of her pre-teen children were in the house when it happened. What can you say or do for griefstricken children in a state of shock? I again came face to face with my own limitations in the midst of such tragedy,” he laments. “Though I have taught classes on how to do death notifications, there is just no way you can make sense or bring understanding to these types of senseless carnage. I burned out three times,” he confesses. “I only wanted to get away.” And yet he knows that he does make a difference in others’ lives—that he is helping to meet a need. As President of the International Conference of Police Chaplains (the ICPC), he is responsible for helping to provide programs that train and support law enforcement chaplains. Founded in 1973, the organization exists to assist in the establishment of new chaplaincy programs and to offer support, reinforcement and resources to law enforcement agencies around the world. The need is great. Although there are other resources and institutions available, the numbers are staggering: 46,000,000 law enforcement officers worldwide; 2,000 chaplains through the ICPC. That is a ratio of one chaplain per every 23,000 law enforcement officers! “For every officer killed in the line of duty, two commit suicide,” Mike discloses. “And a majority of law enforcement personnel are unchurched. They need hope and renewal. “Lots of agencies are so small that the officer goes out by himself or herself and never knows what is around the corner. The officer is often lonely and disconnected. Except for the military, law enforcement personnel are the only group who have weapons issued to them. But there is a huge responsibility that comes with that authority. Officers know that they may be required to make life and death decisions in a split second, but they also know that they will be held accountable for that decision. It is a burden that weighs heavily on them. Our chaplains try to be available to pray or talk with or just be with the officer in need of comfort and support, whatever the situation.” Qualifications for police chaplaincy within the organization are demanding. The candidate must have experience in a pastorate and have endorsement from a law enforcement official. There is also a requirement that a basic core of 12 classes be completed. In his first year as president of the association, Mike is working on streamlining some of the programs and courses. His current project is helping to bring online a forum for new chaplains. “Our main focus,” he emphasizes, “is just to minister to the chaplains. So much is asked of them, and they give so much. We want to build up and encourage them. We are inclusive of all faiths and offer services and benefits without regard to differences.”

The list of ministry and care they provide is extensive. “But who ministers to these ministers?” Mike asks. “That is the hole the ICPC tries to fill.” In addition to his ICPC work and his ongoing volunteer efforts with the sheriff’s office, Mike also is part of the ministry team at Asbury. As part of the congregational care team, he makes hospital calls and generally continues his lifelong ministry of encouraging others. “Asbury has accepted my ministry with ICPC, as well as allowing me to be a part of the ministry of the church,” he says gratefully. “It’s a good fit.” A veteran of possibly the two most heinous crimes ever perpetrated against the citizens of America, Mike knows firsthand what a kind word, a hand on the shoulder, or even a smile can mean. “I was at the Murrah Building in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing, and I was at Ground Zero after 911,” he painfully remembers. “In the midst of such devastation and loss of life, destruction everywhere, just simple human contact is precious. We need each other. That is why I am so thankful to be part of ministries to others—sheriff’s office, ICPC, Asbury—it’s all God’s work. I believe I am living out God’s design for my life.”

WHAT LAW ENFORCEMENT CHAPLAINS DO • Counsel members of local law enforcement community, sworn and non-sworn • Counsel officers in stress management, post shooting, burn-out, etc. • Serve on Department Crisis Response Team • Assist the department in making death notifications • Assist at suicide incidents • Provide guidance should a “line of duty death” occur within the department/community • Provide assistance to victims • Counsel with families of law enforcement officers • Counsel with members of a department and the families • Visit sick/injured officers and departmental personnel in homes/hospitals • Offer prayer at special occasions, i.e., graduations, awards, ceremonies, dedication of buildings, retirement ceremonies • Serve as liaison with other clergy in the community • Serve on review boards, award boards and committees • Assist with transients/homeless • Provide for spiritual needs of prisoners as requested




Acts of Kindness By Katelyn Moore


cts of kindness can be big or small. In fact the variety of shapes and sizes that kindness comes in is unlimited. The impact that kindness can have is unlimited as well.

Our teenagers know a thing or two about being kind. The world they live in is harsh and unforgiving, and yet there is a light in them that burns bright and warm. This light is one they cannot help but share. What’s left of their innocence contains a deep and innate capacity to give and to care. A childlike generosity still remains. Kindness comes readily, without a second thought of pride or vanity. The selfishness that has yet to take root is easily overcome. These kids are learning the lesson over and over again that you never know what a small act of kindness can do for someone’s day. Sometimes it changes everything. Sometimes you never see the repercussions. And yet they persevere. Therein lies the difference between the innocence of teenage kindness and the shell-shocked timidity of kindness trying to make it in the adult world. Here are some profound (and not so profound) thoughts on kindness from our teenage population: in answer to the questions “How/why do you show acts of kindness to fellow students?”

There’s this new girl at church, and she has really been needing some friends. I’ve been texting her and telling her to have a good day, sending her devotionals and hanging out with her. I think being able to have a group of friends that you can just put everything out there, and lay it all on the table, and not have to wear a mask…just being able to be real with (my friends) is really comforting. And to know that you aren’t going to be judged if you say something or if you’ve done something, you won’t be condemned by them. –Grace Arnold, 8th grade, age 14 It’s all about community within the family of God. We can love each other through actions. My friends can be loved unconditionally by God, but I can choose to do nice things for them because they’re my brothers and sisters in Christ. I can recognize when people are upset. I feel like I’m approachable, and when people are upset or hurting, I can go and talk to them. I try to be a friend to everyone and help people when they’re down. –Coleman Bourke, Sophomore, age 16



(My friend) didn’t want me to walk out in the cold, so he drove the car up and met me right outside the school. I like to give people rides or take friends to Cherry Berry. –Taylor Cox, Junior, age 17 I say “hi” to people in the halls, sincerely. And I help people in school, or I ask them for help. Or I give people a lot of food. I gave out four cookies this morning…I like to think ahead about little ways that I can help people throughout the day. –Megan Harju, Junior, age 17 My best friend and I keep each other accountable when we do our devotional together; not only do we make sure that we’re reading the Bible and working on understanding it better, but we’re actually living out the things that we’re reading. When one of us messes up, we talk it out and figure out how to do better next time.


Being nice to people is important, not only because it makes you feel good to make somebody else happy, but also they see how you have made them feel, and they want to be nice to somebody else. It’s something that’s easy and free to share with others. When they see you doing it through the love of Christ, they want to pursue that, and pass it forward selflessly. –Emily Hyde, Senior, age 17 I give my friends a lot of words of encouragement, and I try to be really positive. I like to make them laugh. And I do random, awkward, creepy things that are sort of nice. –Christine Jones, Junior, age 16 It is so comforting to know that when we ask our friends for prayer, we know they are there and will respond and pray for us, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. Even if it’s not people from church, we try to have a closer relationship with (unchurched friends) too, to show them that we have Jesus in our hearts, and they can feel how we’re trying to reach out to them and they get uplifted by that. Sometimes I use my charm and good looks to help people. And my ukulele. –Mallory King, 8th grade, age 14 If someone’s having a bad day, it can make them feel better, not just acts of kindness but your attitude too. If I’m doing something nice for people, maybe it could encourage them to grow in their faith. I get up to throw people’s trash away at lunch a lot, because it makes it easier for the lunch lady. –Jordan Lenderman, Sophomore, age 15

I sit with people who don’t have a place to sit at lunch. At the beginning of the year, I went and sat with a friend I went to elementary school with who is really shy, and now she talks, and a lot of people joined us. Letting our friends know that they can always count on us for prayer. Whenever one of us is having a bad day, we’re all really encouraging. When Mallory didn’t have a good day, we all texted her individually at the same time We started this thing that when you ask someone how their day was, they aren’t allowed to say it was good if it was bad, and they have to tell you (the truth). So nothing goes unnoticed. When we say, ‘How’s your day?’ we’re asking because we really want to know, not just because we’re being polite We encourage each other in order to share each other’s loads. Whenever one of us is having an awful day and they tell us about it, we want them to give us the information so we can help them through it. Like that one song, (proceeds to sing) ‘Lean on me, when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.’ –Madeline McTigue, 8th grade, age 14 One time I spotted my friend $2…Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. –Hunter Sistrunk, Senior, age 18 If someone I know is struggling with their homework, I’ll help them. But (I won’t) just do it for them, I’ll make sure they actually know what’s going on. And in our small group if there’s something going on in somebody’s life, we’ll send encouraging texts throughout the week, or even if we just feel like brightening someone’s day. –Haley Welch, Junior, age 16




Serving Enthusiastically By Katelyn Moore


id you know it could be cold in Mexico? Maybe it was utter naiveté on my part, but when I signed up for a mission trip to Rio Bravo in January, I was under the impression that Mexico would be warm. It’s Mexico for crying out loud. I was not aware that they cancel school when the temperature is below 41°, because I did not believe that temperatures went below 41° in Mexico. I would like to blame my newfound knowledge of Mexican winter weather on false advertising. But instead I think I should blame a higher power. Allow me to start over. I had the honor and privilege of joining 25 college students and 10 adult leaders on a mission trip to Rio Bravo, Mexico, in early January of this year. This was my first Asbury mission trip, and I think it’s safe to say that I am forever changed. This was unlike any other mission trip. The focus of the week was not on the amount of work we could complete. With the help of our fearless leader David Read, the focus of the week was on the Holy Spirit. The first night of the trip we began by engaging in the practice of Lectio Divina (Latin for divine reading). This practice combines reading, meditation and prayer in a way that is intended to transform our view of scripture from a text to be studied, to the living and active Word of God. We looked at Romans 12:9-21, and discussed what the Lord might be impressing upon our hearts for this week of service. Romans 12:11-12 (NLT) stood out to me, “Never be lazy, but serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” That week in Rio Bravo I saw these verses jump off the pages of Scripture and come to life in the college students and leaders I served alongside. They were so enthusiastic! Whether they were mixing concrete, laying blocks or sheetrock, or digging a hole, they did it all enthusiastically. The caliber of the college students here at Asbury is exceptional. Keep in mind that it was barely above freezing. We served with Manos Juntas, a VIM ministry of the Methodist Church of Mexico, located in Rio Bravo—just 15 minutes from McAllen, Texas. Asbury has a long established relationship with Manos Juntas, and they were very glad to see our group back again! We served on two worksites throughout the week. On one site we helped in the construction of a medical clinic and finishing a school classroom. On the other site we painted the boys’ dormitory at Big Heart orphanage in Reynosa. The manual labor we did for these ministries was a tangible contribution. It was exhausting and extremely rewarding to



watch the walls of the clinic go up, to see the bright and freshly painted dormitory, to walk on the sidewalk that hadn’t been there the day before. But the greatest reward was in the moments that we heard from the Holy Spirit and followed His prompting: to speak with Theresa, who let our team into her home to use her restrooms all week; to hear our translator Dolce’s story; to joke around with Julian, our coordinator; and to get to know the team of workers, Juan Loco and George among them. It is in these moments, when we let the Holy Spirit lead us, that “missions” really happen. We met with God when we paused in our construction efforts to go on a prayer walk around the school. We met with God when we played with the kids who came over to see what the gringos were doing. We met with God when we served over 400 hot dogs to the community around Manos Juntas on the last night, and played games with all of the neighborhood kids. It’s when we stop trying so hard to show results, and we start simply loving people, that we meet with God. As hard as we worked all week, the impact that we made was not in the construction we did. It is a great service to donate our efforts and our time, but the service is only as important as its driving force. What drove us to serve so enthusiastically that week in Mexico? Why did these college students desire to give up a week of their break from school to serve others? Why was this mission trip so different from any other that I’ve been a part of? It was led by a living and active Holy Spirit. Each night we gathered together in worship that was so open and honest that it would continue for hours. As one body, we approached the Throne of Grace, and we simply could not tear ourselves away from such a beautiful sight. It was the perfect storm of passionate personalities and hearts overflowing with praise for our great God. (The amount of musical talent these college students packed didn’t hurt either.) Daily, we reset our minds to focus on things beyond ourselves. We reset our minds to remember that we are not in control. Start to finish, the Holy Spirit was our driving force. And we served Him enthusiastically.

The greatest reward was in the moments that we heard from the Holy Spirit and followed His prompting.


A WORD FROM “FUFI” BROWER, TRIP LEADER: “My new favorite mission trip ever… on our recent ‘college’ trip to Rio Bravo, I think I was more blessed than any trip ever. One reason why I loved it was because of the intense and honest praise and worship time together. The music was straight from the heart. Another reason why is because I was able to experience this trip with many former Asbury SBM (Spring Break Missions) students (crazy, but some of them have been with us for six Spring Break Mission trips). It was the most wonderful part of life to see how some of the seeds that were planted as a small group leader or as a SBM trip leader had sprouted, flourished and grown into strong, righteous oaks! I really was not prepared for this at all. Every single one of the college students on this trip was amazing. They took turns being leaders; they were responsible, worked hard, never complained. They shared from the depth of their spirit filled souls holding nothing back with each other. It was that arrow I had shot out years ago coming full circle straight back to me. I got to see incredible growth, maturity, leadership and Spirit-filled worship. The relationships rekindled or made new are REAL in everyway. Experiencing all of this was a gift and a huge blessing from GOD! I am excited about the future of our church…I was able to live in it on my new favorite mission trip ever!”




Volunteer Fair By Janet Day

On Sunday, January 19, Asbury hosted a Volunteer Fair. Tom’s sermon that Sunday was about influencing others through service and volunteering. He shared seven reasons to serve, including that Jesus modeled and commanded us to serve others. After each service, the main foyer was filled with people exploring the many opportunities that Asbury offers to help people connect in meaningful service within the body of this church. Representatives from 17 different ministries stood ready to explain opportunities, answer questions, hand out literature, candy and goodies and invite you to explore how you might serve using your special gifts and talents. Whether a long time member or a guest excited to learn, it was great fun meeting people and exploring options. From music opportunities, to care ministry, to children’s or student or adult ministries, to marriage ministry, to prayer ministry, to community service through 2nd Saturday and local outreach or global mission opportunities, to the new guest services



team, people were encouraged to use their gifts to influence and serve others. Over 140 people were able to get the information they needed to sign up on Sunday. Others were directed to the different ministry opportunities that suited their gifts and talents better and still others took contact information to be able to learn more before deciding. If you missed the Volunteer Fair, you missed out on the yummy cinnamon rolls, gardening gloves, candy, balloons and fun, but you can still learn about the opportunities to serve and sign up online at www.asburytulsa.org. Thank you for your generous hearts to serve and influence others. Let us know how we can help you get connected.





The Last Leg of Life by John C. Westervelt


ach morning as I make my bed, I put my pillow on top of my six-drawer maple chest. I pause for a moment to look at three, eye-level, 5 x 7 pictures.

The first picture is of my mother with my 1 year-old sister, my 3 year-old brother, and me at age 2. The middle picture is of my widowed mother, my brother Wallace in his World War II navy uniform, my sister Harriette and me. At the end of that leg of life, I was fully-grown. The third picture shows my wife Nelda in a white dress and white hat in our rose garden holding red roses in her right hand. I am standing on her left in a light-blue sport coat with navy slacks and tie. Each of us is holding a hand of our 3-year-old grandson Brett, who is wearing a jacket that looks much like his Grandpa John’s.

attend a “brain” class to stimulate the flow of juices required to remember. To keep my body’s balance system working well, I attend a three o’clock balance class on Monday and Wednesday. I reserved Tuesday and Thursday for my volunteer job at Asbury preschool. As preschool began this year, I wrote my fellow teachers: “First day of school on my last leg of life—I find I have some usefulness remaining. I hope to use it up before I’m done.” I spend Friday evenings with my brother Wallace and his wife Barbara at their patio home on the OMM campus. Once a month, we choose pizza and movie night in OMM Fleming center. Heading home to my apartment in Crestwood after an evening with Wallace and Barbara, I stop by the second floor game room to see what might be causing so much conversation and laughter. I find a couple of game tables surrounded by folks playing games of their choice. I sense that it is more about fellowship than competition.

I continue in contemplation. The first picture shows my beginning leg of life. In the second picture, I am fully grown and ready for the next leg of life and independence. The third picture and the third leg of life covered marriage and my children, Paul and Mary Kim. At the end of that leg, I was fully mature. Two years after the last picture, I became a widower and began the fourth leg of life. I worked at being strong for my daughter Mary Kim, who was single, and for Nelda’s widowed mother. There is no fourth picture. If there were a fourth frame, it would hold a 5 x 7 mirror, for the last leg of life is now. In June 2012, I sold my house, left behind some memories, and moved to Crestwood at Oklahoma Methodist Manor. As I selected from OMM daily activities, I found myself in an exercise class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:30 to 9:00. At one o’clock on Monday and Wednesday, I



In the beginning days of Asbury’s Tidings, I wrote 14 stories about my boyhood. These were published in 1998 in a 6 x 6 inch soft-covered book with a title When Grandpa John Was a Kid. Charlene Fabian, Vice President for Development at Oklahoma Methodist Manor, used these same stories in the Manor Mirror, a monthly publication for those on the campus of OMM. As I walk across campus, men and women stop me to say, “The iceman delivered 50 pounds of ice to my house too” or “We also used a hand-turned ringer between tubs of water on laundry day.” Paula and Kristie, weekday preschool teachers at Asbury, showed up at my apartment in December with two poinsettias, a string of green garland, a box of tiny red balls, a door wreath, stickon hooks, and lots of energy. They left me in a festive home for Christmas. My last leg of life is going well. Other stories at www.jwestervelt.com


Asbury Opportunities GENERAL INFORMATION


Surgery or hospitalization? When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. If you don’t, we will not know you are there and a pastor will not come to visit. Some hospitals in the Tulsa area do not ask for this information so you will need to alert Asbury at 918.492.1771, weekdays from 8:00 am–5:00 pm. The after-hours surgery and hospitalization line can be reached at 918.392.1198 and is checked each weekday at 8:30 am. If you know ahead of time of any hospitalization or surgery and would like a pastor to do a pre-surgery visit call 918.492.1771. Asbury pastors want to be in prayer for you and your family!

GriefShare A weekly support group for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Participants will learn practical strategies for grief recovery through the highly acclaimed GriefShare video series, study guide and group discussion. Individuals may begin attending this group at any time. • Wednesdays through May 21, 3:00–4:30 pm (no child care) OR 6:00–7:30 pm (child care provided), Room 2319, cost is $15 • Team Leaders: Ann Peterson & Tom Berry, register online or call 918.392.1191

Emergency If you have a major, life-threatening event, please call 918.392.1192 and you will be contacted as soon as possible by a pastor or a member of our congregational care ministry.

Beyond GriefShare Especially designed for those who have completed the GriefShare video series, this weekly support group will provide participants an opportunity to continue processing their grief while deepening their spiritual walk. Team Leaders: Ann Peterson & Tom Berry. • Wednesdays through May 21, 2014, 3:00–4:30 pm (no child care) OR 6:00–7:30 pm (child care provided), Room 2201, cost is $15 • Register online or call 918.392.1191

Prayer Line If you would like for Asbury’s prayer team to pray for you, please call 918.392.1142 to leave your prayer request so that you will be included on Asbury’s prayer list. Death in the Family When a family member dies, you should make one phone call automatically. Contact Victoria Williamson at 918.492.1771 and she will help you make arrangements for your loved one. Victoria will also work with your family to arrange the memorial service at Asbury. www.myasburytulsa.org This website is available to all members as a way to update your contact information, register for events, give online and indicate ministries you would like to receive communication from. Make sure you have an account and check it out. If you have any problems setting up your account, call Kim at 918.392.2159 or email her at krenkema@asburytulsa.org.

ASBURY FOUNDATION Leave a legacy that continues to give forever to a ministry you want to support. There are endowments that support many areas of Asbury’s outreach including children, youth, music, missions and training of pastors as well as a general endowment. You can easily impact a ministry through your will or a current gift. • Contact Dwight Yoder at 918.392.1113 or dyoder@ asburytulsa.org

Stephen Ministry Our Stephen Ministers are here to walk with you during hard times, or to listen as you work through difficult decisions. We are there for you as a nonjudgmental Christian friend. Please call Adrena at 918.392.1144 if a Stephen Minister may be the support you need. Quilting Ministry Utilize your love of quilting to make lap quilts that warm and comfort those who need to feel the loving presence of God in their lives. Quilts are prayed over before being given. • Second Wednesdays in odd months (January, March, etc.), 1:00 pm, Parlor • Contact Dotti Westerberg at 918.369.5460 or dottiwesterberg@hotmail.com S.M.I.L.E. (Single Mothers in the Lord’s Embrace) Join us for scripture-based lesson and discussion. Each session is self-contained; you may begin attending at any time. • Third Thursdays, 6:00–8:45 pm, Parlor, child care provided • RSVP to Janet at 918.688.3392 or asburysmile@ymail.com Healing Hats/Ball Caps An Asbury ministry created to provide hats to cancer patients who have lost their hair. Simply knit, crochet or sew a hat or decorate a ball cap of your choice and drop it in the collection box located near the northeast entrance. Or come to the




following groups for fellowship while creating hats. Contact Sue Fisher at healinghatsmin@aol.com or 918.455.2816 • Crochet Group –– Second and fourth Tuesdays, 2:00–4:00 pm or 6:30–8:00 pm, Room 1506 • Ball Caps (If you can cut and glue, this is for you! Baseball caps and decorating items available) –– Fourth Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30 am, Room 1508 Visits to Asbury Members Asbury has a group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are homebound, in nursing homes or in assisted living facilities. • Contact Lisa at 918.298.9014 or lisa_dalt@sbcglobal.net Prayer Card Ministry/ Military Connection Send cards with God’s encouraging words and our prayers to those who are ill, going through hard times or in the military. If you would like to receive cards or know someone who would like to receive cards, please send complete name and address. • Usually meets first and third Mondays at 9:00 am, Room 1508 • Contact Gwen Mohler at 918.258.5479 or grmohler@aol.com to volunteer • Military: Contact Jo VanDeWiele at 918.459.0888 Divorce Recovery For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. • Tuesdays, 7:00–8:30 pm, Room 1335, child care available • Contact Malia Miller at 918.494.9596 or malia.miller@ sbcglobal.net Divorce Rebuilding For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. • Thursdays, 7:00–8:30 pm, Room 1335, child care available • Contact Jim Small at 918.697.4220 or divorce-rebuilding@ cox.net Mental Health Support for Families For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. • Fourth Thursdays, 1:30–3:00 pm, Parlor • Contact Linda Lytle at 918.298.2707 or lllytle@wildflower.net Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bear Bags with a coloring book or scripture-based journal are great for all ages—children through adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury bear to someone who is grieving. Pick up bags at the south security desk.

CELEBRATE RECOVERY Celebrate Recovery/The Landing/Celebration Station • Celebrate Recovery – God never intended for you to live in bondage. Every Monday night: dinner at 6:00 pm, worship



from 7:00–8:00 pm, small groups from 8:00–9:00 pm, dessert from 9:00–9:30 pm • The Landing – Hope-filled truths and real-life strategies for students. Every Monday night, 6:30–9:00 pm in Venue north lobby. Grades 6–12 • Celebration Place – Inspiring kids with hope, joy and happiness while they learn to rely on God. Mondays, 6:45– 9:00 pm, downstairs children’s area. Kindergarten through fifth grade. Contact Eryn Wallis at ewallis@asburytulsa.org. • CR Child Care – Parents who are involved in Celebrate Recovery have child care provided for children 6 weeks to pre-k with no reservation needed. Mondays, 6:45–9:00 pm, downstairs children’s area.

CHILDREN FaithZone Sunday Mornings • Sundays, 7:45 am, ages 6 weeks to pre-k, downstairs children’s area • Sundays, 9:00 am and 10:45 am, ages 6 weeks to pre-k downstairs, and kindergarten to 6th grade upstairs in the children’s area In order to encourage families to worship together, children from kindergarten–6th grade are invited to stay in their Sunday school room for one hour only. The exception is for those children of parents volunteering within the church or members of the choir/ orchestra. These children may stay two hours in their Sunday school class to allow their parents to serve. Children in the nursery and preschool may stay for both hours. Core Childcare Hours Childcare for children 6 weeks to 6th grade is provided for parents attending Roadmap courses or communities during these core hours with no reservation needed: • Tuesday and Wednesday 8:45 am–12:00 pm • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 5:45 pm–9:00 pm Special Volunteers for Special Kids! Do you have a heart to help children with special needs? If so, the children’s ministry needs you to volunteer. • Contact Dotti Westerberg at dottiwesterberg@hotmail.com or 918.381.0874 456 Family Camp (4th, 5th and 6th graders and a parent) Join us for lots of family fun activities, crafts, bonfire, worship and more. Your cost includes a t-shirt, lodging, meals and all activities. • From 5:00 pm on Friday, April 11, to 1:00 pm Saturday, April 12, Heart O’ Hills Camp, Tahlequah • Cost $99/family of 2; register at www.myasburytulsa.org by March 16 • For more information contact Cara at 918.392.1131 or cphillips@asburytulsa.org


K-1 Carnival This will be a special evening for kindergarteners and first graders, along with a parent or grandparent. We will have games, activities, snacks and more. • Friday, May 2, 6:00-8:00 pm, cost is $8 per family, register online by April 27 • For more information, contact Hollie at hmayfield@ asburytulsa.org or 918.392.1183.

6:15–6:30 pm, Room 1502 • Child care cost: $5/child, $20 max per family (RSVP to ewallis@asburytulsa.org no later than one week prior to each date)



Adult Discipleship Communities If you are looking for an Adult Discipleship Community, check out “Community Life” on the website, www.asburytulsa.org, or pick up a brochure at one of the Welcome Centers.

Joining Asbury Are you interested in membership at Asbury or just want to learn more about who we are? Plan to attend our membership lunch. After a wonderful lunch, which is provided, you will enjoy time with our Asbury pastors as you learn about the ministries of Asbury, important United Methodist beliefs and how you can get into the mainstream of our life together at Asbury. • Sundays, March 9 and April 13, 12:15–2:00 pm; lunch provided; Community Life Center (CLC) • Child care available for children 6 weeks to sixth grade • Call 918.392.1191 to register or register online at www. myasburytulsa.org

RoadMap Opportunities If you would like to learn more and grow, check out the adult classes and Bible studies in the RoadMap brochures at the Welcome Centers or online at www.asburytulsa.org/ AdultMinistries/Roadmap.aspx Ongoing Opportunities • Something to Chew On –– A Bible study for men and women of all ages to provide encouragement and hope through God’s Word. No registration, no homework; bring your lunch and a Bible. Mondays, 12:00–1:00, Room 2818, no cost, no child care. • Men’s Bible Study –– Studying: Revelation and The End Times, Unraveling God’s Message of Hope. Wednesdays (except 3/19), 6:00–8:00 pm, Room 2821, no cost or homework. • Believer’s Bible Study –– This Bible study moves through various books of the Bible throughout the year. Wednesdays, 6:00–7:00, Room 1508.

HOSPITALITY Would you like to help new members feel welcome at Asbury on the day they are actually joining? We are looking for volunteers to meet with the new members 30 minutes before either the 9:15 or 11:00 am service on the Sunday they join, stay with them through the service (so that they are not alone), and then be sure they get to the front foyer to be greeted after the service. If you would like to volunteer, contact Lauren Burke at 918.392.1104 or lburke@asburytulsa.org.

MARRIAGE & FAMILY 8 Great Dates with Your Mate Each date night a different pastor will share a word of encouragement before you scurry out the door on your date. Come to all of them or just one. Reserve your child care spots (spaces are limited). No additional registration required. • 2nd Thursdays, February–November (except June and July),

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at brucars2@cox.net or call 918.451.1559.

MEN UMM Men’s Conference Our 2014 men’s conference will be composed of a Friday evening citywide event with speakers Dr. Tony Evans, Duck Dynasty’s Pastor Alan Robertson and Major Ed Pulido. The goal of the Saturday morning breakfast is to get connected, healthy, strong and growing in relationship with Jesus Christ and other like-minded men. The Friday evening event is a citywide gathering of men hosted by ManUPOK with other churches participating. • Friday, March 7, 7:00–9:30 pm, Venue. Tickets available at www.ManUpOK.com • Saturday, March 8, 9:00–11:00 am, Venue, breakfast provided Car Care Ministry Workday Volunteers are needed to check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries of the vehicles belonging to Asbury single women and widows. To volunteer to help with this ministry, contact Mike at 918.492.8177. • Saturday, March 8, 9:00 am–noon Home Improvement Ministry Workday Teams help widows and single women who are Asbury members with minor home repairs and home improvement projects. To volunteer to help, contact Michiel at 918.640.4382. • Next work day is Saturday, April 19 Men’s Prayer Breakfast Make plans to join us for a great time of meaningful worship, life-changing prayer and an awesome, big breakfast.




• Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 am, Community Life Center (CLC) • Cost is $3 per person; first-time guests are free

VIM 2014 Team Schedule Where will God have you serve?

Mature Men’s Ministry R.O.M.E.O. Luncheon Are you a “Retired Old Man” who wants to “Eat Out” and 60 years old or more? Then these luncheons are for you. • Meet every second and fourth Friday, 11:15 am, Village Inn (71st and Memorial) • Contact Ray Miller at 918.461.9617

• Spring: Central Asia - Relationship, teaching and light construction • April 23–27: Rio Bravo, Mexico - Men’s construction • May 23–24: Cookson Hills, Oklahoma - Light construction • May 31–June 8: Ecuador - Mission Bible School and construction • Early summer: Rio Bravo, Mexico - Youth construction • June 26–July 7: Estonia, Camp Gideon - Youth camp • June 26–July 7: Estonia, Parnu - Mission Bible School and light construction • July 3–14: Estonia, Tallinn - Lighthouse Ministry • Fall: Tanzania, East Africa - Construction • Fall: Cookson Hills, Oklahoma - light construction/ministry support • Fall: Central Asia - Relationship, teaching and light construction • November 5–9: Rio Bravo, Mexico - medical • November 12–16: Rio Bravo, Mexico - men’s construction

MISSIONS/VIM Restore Hope Sunday Asbury’s Super Care Sunday is now Restore Hope Sunday! This annual event will take place on April 6 this year. This is a huge fundraiser for food, rent assistance and Bible distribution for the Tulsa community, and we want to make sure we continue to focus by helping support Restore Hope Ministries. Your donations will give Restore Hope the wholesale buying power at the Community Food Bank as well as the ability to help families out of their current crisis and onto a path of economic and spiritual vitality. Don’t miss this great opportunity to give during the Lenten season. OJT (Overcoming Job Transitions) God created each of us uniquely for a specific purpose—some people are still seeking that. Invite people to OJT on the third Tuesday of each month. • Third Tuesday of each month, Room 2319 • Contact Russ Knight at OJTJobs@gmail.com 2nd Saturday Join us for 2nd Saturday and choose from different local mission opportunities. • Saturdays, March 8 and April 12, 8:15 am–12:15 pm, meet at Venue. Choose between multiple work sites. • Contact Betty Higgins at bhiggins@asburytulsa.org or ssaturday@asburytulsa.org Men’s Construction Mission Trip to Rio Bravo, Mexico Would you like to work on construction projects for local churches and those in desperate need in Mexico? You will not only be serving others and showing the love of Jesus Christ, but you will get to know other men in our church and form relationships that will last a lifetime. No building experience or carpentry skills required - just a willing spirit. • April 23–27, cost is approximately $640 per person. $100 deposit due when you register with balance due April 7. Deadline March 27 • For questions or to sign up, contact Jim Furman at jnlfurman@cox.net or 918.625.1316 or Frank Field at frank. field@wpxenergy.com or 918.630.0717



VIM Team Leader Training March 1, September 6, November 1 • For more information about these exciting mission opportunities, contact Marilene Long at 918.392.1164 or mlong@asburytulsa.org. • For information about the Men’s Rio Bravo, Mexico, opportunities, contact Jim Furman at jnlfurman@cox.net.

MUSIC For more information on any of the music groups, please contact Cynthia Bedford at 918.392.1151 or cbedford@asburytulsa.org. Choir and Orchestra • New Covenant Orchestra meets Wednesdays, 6:00–7:30 pm in Room 1510 • Chancel Choir meets Wednesdays, 7:00–9:00 pm in Room 2706

PRAYER Youth on Mission 24/7 Prayer Watch Please consider investing in one hour of prayer for our students and leaders as they serve the Lord during spring break mission trips around the world. You will make a significant difference in the lives of our students. Prayer guides and prompts will be provided to help guide your prayer time. • March 15–22, Venue Prayer Room, register online at www.asburytulsa.org Maundy Thursday Communion and Prayer Service Between Palm Sunday and Good Friday was the Last Supper. On the eve of Jesus’ crucifixion, he shared a final meal with His


dear disciples before going to the Garden to pray. During this significant service, we will share a communion meal as we walk with Jesus through the watches of His final night on earth. We encourage you to come and experience this special service. • Thursday, April 17, 7:00 pm, Mason Chapel Prayer Room Days and Times Our prayer rooms are accessible to you at these times: • Mason Chapel and Venue –– Sundays from 7:00 am–12:30 pm, through the interior doors • Main Facility, Mason Chapel and Venue –– Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–9:00 pm –– Saturday, 10:00 am–3:00 pm –– Sunday, 12:30 pm–9:00 pm Call Pam in the adult ministries office at 918.392.4589 to reserve the Prayer Room for your group on a weekly or monthly basis or to obtain door codes.

SENIOR ADULTS Tweenagers Program and Luncheon for March Lori Fulbright, Channel 6 News Anchor and Crime Reporter, will teach the Tweenagers how to be alert and ways to protect themselves. Lori’s motto, “Be prepared, not paranoid.” • Thursday, March 27, 10:30 am–1:00 pm, Community Life Center (CLC) • Lunch $1.00, donations welcomed • Stuffing Easter eggs for the children’s ministry will take place after lunch Tweenagers Program and Luncheon for April We will have the honor of hearing Dr. Tom Harrison, Asbury’s senior pastor, as he shares what is going on “behind the scenes” at Asbury. You will not want to miss this program, delicious lunch and fellowship. • Thursday, April 24, 10:30 am–1:00 pm, Community Life Center (CLC) • Lunch $1.00, donations welcomed Many opportunities are available for our senior adults: • Senior Walk in the Gym With Him - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 8:30–9:00 am, gym • Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00–9:30 am, gym • Senior Adult Meal & Movie - Dates and time vary. For more information or to sign up for the call list, contact Sally Wood, sally77onestick@cox.net • Best Choice Save-a-Label - Can you help? Seniors are collecting Best Choice product labels from canned goods, boxed food, eggs, cheese, etc. Bundle your labels and drop them off at the south desk to the attention of “Tweenagers.”

SINGLES Singles Ministry Spring Luncheon Single adults and their families are invited to a springtime luncheon and mixer. Great food, fun and fellowship. • Sunday, March 16, 12:15 pm, Community Life Center (CLC) • Cost $5; kids ages 10 and under eat free, no reservation needed Adult Volleyball Do you enjoy playing recreational volleyball, mixed in with a little bit of competitiveness? All skill levels of play are welcome. It’s free, and you do not have to be a member of Asbury. For ages 18 and up. • Every Sunday, 6:00–9:00 pm, gym • Questions? Contact Doug at 918.607.0830

STUDENTS 789 Sunday Mornings • Sundays, 9:15 am, Junior High Room, upstairs in the Venue • Sundays, 11:00 am, Green Room, upstairs in the Venue 10 11 12 Sunday Mornings • Sundays, 9:15 am, High School Room, Venue • Sundays, 11:00 am, Green Room, upstairs in the Venue C-Groups We are called to live in community, and our desire is to help you find a community here to plug into. C-groups are made up of students your same grade and gender and are held in a space small enough and safe enough to be able to share life together and join in intentional prayer for one another, while digging deeper into the Gospel of Jesus Christ • Sunday nights: 7th–9th grade: 4:30–6:30, 10th–12th grades: 6:00–7:30 • For questions contact: Mark Fowler, junior high, mfowler@ asburytulsa.org; Katelyn Moore, senior high, kmoore@ asburytulsa.org

WOMEN UMW March Luncheon Debbie McCollough, exec director and co-founder of Tulsa Hope Academy, will be our guest. Debbie will share the vision of this faith-based alternative school that is committed to bringing excellent educational opportunities to urban youth in the greater Tulsa area. You will enjoy hearing about this project which receives funding through Asbury’s local outreach ministry. Psalm 71:5 • Thursday, March 6, 11:30 am, Community Life Center (CLC), lunch is $8 UMW April Luncheon Join us for our UMW “April Salute” honoring our most mature volunteers for their years of service through UMW. Pastor




Darlene Johnson will return to Asbury to present the message, “Righteous Sisters Crowned in Glory.” No reservations required. • Thursday, April 3, 11:30 am, Community Life Center (CLC), lunch is $8 United Methodist Women’s College Scholarship Program Young freshman women entering an accredited university or college for 2014-2015 and have a relative who is a current member of Asbury’s UMW, excluding the Priscilla Circle, are invited to apply for Asbury’s $1,500 UMW college scholarship. Applications are available in the church office beginning March 3. Car Care Ministry Workday Single women and widows of Asbury, while you wait in the comfort of the Family Room lobby, volunteers from the men’s ministry will check your tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. If your vehicle needs a basic check-up and you qualify, have your vehicle in line by 11:30 am. • Saturday, March 8, 9:00 am–noon Home Improvement Ministry Workday Teams help widows and single women who are Asbury members with minor home repairs and home improvement projects. • Applications located at south desk must be turned in by April 9 for workday on Saturday, April 19

Whirlwind Game Day Benefit Bring your favorite games, visit with friends and enjoy dessert and drinks! Sign up in the church office or through any UMW member. All proceeds benefit Circle of Care Ministries. • Friday, April 11, 12:30 pm-4:00 pm, cost is $10, Community Life Center (CLC) Women of the Word Gail Knox will teach on different passages from God’s Word. No cost and no registration. • Every Wednesday 10:00–11:00 am, Room 2818, child care not available • Lunch March 26 and April 23

WORSHIP • 8:00 am • 9:15 am • 9:15 am • 11:00 am • 11:00 am

Traditional Service in Mason Chapel Contemporary Service in Sanctuary Casual Service in Community Life Center (CLC) Traditional Service in Sanctuary Modern Service in Venue

Deaths • Jennifer Holmes died 11/28/2013, daughter of Carlynne Holmes • Nancy Ann Thompson died 12/5/2013 • Sara Adams died 12/6/2013, missionary in Africa, daughter of Roger & Jan Adams • Amelia McCarthy died 12/8/2013



• Buddy Dukes died 12/11/2013, husband of Julia Dukes • Judy Anderson died 12/23/2013 • Kathy Winder died 1/13/2013, spouse of Delbert Winder • Steve Geddie died 1/24/2014, husband of DeeDee Geddie


Milestone Anniversaries 60 YEARS


• Vernon and Maralee Jones • Joe and Jo Stall

04/03/54 04/04/54

55 YEARS • • • •

Lou and Gloria Lasiter Truman and Linda Rachels Lee and Tony Flowers Ron and Jackie Carter

Vernon and Maralee Jones 04/03/54

Ron and Jackie Carter 04/24/59

03/06/59 03/15/59 04/18/59 04/24/59

Joe and Jo Stall 04/04/54

Maurice and Cookie Wilkins 02/01/64

• Maurice and Cookie Wilkins • Jim and Doni Moore • Jim and Sue Allison

02/01/64 03/27/64 04/11/59

5 YEARS • Brian and Morgan Beauchamp

Truman and Linda Rachels 03/15/59

Jim and Doni Moore 03/27/64


Lee and Tony Flowers 04/18/59

Jim and Sue Allison 04/11/59




New Members

Andrew and Elise Hopper

Dave and Debbie Lybarger with Drew, Darcy and Jayden

John Baltz

Denise Johnson

John and Jane Biehler

Ron and Betty Wadley


Andrew and Joanie Milleret with Marin

Bo Baker

Donna English

Jeff and Amy Johnson with Ginger and Anthony

Kimberly Vento

Roy and Karen Holder

Brett and Rebecka Peterson

Lauren Fitter

Sandra Lanoue with Rachel


Mike Mckee

Chris and Jenni Truitt with Brady

Jenna Adams

Jerrold and Gina Hoffman

Otis and Senna LoVette

Taylor and Sarah King

Cindy Baer

Pam Midgley

Zach and Jenn Kohlbacher with Alyssa and Anna

Easter 2014 Stations of the Cross Wednesday, April 16, 5:30–9:30 pm Thursday, April 17, 1:00–9:30 pm (closed during 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service) Friday, April 18, 1:00–9:30 pm (closed during 7:00 pm Good Friday Service) Come walk through a hands-on experience of the story of the last hours of Jesus’ life here on earth. This will be held in the Family Room.

Children’s Easter Event Asbury’s Easter Celebration, April 19 from 10:00 am–1:00 pm, all around Asbury The church will be filled with fun, free activities for your whole family to enjoy. We will have a unique age appropriate egg hunt for your children. Don’t forget Easter baskets for ages 0 to 3 and kids 4 to 6th grade will participate in a hunt but will not need a basket.

Maundy Thursday Communion and Prayer Services Thursday, April 17, 7:00 pm, Mason Chapel On the eve of Jesus’ crucifixion, He shared a final meal with His dear disciples before going to the Garden to pray. During this significant service, we will share a communion meal as we walk with Jesus through the watches of His final night on earth. We encourage you to come and experience this special service.

Good Friday Service of Darkness Friday, April 18, 7:00 Sanctuary Join us for this hour-long service which marks the end of our Lenten season and prepares our hearts for the celebration of Easter Sunday.

Easter Services Join us as we come together to celebrate the Risen Lord! 8:00 am 9:15 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 11:00 am

Location is the Sanctuary not the Chapel Sanctuary Community Life Center (CLC) Sanctuary Venue

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