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Asbury United Methodist Church



Oswald Chambers wrote in his daily devotional, My Utmost for His Highest: “The moral miracle of redemption is that God can put a new nature into me through which I can live a totally new life. But I must get to that point. God cannot put into me, the responsible moral person that I am, and the nature that was in Jesus Christ unless I am aware of my need for it.” When we open ourselves up to godly guidance, we are reaching out and seeking for the “nature that was in Jesus Christ” to come into our own life and this is what happens when we invest in the lives of other women. When we invest in other women’s lives we are not there to give them all the answers to life’s problems, but we are there to point them to the one who created life and that is Jesus Christ. He is the Great Healer, Physician, Counselor, and Comforter. He really does have all the answers. When we walk beside another in the name and cause of Jesus Christ we build our relationships as we place our challenges and problems at the foot of the cross. We don’t have to carry these burdens alone; we direct them to the Word of God – the Bible. The home you grew up in may not have been Christian. If it was not, you did not see a Christian wife, mother, career woman, single woman, sister, aunt, or daughter-in-law role modeled for you as you were growing up. Now, as a Christian woman yourself, you have questions about how to be a Christian woman today. This is where your sister in Christ can help, advise, and model for you. While she will not replace your blood relatives, she can be a spiritual mom to you and guide and teach you the ways of a Christian woman. Could this be all you need to progress in your life? You may have some deeper issues that a Christian professional could help you with. So don’t be offended if your sister suggests that you see one. We have received training to not go beyond a boundary we sometimes don’t feel equipped or capable to handle. We need to be able to tell you if we are feeling inadequate, not in our faith but in our training to deal with every issue that may develop in life circumstances. As we walk with other women as a mentor or a Christian friend, let us remember it is not in our own strength but in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit that has been given to us as a gift from God. So my sister, what is your need? Darlene Johnson, Pastor with Women

Thoughts on Service “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Most all of us know we have been given certain gifts by our Heavenly Father as part of our “Christian walk,” but have you ever thought of the fact that you are part of the administration of His grace through those gifts? Not only are there as many different degrees and varieties of spiritual gifts as there are personalities possessing them, but we are called to use those gifts as a means of obedience. That obedience in turn extends a supernatural grace to those we serve, showering them with His abundant love. It is easy to look at service as “WORK.” But have you considered how much more rampant grace would fall on you if others were acting as the administers for the gifts they were given? God provides His amazing grace regardless of our ability or lack thereof. However our daily walk becomes lighter and more joyful when we see that grace provided through a community of believers reaching out because they are sold out to their Savior. What would it take to refurbish your mindset to a completely different level? How many times has someone else administered God’s grace to you through their obedience? Do you realize your obedience will lead you straight toward a mind-blowing worship experience? You may not be applauded by others, probably never paid back or publicly recognized. You may even find your service has caused great sacrifice on your part. Be assured, your Master will not let the sun set without a renewed sense of joy leaping out of your heart as you secure your thoughts in adoration for Him! As a mother of 10, 8 and 4 year old children, I know how easy it is to fall prey to the expectations of a busy subservient world. However, I also know my only true fulfillment comes not from my amazing and supportive husband, the tiny miracles I call children or my relentlessly supportive friends, but from the fulfillment only God can place deep in my soul. Have you become weary and unfulfilled on one of those back row seats? Are you ready to bloom? Do you need to change things up a bit? I am praying that you will join me in the intentional and deliberate choice to find a place to serve with the precious gifts you have been entrusted, and that service will scream God’s grace to all you meet. Want some ideas? Let’s talk… by Lynnette Hudson

F antastic A dventure In T rusting H im

Faith is a Fantastic Adventure in Trusting Him! During various seasons of my life when I have questioned or been tempted to doubt God, I remember this great acronym that a very special lady, Corrie Ten Boom, coined. I often tell myself, if she can look at her difficult circumstances in the Nazi concentration camp as an adventure in trusting God, why would I look at my situation any differently. By Stephanie Locher

Fireproof Moments

by Rev. Dub & Cathy Ambrose


Everyone who is married knows it is important to work on your marriage. Just like certain precautions can be taken against a potentially destructive fire, certain proactive disciplines can be taken to strengthen and enhance your marriage – preventing the fire of destruction. We have been married over 35 years now, and have greatly benefited from going to and leading marriage seminars from time to time. Marriage is a wonderful gift from God and it is very important that we continue to nurture and treasure this gift. We highly recommend reading, “The Love Dare,” by Stephen and Alex Kendrick. This is the 40-Day Devotional Journal mentioned in the movie, “Fireproof”. It is a book that we know your marriage would greatly benefit from…ours did! In the first chapter, they explain that love is based on the two pillars of “Patience” and “Kindness”. Without these two pillars, your home would collapse and be vulnerable to a destructive fire. We are challenged then to take note of our words and refrain from anything negative. If you are tempted to be impatient, unkind or negative you are instructed to hold your tongue and if need be, leave the room in order not to break the discipline. We took the challenge and were surprised how often negative words wanted to leave our mouths. In the end, we became more aware of God’s desire for His presence to flow in and through us, then on to those around us. May God abundantly bless your marriage!

Thursday, August 6 UMW Potluck Salad Luncheon 11:30 a.m. in the CLC Youth on Mission Emphasis Saturday, August 15 Home Improvement Workday (Servicing widows, single moms) 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Applications due by August 5 to Pam at or 392-1199, ext. 2253


Thursday, September 3 UMW Unit Meeting – Lunch $7 11:30 a.m. in the CLC (see ad) Wednesday, September 16 Prayer Service for Overcoming Fears 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. in Venue 68 Saturday, September 19 Car Care Workday (Servicing widows, single moms) 9:00 a.m. – noon, east parking lot Get in line by 11:30 a.m. Thursday, September 24 Tweenagers Program & Luncheon (Senior Adults 60 & up) 10:30 a.m. in CLC RSVP: Monday noon, Sept. 21 @ 492-1771


United Methodist Women News

UMW is looking forward to a new year of exciting speakers and events beginning on September 3! Key speakers for the fall begin with Joani Strow, an aviation cabin safety consultant, presenting “Up, Up and Away,” on September 3. In October, Julia McDonald will be enlightening us with the blessings of Pearl’s Hope, a shelter for homeless women and children. On November 5, Tulsa artist Rosalind Cook will be sharing her gift, “Hands of a Potter,” and members of Asbury’s Chancel Choir will be bringing us “The Sounds of Christmas” on December 3. UMW Unit meetings are always held on the first Thursday of every month, in the CLC. Lunch is provided by our Church Hostess, Virginia Huddleston, for just $7. We would love to have you join us!

Thursday, October 1 UMW Unit Meeting – Lunch $7 11:30 a.m. in CLC (see ad) Saturday, October 17 Home Improvement Workday (Servicing widows & single moms) 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Applications due by October 7 to Pam at or 392-1199, ext. 2253 Thursday, October 22 Tweenagers Program & Luncheon (Senior Adults 60 & up) 10:30 a.m. in CLC RSVP: Monday noon, Oct. 19 @ 492-1771

A Bundle of Joy Bundle of Joy is a ministry opportunity to reach out to families of newborn babies. The Women’s Ministry of Asbury along with the children’s ministry support this outreach and look forward to the surprise and joy it brings to the recipient! It is such a blessing to deliver these creative and useful bags with the newborn’s name embroidered on them and watch as they are received with great anticipation! The contents are provided by women’s and children’s ministries. The bags have been donated by Tammy Houghton. Some items included in the “Bundle of Joy” bags are: - Baby’s First Bible - God’s Promises for Mothers - Infant shirt with “Asbury Faith Zone” stenciled on it - Bib with “Asbury Women’s Ministry” stenciled on it - Prayer Card for boy or girl w/original prayer by Dottie Elliott - Prayer Note publications: 31 Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Kids Scriptural Blessings to Pray for Your Children It is both a blessing and a joy to express God’s love as we accept our responsibility to nurture, love and lead His children to Him. For Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) Joanne Stadler, Bundle of Joy Coordinator Mrs. Knott’s Boysenberry Pie Submitted by Sandy Combs

I’ve been thinking lately about my childhood memories in California, probably because the family and I are planning to visit this summer after being away for quite some time. One special memory is driving to Knott’s Berry Farm after church on Sunday about once a month. We didn’t go for the rides, we went for Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner restaurant. Mmm … the smell of the uniquely fried chicken, rhubarb, mashed potatoes, biscuits & best of all, the pie. Just a few weeks ago, I came upon the original recipes for many of Knott’s dishes, including this awesome pie. Mrs. Knott’s Boysenberry Pie 7 1/2 ozs water 6 1/2 ozs sugar (approx 2/3 cup) dash of salt 1 T. corn syrup 1 t. lemon juice

3 T. cornstarch 2 ozs water

16 oz bag frozen boysenberries (do not thaw) 2 crust pie shell

In a saucepan, combine water, sugar, salt, corn syrup and lemon juice and bring to a boil. Combine cornstarch and water, and blend thoroughly. Add to saucepan and mix well. Heat thoroughly. Add frozen boysenberries. Pour into unbaked 9-inch pie crust. Cover with second top crust and seal well around the edges. Make several slashes in the top to release steam. Bake in a preheated 400 degree oven for 40 minutes, or until top is golden brown. Cool on a rack.

The Harvest is Ripe Since Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009, the names and contact information for 60 women have been sent to the Women’s Council President, Lynnette Hudson, and Vice-President Lisa Goldsmith. Sixty visitors, prospects or members have requested more information on participating or serving in the Women’s Ministry of Asbury! How exciting is that?! They are working hard to respond back to these ladies and get them connected in whatever way they desire. Can you help? If you are knowledgeable and up-to-date in any particular ministry area for Asbury women, would you be willing to be a “follow-up” contact? The Women’s Council is able to address many of the questions that are e-mailed or called back to them, but there are some they’re just not able to resolve. Once they’ve made initial contact, additional questions or requests out of their range of familiarity would then be forwarded to you. If you are passionate about the area in which you serve, you are the perfect person to help connect these women through participation and service. All you need is a phone and a heart for ministry. Please contact Lynnette ( or Lisa ( today, or call the Adult Ministries office at 392-1177. They’re waiting to hear from you!

GET REAL! By Katie Ruley

In other words, eat real food and limit your intake of processed foods. Choose food that is as close to its natural state as possible. An apple is better than pasteurized apple juice, but apple juice is better than “apple” flavored drinks or snacks. Don’t let package titles fool you. Bread packaging will often read “Wheat Bread”, but then enriched wheat flour is listed as its main ingredient. (“Enriched wheat flour” is a fancy word for white flour). It may sound trite, but you are what you eat, so keep it real by eating organic, seasonal and local foods. Plus, in most cases, fresh, real food tastes better. One easy grocery store tip is to shop the outskirts of the store. Stay away from the middle aisles. If there is something that has a shelf life of several months, it probably has preservatives and ingredients in it that would not be beneficial for your body. When the ingredient list has bizarre sounding words or artificial flavors or colors, you need to steer clear of that item. Basically, stick with foods that God our Creator had His hand in creating. His food is the REAL thing and will do your body REAL good. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

(Inspired by an article by Health columnist Bethenny Frankel) Asbury United Methodist Church


The U-Turn I’m driving down the highway as fast as I can go Thinking of the fun I’ll have in a minute or so. I heard a loud voice enter my head, Take a U-turn right away my dear instead. I started to ignore the voice, but right there before me A car was rushing toward my car as plain as I could see. I made a quick U-turn just in the nick of time, My life had been spared and I was fine. Who was that who spoke to me in that split second or so? Was it the Holy Spirit that saved me, I wanted to know. I prayed to God the Father and he said to me, You need to change your life so your soul will be set free. I had wondered down the wrong path and I now understood I needed to make that U-turn in life as fast as I could. For Jesus is the Way, The Truth and the Light, If I follow his teachings, my future will be heavenly bright. By Nevin Loerke

Asbury Methodist Church 6767 South Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74133

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