10 Karan Bhola
Shravan Kumar It's been wonderful having you all at the programme. With each year our Fellows get better and strive for higher goals. I have been associated with the YIF for ten years, and in this time my biggest takeaway has been you - the Fellows.
Kanupriya Pachauri The cohort consists of bright individuals who are determined to make difference in the real world by applying the concepts and principles learnt during the fellowship. I wish each one of the fellows a successful career ahead.
YIF Admissions & Outreach Team
Every step of the journey with you, the historic 10th cohort, has been special and inspiring for me. From being an outstanding self-organized community to being co-creators of the present and the future, and in our shared navigation of the new normal before and after enrolment, it has been gratifying to see you shine. I particularly cherish having interviewed, worked with, and learned from so many of you. Take a bow, and remember... The Fellowship Never Ends!
Bhaswar Faisal Khan It's been a wonderful experience! Stay in touch, stay connected! YIF'21