Does the muffin herald a new ice age?
Moretto AurĂŠlia
Brief historic of the frozen food market Some figures Is there a future for this? Plan of the presentation
STEP factors affecting the frozen food market
Psychological aspect:
Frozen food shopping is not enough easy for consumers Demographic aspect: New lifestyles Nutritional worrying
Competitiveness Profit margin for companies
How do frozen food companies react to this environment?
McCain and Birdseye's aims:
Consumer lifestyle needs Addressing the issue of food content Cooking for food
The contrasts between Birdseye’s and McCain McCain:
Rely on using potatoes for their products Target a younger market Offering other types of products Design of packaging
Use fish and vegetables as their product Target an older market Innovation of package design Working with retailers
Most likely to succeed
Healthy product range Reacting to consumers Reducing the fat and salt levels Familiar brand image Suitable for a wide target market
Future for frozen food?
Companies need to improve their marketing strategy
Responding to customers' needs Focus on healthier and tastier products Make product more attractive:
reviewing packaging reorganise the distribution in stores
STEP factors affecting the breakfast cereals market
Changing family structure Increase in consumption of breakfast cereals The nutrition benefits for children and adults
Design of packaging
Prices of cereals making them affordable to all types of incomes Increase in sales for breakfast cereals Competition from competitors
Suitability of the breakfast cereals content Consumer satisfaction guarantee