Portfolio AMP 2013

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Aurora M.P Portfolio 2013

1989 / ongoing



My name is Aurora. I was born in Pontevedra (Spain) on the 26th of october of 1989. That was a friday and I think nothing exciting happened by that time nor in the following years to come, as small villages never seem the best place to have adventures, just to start them. That's what I did, eventually, when I turned 18. I like big capitals with life coming out of every corner, with its pros and cons. I also like travelling to the unknown, finding myself in situations I would have never expected. Along with this passion, I spend the rest of my time reading, working my way to become a something (this is still unspecified, as I want to be many things), sending postcards to my friends and buying music ephemera. And now, work.





2009 / ongoing Graphic Design is a field in constant expansion and developement, that produces a constant body of work brought from the four corners of the world to our lives. Since my beginnings in the bachelor in Communication Design, my process of adaptation to the field has been marked by many influences, mainly from the past, and also a constant will to achieve what I would consider my personal style. In the computerized world we live in, I still find interesting to give imagination and handcrafting an important role in the project planning, in order to find individuality and overcome certain stylistic boundaries that computer work presents. The possibility of work along professionals that might have knowledge in fields I'm not comfortable with, would open a door to success, as I believe that team work is essential for the creation of a strong concept that can remain in the eye and memory of the viewer.


2012 / 2013 The After Six Festival is a selfinitiated project that started in October 2012, after winning the competition "Unemployed of The Year" sponsored by Benetton. Being one of the 100 projects selected worldwide, I was offered the chance of developing my proposal in a space of six months. The concept for this event was influenced by my move to Antwerp, a mid-size city in northern Belgium and my perception of the remarkably different lifestyle of its inhabitants. As a way of revigorating the almost inexistent nightlife after 6pm culture wise, I chose twelve illustrators and twelve bands to work together on an arts events that will take place on the 23rd and 24th of March of 2013. The merchandise for the event was conceived as an objective platform that could be modified depending on the approach of each one of the different illustrators. As a way of creating a single packaging that would contain the artwork of both musicians and visual artists, the weekend pass was transformed into an LP that compiles twelve songs from all the bands, a risographed illustrated fanzine and twelve screenprinted covers that are interchangeable thanks to the design of the gatefold packaging. I will be curating as well the pop-up exhibition that will occur at the same time as the shows. To ovecome the budget limitation and also to help individuals from sinking economies, I decided to distribute the different duties

related to the printing of the artwork and promotional ephemera among two small business from Athens(GR) and Porto(PT). For bringing all the bands and illustrators to the event, I contacted several associations such as the Instituto Camoes and the Serbian Embassy to help in the funding of the comuting costs of all the artists. www.aftersixfest.com


The website was thought as a single page unit that would contain the pairs made between bands and illustrators to produce the artwork for the weekend pass. The first sketches reproduced our idea of an interactive vault that would let the user discover the different artists involved through the interaction with the website, but in order to addapt to the deadlines, it was decided to use a cargo template that would suffer a CSS alteration to start the promotion as soon as possible.


Above: Logo alternative. Example of tote bag.

Above: Open plan of the 12 inches record gatefold and labels. In the front of the packaging, there are four diagonal cuts to insert the attached 29x29cm screenprinted covers. The risographed fanzine is located in the rectangle on the back of the cover. Instead of using hard plastic outercovers, each on of the illustrators have been given 25 tote bags to illustrate and being used as carriers of the record during the festival time.

EDITORIAL/POSTER IDENTITY Left: Poster for the Oporto Alleycat Race 2013.

EDITORIAL/POSTER IDENTITY 1/ This page: 0/Logo galeria 13/15. 1/Alternative record cover for a Black Sabbath LP. 2/ Self-promotion material.

Next page: Poster for the Portuguese Revolution exhibition. Jazz concert poster.





GALERĂ? A trecequince


2011 / ongoing Illustration has always been present in my work, or at least in the one I feel more proud of. Directly or indirectly, illustration gathers all the basis that built my conception of the space and visual appealing, challenging me to take risks in composition, color use and integration in the environment.The applications of illustration have always been infinite and its importance in the work and developement of designers from all the different areas is vital. In my work, I get inspiration from a variety of things that have always been bonded together through the years: asian culture, tattooing, 50's & 60's horror and bizarre comics', mayan stories and many other. By combining these constant presences with images from my daily life, I have developed a side body of work that tries to gather all in one, always trying to push myself forward in order to achieve what I expect to be a good piece of artwork that can be applied in many different media.

By order of aparition: 0/Mask Tshirt. 1/DTHM Tshirt. 2/Promotional artwork. 3/Brainstorming illustrations for an upcoming book about single parenting by Ryan Heffner.






WORK EXPERIENCE: ¥ NoBrow, Sales intern AURORA MORENO PAVON Graphic Design & Illustration www.cargocollective.com/theoror hello@oror.es T(+31)613 611 245 EDUCATION: ¥Graphic Design short course: Central Saint Martins College of Arts (August 2007)

(March-April 2011) As an intern in NoBrow's, my duties were related to control the shop sales and research new uprising graphic artists that could be suitable for the brand. I also helped the printmaking department in the printing of several publications released later on the year.

¥ Appletree Boutique, Sales Assistant (April 2011-July 2011)

This one-week short course was conceived as an introduction to Graphic Design for pre-universitary students. The work developed was focused on the use of typography and editorial processes, helping the assistants to start looking for their own graphic language.

As a sales assistant in this shop at Spitafields Market (London), I learnt how to communicate with the clients, helping them in their elections by studying their tastes and other needs. I also helped in the general management of the shop and supporting the visual managementent.

¥BA Communication Design: ESAD Matosinhos(Sept.2007-June 2010)


¥ MA Illustration: Camberwell College of Arts (Oct. 2010-Sept. 2011) One-year course directed to the improvement and experimentation of the illustration skills of the students, that had to create a personal project that would be exhibited in the final show, along with the whole working process.

SOFTWARE SKILLS: ¥ Adobe InDesign CS6 & below (6 years experience) ¥ Adobe Photoshop CS6 & below(6 years experience) ¥Adobe Illustrator CS6 & below(6 years experience) ¥ Microsoft Word(8 years experience) ¥ Excel(6 years experience)

LANGUAGES: ¥ Spanish (mothertongue) / Portuguese (expert user) / English (7,5 IELTS) / Italian (Medium level user) / French (Medium level user)

Publishing, Design intern (November 2011-February 2012) During my internship at Blackdog Publishing, I worked along the Design department in different projects that ranged from Illustration to Architecture books. One of my main duties was develope a whole range of illustrations for a book that has been printed and distributed in the US. I was also in direct contact with the clients, working along with them to obtain the best result in every project.

¥After Six Festival 2013 (October 2012 - March 2013) Organization of the After Six Festival 2013 in Antwerp, Belgium; working on different fields such as advertising, graphic design and bands' management.


Illustrator (June 2011 - Ongoing) Specialized in apparel design and book cover design.

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