International strategy for Agder

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Photo: Arild Danielsen

Photo: Arild Danielsen

TABLE OF CONTENTS About Agder..................................................................................4 1. Introduction...............................................................................4 . 1.1 Background.......................................................................4 . 1.2 Purpose..............................................................................4 . 1.3 Foundation.........................................................................4 . 1.4 Current international involvement.................................7 . 1.5 Follow up of the strategy................................................7 2. Aims............................................................................................7 3. Initiative areas...........................................................................8 . 3.1 Climate...............................................................................8 . 3.1.1 Objectives................................................................8 . 3.1.2 Recommendations..................................................8 . 3.2 Education & Research....................................................9 . 3.2.1 Objectives................................................................9 . 3.2.2 Recommendations..................................................9 . 3.3 Business and value generation.................................. 10 . 3.3.1 Objectives............................................................. 10 . 3.3.2 Recommendations............................................... 11

Photo frontpage: Arild Danielsen Photo: Jan Aabøe

. 3.4 Communication............................................................. 12 . 3.4.1 Objectives............................................................. 12 . 3.4.2 Recommendations............................................... 12 . 3.5 The good life.................................................................. 12 . 3.5.1 Objectives............................................................. 12 . 3.5.2 Recommendations............................................... 14 . 3.6 Culture............................................................................. 15 . 3.6.1 Objectives............................................................. 15 . 3.6.2 Recommendations............................................... 15 4. Interaction.............................................................................. 17 . 4.1 Objectives for interaction and international . cooperation............................................................................ 17 . 4.2 Description of the role and functions of the . international promotion schemes...................................... 17 . 4.3 Recommendations........................................................ 18

Photo: Jan Aabøe

INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY FOR AGDER About Agder Agder is the southernmost region in Norway and consist of two counties and 30 municipalities. The Counties, Vest-Agder and Aust-Agder, have a combined area of 16 500 km2, and a population of 383 inhabitants with backgrounds from 140 countries. The two largest cities in the region are the county capitals Kristiansand and Arendal with 82 000 and 42 00 inhabitants, respectively. The Majority of the region’s population and businesses are concentrated along the coastline. Agder is the leading region in Norway on entrepreneurship and export from processed goods. The industry in Agder is to a high degree based on energy intensive raw materials processing (e.g aluminium, nickel, and silicium). The region is also host to world leading producers of off-shore equipment (drilling and mooring), and has also strong maritime clusters. There is furthermore a strong potential for the production and distribution of clean energy from the region in to Europe, as Agder is one of Norway’s biggest producers of hydroelectric power. Kjevik airport connects the region to Europe, whilst the port of Kristiansand is one of Norway’s largest ferry boat and container hubs. Last but not least, Agder has the country’s newest university with about 9000 students, attracting more and more students from abroad.

1. Introduction

regards participation in different international projects and the activation of international support schemes for regional development. ( The county councils decided in the autumn of 2010 to prepare a joint international strategy for Agder as a part of following up the Regional Development Plan. International activities are to be a means for achieving the overall objectives of the plan. The Regional Development Plan’s focus on knowledge, competence, value generation, sustainable development and cooperation/partnership requires a strong international orientation. The region’s current international involvements can be better coordinated and the public funding and support schemes to promote these objectives can be improved.

1.2 Purpose The purpose of the international strategy is to: • Increase the awareness of and strengthen the knowledge about the opportunities provided by international cooperation, as well as improve the visibility and utilisation of existing cooperation. • Facilitate better management and coordination of the region’s international involvement in order to optimize the efforts. • Increase the awareness of and mobilize active participation of politicians in international cooperation.

1.1 Background

1.3 Foundation

Agder is a region with long traditions for international cooperation. The region’s business sector is export orientated and the region is strongly affected by cultural influences from abroad. Agder’s residents originate from around150 countries, many foreign students and foreign workers reside in the region and there are many international transport and communication links into and out of the region. Stakeholders within the public sector, academia and the business sector take part in international cooperation within their fields.

The international strategy is both based on the Regional Development Plan Agder and existing international strategies of the two county councils, the Municipality of Kristiansand and the University of Agder. International strategies and plans of other counties such as Oslo and Rogaland have also been consulted as part of the strategy drafting process. The strategy reflects international agreements and conventions which Norway is party to such as the United Nations Millennium Declaration and associated goals1, UNESCO conventions, the Kyoto Agreement, the Agreement on the European Economic Area and Reports to Parliament on Norway’s international involvement and policies, including ‘Regionalmeldingen‘2. This Report to Parliament highlights the challenges of increasing the awareness of the consequences of the EEA agreement for the municipal sector and of solving regional challenges across national borders. According to the Report, the membership of the county councils in international organisations and their participation in arenas in

In the Regional Development Plan Agder 2020, the need for internationalisation is mentioned several places, e.g.: • Agder is an outward-looking region which is more and more strongly affected by international developments. The region’s industry and the research and development sector have a strong international focus. • Public authorities and private businesses must exploit the opportunities available in the EU system, both as 4




Torshavn Valle




Gjerstad Åmli

Åseral Evje og Hornnes Froland


Sweden Helsinki

Vegårshei Risør






Kvinesdal Hægebostad Audnedal Flekkefjord

Arendal IvelandBirkenes Grimstad Vennesla Marnardal Lillesand Lyngdal Songdalen Kristiansand Farsund Lindesnes Søgne Mandal

Latvia Riga








United Kingdom



Berlin London



Germany Paris

Czech Republic






Bern Switzerland Ljubljana


San Marino


We also refer to the Official Norwegian Report ‘Europautredningen’ which was published on January 17th 20123 and to the ‘Nordisk samarbeid’4 Report to Parliament which was adopted on 6 March 6th 2012. The strategy is also meant to comply with ‘social responsibility’5 standards, including ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’6 and ‘Fair Trade’7.













Turkey Greece


which national authorities do not participate, are important factors in regional development work. The Report to Parliament also demonstrates that the municipality sector’s relationship with the EU through the EEA agreement is becoming more important in an increasing number of policy areas. At the same time, the municipal sector’s involvement in the processes in which these policies are developed and formalised is low. An international strategy for Agder can contribute to make this work more visible and goalorientated.



Rome Madrid


Bosnia & Herzegovina Serbia


Andorra La Valla




St. Helier





Read more about UN’s millennium goals at: FNs-tusenaarsmaal 2 Report to Parliament No. 25, 2008 – 2009, read more at: proposisjonar-og-meldingar/stortingsmeldingar/2008-2009/ stmeld-nr-25-2008-2009-.html?id=554564 3 NOU 2012: 2 – Outside and inside: Norway’s agreements with the EU. Refer in particular to part III on ‘EU-avtalenes betydning på viktige samfunnsområder’. Read more at: nou-2012-2.html?id=669368 4 Report to Parliament 5 ‘Nordisk samarbeid’ 2011-12. Refer in particular to part 5 ‘Faglig samarbeid’ Read more at proposisjonar-og-meldingar/stortingsmeldingar/2011-2012/ meld-st-5-20112012.html?id=661175


Photo: Jan Aabøe

Photo: Arild Danielsen


1.4 Current international involvement The two county councils, the sub-regional councils8, the municipalities, the university (UiA), university colleges, including upper secondary schools, interest/industry organisations, cultural institutions and festivals in Agder enjoy wide international interest and involvement. Many of the actors participate in EU’s programmes territorial cooperation - Interreg. Participation in Interreg-projects promotes competence development, learning and networking The projects serve to strengthen regional development initiatives within business development, innovation, tourism, the environment, planning, education and transport. The county councils and The Municipality of Kristiansand participate in European interest organisations for regions and cities9. This participation provides an opportunity to influence EU political processes in fields where the Agder region has interests, also strengthening the position of regions and cities in EU’s governance system. The European interest organisations also promote networking with ‘like-minded’ actors and at the same time act as a pool for the development of projects for relevant EU programmes. Participation in European projects and organisations also provides opportunities for marketing Agder as an attractive destination for tourism, company set-up, competence pools, labour imigration and as an important transport node. The University in Agder (UiA), Sørlandet Hospital (HF), companies and industry organisations participate in projects under EU’s programmes for research, innovation and competitiveness. Many upper secondary schools in the region participate in Nordic and European education programs and are otherwise involved in different forms of

international exchange and friendship cooperation. Also the culture and sport sector participates in international cooperation. Public agencies and voluntary organisations are also involved in development aid/cooperation towards the 3rd world. Values such as solidarity and justice and the goals of increased knowledge and greater understanding underpin the activities of The United Nations Association of Norway, GRID Arendal, Travel for Peace, Friendship North/South and The Strømme Foundation. The business sector in Agder is export orientated and competes on a day-to-day basis for assignments and labour in the international arena. The business sector in Agder is strongly affected by the international business cycle.

1.5 Follow up of the strategy The strategy will be followed up as a part of the implementation of the Regional Development Plan Agder 2020. The international coordinators of the county councils will be assigned with a dedicated responsibility for follow up and coordination. The international advisory council in Agder will also form an important platform for better coordination and follow up of the strategy. It is therefore important to involve all relevant actors within the different initiative areas described in the strategy document. Relevant actors in the region are encouraged to prepare action plans supporting the implementation of the strategy. Refer also to the recommendations under point. 4.3.

2. Aims The international strategy will support the five main initiative areas in Regional Development Plan Agder 2020 so that Agder becomes a more attractive, sustainable, innovative, competitive, open, socially inclusive and learning region.


Social responsibility primarily relates to taking social and environmental aspects into consideration to a higher extent than what is required by law. Read more at: nb/dep/nhd/tema/internasjonalt-naringssamarbeid/Samfunnsansvar.html?id=603511 6 Corporate Social Responsibility or companies’ social responsibility: 7 Fair Trade is trade which ensures the producer of the goods a minimum level of rights. This includes normally a guaranteed minimum salary, the right to receive a salary when sick or pregnant, insurance against work related accidents and the right to form unions. Fair trade often also includes purchase guarantees and credit arrangements for the producers. Read more at: 8 There are 5 sub-regional councils in the Agder region, consisting of several municipalities each 9 Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions of Europe: North Sea Commission: home.html Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation: Union of Baltic Cities:

The strategy will contribute to a positive interest in the region, promote friendship and partnership across national borders and increased tolerance and understanding of other cultures and peoples. The strategy will promote fair distribution, sustainable development, combatment of poverty and the defence of human rights in Europe and the rest of the world. It is natural for Agder to strengthen and further develop cooperation with neighbouring and like-minded regions and actors in Scandinavia, The North Sea Region and The Baltic Sea Region.


3. Initiative areas

3.1 Climate

The strategy attempts to increase the visibility of international perspectives and opportunities within the five main initiative areas in Regional Development Plan Agder 2020. The many interfaces and interrelationships between these subject areas inevitably leads to a certain amount of overlap between the different chapters.

3.1.1 Objectives

The global climate challenge affects the region’s society as a whole, but at the same time provides strong incentives and good opportunities for international business development and research. Education and research are also important pre-requisites for an internationally competitive business sector and for a dynamic cultural life - also perceived as attractive from abroad. The performance of education and research can also be strengthened through international cooperation. The export orientated business community and the tourism sector in the region are dependent on efficient communications abroad, whereas transport has a negative impact on the climate both regionally, nationally and internationally. Research and development can for its part contribute to mitigate the climatic impact of transport. Good equal opportunities and the integration of immigrants into the labour market are important for strengthening the international orientation of business and society in the region. The cultural life in the region is enriched by international impulses. This promotes regional identity and contributes to increasing the attractiveness of the region nationally and internationally. The culture and experience industries are at the same time important sources of income. The ‘good life’, cf. Ch. 3.5, is a result of successful developments in all the remaining subject areas.

Photo: Arild Danielsen


In 2020, Agder is an active international actor with respect to climate friendly societal development. In 2020, Agder is a leading international region when it comes to climate friendly production and distribution of renewable energy. In 2020, the export orientated industriy in Agder appears as a global role model through high levels of innovation with respect to climate friendly production processes and efficient energy use. 3.1.2 Recommendations

• Establish strategic cooperation with other regions in

the world in support of the region’s climate initiatives.

Agder’s position as a ‘green battery’ with opportunities for exchanging renewable energy with Europe, is used strategically for increased cooperation. Agder will market the region’s initiatives within climate, industry clusters and relevant competence environments towards new arenas.

• Strengthen the participation in EU programmes and international cooperation networks.

Such initiatives could mean that the region is provided with useful experience, competence and technological solutions for mitigating and adapting to climate changes from foreign actors. Participation in programmes and cooperation networks at the same time provides research and development (R & D) players and the business sector

Photo: Jan Aabøe

Photo: Jan Aabøe

in the region with an opportunity to market and sell their solutions and products internationally. This can support the development of an internationally leading R & D environment, improved infrastructure for the industry and result in process improvements and increased energy efficiency.

In 2020, pupils in primary, secondary and upper secondary schools have received education and experiences which strengthen global solidarity.

Better utilisation of the programme opportunities provided by the EU will require targeted efforts for accessing strategically important networks.

• Facilitate participation in international projects and

• Strive to reduce Agder’s global carbon footprint. The region must intensify the efforts for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from sectors such as industrial production, heating and transport. The public sector in Agder will assume the position as pioneer region within climate cooperation i.e. through focusing efforts on achieving climate neutrality and developing high levels of climate competence which are used strategically.

3.2 Education & Research 3.2.1 Objectives In 2020, education and research in Agder helps to ensure that the society is equipped to meet the global challenges of the future. The region is actively using internationally available knowledge to stimulate regional development, raising of competence levels and lifelong learning. In 2020, the international competence of the region is significantly improved through active participation in international research and innovation programmes. The University of Agder is an internationally recognised university with a strong regional foundation.

3.2.2 Recommendations co-operation networks within education and research.

Research and education institutions must seek strategically important co-operation partners for participation in networks and projects internationally. A system of incentives and other means should therefore be developed to simplify international activities for schools and research and education institutions. The information efforts targeted at school managements, teachers and pupils should be strengthened. The internationalisation of upper secondary education includes both increased mobility, strengthened language training, better use of the skills brought by immigrants, new working methods and that school owners take responsibility for the international perspective in education10. County councils and municipalities should use their role as school owners to increase the international focus in the region’s schools. Educational institutions that do not actively participate in international activities must be offered the opportunity and necessary assistance to do so.

10 Ref. Report to Parliament nr. 30, 2003-2004 – Culture for learning, read more at: dok/regpubl/stmeld/20032004/stmeld-nr-030-2003-2004-. html?id=404433


Photo: Helle Lofstad, Nordisk informasjonskontor Sør-Norge

The region should systematically use international cooperation to raise the quality of the education system in important areas, such as promoting increased recruitment to the sciences, reducing the drop-out of students to a minimum and to strengthen foreign language training. Arenas will be promoted and provided in which these issues are specifically addressed, and where international projects and programmes are defined in cooperation with relevant actors. All relevant parties in the region must contribute to the further strengthening of the international R&D relationships and networks established by schools, UiA and other research institutes in the region. Relevant actors in the region should also continue cooperation within entrepreneurship, education and business development through participation in further Nordic and EU projects within these areas. Schemes are to be provided for the strengthening of international R&D cooperation in areas where we have particular prerequisites and advantages, such as within the oil & gas supplier industry, e-health, culture and the experience industry, the production of renewable energy and entrepreneurship.

• Use international school and education cooperation

to promote solidarity, tolerance, and understanding of democracy and human rights.

To follow up the government’s focus on children and youth, the region will enable young school pupils to gain experience from international work and promote their active participation in an increasingly more global society. This will contribute to increase their understanding of the culture, language and traditions of other countries and strengthen their tolerance.


Some schools in Agder are already involved in international cooperation activities concerning democracy development, cultural understanding and global interaction work. All schools in Agder should provide an education which increases the international understanding and competence of their pupils. Schools should also facilitate the acquisition of experiences increasing and promoting knowledge, solidarity and an understanding of democracy and human rights. This work will be strengthened through a joint regional effort and focus on the benefits such initiatives provide. The region should furthermore enable pupils and students to apply for voluntary work, studies abroad, student exchange and practice in other countries.

• Support internationalisation of education in the region. School owners should contribute to the continuation of international educational programmes in Agder, including a continuation and further development of international schools. Initiatives for establishing more internationallyorientated studies in the region should be considered. Established initiatives linking international students with regional business should be further stimulated to increase the understanding of internationalisation and strengthen the offer of educational programmes in this field. Internationalisation should also be a focus within vocational training and further education

3.3 Business and value generation 3.3.1 Objectives In 2020, Agder is an important and internationally competitive industrial region characterised by high levels of innovation, knowledge intensive jobs, efficient energy use and active entrepreneurship.

In 2020, the business community in Agder co-operates closely with foreign partners within research and development. In 2020, the region’s business clusters have a strong market position internationally and other industries and networks have also initiated a much closer cooperation within development activities. 3.3.2 Recommendations

• Stimulate internationalisation of the business sector. The region must contribute to internationalise the business sector through encouraging growth companies to establish abroad and through cooperation with foreign partners within market development, trade or research. Schemes promoting the internationalisation of the business sector and cooperation with other countries must be strengthened, coordinated and made more visible.

• Profiling of Agder as an attractive region for business, tourism, labour and students.

To successfully compete for the attraction of foreign companies and labour to Agder, the region must initiate and support activities and campaigns profiling technology development and working life in the region. A part of this effort should be directed towards countries where such competence is available, in close cooperation with NAV EURES and EURAXESS11. Schemes for the placement of foreign students in internships in the business sector, the public sector, at Sørlandet Hospital (HF) and in other companies and organisations should be developed.

Photo: Arild Danielsen

The region should further develop schemes helping foreign labour in the region to more easily gain overview of public services such as nursery schools and schools (including international schools and adult education), assistance provided to spouses to find a job, language training, help with formalities, leisure activities, etc. The business sector, through industry or cluster organisations, should work for a more coordinated effort towards events in the region (conferences, trade shows and seminars) with international participation. The region should also make use of the business sectors’ presence in many places around the world to support the endeavours of smaller companies to tap into foreign markets. In some cases, the public sector might take a greater responsibility for facilitating participation in trade shows or conferences abroad, in cooperation with the business sector. Tourism is important to the Agder region. Foreign tourists account for a relatively small proportion of the total number of overnight stays in Agder. New and planned attractions and projects in the region can attract more visitors from abroad. This will however require a comprehensive and holistic cooperation between private and public actors and a joint strategy for increasing the number of visitors.

11 EURES (EURopean Employment Services) is a cooperation between EU/EEA countries and Switzerland. The cooperation promotes the free movement of labour within the EU/EEA area. EURAXSESS is Norway’s portal and contains practical information for mobile researchers, work and financing opportunities, recruitment

Photo: Arild Danielsen


Photo: Arild Danielsen

3.4 Communication

Photo: Arild Danielsen

• Participate actively in international projects and cooperation networks within the transport and communication sector.

3.4.1 Objectives In 2020, transport and communication to, from and within Agder have become more accessible, efficient, predictable, safe and environmentally friendly through international involvement and cooperation. In 2020, international communication to and from the region meets the needs of society and contributes to make the region more attractive to foreign companies, labour, tourists and students. 3.4.2 Recommendations

• Strengthen the basis for international freight and

passenger transport services to and from the region.

This can be achieved by facilitating good cooperation between authorities, infrastructure managers, transport operators, travel industry organisations and the business sector, contributing to concentrate freight and passenger transport flows in the Port of Kristiansand and in other international transport nodes in the region. In addition, it is important to take the development of Arendal port, Eydehavn, in to consideration, as a supplement to the other ports in the region.

International involvement will provide the region with an opportunity to influence EU policy frameworks, to improve cross-border transport services and access new technology. The region will be provided with opportunities to learn from good solutions in other countries, also when it comes to making aviation and shipping more environmentally friendly and safe. Through the participation in the Nordic Transport Political Network, Agder will continue the efforts of promoting the Nordic Link transport corridor across The Port of Kristiansand and onwards further south through Jutland in Denmark. The region should encourage and assist relevant actors within intermodal freight transport to apply for funds from EU’s programme in support of transferring freight from road to sea and rail.

3.5 The good life 3.5.1 Objectives

• Support the marketing of Agder as an attractive

In 2020, exchange of experience and cooperation with other countries have contributed to better living conditions and health services in Agder.

This will in particular contribute to strengthen the basis for new tourism destinations and increased frequency of international flights from Kristiansand Airport Kjevik, as well as to increased ferry and cruise traffic.

In 2020, the region has a clear international involvement in support of solidarity, democracy and human dignity. Through utilising the competence of foreign cooperation partners and immigrants, the region has built a more health promoting, equal, socially inclusive and participative society.

destination for foreign tourists, labour, companies and students.


Photo: Ingvild Paulsen

Photo: Arild Danielsen


Photo: Jan Aabøe

3.5.2 Recommendations

• Promote participation in Nordic and European

cooperation to support public health, local society development, equal opportunities and social inclusion.

The region should become involved in Nordic cooperation arenas and participate in relevant EU and EEA programmes within public health work and local society development. Agder should further develop initiatives within e-health, with emphasis on welfare and care technology, in cooperation with foreign professional environments.


Photo: Helle Lofstad, Nordisk informasjonskontor Sør-Norge

Agder will strengthen the work on equal opportunity and social inclusion through participating in relevant EU and EEA projects and through cooperation with regions and actors in other countries.

• Develop good models and good infrastructure for multi-cultural recruitment to working life, social inclusion and inter-cultural communication.

Public sector agencies have a particular responsibility for increasing the recruitment of qualified employees with an immigrant background to professional, education and management positions.

• Base initiatives on the UN’s Millennium Goals and

cooperate with organisations working to meet these goals.

The efforts on promoting the good life in the world and in Agder are based on the UN’s Millennium Goals of fighting poverty, improving education, equal opportunities, health, environment and strengthening development aid. Environments, organisations and resource persons who are engaged in foreign development aid and international friendship cooperation with the aim of meeting the Millennium Goals, are important actors in the international activities of the region.

Focusing on festivals and events with an international profile and increased competence and experience exchange, will help build the Agder brand and make the region one in which the cultural life is characterised by diversity and creative energy. Relevant actors should take an active role in promoting international sports events in the region and in strengthening the work on international culture events and cooperation projects.

• Promote international cooperation for the culture

industries and international launch of the region’s performing artists.

3.6 Culture 3.6.1 Objectives In 2020, regional cultural life is characterised by diversity and creative energy derived from foreign stimuli. Regional cultural life and culture initiatives contribute to making the region even more attractive internationally. In 2020, Agder has established culture and sports arenas accommodating both local, regional and international needs. In 2020, cultural life strengthens Agders’s ability to recruit labour from abroad and international cooperation actively contributes to develop the region’s culture and experience industries. 3.6.2 Recommendations

• Strengthen the cooperation between cultural institutions in the region and abroad.

The region should exploit the opportunities for international cooperation provided by Kilden Performing Arts Centre and regional culture centres and ensure that the conditions and structures for such cooperation are in place. Agder should profile itself and stimulate for the stay of international authors, artists and musicians in the region (e.g. equivalent to international schemes for “artist in residence”). It will be natural to build on established cooperation channels in Europe to create a solid platform for cultural activities across borders. Furthermore, programmes operated by the EU and The Nordic Council of Ministers provide opportunities for part financing of cross-border cooperation projects within culture.

• Strengthen the host role for international culture and sports events.


Photo: Ida Elsing, Kattegat/Skagerak-sekretariatet


Public scholarships for artists and sponsoring from the business sector should be used to encourage promising artists to obtain international experience and stimuli. The culture industries are encouraged to take part in international cooperation through networking and projects to increase market potential.

• Utilise the cultural skills of residents with a multicultural background.

The voluntary and professional cultural life in the region must capitalise on the cultural diversity created by significant immigration over many decades.

• The culture and experience sector should promote good experiences which reinforce the region’s attractiveness to international target groups in the context of recruitment and tourism.

As a door-opener for the business sector and public agencies in different international contexts, the culture and experience sector should present a non-western cultural expression to increase global knowledge and understanding. The sector is to contribute professional resources within international development cooperation, thereby assuming a direct international responsibility for the strategy’s objectives related to sustainability and human rights. International stimuli in cultural life, for example through international festivals and orchestra cooperation, can be further strengthened through a focus on clusters in which both public sector, private and research actors participate.

4. Interaction Interaction and cooperation across sectors and levels of governance permeate the entire Regional Development Plan Agder 2020 and is a key aspect in all initiative areas. Interaction and cooperation will also be fundamental requirements for the region’s international work.

4.1 Objectives for interaction and international cooperation In 2020, Agder has developed internal interaction models enabling the region’s business sector and the society to fully utilise international cooperation and knowledge networks. In 2020, Agder participates in more international projects, knowledge and cooperation networks which support the initiatives of Regional Development Plan Agder 2020. Also international actors contribute to regional development processes. In 2020, the region works actively towards decision makers in Europe and in the rest of the world to increase the visibility of and safeguard Agder’s interests.

4.2 Description of the role and functions of the international promotion schemes in the region In Agder there are a number of actors within the public sector, business community, R & D environments and the voluntary sector who are involved in internationalisation in different ways. A closer integration of these actors will be important for better utilising the opportunities provided by

Photo: Ida Elsing, Kattegat/Skagerak-sekretariatet


international projects and cooperation networks. The public sector promotion schemes should help to ensure that the public sector, business community, university/R & D institutions and the voluntary sector can utilise the benefits and opportunities provided by international cooperation. The county councils should take an active role in transferring knowledge to the municipalities on how to utilise the opportunities provided by the EU system by inviting the municipalities to a seminar.

Increased participation in projects

Key functions of the international promotion scheme include: • Monitor and influence policy development, funding programmes and cooperation networks internationally. • Facilitate and act as a driver for increased participation in international programmes and utilization of market opportunities. • Develop new projects ideas and convert ideas into concrete international projects. • Provide funding for the development of and participation in projects.

• A scheme must be developed to ensure better com-

• Agder should work to further develop the compe-

tences on international networks, European funding opportunities and the implementation of projects. The region must build a network of competent advisers and mentors and ensure access to experts on programmes that can provide part- funding for international cooperation projects. munication and marketing of project opportunities in Agder. Agder should strengthen the role of the regional promotion scheme as a driver and developer of projects which can be implemented in an international or European context.

• Agder should strengthen the links between regional initiatives and the opportunities for international cooperation.

Marketing and profiling

4.3 Recommendations Political level

• Agder should visualise the views and safeguard the interest of the political authorities and the business sector towards Europe.

• The region must continue to build infrastructure,

competence and a readiness for taking part in relevant decision making processes both at a political level and project level.

• Agder should examine the opportunities for establishing closer political dialogue with our neighbouring countries, including the regions around Skagerrak.

Better coordination in Agder

• Agder should further develop models for how


different actors in the region jointly can support the region’s internationalisation strategies. The Advisory council under The South Norway European Office must be further developed to become an international Advisory council, with its own mandate and actively promoting and coordinating international work in the region. Agder should work to improve coordination and to clarify the functions of individual actors in the regional promotion scheme, related to the roles of monitor, facilitator, driver and funder.

• Agder should strengthen the marketing of the region

beyond Norway’s borders. Key aspects which can be highlighted are Agder as an attractive destination for tourists, employees, and companies. International friendship cooperation should be used more systematically to support the region’s export orientated business sector abroad, R & D activities and culture initiatives in accordance with the goals of the Regional Development Plan Agder.

Strategic use of friendship links with foreign countries and international networks

• An updated summary of friendship and cooperation

towns/regions in other countries and international networks in which the region participates should be prepared. The summary must be updated continuously. Different agencies in the region must cooperate to utilise participation in strategic international networks and important partnerships across national boundaries.

Increased knowledge and experience exchange

• Competence persons from other countries must be

invited to take part in regional development processes, boards and councils where this can be useful.

• The region should systematically utilise the knowledge which is available in relevant international projects and cooperation networks.

Aust-Agder County Council Ragnvald Blakstadsvei 1 4838 Arendal, Norge Web:

Vest-Agder County Council Tordenskjoldsgate 65 4605 Kristiansand, Norge Web:

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