Austere CMYK // Issue 10

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the ten



8-poetic justice.jpg 10-ryan

68-wearable tech.doc


14-from the future.doc

72-how tech defined me.doc


16-irby pace.jpg 18-little docc.jpg 20-icky antics.doc 22-maria razo.doc 24-bell and


26-dyemond o’bryan.tiff 34-data howler.mp3 40-macaroni island.doc 38-tech gear.doc

fashion 48-stuck in a pixel.jpg 58-cmyk.jpg 62-painted

photo by vicky andres.

We handpick ten creative individuals to share the story behind the talent.


By Jordan Thompson In 2009, Dwight James and a few other students at The University of North Texas began congregating at a hidden spot on campus known as 'The Rocks'. Through both word of mouth and social media, it grew

- a Tuesday night event in which any student can show up and rap, sing, speak or just listen. There are always newcomers; in

enough room for everyone who shows up. "I was a freshman when a friend from my hometown who knew I was into poetry told me about it," current president of

remain the same.


photos by laura hall.

There are no try-outs or sign up lists- in fact, the only

Reggie Lewis, a poet at UNT, had audience members crying during his poem about Rwanda. Everything I didn't know about the holocaust of those people is cringe-worthy,

are treated with respect, and if they are nervous or they forget their lines - like I did - everyone will snap for them. If you are

knowing more about the world and the people I share it with.

new to the mic, everyone will remind you encouragingly that "virgins to the mic... are always tight."

expression and self redemption.

but I went and watched and afterwards at home, I wrote." It is beautiful to see someone standing before a crowd,

for rap. Rap is poetry, and that is why lyricists feel at home at

painting a story with words, and then look at their notebook sitting in their empty seat and think, "I can only imagine what


is in that thing." You watch them as they sit back down and

become part of the audience again, but this time you know when she was in elementary school, and started a poetry club in high school. "When I was little, I was that kid that suffered

them in a way that you didn't before.

your poetry. You know what they say about virgins to the mic. "Discovering poetry made me want to put my thoughts on paper and read it to someone and just see if they could get it.

better than I do just talking."


a film by

RYA N P O L LY videographer


photo by jacob mitchell.


By Christen Dennis Freelance photographer and videographer Ryan Polly doesn’t settle

as they lace up their Vans and coast their skateboards down countless stairs

for being a sideline cameraman when it comes to capturing the special


Denton’s creative minds. This self-taught documentarian decided against

the traditional path of college after high school and instead picked up his and inspirations from each other.

and cinematography.

diverting most of his energy during his late teens and early twenties learning

the ceremony.

bands to perform a live music video. freelance cinematographer specializing in music videos. contact information.

vacant house.

the eyes of the men and women who have created this underground skating


By Emily Bentley

friends who decided to turn their love of geekdom and

celebrating their fandom. There are unspoken hierarchies

transform oneself from a human to a character is not an easy feat, even for an “otaku”- what the japanese call those

really changed how I view life," Bukoski added, “but more

with obsessive anime or manga interests.

changed how I handle it. Every day I have a goal to better myself and learn to better my skills. Every time I go to a convention in costume, all anxiety and preconceptions of

order to follow through making the costumes I have to fall in love with the character and design,” Bukoski said.

The foursome continues to work and grow together,

“Being a part of the cosplay community opens you

without this. “I know this is just the beginning to really

up to a completely different world. Each new fandom


the same reason.

The group spends their time making props,

photos by fey sandoval


By Christen Dennis

the basement of the old West Bank building a couple

have transformed this simple space into an underground cockpit, where

64 back in the early ‘90s, and continued to adapt their skills to create for

audience before deciding to make the move to Denton and focus more photos by fey sandoval


on web-based and mobile phone games. From “Trouble in Tin Town,” with

“Best Forgotten Island,” in which a giant hobo ape mingles with dinosaurs and abominable snowmen, “From the Future” goes to every length to capture and entertain their audience.


from scratch, take on an entirely new idea and make it personal.” “From the

they are not designing mobile games. Branching out at a time that other

Future” currently has three projects in the works, the largest being “Dwarf

companies try to play it safe, “From the Future” is working on getting more

based game where each dwarf has a different ability to achieve the task or complete the mission at hand. The second project is an in-person game says his team wants to do mobile games consistently, all the while diving based off of an old card game, where players attempt to capture and gain Google Glasses, and wearable computers. with each other though a simple shake of their phone. The third work in

“From the Future” is looking to double or triple in staff, but maintain that they want to stay in Denton, having purposely moved here for the inspiring environment and cost-effective location.

either competitively or as a team. “From the Future” is also working with being around all the creative minds Denton has to offer. The Jupiter from their games are connected and displayed through the TV screen and their winnings are even updated on Facebook. the Future” is here to stay. “From the Future” also creates business apps and work for hire when


Emily Bentley

store and then left behind in order to explore the ways people capture University of North Texas, and that he had hoped to eventually become

was his dedication to his art. medium and be a part of the process.�


Everyone sees the same thing, but then they take that and recreate it into their own meaning. Art is universal that way.


of feeling. Everyone sees the same thing, but then they take that and

was immediate but still artistic.�

Institute of Fort Worth.

Follow his photos @irbypace


By Morgan Gentry

startup tech community meets at the various coffee shops around town.

the tech community is reaching out to anyone that would be interested in

With the goal of chatting about the latest technology, startups, digital city prosper and to bring about innovative ways to make that possible. make an impact in Denton. The eight head organizers are spread throughout various tech groups like and continues to reach tech-driven individuals of all kinds. Beginning in projects; DentonJelly, a weekly meet up for those who just want to work attracting startup tech lovers, both old and new, to share, create and grow.

in a group on any technical project they may have or want to start up; the

Weekends, which is a global organization that the Denton tech community is a branch of. community here in Denton. We know the ingredients are here, we just think

Their approach is much like that of the music scene in Denton: a do-

major label deals in order to go out and do interesting things, and LittleDocc

outlets for you to progress in the tech world.

creativity and density of talent that Denton possesses. presenting the discussion topic or the often heated debate of software

over a cup of joe while cultivating the budding tech culture in Denton.

For more information, visit:



Little DOCC


By Morgan Gentry With their only goal being to spread humor and to get

show are paving the way for the comedy scene to thrive in Denton. Denton scene. side, snickering, laughing, and joking as they unfolded the story of and their backyard was all the group needed to get things rolling.

shows. The three have grassrooted a new way of delivering comedy.

of humor and plenty of friends to entertain, the three roommates

expressing their astonishment over the rising number of interested stand-up participants, the trio looks over their list of obstacles–

three knew what they wanted and made it happen.

are relieving the laughter drought. is that it's more comfortable,” Galdo said. “The people that do it are performing for their friends and they get them.” was for our friends to make us laugh because we have really funny,


four shows of good laughs, drunken nights and opportunities

temporarily been at the Last Drop Tavern, and they have managed

bigger audience to spread the word. Ulsh says this is merely for their entertainment and that they

“The cool part was that only a few people had actually done

if it was going to go well.”

become familiar with the three girls bringing comedy to Denton. photos by jacoe mitchell

The Ten // ˚ 2121



Razo 22

By Patricia Stepaniuk Denton is one of those funny places in which you have to dig

the brightest lie at the bottom of the stack- and when you do come across them, you have no idea what you have just found.

like to portray the internal struggles she has overcome, the voice in her head “screaming at me to go out and do stuff and take chances.” Razo has started to deal with this voice by

when she started taking private drawing lessons, developing

“Last summer when I was home for break, I got the

her peers and professors and is looking to gain momentum in

whom she still keeps in contact with today. “I used to think

the local art community.

home.” While Razo still has some time before she is done with school, her goals are always on her mind: working with more places to do everything.” Razo displayed this in her own

large scale projects, painting, printing, and most importantly,

work when she started doodling one day and the pieces of the body started to come apart. “There is division not only

it on, one work of art at a time.”


By Jordan Thompson

dyemond ' obryan

Finding something to appreciate about an artist's home is easy. The walls of

through speaking to him, but by reading his comic series "The Breaks", which

many of us face, such as maintaining a worthless conversation for the sake of

in downtown Dallas and he creates. Both his comic art and other pieces are done entirely by hand.

he scans it online.

and out-it is never going to be a solid thing."

the most authentic gift, really, because its pleasures are ultimately free. For instance, one only needs a photo of a Van Gogh painting to know it and observe 24

it; it doesn't have to be on his walls at home. The notes of a melody

does not suffer over the ideals of money. "It can be really hard for me to expect people to pay for my

wanted to buy something I drew and when she asked how much

framed drawings from his wall for me. I turned around to see it in

he was, just giving me art, as if art was always meant to be given. That night my sparked interest in underground comics was still lit, and after googling some other comic artists I picked up my

to turn severe annoyance with something into a comic that made me laugh. I decided that what sucks in life is often really just funnyespecially in gag strip form.

available at and PHOTO BY mike cARPenTeR. ART BY dYemOnd O'BRYAn.



By Patricia Stepaniuk

The general consensus is that you cannot go backwards in time;

Wilkinson wanted a way to carry on the craft of his heritage while building a future for his own family. Burgoon is leaving tremendous

years in front of a computer, in a high-stress graphic design career,

I think the older generation has respect for what I am trying to do.”

he went through a “dead stop burnout,” a stage he describes as

With children of his own now, Wilkinson is in charge of

“becoming a computer.” Finally, enough was enough; he left his computer screen for a piece of leather and started tooling away, turning the clock back to a simpler time when working with your hands was the only way to make a living. Leather was like “taking a walk in the woods…doing something completely different.” It was

home brings you back in time, back to where it all began, back to

the “something” he needed in his life.

where you left your shoes.

slower. The leather did not upload like the website he used to maintain, and the tools did not change at the click of a mouse.

also passionate about living up to his family name, and hopes he

It took time for Wilkinson to fully disconnect, but when he did,

will craft a pair of tremendous shoes to sit next to those of his

he made the decision to focus his life on building a new brand,


one that would form a connection to his family history—and, in particular, to his grandfather. www. photos by fey sandoval


photographer - fey sandoval art director - eliza trono




photo by jacob mitchell.


photo by vicky andres.

We know what's good.

photos courtesy of ross edman. edited by vicky andres.


producer designer

artist wizard


T By Morgan Gentry

The sun warmed my skin and the chaotic hum of a soccer game was playing in the

blue eyes lit up and Bongo immediately indulged in the rub down I gave him when

Discussing the many hats that Edman, known as Datahowler, wears-

musician, producer, graphic designer, artist, wizard- led to tangents on musical

was really young and that was what I wanted to do for a long time, my whole

life basically. I wanted to be a comic book artist since I was three and it kind of

progressed from there.�

immersed in hardcore, metal, punk rock and hip hop, have also helped him to


The majority of his music career has taken place in

until college that Edman found his love for electronic music.

as I discovered hip hop culture it started to be more about beatdriven, loop-driven music. I just recently got into dance music,

music; it was all about hip hop for me.�

" music

trends are cool but there

are certain types of art that capture the human conditions so well that it ' s forever ." of Friends- just to name a few. Even though Edman has taken a break from music to focus on work, enjoying the outdoors and drawing new inspirations, spending time with the homie Bongo and learning more programming and languages (which he hopes to sprinkle

few monomes he just got.

realized that the message Datahowler is trying to convey is


“I had to write a thesis to get my philosophy degree, and my focus was modern technology and how it changes humanity and how we interact with our surroundings. I guess to make a long story short, the crux of the argument was that technology has

Edman uses Datahowler as a method to show people that you can control technology in a creative way.

Artwork by Ross Edman from his limited edition art book featuring several pieces that were almost album covers.

programming in the background to make those things work live,

they can play any other instrument.”

stickers stuck in his fur and the sun kept shining. The soccer game was over but we were still speaking of the journey of electronic

culture as it is moving instead of being a part of it.” Well said Ross, well said. To hear some jams from Datahowler check out his

food, our appreciation for art culture, and our wish that people

via Twitter (@datahowler) and Facebook.

would go to more art museums.


denton. tx


By Cameron Trevino With editing by Jordan Thompson.

praised as one of the best DIY venues in the Denton music scene. Local bands such as Two Knights, Flesh Born, Losing

sub-genre you can think of has probably played there. I sat more economical and I wanted to give something back

and Recycled Books.

against fracking in Denton at upcoming shows. open to the public, to music fans and to host shows from all kinds of genres ever since I moved in.” Briggs also hosts an online web show called “Violitionist

always make sure I emphasize that the event is a show, not a

local and national bands. The show used to be an audio only podcast called Gutterth. In each session, bands would play three songs and

expectations, although be sure to note that it is neither an island nor is there macaroni.

focus on the musical performance and cut out the other stuff,” Briggs added. photos by sabine fletcher. edited by eliza trono.


The music tech landscape is riddled with gimmicks and shallow gear that is easily accessed and


By Sean McLellan

photos by geena sisomphou.

ABLETON LIVE is cross-platform music production software that is designed for live performance. The works as a very powerful looper, allowing the musician to play, record and manage several loops at once. When used during

environment in which users can develop and share their own instruments, effects, and patches.

Ableton Live running using the NovationLaunchpad as a control surface.


Modular Synths Macbook, (5 modules from left to right) 1) Pittsburgh Modular Oscillator 2) ,Pittsburgh Modular Filter 3) Makenoise Maths 4) Expert Sleepers ES-4 5), Makenoise RenĂŠ, Arturia Microbrute, Novation Launchpad.


MODULAR SYNTHESIZERS and are pieced together to form larger systems. The modules are physically patched together and are almost entirely analog, which means a few things. First, the raw sound of electrons moving about is different and more unpredictable than their digital counterparts. The usual one-knob-per-function UI provides a precise,

comes at the expense of factory presets and the ability to save. This forces the user to become vey familiar with synthesis and their modules in particular, and is not for the faint of heart. There are companies that manufacture wide varieties of modules, but two of my favorite are designed

designs and builds modules that blur the lines between music and sonic experimentation. Like many of their

modules are combined, the result can generate musical phrases or create constantly evolving textures.



photos by jacob mitchell.


photographer: lauren jenkins. editing/art direction: pablo olguin. models: pablo olguin and nichole fallis.



photo by vicky andres.

photographer - jacob mitchell stylist - nichole fallis asst stylist - lauren jenkins hamu - lorene herrera clothing - lucy dang model- hesper fang, the drafonfly agency











photographer - taylor scott stylist - lauren jenkins hamu - elaine barnett clothing- dillard's

models - haley davis and kseniya bardabush, the dragonfly agency





photographer - mike carpenter

art direction and styling - emily ruiz model - veronica van dine clothing - love charlie j hamu - faye morris




jewelry - michael kors and rory ashton


photo by vicky andres.


Learn something new.

By Patricia Stepaniuk

students to create and thrive in an environment that rarely exists outside of the educational walls. Tremaine Thomas is one of the “makers and thinkers” who has

into his current vision: holographic clothing. “I know this is tangible,” Thomas asserted while describing his

be fashionable…without giving you the meaningful way to do that.”

uses every resource in his grasp to make fantasy into reality. Ultimately, Thomas describes this whole process as “part of human evolution and part of being alive”, and he wants collaboration to become the whole picture, not just a cog in the machine. Thomas has practiced what he preaches by working with Kristin


used for hip and joint replacements to be applied in a wearable setting.

be able to print disposable clothing at home, but adoption is a completely different story; sometimes the materials we would use for printing might

is slowly migrating its way into our everyday culture, and one day, we

to offer as well as staying in the conference circuits to spread the word. Thomas will continue to push for collaboration amongst the academic community, helping others to understand the importance of making and thinking together.

photo by kristin stransky.

The Ten // Ëš 6969




completely online or on your phone with no



everything you need to paint, draw or write, no stylus needed.

By Christen Dennis.

create your documents from anywhere. Never forget a spontaneous idea again.



with Google drive, all by adding personal emails. The easiest way to share edits and ideas among with the daily weather forecast and links with



WHATSAPP Keep up with international contacts with



Design Duet

expand your resources and style your latest

Whatsapp, the long-distance messaging system.

pictures, and formats, and easily blend them into

through the app to anywhere in the world is

your personal work.

completely free.


Joined Facebook

HOW I drank a glass of water today. I am seriously considering another one.

TECHNOLOGY DEFINED Victoria Thwapneedle

I just found out my family was from Nigeria. I #family #ancestry #reunited

ME 72


9:00am this morning

nom #getinmybelly

#winning #nom-

allow for self-proclaimed gender roles- such as tree philanthropist.

brought countless pieces of our identities together on one platform. By

familiar with, we can forge connections and relationships that we did not

By Patricia Stepaniuk

know existed. These puzzle pieces can enrich our search for those people we felt had been lost in the past.

that took a chance in order to make a search for a family name and then

conversations, a generation was recovered that was thought to be lost, generation has allowed these advancements to help shape our identities

and the identity of a family was reshaped through the power of technology and social networking. We must continue to examine both sides of the story, keeping in

about our lives in digital format, from breakfast foods to break-ups; we put it all out there for the world to see. With each post, with each new

it can be, at least when we play by the rules that have been laid out by the

upload, our identity changes ever so slightly. It is as if we are creating an

game maker.

“identity prosthesis� for ourselves, letting the technology stand for who

Each post matters, from your wall to mine; they add to our identity,

we are rather than taking a stand ourselves- that is, we often let what is

whether it be genuine or a prosthesis. We are all shaped by this, and we must continue to evolve and break the rules that have been set out for us.

day lives. It is no longer an extension or a piece of our identity, but rather

While we have choice in how we distinguish our identities, we are ultimately still placed inside a box. The box can only contain so much

are great, and they serve to direct awareness to options that the majority

"With each post, with each new upload, our identity changes ever so slightly."

of the population were not aware of, but they also limit us and do not


photographer - laura hall asst. art director - stephen petrey



photos by daniel parker.



friends, denton, countrymen, lend me your ears.



Wednesday’s a vocal jazz showcase every week

Weekdays 7 – midnigh t

Thursday’s open mic night is open to the public and registration is free to the public . full live music schedule available on facebook

and your taste buds.

Saturday 10 – midnight Sunday noon – midnight


photographer - mike carpenter art director/model - emily ruiz



photo by mike carpenter.



Core Staff. Natasha Brito Nikki Crouse Vicky Andres, creative director / lead designer Gabriela Losada, lead copyeditor / event planner Nichole Fallis, fashion director

Extended Staff. Design Eliza Trono, Kelsey McLemee, Stephen Petrey Photography Laura Hall (photo editor), Fey Sandoval Writing Emily Bentley, Christen Dennis Rachel Wagoner, Editing Fashion Lauren Jenkins, stylist Illustration/ Social Media Pablo Olguin Events Amber Perkins, Bryan Prater, assistants

2014 Interns. Garret Steider, designer Jacob Mitchell, Mike Carpenter, Taylor Scott, photographers Emily Ruiz, stylist and art direction Chima Onyebuchi, stylist Crystal Bannoute, makeup artist Patricia Stepaniuk, Morgan Gentry, Jordan Thompson, writers Taylor James, Taylor Higginbotham, videographers Samantha Melomo, event assistant Maria Angulo, Sabine Fletcher, assistants Taylor Buckner, Tim Kosters, marketing Taylor Cloyd, Dashaney Anderson, public relations


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