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11th Annual AYLA MLK Day of Service
A Safe, Socially Distance Success
Each year, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Austin Young Lawyers Association coordinates a Day of Service project. The 11th Annual AYLA MLK Day of Service was held on MLK Day, Jan. 18, 2021. This local project is modeled after the national MLK Day of Service, which is intended to transform Dr. King’s life and teachings into community service that helps solve social problems.
While the 2021 MLK Day of Service looked a lot different than in years past, it was just as successful in getting local attorneys, as well as their friends and families, to give back to the community. Committee members reached out to local nonprofits and connected with twelve organizations: Central Texas Food Bank, Austin Allies, Austin Area Urban League, Austin Urban Technology Movement, The Next Generation Project, Conduits of Change, BookSpring, The InsideBooks Project, Partnerships for Children, Seedling Mentors, We Are Blood, and Refugee Services Texas.
Information about the work each organization is doing to serve those in need was shared on social media and in the signup process.
AYLA appreciates all of the volunteers who took the time to make cards, bake goodies, package diapers and wipes, and collect donations. The organizations were full of gratitude when the donated items were collected at the end of the day. There were 85 individuals who signed up to volunteer and many more who showed up with donations for one or more organizations.
One of the highlights of the event was having the We Are Blood bus come to Hilgers House. All 27 spots allotted for AYLA that day were filled. Also, AYLA collected 665 pounds of donations for the Central Texas Food Bank.
The We Are Blood bus at Hilgers House offering safe and convenient blood-donation opportunities for AYLA volunteers.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to make this year’s MLK Day of Service a success.
All are invited to continue serving and giving back by attending one of the monthly AYLA Community Service Days events. You can find information about each Community Service Day in Bar Code, Austin Lawyer, and on social media. AL
Labeled items donated by AYLA members awaiting distribution.