MD1 e-Magazine (Lite) Vol. 6 - Issue 2, August 2018 6
Blue Mound Lions Lawn Mower Fun Run 1
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
we witnessed our first woman International President being sworn into office...what a convention it was!
From MD1 Council Chair: Greetings MD1 Lions!
Allow me to take you back in time for a moment... Over 100 years ago a man dared to look around a realized a need for his talents. A need for service minded people to unite for the greater good of mankind. An orginization was born. Through the years the torch of service passed from one hand to the next going to the next man who desired to lead the charge in the vision of our founding fathers. This year a Lion from Iceland became the next to lead us forward. Like many other years past, the Lions break records in many areas. This year, not only will we break records, but we will also be led by our very first woman International President, Lion Gudrun Yngvadottir. International President Gudrun is blazing a path forward in all service areas and has challenged us all to look beyond the horizons. International President Gudrun’s programs and initiatives will focus around 4 key elements of Lions International that are important to moving the association forward. We will continue to move membership forward, increase leadership development, promote fellowship among ALL Lions and continue to share our stories. Sharing stories or other information is key in two areas, both membership and retention. So swab the deck and unfurl the sails, the horizon is in sight. Let’s see what lies beyond.
Hello Lions! In the last letter I mentioned that together we would find out what lies ahead. In Las Vegas at the 101st International Convention, we did just that. We walked, ran and marched through the streets of Las Vegas. Between the miles of asphalt and the miles of carpet and tile we met with old friends and made new ones from all over the planet. We received at least one new member with Past President George Bush Jr. We watched performances by many great acts. We heard talks from inspirational speakers, oh and did I mention, 2
As Council Chair this year I can say that this years Council of Governors are already sailing towards the horizon, plans are being made, and I for one can’t wait to see how they navigate the waters of Lionism. We all see needs around the state. Can this band of Governors find new ways for us to serve those who have need? Again, together we will find out. On a closing note I would like to add that from the moment a Lion decides to pursue a leadership role they are taught that TEAMWORK is one of the biggest keys in being successful. Things like commradre, mutual respect and understanding are also relevent. There is ALOT of talent both on and off the field. Let’s focus on teamwork henceforth.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
We represent the birthplace of Lionism. Let us remind them why it all began here. Show the world who we are. Don’t forget, I’m rooting for you. GO TEAM! rrrrRRROOOAAARRRrrrr Lion Daniel Harris MD-1 Council Chair Elect
relatives to volunteer together at a reduced dues rate. Family members must meet membership requirements, live in the same household and belong to the same club. Children cannot become members, but can participate in the Cub Program, which allows children under age 12 the opportunity to build a lifelong dedication to helping others. If more than one member of your family is joining a club, tell them you want to join as a family unit.
(618)383-4532 Editorial:
Lions Changing Communities! Lions all over the world are changing the world one community at a time by addressing needs at home and around the globe.
Student Membership: Our student volunteer programs allow you to make new friends – and help others in your community at the same time. With a student membership, your dues are reduced. If you are enrolled in an educational institution and between the age of legal majority and 30, tell the club you are joining that you would like to take advantage of the Student Member Program dues discount.
Leo to Lion Membership. If you are a current or former Leo club member between the age of legal majority and through age 30, take the opportunity to receive a dues discount and continue doing volunteer work with Lions Clubs International ... as a Lion!
Last year we served more than 200 million people around the world – double our goal. Immediate Past President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal encouraged us to celebrate this milestone as we continue to change lives. Let us Grow! We have several opportunities to bring members to our clubs: Lions clubs are composed of diverse people in communities in nearly every corner of the world. That's why we offer you several ways to become a Lion – and serve. Lions clubs offer volunteer programs for college students, kids, adults and families. •
Regular Membership: Are you interested in volunteer programs, community service and making our world a better place? Lions Clubs International (LCI) offers community members the opportunity to volunteer locally together as a group. Members are expected to meet membership requirements such as dues set by the club and LCI. Take the first step toward membership today – contact a local club and ask to be invited to a meeting. Family Membership: Looking for special volunteer programs and activities you can do with your family? Family membership allows 3
-Dr. Austin D’Souza, Editor --------------------------------------------------------------------
e-Mail your articles, pictures and news items to: Cut off date is 25th of every month.
Visit MD1 Website: Web Editor: Lion Tom Drez, 1BK
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
LIF THOUGHTS By LIF Executive Director Lion Mario Gumino, PDG
Fellow Lions, As we move forward into this New Year, we need to reflect on the past year and all the GREAT accomplishments that your Foundation has completed. Without your support we would not have been able to improve our programs and help the many individuals in your communities. Speaking of your programs, they are doing FANTASTIC! Last year your Foundation improved your Retinal Program by adding another portable camera to the program. The new camera is identical to the one on the Retinal Unit. We will now be able to help those clubs where there is a need with our second camera. The Hearing Unit program is still making a difference in the communities around the state. We screened over 3,000 individuals through our units last year. Please remember we have generators on the units and we can screen just about anywhere. Your Social Services program has seen an increase in the number of individuals we have helped with our hearing aid program. Last year we have given out close to 200 used hearing aids. We are touching lives.
Low Vision student for $290.00. In addition to helping students with our Low Vision Program, we have added adults to the program starting July 1st. We will be getting information out to the clubs very shortly on the program and the process of helping those in need. Candy Day is just around the corner: Friday October 12th and Saturday October 13th. I look forward to meeting and visiting with each of you at your jamborees. All the jamborees are being scheduled so please speak with your district trustees to get your date and location. Once again, we will be using the winter green flavored candy roll. There are 576 rolls in a case and the cost of a case is $95.00. If you need more information on Candy Day or need to order supplies, please contact Dianne Ortega at the Foundation office at 815-756-5633, ext. 250. Your Endowment Fund is GROWING! We are at $11 million dollars, and it is because of you. The Lions of this state have seen a need to keep your Foundation growing and to keep our programs and services moving forward. Our next goal is $20 million, and beyond. Your Foundation is so close to that permanent legacy. I want to thank all of you for your continued support of your Foundation. Without each one of you, your Lions of Illinois Foundation would not exist and be the shining light to all that need our help. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Camp Lions had another GREAT YEAR! Every Camper was sponsored, and we need to thank all the clubs for their continued sponsorships. Your Low Vision program saw over 300 students this past year. Those students were given an exam, glasses and special aids to help them with their everyday lives at a cost to your Foundation of $290/student. When setting up your clubs budgets this year. Please set aside one 8
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Candy Day is October 12th and 13th, 2018. Lions and volunteers will be visible throughout the community on October 12th and 13th, 2018 for Candy Day! Lions will be giving away rolls of candy and accepting monetary contributions to be used in helping the visually and hearing impaired. It is almost impossible for those who can see and hear normally to fully understand what it is like to be visually or hearing impaired, but they can help through their support of Candy Day. People can show their support by giving generously, helping underwrite the price of a case of candy, or volunteering for a few hours on Candy Day. Persons wishing to join the Lions in their fight against the effects of vision and hearing loss should contact the local Lions Club or the Lions of Illinois Foundation. 9
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
communities. Leo clubs are divided into two tracks: Alpha and Omega. Alpha Leo Clubs are designed for youth between 12 and 18 years old. This track focuses on the individual and social development of teens and preteens. Omega Leo Clubs are tailored for young adults between 18 and 30 years old. This track encourages the personal and professional development of young adults. Youth interested in joining a Leo club can use the Club Locator tool to find a Leo club in their community and visit the Leos section in our Member Center for more information.
Make a Difference – Sponsor a Leo Club Leading for Life Leo clubs provide young people with an opportunity for development and contribution – individually and collectively – as responsible members of their local, national and international communities.
Connections to young people can bring new energy to a Lions club and increase Lions visibility in the community. Through Leo club sponsorship, Lions have a unique opportunity to mentor potential community leaders and recruit future Lions club members. Learn more about sponsoring a Leo club in the Leos section of our Member Center.
Leo Club Motto •
Leadership: Leo members acquire skills as project organizers and motivators of their peers. Experience: They discover how teamwork and cooperation can bring about change in their community and the world. Opportunity: Leos develop positive traits and receive recognition for their contributions.
For Young People Who Care Leo clubs are open to young people with good character who have an interest in serving their 11
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
2018-2019 West Frankfort Lions Club Officers were installed on June 28, 2018. Seated L>R : Lion Ervin Thomas, 2nd Vice President, Lion Jack McReynolds, President, Lion Dan Wells, Immediate Past President. Standing L>R: Lions Sue Martin, Membership Chairperson, Lion Ed Pool, Tail Twister, Lion Jim Summers, Lion Tamer, PDG Bill Kelley, Treasurer and Director, and Lion Brenda McCluskie, Secretary.
Firsst Piacture: Master Firecracker Logan Wussow and Miss Liberty Lillian McGregory Second Pictrure: Lions on the float Third Picture: Our Lion Fountain is ready for instillation at the park and was in the parade. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Not Pictured Lion Sharon Ossig, 1st Vice President. Durand Lions 4th of July Celebration:
At the recent ribbon cutting for the Streator Hardscrabble Lions Club Dog Park, President Mark Ferguson received a certificate of appreciation from Mayor Jim Lansford. Legacy Project Chair Donna Mikolajczyk thanked community members for financial and in-kind donations as well as the club members for their sweat equity. Plans for the project started in 2016, with the grand opening in June 2018. The park provides 20,000 square feet of space with separate areas for large and small dogs, a shelter and water fountain for patrons and pups.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Organ Factory in Highland PDG Rich Schrumpf was installing official. LEO Advisor Katie Henricks installed LEO Sam Segrist as Highland High School.
Sycamore Lions Club members recently celebrated their 70 years of service at the installation of officers for its 2018-2019 year. The ceremonial passing of the gavel was then held in early July at the Lion Brian’s first Board Meeting. From left, Lion President Brian Bickner receiving Sycamore Lion’s Gavel from Past President Lion Kevin Berry . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LEO president for 2018 – 2019. Lion Katie is the Highland Lion of the Year for 2017 – 2018. Although a relatively new Lion she stepped in a LEO advisor after PDG Earl Steiner passed away. Lion Gene Redman was presented with a long overdue Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Highland Lions Installed Gary Kreutzberg as president for 2018 – 2019 at a banquet at the Old
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Part of a Legacy Project completed last fall, this pavilion received a new metal roof and a basketball hoop was added in one corner of the parking lot at the City of Morrison's French Creek Park. Members voted this spring to continue some maintenance to the structure by adding some reinforcements. After the wood reinforcements have dried, paint will be applied to all of the framework. Shown at the completion of the reinforcement project are left to right: Jim Blakemore, Keith Hamstra, Jim Strating (volunteered his help and is a member of the Parks and Recreation Board) and front is Bob Smith. Bob Countryman, club photographer, also assisted in the second step in refurbishing the structure.
in small town of Lampang Northern Thailand
[Lion Trak feeding a disabled child at the luncheon) (7/25/18) while he and his family are on vacation, he is also Chicago Police Instructor. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Past Council Chair Lydia Ellis received 25 th Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow at the Lions of Illinois Floundation Trustees Meeting held at the Chateau, Bloomington. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Chicago Filipino American Lions Club member Lion Trak Silapaduriyang sponsored dinner for 47 Blind children and purchased some supply for the school
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Lions of Illinois Foundation New Employee: Amber Thompson – Special Events Assistant joined the team. Pictured with her husband. Previous page) -------------------------------------------------------------------
for the Blind band group with dinner, music and dance at the Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind
Above: Lions of Illinois Resources
Stickney Forest View Lions hosted participants of Special Olympics which third week of July 2018. Members from Egypt, Mexico Germany and Ecuadore were entertained by Chicago Lighthouse 16
cafeteria. Staff of Lighthouse also took part in this memorable event. Kids had so much fun at this event, many of them didn’t want to leave the place. These kids were here to celebrate Special Olympics’ 50th Anniversary Celebration which was held in Chicago.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
District 1A Lions GAT held their Annual Club Officers’ Training at the Willow Springs School. Hundreds of members attended this successful event.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
District 1A First Cabinet Meeting held in July. New members were installed by PDG Jerry Novak. IPDG Pat Duda honored Cabinet Secretary with a Melvin Jones Fellow recognition. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Fil-USA Lions Club held their Annual Picnic at the Harms Park in Chicago. PCC Steve Anton installed the officers of the club.
Riverside Township Lions club held their “Scrup Gorss Riverside Regatta� in July. Many members enjoyed surfing in Des Plaines River. 18
Lombard Lions Club awarded two $1,000 scholarships, one to a male student from Montini High School and another to a female student Glenbard East High School. Various Lions presented the checks including President Lion David Orr. --------------------------------------------------------------------
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Illinois in the 2018 Lions Clubs International Parade of Nations
Kathy Dombrowski. Shown with PDG Lion Bob Jilke (l) and 2nd VDG-Elect Lion John Barsanti --------------------------------------------------------------------
Algonquin Lions Club worked concessions for the Algonquin Trails Swim Meet held at the Lions' Armstrong Memorial Pool in Algonquin.
Sandwich Lion Bill Moebs (r) was announced the Lion of the Year for 2017-2018 by Club President Lion Tom Martin (l). This award represents outstanding work for the community on behalf of the Sandwich Lions Club.
Presenting the MD1 Council – the Redcoats are coming!! Congratulations to Roselle Lions Club's newest Melvin Jones awardees Lion Dennis Arcaro and Lion
Naperville Noon Lions Club Immediate Past President Lion Steve Hertzberg (l) presents the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to his daughter, Lion Dr. Kate Hertzberg (r). During her 17 years as a Lion, her volunteer spirit has taken her around the globe participating in eye care missions. As a student, she was active with the club at Ribfest, logging in more hours than any Lion. Since graduation, she has
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Bleecker, 1st VP Lion Ken Strugalla, and incoming President Lion Jim Woodring.
practiced as an optometrist in the western suburbs. In addition, she has served as Co-Chair of the club's Social Service Program. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Algonquin Lions Club awarded the 2018 Ted Spella Education Award to winning candidates Lana Meltzer and Trent Bauman during the club's General Meeting last month. Each student receives $2,500 in scholarship money. Pictured are the winners, their families, and Algonquin Lions who served on the Scholarship Committee. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Aurora resident Ken Leask (r) is welcomed as a new member of the Aurora Noon Lions Club by President Lion Rodrigo "Bobby" Menendez (l).
Incoming Naperville Noon Lions Club Officers were installed at the club's Installation Dinner. (l to r) 2 nd VP Lion Donna Kearny, Club Treasurer Lion Bill 20
Outgoing Malta Lions Club President Lion Matt Feuerborn (l) passes the gavel to incoming President Lion Tom Jergens (r).
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Crystal Lake Lion Randy Funk (l) is installed as Club President for Lion Year 2018-2019 by PDG Lion Bob Fowler (r). --------------------------------------------------------------------
Crystal Lake Lion Rob Wood (l) receives the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award from Club President Doug Lomen. (r).
Myers, SCH Lion Ronda Goldman and another Culver’s employee. --------------------------------------------------------------------
South Elgin Leos sorted 227 pairs of used eyeglasses, 7 phones and 8 hearing aids. The glasses were given to Dr. Saba Quraishu who went on an aid mission to Haiti in late June. He was very grateful for the glasses. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Fifteen Sun City-Huntley Lions volunteered at the local Culver’s in their Lions’ shirts from 4—8 PM on the evening of July 12th delivered food orders to customers inside the store and those in the drivethrough, as well as cleaned tables after customers left. The club provided place mats for the inside trays and LIF info cards attached to the carry out orders to educate the community what we support with monies raised. (l to r) Culver’s employee, SCH Lion Nancy Lawrence, Culver’s Manager Lion Rick
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
(Previous Page) Crystal Lake Lions Club President Doug Lomen (l) presents Lion John Dewey (r) with the Lion of the Year Award. -------------------------------------------------------------------
Crystal Lake Lion Glenn Bereiter (r) is presented with a Lions of IL Foundation Fellow Award by Club President Lion Doug Lomen (l).
(Sycamore Lions in Action at 40th Annual Lions Handicap Fishing Derby.) The 40th Annual Lions Handicap Fishing Derby was held on July 19th at Shabbona Lake State Park. There were 226 guests and 120 Lions from 16 clubs in 3 Districts who sponsored and attended the event this year. Sycamore Lions Club served lunch which consisted of hot dogs, chips, ice cream, water and lemonade, serving approximately 346 people. 10 Sycamore 22
Lions and one guest worked 80 hours, provided
(Serving Lunch at 40th Annual Lions Handicap Fishing Derby, from left back row – Lions Ray Puentes, Chuck Bergsmith, helper Will Gates, Lion Vice District Governor Jerome Perez, seated from left Lions Kevin Brint & Jerry Malmassari.) equipment, organizing and completing the handson project, with equipment provided by one additional Sycamore Lion. Special thanks to Vice District Governor Jerome Perez who chaired the Sycamore Lions Fishing Derby Committee.
Lion Lynn Kull (L) was installed as the 2018 - 2019 club president. Past district governor Lion Jim
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Weiss (R) installed all the Altamont Lions Club officers on Thursday night.
July 2, Bismarck Lions started the night with new Officers and ended as we put out American flags. Including Lions Don Dice, Rich Miller and Chuck Mockbee. Officers for the incoming year include Lions Don Wilson, Bill Jaffe, Terry Moss, Rich Miller and President Chris Milliken.
(Cover Picture) The third annual Blue Mound Lions Club Lawn Mower Fun Run was the biggest one so far. Participants go to 5 different host homes
where they eat play games and enjoy the day approximately 45 minutes at each stop. This year had 86 people even though it was raining just before the event. Blue Mound Lions get a lot of Compliments of how fun this event is. President Scott Hays and vice President lydell Kallenbach puts on this event.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
The Casey Lions had a work day at the park on June 19th and inducted the 18-19 officers. District Governor elect Darren L Van Duyn joined us for the induction. Thanks for making the drive down
Darren! Much appreciated! Their annual truck raffle is underway. Tickets are available now for this truck! $100 each! Where else can you win this vehicle for that price? Get your tickets at Casey State Bank. For your ticket, contact the Casey Lions Club.
Mattoon Lions Club Officers were installed by PDG Butch Guennewig, including President - Lion Brandon Saunders, 1st VP – Lion Tony Aghaei, 2nd VP – Lion Jordan Russell, Sec. - Lion Elmer Voudrie, Treas. – Lion Randall Ross, Directors: LCIF Coord: - Lion Randall Ross, Dir. 1 Yr. – Lions Sharon Fox & John Pugh, Dir. 2 Yr. – Lions Steve Ferguson & Ron Pruett, Membership Chair: Lion Gary Marquis, - 2 Yr. - Lion John Doty, - 3 Yr. - Lion Kyle Moe, Lion Tamers: Lions Kyle, Standard, Ervin and Chaplain Lion Larry Bales.
Danville Lions Installation of New Officers.
Newly installed Mahomet Lions Club officers.
Paris Lions Amy Hill and Brad Cash receive their Diamond Membership Pin for sponsoring new members during the Centennial Membership Challenge. Lions Amy Hill, Brad Cash, Ron Stickler, and Brian Walker went to Bloomington July 15 th to serve fresh melons to the kids and staff at Camp Lions.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Bates as our new Secretary, Lion Jim Patton as returning Treasurer, Lion Cecil Emerick as our new Lion Tamer, and Lion Annie Winans as our new Membership Chairperson. We look forward to serving our community in the year to come!
Rochester Lions Club president Gregg Benshoof (c) tonight presented coveted Lions International Melvin Jones Awards to members Ron Wright (l) and Dave Shoudel (r). Both are very deserving this highest Lions award, citing their dedication in supporting the Boo Crew Haunted House, the club's annual major fund-raising project.
Sidell Lion Brad Cash performed our instillation of officers June 28th . We welcome Lion David Winans as our new President, Lion Jaimee Hettinger as our new Vice President, Lion Terry 25
On July 10th, Springfield Noon Lions Club was treated to a fantastic program! Two Ulysses S Grant presenters. Our own Larry Werline and E. C. Fields, JR.
A dinner for Installation of Officers of St. Elmo Lions Cluh was installed this evening by Mary Ann's in St.Elmo. Attending the annual event were, from
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
left to right, Mark Lash, Al Nevergall, Lloyd Stanley, Richard Lowe, Dan Laack, Bob Lowe, Bob Wells, Le Mar Marchman, Don Crawford, David Cox, Max Hollinshead, Randy Wolf, Rex Reeder, Skip Heaton, Holly Huffer, Roger Faulk, and President David Maxey. The event was also attended by the Lions Club wives and visitors. Thank you to all who attended and thank you for your service to our community. Our Motto: We Serve Past District Governor Bill Wallpe, who installed them.
Warrensburg-Latham: July 5 was the Club's Annual Meeting and dinner. The slate of new officers were administered their oath of office by Lion Jerry Miller, past District Governor. The new officers are: Jim Seefeldt, President; Terry Howe, Rita
Scanavino, Sandy Southern, Vice Presidents; Jean Pease, Secretary; Jean Lehn, Treasurer; Morris Ennis, Lion Tamer; Terry Howe, Tail Twister. All offices are held for one year. The Club also welcomed two new members: Pegg Warnick and Cathy Stalker. Congratulations to our new officers and new members. We are always looking for new members who would like to serve our community. --------------------------------------------------------------Westville: Congratulations to some of our newly elected officers for the 2018-2019 year (from left to right): Dianne Barnard, Kendra Hepburn, Jennifer Hyche, Stephanie Blakeney, Chad Sollars & 26
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
District 1BK First Cabinet Meeting
Joliet Noon Lions Fund raising event’s information table.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Previous Page: Morris Lions donated a total of $70,000 to Morris Police Department for their Crisis Intervention Training Program over a two-year period.
Morris Lions ‘Free Day at Morris Pool’ for Morris residents to enjoy at the pool.
1968 Olds Cutlass 442 Clone is being raffled on October 14, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. during the Fall Classic Car Show at the Grundy County Fairgrounds. For more details, contact Morris Lions Club members.
In the photo, Lion Al Henning (right) presents a Melvin Jones Fellowship to Lion Kyle Underwood and Lion Al Henning, represenng Lions Clubs MD1 State Monthly e-Magazine Edited & Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG for Lions and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address: 28 MD1 Lionsand & Leos Mail your articles, pictures newsMonthly items toe-Magazine above e-mail address.