Lions & Leos of Illinois MD1 State Magazine

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MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 6 - Issue 6, December 2018 6


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


LaLa LaLa LaaLa LaLaLa! December – the month of giving, helping the needy, feeding the hungry and donating coats, hats, sox, gloves, clothes, books, gifts and you name it by clearing our packed closets.

LionTrish Fisher Executive Assistant Manager Lions of Illinois Foundation 2254 Oakland Dr. Sycamore, IL 60178 (815) 756-5633 x240 Fax: (815) 787-6806

Lions already started collecting and donating winter coats, hats, gloves, sox, etc. to help less fortunate people in our communities, so that they can fight this winter with warm clothes, just like us.

-Dr. Austin D’Souza, Editor -------------------------------------------------------------------MD1 Leadership Chair: Lion Jama Wahl

This is also the month to donate and fulfill our obligations of annual donations such as Lion of Illinois Foundation and Lions Clubs International Foundation.

During this holiday season, our club members think of others in our communities. It is not uncommon for clubs to provide food baskets or make contributions to a food pantry. Other clubs provide coats, hats and mittens. Still others provide gifts or financially support toy drives.

We have an aggressive campaign to collect $300 million in three years. I am pretty sure that many clubs have already started their campaign to collect donations from clubs’ members, well wishers and from Community Businesses. Feeding the hungry is also not a bad idea to collect canned goods to donate the needy. Many clubs have started Christmas Gift Baskets and Christmas Food Baskets to distribute in their communities. Many clubs and Districts are having Christmas Dinners to celebrate holidays; maybe we can invite one or two less fortunate families to have some holiday fun during our celebrations. Many of us buy gifts to our loved ones and place them under the Christmas Tree to be opened on either Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day in the morning. How about buying some extra gifts and inviting couple of poor kids to join our celebration and hand them over those gifts to make their Christmas a memorable one? Instead of buying gifts this year, how about buying gift cards from Lions of Illinois Foundation? Call Lion Trish Fisher at the below address and she will be very happy to assist you in this regard:


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Many clubs build leadership by providing service. Think about it. Someone must take charge to organize such events. Decisions must be made as to when, where and how to accomplish a project. People step up to chair and then mentor their committee members. Communication models are determined to keep club members abreast of projects as well as sharing information about the event with the public. Organizing, making decisions, mentoring and communicating are all pieces of the leadership puzzle. When service projects are successful, and Lions feel good about the impact they are making on their communities, they are more likely to bring in new members while at the same time maintain the current members in the club. The service is meaningful to the community and relevant to members. In this season of caring and sharing, consider how your club can provide service, build leaders, retain

members and maybe even pick up a member or two by doing what Lions do best‌serve. -Lion Jama Wahl, State GLT Coordinator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

for member retention recognition on the Awards Website.

Now that you’ve nominated them, how are you celebrating the New Voices in your district? See your New Voices DG Guide for ideas!

Your partner or spouse can win up to US$5,000 for their youth focused project. Submissions are due by February 28, 2019, so get started today. For complete contest rules, see the Partners in Service Contest Overview.

November Updates: - International Prez Read my November message to club leaders in which

I encourage clubs to learn more about the Service Journey. Encourage Lions to take their clubs to the next level

through the Club Quality Initiative. Encourage clubs to better serve their communities through a Community Needs Assessment. You can recognize Lion leaders who excel at growing

membership and keeping members happy. Get details


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

food drive was named in honor of Myron Legg, a longtime local business owner, community member and friend to many who passed away earlier this year.

Bartlett Lions taste testing the pancakes before we serve them to our Bartlett friends, family and neighbors. Enjoyed by all.

"The River Grove Lions Club is very grateful to those that came out to volunteer for our First Annual River Grove Lions Club Myron Legg Holiday Food Drive," said Lion Tracy Aller. "A big thank you to our Lions members and to those students from River Grove School, Rhodes School, Leyden High School, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts as well as other members of the community who came out to assist with this worthy project. Because of their help, it was a great success. River Grove residents are the best!"

At the Bartlett Lions Pancake Breakfast, we offered Low Vision Screening to all our young guests. We screened a total of 36 young guest and 1 was a referral. Pictured L to R: PDG Lion John Hilliard, Lion President Dave Barry, Lion Jim Worden. -------------------------------------------------------------------"A

The River Grove Lions Club recently served the community by organizing a community food drive to replenish the River Grove Food bank. This volunteer activity occurred at River Grove Senior Center. Completion of the Lions club service project will ultimately benefit our local families in need. The


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

big thank you to the River Grove Lions and Boy Scout Troop 144," said Mayor Dave Guerin. "It is because of great organizations like these and the

residents of River Grove that we are able to keep our pantry shelves full." The effort included asking residents to donate food items and non-perishables by placing them in the blue bags that were recently dropped off at hundreds of River Grove homes. Volunteers then spread out across town to pick up these bags full of essential items that will ultimately benefit our local families in need. ---------------------------------------------------------

The Mounds Lions Club has been very busy this Fall. We cleaned and sent 159 pairs of eye glasses to be recycled. The club continued doing eye screening in the schools totaling 119 students. We held our first Annual Membership Drive on September 18 which was a success. We have two potential new members. During October Fest our Pancake Breakfast was great. Candy Day was awesome with a total of $250.00 collected. A student of the youth group at Gospel of Deliverance Church in Mounds won the Peace Poster contest in our club and in the 1CS District. It will now travel to State in Springfield in May. We are all very proud of Kylaya Wiggins who is a fifth-grade student at Meridian Elementary School in Mounds. Our yearly fundraiser for the Lions Telethon of Stars for children with disabilities was a great success. We collected $1800.00 from 11

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store, and private donations. The Telethon aired Nov. 17th on WPSD-TV6 with Vice President Lion Amber Bone and Lion Josie Eason making the Presentation. And The Mounds Lions Club made a $75.00 donation to Samaritan Purse for mothers and babies. Well Signing off, “Go Mounds Lions Club, We Serve.” President Lion Retha Eurales. ----------------------------------------------------------

Don’t throw that old and broken string of Christmas Tree Lights in the garbage can, recycle them, the Genoa Lions are collecting your old, used, burned out, or extra Christmas Tree light strings again this season. The Lions of Illinois Foundation has a recycling program that includes light strings, keys, eyeglasses, cell phones, hearing aids and some printer cartridges.

Roadblocks, sitting up at the local grocery 12

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Look for the red cans, adorned with Christmas lights and Lions Club logos, starting the week of Nov. 19th through the end of the year. They can be found at Drew Kuhn’s Christmas Tree stand in front of the Masonic Temple in Genoa and a receptacle at Tobinson’s Ace Hardware, Faith United Methodist Church, and Genoa City Hall in Genoa too. The

Genoa Lions thank these establishments for their continued support of this program. Genoa Lion Chad Pacey oversees this initiative and can be reached at Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. --------------------------------------------------------------------

The Genoa Lions would like to report that the Club has inducted two new members this fall. Lion Todd Merritt sponsored local barber Scott Herron in September and Lion Mike Dreska sponsored Aric Coleman in October. Lion President Gene Bradford initiated Lion Herron at our October Meeting and Lion Past President Helland initiated Lion Coleman in October. The Genoa Lions invite anyone to consider membership in their local Lions Club especially if you live in the Genoa-Kingston area. Please


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contact Genoa Lions Membership Chairman Jerry Helland at for more information about joining our local Lions club. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Sycamore Lions, at their meeting on National Diabetes Day, November 14th, had a program by Dr. Jean Isabella explaining here program in remote areas of Belize doing testing and education of the population regarding diabetes. Dr. Isabella explained that the limiting factor in the number of people screened was her ability to raise funds for testing kits. The Sycamore Club responded with a check for $1000 to help her continue her work. She also received information from Lt. Governor Jerome Perez regarding LCIF Grants. Presenting the check to Dr Isabella is Sycamore President Brian Bickner. ----------------------------------------------------


Several Sycamore Lions received notable Years of Service Chevrons at a recent meeting. Shown from left; Lions all, Ken Hirschbein – 30 Years, Bill Gulke – 25 Years, Randy Panzer – 30 Years, Chuck Christensen & Bruce Wallace – 10 Years and President Brian Bickner presenting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Sycamore Lions, including District Governor Susan Galvez & Jess, covered 40 volunteer slots for Feed My Starving Children Meal Pack on November 8th at Suters, Inc in Sycamore. Over the 4 day event nearly 7000 volunteers packed 1.3 million meals to be shipped to developing countries around the world. Some of the volunteers stayed to present the club’s $500 donation toward the cost of the materials being packed.

Three Sycamore Lions received the International Milestone Chevron Award at a recent meeting. Receiving their awards are (from left) Lions Dave Finney, Tony Sgarlata and Randy Panzer, pictured with Lion President Brian Bickner.


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From left: Jack Hoving, Grandpa Lion Joe Woodward, Lion Jess Galvez, grandson & honorary Lion Justin Hoving, Lion President Brian Bickner, Brooklyn Bickner, FMSC’s Greg Howells, District Governor Susan Galvez, FMSC’s & event host Tim Suter, Lions Tony Sgarlata, Pete Springmire, Tom Fewell, Vice District Governor Jerome Perez, Bill Gulke, Dave Finney, Kevin Bery, Chuck Bergsmith.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Self proclaimed “The Bitches of Lake Zurich” were the Team Champs for Trivia Night. Alison Rigsby, friend Bonnie, Mia Shaw, Karen Kollath, Jackie Lococo, Tyler Garlock & Martha Garlock. The Mount Prospect Lions Club issued a fundraising challenge to Lions throughout the State of Illinois to help Child's Voice, which is a listening and spoken language program for children with hearing loss. The Mount Prospect Lions Club vowed to match up to $5,000 in donations to the group after learning about Child's Voice through a presentation given by Kate Bousum (rhymes with Awesome). Located in Wood Dale and Chicago, the group was founded by a group of dedicated and determined parents who want to provide an opportunity to learn to listen and talk for children with hearing loss. Lions Clubs that want to answer the challenge should issue a check made out to Child’s Voice and mail it to the Mount Prospect Lions Club where donations will be tracked and forwarded to Child's Voice. Checks should be mailed to the following address: Mt. Prospect Lions Club, Attn: Lion Jessica Putra, c/o PO Box 332, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056.

The Blues Brothers and the Nuns. Royce Wilmot, Marty & Mary Reading, Trisha & Grant Roon, Ric Granroth, & Barb Lahtinen.

The challenge is in effect through Feb. 1, 2019, so there is plenty of time for discussion at winter meetings! For more information about the group, visit Or consider contacting Kate Bousum at She would love a chance to make a presentation at a club meeting (or zone meeting, joint zone meeting, Quad Club, etc).


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Lake Villa Township had their “Spidey Sense” going At the end of the table forward: Pat & Shelly Gallagher, Jeanne & Tony Gundrum, Patti & Ron Gram, Ken & Dianne Suskin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

The ladies of the Lake Villa Township Lions Club enjoy getting together for an occasional “Girls Night Out,” and they usually use it for socializing and brainstorming new ideas for the club. One night in October they decided to get together for a service project. I found a group called “Ryan’s Case for Smiles” that I shared in the district newsletter for September 2018. Ryan's Case for Smiles, which was started by a pediatric cancer survivor, makes pillowcases for pediatric cancer patients.

The Lions Club of Grayslake presented Wendy Warren of the Avon Township Food pantry a check for $3,000. It is made out to the Illinois Food Bank with Avon being the recipient. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Lake Villa Township Lions "Girls Night Out" group loved the idea of putting a smile on the face of a sick child. Club members purchased, cut and sewed pillowcases for this project. They even recruited a few non-Lions to help out. Together in 2 hours they were able to complete 37 pillow cases to donate to this wonderful cause. Hey, here’s a thought — a service project might be a great tool to recruit new members! It was an easy, fun and rewarding project. And the Lake Villa Township group will be doing it again. If you are interested in finding out more about doing this service project with your club, check out the Ryan's Case for Smiles website here or contact me for further information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

IAMA Dr. Vijay invited Community leader Lion Hina Trivedi from Chicago Indo-US Lions Club to meet with Congressman Danny Davis Jr., and others to talk about District 1A VOICES which is a 501-C3 Charitable Organization. Lion asked them to donate as these donations are tax deductible.



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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

District 1A Lions Environmental Project held in the month of November 2018. Over 80 kids came to help Lions.

Above photos are from LLRI training session which held on November 10, 2018 at the President Abraham Lioncon Hotel, Springfield. --------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Justice! Lindsey Yoder with our Club President Gary Stutzman. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Some cleaning of Street, some pick up leaves and garbage from the street, some separated recycling items and separated plastic & metal items. Environmental project conducted under the leadership of Lion Hina from Chicago Indo-US Lions Club and Lion Ron from River Grove Lions Club. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Streator Hardscrabble Lions packed Thanksgiving baskets for delivery. Families received a turkey with all of the trimmings, breakfast cereals, milk, fruits, vegetables and staples. Arthur Lions Club joined in the fun handing out candy! The lion got hugs, handshakes, even made a few kids cry. Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Arthur Lions had the privilege of having Lindsey Yoder speak at our meeting about her bike for freedom from Mexico to Canada. We donated $100.00 plus our tail twisting money to contribute to her cause Hope for


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Upon noticing the flag being wind tattered & torn, the Arthur Lions Club donated a new flag to the ALAH High School. Pictured is Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Sutherland, Mr. Davis, Lion President Gary Stutzman, Lion Bobbie Stutzman, Lion Linda Kay Cain. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Leo Club Members Back Row L-R: Leah Daniels, Ruby Poe, Julia Smith, McKayla Clark, Emily Simpson, McKenna Clark, Marilyn Reid, Cheyenne Blom, Front Row L-R: Lainey Muller, Rachel Schlueter, Lilly Alderman, Felicity Hughes, Meridith Bradley, Katie Nix. The Athens High School Leo Club held its officer installation and new member induction on Friday, October 26, during the regular meeting. This year's club has 18 active members. The 2018 officers include President Felicity Hughes, Vice President Katie Nix, Secretary Emily Simpson and Treasurer Marilyn Reid. New members include Amy Gibson, Julia Smith, Ruby Poe, Lainey Muller, Lindsay Roemer, and Madison Reichert.

Officers L-R: President Felicity Hughes, Secretary Emily Simpson, Vice President Katie Nix, Treasurer Marilyn Reid

Club Ambassadors L-R: Felicity Hughes, Meridith Bradley, Cheyenne Blom, Marilyn Reid


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

This year's club also has four ambassadors who will be the club's spokespersons to engage other students and the community. The ambassadors are Felicity Hughes, Marilyn Reid, Meridith Bradley, and Cheyenne Blom. There are three committees being formed in order to involve more members in the club. The committees and chairs are: Projects--chairs Marilyn Reid and Rachel Schlueter, Fundraiser--chair Katie Nix; Social Media-chair Cheyenne Blom.

The Athens Leo Club is an important part of Lions International and is sponsored by the Athens Lions Club. Lion Tricia Laager is the Leo Club advisor. The high school faculty advisor is Tim Isringhausen. The club meets every Friday during the lunch hour. This club is very active in hosting community events involving the children of the school district in keeping with the Lion's motto of "We Serve".

to them. I am so proud that we were able to provide them with the opportunity to share their visions." The Athens Lions Club is cheering for Cierra as her poster advances in the competition, and it is hoped that her vision will ultimately be shared with others around the world. Cierra and the other students are in the Athens Youth Program. Her parents are Scott and Dawn Mossman.

-------------------------------------------------------------------The winner and the students that participated were honored during the Lions/Leo/AYC Paint for Peace event on November 3rd at the Athens Community Park. The Lions thank the City of Athens for the use of the building. The judges for the contest were board members from the Athens Youth Council and officers of the Athens Leo Club. The Athens Lions Club coordinator was Tricia Laager. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Cierra Wilson, a 10-year-old 4th grade student at Cantrall Intermediate, has taken the first step to becoming an internationally recognized artist by winning a local competition sponsored by the Athens Lions Club. Wilson's poster was among more than 600,000 entries submitted worldwide in the 31st annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Lions Clubs International is sponsoring the contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere. Cierra's quote was to " Always Choose Kindness ". -----------Athens Lions Club President Larry Baughman said he was impressed by the expression and creativity of the students. "It is obvious that these young people have strong ideas about what peace means 21

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Mattoon Lions Club is proud to sponsor 14 classrooms in the Mattoon/Charleston area with over 700 participants in the Peace Poster Contest. The concept of Peace is alive in this generation, with the goal of even greater participation next year. Warrensburg-Latham: W-L Lions' annual Community Banquet, held Nov. 8, 2018, honored local veterans. W-L grad and (ret.) Navy Capt. Ed Rau was the keynote speaker. One of the highlights of his presentation was the playing of the anthem of each branch of the service. As an anthem was played, veterans from that branch stood. It was a moving experience for all in attendance. Several WL Lions were among the veterans recognized. W-L L

Lions thank the veterans for their selfless service to our country. God bless our veterans and God bless America! --------------------------------------------------------------------

Danville Lions Club members collected Toys for Tots to distribute to less fortunate children during coming Holiday Season. Fun for ‘children’ of all ages at the Blue Mound Lions Club Halloween Party.


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on October 19th. Local business, Autotown, sponsored two cars to be given away for hole-inone. Weather was brisk, but everyone involved had a great time. --------------------------------------------------------------------


Mahomet Lions Club celebrates the end of a successful season with a hot dog roast each year. --------------------------------------------------------------------

This week we got a Facebook message by a woman whose mother needed medical equipment. Mattoon Lions Club collaborated with Catholic Charities in Mattoon and we were able to hand deliver this item to her. Where there is a need, there is a Lion. WE SERVE!

Moweaqua Lions were loaded with candy at every park bench, ready for trick-or-treaters in Central Park. Mahomet Lions Club held their annual Golf Outing 23

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Photos: Next Page



Strasburg Lions “LEO� Club Tree Project Project Completion On Saturday, October the 20th, the Strasburg Lions LEO Club and members of the Strasburg Lions met at the Strasburg Community Park to plant the 12 trees acquired through the Trees Forever Grant.


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The LEOs and Lions broke up into groups with each group have a specific part in the planting of the

Here LEOs Lainee, Wyatt, and Kassie start the process by peeling off the grass at the spot where the tree is to be planted. Next came the actual digging of the hole. This part of the process was accomplished by LEOs Bella, Katie, Brody, with Lion Tanner helping. Their job was to make sure the hole was at the correct depth and twice as big around as the root ball. The next phase of the process was to get the trees into the ground. First, they had to make sure the hole was the right size, and then rough up the roots a little to make sure they would spread out into the soil, and then place the root ball in the ground and cover it.

trees. The LEOs did most of the work with some expert supervision by the Strasburg Lions 25

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LEOs Bella and Brody with the guidance of Lions Tanner took care of this. Once the trees were planted LEO Katrina (not pictured) put mulch around the tree making sure to stay from the base of the tree.

Then after the mulch was placed around the tree, another crew came in and drove 4 steel posts around the tree to help the tree stay stability. LEO Logan (not pictured) took care of this. Then LEOs Wyatt and Katie fastened chicken wire around the post, so the rabbits and other animals could damage the trees. The final process was picking up the excess dirt and watering all the trees. LEOs Natalie and Hannah were collecting all the excess dirt and filling in holes around the park, LEO Kassie then watered the trees. The Strasburg Lions “LEO” Club would like to thank

And special thanks to the Strasburg Lions for sponsoring our LEO club and helping with the project. --------------------------------------------------------------------

District 1M Convention: From District Governor Darren VanDuyn: Lions and Leos, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended the District Convention in Champaign, we had a blast. A special thanks goes out to our International guests International Director Lion Mark Lyon and his wife Lyn. They were a great fit for our crazy district. This event is put on every year by your District leadership team to celebrate the great successes of the previous Lions year and celebrate the successes of the first 120 days or so of the current Lions year. When the time comes around next year please give it a strong thought and join us in celebration. This is the kind of FUN events that we need to refresh ourselves and carry on throughout the rest of our year.”

the Strasburg Village Board for allowing this project. It was a great learning experience for the club and something they can look back on and be proud of. They would also like to thank Trees Forever and their representative for helping with the grant and then granting the money, so we could complete the project. 26

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

The theme for the 2018 District 1M Convention

was ‘Under Construction – Building Stronger Lions Clubs’ and the Champaign Suites Hotel (formerly Hawthorne Suites) in Champaign was the perfect venue as the location was undergoing major updating and was definitely Under Construction. After the District Global Action Team met and ate with ID Mark and Lyn, the Halloween party began Friday evening, as well as registration and Silent Auction.

to Lion Chuck Mockbee, Photo Contest winners, including The Marshall Lions The Merrier Category– The Athens Leo Club, and the LCIF Helping Hands Award to PDG Kevin Mendenhall. Voting results were announced, including the passage of all 3 resolutions, and elections of Lions Jim Ingram – LIF Trustee, John Dotray – SVDGE, Bill Wallpe – VDGE, David Johnson – DGE. Congratulations to all, and best wishes for continued success.

Saturday opened with words from our District Governor, presentation of resolutions and nominations for new officers for 2019-2020, followed by sessions on event planning and membership retention. Lunch included a message about International President Gudrun Yngvadottir by ID Mark Lyon, a time of remembrance for those Lions who have passed from this life, and recognitions of outstanding Lions, including PDG Richard King as Guiding Lion, President’s Appreciation Certificate 27

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Afternoon sessions included information about social media marketing, identifying future leaders, LIF programs and low vision screenings.

Amy Hill whose zones increased membership the most, and were rewarded by getting to decorate our DG with a pie in the face. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Banquet festivities included announcement of Art Gallery winner, Lion Linda Hall, convention reports, appreciation for all who helped with the event, and a fantastic message from ID Mark about the meaning behind his emblem, the Charter Oak, the need for Lions to respond to the call to service, and the impact our service has. International President’s Certificates of Appreciation for the current year were presented to Lions Leann Brackney, Mark Krutsinger, Brad Cash, John Dotray, Carla Haga, District Governor Darren closed the event with appreciation to all who helped, and to all who serve, including Zone Chairs, Lions Jane Giertz and 28

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Seven dedicated Altamont Lions received their Perfect Atandance recognitions, including Lions Steve Bailey,Dave Corder, Mike Gill, Jesse Heischmidt, Jim Shelton, Jim Strange. Congratulations! --------------------------------------------------------------------

Algonquin Lions Club presented a $5,000 check to the Algonquin/Lake in the Hills Food Pantry for a portion of the funds raised by the Annual Bags Tournament. Eleven members from the Lions Club, along with members of the Food Pantry, were present.

Algonquin Lions attended a Village Alert Team CPR Training Class last month. (l to r) Lion Jerry Kautz and Eric Marto, Lioness Pam Perrott, Lions Nick Sigrist and Jerry Glogowski, Village Employee Corinne Gerstmeyer, Alert Team Bee Keeper Joe Dittman, Lions Steve Collinsworth, Pat Hartigan, and Fire Department Instructor Bill Todd.

To promote the Pumpkin Festival, Sycamore Lions visited all the local Elementary Schools in midOctober, passing out Trick or Treat boxes, compliments of MPP Sycamore Containers, and Pumpkin Display Entry Forms. Sycamore Lions Mascot, Leo the Lion, was well received at all the schools. Twelve Lisle Lions, 20 Westsiders from United Cerebral Palsy Foundation, 15 helpers, 13 Lisle 29

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Teens With Character and 3 Adult Advisors, plus 3 more volunteers, made for a fun day!! Lions provided Bingo & prizes and a picnic-style lunch. Teens helped with Bingo and served lunch. It’s a long-time project (25+ years) that all enjoy doing and we’re happy to be including the Teens now. -------------------------------------------------------------------At their November 14th meeting on National Diabetes Day, Sycamore Lions had a program by Dr. Jean Isabella. Dr. Isabel is the Chair and Associate Professor in the School of Health Studies at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb. She detailed her ongoing project in Belize to screen prediabetes and diabetes in order study the effect of education and lifestyle improvements on reducing diabetes. Her testing kits cost $170 each and will cover 200 tests/patients. Dr. Isabel explained that the limiting factor in the number of people screened was her ability to raise funds for testing kits. The Sycamore Club responded with a check for $1,000 to help her continue her work. Presenting the check to Dr. Isabella is Sycamore Lions Club President Lion Brian Bickner. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Another duty that Governor Susan performed was to induct two new members — one in each club! (l to r) DG Lion Susan, Sponsor Hinckley Lion Jerry Bahl, New Hinckley Lion Ann Gerulis, Sponsor Big

Several Sycamore Lions received notable Years of Service Chevrons at a recent meeting. (l to r) Lions Ken Hirschbein – 30 Years, Bill Gulke – 25 Years, Randy Panzer – 30 Years, Chuck Christensen and Bruce Wallace – 10 Years, with Club President Lion Brian Bickner presenting the Chevrons. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Rock Lion William Kline and new Big Rock Lion Michael Kline.

Low Vision Screening was offered to young guests at the Bartlett Lions Club Pancake Breakfast. A total of 36 were screened and one was referred. (l to r) PDG Lion John Hilliard, Club Pres. Lion Dave Barry, and ZC Lion Jim Worden. --------------------------------------------------------------------

When District Governor Lion Susan Galvez visited the Hinckley/Big Rock Lions Clubs, she was able to award a Melvin Jones Fellowship to Hinckley Lion David Maroo. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Aurora Noon Lion Jim Scott dishes up pancakes for Guadalupe Rios and other East Aurora High School students who helped the Lions Club hold its Annual Great Pumpkin Pancake Breakfast fundraiser.

Aurora Noon Lion Jim Scott dishes up pancakes for Guadalupe Rios and other East Aurora High School students who helped the Lions Club hold its Annual Great Pumpkin Pancake Breakfast fundraiser.


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North Aurora Lions Club delivered 180 fall displays comprised of cornstalks, straw bales, gourds, and pumpkins. This has been a very successful fundraiser for the club for several years. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Instructors PID Lion Bud Wahl (l) and Lion Jama Wahl present Bartlett Lions Joanne Watson and Andy Watson with their Regional Lions L e a d e r s I n s t i t u t e Completion Certificates. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Two Waterman Lions, Mark Fenske (l) and Richard Smith (r) helped collect donations for LIF Candy Day at the intersection of Routes IL 23 and US 30. Ohers who helped on Friday were Lions Leonard Johnson, Shawn Blobaum and Craig Rice. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Sandwich Lions manned the Fishing Pier at the Annual Fishing Derby last summer — Oh, doesn’t it look wonderful out there now? (l to r) Lions Gary Lemke, Bill Moebs, Jack Thompson, Bob Jones. --------------------------------------------------------------------

In 1991 the Waterloo Lions Club saw a need in our community to offer a warm, free and complete Thanksgiving meal to “those in need.” It was prepared and served in a borrowed school cafeteria. Dine-in, carry-out or free deliveries. “Share the Feast” is an annual Thanksgiving Day meal, free to anyone wishing to join us at our table. It is organized and served by thirty volunteers that have dedicated 120 hours to ascertain event perfection. Various local businesses contribute by supplying paper products, turkeys, pies and many other food and monetary donations. Though this was not created as a fundraiser, our costs are usually always


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covered. Overages were saved as start-up money for next year. The word “need” requires something essential. Maybe it’s a meal, or maybe its companionship. Over 300 free meals were served last year to those “in need” by the Waterloo Lions Club and community volunteers.

A new member was installed at our November meeting by PDG Lion John Hilliard L to R: New member Lion Wiron Magpayo, PDG Lion John Hilliard, Sponsor Lion Andy Watson. ----------------------------------------------------

We are preparing for our 27th year of serving free Thanksgiving meals in just two days.

Today Club President, Lion George Obernagel and Past District Governor Lion Ron Mueller accepted the award, as a project winner in the category of "Healthy Futures," along with Senator Paul Schimpf. Photo's are attached as well as a Press Release from the Governor's Office. Please include this in District newsletter and help us share the news. I am also submitting this to the State magazine separately. --------------------------------------------------------------------

At The Bartlett Lions Club November meeting we honored our Peace Poster winners, their families and teachers. L to R:Principal Signatur, Art Teacher Shaine Lemvig, winner Beverly Yu all from Bartlett Elementary School. Winner Annya Narsariwala, Art Teacher Rachel Patterson all from Eastview Middle School, and Coordinator Lion Cheryl Lemvig. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Lion Terry Eberle receives the certificate of Recognition for holding a Retinal Screening in Durand. -------------------------------------------------------------------Students of the Durand Sixth grade Quest program do the Community Service Fall Clean up by


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Lions Dan & Sybil Wagner were presented with the Silver Centennial Award by secretary Lion Dave Waller. They had sponsored members during the Centennial Celebration and they had stayed members for more than one year.

raking several lawns in the Durand area. Shown are some of the students. In all 40 students and 8 adults were involved in this project.

The Gardner Lions held a Pancake Breakfast on November 11th.

Weather turned good and Durand Lions put the lights on the two trees in Center Park of Durand. Shown is Lion Dave Waller putting the star on one of them. Streator Hardscrabble Lions packed Thanksgiving Baskets. Families received a turkey with all of the trimmings, milk, vegetables, fruits, breakfast cereals and staples.

Braidwood Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us for our annual Halloween Hot Dog Giveaway. We went thru all 1,000 hot dogs, 100 family size bags of chips and over 25 gallons of hot chocolate, over 30 33

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gallons of lemonade and over 25 pounds of popcorn. ---------------------------------------------------------------

The Lemont Lions held their Annual Chili Supper and Meat raffle on November 4th. Thank you to everyone who helped and supported the club. ---------------------------------------------------------------

The Milford Lions Club had their 11th annual HALLOWEEN CAROLING. Four lions and 4 family members went caroling at 2 nursing homes in Hoopeston and 2 in Watseka, since there are no nursing homes in Milford. On the 31st, the Lions joined with the Christian Church in Milford for their TRUNK & TREAT event. Milfor Lions provided and run 4 games to entertain the children who came (over 200). The games included the horse races, pick a duck, bean bag boards, and a mystery box sensory challenge. The Beecher Lions held a Christmas tree sale 34

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On Thursday, Nov. 15, the Crest Hill Lions Club presented the Will County Children’s Advocacy Center with more than 120 fleece tie blankets. While the Crest Hill Lions organized, funded and made blankets themselves, the project was not possible without community support. From the employees at the Joliet JoAnn Fabric store spending four hours cutting bolts of fleece to size, to the Creative Friends of Carillon Lakes, the Student Council seniors at Joliet Catholic Academy, members of Crossroads Christian Church in Joliet and Girl Scout Troops 71045 and 75227 in Plainfield to friends and family of Lion members, there were several people other than Crest Hill Lion members who cut and tied the blankets. “It’s one of the best projects we’ve had that I’ve seen here,” said John Dean, a 43-year member of the Crest Hill Lions. “It’s going to help a lot of people and a lot of kids which is fantastic, I’m very happy about it.” The Frankfort Lions Club delivered food baskets for Thanksgiving along with some help from their Leos! ---------------------------------------------------------------


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

The Joliet Noon Club held their annual Breakfast with Santa. Second Vice District Governor Sue celebrated her birthday with us! ---------------------------------------------------------------

The Waterloo Lions Club was pleased to induct three new members into our membership!! L to R Lions Eric Meyer, Vanessa Stewart and Byron Stewart. Deb Ruggeri sponsored three GREAT new members! WELCOME to "THE" CLUB!!!

Lions Mariellen and Adam Campo, along with Lion Peggy Ries, did a great job of putting the North Pole right on Main Street! Every year they come up with a creative way to decorate a Lamppost on behalf of the Lions Club and we THANK YOU!!!


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


Operation Santa was a huge success. There were 400 children who came to visit Santa and all received a stuffed toy or book.L to R back row Lions Dave Wetherton, Andy Watson, Joanne Watson, Norm Wetherton L to R middle row Lions Wiron Magpayo, Dave Barry, Randy Zbasnik, Roy Engstrom L to R front row Lions elf Chery Lemvig, Santa Frank Schulter, Christy Barry --------------------------------------------------------------------

District 1A Governor Howard Swacker welcoming Cabinet Members to II Cabinet Meeting which was held at Connie’s Family Pizzeria, Berwyn.

Stickney Forest View Lions held their Annual Ham & 37

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

District 1A Region 2 second meeting held at Yummy Buffett in Chicago on November November 29, 2018. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Eggs Breakfast fundraiser at the Stickney Community Center in November 2018. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Lion Dr. Austin D’Souza, your editor was honored with “Konkani Karavalli Hero” title in Kuwait during a Singing Reality Show held on November 9, 2018. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Chicago Filipino American Lions Club held their Governors Visit and 26 New Members Induction. Governor Howard Swacker was given a biggest gift of 26 new members on his governor’s nite. 38

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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