2018 January State e-magazine full version

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The Illinois Lion & Leo MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 5 - Issue 7, January 2018 6

Athens High School girls basketball team 2017 and Leos

See you in February at the Council Meeting in East Peoria.

From MD1 Council Chair: Greetings MD1 Lions! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

-Pamela Graney, MD1 Council Chair

I hope the spirit of Christmas will be yours throughout 2018.



In January 2018, Lions will participate in the “Relieving Hunger” Centennial Service Challenge. January 8-14, 2018 will be our worldwide week of service to “Fight Hunger.” Let’s band together to make a difference! January 7-13, 2018 is LCIF Week…consider a personal or club donation.

Happy New Year 2018! Greetings to you all to start a Bright and Prosperous New Year, 2018. As we step into this year, may our goals to spread Lionism in our communities come true with flying colors. As a good lion, let us make some resolutions this year as we already completed six months of current Lionistic Year.

Happy Birthday, Melvin Jones! January 13th is our founder’s birthday…how will your club celebrate? Membership, Membership, Membership… We have six months to turn our MD-1 membership deficit around! How will you help to do this? As your Council Chair, one of my responsibilities is to convene the MD-1 Global Action Team to ensure realistic goals are set and plans of action are implemented, in an effort to reach these goals. It is not too late to set those realistic goals and implement them. Start now! What if we made it our focus to sponsor one new Lion by June 30, 2018? What if we started a new club in each District by June 1, 2018? Work with your Governor and GAT to achieve positive numbers in your District. By doing so, every club would end this year at a plus one! We can do this! The planning of our MD-1 State Convention is in full swing. Lion Sharon and her committee are working to bring us a fun “Vegas, Baby” convention. It will be a privilege to welcome Vice President Jung-Yul Choi from Pusan, Republic of Korea and his partnerin-service, Seung-Bok, to our State Convention in May. I look forward to seeing everyone there for fun, fellowship, and of course, a little business.


1. I will introduce lionism to new prospective members of my community 2. I always wear Lions lapel pin so that friends and family inquire about lionism 3. I donate my share to Lions of Illinois Foundation (LIF) and Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) this year as my tax-deductible contribution 4. I take active role in my Lions Club and help my club grow to help less fortunate people 5. I attend as many Lions programs and fund raisers and play active role

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If we keep these above resolutions active, I am pretty sure that we will help our lions clubs in our communities.

action by all Lions and for each Lion to be accountable to themselves, the Lions in their club and most of all in those we serve.

Now stand up, and make a promise!

-PDG Ralph Zarada, MD1 GLT Chairperson ralph.zarada.1a@gmail.com

“Joy in Jan Fun in Feb Peace from March till June No worries in July Harmony in August, fun in September, Achievements from October till December And Happiness all through Happy New Year!” -Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG.ILStateEditor@gmail.com

Global Membership Column Lions Club Development December/January In this article I want to touch on the subject of Club Development. Club development is a proactive process to attract new Lions, to keep the lions we have and to keep the lions we get. This process begins the moment an individual is invited to become a Lion, not when a member stops paying dues or participating in club events. It also requires that all Lions in the club, not just the formal leadership, to take responsibility for the state of the club.

PCC Terry L. Knollenberg, MD-1 Constitution and ByLaws Chair Lions of Illinois, There are currently three resolutions the C&BL Committee has worked on for consideration at our upcoming Multiple District Convention. These will be printed in an upcoming issue of our State Magazine. Our MD-1 Constitution, Article XIII – Amendments requires all proposed amendments be received by our Lions of Illinois State Secretary Treasurer no later than 120 days prior to the first scheduled day of the State Convention. Our convention convenes on May 18, 2018 which makes the last day for submitting proposed amendments January 18, 2018. If any club or sub-district has any proposed amendments to submit I encourage you to do so soon. -Terry Knollenberg, md1cc1112@gmail.com

101ST Lions Clubs International Convention Club Development is a continuous process that helps both new and more experienced Lions become and stay involved with club activities and feel valued and proud to be Lions. It gives newer members the opportunities to experience the joys and accomplishments of being a Lion and the more experienced members the opportunity to share their knowledge and become advisors/mentors. And finally. Club development is also preparing for the future by asking where the club has been , where is it now, where it wants to go and preparing action plans on how it will get there. It requires 3

The 2018 Lions Clubs International Convention will be in Las Vegas, Nevada. The dates of the convention are Friday, June 29 through Tuesday, July 3, 2018. The Lions of Illinois will be at the Luxor Hotel & Casino that is 15 minutes walking distance from the MGM Grand. There will be shuttle bus service during the convention.

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The main venue is the MGM Grand with the Parade of Nations on Saturday, June 30, 2018. All the information as well as the convention registration can be found on the International Web Site under the tab of “LCICON.”

More information will be shared as soon as it becomes available. Have a Safe and Healthy New Year 2018. -PDG Bob Block MD1 International Convention State Chair

Please note that the early bird registration rate of $150.00 is good till January 12, 2018. There is a $200.00 guest room deposit also on the registration form for your housing reservations. The guest room rate is $63.00 per night + tax for Thursday (6/28) and Sunday (7/1) thru Tuesday (7/3). Friday (6/29) and Saturday (6/30) is $118.00 per night. A Daily Resort Fee of $18.00 per day + tax will be added. The tax rate for both the guest room and the resort fee is 13.38%. There is a lower rate of $56.00 and $100.00 respectively, but those prices are for the Standard Pyramid Room. The Pyramid is next to the Tower which has been designated as the Illinois Delegation. In either case, the Daily Resort Fee that will be charged no matter which building you are staying in for the convention. When registering for your guest room, please mark “Luxor Hotel & Casino - Standard Tower Room”, if you are interested in being with the other Lions from Illinois. Las Vegas Host VOLUNTEERS





If you are interested in helping out while at the convention, then please directly contact the Las Vegas Host Committee. They are looking for help in the following committees: Manpower, Transportation, Parade, Souvenir & Pin Sales, Hospitality, DGE Seminar Please contact: RC Rex Velasques lionrexv@aol.com (702) 810-9679 or by going to the Host Committee Web Site Lions2018lasvegas.org and click Volunteer Registration



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Send your articles, pictures and news to: ILStateEditor@gmail.com Let the world know what you are doing in your community!


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supper recently. They had 8 soups that sold out and raised over $700 for their annual Christmas food basket program where they give to over 300 needy families in the community.

Alwood Lions Peace Poster Contest winners

The Pekin Lions Club is ready with hot chocolate and hotdogs at the Winter Wonderland festival at the Pekin Park! It's A beautiful day so come on out and help us raise funds for our Christmas basket project!

On a very sunny afternoon, Saturday November 25th Avon Lions Brian Backstrom, Dick Brown, Joe Hendl, Al Henning and project chairman Dave Serven installed 18 new memorial bricks and 2 corrected bricks in the Avon Veterans Memorial.. The first photo shows Joe Hendl and Dave Serven working to remove the first of the blank bricks that needed to be removed.

The Pekin Lions club recently held a soup sampler 14

Once the first brick was removed, which was like getting the first olive out of the jar, Dick Brown and Brian Beckstrom joined in, and made quick work out

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of removing the old and installing the new bricks. Not pictured is Al Henning ho was picking up debris, loading old bricks and tamping the new ones in place so they would stay. Space for installation of more bricks is available any anyone interested in honoring someone with a memorial brick can contact any Avon Lion to place an order. Additional bricks will not be installed until next spring.

On Tuesday, November 21, Avon Lion Barbara Baker, chairwoman for the Avon Lions Club youth reading programs, presented personalized dictionaries the members of the third grade class at Avon Elementary School. Supporting Lion Baker were Lions Joe Hendel and Al Henning. Hosting the event were the students' teacher, Naydeen Mahr, and school principal, Kristi Anderson who insisted on taking the photo in place of Lion Henning, the club's ace reporter.


Coal Valley Lions brings Santa to town in a fire truck with sirens blaring and lights flashing. The kids enjoyed sitting on Santa's lap and telling him what they wanted for Christmas. This was at the Village of Coal Valley’s first ever Christmas tree lighting.

Crete Lions President Pat Mulchaey presents the Melvin Jones award to Nancy Morse, wife of the late William Morse at Lions November dinner meeting at

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Lincolnshire Country Club. Also present is Nancy’s daughter.

Lions Bob and Karen Johnson received Certificates for years of service on the District 1BK cabinet. Lion Bob also received a 30-year service pin at Lincolnshire Country Club at our November dinner meeting.

The Crete Lions once again maintained the beer/wine sales at the Crete Country Christmas December 3. All funds raised go to local charities. Pictured back row left are Lions Paul Carlos and John Mednansky. Front row are Lions Sheila Einhorn, Howard Kaufman, Chris Manola, and Pat Mulchaey.


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(Above) Chicago Filipino American Lions Club members held “Dance for Diabetes” as a fundraiser. It was a successful new event in District 1A.

Lifetime Membership Lion Rich Leber, a Vernon Hills Lion for 25 years was presented a Lifetime Membership at the club’s recent meeting. Lion Rich’s partner in service, his wife Lois is on the left, Lion President Sara Meline is on the right.

Lions donate park bench The Highland Park Highwood Lions Club donated a park bench to the Highwood Metra Station. The bench is part of the club's Legacy Project for the Lions Centennial. The club meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at BBQ Pit on Elm Place. Lunch is from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. The Carbondale Lions offered to volunteer to 'ring bells' at the Salvation Army kettle in front of Carbondale's Hobby Lobby on Wednesday, December 6. A changing of the 'ringers' occurred at 11 am, when Greg Kupiec (l) was replaced by Tom Utz (r).


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PDG Karen Johnson presents checks to Angels on an

assignment President Cheryl Albrecht and VP Sheila Einhorn at Crete Lions December dinner meeting at Tavern on the Green. Money will help people at Alisha’s House food pantry in South Chicago Heights.

Morrison Lions Club members enjoyed a perfect night to walk in the annual Christmas Walk Parade 18

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held on Saturday night, December 2nd. Pictured left to right - Front row - Jim Bosma, THE LION (Tracy Muur) and Bob Smith. Back row: left to right - Jim Blakemore, Keith Hamstra, Ken Jansma and Bob Countryman.

On December 8th and 9th the Sycamore Lions and Park District personnel hosted 775 kids, parents and grandparents to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus and enjoy cookies and hot chocolate. 10 Lions were involved in the event, picture #5 from left: Lions Barb Schultz, Tom Foster, Jerry Malmassari, Jerry Schultz and Chairman Gene Listy,

From left: Lions 2nd Vice District from the photo Hirschbein. The project.

is a former WF Lion who moved away but still acts as Santa for us every year.

Bud Wallace, Sharon Foster and Governor Jerome Perez. Missing are Lions Ed Kuhn and Ken Lions put in 37 hours on this

West Frankfort Annual Children's Christmas Party. I think the Lions had as much fun and the Children. They had Pizza, Santa and resents. Santa 19

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There were 25 Bartlett Lions and 21 guests who helped pack 300 boxes. Each box containing about 50 lbs of food. These boxes will be given to the schools in Bartlett and to Wayne and Hanover Township. They will be distributed to needy families.

around 350 residents in their community. The Roscoe Lions submission narrative follows: I am sending photos of the 2017 Roscoe Lions Thanksgiving dinner, a joint event with the Harlem Roscoe Fire Dept. One photo shows, from left to right. lions bob Elmer, Bill Hubbard, Bill Tierney and John Martin, preparing for the crowd about to arrive. The other photos show some of the 350 guests served.-------------------------------------------------

work with the Roscoe Fire Department and serve a Thanksgiving dinner to Roscoe Lions Club


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RaeAnn Miller, a member of the German Valley United Methodist Church team, serves Dane Setterstrom a sample helping of chili at the benefit Chili Cook Off & Supper sponsored on November 4 by the German Valley Lions Club. Ten teams were in contention.

Hailey Rust casts her monetary vote for her favorite chili at the German Valley Lions Club Chili Cook Off November 4. Proceeds from the benefit will be shared by the Ben Miller Park Playground & Recreational Equipment Fund and the German Valley Food Pantry.

Representatives of winning teams participating in the German Valley Lions Chili Cook Off were, from left, German Valley Fire Department, first place; German Valley United Methodist Church, second place; New Hope Veterinary Clinic, third place and Judges Choice; Orangeville Lions Club, Best Presentation. 21

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enjoyed this family-friendly event. For the third consecutive year, two blind runners participated in the run along with their Leader Dogs. The race earned the club $200,000. But that's only part of the story — behind it were five days of packet pickup, and then, on race day. For all, the Lions Club used 350 volunteers from 22 organizations, plus 7 schools, and the Warriors Hockey Team. There were runners from 39 states, plus Australia, Canada and England, as well as 4,038 runners from Naperville. Altogether, it's almost mind-boggling, isn't it? Congratulations on an excellent job, Lions!! Franklin Lions prep and delivery of Christmas Baskets to community members.

The Bartlett Lions Club held Operation Santa. Santa gave stuffed toys to 311 children. The Naperville Noon Lions Club’s 20th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot, held on Thanksgiving morning, was a huge success with over 7,500 runners registered. The weather was perfect and all 22

1st Vice District Governor of 1-J Lion Susan Galvez presented Dundee Township Lions Club President Lion James McClung with a Melvin Jones Fellowship at a recent club meeting. (l to r) Lion Susan Galvez, Club Secretary Terrance Seifert, and Club Pres. Lion James McClung. A sign-language interpreter, (2nd from right), helps Santa talk to hearing impaired children during Aurora Noon Lions Club’s 11th annual Holiday Pizza Party for children from East and West Aurora School

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Districts. About 100 children and caregivers attended the annual event at Luigi's Pizza in Aurora.

From left are PDG Lion Mario Gumino, Exec. Director of Lions of Illinois Foundation, Lion John St. Clair (30 years of membership); Lion Jim Volkert (50 years of membership); and Lion Bob Cissell, Club President. Lion Gumino made the presentations at the club's 95th Anniversary Dinner on November 9.

Aurora Noon Lions Club Past President Lion Michele Needham (l) presents Lion John St. Clair with the club's 2017 Distinguished Service Award.

Naperville Noon Lions supported the Salvation Army's annual Christmas Red Kettle fundraising drive. Lions Meghen and Chris Williams serve their shift on a very beautiful day in downtown Naperville. Ten Lions participated in the event. This is the 5th year the club has participated on behalf of the Salvation Army. Aurora Noon Lions Club members were honored for a combined 80 years of membership in November. 23

Algonquin Lions Club inducted two new members, Lions John Kloempken and Steve Sturtecky. (l to r)

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Sponsor Lion Bill Moore (Kloempken) Club President Lion Bob Cummins, Lion John Kloempken, Lion Steve Sturtecky, Sponsor Lion Vince Daniello (Sturtecky), and Past President Lion Steve Collinsworth.

The Bartlett Lions Club presented a check for $5,000 to the Bartlett Parks Foundation. This money will be used to help build an all-inclusive park in Bartlett. Back Row l to r: Lions Kurt Hull, Dan Palmer, Norm Witherton, Jim Wells, Ovido Fernandez-Cuervo, Roy Engstrom. Front Row l to r: Lions Dave Witherton, Val Pronce, Cheryl Lemvig, Joanne Watson, John Sias, Andy Watson, Bartlett Parks Foundation Ted Lewis, Bartlett Parks Foundation Marianne Cordell, and Lion Dave Barry.

The club went to the Batavia Art Department to have the students create a banner for the club to help celebrate the 100th birthday of Lions locally. Mayor Jeff Schielke had the four banners hung on Wilson Street in downtown Batavia during Convention Week in July. Batavia is known as the “Windmill City� as there were four windmill factories there at one time. The stream of blue on the banner is symbolic of the Fox River, which runs through town. At the top is the LCI Centennial Symbol, We Serve. At the bottom is 1974, the Batavia Lions Club Charter Year. The four banners were fabricated by Flagsource in Batavia for the Lions Club for a reasonable amount. As of midNovember, the banners were still hanging. Lions, you should well be proud of the project you created for your club and your town to let your community know about Batavia Lions Club.

(l to r) Malta Lions Club President Lion Matt Feuerborn presents Gold Centennial Award recipients Lions Vicke Heins and Katie Fenstermaker and Silver Centennial Award recipient Lion Tom Weber.

Last spring, when Lions were asked to donate money to hang banners in downtown Chicago during the Lions Clubs International Convention, Batavia Lions interpreted the project differently. 24

The Sun City Huntly Lions Annual Holiday Flower Show was held in November 2017, at the Huntley High School Performing Arts Center. Three area florists were on stage creating floral arrangements. As the florists created beautiful holiday arrangements before everyone's eyes, moderator Judie Altman, a master florist/gardener herself, brought them to a pedestal on center stage and explained the flowers, greens, vines, and other surprises in the arrangements. She frequently shared growing and preserving techniques with the

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audience. Each arrangement was raffled off to a

River Region Lions met at the American Legion in Elgin, boxes of socks and underwear were donated by many Region Lions Clubs. Zone Chairs Lions Jim Worden and Terri Pasternik were grateful for the response of their fellow Lions.

lucky ticket holder in the audience of over 200 at the Annual Sun City-Huntley Lions Club Flower Show The Burlington Lioness Club inducted two new members recently. (l to r) New member Lioness Rebecca Laudati, Sponsor Lioness Mary Lake, Sponsor Lioness Deb Twenhafel, new member Lioness Lori Ward, and Club President Lioness Susan Koldan. More hands to serve more!

Your Editor (far left), Dr. Austin D’Souza on the set of Daijiworld TV show – “OK with CK” Christmas special in Mangaluru, India.

The announcement of the Region Meeting, hosted by the Elgin Lions, indicated there was a great need for socks and underwear for Homeless Veterans Shelters in the region. Cash donations were also accepted to purchase additional items. When Fox 25

In honor of Lions Clubs International's 100th Anniversary, Sun City-Huntley Lions donated a Legacy Bench to the Village of Huntley. The Legacy Bench, with a centennial plaque, is located in the Huntley Town Square for all to see and relax on while viewing the beautifully-maintained town square. Several Sun City-Huntley Lions pose for a photo op with the club’s donated Legacy Bench.

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(l to r) Lions Don Purn and Jerry Kautz from the Algonquin Lions Club display their club's donations for the Veterans Housing Starter Program to Sun

The Genoa Lions helped a deserving and anonymous family with Christmas this year.

(Picture left column below) Athens Community Angels are thankful to receive gifts of toys and clothing for the Christmas holiday. Thanks to the generosity of the Athens Community 108 children ages birth through 12 received brand new toys from the Toys for Angels program, sponsored by the Athens Lions Club.

City-Huntley Lions Club Program Chair Lion Helen White.

Lion Dr. Austin D’Souza was felicitated in Mangaluru, India by Mangaluru Lions Club at the Lions Seva Mandir.

Lions Amy Baughman and Larry Baughman with sign on collection day 26

(Santa and Lions president Larry Baughman receiving cash to buy new toys.) Those 13-18 received a $10 gift card to Boar's Nest, a $10 gift card to Casey's, a Warrior football shirt

(Lions Amy Baughman and Larry Baughman with sign on collection day)

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Athens Community, Athens State Bank, Don Neisler, Danny and Jesse Muller, Athens Christian Church, Athens High School girls’ basketball team and coach

(Lions members, Leo members, Athens Food Pantry members and other volunteers) Jay Heriford, athletic director Tim Isringhausen, Athens Leo Club and the Athens Lions Clubmembers and volunteers for their assistance in making a difference in their community. A special thank you to Lion toy coordinators Penny Irwin, Tricia Laager, Mary Freeman, and volunteer Jesse Muller. Athens is the Community that Cares.

(Lion Bill Rider counting some of the cash collected) and an item from Justice Graphics. A total of 115 children ages birth to 18 received brand new clothing from the Angel Tree program, sponsored by the Athens State Bank and the Athens Christian

(Athens High School girls’ basketball team 2017)

(Girls high school basketball team and Lions help prepare toys for distribution) Church. In total 50 families were able to have a special Christmas for their children. Each year the families must register with Menard County Community Services to be able to receive the gifts. The drive for new toys and cash donations was held on December 2. This year the distribution was held on December 16 at the Athens Community High School Cafeteria. The Lions would like to thank the 27

Chicago Filipino American Lions Club members celebrated their Annual Christmas Celebrations.

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This was their fourth major fund-raising program in 2017.

Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG was honored at the Zone Social of District 3231 A2 R-1 - Z-2 Christmas Special which held under the leadership of Zone Chairperson Chitra Chaudary at Hotel Shilpa, Mulund, Mumbai, India.

Mangaluru, India Lions Christmas Celebrations at the Lions Serving Center, Mallikatte, Mangaluru, India.

MD1 State Monthly e-Magazine by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG for 28 MD1Edited Lions & & Published Leos e-Magazine Lions and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address: ILStateEditor@gmail.com

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